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@mpen/react-basic-inputs - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.9 to 0.2.10



@@ -88,2 +88,27 @@ import { ComponentPropsWithoutRef } from 'react';

export declare type NumberChangeEvent = {
value: number;
type: 'change';
timeStamp: number;
target: HtmlInputElement;
export declare type NumberChangeEventHandler = EventCallback<NumberChangeEvent>;
export declare const NumberInput: ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<Omit<Omit<Omit<DetailedHTMLProps<InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>, HTMLInputElement>, "ref">, "value" | "onChange" | "formatOnChange"> & {
onChange?: InputChangeEventHandler | undefined;
value?: string | undefined;
formatOnChange?: ((value: string) => string) | undefined;
} & RefAttributes<HTMLInputElement>, "ref">, "value" | "onChange" | "placeholder" | "type"> & {
value?: number | undefined;
placeholder?: string | number | undefined;
onChange?: NumberChangeEventHandler | undefined;
} & RefAttributes<HTMLInputElement>>;
export declare type NumberInputProps = OverrideProps<typeof Input, {
value?: number;
placeholder?: string | number;
onChange?: NumberChangeEventHandler;
}, 'type'>;
declare type Override<Base, Extension, DeleteKeys extends PropertyKey = never> = Omit<Base, keyof Extension | DeleteKeys> & Extension;

@@ -90,0 +115,0 @@



@@ -1,46 +0,46 @@

var V = Object.defineProperty;
var $ = (e, t, n) => t in e ? V(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) : e[t] = n;
var w = (e, t, n) => ($(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, n), n);
import { jsx as x, jsxs as k } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { useDebugValue as H, useRef as h, useInsertionEffect as L, useEffect as j, useMemo as S, useCallback as D, createElement as q, forwardRef as R, useState as T, useImperativeHandle as F, useLayoutEffect as z, useId as Y } from "react";
var $ = Object.defineProperty;
var k = (e, t, r) => t in e ? $(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: r }) : e[t] = r;
var F = (e, t, r) => (k(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, r), r);
import { jsx as N, jsxs as L } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { useDebugValue as Y, useRef as g, useInsertionEffect as H, useEffect as j, useMemo as S, useCallback as _, createElement as q, forwardRef as T, useState as w, useImperativeHandle as z, useLayoutEffect as G, useId as P } from "react";
const U = Object.freeze(() => {
function B(e) {
function W(e) {
return e;
let b;
typeof window < "u" ? b = (e) => {
const t = h(P);
L(() => {
let p;
typeof window < "u" ? p = (e) => {
const t = g(J);
H(() => {
t.current = e;
}, [e]);
const n = h(null);
return n.current || (n.current = function() {
const r = g(null);
return r.current || (r.current = function() {
return t.current.apply(this, arguments);
}), n.current;
} : b = U;
function J(e) {
return b(e);
}), r.current;
} : p = U;
function B(e) {
return p(e);
function P() {
function J() {
throw new Error("INVALID_USE_EVENT_INVOCATION: the callback from useEvent cannot be invoked before the component has mounted.");
function W() {
var e = h(!0);
function C() {
var e = g(!0);
return e.current ? (e.current = !1, !0) : e.current;
var O = function(e, t) {
var n = W();
var r = C();
j(function() {
if (!n)
if (!r)
return e();
}, t);
function C(e, ...t) {
function Q(e, ...t) {
return typeof e == "function" ? e(...t) : e;
function G(e, t) {
function X(e, t) {
if (e.uniqueKey != null)
return C(e.uniqueKey, e, t);
return Q(e.uniqueKey, e, t);
if (typeof e.value == "string")

@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ return e.value;

try {
const n = JSON.stringify(e.value);
if (n !== void 0)
return n;
const r = JSON.stringify(e.value);
if (r !== void 0)
return r;
} catch {

@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ }

class _ {
class V {
constructor() {
w(this, "usedKeys", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
F(this, "usedKeys", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
fix(t, n) {
let u = G(t, n);
fix(t, r) {
let u = X(t, r);
for (; ; ) {
let r = this.usedKeys.get(u);
if (r === void 0) {
let n = this.usedKeys.get(u);
if (n === void 0) {
this.usedKeys.set(u, 1);
this.usedKeys.set(u, ++r), u = `${u}(${r})`;
this.usedKeys.set(u, ++n), u = `${u}(${n})`;

@@ -77,28 +77,28 @@ return u;

const Q = (e) => ({
const Z = (e) => ({
value: e,
text: String(e),
disabled: !0,
key: Z
}), X = "3c9369b7-0a5e-46ea-93c2-e8b9fec67fdb", Z = "1a53f789-77f5-4ce6-a829-b00e563f1ee8";
function ie({
key: te
}), ee = "3c9369b7-0a5e-46ea-93c2-e8b9fec67fdb", te = "1a53f789-77f5-4ce6-a829-b00e563f1ee8";
function oe({
options: e,
value: t,
invalidValueOption: n = Q,
invalidValueOption: r = Z,
onChange: u,
placeholder: r,
placeholder: n,
}) {
const f = t == null, o = S(() => t != null && e.some((s) => s.value == t), [e, t]), d = S(() => t == null || !n ? null : n(t), [n, t]), i = S(() => {
if (o)
const f = t == null, l = S(() => t != null && e.some((s) => s.value == t), [e, t]), o = S(() => t == null || !r ? null : r(t), [r, t]), c = S(() => {
if (l)
return e;
const s = [...e];
return f ? r != null && s.unshift({ text: r, hidden: !0, value: null, key: X }) : d && s.push(d), s;
}, [o, e, f, d, r]), y = J((s) => {
const g =, N = i[g];
return f ? n != null && s.unshift({ text: n, hidden: !0, value: null, key: ee }) : o && s.push(o), s;
}, [l, e, f, o, n]), x = B((s) => {
const I =, v = c[I];
u == null || u({
value: N.value,
value: v.value,
// option: opt,
// event: ev,
index: g,
index: I,
type: "change",

@@ -108,39 +108,55 @@ timeStamp: s.timeStamp,

}), c = h(null), l = D(() => {
c.current && (c.current.selectedIndex < 0 || i[c.current.selectedIndex].value != t) && (c.current.selectedIndex = i.findIndex((s) => s.value == t));
}, [i, t]), v = (s) => {
c.current = s, l();
}), i = g(null), d = _(() => {
i.current && (i.current.selectedIndex < 0 || c[i.current.selectedIndex].value != t) && (i.current.selectedIndex = c.findIndex((s) => s.value == t));
}, [c, t]), b = (s) => {
i.current = s, d();
O(() => {
}, [l]);
const m = new _();
return /* @__PURE__ */ x("select", { ...a, onChange: y, ref: v, children:, g) => {
const { value: N, text: ne, uniqueKey: re, ...A } = s, K = m.fix(s, g);
return /* @__PURE__ */ q("option", { ...A, key: K, value: K }, s.text);
}, [d]);
const m = new V();
return /* @__PURE__ */ N("select", { ...a, onChange: x, ref: b, children:, I) => {
const { value: v, text: ie, uniqueKey: ce, ...R } = s, K = m.fix(s, I);
return /* @__PURE__ */ q("option", { ...R, key: K, value: K }, s.text);
}) });
function ee(e) {
function re(e) {
return e ? String(e).replace(/\s+/gu, " ").trim() : "";
function p(e, t = 2) {
function ne(e) {
try {
return e.toLocaleString("en-US", { useGrouping: !1, maximumFractionDigits: 20 });
} catch {
return e.toFixed(14).replace(/\.?0+$/, "");
function ue(e) {
return e ? e === "∞" || e === "+∞" ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : e === "-∞" ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Number.parseFloat(e) : Number.NaN;
function D(e) {
return Number.isNaN(e) ? "" : e === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? "∞" : e === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? "-∞" : ne(e);
function se(e) {
return e ? D(Number.parseFloat(e)) : "";
function y(e, t = 2) {
return String(e).padStart(t, "0");
function I(e) {
function h(e) {
const t = new Date(e);
let n = `${t.getFullYear()}-${p(t.getMonth() + 1)}-${p(t.getDate())}T${p(t.getHours())}:${p(t.getMinutes())}`;
return (t.getSeconds() !== 0 || t.getMilliseconds() !== 0) && (n += ":" + p(t.getSeconds()), t.getMilliseconds() !== 0 && (n += "." + p(t.getMilliseconds(), 3))), n;
let r = `${t.getFullYear()}-${y(t.getMonth() + 1)}-${y(t.getDate())}T${y(t.getHours())}:${y(t.getMinutes())}`;
return (t.getSeconds() !== 0 || t.getMilliseconds() !== 0) && (r += ":" + y(t.getSeconds()), t.getMilliseconds() !== 0 && (r += "." + y(t.getMilliseconds(), 3))), r;
const te = R(function({ value: t = "", onPaste: n, onChange: u, onInput: r, onBlur: a, formatOnChange: f = B, ...o }, d) {
const [i, y] = T(t), c = h(t), l = h(!1);
const A = T(function({ value: t = "", onPaste: r, onChange: u, onInput: n, onBlur: a, formatOnChange: f = W, ...l }, o) {
const [c, x] = w(t), i = g(t), d = g(!1);
O(() => {
y(t), l.current = !1, c.current = t;
x(t), d.current = !1, i.current = t;
}, [t]);
const v = {
const b = {
type: "text",
ref: d,
value: i,
ref: o,
value: c,
onChange: (m) => {

@@ -164,7 +180,7 @@ // TODO: fire a change event onPaste ?

onInput: (m) => {
l.current = !0, r == null || r(m);
d.current = !0, n == null || n(m);
onBlur: (m) => {
const s = f(i);
l.current && (s !== c.current && (u == null || u({
const s = f(c);
d.current && (s !== i.current && (u == null || u({
type: "change",

@@ -174,71 +190,71 @@ value: s,

}), c.current = s), s !== && y(s)), a == null || a(m);
}), i.current = s), s !== && x(s)), a == null || a(m);
return /* @__PURE__ */ x("input", { ...v });
return /* @__PURE__ */ N("input", { ...b });
function le({ formatOnChange: e = ee, ...t }) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ x(te, { formatOnChange: e, ...t, type: "text" });
function de({ formatOnChange: e = re, ...t }) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ N(A, { formatOnChange: e, ...t, type: "text" });
const ae = R(function({
const me = T(function({
onInput: t,
style: n,
style: r,
initialHeight: u = "auto",
}, a) {
const f = h(null), [o, d] = T(u), i = D(() => {
const c = f.current;
if (!c)
const f = g(null), [l, o] = w(u), c = _(() => {
const i = f.current;
if (!i)
return; = u;
const l = `${c.scrollHeight}px`;
d(l), = l; = u;
const d = `${i.scrollHeight}px`;
o(d), = d;
}, [u]);
F(a, () => ({
z(a, () => ({
element: f.current,
adjustHeight: i
}), [i]);
const y = b((c) => {
i(), t == null || t(c);
adjustHeight: c
}), [c]);
const x = p((i) => {
c(), t == null || t(i);
return z(() => {
const c = f.current;
if (!c)
return G(() => {
const i = f.current;
if (!i)
const l = new ResizeObserver((v) => {
const d = new ResizeObserver((b) => {
return l.observe(c), () => {
return d.observe(i), () => {
}, [i]), /* @__PURE__ */ x("textarea", { ...r, style: {
}, [c]), /* @__PURE__ */ N("textarea", { ...n, style: {
overflow: "hidden",
// these 2 styles aren't needed if the caller sets them in CSS.
resize: "none",
height: o
}, onInput: y, ref: f });
height: l
}, onInput: x, ref: f });
function fe(e) {
const t = Y(), n = ?? t, u = e.valueEquals ??, r = e.options ?? [], a = new _(), f = b((o) => {
const d = Number(, i = r[d];
i != null && e.onChange != null && e.onChange({
value: i.value,
index: d,
function Ne(e) {
const t = P(), r = ?? t, u = e.valueEquals ??, n = e.options ?? [], a = new V(), f = p((l) => {
const o = Number(, c = n[o];
c != null && e.onChange != null && e.onChange({
value: c.value,
index: o,
type: "change",
timeStamp: o.timeStamp,
timeStamp: l.timeStamp,
return /* @__PURE__ */ x("ul", { className: e.className, children:, d) => {
const { value: i, text: y, key: c, itemClassName: l, labelClassName: v, inputClassName: m, textClassName: s, ...g } = o, N = a.fix(o, d);
return e.value !== void 0 && (g.checked = u(i, e.value)), /* @__PURE__ */ x("li", { className: l, "aria-disabled": g.disabled, children: /* @__PURE__ */ k("label", { className: v, children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ x("input", { ...g, className: m, value: d, onChange: f, name: n, type: "radio" }),
/* @__PURE__ */ x("span", { className: s, children: y })
] }) }, N);
return /* @__PURE__ */ N("ul", { className: e.className, children:, o) => {
const { value: c, text: x, key: i, itemClassName: d, labelClassName: b, inputClassName: m, textClassName: s, ...I } = l, v = a.fix(l, o);
return e.value !== void 0 && (I.checked = u(c, e.value)), /* @__PURE__ */ N("li", { className: d, "aria-disabled": I.disabled, children: /* @__PURE__ */ L("label", { className: b, children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ N("input", { ...I, className: m, value: o, onChange: f, name: r, type: "radio" }),
/* @__PURE__ */ N("span", { className: s, children: x })
] }) }, v);
}) });
function M() {
return h(null);
return g(null);

@@ -248,17 +264,17 @@ function E(e) {

const oe = ({
const xe = ({
value: e,
onChange: t,
debounce: n = 500,
debounce: r = 500,
}) => {
const r = M(), a = M();
const n = M(), a = M();
O(() => {
E(a), r.current != null && (r.current.value = e);
E(a), n.current != null && (n.current.value = e);
}, [e]);
const f = () => {
r.current != null && r.current.value !== e && (t == null || t({ value: r.current.value }));
n.current != null && n.current.value !== e && (t == null || t({ value: n.current.value }));
return /* @__PURE__ */ x("input", { ...u, ref: r, defaultValue: e, onInput: () => {
E(a), a.current = setTimeout(f, n);
return /* @__PURE__ */ N("input", { ...u, ref: n, defaultValue: e, onInput: () => {
E(a), a.current = setTimeout(f, r);
}, onBlur: () => {

@@ -268,19 +284,34 @@ E(a), f();

function de({ onClick: e, ...t }) {
return t.onClick = (n) => {
n.preventDefault(), e == null || e(n);
}, /* @__PURE__ */ x("button", { type: "button", ...t });
function Ie({ onClick: e, ...t }) {
return t.onClick = (r) => {
r.preventDefault(), e == null || e(r);
}, /* @__PURE__ */ N("button", { type: "button", ...t });
function me({ value: e, defaultValue: t, min: n, max: u, ...r }) {
return e !== void 0 && (r.value = e === null ? "" : I(e)), t != null && (r.defaultValue = I(t)), n != null && (r.min = I(n)), u != null && (r.max = I(u)), /* @__PURE__ */ x("input", { type: "datetime-local", ...r });
function ge({ value: e, defaultValue: t, min: r, max: u, ...n }) {
return e !== void 0 && (n.value = e === null ? "" : h(e)), t != null && (n.defaultValue = h(t)), r != null && (n.min = h(r)), u != null && (n.max = h(u)), /* @__PURE__ */ N("input", { type: "datetime-local", ...n });
const be = T(function({ placeholder: t, formatOnChange: r = se, onChange: u, value: n, ...a }, f) {
const l = {
inputMode: "decimal",
formatOnChange: r,
type: "number"
return n !== void 0 && (l.value = D(n)), t != null && (l.placeholder = String(t)), u != null && (l.onChange = (o) => {
value: ue(o.value)
}), /* @__PURE__ */ N(A, { ...l, ref: f });
export {
de as ActionButton,
me as DatetimeLocalInput,
oe as DebouncedInput,
te as Input,
fe as RadioMenu,
ie as Select,
ae as TextArea,
le as TextInput
Ie as ActionButton,
ge as DatetimeLocalInput,
xe as DebouncedInput,
A as Input,
be as NumberInput,
Ne as RadioMenu,
oe as Select,
me as TextArea,
de as TextInput
"name": "@mpen/react-basic-inputs",
"private": false,
"version": "0.2.9",
"version": "0.2.10",
"type": "module",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "files": ["dist"],

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