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@noble/curves - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.4.2 to 1.5.0



/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
import { AffinePoint } from './curve.js';
import { IField } from './modular.js';

@@ -7,5 +6,8 @@ import { Hex, PrivKey, CHash } from './utils.js';

import { CurvePointsType, ProjPointType as ProjPointType, CurvePointsRes } from './weierstrass.js';
import type { Fp2, Fp6, Fp12, Fp2Bls, Fp12Bls } from './tower.js';
* BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) family of pairing-friendly curves.
* Implements BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signatures.
* BLS != BLS.
* The file implements BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signatures.
* Used in both BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) and BN (Barreto-Naehrig)
* families of pairing-friendly curves.
* Consists of two curves: G1 and G2:

@@ -17,6 +19,8 @@ * - G1 is a subgroup of (x, y) E(Fq) over y² = x³ + 4.

* Pairing is used to aggregate and verify signatures.
* We are using Fp for private keys (shorter) and Fp₂ for signatures (longer).
* Some projects may prefer to swap this relation, it is not supported for now.
* There are two main ways to use it:
* 1. Fp for short private keys, Fp₂ for signatures
* 2. Fp for short signatures, Fp₂ for private keys
type Fp = bigint;
export type TwistType = 'multiplicative' | 'divisive';
export type ShortSignatureCoder<Fp> = {

@@ -27,22 +31,8 @@ fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp>;

export type SignatureCoder<Fp2> = {
fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp2>;
toRawBytes(point: ProjPointType<Fp2>): Uint8Array;
toHex(point: ProjPointType<Fp2>): string;
export type SignatureCoder<Fp> = {
fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp>;
toRawBytes(point: ProjPointType<Fp>): Uint8Array;
toHex(point: ProjPointType<Fp>): string;
type Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2> = IField<Fp2> & {
reim: (num: Fp2) => {
re: Fp;
im: Fp;
multiplyByB: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp2, power: number): Fp2;
type Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12> = IField<Fp12> & {
frobeniusMap(num: Fp12, power: number): Fp12;
multiplyBy014(num: Fp12, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2): Fp12;
conjugate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
finalExponentiate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
export type CurveType<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> = {
export type CurveType = {
G1: Omit<CurvePointsType<Fp>, 'n'> & {

@@ -61,9 +51,11 @@ ShortSignature: SignatureCoder<Fp>;

Fr: IField<bigint>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls;
Fp6: IField<Fp6>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls;
params: {
x: bigint;
ateLoopSize: bigint;
xNegative: boolean;
r: bigint;
twistType: TwistType;

@@ -73,4 +65,11 @@ htfDefaults: HTFOpts;

randomBytes: (bytesLength?: number) => Uint8Array;
postPrecompute?: (Rx: Fp2, Ry: Fp2, Rz: Fp2, Qx: Fp2, Qy: Fp2, pointAdd: (Rx: Fp2, Ry: Fp2, Rz: Fp2, Qx: Fp2, Qy: Fp2) => {
Rx: Fp2;
Ry: Fp2;
Rz: Fp2;
}) => void;
export type CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> = {
type PrecomputeSingle = [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][];
type Precompute = PrecomputeSingle[];
export type CurveFn = {
getPublicKey: (privateKey: PrivKey) => Uint8Array;

@@ -101,4 +100,8 @@ getPublicKeyForShortSignatures: (privateKey: PrivKey) => Uint8Array;

millerLoop: (ell: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][], g1: [Fp, Fp]) => Fp12;
millerLoopBatch: (pairs: [Precompute, Fp, Fp][]) => Fp12;
pairing: (P: ProjPointType<Fp>, Q: ProjPointType<Fp2>, withFinalExponent?: boolean) => Fp12;
pairingBatch: (pairs: {
g1: ProjPointType<Fp>;
g2: ProjPointType<Fp2>;
}[], withFinalExponent?: boolean) => Fp12;
G1: CurvePointsRes<Fp> & ReturnType<typeof createHasher<Fp>>;

@@ -109,3 +112,3 @@ G2: CurvePointsRes<Fp2> & ReturnType<typeof createHasher<Fp2>>;

params: {
x: bigint;
ateLoopSize: bigint;
r: bigint;

@@ -117,5 +120,5 @@ G1b: bigint;

Fp: IField<Fp>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls;
Fp6: IField<Fp6>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls;
Fr: IField<bigint>;

@@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ };

randomPrivateKey: () => Uint8Array;
calcPairingPrecomputes: (p: AffinePoint<Fp2>) => [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][];
calcPairingPrecomputes: (p: ProjPointType<Fp2>) => Precompute;
export declare function bls<Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>(CURVE: CurveType<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>): CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>;
export declare function bls(CURVE: CurveType): CurveFn;
export {};
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.bls = bls;
/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
// BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) family of pairing-friendly curves.
// TODO: import { AffinePoint } from './curve.js';
const modular_js_1 = require("./modular.js");

@@ -10,69 +13,146 @@ const utils_js_1 = require("./utils.js");

// prettier-ignore
const _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
const _0n = BigInt(0), _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
// Not used with BLS12-381 (no sequential `11` in X). Useful for other curves.
function NAfDecomposition(a) {
const res = [];
// a>1 because of marker bit
for (; a > _1n; a >>= _1n) {
if ((a & _1n) === _0n)
else if ((a & _3n) === _3n) {
a += _1n;
return res;
function bls(CURVE) {
// Fields are specific for curve, so for now we'll need to pass them with opts
const { Fp, Fr, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12 } = CURVE.fields;
const BLS_X_LEN = (0, utils_js_1.bitLen)(CURVE.params.x);
const BLS_X_IS_NEGATIVE = CURVE.params.xNegative;
const TWIST = CURVE.params.twistType;
// Point on G1 curve: (x, y)
const G1_ = (0, weierstrass_js_1.weierstrassPoints)({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G1 });
const G1 = Object.assign(G1_, (0, hash_to_curve_js_1.createHasher)(G1_.ProjectivePoint, CURVE.G1.mapToCurve, {
// Point on G2 curve (complex numbers): (x₁, x₂+i), (y₁, y₂+i)
const G2_ = (0, weierstrass_js_1.weierstrassPoints)({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G2 });
const G2 = Object.assign(G2_, (0, hash_to_curve_js_1.createHasher)(G2_.ProjectivePoint, CURVE.G2.mapToCurve, {
// Applies sparse multiplication as line function
let lineFunction;
if (TWIST === 'multiplicative') {
lineFunction = (c0, c1, c2, f, Px, Py) => Fp12.mul014(f, c0, Fp2.mul(c1, Px), Fp2.mul(c2, Py));
else if (TWIST === 'divisive') {
// NOTE: it should be [c0, c1, c2], but we use different order here to reduce complexity of
// precompute calculations.
lineFunction = (c0, c1, c2, f, Px, Py) => Fp12.mul034(f, Fp2.mul(c2, Py), Fp2.mul(c1, Px), c0);
throw new Error('bls: unknown twist type');
const Fp2div2 = Fp2.div(Fp2.ONE, Fp2.mul(Fp2.ONE, _2n));
function pointDouble(ell, Rx, Ry, Rz) {
const t0 = Fp2.sqr(Ry); // Ry²
const t1 = Fp2.sqr(Rz); // Rz²
const t2 = Fp2.mulByB(Fp2.mul(t1, _3n)); // 3 * T1 * B
const t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, _3n); // 3 * T2
const t4 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Ry, Rz)), t1), t0); // (Ry + Rz)² - T1 - T0
const c0 = Fp2.sub(t2, t0); // T2 - T0 (i)
const c1 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(Rx), _3n); // 3 * Rx²
const c2 = Fp2.neg(t4); // -T4 (-h)
ell.push([c0, c1, c2]);
Rx = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t0, t3), Rx), Ry), Fp2div2); // ((T0 - T3) * Rx * Ry) / 2
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t0, t3), Fp2div2)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t2), _3n)); // ((T0 + T3) / 2)² - 3 * T2²
Rz = Fp2.mul(t0, t4); // T0 * T4
return { Rx, Ry, Rz };
function pointAdd(ell, Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy) {
// Addition
const t0 = Fp2.sub(Ry, Fp2.mul(Qy, Rz)); // Ry - Qy * Rz
const t1 = Fp2.sub(Rx, Fp2.mul(Qx, Rz)); // Rx - Qx * Rz
const c0 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(t0, Qx), Fp2.mul(t1, Qy)); // T0 * Qx - T1 * Qy == Ry * Qx - Rx * Qy
const c1 = Fp2.neg(t0); // -T0 == Qy * Rz - Ry
const c2 = t1; // == Rx - Qx * Rz
ell.push([c0, c1, c2]);
const t2 = Fp2.sqr(t1); // T1²
const t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, t1); // T2 * T1
const t4 = Fp2.mul(t2, Rx); // T2 * Rx
const t5 = Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(t3, Fp2.mul(t4, _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t0), Rz)); // T3 - 2 * T4 + T0² * Rz
Rx = Fp2.mul(t1, t5); // T1 * T5
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t4, t5), t0), Fp2.mul(t3, Ry)); // (T4 - T5) * T0 - T3 * Ry
Rz = Fp2.mul(Rz, t3); // Rz * T3
return { Rx, Ry, Rz };
// Pre-compute coefficients for sparse multiplication
// Point addition and point double calculations is reused for coefficients
function calcPairingPrecomputes(p) {
const { x, y } = p;
// pointAdd happens only if bit set, so wNAF is reasonable. Unfortunately we cannot combine
// add + double in windowed precomputes here, otherwise it would be single op (since X is static)
const ATE_NAF = NAfDecomposition(CURVE.params.ateLoopSize);
const calcPairingPrecomputes = (0, utils_js_1.memoized)((point) => {
const p = point;
const { x, y } = p.toAffine();
// prettier-ignore
const Qx = x, Qy = y, Qz = Fp2.ONE;
const Qx = x, Qy = y, negQy = Fp2.neg(y);
// prettier-ignore
let Rx = Qx, Ry = Qy, Rz = Qz;
let ell_coeff = [];
for (let i = BLS_X_LEN - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
// Double
let t0 = Fp2.sqr(Ry); // Ry²
let t1 = Fp2.sqr(Rz); // Rz²
let t2 = Fp2.multiplyByB(Fp2.mul(t1, _3n)); // 3 * T1 * B
let t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, _3n); // 3 * T2
let t4 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Ry, Rz)), t1), t0); // (Ry + Rz)² - T1 - T0
Fp2.sub(t2, t0), // T2 - T0
Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(Rx), _3n), // 3 * Rx²
Fp2.neg(t4), // -T4
Rx = Fp2.div(Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t0, t3), Rx), Ry), _2n); // ((T0 - T3) * Rx * Ry) / 2
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.div(Fp2.add(t0, t3), _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t2), _3n)); // ((T0 + T3) / 2)² - 3 * T2²
Rz = Fp2.mul(t0, t4); // T0 * T4
if ((0, utils_js_1.bitGet)(CURVE.params.x, i)) {
// Addition
let t0 = Fp2.sub(Ry, Fp2.mul(Qy, Rz)); // Ry - Qy * Rz
let t1 = Fp2.sub(Rx, Fp2.mul(Qx, Rz)); // Rx - Qx * Rz
Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(t0, Qx), Fp2.mul(t1, Qy)), // T0 * Qx - T1 * Qy
Fp2.neg(t0), // -T0
t1, // T1
let t2 = Fp2.sqr(t1); // T1²
let t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, t1); // T2 * T1
let t4 = Fp2.mul(t2, Rx); // T2 * Rx
let t5 = Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(t3, Fp2.mul(t4, _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t0), Rz)); // T3 - 2 * T4 + T0² * Rz
Rx = Fp2.mul(t1, t5); // T1 * T5
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t4, t5), t0), Fp2.mul(t3, Ry)); // (T4 - T5) * T0 - T3 * Ry
Rz = Fp2.mul(Rz, t3); // Rz * T3
let Rx = Qx, Ry = Qy, Rz = Fp2.ONE;
const ell = [];
for (const bit of ATE_NAF) {
const cur = [];
({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointDouble(cur, Rx, Ry, Rz));
if (bit)
({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointAdd(cur, Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, bit === -1 ? negQy : Qy));
return ell_coeff;
function millerLoop(ell, g1) {
const { x } = CURVE.params;
const Px = g1[0];
const Py = g1[1];
if (CURVE.postPrecompute) {
const last = ell[ell.length - 1];
CURVE.postPrecompute(Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy, pointAdd.bind(null, last));
return ell;
function millerLoopBatch(pairs, withFinalExponent = false) {
let f12 = Fp12.ONE;
for (let j = 0, i = BLS_X_LEN - 2; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
const E = ell[j];
f12 = Fp12.multiplyBy014(f12, E[0], Fp2.mul(E[1], Px), Fp2.mul(E[2], Py));
if ((0, utils_js_1.bitGet)(x, i)) {
j += 1;
const F = ell[j];
f12 = Fp12.multiplyBy014(f12, F[0], Fp2.mul(F[1], Px), Fp2.mul(F[2], Py));
if (pairs.length) {
const ellLen = pairs[0][0].length;
for (let i = 0; i < ellLen; i++) {
f12 = Fp12.sqr(f12); // This allows us to do sqr only one time for all pairings
// NOTE: we apply multiple pairings in parallel here
for (const [ell, Px, Py] of pairs) {
for (const [c0, c1, c2] of ell[i])
f12 = lineFunction(c0, c1, c2, f12, Px, Py);
if (i !== 0)
f12 = Fp12.sqr(f12);
return Fp12.conjugate(f12);
f12 = Fp12.conjugate(f12);
return withFinalExponent ? Fp12.finalExponentiate(f12) : f12;
// Calculates product of multiple pairings
// This up to x2 faster than just `map(({g1, g2})=>pairing({g1,g2}))`
function pairingBatch(pairs, withFinalExponent = true) {
const res = [];
// This cache precomputed toAffine for all points
G1.ProjectivePoint.normalizeZ({ g1 }) => g1));
G2.ProjectivePoint.normalizeZ({ g2 }) => g2));
for (const { g1, g2 } of pairs) {
if (g1.equals(G1.ProjectivePoint.ZERO) || g2.equals(G2.ProjectivePoint.ZERO))
throw new Error('pairing is not available for ZERO point');
// This uses toAffine inside
const Qa = g1.toAffine();
res.push([calcPairingPrecomputes(g2), Qa.x, Qa.y]);
return millerLoopBatch(res, withFinalExponent);
// Calculates bilinear pairing
function pairing(Q, P, withFinalExponent = true) {
return pairingBatch([{ g1: Q, g2: P }], withFinalExponent);
const utils = {

@@ -85,39 +165,4 @@ randomPrivateKey: () => {

// Point on G1 curve: (x, y)
const G1_ = (0, weierstrass_js_1.weierstrassPoints)({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G1 });
const G1 = Object.assign(G1_, (0, hash_to_curve_js_1.createHasher)(G1_.ProjectivePoint, CURVE.G1.mapToCurve, {
function pairingPrecomputes(point) {
const p = point;
p._PPRECOMPUTES = calcPairingPrecomputes(point.toAffine());
// TODO: export
// function clearPairingPrecomputes(point: G2) {
// const p = point as G2 & withPairingPrecomputes;
// p._PPRECOMPUTES = undefined;
// }
// Point on G2 curve (complex numbers): (x₁, x₂+i), (y₁, y₂+i)
const G2_ = (0, weierstrass_js_1.weierstrassPoints)({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G2 });
const G2 = Object.assign(G2_, (0, hash_to_curve_js_1.createHasher)(G2_.ProjectivePoint, CURVE.G2.mapToCurve, {
const { ShortSignature } = CURVE.G1;
const { Signature } = CURVE.G2;
// Calculates bilinear pairing
function pairing(Q, P, withFinalExponent = true) {
if (Q.equals(G1.ProjectivePoint.ZERO) || P.equals(G2.ProjectivePoint.ZERO))
throw new Error('pairing is not available for ZERO point');
// Performance: 9ms for millerLoop and ~14ms for exp.
const Qa = Q.toAffine();
const looped = millerLoop(pairingPrecomputes(P), [Qa.x, Qa.y]);
return withFinalExponent ? Fp12.finalExponentiate(looped) : looped;
function normP1(point) {

@@ -172,7 +217,6 @@ return point instanceof G1.ProjectivePoint ? point : G1.ProjectivePoint.fromHex(point);

const S = normP2(signature);
// Instead of doing 2 exponentiations, we use property of billinear maps
// and do one exp after multiplying 2 points.
const ePHm = pairing(P.negate(), Hm, false);
const eGS = pairing(G, S, false);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(Fp12.mul(eGS, ePHm));
const exp = pairingBatch([
{ g1: P.negate(), g2: Hm }, // ePHM = pairing(P.negate(), Hm, false);
{ g1: G, g2: S }, // eGS = pairing(G, S, false);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);

@@ -187,7 +231,6 @@ }

const S = normP1(signature);
// Instead of doing 2 exponentiations, we use property of billinear maps
// and do one exp after multiplying 2 points.
const eHmP = pairing(Hm, P, false);
const eSG = pairing(S, G.negate(), false);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(Fp12.mul(eSG, eHmP));
const exp = pairingBatch([
{ g1: Hm, g2: P }, // eHmP = pairing(Hm, P, false);
{ g1: S, g2: G.negate() }, // eSG = pairing(S, G.negate(), false);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);

@@ -231,5 +274,5 @@ }

// e(G, S) = e(G, SUM(n)(Si)) = MUL(n)(e(G, Si))
function verifyBatch(signature, messages, publicKeys, htfOpts) {
// @ts-ignore
// console.log('verifyBatch', bytesToHex(signature as any), messages,;
function verifyBatch(signature,
// TODO: maybe `{message: G2Hex, publicKey: G1Hex}[]` instead?
messages, publicKeys, htfOpts) {
if (!messages.length)

@@ -242,14 +285,22 @@ throw new Error('Expected non-empty messages array');

const nPublicKeys =;
// NOTE: this works only for exact same object
const messagePubKeyMap = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < nPublicKeys.length; i++) {
const pub = nPublicKeys[i];
const msg = nMessages[i];
let keys = messagePubKeyMap.get(msg);
if (keys === undefined) {
keys = [];
messagePubKeyMap.set(msg, keys);
const paired = [];
try {
const paired = [];
for (const message of new Set(nMessages)) {
const groupPublicKey = nMessages.reduce((groupPublicKey, subMessage, i) => subMessage === message ? groupPublicKey.add(nPublicKeys[i]) : groupPublicKey, G1.ProjectivePoint.ZERO);
// const msg = message instanceof PointG2 ? message : await PointG2.hashToCurve(message);
// Possible to batch pairing for same msg with different groupPublicKey here
paired.push(pairing(groupPublicKey, message, false));
for (const [msg, keys] of messagePubKeyMap) {
const groupPublicKey = keys.reduce((acc, msg) => acc.add(msg));
paired.push({ g1: groupPublicKey, g2: msg });
paired.push(pairing(G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE.negate(), sig, false));
const product = paired.reduce((a, b) => Fp12.mul(a, b), Fp12.ONE);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(product);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);
paired.push({ g1: G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE.negate(), g2: sig });
return Fp12.eql(pairingBatch(paired), Fp12.ONE);

@@ -272,4 +323,5 @@ catch {


@@ -287,3 +339,3 @@ G2,

params: {
x: CURVE.params.x,
ateLoopSize: CURVE.params.ateLoopSize,
r: CURVE.params.r,

@@ -290,0 +342,0 @@ G1b: CURVE.G1.b,

@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

wNAFCached(P: T, precomputesMap: Map<T, T[]>, n: bigint, transform: Mapper<T>): {
wNAFCached(P: T, n: bigint, transform: Mapper<T>): {
p: T;
f: T;
setWindowSize(P: T, W: number): void;

@@ -54,0 +55,0 @@ export type BasicCurve<T> = {

@@ -11,2 +11,6 @@ "use strict";

const _1n = BigInt(1);
// Since points in different groups cannot be equal (different object constructor),
// we can have single place to store precomputes
const pointPrecomputes = new WeakMap();
const pointWindowSizes = new WeakMap(); // This allows use make points immutable (nothing changes inside)
// Elliptic curve multiplication of Point by scalar. Fragile.

@@ -28,3 +32,8 @@ // Scalars should always be less than curve order: this should be checked inside of a curve itself.

const validateW = (W) => {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(W) || W <= 0 || W > bits)
throw new Error(`Wrong window size=${W}, should be [1..${bits}]`);
const opts = (W) => {
const windows = Math.ceil(bits / W) + 1; // +1, because

@@ -129,15 +138,21 @@ const windowSize = 2 ** (W - 1); // -1 because we skip zero

wNAFCached(P, precomputesMap, n, transform) {
// @ts-ignore
const W = P._WINDOW_SIZE || 1;
wNAFCached(P, n, transform) {
const W = pointWindowSizes.get(P) || 1;
// Calculate precomputes on a first run, reuse them after
let comp = precomputesMap.get(P);
let comp = pointPrecomputes.get(P);
if (!comp) {
comp = this.precomputeWindow(P, W);
if (W !== 1) {
precomputesMap.set(P, transform(comp));
if (W !== 1)
pointPrecomputes.set(P, transform(comp));
return this.wNAF(W, comp, n);
// We calculate precomputes for elliptic curve point multiplication
// using windowed method. This specifies window size and
// stores precomputed values. Usually only base point would be precomputed.
setWindowSize(P, W) {
pointWindowSizes.set(P, W);

@@ -144,0 +159,0 @@ }

@@ -65,2 +65,6 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

* Edwards Curve interface.
* Main methods: `getPublicKey(priv)`, `sign(msg, priv)`, `verify(sig, msg, pub)`.
export type CurveFn = {

@@ -88,4 +92,11 @@ CURVE: ReturnType<typeof validateOpts>;

* Creates Twisted Edwards curve with EdDSA signatures.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, d, p, n, Gx, Gy, h
* const curve = twistedEdwards({ a, d, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h })
export declare function twistedEdwards(curveDef: CurveType): CurveFn;
export {};

@@ -31,3 +31,9 @@ "use strict";

// It is not generic twisted curve for now, but ed25519/ed448 generic implementation
* Creates Twisted Edwards curve with EdDSA signatures.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, d, p, n, Gx, Gy, h
* const curve = twistedEdwards({ a, d, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h })
function twistedEdwards(curveDef) {

@@ -51,2 +57,3 @@ const CURVE = validateOpts(curveDef);

((data, ctx, phflag) => {
(0, utils_js_1.abool)('phflag', phflag);
if (ctx.length || phflag)

@@ -56,20 +63,50 @@ throw new Error('Contexts/pre-hash are not supported');

}); // NOOP
const inBig = (n) => typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n < n; // n in [1..]
const inRange = (n, max) => inBig(n) && inBig(max) && n < max; // n in [1..max-1]
const in0MaskRange = (n) => n === _0n || inRange(n, MASK); // n in [0..MASK-1]
function assertInRange(n, max) {
// n in [1..max-1]
if (inRange(n, max))
return n;
throw new Error(`Expected valid scalar < ${max}, got ${typeof n} ${n}`);
// 0 <= n < MASK
// Coordinates larger than Fp.ORDER are allowed for zip215
function aCoordinate(title, n) {
ut.aInRange('coordinate ' + title, n, _0n, MASK);
function assertGE0(n) {
// n in [0..CURVE_ORDER-1]
return n === _0n ? n : assertInRange(n, CURVE_ORDER); // GE = prime subgroup, not full group
const pointPrecomputes = new Map();
function isPoint(other) {
function assertPoint(other) {
if (!(other instanceof Point))
throw new Error('ExtendedPoint expected');
// Converts Extended point to default (x, y) coordinates.
// Can accept precomputed Z^-1 - for example, from invertBatch.
const toAffineMemo = (0, utils_js_1.memoized)((p, iz) => {
const { ex: x, ey: y, ez: z } = p;
const is0 = p.is0();
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? _8n : Fp.inv(z); // 8 was chosen arbitrarily
const ax = modP(x * iz);
const ay = modP(y * iz);
const zz = modP(z * iz);
if (is0)
return { x: _0n, y: _1n };
if (zz !== _1n)
throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
const assertValidMemo = (0, utils_js_1.memoized)((p) => {
const { a, d } = CURVE;
if (p.is0())
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO'); // TODO: optimize, with vars below?
// Equation in affine coordinates: ax² + y² = 1 + dx²y²
// Equation in projective coordinates (X/Z, Y/Z, Z): (aX² + Y²)Z² = Z⁴ + dX²Y²
const { ex: X, ey: Y, ez: Z, et: T } = p;
const X2 = modP(X * X); // X²
const Y2 = modP(Y * Y); // Y²
const Z2 = modP(Z * Z); // Z²
const Z4 = modP(Z2 * Z2); // Z⁴
const aX2 = modP(X2 * a); // aX²
const left = modP(Z2 * modP(aX2 + Y2)); // (aX² + Y²)Z²
const right = modP(Z4 + modP(d * modP(X2 * Y2))); // Z⁴ + dX²Y²
if (left !== right)
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (1)');
// In Extended coordinates we also have T, which is x*y=T/Z: check X*Y == Z*T
const XY = modP(X * Y);
const ZT = modP(Z * T);
if (XY !== ZT)
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (2)');
return true;
// Extended Point works in extended coordinates: (x, y, z, t) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z, t=xy).

@@ -83,10 +120,7 @@ // = et;
if (!in0MaskRange(ex))
throw new Error('x required');
if (!in0MaskRange(ey))
throw new Error('y required');
if (!in0MaskRange(ez))
throw new Error('z required');
if (!in0MaskRange(et))
throw new Error('t required');
aCoordinate('x', ex);
aCoordinate('y', ey);
aCoordinate('z', ez);
aCoordinate('t', et);

@@ -103,4 +137,4 @@ get x() {

const { x, y } = p || {};
if (!in0MaskRange(x) || !in0MaskRange(y))
throw new Error('invalid affine point');
aCoordinate('x', x);
aCoordinate('y', y);
return new Point(x, y, _1n, modP(x * y));

@@ -114,4 +148,3 @@ }

_setWindowSize(windowSize) {
this._WINDOW_SIZE = windowSize;
wnaf.setWindowSize(this, windowSize);

@@ -121,26 +154,7 @@ // Not required for fromHex(), which always creates valid points.

assertValidity() {
const { a, d } = CURVE;
if (this.is0())
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO'); // TODO: optimize, with vars below?
// Equation in affine coordinates: ax² + y² = 1 + dx²y²
// Equation in projective coordinates (X/Z, Y/Z, Z): (aX² + Y²)Z² = Z⁴ + dX²Y²
const { ex: X, ey: Y, ez: Z, et: T } = this;
const X2 = modP(X * X); // X²
const Y2 = modP(Y * Y); // Y²
const Z2 = modP(Z * Z); // Z²
const Z4 = modP(Z2 * Z2); // Z⁴
const aX2 = modP(X2 * a); // aX²
const left = modP(Z2 * modP(aX2 + Y2)); // (aX² + Y²)Z²
const right = modP(Z4 + modP(d * modP(X2 * Y2))); // Z⁴ + dX²Y²
if (left !== right)
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (1)');
// In Extended coordinates we also have T, which is x*y=T/Z: check X*Y == Z*T
const XY = modP(X * Y);
const ZT = modP(Z * T);
if (XY !== ZT)
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (2)');
// Compare one point to another.
equals(other) {
const { ex: X1, ey: Y1, ez: Z1 } = this;

@@ -186,3 +200,3 @@ const { ex: X2, ey: Y2, ez: Z2 } = other;

add(other) {
const { a, d } = CURVE;

@@ -230,7 +244,9 @@ const { ex: X1, ey: Y1, ez: Z1, et: T1 } = this;

wNAF(n) {
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, pointPrecomputes, n, Point.normalizeZ);
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, n, Point.normalizeZ);
// Constant-time multiplication.
multiply(scalar) {
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(assertInRange(scalar, CURVE_ORDER));
const n = scalar;
ut.aInRange('scalar', n, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // 1 <= scalar < L
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(n);
return Point.normalizeZ([p, f])[0];

@@ -243,3 +259,4 @@ }

multiplyUnsafe(scalar) {
let n = assertGE0(scalar); // 0 <= scalar < CURVE.n
const n = scalar;
ut.aInRange('scalar', n, _0n, CURVE_ORDER); // 0 <= scalar < L
if (n === _0n)

@@ -268,14 +285,3 @@ return I;

toAffine(iz) {
const { ex: x, ey: y, ez: z } = this;
const is0 = this.is0();
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? _8n : Fp.inv(z); // 8 was chosen arbitrarily
const ax = modP(x * iz);
const ay = modP(y * iz);
const zz = modP(z * iz);
if (is0)
return { x: _0n, y: _1n };
if (zz !== _1n)
throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
return toAffineMemo(this, iz);

@@ -294,2 +300,3 @@ clearCofactor() {

hex = (0, utils_js_1.ensureBytes)('pointHex', hex, len); // copy hex to a new array
(0, utils_js_1.abool)('zip215', zip215);
const normed = hex.slice(); // copy again, we'll manipulate it

@@ -299,12 +306,7 @@ const lastByte = hex[len - 1]; // select last byte

const y = ut.bytesToNumberLE(normed);
if (y === _0n) {
// y=0 is allowed
else {
// RFC8032 prohibits >= p, but ZIP215 doesn't
if (zip215)
assertInRange(y, MASK); // zip215=true [1..P-1] (2^255-19-1 for ed25519)
assertInRange(y, Fp.ORDER); // zip215=false [1..MASK-1] (2^256-1 for ed25519)
// RFC8032 prohibits >= p, but ZIP215 doesn't
// zip215=true: 0 <= y < MASK (2^256 for ed25519)
// zip215=false: 0 <= y < P (2^255-19 for ed25519)
const max = zip215 ? MASK : Fp.ORDER;
ut.aInRange('pointHex.y', y, _0n, max);
// Ed25519: x² = (y²-1)/(dy²+1) mod p. Ed448: x² = (y²-1)/(dy²-1) mod p. Generic case:

@@ -384,3 +386,3 @@ // ax²+y²=1+dx²y² => y²-1=dx²y²-ax² => y²-1=x²(dy²-a) => x²=(y²-1)/(dy²-a)

const s = modN(r + k * scalar); // S = (r + k * s) mod L
assertGE0(s); // 0 <= s < l
ut.aInRange('signature.s', s, _0n, CURVE_ORDER); // 0 <= s < l
const res = ut.concatBytes(R, ut.numberToBytesLE(s, Fp.BYTES));

@@ -395,2 +397,4 @@ return (0, utils_js_1.ensureBytes)('result', res, nByteLength * 2); // 64-byte signature

msg = (0, utils_js_1.ensureBytes)('message', msg);
if (zip215 !== undefined)
(0, utils_js_1.abool)('zip215', zip215);
if (prehash)

@@ -397,0 +401,0 @@ msg = prehash(msg); // for ed25519ph, etc

@@ -65,2 +65,3 @@ export declare function mod(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint;

export declare function FpDiv<T>(f: IField<T>, lhs: T, rhs: T | bigint): T;
export declare function FpLegendre(order: bigint): <T>(f: IField<T>, x: T) => T;
export declare function FpIsSquare<T>(f: IField<T>): (x: T) => boolean;

@@ -79,2 +80,5 @@ export declare function nLength(n: bigint, nBitLength?: number): {

* * c) Object.freeze
* NOTE: operations don't check 'isValid' for all elements for performance reasons,
* it is caller responsibility to check this.
* This is low-level code, please make sure you know what you doing.
* @param ORDER prime positive bigint

@@ -81,0 +85,0 @@ * @param bitLen how many bits the field consumes

@@ -14,2 +14,3 @@ "use strict";

exports.FpDiv = FpDiv;
exports.FpLegendre = FpLegendre;
exports.FpIsSquare = FpIsSquare;

@@ -288,7 +289,14 @@ exports.nLength = nLength;

function FpLegendre(order) {
// (a | p) ≡ 1 if a is a square (mod p), quadratic residue
// (a | p) ≡ -1 if a is not a square (mod p), quadratic non residue
// (a | p) ≡ 0 if a ≡ 0 (mod p)
const legendreConst = (order - _1n) / _2n; // Integer arithmetic
return (f, x) => f.pow(x, legendreConst);
// This function returns True whenever the value x is a square in the field F.
function FpIsSquare(f) {
const legendreConst = (f.ORDER - _1n) / _2n; // Integer arithmetic
const legendre = FpLegendre(f.ORDER);
return (x) => {
const p = f.pow(x, legendreConst);
const p = legendre(f, x);
return f.eql(p, f.ZERO) || f.eql(p, f.ONE);

@@ -311,2 +319,5 @@ };

* * c) Object.freeze
* NOTE: operations don't check 'isValid' for all elements for performance reasons,
* it is caller responsibility to check this.
* This is low-level code, please make sure you know what you doing.
* @param ORDER prime positive bigint

@@ -313,0 +324,0 @@ * @param bitLen how many bits the field consumes

@@ -50,8 +50,2 @@ "use strict";

// Accepts 0 as well
function assertFieldElement(n) {
if (typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n <= n && n < P)
return n;
throw new Error('Expected valid scalar 0 < scalar < CURVE.P');
// x25519 from 4

@@ -66,7 +60,8 @@ // The constant a24 is (486662 - 2) / 4 = 121665 for curve25519/X25519

function montgomeryLadder(pointU, scalar) {
const u = assertFieldElement(pointU);
function montgomeryLadder(u, scalar) {
(0, utils_js_1.aInRange)('u', u, _0n, P);
(0, utils_js_1.aInRange)('scalar', scalar, _0n, P);
// Section 5: Implementations MUST accept non-canonical values and process them as
// if they had been reduced modulo the field prime.
const k = assertFieldElement(scalar);
const k = scalar;
const x_1 = u;

@@ -73,0 +68,0 @@ let x_2 = _1n;

@@ -14,2 +14,3 @@ export type Hex = Uint8Array | string;

export declare function abytes(item: unknown): void;
export declare function abool(title: string, value: boolean): void;

@@ -49,3 +50,10 @@ * @example bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from([0xca, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x23])) // 'cafe0123'

export declare function utf8ToBytes(str: string): Uint8Array;
export declare function inRange(n: bigint, min: bigint, max: bigint): boolean;
* Asserts min <= n < max. NOTE: It's < max and not <= max.
* @example
* aInRange('x', x, 1n, 256n); // would assume x is in (1n..255n)
export declare function aInRange(title: string, n: bigint, min: bigint, max: bigint): void;
* Calculates amount of bits in a bigint.

@@ -95,3 +103,12 @@ * Same as `n.toString(2).length`

export declare function validateObject<T extends Record<string, any>>(object: T, validators: ValMap<T>, optValidators?: ValMap<T>): T;
* throws not implemented error
export declare const notImplemented: () => never;
* Memoizes (caches) computation result.
* Uses WeakMap: the value is going auto-cleaned by GC after last reference is removed.
export declare function memoized<T extends object, R, O extends any[]>(fn: (arg: T, ...args: O) => R): (arg: T, ...args: O) => R;
export {};
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.bitMask = void 0;
exports.notImplemented = exports.bitMask = void 0;
exports.isBytes = isBytes;
exports.abytes = abytes;
exports.abool = abool;
exports.bytesToHex = bytesToHex;

@@ -19,2 +20,4 @@ exports.numberToHexUnpadded = numberToHexUnpadded;

exports.utf8ToBytes = utf8ToBytes;
exports.inRange = inRange;
exports.aInRange = aInRange;
exports.bitLen = bitLen;

@@ -25,2 +28,3 @@ exports.bitGet = bitGet;

exports.validateObject = validateObject;
exports.memoized = memoized;
/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

@@ -42,2 +46,6 @@ // 100 lines of code in the file are duplicated from noble-hashes (utils).

function abool(title, value) {
if (typeof value !== 'boolean')
throw new Error(`${title} must be valid boolean, got "${value}".`);
// Array where index 0xf0 (240) is mapped to string 'f0'

@@ -185,2 +193,21 @@ const hexes = /* @__PURE__ */ Array.from({ length: 256 }, (_, i) => i.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'));

// Is positive bigint
const isPosBig = (n) => typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n <= n;
function inRange(n, min, max) {
return isPosBig(n) && isPosBig(min) && isPosBig(max) && min <= n && n < max;
* Asserts min <= n < max. NOTE: It's < max and not <= max.
* @example
* aInRange('x', x, 1n, 256n); // would assume x is in (1n..255n)
function aInRange(title, n, min, max) {
// Why min <= n < max and not a (min < n < max) OR b (min <= n <= max)?
// consider P=256n, min=0n, max=P
// - a for min=0 would require -1: `inRange('x', x, -1n, P)`
// - b would commonly require subtraction: `inRange('x', x, 0n, P - 1n)`
// - our way is the cleanest: `inRange('x', x, 0n, P)
if (!inRange(n, min, max))
throw new Error(`expected valid ${title}: ${min} <= n < ${max}, got ${typeof n} ${n}`);
// Bit operations

@@ -317,2 +344,24 @@ /**

// const z4 = validateObject(o, { a: 'boolean', z: 'bug' });
* throws not implemented error
const notImplemented = () => {
throw new Error('not implemented');
exports.notImplemented = notImplemented;
* Memoizes (caches) computation result.
* Uses WeakMap: the value is going auto-cleaned by GC after last reference is removed.
function memoized(fn) {
const map = new WeakMap();
return (arg, ...args) => {
const val = map.get(arg);
if (val !== undefined)
return val;
const computed = fn(arg, ...args);
map.set(arg, computed);
return computed;

@@ -210,2 +210,9 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

* Creates short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signature methods for it.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, b, p, n, Gx, Gy
* const curve = weierstrass({ a, b, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h: 1n })
export declare function weierstrass(curveDef: CurveType): CurveFn;

@@ -212,0 +219,0 @@ /**

@@ -14,2 +14,8 @@ "use strict";

const utils_js_1 = require("./utils.js");
function validateSigVerOpts(opts) {
if (opts.lowS !== undefined)
(0, utils_js_1.abool)('lowS', opts.lowS);
if (opts.prehash !== undefined)
(0, utils_js_1.abool)('prehash', opts.prehash);
function validatePointOpts(curve) {

@@ -139,12 +145,8 @@ const opts = (0, curve_js_1.validateBasic)(curve);

function isWithinCurveOrder(num) {
return typeof num === 'bigint' && _0n < num && num < CURVE.n;
return ut.inRange(num, _1n, CURVE.n);
function assertGE(num) {
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(num))
throw new Error('Expected valid bigint: 0 < bigint < curve.n');
// Validates if priv key is valid and converts it to bigint.
// Supports options allowedPrivateKeyLengths and wrapPrivateKey.
function normPrivateKeyToScalar(key) {
const { allowedPrivateKeyLengths: lengths, nByteLength, wrapPrivateKey, n } = CURVE;
const { allowedPrivateKeyLengths: lengths, nByteLength, wrapPrivateKey, n: N } = CURVE;
if (lengths && typeof key !== 'bigint') {

@@ -169,7 +171,6 @@ if (ut.isBytes(key))

if (wrapPrivateKey)
num = mod.mod(num, n); // disabled by default, enabled for BLS
assertGE(num); // num in range [1..N-1]
num = mod.mod(num, N); // disabled by default, enabled for BLS
ut.aInRange('private key', num, _1n, N); // num in range [1..N-1]
return num;
const pointPrecomputes = new Map();
function assertPrjPoint(other) {

@@ -179,2 +180,49 @@ if (!(other instanceof Point))

// Memoized toAffine / validity check. They are heavy. Points are immutable.
// Converts Projective point to affine (x, y) coordinates.
// Can accept precomputed Z^-1 - for example, from invertBatch.
// (x, y, z) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z)
const toAffineMemo = (0, utils_js_1.memoized)((p, iz) => {
const { px: x, py: y, pz: z } = p;
// Fast-path for normalized points
if (Fp.eql(z, Fp.ONE))
return { x, y };
const is0 = p.is0();
// If invZ was 0, we return zero point. However we still want to execute
// all operations, so we replace invZ with a random number, 1.
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? Fp.ONE : Fp.inv(z);
const ax = Fp.mul(x, iz);
const ay = Fp.mul(y, iz);
const zz = Fp.mul(z, iz);
if (is0)
return { x: Fp.ZERO, y: Fp.ZERO };
if (!Fp.eql(zz, Fp.ONE))
throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
// NOTE: on exception this will crash 'cached' and no value will be set.
// Otherwise true will be return
const assertValidMemo = (0, utils_js_1.memoized)((p) => {
if (p.is0()) {
// (0, 1, 0) aka ZERO is invalid in most contexts.
// In BLS, ZERO can be serialized, so we allow it.
// (0, 0, 0) is wrong representation of ZERO and is always invalid.
if (CURVE.allowInfinityPoint && !Fp.is0(
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO');
// Some 3rd-party test vectors require different wording between here & `fromCompressedHex`
const { x, y } = p.toAffine();
// Check if x, y are valid field elements
if (!Fp.isValid(x) || !Fp.isValid(y))
throw new Error('bad point: x or y not FE');
const left = Fp.sqr(y); // y²
const right = weierstrassEquation(x); // x³ + ax + b
if (!Fp.eql(left, right))
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right');
if (!p.isTorsionFree())
throw new Error('bad point: not in prime-order subgroup');
return true;

@@ -196,2 +244,3 @@ * Projective Point works in 3d / projective (homogeneous) coordinates: (x, y, z) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z)

throw new Error('z required');

@@ -243,26 +292,7 @@ // Does not validate if the point is on-curve.

_setWindowSize(windowSize) {
this._WINDOW_SIZE = windowSize;
wnaf.setWindowSize(this, windowSize);
// A point on curve is valid if it conforms to equation.
assertValidity() {
if (this.is0()) {
// (0, 1, 0) aka ZERO is invalid in most contexts.
// In BLS, ZERO can be serialized, so we allow it.
// (0, 0, 0) is wrong representation of ZERO and is always invalid.
if (CURVE.allowInfinityPoint && !Fp.is0(
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO');
// Some 3rd-party test vectors require different wording between here & `fromCompressedHex`
const { x, y } = this.toAffine();
// Check if x, y are valid field elements
if (!Fp.isValid(x) || !Fp.isValid(y))
throw new Error('bad point: x or y not FE');
const left = Fp.sqr(y); // y²
const right = weierstrassEquation(x); // x³ + ax + b
if (!Fp.eql(left, right))
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right');
if (!this.isTorsionFree())
throw new Error('bad point: not in prime-order subgroup');

@@ -394,6 +424,3 @@ hasEvenY() {

wNAF(n) {
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, pointPrecomputes, n, (comp) => {
const toInv = Fp.invertBatch( => p.pz));
return, i) => p.toAffine(toInv[i])).map(Point.fromAffine);
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, n, Point.normalizeZ);

@@ -405,14 +432,14 @@ /**

multiplyUnsafe(n) {
multiplyUnsafe(sc) {
ut.aInRange('scalar', sc, _0n, CURVE.n);
const I = Point.ZERO;
if (n === _0n)
if (sc === _0n)
return I;
assertGE(n); // Will throw on 0
if (n === _1n)
if (sc === _1n)
return this;
const { endo } = CURVE;
if (!endo)
return wnaf.unsafeLadder(this, n);
return wnaf.unsafeLadder(this, sc);
// Apply endomorphism
let { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(n);
let { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(sc);
let k1p = I;

@@ -447,8 +474,7 @@ let k2p = I;

multiply(scalar) {
let n = scalar;
const { endo, n: N } = CURVE;
ut.aInRange('scalar', scalar, _1n, N);
let point, fake; // Fake point is used to const-time mult
const { endo } = CURVE;
if (endo) {
const { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(n);
const { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(scalar);
let { p: k1p, f: f1p } = this.wNAF(k1);

@@ -463,3 +489,3 @@ let { p: k2p, f: f2p } = this.wNAF(k2);

else {
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(n);
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(scalar);
point = p;

@@ -488,16 +514,3 @@ fake = f;

toAffine(iz) {
const { px: x, py: y, pz: z } = this;
const is0 = this.is0();
// If invZ was 0, we return zero point. However we still want to execute
// all operations, so we replace invZ with a random number, 1.
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? Fp.ONE : Fp.inv(z);
const ax = Fp.mul(x, iz);
const ay = Fp.mul(y, iz);
const zz = Fp.mul(z, iz);
if (is0)
return { x: Fp.ZERO, y: Fp.ZERO };
if (!Fp.eql(zz, Fp.ONE))
throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
return toAffineMemo(this, iz);

@@ -521,2 +534,3 @@ isTorsionFree() {

toRawBytes(isCompressed = true) {
(0, utils_js_1.abool)('isCompressed', isCompressed);

@@ -526,2 +540,3 @@ return toBytes(Point, this, isCompressed);

toHex(isCompressed = true) {
(0, utils_js_1.abool)('isCompressed', isCompressed);
return ut.bytesToHex(this.toRawBytes(isCompressed));

@@ -556,2 +571,9 @@ }

* Creates short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signature methods for it.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, b, p, n, Gx, Gy
* const curve = weierstrass({ a, b, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h: 1n })
function weierstrass(curveDef) {

@@ -562,5 +584,2 @@ const CURVE = validateOpts(curveDef);

const uncompressedLen = 2 * Fp.BYTES + 1; // e.g. 65 for 32
function isValidFieldElement(num) {
return _0n < num && num < Fp.ORDER; // 0 is banned since it's not invertible FE
function modN(a) {

@@ -578,2 +597,3 @@ return mod.mod(a, CURVE_ORDER);

const cat = ut.concatBytes;
(0, utils_js_1.abool)('isCompressed', isCompressed);
if (isCompressed) {

@@ -593,3 +613,3 @@ return cat(Uint8Array.from([point.hasEvenY() ? 0x02 : 0x03]), x);

const x = ut.bytesToNumberBE(tail);
if (!isValidFieldElement(x))
if (!ut.inRange(x, _1n, Fp.ORDER))
throw new Error('Point is not on curve');

@@ -655,7 +675,4 @@ const y2 = weierstrassEquation(x); // y² = x³ + ax + b

assertValidity() {
// can use assertGE here
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(this.r))
throw new Error('r must be 0 < r < CURVE.n');
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(this.s))
throw new Error('s must be 0 < s < CURVE.n');
ut.aInRange('r', this.r, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // r in [1..N]
ut.aInRange('s', this.s, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // s in [1..N]

@@ -803,6 +820,3 @@ addRecoveryBit(recovery) {

function int2octets(num) {
if (typeof num !== 'bigint')
throw new Error('bigint expected');
if (!(_0n <= num && num < ORDER_MASK))
throw new Error(`bigint expected < 2^${CURVE.nBitLength}`);
ut.aInRange(`num < 2^${CURVE.nBitLength}`, num, _0n, ORDER_MASK);
// works with order, can have different size than numToField!

@@ -824,2 +838,3 @@ return ut.numberToBytesBE(num, CURVE.nByteLength);

msgHash = (0, utils_js_1.ensureBytes)('msgHash', msgHash);
if (prehash)

@@ -911,2 +926,3 @@ msgHash = (0, utils_js_1.ensureBytes)('prehashed msgHash', hash(msgHash));

throw new Error('options.strict was renamed to lowS');
const { lowS, prehash } = opts;

@@ -913,0 +929,0 @@ let _sig = undefined;

import { CurveFn } from './abstract/bls.js';
import * as mod from './abstract/modular.js';
declare const Fp: Readonly<mod.IField<bigint> & Required<Pick<mod.IField<bigint>, "isOdd">>>;
type Fp = bigint;
type BigintTuple = [bigint, bigint];
type Fp2 = {
c0: bigint;
c1: bigint;
type Fp2Utils = {
fromBigTuple: (tuple: BigintTuple | bigint[]) => Fp2;
reim: (num: Fp2) => {
re: bigint;
im: bigint;
mulByNonresidue: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
multiplyByB: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp2, power: number): Fp2;
declare const Fp2: mod.IField<Fp2> & Fp2Utils;
type BigintSix = [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint];
type Fp6 = {
c0: Fp2;
c1: Fp2;
c2: Fp2;
type Fp6Utils = {
fromBigSix: (tuple: BigintSix) => Fp6;
mulByNonresidue: (num: Fp6) => Fp6;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp6, power: number): Fp6;
multiplyBy1(num: Fp6, b1: Fp2): Fp6;
multiplyBy01(num: Fp6, b0: Fp2, b1: Fp2): Fp6;
multiplyByFp2(lhs: Fp6, rhs: Fp2): Fp6;
declare const Fp6: mod.IField<Fp6> & Fp6Utils;
type Fp12 = {
c0: Fp6;
c1: Fp6;
type BigintTwelve = [
type Fp12Utils = {
fromBigTwelve: (t: BigintTwelve) => Fp12;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp12, power: number): Fp12;
multiplyBy014(num: Fp12, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2): Fp12;
multiplyByFp2(lhs: Fp12, rhs: Fp2): Fp12;
conjugate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
finalExponentiate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
_cyclotomicSquare(num: Fp12): Fp12;
_cyclotomicExp(num: Fp12, n: bigint): Fp12;
declare const Fp12: mod.IField<Fp12> & Fp12Utils;
export declare const bls12_381: CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>;
export {};
export declare const bls12_381: CurveFn;

@@ -13,2 +13,3 @@ "use strict";

const weierstrass_js_1 = require("./abstract/weierstrass.js");
const tower_js_1 = require("./abstract/tower.js");

@@ -49,496 +50,36 @@ bls12-381 is pairing-friendly Barreto-Lynn-Scott elliptic curve construction allowing to:

const _0n = BigInt(0), _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3), _4n = BigInt(4);
// prettier-ignore
const _8n = BigInt(8), _16n = BigInt(16);
Embedding degree (k): 12
Seed (X): -15132376222941642752
Fr: (x⁴-x²+1)
Fp: ((x-1)² ⋅ r(x)/3+x)
(E/Fp): Y²=X³+4
(Eₜ/Fp²): Y² = X³+4(u+1) (M-type twist)
Ate loop size: X
- Fp²[u] = Fp/u²+1
- Fp⁶[v] = Fp²/v³-1-u
- Fp¹²[w] = Fp⁶/w²-v
TODO: BLS & BN Fp/Fr can be constructed from seed.
// The BLS parameter x (seed) for BLS12-381. NOTE: it is negative!
const BLS_X = BigInt('0xd201000000010000');
const BLS_X_LEN = (0, utils_js_1.bitLen)(BLS_X);
// Finite field over p.
const Fp_raw = BigInt('0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab');
const Fp = mod.Field(Fp_raw);
// Finite field over r.
// This particular field is not used anywhere in bls12-381, but it is still useful.
const Fr = mod.Field(BigInt('0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001'));
const Fp2Add = ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => ({
c0: Fp.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp.add(c1, r1),
const Fp2Subtract = ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => ({
c0: Fp.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp.sub(c1, r1),
const Fp2Multiply = ({ c0, c1 }, rhs) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint')
return { c0: Fp.mul(c0, rhs), c1: Fp.mul(c1, rhs) };
// (a+bi)(c+di) = (ac−bd) + (ad+bc)i
const { c0: r0, c1: r1 } = rhs;
let t1 = Fp.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * o0
let t2 = Fp.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * o1
// (T1 - T2) + ((c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T1 + T2))*i
const o0 = Fp.sub(t1, t2);
const o1 = Fp.sub(Fp.mul(Fp.add(c0, c1), Fp.add(r0, r1)), Fp.add(t1, t2));
return { c0: o0, c1: o1 };
const Fp2Square = ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const a = Fp.add(c0, c1);
const b = Fp.sub(c0, c1);
const c = Fp.add(c0, c0);
return { c0: Fp.mul(a, b), c1: Fp.mul(c, c1) };
// G2 is the order-q subgroup of E2(Fp²) : y² = x³+4(1+√−1),
// where Fp2 is Fp[√−1]/(x2+1). #E2(Fp2 ) = h2q, where
// G² - 1
// h2q
// NOTE: ORDER was wrong!
const FP2_ORDER = Fp_raw * Fp_raw;
const Fp2 = {
BITS: (0, utils_js_1.bitLen)(FP2_ORDER),
BYTES: Math.ceil((0, utils_js_1.bitLen)(FP2_ORDER) / 8),
MASK: (0, utils_js_1.bitMask)((0, utils_js_1.bitLen)(FP2_ORDER)),
ZERO: { c0: Fp.ZERO, c1: Fp.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp.ONE, c1: Fp.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1 }) => typeof c0 === 'bigint' && typeof c1 === 'bigint',
is0: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp.is0(c0) && Fp.is0(c1),
eql: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => Fp.eql(c0, r0) && Fp.eql(c1, r1),
neg: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp.neg(c0), c1: Fp.neg(c1) }),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp2, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp2, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp2Add,
sub: Fp2Subtract,
mul: Fp2Multiply,
sqr: Fp2Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp2Add,
subN: Fp2Subtract,
mulN: Fp2Multiply,
sqrN: Fp2Square,
// Why inversion for bigint inside Fp instead of Fp2? it is even used in that context?
div: (lhs, rhs) => Fp2.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp2.inv(rhs)),
inv: ({ c0: a, c1: b }) => {
// We wish to find the multiplicative inverse of a nonzero
// element a + bu in Fp2. We leverage an identity
// (a + bu)(a - bu) = a² + b²
// which holds because u² = -1. This can be rewritten as
// (a + bu)(a - bu)/(a² + b²) = 1
// because a² + b² = 0 has no nonzero solutions for (a, b).
// This gives that (a - bu)/(a² + b²) is the inverse
// of (a + bu). Importantly, this can be computing using
// only a single inversion in Fp.
const factor = Fp.inv(Fp.create(a * a + b * b));
return { c0: Fp.mul(factor, Fp.create(a)), c1: Fp.mul(factor, Fp.create(-b)) };
sqrt: (num) => {
if (Fp2.eql(num, Fp2.ZERO))
return Fp2.ZERO; // Algo doesn't handles this case
// TODO: Optimize this line. It's extremely slow.
// Speeding this up would boost aggregateSignatures.
// applicable?
// Inspired by
const candidateSqrt = Fp2.pow(num, (Fp2.ORDER + _8n) / _16n);
const check = Fp2.div(Fp2.sqr(candidateSqrt), num); // candidateSqrt.square().div(this);
const divisor = [R[0], R[2], R[4], R[6]].find((r) => Fp2.eql(r, check));
if (!divisor)
throw new Error('No root');
const index = R.indexOf(divisor);
const root = R[index / 2];
if (!root)
throw new Error('Invalid root');
const x1 = Fp2.div(candidateSqrt, root);
const x2 = Fp2.neg(x1);
const { re: re1, im: im1 } = Fp2.reim(x1);
const { re: re2, im: im2 } = Fp2.reim(x2);
if (im1 > im2 || (im1 === im2 && re1 > re2))
return x1;
return x2;
// Same as sgn0_m_eq_2 in RFC 9380
isOdd: (x) => {
const { re: x0, im: x1 } = Fp2.reim(x);
const sign_0 = x0 % _2n;
const zero_0 = x0 === _0n;
const sign_1 = x1 % _2n;
return BigInt(sign_0 || (zero_0 && sign_1)) == _1n;
// Bytes util
fromBytes(b) {
if (b.length !== Fp2.BYTES)
throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return { c0: Fp.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp.BYTES)), c1: Fp.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp.BYTES)) };
toBytes: ({ c0, c1 }) => (0, utils_js_1.concatBytes)(Fp.toBytes(c0), Fp.toBytes(c1)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp.cmov(c1, r1, c),
// Specific utils
// toString() {
// return `Fp2(${this.c0} + ${this.c1}×i)`;
// }
reim: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ re: c0, im: c1 }),
// multiply by u + 1
mulByNonresidue: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp.sub(c0, c1), c1: Fp.add(c0, c1) }),
multiplyByB: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let t0 = Fp.mul(c0, _4n); // 4 * c0
let t1 = Fp.mul(c1, _4n); // 4 * c1
const { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp4Square, Fp12 } = (0, tower_js_1.tower12)({
// Order of Fp
ORDER: BigInt('0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab'),
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp(u) / (u² - β) where β = -1
FP2_NONRESIDUE: [_1n, _1n],
Fp2mulByB: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const t0 = Fp.mul(c0, _4n); // 4 * c0
const t1 = Fp.mul(c1, _4n); // 4 * c1
// (T0-T1) + (T0+T1)*i
return { c0: Fp.sub(t0, t1), c1: Fp.add(t0, t1) };
fromBigTuple: (tuple) => {
if (tuple.length !== 2)
throw new Error('Invalid tuple');
const fps = => Fp.create(n));
return { c0: fps[0], c1: fps[1] };
frobeniusMap: ({ c0, c1 }, power) => ({
c1: Fp.mul(c1, FP2_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS[power % 2]),
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp(u) / (u² - β) where β = -1
].map((item) => Fp.create(item));
// For Fp2 roots of unity.
const rv1 = BigInt('0x6af0e0437ff400b6831e36d6bd17ffe48395dabc2d3435e77f76e17009241c5ee67992f72ec05f4c81084fbede3cc09');
// const ev1 =
// BigInt('0x699be3b8c6870965e5bf892ad5d2cc7b0e85a117402dfd83b7f4a947e02d978498255a2aaec0ac627b5afbdf1bf1c90');
// const ev2 =
// BigInt('0x8157cd83046453f5dd0972b6e3949e4288020b5b8a9cc99ca07e27089a2ce2436d965026adad3ef7baba37f2183e9b5');
// const ev3 =
// BigInt('0xab1c2ffdd6c253ca155231eb3e71ba044fd562f6f72bc5bad5ec46a0b7a3b0247cf08ce6c6317f40edbc653a72dee17');
// const ev4 =
// BigInt('0xaa404866706722864480885d68ad0ccac1967c7544b447873cc37e0181271e006df72162a3d3e0287bf597fbf7f8fc1');
// Eighth roots of unity, used for computing square roots in Fp2.
// To verify or re-calculate:
// Array(8).fill(new Fp2([1n, 1n])).map((fp2, k) => fp2.pow(Fp2.ORDER * BigInt(k) / 8n))
const FP2_ROOTS_OF_UNITY = [
[_1n, _0n],
[rv1, -rv1],
[_0n, _1n],
[rv1, rv1],
[-_1n, _0n],
[-rv1, rv1],
[_0n, -_1n],
[-rv1, -rv1],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
const Fp6Add = ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }) => ({
c0: Fp2.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp2.add(c1, r1),
c2: Fp2.add(c2, r2),
const Fp6Subtract = ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }) => ({
c0: Fp2.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp2.sub(c1, r1),
c2: Fp2.sub(c2, r2),
const Fp6Multiply = ({ c0, c1, c2 }, rhs) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint') {
return {
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, rhs),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, rhs),
const { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 } = rhs;
const t0 = Fp2.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * o0
const t1 = Fp2.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * o1
const t2 = Fp2.mul(c2, r2); // c2 * o2
return {
// t0 + (c1 + c2) * (r1 * r2) - (T1 + T2) * (u + 1)
c0: Fp2.add(t0, Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c1, c2), Fp2.add(r1, r2)), Fp2.add(t1, t2)))),
// (c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T0 + T1) + T2 * (u + 1)
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c1), Fp2.add(r0, r1)), Fp2.add(t0, t1)), Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t2)),
// T1 + (c0 + c2) * (r0 + r2) - T0 + T2
c2: Fp2.sub(Fp2.add(t1, Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c2), Fp2.add(r0, r2))), Fp2.add(t0, t2)),
const Fp6Square = ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => {
let t0 = Fp2.sqr(c0); // c0²
let t1 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(c0, c1), _2n); // 2 * c0 * c1
let t3 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(c1, c2), _2n); // 2 * c1 * c2
let t4 = Fp2.sqr(c2); // c2²
return {
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t3), t0), // T3 * (u + 1) + T0
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t4), t1), // T4 * (u + 1) + T1
// T1 + (c0 - c1 + c2)² + T3 - T0 - T4
c2: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.add(Fp2.add(t1, Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(c0, c1), c2))), t3), t0), t4),
const Fp6 = {
ORDER: Fp2.ORDER, // TODO: unused, but need to verify
BITS: 3 * Fp2.BITS,
MASK: (0, utils_js_1.bitMask)(3 * Fp2.BITS),
ZERO: { c0: Fp2.ZERO, c1: Fp2.ZERO, c2: Fp2.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp2.ONE, c1: Fp2.ZERO, c2: Fp2.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => Fp2.isValid(c0) && Fp2.isValid(c1) && Fp2.isValid(c2),
is0: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => Fp2.is0(c0) && Fp2.is0(c1) && Fp2.is0(c2),
neg: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => ({ c0: Fp2.neg(c0), c1: Fp2.neg(c1), c2: Fp2.neg(c2) }),
eql: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }) => Fp2.eql(c0, r0) && Fp2.eql(c1, r1) && Fp2.eql(c2, r2),
sqrt: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
// Do we need division by bigint at all? Should be done via order:
div: (lhs, rhs) => Fp6.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp6.inv(rhs)),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp6, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp6, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp6Add,
sub: Fp6Subtract,
mul: Fp6Multiply,
sqr: Fp6Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp6Add,
subN: Fp6Subtract,
mulN: Fp6Multiply,
sqrN: Fp6Square,
inv: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => {
let t0 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(c0), Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.mul(c2, c1))); // c0² - c2 * c1 * (u + 1)
let t1 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sqr(c2)), Fp2.mul(c0, c1)); // c2² * (u + 1) - c0 * c1
let t2 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(c1), Fp2.mul(c0, c2)); // c1² - c0 * c2
// 1/(((c2 * T1 + c1 * T2) * v) + c0 * T0)
let t4 = Fp2.inv(Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(c2, t1), Fp2.mul(c1, t2))), Fp2.mul(c0, t0)));
return { c0: Fp2.mul(t4, t0), c1: Fp2.mul(t4, t1), c2: Fp2.mul(t4, t2) };
// Bytes utils
fromBytes: (b) => {
if (b.length !== Fp6.BYTES)
throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return {
c0: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp2.BYTES)),
c1: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp2.BYTES, 2 * Fp2.BYTES)),
c2: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(2 * Fp2.BYTES)),
toBytes: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => (0, utils_js_1.concatBytes)(Fp2.toBytes(c0), Fp2.toBytes(c1), Fp2.toBytes(c2)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp2.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp2.cmov(c1, r1, c),
c2: Fp2.cmov(c2, r2, c),
// Utils
// fromTriple(triple: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2]) {
// return new Fp6(...triple);
// }
// toString() {
// return `Fp6(${this.c0} + ${this.c1} * v, ${this.c2} * v^2)`;
// }
fromBigSix: (t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t) || t.length !== 6)
throw new Error('Invalid Fp6 usage');
return {
c0: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(0, 2)),
c1: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(2, 4)),
c2: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(4, 6)),
frobeniusMap: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, power) => ({
c0: Fp2.frobeniusMap(c0, power),
c1: Fp2.mul(Fp2.frobeniusMap(c1, power), FP6_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS_1[power % 6]),
c2: Fp2.mul(Fp2.frobeniusMap(c2, power), FP6_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS_2[power % 6]),
mulByNonresidue: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => ({ c0: Fp2.mulByNonresidue(c2), c1: c0, c2: c1 }),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy1: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, b1) => ({
c0: Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.mul(c2, b1)),
c1: Fp2.mul(c0, b1),
c2: Fp2.mul(c1, b1),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy01({ c0, c1, c2 }, b0, b1) {
let t0 = Fp2.mul(c0, b0); // c0 * b0
let t1 = Fp2.mul(c1, b1); // c1 * b1
return {
// ((c1 + c2) * b1 - T1) * (u + 1) + T0
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c1, c2), b1), t1)), t0),
// (b0 + b1) * (c0 + c1) - T0 - T1
c1: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(b0, b1), Fp2.add(c0, c1)), t0), t1),
// (c0 + c2) * b0 - T0 + T1
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c2), b0), t0), t1),
multiplyByFp2: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, rhs) => ({
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, rhs),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, rhs),
[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
[BigInt('0x0'), BigInt('0x1')],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
// The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
const BLS_X = BigInt('0xd201000000010000');
const BLS_X_LEN = (0, utils_js_1.bitLen)(BLS_X);
const Fp12Add = ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => ({
c0: Fp6.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp6.add(c1, r1),
const Fp12Subtract = ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => ({
c0: Fp6.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp6.sub(c1, r1),
const Fp12Multiply = ({ c0, c1 }, rhs) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint')
return { c0: Fp6.mul(c0, rhs), c1: Fp6.mul(c1, rhs) };
let { c0: r0, c1: r1 } = rhs;
let t1 = Fp6.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * r0
let t2 = Fp6.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * r1
return {
c0: Fp6.add(t1, Fp6.mulByNonresidue(t2)), // T1 + T2 * v
// (c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T1 + T2)
c1: Fp6.sub(Fp6.mul(Fp6.add(c0, c1), Fp6.add(r0, r1)), Fp6.add(t1, t2)),
const Fp12Square = ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let ab = Fp6.mul(c0, c1); // c0 * c1
return {
// (c1 * v + c0) * (c0 + c1) - AB - AB * v
c0: Fp6.sub(Fp6.sub(Fp6.mul(Fp6.add(Fp6.mulByNonresidue(c1), c0), Fp6.add(c0, c1)), ab), Fp6.mulByNonresidue(ab)),
c1: Fp6.add(ab, ab),
}; // AB + AB
function Fp4Square(a, b) {
const a2 = Fp2.sqr(a);
const b2 = Fp2.sqr(b);
return {
first: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(b2), a2), // b² * Nonresidue + a²
second: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(a, b)), a2), b2), // (a + b)² - a² - b²
const Fp12 = {
ORDER: Fp2.ORDER, // TODO: unused, but need to verify
BITS: 2 * Fp2.BITS,
MASK: (0, utils_js_1.bitMask)(2 * Fp2.BITS),
ZERO: { c0: Fp6.ZERO, c1: Fp6.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp6.ONE, c1: Fp6.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp6.isValid(c0) && Fp6.isValid(c1),
is0: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp6.is0(c0) && Fp6.is0(c1),
neg: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp6.neg(c0), c1: Fp6.neg(c1) }),
eql: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => Fp6.eql(c0, r0) && Fp6.eql(c1, r1),
sqrt: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
inv: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let t = Fp6.inv(Fp6.sub(Fp6.sqr(c0), Fp6.mulByNonresidue(Fp6.sqr(c1)))); // 1 / (c0² - c1² * v)
return { c0: Fp6.mul(c0, t), c1: Fp6.neg(Fp6.mul(c1, t)) }; // ((C0 * T) * T) + (-C1 * T) * w
div: (lhs, rhs) => Fp12.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp12.inv(rhs)),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp12, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp12, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp12Add,
sub: Fp12Subtract,
mul: Fp12Multiply,
sqr: Fp12Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp12Add,
subN: Fp12Subtract,
mulN: Fp12Multiply,
sqrN: Fp12Square,
// Bytes utils
fromBytes: (b) => {
if (b.length !== Fp12.BYTES)
throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return {
c0: Fp6.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp6.BYTES)),
c1: Fp6.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp6.BYTES)),
toBytes: ({ c0, c1 }) => (0, utils_js_1.concatBytes)(Fp6.toBytes(c0), Fp6.toBytes(c1)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp6.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp6.cmov(c1, r1, c),
// Utils
// toString() {
// return `Fp12(${this.c0} + ${this.c1} * w)`;
// },
// fromTuple(c: [Fp6, Fp6]) {
// return new Fp12(...c);
// }
fromBigTwelve: (t) => ({
c0: Fp6.fromBigSix(t.slice(0, 6)),
c1: Fp6.fromBigSix(t.slice(6, 12)),
// Raises to q**i -th power
frobeniusMap(lhs, power) {
const r0 = Fp6.frobeniusMap(lhs.c0, power);
const { c0, c1, c2 } = Fp6.frobeniusMap(lhs.c1, power);
const coeff = FP12_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS[power % 12];
return {
c0: r0,
c1: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, coeff),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, coeff),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, coeff),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy014: ({ c0, c1 }, o0, o1, o4) => {
let t0 = Fp6.multiplyBy01(c0, o0, o1);
let t1 = Fp6.multiplyBy1(c1, o4);
return {
c0: Fp6.add(Fp6.mulByNonresidue(t1), t0), // T1 * v + T0
// (c1 + c0) * [o0, o1+o4] - T0 - T1
c1: Fp6.sub(Fp6.sub(Fp6.multiplyBy01(Fp6.add(c1, c0), o0, Fp2.add(o1, o4)), t0), t1),
multiplyByFp2: ({ c0, c1 }, rhs) => ({
c0: Fp6.multiplyByFp2(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp6.multiplyByFp2(c1, rhs),
conjugate: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0, c1: Fp6.neg(c1) }),
// Fp12
// A cyclotomic group is a subgroup of Fp^n defined by

@@ -548,3 +89,3 @@ // GΦₙ(p) = {α ∈ Fpⁿ : α^Φₙ(p) = 1}

_cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
Fp12cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const { c0: c0c0, c1: c0c1, c2: c0c2 } = c0;

@@ -555,3 +96,3 @@ const { c0: c1c0, c1: c1c1, c2: c1c2 } = c1;

const { first: t7, second: t8 } = Fp4Square(c0c1, c1c2);
let t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
const t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
return {

@@ -570,3 +111,3 @@ c0: Fp6.create({

_cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
Fp12cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
let z = Fp12.ONE;

@@ -582,3 +123,3 @@ for (let i = BLS_X_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

finalExponentiate: (num) => {
Fp12finalExponentiate: (num) => {
const x = BLS_X;

@@ -602,50 +143,6 @@ // this^(q⁶) / this

[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
].map((n) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(n));
// Finite field over r.
// This particular field is not used anywhere in bls12-381, but it is still useful.
const Fr = mod.Field(BigInt('0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001'));

@@ -806,29 +303,3 @@ // HashToCurve

// Ψ(P) endomorphism
const ut_root = Fp6.create({ c0: Fp2.ZERO, c1: Fp2.ONE, c2: Fp2.ZERO });
const wsq = Fp12.create({ c0: ut_root, c1: Fp6.ZERO });
const wcu = Fp12.create({ c0: Fp6.ZERO, c1: ut_root });
const [wsq_inv, wcu_inv] = Fp12.invertBatch([wsq, wcu]);
function psi(x, y) {
// Untwist Fp2->Fp12 && frobenius(1) && twist back
const x2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.multiplyByFp2(wsq_inv, x), 1), wsq).c0.c0;
const y2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.multiplyByFp2(wcu_inv, y), 1), wcu).c0.c0;
return [x2, y2];
// Ψ endomorphism
function G2psi(c, P) {
const affine = P.toAffine();
const p = psi(affine.x, affine.y);
return new c(p[0], p[1], Fp2.ONE);
// Ψ²(P) endomorphism
// 1 / F2(2)^((p-1)/3) in GF(p²)
const PSI2_C1 = BigInt('0x1a0111ea397fe699ec02408663d4de85aa0d857d89759ad4897d29650fb85f9b409427eb4f49fffd8bfd00000000aaac');
function psi2(x, y) {
return [Fp2.mul(x, PSI2_C1), Fp2.neg(y)];
function G2psi2(c, P) {
const affine = P.toAffine();
const p = psi2(affine.x, affine.y);
return new c(p[0], p[1], Fp2.ONE);
const { G2psi, G2psi2 } = (0, tower_js_1.psiFrobenius)(Fp, Fp2, Fp2.div(Fp2.ONE, Fp2.NONRESIDUE)); // 1/(u+1)
// Default hash_to_field options are for hash to G2.

@@ -960,4 +431,4 @@ //

// todo: unroll
const xP = point.multiplyUnsafe(exports.bls12_381.params.x).negate(); // [x]P
const u2P = xP.multiplyUnsafe(exports.bls12_381.params.x); // [u2]P
const xP = point.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).negate(); // [x]P
const u2P = xP.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X); // [u2]P
return u2P.equals(phi);

@@ -980,3 +451,3 @@ //

// return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.h);
return point.multiplyUnsafe(exports.bls12_381.params.x).add(point); // x*P + P
return point.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).add(point); // x*P + P

@@ -1106,3 +577,3 @@ mapToCurve: (scalars) => {

isTorsionFree: (c, P) => {
return P.multiplyUnsafe(exports.bls12_381.params.x).negate().equals(G2psi(c, P)); // ψ(P) == [u](P)
return P.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).negate().equals(G2psi(c, P)); // ψ(P) == [u](P)
// Older version:

@@ -1117,3 +588,3 @@ // Ψ²(P) => Ψ³(P) => [z]Ψ³(P) where z = -x => [z]Ψ³(P) - Ψ²(P) + P == O

clearCofactor: (c, P) => {
const x = exports.bls12_381.params.x;
const x = BLS_X;
let t1 = P.multiplyUnsafe(x).negate(); // [-x]P

@@ -1237,4 +708,6 @@ let t2 = G2psi(c, P); // Ψ(P)

params: {
x: BLS_X, // The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
ateLoopSize: BLS_X, // The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
r: Fr.ORDER, // order; z⁴ − z² + 1; CURVE.n from other curves
xNegative: true,
twistType: 'multiplicative',

@@ -1241,0 +714,0 @@ htfDefaults,

@@ -0,9 +1,13 @@

import { CurveFn } from './abstract/bls.js';
* bn254 pairing-friendly curve.
* Previously known as alt_bn_128, when it had 128-bit security.
* Barbulescu-Duquesne 2017 shown it's weaker: just about 100 bits,
* so the naming has been adjusted to its prime bit count
* bn254 (a.k.a. alt_bn128) pairing-friendly curve.
* Contains G1 / G2 operations and pairings.
export declare const bn254: import("./abstract/weierstrass.js").CurveFn;
export declare const bn254: CurveFn;
* bn254 weierstrass curve with ECDSA.
* This is very rare and probably not used anywhere.
* Instead, you should use G1 / G2, defined above.
export declare const bn254_weierstrass: import("./abstract/weierstrass.js").CurveFn;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.bn254 = void 0;
exports.bn254_weierstrass = exports.bn254 = void 0;
/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
const sha256_1 = require("@noble/hashes/sha256");
const _shortw_utils_js_1 = require("./_shortw_utils.js");
const weierstrass_js_1 = require("./abstract/weierstrass.js");
const utils_1 = require("@noble/hashes/utils");
const bls_js_1 = require("./abstract/bls.js");
const modular_js_1 = require("./abstract/modular.js");
const weierstrass_js_1 = require("./abstract/weierstrass.js");
const utils_js_1 = require("./abstract/utils.js");
const tower_js_1 = require("./abstract/tower.js");
// prettier-ignore
const _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
// prettier-ignore
const _6n = BigInt(6);
bn254, previously known as alt_bn_128, when it had 128-bit security.
Barbulescu-Duquesne 2017 shown it's weaker: just about 100 bits,
so the naming has been adjusted to its prime bit count:
There are huge compatibility issues in the ecosystem:
1. Different libraries call it in different ways: "bn254", "bn256", "alt_bn128", "bn128".
2. libff has bn128, but it's a different curve with different G2:
3. halo2curves bn256 is also incompatible and returns different outputs
The goal of our implementation is to support "Ethereum" variant of the curve,
because it at least has specs:
- EIP196 ( describes bn254 ECADD and ECMUL opcodes for EVM
- EIP197 ( describes bn254 pairings
- It's hard: EIPs don't have proper tests. EIP-197 returns boolean output instead of Fp12
- The existing implementations are bad. Some are deprecated:
- (old version)
- (uses paritytech/bn)
- Python implementations use different towers and produce different Fp12 outputs:
- Points are encoded differently in different implementations
Seed (X): 4965661367192848881
Fr: (36x⁴+36x³+18x²+6x+1)
Fp: (36x⁴+36x³+24x²+6x+1)
(E / Fp ): Y² = X³+3
(Et / Fp²): Y² = X³+3/(u+9) (D-type twist)
Ate loop size: 6x+2
- Fp²[u] = Fp/u²+1
- Fp⁶[v] = Fp²/v³-9-u
- Fp¹²[w] = Fp⁶/w²-v
const BN_X = BigInt('4965661367192848881');
const BN_X_LEN = (0, utils_js_1.bitLen)(BN_X);
const SIX_X_SQUARED = _6n * BN_X ** _2n;
// Finite field over r. It's for convenience and is not used in the code below.
const Fr = (0, modular_js_1.Field)(BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617'));
// Fp2.div(Fp2.mul(Fp2.ONE, _3n), Fp2.NONRESIDUE)
const Fp2B = {
c0: BigInt('19485874751759354771024239261021720505790618469301721065564631296452457478373'),
c1: BigInt('266929791119991161246907387137283842545076965332900288569378510910307636690'),
const { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp4Square, Fp12 } = (0, tower_js_1.tower12)({
ORDER: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583'),
FP2_NONRESIDUE: [BigInt(9), _1n],
Fp2mulByB: (num) => Fp2.mul(num, Fp2B),
// The result of any pairing is in a cyclotomic subgroup
Fp12cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const { c0: c0c0, c1: c0c1, c2: c0c2 } = c0;
const { c0: c1c0, c1: c1c1, c2: c1c2 } = c1;
const { first: t3, second: t4 } = Fp4Square(c0c0, c1c1);
const { first: t5, second: t6 } = Fp4Square(c1c0, c0c2);
const { first: t7, second: t8 } = Fp4Square(c0c1, c1c2);
let t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
return {
c0: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t3, c0c0), _2n), t3), // 2 * (T3 - c0c0) + T3
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t5, c0c1), _2n), t5), // 2 * (T5 - c0c1) + T5
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t7, c0c2), _2n), t7),
}), // 2 * (T7 - c0c2) + T7
c1: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t9, c1c0), _2n), t9), // 2 * (T9 + c1c0) + T9
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t4, c1c1), _2n), t4), // 2 * (T4 + c1c1) + T4
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t6, c1c2), _2n), t6),
}; // 2 * (T6 + c1c2) + T6
Fp12cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
let z = Fp12.ONE;
for (let i = BN_X_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
z = Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(z);
if ((0, utils_js_1.bitGet)(n, i))
z = Fp12.mul(z, num);
return z;
Fp12finalExponentiate: (num) => {
const powMinusX = (num) => Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicExp(num, BN_X));
const r0 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(num), Fp12.inv(num));
const r = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(r0, 2), r0);
const y1 = Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(powMinusX(r));
const y2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(y1), y1);
const y4 = powMinusX(y2);
const y6 = powMinusX(Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(y4));
const y8 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(y6), y4), Fp12.conjugate(y2));
const y9 = Fp12.mul(y8, y1);
return Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(r), y9), 3), Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(y8, 2), Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(y9, 1), Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(y8, y4), r))));
const { G2psi, psi } = (0, tower_js_1.psiFrobenius)(Fp, Fp2, Fp2.NONRESIDUE);
No hashToCurve for now (and signatures):
- RFC 9380 doesn't mention bn254 and doesn't provide test vectors
- Overall seems like nobody is using BLS signatures on top of bn254
- Seems like it can utilize SVDW, which is not implemented yet
const htfDefaults = Object.freeze({
// DST: a domain separation tag defined in section 2.2.5
DST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_',
encodeDST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_',
p: Fp.ORDER,
m: 2,
k: 128,
expand: 'xmd',
hash: sha256_1.sha256,
* bn254 pairing-friendly curve.
* Previously known as alt_bn_128, when it had 128-bit security.
* Barbulescu-Duquesne 2017 shown it's weaker: just about 100 bits,
* so the naming has been adjusted to its prime bit count
* bn254 (a.k.a. alt_bn128) pairing-friendly curve.
* Contains G1 / G2 operations and pairings.
exports.bn254 = (0, weierstrass_js_1.weierstrass)({
exports.bn254 = (0, bls_js_1.bls)({
// Fields
fields: { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12, Fr },
G1: {
h: BigInt(1),
Gx: BigInt(1),
Gy: BigInt(2),
a: Fp.ZERO,
b: _3n,
htfDefaults: { ...htfDefaults, m: 1, DST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_' },
wrapPrivateKey: true,
allowInfinityPoint: true,
mapToCurve: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
fromBytes: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
toBytes: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
ShortSignature: {
fromHex: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
toRawBytes: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
toHex: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
G2: {
Fp: Fp2,
// cofactor: (36 * X^4) + (36 * X^3) + (30 * X^2) + 6*X + 1
h: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088844257914179612981679871602714643921549'),
Gx: Fp2.fromBigTuple([
Gy: Fp2.fromBigTuple([
a: Fp2.ZERO,
b: Fp2B,
hEff: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088844257914179612981679871602714643921549'),
htfDefaults: { ...htfDefaults },
wrapPrivateKey: true,
allowInfinityPoint: true,
isTorsionFree: (c, P) => P.multiplyUnsafe(SIX_X_SQUARED).equals(G2psi(c, P)), // [p]P = [6X^2]P
mapToCurve: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
fromBytes: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
toBytes: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
Signature: {
fromHex: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
toRawBytes: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
toHex: utils_js_1.notImplemented,
params: {
ateLoopSize: BN_X * _6n + _2n,
r: Fr.ORDER,
xNegative: false,
twistType: 'divisive',
hash: sha256_1.sha256,
randomBytes: utils_1.randomBytes,
postPrecompute: (Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy, pointAdd) => {
const q = psi(Qx, Qy);
({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointAdd(Rx, Ry, Rz, q[0], q[1]));
const q2 = psi(q[0], q[1]);
pointAdd(Rx, Ry, Rz, q2[0], Fp2.neg(q2[1]));
* bn254 weierstrass curve with ECDSA.
* This is very rare and probably not used anywhere.
* Instead, you should use G1 / G2, defined above.
exports.bn254_weierstrass = (0, weierstrass_js_1.weierstrass)({
a: BigInt(0),
b: BigInt(3),
Fp: (0, modular_js_1.Field)(BigInt('0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d97816a916871ca8d3c208c16d87cfd47')),
n: BigInt('0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d2833e84879b9709143e1f593f0000001'),
n: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617'),
Gx: BigInt(1),

@@ -22,0 +219,0 @@ Gy: BigInt(2),

import { AffinePoint, Group } from './abstract/curve.js';
import { ExtPointType } from './abstract/edwards.js';
import { CurveFn, ExtPointType } from './abstract/edwards.js';
import { htfBasicOpts } from './abstract/hash-to-curve.js';
import { Hex } from './abstract/utils.js';
export declare const ED25519_TORSION_SUBGROUP: string[];
export declare const ed25519: import("./abstract/edwards.js").CurveFn;
export declare const ed25519ctx: import("./abstract/edwards.js").CurveFn;
export declare const ed25519ph: import("./abstract/edwards.js").CurveFn;
* ed25519 curve with EdDSA signatures.
export declare const ed25519: CurveFn;
export declare const ed25519ctx: CurveFn;
export declare const ed25519ph: CurveFn;
export declare const x25519: import("./abstract/montgomery.js").CurveFn;

@@ -10,0 +13,0 @@ /**

@@ -114,2 +114,5 @@ "use strict";

* ed25519 curve with EdDSA signatures.
exports.ed25519 = (() => (0, edwards_js_1.twistedEdwards)(ed25519Defaults))();

@@ -116,0 +119,0 @@ function ed25519_domain(data, ctx, phflag) {

/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
import { AffinePoint } from './curve.js';
import { IField } from './modular.js';

@@ -7,5 +6,8 @@ import { Hex, PrivKey, CHash } from './utils.js';

import { CurvePointsType, ProjPointType as ProjPointType, CurvePointsRes } from './weierstrass.js';
import type { Fp2, Fp6, Fp12, Fp2Bls, Fp12Bls } from './tower.js';
* BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) family of pairing-friendly curves.
* Implements BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signatures.
* BLS != BLS.
* The file implements BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signatures.
* Used in both BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) and BN (Barreto-Naehrig)
* families of pairing-friendly curves.
* Consists of two curves: G1 and G2:

@@ -17,6 +19,8 @@ * - G1 is a subgroup of (x, y) E(Fq) over y² = x³ + 4.

* Pairing is used to aggregate and verify signatures.
* We are using Fp for private keys (shorter) and Fp₂ for signatures (longer).
* Some projects may prefer to swap this relation, it is not supported for now.
* There are two main ways to use it:
* 1. Fp for short private keys, Fp₂ for signatures
* 2. Fp for short signatures, Fp₂ for private keys
type Fp = bigint;
export type TwistType = 'multiplicative' | 'divisive';
export type ShortSignatureCoder<Fp> = {

@@ -27,22 +31,8 @@ fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp>;

export type SignatureCoder<Fp2> = {
fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp2>;
toRawBytes(point: ProjPointType<Fp2>): Uint8Array;
toHex(point: ProjPointType<Fp2>): string;
export type SignatureCoder<Fp> = {
fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp>;
toRawBytes(point: ProjPointType<Fp>): Uint8Array;
toHex(point: ProjPointType<Fp>): string;
type Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2> = IField<Fp2> & {
reim: (num: Fp2) => {
re: Fp;
im: Fp;
multiplyByB: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp2, power: number): Fp2;
type Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12> = IField<Fp12> & {
frobeniusMap(num: Fp12, power: number): Fp12;
multiplyBy014(num: Fp12, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2): Fp12;
conjugate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
finalExponentiate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
export type CurveType<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> = {
export type CurveType = {
G1: Omit<CurvePointsType<Fp>, 'n'> & {

@@ -61,9 +51,11 @@ ShortSignature: SignatureCoder<Fp>;

Fr: IField<bigint>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls;
Fp6: IField<Fp6>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls;
params: {
x: bigint;
ateLoopSize: bigint;
xNegative: boolean;
r: bigint;
twistType: TwistType;

@@ -73,4 +65,11 @@ htfDefaults: HTFOpts;

randomBytes: (bytesLength?: number) => Uint8Array;
postPrecompute?: (Rx: Fp2, Ry: Fp2, Rz: Fp2, Qx: Fp2, Qy: Fp2, pointAdd: (Rx: Fp2, Ry: Fp2, Rz: Fp2, Qx: Fp2, Qy: Fp2) => {
Rx: Fp2;
Ry: Fp2;
Rz: Fp2;
}) => void;
export type CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> = {
type PrecomputeSingle = [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][];
type Precompute = PrecomputeSingle[];
export type CurveFn = {
getPublicKey: (privateKey: PrivKey) => Uint8Array;

@@ -101,4 +100,8 @@ getPublicKeyForShortSignatures: (privateKey: PrivKey) => Uint8Array;

millerLoop: (ell: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][], g1: [Fp, Fp]) => Fp12;
millerLoopBatch: (pairs: [Precompute, Fp, Fp][]) => Fp12;
pairing: (P: ProjPointType<Fp>, Q: ProjPointType<Fp2>, withFinalExponent?: boolean) => Fp12;
pairingBatch: (pairs: {
g1: ProjPointType<Fp>;
g2: ProjPointType<Fp2>;
}[], withFinalExponent?: boolean) => Fp12;
G1: CurvePointsRes<Fp> & ReturnType<typeof createHasher<Fp>>;

@@ -109,3 +112,3 @@ G2: CurvePointsRes<Fp2> & ReturnType<typeof createHasher<Fp2>>;

params: {
x: bigint;
ateLoopSize: bigint;
r: bigint;

@@ -117,5 +120,5 @@ G1b: bigint;

Fp: IField<Fp>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls;
Fp6: IField<Fp6>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls;
Fr: IField<bigint>;

@@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ };

randomPrivateKey: () => Uint8Array;
calcPairingPrecomputes: (p: AffinePoint<Fp2>) => [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][];
calcPairingPrecomputes: (p: ProjPointType<Fp2>) => Precompute;
export declare function bls<Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>(CURVE: CurveType<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>): CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>;
export declare function bls(CURVE: CurveType): CurveFn;
export {};

@@ -0,3 +1,6 @@

/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
// BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) family of pairing-friendly curves.
// TODO: import { AffinePoint } from './curve.js';
import { getMinHashLength, mapHashToField } from './modular.js';
import { bitLen, bitGet, ensureBytes } from './utils.js';
import { ensureBytes, memoized } from './utils.js';
// prettier-ignore

@@ -7,69 +10,146 @@ import { createHasher } from './hash-to-curve.js';

// prettier-ignore
const _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
const _0n = BigInt(0), _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
// Not used with BLS12-381 (no sequential `11` in X). Useful for other curves.
function NAfDecomposition(a) {
const res = [];
// a>1 because of marker bit
for (; a > _1n; a >>= _1n) {
if ((a & _1n) === _0n)
else if ((a & _3n) === _3n) {
a += _1n;
return res;
export function bls(CURVE) {
// Fields are specific for curve, so for now we'll need to pass them with opts
const { Fp, Fr, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12 } = CURVE.fields;
const BLS_X_LEN = bitLen(CURVE.params.x);
const BLS_X_IS_NEGATIVE = CURVE.params.xNegative;
const TWIST = CURVE.params.twistType;
// Point on G1 curve: (x, y)
const G1_ = weierstrassPoints({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G1 });
const G1 = Object.assign(G1_, createHasher(G1_.ProjectivePoint, CURVE.G1.mapToCurve, {
// Point on G2 curve (complex numbers): (x₁, x₂+i), (y₁, y₂+i)
const G2_ = weierstrassPoints({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G2 });
const G2 = Object.assign(G2_, createHasher(G2_.ProjectivePoint, CURVE.G2.mapToCurve, {
// Applies sparse multiplication as line function
let lineFunction;
if (TWIST === 'multiplicative') {
lineFunction = (c0, c1, c2, f, Px, Py) => Fp12.mul014(f, c0, Fp2.mul(c1, Px), Fp2.mul(c2, Py));
else if (TWIST === 'divisive') {
// NOTE: it should be [c0, c1, c2], but we use different order here to reduce complexity of
// precompute calculations.
lineFunction = (c0, c1, c2, f, Px, Py) => Fp12.mul034(f, Fp2.mul(c2, Py), Fp2.mul(c1, Px), c0);
throw new Error('bls: unknown twist type');
const Fp2div2 = Fp2.div(Fp2.ONE, Fp2.mul(Fp2.ONE, _2n));
function pointDouble(ell, Rx, Ry, Rz) {
const t0 = Fp2.sqr(Ry); // Ry²
const t1 = Fp2.sqr(Rz); // Rz²
const t2 = Fp2.mulByB(Fp2.mul(t1, _3n)); // 3 * T1 * B
const t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, _3n); // 3 * T2
const t4 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Ry, Rz)), t1), t0); // (Ry + Rz)² - T1 - T0
const c0 = Fp2.sub(t2, t0); // T2 - T0 (i)
const c1 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(Rx), _3n); // 3 * Rx²
const c2 = Fp2.neg(t4); // -T4 (-h)
ell.push([c0, c1, c2]);
Rx = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t0, t3), Rx), Ry), Fp2div2); // ((T0 - T3) * Rx * Ry) / 2
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t0, t3), Fp2div2)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t2), _3n)); // ((T0 + T3) / 2)² - 3 * T2²
Rz = Fp2.mul(t0, t4); // T0 * T4
return { Rx, Ry, Rz };
function pointAdd(ell, Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy) {
// Addition
const t0 = Fp2.sub(Ry, Fp2.mul(Qy, Rz)); // Ry - Qy * Rz
const t1 = Fp2.sub(Rx, Fp2.mul(Qx, Rz)); // Rx - Qx * Rz
const c0 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(t0, Qx), Fp2.mul(t1, Qy)); // T0 * Qx - T1 * Qy == Ry * Qx - Rx * Qy
const c1 = Fp2.neg(t0); // -T0 == Qy * Rz - Ry
const c2 = t1; // == Rx - Qx * Rz
ell.push([c0, c1, c2]);
const t2 = Fp2.sqr(t1); // T1²
const t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, t1); // T2 * T1
const t4 = Fp2.mul(t2, Rx); // T2 * Rx
const t5 = Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(t3, Fp2.mul(t4, _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t0), Rz)); // T3 - 2 * T4 + T0² * Rz
Rx = Fp2.mul(t1, t5); // T1 * T5
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t4, t5), t0), Fp2.mul(t3, Ry)); // (T4 - T5) * T0 - T3 * Ry
Rz = Fp2.mul(Rz, t3); // Rz * T3
return { Rx, Ry, Rz };
// Pre-compute coefficients for sparse multiplication
// Point addition and point double calculations is reused for coefficients
function calcPairingPrecomputes(p) {
const { x, y } = p;
// pointAdd happens only if bit set, so wNAF is reasonable. Unfortunately we cannot combine
// add + double in windowed precomputes here, otherwise it would be single op (since X is static)
const ATE_NAF = NAfDecomposition(CURVE.params.ateLoopSize);
const calcPairingPrecomputes = memoized((point) => {
const p = point;
const { x, y } = p.toAffine();
// prettier-ignore
const Qx = x, Qy = y, Qz = Fp2.ONE;
const Qx = x, Qy = y, negQy = Fp2.neg(y);
// prettier-ignore
let Rx = Qx, Ry = Qy, Rz = Qz;
let ell_coeff = [];
for (let i = BLS_X_LEN - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
// Double
let t0 = Fp2.sqr(Ry); // Ry²
let t1 = Fp2.sqr(Rz); // Rz²
let t2 = Fp2.multiplyByB(Fp2.mul(t1, _3n)); // 3 * T1 * B
let t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, _3n); // 3 * T2
let t4 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Ry, Rz)), t1), t0); // (Ry + Rz)² - T1 - T0
Fp2.sub(t2, t0), // T2 - T0
Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(Rx), _3n), // 3 * Rx²
Fp2.neg(t4), // -T4
Rx = Fp2.div(Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t0, t3), Rx), Ry), _2n); // ((T0 - T3) * Rx * Ry) / 2
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.div(Fp2.add(t0, t3), _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t2), _3n)); // ((T0 + T3) / 2)² - 3 * T2²
Rz = Fp2.mul(t0, t4); // T0 * T4
if (bitGet(CURVE.params.x, i)) {
// Addition
let t0 = Fp2.sub(Ry, Fp2.mul(Qy, Rz)); // Ry - Qy * Rz
let t1 = Fp2.sub(Rx, Fp2.mul(Qx, Rz)); // Rx - Qx * Rz
Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(t0, Qx), Fp2.mul(t1, Qy)), // T0 * Qx - T1 * Qy
Fp2.neg(t0), // -T0
t1, // T1
let t2 = Fp2.sqr(t1); // T1²
let t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, t1); // T2 * T1
let t4 = Fp2.mul(t2, Rx); // T2 * Rx
let t5 = Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(t3, Fp2.mul(t4, _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t0), Rz)); // T3 - 2 * T4 + T0² * Rz
Rx = Fp2.mul(t1, t5); // T1 * T5
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t4, t5), t0), Fp2.mul(t3, Ry)); // (T4 - T5) * T0 - T3 * Ry
Rz = Fp2.mul(Rz, t3); // Rz * T3
let Rx = Qx, Ry = Qy, Rz = Fp2.ONE;
const ell = [];
for (const bit of ATE_NAF) {
const cur = [];
({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointDouble(cur, Rx, Ry, Rz));
if (bit)
({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointAdd(cur, Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, bit === -1 ? negQy : Qy));
return ell_coeff;
function millerLoop(ell, g1) {
const { x } = CURVE.params;
const Px = g1[0];
const Py = g1[1];
if (CURVE.postPrecompute) {
const last = ell[ell.length - 1];
CURVE.postPrecompute(Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy, pointAdd.bind(null, last));
return ell;
function millerLoopBatch(pairs, withFinalExponent = false) {
let f12 = Fp12.ONE;
for (let j = 0, i = BLS_X_LEN - 2; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
const E = ell[j];
f12 = Fp12.multiplyBy014(f12, E[0], Fp2.mul(E[1], Px), Fp2.mul(E[2], Py));
if (bitGet(x, i)) {
j += 1;
const F = ell[j];
f12 = Fp12.multiplyBy014(f12, F[0], Fp2.mul(F[1], Px), Fp2.mul(F[2], Py));
if (pairs.length) {
const ellLen = pairs[0][0].length;
for (let i = 0; i < ellLen; i++) {
f12 = Fp12.sqr(f12); // This allows us to do sqr only one time for all pairings
// NOTE: we apply multiple pairings in parallel here
for (const [ell, Px, Py] of pairs) {
for (const [c0, c1, c2] of ell[i])
f12 = lineFunction(c0, c1, c2, f12, Px, Py);
if (i !== 0)
f12 = Fp12.sqr(f12);
return Fp12.conjugate(f12);
f12 = Fp12.conjugate(f12);
return withFinalExponent ? Fp12.finalExponentiate(f12) : f12;
// Calculates product of multiple pairings
// This up to x2 faster than just `map(({g1, g2})=>pairing({g1,g2}))`
function pairingBatch(pairs, withFinalExponent = true) {
const res = [];
// This cache precomputed toAffine for all points
G1.ProjectivePoint.normalizeZ({ g1 }) => g1));
G2.ProjectivePoint.normalizeZ({ g2 }) => g2));
for (const { g1, g2 } of pairs) {
if (g1.equals(G1.ProjectivePoint.ZERO) || g2.equals(G2.ProjectivePoint.ZERO))
throw new Error('pairing is not available for ZERO point');
// This uses toAffine inside
const Qa = g1.toAffine();
res.push([calcPairingPrecomputes(g2), Qa.x, Qa.y]);
return millerLoopBatch(res, withFinalExponent);
// Calculates bilinear pairing
function pairing(Q, P, withFinalExponent = true) {
return pairingBatch([{ g1: Q, g2: P }], withFinalExponent);
const utils = {

@@ -82,39 +162,4 @@ randomPrivateKey: () => {

// Point on G1 curve: (x, y)
const G1_ = weierstrassPoints({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G1 });
const G1 = Object.assign(G1_, createHasher(G1_.ProjectivePoint, CURVE.G1.mapToCurve, {
function pairingPrecomputes(point) {
const p = point;
p._PPRECOMPUTES = calcPairingPrecomputes(point.toAffine());
// TODO: export
// function clearPairingPrecomputes(point: G2) {
// const p = point as G2 & withPairingPrecomputes;
// p._PPRECOMPUTES = undefined;
// }
// Point on G2 curve (complex numbers): (x₁, x₂+i), (y₁, y₂+i)
const G2_ = weierstrassPoints({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G2 });
const G2 = Object.assign(G2_, createHasher(G2_.ProjectivePoint, CURVE.G2.mapToCurve, {
const { ShortSignature } = CURVE.G1;
const { Signature } = CURVE.G2;
// Calculates bilinear pairing
function pairing(Q, P, withFinalExponent = true) {
if (Q.equals(G1.ProjectivePoint.ZERO) || P.equals(G2.ProjectivePoint.ZERO))
throw new Error('pairing is not available for ZERO point');
// Performance: 9ms for millerLoop and ~14ms for exp.
const Qa = Q.toAffine();
const looped = millerLoop(pairingPrecomputes(P), [Qa.x, Qa.y]);
return withFinalExponent ? Fp12.finalExponentiate(looped) : looped;
function normP1(point) {

@@ -169,7 +214,6 @@ return point instanceof G1.ProjectivePoint ? point : G1.ProjectivePoint.fromHex(point);

const S = normP2(signature);
// Instead of doing 2 exponentiations, we use property of billinear maps
// and do one exp after multiplying 2 points.
const ePHm = pairing(P.negate(), Hm, false);
const eGS = pairing(G, S, false);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(Fp12.mul(eGS, ePHm));
const exp = pairingBatch([
{ g1: P.negate(), g2: Hm }, // ePHM = pairing(P.negate(), Hm, false);
{ g1: G, g2: S }, // eGS = pairing(G, S, false);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);

@@ -184,7 +228,6 @@ }

const S = normP1(signature);
// Instead of doing 2 exponentiations, we use property of billinear maps
// and do one exp after multiplying 2 points.
const eHmP = pairing(Hm, P, false);
const eSG = pairing(S, G.negate(), false);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(Fp12.mul(eSG, eHmP));
const exp = pairingBatch([
{ g1: Hm, g2: P }, // eHmP = pairing(Hm, P, false);
{ g1: S, g2: G.negate() }, // eSG = pairing(S, G.negate(), false);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);

@@ -228,5 +271,5 @@ }

// e(G, S) = e(G, SUM(n)(Si)) = MUL(n)(e(G, Si))
function verifyBatch(signature, messages, publicKeys, htfOpts) {
// @ts-ignore
// console.log('verifyBatch', bytesToHex(signature as any), messages,;
function verifyBatch(signature,
// TODO: maybe `{message: G2Hex, publicKey: G1Hex}[]` instead?
messages, publicKeys, htfOpts) {
if (!messages.length)

@@ -239,14 +282,22 @@ throw new Error('Expected non-empty messages array');

const nPublicKeys =;
// NOTE: this works only for exact same object
const messagePubKeyMap = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < nPublicKeys.length; i++) {
const pub = nPublicKeys[i];
const msg = nMessages[i];
let keys = messagePubKeyMap.get(msg);
if (keys === undefined) {
keys = [];
messagePubKeyMap.set(msg, keys);
const paired = [];
try {
const paired = [];
for (const message of new Set(nMessages)) {
const groupPublicKey = nMessages.reduce((groupPublicKey, subMessage, i) => subMessage === message ? groupPublicKey.add(nPublicKeys[i]) : groupPublicKey, G1.ProjectivePoint.ZERO);
// const msg = message instanceof PointG2 ? message : await PointG2.hashToCurve(message);
// Possible to batch pairing for same msg with different groupPublicKey here
paired.push(pairing(groupPublicKey, message, false));
for (const [msg, keys] of messagePubKeyMap) {
const groupPublicKey = keys.reduce((acc, msg) => acc.add(msg));
paired.push({ g1: groupPublicKey, g2: msg });
paired.push(pairing(G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE.negate(), sig, false));
const product = paired.reduce((a, b) => Fp12.mul(a, b), Fp12.ONE);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(product);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);
paired.push({ g1: G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE.negate(), g2: sig });
return Fp12.eql(pairingBatch(paired), Fp12.ONE);

@@ -269,4 +320,5 @@ catch {


@@ -284,3 +336,3 @@ G2,

params: {
x: CURVE.params.x,
ateLoopSize: CURVE.params.ateLoopSize,
r: CURVE.params.r,

@@ -287,0 +339,0 @@ G1b: CURVE.G1.b,

@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

wNAFCached(P: T, precomputesMap: Map<T, T[]>, n: bigint, transform: Mapper<T>): {
wNAFCached(P: T, n: bigint, transform: Mapper<T>): {
p: T;
f: T;
setWindowSize(P: T, W: number): void;

@@ -54,0 +55,0 @@ export type BasicCurve<T> = {

@@ -7,2 +7,6 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

const _1n = BigInt(1);
// Since points in different groups cannot be equal (different object constructor),
// we can have single place to store precomputes
const pointPrecomputes = new WeakMap();
const pointWindowSizes = new WeakMap(); // This allows use make points immutable (nothing changes inside)
// Elliptic curve multiplication of Point by scalar. Fragile.

@@ -24,3 +28,8 @@ // Scalars should always be less than curve order: this should be checked inside of a curve itself.

const validateW = (W) => {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(W) || W <= 0 || W > bits)
throw new Error(`Wrong window size=${W}, should be [1..${bits}]`);
const opts = (W) => {
const windows = Math.ceil(bits / W) + 1; // +1, because

@@ -125,15 +134,21 @@ const windowSize = 2 ** (W - 1); // -1 because we skip zero

wNAFCached(P, precomputesMap, n, transform) {
// @ts-ignore
const W = P._WINDOW_SIZE || 1;
wNAFCached(P, n, transform) {
const W = pointWindowSizes.get(P) || 1;
// Calculate precomputes on a first run, reuse them after
let comp = precomputesMap.get(P);
let comp = pointPrecomputes.get(P);
if (!comp) {
comp = this.precomputeWindow(P, W);
if (W !== 1) {
precomputesMap.set(P, transform(comp));
if (W !== 1)
pointPrecomputes.set(P, transform(comp));
return this.wNAF(W, comp, n);
// We calculate precomputes for elliptic curve point multiplication
// using windowed method. This specifies window size and
// stores precomputed values. Usually only base point would be precomputed.
setWindowSize(P, W) {
pointWindowSizes.set(P, W);

@@ -140,0 +155,0 @@ }

@@ -65,2 +65,6 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

* Edwards Curve interface.
* Main methods: `getPublicKey(priv)`, `sign(msg, priv)`, `verify(sig, msg, pub)`.
export type CurveFn = {

@@ -88,4 +92,11 @@ CURVE: ReturnType<typeof validateOpts>;

* Creates Twisted Edwards curve with EdDSA signatures.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, d, p, n, Gx, Gy, h
* const curve = twistedEdwards({ a, d, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h })
export declare function twistedEdwards(curveDef: CurveType): CurveFn;
export {};

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

import * as ut from './utils.js';
import { ensureBytes } from './utils.js';
import { ensureBytes, memoized, abool } from './utils.js';
// Be friendly to bad ECMAScript parsers by not using bigint literals

@@ -29,3 +29,9 @@ // prettier-ignore

// It is not generic twisted curve for now, but ed25519/ed448 generic implementation
* Creates Twisted Edwards curve with EdDSA signatures.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, d, p, n, Gx, Gy, h
* const curve = twistedEdwards({ a, d, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h })
export function twistedEdwards(curveDef) {

@@ -49,2 +55,3 @@ const CURVE = validateOpts(curveDef);

((data, ctx, phflag) => {
abool('phflag', phflag);
if (ctx.length || phflag)

@@ -54,20 +61,50 @@ throw new Error('Contexts/pre-hash are not supported');

}); // NOOP
const inBig = (n) => typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n < n; // n in [1..]
const inRange = (n, max) => inBig(n) && inBig(max) && n < max; // n in [1..max-1]
const in0MaskRange = (n) => n === _0n || inRange(n, MASK); // n in [0..MASK-1]
function assertInRange(n, max) {
// n in [1..max-1]
if (inRange(n, max))
return n;
throw new Error(`Expected valid scalar < ${max}, got ${typeof n} ${n}`);
// 0 <= n < MASK
// Coordinates larger than Fp.ORDER are allowed for zip215
function aCoordinate(title, n) {
ut.aInRange('coordinate ' + title, n, _0n, MASK);
function assertGE0(n) {
// n in [0..CURVE_ORDER-1]
return n === _0n ? n : assertInRange(n, CURVE_ORDER); // GE = prime subgroup, not full group
const pointPrecomputes = new Map();
function isPoint(other) {
function assertPoint(other) {
if (!(other instanceof Point))
throw new Error('ExtendedPoint expected');
// Converts Extended point to default (x, y) coordinates.
// Can accept precomputed Z^-1 - for example, from invertBatch.
const toAffineMemo = memoized((p, iz) => {
const { ex: x, ey: y, ez: z } = p;
const is0 = p.is0();
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? _8n : Fp.inv(z); // 8 was chosen arbitrarily
const ax = modP(x * iz);
const ay = modP(y * iz);
const zz = modP(z * iz);
if (is0)
return { x: _0n, y: _1n };
if (zz !== _1n)
throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
const assertValidMemo = memoized((p) => {
const { a, d } = CURVE;
if (p.is0())
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO'); // TODO: optimize, with vars below?
// Equation in affine coordinates: ax² + y² = 1 + dx²y²
// Equation in projective coordinates (X/Z, Y/Z, Z): (aX² + Y²)Z² = Z⁴ + dX²Y²
const { ex: X, ey: Y, ez: Z, et: T } = p;
const X2 = modP(X * X); // X²
const Y2 = modP(Y * Y); // Y²
const Z2 = modP(Z * Z); // Z²
const Z4 = modP(Z2 * Z2); // Z⁴
const aX2 = modP(X2 * a); // aX²
const left = modP(Z2 * modP(aX2 + Y2)); // (aX² + Y²)Z²
const right = modP(Z4 + modP(d * modP(X2 * Y2))); // Z⁴ + dX²Y²
if (left !== right)
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (1)');
// In Extended coordinates we also have T, which is x*y=T/Z: check X*Y == Z*T
const XY = modP(X * Y);
const ZT = modP(Z * T);
if (XY !== ZT)
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (2)');
return true;
// Extended Point works in extended coordinates: (x, y, z, t) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z, t=xy).

@@ -81,10 +118,7 @@ // = et;
if (!in0MaskRange(ex))
throw new Error('x required');
if (!in0MaskRange(ey))
throw new Error('y required');
if (!in0MaskRange(ez))
throw new Error('z required');
if (!in0MaskRange(et))
throw new Error('t required');
aCoordinate('x', ex);
aCoordinate('y', ey);
aCoordinate('z', ez);
aCoordinate('t', et);

@@ -101,4 +135,4 @@ get x() {

const { x, y } = p || {};
if (!in0MaskRange(x) || !in0MaskRange(y))
throw new Error('invalid affine point');
aCoordinate('x', x);
aCoordinate('y', y);
return new Point(x, y, _1n, modP(x * y));

@@ -112,4 +146,3 @@ }

_setWindowSize(windowSize) {
this._WINDOW_SIZE = windowSize;
wnaf.setWindowSize(this, windowSize);

@@ -119,26 +152,7 @@ // Not required for fromHex(), which always creates valid points.

assertValidity() {
const { a, d } = CURVE;
if (this.is0())
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO'); // TODO: optimize, with vars below?
// Equation in affine coordinates: ax² + y² = 1 + dx²y²
// Equation in projective coordinates (X/Z, Y/Z, Z): (aX² + Y²)Z² = Z⁴ + dX²Y²
const { ex: X, ey: Y, ez: Z, et: T } = this;
const X2 = modP(X * X); // X²
const Y2 = modP(Y * Y); // Y²
const Z2 = modP(Z * Z); // Z²
const Z4 = modP(Z2 * Z2); // Z⁴
const aX2 = modP(X2 * a); // aX²
const left = modP(Z2 * modP(aX2 + Y2)); // (aX² + Y²)Z²
const right = modP(Z4 + modP(d * modP(X2 * Y2))); // Z⁴ + dX²Y²
if (left !== right)
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (1)');
// In Extended coordinates we also have T, which is x*y=T/Z: check X*Y == Z*T
const XY = modP(X * Y);
const ZT = modP(Z * T);
if (XY !== ZT)
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (2)');
// Compare one point to another.
equals(other) {
const { ex: X1, ey: Y1, ez: Z1 } = this;

@@ -184,3 +198,3 @@ const { ex: X2, ey: Y2, ez: Z2 } = other;

add(other) {
const { a, d } = CURVE;

@@ -228,7 +242,9 @@ const { ex: X1, ey: Y1, ez: Z1, et: T1 } = this;

wNAF(n) {
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, pointPrecomputes, n, Point.normalizeZ);
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, n, Point.normalizeZ);
// Constant-time multiplication.
multiply(scalar) {
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(assertInRange(scalar, CURVE_ORDER));
const n = scalar;
ut.aInRange('scalar', n, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // 1 <= scalar < L
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(n);
return Point.normalizeZ([p, f])[0];

@@ -241,3 +257,4 @@ }

multiplyUnsafe(scalar) {
let n = assertGE0(scalar); // 0 <= scalar < CURVE.n
const n = scalar;
ut.aInRange('scalar', n, _0n, CURVE_ORDER); // 0 <= scalar < L
if (n === _0n)

@@ -266,14 +283,3 @@ return I;

toAffine(iz) {
const { ex: x, ey: y, ez: z } = this;
const is0 = this.is0();
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? _8n : Fp.inv(z); // 8 was chosen arbitrarily
const ax = modP(x * iz);
const ay = modP(y * iz);
const zz = modP(z * iz);
if (is0)
return { x: _0n, y: _1n };
if (zz !== _1n)
throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
return toAffineMemo(this, iz);

@@ -292,2 +298,3 @@ clearCofactor() {

hex = ensureBytes('pointHex', hex, len); // copy hex to a new array
abool('zip215', zip215);
const normed = hex.slice(); // copy again, we'll manipulate it

@@ -297,12 +304,7 @@ const lastByte = hex[len - 1]; // select last byte

const y = ut.bytesToNumberLE(normed);
if (y === _0n) {
// y=0 is allowed
else {
// RFC8032 prohibits >= p, but ZIP215 doesn't
if (zip215)
assertInRange(y, MASK); // zip215=true [1..P-1] (2^255-19-1 for ed25519)
assertInRange(y, Fp.ORDER); // zip215=false [1..MASK-1] (2^256-1 for ed25519)
// RFC8032 prohibits >= p, but ZIP215 doesn't
// zip215=true: 0 <= y < MASK (2^256 for ed25519)
// zip215=false: 0 <= y < P (2^255-19 for ed25519)
const max = zip215 ? MASK : Fp.ORDER;
ut.aInRange('pointHex.y', y, _0n, max);
// Ed25519: x² = (y²-1)/(dy²+1) mod p. Ed448: x² = (y²-1)/(dy²-1) mod p. Generic case:

@@ -382,3 +384,3 @@ // ax²+y²=1+dx²y² => y²-1=dx²y²-ax² => y²-1=x²(dy²-a) => x²=(y²-1)/(dy²-a)

const s = modN(r + k * scalar); // S = (r + k * s) mod L
assertGE0(s); // 0 <= s < l
ut.aInRange('signature.s', s, _0n, CURVE_ORDER); // 0 <= s < l
const res = ut.concatBytes(R, ut.numberToBytesLE(s, Fp.BYTES));

@@ -393,2 +395,4 @@ return ensureBytes('result', res, nByteLength * 2); // 64-byte signature

msg = ensureBytes('message', msg);
if (zip215 !== undefined)
abool('zip215', zip215);
if (prehash)

@@ -395,0 +399,0 @@ msg = prehash(msg); // for ed25519ph, etc

@@ -65,2 +65,3 @@ export declare function mod(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint;

export declare function FpDiv<T>(f: IField<T>, lhs: T, rhs: T | bigint): T;
export declare function FpLegendre(order: bigint): <T>(f: IField<T>, x: T) => T;
export declare function FpIsSquare<T>(f: IField<T>): (x: T) => boolean;

@@ -79,2 +80,5 @@ export declare function nLength(n: bigint, nBitLength?: number): {

* * c) Object.freeze
* NOTE: operations don't check 'isValid' for all elements for performance reasons,
* it is caller responsibility to check this.
* This is low-level code, please make sure you know what you doing.
* @param ORDER prime positive bigint

@@ -81,0 +85,0 @@ * @param bitLen how many bits the field consumes

@@ -264,7 +264,14 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

export function FpLegendre(order) {
// (a | p) ≡ 1 if a is a square (mod p), quadratic residue
// (a | p) ≡ -1 if a is not a square (mod p), quadratic non residue
// (a | p) ≡ 0 if a ≡ 0 (mod p)
const legendreConst = (order - _1n) / _2n; // Integer arithmetic
return (f, x) => f.pow(x, legendreConst);
// This function returns True whenever the value x is a square in the field F.
export function FpIsSquare(f) {
const legendreConst = (f.ORDER - _1n) / _2n; // Integer arithmetic
const legendre = FpLegendre(f.ORDER);
return (x) => {
const p = f.pow(x, legendreConst);
const p = legendre(f, x);
return f.eql(p, f.ZERO) || f.eql(p, f.ONE);

@@ -287,2 +294,5 @@ };

* * c) Object.freeze
* NOTE: operations don't check 'isValid' for all elements for performance reasons,
* it is caller responsibility to check this.
* This is low-level code, please make sure you know what you doing.
* @param ORDER prime positive bigint

@@ -289,0 +299,0 @@ * @param bitLen how many bits the field consumes

/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
import { mod, pow } from './modular.js';
import { bytesToNumberLE, ensureBytes, numberToBytesLE, validateObject } from './utils.js';
import { aInRange, bytesToNumberLE, ensureBytes, numberToBytesLE, validateObject, } from './utils.js';
const _0n = BigInt(0);

@@ -47,8 +47,2 @@ const _1n = BigInt(1);

// Accepts 0 as well
function assertFieldElement(n) {
if (typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n <= n && n < P)
return n;
throw new Error('Expected valid scalar 0 < scalar < CURVE.P');
// x25519 from 4

@@ -63,7 +57,8 @@ // The constant a24 is (486662 - 2) / 4 = 121665 for curve25519/X25519

function montgomeryLadder(pointU, scalar) {
const u = assertFieldElement(pointU);
function montgomeryLadder(u, scalar) {
aInRange('u', u, _0n, P);
aInRange('scalar', scalar, _0n, P);
// Section 5: Implementations MUST accept non-canonical values and process them as
// if they had been reduced modulo the field prime.
const k = assertFieldElement(scalar);
const k = scalar;
const x_1 = u;

@@ -70,0 +65,0 @@ let x_2 = _1n;

@@ -14,2 +14,3 @@ export type Hex = Uint8Array | string;

export declare function abytes(item: unknown): void;
export declare function abool(title: string, value: boolean): void;

@@ -49,3 +50,10 @@ * @example bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from([0xca, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x23])) // 'cafe0123'

export declare function utf8ToBytes(str: string): Uint8Array;
export declare function inRange(n: bigint, min: bigint, max: bigint): boolean;
* Asserts min <= n < max. NOTE: It's < max and not <= max.
* @example
* aInRange('x', x, 1n, 256n); // would assume x is in (1n..255n)
export declare function aInRange(title: string, n: bigint, min: bigint, max: bigint): void;
* Calculates amount of bits in a bigint.

@@ -95,3 +103,12 @@ * Same as `n.toString(2).length`

export declare function validateObject<T extends Record<string, any>>(object: T, validators: ValMap<T>, optValidators?: ValMap<T>): T;
* throws not implemented error
export declare const notImplemented: () => never;
* Memoizes (caches) computation result.
* Uses WeakMap: the value is going auto-cleaned by GC after last reference is removed.
export declare function memoized<T extends object, R, O extends any[]>(fn: (arg: T, ...args: O) => R): (arg: T, ...args: O) => R;
export {};

@@ -17,2 +17,6 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

export function abool(title, value) {
if (typeof value !== 'boolean')
throw new Error(`${title} must be valid boolean, got "${value}".`);
// Array where index 0xf0 (240) is mapped to string 'f0'

@@ -160,2 +164,21 @@ const hexes = /* @__PURE__ */ Array.from({ length: 256 }, (_, i) => i.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'));

// Is positive bigint
const isPosBig = (n) => typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n <= n;
export function inRange(n, min, max) {
return isPosBig(n) && isPosBig(min) && isPosBig(max) && min <= n && n < max;
* Asserts min <= n < max. NOTE: It's < max and not <= max.
* @example
* aInRange('x', x, 1n, 256n); // would assume x is in (1n..255n)
export function aInRange(title, n, min, max) {
// Why min <= n < max and not a (min < n < max) OR b (min <= n <= max)?
// consider P=256n, min=0n, max=P
// - a for min=0 would require -1: `inRange('x', x, -1n, P)`
// - b would commonly require subtraction: `inRange('x', x, 0n, P - 1n)`
// - our way is the cleanest: `inRange('x', x, 0n, P)
if (!inRange(n, min, max))
throw new Error(`expected valid ${title}: ${min} <= n < ${max}, got ${typeof n} ${n}`);
// Bit operations

@@ -291,2 +314,23 @@ /**

// const z4 = validateObject(o, { a: 'boolean', z: 'bug' });
* throws not implemented error
export const notImplemented = () => {
throw new Error('not implemented');
* Memoizes (caches) computation result.
* Uses WeakMap: the value is going auto-cleaned by GC after last reference is removed.
export function memoized(fn) {
const map = new WeakMap();
return (arg, ...args) => {
const val = map.get(arg);
if (val !== undefined)
return val;
const computed = fn(arg, ...args);
map.set(arg, computed);
return computed;

@@ -210,2 +210,9 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

* Creates short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signature methods for it.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, b, p, n, Gx, Gy
* const curve = weierstrass({ a, b, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h: 1n })
export declare function weierstrass(curveDef: CurveType): CurveFn;

@@ -212,0 +219,0 @@ /**

@@ -6,3 +6,9 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

import * as ut from './utils.js';
import { ensureBytes } from './utils.js';
import { ensureBytes, memoized, abool } from './utils.js';
function validateSigVerOpts(opts) {
if (opts.lowS !== undefined)
abool('lowS', opts.lowS);
if (opts.prehash !== undefined)
abool('prehash', opts.prehash);
function validatePointOpts(curve) {

@@ -132,12 +138,8 @@ const opts = validateBasic(curve);

function isWithinCurveOrder(num) {
return typeof num === 'bigint' && _0n < num && num < CURVE.n;
return ut.inRange(num, _1n, CURVE.n);
function assertGE(num) {
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(num))
throw new Error('Expected valid bigint: 0 < bigint < curve.n');
// Validates if priv key is valid and converts it to bigint.
// Supports options allowedPrivateKeyLengths and wrapPrivateKey.
function normPrivateKeyToScalar(key) {
const { allowedPrivateKeyLengths: lengths, nByteLength, wrapPrivateKey, n } = CURVE;
const { allowedPrivateKeyLengths: lengths, nByteLength, wrapPrivateKey, n: N } = CURVE;
if (lengths && typeof key !== 'bigint') {

@@ -162,7 +164,6 @@ if (ut.isBytes(key))

if (wrapPrivateKey)
num = mod.mod(num, n); // disabled by default, enabled for BLS
assertGE(num); // num in range [1..N-1]
num = mod.mod(num, N); // disabled by default, enabled for BLS
ut.aInRange('private key', num, _1n, N); // num in range [1..N-1]
return num;
const pointPrecomputes = new Map();
function assertPrjPoint(other) {

@@ -172,2 +173,49 @@ if (!(other instanceof Point))

// Memoized toAffine / validity check. They are heavy. Points are immutable.
// Converts Projective point to affine (x, y) coordinates.
// Can accept precomputed Z^-1 - for example, from invertBatch.
// (x, y, z) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z)
const toAffineMemo = memoized((p, iz) => {
const { px: x, py: y, pz: z } = p;
// Fast-path for normalized points
if (Fp.eql(z, Fp.ONE))
return { x, y };
const is0 = p.is0();
// If invZ was 0, we return zero point. However we still want to execute
// all operations, so we replace invZ with a random number, 1.
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? Fp.ONE : Fp.inv(z);
const ax = Fp.mul(x, iz);
const ay = Fp.mul(y, iz);
const zz = Fp.mul(z, iz);
if (is0)
return { x: Fp.ZERO, y: Fp.ZERO };
if (!Fp.eql(zz, Fp.ONE))
throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
// NOTE: on exception this will crash 'cached' and no value will be set.
// Otherwise true will be return
const assertValidMemo = memoized((p) => {
if (p.is0()) {
// (0, 1, 0) aka ZERO is invalid in most contexts.
// In BLS, ZERO can be serialized, so we allow it.
// (0, 0, 0) is wrong representation of ZERO and is always invalid.
if (CURVE.allowInfinityPoint && !Fp.is0(
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO');
// Some 3rd-party test vectors require different wording between here & `fromCompressedHex`
const { x, y } = p.toAffine();
// Check if x, y are valid field elements
if (!Fp.isValid(x) || !Fp.isValid(y))
throw new Error('bad point: x or y not FE');
const left = Fp.sqr(y); // y²
const right = weierstrassEquation(x); // x³ + ax + b
if (!Fp.eql(left, right))
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right');
if (!p.isTorsionFree())
throw new Error('bad point: not in prime-order subgroup');
return true;

@@ -189,2 +237,3 @@ * Projective Point works in 3d / projective (homogeneous) coordinates: (x, y, z) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z)

throw new Error('z required');

@@ -236,26 +285,7 @@ // Does not validate if the point is on-curve.

_setWindowSize(windowSize) {
this._WINDOW_SIZE = windowSize;
wnaf.setWindowSize(this, windowSize);
// A point on curve is valid if it conforms to equation.
assertValidity() {
if (this.is0()) {
// (0, 1, 0) aka ZERO is invalid in most contexts.
// In BLS, ZERO can be serialized, so we allow it.
// (0, 0, 0) is wrong representation of ZERO and is always invalid.
if (CURVE.allowInfinityPoint && !Fp.is0(
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO');
// Some 3rd-party test vectors require different wording between here & `fromCompressedHex`
const { x, y } = this.toAffine();
// Check if x, y are valid field elements
if (!Fp.isValid(x) || !Fp.isValid(y))
throw new Error('bad point: x or y not FE');
const left = Fp.sqr(y); // y²
const right = weierstrassEquation(x); // x³ + ax + b
if (!Fp.eql(left, right))
throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right');
if (!this.isTorsionFree())
throw new Error('bad point: not in prime-order subgroup');

@@ -387,6 +417,3 @@ hasEvenY() {

wNAF(n) {
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, pointPrecomputes, n, (comp) => {
const toInv = Fp.invertBatch( => p.pz));
return, i) => p.toAffine(toInv[i])).map(Point.fromAffine);
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, n, Point.normalizeZ);

@@ -398,14 +425,14 @@ /**

multiplyUnsafe(n) {
multiplyUnsafe(sc) {
ut.aInRange('scalar', sc, _0n, CURVE.n);
const I = Point.ZERO;
if (n === _0n)
if (sc === _0n)
return I;
assertGE(n); // Will throw on 0
if (n === _1n)
if (sc === _1n)
return this;
const { endo } = CURVE;
if (!endo)
return wnaf.unsafeLadder(this, n);
return wnaf.unsafeLadder(this, sc);
// Apply endomorphism
let { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(n);
let { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(sc);
let k1p = I;

@@ -440,8 +467,7 @@ let k2p = I;

multiply(scalar) {
let n = scalar;
const { endo, n: N } = CURVE;
ut.aInRange('scalar', scalar, _1n, N);
let point, fake; // Fake point is used to const-time mult
const { endo } = CURVE;
if (endo) {
const { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(n);
const { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(scalar);
let { p: k1p, f: f1p } = this.wNAF(k1);

@@ -456,3 +482,3 @@ let { p: k2p, f: f2p } = this.wNAF(k2);

else {
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(n);
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(scalar);
point = p;

@@ -481,16 +507,3 @@ fake = f;

toAffine(iz) {
const { px: x, py: y, pz: z } = this;
const is0 = this.is0();
// If invZ was 0, we return zero point. However we still want to execute
// all operations, so we replace invZ with a random number, 1.
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? Fp.ONE : Fp.inv(z);
const ax = Fp.mul(x, iz);
const ay = Fp.mul(y, iz);
const zz = Fp.mul(z, iz);
if (is0)
return { x: Fp.ZERO, y: Fp.ZERO };
if (!Fp.eql(zz, Fp.ONE))
throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
return toAffineMemo(this, iz);

@@ -514,2 +527,3 @@ isTorsionFree() {

toRawBytes(isCompressed = true) {
abool('isCompressed', isCompressed);

@@ -519,2 +533,3 @@ return toBytes(Point, this, isCompressed);

toHex(isCompressed = true) {
abool('isCompressed', isCompressed);
return ut.bytesToHex(this.toRawBytes(isCompressed));

@@ -549,2 +564,9 @@ }

* Creates short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signature methods for it.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, b, p, n, Gx, Gy
* const curve = weierstrass({ a, b, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h: 1n })
export function weierstrass(curveDef) {

@@ -555,5 +577,2 @@ const CURVE = validateOpts(curveDef);

const uncompressedLen = 2 * Fp.BYTES + 1; // e.g. 65 for 32
function isValidFieldElement(num) {
return _0n < num && num < Fp.ORDER; // 0 is banned since it's not invertible FE
function modN(a) {

@@ -571,2 +590,3 @@ return mod.mod(a, CURVE_ORDER);

const cat = ut.concatBytes;
abool('isCompressed', isCompressed);
if (isCompressed) {

@@ -586,3 +606,3 @@ return cat(Uint8Array.from([point.hasEvenY() ? 0x02 : 0x03]), x);

const x = ut.bytesToNumberBE(tail);
if (!isValidFieldElement(x))
if (!ut.inRange(x, _1n, Fp.ORDER))
throw new Error('Point is not on curve');

@@ -648,7 +668,4 @@ const y2 = weierstrassEquation(x); // y² = x³ + ax + b

assertValidity() {
// can use assertGE here
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(this.r))
throw new Error('r must be 0 < r < CURVE.n');
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(this.s))
throw new Error('s must be 0 < s < CURVE.n');
ut.aInRange('r', this.r, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // r in [1..N]
ut.aInRange('s', this.s, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // s in [1..N]

@@ -796,6 +813,3 @@ addRecoveryBit(recovery) {

function int2octets(num) {
if (typeof num !== 'bigint')
throw new Error('bigint expected');
if (!(_0n <= num && num < ORDER_MASK))
throw new Error(`bigint expected < 2^${CURVE.nBitLength}`);
ut.aInRange(`num < 2^${CURVE.nBitLength}`, num, _0n, ORDER_MASK);
// works with order, can have different size than numToField!

@@ -817,2 +831,3 @@ return ut.numberToBytesBE(num, CURVE.nByteLength);

msgHash = ensureBytes('msgHash', msgHash);
if (prehash)

@@ -904,2 +919,3 @@ msgHash = ensureBytes('prehashed msgHash', hash(msgHash));

throw new Error('options.strict was renamed to lowS');
const { lowS, prehash } = opts;

@@ -906,0 +922,0 @@ let _sig = undefined;

import { CurveFn } from './abstract/bls.js';
import * as mod from './abstract/modular.js';
declare const Fp: Readonly<mod.IField<bigint> & Required<Pick<mod.IField<bigint>, "isOdd">>>;
type Fp = bigint;
type BigintTuple = [bigint, bigint];
type Fp2 = {
c0: bigint;
c1: bigint;
type Fp2Utils = {
fromBigTuple: (tuple: BigintTuple | bigint[]) => Fp2;
reim: (num: Fp2) => {
re: bigint;
im: bigint;
mulByNonresidue: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
multiplyByB: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp2, power: number): Fp2;
declare const Fp2: mod.IField<Fp2> & Fp2Utils;
type BigintSix = [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint];
type Fp6 = {
c0: Fp2;
c1: Fp2;
c2: Fp2;
type Fp6Utils = {
fromBigSix: (tuple: BigintSix) => Fp6;
mulByNonresidue: (num: Fp6) => Fp6;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp6, power: number): Fp6;
multiplyBy1(num: Fp6, b1: Fp2): Fp6;
multiplyBy01(num: Fp6, b0: Fp2, b1: Fp2): Fp6;
multiplyByFp2(lhs: Fp6, rhs: Fp2): Fp6;
declare const Fp6: mod.IField<Fp6> & Fp6Utils;
type Fp12 = {
c0: Fp6;
c1: Fp6;
type BigintTwelve = [
type Fp12Utils = {
fromBigTwelve: (t: BigintTwelve) => Fp12;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp12, power: number): Fp12;
multiplyBy014(num: Fp12, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2): Fp12;
multiplyByFp2(lhs: Fp12, rhs: Fp2): Fp12;
conjugate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
finalExponentiate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
_cyclotomicSquare(num: Fp12): Fp12;
_cyclotomicExp(num: Fp12, n: bigint): Fp12;
declare const Fp12: mod.IField<Fp12> & Fp12Utils;
export declare const bls12_381: CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>;
export {};
export declare const bls12_381: CurveFn;

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

import * as mod from './abstract/modular.js';
import { bitGet, bitLen, bitMask, bytesToHex, bytesToNumberBE, concatBytes as concatB, ensureBytes, numberToBytesBE, } from './abstract/utils.js';
import { bitGet, bitLen, bytesToHex, bytesToNumberBE, concatBytes as concatB, ensureBytes, numberToBytesBE, } from './abstract/utils.js';
// Types
import { isogenyMap } from './abstract/hash-to-curve.js';
import { mapToCurveSimpleSWU, } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { mapToCurveSimpleSWU } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { tower12, psiFrobenius } from './abstract/tower.js';

@@ -46,496 +47,36 @@ bls12-381 is pairing-friendly Barreto-Lynn-Scott elliptic curve construction allowing to:

const _0n = BigInt(0), _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3), _4n = BigInt(4);
// prettier-ignore
const _8n = BigInt(8), _16n = BigInt(16);
Embedding degree (k): 12
Seed (X): -15132376222941642752
Fr: (x⁴-x²+1)
Fp: ((x-1)² ⋅ r(x)/3+x)
(E/Fp): Y²=X³+4
(Eₜ/Fp²): Y² = X³+4(u+1) (M-type twist)
Ate loop size: X
- Fp²[u] = Fp/u²+1
- Fp⁶[v] = Fp²/v³-1-u
- Fp¹²[w] = Fp⁶/w²-v
TODO: BLS & BN Fp/Fr can be constructed from seed.
// The BLS parameter x (seed) for BLS12-381. NOTE: it is negative!
const BLS_X = BigInt('0xd201000000010000');
const BLS_X_LEN = bitLen(BLS_X);
// Finite field over p.
const Fp_raw = BigInt('0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab');
const Fp = mod.Field(Fp_raw);
// Finite field over r.
// This particular field is not used anywhere in bls12-381, but it is still useful.
const Fr = mod.Field(BigInt('0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001'));
const Fp2Add = ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => ({
c0: Fp.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp.add(c1, r1),
const Fp2Subtract = ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => ({
c0: Fp.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp.sub(c1, r1),
const Fp2Multiply = ({ c0, c1 }, rhs) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint')
return { c0: Fp.mul(c0, rhs), c1: Fp.mul(c1, rhs) };
// (a+bi)(c+di) = (ac−bd) + (ad+bc)i
const { c0: r0, c1: r1 } = rhs;
let t1 = Fp.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * o0
let t2 = Fp.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * o1
// (T1 - T2) + ((c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T1 + T2))*i
const o0 = Fp.sub(t1, t2);
const o1 = Fp.sub(Fp.mul(Fp.add(c0, c1), Fp.add(r0, r1)), Fp.add(t1, t2));
return { c0: o0, c1: o1 };
const Fp2Square = ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const a = Fp.add(c0, c1);
const b = Fp.sub(c0, c1);
const c = Fp.add(c0, c0);
return { c0: Fp.mul(a, b), c1: Fp.mul(c, c1) };
// G2 is the order-q subgroup of E2(Fp²) : y² = x³+4(1+√−1),
// where Fp2 is Fp[√−1]/(x2+1). #E2(Fp2 ) = h2q, where
// G² - 1
// h2q
// NOTE: ORDER was wrong!
const FP2_ORDER = Fp_raw * Fp_raw;
const Fp2 = {
BITS: bitLen(FP2_ORDER),
BYTES: Math.ceil(bitLen(FP2_ORDER) / 8),
MASK: bitMask(bitLen(FP2_ORDER)),
ZERO: { c0: Fp.ZERO, c1: Fp.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp.ONE, c1: Fp.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1 }) => typeof c0 === 'bigint' && typeof c1 === 'bigint',
is0: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp.is0(c0) && Fp.is0(c1),
eql: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => Fp.eql(c0, r0) && Fp.eql(c1, r1),
neg: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp.neg(c0), c1: Fp.neg(c1) }),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp2, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp2, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp2Add,
sub: Fp2Subtract,
mul: Fp2Multiply,
sqr: Fp2Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp2Add,
subN: Fp2Subtract,
mulN: Fp2Multiply,
sqrN: Fp2Square,
// Why inversion for bigint inside Fp instead of Fp2? it is even used in that context?
div: (lhs, rhs) => Fp2.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp2.inv(rhs)),
inv: ({ c0: a, c1: b }) => {
// We wish to find the multiplicative inverse of a nonzero
// element a + bu in Fp2. We leverage an identity
// (a + bu)(a - bu) = a² + b²
// which holds because u² = -1. This can be rewritten as
// (a + bu)(a - bu)/(a² + b²) = 1
// because a² + b² = 0 has no nonzero solutions for (a, b).
// This gives that (a - bu)/(a² + b²) is the inverse
// of (a + bu). Importantly, this can be computing using
// only a single inversion in Fp.
const factor = Fp.inv(Fp.create(a * a + b * b));
return { c0: Fp.mul(factor, Fp.create(a)), c1: Fp.mul(factor, Fp.create(-b)) };
sqrt: (num) => {
if (Fp2.eql(num, Fp2.ZERO))
return Fp2.ZERO; // Algo doesn't handles this case
// TODO: Optimize this line. It's extremely slow.
// Speeding this up would boost aggregateSignatures.
// applicable?
// Inspired by
const candidateSqrt = Fp2.pow(num, (Fp2.ORDER + _8n) / _16n);
const check = Fp2.div(Fp2.sqr(candidateSqrt), num); // candidateSqrt.square().div(this);
const divisor = [R[0], R[2], R[4], R[6]].find((r) => Fp2.eql(r, check));
if (!divisor)
throw new Error('No root');
const index = R.indexOf(divisor);
const root = R[index / 2];
if (!root)
throw new Error('Invalid root');
const x1 = Fp2.div(candidateSqrt, root);
const x2 = Fp2.neg(x1);
const { re: re1, im: im1 } = Fp2.reim(x1);
const { re: re2, im: im2 } = Fp2.reim(x2);
if (im1 > im2 || (im1 === im2 && re1 > re2))
return x1;
return x2;
// Same as sgn0_m_eq_2 in RFC 9380
isOdd: (x) => {
const { re: x0, im: x1 } = Fp2.reim(x);
const sign_0 = x0 % _2n;
const zero_0 = x0 === _0n;
const sign_1 = x1 % _2n;
return BigInt(sign_0 || (zero_0 && sign_1)) == _1n;
// Bytes util
fromBytes(b) {
if (b.length !== Fp2.BYTES)
throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return { c0: Fp.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp.BYTES)), c1: Fp.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp.BYTES)) };
toBytes: ({ c0, c1 }) => concatB(Fp.toBytes(c0), Fp.toBytes(c1)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp.cmov(c1, r1, c),
// Specific utils
// toString() {
// return `Fp2(${this.c0} + ${this.c1}×i)`;
// }
reim: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ re: c0, im: c1 }),
// multiply by u + 1
mulByNonresidue: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp.sub(c0, c1), c1: Fp.add(c0, c1) }),
multiplyByB: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let t0 = Fp.mul(c0, _4n); // 4 * c0
let t1 = Fp.mul(c1, _4n); // 4 * c1
const { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp4Square, Fp12 } = tower12({
// Order of Fp
ORDER: BigInt('0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab'),
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp(u) / (u² - β) where β = -1
FP2_NONRESIDUE: [_1n, _1n],
Fp2mulByB: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const t0 = Fp.mul(c0, _4n); // 4 * c0
const t1 = Fp.mul(c1, _4n); // 4 * c1
// (T0-T1) + (T0+T1)*i
return { c0: Fp.sub(t0, t1), c1: Fp.add(t0, t1) };
fromBigTuple: (tuple) => {
if (tuple.length !== 2)
throw new Error('Invalid tuple');
const fps = => Fp.create(n));
return { c0: fps[0], c1: fps[1] };
frobeniusMap: ({ c0, c1 }, power) => ({
c1: Fp.mul(c1, FP2_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS[power % 2]),
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp(u) / (u² - β) where β = -1
].map((item) => Fp.create(item));
// For Fp2 roots of unity.
const rv1 = BigInt('0x6af0e0437ff400b6831e36d6bd17ffe48395dabc2d3435e77f76e17009241c5ee67992f72ec05f4c81084fbede3cc09');
// const ev1 =
// BigInt('0x699be3b8c6870965e5bf892ad5d2cc7b0e85a117402dfd83b7f4a947e02d978498255a2aaec0ac627b5afbdf1bf1c90');
// const ev2 =
// BigInt('0x8157cd83046453f5dd0972b6e3949e4288020b5b8a9cc99ca07e27089a2ce2436d965026adad3ef7baba37f2183e9b5');
// const ev3 =
// BigInt('0xab1c2ffdd6c253ca155231eb3e71ba044fd562f6f72bc5bad5ec46a0b7a3b0247cf08ce6c6317f40edbc653a72dee17');
// const ev4 =
// BigInt('0xaa404866706722864480885d68ad0ccac1967c7544b447873cc37e0181271e006df72162a3d3e0287bf597fbf7f8fc1');
// Eighth roots of unity, used for computing square roots in Fp2.
// To verify or re-calculate:
// Array(8).fill(new Fp2([1n, 1n])).map((fp2, k) => fp2.pow(Fp2.ORDER * BigInt(k) / 8n))
const FP2_ROOTS_OF_UNITY = [
[_1n, _0n],
[rv1, -rv1],
[_0n, _1n],
[rv1, rv1],
[-_1n, _0n],
[-rv1, rv1],
[_0n, -_1n],
[-rv1, -rv1],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
const Fp6Add = ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }) => ({
c0: Fp2.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp2.add(c1, r1),
c2: Fp2.add(c2, r2),
const Fp6Subtract = ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }) => ({
c0: Fp2.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp2.sub(c1, r1),
c2: Fp2.sub(c2, r2),
const Fp6Multiply = ({ c0, c1, c2 }, rhs) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint') {
return {
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, rhs),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, rhs),
const { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 } = rhs;
const t0 = Fp2.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * o0
const t1 = Fp2.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * o1
const t2 = Fp2.mul(c2, r2); // c2 * o2
return {
// t0 + (c1 + c2) * (r1 * r2) - (T1 + T2) * (u + 1)
c0: Fp2.add(t0, Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c1, c2), Fp2.add(r1, r2)), Fp2.add(t1, t2)))),
// (c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T0 + T1) + T2 * (u + 1)
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c1), Fp2.add(r0, r1)), Fp2.add(t0, t1)), Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t2)),
// T1 + (c0 + c2) * (r0 + r2) - T0 + T2
c2: Fp2.sub(Fp2.add(t1, Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c2), Fp2.add(r0, r2))), Fp2.add(t0, t2)),
const Fp6Square = ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => {
let t0 = Fp2.sqr(c0); // c0²
let t1 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(c0, c1), _2n); // 2 * c0 * c1
let t3 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(c1, c2), _2n); // 2 * c1 * c2
let t4 = Fp2.sqr(c2); // c2²
return {
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t3), t0), // T3 * (u + 1) + T0
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t4), t1), // T4 * (u + 1) + T1
// T1 + (c0 - c1 + c2)² + T3 - T0 - T4
c2: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.add(Fp2.add(t1, Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(c0, c1), c2))), t3), t0), t4),
const Fp6 = {
ORDER: Fp2.ORDER, // TODO: unused, but need to verify
BITS: 3 * Fp2.BITS,
MASK: bitMask(3 * Fp2.BITS),
ZERO: { c0: Fp2.ZERO, c1: Fp2.ZERO, c2: Fp2.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp2.ONE, c1: Fp2.ZERO, c2: Fp2.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => Fp2.isValid(c0) && Fp2.isValid(c1) && Fp2.isValid(c2),
is0: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => Fp2.is0(c0) && Fp2.is0(c1) && Fp2.is0(c2),
neg: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => ({ c0: Fp2.neg(c0), c1: Fp2.neg(c1), c2: Fp2.neg(c2) }),
eql: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }) => Fp2.eql(c0, r0) && Fp2.eql(c1, r1) && Fp2.eql(c2, r2),
sqrt: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
// Do we need division by bigint at all? Should be done via order:
div: (lhs, rhs) => Fp6.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp6.inv(rhs)),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp6, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp6, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp6Add,
sub: Fp6Subtract,
mul: Fp6Multiply,
sqr: Fp6Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp6Add,
subN: Fp6Subtract,
mulN: Fp6Multiply,
sqrN: Fp6Square,
inv: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => {
let t0 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(c0), Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.mul(c2, c1))); // c0² - c2 * c1 * (u + 1)
let t1 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sqr(c2)), Fp2.mul(c0, c1)); // c2² * (u + 1) - c0 * c1
let t2 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(c1), Fp2.mul(c0, c2)); // c1² - c0 * c2
// 1/(((c2 * T1 + c1 * T2) * v) + c0 * T0)
let t4 = Fp2.inv(Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(c2, t1), Fp2.mul(c1, t2))), Fp2.mul(c0, t0)));
return { c0: Fp2.mul(t4, t0), c1: Fp2.mul(t4, t1), c2: Fp2.mul(t4, t2) };
// Bytes utils
fromBytes: (b) => {
if (b.length !== Fp6.BYTES)
throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return {
c0: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp2.BYTES)),
c1: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp2.BYTES, 2 * Fp2.BYTES)),
c2: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(2 * Fp2.BYTES)),
toBytes: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => concatB(Fp2.toBytes(c0), Fp2.toBytes(c1), Fp2.toBytes(c2)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp2.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp2.cmov(c1, r1, c),
c2: Fp2.cmov(c2, r2, c),
// Utils
// fromTriple(triple: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2]) {
// return new Fp6(...triple);
// }
// toString() {
// return `Fp6(${this.c0} + ${this.c1} * v, ${this.c2} * v^2)`;
// }
fromBigSix: (t) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t) || t.length !== 6)
throw new Error('Invalid Fp6 usage');
return {
c0: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(0, 2)),
c1: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(2, 4)),
c2: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(4, 6)),
frobeniusMap: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, power) => ({
c0: Fp2.frobeniusMap(c0, power),
c1: Fp2.mul(Fp2.frobeniusMap(c1, power), FP6_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS_1[power % 6]),
c2: Fp2.mul(Fp2.frobeniusMap(c2, power), FP6_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS_2[power % 6]),
mulByNonresidue: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => ({ c0: Fp2.mulByNonresidue(c2), c1: c0, c2: c1 }),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy1: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, b1) => ({
c0: Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.mul(c2, b1)),
c1: Fp2.mul(c0, b1),
c2: Fp2.mul(c1, b1),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy01({ c0, c1, c2 }, b0, b1) {
let t0 = Fp2.mul(c0, b0); // c0 * b0
let t1 = Fp2.mul(c1, b1); // c1 * b1
return {
// ((c1 + c2) * b1 - T1) * (u + 1) + T0
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c1, c2), b1), t1)), t0),
// (b0 + b1) * (c0 + c1) - T0 - T1
c1: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(b0, b1), Fp2.add(c0, c1)), t0), t1),
// (c0 + c2) * b0 - T0 + T1
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c2), b0), t0), t1),
multiplyByFp2: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, rhs) => ({
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, rhs),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, rhs),
[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
[BigInt('0x0'), BigInt('0x1')],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
// The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
const BLS_X = BigInt('0xd201000000010000');
const BLS_X_LEN = bitLen(BLS_X);
const Fp12Add = ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => ({
c0: Fp6.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp6.add(c1, r1),
const Fp12Subtract = ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => ({
c0: Fp6.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp6.sub(c1, r1),
const Fp12Multiply = ({ c0, c1 }, rhs) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint')
return { c0: Fp6.mul(c0, rhs), c1: Fp6.mul(c1, rhs) };
let { c0: r0, c1: r1 } = rhs;
let t1 = Fp6.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * r0
let t2 = Fp6.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * r1
return {
c0: Fp6.add(t1, Fp6.mulByNonresidue(t2)), // T1 + T2 * v
// (c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T1 + T2)
c1: Fp6.sub(Fp6.mul(Fp6.add(c0, c1), Fp6.add(r0, r1)), Fp6.add(t1, t2)),
const Fp12Square = ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let ab = Fp6.mul(c0, c1); // c0 * c1
return {
// (c1 * v + c0) * (c0 + c1) - AB - AB * v
c0: Fp6.sub(Fp6.sub(Fp6.mul(Fp6.add(Fp6.mulByNonresidue(c1), c0), Fp6.add(c0, c1)), ab), Fp6.mulByNonresidue(ab)),
c1: Fp6.add(ab, ab),
}; // AB + AB
function Fp4Square(a, b) {
const a2 = Fp2.sqr(a);
const b2 = Fp2.sqr(b);
return {
first: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(b2), a2), // b² * Nonresidue + a²
second: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(a, b)), a2), b2), // (a + b)² - a² - b²
const Fp12 = {
ORDER: Fp2.ORDER, // TODO: unused, but need to verify
BITS: 2 * Fp2.BITS,
MASK: bitMask(2 * Fp2.BITS),
ZERO: { c0: Fp6.ZERO, c1: Fp6.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp6.ONE, c1: Fp6.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp6.isValid(c0) && Fp6.isValid(c1),
is0: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp6.is0(c0) && Fp6.is0(c1),
neg: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp6.neg(c0), c1: Fp6.neg(c1) }),
eql: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => Fp6.eql(c0, r0) && Fp6.eql(c1, r1),
sqrt: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
inv: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let t = Fp6.inv(Fp6.sub(Fp6.sqr(c0), Fp6.mulByNonresidue(Fp6.sqr(c1)))); // 1 / (c0² - c1² * v)
return { c0: Fp6.mul(c0, t), c1: Fp6.neg(Fp6.mul(c1, t)) }; // ((C0 * T) * T) + (-C1 * T) * w
div: (lhs, rhs) => Fp12.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp12.inv(rhs)),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp12, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp12, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp12Add,
sub: Fp12Subtract,
mul: Fp12Multiply,
sqr: Fp12Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp12Add,
subN: Fp12Subtract,
mulN: Fp12Multiply,
sqrN: Fp12Square,
// Bytes utils
fromBytes: (b) => {
if (b.length !== Fp12.BYTES)
throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return {
c0: Fp6.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp6.BYTES)),
c1: Fp6.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp6.BYTES)),
toBytes: ({ c0, c1 }) => concatB(Fp6.toBytes(c0), Fp6.toBytes(c1)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp6.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp6.cmov(c1, r1, c),
// Utils
// toString() {
// return `Fp12(${this.c0} + ${this.c1} * w)`;
// },
// fromTuple(c: [Fp6, Fp6]) {
// return new Fp12(...c);
// }
fromBigTwelve: (t) => ({
c0: Fp6.fromBigSix(t.slice(0, 6)),
c1: Fp6.fromBigSix(t.slice(6, 12)),
// Raises to q**i -th power
frobeniusMap(lhs, power) {
const r0 = Fp6.frobeniusMap(lhs.c0, power);
const { c0, c1, c2 } = Fp6.frobeniusMap(lhs.c1, power);
const coeff = FP12_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS[power % 12];
return {
c0: r0,
c1: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, coeff),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, coeff),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, coeff),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy014: ({ c0, c1 }, o0, o1, o4) => {
let t0 = Fp6.multiplyBy01(c0, o0, o1);
let t1 = Fp6.multiplyBy1(c1, o4);
return {
c0: Fp6.add(Fp6.mulByNonresidue(t1), t0), // T1 * v + T0
// (c1 + c0) * [o0, o1+o4] - T0 - T1
c1: Fp6.sub(Fp6.sub(Fp6.multiplyBy01(Fp6.add(c1, c0), o0, Fp2.add(o1, o4)), t0), t1),
multiplyByFp2: ({ c0, c1 }, rhs) => ({
c0: Fp6.multiplyByFp2(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp6.multiplyByFp2(c1, rhs),
conjugate: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0, c1: Fp6.neg(c1) }),
// Fp12
// A cyclotomic group is a subgroup of Fp^n defined by

@@ -545,3 +86,3 @@ // GΦₙ(p) = {α ∈ Fpⁿ : α^Φₙ(p) = 1}

_cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
Fp12cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const { c0: c0c0, c1: c0c1, c2: c0c2 } = c0;

@@ -552,3 +93,3 @@ const { c0: c1c0, c1: c1c1, c2: c1c2 } = c1;

const { first: t7, second: t8 } = Fp4Square(c0c1, c1c2);
let t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
const t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
return {

@@ -567,3 +108,3 @@ c0: Fp6.create({

_cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
Fp12cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
let z = Fp12.ONE;

@@ -579,3 +120,3 @@ for (let i = BLS_X_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

finalExponentiate: (num) => {
Fp12finalExponentiate: (num) => {
const x = BLS_X;

@@ -599,50 +140,6 @@ // this^(q⁶) / this

[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
].map((n) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(n));
// Finite field over r.
// This particular field is not used anywhere in bls12-381, but it is still useful.
const Fr = mod.Field(BigInt('0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001'));

@@ -803,29 +300,3 @@ // HashToCurve

// Ψ(P) endomorphism
const ut_root = Fp6.create({ c0: Fp2.ZERO, c1: Fp2.ONE, c2: Fp2.ZERO });
const wsq = Fp12.create({ c0: ut_root, c1: Fp6.ZERO });
const wcu = Fp12.create({ c0: Fp6.ZERO, c1: ut_root });
const [wsq_inv, wcu_inv] = Fp12.invertBatch([wsq, wcu]);
function psi(x, y) {
// Untwist Fp2->Fp12 && frobenius(1) && twist back
const x2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.multiplyByFp2(wsq_inv, x), 1), wsq).c0.c0;
const y2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.multiplyByFp2(wcu_inv, y), 1), wcu).c0.c0;
return [x2, y2];
// Ψ endomorphism
function G2psi(c, P) {
const affine = P.toAffine();
const p = psi(affine.x, affine.y);
return new c(p[0], p[1], Fp2.ONE);
// Ψ²(P) endomorphism
// 1 / F2(2)^((p-1)/3) in GF(p²)
const PSI2_C1 = BigInt('0x1a0111ea397fe699ec02408663d4de85aa0d857d89759ad4897d29650fb85f9b409427eb4f49fffd8bfd00000000aaac');
function psi2(x, y) {
return [Fp2.mul(x, PSI2_C1), Fp2.neg(y)];
function G2psi2(c, P) {
const affine = P.toAffine();
const p = psi2(affine.x, affine.y);
return new c(p[0], p[1], Fp2.ONE);
const { G2psi, G2psi2 } = psiFrobenius(Fp, Fp2, Fp2.div(Fp2.ONE, Fp2.NONRESIDUE)); // 1/(u+1)
// Default hash_to_field options are for hash to G2.

@@ -957,4 +428,4 @@ //

// todo: unroll
const xP = point.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.params.x).negate(); // [x]P
const u2P = xP.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.params.x); // [u2]P
const xP = point.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).negate(); // [x]P
const u2P = xP.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X); // [u2]P
return u2P.equals(phi);

@@ -977,3 +448,3 @@ //

// return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.h);
return point.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.params.x).add(point); // x*P + P
return point.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).add(point); // x*P + P

@@ -1103,3 +574,3 @@ mapToCurve: (scalars) => {

isTorsionFree: (c, P) => {
return P.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.params.x).negate().equals(G2psi(c, P)); // ψ(P) == [u](P)
return P.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).negate().equals(G2psi(c, P)); // ψ(P) == [u](P)
// Older version:

@@ -1114,3 +585,3 @@ // Ψ²(P) => Ψ³(P) => [z]Ψ³(P) where z = -x => [z]Ψ³(P) - Ψ²(P) + P == O

clearCofactor: (c, P) => {
const x = bls12_381.params.x;
const x = BLS_X;
let t1 = P.multiplyUnsafe(x).negate(); // [-x]P

@@ -1234,4 +705,6 @@ let t2 = G2psi(c, P); // Ψ(P)

params: {
x: BLS_X, // The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
ateLoopSize: BLS_X, // The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
r: Fr.ORDER, // order; z⁴ − z² + 1; CURVE.n from other curves
xNegative: true,
twistType: 'multiplicative',

@@ -1238,0 +711,0 @@ htfDefaults,

@@ -0,9 +1,13 @@

import { CurveFn } from './abstract/bls.js';
* bn254 pairing-friendly curve.
* Previously known as alt_bn_128, when it had 128-bit security.
* Barbulescu-Duquesne 2017 shown it's weaker: just about 100 bits,
* so the naming has been adjusted to its prime bit count
* bn254 (a.k.a. alt_bn128) pairing-friendly curve.
* Contains G1 / G2 operations and pairings.
export declare const bn254: import("./abstract/weierstrass.js").CurveFn;
export declare const bn254: CurveFn;
* bn254 weierstrass curve with ECDSA.
* This is very rare and probably not used anywhere.
* Instead, you should use G1 / G2, defined above.
export declare const bn254_weierstrass: import("./abstract/weierstrass.js").CurveFn;
/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256';
import { getHash } from './_shortw_utils.js';
import { weierstrass } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { randomBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils';
import { bls } from './abstract/bls.js';
import { Field } from './abstract/modular.js';
import { weierstrass } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { bitGet, bitLen, notImplemented } from './abstract/utils.js';
import { tower12, psiFrobenius } from './abstract/tower.js';
// prettier-ignore
const _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
// prettier-ignore
const _6n = BigInt(6);
bn254, previously known as alt_bn_128, when it had 128-bit security.
Barbulescu-Duquesne 2017 shown it's weaker: just about 100 bits,
so the naming has been adjusted to its prime bit count:
There are huge compatibility issues in the ecosystem:
1. Different libraries call it in different ways: "bn254", "bn256", "alt_bn128", "bn128".
2. libff has bn128, but it's a different curve with different G2:
3. halo2curves bn256 is also incompatible and returns different outputs
The goal of our implementation is to support "Ethereum" variant of the curve,
because it at least has specs:
- EIP196 ( describes bn254 ECADD and ECMUL opcodes for EVM
- EIP197 ( describes bn254 pairings
- It's hard: EIPs don't have proper tests. EIP-197 returns boolean output instead of Fp12
- The existing implementations are bad. Some are deprecated:
- (old version)
- (uses paritytech/bn)
- Python implementations use different towers and produce different Fp12 outputs:
- Points are encoded differently in different implementations
Seed (X): 4965661367192848881
Fr: (36x⁴+36x³+18x²+6x+1)
Fp: (36x⁴+36x³+24x²+6x+1)
(E / Fp ): Y² = X³+3
(Et / Fp²): Y² = X³+3/(u+9) (D-type twist)
Ate loop size: 6x+2
- Fp²[u] = Fp/u²+1
- Fp⁶[v] = Fp²/v³-9-u
- Fp¹²[w] = Fp⁶/w²-v
const BN_X = BigInt('4965661367192848881');
const BN_X_LEN = bitLen(BN_X);
const SIX_X_SQUARED = _6n * BN_X ** _2n;
// Finite field over r. It's for convenience and is not used in the code below.
const Fr = Field(BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617'));
// Fp2.div(Fp2.mul(Fp2.ONE, _3n), Fp2.NONRESIDUE)
const Fp2B = {
c0: BigInt('19485874751759354771024239261021720505790618469301721065564631296452457478373'),
c1: BigInt('266929791119991161246907387137283842545076965332900288569378510910307636690'),
const { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp4Square, Fp12 } = tower12({
ORDER: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583'),
FP2_NONRESIDUE: [BigInt(9), _1n],
Fp2mulByB: (num) => Fp2.mul(num, Fp2B),
// The result of any pairing is in a cyclotomic subgroup
Fp12cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const { c0: c0c0, c1: c0c1, c2: c0c2 } = c0;
const { c0: c1c0, c1: c1c1, c2: c1c2 } = c1;
const { first: t3, second: t4 } = Fp4Square(c0c0, c1c1);
const { first: t5, second: t6 } = Fp4Square(c1c0, c0c2);
const { first: t7, second: t8 } = Fp4Square(c0c1, c1c2);
let t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
return {
c0: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t3, c0c0), _2n), t3), // 2 * (T3 - c0c0) + T3
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t5, c0c1), _2n), t5), // 2 * (T5 - c0c1) + T5
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t7, c0c2), _2n), t7),
}), // 2 * (T7 - c0c2) + T7
c1: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t9, c1c0), _2n), t9), // 2 * (T9 + c1c0) + T9
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t4, c1c1), _2n), t4), // 2 * (T4 + c1c1) + T4
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t6, c1c2), _2n), t6),
}; // 2 * (T6 + c1c2) + T6
Fp12cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
let z = Fp12.ONE;
for (let i = BN_X_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
z = Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(z);
if (bitGet(n, i))
z = Fp12.mul(z, num);
return z;
Fp12finalExponentiate: (num) => {
const powMinusX = (num) => Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicExp(num, BN_X));
const r0 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(num), Fp12.inv(num));
const r = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(r0, 2), r0);
const y1 = Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(powMinusX(r));
const y2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(y1), y1);
const y4 = powMinusX(y2);
const y6 = powMinusX(Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(y4));
const y8 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(y6), y4), Fp12.conjugate(y2));
const y9 = Fp12.mul(y8, y1);
return Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(r), y9), 3), Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(y8, 2), Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(y9, 1), Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(y8, y4), r))));
const { G2psi, psi } = psiFrobenius(Fp, Fp2, Fp2.NONRESIDUE);
No hashToCurve for now (and signatures):
- RFC 9380 doesn't mention bn254 and doesn't provide test vectors
- Overall seems like nobody is using BLS signatures on top of bn254
- Seems like it can utilize SVDW, which is not implemented yet
const htfDefaults = Object.freeze({
// DST: a domain separation tag defined in section 2.2.5
DST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_',
encodeDST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_',
p: Fp.ORDER,
m: 2,
k: 128,
expand: 'xmd',
hash: sha256,
* bn254 pairing-friendly curve.
* Previously known as alt_bn_128, when it had 128-bit security.
* Barbulescu-Duquesne 2017 shown it's weaker: just about 100 bits,
* so the naming has been adjusted to its prime bit count
* bn254 (a.k.a. alt_bn128) pairing-friendly curve.
* Contains G1 / G2 operations and pairings.
export const bn254 = weierstrass({
export const bn254 = bls({
// Fields
fields: { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12, Fr },
G1: {
h: BigInt(1),
Gx: BigInt(1),
Gy: BigInt(2),
a: Fp.ZERO,
b: _3n,
htfDefaults: { ...htfDefaults, m: 1, DST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_' },
wrapPrivateKey: true,
allowInfinityPoint: true,
mapToCurve: notImplemented,
fromBytes: notImplemented,
toBytes: notImplemented,
ShortSignature: {
fromHex: notImplemented,
toRawBytes: notImplemented,
toHex: notImplemented,
G2: {
Fp: Fp2,
// cofactor: (36 * X^4) + (36 * X^3) + (30 * X^2) + 6*X + 1
h: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088844257914179612981679871602714643921549'),
Gx: Fp2.fromBigTuple([
Gy: Fp2.fromBigTuple([
a: Fp2.ZERO,
b: Fp2B,
hEff: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088844257914179612981679871602714643921549'),
htfDefaults: { ...htfDefaults },
wrapPrivateKey: true,
allowInfinityPoint: true,
isTorsionFree: (c, P) => P.multiplyUnsafe(SIX_X_SQUARED).equals(G2psi(c, P)), // [p]P = [6X^2]P
mapToCurve: notImplemented,
fromBytes: notImplemented,
toBytes: notImplemented,
Signature: {
fromHex: notImplemented,
toRawBytes: notImplemented,
toHex: notImplemented,
params: {
ateLoopSize: BN_X * _6n + _2n,
r: Fr.ORDER,
xNegative: false,
twistType: 'divisive',
hash: sha256,
postPrecompute: (Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy, pointAdd) => {
const q = psi(Qx, Qy);
({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointAdd(Rx, Ry, Rz, q[0], q[1]));
const q2 = psi(q[0], q[1]);
pointAdd(Rx, Ry, Rz, q2[0], Fp2.neg(q2[1]));
* bn254 weierstrass curve with ECDSA.
* This is very rare and probably not used anywhere.
* Instead, you should use G1 / G2, defined above.
export const bn254_weierstrass = weierstrass({
a: BigInt(0),
b: BigInt(3),
Fp: Field(BigInt('0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d97816a916871ca8d3c208c16d87cfd47')),
n: BigInt('0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d2833e84879b9709143e1f593f0000001'),
n: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617'),
Gx: BigInt(1),

@@ -19,0 +216,0 @@ Gy: BigInt(2),

import { AffinePoint, Group } from './abstract/curve.js';
import { ExtPointType } from './abstract/edwards.js';
import { CurveFn, ExtPointType } from './abstract/edwards.js';
import { htfBasicOpts } from './abstract/hash-to-curve.js';
import { Hex } from './abstract/utils.js';
export declare const ED25519_TORSION_SUBGROUP: string[];
export declare const ed25519: import("./abstract/edwards.js").CurveFn;
export declare const ed25519ctx: import("./abstract/edwards.js").CurveFn;
export declare const ed25519ph: import("./abstract/edwards.js").CurveFn;
* ed25519 curve with EdDSA signatures.
export declare const ed25519: CurveFn;
export declare const ed25519ctx: CurveFn;
export declare const ed25519ph: CurveFn;
export declare const x25519: import("./abstract/montgomery.js").CurveFn;

@@ -10,0 +13,0 @@ /**

@@ -109,2 +109,5 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

* ed25519 curve with EdDSA signatures.
export const ed25519 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => twistedEdwards(ed25519Defaults))();

@@ -111,0 +114,0 @@ function ed25519_domain(data, ctx, phflag) {

@@ -5,2 +5,5 @@ import { mod } from './abstract/modular.js';

import { ProjPointType as PointType } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
* secp256k1 short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signatures over it.
export declare const secp256k1: Readonly<{

@@ -77,2 +80,5 @@ create: (hash: import("./abstract/utils.js").CHash) => import("./abstract/weierstrass.js").CurveFn;

declare function schnorrVerify(signature: Hex, message: Hex, publicKey: Hex): boolean;
* Schnorr signatures over secp256k1.
export declare const schnorr: {

@@ -79,0 +85,0 @@ getPublicKey: typeof schnorrGetPublicKey;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

import { Field, mod, pow2 } from './abstract/modular.js';
import { bytesToNumberBE, concatBytes, ensureBytes, numberToBytesBE } from './abstract/utils.js';
import { inRange, aInRange, bytesToNumberBE, concatBytes, ensureBytes, numberToBytesBE, } from './abstract/utils.js';
import { mapToCurveSimpleSWU } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';

@@ -44,2 +44,5 @@ const secp256k1P = BigInt('0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f');

const Fp = Field(secp256k1P, undefined, undefined, { sqrt: sqrtMod });
* secp256k1 short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signatures over it.
export const secp256k1 = createCurve({

@@ -90,4 +93,2 @@ a: BigInt(0), // equation params: a, b

const _0n = BigInt(0);
const fe = (x) => typeof x === 'bigint' && _0n < x && x < secp256k1P;
const ge = (x) => typeof x === 'bigint' && _0n < x && x < secp256k1N;
/** An object mapping tags to their tagged hash prefix of [SHA256(tag) | SHA256(tag)] */

@@ -123,4 +124,3 @@ const TAGGED_HASH_PREFIXES = {};

function lift_x(x) {
if (!fe(x))
throw new Error('bad x: need 0 < x < p'); // Fail if x ≥ p.
aInRange('x', x, _1n, secp256k1P); // Fail if x ≥ p.
const xx = modP(x * x);

@@ -135,2 +135,3 @@ const c = modP(xx * x + BigInt(7)); // Let c = x³ + 7 mod p.

const num = bytesToNumberBE;

@@ -140,3 +141,3 @@ * Create tagged hash, convert it to bigint, reduce modulo-n.

function challenge(...args) {
return modN(bytesToNumberBE(taggedHash('BIP0340/challenge', ...args)));
return modN(num(taggedHash('BIP0340/challenge', ...args)));

@@ -157,5 +158,5 @@ /**

const a = ensureBytes('auxRand', auxRand, 32); // Auxiliary random data a: a 32-byte array
const t = numTo32b(d ^ bytesToNumberBE(taggedHash('BIP0340/aux', a))); // Let t be the byte-wise xor of bytes(d) and hash/aux(a)
const t = numTo32b(d ^ num(taggedHash('BIP0340/aux', a))); // Let t be the byte-wise xor of bytes(d) and hash/aux(a)
const rand = taggedHash('BIP0340/nonce', t, px, m); // Let rand = hash/nonce(t || bytes(P) || m)
const k_ = modN(bytesToNumberBE(rand)); // Let k' = int(rand) mod n
const k_ = modN(num(rand)); // Let k' = int(rand) mod n
if (k_ === _0n)

@@ -182,8 +183,8 @@ throw new Error('sign failed: k is zero'); // Fail if k' = 0.

try {
const P = lift_x(bytesToNumberBE(pub)); // P = lift_x(int(pk)); fail if that fails
const r = bytesToNumberBE(sig.subarray(0, 32)); // Let r = int(sig[0:32]); fail if r ≥ p.
if (!fe(r))
const P = lift_x(num(pub)); // P = lift_x(int(pk)); fail if that fails
const r = num(sig.subarray(0, 32)); // Let r = int(sig[0:32]); fail if r ≥ p.
if (!inRange(r, _1n, secp256k1P))
return false;
const s = bytesToNumberBE(sig.subarray(32, 64)); // Let s = int(sig[32:64]); fail if s ≥ n.
if (!ge(s))
const s = num(sig.subarray(32, 64)); // Let s = int(sig[32:64]); fail if s ≥ n.
if (!inRange(s, _1n, secp256k1N))
return false;

@@ -200,2 +201,5 @@ const e = challenge(numTo32b(r), pointToBytes(P), m); // int(challenge(bytes(r)||bytes(P)||m))%n

* Schnorr signatures over secp256k1.
export const schnorr = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ({

@@ -202,0 +206,0 @@ getPublicKey: schnorrGetPublicKey,

"name": "@noble/curves",
"version": "1.4.2",
"version": "1.5.0",
"description": "Audited & minimal JS implementation of elliptic curve cryptography",

@@ -148,2 +148,3 @@ "files": [


@@ -150,0 +151,0 @@ "noble",

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ # noble-curves

- [Implementations](#implementations)
- [ECDSA signature scheme](#ecdsa-signature-scheme)
- [ECDSA signatures over secp256k1 and others](#ecdsa-signatures-over-secp256k1-and-others)
- [ECDSA public key recovery & extra entropy](#ecdsa-public-key-recovery--extra-entropy)

@@ -60,2 +60,3 @@ - [ECDH: Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman](#ecdh-elliptic-curve-diffie-hellman)

- [bls12-381](#bls12-381)
- [bn254 aka alt_bn128](#bn254-aka-alt_bn128)
- [All available imports](#all-available-imports)

@@ -67,3 +68,3 @@ - [Accessing a curve's variables](#accessing-a-curves-variables)

- [montgomery: Montgomery curve](#montgomery-montgomery-curve)
- [bls: Barreto-Lynn-Scott curves](#bls-barreto-lynn-scott-curves)
- [bls: Boneh-Lynn-Shacham signatures](#bls-boneh-lynn-shacham-signatures)
- [hash-to-curve: Hashing strings to curve points](#hash-to-curve-hashing-strings-to-curve-points)

@@ -85,8 +86,8 @@ - [poseidon: Poseidon hash](#poseidon-poseidon-hash)

#### ECDSA signature scheme
#### ECDSA signatures over secp256k1 and others
Generic example that works for all curves, shown for secp256k1:
import { secp256k1 } from '@noble/curves/secp256k1';
// import { p256 } from '@noble/curves/p256'; // or p384 / p521
const priv = secp256k1.utils.randomPrivateKey();

@@ -98,3 +99,3 @@ const pub = secp256k1.getPublicKey(priv);

// hex strings are also supported besides Uint8Arrays:
// hex strings are also supported besides Uint8Array-s:
const privHex = '46c930bc7bb4db7f55da20798697421b98c4175a52c630294d75a84b9c126236';

@@ -104,3 +105,3 @@ const pub2 = secp256k1.getPublicKey(privHex);

We support P256 (secp256r1), P384 (secp384r1), P521 (secp521r1).
The same code would work for NIST P256 (secp256r1), P384 (secp384r1) & P521 (secp521r1).

@@ -255,4 +256,66 @@ #### ECDSA public key recovery & extra entropy

import { bls12_381 as bls } from '@noble/curves/bls12-381';
// G1 keys, G2 signatures
const privateKey = '67d53f170b908cabb9eb326c3c337762d59289a8fec79f7bc9254b584b73265c';
const message = '64726e3da8';
const publicKey = bls.getPublicKey(privateKey);
const signature = bls.sign(message, privateKey);
const isValid = bls.verify(signature, message, publicKey);
console.log({ publicKey, signature, isValid });
// G2 signatures, G1 keys
// getPublicKeyForShortSignatures(privateKey)
// signShortSignature(message, privateKey)
// verifyShortSignature(signature, message, publicKey)
// aggregateShortSignatures(signatures)
// Custom DST
const htfEthereum = { DST: 'BLS_SIG_BLS12381G2_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_POP_' };
const signatureEth = bls.sign(message, privateKey, htfEthereum);
const isValidEth = bls.verify(signature, message, publicKey, htfEthereum);
// Aggregation
const aggregatedKey = bls.aggregatePublicKeys([bls.utils.randomPrivateKey(), bls.utils.randomPrivateKey()])
// const aggregatedSig = bls.aggregateSignatures(sigs)
// Pairings, with and without final exponentiation
// bls.pairing(PointG1, PointG2);
// bls.pairing(PointG1, PointG2, false);
// bls.fields.Fp12.finalExponentiate(bls.fields.Fp12.mul(PointG1, PointG2));
// Others
// bls.G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE, bls.G2.ProjectivePoint.BASE;
// bls.fields.Fp, bls.fields.Fp2, bls.fields.Fp12, bls.fields.Fr;
See [abstract/bls](#bls-barreto-lynn-scott-curves).
For example usage, check out [the implementation of BLS EVM precompiles](
#### bn254 aka alt_bn128
import { bn254 } from '@noble/curves/bn254';
The API mirrors [BLS](#bls12-381). The curve was previously called alt_bn128.
The implementation is compatible with [EIP-196]( and
Keep in mind that we don't implement Point methods toHex / toRawBytes. It's because
different implementations of bn254 do it differently - there is no standard. Points of divergence:
- Endianness: LE vs BE (byte-swapped)
- Flags as first hex bits (similar to BLS) vs no-flags
- Imaginary part last in G2 vs first (c0, c1 vs c1, c0)
For example usage, check out [the implementation of bn254 EVM precompiles](
#### All available imports

@@ -600,72 +663,8 @@

The module doesn't expose `CURVE` property: use `G1.CURVE`, `G2.CURVE` instead.
Only BLS12-381 is implemented currently.
Only BLS12-381 is currently implemented.
Defining BLS12-377 and BLS24 should be straightforward.
Main methods and properties are:
- `getPublicKey(privateKey)`
- `sign(message, privateKey)`
- `verify(signature, message, publicKey)`
- `aggregatePublicKeys(publicKeys)`
- `aggregateSignatures(signatures)`
- `G1` and `G2` curves containing `CURVE` and `ProjectivePoint`
- `Signature` property with `fromHex`, `toHex` methods
- `fields` containing `Fp`, `Fp2`, `Fp6`, `Fp12`, `Fr`
The default BLS uses short public keys (with public keys in G1 and signatures in G2).
Short signatures (public keys in G2 and signatures in G1) is also supported, using:
Short signatures (public keys in G2 and signatures in G1) are also supported.
- `getPublicKeyForShortSignatures(privateKey)`
- `signShortSignature(message, privateKey)`
- `verifyShortSignature(signature, message, publicKey)`
- `aggregateShortSignatures(signatures)`
import { bls12_381 as bls } from '@noble/curves/bls12-381';
const privateKey = '67d53f170b908cabb9eb326c3c337762d59289a8fec79f7bc9254b584b73265c';
const message = '64726e3da8';
const publicKey = bls.getPublicKey(privateKey);
const signature = bls.sign(message, privateKey);
const isValid = bls.verify(signature, message, publicKey);
console.log({ publicKey, signature, isValid });
// Use custom DST, e.g. for Ethereum consensus layer
const htfEthereum = { DST: 'BLS_SIG_BLS12381G2_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_POP_' };
const signatureEth = bls.sign(message, privateKey, htfEthereum);
const isValidEth = bls.verify(signature, message, publicKey, htfEthereum);
console.log({ signatureEth, isValidEth });
// Sign 1 msg with 3 keys
const privateKeys = [
const messages = ['d2', '0d98', '05caf3'];
const publicKeys =;
const signatures2 = => bls.sign(message, p));
const aggPubKey2 = bls.aggregatePublicKeys(publicKeys);
const aggSignature2 = bls.aggregateSignatures(signatures2);
const isValid2 = bls.verify(aggSignature2, message, aggPubKey2);
console.log({ signatures2, aggSignature2, isValid2 });
// Sign 3 msgs with 3 keys
const signatures3 =, i) => bls.sign(messages[i], p));
const aggSignature3 = bls.aggregateSignatures(signatures3);
const isValid3 = bls.verifyBatch(aggSignature3, messages, publicKeys);
console.log({ publicKeys, signatures3, aggSignature3, isValid3 });
// Pairings, with and without final exponentiation
bls.pairing(PointG1, PointG2);
bls.pairing(PointG1, PointG2, false);
bls.fields.Fp12.finalExponentiate(bls.fields.Fp12.mul(PointG1, PointG2));
// Others
bls.G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE, bls.G2.ProjectivePoint.BASE;
bls.fields.Fp, bls.fields.Fp2, bls.fields.Fp12, bls.fields.Fr;
bls.params.x, bls.params.r, bls.params.G1b, bls.params.G2b;
// hash-to-curve examples can be seen below
### hash-to-curve: Hashing strings to curve points

@@ -882,3 +881,3 @@

Benchmark results on Apple M2 with node v20:
Benchmark results on Apple M2 with node v22:

@@ -888,65 +887,78 @@ ```

init x 68 ops/sec @ 14ms/op
getPublicKey x 6,750 ops/sec @ 148μs/op
sign x 5,206 ops/sec @ 192μs/op
verify x 880 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
getSharedSecret x 536 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
recoverPublicKey x 852 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
schnorr.sign x 685 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
schnorr.verify x 908 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
getPublicKey x 6,839 ops/sec @ 146μs/op
sign x 5,226 ops/sec @ 191μs/op
verify x 893 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
getSharedSecret x 538 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
recoverPublicKey x 923 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
schnorr.sign x 700 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
schnorr.verify x 919 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
init x 51 ops/sec @ 19ms/op
getPublicKey x 9,809 ops/sec @ 101μs/op
sign x 4,976 ops/sec @ 200μs/op
verify x 1,018 ops/sec @ 981μs/op
init x 19 ops/sec @ 50ms/op
getPublicKey x 3,723 ops/sec @ 268μs/op
sign x 1,759 ops/sec @ 568μs/op
verify x 344 ops/sec @ 2ms/op
init x 38 ops/sec @ 26ms/op
getPublicKey x 6,530 ops/sec @ 153μs/op
sign x 5,074 ops/sec @ 197μs/op
verify x 626 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
init x 39 ops/sec @ 25ms/op
getPublicKey x 6,518 ops/sec @ 153μs/op
sign x 5,148 ops/sec @ 194μs/op
verify x 609 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
init x 17 ops/sec @ 57ms/op
getPublicKey x 2,883 ops/sec @ 346μs/op
sign x 2,358 ops/sec @ 424μs/op
verify x 245 ops/sec @ 4ms/op
getPublicKey x 2,933 ops/sec @ 340μs/op
sign x 2,327 ops/sec @ 429μs/op
verify x 244 ops/sec @ 4ms/op
init x 9 ops/sec @ 109ms/op
getPublicKey x 1,516 ops/sec @ 659μs/op
sign x 1,271 ops/sec @ 786μs/op
verify x 123 ops/sec @ 8ms/op
init x 8 ops/sec @ 112ms/op
getPublicKey x 1,484 ops/sec @ 673μs/op
sign x 1,264 ops/sec @ 790μs/op
verify x 124 ops/sec @ 8ms/op
init x 54 ops/sec @ 18ms/op
getPublicKey x 10,269 ops/sec @ 97μs/op
sign x 5,110 ops/sec @ 195μs/op
verify x 1,049 ops/sec @ 952μs/op
add x 680,735 ops/sec @ 1μs/op
multiply x 10,766 ops/sec @ 92μs/op
encode x 15,835 ops/sec @ 63μs/op
decode x 15,972 ops/sec @ 62μs/op
init x 19 ops/sec @ 51ms/op
getPublicKey x 3,775 ops/sec @ 264μs/op
sign x 1,771 ops/sec @ 564μs/op
verify x 351 ops/sec @ 2ms/op
add x 345,303 ops/sec @ 2μs/op
multiply x 300 ops/sec @ 3ms/op
encode x 5,987 ops/sec @ 167μs/op
decode x 5,892 ops/sec @ 169μs/op
├─x25519 x 1,466 ops/sec @ 682μs/op
├─secp256k1 x 539 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
├─p256 x 511 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
├─p384 x 199 ops/sec @ 5ms/op
├─p521 x 103 ops/sec @ 9ms/op
└─x448 x 548 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
├─x25519 x 1,477 ops/sec @ 676μs/op
├─secp256k1 x 537 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
├─p256 x 512 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
├─p384 x 198 ops/sec @ 5ms/op
├─p521 x 99 ops/sec @ 10ms/op
└─x448 x 504 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
init x 36 ops/sec @ 27ms/op
getPublicKey 1-bit x 973 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
getPublicKey x 970 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
sign x 55 ops/sec @ 17ms/op
verify x 39 ops/sec @ 25ms/op
pairing x 106 ops/sec @ 9ms/op
getPublicKey x 960 ops/sec @ 1ms/op
sign x 60 ops/sec @ 16ms/op
verify x 47 ops/sec @ 21ms/op
pairing x 125 ops/sec @ 7ms/op
pairing10 x 40 ops/sec @ 24ms/op ± 23.27% (min: 21ms, max: 48ms)
MSM 4096 scalars x points x 0 ops/sec @ 4655ms/op
aggregatePublicKeys/8 x 129 ops/sec @ 7ms/op
aggregatePublicKeys/32 x 34 ops/sec @ 28ms/op
aggregatePublicKeys/128 x 8 ops/sec @ 112ms/op
aggregatePublicKeys/512 x 2 ops/sec @ 446ms/op
aggregatePublicKeys/2048 x 0 ops/sec @ 1778ms/op
aggregateSignatures/8 x 50 ops/sec @ 19ms/op
aggregateSignatures/32 x 13 ops/sec @ 74ms/op
aggregateSignatures/128 x 3 ops/sec @ 296ms/op
aggregateSignatures/512 x 0 ops/sec @ 1180ms/op
aggregateSignatures/2048 x 0 ops/sec @ 4715ms/op
aggregatePublicKeys/128 x 8 ops/sec @ 113ms/op
aggregatePublicKeys/512 x 2 ops/sec @ 449ms/op
aggregatePublicKeys/2048 x 0 ops/sec @ 1792ms/op
aggregateSignatures/8 x 62 ops/sec @ 15ms/op
aggregateSignatures/32 x 16 ops/sec @ 60ms/op
aggregateSignatures/128 x 4 ops/sec @ 238ms/op
aggregateSignatures/512 x 1 ops/sec @ 946ms/op
aggregateSignatures/2048 x 0 ops/sec @ 3774ms/op

@@ -953,0 +965,0 @@ hash-to-curve

@@ -5,2 +5,5 @@ import { mod } from './abstract/modular.js';

import { ProjPointType as PointType } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
* secp256k1 short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signatures over it.
export declare const secp256k1: Readonly<{

@@ -77,2 +80,5 @@ create: (hash: import("./abstract/utils.js").CHash) => import("./abstract/weierstrass.js").CurveFn;

declare function schnorrVerify(signature: Hex, message: Hex, publicKey: Hex): boolean;
* Schnorr signatures over secp256k1.
export declare const schnorr: {

@@ -79,0 +85,0 @@ getPublicKey: typeof schnorrGetPublicKey;

@@ -46,2 +46,5 @@ "use strict";

const Fp = (0, modular_js_1.Field)(secp256k1P, undefined, undefined, { sqrt: sqrtMod });
* secp256k1 short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signatures over it.
exports.secp256k1 = (0, _shortw_utils_js_1.createCurve)({

@@ -92,4 +95,2 @@ a: BigInt(0), // equation params: a, b

const _0n = BigInt(0);
const fe = (x) => typeof x === 'bigint' && _0n < x && x < secp256k1P;
const ge = (x) => typeof x === 'bigint' && _0n < x && x < secp256k1N;
/** An object mapping tags to their tagged hash prefix of [SHA256(tag) | SHA256(tag)] */

@@ -125,4 +126,3 @@ const TAGGED_HASH_PREFIXES = {};

function lift_x(x) {
if (!fe(x))
throw new Error('bad x: need 0 < x < p'); // Fail if x ≥ p.
(0, utils_js_1.aInRange)('x', x, _1n, secp256k1P); // Fail if x ≥ p.
const xx = modP(x * x);

@@ -137,2 +137,3 @@ const c = modP(xx * x + BigInt(7)); // Let c = x³ + 7 mod p.

const num = utils_js_1.bytesToNumberBE;

@@ -142,3 +143,3 @@ * Create tagged hash, convert it to bigint, reduce modulo-n.

function challenge(...args) {
return modN((0, utils_js_1.bytesToNumberBE)(taggedHash('BIP0340/challenge', ...args)));
return modN(num(taggedHash('BIP0340/challenge', ...args)));

@@ -159,5 +160,5 @@ /**

const a = (0, utils_js_1.ensureBytes)('auxRand', auxRand, 32); // Auxiliary random data a: a 32-byte array
const t = numTo32b(d ^ (0, utils_js_1.bytesToNumberBE)(taggedHash('BIP0340/aux', a))); // Let t be the byte-wise xor of bytes(d) and hash/aux(a)
const t = numTo32b(d ^ num(taggedHash('BIP0340/aux', a))); // Let t be the byte-wise xor of bytes(d) and hash/aux(a)
const rand = taggedHash('BIP0340/nonce', t, px, m); // Let rand = hash/nonce(t || bytes(P) || m)
const k_ = modN((0, utils_js_1.bytesToNumberBE)(rand)); // Let k' = int(rand) mod n
const k_ = modN(num(rand)); // Let k' = int(rand) mod n
if (k_ === _0n)

@@ -184,8 +185,8 @@ throw new Error('sign failed: k is zero'); // Fail if k' = 0.

try {
const P = lift_x((0, utils_js_1.bytesToNumberBE)(pub)); // P = lift_x(int(pk)); fail if that fails
const r = (0, utils_js_1.bytesToNumberBE)(sig.subarray(0, 32)); // Let r = int(sig[0:32]); fail if r ≥ p.
if (!fe(r))
const P = lift_x(num(pub)); // P = lift_x(int(pk)); fail if that fails
const r = num(sig.subarray(0, 32)); // Let r = int(sig[0:32]); fail if r ≥ p.
if (!(0, utils_js_1.inRange)(r, _1n, secp256k1P))
return false;
const s = (0, utils_js_1.bytesToNumberBE)(sig.subarray(32, 64)); // Let s = int(sig[32:64]); fail if s ≥ n.
if (!ge(s))
const s = num(sig.subarray(32, 64)); // Let s = int(sig[32:64]); fail if s ≥ n.
if (!(0, utils_js_1.inRange)(s, _1n, secp256k1N))
return false;

@@ -202,2 +203,5 @@ const e = challenge(numTo32b(r), pointToBytes(P), m); // int(challenge(bytes(r)||bytes(P)||m))%n

* Schnorr signatures over secp256k1.
exports.schnorr = (() => ({

@@ -204,0 +208,0 @@ getPublicKey: schnorrGetPublicKey,

/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
// BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) family of pairing-friendly curves.
import { AffinePoint } from './curve.js';
// TODO: import { AffinePoint } from './curve.js';
import { IField, getMinHashLength, mapHashToField } from './modular.js';
import { Hex, PrivKey, CHash, bitLen, bitGet, ensureBytes } from './utils.js';
import { Hex, PrivKey, CHash, ensureBytes, memoized } from './utils.js';
// prettier-ignore

@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ import {

} from './weierstrass.js';
import type { Fp2, Fp6, Fp12, Fp2Bls, Fp12Bls } from './tower.js';
* BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) family of pairing-friendly curves.
* Implements BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signatures.
* BLS != BLS.
* The file implements BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signatures.
* Used in both BLS (Barreto-Lynn-Scott) and BN (Barreto-Naehrig)
* families of pairing-friendly curves.
* Consists of two curves: G1 and G2:

@@ -28,4 +31,5 @@ * - G1 is a subgroup of (x, y) E(Fq) over y² = x³ + 4.

* Pairing is used to aggregate and verify signatures.
* We are using Fp for private keys (shorter) and Fp₂ for signatures (longer).
* Some projects may prefer to swap this relation, it is not supported for now.
* There are two main ways to use it:
* 1. Fp for short private keys, Fp₂ for signatures
* 2. Fp for short signatures, Fp₂ for private keys

@@ -36,4 +40,6 @@

// prettier-ignore
const _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
const _0n = BigInt(0), _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
export type TwistType = 'multiplicative' | 'divisive';
export type ShortSignatureCoder<Fp> = {

@@ -45,22 +51,9 @@ fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp>;

export type SignatureCoder<Fp2> = {
fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp2>;
toRawBytes(point: ProjPointType<Fp2>): Uint8Array;
toHex(point: ProjPointType<Fp2>): string;
export type SignatureCoder<Fp> = {
fromHex(hex: Hex): ProjPointType<Fp>;
toRawBytes(point: ProjPointType<Fp>): Uint8Array;
toHex(point: ProjPointType<Fp>): string;
type Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2> = IField<Fp2> & {
reim: (num: Fp2) => { re: Fp; im: Fp };
multiplyByB: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp2, power: number): Fp2;
type Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12> = IField<Fp12> & {
frobeniusMap(num: Fp12, power: number): Fp12;
multiplyBy014(num: Fp12, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2): Fp12;
conjugate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
finalExponentiate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
export type CurveType<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> = {
export type CurveType = {
G1: Omit<CurvePointsType<Fp>, 'n'> & {

@@ -79,9 +72,14 @@ ShortSignature: SignatureCoder<Fp>;

Fr: IField<bigint>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls;
Fp6: IField<Fp6>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls;
params: {
x: bigint;
// NOTE: MSB is always ignored and used as marker for length,
// otherwise leading zeros will be lost.
// Can be different from 'X' (seed) param!
ateLoopSize: bigint;
xNegative: boolean;
r: bigint;
twistType: TwistType; // BLS12-381: Multiplicative, BN254: Divisive

@@ -91,5 +89,17 @@ htfDefaults: HTFOpts;

randomBytes: (bytesLength?: number) => Uint8Array;
// This is super ugly hack for untwist point in BN254 after miller loop
postPrecompute?: (
Rx: Fp2,
Ry: Fp2,
Rz: Fp2,
Qx: Fp2,
Qy: Fp2,
pointAdd: (Rx: Fp2, Ry: Fp2, Rz: Fp2, Qx: Fp2, Qy: Fp2) => { Rx: Fp2; Ry: Fp2; Rz: Fp2 }
) => void;
export type CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> = {
type PrecomputeSingle = [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][];
type Precompute = PrecomputeSingle[];
export type CurveFn = {
getPublicKey: (privateKey: PrivKey) => Uint8Array;

@@ -135,4 +145,8 @@ getPublicKeyForShortSignatures: (privateKey: PrivKey) => Uint8Array;

millerLoop: (ell: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][], g1: [Fp, Fp]) => Fp12;
millerLoopBatch: (pairs: [Precompute, Fp, Fp][]) => Fp12;
pairing: (P: ProjPointType<Fp>, Q: ProjPointType<Fp2>, withFinalExponent?: boolean) => Fp12;
pairingBatch: (
pairs: { g1: ProjPointType<Fp>; g2: ProjPointType<Fp2> }[],
withFinalExponent?: boolean
) => Fp12;
G1: CurvePointsRes<Fp> & ReturnType<typeof createHasher<Fp>>;

@@ -143,3 +157,3 @@ G2: CurvePointsRes<Fp2> & ReturnType<typeof createHasher<Fp2>>;

params: {
x: bigint;
ateLoopSize: bigint;
r: bigint;

@@ -151,5 +165,5 @@ G1b: bigint;

Fp: IField<Fp>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls<Fp, Fp2>;
Fp2: Fp2Bls;
Fp6: IField<Fp6>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls<Fp2, Fp12>;
Fp12: Fp12Bls;
Fr: IField<bigint>;

@@ -159,84 +173,25 @@ };

randomPrivateKey: () => Uint8Array;
calcPairingPrecomputes: (p: AffinePoint<Fp2>) => [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][];
calcPairingPrecomputes: (p: ProjPointType<Fp2>) => Precompute;
export function bls<Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>(
CURVE: CurveType<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12>
): CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> {
// Not used with BLS12-381 (no sequential `11` in X). Useful for other curves.
function NAfDecomposition(a: bigint) {
const res = [];
// a>1 because of marker bit
for (; a > _1n; a >>= _1n) {
if ((a & _1n) === _0n) res.unshift(0);
else if ((a & _3n) === _3n) {
a += _1n;
} else res.unshift(1);
return res;
export function bls(CURVE: CurveType): CurveFn {
// Fields are specific for curve, so for now we'll need to pass them with opts
const { Fp, Fr, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12 } = CURVE.fields;
const BLS_X_LEN = bitLen(CURVE.params.x);
// Pre-compute coefficients for sparse multiplication
// Point addition and point double calculations is reused for coefficients
function calcPairingPrecomputes(p: AffinePoint<Fp2>) {
const { x, y } = p;
// prettier-ignore
const Qx = x, Qy = y, Qz = Fp2.ONE;
// prettier-ignore
let Rx = Qx, Ry = Qy, Rz = Qz;
let ell_coeff: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][] = [];
for (let i = BLS_X_LEN - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
// Double
let t0 = Fp2.sqr(Ry); // Ry²
let t1 = Fp2.sqr(Rz); // Rz²
let t2 = Fp2.multiplyByB(Fp2.mul(t1, _3n)); // 3 * T1 * B
let t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, _3n); // 3 * T2
let t4 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Ry, Rz)), t1), t0); // (Ry + Rz)² - T1 - T0
Fp2.sub(t2, t0), // T2 - T0
Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(Rx), _3n), // 3 * Rx²
Fp2.neg(t4), // -T4
Rx = Fp2.div(Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t0, t3), Rx), Ry), _2n); // ((T0 - T3) * Rx * Ry) / 2
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.div(Fp2.add(t0, t3), _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t2), _3n)); // ((T0 + T3) / 2)² - 3 * T2²
Rz = Fp2.mul(t0, t4); // T0 * T4
if (bitGet(CURVE.params.x, i)) {
// Addition
let t0 = Fp2.sub(Ry, Fp2.mul(Qy, Rz)); // Ry - Qy * Rz
let t1 = Fp2.sub(Rx, Fp2.mul(Qx, Rz)); // Rx - Qx * Rz
Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(t0, Qx), Fp2.mul(t1, Qy)), // T0 * Qx - T1 * Qy
Fp2.neg(t0), // -T0
t1, // T1
let t2 = Fp2.sqr(t1); // T1²
let t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, t1); // T2 * T1
let t4 = Fp2.mul(t2, Rx); // T2 * Rx
let t5 = Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(t3, Fp2.mul(t4, _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t0), Rz)); // T3 - 2 * T4 + T0² * Rz
Rx = Fp2.mul(t1, t5); // T1 * T5
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t4, t5), t0), Fp2.mul(t3, Ry)); // (T4 - T5) * T0 - T3 * Ry
Rz = Fp2.mul(Rz, t3); // Rz * T3
return ell_coeff;
function millerLoop(ell: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][], g1: [Fp, Fp]): Fp12 {
const { x } = CURVE.params;
const Px = g1[0];
const Py = g1[1];
let f12 = Fp12.ONE;
for (let j = 0, i = BLS_X_LEN - 2; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
const E = ell[j];
f12 = Fp12.multiplyBy014(f12, E[0], Fp2.mul(E[1], Px), Fp2.mul(E[2], Py));
if (bitGet(x, i)) {
j += 1;
const F = ell[j];
f12 = Fp12.multiplyBy014(f12, F[0], Fp2.mul(F[1], Px), Fp2.mul(F[2], Py));
if (i !== 0) f12 = Fp12.sqr(f12);
return Fp12.conjugate(f12);
const utils = {
randomPrivateKey: (): Uint8Array => {
const length = getMinHashLength(Fr.ORDER);
return mapHashToField(CURVE.randomBytes(length), Fr.ORDER);
const BLS_X_IS_NEGATIVE = CURVE.params.xNegative;
const TWIST: TwistType = CURVE.params.twistType;
// Point on G1 curve: (x, y)

@@ -251,19 +206,2 @@ const G1_ = weierstrassPoints({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G1 });

// Sparse multiplication against precomputed coefficients
// TODO: replace with weakmap?
type withPairingPrecomputes = { _PPRECOMPUTES: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][] | undefined };
function pairingPrecomputes(point: G2): [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2][] {
const p = point as G2 & withPairingPrecomputes;
p._PPRECOMPUTES = calcPairingPrecomputes(point.toAffine());
// TODO: export
// function clearPairingPrecomputes(point: G2) {
// const p = point as G2 & withPairingPrecomputes;
// p._PPRECOMPUTES = undefined;
// }
// Point on G2 curve (complex numbers): (x₁, x₂+i), (y₁, y₂+i)

@@ -278,20 +216,135 @@ const G2_ = weierstrassPoints({ n: Fr.ORDER, ...CURVE.G2 });

type G1 = typeof G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE;
type G2 = typeof G2.ProjectivePoint.BASE;
const { ShortSignature } = CURVE.G1;
const { Signature } = CURVE.G2;
// Applies sparse multiplication as line function
let lineFunction: (c0: Fp2, c1: Fp2, c2: Fp2, f: Fp12, Px: Fp, Py: Fp) => Fp12;
if (TWIST === 'multiplicative') {
lineFunction = (c0: Fp2, c1: Fp2, c2: Fp2, f: Fp12, Px: Fp, Py: Fp) =>
Fp12.mul014(f, c0, Fp2.mul(c1, Px), Fp2.mul(c2, Py));
} else if (TWIST === 'divisive') {
// NOTE: it should be [c0, c1, c2], but we use different order here to reduce complexity of
// precompute calculations.
lineFunction = (c0: Fp2, c1: Fp2, c2: Fp2, f: Fp12, Px: Fp, Py: Fp) =>
Fp12.mul034(f, Fp2.mul(c2, Py), Fp2.mul(c1, Px), c0);
} else throw new Error('bls: unknown twist type');
const Fp2div2 = Fp2.div(Fp2.ONE, Fp2.mul(Fp2.ONE, _2n));
function pointDouble(ell: PrecomputeSingle, Rx: Fp2, Ry: Fp2, Rz: Fp2) {
const t0 = Fp2.sqr(Ry); // Ry²
const t1 = Fp2.sqr(Rz); // Rz²
const t2 = Fp2.mulByB(Fp2.mul(t1, _3n)); // 3 * T1 * B
const t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, _3n); // 3 * T2
const t4 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Ry, Rz)), t1), t0); // (Ry + Rz)² - T1 - T0
const c0 = Fp2.sub(t2, t0); // T2 - T0 (i)
const c1 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(Rx), _3n); // 3 * Rx²
const c2 = Fp2.neg(t4); // -T4 (-h)
ell.push([c0, c1, c2]);
Rx = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t0, t3), Rx), Ry), Fp2div2); // ((T0 - T3) * Rx * Ry) / 2
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t0, t3), Fp2div2)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t2), _3n)); // ((T0 + T3) / 2)² - 3 * T2²
Rz = Fp2.mul(t0, t4); // T0 * T4
return { Rx, Ry, Rz };
function pointAdd(ell: PrecomputeSingle, Rx: Fp2, Ry: Fp2, Rz: Fp2, Qx: Fp2, Qy: Fp2) {
// Addition
const t0 = Fp2.sub(Ry, Fp2.mul(Qy, Rz)); // Ry - Qy * Rz
const t1 = Fp2.sub(Rx, Fp2.mul(Qx, Rz)); // Rx - Qx * Rz
const c0 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(t0, Qx), Fp2.mul(t1, Qy)); // T0 * Qx - T1 * Qy == Ry * Qx - Rx * Qy
const c1 = Fp2.neg(t0); // -T0 == Qy * Rz - Ry
const c2 = t1; // == Rx - Qx * Rz
ell.push([c0, c1, c2]);
const t2 = Fp2.sqr(t1); // T1²
const t3 = Fp2.mul(t2, t1); // T2 * T1
const t4 = Fp2.mul(t2, Rx); // T2 * Rx
const t5 = Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(t3, Fp2.mul(t4, _2n)), Fp2.mul(Fp2.sqr(t0), Rz)); // T3 - 2 * T4 + T0² * Rz
Rx = Fp2.mul(t1, t5); // T1 * T5
Ry = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t4, t5), t0), Fp2.mul(t3, Ry)); // (T4 - T5) * T0 - T3 * Ry
Rz = Fp2.mul(Rz, t3); // Rz * T3
return { Rx, Ry, Rz };
// Pre-compute coefficients for sparse multiplication
// Point addition and point double calculations is reused for coefficients
// pointAdd happens only if bit set, so wNAF is reasonable. Unfortunately we cannot combine
// add + double in windowed precomputes here, otherwise it would be single op (since X is static)
const ATE_NAF = NAfDecomposition(CURVE.params.ateLoopSize);
const calcPairingPrecomputes = memoized((point: G2) => {
const p = point;
const { x, y } = p.toAffine();
// prettier-ignore
const Qx = x, Qy = y, negQy = Fp2.neg(y);
// prettier-ignore
let Rx = Qx, Ry = Qy, Rz = Fp2.ONE;
const ell: Precompute = [];
for (const bit of ATE_NAF) {
const cur: PrecomputeSingle = [];
({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointDouble(cur, Rx, Ry, Rz));
if (bit) ({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointAdd(cur, Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, bit === -1 ? negQy : Qy));
if (CURVE.postPrecompute) {
const last = ell[ell.length - 1];
CURVE.postPrecompute(Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy, pointAdd.bind(null, last));
return ell;
// Main pairing logic is here. Computes product of miller loops + final exponentiate
// Applies calculated precomputes
type MillerInput = [Precompute, Fp, Fp][];
function millerLoopBatch(pairs: MillerInput, withFinalExponent: boolean = false) {
let f12 = Fp12.ONE;
if (pairs.length) {
const ellLen = pairs[0][0].length;
for (let i = 0; i < ellLen; i++) {
f12 = Fp12.sqr(f12); // This allows us to do sqr only one time for all pairings
// NOTE: we apply multiple pairings in parallel here
for (const [ell, Px, Py] of pairs) {
for (const [c0, c1, c2] of ell[i]) f12 = lineFunction(c0, c1, c2, f12, Px, Py);
if (BLS_X_IS_NEGATIVE) f12 = Fp12.conjugate(f12);
return withFinalExponent ? Fp12.finalExponentiate(f12) : f12;
type PairingInput = { g1: G1; g2: G2 };
// Calculates product of multiple pairings
// This up to x2 faster than just `map(({g1, g2})=>pairing({g1,g2}))`
function pairingBatch(pairs: PairingInput[], withFinalExponent: boolean = true) {
const res: MillerInput = [];
// This cache precomputed toAffine for all points
G1.ProjectivePoint.normalizeZ({ g1 }) => g1));
G2.ProjectivePoint.normalizeZ({ g2 }) => g2));
for (const { g1, g2 } of pairs) {
if (g1.equals(G1.ProjectivePoint.ZERO) || g2.equals(G2.ProjectivePoint.ZERO))
throw new Error('pairing is not available for ZERO point');
// This uses toAffine inside
const Qa = g1.toAffine();
res.push([calcPairingPrecomputes(g2), Qa.x, Qa.y]);
return millerLoopBatch(res, withFinalExponent);
// Calculates bilinear pairing
function pairing(Q: G1, P: G2, withFinalExponent: boolean = true): Fp12 {
if (Q.equals(G1.ProjectivePoint.ZERO) || P.equals(G2.ProjectivePoint.ZERO))
throw new Error('pairing is not available for ZERO point');
// Performance: 9ms for millerLoop and ~14ms for exp.
const Qa = Q.toAffine();
const looped = millerLoop(pairingPrecomputes(P), [Qa.x, Qa.y]);
return withFinalExponent ? Fp12.finalExponentiate(looped) : looped;
return pairingBatch([{ g1: Q, g2: P }], withFinalExponent);
type G1 = typeof G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE;
type G2 = typeof G2.ProjectivePoint.BASE;
const utils = {
randomPrivateKey: (): Uint8Array => {
const length = getMinHashLength(Fr.ORDER);
return mapHashToField(CURVE.randomBytes(length), Fr.ORDER);
const { ShortSignature } = CURVE.G1;
const { Signature } = CURVE.G2;
type G1Hex = Hex | G1;

@@ -370,7 +423,6 @@ type G2Hex = Hex | G2;

const S = normP2(signature);
// Instead of doing 2 exponentiations, we use property of billinear maps
// and do one exp after multiplying 2 points.
const ePHm = pairing(P.negate(), Hm, false);
const eGS = pairing(G, S, false);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(Fp12.mul(eGS, ePHm));
const exp = pairingBatch([
{ g1: P.negate(), g2: Hm }, // ePHM = pairing(P.negate(), Hm, false);
{ g1: G, g2: S }, // eGS = pairing(G, S, false);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);

@@ -391,7 +443,6 @@ }

const S = normP1(signature);
// Instead of doing 2 exponentiations, we use property of billinear maps
// and do one exp after multiplying 2 points.
const eHmP = pairing(Hm, P, false);
const eSG = pairing(S, G.negate(), false);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(Fp12.mul(eSG, eHmP));
const exp = pairingBatch([
{ g1: Hm, g2: P }, // eHmP = pairing(Hm, P, false);
{ g1: S, g2: G.negate() }, // eSG = pairing(S, G.negate(), false);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);

@@ -448,2 +499,3 @@ }

signature: G2Hex,
// TODO: maybe `{message: G2Hex, publicKey: G1Hex}[]` instead?
messages: G2Hex[],

@@ -453,5 +505,2 @@ publicKeys: G1Hex[],

): boolean {
// @ts-ignore
// console.log('verifyBatch', bytesToHex(signature as any), messages,;
if (!messages.length) throw new Error('Expected non-empty messages array');

@@ -463,18 +512,22 @@ if (publicKeys.length !== messages.length)

const nPublicKeys =;
// NOTE: this works only for exact same object
const messagePubKeyMap = new Map<G2, G1[]>();
for (let i = 0; i < nPublicKeys.length; i++) {
const pub = nPublicKeys[i];
const msg = nMessages[i];
let keys = messagePubKeyMap.get(msg);
if (keys === undefined) {
keys = [];
messagePubKeyMap.set(msg, keys);
const paired = [];
try {
const paired = [];
for (const message of new Set(nMessages)) {
const groupPublicKey = nMessages.reduce(
(groupPublicKey, subMessage, i) =>
subMessage === message ? groupPublicKey.add(nPublicKeys[i]) : groupPublicKey,
// const msg = message instanceof PointG2 ? message : await PointG2.hashToCurve(message);
// Possible to batch pairing for same msg with different groupPublicKey here
paired.push(pairing(groupPublicKey, message, false));
for (const [msg, keys] of messagePubKeyMap) {
const groupPublicKey = keys.reduce((acc, msg) => acc.add(msg));
paired.push({ g1: groupPublicKey, g2: msg });
paired.push(pairing(G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE.negate(), sig, false));
const product = paired.reduce((a, b) => Fp12.mul(a, b), Fp12.ONE);
const exp = Fp12.finalExponentiate(product);
return Fp12.eql(exp, Fp12.ONE);
paired.push({ g1: G1.ProjectivePoint.BASE.negate(), g2: sig });
return Fp12.eql(pairingBatch(paired), Fp12.ONE);
} catch {

@@ -498,4 +551,5 @@ return false;


@@ -513,3 +567,3 @@ G2,

params: {
x: CURVE.params.x,
ateLoopSize: CURVE.params.ateLoopSize,
r: CURVE.params.r,

@@ -516,0 +570,0 @@ G1b: CURVE.G1.b,

@@ -28,2 +28,7 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

// Since points in different groups cannot be equal (different object constructor),
// we can have single place to store precomputes
const pointPrecomputes = new WeakMap<any, any[]>();
const pointWindowSizes = new WeakMap<any, number>(); // This allows use make points immutable (nothing changes inside)
// Elliptic curve multiplication of Point by scalar. Fragile.

@@ -45,3 +50,8 @@ // Scalars should always be less than curve order: this should be checked inside of a curve itself.

const validateW = (W: number) => {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(W) || W <= 0 || W > bits)
throw new Error(`Wrong window size=${W}, should be [1..${bits}]`);
const opts = (W: number) => {
const windows = Math.ceil(bits / W) + 1; // +1, because

@@ -154,15 +164,21 @@ const windowSize = 2 ** (W - 1); // -1 because we skip zero

wNAFCached(P: T, precomputesMap: Map<T, T[]>, n: bigint, transform: Mapper<T>): { p: T; f: T } {
// @ts-ignore
const W: number = P._WINDOW_SIZE || 1;
wNAFCached(P: T, n: bigint, transform: Mapper<T>): { p: T; f: T } {
const W: number = pointWindowSizes.get(P) || 1;
// Calculate precomputes on a first run, reuse them after
let comp = precomputesMap.get(P);
let comp = pointPrecomputes.get(P);
if (!comp) {
comp = this.precomputeWindow(P, W) as T[];
if (W !== 1) {
precomputesMap.set(P, transform(comp));
if (W !== 1) pointPrecomputes.set(P, transform(comp));
return this.wNAF(W, comp, n);
// We calculate precomputes for elliptic curve point multiplication
// using windowed method. This specifies window size and
// stores precomputed values. Usually only base point would be precomputed.
setWindowSize(P: T, W: number) {
pointWindowSizes.set(P, W);

@@ -169,0 +185,0 @@ }

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

import * as ut from './utils.js';
import { ensureBytes, FHash, Hex } from './utils.js';
import { ensureBytes, FHash, Hex, memoized, abool } from './utils.js';

@@ -76,2 +76,6 @@ // Be friendly to bad ECMAScript parsers by not using bigint literals

* Edwards Curve interface.
* Main methods: `getPublicKey(priv)`, `sign(msg, priv)`, `verify(sig, msg, pub)`.
export type CurveFn = {

@@ -100,3 +104,9 @@ CURVE: ReturnType<typeof validateOpts>;

// It is not generic twisted curve for now, but ed25519/ed448 generic implementation
* Creates Twisted Edwards curve with EdDSA signatures.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, d, p, n, Gx, Gy, h
* const curve = twistedEdwards({ a, d, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h })
export function twistedEdwards(curveDef: CurveType): CurveFn {

@@ -130,21 +140,49 @@ const CURVE = validateOpts(curveDef) as ReturnType<typeof validateOpts>;

((data: Uint8Array, ctx: Uint8Array, phflag: boolean) => {
abool('phflag', phflag);
if (ctx.length || phflag) throw new Error('Contexts/pre-hash are not supported');
return data;
}); // NOOP
const inBig = (n: bigint) => typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n < n; // n in [1..]
const inRange = (n: bigint, max: bigint) => inBig(n) && inBig(max) && n < max; // n in [1..max-1]
const in0MaskRange = (n: bigint) => n === _0n || inRange(n, MASK); // n in [0..MASK-1]
function assertInRange(n: bigint, max: bigint) {
// n in [1..max-1]
if (inRange(n, max)) return n;
throw new Error(`Expected valid scalar < ${max}, got ${typeof n} ${n}`);
// 0 <= n < MASK
// Coordinates larger than Fp.ORDER are allowed for zip215
function aCoordinate(title: string, n: bigint) {
ut.aInRange('coordinate ' + title, n, _0n, MASK);
function assertGE0(n: bigint) {
// n in [0..CURVE_ORDER-1]
return n === _0n ? n : assertInRange(n, CURVE_ORDER); // GE = prime subgroup, not full group
const pointPrecomputes = new Map<Point, Point[]>();
function isPoint(other: unknown) {
function assertPoint(other: unknown) {
if (!(other instanceof Point)) throw new Error('ExtendedPoint expected');
// Converts Extended point to default (x, y) coordinates.
// Can accept precomputed Z^-1 - for example, from invertBatch.
const toAffineMemo = memoized((p: Point, iz?: bigint): AffinePoint<bigint> => {
const { ex: x, ey: y, ez: z } = p;
const is0 = p.is0();
if (iz == null) iz = is0 ? _8n : (Fp.inv(z) as bigint); // 8 was chosen arbitrarily
const ax = modP(x * iz);
const ay = modP(y * iz);
const zz = modP(z * iz);
if (is0) return { x: _0n, y: _1n };
if (zz !== _1n) throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
const assertValidMemo = memoized((p: Point) => {
const { a, d } = CURVE;
if (p.is0()) throw new Error('bad point: ZERO'); // TODO: optimize, with vars below?
// Equation in affine coordinates: ax² + y² = 1 + dx²y²
// Equation in projective coordinates (X/Z, Y/Z, Z): (aX² + Y²)Z² = Z⁴ + dX²Y²
const { ex: X, ey: Y, ez: Z, et: T } = p;
const X2 = modP(X * X); // X²
const Y2 = modP(Y * Y); // Y²
const Z2 = modP(Z * Z); // Z²
const Z4 = modP(Z2 * Z2); // Z⁴
const aX2 = modP(X2 * a); // aX²
const left = modP(Z2 * modP(aX2 + Y2)); // (aX² + Y²)Z²
const right = modP(Z4 + modP(d * modP(X2 * Y2))); // Z⁴ + dX²Y²
if (left !== right) throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (1)');
// In Extended coordinates we also have T, which is x*y=T/Z: check X*Y == Z*T
const XY = modP(X * Y);
const ZT = modP(Z * T);
if (XY !== ZT) throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (2)');
return true;
// Extended Point works in extended coordinates: (x, y, z, t) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z, t=xy).

@@ -162,6 +200,7 @@ //

) {
if (!in0MaskRange(ex)) throw new Error('x required');
if (!in0MaskRange(ey)) throw new Error('y required');
if (!in0MaskRange(ez)) throw new Error('z required');
if (!in0MaskRange(et)) throw new Error('t required');
aCoordinate('x', ex);
aCoordinate('y', ey);
aCoordinate('z', ez);
aCoordinate('t', et);

@@ -179,3 +218,4 @@

const { x, y } = p || {};
if (!in0MaskRange(x) || !in0MaskRange(y)) throw new Error('invalid affine point');
aCoordinate('x', x);
aCoordinate('y', y);
return new Point(x, y, _1n, modP(x * y));

@@ -188,11 +228,5 @@ }

// We calculate precomputes for elliptic curve point multiplication
// using windowed method. This specifies window size and
// stores precomputed values. Usually only base point would be precomputed.
_WINDOW_SIZE?: number;
// "Private method", don't use it directly
_setWindowSize(windowSize: number) {
this._WINDOW_SIZE = windowSize;
wnaf.setWindowSize(this, windowSize);

@@ -202,19 +236,3 @@ // Not required for fromHex(), which always creates valid points.

assertValidity(): void {
const { a, d } = CURVE;
if (this.is0()) throw new Error('bad point: ZERO'); // TODO: optimize, with vars below?
// Equation in affine coordinates: ax² + y² = 1 + dx²y²
// Equation in projective coordinates (X/Z, Y/Z, Z): (aX² + Y²)Z² = Z⁴ + dX²Y²
const { ex: X, ey: Y, ez: Z, et: T } = this;
const X2 = modP(X * X); // X²
const Y2 = modP(Y * Y); // Y²
const Z2 = modP(Z * Z); // Z²
const Z4 = modP(Z2 * Z2); // Z⁴
const aX2 = modP(X2 * a); // aX²
const left = modP(Z2 * modP(aX2 + Y2)); // (aX² + Y²)Z²
const right = modP(Z4 + modP(d * modP(X2 * Y2))); // Z⁴ + dX²Y²
if (left !== right) throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (1)');
// In Extended coordinates we also have T, which is x*y=T/Z: check X*Y == Z*T
const XY = modP(X * Y);
const ZT = modP(Z * T);
if (XY !== ZT) throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right (2)');

@@ -224,3 +242,3 @@

equals(other: Point): boolean {
const { ex: X1, ey: Y1, ez: Z1 } = this;

@@ -235,3 +253,3 @@ const { ex: X2, ey: Y2, ez: Z2 } = other;

protected is0(): boolean {
is0(): boolean {
return this.equals(Point.ZERO);

@@ -271,3 +289,3 @@ }

add(other: Point) {
const { a, d } = CURVE;

@@ -317,3 +335,3 @@ const { ex: X1, ey: Y1, ez: Z1, et: T1 } = this;

private wNAF(n: bigint): { p: Point; f: Point } {
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, pointPrecomputes, n, Point.normalizeZ);
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, n, Point.normalizeZ);

@@ -323,3 +341,5 @@

multiply(scalar: bigint): Point {
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(assertInRange(scalar, CURVE_ORDER));
const n = scalar;
ut.aInRange('scalar', n, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // 1 <= scalar < L
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(n);
return Point.normalizeZ([p, f])[0];

@@ -333,3 +353,4 @@ }

multiplyUnsafe(scalar: bigint): Point {
let n = assertGE0(scalar); // 0 <= scalar < CURVE.n
const n = scalar;
ut.aInRange('scalar', n, _0n, CURVE_ORDER); // 0 <= scalar < L
if (n === _0n) return I;

@@ -358,11 +379,3 @@ if (this.equals(I) || n === _1n) return this;

toAffine(iz?: bigint): AffinePoint<bigint> {
const { ex: x, ey: y, ez: z } = this;
const is0 = this.is0();
if (iz == null) iz = is0 ? _8n : (Fp.inv(z) as bigint); // 8 was chosen arbitrarily
const ax = modP(x * iz);
const ay = modP(y * iz);
const zz = modP(z * iz);
if (is0) return { x: _0n, y: _1n };
if (zz !== _1n) throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
return toAffineMemo(this, iz);

@@ -382,2 +395,3 @@

hex = ensureBytes('pointHex', hex, len); // copy hex to a new array
abool('zip215', zip215);
const normed = hex.slice(); // copy again, we'll manipulate it

@@ -387,11 +401,9 @@ const lastByte = hex[len - 1]; // select last byte

const y = ut.bytesToNumberLE(normed);
if (y === _0n) {
// y=0 is allowed
} else {
// RFC8032 prohibits >= p, but ZIP215 doesn't
if (zip215)
assertInRange(y, MASK); // zip215=true [1..P-1] (2^255-19-1 for ed25519)
else assertInRange(y, Fp.ORDER); // zip215=false [1..MASK-1] (2^256-1 for ed25519)
// RFC8032 prohibits >= p, but ZIP215 doesn't
// zip215=true: 0 <= y < MASK (2^256 for ed25519)
// zip215=false: 0 <= y < P (2^255-19 for ed25519)
const max = zip215 ? MASK : Fp.ORDER;
ut.aInRange('pointHex.y', y, _0n, max);
// Ed25519: x² = (y²-1)/(dy²+1) mod p. Ed448: x² = (y²-1)/(dy²-1) mod p. Generic case:

@@ -471,3 +483,3 @@ // ax²+y²=1+dx²y² => y²-1=dx²y²-ax² => y²-1=x²(dy²-a) => x²=(y²-1)/(dy²-a)

const s = modN(r + k * scalar); // S = (r + k * s) mod L
assertGE0(s); // 0 <= s < l
ut.aInRange('signature.s', s, _0n, CURVE_ORDER); // 0 <= s < l
const res = ut.concatBytes(R, ut.numberToBytesLE(s, Fp.BYTES));

@@ -483,2 +495,3 @@ return ensureBytes('result', res, nByteLength * 2); // 64-byte signature

msg = ensureBytes('message', msg);
if (zip215 !== undefined) abool('zip215', zip215);
if (prehash) msg = prehash(msg); // for ed25519ph, etc

@@ -485,0 +498,0 @@

@@ -198,3 +198,2 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

// Other cases: Tonelli-Shanks algorithm

@@ -318,7 +317,15 @@ return tonelliShanks(P);

export function FpLegendre(order: bigint) {
// (a | p) ≡ 1 if a is a square (mod p), quadratic residue
// (a | p) ≡ -1 if a is not a square (mod p), quadratic non residue
// (a | p) ≡ 0 if a ≡ 0 (mod p)
const legendreConst = (order - _1n) / _2n; // Integer arithmetic
return <T>(f: IField<T>, x: T): T => f.pow(x, legendreConst);
// This function returns True whenever the value x is a square in the field F.
export function FpIsSquare<T>(f: IField<T>) {
const legendreConst = (f.ORDER - _1n) / _2n; // Integer arithmetic
const legendre = FpLegendre(f.ORDER);
return (x: T): boolean => {
const p = f.pow(x, legendreConst);
const p = legendre(f, x);
return f.eql(p, f.ZERO) || f.eql(p, f.ONE);

@@ -344,2 +351,5 @@ };

* * c) Object.freeze
* NOTE: operations don't check 'isValid' for all elements for performance reasons,
* it is caller responsibility to check this.
* This is low-level code, please make sure you know what you doing.
* @param ORDER prime positive bigint

@@ -346,0 +356,0 @@ * @param bitLen how many bits the field consumes

/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
import { mod, pow } from './modular.js';
import { bytesToNumberLE, ensureBytes, numberToBytesLE, validateObject } from './utils.js';
import {
} from './utils.js';

@@ -78,8 +84,2 @@ const _0n = BigInt(0);

// Accepts 0 as well
function assertFieldElement(n: bigint): bigint {
if (typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n <= n && n < P) return n;
throw new Error('Expected valid scalar 0 < scalar < CURVE.P');
// x25519 from 4

@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ // The constant a24 is (486662 - 2) / 4 = 121665 for curve25519/X25519

function montgomeryLadder(pointU: bigint, scalar: bigint): bigint {
const u = assertFieldElement(pointU);
function montgomeryLadder(u: bigint, scalar: bigint): bigint {
aInRange('u', u, _0n, P);
aInRange('scalar', scalar, _0n, P);
// Section 5: Implementations MUST accept non-canonical values and process them as
// if they had been reduced modulo the field prime.
const k = assertFieldElement(scalar);
const k = scalar;
const x_1 = u;

@@ -101,0 +102,0 @@ let x_2 = _1n;

@@ -30,2 +30,7 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

export function abool(title: string, value: boolean): void {
if (typeof value !== 'boolean')
throw new Error(`${title} must be valid boolean, got "${value}".`);
// Array where index 0xf0 (240) is mapped to string 'f0'

@@ -178,2 +183,24 @@ const hexes = /* @__PURE__ */ Array.from({ length: 256 }, (_, i) =>

// Is positive bigint
const isPosBig = (n: bigint) => typeof n === 'bigint' && _0n <= n;
export function inRange(n: bigint, min: bigint, max: bigint) {
return isPosBig(n) && isPosBig(min) && isPosBig(max) && min <= n && n < max;
* Asserts min <= n < max. NOTE: It's < max and not <= max.
* @example
* aInRange('x', x, 1n, 256n); // would assume x is in (1n..255n)
export function aInRange(title: string, n: bigint, min: bigint, max: bigint) {
// Why min <= n < max and not a (min < n < max) OR b (min <= n <= max)?
// consider P=256n, min=0n, max=P
// - a for min=0 would require -1: `inRange('x', x, -1n, P)`
// - b would commonly require subtraction: `inRange('x', x, 0n, P - 1n)`
// - our way is the cleanest: `inRange('x', x, 0n, P)
if (!inRange(n, min, max))
throw new Error(`expected valid ${title}: ${min} <= n < ${max}, got ${typeof n} ${n}`);
// Bit operations

@@ -322,1 +349,23 @@

// const z4 = validateObject(o, { a: 'boolean', z: 'bug' });
* throws not implemented error
export const notImplemented = () => {
throw new Error('not implemented');
* Memoizes (caches) computation result.
* Uses WeakMap: the value is going auto-cleaned by GC after last reference is removed.
export function memoized<T extends object, R, O extends any[]>(fn: (arg: T, ...args: O) => R) {
const map = new WeakMap<T, R>();
return (arg: T, ...args: O): R => {
const val = map.get(arg);
if (val !== undefined) return val;
const computed = fn(arg, ...args);
map.set(arg, computed);
return computed;

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

import * as ut from './utils.js';
import { CHash, Hex, PrivKey, ensureBytes } from './utils.js';
import { CHash, Hex, PrivKey, ensureBytes, memoized, abool } from './utils.js';

@@ -35,2 +35,7 @@ export type { AffinePoint };

function validateSigVerOpts(opts: SignOpts | VerOpts) {
if (opts.lowS !== undefined) abool('lowS', opts.lowS);
if (opts.prehash !== undefined) abool('prehash', opts.prehash);

@@ -233,11 +238,8 @@ * ### Design rationale for types

function isWithinCurveOrder(num: bigint): boolean {
return typeof num === 'bigint' && _0n < num && num < CURVE.n;
return ut.inRange(num, _1n, CURVE.n);
function assertGE(num: bigint) {
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(num)) throw new Error('Expected valid bigint: 0 < bigint < curve.n');
// Validates if priv key is valid and converts it to bigint.
// Supports options allowedPrivateKeyLengths and wrapPrivateKey.
function normPrivateKeyToScalar(key: PrivKey): bigint {
const { allowedPrivateKeyLengths: lengths, nByteLength, wrapPrivateKey, n } = CURVE;
const { allowedPrivateKeyLengths: lengths, nByteLength, wrapPrivateKey, n: N } = CURVE;
if (lengths && typeof key !== 'bigint') {

@@ -258,11 +260,52 @@ if (ut.isBytes(key)) key = ut.bytesToHex(key);

if (wrapPrivateKey) num = mod.mod(num, n); // disabled by default, enabled for BLS
assertGE(num); // num in range [1..N-1]
if (wrapPrivateKey) num = mod.mod(num, N); // disabled by default, enabled for BLS
ut.aInRange('private key', num, _1n, N); // num in range [1..N-1]
return num;
const pointPrecomputes = new Map<Point, Point[]>();
function assertPrjPoint(other: unknown) {
if (!(other instanceof Point)) throw new Error('ProjectivePoint expected');
// Memoized toAffine / validity check. They are heavy. Points are immutable.
// Converts Projective point to affine (x, y) coordinates.
// Can accept precomputed Z^-1 - for example, from invertBatch.
// (x, y, z) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z)
const toAffineMemo = memoized((p: Point, iz?: T): AffinePoint<T> => {
const { px: x, py: y, pz: z } = p;
// Fast-path for normalized points
if (Fp.eql(z, Fp.ONE)) return { x, y };
const is0 = p.is0();
// If invZ was 0, we return zero point. However we still want to execute
// all operations, so we replace invZ with a random number, 1.
if (iz == null) iz = is0 ? Fp.ONE : Fp.inv(z);
const ax = Fp.mul(x, iz);
const ay = Fp.mul(y, iz);
const zz = Fp.mul(z, iz);
if (is0) return { x: Fp.ZERO, y: Fp.ZERO };
if (!Fp.eql(zz, Fp.ONE)) throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
// NOTE: on exception this will crash 'cached' and no value will be set.
// Otherwise true will be return
const assertValidMemo = memoized((p: Point) => {
if (p.is0()) {
// (0, 1, 0) aka ZERO is invalid in most contexts.
// In BLS, ZERO can be serialized, so we allow it.
// (0, 0, 0) is wrong representation of ZERO and is always invalid.
if (CURVE.allowInfinityPoint && !Fp.is0( return;
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO');
// Some 3rd-party test vectors require different wording between here & `fromCompressedHex`
const { x, y } = p.toAffine();
// Check if x, y are valid field elements
if (!Fp.isValid(x) || !Fp.isValid(y)) throw new Error('bad point: x or y not FE');
const left = Fp.sqr(y); // y²
const right = weierstrassEquation(x); // x³ + ax + b
if (!Fp.eql(left, right)) throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right');
if (!p.isTorsionFree()) throw new Error('bad point: not in prime-order subgroup');
return true;

@@ -285,2 +328,3 @@ * Projective Point works in 3d / projective (homogeneous) coordinates: (x, y, z) ∋ (x=x/z, y=y/z)

if (pz == null || !Fp.isValid(pz)) throw new Error('z required');

@@ -333,11 +377,5 @@

// We calculate precomputes for elliptic curve point multiplication
// using windowed method. This specifies window size and
// stores precomputed values. Usually only base point would be precomputed.
_WINDOW_SIZE?: number;
// "Private method", don't use it directly
_setWindowSize(windowSize: number) {
this._WINDOW_SIZE = windowSize;
wnaf.setWindowSize(this, windowSize);

@@ -347,18 +385,5 @@

assertValidity(): void {
if (this.is0()) {
// (0, 1, 0) aka ZERO is invalid in most contexts.
// In BLS, ZERO can be serialized, so we allow it.
// (0, 0, 0) is wrong representation of ZERO and is always invalid.
if (CURVE.allowInfinityPoint && !Fp.is0( return;
throw new Error('bad point: ZERO');
// Some 3rd-party test vectors require different wording between here & `fromCompressedHex`
const { x, y } = this.toAffine();
// Check if x, y are valid field elements
if (!Fp.isValid(x) || !Fp.isValid(y)) throw new Error('bad point: x or y not FE');
const left = Fp.sqr(y); // y²
const right = weierstrassEquation(x); // x³ + ax + b
if (!Fp.eql(left, right)) throw new Error('bad point: equation left != right');
if (!this.isTorsionFree()) throw new Error('bad point: not in prime-order subgroup');
hasEvenY(): boolean {

@@ -490,10 +515,7 @@ const { y } = this.toAffine();

private is0() {
is0() {
return this.equals(Point.ZERO);
private wNAF(n: bigint): { p: Point; f: Point } {
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, pointPrecomputes, n, (comp: Point[]) => {
const toInv = Fp.invertBatch( => p.pz));
return, i) => p.toAffine(toInv[i])).map(Point.fromAffine);
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, n, Point.normalizeZ);

@@ -506,12 +528,12 @@

multiplyUnsafe(n: bigint): Point {
multiplyUnsafe(sc: bigint): Point {
ut.aInRange('scalar', sc, _0n, CURVE.n);
const I = Point.ZERO;
if (n === _0n) return I;
assertGE(n); // Will throw on 0
if (n === _1n) return this;
if (sc === _0n) return I;
if (sc === _1n) return this;
const { endo } = CURVE;
if (!endo) return wnaf.unsafeLadder(this, n);
if (!endo) return wnaf.unsafeLadder(this, sc);
// Apply endomorphism
let { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(n);
let { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(sc);
let k1p = I;

@@ -543,8 +565,7 @@ let k2p = I;

multiply(scalar: bigint): Point {
let n = scalar;
const { endo, n: N } = CURVE;
ut.aInRange('scalar', scalar, _1n, N);
let point: Point, fake: Point; // Fake point is used to const-time mult
const { endo } = CURVE;
if (endo) {
const { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(n);
const { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(scalar);
let { p: k1p, f: f1p } = this.wNAF(k1);

@@ -558,3 +579,3 @@ let { p: k2p, f: f2p } = this.wNAF(k2);

} else {
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(n);
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(scalar);
point = p;

@@ -587,13 +608,3 @@ fake = f;

toAffine(iz?: T): AffinePoint<T> {
const { px: x, py: y, pz: z } = this;
const is0 = this.is0();
// If invZ was 0, we return zero point. However we still want to execute
// all operations, so we replace invZ with a random number, 1.
if (iz == null) iz = is0 ? Fp.ONE : Fp.inv(z);
const ax = Fp.mul(x, iz);
const ay = Fp.mul(y, iz);
const zz = Fp.mul(z, iz);
if (is0) return { x: Fp.ZERO, y: Fp.ZERO };
if (!Fp.eql(zz, Fp.ONE)) throw new Error('invZ was invalid');
return { x: ax, y: ay };
return toAffineMemo(this, iz);

@@ -614,2 +625,3 @@ isTorsionFree(): boolean {

toRawBytes(isCompressed = true): Uint8Array {
abool('isCompressed', isCompressed);

@@ -620,2 +632,3 @@ return toBytes(Point, this, isCompressed);

toHex(isCompressed = true): string {
abool('isCompressed', isCompressed);
return ut.bytesToHex(this.toRawBytes(isCompressed));

@@ -708,2 +721,9 @@ }

* Creates short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signature methods for it.
* @example
* import { Field } from '@noble/curves/abstract/modular';
* // Before that, define BigInt-s: a, b, p, n, Gx, Gy
* const curve = weierstrass({ a, b, Fp: Field(p), n, Gx, Gy, h: 1n })
export function weierstrass(curveDef: CurveType): CurveFn {

@@ -715,5 +735,2 @@ const CURVE = validateOpts(curveDef) as ReturnType<typeof validateOpts>;

function isValidFieldElement(num: bigint): boolean {
return _0n < num && num < Fp.ORDER; // 0 is banned since it's not invertible FE
function modN(a: bigint) {

@@ -737,2 +754,3 @@ return mod.mod(a, CURVE_ORDER);

const cat = ut.concatBytes;
abool('isCompressed', isCompressed);
if (isCompressed) {

@@ -751,3 +769,3 @@ return cat(Uint8Array.from([point.hasEvenY() ? 0x02 : 0x03]), x);

const x = ut.bytesToNumberBE(tail);
if (!isValidFieldElement(x)) throw new Error('Point is not on curve');
if (!ut.inRange(x, _1n, Fp.ORDER)) throw new Error('Point is not on curve');
const y2 = weierstrassEquation(x); // y² = x³ + ax + b

@@ -818,5 +836,4 @@ let y: bigint;

assertValidity(): void {
// can use assertGE here
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(this.r)) throw new Error('r must be 0 < r < CURVE.n');
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(this.s)) throw new Error('s must be 0 < s < CURVE.n');
ut.aInRange('r', this.r, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // r in [1..N]
ut.aInRange('s', this.s, _1n, CURVE_ORDER); // s in [1..N]

@@ -971,5 +988,3 @@

function int2octets(num: bigint): Uint8Array {
if (typeof num !== 'bigint') throw new Error('bigint expected');
if (!(_0n <= num && num < ORDER_MASK))
throw new Error(`bigint expected < 2^${CURVE.nBitLength}`);
ut.aInRange(`num < 2^${CURVE.nBitLength}`, num, _0n, ORDER_MASK);
// works with order, can have different size than numToField!

@@ -991,2 +1006,3 @@ return ut.numberToBytesBE(num, CURVE.nByteLength);

msgHash = ensureBytes('msgHash', msgHash);
if (prehash) msgHash = ensureBytes('prehashed msgHash', hash(msgHash));

@@ -1082,2 +1098,3 @@

if ('strict' in opts) throw new Error('options.strict was renamed to lowS');
const { lowS, prehash } = opts;

@@ -1084,0 +1101,0 @@

@@ -9,3 +9,2 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */


@@ -20,8 +19,5 @@ bytesToNumberBE,

import { isogenyMap } from './abstract/hash-to-curve.js';
import {
} from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { AffinePoint, mapToCurveSimpleSWU, ProjPointType } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { tower12, psiFrobenius } from './abstract/tower.js';
import type { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12 } from './abstract/tower.js';

@@ -64,588 +60,41 @@ /*

const _0n = BigInt(0), _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3), _4n = BigInt(4);
// prettier-ignore
const _8n = BigInt(8), _16n = BigInt(16);
// Finite field over p.
const Fp_raw = BigInt(
const Fp = mod.Field(Fp_raw);
type Fp = bigint;
// Finite field over r.
// This particular field is not used anywhere in bls12-381, but it is still useful.
const Fr = mod.Field(BigInt('0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001'));
Embedding degree (k): 12
Seed (X): -15132376222941642752
Fr: (x⁴-x²+1)
Fp: ((x-1)² ⋅ r(x)/3+x)
(E/Fp): Y²=X³+4
(Eₜ/Fp²): Y² = X³+4(u+1) (M-type twist)
Ate loop size: X
// Fp₂ over complex plane
type BigintTuple = [bigint, bigint];
type Fp2 = { c0: bigint; c1: bigint };
const Fp2Add = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp2) => ({
c0: Fp.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp.add(c1, r1),
const Fp2Subtract = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp2) => ({
c0: Fp.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp.sub(c1, r1),
const Fp2Multiply = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2, rhs: Fp2) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint') return { c0: Fp.mul(c0, rhs), c1: Fp.mul(c1, rhs) };
// (a+bi)(c+di) = (ac−bd) + (ad+bc)i
const { c0: r0, c1: r1 } = rhs;
let t1 = Fp.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * o0
let t2 = Fp.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * o1
// (T1 - T2) + ((c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T1 + T2))*i
const o0 = Fp.sub(t1, t2);
const o1 = Fp.sub(Fp.mul(Fp.add(c0, c1), Fp.add(r0, r1)), Fp.add(t1, t2));
return { c0: o0, c1: o1 };
const Fp2Square = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2) => {
const a = Fp.add(c0, c1);
const b = Fp.sub(c0, c1);
const c = Fp.add(c0, c0);
return { c0: Fp.mul(a, b), c1: Fp.mul(c, c1) };
type Fp2Utils = {
fromBigTuple: (tuple: BigintTuple | bigint[]) => Fp2;
reim: (num: Fp2) => { re: bigint; im: bigint };
mulByNonresidue: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
multiplyByB: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp2, power: number): Fp2;
// G2 is the order-q subgroup of E2(Fp²) : y² = x³+4(1+√−1),
// where Fp2 is Fp[√−1]/(x2+1). #E2(Fp2 ) = h2q, where
// G² - 1
// h2q
// NOTE: ORDER was wrong!
const FP2_ORDER = Fp_raw * Fp_raw;
- Fp²[u] = Fp/u²+1
- Fp⁶[v] = Fp²/v³-1-u
- Fp¹²[w] = Fp⁶/w²-v
const Fp2: mod.IField<Fp2> & Fp2Utils = {
BITS: bitLen(FP2_ORDER),
BYTES: Math.ceil(bitLen(FP2_ORDER) / 8),
MASK: bitMask(bitLen(FP2_ORDER)),
ZERO: { c0: Fp.ZERO, c1: Fp.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp.ONE, c1: Fp.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1 }) => typeof c0 === 'bigint' && typeof c1 === 'bigint',
is0: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp.is0(c0) && Fp.is0(c1),
eql: ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp2) => Fp.eql(c0, r0) && Fp.eql(c1, r1),
neg: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp.neg(c0), c1: Fp.neg(c1) }),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp2, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp2, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp2Add,
sub: Fp2Subtract,
mul: Fp2Multiply,
sqr: Fp2Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp2Add,
subN: Fp2Subtract,
mulN: Fp2Multiply,
sqrN: Fp2Square,
// Why inversion for bigint inside Fp instead of Fp2? it is even used in that context?
div: (lhs, rhs) => Fp2.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp2.inv(rhs)),
inv: ({ c0: a, c1: b }) => {
// We wish to find the multiplicative inverse of a nonzero
// element a + bu in Fp2. We leverage an identity
// (a + bu)(a - bu) = a² + b²
// which holds because u² = -1. This can be rewritten as
// (a + bu)(a - bu)/(a² + b²) = 1
// because a² + b² = 0 has no nonzero solutions for (a, b).
// This gives that (a - bu)/(a² + b²) is the inverse
// of (a + bu). Importantly, this can be computing using
// only a single inversion in Fp.
const factor = Fp.inv(Fp.create(a * a + b * b));
return { c0: Fp.mul(factor, Fp.create(a)), c1: Fp.mul(factor, Fp.create(-b)) };
sqrt: (num) => {
if (Fp2.eql(num, Fp2.ZERO)) return Fp2.ZERO; // Algo doesn't handles this case
// TODO: Optimize this line. It's extremely slow.
// Speeding this up would boost aggregateSignatures.
// applicable?
// Inspired by
const candidateSqrt = Fp2.pow(num, (Fp2.ORDER + _8n) / _16n);
const check = Fp2.div(Fp2.sqr(candidateSqrt), num); // candidateSqrt.square().div(this);
const divisor = [R[0], R[2], R[4], R[6]].find((r) => Fp2.eql(r, check));
if (!divisor) throw new Error('No root');
const index = R.indexOf(divisor);
const root = R[index / 2];
if (!root) throw new Error('Invalid root');
const x1 = Fp2.div(candidateSqrt, root);
const x2 = Fp2.neg(x1);
const { re: re1, im: im1 } = Fp2.reim(x1);
const { re: re2, im: im2 } = Fp2.reim(x2);
if (im1 > im2 || (im1 === im2 && re1 > re2)) return x1;
return x2;
// Same as sgn0_m_eq_2 in RFC 9380
isOdd: (x: Fp2) => {
const { re: x0, im: x1 } = Fp2.reim(x);
const sign_0 = x0 % _2n;
const zero_0 = x0 === _0n;
const sign_1 = x1 % _2n;
return BigInt(sign_0 || (zero_0 && sign_1)) == _1n;
// Bytes util
fromBytes(b: Uint8Array): Fp2 {
if (b.length !== Fp2.BYTES) throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return { c0: Fp.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp.BYTES)), c1: Fp.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp.BYTES)) };
toBytes: ({ c0, c1 }) => concatB(Fp.toBytes(c0), Fp.toBytes(c1)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp.cmov(c1, r1, c),
// Specific utils
// toString() {
// return `Fp2(${this.c0} + ${this.c1}×i)`;
// }
reim: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ re: c0, im: c1 }),
// multiply by u + 1
mulByNonresidue: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp.sub(c0, c1), c1: Fp.add(c0, c1) }),
multiplyByB: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let t0 = Fp.mul(c0, _4n); // 4 * c0
let t1 = Fp.mul(c1, _4n); // 4 * c1
// (T0-T1) + (T0+T1)*i
return { c0: Fp.sub(t0, t1), c1: Fp.add(t0, t1) };
fromBigTuple: (tuple: BigintTuple | bigint[]) => {
if (tuple.length !== 2) throw new Error('Invalid tuple');
const fps = => Fp.create(n)) as [Fp, Fp];
return { c0: fps[0], c1: fps[1] };
frobeniusMap: ({ c0, c1 }, power: number): Fp2 => ({
c1: Fp.mul(c1, FP2_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS[power % 2]),
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp(u) / (u² - β) where β = -1
].map((item) => Fp.create(item));
// For Fp2 roots of unity.
const rv1 = BigInt(
// const ev1 =
// BigInt('0x699be3b8c6870965e5bf892ad5d2cc7b0e85a117402dfd83b7f4a947e02d978498255a2aaec0ac627b5afbdf1bf1c90');
// const ev2 =
// BigInt('0x8157cd83046453f5dd0972b6e3949e4288020b5b8a9cc99ca07e27089a2ce2436d965026adad3ef7baba37f2183e9b5');
// const ev3 =
// BigInt('0xab1c2ffdd6c253ca155231eb3e71ba044fd562f6f72bc5bad5ec46a0b7a3b0247cf08ce6c6317f40edbc653a72dee17');
// const ev4 =
// BigInt('0xaa404866706722864480885d68ad0ccac1967c7544b447873cc37e0181271e006df72162a3d3e0287bf597fbf7f8fc1');
TODO: BLS & BN Fp/Fr can be constructed from seed.
// Eighth roots of unity, used for computing square roots in Fp2.
// To verify or re-calculate:
// Array(8).fill(new Fp2([1n, 1n])).map((fp2, k) => fp2.pow(Fp2.ORDER * BigInt(k) / 8n))
const FP2_ROOTS_OF_UNITY = [
[_1n, _0n],
[rv1, -rv1],
[_0n, _1n],
[rv1, rv1],
[-_1n, _0n],
[-rv1, rv1],
[_0n, -_1n],
[-rv1, -rv1],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
// eta values, used for computing sqrt(g(X1(t)))
// const FP2_ETAs = [
// [ev1, ev2],
// [-ev2, ev1],
// [ev3, ev4],
// [-ev4, ev3],
// ].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp2(v) / (v³ - ξ) where ξ = u + 1
type BigintSix = [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint];
type Fp6 = { c0: Fp2; c1: Fp2; c2: Fp2 };
const Fp6Add = ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }: Fp6) => ({
c0: Fp2.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp2.add(c1, r1),
c2: Fp2.add(c2, r2),
const Fp6Subtract = ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }: Fp6) => ({
c0: Fp2.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp2.sub(c1, r1),
c2: Fp2.sub(c2, r2),
const Fp6Multiply = ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6, rhs: Fp6 | bigint) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint') {
return {
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, rhs),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, rhs),
const { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 } = rhs;
const t0 = Fp2.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * o0
const t1 = Fp2.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * o1
const t2 = Fp2.mul(c2, r2); // c2 * o2
return {
// t0 + (c1 + c2) * (r1 * r2) - (T1 + T2) * (u + 1)
c0: Fp2.add(
Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c1, c2), Fp2.add(r1, r2)), Fp2.add(t1, t2)))
// (c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T0 + T1) + T2 * (u + 1)
c1: Fp2.add(
Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c1), Fp2.add(r0, r1)), Fp2.add(t0, t1)),
// T1 + (c0 + c2) * (r0 + r2) - T0 + T2
c2: Fp2.sub(Fp2.add(t1, Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c2), Fp2.add(r0, r2))), Fp2.add(t0, t2)),
const Fp6Square = ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6) => {
let t0 = Fp2.sqr(c0); // c0²
let t1 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(c0, c1), _2n); // 2 * c0 * c1
let t3 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(c1, c2), _2n); // 2 * c1 * c2
let t4 = Fp2.sqr(c2); // c2²
return {
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t3), t0), // T3 * (u + 1) + T0
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t4), t1), // T4 * (u + 1) + T1
// T1 + (c0 - c1 + c2)² + T3 - T0 - T4
c2: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.add(Fp2.add(t1, Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(c0, c1), c2))), t3), t0), t4),
type Fp6Utils = {
fromBigSix: (tuple: BigintSix) => Fp6;
mulByNonresidue: (num: Fp6) => Fp6;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp6, power: number): Fp6;
multiplyBy1(num: Fp6, b1: Fp2): Fp6;
multiplyBy01(num: Fp6, b0: Fp2, b1: Fp2): Fp6;
multiplyByFp2(lhs: Fp6, rhs: Fp2): Fp6;
const Fp6: mod.IField<Fp6> & Fp6Utils = {
ORDER: Fp2.ORDER, // TODO: unused, but need to verify
BITS: 3 * Fp2.BITS,
MASK: bitMask(3 * Fp2.BITS),
ZERO: { c0: Fp2.ZERO, c1: Fp2.ZERO, c2: Fp2.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp2.ONE, c1: Fp2.ZERO, c2: Fp2.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => Fp2.isValid(c0) && Fp2.isValid(c1) && Fp2.isValid(c2),
is0: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => Fp2.is0(c0) && Fp2.is0(c1) && Fp2.is0(c2),
neg: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => ({ c0: Fp2.neg(c0), c1: Fp2.neg(c1), c2: Fp2.neg(c2) }),
eql: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }) =>
Fp2.eql(c0, r0) && Fp2.eql(c1, r1) && Fp2.eql(c2, r2),
sqrt: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
// Do we need division by bigint at all? Should be done via order:
div: (lhs, rhs) => Fp6.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp6.inv(rhs)),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp6, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp6, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp6Add,
sub: Fp6Subtract,
mul: Fp6Multiply,
sqr: Fp6Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp6Add,
subN: Fp6Subtract,
mulN: Fp6Multiply,
sqrN: Fp6Square,
inv: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => {
let t0 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(c0), Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.mul(c2, c1))); // c0² - c2 * c1 * (u + 1)
let t1 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sqr(c2)), Fp2.mul(c0, c1)); // c2² * (u + 1) - c0 * c1
let t2 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(c1), Fp2.mul(c0, c2)); // c1² - c0 * c2
// 1/(((c2 * T1 + c1 * T2) * v) + c0 * T0)
let t4 = Fp2.inv(
Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(c2, t1), Fp2.mul(c1, t2))), Fp2.mul(c0, t0))
return { c0: Fp2.mul(t4, t0), c1: Fp2.mul(t4, t1), c2: Fp2.mul(t4, t2) };
// Bytes utils
fromBytes: (b: Uint8Array): Fp6 => {
if (b.length !== Fp6.BYTES) throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return {
c0: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp2.BYTES)),
c1: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp2.BYTES, 2 * Fp2.BYTES)),
c2: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(2 * Fp2.BYTES)),
toBytes: ({ c0, c1, c2 }): Uint8Array =>
concatB(Fp2.toBytes(c0), Fp2.toBytes(c1), Fp2.toBytes(c2)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }: Fp6, c) => ({
c0: Fp2.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp2.cmov(c1, r1, c),
c2: Fp2.cmov(c2, r2, c),
// Utils
// fromTriple(triple: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2]) {
// return new Fp6(...triple);
// }
// toString() {
// return `Fp6(${this.c0} + ${this.c1} * v, ${this.c2} * v^2)`;
// }
fromBigSix: (t: BigintSix): Fp6 => {
if (!Array.isArray(t) || t.length !== 6) throw new Error('Invalid Fp6 usage');
return {
c0: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(0, 2)),
c1: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(2, 4)),
c2: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(4, 6)),
frobeniusMap: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, power: number) => ({
c0: Fp2.frobeniusMap(c0, power),
c1: Fp2.mul(Fp2.frobeniusMap(c1, power), FP6_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS_1[power % 6]),
c2: Fp2.mul(Fp2.frobeniusMap(c2, power), FP6_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS_2[power % 6]),
mulByNonresidue: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => ({ c0: Fp2.mulByNonresidue(c2), c1: c0, c2: c1 }),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy1: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, b1: Fp2): Fp6 => ({
c0: Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.mul(c2, b1)),
c1: Fp2.mul(c0, b1),
c2: Fp2.mul(c1, b1),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy01({ c0, c1, c2 }, b0: Fp2, b1: Fp2): Fp6 {
let t0 = Fp2.mul(c0, b0); // c0 * b0
let t1 = Fp2.mul(c1, b1); // c1 * b1
return {
// ((c1 + c2) * b1 - T1) * (u + 1) + T0
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c1, c2), b1), t1)), t0),
// (b0 + b1) * (c0 + c1) - T0 - T1
c1: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(b0, b1), Fp2.add(c0, c1)), t0), t1),
// (c0 + c2) * b0 - T0 + T1
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c2), b0), t0), t1),
multiplyByFp2: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, rhs: Fp2): Fp6 => ({
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, rhs),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, rhs),
[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
[BigInt('0x0'), BigInt('0x1')],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp₁₂ = Fp₆² => Fp₂³
// Fp₆(w) / (w² - γ) where γ = v
type Fp12 = { c0: Fp6; c1: Fp6 };
// The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
// The BLS parameter x (seed) for BLS12-381. NOTE: it is negative!
const BLS_X = BigInt('0xd201000000010000');
const BLS_X_LEN = bitLen(BLS_X);
// prettier-ignore
type BigintTwelve = [
bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint,
bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint
const Fp12Add = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp12, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp12) => ({
c0: Fp6.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp6.add(c1, r1),
const Fp12Subtract = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp12, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp12) => ({
c0: Fp6.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp6.sub(c1, r1),
const Fp12Multiply = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp12, rhs: Fp12 | bigint) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint') return { c0: Fp6.mul(c0, rhs), c1: Fp6.mul(c1, rhs) };
let { c0: r0, c1: r1 } = rhs;
let t1 = Fp6.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * r0
let t2 = Fp6.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * r1
return {
c0: Fp6.add(t1, Fp6.mulByNonresidue(t2)), // T1 + T2 * v
// (c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T1 + T2)
c1: Fp6.sub(Fp6.mul(Fp6.add(c0, c1), Fp6.add(r0, r1)), Fp6.add(t1, t2)),
const Fp12Square = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp12) => {
let ab = Fp6.mul(c0, c1); // c0 * c1
return {
// (c1 * v + c0) * (c0 + c1) - AB - AB * v
c0: Fp6.sub(
Fp6.sub(Fp6.mul(Fp6.add(Fp6.mulByNonresidue(c1), c0), Fp6.add(c0, c1)), ab),
c1: Fp6.add(ab, ab),
}; // AB + AB
function Fp4Square(a: Fp2, b: Fp2): { first: Fp2; second: Fp2 } {
const a2 = Fp2.sqr(a);
const b2 = Fp2.sqr(b);
return {
first: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(b2), a2), // b² * Nonresidue + a²
second: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.sqr(Fp2.add(a, b)), a2), b2), // (a + b)² - a² - b²
type Fp12Utils = {
fromBigTwelve: (t: BigintTwelve) => Fp12;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp12, power: number): Fp12;
multiplyBy014(num: Fp12, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2): Fp12;
multiplyByFp2(lhs: Fp12, rhs: Fp2): Fp12;
conjugate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
finalExponentiate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
_cyclotomicSquare(num: Fp12): Fp12;
_cyclotomicExp(num: Fp12, n: bigint): Fp12;
const Fp12: mod.IField<Fp12> & Fp12Utils = {
ORDER: Fp2.ORDER, // TODO: unused, but need to verify
BITS: 2 * Fp2.BITS,
MASK: bitMask(2 * Fp2.BITS),
ZERO: { c0: Fp6.ZERO, c1: Fp6.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp6.ONE, c1: Fp6.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp6.isValid(c0) && Fp6.isValid(c1),
is0: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp6.is0(c0) && Fp6.is0(c1),
neg: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp6.neg(c0), c1: Fp6.neg(c1) }),
eql: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => Fp6.eql(c0, r0) && Fp6.eql(c1, r1),
sqrt: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
const { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp4Square, Fp12 } = tower12({
// Order of Fp
ORDER: BigInt(
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp(u) / (u² - β) where β = -1
FP2_NONRESIDUE: [_1n, _1n],
Fp2mulByB: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
const t0 = Fp.mul(c0, _4n); // 4 * c0
const t1 = Fp.mul(c1, _4n); // 4 * c1
// (T0-T1) + (T0+T1)*i
return { c0: Fp.sub(t0, t1), c1: Fp.add(t0, t1) };
inv: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let t = Fp6.inv(Fp6.sub(Fp6.sqr(c0), Fp6.mulByNonresidue(Fp6.sqr(c1)))); // 1 / (c0² - c1² * v)
return { c0: Fp6.mul(c0, t), c1: Fp6.neg(Fp6.mul(c1, t)) }; // ((C0 * T) * T) + (-C1 * T) * w
div: (lhs, rhs) =>
Fp12.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.inv(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp12.inv(rhs)),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp12, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp12, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp12Add,
sub: Fp12Subtract,
mul: Fp12Multiply,
sqr: Fp12Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp12Add,
subN: Fp12Subtract,
mulN: Fp12Multiply,
sqrN: Fp12Square,
// Bytes utils
fromBytes: (b: Uint8Array): Fp12 => {
if (b.length !== Fp12.BYTES) throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return {
c0: Fp6.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp6.BYTES)),
c1: Fp6.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp6.BYTES)),
toBytes: ({ c0, c1 }): Uint8Array => concatB(Fp6.toBytes(c0), Fp6.toBytes(c1)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp6.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp6.cmov(c1, r1, c),
// Utils
// toString() {
// return `Fp12(${this.c0} + ${this.c1} * w)`;
// },
// fromTuple(c: [Fp6, Fp6]) {
// return new Fp12(...c);
// }
fromBigTwelve: (t: BigintTwelve): Fp12 => ({
c0: Fp6.fromBigSix(t.slice(0, 6) as BigintSix),
c1: Fp6.fromBigSix(t.slice(6, 12) as BigintSix),
// Raises to q**i -th power
frobeniusMap(lhs, power: number) {
const r0 = Fp6.frobeniusMap(lhs.c0, power);
const { c0, c1, c2 } = Fp6.frobeniusMap(lhs.c1, power);
const coeff = FP12_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS[power % 12];
return {
c0: r0,
c1: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, coeff),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, coeff),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, coeff),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy014: ({ c0, c1 }, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2) => {
let t0 = Fp6.multiplyBy01(c0, o0, o1);
let t1 = Fp6.multiplyBy1(c1, o4);
return {
c0: Fp6.add(Fp6.mulByNonresidue(t1), t0), // T1 * v + T0
// (c1 + c0) * [o0, o1+o4] - T0 - T1
c1: Fp6.sub(Fp6.sub(Fp6.multiplyBy01(Fp6.add(c1, c0), o0, Fp2.add(o1, o4)), t0), t1),
multiplyByFp2: ({ c0, c1 }, rhs: Fp2): Fp12 => ({
c0: Fp6.multiplyByFp2(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp6.multiplyByFp2(c1, rhs),
conjugate: ({ c0, c1 }): Fp12 => ({ c0, c1: Fp6.neg(c1) }),
// Fp12
// A cyclotomic group is a subgroup of Fp^n defined by

@@ -655,3 +104,3 @@ // GΦₙ(p) = {α ∈ Fpⁿ : α^Φₙ(p) = 1}

_cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }): Fp12 => {
Fp12cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }): Fp12 => {
const { c0: c0c0, c1: c0c1, c2: c0c2 } = c0;

@@ -662,3 +111,3 @@ const { c0: c1c0, c1: c1c1, c2: c1c2 } = c1;

const { first: t7, second: t8 } = Fp4Square(c0c1, c1c2);
let t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
const t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
return {

@@ -677,3 +126,3 @@ c0: Fp6.create({

_cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
Fp12cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
let z = Fp12.ONE;

@@ -688,3 +137,3 @@ for (let i = BLS_X_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

finalExponentiate: (num) => {
Fp12finalExponentiate: (num) => {
const x = BLS_X;

@@ -708,84 +157,8 @@ // this^(q⁶) / this

[BigInt('0x1'), BigInt('0x0')],
].map((n) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(n));
// Finite field over r.
// This particular field is not used anywhere in bls12-381, but it is still useful.
const Fr = mod.Field(BigInt('0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001'));

@@ -964,33 +337,4 @@

// Ψ(P) endomorphism
const ut_root = Fp6.create({ c0: Fp2.ZERO, c1: Fp2.ONE, c2: Fp2.ZERO });
const wsq = Fp12.create({ c0: ut_root, c1: Fp6.ZERO });
const wcu = Fp12.create({ c0: Fp6.ZERO, c1: ut_root });
const [wsq_inv, wcu_inv] = Fp12.invertBatch([wsq, wcu]);
function psi(x: Fp2, y: Fp2): [Fp2, Fp2] {
// Untwist Fp2->Fp12 && frobenius(1) && twist back
const x2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.multiplyByFp2(wsq_inv, x), 1), wsq).c0.c0;
const y2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.multiplyByFp2(wcu_inv, y), 1), wcu).c0.c0;
return [x2, y2];
// Ψ endomorphism
function G2psi(c: ProjConstructor<Fp2>, P: ProjPointType<Fp2>) {
const affine = P.toAffine();
const p = psi(affine.x, affine.y);
return new c(p[0], p[1], Fp2.ONE);
// Ψ²(P) endomorphism
// 1 / F2(2)^((p-1)/3) in GF(p²)
const PSI2_C1 = BigInt(
const { G2psi, G2psi2 } = psiFrobenius(Fp, Fp2, Fp2.div(Fp2.ONE, Fp2.NONRESIDUE)); // 1/(u+1)
function psi2(x: Fp2, y: Fp2): [Fp2, Fp2] {
return [Fp2.mul(x, PSI2_C1), Fp2.neg(y)];
function G2psi2(c: ProjConstructor<Fp2>, P: ProjPointType<Fp2>) {
const affine = P.toAffine();
const p = psi2(affine.x, affine.y);
return new c(p[0], p[1], Fp2.ONE);
// Default hash_to_field options are for hash to G2.

@@ -1096,3 +440,3 @@ //

// Here goes constants && point encoding format
export const bls12_381: CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> = bls({
export const bls12_381: CurveFn = bls({
// Fields

@@ -1138,4 +482,4 @@ fields: {

// todo: unroll
const xP = point.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.params.x).negate(); // [x]P
const u2P = xP.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.params.x); // [u2]P
const xP = point.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).negate(); // [x]P
const u2P = xP.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X); // [u2]P
return u2P.equals(phi);

@@ -1159,3 +503,3 @@

// return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.h);
return point.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.params.x).add(point); // x*P + P
return point.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).add(point); // x*P + P

@@ -1285,3 +629,3 @@ mapToCurve: (scalars: bigint[]) => {

isTorsionFree: (c, P): boolean => {
return P.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.params.x).negate().equals(G2psi(c, P)); // ψ(P) == [u](P)
return P.multiplyUnsafe(BLS_X).negate().equals(G2psi(c, P)); // ψ(P) == [u](P)
// Older version:

@@ -1296,3 +640,3 @@ // Ψ²(P) => Ψ³(P) => [z]Ψ³(P) where z = -x => [z]Ψ³(P) - Ψ²(P) + P == O

clearCofactor: (c, P) => {
const x = bls12_381.params.x;
const x = BLS_X;
let t1 = P.multiplyUnsafe(x).negate(); // [-x]P

@@ -1418,4 +762,6 @@ let t2 = G2psi(c, P); // Ψ(P)

params: {
x: BLS_X, // The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
ateLoopSize: BLS_X, // The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
r: Fr.ORDER, // order; z⁴ − z² + 1; CURVE.n from other curves
xNegative: true,
twistType: 'multiplicative',

@@ -1422,0 +768,0 @@ htfDefaults,

/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256';
import { getHash } from './_shortw_utils.js';
import { weierstrass } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { randomBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils';
import { bls, CurveFn } from './abstract/bls.js';
import { Field } from './abstract/modular.js';
import { weierstrass } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { bitGet, bitLen, notImplemented } from './abstract/utils.js';
import { tower12, psiFrobenius } from './abstract/tower.js';
// Types
import type { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12 } from './abstract/tower.js';
// prettier-ignore
const _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3);
// prettier-ignore
const _6n = BigInt(6);
bn254, previously known as alt_bn_128, when it had 128-bit security.
Barbulescu-Duquesne 2017 shown it's weaker: just about 100 bits,
so the naming has been adjusted to its prime bit count:
There are huge compatibility issues in the ecosystem:
1. Different libraries call it in different ways: "bn254", "bn256", "alt_bn128", "bn128".
2. libff has bn128, but it's a different curve with different G2:
3. halo2curves bn256 is also incompatible and returns different outputs
The goal of our implementation is to support "Ethereum" variant of the curve,
because it at least has specs:
- EIP196 ( describes bn254 ECADD and ECMUL opcodes for EVM
- EIP197 ( describes bn254 pairings
- It's hard: EIPs don't have proper tests. EIP-197 returns boolean output instead of Fp12
- The existing implementations are bad. Some are deprecated:
- (old version)
- (uses paritytech/bn)
- Python implementations use different towers and produce different Fp12 outputs:
- Points are encoded differently in different implementations
Seed (X): 4965661367192848881
Fr: (36x⁴+36x³+18x²+6x+1)
Fp: (36x⁴+36x³+24x²+6x+1)
(E / Fp ): Y² = X³+3
(Et / Fp²): Y² = X³+3/(u+9) (D-type twist)
Ate loop size: 6x+2
- Fp²[u] = Fp/u²+1
- Fp⁶[v] = Fp²/v³-9-u
- Fp¹²[w] = Fp⁶/w²-v
const BN_X = BigInt('4965661367192848881');
const BN_X_LEN = bitLen(BN_X);
const SIX_X_SQUARED = _6n * BN_X ** _2n;
// Finite field over r. It's for convenience and is not used in the code below.
const Fr = Field(
// Fp2.div(Fp2.mul(Fp2.ONE, _3n), Fp2.NONRESIDUE)
const Fp2B = {
c0: BigInt('19485874751759354771024239261021720505790618469301721065564631296452457478373'),
c1: BigInt('266929791119991161246907387137283842545076965332900288569378510910307636690'),
const { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp4Square, Fp12 } = tower12({
ORDER: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583'),
FP2_NONRESIDUE: [BigInt(9), _1n],
Fp2mulByB: (num) => Fp2.mul(num, Fp2B),
// The result of any pairing is in a cyclotomic subgroup
Fp12cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }): Fp12 => {
const { c0: c0c0, c1: c0c1, c2: c0c2 } = c0;
const { c0: c1c0, c1: c1c1, c2: c1c2 } = c1;
const { first: t3, second: t4 } = Fp4Square(c0c0, c1c1);
const { first: t5, second: t6 } = Fp4Square(c1c0, c0c2);
const { first: t7, second: t8 } = Fp4Square(c0c1, c1c2);
let t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
return {
c0: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t3, c0c0), _2n), t3), // 2 * (T3 - c0c0) + T3
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t5, c0c1), _2n), t5), // 2 * (T5 - c0c1) + T5
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t7, c0c2), _2n), t7),
}), // 2 * (T7 - c0c2) + T7
c1: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t9, c1c0), _2n), t9), // 2 * (T9 + c1c0) + T9
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t4, c1c1), _2n), t4), // 2 * (T4 + c1c1) + T4
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t6, c1c2), _2n), t6),
}; // 2 * (T6 + c1c2) + T6
Fp12cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
let z = Fp12.ONE;
for (let i = BN_X_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
z = Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(z);
if (bitGet(n, i)) z = Fp12.mul(z, num);
return z;
Fp12finalExponentiate: (num) => {
const powMinusX = (num: Fp12) => Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicExp(num, BN_X));
const r0 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(num), Fp12.inv(num));
const r = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(r0, 2), r0);
const y1 = Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(powMinusX(r));
const y2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(y1), y1);
const y4 = powMinusX(y2);
const y6 = powMinusX(Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(y4));
const y8 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(y6), y4), Fp12.conjugate(y2));
const y9 = Fp12.mul(y8, y1);
return Fp12.mul(
Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(r), y9), 3),
Fp12.frobeniusMap(y8, 2),
Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(y9, 1), Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(y8, y4), r))
const { G2psi, psi } = psiFrobenius(Fp, Fp2, Fp2.NONRESIDUE);
No hashToCurve for now (and signatures):
- RFC 9380 doesn't mention bn254 and doesn't provide test vectors
- Overall seems like nobody is using BLS signatures on top of bn254
- Seems like it can utilize SVDW, which is not implemented yet
const htfDefaults = Object.freeze({
// DST: a domain separation tag defined in section 2.2.5
DST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_',
encodeDST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_',
p: Fp.ORDER,
m: 2,
k: 128,
expand: 'xmd',
hash: sha256,
} as const);
* bn254 pairing-friendly curve.
* Previously known as alt_bn_128, when it had 128-bit security.
* Barbulescu-Duquesne 2017 shown it's weaker: just about 100 bits,
* so the naming has been adjusted to its prime bit count
* bn254 (a.k.a. alt_bn128) pairing-friendly curve.
* Contains G1 / G2 operations and pairings.
export const bn254 = weierstrass({
export const bn254: CurveFn = bls({
// Fields
fields: { Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12, Fr },
G1: {
h: BigInt(1),
Gx: BigInt(1),
Gy: BigInt(2),
a: Fp.ZERO,
b: _3n,
htfDefaults: { ...htfDefaults, m: 1, DST: 'BN254G2_XMD:SHA-256_SVDW_RO_' },
wrapPrivateKey: true,
allowInfinityPoint: true,
mapToCurve: notImplemented,
fromBytes: notImplemented,
toBytes: notImplemented,
ShortSignature: {
fromHex: notImplemented,
toRawBytes: notImplemented,
toHex: notImplemented,
G2: {
Fp: Fp2,
// cofactor: (36 * X^4) + (36 * X^3) + (30 * X^2) + 6*X + 1
h: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088844257914179612981679871602714643921549'),
Gx: Fp2.fromBigTuple([
Gy: Fp2.fromBigTuple([
a: Fp2.ZERO,
b: Fp2B,
hEff: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088844257914179612981679871602714643921549'),
htfDefaults: { ...htfDefaults },
wrapPrivateKey: true,
allowInfinityPoint: true,
isTorsionFree: (c, P) => P.multiplyUnsafe(SIX_X_SQUARED).equals(G2psi(c, P)), // [p]P = [6X^2]P
mapToCurve: notImplemented,
fromBytes: notImplemented,
toBytes: notImplemented,
Signature: {
fromHex: notImplemented,
toRawBytes: notImplemented,
toHex: notImplemented,
params: {
ateLoopSize: BN_X * _6n + _2n,
r: Fr.ORDER,
xNegative: false,
twistType: 'divisive',
hash: sha256,
postPrecompute: (Rx, Ry, Rz, Qx, Qy, pointAdd) => {
const q = psi(Qx, Qy);
({ Rx, Ry, Rz } = pointAdd(Rx, Ry, Rz, q[0], q[1]));
const q2 = psi(q[0], q[1]);
pointAdd(Rx, Ry, Rz, q2[0], Fp2.neg(q2[1]));
* bn254 weierstrass curve with ECDSA.
* This is very rare and probably not used anywhere.
* Instead, you should use G1 / G2, defined above.
export const bn254_weierstrass = weierstrass({
a: BigInt(0),
b: BigInt(3),
Fp: Field(BigInt('0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d97816a916871ca8d3c208c16d87cfd47')),
n: BigInt('0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d2833e84879b9709143e1f593f0000001'),
n: BigInt('21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617'),
Gx: BigInt(1),

@@ -19,0 +234,0 @@ Gy: BigInt(2),

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

import { AffinePoint, Group } from './abstract/curve.js';
import { ExtPointType, twistedEdwards } from './abstract/edwards.js';
import { CurveFn, ExtPointType, twistedEdwards } from './abstract/edwards.js';
import { createHasher, expand_message_xmd, htfBasicOpts } from './abstract/hash-to-curve.js';

@@ -130,3 +130,6 @@ import { Field, FpSqrtEven, isNegativeLE, mod, pow2 } from './abstract/modular.js';

export const ed25519 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => twistedEdwards(ed25519Defaults))();
* ed25519 curve with EdDSA signatures.
export const ed25519: CurveFn = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => twistedEdwards(ed25519Defaults))();

@@ -133,0 +136,0 @@ function ed25519_domain(data: Uint8Array, ctx: Uint8Array, phflag: boolean) {

@@ -8,3 +8,10 @@ /*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */

import type { Hex, PrivKey } from './abstract/utils.js';
import { bytesToNumberBE, concatBytes, ensureBytes, numberToBytesBE } from './abstract/utils.js';
import {
} from './abstract/utils.js';
import { ProjPointType as PointType, mapToCurveSimpleSWU } from './abstract/weierstrass.js';

@@ -48,2 +55,5 @@

* secp256k1 short weierstrass curve and ECDSA signatures over it.
export const secp256k1 = createCurve(

@@ -97,4 +107,2 @@ {

const _0n = BigInt(0);
const fe = (x: bigint) => typeof x === 'bigint' && _0n < x && x < secp256k1P;
const ge = (x: bigint) => typeof x === 'bigint' && _0n < x && x < secp256k1N;
/** An object mapping tags to their tagged hash prefix of [SHA256(tag) | SHA256(tag)] */

@@ -133,3 +141,3 @@ const TAGGED_HASH_PREFIXES: { [tag: string]: Uint8Array } = {};

function lift_x(x: bigint): PointType<bigint> {
if (!fe(x)) throw new Error('bad x: need 0 < x < p'); // Fail if x ≥ p.
aInRange('x', x, _1n, secp256k1P); // Fail if x ≥ p.
const xx = modP(x * x);

@@ -143,2 +151,3 @@ const c = modP(xx * x + BigInt(7)); // Let c = x³ + 7 mod p.

const num = bytesToNumberBE;

@@ -148,3 +157,3 @@ * Create tagged hash, convert it to bigint, reduce modulo-n.

function challenge(...args: Uint8Array[]): bigint {
return modN(bytesToNumberBE(taggedHash('BIP0340/challenge', ...args)));
return modN(num(taggedHash('BIP0340/challenge', ...args)));

@@ -171,5 +180,5 @@

const a = ensureBytes('auxRand', auxRand, 32); // Auxiliary random data a: a 32-byte array
const t = numTo32b(d ^ bytesToNumberBE(taggedHash('BIP0340/aux', a))); // Let t be the byte-wise xor of bytes(d) and hash/aux(a)
const t = numTo32b(d ^ num(taggedHash('BIP0340/aux', a))); // Let t be the byte-wise xor of bytes(d) and hash/aux(a)
const rand = taggedHash('BIP0340/nonce', t, px, m); // Let rand = hash/nonce(t || bytes(P) || m)
const k_ = modN(bytesToNumberBE(rand)); // Let k' = int(rand) mod n
const k_ = modN(num(rand)); // Let k' = int(rand) mod n
if (k_ === _0n) throw new Error('sign failed: k is zero'); // Fail if k' = 0.

@@ -195,7 +204,7 @@ const { bytes: rx, scalar: k } = schnorrGetExtPubKey(k_); // Let R = k'⋅G.

try {
const P = lift_x(bytesToNumberBE(pub)); // P = lift_x(int(pk)); fail if that fails
const r = bytesToNumberBE(sig.subarray(0, 32)); // Let r = int(sig[0:32]); fail if r ≥ p.
if (!fe(r)) return false;
const s = bytesToNumberBE(sig.subarray(32, 64)); // Let s = int(sig[32:64]); fail if s ≥ n.
if (!ge(s)) return false;
const P = lift_x(num(pub)); // P = lift_x(int(pk)); fail if that fails
const r = num(sig.subarray(0, 32)); // Let r = int(sig[0:32]); fail if r ≥ p.
if (!inRange(r, _1n, secp256k1P)) return false;
const s = num(sig.subarray(32, 64)); // Let s = int(sig[32:64]); fail if s ≥ n.
if (!inRange(s, _1n, secp256k1N)) return false;
const e = challenge(numTo32b(r), pointToBytes(P), m); // int(challenge(bytes(r)||bytes(P)||m))%n

@@ -210,2 +219,5 @@ const R = GmulAdd(P, s, modN(-e)); // R = s⋅G - e⋅P

* Schnorr signatures over secp256k1.
export const schnorr = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ({

@@ -212,0 +224,0 @@ getPublicKey: schnorrGetPublicKey,

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