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Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 1.14.2 to 1.14.3



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export type Openrpc = "1.2.6" | "1.2.5" | "1.2.4" | "1.2.3" | "1.2.2" | "1.2.1" | "1.2.0" | "1.1.12" | "1.1.11" | "1.1.10" | "1.1.9" | "1.1.8" | "1.1.7" | "1.1.6" | "1.1.5" | "1.1.4" | "1.1.3" | "1.1.2" | "1.1.1" | "1.1.0" | "1.0.0" | "1.0.0-rc1" | "1.0.0-rc0";
export type Openrpc = "1.3.0" | "1.2.6" | "1.2.5" | "1.2.4" | "1.2.3" | "1.2.2" | "1.2.1" | "1.2.0" | "1.1.12" | "1.1.11" | "1.1.10" | "1.1.9" | "1.1.8" | "1.1.7" | "1.1.6" | "1.1.5" | "1.1.4" | "1.1.3" | "1.1.2" | "1.1.1" | "1.1.0" | "1.0.0" | "1.0.0-rc1" | "1.0.0-rc0";
export type InfoObjectProperties = string;

@@ -67,2 +67,3 @@ export type InfoObjectDescription = string;

type AlwaysFalse = any;
export type Servers = ServerObject[];

@@ -128,3 +129,3 @@ /**

export type Pattern = string;
export type SchemaArray = JSONSchema[];
export type SchemaArray = Undefined[];

@@ -135,3 +136,3 @@ *

export type Items = JSONSchema | SchemaArray;
export type Items = Undefined | SchemaArray;
export type UniqueItems = boolean;

@@ -163,3 +164,3 @@ export type StringDoaGddGA = string;

export interface PatternProperties { [key: string]: any; }
export type DependenciesSet = JSONSchema | StringArray;
export type DependenciesSet = Undefined | StringArray;
export interface Dependencies { [key: string]: any; }

@@ -191,3 +192,3 @@ export type Enum = AlwaysTrue[];

pattern?: Pattern;
additionalItems?: JSONSchema;
additionalItems?: Undefined;
items?: Items;

@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ maxItems?: NonNegativeInteger;

uniqueItems?: UniqueItems;
contains?: JSONSchema;
contains?: Undefined;
maxProperties?: NonNegativeInteger;
minProperties?: NonNegativeIntegerDefaultZero;
required?: StringArray;
additionalProperties?: JSONSchema;
additionalProperties?: Undefined;
definitions?: Definitions;

@@ -207,3 +208,3 @@ properties?: Properties;

dependencies?: Dependencies;
propertyNames?: JSONSchema;
propertyNames?: Undefined;
const?: AlwaysTrue;

@@ -215,9 +216,9 @@ enum?: Enum;

contentEncoding?: ContentEncoding;
if?: JSONSchema;
then?: JSONSchema;
else?: JSONSchema;
if?: Undefined;
then?: Undefined;
else?: Undefined;
allOf?: SchemaArray;
anyOf?: SchemaArray;
oneOf?: SchemaArray;
not?: JSONSchema;
not?: Undefined;
[k: string]: any;

@@ -243,3 +244,3 @@ }

summary?: ContentDescriptorObjectSummary;
schema: JSONSchema;
schema: Undefined;
required?: ContentDescriptorObjectRequired;

@@ -345,3 +346,3 @@ deprecated?: ContentDescriptorObjectDeprecated;

params: MethodObjectParams;
result: MethodObjectResult;
result?: MethodObjectResult;
errors?: MethodObjectErrors;

@@ -373,2 +374,10 @@ links?: MethodObjectLinks;

* JSON Schema URI (used by some editors)
* @default
export type StringPBC4JHUy = string;
export interface OpenrpcDocument {

@@ -381,3 +390,4 @@ openrpc: Openrpc;

components?: Components;
$schema?: StringPBC4JHUy;
[regex: string]: SpecificationExtension | any;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.openrpcDocument = void 0;
exports.openrpcDocument = { "$schema": "", "$id": "", "title": "openrpcDocument", "type": "object", "required": ["info", "methods", "openrpc"], "additionalProperties": false, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } }, "properties": { "openrpc": { "$ref": "#/definitions/openrpc" }, "info": { "$ref": "#/definitions/infoObject" }, "externalDocs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalDocumentationObject" }, "servers": { "$ref": "#/definitions/servers" }, "methods": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methods" }, "components": { "$ref": "#/definitions/components" } }, "definitions": { "openrpc": { "title": "openrpc", "type": "string", "enum": ["1.2.6", "1.2.5", "1.2.4", "1.2.3", "1.2.2", "1.2.1", "1.2.0", "1.1.12", "1.1.11", "1.1.10", "1.1.9", "1.1.8", "1.1.7", "1.1.6", "1.1.5", "1.1.4", "1.1.3", "1.1.2", "1.1.1", "1.1.0", "1.0.0", "1.0.0-rc1", "1.0.0-rc0"] }, "infoObjectProperties": { "title": "infoObjectProperties", "type": "string" }, "infoObjectDescription": { "title": "infoObjectDescription", "type": "string" }, "infoObjectTermsOfService": { "title": "infoObjectTermsOfService", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "infoObjectVersion": { "title": "infoObjectVersion", "type": "string" }, "contactObjectName": { "title": "contactObjectName", "type": "string" }, "contactObjectEmail": { "title": "contactObjectEmail", "type": "string" }, "contactObjectUrl": { "title": "contactObjectUrl", "type": "string" }, "specificationExtension": { "title": "specificationExtension" }, "contactObject": { "title": "contactObject", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contactObjectName" }, "email": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contactObjectEmail" }, "url": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contactObjectUrl" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "licenseObjectName": { "title": "licenseObjectName", "type": "string" }, "licenseObjectUrl": { "title": "licenseObjectUrl", "type": "string" }, "licenseObject": { "title": "licenseObject", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/licenseObjectName" }, "url": { "$ref": "#/definitions/licenseObjectUrl" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "infoObject": { "title": "infoObject", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["title", "version"], "properties": { "title": { "$ref": "#/definitions/infoObjectProperties" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/infoObjectDescription" }, "termsOfService": { "$ref": "#/definitions/infoObjectTermsOfService" }, "version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/infoObjectVersion" }, "contact": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contactObject" }, "license": { "$ref": "#/definitions/licenseObject" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "externalDocumentationObjectDescription": { "title": "externalDocumentationObjectDescription", "type": "string" }, "externalDocumentationObjectUrl": { "title": "externalDocumentationObjectUrl", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "externalDocumentationObject": { "title": "externalDocumentationObject", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "information about external documentation", "required": ["url"], "properties": { "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalDocumentationObjectDescription" }, "url": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalDocumentationObjectUrl" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "serverObjectUrl": { "title": "serverObjectUrl", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "serverObjectName": { "title": "serverObjectName", "type": "string" }, "serverObjectDescription": { "title": "serverObjectDescription", "type": "string" }, "serverObjectSummary": { "title": "serverObjectSummary", "type": "string" }, "serverObjectVariableDefault": { "title": "serverObjectVariableDefault", "type": "string" }, "serverObjectVariableDescription": { "title": "serverObjectVariableDescription", "type": "string" }, "serverObjectVariableEnumItem": { "title": "serverObjectVariableEnumItem", "type": "string" }, "serverObjectVariableEnum": { "title": "serverObjectVariableEnum", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectVariableEnumItem" } }, "serverObjectVariable": { "title": "serverObjectVariable", "type": "object", "required": ["default"], "properties": { "default": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectVariableDefault" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectVariableDescription" }, "enum": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectVariableEnum" } } }, "serverObjectVariables": { "title": "serverObjectVariables", "type": "object", "patternProperties": { "[0-z]+": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectVariable" } } }, "serverObject": { "title": "serverObject", "type": "object", "required": ["url"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "url": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectUrl" }, "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectName" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectDescription" }, "summary": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectSummary" }, "variables": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectVariables" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "servers": { "title": "servers", "type": "array", "additionalItems": false, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObject" } }, "methodObjectName": { "title": "methodObjectName", "description": "The cannonical name for the method. The name MUST be unique within the methods array.", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "methodObjectDescription": { "title": "methodObjectDescription", "description": "A verbose explanation of the method behavior. GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.", "type": "string" }, "methodObjectSummary": { "title": "methodObjectSummary", "description": "A short summary of what the method does.", "type": "string" }, "tagObjectName": { "title": "tagObjectName", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "tagObjectDescription": { "title": "tagObjectDescription", "type": "string" }, "tagObject": { "title": "tagObject", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["name"], "properties": { "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/tagObjectName" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/tagObjectDescription" }, "externalDocs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalDocumentationObject" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "$ref": { "title": "$ref", "type": "string", "format": "uri-reference" }, "referenceObject": { "title": "referenceObject", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["$ref"], "properties": { "$ref": { "$ref": "#/definitions/$ref" } } }, "tagOrReference": { "title": "tagOrReference", "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/tagObject" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/referenceObject" }] }, "methodObjectTags": { "title": "methodObjectTags", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/tagOrReference" } }, "methodObjectParamStructure": { "title": "methodObjectParamStructure", "type": "string", "description": "Format the server expects the params. Defaults to 'either'.", "enum": ["by-position", "by-name", "either"], "default": "either" }, "contentDescriptorObjectName": { "title": "contentDescriptorObjectName", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "contentDescriptorObjectDescription": { "title": "contentDescriptorObjectDescription", "type": "string" }, "contentDescriptorObjectSummary": { "title": "contentDescriptorObjectSummary", "type": "string" }, "$id": { "title": "$id", "type": "string", "format": "uri-reference" }, "$schema": { "title": "$schema", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "$comment": { "title": "$comment", "type": "string" }, "title": { "title": "title", "type": "string" }, "description": { "title": "description", "type": "string" }, "AlwaysTrue": true, "readOnly": { "title": "readOnly", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "examples": { "title": "examples", "type": "array", "items": true }, "multipleOf": { "title": "multipleOf", "type": "number", "exclusiveMinimum": 0 }, "maximum": { "title": "maximum", "type": 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"boolean", "integer", "null", "number", "object", "string"] }, "arrayOfSimpleTypes": { "title": "arrayOfSimpleTypes", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true }, "type": { "title": "type", "anyOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/arrayOfSimpleTypes" }] }, "format": { "title": "format", "type": "string" }, "contentMediaType": { "title": "contentMediaType", "type": "string" }, "contentEncoding": { "title": "contentEncoding", "type": "string" }, "JSONSchemaObject": { "title": "JSONSchemaObject", "type": "object", "properties": { "$id": { "$ref": "#/definitions/$id" }, "$schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/$schema" }, "$ref": { "$ref": "#/definitions/$ref" }, "$comment": { "$ref": "#/definitions/$comment" }, "title": { "$ref": "#/definitions/title" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/description" }, "default": true, "readOnly": { "$ref": "#/definitions/readOnly" }, "examples": { "$ref": 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} }, "JSONSchemaBoolean": { "title": "JSONSchemaBoolean", "description": "Always valid if true. Never valid if false. Is constant.", "type": "boolean" }, "JSONSchema": { "$schema": "", "$id": "", "title": "JSONSchema", "default": {}, "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/JSONSchemaObject" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/JSONSchemaBoolean" }] }, "contentDescriptorObjectRequired": { "title": "contentDescriptorObjectRequired", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "contentDescriptorObjectDeprecated": { "title": "contentDescriptorObjectDeprecated", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "contentDescriptorObject": { "title": "contentDescriptorObject", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["name", "schema"], "properties": { "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contentDescriptorObjectName" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contentDescriptorObjectDescription" }, "summary": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contentDescriptorObjectSummary" }, "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/JSONSchema" }, "required": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contentDescriptorObjectRequired" }, "deprecated": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contentDescriptorObjectDeprecated" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "contentDescriptorOrReference": { "title": "contentDescriptorOrReference", "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/contentDescriptorObject" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/referenceObject" }] }, "methodObjectParams": { "title": "methodObjectParams", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/contentDescriptorOrReference" } }, "methodObjectResult": { "title": "methodObjectResult", "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/contentDescriptorObject" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/referenceObject" }] }, "errorObjectCode": { "title": "errorObjectCode", "description": "A Number that indicates the error type that occurred. This MUST be an integer. The error codes from and including -32768 to -32000 are reserved for pre-defined errors. These pre-defined errors SHOULD be assumed to be returned from any JSON-RPC api.", "type": "integer" }, "errorObjectMessage": { "title": "errorObjectMessage", "description": "A String providing a short description of the error. The message SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence.", "type": "string" }, "errorObjectData": { "title": "errorObjectData", "description": "A Primitive or Structured value that contains additional information about the error. This may be omitted. The value of this member is defined by the Server (e.g. detailed error information, nested errors etc.)." }, "errorObject": { "title": "errorObject", "type": "object", "description": "Defines an application level error.", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["code", "message"], "properties": { "code": { "$ref": "#/definitions/errorObjectCode" }, "message": { "$ref": "#/definitions/errorObjectMessage" }, "data": { "$ref": "#/definitions/errorObjectData" } } }, "errorOrReference": { "title": "errorOrReference", "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/errorObject" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/referenceObject" }] }, "methodObjectErrors": { "title": "methodObjectErrors", "description": "Defines an application level error.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/errorOrReference" } }, "linkObjectName": { "title": "linkObjectName", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "linkObjectSummary": { "title": "linkObjectSummary", "type": "string" }, "linkObjectMethod": { "title": "linkObjectMethod", "type": "string" }, "linkObjectDescription": { "title": "linkObjectDescription", "type": "string" }, "linkObjectParams": { "title": "linkObjectParams" }, "linkObjectServer": { "title": "linkObjectServer", "type": "object", "required": ["url"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "url": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectUrl" }, "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectName" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectDescription" }, "summary": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectSummary" }, "variables": { "$ref": "#/definitions/serverObjectVariables" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "linkObject": { "title": "linkObject", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/linkObjectName" }, "summary": { "$ref": "#/definitions/linkObjectSummary" }, "method": { "$ref": "#/definitions/linkObjectMethod" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/linkObjectDescription" }, "params": { "$ref": "#/definitions/linkObjectParams" }, "server": { "$ref": "#/definitions/linkObjectServer" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "linkOrReference": { "title": "linkOrReference", "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/linkObject" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/referenceObject" }] }, "methodObjectLinks": { "title": "methodObjectLinks", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/linkOrReference" } }, "examplePairingObjectName": { "title": "examplePairingObjectName", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "examplePairingObjectDescription": { "title": "examplePairingObjectDescription", "type": "string" }, "exampleObjectSummary": { "title": "exampleObjectSummary", "type": "string" }, "exampleObjectValue": { "title": "exampleObjectValue" }, "exampleObjectDescription": { "title": "exampleObjectDescription", "type": "string" }, "exampleObjectName": { "title": "exampleObjectName", 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"examplePairingObject", "type": "object", "required": ["name", "params", "result"], "properties": { "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplePairingObjectName" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplePairingObjectDescription" }, "params": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplePairingObjectParams" }, "result": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplePairingObjectResult" } } }, "examplePairingOrReference": { "title": "examplePairingOrReference", "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/examplePairingObject" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/referenceObject" }] }, "methodObjectExamples": { "title": "methodObjectExamples", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplePairingOrReference" } }, "methodObjectDeprecated": { "title": "methodObjectDeprecated", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "methodObject": { "title": "methodObject", "type": "object", "required": ["name", "result", "params"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectName" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectDescription" }, "summary": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectSummary" }, "servers": { "$ref": "#/definitions/servers" }, "tags": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectTags" }, "paramStructure": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectParamStructure" }, "params": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectParams" }, "result": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectResult" }, "errors": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectErrors" }, "links": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectLinks" }, "examples": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectExamples" }, "deprecated": { "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObjectDeprecated" }, "externalDocs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalDocumentationObject" } }, "patternProperties": { "^x-": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationExtension" } } }, "methodOrReference": { "title": "methodOrReference", "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "#/definitions/methodObject" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/referenceObject" }] }, "methods": { "title": 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"ts-jest": "^26.5.5",
"typescript": "^4.9.5"

@@ -49,0 +49,0 @@ "keywords": [

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