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@salesforce/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.6.0 to 6.7.0



@@ -24,2 +24,3 @@ import { AsyncOptionalCreatable } from '@salesforce/kit';

constructor(options?: CryptoOptions);
private static unsetCryptoVersion;

@@ -49,2 +50,3 @@ * Encrypts text. Returns the encrypted string or undefined if no string was passed.

close(): void;
isV2Crypto(): boolean;

@@ -54,4 +56,8 @@ * Initialize async components.

protected init(): Promise<void>;
private encryptV1;
private encryptV2;
private decryptV1;
private decryptV2;
private getKeyChain;
export {};



@@ -40,9 +40,22 @@ "use strict";

const logger_1 = require("../logger/logger");
const lifecycleEvents_1 = require("../lifecycleEvents");
const messages_1 = require("../messages");
const cache_1 = require("../util/cache");
const global_1 = require("../global");
const sfError_1 = require("../sfError");
const keyChain_1 = require("./keyChain");
const secureBuffer_1 = require("./secureBuffer");
const TAG_DELIMITER = ':';
const BYTE_COUNT_FOR_IV = 6;
const IV_BYTES = {
v1: 6,
v2: 12,
const ENCODING = {
v1: 'utf8',
v2: 'hex',
const KEY_SIZE = {
v1: 16,
v2: 32,
const ALGO = 'aes-256-gcm';

@@ -53,7 +66,67 @@ const AUTH_TAG_LENGTH = 32;

const ACCOUNT = 'local';
let cryptoLogger;
const getCryptoLogger = () => {
cryptoLogger ??= logger_1.Logger.childFromRoot('crypto');
return cryptoLogger;
const getCryptoV2EnvVar = () => {
let sfCryptoV2 = process.env.SF_CRYPTO_V2?.toLowerCase();
if (sfCryptoV2 !== undefined) {
// normalize all values that aren't "true" to be "false"
if (sfCryptoV2 !== 'true') {
sfCryptoV2 = 'false';
return sfCryptoV2;
let cryptoVersion;
const getCryptoVersion = () => {
if (!cryptoVersion) {
// This only happens when generating a new key, so use the env var
// and (for now) default to 'v1'.
cryptoVersion = getCryptoV2EnvVar() === 'true' ? 'v2' : 'v1';
return cryptoVersion;
// Detect the crypto version based on the password (key) length.
// This happens once per process.
const detectCryptoVersion = (pwd) => {
if (!cryptoVersion) {
// check the env var to see if it's set
const sfCryptoV2 = getCryptoV2EnvVar();
// Password length of 64 is v2 crypto and uses hex encoding.
// Password length of 32 is v1 crypto and uses utf8 encoding.
if (pwd?.length === KEY_SIZE.v2 * 2) {
cryptoVersion = 'v2';
getCryptoLogger().debug('Using v2 crypto');
if (sfCryptoV2 === 'false') {
else if (pwd?.length === KEY_SIZE.v1 * 2) {
cryptoVersion = 'v1';
getCryptoLogger().debug('Using v1 crypto');
if (sfCryptoV2 === 'true') {
else {
getCryptoLogger().debug("crypto key doesn't match v1 or v2. using SF_CRYPTO_V2.");
void lifecycleEvents_1.Lifecycle.getInstance().emitTelemetry({
eventName: 'crypto_version',
library: 'sfdx-core',
function: 'detectCryptoVersion',
cryptoVersion, // 'v1' or 'v2'
cryptoEnvVar: sfCryptoV2, // 'true' or 'false' or 'undefined'
const messages = new messages_1.Messages('@salesforce/core', 'encryption', new Map([["invalidEncryptedFormatError", "The encrypted data is not properly formatted."], ["invalidEncryptedFormatError.actions", ["If attempting to create a scratch org then re-authorize. Otherwise create a new scratch org."]], ["authDecryptError", "Failed to decipher auth data. reason: %s."], ["unsupportedOperatingSystemError", "Unsupported Operating System: %s"], ["missingCredentialProgramError", "Unable to find required security software: %s"], ["credentialProgramAccessError", "Unable to execute security software: %s"], ["passwordRetryError", "Failed to get the password after %i retries."], ["passwordRequiredError", "A password is required."], ["keyChainServiceRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without a service name."], ["keyChainAccountRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without an account name."], ["keyChainUserCanceledError", "User canceled authentication."], ["keychainPasswordCreationError", "Failed to create a password in the keychain."], ["genericKeychainServiceError", "The service and account specified in %s do not match the version of the toolbelt."], ["genericKeychainServiceError.actions", ["Check your toolbelt version and re-auth."]], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError", "Invalid file permissions for secret file"], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError.actions", ["Ensure the file %s has the file permission octal value of %s."]], ["passwordNotFoundError", "Could not find password.\n%s"], ["passwordNotFoundError.actions", ["Ensure a valid password is returned with the following command: [%s]"]], ["setCredentialError", "Command failed with response:\n%s"], ["setCredentialError.actions", ["Determine why this command failed to set an encryption key for user %s: [%s]."]], ["macKeychainOutOfSync", "We\u2019ve encountered an error with the Mac keychain being out of sync with your `sfdx` credentials. To fix the problem, sync your credentials by authenticating into your org again using the auth commands."]]));
const makeSecureBuffer = (password) => {
const messages = new messages_1.Messages('@salesforce/core', 'encryption', new Map([["invalidEncryptedFormatError", "The encrypted data is not properly formatted."], ["invalidEncryptedFormatError.actions", ["If attempting to create a scratch org then re-authorize. Otherwise create a new scratch org."]], ["authDecryptError", "Failed to decipher auth data. reason: %s."], ["unsupportedOperatingSystemError", "Unsupported Operating System: %s"], ["missingCredentialProgramError", "Unable to find required security software: %s"], ["credentialProgramAccessError", "Unable to execute security software: %s"], ["passwordRetryError", "Failed to get the password after %i retries."], ["passwordRequiredError", "A password is required."], ["keyChainServiceRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without a service name."], ["keyChainAccountRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without an account name."], ["keyChainUserCanceledError", "User canceled authentication."], ["keychainPasswordCreationError", "Failed to create a password in the keychain."], ["genericKeychainServiceError", "The service and account specified in %s do not match the version of the toolbelt."], ["genericKeychainServiceError.actions", ["Check your toolbelt version and re-auth."]], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError", "Invalid file permissions for secret file"], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError.actions", ["Ensure the file %s has the file permission octal value of %s."]], ["passwordNotFoundError", "Could not find password.\n%s"], ["passwordNotFoundError.actions", ["Ensure a valid password is returned with the following command: [%s]"]], ["setCredentialError", "Command failed with response:\n%s"], ["setCredentialError.actions", ["Determine why this command failed to set an encryption key for user %s: [%s]."]], ["macKeychainOutOfSync", "We\u2019ve encountered an error with the Mac keychain being out of sync with your `sfdx` credentials. To fix the problem, sync your credentials by authenticating into your org again using the auth commands."], ["v1CryptoWithV2KeyWarning", "The SF_CRYPTO_V2 environment variable was set to \"false\" but a v2 crypto key was detected. v1 crypto can only be used with a v1 key. Unset the SF_CRYPTO_V2 environment variable."], ["v2CryptoWithV1KeyWarning", "SF_CRYPTO_V2 was set to \"true\" but a v1 crypto key was detected. v2 crypto can only be used with a v2 key. To generate a v2 key:\n\n1. Logout of all orgs: `sf org logout --all`\n2. Delete the sfdx keychain entry (account: local, service: sfdx). If `SF_USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN=true` env var is set, you can delete the `key.json` file.\n3. Set `SF_CRYPTO_V2=true` env var.\n4. Re-Authenticate with your orgs using the CLI org login commands."]]));
const makeSecureBuffer = (password, encoding) => {
const newSb = new secureBuffer_1.SecureBuffer();
newSb.consume(Buffer.from((0, ts_types_1.ensure)(password), 'utf8'));
newSb.consume(Buffer.from(password, encoding));
return newSb;

@@ -79,10 +152,15 @@ };

return reject(err);
cache_1.Cache.set(cacheKey, makeSecureBuffer(password));
return resolve({ username: account, password: (0, ts_types_1.ensure)(password) });
const pwd = (0, ts_types_1.ensure)(password, 'Expected the keychain password to be set');
cache_1.Cache.set(cacheKey, makeSecureBuffer(pwd, ENCODING[getCryptoVersion()]));
return resolve({ username: account, password: pwd });
else {
const pw = sb.value((buffer) => buffer.toString('utf8'));
cache_1.Cache.set(cacheKey, makeSecureBuffer(pw));
return new Promise((resolve) => resolve({ username: account, password: (0, ts_types_1.ensure)(pw) }));
// If the password is cached, we know the crypto version and encoding because it was
// detected by the non-cache code path just above this.
const encoding = ENCODING[getCryptoVersion()];
const pwd = (0, ts_types_1.ensure)(sb.value((buffer) => buffer.toString(encoding)), 'Expected the keychain password to be set');
cache_1.Cache.set(cacheKey, makeSecureBuffer(pwd, encoding));
return new Promise((resolve) => resolve({ username: account, password: pwd }));

@@ -122,2 +200,7 @@ },

// @ts-expect-error only for test access
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
static unsetCryptoVersion() {
cryptoVersion = undefined;
encrypt(text) {

@@ -130,10 +213,9 @@ if (text == null) {

const iv = crypto.randomBytes(BYTE_COUNT_FOR_IV).toString('hex');
return this.key.value((buffer) => {
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGO, buffer.toString('utf8'), iv);
let encrypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted +='hex');
const tag = cipher.getAuthTag().toString('hex');
return `${iv}${encrypted}${TAG_DELIMITER}${tag}`;
// When everything is v2, we can remove the else
if (this.isV2Crypto()) {
return this.encryptV2(text);
else {
return this.encryptV1(text);

@@ -148,23 +230,9 @@ decrypt(text) {

const tag = tokens[1];
const iv = tokens[0].substring(0, BYTE_COUNT_FOR_IV * 2);
const secret = tokens[0].substring(BYTE_COUNT_FOR_IV * 2, tokens[0].length);
return this.key.value((buffer) => {
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(ALGO, buffer.toString('utf8'), iv);
let dec;
try {
decipher.setAuthTag(Buffer.from(tag, 'hex'));
dec = decipher.update(secret, 'hex', 'utf8');
dec +='utf8');
catch (err) {
const error = messages.createError('authDecryptError', [err.message], [], err);
const useGenericUnixKeychain = kit_1.env.getBoolean('SF_USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN') || kit_1.env.getBoolean('USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN');
if (os.platform() === 'darwin' && !useGenericUnixKeychain) {
error.actions = [messages.getMessage('macKeychainOutOfSync')];
throw error;
return dec;
// When everything is v2, we can remove the else
if (this.isV2Crypto()) {
return this.decryptV2(tokens);
else {
return this.decryptV1(tokens);

@@ -190,3 +258,3 @@ /**

return (tag.length === AUTH_TAG_LENGTH &&
value.length >= BYTE_COUNT_FOR_IV &&
value.length >= IV_BYTES[getCryptoVersion()] &&
ENCRYPTED_CHARS.test(tag) &&

@@ -203,2 +271,6 @@ ENCRYPTED_CHARS.test(tokens[0]));

// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
isV2Crypto() {
return getCryptoVersion() === 'v2';

@@ -208,11 +280,11 @@ * Initialize async components.

async init() {
const logger = await logger_1.Logger.child('crypto');
if (!this.options.platform) {
this.options.platform = os.platform();
logger.debug(`retryStatus: ${this.options.retryStatus}`);
this.noResetOnClose = !!this.options.noResetOnClose;
try {
this.key.consume(Buffer.from((await keychainPromises.getPassword(await this.getKeyChain(this.options.platform), KEY_NAME, ACCOUNT))
.password, 'utf8'));
const keyChain = await this.getKeyChain(this.options.platform);
const pwd = (await keychainPromises.getPassword(keyChain, KEY_NAME, ACCOUNT)).password;
// The above line ensures the crypto version is detected and set so we can rely on it now.
this.key.consume(Buffer.from(pwd, ENCODING[getCryptoVersion()]));

@@ -224,10 +296,12 @@ catch (err) {

if (this.options.retryStatus === 'KEY_SET') {
logger.debug('a key was set but the retry to get the password failed.');
getCryptoLogger().debug('a key was set but the retry to get the password failed.');
throw err;
else {
logger.debug('password not found in keychain attempting to created one and re-init.');
getCryptoLogger().debug(`password not found in keychain. Creating new one (Crypto ${getCryptoVersion()}) and re-init.`);
const key = crypto.randomBytes(Math.ceil(16)).toString('hex');
// Create a new password in the KeyChain.
// 2/6/2024: This generates a new key using the crypto version based on the SF_CRYPTO_V2 env var.
// Sometime in the future we could hardcode this to be `KEY_SIZE.v2` so that it becomes the default.
const key = crypto.randomBytes(KEY_SIZE[getCryptoVersion()]).toString('hex');
// Set the new password in the KeyChain.
await keychainPromises.setPassword((0, ts_types_1.ensure)(this.options.keychain), KEY_NAME, ACCOUNT, key);

@@ -241,2 +315,64 @@ return this.init();

encryptV1(text) {
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(IV_BYTES.v1).toString('hex');
return this.key.value((buffer) => {
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGO, buffer.toString('utf8'), iv);
let encrypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted +='hex');
const tag = cipher.getAuthTag().toString('hex');
return `${iv}${encrypted}${TAG_DELIMITER}${tag}`;
encryptV2(text) {
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(IV_BYTES.v2);
return this.key.value((buffer) => {
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGO, buffer, iv);
const ivHex = iv.toString('hex');
let encrypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted +='hex');
const tag = cipher.getAuthTag().toString('hex');
return `${ivHex}${encrypted}${TAG_DELIMITER}${tag}`;
decryptV1(tokens) {
const tag = tokens[1];
const iv = tokens[0].substring(0, IV_BYTES.v1 * 2);
const secret = tokens[0].substring(IV_BYTES.v1 * 2, tokens[0].length);
return this.key.value((buffer) => {
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(ALGO, buffer.toString('utf8'), iv);
try {
decipher.setAuthTag(Buffer.from(tag, 'hex'));
return `${decipher.update(secret, 'hex', 'utf8')}${'utf8')}`;
catch (err) {
const error = messages.createError('authDecryptError', [err.message], [], err);
const useGenericUnixKeychain = kit_1.env.getBoolean('SF_USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN') || kit_1.env.getBoolean('USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN');
if (os.platform() === 'darwin' && !useGenericUnixKeychain) {
error.actions = [messages.getMessage('macKeychainOutOfSync')];
throw error;
decryptV2(tokens) {
const tag = tokens[1];
const iv = tokens[0].substring(0, IV_BYTES.v2 * 2);
const secret = tokens[0].substring(IV_BYTES.v2 * 2, tokens[0].length);
return this.key.value((buffer) => {
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(ALGO, buffer, Buffer.from(iv, 'hex'));
try {
decipher.setAuthTag(Buffer.from(tag, 'hex'));
return `${decipher.update(secret, 'hex', 'utf8')}${'utf8')}`;
catch (_err) {
const err = ((0, ts_types_1.isString)(_err) ? sfError_1.SfError.wrap(_err) : _err);
const error = messages.createError('authDecryptError', [err.message], [], err);
const useGenericUnixKeychain = kit_1.env.getBoolean('SF_USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN') || kit_1.env.getBoolean('USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN');
if (os.platform() === 'darwin' && !useGenericUnixKeychain) {
error.actions = [messages.getMessage('macKeychainOutOfSync')];
throw error;
async getKeyChain(platform) {

@@ -243,0 +379,0 @@ if (!this.options.keychain) {

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ "use strict";

const messages = new messages_1.Messages('@salesforce/core', 'encryption', new Map([["invalidEncryptedFormatError", "The encrypted data is not properly formatted."], ["invalidEncryptedFormatError.actions", ["If attempting to create a scratch org then re-authorize. Otherwise create a new scratch org."]], ["authDecryptError", "Failed to decipher auth data. reason: %s."], ["unsupportedOperatingSystemError", "Unsupported Operating System: %s"], ["missingCredentialProgramError", "Unable to find required security software: %s"], ["credentialProgramAccessError", "Unable to execute security software: %s"], ["passwordRetryError", "Failed to get the password after %i retries."], ["passwordRequiredError", "A password is required."], ["keyChainServiceRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without a service name."], ["keyChainAccountRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without an account name."], ["keyChainUserCanceledError", "User canceled authentication."], ["keychainPasswordCreationError", "Failed to create a password in the keychain."], ["genericKeychainServiceError", "The service and account specified in %s do not match the version of the toolbelt."], ["genericKeychainServiceError.actions", ["Check your toolbelt version and re-auth."]], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError", "Invalid file permissions for secret file"], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError.actions", ["Ensure the file %s has the file permission octal value of %s."]], ["passwordNotFoundError", "Could not find password.\n%s"], ["passwordNotFoundError.actions", ["Ensure a valid password is returned with the following command: [%s]"]], ["setCredentialError", "Command failed with response:\n%s"], ["setCredentialError.actions", ["Determine why this command failed to set an encryption key for user %s: [%s]."]], ["macKeychainOutOfSync", "We\u2019ve encountered an error with the Mac keychain being out of sync with your `sfdx` credentials. To fix the problem, sync your credentials by authenticating into your org again using the auth commands."]]));
const messages = new messages_1.Messages('@salesforce/core', 'encryption', new Map([["invalidEncryptedFormatError", "The encrypted data is not properly formatted."], ["invalidEncryptedFormatError.actions", ["If attempting to create a scratch org then re-authorize. Otherwise create a new scratch org."]], ["authDecryptError", "Failed to decipher auth data. reason: %s."], ["unsupportedOperatingSystemError", "Unsupported Operating System: %s"], ["missingCredentialProgramError", "Unable to find required security software: %s"], ["credentialProgramAccessError", "Unable to execute security software: %s"], ["passwordRetryError", "Failed to get the password after %i retries."], ["passwordRequiredError", "A password is required."], ["keyChainServiceRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without a service name."], ["keyChainAccountRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without an account name."], ["keyChainUserCanceledError", "User canceled authentication."], ["keychainPasswordCreationError", "Failed to create a password in the keychain."], ["genericKeychainServiceError", "The service and account specified in %s do not match the version of the toolbelt."], ["genericKeychainServiceError.actions", ["Check your toolbelt version and re-auth."]], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError", "Invalid file permissions for secret file"], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError.actions", ["Ensure the file %s has the file permission octal value of %s."]], ["passwordNotFoundError", "Could not find password.\n%s"], ["passwordNotFoundError.actions", ["Ensure a valid password is returned with the following command: [%s]"]], ["setCredentialError", "Command failed with response:\n%s"], ["setCredentialError.actions", ["Determine why this command failed to set an encryption key for user %s: [%s]."]], ["macKeychainOutOfSync", "We\u2019ve encountered an error with the Mac keychain being out of sync with your `sfdx` credentials. To fix the problem, sync your credentials by authenticating into your org again using the auth commands."], ["v1CryptoWithV2KeyWarning", "The SF_CRYPTO_V2 environment variable was set to \"false\" but a v2 crypto key was detected. v1 crypto can only be used with a v1 key. Unset the SF_CRYPTO_V2 environment variable."], ["v2CryptoWithV1KeyWarning", "SF_CRYPTO_V2 was set to \"true\" but a v1 crypto key was detected. v2 crypto can only be used with a v2 key. To generate a v2 key:\n\n1. Logout of all orgs: `sf org logout --all`\n2. Delete the sfdx keychain entry (account: local, service: sfdx). If `SF_USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN=true` env var is set, you can delete the `key.json` file.\n3. Set `SF_CRYPTO_V2=true` env var.\n4. Re-Authenticate with your orgs using the CLI org login commands."]]));

@@ -18,0 +18,0 @@ * Gets the os level keychain impl.

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ "use strict";

const messages = new messages_1.Messages('@salesforce/core', 'encryption', new Map([["invalidEncryptedFormatError", "The encrypted data is not properly formatted."], ["invalidEncryptedFormatError.actions", ["If attempting to create a scratch org then re-authorize. Otherwise create a new scratch org."]], ["authDecryptError", "Failed to decipher auth data. reason: %s."], ["unsupportedOperatingSystemError", "Unsupported Operating System: %s"], ["missingCredentialProgramError", "Unable to find required security software: %s"], ["credentialProgramAccessError", "Unable to execute security software: %s"], ["passwordRetryError", "Failed to get the password after %i retries."], ["passwordRequiredError", "A password is required."], ["keyChainServiceRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without a service name."], ["keyChainAccountRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without an account name."], ["keyChainUserCanceledError", "User canceled authentication."], ["keychainPasswordCreationError", "Failed to create a password in the keychain."], ["genericKeychainServiceError", "The service and account specified in %s do not match the version of the toolbelt."], ["genericKeychainServiceError.actions", ["Check your toolbelt version and re-auth."]], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError", "Invalid file permissions for secret file"], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError.actions", ["Ensure the file %s has the file permission octal value of %s."]], ["passwordNotFoundError", "Could not find password.\n%s"], ["passwordNotFoundError.actions", ["Ensure a valid password is returned with the following command: [%s]"]], ["setCredentialError", "Command failed with response:\n%s"], ["setCredentialError.actions", ["Determine why this command failed to set an encryption key for user %s: [%s]."]], ["macKeychainOutOfSync", "We\u2019ve encountered an error with the Mac keychain being out of sync with your `sfdx` credentials. To fix the problem, sync your credentials by authenticating into your org again using the auth commands."]]));
const messages = new messages_1.Messages('@salesforce/core', 'encryption', new Map([["invalidEncryptedFormatError", "The encrypted data is not properly formatted."], ["invalidEncryptedFormatError.actions", ["If attempting to create a scratch org then re-authorize. Otherwise create a new scratch org."]], ["authDecryptError", "Failed to decipher auth data. reason: %s."], ["unsupportedOperatingSystemError", "Unsupported Operating System: %s"], ["missingCredentialProgramError", "Unable to find required security software: %s"], ["credentialProgramAccessError", "Unable to execute security software: %s"], ["passwordRetryError", "Failed to get the password after %i retries."], ["passwordRequiredError", "A password is required."], ["keyChainServiceRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without a service name."], ["keyChainAccountRequiredError", "Unable to get or set a keychain value without an account name."], ["keyChainUserCanceledError", "User canceled authentication."], ["keychainPasswordCreationError", "Failed to create a password in the keychain."], ["genericKeychainServiceError", "The service and account specified in %s do not match the version of the toolbelt."], ["genericKeychainServiceError.actions", ["Check your toolbelt version and re-auth."]], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError", "Invalid file permissions for secret file"], ["genericKeychainInvalidPermsError.actions", ["Ensure the file %s has the file permission octal value of %s."]], ["passwordNotFoundError", "Could not find password.\n%s"], ["passwordNotFoundError.actions", ["Ensure a valid password is returned with the following command: [%s]"]], ["setCredentialError", "Command failed with response:\n%s"], ["setCredentialError.actions", ["Determine why this command failed to set an encryption key for user %s: [%s]."]], ["macKeychainOutOfSync", "We\u2019ve encountered an error with the Mac keychain being out of sync with your `sfdx` credentials. To fix the problem, sync your credentials by authenticating into your org again using the auth commands."], ["v1CryptoWithV2KeyWarning", "The SF_CRYPTO_V2 environment variable was set to \"false\" but a v2 crypto key was detected. v1 crypto can only be used with a v1 key. Unset the SF_CRYPTO_V2 environment variable."], ["v2CryptoWithV1KeyWarning", "SF_CRYPTO_V2 was set to \"true\" but a v1 crypto key was detected. v2 crypto can only be used with a v2 key. To generate a v2 key:\n\n1. Logout of all orgs: `sf org logout --all`\n2. Delete the sfdx keychain entry (account: local, service: sfdx). If `SF_USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN=true` env var is set, you can delete the `key.json` file.\n3. Set `SF_CRYPTO_V2=true` env var.\n4. Re-Authenticate with your orgs using the CLI org login commands."]]));

@@ -47,0 +47,0 @@ /**

@@ -86,1 +86,14 @@ # invalidEncryptedFormatError

We’ve encountered an error with the Mac keychain being out of sync with your `sfdx` credentials. To fix the problem, sync your credentials by authenticating into your org again using the auth commands.
# v1CryptoWithV2KeyWarning
The SF_CRYPTO_V2 environment variable was set to "false" but a v2 crypto key was detected. v1 crypto can only be used with a v1 key. Unset the SF_CRYPTO_V2 environment variable.
# v2CryptoWithV1KeyWarning
SF_CRYPTO_V2 was set to "true" but a v1 crypto key was detected. v2 crypto can only be used with a v2 key. To generate a v2 key:
1. Logout of all orgs: `sf org logout --all`
2. Delete the sfdx keychain entry (account: local, service: sfdx). If `SF_USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN=true` env var is set, you can delete the `key.json` file.
3. Set `SF_CRYPTO_V2=true` env var.
4. Re-Authenticate with your orgs using the CLI org login commands.
"name": "@salesforce/core",
"version": "6.6.0",
"version": "6.7.0",
"description": "Core libraries to interact with SFDX projects, orgs, and APIs.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/exported",

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