What is @react-stately/tree?
@react-stately/tree is a library for managing state in tree-like structures in React applications. It provides hooks and utilities to handle tree data, selection, expansion, and other common tree operations.
What are @react-stately/tree's main functionalities?
Tree Data Management
This feature allows you to manage tree data structures. The `useTreeState` hook initializes the tree state with the given tree data and selection mode.
import { useTreeState } from '@react-stately/tree';
const tree = {
name: 'root',
children: [
{ name: 'child 1' },
{ name: 'child 2', children: [{ name: 'grandchild 1' }] }
const state = useTreeState({
selectionMode: 'multiple'
Selection Management
This feature allows you to manage selection within the tree. The `selectionManager` provides methods to toggle selection and access selected keys.
import { useTreeState } from '@react-stately/tree';
const tree = {
name: 'root',
children: [
{ name: 'child 1' },
{ name: 'child 2', children: [{ name: 'grandchild 1' }] }
const state = useTreeState({
selectionMode: 'multiple'
state.selectionManager.toggleSelection('child 1');
Expansion Management
This feature allows you to manage the expansion state of tree nodes. The `expansionManager` provides methods to toggle expansion and access expanded keys.
import { useTreeState } from '@react-stately/tree';
const tree = {
name: 'root',
children: [
{ name: 'child 1' },
{ name: 'child 2', children: [{ name: 'grandchild 1' }] }
const state = useTreeState({
selectionMode: 'multiple'
state.expansionManager.toggleExpansion('child 2');
Other packages similar to @react-stately/tree
react-treebeard is a React component for rendering tree structures. It provides a simple and customizable way to display hierarchical data. Unlike @react-stately/tree, it focuses more on rendering and less on state management.
react-sortable-tree is a React component for displaying and sorting tree structures. It offers drag-and-drop functionality for rearranging nodes. Compared to @react-stately/tree, it provides more advanced interaction features but less focus on state management.
react-dnd-treeview is a React component for creating draggable and droppable tree views. It leverages the react-dnd library for drag-and-drop interactions. While it offers robust drag-and-drop capabilities, it does not provide the same level of state management as @react-stately/tree.
This package is part of react-spectrum. See the repo for more details.