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@octokit-next/types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.14.0 to 1.15.0




@@ -1,4 +0,9 @@

import { SetRequired } from "type-fest";
import { Octokit } from "./index.js";
import {
} from "./utils";

@@ -12,2 +17,7 @@ /**

headers: Octokit.RequestHeaders;
baseUrl?: string;
mediaType?: {
previews?: string[];
format?: string;
data?: unknown;

@@ -17,6 +27,21 @@ request?: Octokit.RequestOptions;

type EndpointParameters<
type KnownEndpointParameters<
TVersion extends keyof Octokit.ApiVersions = ""
> = { request?: Octokit.RequestOptions<TVersion> } & Record<string, unknown>;
> = { request?: Octokit.RequestOptions<TVersion> } & Partial<
Omit<GenericRequestOptions, "request">
method: "GET";
baseUrl: "";
headers: {
accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json";
"user-agent": string;
mediaType: {
format: "";
previews: [];

@@ -35,3 +60,4 @@ * The `EndpointInterface` is used for both the standalone `@octokit-next/endpoint` module

export interface EndpointInterface<
TVersion extends keyof Octokit.ApiVersions = ""
TVersion extends keyof Octokit.ApiVersions = "",
TDefaults extends KnownEndpointParameters<TVersion> = GLOBAL_DEFAULTS
> {

@@ -101,136 +127,19 @@ /**

): GenericRequestOptions;
* optimized type to lookup all known routes and the versions they are supported in.
* @example
* ```ts
* // import REST API types for, GHES 3.2 and GHES 3.1
* import "@octokit-next/types-rest-api-ghes-3.1";
* ```
* The `Octokit.ApiVersions` interface is now looking like this (simplified)
* ```ts
* {
* "": { "GET /": { … } },
* "ghes-3.1": { "GET /": { … }, "GET /admin/tokens": { … } },
* "ghes-3.2": { "GET /": { … }, "GET /admin/tokens": { … } }
* }
* ```
* The `VersionsByRoute` as a result looks like this
* ```ts
* {
* "GET /": "" | "ghes-3.1" | "ghes-3.2",
* "GET /admin/tokens": "ghes-3.1" | "ghes-3.2"
* }
* ```
type VersionsByRoute = Remap<EndpointsByVersion>;
* Override or set default options
* @todo implement inheriting the request version and .DEFAULTS from the options passed
withDefaults<TOptions extends KnownEndpointParameters<TVersion>>(
options: TOptions
): EndpointInterface<TVersion, Omit<TDefaults, keyof TOptions> & TOptions>;
// types to improve performance of type lookups
* All known routes across all defined API versions for fast lookup
type AllKnownRoutes = keyof VersionsByRoute;
* turn
* ```ts
* { [version]: { Endpoints: { [route]: Endpoint } } }
* ```
* into
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: Endpoint } }
* ```
type EndpointsByVersion = {
[Version in keyof Octokit.ApiVersions]: "Endpoints" extends keyof Octokit.ApiVersions[Version]
? Octokit.ApiVersions[Version]["Endpoints"]
: never;
* turn
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: { parameters: Parameters } } }
* ```
* into
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: Parameters } }
* ```
type ParametersByVersionAndRoute = {
[Version in keyof EndpointsByVersion]: {
[Route in keyof EndpointsByVersion[Version]]: "parameters" extends keyof EndpointsByVersion[Version][Route]
? EndpointsByVersion[Version][Route]["parameters"] & {
headers?: Octokit.RequestHeaders;
: never;
* turn
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: { request: Request } } }
* ```
* into
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: Request } }
* ```
type RequestByVersionAndRoute = {
[Version in keyof EndpointsByVersion]: {
[Route in keyof EndpointsByVersion[Version]]: "request" extends keyof EndpointsByVersion[Version][Route]
? EndpointsByVersion[Version][Route]["request"] & {
headers: SetRequired<Octokit.RequestHeaders, "accept" | "user-agent">;
: never;
// helpers
* Generic type to remap
* ```ts
* { k1: { k2: v }}
* ```
* ```ts
* { k2: k1[]}
* ```
type Remap<T extends EndpointsByVersion> = {
[P in keyof T as keyof T[P]]: P;
* Generic to find out if an object type has any required keys
type NonOptionalKeys<Obj> = {
[K in keyof Obj]: {} extends Pick<Obj, K> ? undefined : K;
}[keyof Obj];
type ArgumentsTypesForRoute<
Route extends string,
Parameters extends Record<string, unknown>
> = NonOptionalKeys<Parameters> extends undefined
? [Route, Parameters?]
: [Route, Parameters];
* The current default options
* @todo should have proper default values such as `` and `GET`
* and should be merged when set by `withDefaults()`
DEFAULTS: TDefaults;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ {

"type": "module",
"version": "1.14.0",
"version": "1.15.0",
"description": "Shared TypeScript definitions for upcoming Octokit SDK",

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ "types": "./index.d.ts",

import { Octokit } from "./index.js";
import {
} from "./utils";
type UnknownResponse = {

@@ -101,133 +109,1 @@ /**

* optimized type to lookup all known routes and the versions they are supported in.
* @example
* ```ts
* // import REST API types for, GHES 3.2 and GHES 3.1
* import "@octokit-next/types-rest-api-ghes-3.1";
* ```
* The `Octokit.ApiVersions` interface is now looking like this (simplified)
* ```ts
* {
* "": { "GET /": { … } },
* "ghes-3.1": { "GET /": { … }, "GET /admin/tokens": { … } },
* "ghes-3.2": { "GET /": { … }, "GET /admin/tokens": { … } }
* }
* ```
* The `VersionsByRoute` as a result looks like this
* ```ts
* {
* "GET /": "" | "ghes-3.1" | "ghes-3.2",
* "GET /admin/tokens": "ghes-3.1" | "ghes-3.2"
* }
* ```
type VersionsByRoute = Remap<EndpointsByVersion>;
// types to improve performance of type lookups
* All known routes across all defined API versions for fast lookup
type AllKnownRoutes = keyof VersionsByRoute;
* turn
* ```ts
* { [version]: { Endpoints: { [route]: Endpoint } } }
* ```
* into
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: Endpoint } }
* ```
type EndpointsByVersion = {
[Version in keyof Octokit.ApiVersions]: "Endpoints" extends keyof Octokit.ApiVersions[Version]
? Octokit.ApiVersions[Version]["Endpoints"]
: never;
* turn
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: { parameters: Parameters } } }
* ```
* into
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: Parameters } }
* ```
type ParametersByVersionAndRoute = {
[Version in keyof EndpointsByVersion]: {
[Route in keyof EndpointsByVersion[Version]]: "parameters" extends keyof EndpointsByVersion[Version][Route]
? EndpointsByVersion[Version][Route]["parameters"] & {
headers?: Octokit.RequestHeaders;
: never;
* turn
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: { response: Response } } }
* ```
* into
* ```ts
* { [version]: { [route]: Response } }
* ```
type ResponseByVersionAndRoute = {
[Version in keyof EndpointsByVersion]: {
[Route in keyof EndpointsByVersion[Version]]: "response" extends keyof EndpointsByVersion[Version][Route]
? EndpointsByVersion[Version][Route]["response"]
: never;
// helpers
* Generic type to remap
* ```ts
* { k1: { k2: v }}
* ```
* ```ts
* { k2: k1[]}
* ```
type Remap<T extends EndpointsByVersion> = {
[P in keyof T as keyof T[P]]: P;
* Generic to find out if an object type has any required keys
type NonOptionalKeys<Obj> = {
[K in keyof Obj]: {} extends Pick<Obj, K> ? undefined : K;
}[keyof Obj];
type ArgumentsTypesForRoute<
Route extends string,
Parameters extends Record<string, unknown>
> = NonOptionalKeys<Parameters> extends undefined
? [Route, Parameters?]
: [Route, Parameters];
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