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@sanity/preview-kit - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.0.46 to 5.0.47-canary.0




@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

import type { ClientConfig } from '@sanity/client'
import type { ContentSourceMapParsedPathKeyedSegment } from '@sanity/client/csm'
import type { RawQueryResponse } from '@sanity/client'
import { SanityClient } from '@sanity/client'
import type { StegaConfig } from '@sanity/client'
import type {ClientConfig} from '@sanity/client'
import type {ContentSourceMapParsedPathKeyedSegment} from '@sanity/client/csm'
import type {RawQueryResponse} from '@sanity/client'
import {SanityClient} from '@sanity/client'
import type {StegaConfig} from '@sanity/client'

@@ -16,5 +16,3 @@ /** @public */

export declare const createClient: (
config: PreviewKitClientConfig,
) => SanityClient
export declare const createClient: (config: PreviewKitClientConfig) => SanityClient

@@ -28,6 +26,3 @@ /** @public */

/** @public */
export declare type PathSegment =
| string
| number
| ContentSourceMapParsedPathKeyedSegment
export declare type PathSegment = string | number | ContentSourceMapParsedPathKeyedSegment

@@ -113,3 +108,3 @@ /** @public */

export { StegaConfig }
export {StegaConfig}

@@ -116,0 +111,0 @@ export * from '@sanity/client'

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

import{createClient as e}from"./createClient.js";export{e as createClient};//#
import{createClient as e}from"@sanity/client";const r=r=>{var o,a;const{encodeSourceMap:c=t(),encodeSourceMapAtPath:i,studioUrl:u=n(),logger:l,...s}=r;let p=!0===c;if("auto"===c&&(p=function(){try{return"preview"===import.meta.env.VERCEL_ENV}catch{}try{return"preview"===process.env.VERCEL_ENV}catch{}return!1}()),"string"==typeof c&&"auto"!==c)throw new Error(`Invalid value for encodeSourceMap: ${c}. Did you mean 'auto'?`);try{if(p&&!1!==r.resultSourceMap)return u?(null==(a=null==l?void 0:l.debug)||,"[@sanity/preview-kit]: Creating source map enabled client"),e({...s,resultSourceMap:r.resultSourceMap?r.resultSourceMap:"withKeyArraySelector",stega:{enabled:!0,studioUrl:u,logger:l,filter:i?e=>i({path:e.sourcePath,filterDefault:()=>e.filterDefault(e)}):void 0}})):(null==(o=null==l?void 0:l.error)||,"[@sanity/preview-kit]: Content source map enabled client is enabled, but no studioUrl is provided. Falling back to @sanity/client"),e(s))}catch(e){console.error("[@sanity/preview-kit]: Error creating client",e,"falling back to non-embedded sourcemap mode")}return e(s)};function t(){try{return"true"===import.meta.env.SANITY_SOURCE_MAP}catch{}try{return"true"===process.env.SANITY_SOURCE_MAP}catch{}return!1}function n(){try{return import.meta.env.SANITY_STUDIO_URL}catch{}try{return process.env.SANITY_STUDIO_URL}catch{}}export{r as createClient};//#
/// <reference types="react" />
import { LazyExoticComponent } from 'react'
import { NamedExoticComponent } from 'react'
import type { QueryParams } from '@sanity/client'
import type { SanityClient } from '@sanity/client'
import type { SanityStegaClient } from '@sanity/client/stega'
import {LazyExoticComponent} from 'react'
import {NamedExoticComponent} from 'react'
import type {QueryParams} from '@sanity/client'
import type {SanityClient} from '@sanity/client'
import type {SanityStegaClient} from '@sanity/client/stega'

@@ -58,6 +58,3 @@ /**

export declare type isEqualFn<QueryResult> = (
a: QueryResult,
b: QueryResult,
) => boolean
export declare type isEqualFn<QueryResult> = (a: QueryResult, b: QueryResult) => boolean

@@ -72,5 +69,3 @@ /**

export declare type ListenerSubscribe = (
onStoreChange: () => void,
) => () => void
export declare type ListenerSubscribe = (onStoreChange: () => void) => () => void

@@ -83,6 +78,4 @@ /** @public */

/** @public */
declare const LiveQueryProvider: LazyExoticComponent<
export { LiveQueryProvider }
declare const LiveQueryProvider: LazyExoticComponent<NamedExoticComponent<LiveQueryProviderProps>>
export {LiveQueryProvider}
export default LiveQueryProvider

@@ -123,5 +116,3 @@

export declare type Logger =
| typeof console
| Pick<typeof console, 'warn' | 'error' | 'log'>
export declare type Logger = typeof console | Pick<typeof console, 'warn' | 'error' | 'log'>

@@ -145,6 +136,3 @@ /** @public */

/** @public */
export declare function useLiveQuery<
QueryParams extends QueryParams = QueryParams,
export declare function useLiveQuery<QueryResult, QueryParams extends QueryParams = QueryParams>(
initialData: QueryResult,

@@ -151,0 +139,0 @@ query: string,

@@ -1,1 +0,19 @@

import{useIsEnabled as r,useLiveQuery as e}from"./hooks.js";import{LiveQueryProvider as o,createLiveQueryProvider as i,LiveQueryProvider as s}from"./LiveQueryProvider/index.js";export{o as LiveQueryProvider,i as createLiveQueryProvider,s as default,r as useIsEnabled,e as useLiveQuery};//#
import{useQueryParams as e}from"@sanity/preview-kit-compat";import r,{useContext as t,useMemo as n,useState as u,useCallback as o,lazy as i}from"react";import{d as a}from"./_chunks-es/context.js";function f(e){return e&&e.__esModule&&,"default")?e.default:e}var s=typeof Element<"u",c="function"==typeof Map,l="function"==typeof Set,p="function"==typeof ArrayBuffer&&!!ArrayBuffer.isView;function v(e,r){if(e===r)return!0;if(e&&r&&"object"==typeof e&&"object"==typeof r){if(e.constructor!==r.constructor)return!1;var t,n,u,o;if(Array.isArray(e)){if((t=e.length)!=r.length)return!1;for(n=t;0!=n--;)if(!v(e[n],r[n]))return!1;return!0}if(c&&e instanceof Map&&r instanceof Map){if(e.size!==r.size)return!1;for(o=e.entries();!(;)if(!r.has(n.value[0]))return!1;for(o=e.entries();!(;)if(!v(n.value[1],r.get(n.value[0])))return!1;return!0}if(l&&e instanceof Set&&r instanceof Set){if(e.size!==r.size)return!1;for(o=e.entries();!(;)if(!r.has(n.value[0]))return!1;return!0}if(p&&ArrayBuffer.isView(e)&&ArrayBuffer.isView(r)){if((t=e.length)!=r.length)return!1;for(n=t;0!=n--;)if(e[n]!==r[n])return!1;return!0}if(e.constructor===RegExp)return e.source===r.source&&e.flags===r.flags;if(e.valueOf!==Object.prototype.valueOf&&"function"==typeof e.valueOf&&"function"==typeof r.valueOf)return e.valueOf()===r.valueOf();if(e.toString!==Object.prototype.toString&&"function"==typeof e.toString&&"function"==typeof r.toString)return e.toString()===r.toString();if((t=(u=Object.keys(e)).length)!==Object.keys(r).length)return!1;for(n=t;0!=n--;)if(!,u[n]))return!1;if(s&&e instanceof Element)return!1;for(n=t;0!=n--;)if(("_owner"!==u[n]&&"__v"!==u[n]&&"__o"!==u[n]||!e.$$typeof)&&!v(e[u[n]],r[u[n]]))return!1;return!0}return e!=e&&r!=r}var O,_=f((function(e,r){try{return v(e,r)}catch(e){if((e.message||"").match(/stack|recursion/i))return console.warn("react-fast-compare cannot handle circular refs"),!1;throw e}})),y={exports:{}},S={};
* @license React
* use-sync-external-store-with-selector.production.min.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
*/var h,d={};
* @license React
* use-sync-external-store-with-selector.development.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
*/"production"===process.env.NODE_ENV?y.exports=function(){if(O)return S;O=1;var e=r,t="function"==typeof,r){return e===r&&(0!==e||1/e==1/r)||e!=e&&r!=r},n=e.useSyncExternalStore,u=e.useRef,o=e.useEffect,i=e.useMemo,a=e.useDebugValue;return S.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector=function(e,r,f,s,c){var l=u(null);if(null===l.current){var p={hasValue:!1,value:null};l.current=p}else p=l.current;l=i((function(){function e(e){if(!o){if(o=!0,n=e,e=s(e),void 0!==c&&p.hasValue){var r=p.value;if(c(r,e))return u=r}return u=e}if(r=u,t(n,e))return r;var i=s(e);return void 0!==c&&c(r,i)?r:(n=e,u=i)}var n,u,o=!1,i=void 0===f?null:f;return[function(){return e(r())},null===i?void 0:function(){return e(i())}]}),[r,f,s,c]);var v=n(e,l[0],l[1]);return o((function(){p.hasValue=!0,p.value=v}),[v]),a(v),v},S}():y.exports=(h||(h=1,"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&function(){typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__<"u"&&"function"==typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart&&__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error);var e=r,t="function"==typeof,r){return e===r&&(0!==e||1/e==1/r)||e!=e&&r!=r},n=e.useSyncExternalStore,u=e.useRef,o=e.useEffect,i=e.useMemo,a=e.useDebugValue;d.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector=function(e,r,f,s,c){var l,p=u(null);null===p.current?(l={hasValue:!1,value:null},p.current=l):l=p.current;var v=i((function(){var e,n,u=!1,o=function(r){if(!u){u=!0,e=r;var o=s(r);if(void 0!==c&&l.hasValue){var i=l.value;if(c(i,o))return n=i,i}return n=o,o}var a=n;if(t(e,r))return a;var f=s(r);return void 0!==c&&c(a,f)?a:(e=r,n=f,f)},i=void 0===f?null:f;return[function(){return o(r())},null===i?void 0:function(){return o(i())}]}),[r,f,s,c]),O=v[0],_=v[1],y=n(e,O,_);return o((function(){l.hasValue=!0,l.value=y}),[y]),a(y),y},typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__<"u"&&"function"==typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop&&__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error)}()),d);var E=y.exports;function g(r,i,f,s){const{isEqual:c=_}=s||{},l=t(a),p=e(f),v=n((()=>({subscribe:()=>()=>{},getSnapshot:()=>r})),[r]),O=n((()=>(null==l?void 0:l(r,i,p))||{subscribe:()=>()=>{},getSnapshot:()=>r}),[l,r,p,i]),[y]=u((()=>{if(void 0===r)throw new Error("initialSnapshot can't be undefined, if you don't want an initial value use null instead");try{return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(r))}catch(e){return console.warn("Failed to deep clone initialSnapshot, this is likely an error and an indication that the snapshot isn't JSON serializable",{initialSnapshot:r,error:e}),r}})),S=o((()=>y),[y]),h=o((e=>e),[]),d=E.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector((null==O?void 0:O.subscribe)||v.subscribe,(null==O?void 0:O.getSnapshot)||v.getSnapshot,S,h,c),g=null!==l;return[d,g&&y===d,g]}function b(){return null!==t(a)}const L=i((()=>import("./_chunks-es/LiveQueryProvider.js")));function V(e){return L}export{L as LiveQueryProvider,V as createLiveQueryProvider,L as default,b as useIsEnabled,g as useLiveQuery};//#
/// <reference types="react" />
import type { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
import type { QueryParams } from '@sanity/client'
import {LiveQueryClientComponentProps} from '@sanity/preview-kit/live-query/client-component'
import type {QueryParams} from '@sanity/client'
/** @public */
declare function LiveQuery<
QueryParams extends QueryParams = QueryParams,
>(props: LiveQueryProps<QueryResult, QueryParams>): React.ReactNode
declare function LiveQuery<QueryResult, QueryParams extends QueryParams = QueryParams>(
props: LiveQueryProps<QueryResult, QueryParams>,
): React.ReactNode

@@ -15,24 +14,10 @@ declare namespace LiveQuery {

export { LiveQuery }
export {LiveQuery}
export default LiveQuery
/** @public */
export declare type LiveQueryClientComponentProps<QueryResult, QueryParams> =
* If a parent <LiveQueryProvider> is missing, then an error is thrown.
* If you want to disable this behavior, set this prop to false.
* @defaultValue true
throwOnMissingProvider?: boolean
initialData: QueryResult
query: string
params?: QueryParams | undefined
export {LiveQueryClientComponentProps}
/** @public */
export declare interface LiveQueryProps<
QueryParams extends QueryParams = QueryParams,
> extends LiveQueryClientComponentProps<QueryResult, QueryParams> {
export declare interface LiveQueryProps<QueryResult, QueryParams extends QueryParams = QueryParams>
extends LiveQueryClientComponentProps<QueryResult, QueryParams> {
enabled: boolean

@@ -39,0 +24,0 @@ as?: React.ComponentType<any>

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

import{LiveQuery as e,LiveQuery as r}from"./LiveQuery.js";export{e as LiveQuery,r as default};//#
import{jsx as r}from"react/jsx-runtime";import{lazy as i,Children as e,isValidElement as n}from"react";const a=i((()=>import("@sanity/preview-kit/live-query/client-component"))),t={};function o(i){if(!i.enabled)return i.children;const{query:o,params:l=t,initialData:s,as:c}=i;if(c){if(e.count(i.children)>1)throw new Error("LiveQuery: `as` prop can only be used with a single child");if(!n(i.children))throw new Error("LiveQuery: `as` prop requires a valid `children` prop");return r(a,{initialData:s,query:o,params:l,throwOnMissingProvider:i.throwOnMissingProvider,children:r(c,{...i.children.props})})}return r(a,{initialData:s,query:o,params:l,children:i.children})}o.displayName="LiveQuery";export{o as LiveQuery,o as default};//#
"name": "@sanity/preview-kit",
"version": "5.0.46",
"version": "5.0.47-canary.0",
"description": "General purpose utils for live content and visual editing",

@@ -48,2 +48,8 @@ "keywords": [

"./live-query/client-component": {
"source": "./src/live-query/client-component/index.ts",
"import": "./dist/live-query/client-component/index.js",
"require": "./dist/live-query/client-component/index.cjs",
"default": "./dist/live-query/client-component/index.js"
"./package.json": "./package.json"

@@ -61,2 +67,5 @@ },

"live-query/client-component": [

@@ -68,24 +77,12 @@ }

"scripts": {
"prebuild": "rimraf coverage dist || true",
"build": "pkg build --strict && pkg --strict",
"watch": "pnpm build watch",
"coverage": "vitest run --coverage",
"lint": "eslint --max-warnings 0 .",
"prepublishOnly": "pnpm run build",
"release": "semantic-release || semantic-release --dry-run --debug",
"test": "vitest"
"browserslist": "extends @sanity/browserslist-config",
"prettier": {
"semi": false,
"singleQuote": true
"prettier": "@sanity/prettier-config",
"dependencies": {
"@sanity/preview-kit-compat": "1.4.18",
"@sanity/preview-kit-compat": "1.4.19",
"mendoza": "3.0.7"
"devDependencies": {
"@sanity/client": "^6.15.19",
"@sanity/pkg-utils": "6.8.1",
"@sanity/client": "^6.15.20",
"@sanity/pkg-utils": "6.8.3",
"@sanity/prettier-config": "^1.0.2",
"@sanity/semantic-release-preset": "^4.1.7",

@@ -119,3 +116,3 @@ "@types/node": "^18.18.6",

"peerDependencies": {
"@sanity/client": "^6.15.19",
"@sanity/client": "^6.15.20",
"react": "^18.0.0"

@@ -132,5 +129,13 @@ },

"publishConfig": {
"access": "public",
"provenance": true
"access": "public"
"scripts": {
"prebuild": "rimraf coverage dist || true",
"build": "pkg build --strict && pkg --strict",
"coverage": "vitest run --coverage",
"lint": "eslint --max-warnings 0 .",
"release": "semantic-release || semantic-release --dry-run --debug",
"test": "vitest",
"watch": "pnpm build watch"

@@ -84,4 +84,4 @@ # @sanity/preview-kit<!-- omit in toc -->

import { createClient } from '@sanity/client'
import type { QueryParams } from '@sanity/client'
import {createClient} from '@sanity/client'
import type {QueryParams} from '@sanity/client'

@@ -98,4 +98,3 @@ // Shared on the server and the browser

// Only defined on the server, passed to the browser via a `loader`
export const token =
typeof process === 'undefined' ? '' : process.env.SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN!
export const token = typeof process === 'undefined' ? '' : process.env.SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN!

@@ -115,5 +114,3 @@ const DEFAULT_PARAMS = {} as QueryParams

if (previewDrafts && !token) {
throw new Error(
'The `SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN` environment variable is required.',
throw new Error('The `SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN` environment variable is required.')

@@ -140,4 +137,4 @@ return client.fetch<QueryResponse>(

import { LiveQueryProvider } from '@sanity/preview-kit'
import { client } from '~/lib/sanity'
import {LiveQueryProvider} from '@sanity/preview-kit'
import {client} from '~/lib/sanity'

@@ -170,21 +167,21 @@ export default function PreviewProvider({

// app/routes/index.tsx
import type { LoaderArgs } from '@vercel/remix'
import { useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react'
import type {LoaderArgs} from '@vercel/remix'
import {useLoaderData} from '@remix-run/react'
import { client } from '~/lib/sanity'
import type { UsersResponse } from '~/UsersList'
import { UsersList, usersQuery } from '~/UsersList'
import { Layout } from '~/ui'
import {client} from '~/lib/sanity'
import type {UsersResponse} from '~/UsersList'
import {UsersList, usersQuery} from '~/UsersList'
import {Layout} from '~/ui'
export async function loader({ request }: LoaderArgs) {
export async function loader({request}: LoaderArgs) {
const url = new URL(request.url)
const lastId = url.searchParams.get('lastId') || ''
const users = await client.fetch<UsersResponse>(usersQuery, { lastId })
const users = await client.fetch<UsersResponse>(usersQuery, {lastId})
return { users, lastId }
return {users, lastId}
export default function Index() {
const { users, lastId } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
const {users, lastId} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()

@@ -202,3 +199,3 @@ return (

import { lazy, Suspense } from 'react'
import {lazy, Suspense} from 'react'

@@ -213,3 +210,3 @@ const PreviewProvider = lazy(() => import('~/PreviewProvider'))

import { token, sanityFetch } from '~/lib/sanity'
import {token, sanityFetch} from '~/lib/sanity'

@@ -220,3 +217,3 @@ const previewDrafts = process.env.SANITY_API_PREVIEW_DRAFTS === 'true'

query: usersQuery,
params: { lastId },
params: {lastId},

@@ -228,3 +225,3 @@ ```

return { previewDrafts, token, users, lastId }
return {previewDrafts, token, users, lastId}

@@ -235,3 +232,3 @@

const { previewDrafts, token, users, lastId } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
const {previewDrafts, token, users, lastId} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()

@@ -261,16 +258,15 @@

// app/routes/index.tsx
import type { LoaderArgs } from '@vercel/remix'
import { useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react'
import { lazy, Suspense } from 'react'
import type {LoaderArgs} from '@vercel/remix'
import {useLoaderData} from '@remix-run/react'
import {lazy, Suspense} from 'react'
import { token, sanityFetch } from '~/lib/sanity'
import type { UsersResponse } from '~/UsersList'
import { UsersList, usersQuery } from '~/UsersList'
import { Layout } from '~/ui'
import {token, sanityFetch} from '~/lib/sanity'
import type {UsersResponse} from '~/UsersList'
import {UsersList, usersQuery} from '~/UsersList'
import {Layout} from '~/ui'
const PreviewProvider = lazy(() => import('~/PreviewProvider'))
export async function loader({ request }: LoaderArgs) {
const previewDrafts =
process.env.SANITY_API_PREVIEW_DRAFTS === 'true' ? { token } : undefined
export async function loader({request}: LoaderArgs) {
const previewDrafts = process.env.SANITY_API_PREVIEW_DRAFTS === 'true' ? {token} : undefined
const url = new URL(request.url)

@@ -282,10 +278,10 @@ const lastId = url.searchParams.get('lastId') || ''

query: usersQuery,
params: { lastId },
params: {lastId},
return { previewDrafts, token, users, lastId }
return {previewDrafts, token, users, lastId}
export default function Index() {
const { previewDrafts, token, users, lastId } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
const {previewDrafts, token, users, lastId} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()

@@ -316,3 +312,3 @@ const children = <UsersList data={users} lastId={lastId} />

import { ListView, ListPagination } from '~/ui'
import {ListView, ListPagination} from '~/ui'

@@ -335,3 +331,3 @@ export const usersQuery = groq`{

export function UsersList(props: UsersListProps) {
const { data, lastId } = props
const {data, lastId} = props

@@ -359,3 +355,3 @@ return (

import { useLiveQuery } from '@sanity/preview-kit'
import {useLiveQuery} from '@sanity/preview-kit'

@@ -366,3 +362,3 @@

const { data, lastId } = props
const {data, lastId} = props

@@ -373,4 +369,4 @@

const { data: initialData, lastId } = props
const [data] = useLiveQuery(initialData, usersQuery, { lastId })
const {data: initialData, lastId} = props
const [data] = useLiveQuery(initialData, usersQuery, {lastId})

@@ -382,6 +378,6 @@

// app/UsersList.tsx
import { useLiveQuery } from '@sanity/preview-kit'
import {useLiveQuery} from '@sanity/preview-kit'
import groq from 'groq'
import { ListView, ListPagination } from '~/ui'
import {ListView, ListPagination} from '~/ui'

@@ -404,4 +400,4 @@ export const usersQuery = groq`{

export function UsersList(props: UsersListProps) {
const { data: initialData, lastId } = props
const [data] = useLiveQuery(initialData, usersQuery, { lastId })
const {data: initialData, lastId} = props
const [data] = useLiveQuery(initialData, usersQuery, {lastId})

@@ -425,3 +421,3 @@ return (

export function UsersList(props: UsersListProps) {
const { data, lastId } = props
const {data, lastId} = props

@@ -437,4 +433,4 @@ return (

export function PreviewUsersList(props: UsersListProps) {
const { data: initialData, lastId } = props
const [data, loading] = useLiveQuery(initialData, usersQuery, { lastId })
const {data: initialData, lastId} = props
const [data, loading] = useLiveQuery(initialData, usersQuery, {lastId})

@@ -494,3 +490,3 @@ return (

{ lastId },

@@ -510,7 +506,7 @@ // Only re-render in real-time if user ids and names changed, ignore all other differences

import { memo, useDeferredValue } from 'react'
import {memo, useDeferredValue} from 'react'
export function PreviewUsersList(props: UsersListProps) {
const { data: initialData, lastId } = props
const [snapshot] = useLiveQuery(initialData, usersQuery, { lastId })
const {data: initialData, lastId} = props
const [snapshot] = useLiveQuery(initialData, usersQuery, {lastId})
const data = useDeferredValue(snapshot)

@@ -522,3 +518,3 @@

export const UsersList = memo(function UsersList(props: UsersListProps) {
const { data, lastId } = props
const {data, lastId} = props

@@ -541,6 +537,6 @@ return (

import { LiveQuery } from '@sanity/preview-kit/live-query'
import {LiveQuery} from '@sanity/preview-kit/live-query'
const UsersList = memo(function UsersList(props: UsersListProps) {
const { data, lastId } = props
const {data, lastId} = props

@@ -560,3 +556,3 @@ return (

params={{ lastId: props.lastId }}
params={{lastId: props.lastId}}

@@ -583,3 +579,3 @@ >

export default function UsersList(props: UsersListProps) {
const { data, lastId } = props
const {data, lastId} = props

@@ -611,5 +607,5 @@ return (

import { createClient } from '@sanity/client'
import { LiveQuery } from '@sanity/preview-kit/live-query'
import { draftMode } from 'next/headers'
import {createClient} from '@sanity/client'
import {LiveQuery} from '@sanity/preview-kit/live-query'
import {draftMode} from 'next/headers'
import UsersList from './UsersList'

@@ -623,7 +619,7 @@ import UsersListPreview from './UsersListPreview'

export default async function UsersPage(params) {
const { lastId } = params
const {lastId} = params
const data = await client.fetch(
{ lastId },
{ perspective: draftMode().isEnabled ? 'previewDrafts' : 'published' },
{perspective: draftMode().isEnabled ? 'previewDrafts' : 'published'},

@@ -635,3 +631,3 @@

params={{ lastId }}

@@ -668,3 +664,3 @@ as={UsersListPreview}

import { useLiveQuery, useIsEnabled } from '@sanity/preview-kit'
import {useLiveQuery, useIsEnabled} from '@sanity/preview-kit'

@@ -694,3 +690,3 @@ export function PreviewUsersList(props) {

import { LiveQueryProvider } from '@sanity/preview-kit'
import {LiveQueryProvider} from '@sanity/preview-kit'

@@ -730,3 +726,3 @@ return (

// Use the enhanced client instead
import { createClient, type ClientConfig } from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'
import {createClient, type ClientConfig} from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'

@@ -753,3 +749,3 @@ const config: ClientConfig = {

import { createClient } from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'
import {createClient} from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'

@@ -765,3 +761,3 @@ const client = createClient({

import { createClient } from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'
import {createClient} from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'

@@ -779,3 +775,3 @@ const client = createClient({

import { createClient } from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'
import {createClient} from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'

@@ -795,3 +791,3 @@ const client = createClient({

import { createClient } from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'
import {createClient} from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'

@@ -815,3 +811,3 @@ const client = createClient({

import { createClient } from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'
import {createClient} from '@sanity/preview-kit/client'

@@ -860,3 +856,3 @@ const client = createClient({

const { result, resultSourceMap } = await client.fetch(query, params, {
const {result, resultSourceMap} = await client.fetch(query, params, {
filterResponse: false,

@@ -863,0 +859,0 @@ })

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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