What is @sanity/cli?
@sanity/cli is a command-line interface tool for managing Sanity.io projects. It allows developers to perform various tasks such as creating new projects, deploying them, managing datasets, and more.
What are @sanity/cli's main functionalities?
Create a new Sanity project
This command initializes a new Sanity project. It guides you through the setup process, including selecting a project template and configuring your project settings.
sanity init
Deploy a Sanity project
This command deploys your Sanity project to the Sanity.io hosting service. It ensures that your project is live and accessible.
sanity deploy
Manage datasets
This command creates a new dataset within your Sanity project. Datasets are used to organize and manage different sets of content.
sanity dataset create <dataset-name>
Import data
This command imports data from a specified file into a specified dataset. It is useful for migrating data or setting up initial content.
sanity dataset import <file> <dataset-name>
Export data
This command exports data from a specified dataset to a specified file. It is useful for creating backups or migrating data.
sanity dataset export <dataset-name> <file>
Other packages similar to @sanity/cli
The Contentful CLI is a command-line tool for managing Contentful spaces and environments. It offers similar functionalities to @sanity/cli, such as creating and managing spaces, importing and exporting data, and deploying content. However, it is specific to the Contentful content management system.
Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that provides a CLI for managing projects. The Strapi CLI allows you to create new projects, generate APIs, and manage content types. While it offers similar functionalities to @sanity/cli, Strapi is a self-hosted solution, whereas Sanity.io is a managed service.
Netlify CLI is a command-line tool for managing Netlify sites and deployments. It allows you to deploy sites, manage environment variables, and perform other tasks related to Netlify hosting. While it is not a CMS, it offers deployment functionalities similar to @sanity/cli.
Sanity CLI tool for managing Sanity installations, managing plugins, schemas and datasets