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ExpressJS middleware that provides alternative output formats from JSON data

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Express middleware to provide alternate formatting of data when requested.

Simple example

var emf = require('@momsfriendlydevco/express-middleware-formatter');

app.get('/api/data', emf(), function(req, res) {

# If /api/data is requested - normal JSON will be sent
# If /api/data?format=csv - JSON data will be transformed into CSV
# If /api/data?format=xlsx - JSON data will be transformed into XLSX
# etc.



Function which returns formatting middleware.

Supported options:

filenamestringUnsetIf set this will be the filename used for any output format that requires a filename, overriding their own format specific filenames
forceArraybooleanfalseWrap the data in an array if the data provided is an object
formatstring or functionSee sourceForced format to return as a string or if a function how to determine the format. By default this uses the req.query.format property if present
keystringnullExtract tabular data from this key path (dotted or array notation is supported) instead of assuming the whole JSON response is the tabular data
unpackfunction or array <function>UndefinedA function or array of functions to run to mangle the data into something that can be processed, promise returns are supported. Called as (data, req, res, settings)
csvobjectCSV specific options
csv.filenamestring"Exported Data.csv"Default filename when exporting as CSV
htmlobjectHTML specific options
html.downloadbooleanfalseIf false, the HTML will be shown in the browser, if true the file will be forced as a download
html.filenamestring"Exported Data.html"Default filename when exporting as HTML
html.footerstring(Simple HTML footer)Set the HTML suffix after outputting the body content for HTML
html.headerstring(Simple HTML header)Set the HTML prefix before outputting the body content for HTML
html.passthrubooleanfalseForce the HTML output plugin to compute the data but not resolve the response - used internally by upstream formatters like pdf
odsobjectODS specific options
ods.filenamestring"Exported Data.ods"Default filename when exporting as ODS
pdfobjectPDF specific options
pdf.downloadbooleantrueIf false, the PDF will be shown in the browser (if the browser supports it), if true the file will be forced as a download
pdf.filenamestring"Exported Data.pdf"Default filename when exporting as PDF
xlsxobjectXLSX specific options
xlsx.checkArraybooleantrueVerify that the input is an array, disable this if picking your own fields when using xlsx.template
xlsx.filenamestring"Exported Data.xlsx"Default filename when exporting as XLSX
xlsx.sheetNamestring"Exported Data"Default sheet name in the exported file
xlsx.templatestring or functionIf specified use @mfdc/spreadsheet-templater to format the XLSX output (see notes)
xlsx.templateDatafunction(req, res, settings, content) => contentHow to mangle the content data before its passed to @mfdc/spreadsheet-templater


  • Since EMF has to extend the res.send() / res.json() Express functions, EMF must be installed as a middleware before calls to those functions occur. Thus: app.get('/somwhere', emf(), (res, res) => ...) is valid, app.get('/somwhere', (res, res) => ..., emf()) is not.
  • Extracting data from a specified key occurs before unpack is processed
  • An array of items in unpack are evaluated in series, any combination of simple function return and promise return are supported
  • If xlsx.template is specified or if it returns a path to a valid file it the input data (post unpack) will be passed to @mfdc/spreadsheet-templater for formatting. This allows a template XLSX file which gets passed the input data
  • If xlsx.template is a function it is called as (req, res, emfSettings, content)
  • If xlsx.template is an async function or returns a promise it will be resolved asynchronously before continuing
  • As with the above point @mfdc/spreadsheet-templater is an optional dependency and must be installed at the project level if xlsx.template is specified


An object of all the supported output formats. The key is the short format name (csv, pdf etc.) with the key as the export of the format module.


Function used internally to take a nested object and return an flattened object in dotted notation.


Function used internally to expand dotted notation object keys into a nested object.



Last updated on 29 Aug 2022

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