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@sanity/types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.15.2-fix-sparkline.9 to 2.15.3-conditional-fields.39




@@ -92,2 +92,5 @@ import React from 'react';

export interface AssetSourceComponentProps {
assetType?: 'file' | 'image';
document: SanityDocument;
dialogHeaderTitle?: string;
selectedAssets: Asset[];

@@ -94,0 +97,0 @@ selectionType: 'single' | 'multiple';

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ export * from './slug';

export * from './images';
export * from './user';
import React from 'react';
import { Rule } from '../validation';
import { ReferenceOptions } from '../reference';
import { AssetSource } from '../assets';
import { SlugOptions } from '../slug';
import { SanityDocument } from '../documents';
import { CurrentUser } from '../user';
export interface Schema {

@@ -28,5 +31,37 @@ name: string;

export interface HiddenOptionCallbackContext {
parent?: Record<string, unknown>;
document: SanityDocument;
currentUser: Omit<CurrentUser, 'role'>;
value: unknown;
export declare type HiddenOption = boolean | HiddenOptionCallback;
export declare type HiddenOptionCallback = (context: HiddenOptionCallbackContext) => boolean;
export declare type InitialValueParams = Record<string, unknown>;
export declare type InitialValueResolver<T> = (params?: InitialValueParams) => Promise<T> | T;
export declare type InitialValueProperty<T = unknown> = T | InitialValueResolver<T> | undefined;
* Represents the possible values of a schema type's `validation` field.
* If the schema has not been run through `inferFromSchema` from
* `@sanity/validation` then value could be a function.
* `inferFromSchema` mutates the schema converts this value to an array of
* `Rule` instances.
* @privateRemarks
* Usage of the schema inside the studio will almost always be from the compiled
* `createSchema` function. In this case, you can cast the value or throw to
* narrow the type. E.g.:
* ```ts
* if (typeof type.validation === 'function') {
* throw new Error(
* `Schema type "${}"'s \`validation\` was not run though \`inferFromSchema\``
* )
* }
* ```
declare type ValidationValue = false | Rule[] | ((rule: Rule) => Rule | Rule[]);
export interface BaseSchemaType {

@@ -42,3 +77,2 @@ name: string;

options?: unknown;
hidden?: boolean;
preview?: {

@@ -75,2 +109,3 @@ select?: PreviewValue;

initialValue?: ((arg?: any) => Promise<string> | string) | string | undefined;
validation?: ValidationValue;

@@ -84,2 +119,3 @@ export interface TextSchemaType extends StringSchemaType {

initialValue?: InitialValueProperty<number>;
validation?: ValidationValue;

@@ -92,2 +128,3 @@ export interface BooleanSchemaType extends BaseSchemaType {

initialValue?: InitialValueProperty<boolean>;
validation?: ValidationValue;

@@ -107,2 +144,3 @@ export interface ArraySchemaType<V = unknown> extends BaseSchemaType {

validation?: ValidationValue;

@@ -118,8 +156,9 @@ export interface BlockSchemaType extends ObjectSchemaType {

export declare type ObjectFieldType<T extends SchemaType = SchemaType> = T & {
hidden?: HiddenOption;
export interface ObjectField<T extends SchemaType = SchemaType> {
name: string;
fieldset?: string;
type: T & {
hidden?: boolean;
type: ObjectFieldType<T>;

@@ -131,5 +170,7 @@ export interface ObjectSchemaType extends BaseSchemaType {

initialValue?: InitialValueProperty<Record<string, unknown>>;
validation?: ValidationValue;
__experimental_search?: {
path: string;
weight: number;
mapWith?: string;

@@ -176,3 +217,5 @@ }

export interface FileSchemaType extends ObjectSchemaType {
options?: AssetSchemaTypeOptions;
options?: AssetSchemaTypeOptions & {
sources?: AssetSource[];

@@ -179,0 +222,0 @@ export interface ImageSchemaType extends ObjectSchemaType {

import { Path } from '../paths';
import { SchemaType } from '../schema';
import { SanityDocument } from '../documents';
import { ValidationMarker } from '../markers';
export declare type RuleTypeConstraint = 'Array' | 'Boolean' | 'Date' | 'Number' | 'Object' | 'String';
export declare type FieldRules = {
[fieldKey: string]: (fieldRule: Rule) => Rule;
export interface RuleClass {
FIELD_REF: symbol;
array: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule;
object: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule;
string: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule;
number: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule;
boolean: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule;
dateTime: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule;
valueOfField: Rule['valueOfField'];
new (typeDef?: SchemaType): Rule;
export interface Rule {
* @internal
_type: RuleTypeConstraint | undefined;
* @internal
_level: 'error' | 'warning' | undefined;
* @internal
_required: 'required' | 'optional' | undefined;
* @internal
_typeDef: SchemaType | undefined;
* @internal
_message: string | undefined;
* @internal
_rules: RuleSpec[];
* @internal
_fieldRules: FieldRules | undefined;
* Takes in a path and returns an object with a symbol.
* When the validation lib sees this symbol, it will use the provided path to
* get a value from the current field's parent and use that value as the input
* to the Rule.
* The path that's given is forwarded to `lodash/get`
* ```js
* fields: [
* // ...
* {
* // ...
* name: 'highestTemperature',
* type: 'number',
* validation: (Rule) => Rule.positive().min(Rule.valueOfField('lowestTemperature')),
* // ...
* },
* ]
* ```
valueOfField: (path: string | string[]) => {
type: symbol;
path: string | string[];
error(message?: string): Rule;
warning(message?: string): Rule;
reset(): this;
isRequired(): boolean;
clone(): Rule;
cloneWithRules(rules: RuleSpec[]): Rule;
merge(rule: Rule): Rule;
type(targetType: RuleTypeConstraint | Lowercase<RuleTypeConstraint>): Rule;
all(children: Rule[]): Rule;
either(children: Rule[]): Rule;
optional(): Rule;
required(): Rule;
custom<T = unknown>(fn: CustomValidator<T>): Rule;
min(len: number): Rule;
max(len: number): Rule;
length(len: number): Rule;
valid(value: unknown | unknown[]): Rule;
integer(): Rule;
precision(limit: number): Rule;
positive(): Rule;
negative(): Rule;
greaterThan(num: number): Rule;
lessThan(num: number): Rule;
uppercase(): Rule;
lowercase(): Rule;
regex(pattern: RegExp, name: string, options: {
name?: string;
invert?: boolean;
}): Rule;
regex(pattern: RegExp, options: {
name?: string;
invert?: boolean;
}): Rule;
regex(pattern: RegExp, name: string): Rule;
regex(pattern: RegExp): Rule;
email(): Rule;
uri(options?: {
scheme?: (string | RegExp) | Array<string | RegExp>;
allowRelative?: boolean;
relativeOnly?: boolean;
allowCredentials?: boolean;
}): Rule;
unique(): Rule;
reference(): Rule;
block(blockValidators: BlockValidator): Rule;
fields(rules: FieldRules): Rule;
assetRequired(): Rule;
validate(value: unknown, options?: ValidationContext): Promise<ValidationMarker[]>;
export declare type RuleSpec = {
flag: 'integer';
} | {
flag: 'email';
} | {
flag: 'unique';
} | {
flag: 'reference';
} | {
flag: 'type';
constraint: RuleTypeConstraint;
} | {
flag: 'all';
constraint: Rule[];
} | {
flag: 'either';
constraint: Rule[];
} | {
flag: 'presence';
constraint: 'optional' | 'required';
} | {
flag: 'custom';
constraint: CustomValidator;
} | {
flag: 'min';
constraint: number;
} | {
flag: 'max';
constraint: number;
} | {
flag: 'length';
constraint: number;
} | {
flag: 'valid';
constraint: unknown[];
} | {
flag: 'precision';
constraint: number;
} | {
flag: 'lessThan';
constraint: number;
} | {
flag: 'greaterThan';
constraint: number;
} | {
flag: 'stringCasing';
constraint: 'uppercase' | 'lowercase';
} | {
flag: 'block';
constraint: BlockValidator;
} | {
flag: 'assetRequired';
constraint: {
assetType: 'Asset' | 'Image' | 'File';
} | {
flag: 'regex';
constraint: {
pattern: RegExp;
name?: string;
invert: boolean;
} | {
flag: 'uri';
constraint: {
options: {
scheme: RegExp[];
allowRelative: boolean;
relativeOnly: boolean;
allowCredentials: boolean;
declare type ConditionalIndexAccess<T, U> = U extends keyof T ? T[U] : undefined;
export declare type RuleSpecConstraint<T extends RuleSpec['flag']> = ConditionalIndexAccess<Extract<RuleSpec, {
flag: T;
}>, 'constraint'>;
* A context object passed around during validation. This includes the
* `Rule.custom` context.
* e.g.
* ```js
* Rule.custom((_, validationContext) => {
* // ...
* })`
* ```
export declare type ValidationContext = {
parent?: unknown;
type?: SchemaType;
document?: SanityDocument;
path?: Path;
* @internal
* The base type for all validators in the validation library. Takes in a
* `RuleSpec`'s constraint, the value to check, an optional override message,
* and the validation context.
* @see Rule.validate from `@sanity/validation/src/Rule`
export declare type Validator<T = any, Value = any> = (constraint: T, value: Value, message: string | undefined, context: ValidationContext) => ValidationError[] | ValidationError | string | true | Promise<ValidationError[] | ValidationError | string | true>;
* @internal
* A type helper used to define a group of validators. The type of the
* `RuleSpec` constraint is inferred via the key.
* E.g.
* ```ts
* const booleanValidators: Validators = {
* ...genericValidator,
* presence: (v, value, message) => {
* if (v === 'required' && typeof value !== 'boolean') return message || 'Required'
* return true
* },
* }
* ```
export declare type Validators = Partial<{
[P in RuleSpec['flag']]: Validator<ConditionalIndexAccess<Extract<RuleSpec, {
flag: P;
}>, 'constraint'>>;
export interface ValidationErrorOptions {
paths?: Path[];
children?: ValidationMarker[];
operation?: 'AND' | 'OR';
export interface ValidationErrorClass {
new (message: string, options?: ValidationErrorOptions): ValidationError;
export interface ValidationError {
message: string;
children?: ValidationError[];
children?: ValidationMarker[];
operation?: 'AND' | 'OR';

@@ -9,2 +266,9 @@ paths: Path[];

export declare type CustomValidatorResult = true | string | ValidationError;
export declare type CustomValidator<T = unknown> = (value: T, context: ValidationContext) => CustomValidatorResult | Promise<CustomValidatorResult>;
export declare type BlockValidator = (block: any, options: ValidationContext) => ValidationError[] | ValidationError | string | true | Promise<ValidationError[] | ValidationError | string | true>;
export declare type SlugIsUniqueValidator = (slug: string, options: ValidationContext & {
defaultIsUnique: SlugIsUniqueValidator;
}) => Promise<boolean>;
export {};

@@ -148,2 +148,15 @@ "use strict";

var _user = require("./user");
Object.keys(_user).forEach(function (key) {
if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return;
if (key in exports && exports[key] === _user[key]) return;
Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _user[key];


"name": "@sanity/types",
"version": "2.15.2-fix-sparkline.9+8754b4e07",
"version": "2.15.3-conditional-fields.39+0d82c21215",
"description": "Type definitions for common Sanity data structures",

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ "main": "./lib/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"@sanity/client": "2.15.2-fix-sparkline.9+8754b4e07",
"@sanity/client": "2.15.3-conditional-fields.39+0d82c21215",
"@sanity/color": "^2.1.4",

@@ -42,3 +42,3 @@ "@types/react": "^17.0.0",

"homepage": "",
"gitHead": "8754b4e07c9a38236c53883d25216b1c1c4bf0ac"
"gitHead": "0d82c21215c5c9bd7a156daede2c16a5e43ec879"

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ declare module 'part:@sanity/form-builder'

declare module 'part:@sanity/form-builder/input/image/asset-sources?'
declare module 'part:@sanity/form-builder/input/file/asset-sources?'
declare module 'part:@sanity/form-builder/input/legacy-date/schema?'

@@ -14,0 +15,0 @@ declare module 'part:@sanity/form-builder/input/number?'

@@ -116,2 +116,5 @@ import React from 'react'

export interface AssetSourceComponentProps {
assetType?: 'file' | 'image'
document: SanityDocument
dialogHeaderTitle?: string
selectedAssets: Asset[]

@@ -118,0 +121,0 @@ selectionType: 'single' | 'multiple'

@@ -12,1 +12,2 @@ export * from './slug'

export * from './images'
export * from './user'
// Note: INCOMPLETE, but it's a start
import React from 'react'
import {Rule} from '../validation'
import {ReferenceOptions} from '../reference'
import {AssetSource} from '../assets'
import {SlugOptions} from '../slug'
import {SanityDocument} from '../documents'
import {CurrentUser} from '../user'

@@ -34,2 +37,12 @@ export interface Schema {

export interface HiddenOptionCallbackContext {
parent?: Record<string, unknown>
document: SanityDocument
currentUser: Omit<CurrentUser, 'role'>
value: unknown
export type HiddenOption = boolean | HiddenOptionCallback
export type HiddenOptionCallback = (context: HiddenOptionCallbackContext) => boolean
export type InitialValueParams = Record<string, unknown>

@@ -39,2 +52,27 @@ export type InitialValueResolver<T> = (params?: InitialValueParams) => Promise<T> | T

* Represents the possible values of a schema type's `validation` field.
* If the schema has not been run through `inferFromSchema` from
* `@sanity/validation` then value could be a function.
* `inferFromSchema` mutates the schema converts this value to an array of
* `Rule` instances.
* @privateRemarks
* Usage of the schema inside the studio will almost always be from the compiled
* `createSchema` function. In this case, you can cast the value or throw to
* narrow the type. E.g.:
* ```ts
* if (typeof type.validation === 'function') {
* throw new Error(
* `Schema type "${}"'s \`validation\` was not run though \`inferFromSchema\``
* )
* }
* ```
type ValidationValue = false | Rule[] | ((rule: Rule) => Rule | Rule[])
export interface BaseSchemaType {

@@ -50,3 +88,2 @@ name: string

options?: unknown
hidden?: boolean

@@ -92,2 +129,3 @@ preview?: {

initialValue?: ((arg?: any) => Promise<string> | string) | string | undefined
validation?: ValidationValue

@@ -103,2 +141,3 @@

initialValue?: InitialValueProperty<number>
validation?: ValidationValue

@@ -112,2 +151,3 @@

initialValue?: InitialValueProperty<boolean>
validation?: ValidationValue

@@ -129,2 +169,3 @@

validation?: ValidationValue

@@ -143,6 +184,8 @@

export type ObjectFieldType<T extends SchemaType = SchemaType> = T & {hidden?: HiddenOption}
export interface ObjectField<T extends SchemaType = SchemaType> {
name: string
fieldset?: string
type: T & {hidden?: boolean}
type: ObjectFieldType<T>

@@ -155,6 +198,7 @@

initialValue?: InitialValueProperty<Record<string, unknown>>
validation?: ValidationValue
// Experimentals
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
__experimental_search?: {path: string; weight: number}[]
__experimental_search?: {path: string; weight: number; mapWith?: string}[]
/* eslint-enable camelcase */

@@ -210,3 +254,5 @@ }

export interface FileSchemaType extends ObjectSchemaType {
options?: AssetSchemaTypeOptions
options?: AssetSchemaTypeOptions & {
sources?: AssetSource[]

@@ -213,0 +259,0 @@

import {Path} from '../paths'
import {SchemaType} from '../schema'
import {SanityDocument} from '../documents'
import {ValidationMarker} from '../markers'
export type RuleTypeConstraint = 'Array' | 'Boolean' | 'Date' | 'Number' | 'Object' | 'String'
export type FieldRules = {[fieldKey: string]: (fieldRule: Rule) => Rule}
// Note: `RuleClass` and `Rule` are split to fit the current `@sanity/types`
// setup. Classes are a bit weird in the `@sanity/types` package because classes
// create an actual javascript class while simultaneously creating a type
// definition.
// This implicitly creates two types:
// 1. the instance type — `Rule` and
// 2. the static/class type - `RuleClass`
// The `RuleClass` type contains the static methods and the `Rule` instance
// contains the instance methods. Downstream in the validation package, the Rule
// implementation asserts the class declaration is of this type.
export interface RuleClass {
FIELD_REF: symbol
array: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule
object: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule
string: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule
number: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule
boolean: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule
dateTime: (def?: SchemaType) => Rule
valueOfField: Rule['valueOfField']
new (typeDef?: SchemaType): Rule
export interface Rule {
* @internal
_type: RuleTypeConstraint | undefined
* @internal
_level: 'error' | 'warning' | undefined
* @internal
_required: 'required' | 'optional' | undefined
* @internal
_typeDef: SchemaType | undefined
* @internal
_message: string | undefined
* @internal
_rules: RuleSpec[]
* @internal
_fieldRules: FieldRules | undefined
* Takes in a path and returns an object with a symbol.
* When the validation lib sees this symbol, it will use the provided path to
* get a value from the current field's parent and use that value as the input
* to the Rule.
* The path that's given is forwarded to `lodash/get`
* ```js
* fields: [
* // ...
* {
* // ...
* name: 'highestTemperature',
* type: 'number',
* validation: (Rule) => Rule.positive().min(Rule.valueOfField('lowestTemperature')),
* // ...
* },
* ]
* ```
valueOfField: (path: string | string[]) => {type: symbol; path: string | string[]}
error(message?: string): Rule
warning(message?: string): Rule
reset(): this
isRequired(): boolean
clone(): Rule
cloneWithRules(rules: RuleSpec[]): Rule
merge(rule: Rule): Rule
type(targetType: RuleTypeConstraint | Lowercase<RuleTypeConstraint>): Rule
all(children: Rule[]): Rule
either(children: Rule[]): Rule
optional(): Rule
required(): Rule
custom<T = unknown>(fn: CustomValidator<T>): Rule
min(len: number): Rule
max(len: number): Rule
length(len: number): Rule
valid(value: unknown | unknown[]): Rule
integer(): Rule
precision(limit: number): Rule
positive(): Rule
negative(): Rule
greaterThan(num: number): Rule
lessThan(num: number): Rule
uppercase(): Rule
lowercase(): Rule
regex(pattern: RegExp, name: string, options: {name?: string; invert?: boolean}): Rule
regex(pattern: RegExp, options: {name?: string; invert?: boolean}): Rule
regex(pattern: RegExp, name: string): Rule
regex(pattern: RegExp): Rule
email(): Rule
uri(options?: {
scheme?: (string | RegExp) | Array<string | RegExp>
allowRelative?: boolean
relativeOnly?: boolean
allowCredentials?: boolean
}): Rule
unique(): Rule
reference(): Rule
block(blockValidators: BlockValidator): Rule
fields(rules: FieldRules): Rule
assetRequired(): Rule
validate(value: unknown, options?: ValidationContext): Promise<ValidationMarker[]>
export type RuleSpec =
| {flag: 'integer'}
| {flag: 'email'}
| {flag: 'unique'}
| {flag: 'reference'}
| {flag: 'type'; constraint: RuleTypeConstraint}
| {flag: 'all'; constraint: Rule[]}
| {flag: 'either'; constraint: Rule[]}
| {flag: 'presence'; constraint: 'optional' | 'required'}
| {flag: 'custom'; constraint: CustomValidator}
| {flag: 'min'; constraint: number}
| {flag: 'max'; constraint: number}
| {flag: 'length'; constraint: number}
| {flag: 'valid'; constraint: unknown[]}
| {flag: 'precision'; constraint: number}
| {flag: 'lessThan'; constraint: number}
| {flag: 'greaterThan'; constraint: number}
| {flag: 'stringCasing'; constraint: 'uppercase' | 'lowercase'}
| {flag: 'block'; constraint: BlockValidator}
| {flag: 'assetRequired'; constraint: {assetType: 'Asset' | 'Image' | 'File'}}
| {
flag: 'regex'
constraint: {
pattern: RegExp
name?: string
invert: boolean
| {
flag: 'uri'
constraint: {
options: {
scheme: RegExp[]
allowRelative: boolean
relativeOnly: boolean
allowCredentials: boolean
// this is used to get allow index access (e.g. `RuleSpec['constraint']`) to
// constraint when a rule spec might not have a 'constraint` prop
type ConditionalIndexAccess<T, U> = U extends keyof T ? T[U] : undefined
export type RuleSpecConstraint<T extends RuleSpec['flag']> = ConditionalIndexAccess<
Extract<RuleSpec, {flag: T}>,
* A context object passed around during validation. This includes the
* `Rule.custom` context.
* e.g.
* ```js
* Rule.custom((_, validationContext) => {
* // ...
* })`
* ```
export type ValidationContext = {
parent?: unknown
type?: SchemaType
document?: SanityDocument
path?: Path
* @internal
* The base type for all validators in the validation library. Takes in a
* `RuleSpec`'s constraint, the value to check, an optional override message,
* and the validation context.
* @see Rule.validate from `@sanity/validation/src/Rule`
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type Validator<T = any, Value = any> = (
constraint: T,
value: Value,
message: string | undefined,
context: ValidationContext
) =>
| ValidationError[]
| ValidationError
| string
| true
| Promise<ValidationError[] | ValidationError | string | true>
* @internal
* A type helper used to define a group of validators. The type of the
* `RuleSpec` constraint is inferred via the key.
* E.g.
* ```ts
* const booleanValidators: Validators = {
* ...genericValidator,
* presence: (v, value, message) => {
* if (v === 'required' && typeof value !== 'boolean') return message || 'Required'
* return true
* },
* }
* ```
export type Validators = Partial<
[P in RuleSpec['flag']]: Validator<
ConditionalIndexAccess<Extract<RuleSpec, {flag: P}>, 'constraint'>
export interface ValidationErrorOptions {
paths?: Path[]
children?: ValidationMarker[]
operation?: 'AND' | 'OR'
// This follows the same pattern as `RuleClass` and `Rule` above
// Note: this class does not actually extend `Error` since it's never thrown
// within the validation library
export interface ValidationErrorClass {
new (message: string, options?: ValidationErrorOptions): ValidationError
export interface ValidationError {
message: string
children?: ValidationError[]
children?: ValidationMarker[]
operation?: 'AND' | 'OR'

@@ -10,1 +267,26 @@ paths: Path[]

export type CustomValidatorResult = true | string | ValidationError
export type CustomValidator<T = unknown> = (
value: T,
context: ValidationContext
) => CustomValidatorResult | Promise<CustomValidatorResult>
export type BlockValidator = (
// eslint-disable-next-line no-warning-comments
// TODO (eventually): add the type of block here
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
block: any,
options: ValidationContext
) =>
| ValidationError[]
| ValidationError
| string
| true
| Promise<ValidationError[] | ValidationError | string | true>
export type SlugIsUniqueValidator = (
slug: string,
options: ValidationContext & {defaultIsUnique: SlugIsUniqueValidator}
) => Promise<boolean>

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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