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IRMA legacy / irmajs

irma-legacy is a wrapper around irma-core and several irma-frontend-packages plugins realizing backwards compatibility with the legacy irmajs Javascript library. irmajs provides a Javascript client of the RESTful JSON API offered by the irma server. It allows you to use the irma server to:

  • Verify IRMA attributes. You specify which attributes, the library handles the user interaction and the communication with the irma server and the IRMA app).
  • Issue IRMA attributes.
  • Create IMRA attribute-based signatures: signature on a string to which IRMA attributes are verifiably attached.

Only use this module when you need backwards compatibility with the legacy irmajs function calls. If you are new to irma-frontend-packages, please use the irma-frontend module or make your own composition of plugins and use irma-core as main module.

Differences with irmajs

Due to technical changes in IRMA, we were not able to realize full backwards compatibility with irmajs. All changes are related to the function call handleSession.

  • Method canvas is not supported anymore. Please use the module irma-frontend instead or make your own composition of plugins and layouts using irma-core. This also means the canvas related options element and showConnectedIcon are deprecated.
  • Method mobile has the same behaviour as method popup now. On mobile devices, the popup mode automatically detects whether a mobile device is used and then shows the user the option to open the IRMA app installed on the mobile device itself. It is now an explicit choice, so users can also get a QR on mobile devices instead (useful for tablets).
  • The option disableMobile is not useful anymore and therefore deprecated. This module does not have automatic redirects to other apps anymore without explicit user interaction.
  • Because the explicit methods for mobile devices are deprecated, the undocumented exported function detectUserAgent and the undocumented exported struct UserAgent are also deprecated. An explicit distinction based on user agent is not necessary anymore. This is all handled internally now.
  • The option returnStatus is deprecated. Instead you can use the functions waitConnected and waitDone to detect yourself whether the session reached a certain status.

If you experience problems concerning the backwards compatibility other than the ones mentioned above, please contact us. It might be something we were not aware of. Then we can maybe fix it.


Technical documentation of irmajs can be found at


Compile the library:

npm install
npm run build

This writes irma.js and irma.node.js to the dist folder. irma.js is the browser variant, which you can include in your website in a <script> tag. irma.node.js is the library variant for usage in node.js. To reduce the module size, the JWT support is split off in the separate files jwt.js and vendors~jwt.js. When you want to use the function signSessionRequest, these files must be available in the same directory as irma.js or irma.node.js.

Browser example

If you have included irma.js (e.g. <script src="irma.js" defer></script>) you can start an IRMA disclosure session as follows:

const request = {
  '@context': '',
  'disclose': [
      [ 'irma-demo.MijnOverheid.ageLower.over18' ]

irma.startSession(server, request)
    .then(({ sessionPtr, token }) => irma.handleSession(sessionPtr, {server, token}))
    .then(result => console.log('Done', result));

The example assumes you have an irma server that is configured to accept unauthenticated session requests listening at the URL indicated by server. More information about the format of session requests can be found in the documentation.

For complete examples, see the irma-legacy examples in the examples folder.


If you want to build one of the included irma-frontend-packages modules from source, for example when testing, please make sure you run ./ in the root directory of irma-frontend-packages. You can link local versions of modules easily using npm link. There is an explanation about how to use npm link in the README of the irma-frontend-packages root directory.


Last updated on 22 Jul 2020

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