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@remirror/core-constants - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-pr2223.1 to 0.0.0-pr2271.1




@@ -10,7 +10,2 @@ /**

export declare enum ErrorConstant {
/** An error occurred in production. Details shall be hidden.
* @deprecated - We don't hide the error details in production anymore.
PROD = "RMR0000",
/** An error happened but we're not quite sure why. */

@@ -17,0 +12,0 @@ UNKNOWN = "RMR0001",



@@ -1,557 +0,1 @@

* The css class added to a node that is selected.
declare const SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME = "ProseMirror-selectednode";
* The css selector for a selected node.
declare const SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_SELECTOR: string;
* ProseMirror uses the Unicode Character 'OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER'
* (U+FFFC) as text representation for leaf nodes, i.e. nodes that don't have
* any content or text property (e.g. hardBreak, emoji, mention, rule) It was
* introduced because of
* This can be used in an input rule regex to be able to include or exclude such
* nodes.
* The null character.
* See {@link}
declare const NULL_CHARACTER = "\0";
* Indicates that a state update was caused by an override and not via
* transactions or user commands.
* This is the case when `setContent` is called and for all `controlled` updates
* within a `react` editor instance.
declare const STATE_OVERRIDE = "__state_override__";
* The global name for the module exported by the remirror webview bundle.
* A character useful for separating inline nodes.
* @remarks
* Typically used in decorations as follows.
* ```ts
* document.createTextNode(ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE_CHAR);
* ```
* This produces the html entity '8203'
declare const ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE_CHAR = "\u200B";
* The non breaking space character.
declare const NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR = "\u00A0";
* A default empty object node. Useful for resetting the content of a
* prosemirror document.
declare const EMPTY_PARAGRAPH_NODE: {
type: string;
content: {
type: string;
declare const EMPTY_NODE: {
type: string;
content: never[];
* A method for updating the extension tags.
* ```tsx
* import { ExtensionTag, mutateTag } from 'remirror';
* mutateTag((tag) => {
* tag.SuperCustom = 'superCustom';
* });
* declare global {
* namespace Remirror {
* interface ExtensionTag {
* SuperCustom: 'superCustom';
* }
* }
* }
* log(ExtensionTag.SuperCustom); // This is fine ✅
* log(ExtensionTag.NotDefined); // This will throw ❌
* ```
declare function mutateTag(mutator: (Tag: ExtensionTag) => void): void;
declare const BaseExtensionTag: {
* Describes a node that can be used as the last node of a document and
* doesn't need to have anything else rendered after itself.
* @remarks
* e.g. `paragraph`
readonly LastNodeCompatible: "lastNodeCompatible";
* A mark that is used to change the formatting of the node it wraps.
* @remarks
* e.g. `bold`, `italic`
readonly FormattingMark: "formattingMark";
* A node that formats text in a non-standard way.
* @remarks
* e.g. `codeBlock`, `heading`, `blockquote`
readonly FormattingNode: "formattingNode";
* Identifies a node which has problems with cursor navigation.
* @remarks
* When this tag is added to an extension this will be picked up by
* behavioural extensions such as the NodeCursorExtension which makes hard to
* reach nodes reachable using keyboard arrows.
readonly NodeCursor: "nodeCursor";
* Mark group for font styling (e.g. bold, italic, underline, superscript).
readonly FontStyle: "fontStyle";
* Mark groups for links.
readonly Link: "link";
* Mark groups for colors (text-color, background-color, etc).
readonly Color: "color";
* Mark group for alignment.
readonly Alignment: "alignment";
* Mark group for indentation.
readonly Indentation: "indentation";
* Extension which affect the behaviour of the content. Can be nodes marks or
* plain.
readonly Behavior: "behavior";
* Marks and nodes which contain code.
readonly Code: "code";
* Whether this node is an inline node.
* - `text` is an inline node, but `paragraph` is a block node.
readonly InlineNode: "inline";
* This is a node that can contain list items.
readonly ListContainerNode: "listContainer";
* Tags the extension as a list item node which can be contained by
* [[`ExtensionTag.ListNode`]].
readonly ListItemNode: "listItemNode";
* Sets this as a block level node.
readonly Block: "block";
* @deprecate use `ExtensionTags.Block` instead.
readonly BlockNode: "block";
* Set this as a text block
readonly TextBlock: "textBlock";
* A tag that excludes this from input rules.
readonly ExcludeInputRules: "excludeFromInputRules";
* A mark or node that can't be exited when at the end and beginning of the
* document with an arrow key or backspace key.
readonly PreventExits: "preventsExits";
* Represents a media compatible node.
readonly Media: "media";
* The type for the extension tags..
type ExtensionTag = Remirror.ExtensionTags & typeof BaseExtensionTag;
* These are the default supported tag strings which help categorize different
* behaviors that extensions can exhibit.
* @remarks
* Any extension can register itself with multiple such behaviors and these
* categorizations can be used by other extensions when running commands and
* updating the document.
declare const ExtensionTag: ExtensionTag;
* The string values which can be used as extension tags.
type ExtensionTagType = ExtensionTag[keyof ExtensionTag];
* The identifier key which is used to check objects for whether they are a
* certain type.
* @remarks
* Just pretend you don't know this exists.
* @internal
declare const __INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__: unique symbol;
* These constants are stored on the `REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY` property of
* `remirror` related constructors and instances in order to identify them as
* being internal to Remirror.
* @remarks
* This helps to prevent issues around check types via `instanceof` which can
* lead to false negatives.
* @internal
declare enum RemirrorIdentifier {
* Identifies `PlainExtension`s.
PlainExtension = "RemirrorPlainExtension",
* Identifies `NodeExtension`s.
NodeExtension = "RemirrorNodeExtension",
* Identifies `MarkExtension`s.
MarkExtension = "RemirrorMarkExtension",
* Identifies `PlainExtensionConstructor`s.
PlainExtensionConstructor = "RemirrorPlainExtensionConstructor",
* Identifies `NodeExtensionConstructor`s.
NodeExtensionConstructor = "RemirrorNodeExtensionConstructor",
* Identifies `MarkExtensionConstructor`s.
MarkExtensionConstructor = "RemirrorMarkExtensionConstructor",
* The string used to identify an instance of the `Manager`
Manager = "RemirrorManager",
* The preset type identifier.
Preset = "RemirrorPreset",
* The preset type identifier.
PresetConstructor = "RemirrorPresetConstructor"
* The priority of extension which determines what order it is loaded into the
* editor.
* @remarks
* Higher priority extension (higher numberic value) will ensure the extension
* has a higher preference in your editor. In the case where you load two
* identical extensions into your editor (same name, or same constructor), the
* extension with the higher priority is the one that will be loaded.
* The higher the numeric value the higher the priority. The priority can also
* be passed a number but naming things in this `enum` should help provide some
* context to the numbers.
* By default all extensions are created with a `ExtensionPriority.Default`.
declare enum ExtensionPriority {
* Use this **never** 😉
Critical = 1000000,
* A, like super duper, high priority.
Highest = 100000,
* The highest priority level that should be used in a publicly shared
* extension (to allow some wiggle room for downstream users overriding
* priorities).
High = 10000,
* A medium priority extension. This is typically all you need to take
* priority over built in extensions.
Medium = 1000,
* This is the **default** priority for most extensions.
Default = 100,
* This is the **default** priority for builtin behavior changing extensions.
Low = 10,
* This is useful for extensions that exist to be overridden.
Lowest = 0
* Identifies the stage the extension manager is at.
declare enum ManagerPhase {
* The initial value for the manager phase.
None = 0,
* When the extension manager is being created and the onCreate methods are
* being called.
* This happens within the RemirrorManager constructor.
Create = 1,
* When the view is being added and all `onView` lifecycle methods are being
* called. The view is typically added before the dom is ready for it.
EditorView = 2,
* The phases of creating this manager are completed and `onTransaction` is
* called every time the state updates.
Runtime = 3,
* The manager is being destroyed.
Destroy = 4
* The named shortcuts that can be used to update multiple commands.
declare enum NamedShortcut {
Undo = "_|undo|_",
Redo = "_|redo|_",
Bold = "_|bold|_",
Italic = "_|italic|_",
Underline = "_|underline|_",
Strike = "_|strike|_",
Code = "_|code|_",
Paragraph = "_|paragraph|_",
H1 = "_|h1|_",
H2 = "_|h2|_",
H3 = "_|h3|_",
H4 = "_|h4|_",
H5 = "_|h5|_",
H6 = "_|h6|_",
TaskList = "_|task|_",
BulletList = "_|bullet|_",
OrderedList = "_|number|_",
Quote = "_|quote|_",
Divider = "_|divider|_",
Codeblock = "_|codeblock|_",
ClearFormatting = "_|clear|_",
Superscript = "_|sup|_",
Subscript = "_|sub|_",
LeftAlignment = "_|left-align|_",
CenterAlignment = "_|center-align|_",
RightAlignment = "_|right-align|_",
JustifyAlignment = "_|justify-align|_",
InsertLink = "_|link|_",
/** @deprecated */
Find = "_|find|_",
/** @deprecated */
FindBackwards = "_|find-backwards|_",
/** @deprecated */
FindReplace = "_|find-replace|_",
AddFootnote = "_|footnote|_",
AddComment = "_|comment|_",
ContextMenu = "_|context-menu|_",
IncreaseFontSize = "_|inc-font-size|_",
DecreaseFontSize = "_|dec-font-size|_",
IncreaseIndent = "_|indent|_",
DecreaseIndent = "_|dedent|_",
Shortcuts = "_|shortcuts|_",
Copy = "_|copy|_",
Cut = "_|cut|_",
Paste = "_|paste|_",
PastePlain = "_|paste-plain|_",
SelectAll = "_|select-all|_",
* A keyboard shortcut to trigger formatting the current block.
* @defaultValue 'Alt-Shift-F' (Mac) | 'Shift-Ctrl-F' (PC)
Format = "_|format|_"
* Helpful empty array for use when a default array value is needed.
declare const EMPTY_ARRAY: never[];
declare global {
namespace Remirror {
* This interface is for extending the default `ExtensionTag`'s in your
* codebase with full type checking support.
interface ExtensionTags {
* The error codes for errors used throughout the codebase.
* @remarks
* They can be removed but should never be changed since they are also used to
* reference the errors within search engines.
declare enum ErrorConstant {
/** An error occurred in production. Details shall be hidden.
* @deprecated - We don't hide the error details in production anymore.
PROD = "RMR0000",
/** An error happened but we're not quite sure why. */
UNKNOWN = "RMR0001",
/** The arguments passed to the command method were invalid. */
/** This is a custom error possibly thrown by an external library. */
CUSTOM = "RMR0003",
* An error occurred in a function called from the `@remirror/core-helpers`
* library.
/** You have attempted to change a value that shouldn't be changed. */
* This is an error which should not occur and is internal to the remirror
* codebase.
/** You're editor is missing a required extension. */
* Called a method event at the wrong time. Please make sure getter functions
* are only called with within the scope of the returned functions. They
* should not be called in the outer scope of your method.
* The user requested an invalid extension from the getExtensions method.
* Please check the `createExtensions` return method is returning an extension
* with the defined constructor.
* Invalid value passed into `Manager constructor`. Only and
* `Extensions` are supported.
* There is a problem with the schema or you are trying to access a node /
* mark that doesn't exists.
SCHEMA = "RMR0012",
* The `helpers` method which is passed into the ``create*` method should only
* be called within returned method since it relies on an active view (not
* present in the outer scope).
/** The user requested an invalid extension from the manager. */
/** Command method names must be unique within the editor. */
/** Helper method names must be unique within the editor. */
/** Attempted to chain a non chainable command. */
/** The provided extension is invalid. */
/** The content provided to the editor is not supported. */
/** An invalid name was used for the extension. */
/** An error occurred within an extension. */
/** The spec was defined without calling the `defaults`, `parse` or `dom` methods. */
/** Extra attributes must either be a string or an object. */
/** A call to `extension.setOptions` was made with invalid keys. */
* `useRemirror` was called outside of the remirror context. It can only be used
* within an active remirror context created by the `<Remirror />`.
* `getRootProps` has been called MULTIPLE times. It should only be called ONCE during render.
* A problem occurred adding the editor view to the dom.
* There is a problem with your controlled editor setup.
* Something went wrong with your custom ReactNodeView Component.
* You attempted to call `getContext` provided by the `useRemirror` prop
* during the first render of the editor. This is not possible and should only
* be after the editor first mounts.
* An error occurred when rendering the react components.
* An error occurred within a remirror hook.
* There is something wrong with your i18n setup.
I18N_CONTEXT = "RMR0300"
export {};

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

// packages/remirror__core-constants/src/core-constants.ts
// src/core-constants.ts
var SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME = "ProseMirror-selectednode";

@@ -213,5 +213,4 @@ var NULL_CHARACTER = "\0";

// packages/remirror__core-constants/src/error-constants.ts
// src/error-constants.ts
var ErrorConstant = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ErrorConstant2) => {
ErrorConstant2["PROD"] = "RMR0000";
ErrorConstant2["UNKNOWN"] = "RMR0001";

@@ -218,0 +217,0 @@ ErrorConstant2["INVALID_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS"] = "RMR0002";

"name": "@remirror/core-constants",
"version": "0.0.0-pr2223.1",
"version": "0.0.0-pr2271.1",
"description": "The core constants used throughout the remirror codebase",

@@ -33,2 +33,5 @@ "homepage": "",

"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"@remirror/cli": "0.0.0-pr2271.1"
"publishConfig": {

@@ -39,3 +42,6 @@ "access": "public"

"sizeLimit": "2 KB"
"scripts": {
"build": "remirror-cli build"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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