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Nylas Booking (`<nylas-booking>`) lets you build event-booking functionality into your application in minutes. Use Nylas Booking with your Nylas account or by passing in your own JSON data.

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Nylas Booking

Nylas Booking (<nylas-booking>) lets you build event-booking functionality into your application in minutes. Use Nylas Booking with your Nylas account or by passing in your own JSON data.

Nylas Booking is currently in active development. Want to contribute? Find out how!

Getting Started



First, install the Nylas Booking Component with npm

npm install @nylas/components-booking

or with yarn

yarn add @nylas/components-booking

or using the CDN by adding this script tag

<script src=""></script>


If you've installed Nylas Booking using the CDN, then <nylas-booking></nylas-booking> is ready to use.

Otherwise, import the Nylas Booking component into your application.

import "@nylas/components-booking";

Using Nylas Provider


If you haven't registered for a Nylas account yet, you can do so at Once there, head to the Components tab and create a new Booking component.

Allowed domains

During the setup process, you'll be prompted to provide a list of allowed domains. Be sure to add any domains you'll be testing your app on, including localhost, and any staging and production URLs you might use.

Bring your own data

Nylas Booking can be used as a UI for any calendar data you provide.

Properties you can pass to Nylas Booking are event_title, event_description, event_location, event_conferencing, slots_to_book



NameTypeDescriptionRequiredDefault Value
idstringThe id of the Booking componenttrue
access_tokenstringAuthorization for component calendar actionsfalse
booking_labelstringCustomize the text of the booking buttonfalse"Schedule time slots"
custom_fieldsCustomField[]Add custom fields to collect input data from users before bookingfalseBy default, the component adds inputs for name, and email
event_titlestringSet the title of the event to be scheduled.false"Meeting"
event_descriptionstringSet the description of the event to be scheduled.false""
event_locationstringSet the meeting location of the event to be scheduled.false""
event_conferencingstringSet the URL of the zoom meetingfalse""
slots_to_bookBookableSlot[]Pass a list of events for the component to use for booking. If multiple events, then consecutive mode will be used.false[]
notification_modeNotificationModeChoose whether to display a notification on the UI, or to send by emailfalse"show_message"
notification_messagestringSet the text of the notification displayed or sentfalse"Thank you for scheduling!"
notification_subjectstringSet the subject of the notification when using `notification_mode="show_message"false"Invitation"
recurrenceRecurrenceChoose whether event should repeat? TODOfalse"none"
recurrence_cadenceRecurrenceCadence[]Set how often the event should recur.false["none"]
recurrence_expiryRecurrenceExpirySet when recurring events should stop repeating.falsenull


You can listen to certain events from your application by adding an event listener to the component.

onError Listen to error events.

document.querySelector("nylas-booking").addEventListener("onError", (event) => {
  let { detail } = event;
  console.log("onError: ", detail);

bookedEvents Listen to bookedEvents event. Responds with an list of events.

  .addEventListener("bookedEvents", (event) => {
    let { detail } = event;
    console.log("bookedEvents: ",;

hoverOptionChange Listen to hoverOptionChange event. Responds with the actively hovered event when using consecutive mode.

  .addEventListener("hoverOptionChange", (event) => {
    let { detail } = event;
    console.log("hoverOptionChange: ", detail.event);

eventOptionSelected Listen to eventOptionSelected event. Responds with the actively selected event.

  .addEventListener("eventOptionSelected", (event) => {
    let { detail } = event;
    console.log("eventOptionSelected: ", detail.event);


type Recurrence: "none" | "required" | "optional";

type RecurrenceCadence:
    | "daily"
    | "weekdays"
    | "weekly"
    | "biweekly"
    | "monthly";

type RecurrenceExpiry: Date | string;

type NotificationMode: "show_message" | "send_message";

interface CustomField {
  description?: string;
  required: boolean;
  title: string;
  type: "text" | "checkbox" | "email";
  id?: string;
  placeholder?: string;

interface TimeSlot {
  start_time: Date;
  end_time: Date;
  available_calendars: string[];
  calendar_id?: string;
  expirySelection?: string;
  recurrence_cadence?: string;
  recurrence_expiry?: Date | string;
  isBookable: boolean;

interface BookableSlot extends TimeSlot {
  event_conferencing: string;
  event_description: string;
  event_location: string;
  event_title: string;
  expirySelection: string;
  participantEmails: string[];
    | "none"
    | "daily"
    | "weekdays"
    | "biweekly"
    | "weekly"
    | "monthly";
  recurrence_expiry?: Date | string;

Integrating with Other Components

Nylas Components can also work in coordination with one another. The sections below cover different scenarios.

Select Event with Nylas Availability

With the Nylas Booking Component, you can configure actions based on events. The code below is an example of responding to the timeSlotChosen event from the Availability component.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  const availability = document.querySelector("nylas-availability");
  const booking = document.querySelector("nylas-booking");

  // Set event definition = [
      event_title: "My Intro Meeting",
      event_description: "Lets about nylas components!",
      slot_size: 15,
      participantEmails: [""],

  // When a timeslot is selected, set the slot to book on the
  // component.
  availability.addEventListener("timeSlotChosen", (event) => {
    console.log({ timeSlotChosen: event.detail.timeSlots });
    booking.slots_to_book = event.detail.timeSlots;

Select Consecutive Events with Nylas Availability

With the Nylas Booking Component, you can configure actions based on events. The code below is an example of responding to the eventOptionSelected event from the Availability component.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  const availability = document.querySelector("nylas-availability");
  const booking = document.querySelector("nylas-booking");

  // Set event definition = [
      event_title: "My Intro Meeting",
      event_description: "Lets about nylas components!",
      slot_size: 15,
      participantEmails: [""],
      event_title: "Follow Up Meeting",
      event_description: "Lets about nylas components... again!",
      slot_size: 15,
      participantEmails: [""],

  // When a timeslot is selected, set the slot to book on the
  // component.
  availability.addEventListener("timeSlotChosen", (event) => {
    console.log({ timeSlotChosen: event.detail.timeSlots });
    booking.slots_to_book = event.detail.timeSlots;

  availability.addEventListener("eventOptionsReady", (event) => {
    console.log({ eventOptionsReady: event.detail.slots });
    booking.event_options = event.detail.slots;

  booking.addEventListener("hoverOptionChange", (event) => {
    console.log({ eventOptionSelected: event.detail.event });
    availability.event_to_hover = event.detail.event;

  booking.addEventListener("eventOptionSelected", (event) => {
    console.log({ eventOptionSelected: event.detail.event });
    availability.event_to_select = event.detail.event;


Last updated on 16 Feb 2022

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