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NVD Concedes Inability to Keep Pace with Surging CVE Disclosures in 2025
Security experts warn that recent classification changes obscure the true scope of the NVD backlog as CVE volume hits all-time highs.
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An open source Mux player web component that Just Works™
@mux/mux-player is a web component that provides a customizable video player for Mux Video. It allows developers to easily integrate video playback with advanced features such as captions, playback speed control, and more.
Basic Video Playback
This feature allows you to embed a basic video player in your web application using the Mux Video playback ID. The player supports on-demand video streaming.
<mux-player stream-type="on-demand" playback-id="your-playback-id" />
Customizing Player Appearance
You can customize the appearance of the video player using CSS variables. This example changes the background color of the controls to a semi-transparent black.
<mux-player playback-id="your-playback-id" style="--controls-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);" />
Captions and Subtitles
This feature allows you to add captions or subtitles to your video. The example shows how to include a VTT file for English captions.
<mux-player playback-id="your-playback-id"><track kind="captions" src="captions.vtt" srclang="en" label="English" default></mux-player>
Playback Speed Control
This feature enables users to control the playback speed of the video. The example provides options for 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, and 2x speeds.
<mux-player playback-id="your-playback-id" playback-rates="[0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]" />
Video.js is a popular open-source HTML5 video player that supports a wide range of video formats and provides a robust plugin architecture. Compared to @mux/mux-player, Video.js offers more flexibility and a larger community but requires more setup for Mux integration.
Plyr is a lightweight, customizable video player that supports HTML5, YouTube, and Vimeo. It offers a clean UI and is easy to integrate. While it doesn't have built-in Mux support like @mux/mux-player, it can be extended to work with Mux Video.
Hls.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to play HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) videos in browsers that do not support it natively. It is not a full-featured video player but can be used in conjunction with other players like Video.js to provide HLS support. Unlike @mux/mux-player, it requires additional setup for a complete video player experience.
is the official Mux-flavored video player web component.
The player UI is built on <media-chrome>
and <mux-video>
drives the core video logic used to play Mux Video content that Just Works.
Be sure to check out our official Mux documentation, too!
If you're using npm
or yarn
, install that way:
yarn add @mux/mux-player
npm i @mux/mux-player
Then, import the library into your application with either import
or require
import '@mux/mux-player';
Alternatively, use the CDN hosted version of this package:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@mux/mux-player"></script>
If you are using ECMAScript modules, you can also load the mux-player.mjs
file with type=module
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@mux/mux-player/dist/mux-player.mjs"></script>
is a fully functional Video Player for the web with dirt simple integration to Mux Video and Mux Data.
provides a responsive UI based on player dimensions and stream type, automatic thumbnail previews and poster images, and built-in integration with Mux Data.
will use the optimal Hls.js settings for Mux Video so you don't have to worry about that. <mux-player>
will also periodically test new versions of Hls.js and upgrade to known stable versions so you don't have to worry about upgrading to a new version of Hls.js yourself.
Loading this library in the browser will register a custom web component for <mux-player>
Now you are free to use this web component in your HTML, just as you would with the HTML5 <video>
metadata-video-title="Big Buck Bunny"
To go above and beyond metadata-*
To set other available metadata fields use the metadata
property on the <mux-player>
element like so:
metadata-video-title="Big Buck Bunny"
const muxVideo = document.querySelector('mux-player');
muxVideo.metadata = {
experiment_name: 'landing_page_v3',
video_content_type: 'clip',
video_series: 'season 1',
Take a look at the metadata guide to view an exhaustive list of available values.
Enable the Google Cast button in the controlbar by dropping in the <script>
tag below in the <head>
of your webpage.
<script defer src="https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js?loadCastFramework=1"></script>
By default, Mux Player will show all the controls associated with the current player size and stream type.
To hide certain controls, use CSS variables like this:
will control the display of the play button. Set it to none
to hide it completely.
mux-player {
--play-button: none;
CSS vars can also be passed inline
<mux-player style="--play-button: none;"></mux-player>
It's possible to target specific sections of the player by prefixing the CSS vars.
The following sections are available:
the top control bar that shows on the small player sizecenter
the center controls that show the seek forward/backward button and play buttonbottom
the bottom control bar<mux-player style="--center-controls: none; --top-captions-button: none;"></mux-player>
The below CSS selector shows all available CSS vars for hiding, each one can be prefixed with a section.
mux-player {
/* Hide all controls at once */
--controls: none;
/* Target all sections by excluding the section prefix */
--play-button: none;
--seek-live-button: none;
--seek-backward-button: none;
--seek-forward-button: none;
--mute-button: none;
--captions-button: none;
--airplay-button: none;
--pip-button: none;
--fullscreen-button: none;
--cast-button: none;
--playback-rate-button: none;
--volume-range: none;
--time-range: none;
--time-display: none;
--duration-display: none;
/* Target a specific section by prefixing the CSS var with (top|center|bottom) */
--center-controls: none;
--bottom-play-button: none;
Mux Player uses a shadow DOM
to encapsulate its styles and behaviors.
As a result, it's not possible to target its internals with the usual CSS selectors.
Instead, some components expose parts that can be targeted with the CSS part selector
, or ::part()
mux-player::part(center play button) {
display: none;
<mux-player playback-id="DS00Spx1CV902MCtPj5WknGlR102V5HFkDe"></mux-player>
Supported parts:
, layer
, media-layer
, poster-layer
, vertical-layer
, centered-layer
, center
, bottom
, play
, button
, seek-backward
, seek-forward
, mute
, airplay
, pip
, cast
, fullscreen
, playback-rate
, volume
, range
, time
, display
CSS parts allow you to style each part individually with a selector like ::part(center play button)
or target multiple elements if the part is assigned to multiple elements internally, usage ::part(button)
Every CSS property can be declared in the selector, this makes it a very powerful API.
Offers a way to turn off keyboard shortcuts that should not be enabled.
The hotkeys
attribute accepts a blocklist as a space separated string.
Supported tokens:
, nok
, nom
, noarrowleft
, noarrowright
, nospace
<mux-player playback-id="DS00Spx1CV902MCtPj5WknGlR102V5HFkDe" hotkeys="noarrowleft noarrowright"></mux-player>
Key | Behavior |
Space | Toggle Playback |
k | Toggle Playback |
m | Toggle mute |
f | Toggle fullscreen |
⬅ | Seek back 10s |
➡ | Seek forward 10s |
By default <mux-player>
will try to use native playback via the underlying <video/>
tag whenever possible. However, it can also instead use an in-code player when the browser browser supports Media Source Extension. This includes MSE in Mac OS Safari.
If you prefer to use the in-code MSE-based engine (currently hls.js) whenever possible, then pass in the prefer-mse
metadata-video-title="Big Buck Bunny"
Attribute | Type | Description | Default |
playback-id | string | The playback ID for your Mux Asset or Mux Live Stream. This will also be used for automatically assigning a poster image and (thumbnail previews)[https://docs.mux.com/guides/video/create-timeline-hover-previews]. For more, check out the Mux Docs. | N/A |
env-key | string | Your Mux Data environment key. Note that this is different than your API Key. Get your env key from the "Mux Data" part of your Mux Environments Dashboard. If undefined, the environment will be inferred based on your Mux Video asset. | undefined |
playback-token | string | The playback token for signing the src URL. | N/A |
thumbnail-token | string | The thumbnail token for signing the poster URL. | N/A |
storyboard-token | string | The storyboard token for signing the storyboard URL. | N/A |
stream-type | "on-demand" | "live" | "ll-live" | "live:dvr" | "ll-live:dvr" | The type of stream associated with your Mux Asset. Used to determine what UI/controls to show and what optimizations to make for playback. | "on-demand" |
audio | boolean | Indicate that you want an "audio only" UI/chrome. This may be used for audio-only assets or audio+video assets. | false |
metadata-video-title | string | This is an arbitrary title for your video that will be passed in as metadata into Mux Data. Adding a title will give you useful context in your Mux Data dashboard. (optional, but encouraged) | N/A |
metadata-viewer-user-id | string | If you have a logged-in user this should be an anonymized ID value that maps back to the user in your database. Take care to not expose personal identifiable information like names, usernames or email addresses. (optional, but encouraged) | N/A |
metadata-video-id | string | This is an arbitrary ID that should map back to a record of this video in your database. | N/A |
debug | boolean | Enables debug mode for the underlying playback engine (currently hls.js) and mux-embed, providing additional information in the console. | false |
start-time | number (seconds) | Specify where in the media's timeline you want playback to start. | 0 |
thumbnail-time | number (seconds) | Offset for the poster image you want to show before loading media. If no thumbnail-time is specified, start-time will be used by default. NOTE: This feature currently cannot be used with thumbnail-token . | 0 |
prefer-mse | boolean | Use the underlying playback engine (currently hls.js), even if native playback is supported (e.g. in Safari). For more, see the section on prefer-mse | false |
default-hidden-captions | boolean | Hide captions by default instead of showing them on initial load (when available) | false |
default-show-remaining-time | boolean | Show remaining playback time (instead of current playback time) by default | false |
forward-seek-offset | number (seconds) | Offset applied to the forward seek button | 10 |
backward-seek-offset | number (seconds) | Offset applied to the backward seek button | 10 |
primary-color | (Any valid CSS color style) | The primary color used by the player | N/A |
secondary-color | (Any valid CSS color style) | The secondary color used by the player | N/A |
volume | number (0-1) | Sets the volume of the player from 0 to 1. | Varies |
muted | boolean | Toggles the muted state of the player. | Varies |
autoplay | boolean | Toggles whether or not media should auto-play when initially loaded | false |
playbackrate | number | Applies a multiplier to the media's playback rate, either speeding it up or slowing it down. | 1 |
playbackrates | string | A space separated string of playback rates used by the playback rate button. | N/A |
loop | boolean | Automatically loop playback of your media when it finishes. | false |
title | string | Show the title for your content. | "" |
poster | string (URL) | Assigns a poster image URL. Will use the automatically generated poster based on your playback-id by default. | Derived |
beacon-collection-domain | string (domain name) | Assigns a custom domain to be used for Mux Data collection. | N/A |
custom-domain | string (domain name) | Assigns a custom domain to be used for Mux Video. | N/A |
nohotkeys | boolean | Toggles keyboard shortcut (hot keys) support when focus in inside the player | false |
hotkeys | string | Offers a way to disable certain keyboard shortcuts. For more, see the section on hotkeys | N/A |
Method | Description |
play() | Begins playback of the media. |
pause() | Pauses the media playback. |
Prop | Description | Default |
autoplay | A Boolean that reflects the autoplay HTML attribute, indicating whether playback should automatically begin as soon as enough media is available to do so without interruption. | false |
buffered Read only | Returns a TimeRanges object that indicates the ranges of the media source that the browser has buffered (if any) at the moment the buffered property is accessed. | undefined |
crossOrigin | A DOMString indicating the CORS setting for this media element. | null |
currentTime | A double-precision floating-point value indicating the current playback time in seconds; if the media has not started to play and has not been seeked, this value is the media's initial playback time. Setting this value seeks the media to the new time. The time is specified relative to the media's timeline. | 0 |
defaultMuted | Is a Boolean that reflects the muted HTML attribute, determines whether audio is muted by default. true if the audio output should be muted by default and false otherwise. | false |
defaultPlaybackRate | Is a double that reflects the playbackrate HTML attribute, it indicates the default playback rate for the media. | 1 |
duration Read only | A read-only double-precision floating-point value indicating the total duration of the media in seconds. If no media data is available, the returned value is NaN . If the media is of indefinite length (such as streamed live media, a WebRTC call's media, or similar), the value is +Infinity . | NaN |
defaultHiddenCaptions | Hide captions by default instead of showing them on initial load (when available) | false |
defaultShowRemainingTime | Show remaining playback time (instead of current playback time) by default | false |
ended Read only | Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the media element has finished playing. | false |
loop | A Boolean that reflects the loop HTML attribute, which indicates whether the media element should start over when it reaches the end. | false |
nohotkeys | A Boolean that reflects the nohotkeys HTML attribute, which indicates whether Mux Player accepts keboard shortcuts. | false |
hotkeys | Is a read-only DOMTokenList similar to classList which offers a way to turn off keyboard shortcuts. For more, see the section on hotkeys | '' |
metadata | The metadata property can be used to set the Mux Data metadata properties in an easy way. Take a look at the metadata guide to view an exhaustive list of available values. | {} |
muted | Is a Boolean that determines whether audio is muted. true if the audio is muted and false otherwise. | false |
paused Read only | Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the media element is paused. | true |
playbackRate | Is a double that indicates the rate at which the media is being played back. | 1 |
playbackRates | Is an array of numbers that will be used by the playback rate button while toggling through rates. | N/A |
playsInline | A Boolean attribute indicating that the video is to be played "inline", that is within the element's playback area. Note that the absence of this attribute does not imply that the video will always be played in fullscreen. | false |
preload | Is a DOMString that reflects the preload HTML attribute, indicating what data should be preloaded, if any. Possible values are: none , metadata , auto . | undefined |
src | Is a String that reflects the src HTML attribute, which contains the URL of a media resource to use. | undefined |
title | String that specifies the title text you want displayed for your video. | 0 |
startTime | Number that specifies where in the media's timeline you want playback to start (in seconds). | 0 |
thumbnailTime | Number offset (in seconds) for the poster image you want to show before loading media. If no thumbnailTime is specified, startTime will be used by default. NOTE: This feature currently cannot be used with tokens.thumbnail . | 0 |
tokens | The tokens property accepts an object with the following signature { playback: string, thumbnail: string, storyboard: string } . Use it to set all the signing URL tokens in one go. | {} |
videoHeight Read only | Returns an unsigned integer value indicating the intrinsic height of the resource in CSS pixels, or 0 if no media is available yet. | 0 |
videoWidth Read only | Returns an unsigned integer value indicating the intrinsic width of the resource in CSS pixels, or 0 if no media is available yet. | 0 |
volume | Is a double indicating the audio volume, from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (loudest). | 1 |
customDomain | Is a String that assigns a custom domain to be used for Mux Video. | undefined |
has a number of events for media loading, playback, and the player itself. Listen to these events using addEventListener()
or by assigning an event listener to the oneventname
property of <mux-player>
Event | Description |
abort | Fired when the resource was not fully loaded, but not as the result of an error. |
canplay | Fired when the user agent can play the media, but estimates that not enough data has been loaded to play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content. |
canplaythrough | Fired when the user agent can play the media, and estimates that enough data has been loaded to play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content. |
durationchange | Fired when the duration property has been updated. |
emptied | Fired when the media has become empty; for example, when the media has already been loaded (or partially loaded), and the HTMLMediaElement.load() method is called to reload it. |
ended | Fired when playback stops when end of the media (<audio> or <video> ) is reached or because no further data is available. |
error | Fired when the resource could not be loaded due to an error. |
loadeddata | Fired when the first frame of the media has finished loading. |
loadedmetadata | Fired when the metadata has been loaded. |
loadstart | Fired when the browser has started to load a resource. |
pause | Fired when a request to pause play is handled and the activity has entered its paused state, most commonly occurring when the media's HTMLMediaElement.pause() method is called. |
play | Fired when the paused property is changed from true to false, as a result of the HTMLMediaElement.play() method, or the autoplay attribute. |
playing | Fired when playback is ready to start after having been paused or delayed due to lack of data. |
progress | Fired periodically as the browser loads a resource. |
ratechange | Fired when the playback rate has changed. |
resize | Fired when one or both of the videoWidth and videoHeight properties have just been updated. |
seeked | Fired when a seek operation complete. |
seeking | Fired when a seek operation begin. |
stalled | Fired when the user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming. |
suspend | Fired when the media data loading has been suspended. |
timeupdate | Fired when the time indicated by the currentTime property has been updated. |
volumechange | Fired when the volume has changed. |
waiting | Fired when playback has stopped because of a temporary lack of data. |
An open source Mux player web component that Just Works™
The npm package @mux/mux-player receives a total of 149,195 weekly downloads. As such, @mux/mux-player popularity was classified as popular.
We found that @mux/mux-player demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
Security experts warn that recent classification changes obscure the true scope of the NVD backlog as CVE volume hits all-time highs.
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Attackers use obfuscation to hide malware in open source packages. Learn how to spot these techniques across npm, PyPI, Maven, and more.
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