Security News
Next.js Patches Critical Middleware Vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927)
Next.js has patched a critical vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927) that allowed attackers to bypass middleware-based authorization checks in self-hosted apps.
Advanced tools
QualWeb command line interface. It allows you to perform accessibility evaluations from the terminal. It uses the @qualweb/core that contains 3 evaluation modules:
You can also perform evaluations at http://qualweb.di.fc.ul.pt/evaluator/, or by installing the chrome extension.
$ npm i -g @qualweb/cli
$ qw -u https://act-rules.github.io/pages/about/
$ qw -u https://act-rules.github.io/pages/about/ -r earl
If you want to evaluate multiple url's at once, you can input a file with each url separated by a newline \n.
$ qw -f urls.txt
This method will create an EARL report for each url.
$ qw -f urls.txt -r earl
This method will create an aggregated EARL report from all urls.
$ qw -f urls.txt -r earl-a # add `-s <save-name>` to rename the report file
Alias | Command | Value | Information |
-u | --url | <url> | Url to evaluate |
-f | --file | <path-to-file> | File with urls to evaluate |
-c | --crawl | <domain> | Domain to crawl |
-m | --module | act wcag bp | Choose which modules to execute |
-r | --report-type | "earl" or "earl-a" | Convert the evaluation to earl or earl-a (earl-aggregated) |
-s | --save-name | <name> | The name to save the aggregated earl reports (earl-a) |
-t | --timeout | <number> | Timeout for page to load |
-w | --waitUntil | load doncontentloaded networkidle0 networkidle2 | Events to wait before starting evaluation |
-p | --maxParallelEvaluations | <number> | Evaluates multiples urls ate the same time (experimental) |
-j | --json | <file> | Loads a json file with the configs to execute. Check an example below |
-h | --help | Print the help menu |
This command replaces all other commands.
"url": "https://act-rules.github.io/pages/about/",
"file": "test_url.txt",
"crawl": "https://act-rules.github.io",
"viewport": {
"mobile": false,
"orientation": "landscape",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0', default value for mobile = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; DROID2 GLOBAL Build/S273) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1",
"width": 1920,
"height": 1080
"maxParallelEvaluations": "5",
"modules": {
"act": true,
"wcag": true,
"bp": true,
"counter": false,
"act-rules": {
"rules": ["QW-ACT-R1"],
"exclude": ["QW-ACT-R2"],
"levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"],
"principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"]
"wcag-techniques": {
"rules": ["QW-WCAG-T1"],
"exclude": ["QW-WCAG-T2"],
"levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"],
"principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"]
"best-practices": {
"bestPractices": ["QW-BP1"],
"exclude": ["QW-BP2"]
Alias | Command | Value | Information |
-v | --viewport | Use custom viewport | |
--mobile | Use a mobile context (default: desktop) | ||
--orientation | "portrait" or "landscape" | Set window orientation (default desktop: landscape, default mobile: portrait) | |
--user-agent | <custom-user-agent> | Set custom user agent | |
--width | <number in px> | Set custom viewport width (default desktop: 1366, default mobile: 1080) | |
--height | <number in px> | Set custom viewport height (default desktop: 768, default mobile: 1920) |
Command | Value | Information |
--act-rules | "ruleId1 ruleId2 ... ruleIdx" or <config file> | Choose which act rules to execute. For config file check below |
--exclude-act | "ruleId1 ruleId2 ... ruleIdx" or <config file> | Choose which act rules to exclude. For config file check below |
--act-levels | A AA AAA | Choose which conform levels to evaluate regarding the act rules |
--act-principles | Perceivable Operable Understandable Robust | Choose which principles to evaluate regarding the act rules |
--wcag-techniques | "techniqueId1 techniqueId2 ... techniqueIdx" or <config file> | Choose which wcag techniques to execute. For config file check below |
--exclude-wcag | "techniqueId1 techniqueId2 ... techniqueIdx" or <config file> | Choose which wcag techniques to exclude. For config file check below |
--wcag-levels | A AA AAA | Choose which conform levels to evaluate regarding the wcag techniques |
--wcag-principles | Perceivable Operable Understandable Robust | Choose which principles to evaluate regarding the wcag techniques |
--best-practices | bestpracticeId1 bestpracticeId2 ... bestpracticeIdx | Choose which best practices to execute. For config file check below |
--exclude-bp | bestpracticeId1 bestpracticeId2 ... bestpracticeIdx | Choose which best practices to exclude. For config file check below |
Note: The module options above are only used if the correspondent module was set to be executed (command -m).
This config file can replace commands --act-rules, --act-levels and --act-principles.
"act-rules": {
"rules": ["QW-ACT-R1"],
"exclude": ["QW-ACT-R2"],
"levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"],
"principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"]
This config file can replace commands --wcag-techniques, --wcag-levels and --wcag-principles.
"wcag-techniques": {
"techniques": ["QW-WCAG-T1"],
"exclude": ["QW-WCAG-T2"],
"levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"],
"principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"]
"best-practices": {
"bestPractices": ["QW-BP1"],
"exclude": ["QW-BP2"]
QualWeb Rule ID | ACT Rule ID | ACT Rule Name |
QW-ACT-R1 | 2779a5 | HTML Page has a title |
QW-ACT-R2 | b5c3f8 | HTML has lang attribute |
QW-ACT-R3 | 5b7ae0 | HTML lang and xml:lang match |
QW-ACT-R4 | bc659a | Meta-refresh no delay |
QW-ACT-R5 | bf051a | Validity of HTML Lang attribute |
QW-ACT-R6 | 59796f | Image button has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R7 | b33eff | Orientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transform property |
QW-ACT-R9 | b20e66 | Links with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose |
QW-ACT-R10 | 4b1c6c | iframe elements with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose |
QW-ACT-R11 | 97a4e1 | Button has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R12 | c487ae | Link has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R13 | 6cfa84 | Element with aria-hidden has no focusable content |
QW-ACT-R14 | b4f0c3 | meta viewport does not prevent zoom |
QW-ACT-R15 | 80f0bf | audio or video has no audio that plays automatically |
QW-ACT-R16 | e086e5 | Form control has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R17 | 23a2a8 | Image has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R18 | 3ea0c8 | id attribute value is unique |
QW-ACT-R19 | cae760 | iframe element has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R20 | 674b10 | role attribute has valid value |
QW-ACT-R21 | 7d6734 | svg element with explicit role has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R22 | de46e4 | Element within body has valid lang attribute |
QW-ACT-R23 | c5a4ea | video element visual content has accessible alternative |
QW-ACT-R24 | 73f2c2 | autocomplete attribute has valid value |
QW-ACT-R25 | 5c01ea | ARIA state or property is permitted |
QW-ACT-R26 | eac66b | video element auditory content has accessible alternative |
QW-ACT-R27 | 5f99a7 | This rule checks that each aria- attribute specified is defined in ARIA 1.1. |
QW-ACT-R28 | 4e8ab6 | Element with role attribute has required states and properties |
QW-ACT-R29 | e7aa44 | Audio element content has text alternative |
QW-ACT-R30 | 2ee8b8 | Visible label is part of accessible name |
QW-ACT-R31 | c3232f | Video element visual-only content has accessible alternative |
QW-ACT-R32 | 1ec09b | video element visual content has strict accessible alternative |
QW-ACT-R33 | ff89c9 | ARIA required context role |
QW-ACT-R34 | 6a7281 | ARIA state or property has valid value |
QW-ACT-R35 | ffd0e9 | Heading has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R36 | a25f45 | Headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element |
QW-ACT-R37 | afw4f7 | Text has minimum contrast |
QW-ACT-R38 | bc4a75 | ARIA required owned elements |
QW-ACT-R39 | d0f69e | All table header cells have assigned data cells |
QW-ACT-R40 | 59br37 | Zoomed text node is not clipped with CSS overflow |
QW-ACT-R41 | 36b590 | Error message describes invalid form field value |
QW-ACT-R42 | 8fc3b6 | Object element has non-empty accessible name |
QW-ACT-R43 | 0ssw9k | Scrollable element is keyboard accessible |
QW-ACT-R44 | fd3a94 | Links with identical accessible names and context serve equivalent purpose |
QW-ACT-R48 | 46ca7f | Element marked as decorative is not exposed |
QW-ACT-R49 | aaa1bf | Audio or video that plays automatically has no audio that lasts more than 3 seconds |
QW-ACT-R50 | 4c31df | Audio or video that plays automatically has a control mechanism |
QW-ACT-R51 | fd26cf | video element visual-only content is media alternative for text |
QW-ACT-R52 | ac7dc6 | video element visual-only content has description track |
QW-ACT-R53 | ee13b5 | video element visual-only content has transcript |
QW-ACT-R54 | d7ba54 | video element visual-only content has audio track alternative |
QW-ACT-R55 | 1ea59c | video element visual content has audio description |
QW-ACT-R56 | ab4d13 | video element content is media alternative for text |
QW-ACT-R57 | f196ce | video element visual content has description track |
QW-ACT-R58 | 2eb176 | audio element content has transcript |
QW-ACT-R59 | afb423 | audio element content is media alternative for text |
QW-ACT-R60 | f51b46 | video element auditory content has captions |
QW-ACT-R61 | 1a02b0 | video element visual content has transcript |
QW-ACT-R62 | oj04fd | Element in sequential focus order has visible focus |
QW-ACT-R63 | b40fd1 | Document has a landmark with non-repeated content |
QW-ACT-R64 | 047fe0 | Document has heading for non-repeated content |
QW-ACT-R65 | 307n5z | Element with presentational children has no focusable content |
QW-ACT-R66 | m6b1q3 | Menuitem has non-empty accessible name |
QW-ACT-R67 | 24afc2 | Letter spacing in style attributes is not !important |
QW-ACT-R68 | 78fd32 | Line height in style attributes is not !important |
QW-ACT-R69 | 9e45ec | Word spacing in style attributes is not !important |
QW-ACT-R70 | akn7bn | frame with negative tabindex has no interactive elements |
QW-ACT-R71 | bisz58 | meta element has no refresh delay (no exception) |
QW-ACT-R72 | 8a213c | First focusable element is link to non-repeated content |
QW-ACT-R73 | 3e12e1 | Block of repeated content is collapsible |
QW-ACT-R74 | ye5d6e | Document has an instrument to move focus to non-repeated content |
QW-ACT-R75 | cf77f2 | Bypass Blocks of Repeated Content |
QW-ACT-R76 | 09o5cg | Text has enhanced contrast |
QW-ACT-R77 | in6db8 | ARIA required ID references exist |
QualWeb Technique ID | WCAG Technique ID | WCAG Technique Name |
QW-WCAG-T1 | H24 | Providing text alternatives for the area elements of image maps |
QW-WCAG-T2 | H39 | Using caption elements to associate data table captions with data tables |
QW-WCAG-T3 | H71 | Providing a description for groups of form controls using fieldset and legend elements |
QW-WCAG-T4 | H73 | Using the summary attribute of the table element to give an overview of data tables |
QW-WCAG-T5 | H36 | Using alt attributes on images used as submit buttons |
QW-WCAG-T6 | SCR20 | Using both keyboard and other device-specific functions |
QW-WCAG-T7 | H28 | Providing definitions for abbreviations by using the abbr element |
QW-WCAG-T8 | F30 | Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 and 1.2.1 due to using text alternatives that are not alternatives |
QW-WCAG-T9 | G141 | Organizing a page using headings |
QW-WCAG-T10 | H2 | Combining adjacent image and text links for the same resource |
QW-WCAG-T11 | H35 | Providing text alternatives on applet elements |
QW-WCAG-T12 | F46 | Failure of Success Criterion 1.3.1 due to using th elements, caption elements, or non-empty summary attributes in layout tables |
QW-WCAG-T13 | F47 | Failure of Success Criterion 2.2.2 due to using the blink element |
QW-WCAG-T14 | H43 | Using id and headers attributes to associate data cells with header cells in data tables |
QW-WCAG-T15 | H59 | Using the link element and navigation tools |
QW-WCAG-T16 | H88 | Using HTML according to spec |
QW-WCAG-T17 | G162 | Positioning labels to maximize predictability of relationships |
QW-WCAG-T18 | H51 | Using table markup to present tabular information |
QW-WCAG-T19 | H32 | Providing submit buttons |
QW-WCAG-T20 | H33 | Supplementing link text with the title attribute |
QW-WCAG-T21 | F89 | Failure of Success Criteria 2.4.4, 2.4.9 and 4.1.2 due to not providing an accessible name for an image which is the only content in a link |
QW-WCAG-T22 | F52 | Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.1 and 3.2.5 due to opening a new window as soon as a new page is loaded |
QW-WCAG-T23 | G1 | Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area |
QW-WCAG-T24 | F55 | Failure of Success Criteria 2.1.1, 2.4.7, and 3.2.1 due to using script to remove focus when focus is received |
QW-WCAG-T25 | H63 | Using the scope attribute to associate header cells and data cells in data tables |
QW-WCAG-T26 | F59 | Failure of Success Criterion 4.1.2 due to using script to make div or span a user interface control in HTML without providing a role for the control |
QW-WCAG-T27 | F88 | Failure of Success Criterion 1.4.8 due to using text that is justified (aligned to both the left and the right margins) |
QW-WCAG-T28 | C12 C13 C14 | Using percent, em, names for font sizes |
QW-WCAG-T29 | C19 | Specifying alignment either to the left or right in CSS |
QW-WCAG-T30 | F4 | Failure of Success Criterion 2.2.2 due to using text-decoration:blink without a mechanism to stop it in less than five seconds |
QW-WCAG-T31 | F24 | Failure of Success Criterion 1.4.3, 1.4.6 and 1.4.8 due to specifying foreground colors without specifying background colors or vice versa |
QW-WCAG-T32 | H48 | Using ol, ul and dl for lists or groups of links |
QualWeb evaluator command line interface
The npm package @qualweb/cli receives a total of 168 weekly downloads. As such, @qualweb/cli popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @qualweb/cli demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
Next.js has patched a critical vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927) that allowed attackers to bypass middleware-based authorization checks in self-hosted apps.
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A survey of 500 cybersecurity pros reveals high pay isn't enough—lack of growth and flexibility is driving attrition and risking organizational security.
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