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@nomicfoundation/slang - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.0 to 0.5.0


# changelog
## 0.5.0
### Minor Changes
- [#475]( [`0cdfe86`]( Thanks [@OmarTawfik](! - match TypeScript and Rust API namespaces
- [#477]( [`13c85a2`]( Thanks [@OmarTawfik](! - move expression operators into separate nodes
- [#481]( [`0269f2b`]( Thanks [@OmarTawfik](! - fix grammar versions of individual keywords
- [#473]( [`11d8cb0`]( Thanks [@OmarTawfik](! - upgrade to rust 1.69.0
## 0.4.0

@@ -4,0 +16,0 @@


"name": "@nomicfoundation/slang",
"version": "0.4.0",
"version": "0.5.0",
"description": "A modular set of compiler APIs empowering the next generation of Solidity code analysis and developer tooling. Written in Rust and distributed in multiple languages.",

@@ -26,7 +26,5 @@ "homepage": "",

"main": "src/generated/index.js",
"types": "src/generated/index.d.ts",
"files": [

@@ -36,2 +34,9 @@ "LICENSE",

"__exports_comment__": "__SLANG_PUBLIC_API_SYNC__ (please keep in sync across all other instances)",
"exports": {
".": "./src/index.js",
"./syntax": "./src/syntax/index.js",
"./syntax/nodes": "./src/syntax/nodes/index.js",
"./syntax/parser": "./src/syntax/parser/index.js"
"devDependencies": {

@@ -42,11 +47,11 @@ "@napi-rs/cli": "2.15.2",

"optionalDependencies": {
"@nomicfoundation/slang-darwin-arm64": "0.4.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-win32-arm64-msvc": "0.4.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-linux-arm64-gnu": "0.4.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-linux-arm64-musl": "0.4.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-win32-ia32-msvc": "0.4.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-darwin-x64": "0.4.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-win32-x64-msvc": "0.4.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-linux-x64-gnu": "0.4.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-linux-x64-musl": "0.4.0"
"@nomicfoundation/slang-darwin-arm64": "0.5.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-win32-arm64-msvc": "0.5.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-linux-arm64-gnu": "0.5.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-linux-arm64-musl": "0.5.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-win32-ia32-msvc": "0.5.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-darwin-x64": "0.5.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-win32-x64-msvc": "0.5.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-linux-x64-gnu": "0.5.0",
"@nomicfoundation/slang-linux-x64-musl": "0.5.0"

@@ -53,0 +58,0 @@ "napi": {

@@ -191,145 +191,163 @@ // Slang License:

AddSubExpression = 1,
AddressType = 2,
AndExpression = 3,
ArgumentList = 4,
Arguments = 5,
ArrayLiteral = 6,
ArrayTypeName = 7,
AssemblyFlags = 8,
AssemblyStatement = 9,
AssignmentExpression = 10,
AsteriskImport = 11,
BitAndExpression = 12,
BitOrExpression = 13,
BitXOrExpression = 14,
Block = 15,
BooleanLiteral = 16,
BreakStatement = 17,
CatchClause = 18,
ConditionalExpression = 19,
ConstantDefinition = 20,
ConstructorAttribute = 21,
ConstructorDefinition = 22,
ContinueStatement = 23,
ContractBodyElement = 24,
ContractDefinition = 25,
DataLocation = 26,
Definition = 27,
DeleteStatement = 28,
Directive = 29,
DoWhileStatement = 30,
ElementaryType = 31,
EmitStatement = 32,
EndOfFileTrivia = 33,
EnumDefinition = 34,
EqualityComparisonExpression = 35,
ErrorDefinition = 36,
ErrorParameter = 37,
EventDefinition = 38,
EventParameter = 39,
ExperimentalPragma = 40,
ExponentiationExpression = 41,
Expression = 42,
ExpressionStatement = 43,
FallbackFunctionAttribute = 44,
FallbackFunctionDefinition = 45,
ForStatement = 46,
FunctionAttribute = 47,
FunctionCallExpression = 48,
FunctionCallOptions = 49,
FunctionDefinition = 50,
FunctionType = 51,
IdentifierPath = 52,
IfStatement = 53,
ImportAlias = 54,
ImportDirective = 55,
ImportPath = 56,
IndexAccessExpression = 57,
InheritanceSpecifier = 58,
InheritanceSpecifierList = 59,
InterfaceDefinition = 60,
LeadingTrivia = 61,
LibraryDefinition = 62,
MappingKeyType = 63,
MappingType = 64,
MappingValueType = 65,
MemberAccessExpression = 66,
ModifierAttribute = 67,
ModifierDefinition = 68,
ModifierInvocation = 69,
MulDivModExpression = 70,
NamedArgument = 71,
NamedArgumentList = 72,
NewExpression = 73,
NumberUnit = 74,
NumericExpression = 75,
OrExpression = 76,
OrderComparisonExpression = 77,
OverrideSpecifier = 78,
ParameterDeclaration = 79,
ParameterList = 80,
PayableType = 81,
PositionalArgumentList = 82,
PragmaDirective = 83,
PrimaryExpression = 84,
ReceiveFunctionAttribute = 85,
ReceiveFunctionDefinition = 86,
Results = 87,
ReturnStatement = 88,
RevertStatement = 89,
SelectiveImport = 90,
ShiftExpression = 91,
SimpleImport = 92,
SimpleStatement = 93,
SourceUnit = 94,
StateVariableAttribute = 95,
StateVariableDeclaration = 96,
Statement = 97,
StringExpression = 98,
StructDefinition = 99,
StructMember = 100,
ThrowStatement = 101,
TrailingTrivia = 102,
TryStatement = 103,
TupleDeconstructionStatement = 104,
TupleExpression = 105,
TypeExpression = 106,
TypeName = 107,
UnaryPostfixExpression = 108,
UnaryPrefixExpression = 109,
UncheckedBlock = 110,
UnnamedFunctionAttribute = 111,
UnnamedFunctionDefinition = 112,
UserDefinedOperator = 113,
UserDefinedValueTypeDefinition = 114,
UsingDirective = 115,
VariableDeclarationStatement = 116,
VersionPragma = 117,
VersionPragmaAlternatives = 118,
VersionPragmaComparator = 119,
VersionPragmaExpression = 120,
VersionPragmaRange = 121,
VersionPragmaSpecifier = 122,
WhileStatement = 123,
YulAssignmentStatement = 124,
YulBlock = 125,
YulBreakStatement = 126,
YulContinueStatement = 127,
YulDeclarationStatement = 128,
YulExpression = 129,
YulForStatement = 130,
YulFunctionCallExpression = 131,
YulFunctionDefinition = 132,
YulIdentifierPath = 133,
YulIfStatement = 134,
YulLeaveStatement = 135,
YulLiteral = 136,
YulStatement = 137,
YulSwitchStatement = 138,
_OPTIONAL = 140,
_REPEATED = 141,
_SEQUENCE = 143,
AddSubOperator = 2,
AddressType = 3,
AndExpression = 4,
AndOperator = 5,
ArgumentList = 6,
Arguments = 7,
ArrayLiteral = 8,
ArrayTypeName = 9,
AssemblyFlags = 10,
AssemblyStatement = 11,
AssignmentExpression = 12,
AssignmentOperator = 13,
AsteriskImport = 14,
BitAndExpression = 15,
BitAndOperator = 16,
BitOrExpression = 17,
BitOrOperator = 18,
BitXOrExpression = 19,
BitXOrOperator = 20,
Block = 21,
BooleanLiteral = 22,
BreakStatement = 23,
CatchClause = 24,
ConditionalExpression = 25,
ConditionalOperator = 26,
ConstantDefinition = 27,
ConstructorAttribute = 28,
ConstructorDefinition = 29,
ContinueStatement = 30,
ContractBodyElement = 31,
ContractDefinition = 32,
DataLocation = 33,
Definition = 34,
DeleteStatement = 35,
Directive = 36,
DoWhileStatement = 37,
ElementaryType = 38,
EmitStatement = 39,
EndOfFileTrivia = 40,
EnumDefinition = 41,
EqualityComparisonExpression = 42,
EqualityComparisonOperator = 43,
ErrorDefinition = 44,
ErrorParameter = 45,
EventDefinition = 46,
EventParameter = 47,
ExperimentalPragma = 48,
ExponentiationExpression = 49,
ExponentiationOperator = 50,
Expression = 51,
ExpressionStatement = 52,
FallbackFunctionAttribute = 53,
FallbackFunctionDefinition = 54,
ForStatement = 55,
FunctionAttribute = 56,
FunctionCallExpression = 57,
FunctionCallOperator = 58,
FunctionCallOptions = 59,
FunctionDefinition = 60,
FunctionType = 61,
IdentifierPath = 62,
IfStatement = 63,
ImportAlias = 64,
ImportDirective = 65,
ImportPath = 66,
IndexAccessExpression = 67,
IndexAccessOperator = 68,
InheritanceSpecifier = 69,
InheritanceSpecifierList = 70,
InterfaceDefinition = 71,
LeadingTrivia = 72,
LibraryDefinition = 73,
MappingKeyType = 74,
MappingType = 75,
MappingValueType = 76,
MemberAccessExpression = 77,
MemberAccessOperator = 78,
ModifierAttribute = 79,
ModifierDefinition = 80,
ModifierInvocation = 81,
MulDivModExpression = 82,
MulDivModOperator = 83,
NamedArgument = 84,
NamedArgumentList = 85,
NewExpression = 86,
NumberUnit = 87,
NumericExpression = 88,
OrExpression = 89,
OrOperator = 90,
OrderComparisonExpression = 91,
OrderComparisonOperator = 92,
OverrideSpecifier = 93,
ParameterDeclaration = 94,
ParameterList = 95,
PayableType = 96,
PositionalArgumentList = 97,
PragmaDirective = 98,
PrimaryExpression = 99,
ReceiveFunctionAttribute = 100,
ReceiveFunctionDefinition = 101,
Results = 102,
ReturnStatement = 103,
RevertStatement = 104,
SelectiveImport = 105,
ShiftExpression = 106,
ShiftOperator = 107,
SimpleImport = 108,
SimpleStatement = 109,
SourceUnit = 110,
StateVariableAttribute = 111,
StateVariableDeclaration = 112,
Statement = 113,
StringExpression = 114,
StructDefinition = 115,
StructMember = 116,
ThrowStatement = 117,
TrailingTrivia = 118,
TryStatement = 119,
TupleDeconstructionStatement = 120,
TupleExpression = 121,
TypeExpression = 122,
TypeName = 123,
UnaryPostfixExpression = 124,
UnaryPostfixOperator = 125,
UnaryPrefixExpression = 126,
UnaryPrefixOperator = 127,
UncheckedBlock = 128,
UnnamedFunctionAttribute = 129,
UnnamedFunctionDefinition = 130,
UserDefinedOperator = 131,
UserDefinedValueTypeDefinition = 132,
UsingDirective = 133,
VariableDeclarationStatement = 134,
VersionPragma = 135,
VersionPragmaAlternatives = 136,
VersionPragmaComparator = 137,
VersionPragmaExpression = 138,
VersionPragmaRange = 139,
VersionPragmaSpecifier = 140,
WhileStatement = 141,
YulAssignmentStatement = 142,
YulBlock = 143,
YulBreakStatement = 144,
YulContinueStatement = 145,
YulDeclarationStatement = 146,
YulExpression = 147,
YulForStatement = 148,
YulFunctionCallExpression = 149,
YulFunctionDefinition = 150,
YulIdentifierPath = 151,
YulIfStatement = 152,
YulLeaveStatement = 153,
YulLiteral = 154,
YulStatement = 155,
YulSwitchStatement = 156,
_OPTIONAL = 158,
_REPEATED = 159,
_SEQUENCE = 161,

@@ -340,284 +358,302 @@ export enum ProductionKind {

AbstractKeyword = 2,
AddressKeyword = 3,
AddressType = 4,
Ampersand = 5,
AmpersandAmpersand = 6,
AmpersandEqual = 7,
AnonymousKeyword = 8,
ArgumentList = 9,
ArrayLiteral = 10,
AsKeyword = 11,
AsciiEscape = 12,
AsciiStringLiteral = 13,
AssemblyFlags = 14,
AssemblyKeyword = 15,
AssemblyStatement = 16,
Asterisk = 17,
AsteriskAsterisk = 18,
AsteriskEqual = 19,
AsteriskImport = 20,
Bang = 21,
BangEqual = 22,
Bar = 23,
BarBar = 24,
BarEqual = 25,
Block = 26,
BoolKeyword = 27,
BooleanLiteral = 28,
BreakKeyword = 29,
BreakStatement = 30,
ByteType = 31,
CalldataKeyword = 32,
Caret = 33,
CaretEqual = 34,
CaseKeyword = 35,
CatchClause = 36,
CatchKeyword = 37,
CloseBrace = 38,
CloseBracket = 39,
CloseParen = 40,
Colon = 41,
ColonEqual = 42,
Comma = 43,
ConstantDefinition = 44,
ConstantKeyword = 45,
ConstructorAttribute = 46,
ConstructorDefinition = 47,
ConstructorKeyword = 48,
ContinueKeyword = 49,
ContinueStatement = 50,
ContractBodyElement = 51,
ContractDefinition = 52,
ContractKeyword = 53,
DataLocation = 54,
DaysKeyword = 55,
DecimalExponent = 56,
DecimalLiteral = 57,
DecimalNumber = 58,
DefaultKeyword = 59,
Definition = 60,
DeleteKeyword = 61,
DeleteStatement = 62,
Directive = 63,
DoKeyword = 64,
DoWhileStatement = 65,
DoubleQuotedAsciiStringLiteral = 66,
DoubleQuotedUnicodeStringLiteral = 67,
ElementaryType = 68,
ElseKeyword = 69,
EmitKeyword = 70,
EmitStatement = 71,
EndOfFileTrivia = 72,
EndOfLine = 73,
EnumDefinition = 74,
EnumKeyword = 75,
Equal = 76,
EqualEqual = 77,
EqualGreaterThan = 78,
ErrorDefinition = 79,
ErrorKeyword = 80,
ErrorParameter = 81,
EscapeSequence = 82,
EtherKeyword = 83,
EventDefinition = 84,
EventKeyword = 85,
EventParameter = 86,
Evmasm = 87,
ExperimentalKeyword = 88,
ExperimentalPragma = 89,
Expression = 90,
ExpressionStatement = 91,
ExternalKeyword = 92,
FallbackFunctionAttribute = 93,
FallbackFunctionDefinition = 94,
FallbackKeyword = 95,
FalseKeyword = 96,
FinneyKeyword = 97,
FixedBytesType = 98,
ForKeyword = 99,
ForStatement = 100,
FromKeyword = 101,
FunctionAttribute = 102,
FunctionCallOptions = 103,
FunctionDefinition = 104,
FunctionKeyword = 105,
FunctionType = 106,
GlobalKeyword = 107,
GreaterThan = 108,
GreaterThanEqual = 109,
GreaterThanGreaterThan = 110,
GreaterThanGreaterThanEqual = 111,
GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThan = 112,
GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqual = 113,
GweiKeyword = 114,
HexByteEscape = 115,
HexCharacter = 116,
HexLiteral = 117,
HexStringLiteral = 118,
HoursKeyword = 119,
Identifier = 120,
IdentifierPart = 121,
IdentifierPath = 122,
IdentifierStart = 123,
IfKeyword = 124,
IfStatement = 125,
ImmutableKeyword = 126,
ImportAlias = 127,
ImportDirective = 128,
ImportKeyword = 129,
ImportPath = 130,
IndexedKeyword = 131,
InheritanceSpecifier = 132,
InheritanceSpecifierList = 133,
InterfaceDefinition = 134,
InterfaceKeyword = 135,
InternalKeyword = 136,
IsKeyword = 137,
LeadingTrivia = 138,
LeaveKeyword = 139,
LessThan = 140,
LessThanEqual = 141,
LessThanLessThan = 142,
LessThanLessThanEqual = 143,
LetKeyword = 144,
LibraryDefinition = 145,
LibraryKeyword = 146,
MappingKeyType = 147,
MappingKeyword = 148,
MappingType = 149,
MappingValueType = 150,
MemoryKeyword = 151,
Minus = 152,
MinusEqual = 153,
MinusGreaterThan = 154,
MinusMinus = 155,
MinutesKeyword = 156,
ModifierAttribute = 157,
ModifierDefinition = 158,
ModifierInvocation = 159,
ModifierKeyword = 160,
MultilineComment = 161,
NamedArgument = 162,
NamedArgumentList = 163,
NewExpression = 164,
NewKeyword = 165,
NotAnIdentifierInAnyVersion = 166,
NotAnIdentifierInSomeVersions = 167,
NumberUnit = 168,
NumericExpression = 169,
OpenBrace = 170,
OpenBracket = 171,
OpenParen = 172,
OverrideKeyword = 173,
OverrideSpecifier = 174,
ParameterDeclaration = 175,
ParameterList = 176,
PayableKeyword = 177,
PayableType = 178,
Percent = 179,
PercentEqual = 180,
Period = 181,
Plus = 182,
PlusEqual = 183,
PlusPlus = 184,
PositionalArgumentList = 185,
PossiblySeparatedPairsOfHexDigits = 186,
PragmaDirective = 187,
PragmaKeyword = 188,
PrimaryExpression = 189,
PrivateKeyword = 190,
PublicKeyword = 191,
PureKeyword = 192,
QuestionMark = 193,
RawIdentifier = 194,
ReceiveFunctionAttribute = 195,
ReceiveFunctionDefinition = 196,
ReceiveKeyword = 197,
ReturnKeyword = 198,
ReturnStatement = 199,
ReturnsKeyword = 200,
RevertKeyword = 201,
RevertStatement = 202,
SecondsKeyword = 203,
SelectiveImport = 204,
Semicolon = 205,
SignedFixedType = 206,
SignedIntegerType = 207,
SimpleImport = 208,
SimpleStatement = 209,
SingleLineComment = 210,
SingleQuotedAsciiStringLiteral = 211,
SingleQuotedUnicodeStringLiteral = 212,
Slash = 213,
SlashEqual = 214,
SolidityKeyword = 215,
SourceUnit = 216,
StateVariableAttribute = 217,
StateVariableDeclaration = 218,
Statement = 219,
StorageKeyword = 220,
StringExpression = 221,
StringKeyword = 222,
StructDefinition = 223,
StructKeyword = 224,
StructMember = 225,
SwitchKeyword = 226,
SzaboKeyword = 227,
ThrowKeyword = 228,
ThrowStatement = 229,
Tilde = 230,
TrailingTrivia = 231,
TrueKeyword = 232,
TryKeyword = 233,
TryStatement = 234,
TupleDeconstructionStatement = 235,
TupleExpression = 236,
TypeExpression = 237,
TypeKeyword = 238,
TypeName = 239,
UncheckedBlock = 240,
UncheckedKeyword = 241,
UnicodeEscape = 242,
UnicodeStringLiteral = 243,
UnnamedFunctionAttribute = 244,
UnnamedFunctionDefinition = 245,
UnsignedFixedType = 246,
UnsignedIntegerType = 247,
UserDefinedOperator = 248,
UserDefinedValueTypeDefinition = 249,
UsingDirective = 250,
UsingKeyword = 251,
VarKeyword = 252,
VariableDeclarationStatement = 253,
VersionPragma = 254,
VersionPragmaExpression = 255,
VersionPragmaSpecifier = 256,
VersionPragmaValue = 257,
ViewKeyword = 258,
VirtualKeyword = 259,
WeeksKeyword = 260,
WeiKeyword = 261,
WhileKeyword = 262,
WhileStatement = 263,
Whitespace = 264,
YearsKeyword = 265,
YulAssignmentStatement = 266,
YulBlock = 267,
YulBreakStatement = 268,
YulContinueStatement = 269,
YulDecimalLiteral = 270,
YulDeclarationStatement = 271,
YulExpression = 272,
YulForStatement = 273,
YulFunctionDefinition = 274,
YulHexLiteral = 275,
YulIdentifier = 276,
YulIdentifierPath = 277,
YulIfStatement = 278,
YulKeyword = 279,
YulLeaveStatement = 280,
YulLiteral = 281,
YulReservedKeyword = 282,
YulStatement = 283,
YulSwitchStatement = 284,
AddSubOperator = 3,
AddressKeyword = 4,
AddressType = 5,
Ampersand = 6,
AmpersandAmpersand = 7,
AmpersandEqual = 8,
AndOperator = 9,
AnonymousKeyword = 10,
ArgumentList = 11,
ArrayLiteral = 12,
AsKeyword = 13,
AsciiEscape = 14,
AsciiStringLiteral = 15,
AssemblyFlags = 16,
AssemblyKeyword = 17,
AssemblyStatement = 18,
AssignmentOperator = 19,
Asterisk = 20,
AsteriskAsterisk = 21,
AsteriskEqual = 22,
AsteriskImport = 23,
Bang = 24,
BangEqual = 25,
Bar = 26,
BarBar = 27,
BarEqual = 28,
BitAndOperator = 29,
BitOrOperator = 30,
BitXOrOperator = 31,
Block = 32,
BoolKeyword = 33,
BooleanLiteral = 34,
BreakKeyword = 35,
BreakStatement = 36,
ByteType = 37,
CalldataKeyword = 38,
Caret = 39,
CaretEqual = 40,
CaseKeyword = 41,
CatchClause = 42,
CatchKeyword = 43,
CloseBrace = 44,
CloseBracket = 45,
CloseParen = 46,
Colon = 47,
ColonEqual = 48,
Comma = 49,
ConditionalOperator = 50,
ConstantDefinition = 51,
ConstantKeyword = 52,
ConstructorAttribute = 53,
ConstructorDefinition = 54,
ConstructorKeyword = 55,
ContinueKeyword = 56,
ContinueStatement = 57,
ContractBodyElement = 58,
ContractDefinition = 59,
ContractKeyword = 60,
DataLocation = 61,
DaysKeyword = 62,
DecimalExponent = 63,
DecimalLiteral = 64,
DecimalNumber = 65,
DefaultKeyword = 66,
Definition = 67,
DeleteKeyword = 68,
DeleteStatement = 69,
Directive = 70,
DoKeyword = 71,
DoWhileStatement = 72,
DoubleQuotedAsciiStringLiteral = 73,
DoubleQuotedUnicodeStringLiteral = 74,
ElementaryType = 75,
ElseKeyword = 76,
EmitKeyword = 77,
EmitStatement = 78,
EndOfFileTrivia = 79,
EndOfLine = 80,
EnumDefinition = 81,
EnumKeyword = 82,
Equal = 83,
EqualEqual = 84,
EqualGreaterThan = 85,
EqualityComparisonOperator = 86,
ErrorDefinition = 87,
ErrorKeyword = 88,
ErrorParameter = 89,
EscapeSequence = 90,
EtherKeyword = 91,
EventDefinition = 92,
EventKeyword = 93,
EventParameter = 94,
Evmasm = 95,
ExperimentalKeyword = 96,
ExperimentalPragma = 97,
ExponentiationOperator = 98,
Expression = 99,
ExpressionStatement = 100,
ExternalKeyword = 101,
FallbackFunctionAttribute = 102,
FallbackFunctionDefinition = 103,
FallbackKeyword = 104,
FalseKeyword = 105,
FinneyKeyword = 106,
FixedBytesType = 107,
ForKeyword = 108,
ForStatement = 109,
FromKeyword = 110,
FunctionAttribute = 111,
FunctionCallOperator = 112,
FunctionCallOptions = 113,
FunctionDefinition = 114,
FunctionKeyword = 115,
FunctionType = 116,
GlobalKeyword = 117,
GreaterThan = 118,
GreaterThanEqual = 119,
GreaterThanGreaterThan = 120,
GreaterThanGreaterThanEqual = 121,
GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThan = 122,
GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqual = 123,
GweiKeyword = 124,
HexByteEscape = 125,
HexCharacter = 126,
HexLiteral = 127,
HexStringLiteral = 128,
HoursKeyword = 129,
Identifier = 130,
IdentifierPart = 131,
IdentifierPath = 132,
IdentifierStart = 133,
IfKeyword = 134,
IfStatement = 135,
ImmutableKeyword = 136,
ImportAlias = 137,
ImportDirective = 138,
ImportKeyword = 139,
ImportPath = 140,
IndexAccessOperator = 141,
IndexedKeyword = 142,
InheritanceSpecifier = 143,
InheritanceSpecifierList = 144,
InterfaceDefinition = 145,
InterfaceKeyword = 146,
InternalKeyword = 147,
IsKeyword = 148,
LeadingTrivia = 149,
LeaveKeyword = 150,
LessThan = 151,
LessThanEqual = 152,
LessThanLessThan = 153,
LessThanLessThanEqual = 154,
LetKeyword = 155,
LibraryDefinition = 156,
LibraryKeyword = 157,
MappingKeyType = 158,
MappingKeyword = 159,
MappingType = 160,
MappingValueType = 161,
MemberAccessOperator = 162,
MemoryKeyword = 163,
Minus = 164,
MinusEqual = 165,
MinusGreaterThan = 166,
MinusMinus = 167,
MinutesKeyword = 168,
ModifierAttribute = 169,
ModifierDefinition = 170,
ModifierInvocation = 171,
ModifierKeyword = 172,
MulDivModOperator = 173,
MultilineComment = 174,
NamedArgument = 175,
NamedArgumentList = 176,
NewExpression = 177,
NewKeyword = 178,
NotAnIdentifierInAnyVersion = 179,
NotAnIdentifierInSomeVersions = 180,
NumberUnit = 181,
NumericExpression = 182,
OpenBrace = 183,
OpenBracket = 184,
OpenParen = 185,
OrOperator = 186,
OrderComparisonOperator = 187,
OverrideKeyword = 188,
OverrideSpecifier = 189,
ParameterDeclaration = 190,
ParameterList = 191,
PayableKeyword = 192,
PayableType = 193,
Percent = 194,
PercentEqual = 195,
Period = 196,
Plus = 197,
PlusEqual = 198,
PlusPlus = 199,
PositionalArgumentList = 200,
PossiblySeparatedPairsOfHexDigits = 201,
PragmaDirective = 202,
PragmaKeyword = 203,
PrimaryExpression = 204,
PrivateKeyword = 205,
PublicKeyword = 206,
PureKeyword = 207,
QuestionMark = 208,
RawIdentifier = 209,
ReceiveFunctionAttribute = 210,
ReceiveFunctionDefinition = 211,
ReceiveKeyword = 212,
ReturnKeyword = 213,
ReturnStatement = 214,
ReturnsKeyword = 215,
RevertKeyword = 216,
RevertStatement = 217,
SecondsKeyword = 218,
SelectiveImport = 219,
Semicolon = 220,
ShiftOperator = 221,
SignedFixedType = 222,
SignedIntegerType = 223,
SimpleImport = 224,
SimpleStatement = 225,
SingleLineComment = 226,
SingleQuotedAsciiStringLiteral = 227,
SingleQuotedUnicodeStringLiteral = 228,
Slash = 229,
SlashEqual = 230,
SolidityKeyword = 231,
SourceUnit = 232,
StateVariableAttribute = 233,
StateVariableDeclaration = 234,
Statement = 235,
StorageKeyword = 236,
StringExpression = 237,
StringKeyword = 238,
StructDefinition = 239,
StructKeyword = 240,
StructMember = 241,
SwitchKeyword = 242,
SzaboKeyword = 243,
ThrowKeyword = 244,
ThrowStatement = 245,
Tilde = 246,
TrailingTrivia = 247,
TrueKeyword = 248,
TryKeyword = 249,
TryStatement = 250,
TupleDeconstructionStatement = 251,
TupleExpression = 252,
TypeExpression = 253,
TypeKeyword = 254,
TypeName = 255,
UnaryPostfixOperator = 256,
UnaryPrefixOperator = 257,
UncheckedBlock = 258,
UncheckedKeyword = 259,
UnicodeEscape = 260,
UnicodeStringLiteral = 261,
UnnamedFunctionAttribute = 262,
UnnamedFunctionDefinition = 263,
UnsignedFixedType = 264,
UnsignedIntegerType = 265,
UserDefinedOperator = 266,
UserDefinedValueTypeDefinition = 267,
UsingDirective = 268,
UsingKeyword = 269,
VarKeyword = 270,
VariableDeclarationStatement = 271,
VersionPragma = 272,
VersionPragmaExpression = 273,
VersionPragmaSpecifier = 274,
VersionPragmaValue = 275,
ViewKeyword = 276,
VirtualKeyword = 277,
WeeksKeyword = 278,
WeiKeyword = 279,
WhileKeyword = 280,
WhileStatement = 281,
Whitespace = 282,
YearsKeyword = 283,
YulAssignmentStatement = 284,
YulBlock = 285,
YulBreakStatement = 286,
YulContinueStatement = 287,
YulDecimalLiteral = 288,
YulDeclarationStatement = 289,
YulExpression = 290,
YulForStatement = 291,
YulFunctionDefinition = 292,
YulHexLiteral = 293,
YulIdentifier = 294,
YulIdentifierPath = 295,
YulIfStatement = 296,
YulKeyword = 297,
YulLeaveStatement = 298,
YulLiteral = 299,
YulReservedKeyword = 300,
YulStatement = 301,
YulSwitchStatement = 302,

@@ -624,0 +660,0 @@ export class RuleNode {

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