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@nebular/security - npm Package Versions






2.0.2 (2018-10-23)

Bug Fixes

  • auth: don't import child routes as it will rewrite the app routes (#920) (d054a73)
  • auth: don't import http module (#919) (995de58), closes #631
  • calendar: show day in today's date (#899) (e023aa3)
  • checkbox: hide check mark when unchecked and disabled (#863) (c7205d4), closes #862
  • docs: fix dead links and code examples (#905) (d8307c9)
  • form controls: mark as touched (#864) (e06d3a7)
  • nbButton: set disabled DOM property (#871) (23a709d)
  • oauth2: grant_type now sends credentials in x-www-form-urlencoded form (#832) (57fda28), closes #716
  • overlay: fix click trigger (#912) (08c2eb6), closes #907
  • select: run change detection after setting initial value (#898) (5cf94f2)
  • theme: fix sidebar shadow styles for Safari (#909) (031b1e6), closes #562
  • theme: remove a fixed content height (#882) (a85eaf2), closes #836
  • tabset: add style incapsulation for tabset components (#911) (33162af), closes #561

<a name="2.0.1"></a>

published 2.0.1 •



2.0.1 (2018-10-03)

Bug Fixes

<a name="2.0.0"></a>

published 2.0.0 •



2.0.0 (2018-10-02)


Nebular 2.0 is stable now! After 10 release candidates and a year of work we finally made it with a great help of Nebular community and we cannot be more grateful for all of your contributions! :tada:

Bug Fixes

  • auth: fix OAuth2 strategy grant_type password to send username, not email (#659) (3a708dd), closes #653
  • auth: fix isAuthenticatedOrRefresh to not refresh token with no value (#708) (b29418f)
  • button: fix outline button (0bcad95)
  • calendar: use nbButton in calendar navigation (#837) (f460f85), closes #827
  • checkbox, radio: check mark positioning in IE (#830) (ac52315), closes #743
  • docs:  fix warning Invalid value for $grid-breakpoints.. (#736) (23e7804)
  • docs: add radio icon (#748) (9110266)
  • docs: fix mention of angular-cli.json file to angular.json (#701) (3211c54)
  • e2e: add redundance note in (#839) (a7ed638)
  • infinite-list: fix example file path (60d0d1e)
  • login: take into account remember me setting (#644) (d35b65b), closes #330
  • menu: height calculation (#621) (7542d5e), closes #620 #369 #532 #307 #444 #392 akveo/ngx-admin#1703 akveo/ngx-admin#1819
  • modal: rtl modal header (#632) (0370abe), closes #419
  • overlay: z-index (#735) (9c22a52)
  • popover: fix popover component example (#711) (9980664), closes #618 #619
  • radio: radio group ngModel doesn't setup initial value (#842) (92b6f6b)
  • radio: radio group now has bigger priority when setting value and disabled (#841) (99acd25)
  • scripts: add moment and date-fns bundles (#818) (c78ae5f)
  • tabset: removes bold emphasize for hovered tab (#651) (22e39eb), closes #540
  • theme: add nebular-icons as peer dependency (#749) (3e3fe1d), closes #195
  • theme: use existing variable for bootstrap (#807) (e91f557), closes #739

Code Refactoring




This release has introduced a number of changes which may required some manual update steps, depending on your setup:

  1. In case if you use Nebular overrides of bootstrap styles - you need to manually install new @nebular/bootstrap package. To do that:
  • install Nebular Bootstrap npm i @nebular/bootstrap
  • then add it into your styles.scss
@import '~@nebular/bootstrap/styles/globals';
// ...

@include nb-install() {
  // ...
  @include nb-bootstrap-global();
  • if you import ~@nebular/theme/styles/global/bootstrap/breakpoints in your code, replace it with ~@nebular/theme/styles/global/breakpoints
  • if you import ~@nebular/theme/styles/global/bootstrap/*.scss somewhere in your code, replace it with ~@nebular/bootstrap/styles/*.scss
  1. Nebular 2.0 introduced a new peer dependency - @angular/cdk. A lot of out of the box functionality provided by @angular team gives our components a solid foundation. To do that:
  • install @angular/cdk npm i @angular/cdk
Breaking Changes

Here's a list of other possibly breaking changes that you may need to take into account:

  • menu: NbMenuComponent and NbContextMenuDirective now fire itemClick even if item with routerLink was clicked.

  • menu: The NbMenuService not reply the last click event. To update: if you use the knowledge that the last click event is replied you can wrap onItemClick stream in the custom stream based on ReplaySubject.

  • theme: angular2-toaster styles were removed from Nebular. Instead, we suggest using our new NbToastrService. To update: add NbToastrModule into imports of your app.module. Inject NbToastrService into the required component. call to render toasts. For more information check toastr documentation.

  • theme: All bootstrap override styles were moved from the @nebular/theme package to the new @nebular/bootstrap package. If you don't need bootstrap support you can simply no use this package. @nebular/theme package introduced a dependency of normalize.css. To update:

    • install Nebular Bootstrap npm i @nebular/bootstrap
    • then add it into your styles.scss
    @import '~@nebular/bootstrap/styles/globals';
    // ...
    @include nb-install() {
      // ...
      @include nb-bootstrap-global();
  • theme: appendToLayoutTop and clearLayoutTop methods was removed from NbThemeService. Instead of this methods, you have to use NbOverlayService. It's the extension of @angular/cdk overlays, so, check documentation first of all. Basic usage of overlays may look like this:

    constructor(protected overlay: NbOverlayService) {
    const overlayRef = overlay.create();
    const overlayComponentPortal = new ComponentPortal(MyOverlayComponent);
  • tabset: Possibly a breaking change since tabs won't be bold in hover state.

  • auth: According to RFC6749 section 4.3.2, the OAuth2 token request body with grant-type='password' must provide username to the auth server and not email.

  • auth: NbAuthJWTInterceptor now always tries to refresh the token. Urls for token sending can be filtered using a filter function:

{ provide: NB_AUTH_TOKEN_INTERCEPTOR_FILTER, useValue: (req) => filter(req)},
  • auth: failWhenNoToken has been removed from password strategy as it was still not released and becoming redundant

<a name="2.0.0-rc.10"></a>

published 2.0.0-rc.10 •



2.0.0-rc.10 (2018-08-08)


  • Bunch of new components: Button, Input, Calendar, Chat UI, List, Infinite List, Spinner, Stepper
  • New Auth NbAuthOAuth2JWTToken
  • Icons in tabs, subheader header option, and other cool stuff!

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: fix accordion border-radius and shadow (#584) (22ba6ef)
  • auth: fix token parceler suppressing getClassByName errors (#548) (ac41765), closes #528
  • checkbox: fix disable state with reactive forms (#599) (7d8beea), closes #296
  • docs: add a note about new theme (#504) (872645c)
  • docs: delay first calculation of examples' height (#586) (9a74fc1)
  • docs: fix auth md article formatting (ac0f668)
  • docs: fix popover examples (#503) (83061ef)
  • fix peer dependency rxjs version (#546) (402bca2), closes #514
  • docs: fix widget margin (ba5def0)
  • docs: live example height on theme change (57aae1a)
  • docs: update analytics tracking to exclude duplicated events (#502) (36e2611)
  • docs: update articles copy (f76ce1f)
  • docs: update (#602) (95fbe74)
  • docs: update copy (#587) (d8e8881)
  • flipcard: fix flip card back view in Safari and IE (0ccb4ab)
  • menu: update url-matching helper to include ; (#475) (c67ec11)
  • tabset: fix exception, when renders conditionally with *ngIf directive (#501) (946e68c)

Code Refactoring

  • auth: make components CD=OnPush, use nbInput, nbButton (#595) (e1863ec)


  • alert: add outline alerts (#590) (a7b8ff4)
  • auth: add a back link to the strategy name in the token (#571) (1c89636)
  • auth: add a new grant type password to OAuth2 Strategy (d8a66a8)
  • auth: add back button (#556) (36fc953)
  • auth: add new NbAuthOAuth2JWTToken (#583) (aed2099)
  • auth: NbOAuth2AuthStrategy add basic authentication scheme against token endpoints (#582) (4360a18), closes / #581
  • auth: use existing refreshToken if it is not repeated by the backend refresh endpoint (#593) (dffbd59)
  • button: add fullWidth mode (#591) (13014d4)
  • docs: add example change animation (#531) (e7bb266)
  • docs: enable analytics for documentation (37f2fe0)
  • docs: set title per tab (09d71c9)
  • header: add subheader mode when header is placed on a side of sidebar (#555) (4715b04), closes #554
  • icons: add e-commerce icon (#609) (2ca41cf)
  • icons: add expand, collapse icons, fix angle double right (#542) (82a5c93)
  • layout: add scroll & ruler services (043050a)
  • playground: update examples to use the new nbButton (#559) (657147b)
  • security: add ability to assign multiple roles to a user (#549) (c3402a6), closes #222
  • tabs: ability to assign an icon (#607) (b78b8d3), closes #288
  • theme: add Accordion component (3a94f9c)
  • theme: add new Button component (#341) (89d429d)
  • theme: add new Calendar component & Calendar Kit module (#598) (8547527)
  • theme: add new Chat UI components set (ebfcd0e)
  • theme: add new Input directive (#569) (42c588e)
  • theme: add new List and Infinite List components (#530) (a07c78c)
  • theme: add Spinner component (8ef7412)
  • theme: add Stepper component (d474598)
  • theme: override default bootstrap style for row css class for small screens (#608) (9be2fcb)
  • theme: update card border color for corporate theme (#594) (ff0985e)


  • auth: possibly a breaking change since we don't use bootstrap inputs and buttons anymore and use Nebular components instead also OnPush added to the components
  • auth: nbAuthCreateToken (token.ts) function now takes a third parameter, which is the ownerStrategyName. Since nbAuthCreateToken is a part of public API this could potentially introduce a breaking change.
  • theme: bootstrap button class .btn-tn renamed to btn-xs

<a name="2.0.0-rc.9"></a>

published 2.0.0-rc.9 •



2.0.0-rc.9 (2018-06-19) :rocket:


  • New design theme Corporate
  • New components: Progress Bar, Alert
  • OAuth2 Strategy with Google Auth example
  • New documentation website with live examples
  • Auth module refactoring

Bug Fixes

  • context-menu: hide on menu item click (#431) (a5bcd3c)
  • docs: add missing operator (#455) (1cb4993)
  • docs: add progress-bar icon (#476) (98562f5)
  • docs: fix auth install article Closes #273 (180d8f1)
  • docs: update mobile styles (#487) (6af2694)
  • docs: update styles (#486) (9e44fb8)
  • footer: use correct footer color variable (#454) (c2e310d)
  • layout: fix layout height when header is not fixed (#437) (084391b)
  • popover: hide when host was removed (#430) (a07496d)
  • reveal-card: fix second card being visible on small screens (#438) (cad2246)
  • rtl: reset bootstrap default styles (#414) (7634df5)
  • search: resolve search field component factory (#439) (15cf18d)
  • theme: add new variable(btn-outline-focus-fg) for focused outline buttons (#471) (df31a4c)
  • theme: remove layout-padding for corporate theme, remove unnecessary color from icon (#496) (49abbb9)

Code Refactoring

  • auth: provider -> strategy, setup method, multiple tokens (3428ec3)


  • auth: add OAuth2 example with google auth (fd95095)
  • auth: add OAuth2 strategy (2f28cbc)
  • card: option to hide toggle button in reveal/flip cards (#448) (ef5ebbb)
  • docs: update docs design, add playground examples (f40e78f)
  • docs: update urls to include baseUrl (#489) (f7fb11a)
  • docs: use path-location instead of hash (61d4139)
  • menu: add collapseAll function (#478) (2942bfd)
  • sidebar: breakpoints configuration for compacted states (#457) (56411db)
  • theme: add alert component (ee27fda)
  • theme: add progress-bar component (#459) (3693494)
  • theme: corporate - new theme (#479) (c75eaf7)


Multiple breaking changes introduced to auth module to improve code readability, follow better naming conventions and for better extensibility in future releases. More details and update steps:

<a name="2.0.0-rc.8"></a>

published 2.0.0-rc.8 •



2.0.0-rc.8 (2018-05-10)


<a name="2.0.0-rc.7"></a>

published 2.0.0-rc.7 •



2.0.0-rc.7 (2018-04-21)

Bug Fixes

  • auth: fix full-name validation error showing password validation text (d12397b)
  • auth: fix jwt interceptor to set Authorization header only if token is valid (#294) (1e99ff3)
  • buttons: indicate focus state of outline button just with border-color (e68a1ea), closes #295
  • docs: add context-menu item click handler example (#371) (96ec81b)
  • docs: fix incorrect component mention (#375) (3fcbb61), closes #286
  • docs: fix typo in auth-guard docs (#277) (682314d)
  • docs: return missed section anchors (#370) (3895c81)
  • layout: fix flexbug, same as in bcbfcc0 but works in IE11 too (#148) (#355) (a432e82)
  • menu: apply default values for menuItems (#344) (674eef5)
  • add polyfills for IE (es7 array & object) (#361) (3f91898), closes #272
  • provide browser globals with injection tokens (#358) (63f4bb8)
  • menu: avoid DOM elements creation for hidden menu items (#312) (0c10917), closes #270
  • menu: trigger change detection after setting max-height (#349) (8c10372), closes #263
  • outline-btn-group: reduce specificity of transparent background (#313) (eb18ebe), closes #295
  • popover: run markForCheck to detect changes if nb-layout has onPush (#267) (7af0f62), closes #266
  • search: prevent search from crashing when no layout (#332) (36dc9dd)
  • styles: get rid of nested mixins as sass doesn't support this for the time being (#331) (157b69d), closes #316
  • theme: fix window and document providers to work in AOT (#345) (0aa898b)


  • docs: add capability to use playground module in the docs application (#310) (7676095)
  • docs: add tabs to docs (12b18c4)
  • menu: add support for query parameters (#283) (#324) (bbd86aa)


  • menu: URL fragment no longer affects menu items selection. Now we only find matches between path part of the URL and link property of menu-item.

<a name="2.0.0-rc.6"></a>

published 2.0.0-rc.6 •



2.0.0-rc.6 (2018-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • DEV_DOCS: add missed line in development on the latest Nebular sources (#182) (3b84981)
  • docs: update font spacing (#193) (7e2a41a)
  • docs: update menu component to react to expand (add a relevant class) (#206) (18ccdf6), closes #180
  • docs: use correct tag in usage example (#186) (b2333a9)
  • menu: don't collapse menu which has a selected item (#225) (5c489f3)
  • menu: fix items not being prepared when passed through input (#181) (2e9d14a)
  • search: fix search not un-subscribing from events (#185) (691e100)

Code Refactoring

  • auth: move token storage out of token service (c8273da)
  • theme: remove user context menu (#231) (959bd4a)


  • security: add new security module with acl implementation (#187) (86b2784), closes #164
  • auth: ability to configure social link (#205) (86b2784), closes #171
  • bootstrap: update bootstrap to 4.0.0 release (including ng-bootstrap, angular) (#226) (f047f14), closes #160 #223 #224
  • checkbox: expand checkbox variables for easier customization (6b93924), closes #143
  • context-menu: add context menu component (13799a5)
  • popover: add new awesome popover component (7dbefd6)
  • popover: add popover-border-radius theme var (#254) (baf1a61)
  • ssr: add server-side rendering support (c826187)
  • tabset: add lazyLoad property to nb-tab so that it loads content before it is actually shown (#227) (270995d), closes #144
  • theme: add capability append component to the layout top by its factory (#253) (515636c)
  • user: allow use base64 images for user picture (#238) (28338a7)


  • theme: NbUserComponent no longer has context menu. We've completely moved context menu in the separate component. So, to migrate from the previous version you have to remove user menu items
<nb-user [menu]="items"></nb-user>

and use NbContextMenuDirective:

<nb-user [nbContextMenu]="items"></nb-user>
  • auth:
  1. NB_AUTH_TOKEN_WRAPPER_CLASS renamed to NB_AUTH_TOKEN_CLASS and you should use useValue instead of useClass when providing a token: { provide: NB_AUTH_TOKEN_WRAPPER_TOKEN, useClass: NbAuthJWTToken }, to { provide: NB_AUTH_TOKEN_CLASS, useValue: NbAuthJWTToken },

  2. setValue method removed from NbAuthSimpleToken, NbAuthJWTToken, tokens only accept read-only value when created through constructor now.

  3. Token Storage moved out from NbTokenService into a separate NbTokenStorage. If you need to change the storage behavior or provide your own - just extend your class from basic NbTokenStorage or NbTokenLocalStorage and provide in your app.module:

  { provide: NbTokenStorage, useClass: NbTokenCustomStorage },
  • checkbox: Checkbox check mark color variable (radio-fg) is expanded. There are three variables instead to set a color depending a the checkbox state:
  • checkbox-checkmark - base color
  • checkbox-checked-checkmark - color when checkbox checked
  • checkbox-disabled-checkmark - color when checkbox is disabled

<a name="2.0.0-rc.5"></a>

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