Advanced tools
[4.1.0] - 2019-11-12
[4.0.7] - 2019-06-03
from rewriting babel helpers in core-js. Remove unneeded runtime @babel/runtime-corejs3
against the default babel.config.js
should contain corejs: 3
should contain corejs: false
[4.0.3] - 2019-05-28
Please see the diff
doesn't make it possible to provide a smooth migration path from core-js@2
to core-js@3
: for this reason, it was decided to deprecate @babel/polyfill
in favor of separate inclusion of required parts of core-js
and regenerator-runtime
. #2031In each of your /packs/*.js
files, change this:
import '@babel/polyfill'
to this:
import 'core-js/stable'
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
Don't forget to install those dependencies directly!
yarn add core-js regenerator-runtime