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@react-stately/collections - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.0-alpha.1 to 3.0.0-nightly.672




@@ -0,591 +1,24 @@

import { ItemRenderer, ItemProps, SectionProps, Collection, CollectionBase, Node } from "@react-types/shared";
import { Key, ReactElement, ReactNode } from "react";
import { ItemProps, ItemRenderer, CollectionBase, CollectionElement, SectionProps, KeyboardDelegate, AsyncListOptions, AsyncListProps } from "@react-types/shared";
export class Point {
/** The x-coordinate of the point */
x: number;
/** The y-coordinate of the point */
y: number;
constructor(x?: number, y?: number);
* Returns a copy of this point
copy(): Point;
* Checks if two points are equal
equals(point: Point): boolean;
* Returns true if this point is the origin
isOrigin(): boolean;
export class Size {
width: number;
height: number;
constructor(width?: number, height?: number);
* Returns a copy of this size
copy(): Size;
* Returns whether this size is equal to another one
equals(other: Size): boolean;
export type RectCorner = 'topLeft' | 'topRight' | 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomRight';
* Represents a rectangle
export class Rect {
/** The x-coordinate of the rectangle */
x: number;
/** The y-coordinate of the rectangle */
y: number;
/** The width of the rectangle */
width: number;
/** The height of the rectangle */
height: number;
constructor(x?: number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number);
* The maximum x-coordinate in the rectangle
readonly maxX: number;
* The maximum y-coordinate in the rectangle
readonly maxY: number;
* The area of the rectangle
readonly area: number;
* The top left corner of the rectangle
readonly topLeft: Point;
* The top right corner of the rectangle
readonly topRight: Point;
* The bottom left corner of the rectangle
readonly bottomLeft: Point;
* The bottom right corner of the rectangle
readonly bottomRight: Point;
* Returns whether this rectangle intersects another rectangle
* @param rect - The rectangle to check
intersects(rect: Rect): boolean;
* Returns whether this rectangle fully contains another rectangle
* @param rect - The rectangle to check
containsRect(rect: Rect): boolean;
* Returns whether the rectangle contains the given point
* @param point - The point to check
containsPoint(point: Point): boolean;
* Returns the first corner of this rectangle (from top to bottom, left to right)
* that is contained in the given rectangle, or null of the rectangles do not intersect.
* @param rect - The rectangle to check
getCornerInRect(rect: Rect): RectCorner | null;
equals(rect: Rect): boolean;
pointEquals(point: Point | Rect): boolean;
sizeEquals(size: Size | Rect): boolean;
* Returns a copy of this rectangle
copy(): Rect;
* Instances of this lightweight class are created by {@link Layout} subclasses
* to represent each view in the {@link CollectionView}. LayoutInfo objects describe
* various properties of a view, such as its position and size, and style information.
* The collection view uses this information when creating actual views to display.
export class LayoutInfo {
* A string representing the view type. Should be `'item'` for item views.
* Other types are used by supplementary views.
type: string;
* A unique key for this view. For item views, it should match the content key.
key: Key;
* The key for a parent layout info, if any.
parentKey: Key | null;
* The rectangle describing the size and position of this view.
rect: Rect;
* Whether the size is estimated. `false` by default.
estimatedSize: boolean;
* The view's opacity. 1 by default.
opacity: number;
* A CSS transform string to apply to the view. `null` by default.
transform: string | null;
* The z-index of the view. 0 by default.
zIndex: number;
* @param type A string representing the view type. Should be `'item'` for item views.
Other types are used by supplementary views.
* @param key The unique key for this view.
* @param rect The rectangle describing the size and position of this view.
constructor(type: string, key: Key, rect: Rect);
* Returns a copy of the LayoutInfo.
copy(): LayoutInfo;
* {@link CollectionView} supports arbitrary layout objects, which compute what views are visible, and how
* to position and style them. However, layouts do not create the views themselves directly. Instead,
* layouts produce lightweight {@link LayoutInfo} objects which describe various properties of a view,
* such as its position and size. The {@link CollectionView} is then responsible for creating the actual
* views as needed, based on this layout information.
* Every layout extends from the {@link Layout} abstract base class. Layouts must implement a minimum of the
* two methods listed below. All other methods can be optionally overridden to implement custom behavior.
* - {@link getVisibleLayoutInfos}
* - {@link getLayoutInfo}
export abstract class Layout<T extends object> {
/** The CollectionView the layout is currently attached to */
collectionManager: CollectionManager<T, any, any>;
* Returns whether the layout should invalidate in response to
* visible rectangle changes. By default, it only invalidates
* when the collection view's size changes. Return true always
* to make the layout invalidate while scrolling (e.g. sticky headers).
shouldInvalidate(rect: Rect): boolean;
* This method allows the layout to perform any pre-computation
* it needs to in order to prepare {@link LayoutInfo}s for retrieval.
* Called by the collection view before {@link getVisibleLayoutInfos}
* or {@link getLayoutInfo} are called.
validate(invalidationContext: InvalidationContext<T, any>): void;
* Returns an array of {@link LayoutInfo} objects which are inside the given rectangle.
* Should be implemented by subclasses.
* @param rect The rectangle that should contain the returned LayoutInfo objects
getVisibleLayoutInfos(rect: Rect): LayoutInfo[];
* Returns a {@link LayoutInfo} for the given type, section, and index.
* Should be implemented by subclasses.
* @param type The type of the LayoutInfo to retrieve
* @param key The key of the LayoutInfo to retrieve
getLayoutInfo(type: string, key: Key): LayoutInfo;
* Returns size of the content. By default, it returns collectionView's size.
getContentSize(): Size;
* Returns a {@link DragTarget} describing a view at the given point to be dragged.
* Return `null` to cancel the drag. The default implementation returns the view at the given point.
* @param point The point at which the drag occurred
* Returns a {@link DragTarget} object describing where a drop should occur. Return `null`
* to reject the drop. The dropped items will be inserted before the resulting target.
* @param point The point at which the drop occurred
* Returns the starting attributes for an animated insertion.
* The view is animated from this {@link LayoutInfo} to the one returned by {@link getLayoutInfo}.
* The default implementation just returns its input.
* @param layoutInfo The proposed LayoutInfo for this view
getInitialLayoutInfo(layoutInfo: LayoutInfo): LayoutInfo;
* Returns the ending attributes for an animated removal.
* The view is animated from the {@link LayoutInfo} returned by {@link getLayoutInfo}
* to the one returned by this method. The default implementation returns its input.
* @param layoutInfo The original LayoutInfo for this view
getFinalLayoutInfo(layoutInfo: LayoutInfo): LayoutInfo;
type LayoutInfoMap = Map<Key, LayoutInfo>;
declare class Transaction<T extends object, V> {
level: number;
actions: (() => void)[];
animated: boolean;
initialMap: LayoutInfoMap;
finalMap: LayoutInfoMap;
initialLayoutInfo: LayoutInfoMap;
finalLayoutInfo: LayoutInfoMap;
removed: Map<Key, ReusableView<T, V>>;
toRemove: Map<Key, ReusableView<T, V>>;
export interface CollectionManagerOptions<T extends object, V, W> {
collection?: Collection<T>;
layout?: Layout<T>;
delegate?: CollectionManagerDelegate<T, V, W>;
transitionDuration?: number;
anchorScrollPosition?: boolean;
anchorScrollPositionAtTop?: boolean;
shouldOverscan?: boolean;
* The CollectionView class renders a scrollable collection of data using customizable layouts,
* and manages animated updates to the data over time. It supports very large collections by
* only rendering visible views to the DOM, reusing them as you scroll. Collection views can
* present any type of view, including non-item views such as section headers and footers.
* Optionally, the {@link EditableCollectionView} subclass can be used to enable user interaction
* with the collection, including drag and drop, multiple selection, and keyboard interacton.
* Collection views get their data from a {@link DataSource} object that you provide. Items are
* grouped into sections by the data source, and the collection view calls its methods to retrieve
* the data. When data changes, the data source emits change events, and the collection view
* updates as appropriate, optionally with an animated transition. There is one built-in data source
* implementation, {@link ArrayDataSource}, which renders content from a 2d array.
* Collection views use {@link Layout} objects to compute what views should be visible, and how
* to position and style them. This means that collection views can have their items arranged in
* a stack, a grid, a circle, or any other layout you can think of. The layout can be changed
* dynamically at runtime as well, optionally with an animated transition between the layouts.
* Layouts produce information on what views should appear in the collection view, but do not create
* the views themselves directly. It is the responsibility of the {@link CollectionViewDelegate} object
* to create instances of {@link ReusableView} subclasses which render the items into DOM nodes.
* The delegate determines what type of view to display for each item, and creates instances of
* views as needed by the collection view. Those views are then reused by the collection view as
* the user scrolls through the content.
export class CollectionManager<T extends object, V, W> {
* The collection view delegate. The delegate is used by the collection view
* to create and configure views.
delegate: CollectionManagerDelegate<T, V, W>;
/** The duration of animated layout changes, in milliseconds. Default is 500ms. */
transitionDuration: number;
* Whether to enable scroll anchoring. This will attempt to restore the scroll position
* after layout changes outside the viewport. Default is off.
anchorScrollPosition: boolean;
/** Whether to anchor the scroll position when at the top of the content. Default is off. */
anchorScrollPositionAtTop: boolean;
* Whether to overscan the visible area to pre-render items slightly outside and
* improve performance. Default is on.
shouldOverscan: boolean;
constructor(options?: CollectionManagerOptions<T, V, W>);
_setContentSize(size: Size): void;
_setContentOffset(offset: Point): void;
* Get the size of the scrollable content
readonly contentSize: Size;
* Get the collection view's currently visible rectangle
* Set the collection view's currently visible rectangle
visibleRect: Rect;
_setVisibleRect(rect: Rect, forceUpdate?: boolean): void;
collection: Collection<T>;
* Reloads the data from the data source and relayouts the collection view.
* Does not animate any changes. Equivalent to re-assigning the same data source
* to the collection view.
reloadData(): void;
* Returns the item with the given key.
getItem(key: Key): T;
* Get the collection view's layout
* Set the collection view's layout
layout: Layout<T>;
* Sets the collection view's layout, optionally with an animated transition
* from the current layout to the new layout.
* @param layout The layout to switch to
* @param animated Whether to animate the layout change
setLayout(layout: Layout<T>, animated?: boolean): void;
getReusableView(layoutInfo: LayoutInfo): ReusableView<T, V>;
* Returns an array of all currently visible views, including both
* item views and supplementary views.
readonly visibleViews: ReusableView<T, V>[];
* Gets the visible item view for the given key. Returns null if
* the view is not currently visible.
getItemView(key: Key): ReusableView<T, V> | null;
* Gets the visible view for the given type and key. Returns null if
* the view is not currently visible.
* @param type The view type. `'item'` for an item view.
* @param key The key of the view to retrieve
getView(type: string, key: Key): ReusableView<T, V> | null;
* Returns an array of visible views matching the given type.
* @param type The view type to find. `'item'` for item views.
getViewsOfType(type: string): ReusableView<T, V>[];
* Reloads the content of the supplementary view matching the given parameters.
* This method does not work with item views. You should emit a "reloadItem" or
* "reloadSection" event from your data source instead.
* @param type The view type. `'item'` for an item view.
* @param key The key of the view to reload.
reloadSupplementaryView(type: string, key: Key): void;
* Reloads the content of all visible supplementary views of the given type.
* @param type The view type to reload. `'item'` for an item view.
reloadSupplementaryViewsOfType(type: string): void;
* Returns the key for the given view. Returns null
* if the view is not currently visible.
keyForView(view: ReusableView<T, V>): Key | null;
* Returns the key for the item view currently at the given point.
keyAtPoint(point: Point): Key | null;
* Triggers a layout invalidation, and updates the visible subviews.
relayout(context?: InvalidationContext<T, V>): void;
* Performs a relayout immediately. Prefer {@link relayout} over this method
* where possible, since it coalesces multiple layout passes in the same tick.
relayoutNow(context?: InvalidationContext<T, V>): void;
getVisibleRect(): Rect;
getVisibleLayoutInfos(): Map<Key, LayoutInfo>;
updateSubviews(forceUpdate?: boolean): void;
afterRender(): void;
reuseView(view: ReusableView<T, V>): void;
removeViews(toRemove: Set<ReusableView<T, V>>): void;
updateItemSize(key: Key, size: Size): void;
startScrolling(): void;
endScrolling(): void;
* Scrolls the item with the given key into view, optionally with an animation.
* @param key The key of the item to scroll into view
* @param duration The duration of the scroll animation
scrollToItem(key: Key, duration?: number): Promise<void>;
* Performs an animated scroll to the given offset.
* @param offset - The offset to scroll to
* @param duration The duration of the animation
* @return a promise that resolves when the animation is complete
scrollTo(offset: Point, duration?: number): Promise<void>;
* {@link CollectionView} creates instances of the {@link ReusableView} class to
* represent views currently being displayed. ReusableViews manage a DOM node, handle
* applying {@link LayoutInfo} objects to the view, and render content
* as needed. Subclasses must implement the {@link render} method at a
* minimum. Other methods can be overrided to customize behavior.
export class ReusableView<T extends object, V> {
/** The CollectionManager this view is a part of */
collectionManager: CollectionManager<T, V, unknown>;
/** The LayoutInfo this view is currently representing. */
layoutInfo: LayoutInfo | null;
/** The content currently being displayed by this view, set by the collection view. */
content: T;
rendered: V;
viewType: string;
key: Key;
constructor(collectionManager: CollectionManager<T, V, unknown>);
* Prepares the view for reuse. Called just before the view is removed from the DOM.
prepareForReuse(): void;
export interface ItemStates {
isSelected?: boolean;
isExpanded?: boolean;
isDisabled?: boolean;
isFocused?: boolean;
export interface Node<T> extends ItemStates {
type: 'section' | 'item';
key: Key;
value: T;
level: number;
hasChildNodes: boolean;
childNodes: Iterable<Node<T>>;
rendered: ReactNode;
textValue: string;
'aria-label'?: string;
index?: number;
wrapper?: ((element: ReactElement) => ReactElement) | void;
parentKey?: Key;
prevKey?: Key;
nextKey?: Key;
props?: ItemProps<T>;
export interface PartialNode<T> {
type?: 'section' | 'item';
type?: string;
key?: Key;
value?: T;
element?: ReactElement;
wrapper?: ((element: ReactElement) => ReactElement) | void;
wrapper?: (element: ReactElement) => ReactElement;
rendered?: ReactNode;
textValue?: string;
'aria-label'?: string;
index?: number;
renderer?: ItemRenderer<T>;
hasChildNodes?: boolean;
childNodes?: () => IterableIterator<PartialNode<T>>;
props?: ItemProps<T>;
props?: any;
shouldInvalidate?: (context: unknown) => boolean;
export interface Collection<T> extends Iterable<T> {
readonly size: number;
getKeys(): Iterable<Key>;
getItem(key: Key): T;
getKeyBefore(key: Key): Key | null;
getKeyAfter(key: Key): Key | null;
getFirstKey(): Key | null;
getLastKey(): Key | null;
export interface InvalidationContext<T extends object, V> {
contentChanged?: boolean;
offsetChanged?: boolean;
sizeChanged?: boolean;
animated?: boolean;
beforeLayout?(): void;
afterLayout?(): void;
afterAnimation?(): void;
transaction?: Transaction<T, V>;
export interface CollectionManagerDelegate<T extends object, V, W> {
setVisibleViews(views: W[]): void;
setContentSize(size: Size): void;
setVisibleRect(rect: Rect): void;
getType?(content: T): string;
renderView(type: string, content: T): V;
renderWrapper(parent: ReusableView<T, V> | null, reusableView: ReusableView<T, V>, children: ReusableView<T, V>[], renderChildren: (views: ReusableView<T, V>[]) => W[]): W;
beginAnimations(): void;
endAnimations(): void;
getScrollAnchor?(rect: Rect): Key;
export class CollectionBuilder<T> {
constructor(itemKey: string);
build(props: CollectionBase<T>, getItemStates?: (key: Key) => ItemStates): Iterable<Node<T>>;
iterateCollection(props: CollectionBase<T>): IterableIterator<Node<T>>;
getKey(item: CollectionElement<T>, value: T, parentKey?: Key): Key;
getCached(item: T): Node<T>;
getFullNode(partialNode: PartialNode<T>, renderer?: ItemRenderer<T>, parentKey?: Key, parentNode?: Node<T>): Node<T>;
export let Item: <T>(props: ItemProps<T>) => JSX.Element;
export let Section: <T>(props: SectionProps<T>) => JSX.Element;
export class TreeCollection<T> implements Collection<Node<T>> {
constructor(nodes: Iterable<Node<T>>);
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Node<T>>;
readonly size: number;
getKeys(): IterableIterator<Key>;
getKeyBefore(key: Key): Key;
getKeyAfter(key: Key): Key;
getFirstKey(): Key;
getLastKey(): Key;
getItem(key: Key): Node<T>;
type ListLayoutOptions<T> = {
/** the height of a row in px. */
rowHeight?: number;
estimatedRowHeight?: number;
headingHeight?: number;
estimatedHeadingHeight?: number;
padding?: number;
indentationForItem?: (collection: Collection<Node<T>>, key: Key) => number;
collator?: Intl.Collator;
* The ListLayout class is an implementation of a collection view {@link Layout}
* it is used for creating lists and lists with indented sub-lists
* To configure a ListLayout, you can use the properties to define the
* layouts and/or use the method for defining indentation.
* The {@link ListLayoutDelegate} extends the existing collection view
* delegate with an additional method to do this (it uses the same delegate object as
* the collection view itself).
export class ListLayout<T> extends Layout<Node<T>> implements KeyboardDelegate {
collection: Collection<Node<T>>;
* Creates a new ListLayout with options. See the list of properties below for a description
* of the options that can be provided.
constructor(options?: ListLayoutOptions<T>);
getLayoutInfo(type: string, key: Key): LayoutInfo;
getVisibleLayoutInfos(rect: Rect): LayoutInfo[];
validate(): void;
updateItemSize(key: Key, size: Size): boolean;
getContentSize(): Size;
getKeyAbove(key: Key): Key;
getKeyBelow(key: Key): Key;
getKeyPageAbove(key: Key): Key;
getKeyPageBelow(key: Key): Key;
getFirstKey(): Key;
getLastKey(): Key;
getKeyForSearch(search: string, fromKey?: Key): Key;
getInitialLayoutInfo(layoutInfo: LayoutInfo): LayoutInfo;
getFinalLayoutInfo(layoutInfo: LayoutInfo): LayoutInfo;
interface CollectionProps<T extends object, V, W> {
renderView(type: string, content: T): V;
renderWrapper(parent: ReusableView<T, V> | null, reusableView: ReusableView<T, V>, children: ReusableView<T, V>[], renderChildren: (views: ReusableView<T, V>[]) => W[]): W;
layout: Layout<T>;
collection: Collection<T>;
getScrollAnchor?(rect: Rect): Key;
interface CollectionState<T extends object, V, W> {
visibleViews: W[];
visibleRect: Rect;
setVisibleRect: (rect: Rect) => void;
contentSize: Size;
isAnimating: boolean;
collectionManager: CollectionManager<T, V, W>;
startScrolling: () => void;
endScrolling: () => void;
export function useCollectionState<T extends object, V, W>(opts: CollectionProps<T, V, W>): CollectionState<T, V, W>;
export function useAsyncList<T>(options: AsyncListOptions<T>): AsyncListProps<T>;
type CollectionFactory<T, C extends Collection<Node<T>>> = (node: Iterable<Node<T>>, prev: C | null) => C;
export function useCollection<T extends object, C extends Collection<Node<T>> = Collection<Node<T>>>(props: CollectionBase<T>, factory: CollectionFactory<T, C>, context?: unknown, invalidators?: Array<any>): C;
"name": "@react-stately/collections",
"version": "3.0.0-alpha.1",
"version": "3.0.0-nightly.672+9853bacb",
"description": "Spectrum UI components in React",

@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"files": [

@@ -17,7 +18,9 @@ "sideEffects": false,

"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.6.2",
"@react-types/shared": "^3.0.0-rc.2",
"@react-types/shared": "3.0.0-nightly.672+9853bacb"
"peerDependencies": {
"react": "^16.8.0"

@@ -28,3 +31,3 @@ },

"gitHead": "207e6ee9076905c96638a7f81a367758872e1410"
"gitHead": "9853bacb98dd37c64faf573e5cb1a6493e2e6f08"
# @react-stately/collections
This package is part of [react-spectrum]( See the repo for more details.
This package is part of [react-spectrum]( See the repo for more details.

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