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@moralisweb3/common-core - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -1,14 +0,627 @@

import { Core } from './Core';
export * from './Core';
export * from './CoreProvider';
export * from './Modules';
export * from './Error';
export * from './Config';
export * from './Assert';
export * from './dataTypes';
export * from './controllers';
export * from './operations';
export * from './utils';
export * from './Assert';
export default Core;
/// <reference types="node" />
import { AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosError, AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
declare class Config {
private readonly items;
registerKey<Value>(key: ConfigKey<Value>, validator?: ConfigKeyValidator<Value>): void;
getKeys(): string[];
hasKey<Value>(key: ConfigKey<Value>): boolean;
get<Value>(keyOrName: ConfigKey<Value> | string): Value;
set<Value>(keyOrName: ConfigKey<Value> | string, value: Value): void;
merge(values: ConfigValues): void;
reset(): void;
private getItem;
type ConfigKeyValidator<Value> = (value: Value) => string | null;
interface ConfigValues {
[keyName: string]: any;
interface ConfigKey<Value> {
name: string;
defaultValue: Value;
type LogLevel = 'verbose' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'off';
type BuildEnvironment = 'browser' | 'node' | 'react-native';
type EvmAddressFormat = 'lowercase' | 'checksum';
type EvmChainIdFormat = 'hex' | 'decimal';
type EvmConnector = string;
type Network = 'Evm' | 'Solana' | 'Aptos';
declare const CoreConfig: {
logLevel: ConfigKey<LogLevel>;
buidEnvironment: ConfigKey<BuildEnvironment>;
defaultNetwork: ConfigKey<Network>;
product: ConfigKey<string | undefined>;
* @description Maximal number of request retries.
maxRetries: ConfigKey<number>;
* Note this is just an interface, used in the core config.
* The implementations are located in the @moralisweb3/common-sol-utils package.
declare const solNetworkNames: readonly ["mainnet", "devnet"];
type SolNetworkName = typeof solNetworkNames[number];
interface SolNetworkable {
network: SolNetworkName;
type SolNetworkish = SolNetworkable | string;
* Note this is just an interface, used in the core config.
* The implementations are located in the @moralisweb3/common-evm-utils package.
interface EvmChainable {
decimal: number;
hex: string;
apiHex: string;
type EvmChainish = EvmChainable | string | number;
type CoreConfigType = typeof CoreConfig;
type CoreConfigValues = Omit<{
[Key in keyof CoreConfigType]: CoreConfigType[Key]['defaultValue'];
}, 'product'>;
interface EvmUtilsConfigValues {
formatEvmAddress: EvmAddressFormat;
formatEvmChainId: EvmChainIdFormat;
interface EvmApiConfigValues {
defaultEvmApiChain: EvmChainish;
interface SolApiConfigValues {
defaultSolNetwork: SolNetworkish;
type MoralisCoreConfigValues = CoreConfigValues | EvmUtilsConfigValues | EvmApiConfigValues | SolApiConfigValues | {
[key: string]: string | number;
type Details = Record<string, unknown>;
* LoggerController, responsible to create log messages for each module.
* It should be created with the name of the module like `new Logger('module-name')`
* It will then prefix any logs with that module-name for easy debugging
* It will show only logs up to the specified `logLevel` in the MoralisConfig
declare class LoggerController {
private readonly moduleName;
private readonly config;
static create(moduleName: string, core: Core): LoggerController;
constructor(moduleName: string, config: Config);
get level(): LogLevel;
private _transport;
private _shouldLog;
_makeLogMessage(message: string): string;
error(error: Error | string, details?: Details): void;
warn(message: string, details?: Details): void;
info(message: string, details?: Details): void;
debug(message: string, details?: Details): void;
verbose(message: string, details?: Details): void;
declare enum ModuleType {
API = "api",
DEFAULT = "default"
* The base class of every Moralis class that gets registered as a module via MoralisModules
* It should always be created with:
* - `name`: name of the module (should be unique)
* - `core`: the Core instance
* - `type`: (optional) CoreModuleType, defaults to CoreModuleType.DEFAULT
* When creating an api, or network module, you should use the ApiModule or NetworkModule
declare abstract class Module {
readonly name: string;
protected readonly core: Core;
readonly type: ModuleType;
protected readonly logger: LoggerController;
constructor(name: string, core: Core, type?: ModuleType);
abstract setup(): void;
* Start the module (if needed).
* This function can be used to initialize variables etc.
abstract start(): void | Promise<void>;
* Any cleanup that needs to be done for removing this module.
* It also should remove the module via `this.core.modules.remove(`
cleanUp(): void;
interface ModuleFactory {
create(core: Core): Module;
* The base class of every Moralis Api class that gets registered as a module via MoralisModules
* It should always be created with:
* - `name`: name of the module (should be unique)
* - `core`: the Core instance
* - `baseUrl`: the base url where of the api
declare abstract class ApiModule extends Module {
readonly baseUrl: string;
constructor(name: string, core: Core, baseUrl: string);
type AnyBaseClass = Module | ApiModule;
* MoralisModues handles all registered modules.
* Any package that is used in Moralis, should register itself via this class.
* This allows cross-communication between modules and easy management of the modules
* This class is responsible for:
* - registering new modules
* - removing modules (in theory possible for exotic usecases, but might break the app if done after initialisation)
* - getting individual modules by name, type or everything
declare class Modules {
private readonly modules;
* Register and setup a new module by providing a module that is extended from BaseClass.
* This will throw an error if the name is not unique
* @param module the module that needs to be registered
register(module: AnyBaseClass): void;
* Returns the module with the given name.
* This module should have been registered with `register`
* @param name the module name
* @returns a valid BaseModule
* @throws a CoreError if no module with the given name has been registered
get<CurrentModule extends Module = Module>(name: string): CurrentModule;
* Tries to return the module with the given name if exist. Otherwise returns null.
* @param name the module name
* @returns a valid BaseModule or null
tryGet(name: string): Module | null;
has(name: string): boolean;
* Returns the network module with the provided name.
* @param name the module name
* @returns a valid ApiModule
* @throws a CoreError if no network module with the given name has been registered
getApi(name: string): ApiModule;
* Remove the module with the provided name, if it has been registered,
* @param name the module name
* @throws a CoreError if the module cannot be found.
remove(name: string): void;
* List all the registered modules
* @returns an array of BaseModule that have been registered
list(): Module[];
* Returns the names of all registered modules
listNames(): string[];
* List all the registered api modules (eg. modules with the type CoreModuleType.API)
listApis(): ApiModule[];
type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | Date;
type MoralisDataObjectValue = {
[key: string]: Primitive | MoralisDataObjectValue | Primitive[] | (Primitive | Primitive[])[] | MoralisDataObjectValue[] | ArrayLike<Primitive> | ArrayLike<MoralisDataObjectValue> | Record<string, MoralisDataObjectValue> | Array<[string, MoralisDataObjectValue]> | [string, Primitive[]][];
} | MoralisDataObjectValue[];
type MoralisDataFormatted = Primitive | MoralisDataObjectValue;
* The MoralisData class represents the value of a native currency (like ETH, SOL, BNB etc.)
* @internal
* @category DataType
declare abstract class MoralisData {
abstract format(style?: unknown): MoralisDataFormatted;
abstract equals(value: this): boolean;
declare abstract class MoralisDataObject extends MoralisData {
abstract toJSON(): MoralisDataObjectValue;
* Valid input types for a BigNumber. This can be a number, string, or bigint.
type BigNumberPrimitive = number | string | bigint;
* Valid input for a new BigNumber instance.
* This can be an existing {@link BigNumber} or a valid {@link BigNumberPrimitive} type
type BigNumberish = BigNumber | BigNumberPrimitive;
* The BigNumber class is a MoralisData that references to a the value of a BigNumber
* @category DataType
declare class BigNumber {
private readonly value;
* Create a new instance of BigNumber from any valid address input.
* @param value - the BigNumberish type
* @example BigNumber.create(12);
* @example BigNumber.create("20");
* @returns a new BigNumber instance
static create(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
private constructor();
* Creates a new BigNumber from given decimals.
* @param value
* @param decimals - This is optional and defaults to 0
* @example BigNumber.fromDecimal("1.23456789", 18);
static fromDecimal(value: BigNumberPrimitive, decimals?: number): BigNumber;
* @returns the value of this BigNumber as a BigInt
* @example BigNumber.create(12).toBigInt();
toBigInt(): bigint;
* Adds a BigNumber to current BigNumber instance.
* @param value - the BigNumberish to add
* @returns the result of the addition
* @example BigNumber.create(12).add(7);
* @example BigNumber.create(12).add("1000000000000000000");
add(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
* Subtracts a BigNumber from current BigNumber instance.
* @param value - the BigNumberish to subtract
* @returns the result of the subtraction
* @example BigNumber.create(12).sub(7);
* @example BigNumber.create("1000000000000000000").sub(20);
sub(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
* Multiplies a BigNumber with current BigNumber instance.
* @param value - the BigNumberish to multiply
* @returns the result of the multiplication
* @example BigNumber.create(12).mul(7);
* @example BigNumber.create(12).mul("1000000000000000000");
mul(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
* Divides a BigNumber with current BigNumber instance.
* @param value - the BigNumberish to divide
* @returns the result of the division
* @example BigNumber.create(12).div(7);
* @example BigNumber.create(1).div("1000000000000000000");
div(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
* Checks the equality of the current BigNumber with another BigNumber.
* @param value - the BigNumberish to compare
* @returns true if the BigNumbers are equal
* @example BigNumber.create(12).equals(BigNumber.create(12)); // true
equals(value: BigNumber): boolean;
* Converts BigNumber instance to value in given decimals.
* @param decimals - The decimals to convert to
* @example BigNumber.create(12).toDecimal(18);
toDecimal(decimals: number): string;
* Converts BigNumber instance to string.
* @example BigNumber.create(12).toString();
toString(): string;
* Converts BigNumber instance to hex string.
* @example BigNumber.create(12).toHex();
toHex(): string;
* Converts BigNumber instance to hex string.
* @example BigNumber.create(12).toJSON();
toJSON(): string;
type DateInput = string | Date;
declare const dateInputToDate: (value: DateInput) => Date;
* Core is used in all Moralis applications
* This class is **required** to be implemented in every app
* This class is responsible for:
* - registering, removing and accessing modules
* - accessing and changing the config
declare class Core {
readonly modules: Modules;
readonly config: Config;
readonly logger: LoggerController;
static readonly moduleName = "core";
static create(): Core;
readonly name = "core";
private _isStarted;
get isStarted(): boolean;
static readonly libVersion = "2.15.0";
constructor(modules: Modules, config: Config, logger: LoggerController);
* Register all specified modules and configurations
* @params array of all modules (any module that is extended from BaseModule) that you want to include
registerModules: (modules: (Module | ModuleFactory)[]) => void;
* Register a new module
registerModule: (module: Module | ModuleFactory) => void;
getModule: <CurrentModule extends Module = Module>(name: string) => CurrentModule;
* Start all modules, this function should be called before any interaction with a module,
* as it is responsible for initialising the modules.
* This will call `start()` on every registered module
start: (providedConfig?: Partial<MoralisCoreConfigValues>) => Promise<void>;
get BigNumber(): typeof BigNumber;
declare class CoreProvider {
private static core?;
static getDefault(): Core;
static setDefault(core: Core): void;
* Verify if the provided class is a api type.
* Should be used as a Typescript type-guard
* @example
* ```
* if(isApiModule(module)){
* // module is types as ApiModule here
* }
* ```
declare const isApiModule: (moralisClass: Module) => moralisClass is ApiModule;
declare enum CoreErrorCode {
NO_DATA_FOUND = "C0007",
declare enum ApiErrorCode {
API_KEY_NOT_SET = "A0003",
NOT_FOUND = "A0404",
declare enum AuthErrorCode {
declare enum StreamErrorCode {
type MoralisErrorCode = CoreErrorCode | ApiErrorCode | AuthErrorCode | StreamErrorCode;
type MoralisErrorDetails = Record<string, unknown>;
interface MoralisErrorOptions<ErrorCode extends MoralisErrorCode> {
message: string;
code: ErrorCode;
details?: MoralisErrorDetails;
cause?: Error;
declare class MoralisError extends Error {
readonly name: string;
readonly code: MoralisErrorCode;
readonly details?: MoralisErrorDetails;
readonly cause?: Error | MoralisError;
readonly isMoralisError = true;
private static makeMessage;
constructor({ message, code, details, cause }: MoralisErrorOptions<MoralisErrorCode>);
declare class CoreError extends MoralisError {
readonly name: string;
constructor(options: MoralisErrorOptions<CoreErrorCode>);
declare class MoralisApiError extends MoralisError {
readonly name: string;
constructor(options: MoralisErrorOptions<ApiErrorCode>);
declare class MoralisAuthError extends MoralisError {
readonly name: string;
constructor(options: MoralisErrorOptions<AuthErrorCode>);
declare class MoralisStreamError extends MoralisError {
readonly name: string;
constructor(options: MoralisErrorOptions<StreamErrorCode>);
declare const isMoralisError: (error: unknown) => error is MoralisError;
declare const UnreachableError: CoreError;
* Typesafe check, to make sure that code never reaches a certain point.
* Can be used as an exhaustive check in swtich/if-else statements
* When used properly with Typescript, this code should never reach, as it is typed as 'never'
* If the code does reach this assertion an UnreachableError is thrown
declare const assertUnreachable: (x: never) => never;
interface RequestOptions {
headers?: {
[name: string]: string;
* A controller responsible to handle all requests in Moralis,
* compatible with browser, nodejJs and react-native
declare class RequestController {
private readonly config;
private readonly logger;
static create(core: Core): RequestController;
private constructor();
request<Data, Response>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<Data>): Promise<Response>;
private makeError;
post<Response, Body>(url: string, searchParams?: Record<string, unknown>, body?: Body, options?: RequestOptions, abortSignal?: AbortController['signal']): Promise<Response>;
put<Response, Body>(url: string, searchParams?: Record<string, unknown>, body?: Body, options?: RequestOptions, abortSignal?: AbortController['signal']): Promise<Response>;
get<Response>(url: string, searchParams?: Record<string, unknown>, options?: RequestOptions, abortSignal?: AbortController['signal']): Promise<Response>;
delete<Response, Body>(url: string, searchParams?: Record<string, unknown>, body?: Body, options?: RequestOptions, abortSignal?: AbortController['signal']): Promise<Response>;
interface AxiosRetryConfig {
maxRetries: number;
allowedMethods: string[];
allowedResponseStatuses: number[];
beforeRetry?: (attempt: number, error: AxiosError) => void;
declare class AxiosRetry {
static request<Data, Response>(retryConfig: AxiosRetryConfig, requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig<Data>): Promise<AxiosResponse<Response>>;
interface Operation<Request, JSONRequest, Response, JSONResponse> {
name: string;
id: string;
groupName: string;
method: OperationRequestMethod;
urlPathPattern: string;
urlPathParamNames?: (keyof Request)[];
urlSearchParamNames?: (keyof Request)[];
bodyType?: OperationBodyType;
bodyParamNames?: (keyof Request)[];
isNullable?: boolean;
firstPageIndex?: number;
getRequestUrlParams(request: Request, core: Core): OperationRequestUrlParams;
getRequestBody?(request: Request, core: Core): OperationRequestBody;
deserializeResponse(jsonResponse: JSONResponse, request: Request, core: Core): Response;
serializeRequest(request: Request, core: Core): JSONRequest;
deserializeRequest(jsonRequest: JSONRequest, core: Core): Request;
type OperationRequestMethod = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE';
type OperationBodyType = 'properties' | 'raw';
type OperationRequestUrlParams = Record<string, string | string[] | boolean | undefined>;
type OperationRequestBody = OperationRequestPropertiesBody | OperationRequestRawBody;
type OperationRequestPropertiesBody = Record<string, unknown>;
type OperationRequestRawBody = string | number | boolean | object;
type UnknownOperation = Operation<unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown>;
interface PaginatedRequest {
offset?: number;
limit?: number;
cursor?: string;
interface PaginatedJSONResponse<JSONResult> {
total?: number;
page?: number;
page_size?: number;
cursor?: string;
result: JSONResult;
interface PaginatedOperation<Request extends PaginatedRequest, JSONRequest, Response, JSONResult> extends Operation<Request, JSONRequest, Response, PaginatedJSONResponse<JSONResult>> {
firstPageIndex: number;
declare class OperationRequestValidator<Request> {
private readonly allParamNames;
constructor(operation: Operation<Request, unknown, unknown, unknown>);
validate(request: Request): void;
declare enum OperationType {
NON_NULLABLE = "nonNullable",
NULLABLE = "nullable",
PAGINATED = "paginated"
declare function determineOperationType(operation: Operation<unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown>): OperationType;
interface Pagination {
total?: number;
page: number;
pageSize: number;
cursor?: string;
declare class NextPaginatedRequestResolver {
static resolve<Request extends PaginatedRequest>(firstPageIndex: number, request: Request, pagination: Pagination): Request | null;
declare class PaginationReader {
static read(jsonResponse: PaginatedJSONResponse<unknown>): Pagination;
declare class ResponseAdapter<Response, JSONResponse> {
private readonly jsonResponse;
private readonly getResponse;
constructor(jsonResponse: JSONResponse, getResponse: () => Response);
get result(): Response;
get raw(): JSONResponse;
toJSON(): JSONResponse;
declare class PaginatedResponseAdapter<Result, JSONResult> {
readonly pagination: Pagination;
private readonly jsonResponse;
private readonly getResult;
private readonly nextHandler;
constructor(pagination: Pagination, jsonResponse: PaginatedJSONResponse<JSONResult>, getResult: () => Result, nextHandler: (() => Promise<PaginatedResponseAdapter<Result, JSONResult>>) | undefined);
get result(): Result;
get raw(): PaginatedJSONResponse<JSONResult>;
toJSON(): PaginatedJSONResponse<JSONResult>;
readonly hasNext: () => boolean;
next: () => Promise<PaginatedResponseAdapter<Result, JSONResult>>;
type CamelCase<Input extends string> = Input extends `${infer P1}_${infer P2}${infer P3}` ? `${P1}${Uppercase<P2>}${CamelCase<P3>}` : Input;
type Camelize<Data> = {
[Key in keyof Data as CamelCase<string & Key>]: Data[Key] extends Array<infer Value> ? Value extends {} ? Array<Camelize<Value>> : Data[Key] : Data[Key] extends {} ? Camelize<Data[Key]> : Data[Key];
declare const toCamel: (value: string) => string;
declare const toCamelCase: <Data extends object>(data: Data) => Camelize<Data>;
* Converts `null` or `undefined` values to `undefined`
* Optionally, the value gets transformed by the second argument
declare function maybe<Value>(value: Value | null | undefined): Value | undefined;
declare function maybe<Value, Output>(value: Value | null | undefined, transform: (value: Value) => Output): Output | undefined;
export { AnyBaseClass, ApiErrorCode, ApiModule, AuthErrorCode, AxiosRetry, AxiosRetryConfig, BigNumber, BigNumberPrimitive, BigNumberish, BuildEnvironment, Camelize, Config, ConfigKey, ConfigKeyValidator, ConfigValues, Core, CoreConfig, CoreConfigValues, CoreError, CoreErrorCode, CoreProvider, DateInput, EvmAddressFormat, EvmApiConfigValues, EvmChainIdFormat, EvmChainable, EvmChainish, EvmConnector, EvmUtilsConfigValues, LogLevel, LoggerController, Module, ModuleFactory, ModuleType, Modules, MoralisApiError, MoralisAuthError, MoralisCoreConfigValues, MoralisData, MoralisDataFormatted, MoralisDataObject, MoralisDataObjectValue, MoralisError, MoralisErrorCode, MoralisErrorDetails, MoralisErrorOptions, MoralisStreamError, Network, NextPaginatedRequestResolver, Operation, OperationBodyType, OperationRequestBody, OperationRequestMethod, OperationRequestPropertiesBody, OperationRequestRawBody, OperationRequestUrlParams, OperationRequestValidator, OperationType, PaginatedJSONResponse, PaginatedOperation, PaginatedRequest, PaginatedResponseAdapter, Pagination, PaginationReader, RequestController, RequestOptions, ResponseAdapter, SolApiConfigValues, SolNetworkName, SolNetworkable, SolNetworkish, StreamErrorCode, UnknownOperation, UnreachableError, assertUnreachable, dateInputToDate, Core as default, determineOperationType, isApiModule, isMoralisError, maybe, solNetworkNames, toCamel, toCamelCase };


"name": "@moralisweb3/common-core",
"author": "Moralis",
"version": "2.14.3",
"version": "2.15.0",
"license": "MIT",
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"type": "module",
"main": "./lib/esm/index.js",
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",
"typings": "./lib/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": {
"default": "./lib/index.d.ts"
"default": {
"require": "./lib/cjs/index.cjs",
"default": "./lib/esm/index.js"
"files": [
"sideEffects": false,

@@ -15,5 +31,2 @@ "moralis": {

"files": [
"scripts": {

@@ -24,5 +37,5 @@ "test": "jest --runInBand --detectOpenHandles --forceExit --ci",

"lint": "eslint . --ext .js,.ts,.tsx,jsx",
"clean": "rm -rf lib && rm -rf tsconfig.tsbuildinfo && rm -rf && rm -rf ./node_modules/.cache/nx",
"prebuild": "node -p \"'export const LIB_VERSION = ' + JSON.stringify(require('./package.json').version) + ';'\" > src/version.ts",
"build": "yarn prebuild && tsc -p",
"clean": "rm -rf lib && rm -rf ./node_modules/.cache/nx",
"build": "yarn prebuild && rollup -c",
"dev": "tsc --watch"

@@ -32,4 +45,11 @@ },

"@moralisweb3/eslint-config": "^1.0.2",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^24.0.1",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^15.0.1",
"jest": "29.3.1",
"msw": "0.49.1"
"msw": "0.49.1",
"rollup": "^3.10.1",
"rollup-plugin-cleaner": "^1.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-dts": "^5.2.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-polyfills": "^0.2.1",
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.34.1"

@@ -36,0 +56,0 @@ "dependencies": {

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