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Comparing version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2



@@ -39,3 +39,3 @@ "use strict";

const injected = new TestObject();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();

@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ }), timeout);

injected = null;
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();
}), timeout);

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ "use strict";

const object = { 'memlab-test-heap-property': 'memlab-test-heap-value' };
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();

@@ -43,3 +43,3 @@ }), timeout);

object = null;
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();

@@ -64,3 +64,3 @@ }), timeout);

const object = buildTest();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();

@@ -86,3 +86,3 @@ expect(heap.hasObjectWithClassName('TestClass2')).toBe(true);

const object = buildTest();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();

@@ -97,5 +97,5 @@ expect(heap.hasObjectWithClassName('TestClass4')).toBe(false);

o2 = null;
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();
}), timeout);

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ "use strict";

injected.complexConcatString += '_suffix';
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();
const testObject = heap.getAnyObjectWithClassName('TestObject');

@@ -47,0 +47,0 @@ expect(testObject).not.toBe(null);

@@ -77,3 +77,3 @@ "use strict";

const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();

@@ -139,4 +139,4 @@ }), timeout);

const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getCurrentNodeHeap)();
const heap = yield (0, NodeHeap_1.getNodeInnocentHeap)();
}), timeout);

@@ -64,2 +64,3 @@ /**

}): void;
flush(): void;

@@ -66,0 +67,0 @@ declare const _default: MemLabConsole;

@@ -343,3 +343,6 @@ /**

flush() {
exports.default = MemLabConsole.getInstance();

@@ -46,2 +46,4 @@ /**

getCoreProjectBaseDir(): string;
getMonoRepoDir(): string;
getDocDir(): string;
getReportOutDir(options?: FileOption): string;

@@ -48,0 +50,0 @@ getPreviewReportDir(options?: FileOption): string;

@@ -136,2 +136,8 @@ "use strict";

getMonoRepoDir() {
return path_1.default.join(this.getCoreProjectBaseDir(), '..', '..');
getDocDir() {
return path_1.default.join(this.getMonoRepoDir(), 'website', 'docs');
getReportOutDir(options = {}) {

@@ -138,0 +144,0 @@ return path_1.default.join(this.getPersistDataDir(options), 'reports');

@@ -10,8 +10,67 @@ /**

import type { AnyValue, IHeapSnapshot } from './Types';
declare type AnyObject = Record<AnyValue, AnyValue>;
export declare function tagObject(o: AnyObject, tag: string): AnyObject;
import type { IHeapSnapshot } from './Types';
* Tags a string marker to an object instance, which can later be checked by
* {@link hasObjectWithTag}. This API does not modify the object instance in
* any way (e.g., no additional or hidden properties added to the tagged
* object).
* @param o specify the object instance you want to tag, you cannot tag a
* [primitive](
* @param tag marker name to tag on the object instance
* @returns returns the tagged object instance (same reference as
* the input argument `o`)
* * **Examples**:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot, AnyValue} from '@memlab/core';
* import {config, getNodeInnocentHeap, tagObject} from '@memlab/core';
* test('memory test', async () => {
* config.muteConsole = true;
* const o1: AnyValue = {};
* let o2: AnyValue = {};
* // tag o1 with marker: "memlab-mark-1", does not modify o1 in any way
* tagObject(o1, 'memlab-mark-1');
* // tag o2 with marker: "memlab-mark-2", does not modify o2 in any way
* tagObject(o2, 'memlab-mark-2');
* o2 = null;
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getNodeInnocentHeap();
* // expect object with marker "memlab-mark-1" exists
* expect(heap.hasObjectWithTag('memlab-mark-1')).toBe(true);
* // expect object with marker "memlab-mark-2" can be GCed
* expect(heap.hasObjectWithTag('memlab-mark-2')).toBe(false);
* }, 30000);
* ```
export declare function tagObject<T extends object>(o: T, tag: string): T;
export declare function dumpNodeHeapSnapshot(): string;
export declare function getCurrentNodeHeap(): Promise<IHeapSnapshot>;
export {};
* Take a heap snapshot of the current program state
* and parse it as {@link IHeapSnapshot}. Notice that
* this API does not calculate some heap analysis meta data
* for heap analysis. But this also means faster heap parsing.
* @returns heap representation without heap analysis meta data.
* If you need to get the heap snapshot with heap analysis meta data
* use {@link dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} and {@link getHeapFromFile},
* for example:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {getHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';
* (async function () {
* const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getHeapFromFile(heapFile);
* })();
* ```
export declare function getNodeInnocentHeap(): Promise<IHeapSnapshot>;

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getCurrentNodeHeap = exports.dumpNodeHeapSnapshot = exports.tagObject = void 0;
exports.getNodeInnocentHeap = exports.dumpNodeHeapSnapshot = exports.tagObject = void 0;
const fs_extra_1 = __importDefault(require("fs-extra"));

@@ -37,2 +37,41 @@ const path_1 = __importDefault(require("path"));

const store = new MemLabTaggedStore();
* Tags a string marker to an object instance, which can later be checked by
* {@link hasObjectWithTag}. This API does not modify the object instance in
* any way (e.g., no additional or hidden properties added to the tagged
* object).
* @param o specify the object instance you want to tag, you cannot tag a
* [primitive](
* @param tag marker name to tag on the object instance
* @returns returns the tagged object instance (same reference as
* the input argument `o`)
* * **Examples**:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot, AnyValue} from '@memlab/core';
* import {config, getNodeInnocentHeap, tagObject} from '@memlab/core';
* test('memory test', async () => {
* config.muteConsole = true;
* const o1: AnyValue = {};
* let o2: AnyValue = {};
* // tag o1 with marker: "memlab-mark-1", does not modify o1 in any way
* tagObject(o1, 'memlab-mark-1');
* // tag o2 with marker: "memlab-mark-2", does not modify o2 in any way
* tagObject(o2, 'memlab-mark-2');
* o2 = null;
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getNodeInnocentHeap();
* // expect object with marker "memlab-mark-1" exists
* expect(heap.hasObjectWithTag('memlab-mark-1')).toBe(true);
* // expect object with marker "memlab-mark-2" can be GCed
* expect(heap.hasObjectWithTag('memlab-mark-2')).toBe(false);
* }, 30000);
* ```
function tagObject(o, tag) {

@@ -52,3 +91,25 @@ if (!store.taggedObjects[tag]) {

exports.dumpNodeHeapSnapshot = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot;
function getCurrentNodeHeap() {
* Take a heap snapshot of the current program state
* and parse it as {@link IHeapSnapshot}. Notice that
* this API does not calculate some heap analysis meta data
* for heap analysis. But this also means faster heap parsing.
* @returns heap representation without heap analysis meta data.
* If you need to get the heap snapshot with heap analysis meta data
* use {@link dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} and {@link getHeapFromFile},
* for example:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {getHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';
* (async function () {
* const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getHeapFromFile(heapFile);
* })();
* ```
function getNodeInnocentHeap() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {

@@ -65,2 +126,2 @@ const file = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();

exports.getCurrentNodeHeap = getCurrentNodeHeap;
exports.getNodeInnocentHeap = getNodeInnocentHeap;

@@ -610,11 +610,207 @@ /**

export interface IHeapSnapshot {
/** @internal */
snapshot: RawHeapSnapshot;
* A pseudo array containing all heap graph nodes (JS objects in heap).
* A JS heap could contain millions of heap objects, so memlab uses
* a pseudo array as the collection of all the heap objects. The pseudo
* array provides API to query and traverse all heap objects.
* * **Examples**:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot, IHeapNode} from '@memlab/core';
* import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {getHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';
* (async function () {
* const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getHeapFromFile(heapFile);
* // get the total number of heap objects
* heap.nodes.length;
* heap.nodes.forEach((node: IHeapNode) => {
* // traverse each heap object
* });
* })();
* ```
nodes: IHeapNodes;
* A pseudo array containing all heap graph edges (references to heap objects
* in heap). A JS heap could contain millions of references, so memlab uses
* a pseudo array as the collection of all the heap edges. The pseudo
* array provides API to query and traverse all heap references.
* * **Examples**:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot, IHeapEdge} from '@memlab/core';
* import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {getHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';
* (async function () {
* const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getHeapFromFile(heapFile);
* // get the total number of heap references
* heap.edges.length;
* heap.edges.forEach((edge: IHeapEdge) => {
* // traverse each reference in the heap
* });
* })();
* ```
edges: IHeapEdges;
* If you have the id of a heap node (JS object in heap), use this API
* to get an {@link IHeapNode} associated with the id.
* @param id id of the heap node (JS object in heap) you would like to query
* @returns the API returns `null` if no heap object has the specified id.
* * **Examples**:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {getHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';
* (async function () {
* const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getHeapFromFile(heapFile);
* const node = heap.getNodeById(351);
* node?.id; // should be 351
* })();
* ```
getNodeById(id: number): Nullable<IHeapNode>;
clearShortestPathInfo(): void;
* Search for the heap and check if there is any JS object instance with
* a specified constructor name.
* @param className The contructor name of the object instance
* @returns `true` if there is at least one such object in the heap
* * **Examples**: you can write a jest unit test with memory assertions:
* ```typescript
* // save as example.test.ts
* import type {IHeapSnapshot, Nullable} from '@memlab/core';
* import {config, getNodeInnocentHeap} from '@memlab/core';
* class TestObject {
* public arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
* public arr2 = ['1', '2', '3'];
* }
* test('memory test with heap assertion', async () => {
* config.muteConsole = true; // no console output
* let obj: Nullable<TestObject> = new TestObject();
* // get a heap snapshot of the current program state
* let heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getNodeInnocentHeap();
* // call some function that may add references to obj
* rabbitHole(obj)
* expect(heap.hasObjectWithClassName('TestObject')).toBe(true);
* obj = null;
* heap = await getNodeInnocentHeap();
* // if rabbitHole does not have any side effect that
* // adds new references to obj, then obj can be GCed
* expect(heap.hasObjectWithClassName('TestObject')).toBe(false);
* }, 30000);
* ```
hasObjectWithClassName(className: string): boolean;
* Search for the heap and get one of the JS object instances with
* a specified constructor name (if there is any).
* @param className The contructor name of the object instance
* @returns a handle pointing to any one of the object instances, returns
* `null` if no such object exists in the heap.
* * **Examples**:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {getNodeInnocentHeap} from '@memlab/core';
* class TestObject {
* public arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
* public arr2 = ['1', '2', '3'];
* }
* (async function () {
* const obj = new TestObject();
* // get a heap snapshot of the current program state
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getNodeInnocentHeap();
* const node = heap.getAnyObjectWithClassName('TestObject');
* console.log(node?.name); // should be 'TestObject'
* })();
* ```
getAnyObjectWithClassName(className: string): Nullable<IHeapNode>;
* Search for the heap and check if there is any JS object instance with
* a specified property name.
* @param nameOrIndex The property name (string) or element index (number)
* on the object instance
* @returns returns `true` if there is at least one such object in the heap
* * **Examples**:
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {dumpNodeHeapSnapshot} from '@memlab/core';
* import {getHeapFromFile} from '@memlab/heap-analysis';
* (async function () {
* // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
* const object = {'memlab-test-heap-property': 'memlab-test-heap-value'};
* const heapFile = dumpNodeHeapSnapshot();
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getHeapFromFile(heapFile);
* // should be true
* console.log(heap.hasObjectWithPropertyName('memlab-test-heap-property'));
* })();
* ```
hasObjectWithPropertyName(nameOrIndex: string | number): boolean;
* Search for the heap and check if there is any JS object instance with
* a marker tagged by {@link tagObject}.
* @param tag marker name on the object instances tagged by {@link tagObject}
* @returns returns `true` if there is at least one such object in the heap
* ```typescript
* import type {IHeapSnapshot, AnyValue} from '@memlab/core';
* import {config, getNodeInnocentHeap, tagObject} from '@memlab/core';
* test('memory test', async () => {
* config.muteConsole = true;
* const o1: AnyValue = {};
* let o2: AnyValue = {};
* // tag o1 with marker: "memlab-mark-1", does not modify o1 in any way
* tagObject(o1, 'memlab-mark-1');
* // tag o2 with marker: "memlab-mark-2", does not modify o2 in any way
* tagObject(o2, 'memlab-mark-2');
* o2 = null;
* const heap: IHeapSnapshot = await getNodeInnocentHeap();
* // expect object with marker "memlab-mark-1" exists
* expect(heap.hasObjectWithTag('memlab-mark-1')).toBe(true);
* // expect object with marker "memlab-mark-2" can be GCed
* expect(heap.hasObjectWithTag('memlab-mark-2')).toBe(false);
* }, 30000);
* ```
hasObjectWithTag(tag: string): boolean;
/** @internal */
clearShortestPathInfo(): void;

@@ -621,0 +817,0 @@ export interface IHeapLocation {

@@ -545,2 +545,3 @@ "use strict";

return ret;

@@ -547,0 +548,0 @@ });

"name": "@memlab/core",
"version": "1.1.1",
"version": "1.1.2",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -61,2 +61,3 @@ "description": "memlab core libraries",

"test-pkg": "jest .",
"publish-patch": "npm version patch --force && npm publish",
"clean-pkg": "rm -rf ./dist && rm -rf ./node_modules && rm -f ./tsconfig.tsbuildinfo"

@@ -63,0 +64,0 @@ },

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