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@react-stately/datepicker - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.0-nightly.3113 to 3.0.0-nightly.3114




@@ -1,756 +0,31 @@

var $h2qOe$internationalizeddate = require("@internationalized/date");
var $h2qOe$reactstatelyutils = require("@react-stately/utils");
var $h2qOe$react = require("react");
var $aaab7a647e17e1fd$exports = require("./useDatePickerState.main.js");
var $596a1f0f523d6752$exports = require("./useDateFieldState.main.js");
var $7072d26f58deb33b$exports = require("./useDateRangePickerState.main.js");
var $2654e87be0231a69$exports = require("./useTimeFieldState.main.js");
function $parcel$exportWildcard(dest, source) {
Object.keys(source).forEach(function(key) {
if (key === 'default' || key === '__esModule' || dest.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Object.defineProperty(dest, key, {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return source[key];
return dest;
function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) {
Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
var $aaab7a647e17e1fd$exports = {};
$parcel$export($aaab7a647e17e1fd$exports, "useDatePickerState", () => $aaab7a647e17e1fd$export$87194bb378cc3ac2);
$parcel$export(module.exports, "useDatePickerState", () => $aaab7a647e17e1fd$exports.useDatePickerState);
$parcel$export(module.exports, "useDateFieldState", () => $596a1f0f523d6752$exports.useDateFieldState);
$parcel$export(module.exports, "useDateRangePickerState", () => $7072d26f58deb33b$exports.useDateRangePickerState);
$parcel$export(module.exports, "useTimeFieldState", () => $2654e87be0231a69$exports.useTimeFieldState);
* Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
* This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
function $50d5d6a623389320$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(value, minValue, maxValue) {
return value != null && (minValue != null && < 0 || maxValue != null && > 0);
const $50d5d6a623389320$var$DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS = {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'numeric',
day: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric',
minute: '2-digit',
second: '2-digit'
function $50d5d6a623389320$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, options) {
fieldOptions = {
let granularity = options.granularity || 'minute';
let keys = Object.keys(fieldOptions);
var _maxGranularity;
let startIdx = keys.indexOf((_maxGranularity = options.maxGranularity) !== null && _maxGranularity !== void 0 ? _maxGranularity : 'year');
if (startIdx < 0) startIdx = 0;
let endIdx = keys.indexOf(granularity);
if (endIdx < 0) endIdx = 2;
if (startIdx > endIdx) throw new Error('maxGranularity must be greater than granularity');
let opts1 = keys.slice(startIdx, endIdx + 1).reduce((opts, key)=>{
opts[key] = fieldOptions[key];
return opts;
}, {
if (options.hourCycle != null) opts1.hour12 = options.hourCycle === 12;
opts1.timeZone = options.timeZone || 'UTC';
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second';
if (hasTime && options.timeZone && !options.hideTimeZone) opts1.timeZoneName = 'short';
return opts1;
function $50d5d6a623389320$export$c5221a78ef73c5e9(placeholderValue) {
if (placeholderValue && 'hour' in placeholderValue) return placeholderValue;
return new $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.Time();
function $50d5d6a623389320$export$61a490a80c552550(value, calendar) {
if (value === null) return null;
if (!value) return undefined;
return $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendar(value, calendar);
function $50d5d6a623389320$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, timeZone) {
if (placeholderValue) return $50d5d6a623389320$export$61a490a80c552550(placeholderValue, calendar);
let date = $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendar($h2qOe${
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0
}), calendar);
if (granularity === 'year' || granularity === 'month' || granularity === 'day') return $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendarDate(date);
if (!timeZone) return $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendarDateTime(date);
return date;
function $50d5d6a623389320$export$2440da353cedad43(v, granularity) {
// Compute default granularity and time zone from the value. If the value becomes null, keep the last values.
let lastValue = $h2qOe$react.useRef(v);
if (v) lastValue.current = v;
v = lastValue.current;
let defaultTimeZone = v && 'timeZone' in v ? v.timeZone : undefined;
granularity = granularity || (v && 'minute' in v ? 'minute' : 'day');
// props.granularity must actually exist in the value if one is provided.
if (v && !(granularity in v)) throw new Error('Invalid granularity ' + granularity + ' for value ' + v.toString());
return [
function $aaab7a647e17e1fd$export$87194bb378cc3ac2(props) {
let [isOpen1, setOpen] = $h2qOe$react.useState(false);
let [value, setValue] = $h2qOe$reactstatelyutils.useControlledState(props.value, props.defaultValue || null, props.onChange);
let v = value || props.placeholderValue;
let [granularity, defaultTimeZone] = $50d5d6a623389320$export$2440da353cedad43(v, props.granularity);
let dateValue = value != null ? value.toDate(defaultTimeZone !== null && defaultTimeZone !== void 0 ? defaultTimeZone : 'UTC') : null;
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second' || granularity === 'millisecond';
let [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = $h2qOe$react.useState(null);
let [selectedTime, setSelectedTime] = $h2qOe$react.useState(null);
if (value) {
selectedDate = value;
if ('hour' in value) selectedTime = value;
// props.granularity must actually exist in the value if one is provided.
if (v && !(granularity in v)) throw new Error('Invalid granularity ' + granularity + ' for value ' + v.toString());
let commitValue = (date, time)=>{
setValue('timeZone' in time ? time.set($h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toDateFields(date)) : $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendarDateTime(date, time));
// Intercept setValue to make sure the Time section is not changed by date selection in Calendar
let selectDate = (newValue)=>{
if (hasTime) {
if (selectedTime) commitValue(newValue, selectedTime);
else setSelectedDate(newValue);
} else setValue(newValue);
if (!hasTime) setOpen(false);
let selectTime = (newValue)=>{
if (selectedDate) commitValue(selectedDate, newValue);
else setSelectedTime(newValue);
let validationState = props.validationState || ($50d5d6a623389320$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(value, props.minValue, props.maxValue) ? 'invalid' : null);
return {
value: value,
setValue: setValue,
dateValue: selectedDate,
timeValue: selectedTime,
setDateValue: selectDate,
setTimeValue: selectTime,
granularity: granularity,
isOpen: isOpen1,
setOpen (isOpen) {
// Commit the selected date when the calendar is closed. Use a placeholder time if one wasn't set.
// If only the time was set and not the date, don't commit. The state will be preserved until
// the user opens the popover again.
if (!isOpen && !value && selectedDate && hasTime) commitValue(selectedDate, selectedTime || $50d5d6a623389320$export$c5221a78ef73c5e9(props.placeholderValue));
validationState: validationState,
formatValue (locale, fieldOptions) {
if (!dateValue) return '';
let formatOptions = $50d5d6a623389320$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, {
granularity: granularity,
timeZone: defaultTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
let formatter = new $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.DateFormatter(locale, formatOptions);
return formatter.format(dateValue);
var $6d4e641deb83cb9e$exports = {};
$parcel$export($6d4e641deb83cb9e$exports, "useDatePickerFieldState", () => $6d4e641deb83cb9e$export$714a241b39a650d6);
const $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$EDITABLE_SEGMENTS = {
year: true,
month: true,
day: true,
hour: true,
minute: true,
second: true,
dayPeriod: true,
era: true
const $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$PAGE_STEP = {
year: 5,
month: 2,
day: 7,
hour: 2,
minute: 15,
second: 15
// Node seems to convert everything to lowercase...
const $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$TYPE_MAPPING = {
dayperiod: 'dayPeriod'
function $6d4e641deb83cb9e$export$714a241b39a650d6(props) {
let { locale: locale , createCalendar: createCalendar , hideTimeZone: hideTimeZone } = props;
let v1 = props.value || props.defaultValue || props.placeholderValue;
let [granularity, defaultTimeZone] = $50d5d6a623389320$export$2440da353cedad43(v1, props.granularity);
let timeZone = defaultTimeZone || 'UTC';
// props.granularity must actually exist in the value if one is provided.
if (v1 && !(granularity in v1)) throw new Error('Invalid granularity ' + granularity + ' for value ' + v1.toString());
var _maxGranularity;
let formatOpts = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>({
granularity: granularity,
maxGranularity: (_maxGranularity = props.maxGranularity) !== null && _maxGranularity !== void 0 ? _maxGranularity : 'year',
timeZone: defaultTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
, [
let opts = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>$50d5d6a623389320$export$7e319ea407e63bc0({
}, formatOpts)
, [
let dateFormatter = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>new $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.DateFormatter(locale, opts)
, [
let resolvedOptions = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>dateFormatter.resolvedOptions()
, [
let calendar = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>createCalendar(resolvedOptions.calendar)
, [
// Determine how many editable segments there are for validation purposes.
// The result is cached for performance.
let allSegments = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>dateFormatter.formatToParts(new Date()).filter((seg)=>$6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$EDITABLE_SEGMENTS[seg.type]
).reduce((p, seg)=>(p[seg.type] = true, p)
, {
, [
let [validSegments, setValidSegments] = $h2qOe$react.useState(()=>props.value || props.defaultValue ? {
} : {
// We keep track of the placeholder date separately in state so that onChange is not called
// until all segments are set. If the value === null (not undefined), then assume the component
// is controlled, so use the placeholder as the value until all segments are entered so it doesn't
// change from uncontrolled to controlled and emit a warning.
let [placeholderDate, setPlaceholderDate] = $h2qOe$react.useState(()=>$50d5d6a623389320$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone)
// Reset placeholder when calendar changes
let lastCalendarIdentifier = $h2qOe$react.useRef(calendar.identifier);
if (calendar.identifier !== lastCalendarIdentifier.current) {
lastCalendarIdentifier.current = calendar.identifier;
setPlaceholderDate((placeholder)=>Object.keys(validSegments).length > 0 ? $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendar(placeholder, calendar) : $50d5d6a623389320$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone)
}, [
let [value1, setDate] = $h2qOe$reactstatelyutils.useControlledState(props.value, props.defaultValue, props.onChange);
let calendarValue = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>$50d5d6a623389320$export$61a490a80c552550(value1, calendar)
, [
// If there is a value prop, and some segments were previously placeholders, mark them all as valid.
if (value1 && Object.keys(validSegments).length < Object.keys(allSegments).length) {
validSegments = {
// If the value is set to null and all segments are valid, reset the placeholder.
if (value1 == null && Object.keys(validSegments).length === Object.keys(allSegments).length) {
validSegments = {
setPlaceholderDate($50d5d6a623389320$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone));
// If all segments are valid, use the date from state, otherwise use the placeholder date.
let displayValue = calendarValue && Object.keys(validSegments).length >= Object.keys(allSegments).length ? calendarValue : placeholderDate;
let setValue = (newValue)=>{
if (props.isDisabled || props.isReadOnly) return;
if (Object.keys(validSegments).length >= Object.keys(allSegments).length) {
// The display calendar should not have any effect on the emitted value.
// Emit dates in the same calendar as the original value, if any, otherwise gregorian.
newValue = $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendar(newValue, (v1 === null || v1 === void 0 ? void 0 : v1.calendar) || new $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.GregorianCalendar());
} else setPlaceholderDate(newValue);
let dateValue = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>displayValue.toDate(timeZone)
, [
let segments = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>dateFormatter.formatToParts(dateValue).map((segment)=>{
let isEditable = $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$EDITABLE_SEGMENTS[segment.type];
if (segment.type === 'era' && calendar.getEras().length === 1) isEditable = false;
return {
type: $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$TYPE_MAPPING[segment.type] || segment.type,
text: segment.value,
...$6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$getSegmentLimits(displayValue, segment.type, resolvedOptions),
isPlaceholder: $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$EDITABLE_SEGMENTS[segment.type] && !validSegments[segment.type],
isEditable: isEditable
, [
let hasEra = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>segments.some((s)=>s.type === 'era'
, [
let markValid = (part)=>{
validSegments[part] = true;
if (part === 'year' && hasEra) validSegments.era = true;
let adjustSegment = (type, amount)=>{
setValue($6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$addSegment(displayValue, type, amount, resolvedOptions));
let validationState = props.validationState || ($50d5d6a623389320$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(calendarValue, props.minValue, props.maxValue) ? 'invalid' : null);
return {
value: calendarValue,
dateValue: dateValue,
setValue: setValue,
segments: segments,
dateFormatter: dateFormatter,
validationState: validationState,
granularity: granularity,
increment (part) {
adjustSegment(part, 1);
decrement (part) {
adjustSegment(part, -1);
incrementPage (part) {
adjustSegment(part, $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$PAGE_STEP[part] || 1);
decrementPage (part) {
adjustSegment(part, -($6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$PAGE_STEP[part] || 1));
setSegment (part, v) {
setValue($6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$setSegment(displayValue, part, v, resolvedOptions));
confirmPlaceholder (part) {
if (props.isDisabled || props.isReadOnly) return;
if (!part) {
// Confirm the rest of the placeholder if any of the segments are valid.
let numValid = Object.keys(validSegments).length;
if (numValid > 0 && numValid < Object.keys(allSegments).length) {
validSegments = {
} else if (!validSegments[part]) {
clearSegment (part) {
delete validSegments[part];
let placeholder = $50d5d6a623389320$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone);
let value = displayValue;
// Reset day period to default without changing the hour.
if (part === 'dayPeriod' && 'hour' in displayValue && 'hour' in placeholder) {
let isPM = displayValue.hour >= 12;
let shouldBePM = placeholder.hour >= 12;
if (isPM && !shouldBePM) value = displayValue.set({
hour: displayValue.hour - 12
else if (!isPM && shouldBePM) value = displayValue.set({
hour: displayValue.hour + 12
} else if (part in displayValue) value = displayValue.set({
[part]: placeholder[part]
getFormatOptions (fieldOptions) {
return $50d5d6a623389320$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, formatOpts);
function $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$getSegmentLimits(date, type, options) {
case 'era':
let eras = date.calendar.getEras();
return {
value: eras.indexOf(date.era),
minValue: 0,
maxValue: eras.length - 1
case 'year':
return {
value: date.year,
minValue: 1,
maxValue: date.calendar.getYearsInEra(date)
case 'month':
return {
value: date.month,
minValue: $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.getMinimumMonthInYear(date),
maxValue: date.calendar.getMonthsInYear(date)
case 'day':
return {
minValue: $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.getMinimumDayInMonth(date),
maxValue: date.calendar.getDaysInMonth(date)
if ('hour' in date) switch(type){
case 'dayPeriod':
return {
value: date.hour >= 12 ? 12 : 0,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 12
case 'hour':
if (options.hour12) {
let isPM = date.hour >= 12;
return {
value: date.hour,
minValue: isPM ? 12 : 0,
maxValue: isPM ? 23 : 11
return {
value: date.hour,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 23
case 'minute':
return {
value: date.minute,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 59
case 'second':
return {
value: date.second,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 59
return {
function $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$addSegment(value, part, amount, options) {
case 'era':
case 'year':
case 'month':
case 'day':
return value.cycle(part, amount, {
round: part === 'year'
if ('hour' in value) switch(part){
case 'dayPeriod':
let hours = value.hour;
let isPM = hours >= 12;
return value.set({
hour: isPM ? hours - 12 : hours + 12
case 'hour':
case 'minute':
case 'second':
return value.cycle(part, amount, {
round: part !== 'hour',
hourCycle: options.hour12 ? 12 : 24
function $6d4e641deb83cb9e$var$setSegment(value, part, segmentValue, options) {
case 'day':
case 'month':
case 'year':
return value.set({
[part]: segmentValue
if ('hour' in value) switch(part){
case 'dayPeriod':
let hours = value.hour;
let wasPM = hours >= 12;
let isPM = segmentValue >= 12;
if (isPM === wasPM) return value;
return value.set({
hour: wasPM ? hours - 12 : hours + 12
case 'hour':
// In 12 hour time, ensure that AM/PM does not change
if (options.hour12) {
let hours = value.hour;
let wasPM = hours >= 12;
if (!wasPM && segmentValue === 12) segmentValue = 0;
if (wasPM && segmentValue < 12) segmentValue += 12;
// fallthrough
case 'minute':
case 'second':
return value.set({
[part]: segmentValue
var $7072d26f58deb33b$exports = {};
$parcel$export($7072d26f58deb33b$exports, "useDateRangePickerState", () => $7072d26f58deb33b$export$e50a61c1de9f574);
function $7072d26f58deb33b$export$e50a61c1de9f574(props) {
let [isOpen1, setOpen] = $h2qOe$react.useState(false);
let [controlledValue, setControlledValue] = $h2qOe$reactstatelyutils.useControlledState(props.value, props.defaultValue || null, props.onChange);
let [placeholderValue, setPlaceholderValue] = $h2qOe$react.useState(()=>controlledValue || {
start: null,
end: null
// Reset the placeholder if the value prop is set to null.
if (controlledValue == null && placeholderValue.start && placeholderValue.end) {
placeholderValue = {
start: null,
end: null
let value1 = controlledValue || placeholderValue;
let valueRef = $h2qOe$react.useRef(value1);
valueRef.current = value1;
let setValue = (value)=>{
valueRef.current = value;
if ((value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.start) && value.end) setControlledValue(value);
else setControlledValue(null);
let v = (value1 === null || value1 === void 0 ? void 0 : value1.start) || (value1 === null || value1 === void 0 ? void 0 : value1.end) || props.placeholderValue;
let [granularity, defaultTimeZone] = $50d5d6a623389320$export$2440da353cedad43(v, props.granularity);
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second' || granularity === 'millisecond';
let [dateRange1, setSelectedDateRange] = $h2qOe$react.useState(null);
let [timeRange1, setSelectedTimeRange] = $h2qOe$react.useState(null);
if (value1 && value1.start && value1.end) {
dateRange1 = value1;
if ('hour' in value1.start) timeRange1 = value1;
let commitValue = (dateRange, timeRange)=>{
start: 'timeZone' in timeRange.start ? timeRange.start.set($h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toDateFields(dateRange.start)) : $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendarDateTime(dateRange.start, timeRange.start),
end: 'timeZone' in timeRange.end ? timeRange.end.set($h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toDateFields(dateRange.end)) : $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendarDateTime(dateRange.end, timeRange.end)
// Intercept setValue to make sure the Time section is not changed by date selection in Calendar
let setDateRange = (range)=>{
if (hasTime) {
if (range.start && range.end && (timeRange1 === null || timeRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : timeRange1.start) && (timeRange1 === null || timeRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : timeRange1.end)) commitValue(range, timeRange1);
else setSelectedDateRange(range);
} else if (range.start && range.end) setValue(range);
else setSelectedDateRange(range);
if (!hasTime) setOpen(false);
let setTimeRange = (range)=>{
if ((dateRange1 === null || dateRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : dateRange1.start) && (dateRange1 === null || dateRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : dateRange1.end) && range.start && range.end) commitValue(dateRange1, range);
else setSelectedTimeRange(range);
let validationState = props.validationState || (value1 != null && ($50d5d6a623389320$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(value1.start, props.minValue, props.maxValue) || $50d5d6a623389320$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(value1.end, props.minValue, props.maxValue) || value1.end != null && value1.start != null && < 0) ? 'invalid' : null);
return {
value: value1,
setValue: setValue,
dateRange: dateRange1,
timeRange: timeRange1,
granularity: granularity,
setDate (part, date) {
[part]: date
setTime (part, time) {
[part]: time
setDateTime (part, dateTime) {
[part]: dateTime
setDateRange: setDateRange,
setTimeRange: setTimeRange,
isOpen: isOpen1,
setOpen (isOpen) {
// Commit the selected date range when the calendar is closed. Use a placeholder time if one wasn't set.
// If only the time range was set and not the date range, don't commit. The state will be preserved until
// the user opens the popover again.
if (!isOpen && !((value1 === null || value1 === void 0 ? void 0 : value1.start) && (value1 === null || value1 === void 0 ? void 0 : value1.end)) && (dateRange1 === null || dateRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : dateRange1.start) && (dateRange1 === null || dateRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : dateRange1.end) && hasTime) commitValue(dateRange1, {
start: (timeRange1 === null || timeRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : timeRange1.start) || $50d5d6a623389320$export$c5221a78ef73c5e9(props.placeholderValue),
end: (timeRange1 === null || timeRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : timeRange1.end) || $50d5d6a623389320$export$c5221a78ef73c5e9(props.placeholderValue)
validationState: validationState,
formatValue (locale, fieldOptions) {
if (!value1 || !value1.start || !value1.end) return '';
let startTimeZone = 'timeZone' in value1.start ? value1.start.timeZone : undefined;
let startGranularity = props.granularity || (value1.start && 'minute' in value1.start ? 'minute' : 'day');
let endTimeZone = 'timeZone' in value1.end ? value1.end.timeZone : undefined;
let endGranularity = props.granularity || (value1.end && 'minute' in value1.end ? 'minute' : 'day');
let startOptions = $50d5d6a623389320$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, {
granularity: startGranularity,
timeZone: startTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
let startFormatter = new $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.DateFormatter(locale, startOptions);
let endFormatter;
if (startTimeZone === endTimeZone && startGranularity === endGranularity) {
// Use formatRange, as it results in shorter output when some of the fields
// are shared between the start and end dates (e.g. the same month).
// Formatting will fail if the end date is before the start date. Fall back below when that happens.
try {
return startFormatter.formatRange(value1.start.toDate(startTimeZone), value1.end.toDate(endTimeZone));
} catch (e) {
// ignore
endFormatter = startFormatter;
} else {
let endOptions = $50d5d6a623389320$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, {
granularity: endGranularity,
timeZone: endTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
endFormatter = new $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.DateFormatter(locale, endOptions);
return `${startFormatter.format(value1.start.toDate(startTimeZone))} – ${endFormatter.format(value1.end.toDate(endTimeZone))}`;
confirmPlaceholder () {
// Need to use ref value here because the value can be set in the same tick as
// a blur, which means the component won't have re-rendered yet.
let value = valueRef.current;
if (value && Boolean(value.start) !== Boolean(value.end)) {
let calendar = (value.start || value.end).calendar;
let placeholder = $50d5d6a623389320$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone);
start: value.start || placeholder,
end: value.end || placeholder
var $2654e87be0231a69$exports = {};
$parcel$export($2654e87be0231a69$exports, "useTimeFieldState", () => $2654e87be0231a69$export$fd53cef0cc796101);
function $2654e87be0231a69$export$fd53cef0cc796101(props) {
let { placeholderValue: placeholderValue = new $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.Time() , minValue: minValue , maxValue: maxValue , granularity: granularity } = props;
let [value, setValue] = $h2qOe$reactstatelyutils.useControlledState(props.value, props.defaultValue, props.onChange);
let v = value || placeholderValue;
let day = v && 'day' in v ? v : undefined;
let placeholderDate = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>$2654e87be0231a69$var$convertValue(placeholderValue)
, [
let minDate = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>$2654e87be0231a69$var$convertValue(minValue, day)
, [
let maxDate = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>$2654e87be0231a69$var$convertValue(maxValue, day)
, [
let dateTime = $h2qOe$react.useMemo(()=>value == null ? null : $2654e87be0231a69$var$convertValue(value)
, [
let onChange = (newValue)=>{
setValue(v && 'day' in v ? newValue : newValue && $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toTime(newValue));
return $6d4e641deb83cb9e$export$714a241b39a650d6({
value: dateTime,
defaultValue: undefined,
minValue: minDate,
maxValue: maxDate,
onChange: onChange,
granularity: granularity || 'minute',
maxGranularity: 'hour',
placeholderValue: placeholderDate
function $2654e87be0231a69$var$convertValue(value, date = $h2qOe$$h2qOe$internationalizeddate.getLocalTimeZone())) {
if (!value) return null;
if ('day' in value) return value;
return $h2qOe$internationalizeddate.toCalendarDateTime(date, value);
$parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $aaab7a647e17e1fd$exports);
$parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $6d4e641deb83cb9e$exports);
$parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $7072d26f58deb33b$exports);
$parcel$exportWildcard(module.exports, $2654e87be0231a69$exports);

@@ -1,737 +0,23 @@

import {toDateFields as $7UzoM$toDateFields, toCalendarDateTime as $7UzoM$toCalendarDateTime, DateFormatter as $7UzoM$DateFormatter, Time as $7UzoM$Time, toCalendar as $7UzoM$toCalendar, now as $7UzoM$now, toCalendarDate as $7UzoM$toCalendarDate, GregorianCalendar as $7UzoM$GregorianCalendar, getMinimumMonthInYear as $7UzoM$getMinimumMonthInYear, getMinimumDayInMonth as $7UzoM$getMinimumDayInMonth, toTime as $7UzoM$toTime, today as $7UzoM$today, getLocalTimeZone as $7UzoM$getLocalTimeZone} from "@internationalized/date";
import {useControlledState as $7UzoM$useControlledState} from "@react-stately/utils";
import {useState as $7UzoM$useState, useRef as $7UzoM$useRef, useMemo as $7UzoM$useMemo, useEffect as $7UzoM$useEffect} from "react";
import {useDatePickerState as $ab5bf3f618090389$export$87194bb378cc3ac2} from "./useDatePickerState.module.js";
import {useDateFieldState as $3c0fc76039f1c516$export$60e84778edff6d26} from "./useDateFieldState.module.js";
import {useDateRangePickerState as $93c38a5e28be6249$export$e50a61c1de9f574} from "./useDateRangePickerState.module.js";
import {useTimeFieldState as $eff5d8ee529ac4bb$export$fd53cef0cc796101} from "./useTimeFieldState.module.js";
function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) {
Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
var $ab5bf3f618090389$exports = {};
* Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
* This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
$parcel$export($ab5bf3f618090389$exports, "useDatePickerState", () => $ab5bf3f618090389$export$87194bb378cc3ac2);
function $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(value, minValue, maxValue) {
return value != null && (minValue != null && < 0 || maxValue != null && > 0);
const $35a22f14a1f04b11$var$DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS = {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'numeric',
day: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric',
minute: '2-digit',
second: '2-digit'
function $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, options) {
fieldOptions = {
let granularity = options.granularity || 'minute';
let keys = Object.keys(fieldOptions);
var _maxGranularity;
let startIdx = keys.indexOf((_maxGranularity = options.maxGranularity) !== null && _maxGranularity !== void 0 ? _maxGranularity : 'year');
if (startIdx < 0) startIdx = 0;
let endIdx = keys.indexOf(granularity);
if (endIdx < 0) endIdx = 2;
if (startIdx > endIdx) throw new Error('maxGranularity must be greater than granularity');
let opts1 = keys.slice(startIdx, endIdx + 1).reduce((opts, key)=>{
opts[key] = fieldOptions[key];
return opts;
}, {
if (options.hourCycle != null) opts1.hour12 = options.hourCycle === 12;
opts1.timeZone = options.timeZone || 'UTC';
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second';
if (hasTime && options.timeZone && !options.hideTimeZone) opts1.timeZoneName = 'short';
return opts1;
function $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$c5221a78ef73c5e9(placeholderValue) {
if (placeholderValue && 'hour' in placeholderValue) return placeholderValue;
return new $7UzoM$Time();
function $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$61a490a80c552550(value, calendar) {
if (value === null) return null;
if (!value) return undefined;
return $7UzoM$toCalendar(value, calendar);
function $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, timeZone) {
if (placeholderValue) return $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$61a490a80c552550(placeholderValue, calendar);
let date = $7UzoM$toCalendar($7UzoM$now(timeZone).set({
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0
}), calendar);
if (granularity === 'year' || granularity === 'month' || granularity === 'day') return $7UzoM$toCalendarDate(date);
if (!timeZone) return $7UzoM$toCalendarDateTime(date);
return date;
function $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$2440da353cedad43(v, granularity) {
// Compute default granularity and time zone from the value. If the value becomes null, keep the last values.
let lastValue = $7UzoM$useRef(v);
if (v) lastValue.current = v;
v = lastValue.current;
let defaultTimeZone = v && 'timeZone' in v ? v.timeZone : undefined;
granularity = granularity || (v && 'minute' in v ? 'minute' : 'day');
// props.granularity must actually exist in the value if one is provided.
if (v && !(granularity in v)) throw new Error('Invalid granularity ' + granularity + ' for value ' + v.toString());
return [
function $ab5bf3f618090389$export$87194bb378cc3ac2(props) {
let [isOpen1, setOpen] = $7UzoM$useState(false);
let [value, setValue] = $7UzoM$useControlledState(props.value, props.defaultValue || null, props.onChange);
let v = value || props.placeholderValue;
let [granularity, defaultTimeZone] = $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$2440da353cedad43(v, props.granularity);
let dateValue = value != null ? value.toDate(defaultTimeZone !== null && defaultTimeZone !== void 0 ? defaultTimeZone : 'UTC') : null;
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second' || granularity === 'millisecond';
let [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = $7UzoM$useState(null);
let [selectedTime, setSelectedTime] = $7UzoM$useState(null);
if (value) {
selectedDate = value;
if ('hour' in value) selectedTime = value;
// props.granularity must actually exist in the value if one is provided.
if (v && !(granularity in v)) throw new Error('Invalid granularity ' + granularity + ' for value ' + v.toString());
let commitValue = (date, time)=>{
setValue('timeZone' in time ? time.set($7UzoM$toDateFields(date)) : $7UzoM$toCalendarDateTime(date, time));
// Intercept setValue to make sure the Time section is not changed by date selection in Calendar
let selectDate = (newValue)=>{
if (hasTime) {
if (selectedTime) commitValue(newValue, selectedTime);
else setSelectedDate(newValue);
} else setValue(newValue);
if (!hasTime) setOpen(false);
let selectTime = (newValue)=>{
if (selectedDate) commitValue(selectedDate, newValue);
else setSelectedTime(newValue);
let validationState = props.validationState || ($35a22f14a1f04b11$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(value, props.minValue, props.maxValue) ? 'invalid' : null);
return {
value: value,
setValue: setValue,
dateValue: selectedDate,
timeValue: selectedTime,
setDateValue: selectDate,
setTimeValue: selectTime,
granularity: granularity,
isOpen: isOpen1,
setOpen (isOpen) {
// Commit the selected date when the calendar is closed. Use a placeholder time if one wasn't set.
// If only the time was set and not the date, don't commit. The state will be preserved until
// the user opens the popover again.
if (!isOpen && !value && selectedDate && hasTime) commitValue(selectedDate, selectedTime || $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$c5221a78ef73c5e9(props.placeholderValue));
validationState: validationState,
formatValue (locale, fieldOptions) {
if (!dateValue) return '';
let formatOptions = $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, {
granularity: granularity,
timeZone: defaultTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
let formatter = new $7UzoM$DateFormatter(locale, formatOptions);
return formatter.format(dateValue);
var $09e80d602234613d$exports = {};
$parcel$export($09e80d602234613d$exports, "useDatePickerFieldState", () => $09e80d602234613d$export$714a241b39a650d6);
const $09e80d602234613d$var$EDITABLE_SEGMENTS = {
year: true,
month: true,
day: true,
hour: true,
minute: true,
second: true,
dayPeriod: true,
era: true
const $09e80d602234613d$var$PAGE_STEP = {
year: 5,
month: 2,
day: 7,
hour: 2,
minute: 15,
second: 15
// Node seems to convert everything to lowercase...
const $09e80d602234613d$var$TYPE_MAPPING = {
dayperiod: 'dayPeriod'
function $09e80d602234613d$export$714a241b39a650d6(props) {
let { locale: locale , createCalendar: createCalendar , hideTimeZone: hideTimeZone } = props;
let v1 = props.value || props.defaultValue || props.placeholderValue;
let [granularity, defaultTimeZone] = $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$2440da353cedad43(v1, props.granularity);
let timeZone = defaultTimeZone || 'UTC';
// props.granularity must actually exist in the value if one is provided.
if (v1 && !(granularity in v1)) throw new Error('Invalid granularity ' + granularity + ' for value ' + v1.toString());
var _maxGranularity;
let formatOpts = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>({
granularity: granularity,
maxGranularity: (_maxGranularity = props.maxGranularity) !== null && _maxGranularity !== void 0 ? _maxGranularity : 'year',
timeZone: defaultTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
, [
let opts = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>$35a22f14a1f04b11$export$7e319ea407e63bc0({
}, formatOpts)
, [
let dateFormatter = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>new $7UzoM$DateFormatter(locale, opts)
, [
let resolvedOptions = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>dateFormatter.resolvedOptions()
, [
let calendar = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>createCalendar(resolvedOptions.calendar)
, [
// Determine how many editable segments there are for validation purposes.
// The result is cached for performance.
let allSegments = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>dateFormatter.formatToParts(new Date()).filter((seg)=>$09e80d602234613d$var$EDITABLE_SEGMENTS[seg.type]
).reduce((p, seg)=>(p[seg.type] = true, p)
, {
, [
let [validSegments, setValidSegments] = $7UzoM$useState(()=>props.value || props.defaultValue ? {
} : {
// We keep track of the placeholder date separately in state so that onChange is not called
// until all segments are set. If the value === null (not undefined), then assume the component
// is controlled, so use the placeholder as the value until all segments are entered so it doesn't
// change from uncontrolled to controlled and emit a warning.
let [placeholderDate, setPlaceholderDate] = $7UzoM$useState(()=>$35a22f14a1f04b11$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone)
// Reset placeholder when calendar changes
let lastCalendarIdentifier = $7UzoM$useRef(calendar.identifier);
if (calendar.identifier !== lastCalendarIdentifier.current) {
lastCalendarIdentifier.current = calendar.identifier;
setPlaceholderDate((placeholder)=>Object.keys(validSegments).length > 0 ? $7UzoM$toCalendar(placeholder, calendar) : $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone)
}, [
let [value1, setDate] = $7UzoM$useControlledState(props.value, props.defaultValue, props.onChange);
let calendarValue = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>$35a22f14a1f04b11$export$61a490a80c552550(value1, calendar)
, [
// If there is a value prop, and some segments were previously placeholders, mark them all as valid.
if (value1 && Object.keys(validSegments).length < Object.keys(allSegments).length) {
validSegments = {
// If the value is set to null and all segments are valid, reset the placeholder.
if (value1 == null && Object.keys(validSegments).length === Object.keys(allSegments).length) {
validSegments = {
setPlaceholderDate($35a22f14a1f04b11$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone));
// If all segments are valid, use the date from state, otherwise use the placeholder date.
let displayValue = calendarValue && Object.keys(validSegments).length >= Object.keys(allSegments).length ? calendarValue : placeholderDate;
let setValue = (newValue)=>{
if (props.isDisabled || props.isReadOnly) return;
if (Object.keys(validSegments).length >= Object.keys(allSegments).length) {
// The display calendar should not have any effect on the emitted value.
// Emit dates in the same calendar as the original value, if any, otherwise gregorian.
newValue = $7UzoM$toCalendar(newValue, (v1 === null || v1 === void 0 ? void 0 : v1.calendar) || new $7UzoM$GregorianCalendar());
} else setPlaceholderDate(newValue);
let dateValue = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>displayValue.toDate(timeZone)
, [
let segments = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>dateFormatter.formatToParts(dateValue).map((segment)=>{
let isEditable = $09e80d602234613d$var$EDITABLE_SEGMENTS[segment.type];
if (segment.type === 'era' && calendar.getEras().length === 1) isEditable = false;
return {
type: $09e80d602234613d$var$TYPE_MAPPING[segment.type] || segment.type,
text: segment.value,
...$09e80d602234613d$var$getSegmentLimits(displayValue, segment.type, resolvedOptions),
isPlaceholder: $09e80d602234613d$var$EDITABLE_SEGMENTS[segment.type] && !validSegments[segment.type],
isEditable: isEditable
, [
let hasEra = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>segments.some((s)=>s.type === 'era'
, [
let markValid = (part)=>{
validSegments[part] = true;
if (part === 'year' && hasEra) validSegments.era = true;
let adjustSegment = (type, amount)=>{
setValue($09e80d602234613d$var$addSegment(displayValue, type, amount, resolvedOptions));
let validationState = props.validationState || ($35a22f14a1f04b11$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(calendarValue, props.minValue, props.maxValue) ? 'invalid' : null);
return {
value: calendarValue,
dateValue: dateValue,
setValue: setValue,
segments: segments,
dateFormatter: dateFormatter,
validationState: validationState,
granularity: granularity,
increment (part) {
adjustSegment(part, 1);
decrement (part) {
adjustSegment(part, -1);
incrementPage (part) {
adjustSegment(part, $09e80d602234613d$var$PAGE_STEP[part] || 1);
decrementPage (part) {
adjustSegment(part, -($09e80d602234613d$var$PAGE_STEP[part] || 1));
setSegment (part, v) {
setValue($09e80d602234613d$var$setSegment(displayValue, part, v, resolvedOptions));
confirmPlaceholder (part) {
if (props.isDisabled || props.isReadOnly) return;
if (!part) {
// Confirm the rest of the placeholder if any of the segments are valid.
let numValid = Object.keys(validSegments).length;
if (numValid > 0 && numValid < Object.keys(allSegments).length) {
validSegments = {
} else if (!validSegments[part]) {
clearSegment (part) {
delete validSegments[part];
let placeholder = $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone);
let value = displayValue;
// Reset day period to default without changing the hour.
if (part === 'dayPeriod' && 'hour' in displayValue && 'hour' in placeholder) {
let isPM = displayValue.hour >= 12;
let shouldBePM = placeholder.hour >= 12;
if (isPM && !shouldBePM) value = displayValue.set({
hour: displayValue.hour - 12
else if (!isPM && shouldBePM) value = displayValue.set({
hour: displayValue.hour + 12
} else if (part in displayValue) value = displayValue.set({
[part]: placeholder[part]
getFormatOptions (fieldOptions) {
return $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, formatOpts);
function $09e80d602234613d$var$getSegmentLimits(date, type, options) {
case 'era':
let eras = date.calendar.getEras();
return {
value: eras.indexOf(date.era),
minValue: 0,
maxValue: eras.length - 1
case 'year':
return {
value: date.year,
minValue: 1,
maxValue: date.calendar.getYearsInEra(date)
case 'month':
return {
value: date.month,
minValue: $7UzoM$getMinimumMonthInYear(date),
maxValue: date.calendar.getMonthsInYear(date)
case 'day':
return {
minValue: $7UzoM$getMinimumDayInMonth(date),
maxValue: date.calendar.getDaysInMonth(date)
if ('hour' in date) switch(type){
case 'dayPeriod':
return {
value: date.hour >= 12 ? 12 : 0,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 12
case 'hour':
if (options.hour12) {
let isPM = date.hour >= 12;
return {
value: date.hour,
minValue: isPM ? 12 : 0,
maxValue: isPM ? 23 : 11
return {
value: date.hour,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 23
case 'minute':
return {
value: date.minute,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 59
case 'second':
return {
value: date.second,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 59
return {
function $09e80d602234613d$var$addSegment(value, part, amount, options) {
case 'era':
case 'year':
case 'month':
case 'day':
return value.cycle(part, amount, {
round: part === 'year'
if ('hour' in value) switch(part){
case 'dayPeriod':
let hours = value.hour;
let isPM = hours >= 12;
return value.set({
hour: isPM ? hours - 12 : hours + 12
case 'hour':
case 'minute':
case 'second':
return value.cycle(part, amount, {
round: part !== 'hour',
hourCycle: options.hour12 ? 12 : 24
function $09e80d602234613d$var$setSegment(value, part, segmentValue, options) {
case 'day':
case 'month':
case 'year':
return value.set({
[part]: segmentValue
if ('hour' in value) switch(part){
case 'dayPeriod':
let hours = value.hour;
let wasPM = hours >= 12;
let isPM = segmentValue >= 12;
if (isPM === wasPM) return value;
return value.set({
hour: wasPM ? hours - 12 : hours + 12
case 'hour':
// In 12 hour time, ensure that AM/PM does not change
if (options.hour12) {
let hours = value.hour;
let wasPM = hours >= 12;
if (!wasPM && segmentValue === 12) segmentValue = 0;
if (wasPM && segmentValue < 12) segmentValue += 12;
// fallthrough
case 'minute':
case 'second':
return value.set({
[part]: segmentValue
var $93c38a5e28be6249$exports = {};
$parcel$export($93c38a5e28be6249$exports, "useDateRangePickerState", () => $93c38a5e28be6249$export$e50a61c1de9f574);
function $93c38a5e28be6249$export$e50a61c1de9f574(props) {
let [isOpen1, setOpen] = $7UzoM$useState(false);
let [controlledValue, setControlledValue] = $7UzoM$useControlledState(props.value, props.defaultValue || null, props.onChange);
let [placeholderValue, setPlaceholderValue] = $7UzoM$useState(()=>controlledValue || {
start: null,
end: null
// Reset the placeholder if the value prop is set to null.
if (controlledValue == null && placeholderValue.start && placeholderValue.end) {
placeholderValue = {
start: null,
end: null
let value1 = controlledValue || placeholderValue;
let valueRef = $7UzoM$useRef(value1);
valueRef.current = value1;
let setValue = (value)=>{
valueRef.current = value;
if ((value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.start) && value.end) setControlledValue(value);
else setControlledValue(null);
let v = (value1 === null || value1 === void 0 ? void 0 : value1.start) || (value1 === null || value1 === void 0 ? void 0 : value1.end) || props.placeholderValue;
let [granularity, defaultTimeZone] = $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$2440da353cedad43(v, props.granularity);
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second' || granularity === 'millisecond';
let [dateRange1, setSelectedDateRange] = $7UzoM$useState(null);
let [timeRange1, setSelectedTimeRange] = $7UzoM$useState(null);
if (value1 && value1.start && value1.end) {
dateRange1 = value1;
if ('hour' in value1.start) timeRange1 = value1;
let commitValue = (dateRange, timeRange)=>{
start: 'timeZone' in timeRange.start ? timeRange.start.set($7UzoM$toDateFields(dateRange.start)) : $7UzoM$toCalendarDateTime(dateRange.start, timeRange.start),
end: 'timeZone' in timeRange.end ? timeRange.end.set($7UzoM$toDateFields(dateRange.end)) : $7UzoM$toCalendarDateTime(dateRange.end, timeRange.end)
// Intercept setValue to make sure the Time section is not changed by date selection in Calendar
let setDateRange = (range)=>{
if (hasTime) {
if (range.start && range.end && (timeRange1 === null || timeRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : timeRange1.start) && (timeRange1 === null || timeRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : timeRange1.end)) commitValue(range, timeRange1);
else setSelectedDateRange(range);
} else if (range.start && range.end) setValue(range);
else setSelectedDateRange(range);
if (!hasTime) setOpen(false);
let setTimeRange = (range)=>{
if ((dateRange1 === null || dateRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : dateRange1.start) && (dateRange1 === null || dateRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : dateRange1.end) && range.start && range.end) commitValue(dateRange1, range);
else setSelectedTimeRange(range);
let validationState = props.validationState || (value1 != null && ($35a22f14a1f04b11$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(value1.start, props.minValue, props.maxValue) || $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$eac50920cf2fd59a(value1.end, props.minValue, props.maxValue) || value1.end != null && value1.start != null && < 0) ? 'invalid' : null);
return {
value: value1,
setValue: setValue,
dateRange: dateRange1,
timeRange: timeRange1,
granularity: granularity,
setDate (part, date) {
[part]: date
setTime (part, time) {
[part]: time
setDateTime (part, dateTime) {
[part]: dateTime
setDateRange: setDateRange,
setTimeRange: setTimeRange,
isOpen: isOpen1,
setOpen (isOpen) {
// Commit the selected date range when the calendar is closed. Use a placeholder time if one wasn't set.
// If only the time range was set and not the date range, don't commit. The state will be preserved until
// the user opens the popover again.
if (!isOpen && !((value1 === null || value1 === void 0 ? void 0 : value1.start) && (value1 === null || value1 === void 0 ? void 0 : value1.end)) && (dateRange1 === null || dateRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : dateRange1.start) && (dateRange1 === null || dateRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : dateRange1.end) && hasTime) commitValue(dateRange1, {
start: (timeRange1 === null || timeRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : timeRange1.start) || $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$c5221a78ef73c5e9(props.placeholderValue),
end: (timeRange1 === null || timeRange1 === void 0 ? void 0 : timeRange1.end) || $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$c5221a78ef73c5e9(props.placeholderValue)
validationState: validationState,
formatValue (locale, fieldOptions) {
if (!value1 || !value1.start || !value1.end) return '';
let startTimeZone = 'timeZone' in value1.start ? value1.start.timeZone : undefined;
let startGranularity = props.granularity || (value1.start && 'minute' in value1.start ? 'minute' : 'day');
let endTimeZone = 'timeZone' in value1.end ? value1.end.timeZone : undefined;
let endGranularity = props.granularity || (value1.end && 'minute' in value1.end ? 'minute' : 'day');
let startOptions = $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, {
granularity: startGranularity,
timeZone: startTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
let startFormatter = new $7UzoM$DateFormatter(locale, startOptions);
let endFormatter;
if (startTimeZone === endTimeZone && startGranularity === endGranularity) {
// Use formatRange, as it results in shorter output when some of the fields
// are shared between the start and end dates (e.g. the same month).
// Formatting will fail if the end date is before the start date. Fall back below when that happens.
try {
return startFormatter.formatRange(value1.start.toDate(startTimeZone), value1.end.toDate(endTimeZone));
} catch (e) {
// ignore
endFormatter = startFormatter;
} else {
let endOptions = $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$7e319ea407e63bc0(fieldOptions, {
granularity: endGranularity,
timeZone: endTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
endFormatter = new $7UzoM$DateFormatter(locale, endOptions);
return `${startFormatter.format(value1.start.toDate(startTimeZone))} – ${endFormatter.format(value1.end.toDate(endTimeZone))}`;
confirmPlaceholder () {
// Need to use ref value here because the value can be set in the same tick as
// a blur, which means the component won't have re-rendered yet.
let value = valueRef.current;
if (value && Boolean(value.start) !== Boolean(value.end)) {
let calendar = (value.start || value.end).calendar;
let placeholder = $35a22f14a1f04b11$export$66aa2b09de4b1ea5(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone);
start: value.start || placeholder,
end: value.end || placeholder
var $eff5d8ee529ac4bb$exports = {};
$parcel$export($eff5d8ee529ac4bb$exports, "useTimeFieldState", () => $eff5d8ee529ac4bb$export$fd53cef0cc796101);
function $eff5d8ee529ac4bb$export$fd53cef0cc796101(props) {
let { placeholderValue: placeholderValue = new $7UzoM$Time() , minValue: minValue , maxValue: maxValue , granularity: granularity } = props;
let [value, setValue] = $7UzoM$useControlledState(props.value, props.defaultValue, props.onChange);
let v = value || placeholderValue;
let day = v && 'day' in v ? v : undefined;
let placeholderDate = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>$eff5d8ee529ac4bb$var$convertValue(placeholderValue)
, [
let minDate = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>$eff5d8ee529ac4bb$var$convertValue(minValue, day)
, [
let maxDate = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>$eff5d8ee529ac4bb$var$convertValue(maxValue, day)
, [
let dateTime = $7UzoM$useMemo(()=>value == null ? null : $eff5d8ee529ac4bb$var$convertValue(value)
, [
let onChange = (newValue)=>{
setValue(v && 'day' in v ? newValue : newValue && $7UzoM$toTime(newValue));
return $09e80d602234613d$export$714a241b39a650d6({
value: dateTime,
defaultValue: undefined,
minValue: minDate,
maxValue: maxDate,
onChange: onChange,
granularity: granularity || 'minute',
maxGranularity: 'hour',
placeholderValue: placeholderDate
function $eff5d8ee529ac4bb$var$convertValue(value, date = $7UzoM$today($7UzoM$getLocalTimeZone())) {
if (!value) return null;
if ('day' in value) return value;
return $7UzoM$toCalendarDateTime(date, value);
export {$ab5bf3f618090389$export$87194bb378cc3ac2 as useDatePickerState, $09e80d602234613d$export$714a241b39a650d6 as useDatePickerFieldState, $93c38a5e28be6249$export$e50a61c1de9f574 as useDateRangePickerState, $eff5d8ee529ac4bb$export$fd53cef0cc796101 as useTimeFieldState};
export {$ab5bf3f618090389$export$87194bb378cc3ac2 as useDatePickerState, $3c0fc76039f1c516$export$60e84778edff6d26 as useDateFieldState, $93c38a5e28be6249$export$e50a61c1de9f574 as useDateRangePickerState, $eff5d8ee529ac4bb$export$fd53cef0cc796101 as useTimeFieldState};

@@ -1,76 +0,243 @@

import { CalendarDate, Calendar, CalendarDateTime, DateFormatter } from "@internationalized/date";
import { DatePickerProps, DateValue, Granularity, TimeValue, DateRange, DateRangePickerProps, TimePickerProps } from "@react-types/datepicker";
import { CalendarDate, DateFormatter, Calendar, Time } from "@internationalized/date";
import { FormValidationState } from "@react-stately/form";
import { OverlayTriggerState } from "@react-stately/overlays";
import { ValidationState, RangeValue } from "@react-types/shared";
type FieldOptions = Pick<Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions, 'year' | 'month' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second'>;
export interface DatePickerState {
value: DateValue;
setValue: (value: DateValue) => void;
interface FormatterOptions {
timeZone?: string;
hideTimeZone?: boolean;
granularity?: DatePickerProps<any>['granularity'];
maxGranularity?: 'year' | 'month' | DatePickerProps<any>['granularity'];
hourCycle?: 12 | 24;
showEra?: boolean;
shouldForceLeadingZeros?: boolean;
export interface DatePickerStateOptions<T extends DateValue> extends DatePickerProps<T> {
* Determines whether the date picker popover should close automatically when a date is selected.
* @default true
shouldCloseOnSelect?: boolean | (() => boolean);
export interface DatePickerState extends OverlayTriggerState, FormValidationState {
/** The currently selected date. */
value: DateValue | null;
/** Sets the selected date. */
setValue(value: DateValue | null): void;
* The date portion of the value. This may be set prior to `value` if the user has
* selected a date but has not yet selected a time.
dateValue: DateValue;
setDateValue: (value: CalendarDate) => void;
/** Sets the date portion of the value. */
setDateValue(value: CalendarDate): void;
* The time portion of the value. This may be set prior to `value` if the user has
* selected a time but has not yet selected a date.
timeValue: TimeValue;
setTimeValue: (value: TimeValue) => void;
/** Sets the time portion of the value. */
setTimeValue(value: TimeValue): void;
/** The granularity for the field, based on the `granularity` prop and current value. */
granularity: Granularity;
/** Whether the date picker supports selecting a time, according to the `granularity` prop and current value. */
hasTime: boolean;
/** Whether the calendar popover is currently open. */
isOpen: boolean;
setOpen: (isOpen: boolean) => void;
/** Sets whether the calendar popover is open. */
setOpen(isOpen: boolean): void;
* The current validation state of the date picker, based on the `validationState`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props.
* @deprecated Use `isInvalid` instead.
validationState: ValidationState;
/** Whether the date picker is invalid, based on the `isInvalid`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props. */
isInvalid: boolean;
/** Formats the selected value using the given options. */
formatValue(locale: string, fieldOptions: FieldOptions): string;
granularity: Granularity;
/** Gets a formatter based on state's props. */
getDateFormatter(locale: string, formatOptions: FormatterOptions): DateFormatter;
export function useDatePickerState<T extends DateValue>(props: DatePickerProps<T>): DatePickerState;
* Provides state management for a date picker component.
* A date picker combines a DateField and a Calendar popover to allow users to enter or select a date and time value.
export function useDatePickerState<T extends DateValue = DateValue>(props: DatePickerStateOptions<T>): DatePickerState;
export type SegmentType = 'era' | 'year' | 'month' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second' | 'dayPeriod' | 'literal' | 'timeZoneName';
export interface DateSegment {
type: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes;
/** The type of segment. */
type: SegmentType;
/** The formatted text for the segment. */
text: string;
/** The numeric value for the segment, if applicable. */
value?: number;
/** The minimum numeric value for the segment, if applicable. */
minValue?: number;
/** The maximum numeric value for the segment, if applicable. */
maxValue?: number;
/** Whether the value is a placeholder. */
isPlaceholder: boolean;
/** A placeholder string for the segment. */
placeholder: string;
/** Whether the segment is editable. */
isEditable: boolean;
export interface DatePickerFieldState {
export interface DateFieldState extends FormValidationState {
/** The current field value. */
value: DateValue;
/** The current value, converted to a native JavaScript `Date` object. */
dateValue: Date;
setValue: (value: CalendarDateTime) => void;
/** The calendar system currently in use. */
calendar: Calendar;
/** Sets the field's value. */
setValue(value: DateValue): void;
/** A list of segments for the current value. */
segments: DateSegment[];
/** A date formatter configured for the current locale and format. */
dateFormatter: DateFormatter;
* The current validation state of the date field, based on the `validationState`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props.
* @deprecated Use `isInvalid` instead.
validationState: ValidationState;
/** Whether the date field is invalid, based on the `isInvalid`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props. */
isInvalid: boolean;
/** The granularity for the field, based on the `granularity` prop and current value. */
granularity: Granularity;
increment: (type: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes) => void;
decrement: (type: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes) => void;
incrementPage: (type: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes) => void;
decrementPage: (type: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes) => void;
setSegment: (type: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes, value: number) => void;
confirmPlaceholder: (type?: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes) => void;
clearSegment: (type?: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes) => void;
getFormatOptions(fieldOptions: FieldOptions): Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;
/** The maximum date or time unit that is displayed in the field. */
maxGranularity: 'year' | 'month' | Granularity;
/** Whether the field is disabled. */
isDisabled: boolean;
/** Whether the field is read only. */
isReadOnly: boolean;
/** Whether the field is required. */
isRequired: boolean;
/** Increments the given segment. Upon reaching the minimum or maximum value, the value wraps around to the opposite limit. */
increment(type: SegmentType): void;
/** Decrements the given segment. Upon reaching the minimum or maximum value, the value wraps around to the opposite limit. */
decrement(type: SegmentType): void;
* Increments the given segment by a larger amount, rounding it to the nearest increment.
* The amount to increment by depends on the field, for example 15 minutes, 7 days, and 5 years.
* Upon reaching the minimum or maximum value, the value wraps around to the opposite limit.
incrementPage(type: SegmentType): void;
* Decrements the given segment by a larger amount, rounding it to the nearest increment.
* The amount to decrement by depends on the field, for example 15 minutes, 7 days, and 5 years.
* Upon reaching the minimum or maximum value, the value wraps around to the opposite limit.
decrementPage(type: SegmentType): void;
/** Sets the value of the given segment. */
setSegment(type: 'era', value: string): void;
setSegment(type: SegmentType, value: number): void;
/** Updates the remaining unfilled segments with the placeholder value. */
confirmPlaceholder(): void;
/** Clears the value of the given segment, reverting it to the placeholder. */
clearSegment(type: SegmentType): void;
/** Formats the current date value using the given options. */
formatValue(fieldOptions: FieldOptions): string;
/** Gets a formatter based on state's props. */
getDateFormatter(locale: string, formatOptions: FormatterOptions): DateFormatter;
interface DatePickerFieldProps<T extends DateValue> extends DatePickerProps<T> {
maxGranularity?: 'year' | 'month' | DatePickerProps<T>['granularity'];
export interface DateFieldStateOptions<T extends DateValue = DateValue> extends DatePickerProps<T> {
* The maximum unit to display in the date field.
* @default 'year'
maxGranularity?: 'year' | 'month' | Granularity;
/** The locale to display and edit the value according to. */
locale: string;
* A function that creates a [Calendar](../internationalized/date/Calendar.html)
* object for a given calendar identifier. Such a function may be imported from the
* `@internationalized/date` package, or manually implemented to include support for
* only certain calendars.
createCalendar: (name: string) => Calendar;
export function useDatePickerFieldState<T extends DateValue>(props: DatePickerFieldProps<T>): DatePickerFieldState;
* Provides state management for a date field component.
* A date field allows users to enter and edit date and time values using a keyboard.
* Each part of a date value is displayed in an individually editable segment.
export function useDateFieldState<T extends DateValue = DateValue>(props: DateFieldStateOptions<T>): DateFieldState;
export interface DateRangePickerStateOptions<T extends DateValue = DateValue> extends DateRangePickerProps<T> {
* Determines whether the date picker popover should close automatically when a date is selected.
* @default true
shouldCloseOnSelect?: boolean | (() => boolean);
type TimeRange = RangeValue<TimeValue>;
export interface DateRangePickerState {
value: DateRange;
setValue: (value: DateRange) => void;
setDate: (part: keyof DateRange, value: DateValue) => void;
setTime: (part: keyof TimeRange, value: TimeValue) => void;
setDateTime: (part: keyof DateRange, value: DateValue) => void;
dateRange: DateRange;
setDateRange: (value: DateRange) => void;
timeRange: TimeRange;
setTimeRange: (value: TimeRange) => void;
export interface DateRangePickerState extends OverlayTriggerState, FormValidationState {
/** The currently selected date range. */
value: DateRange | null;
/** Sets the selected date range. */
setValue(value: DateRange | null): void;
* The date portion of the selected range. This may be set prior to `value` if the user has
* selected a date range but has not yet selected a time range.
dateRange: DateRange | null;
/** Sets the date portion of the selected range. */
setDateRange(value: DateRange): void;
* The time portion of the selected range. This may be set prior to `value` if the user has
* selected a time range but has not yet selected a date range.
timeRange: TimeRange | null;
/** Sets the time portion of the selected range. */
setTimeRange(value: TimeRange): void;
/** Sets the date portion of either the start or end of the selected range. */
setDate(part: 'start' | 'end', value: DateValue): void;
/** Sets the time portion of either the start or end of the selected range. */
setTime(part: 'start' | 'end', value: TimeValue): void;
/** Sets the date and time of either the start or end of the selected range. */
setDateTime(part: 'start' | 'end', value: DateValue): void;
/** The granularity for the field, based on the `granularity` prop and current value. */
granularity: Granularity;
/** Whether the date range picker supports selecting times, according to the `granularity` prop and current value. */
hasTime: boolean;
/** Whether the calendar popover is currently open. */
isOpen: boolean;
setOpen: (isOpen: boolean) => void;
/** Sets whether the calendar popover is open. */
setOpen(isOpen: boolean): void;
* The current validation state of the date range picker, based on the `validationState`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props.
* @deprecated Use `isInvalid` instead.
validationState: ValidationState;
formatValue(locale: string, fieldOptions: FieldOptions): string;
confirmPlaceholder(): void;
granularity: Granularity;
/** Whether the date range picker is invalid, based on the `isInvalid`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props. */
isInvalid: boolean;
/** Formats the selected range using the given options. */
formatValue(locale: string, fieldOptions: FieldOptions): {
start: string;
end: string;
/** Gets a formatter based on state's props. */
getDateFormatter(locale: string, formatOptions: FormatterOptions): DateFormatter;
export function useDateRangePickerState<T extends DateValue>(props: DateRangePickerProps<T>): DateRangePickerState;
interface TimeFieldProps<T extends TimeValue> extends TimePickerProps<T> {
* Provides state management for a date range picker component.
* A date range picker combines two DateFields and a RangeCalendar popover to allow
* users to enter or select a date and time range.
export function useDateRangePickerState<T extends DateValue = DateValue>(props: DateRangePickerStateOptions<T>): DateRangePickerState;
export interface TimeFieldStateOptions<T extends TimeValue = TimeValue> extends TimePickerProps<T> {
/** The locale to display and edit the value according to. */
locale: string;
createCalendar: (name: string) => Calendar;
export function useTimeFieldState<T extends TimeValue>(props: TimeFieldProps<T>): import("useDatePickerFieldState").DatePickerFieldState;
export interface TimeFieldState extends DateFieldState {
/** The current time value. */
timeValue: Time;
* Provides state management for a time field component.
* A time field allows users to enter and edit time values using a keyboard.
* Each part of a time value is displayed in an individually editable segment.
export function useTimeFieldState<T extends TimeValue = TimeValue>(props: TimeFieldStateOptions<T>): TimeFieldState;
"name": "@react-stately/datepicker",
"version": "3.0.0-nightly.3113+404d41859",
"version": "3.0.0-nightly.3114+68403fe55",
"description": "Spectrum UI components in React",

@@ -8,2 +8,7 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"module": "dist/module.js",
"exports": {
"types": "./dist/types.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/import.mjs",
"require": "./dist/main.js"
"types": "dist/types.d.ts",

@@ -21,11 +26,13 @@ "source": "src/index.ts",

"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.6.2",
"@internationalized/date": "3.0.0-nightly.3113+404d41859",
"@react-stately/utils": "3.0.0-nightly.1417+404d41859",
"@react-types/datepicker": "3.0.0-nightly.3113+404d41859",
"@react-types/shared": "3.0.0-nightly.1417+404d41859",
"date-fns": "^1.30.1"
"@internationalized/date": "3.5.6-nightly.5042+68403fe55",
"@internationalized/string": "3.2.4-nightly.5042+68403fe55",
"@react-stately/form": "3.0.6-nightly.5042+68403fe55",
"@react-stately/overlays": "3.6.11-nightly.5042+68403fe55",
"@react-stately/utils": "3.0.0-nightly.3114+68403fe55",
"@react-types/datepicker": "3.0.0-nightly.3114+68403fe55",
"@react-types/shared": "3.0.0-nightly.3114+68403fe55",
"@swc/helpers": "^0.5.0"
"peerDependencies": {
"react": "^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0-rc.1"
"react": "^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0-rc.1 || ^18.0.0 || ^19.0.0"

@@ -35,3 +42,3 @@ "publishConfig": {

"gitHead": "404d41859b7d6f56201d7fc01bd9f22ae3512937"
"gitHead": "68403fe55489dce3de1b3094c957d598ad719861"

@@ -13,5 +13,10 @@ /*

export * from './useDatePickerState';
export * from './useDatePickerFieldState';
export * from './useDateRangePickerState';
export * from './useTimeFieldState';
export {useDatePickerState} from './useDatePickerState';
export {useDateFieldState} from './useDateFieldState';
export {useDateRangePickerState} from './useDateRangePickerState';
export {useTimeFieldState} from './useTimeFieldState';
export type {DateFieldStateOptions, DateFieldState, DateSegment, SegmentType} from './useDateFieldState';
export type {DatePickerStateOptions, DatePickerState} from './useDatePickerState';
export type {DateRangePickerStateOptions, DateRangePickerState} from './useDateRangePickerState';
export type {TimeFieldStateOptions, TimeFieldState} from './useTimeFieldState';

@@ -13,26 +13,65 @@ /*

import {CalendarDate, DateFormatter, toCalendarDateTime, toDateFields} from '@internationalized/date';
import {CalendarDate, DateFormatter, toCalendarDate, toCalendarDateTime} from '@internationalized/date';
import {DatePickerProps, DateValue, Granularity, TimeValue} from '@react-types/datepicker';
import {FieldOptions, getFormatOptions, getPlaceholderTime, useDefaultProps} from './utils';
import {isInvalid} from './utils';
import {FieldOptions, FormatterOptions, getFormatOptions, getPlaceholderTime, getValidationResult, useDefaultProps} from './utils';
import {FormValidationState, useFormValidationState} from '@react-stately/form';
import {OverlayTriggerState, useOverlayTriggerState} from '@react-stately/overlays';
import {useControlledState} from '@react-stately/utils';
import {useState} from 'react';
import {useMemo, useState} from 'react';
import {ValidationState} from '@react-types/shared';
export interface DatePickerState {
value: DateValue,
setValue: (value: DateValue) => void,
export interface DatePickerStateOptions<T extends DateValue> extends DatePickerProps<T> {
* Determines whether the date picker popover should close automatically when a date is selected.
* @default true
shouldCloseOnSelect?: boolean | (() => boolean)
export interface DatePickerState extends OverlayTriggerState, FormValidationState {
/** The currently selected date. */
value: DateValue | null,
/** Sets the selected date. */
setValue(value: DateValue | null): void,
* The date portion of the value. This may be set prior to `value` if the user has
* selected a date but has not yet selected a time.
dateValue: DateValue,
setDateValue: (value: CalendarDate) => void,
/** Sets the date portion of the value. */
setDateValue(value: CalendarDate): void,
* The time portion of the value. This may be set prior to `value` if the user has
* selected a time but has not yet selected a date.
timeValue: TimeValue,
setTimeValue: (value: TimeValue) => void,
/** Sets the time portion of the value. */
setTimeValue(value: TimeValue): void,
/** The granularity for the field, based on the `granularity` prop and current value. */
granularity: Granularity,
/** Whether the date picker supports selecting a time, according to the `granularity` prop and current value. */
hasTime: boolean,
/** Whether the calendar popover is currently open. */
isOpen: boolean,
setOpen: (isOpen: boolean) => void,
/** Sets whether the calendar popover is open. */
setOpen(isOpen: boolean): void,
* The current validation state of the date picker, based on the `validationState`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props.
* @deprecated Use `isInvalid` instead.
validationState: ValidationState,
/** Whether the date picker is invalid, based on the `isInvalid`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props. */
isInvalid: boolean,
/** Formats the selected value using the given options. */
formatValue(locale: string, fieldOptions: FieldOptions): string,
granularity: Granularity
/** Gets a formatter based on state's props. */
getDateFormatter(locale: string, formatOptions: FormatterOptions): DateFormatter
export function useDatePickerState<T extends DateValue>(props: DatePickerProps<T>): DatePickerState {
let [isOpen, setOpen] = useState(false);
* Provides state management for a date picker component.
* A date picker combines a DateField and a Calendar popover to allow users to enter or select a date and time value.
export function useDatePickerState<T extends DateValue = DateValue>(props: DatePickerStateOptions<T>): DatePickerState {
let overlayState = useOverlayTriggerState(props);
let [value, setValue] = useControlledState<DateValue>(props.value, props.defaultValue || null, props.onChange);

@@ -43,3 +82,4 @@

let dateValue = value != null ? value.toDate(defaultTimeZone ?? 'UTC') : null;
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second' || granularity === 'millisecond';
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second';
let shouldCloseOnSelect = props.shouldCloseOnSelect ?? true;

@@ -61,4 +101,35 @@ let [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState<DateValue>(null);

let showEra = value?.calendar.identifier === 'gregory' && value.era === 'BC';
let formatOpts = useMemo(() => ({
timeZone: defaultTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle,
shouldForceLeadingZeros: props.shouldForceLeadingZeros,
}), [granularity, props.hourCycle, props.shouldForceLeadingZeros, defaultTimeZone, props.hideTimeZone, showEra]);
let {minValue, maxValue, isDateUnavailable} = props;
let builtinValidation = useMemo(() => getValidationResult(
), [value, minValue, maxValue, isDateUnavailable, formatOpts]);
let validation = useFormValidationState({
let isValueInvalid = validation.displayValidation.isInvalid;
let validationState: ValidationState = props.validationState || (isValueInvalid ? 'invalid' : null);
let commitValue = (date: DateValue, time: TimeValue) => {
setValue('timeZone' in time ? time.set(toDateFields(date)) : toCalendarDateTime(date, time));
setValue('timeZone' in time ? time.set(toCalendarDate(date)) : toCalendarDateTime(date, time));

@@ -68,5 +139,6 @@

let selectDate = (newValue: CalendarDate) => {
let shouldClose = typeof shouldCloseOnSelect === 'function' ? shouldCloseOnSelect() : shouldCloseOnSelect;
if (hasTime) {
if (selectedTime) {
commitValue(newValue, selectedTime);
if (selectedTime || shouldClose) {
commitValue(newValue, selectedTime || getPlaceholderTime(props.placeholderValue));
} else {

@@ -77,6 +149,7 @@ setSelectedDate(newValue);

if (!hasTime) {
if (shouldClose) {

@@ -86,3 +159,3 @@ };

let selectTime = (newValue: TimeValue) => {
if (selectedDate) {
if (selectedDate && newValue) {
commitValue(selectedDate, newValue);

@@ -94,6 +167,4 @@ } else {

let validationState: ValidationState = props.validationState ||
(isInvalid(value, props.minValue, props.maxValue) ? 'invalid' : null);
return {

@@ -106,3 +177,4 @@ setValue,

setOpen(isOpen) {

@@ -116,5 +188,6 @@ // Commit the selected date when the calendar is closed. Use a placeholder time if one wasn't set.

isInvalid: isValueInvalid,
formatValue(locale, fieldOptions) {

@@ -125,13 +198,12 @@ if (!dateValue) {

let formatOptions = getFormatOptions(fieldOptions, {
timeZone: defaultTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
let formatOptions = getFormatOptions(fieldOptions, formatOpts);
let formatter = new DateFormatter(locale, formatOptions);
return formatter.format(dateValue);
getDateFormatter(locale, formatOptions: FormatterOptions) {
let newOptions = {...formatOpts, ...formatOptions};
let newFormatOptions = getFormatOptions({}, newOptions);
return new DateFormatter(locale, newFormatOptions);

@@ -13,30 +13,74 @@ /*

import {createPlaceholderDate, FieldOptions, getFormatOptions, getPlaceholderTime, isInvalid, useDefaultProps} from './utils';
import {DateFormatter, toCalendarDateTime, toDateFields} from '@internationalized/date';
import {DateFormatter, toCalendarDate, toCalendarDateTime} from '@internationalized/date';
import {DateRange, DateRangePickerProps, DateValue, Granularity, TimeValue} from '@react-types/datepicker';
import {FieldOptions, FormatterOptions, getFormatOptions, getPlaceholderTime, getRangeValidationResult, useDefaultProps} from './utils';
import {FormValidationState, useFormValidationState} from '@react-stately/form';
import {OverlayTriggerState, useOverlayTriggerState} from '@react-stately/overlays';
import {RangeValue, ValidationState} from '@react-types/shared';
import {useControlledState} from '@react-stately/utils';
import {useRef, useState} from 'react';
import {useMemo, useState} from 'react';
export interface DateRangePickerStateOptions<T extends DateValue = DateValue> extends DateRangePickerProps<T> {
* Determines whether the date picker popover should close automatically when a date is selected.
* @default true
shouldCloseOnSelect?: boolean | (() => boolean)
type TimeRange = RangeValue<TimeValue>;
export interface DateRangePickerState {
value: DateRange,
setValue: (value: DateRange) => void,
setDate: (part: keyof DateRange, value: DateValue) => void,
setTime: (part: keyof TimeRange, value: TimeValue) => void,
setDateTime: (part: keyof DateRange, value: DateValue) => void,
dateRange: DateRange,
setDateRange: (value: DateRange) => void,
timeRange: TimeRange,
setTimeRange: (value: TimeRange) => void,
export interface DateRangePickerState extends OverlayTriggerState, FormValidationState {
/** The currently selected date range. */
value: DateRange | null,
/** Sets the selected date range. */
setValue(value: DateRange | null): void,
* The date portion of the selected range. This may be set prior to `value` if the user has
* selected a date range but has not yet selected a time range.
dateRange: DateRange | null,
/** Sets the date portion of the selected range. */
setDateRange(value: DateRange): void,
* The time portion of the selected range. This may be set prior to `value` if the user has
* selected a time range but has not yet selected a date range.
timeRange: TimeRange | null,
/** Sets the time portion of the selected range. */
setTimeRange(value: TimeRange): void,
/** Sets the date portion of either the start or end of the selected range. */
setDate(part: 'start' | 'end', value: DateValue): void,
/** Sets the time portion of either the start or end of the selected range. */
setTime(part: 'start' | 'end', value: TimeValue): void,
/** Sets the date and time of either the start or end of the selected range. */
setDateTime(part: 'start' | 'end', value: DateValue): void,
/** The granularity for the field, based on the `granularity` prop and current value. */
granularity: Granularity,
/** Whether the date range picker supports selecting times, according to the `granularity` prop and current value. */
hasTime: boolean,
/** Whether the calendar popover is currently open. */
isOpen: boolean,
setOpen: (isOpen: boolean) => void,
/** Sets whether the calendar popover is open. */
setOpen(isOpen: boolean): void,
* The current validation state of the date range picker, based on the `validationState`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props.
* @deprecated Use `isInvalid` instead.
validationState: ValidationState,
formatValue(locale: string, fieldOptions: FieldOptions): string,
confirmPlaceholder(): void,
granularity: Granularity
/** Whether the date range picker is invalid, based on the `isInvalid`, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props. */
isInvalid: boolean,
/** Formats the selected range using the given options. */
formatValue(locale: string, fieldOptions: FieldOptions): {start: string, end: string},
/** Gets a formatter based on state's props. */
getDateFormatter(locale: string, formatOptions: FormatterOptions): DateFormatter
export function useDateRangePickerState<T extends DateValue>(props: DateRangePickerProps<T>): DateRangePickerState {
let [isOpen, setOpen] = useState(false);
* Provides state management for a date range picker component.
* A date range picker combines two DateFields and a RangeCalendar popover to allow
* users to enter or select a date and time range.
export function useDateRangePickerState<T extends DateValue = DateValue>(props: DateRangePickerStateOptions<T>): DateRangePickerState {
let overlayState = useOverlayTriggerState(props);
let [controlledValue, setControlledValue] = useControlledState<DateRange>(props.value, props.defaultValue || null, props.onChange);

@@ -52,8 +96,5 @@ let [placeholderValue, setPlaceholderValue] = useState(() => controlledValue || {start: null, end: null});

let value = controlledValue || placeholderValue;
let valueRef = useRef(value);
valueRef.current = value;
let setValue = (value: DateRange) => {
valueRef.current = value;
setPlaceholderValue(value || {start: null, end: null});
if (value?.start && value.end) {

@@ -68,3 +109,4 @@ setControlledValue(value);

let [granularity, defaultTimeZone] = useDefaultProps(v, props.granularity);
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second' || granularity === 'millisecond';
let hasTime = granularity === 'hour' || granularity === 'minute' || granularity === 'second';
let shouldCloseOnSelect = props.shouldCloseOnSelect ?? true;

@@ -83,5 +125,8 @@ let [dateRange, setSelectedDateRange] = useState<DateRange>(null);

start: 'timeZone' in timeRange.start ? timeRange.start.set(toDateFields(dateRange.start)) : toCalendarDateTime(dateRange.start, timeRange.start),
end: 'timeZone' in timeRange.end ? timeRange.end.set(toDateFields(dateRange.end)) : toCalendarDateTime(dateRange.end, timeRange.end)
start: 'timeZone' in timeRange.start ? timeRange.start.set(toCalendarDate(dateRange.start)) : toCalendarDateTime(dateRange.start, timeRange.start),
end: 'timeZone' in timeRange.end ? timeRange.end.set(toCalendarDate(dateRange.end)) : toCalendarDateTime(dateRange.end, timeRange.end)

@@ -91,5 +136,9 @@

let setDateRange = (range: DateRange) => {
let shouldClose = typeof shouldCloseOnSelect === 'function' ? shouldCloseOnSelect() : shouldCloseOnSelect;
if (hasTime) {
if (range.start && range.end && timeRange?.start && timeRange?.end) {
commitValue(range, timeRange);
if (shouldClose || (range.start && range.end && timeRange?.start && timeRange?.end)) {
commitValue(range, {
start: timeRange?.start || getPlaceholderTime(props.placeholderValue),
end: timeRange?.end || getPlaceholderTime(props.placeholderValue)
} else {

@@ -100,2 +149,3 @@ setSelectedDateRange(range);

} else {

@@ -105,4 +155,4 @@ setSelectedDateRange(range);

if (!hasTime) {
if (shouldClose) {

@@ -119,10 +169,33 @@ };

let validationState: ValidationState = props.validationState
|| (value != null && (
isInvalid(value.start, props.minValue, props.maxValue) ||
isInvalid(value.end, props.minValue, props.maxValue) ||
(value.end != null && value.start != null && < 0)
) ? 'invalid' : null);
let showEra = (value?.start?.calendar.identifier === 'gregory' && value.start.era === 'BC') || (value?.end?.calendar.identifier === 'gregory' && value.end.era === 'BC');
let formatOpts = useMemo(() => ({
timeZone: defaultTimeZone,
hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle,
shouldForceLeadingZeros: props.shouldForceLeadingZeros,
}), [granularity, props.hourCycle, props.shouldForceLeadingZeros, defaultTimeZone, props.hideTimeZone, showEra]);
let {minValue, maxValue, isDateUnavailable} = props;
let builtinValidation = useMemo(() => getRangeValidationResult(
), [value, minValue, maxValue, isDateUnavailable, formatOpts]);
let validation = useFormValidationState({
value: controlledValue,
name: useMemo(() => [props.startName, props.endName], [props.startName, props.endName]),
let isValueInvalid = validation.displayValidation.isInvalid;
let validationState: ValidationState = props.validationState || (isValueInvalid ? 'invalid' : null);
return {

@@ -133,2 +206,3 @@ setValue,

setDate(part, date) {

@@ -145,3 +219,3 @@ setDateRange({...dateRange, [part]: date});

setOpen(isOpen) {

@@ -158,8 +232,9 @@ // Commit the selected date range when the calendar is closed. Use a placeholder time if one wasn't set.

isInvalid: isValueInvalid,
formatValue(locale, fieldOptions) {
if (!value || !value.start || !value.end) {
return '';
return null;

@@ -176,8 +251,13 @@

hideTimeZone: props.hideTimeZone,
hourCycle: props.hourCycle
hourCycle: props.hourCycle,
showEra: (value.start.calendar.identifier === 'gregory' && value.start.era === 'BC') ||
(value.end.calendar.identifier === 'gregory' && value.end.era === 'BC')
let startDate = value.start.toDate(startTimeZone || 'UTC');
let endDate = value.end.toDate(endTimeZone || 'UTC');
let startFormatter = new DateFormatter(locale, startOptions);
let endFormatter: Intl.DateTimeFormat;
if (startTimeZone === endTimeZone && startGranularity === endGranularity) {
if (startTimeZone === endTimeZone && startGranularity === endGranularity && !== 0) {
// Use formatRange, as it results in shorter output when some of the fields

@@ -187,3 +267,28 @@ // are shared between the start and end dates (e.g. the same month).

try {
return startFormatter.formatRange(value.start.toDate(startTimeZone), value.end.toDate(endTimeZone));
let parts = startFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startDate, endDate);
// Find the separator between the start and end date. This is determined
// by finding the last shared literal before the end range.
let separatorIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
let part = parts[i];
if (part.source === 'shared' && part.type === 'literal') {
separatorIndex = i;
} else if (part.source === 'endRange') {
// Now we can combine the parts into start and end strings.
let start = '';
let end = '';
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (i < separatorIndex) {
start += parts[i].value;
} else if (i > separatorIndex) {
end += parts[i].value;
return {start, end};
} catch (e) {

@@ -205,18 +310,13 @@ // ignore

return `${startFormatter.format(value.start.toDate(startTimeZone))} – ${endFormatter.format(value.end.toDate(endTimeZone))}`;
return {
start: startFormatter.format(startDate),
end: endFormatter.format(endDate)
confirmPlaceholder() {
// Need to use ref value here because the value can be set in the same tick as
// a blur, which means the component won't have re-rendered yet.
let value = valueRef.current;
if (value && Boolean(value.start) !== Boolean(value.end)) {
let calendar = (value.start || value.end).calendar;
let placeholder = createPlaceholderDate(props.placeholderValue, granularity, calendar, defaultTimeZone);
start: value.start || placeholder,
end: value.end || placeholder
getDateFormatter(locale, formatOptions: FormatterOptions) {
let newOptions = {...formatOpts, ...formatOptions};
let newFormatOptions = getFormatOptions({}, newOptions);
return new DateFormatter(locale, newFormatOptions);

@@ -13,14 +13,24 @@ /*

import {Calendar, getLocalTimeZone, Time, toCalendarDateTime, today, toTime} from '@internationalized/date';
import {DateFieldState, useDateFieldState} from '.';
import {DateValue, TimePickerProps, TimeValue} from '@react-types/datepicker';
import {getLocalTimeZone, GregorianCalendar, Time, toCalendarDateTime, today, toTime, toZoned} from '@internationalized/date';
import {useCallback, useMemo} from 'react';
import {useControlledState} from '@react-stately/utils';
import {useDatePickerFieldState} from '.';
import {useMemo} from 'react';
interface TimeFieldProps<T extends TimeValue> extends TimePickerProps<T> {
locale: string,
createCalendar: (name: string) => Calendar
export interface TimeFieldStateOptions<T extends TimeValue = TimeValue> extends TimePickerProps<T> {
/** The locale to display and edit the value according to. */
locale: string
export function useTimeFieldState<T extends TimeValue>(props: TimeFieldProps<T>) {
export interface TimeFieldState extends DateFieldState {
/** The current time value. */
timeValue: Time
* Provides state management for a time field component.
* A time field allows users to enter and edit time values using a keyboard.
* Each part of a time value is displayed in an individually editable segment.
export function useTimeFieldState<T extends TimeValue = TimeValue>(props: TimeFieldStateOptions<T>): TimeFieldState {
let {

@@ -30,3 +40,4 @@ placeholderValue = new Time(),

} = props;

@@ -42,12 +53,18 @@

let day = v && 'day' in v ? v : undefined;
let placeholderDate = useMemo(() => convertValue(placeholderValue), [placeholderValue]);
let defaultValueTimeZone = props.defaultValue && 'timeZone' in props.defaultValue ? props.defaultValue.timeZone : undefined;
let placeholderDate = useMemo(() => {
let valueTimeZone = v && 'timeZone' in v ? v.timeZone : undefined;
return (valueTimeZone || defaultValueTimeZone) && placeholderValue ? toZoned(convertValue(placeholderValue), valueTimeZone || defaultValueTimeZone) : convertValue(placeholderValue);
}, [placeholderValue, v, defaultValueTimeZone]);
let minDate = useMemo(() => convertValue(minValue, day), [minValue, day]);
let maxDate = useMemo(() => convertValue(maxValue, day), [maxValue, day]);
let timeValue = useMemo(() => value && 'day' in value ? toTime(value) : value as Time, [value]);
let dateTime = useMemo(() => value == null ? null : convertValue(value), [value]);
let onChange = newValue => {
setValue(v && 'day' in v ? newValue : newValue && toTime(newValue));
setValue(day || defaultValueTimeZone ? newValue : newValue && toTime(newValue));
return useDatePickerFieldState({
let state = useDateFieldState({

@@ -61,4 +78,12 @@ value: dateTime,

maxGranularity: 'hour',
placeholderValue: placeholderDate
placeholderValue: placeholderDate,
// Calendar should not matter for time fields.
createCalendar: () => new GregorianCalendar(),
validate: useCallback(() => validate?.(value as any), [validate, value])
return {

@@ -65,0 +90,0 @@

@@ -13,15 +13,115 @@ /*

import {Calendar, now, Time, toCalendar, toCalendarDate, toCalendarDateTime} from '@internationalized/date';
import {Calendar, DateFormatter, now, Time, toCalendar, toCalendarDate, toCalendarDateTime} from '@internationalized/date';
import {DatePickerProps, DateValue, Granularity, TimeValue} from '@react-types/datepicker';
import {useRef} from 'react';
// @ts-ignore
import i18nMessages from '../intl/*.json';
import {LocalizedStringDictionary, LocalizedStringFormatter} from '@internationalized/string';
import {mergeValidation, VALID_VALIDITY_STATE} from '@react-stately/form';
import {RangeValue, ValidationResult} from '@react-types/shared';
import {useState} from 'react';
export function isInvalid(value: DateValue, minValue: DateValue, maxValue: DateValue) {
return value != null && (
(minValue != null && < 0) ||
(maxValue != null && > 0)
const dictionary = new LocalizedStringDictionary(i18nMessages);
function getLocale() {
// Match browser language setting here, NOT react-aria's I18nProvider, so that we match other browser-provided
// validation messages, which to not respect our provider's language.
// @ts-ignore
return (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage)) || 'en-US';
export function getValidationResult(
value: DateValue,
minValue: DateValue,
maxValue: DateValue,
isDateUnavailable: (v: DateValue) => boolean,
options: FormatterOptions
): ValidationResult {
let rangeOverflow = value != null && maxValue != null && > 0;
let rangeUnderflow = value != null && minValue != null && < 0;
let isUnavailable = (value != null && isDateUnavailable?.(value)) || false;
let isInvalid = rangeOverflow || rangeUnderflow || isUnavailable;
let errors = [];
if (isInvalid) {
let locale = getLocale();
let strings = LocalizedStringDictionary.getGlobalDictionaryForPackage('@react-stately/datepicker') || dictionary;
let formatter = new LocalizedStringFormatter(locale, strings);
let dateFormatter = new DateFormatter(locale, getFormatOptions({}, options));
let timeZone = dateFormatter.resolvedOptions().timeZone;
if (rangeUnderflow) {
errors.push(formatter.format('rangeUnderflow', {minValue: dateFormatter.format(minValue.toDate(timeZone))}));
if (rangeOverflow) {
errors.push(formatter.format('rangeOverflow', {maxValue: dateFormatter.format(maxValue.toDate(timeZone))}));
if (isUnavailable) {
return {
validationErrors: errors,
validationDetails: {
badInput: isUnavailable,
customError: false,
patternMismatch: false,
stepMismatch: false,
tooLong: false,
tooShort: false,
typeMismatch: false,
valueMissing: false,
valid: !isInvalid
export function getRangeValidationResult(
value: RangeValue<DateValue>,
minValue: DateValue,
maxValue: DateValue,
isDateUnavailable: (v: DateValue) => boolean,
options: FormatterOptions
) {
let startValidation = getValidationResult(
let endValidation = getValidationResult(
let result = mergeValidation(startValidation, endValidation);
if (value.end != null && value.start != null && < 0) {
let strings = LocalizedStringDictionary.getGlobalDictionaryForPackage('@react-stately/datepicker') || dictionary;
result = mergeValidation(result, {
isInvalid: true,
validationErrors: [strings.getStringForLocale('rangeReversed', getLocale())],
validationDetails: {
rangeUnderflow: true,
rangeOverflow: true,
valid: false
return result;
export type FieldOptions = Pick<Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions, 'year' | 'month' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second'>;
interface FormatterOptions {
export interface FormatterOptions {
timeZone?: string,

@@ -31,3 +131,5 @@ hideTimeZone?: boolean,

maxGranularity?: 'year' | 'month' | DatePickerProps<any>['granularity'],
hourCycle?: 12 | 24
hourCycle?: 12 | 24,
showEra?: boolean,
shouldForceLeadingZeros?: boolean

@@ -44,2 +146,11 @@

const TWO_DIGIT_FIELD_OPTIONS: FieldOptions = {
year: 'numeric',
month: '2-digit',
day: '2-digit',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
second: '2-digit'
export function getFormatOptions(

@@ -49,3 +160,4 @@ fieldOptions: FieldOptions,

): Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions {
fieldOptions = {...DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS, ...fieldOptions};
let defaultFieldOptions = options.shouldForceLeadingZeros ? TWO_DIGIT_FIELD_OPTIONS : DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS;
fieldOptions = {...defaultFieldOptions, ...fieldOptions};
let granularity = options.granularity || 'minute';

@@ -83,2 +195,6 @@ let keys = Object.keys(fieldOptions);

if (options.showEra && startIdx === 0) {
opts.era = 'short';
return opts;

@@ -133,17 +249,23 @@ }

// Compute default granularity and time zone from the value. If the value becomes null, keep the last values.
let lastValue = useRef(v);
if (v) {
lastValue.current = v;
v = lastValue.current;
let defaultTimeZone = (v && 'timeZone' in v ? v.timeZone : undefined);
granularity = granularity || (v && 'minute' in v ? 'minute' : 'day');
let defaultGranularity: Granularity = (v && 'minute' in v ? 'minute' : 'day');
// props.granularity must actually exist in the value if one is provided.
if (v && !(granularity in v)) {
if (v && granularity && !(granularity in v)) {
throw new Error('Invalid granularity ' + granularity + ' for value ' + v.toString());
return [granularity, defaultTimeZone];
let [lastValue, setLastValue] = useState<[Granularity, string]>([defaultGranularity, defaultTimeZone]);
// If the granularity or time zone changed, update the last value.
if (v && (lastValue[0] !== defaultGranularity || lastValue[1] !== defaultTimeZone)) {
setLastValue([defaultGranularity, defaultTimeZone]);
if (!granularity) {
granularity = v ? defaultGranularity : lastValue[0];
let timeZone = v ? defaultTimeZone : lastValue[1];
return [granularity, timeZone];

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