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Comparing version 0.0.5 to 1.0.0




@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export { ZXING_BARCODE_FORMAT_NAMES, ZXING_CHARACTOR_SET_NAMES, defaultZXingReadOptions, defaultZXingWriteOptions, } from "./ZXing.js";
export type { ZXingBarcodeFormat, ZXingReadInputBarcodeFormat, ZXingReadResultBarcodeFormat, ZXingWriteInputBarcodeFormat, ZXingCharacterSet, ZXingEccLevel, ZXingReadResult, ZXingReadOptions, ZXingWriteResult, ZXingWriteOptions, } from "./ZXing.js";
export { setZXingModuleOverrides, purgeZXingModule, ZXING_BARCODE_FORMAT_NAMES, ZXING_CHARACTOR_SET_NAMES, defaultZXingReadOptions, defaultZXingWriteOptions, } from "./core.js";
export type { ZXingModuleType, ZXingModuleFactory, ZXingModuleFactoryTypeExtractor, ZXingModuleOverrides, ZXingModule, ZXingBarcodeFormat, ZXingReadInputBarcodeFormat, ZXingWriteInputBarcodeFormat, ZXingReadOutputBarcodeFormat, ZXingCharacterSet, ZXingECCLevel, ZXingPoint, ZXingPosition, ZXingVector, ZXingReadInnerOutput, ZXingWriteInnerOutput, ZXingReadOutput, ZXingWriteOutput, ZXingReadOptions, ZXingWriteOptions, } from "./core.js";

@@ -1,6 +0,7 @@

import { ZXingReadOptions, ZXingReadResult, ZXingWriteOptions, ZXingWriteResult } from "../ZXing.js";
export declare function getZXingInstance(): void;
export declare function readBarcodeFromImageFile(imageFile: Blob | File, { tryHarder, formats, maxNumberOfSymbols, }?: ZXingReadOptions): Promise<ZXingReadResult[]>;
export declare function readBarcodeFromImageData(imageData: ImageData, { tryHarder, formats, maxNumberOfSymbols, }?: ZXingReadOptions): Promise<ZXingReadResult[]>;
export declare function writeBarcodeToImageFile(text: string, { format, charset, quietZone, width, height, eccLevel, }?: ZXingWriteOptions): Promise<ZXingWriteResult>;
import zxingModuleFactory from "./zxing_full.js";
import { ZXingModuleFactoryTypeExtractor, ZXingModuleOverrides, getZXingModule as _getZXingModule, ZXingReadOptions, ZXingReadOutput, ZXingWriteOptions, ZXingWriteOutput } from "../core.js";
export declare function getZXingModule(zxingModuleOverrides?: ZXingModuleOverrides<ZXingModuleFactoryTypeExtractor<typeof zxingModuleFactory>>): ReturnType<typeof _getZXingModule>;
export declare function readBarcodeFromImageFile(imageFile: Blob | File, { tryHarder, formats, maxNumberOfSymbols, }?: ZXingReadOptions): Promise<ZXingReadOutput[]>;
export declare function readBarcodeFromImageData(imageData: ImageData, { tryHarder, formats, maxNumberOfSymbols, }?: ZXingReadOptions): Promise<ZXingReadOutput[]>;
export declare function writeBarcodeToImageFile(text: string, { format, charset, quietZone, width, height, eccLevel, }?: ZXingWriteOptions): Promise<ZXingWriteOutput>;
export * from "../exposed.js";

@@ -1,67 +0,1783 @@

import n from "./zxing_full.js";
import { getZXingInstance as g, readBarcodeFromImageFile as s, defaultZXingReadOptions as e, readBarcodeFromImageData as f, writeBarcodeToImageFile as I, defaultZXingWriteOptions as a } from "../ZXing.js";
function l() {
import { g as ci, r as li, d as L, c as vi, w as di, b as G } from "../core-9bc51fdd.js";
import { Z as bi, a as Pi, p as Ci, s as Ti } from "../core-9bc51fdd.js";
var ke = (() => {
var W = import.meta.url;
return function(H = {}) {
var u = typeof H < "u" ? H : {}, V, q;
u.ready = new Promise(function(e, r) {
V = e, q = r;
var de = Object.assign({}, u), pe = "./this.program", qe = typeof window == "object", he = typeof importScripts == "function";
typeof process == "object" && typeof process.versions == "object" && process.versions.node;
var j = "";
function Wr(e) {
return u.locateFile ? u.locateFile(e, j) : j + e;
var De;
(qe || he) && (he ? j = self.location.href : typeof document < "u" && document.currentScript && (j = document.currentScript.src), W && (j = W), j.indexOf("blob:") !== 0 ? j = j.substr(0, j.replace(/[?#].*/, "").lastIndexOf("/") + 1) : j = "", he && (De = (e) => {
var r = new XMLHttpRequest();
return"GET", e, !1), r.responseType = "arraybuffer", r.send(null), new Uint8Array(r.response);
})), u.print || console.log.bind(console);
var ne = u.printErr || console.warn.bind(console);
Object.assign(u, de), de = null, u.arguments && u.arguments, u.thisProgram && (pe = u.thisProgram), u.quit && u.quit;
var ie;
u.wasmBinary && (ie = u.wasmBinary), u.noExitRuntime, typeof WebAssembly != "object" && K("no native wasm support detected");
var _e, Je = !1;
function jr(e, r) {
e || K(r);
var Ke = typeof TextDecoder < "u" ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : void 0;
function Ur(e, r, t) {
for (var n = r + t, i = r; e[i] && !(i >= n); )
if (i - r > 16 && e.buffer && Ke)
return Ke.decode(e.subarray(r, i));
for (var a = ""; r < i; ) {
var s = e[r++];
if (!(s & 128)) {
a += String.fromCharCode(s);
var o = e[r++] & 63;
if ((s & 224) == 192) {
a += String.fromCharCode((s & 31) << 6 | o);
var f = e[r++] & 63;
if ((s & 240) == 224 ? s = (s & 15) << 12 | o << 6 | f : s = (s & 7) << 18 | o << 12 | f << 6 | e[r++] & 63, s < 65536)
a += String.fromCharCode(s);
else {
var c = s - 65536;
a += String.fromCharCode(55296 | c >> 10, 56320 | c & 1023);
return a;
function Oe(e, r) {
return e ? Ur(k, e, r) : "";
function Qe(e, r, t, n) {
if (!(n > 0))
return 0;
for (var i = t, a = t + n - 1, s = 0; s < e.length; ++s) {
var o = e.charCodeAt(s);
if (o >= 55296 && o <= 57343) {
var f = e.charCodeAt(++s);
o = 65536 + ((o & 1023) << 10) | f & 1023;
if (o <= 127) {
if (t >= a)
r[t++] = o;
} else if (o <= 2047) {
if (t + 1 >= a)
r[t++] = 192 | o >> 6, r[t++] = 128 | o & 63;
} else if (o <= 65535) {
if (t + 2 >= a)
r[t++] = 224 | o >> 12, r[t++] = 128 | o >> 6 & 63, r[t++] = 128 | o & 63;
} else {
if (t + 3 >= a)
r[t++] = 240 | o >> 18, r[t++] = 128 | o >> 12 & 63, r[t++] = 128 | o >> 6 & 63, r[t++] = 128 | o & 63;
return r[t] = 0, t - i;
function Hr(e, r, t) {
return Qe(e, k, r, t);
function er(e) {
for (var r = 0, t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) {
var n = e.charCodeAt(t);
n <= 127 ? r++ : n <= 2047 ? r += 2 : n >= 55296 && n <= 57343 ? (r += 4, ++t) : r += 3;
return r;
var U, k, J, ge, T, F, rr, tr;
function nr() {
var e = _e.buffer;
u.HEAP8 = U = new Int8Array(e), u.HEAP16 = J = new Int16Array(e), u.HEAP32 = T = new Int32Array(e), u.HEAPU8 = k = new Uint8Array(e), u.HEAPU16 = ge = new Uint16Array(e), u.HEAPU32 = F = new Uint32Array(e), u.HEAPF32 = rr = new Float32Array(e), u.HEAPF64 = tr = new Float64Array(e);
var ir, ar = [], or = [], sr = [];
function Mr() {
if (u.preRun)
for (typeof u.preRun == "function" && (u.preRun = [u.preRun]); u.preRun.length; )
function Ir() {
function xr() {
if (u.postRun)
for (typeof u.postRun == "function" && (u.postRun = [u.postRun]); u.postRun.length; )
function Yr(e) {
function Vr(e) {
function Br(e) {
var N = 0, ae = null;
function Lr(e) {
N++, u.monitorRunDependencies && u.monitorRunDependencies(N);
function Nr(e) {
if (N--, u.monitorRunDependencies && u.monitorRunDependencies(N), N == 0 && ae) {
var r = ae;
ae = null, r();
function K(e) {
u.onAbort && u.onAbort(e), e = "Aborted(" + e + ")", ne(e), Je = !0, e += ". Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.";
var r = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(e);
throw q(r), r;
var zr = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,";
function ur(e) {
return e.startsWith(zr);
var z;
u.locateFile ? (z = "zxing_full.wasm", ur(z) || (z = Wr(z))) : z = new URL("/full/zxing_full.wasm", self.location).href;
function fr(e) {
try {
if (e == z && ie)
return new Uint8Array(ie);
if (De)
return De(e);
throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed";
} catch (r) {
function Xr(e) {
return !ie && (qe || he) && typeof fetch == "function" ? fetch(e, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(r) {
if (!r.ok)
throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + e + "'";
return r.arrayBuffer();
}).catch(function() {
return fr(e);
}) : Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return fr(e);
function cr(e, r, t) {
return Xr(e).then(function(n) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(n, r);
}).then(function(n) {
return n;
}).then(t, function(n) {
ne("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: " + n), K(n);
function Zr(e, r, t, n) {
return !e && typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming == "function" && !ur(r) && typeof fetch == "function" ? fetch(r, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(i) {
var a = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(i, t);
return a.then(n, function(s) {
return ne("wasm streaming compile failed: " + s), ne("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation"), cr(r, t, n);
}) : cr(r, t, n);
function Gr() {
var e = { a: Dn };
function r(n, i) {
var a = n.exports;
return u.asm = a, _e = u.asm.oa, nr(), ir = u.asm.ta, Vr(, Nr(), a;
function t(n) {
if (u.instantiateWasm)
try {
return u.instantiateWasm(e, r);
} catch (n) {
ne("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: " + n), q(n);
return Zr(ie, z, e, t).catch(q), {};
function We(e) {
for (; e.length > 0; )
var ye = [];
function qr(e) {
var me = 0;
function Jr(e) {
var r = new be(e);
return r.get_caught() || (r.set_caught(!0), me--), r.set_rethrown(!1), ye.push(r), qr(r), r.get_exception_ptr();
var Q = 0, we = [];
function m(e) {
var r = we[e];
return r || (e >= we.length && (we.length = e + 1), we[e] = r = ir.get(e)), r;
function Kr(e) {
if (e.release_ref() && !e.get_rethrown()) {
var r = e.get_destructor();
r && m(r)(e.excPtr), Fr(e.excPtr);
function Qr() {
var e = ye.pop();
Kr(e), Q = 0;
function be(e) {
this.excPtr = e, this.ptr = e - 24, this.set_type = function(r) {
F[this.ptr + 4 >> 2] = r;
}, this.get_type = function() {
return F[this.ptr + 4 >> 2];
}, this.set_destructor = function(r) {
F[this.ptr + 8 >> 2] = r;
}, this.get_destructor = function() {
return F[this.ptr + 8 >> 2];
}, this.set_refcount = function(r) {
T[this.ptr >> 2] = r;
}, this.set_caught = function(r) {
r = r ? 1 : 0, U[this.ptr + 12 >> 0] = r;
}, this.get_caught = function() {
return U[this.ptr + 12 >> 0] != 0;
}, this.set_rethrown = function(r) {
r = r ? 1 : 0, U[this.ptr + 13 >> 0] = r;
}, this.get_rethrown = function() {
return U[this.ptr + 13 >> 0] != 0;
}, this.init = function(r, t) {
this.set_adjusted_ptr(0), this.set_type(r), this.set_destructor(t), this.set_refcount(0), this.set_caught(!1), this.set_rethrown(!1);
}, this.add_ref = function() {
var r = T[this.ptr >> 2];
T[this.ptr >> 2] = r + 1;
}, this.release_ref = function() {
var r = T[this.ptr >> 2];
return T[this.ptr >> 2] = r - 1, r === 1;
}, this.set_adjusted_ptr = function(r) {
F[this.ptr + 16 >> 2] = r;
}, this.get_adjusted_ptr = function() {
return F[this.ptr + 16 >> 2];
}, this.get_exception_ptr = function() {
var r = Rr(this.get_type());
if (r)
return F[this.excPtr >> 2];
var t = this.get_adjusted_ptr();
return t !== 0 ? t : this.excPtr;
function et(e) {
throw Q || (Q = e), e;
function je() {
var e = Q;
if (!e)
return ve(0), 0;
var r = new be(e);
var t = r.get_type();
if (!t)
return ve(0), e;
for (var n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var i = arguments[n];
if (i === 0 || i === t)
var a = r.ptr + 16;
if (Sr(i, t, a))
return ve(i), e;
return ve(t), e;
var rt = je, tt = je, nt = je;
function it(e) {
return new be(e).get_exception_ptr();
function at() {
var e = ye.pop();
e || K("no exception to throw");
var r = e.excPtr;
throw e.get_rethrown() || (ye.push(e), e.set_rethrown(!0), e.set_caught(!1), me++), Q = r, r;
function ot(e, r, t) {
var n = new be(e);
throw n.init(r, t), Q = e, me++, e;
function st() {
return me;
var Pe = {};
function Ue(e) {
for (; e.length; ) {
var r = e.pop(), t = e.pop();
function oe(e) {
return this.fromWireType(T[e >> 2]);
var ee = {}, X = {}, Ce = {}, ut = 48, ft = 57;
function He(e) {
if (e === void 0)
return "_unknown";
e = e.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "$");
var r = e.charCodeAt(0);
return r >= ut && r <= ft ? "_" + e : e;
function Me(e, r) {
return e = He(e), { [e]: function() {
return r.apply(this, arguments);
} }[e];
function Ie(e, r) {
var t = Me(r, function(n) { = r, this.message = n;
var i = new Error(n).stack;
i !== void 0 && (this.stack = this.toString() + `
` + i.replace(/^Error(:[^\n]*)?\n/, ""));
return t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), t.prototype.constructor = t, t.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.message === void 0 ? : + ": " + this.message;
}, t;
var lr = void 0;
function Te(e) {
throw new lr(e);
function M(e, r, t) {
e.forEach(function(o) {
Ce[o] = r;
function n(o) {
var f = t(o);
f.length !== e.length && Te("Mismatched type converter count");
for (var c = 0; c < e.length; ++c)
I(e[c], f[c]);
var i = new Array(r.length), a = [], s = 0;
r.forEach((o, f) => {
X.hasOwnProperty(o) ? i[f] = X[o] : (a.push(o), ee.hasOwnProperty(o) || (ee[o] = []), ee[o].push(() => {
i[f] = X[o], ++s, s === a.length && n(i);
}), a.length === 0 && n(i);
function ct(e) {
var r = Pe[e];
delete Pe[e];
var t = r.rawConstructor, n = r.rawDestructor, i = r.fields, a = => s.getterReturnType).concat( => s.setterArgumentType));
M([e], a, (s) => {
var o = {};
return i.forEach((f, c) => {
var v = f.fieldName, d = s[c], h = f.getter, _ = f.getterContext, P = s[c + i.length], A = f.setter, $ = f.setterContext;
o[v] = { read: (C) => d.fromWireType(h(_, C)), write: (C, l) => {
var p = [];
A($, C, P.toWireType(p, l)), Ue(p);
} };
}), [{ name:, fromWireType: function(f) {
var c = {};
for (var v in o)
c[v] = o[v].read(f);
return n(f), c;
}, toWireType: function(f, c) {
for (var v in o)
if (!(v in c))
throw new TypeError('Missing field: "' + v + '"');
var d = t();
for (v in o)
o[v].write(d, c[v]);
return f !== null && f.push(n, d), d;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: oe, destructorFunction: n }];
function lt(e, r, t, n, i) {
function xe(e) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
return 0;
case 2:
return 1;
case 4:
return 2;
case 8:
return 3;
throw new TypeError("Unknown type size: " + e);
function vt() {
for (var e = new Array(256), r = 0; r < 256; ++r)
e[r] = String.fromCharCode(r);
vr = e;
var vr = void 0;
function S(e) {
for (var r = "", t = e; k[t]; )
r += vr[k[t++]];
return r;
var re = void 0;
function g(e) {
throw new re(e);
function I(e, r, t = {}) {
if (!("argPackAdvance" in r))
throw new TypeError("registerType registeredInstance requires argPackAdvance");
var n =;
if (e || g('type "' + n + '" must have a positive integer typeid pointer'), X.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
if (t.ignoreDuplicateRegistrations)
g("Cannot register type '" + n + "' twice");
if (X[e] = r, delete Ce[e], ee.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var i = ee[e];
delete ee[e], i.forEach((a) => a());
function dt(e, r, t, n, i) {
var a = xe(t);
r = S(r), I(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(s) {
return !!s;
}, toWireType: function(s, o) {
return o ? n : i;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: function(s) {
var o;
if (t === 1)
o = U;
else if (t === 2)
o = J;
else if (t === 4)
o = T;
throw new TypeError("Unknown boolean type size: " + r);
return this.fromWireType(o[s >> a]);
}, destructorFunction: null });
function pt(e) {
if (!(this instanceof B) || !(e instanceof B))
return !1;
for (var r = this.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, t = this.$$.ptr, n = e.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, i = e.$$.ptr; r.baseClass; )
t = r.upcast(t), r = r.baseClass;
for (; n.baseClass; )
i = n.upcast(i), n = n.baseClass;
return r === n && t === i;
function ht(e) {
return { count: e.count, deleteScheduled: e.deleteScheduled, preservePointerOnDelete: e.preservePointerOnDelete, ptr: e.ptr, ptrType: e.ptrType, smartPtr: e.smartPtr, smartPtrType: e.smartPtrType };
function Ye(e) {
function r(t) {
return t.$$;
g(r(e) + " instance already deleted");
var Ve = !1;
function dr(e) {
function _t(e) {
e.smartPtr ? e.smartPtrType.rawDestructor(e.smartPtr) : e.ptrType.registeredClass.rawDestructor(e.ptr);
function pr(e) {
e.count.value -= 1;
var r = e.count.value === 0;
r && _t(e);
function hr(e, r, t) {
if (r === t)
return e;
if (t.baseClass === void 0)
return null;
var n = hr(e, r, t.baseClass);
return n === null ? null : t.downcast(n);
var _r = {};
function gt() {
return Object.keys(fe).length;
function yt() {
var e = [];
for (var r in fe)
fe.hasOwnProperty(r) && e.push(fe[r]);
return e;
var se = [];
function Be() {
for (; se.length; ) {
var e = se.pop();
e.$$.deleteScheduled = !1, e.delete();
var ue = void 0;
function mt(e) {
ue = e, se.length && ue && ue(Be);
function wt() {
u.getInheritedInstanceCount = gt, u.getLiveInheritedInstances = yt, u.flushPendingDeletes = Be, u.setDelayFunction = mt;
var fe = {};
function bt(e, r) {
for (r === void 0 && g("ptr should not be undefined"); e.baseClass; )
r = e.upcast(r), e = e.baseClass;
return r;
function Pt(e, r) {
return r = bt(e, r), fe[r];
function $e(e, r) {
(!r.ptrType || !r.ptr) && Te("makeClassHandle requires ptr and ptrType");
var t = !!r.smartPtrType, n = !!r.smartPtr;
return t !== n && Te("Both smartPtrType and smartPtr must be specified"), r.count = { value: 1 }, ce(Object.create(e, { $$: { value: r } }));
function Ct(e) {
var r = this.getPointee(e);
if (!r)
return this.destructor(e), null;
var t = Pt(this.registeredClass, r);
if (t !== void 0) {
if (t.$$.count.value === 0)
return t.$$.ptr = r, t.$$.smartPtr = e, t.clone();
var n = t.clone();
return this.destructor(e), n;
function i() {
return this.isSmartPointer ? $e(this.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: this.pointeeType, ptr: r, smartPtrType: this, smartPtr: e }) : $e(this.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: this, ptr: e });
var a = this.registeredClass.getActualType(r), s = _r[a];
if (!s)
var o;
this.isConst ? o = s.constPointerType : o = s.pointerType;
var f = hr(r, this.registeredClass, o.registeredClass);
return f === null ? : this.isSmartPointer ? $e(o.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: o, ptr: f, smartPtrType: this, smartPtr: e }) : $e(o.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: o, ptr: f });
function ce(e) {
return typeof FinalizationRegistry > "u" ? (ce = (r) => r, e) : (Ve = new FinalizationRegistry((r) => {
}), ce = (r) => {
var t = r.$$, n = !!t.smartPtr;
if (n) {
var i = { $$: t };
Ve.register(r, i, r);
return r;
}, dr = (r) => Ve.unregister(r), ce(e));
function Tt() {
if (this.$$.ptr || Ye(this), this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete)
return this.$$.count.value += 1, this;
var e = ce(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), { $$: { value: ht(this.$$) } }));
return e.$$.count.value += 1, e.$$.deleteScheduled = !1, e;
function $t() {
this.$$.ptr || Ye(this), this.$$.deleteScheduled && !this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete && g("Object already scheduled for deletion"), dr(this), pr(this.$$), this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete || (this.$$.smartPtr = void 0, this.$$.ptr = void 0);
function At() {
return !this.$$.ptr;
function Ft() {
return this.$$.ptr || Ye(this), this.$$.deleteScheduled && !this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete && g("Object already scheduled for deletion"), se.push(this), se.length === 1 && ue && ue(Be), this.$$.deleteScheduled = !0, this;
function Et() {
B.prototype.isAliasOf = pt, B.prototype.clone = Tt, B.prototype.delete = $t, B.prototype.isDeleted = At, B.prototype.deleteLater = Ft;
function B() {
function gr(e, r, t) {
if (e[r].overloadTable === void 0) {
var n = e[r];
e[r] = function() {
return e[r].overloadTable.hasOwnProperty(arguments.length) || g("Function '" + t + "' called with an invalid number of arguments (" + arguments.length + ") - expects one of (" + e[r].overloadTable + ")!"), e[r].overloadTable[arguments.length].apply(this, arguments);
}, e[r].overloadTable = [], e[r].overloadTable[n.argCount] = n;
function yr(e, r, t) {
u.hasOwnProperty(e) ? ((t === void 0 || u[e].overloadTable !== void 0 && u[e].overloadTable[t] !== void 0) && g("Cannot register public name '" + e + "' twice"), gr(u, e, e), u.hasOwnProperty(t) && g("Cannot register multiple overloads of a function with the same number of arguments (" + t + ")!"), u[e].overloadTable[t] = r) : (u[e] = r, t !== void 0 && (u[e].numArguments = t));
function St(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o) { = e, this.constructor = r, this.instancePrototype = t, this.rawDestructor = n, this.baseClass = i, this.getActualType = a, this.upcast = s, this.downcast = o, this.pureVirtualFunctions = [];
function Ae(e, r, t) {
for (; r !== t; )
r.upcast || g("Expected null or instance of " + + ", got an instance of " +, e = r.upcast(e), r = r.baseClass;
return e;
function Rt(e, r) {
if (r === null)
return this.isReference && g("null is not a valid " +, 0;
r.$$ || g('Cannot pass "' + Xe(r) + '" as a ' +, r.$$.ptr || g("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +;
var t = r.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, n = Ae(r.$$.ptr, t, this.registeredClass);
return n;
function kt(e, r) {
var t;
if (r === null)
return this.isReference && g("null is not a valid " +, this.isSmartPointer ? (t = this.rawConstructor(), e !== null && e.push(this.rawDestructor, t), t) : 0;
r.$$ || g('Cannot pass "' + Xe(r) + '" as a ' +, r.$$.ptr || g("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +, !this.isConst && r.$$.ptrType.isConst && g("Cannot convert argument of type " + (r.$$.smartPtrType ? r.$$ : r.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
var n = r.$$.ptrType.registeredClass;
if (t = Ae(r.$$.ptr, n, this.registeredClass), this.isSmartPointer)
switch (r.$$.smartPtr === void 0 && g("Passing raw pointer to smart pointer is illegal"), this.sharingPolicy) {
case 0:
r.$$.smartPtrType === this ? t = r.$$.smartPtr : g("Cannot convert argument of type " + (r.$$.smartPtrType ? r.$$ : r.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
case 1:
t = r.$$.smartPtr;
case 2:
if (r.$$.smartPtrType === this)
t = r.$$.smartPtr;
else {
var i = r.clone();
t = this.rawShare(t, Fe.toHandle(function() {
})), e !== null && e.push(this.rawDestructor, t);
g("Unsupporting sharing policy");
return t;
function Dt(e, r) {
if (r === null)
return this.isReference && g("null is not a valid " +, 0;
r.$$ || g('Cannot pass "' + Xe(r) + '" as a ' +, r.$$.ptr || g("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +, r.$$.ptrType.isConst && g("Cannot convert argument of type " + r.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
var t = r.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, n = Ae(r.$$.ptr, t, this.registeredClass);
return n;
function Ot(e) {
return this.rawGetPointee && (e = this.rawGetPointee(e)), e;
function Wt(e) {
this.rawDestructor && this.rawDestructor(e);
function jt(e) {
e !== null && e.delete();
function Ut() {
x.prototype.getPointee = Ot, x.prototype.destructor = Wt, x.prototype.argPackAdvance = 8, x.prototype.readValueFromPointer = oe, x.prototype.deleteObject = jt, x.prototype.fromWireType = Ct;
function x(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c, v) { = e, this.registeredClass = r, this.isReference = t, this.isConst = n, this.isSmartPointer = i, this.pointeeType = a, this.sharingPolicy = s, this.rawGetPointee = o, this.rawConstructor = f, this.rawShare = c, this.rawDestructor = v, !i && r.baseClass === void 0 ? n ? (this.toWireType = Rt, this.destructorFunction = null) : (this.toWireType = Dt, this.destructorFunction = null) : this.toWireType = kt;
function mr(e, r, t) {
u.hasOwnProperty(e) || Te("Replacing nonexistant public symbol"), u[e].overloadTable !== void 0 && t !== void 0 ? u[e].overloadTable[t] = r : (u[e] = r, u[e].argCount = t);
function Ht(e, r, t) {
var n = u["dynCall_" + e];
return t && t.length ? n.apply(null, [r].concat(t)) :, r);
function Mt(e, r, t) {
if (e.includes("j"))
return Ht(e, r, t);
var n = m(r).apply(null, t);
return n;
function It(e, r) {
var t = [];
return function() {
return t.length = 0, Object.assign(t, arguments), Mt(e, r, t);
function D(e, r) {
e = S(e);
function t() {
return e.includes("j") ? It(e, r) : m(r);
var n = t();
return typeof n != "function" && g("unknown function pointer with signature " + e + ": " + r), n;
var wr = void 0;
function br(e) {
var r = Er(e), t = S(r);
return Y(r), t;
function te(e, r) {
var t = [], n = {};
function i(a) {
if (!n[a] && !X[a]) {
if (Ce[a]) {
t.push(a), n[a] = !0;
throw r.forEach(i), new wr(e + ": " +[", "]));
function xt(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c, v, d, h) {
v = S(v), a = D(i, a), o && (o = D(s, o)), c && (c = D(f, c)), h = D(d, h);
var _ = He(v);
yr(_, function() {
te("Cannot construct " + v + " due to unbound types", [n]);
}), M([e, r, t], n ? [n] : [], function(P) {
P = P[0];
var A, $;
n ? (A = P.registeredClass, $ = A.instancePrototype) : $ = B.prototype;
var C = Me(_, function() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== l)
throw new re("Use 'new' to construct " + v);
if (p.constructor_body === void 0)
throw new re(v + " has no accessible constructor");
var Re = p.constructor_body[arguments.length];
if (Re === void 0)
throw new re("Tried to invoke ctor of " + v + " with invalid number of parameters (" + arguments.length + ") - expected (" + Object.keys(p.constructor_body).toString() + ") parameters instead!");
return Re.apply(this, arguments);
}), l = Object.create($, { constructor: { value: C } });
C.prototype = l;
var p = new St(v, C, l, h, A, a, o, c), R = new x(v, p, !0, !1, !1), E = new x(v + "*", p, !1, !1, !1), Z = new x(v + " const*", p, !1, !0, !1);
return _r[e] = { pointerType: E, constPointerType: Z }, mr(_, C), [R, E, Z];
function Le(e, r) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e; n++)
t.push(F[r + n * 4 >> 2]);
return t;
function Yt(e, r) {
if (!(e instanceof Function))
throw new TypeError("new_ called with constructor type " + typeof e + " which is not a function");
var t = Me( || "unknownFunctionName", function() {
t.prototype = e.prototype;
var n = new t(), i = e.apply(n, r);
return i instanceof Object ? i : n;
function Ne(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
var s = r.length;
s < 2 && g("argTypes array size mismatch! Must at least get return value and 'this' types!");
for (var o = r[1] !== null && t !== null, f = !1, c = 1; c < r.length; ++c)
if (r[c] !== null && r[c].destructorFunction === void 0) {
f = !0;
for (var v = r[0].name !== "void", d = "", h = "", c = 0; c < s - 2; ++c)
d += (c !== 0 ? ", " : "") + "arg" + c, h += (c !== 0 ? ", " : "") + "arg" + c + "Wired";
var _ = "return function " + He(e) + "(" + d + `) {
if (arguments.length !== ` + (s - 2) + `) {
throwBindingError('function ` + e + " called with ' + arguments.length + ' arguments, expected " + (s - 2) + ` args!');
async function B(r, {
tryHarder: o = e.tryHarder,
formats: t = e.formats,
maxNumberOfSymbols: m = e.maxNumberOfSymbols
} = e) {
return s(
f && (_ += `var destructors = [];
var P = f ? "destructors" : "null", A = ["throwBindingError", "invoker", "fn", "runDestructors", "retType", "classParam"], $ = [g, n, i, Ue, r[0], r[1]];
o && (_ += "var thisWired = classParam.toWireType(" + P + `, this);
for (var c = 0; c < s - 2; ++c)
_ += "var arg" + c + "Wired = argType" + c + ".toWireType(" + P + ", arg" + c + "); // " + r[c + 2].name + `
`, A.push("argType" + c), $.push(r[c + 2]);
if (o && (h = "thisWired" + (h.length > 0 ? ", " : "") + h), _ += (v || a ? "var rv = " : "") + "invoker(fn" + (h.length > 0 ? ", " : "") + h + `);
`, f)
_ += `runDestructors(destructors);
for (var c = o ? 1 : 2; c < r.length; ++c) {
var C = c === 1 ? "thisWired" : "arg" + (c - 2) + "Wired";
r[c].destructorFunction !== null && (_ += C + "_dtor(" + C + "); // " + r[c].name + `
`, A.push(C + "_dtor"), $.push(r[c].destructorFunction));
v && (_ += `var ret = retType.fromWireType(rv);
return ret;
`), _ += `}
`, A.push(_);
var l = Yt(Function, A).apply(null, $);
return l;
function Vt(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
jr(r > 0);
var s = Le(r, t);
i = D(n, i), M([], [e], function(o) {
o = o[0];
var f = "constructor " +;
if (o.registeredClass.constructor_body === void 0 && (o.registeredClass.constructor_body = []), o.registeredClass.constructor_body[r - 1] !== void 0)
throw new re("Cannot register multiple constructors with identical number of parameters (" + (r - 1) + ") for class '" + + "'! Overload resolution is currently only performed using the parameter count, not actual type info!");
return o.registeredClass.constructor_body[r - 1] = () => {
te("Cannot construct " + + " due to unbound types", s);
}, M([], s, function(c) {
return c.splice(1, 0, null), o.registeredClass.constructor_body[r - 1] = Ne(f, c, null, i, a), [];
}), [];
function Bt(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f) {
var c = Le(t, n);
r = S(r), a = D(i, a), M([], [e], function(v) {
v = v[0];
var d = + "." + r;
r.startsWith("@@") && (r = Symbol[r.substring(2)]), o && v.registeredClass.pureVirtualFunctions.push(r);
function h() {
te("Cannot call " + d + " due to unbound types", c);
var _ = v.registeredClass.instancePrototype, P = _[r];
return P === void 0 || P.overloadTable === void 0 && P.className !== && P.argCount === t - 2 ? (h.argCount = t - 2, h.className =, _[r] = h) : (gr(_, r, d), _[r].overloadTable[t - 2] = h), M([], c, function(A) {
var $ = Ne(d, A, v, a, s, f);
return _[r].overloadTable === void 0 ? ($.argCount = t - 2, _[r] = $) : _[r].overloadTable[t - 2] = $, [];
}), [];
function Pr(e, r, t) {
return e instanceof Object || g(t + ' with invalid "this": ' + e), e instanceof r.registeredClass.constructor || g(t + ' incompatible with "this" of type ' +, e.$$.ptr || g("cannot call emscripten binding method " + t + " on deleted object"), Ae(e.$$.ptr, e.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, r.registeredClass);
function Lt(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c) {
r = S(r), i = D(n, i), M([], [e], function(v) {
v = v[0];
var d = + "." + r, h = { get: function() {
te("Cannot access " + d + " due to unbound types", [t, s]);
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 };
return f ? h.set = () => {
te("Cannot access " + d + " due to unbound types", [t, s]);
} : h.set = (_) => {
g(d + " is a read-only property");
}, Object.defineProperty(v.registeredClass.instancePrototype, r, h), M([], f ? [t, s] : [t], function(_) {
var P = _[0], A = { get: function() {
var C = Pr(this, v, d + " getter");
return P.fromWireType(i(a, C));
}, enumerable: !0 };
if (f) {
f = D(o, f);
var $ = _[1];
A.set = function(C) {
var l = Pr(this, v, d + " setter"), p = [];
f(c, l, $.toWireType(p, C)), Ue(p);
return Object.defineProperty(v.registeredClass.instancePrototype, r, A), [];
}), [];
var ze = [], O = [{}, { value: void 0 }, { value: null }, { value: !0 }, { value: !1 }];
function Cr(e) {
e > 4 && --O[e].refcount === 0 && (O[e] = void 0, ze.push(e));
function Nt() {
for (var e = 0, r = 5; r < O.length; ++r)
O[r] !== void 0 && ++e;
return e;
function zt() {
for (var e = 5; e < O.length; ++e)
if (O[e] !== void 0)
return O[e];
return null;
function Xt() {
u.count_emval_handles = Nt, u.get_first_emval = zt;
var Fe = { toValue: (e) => (e || g("Cannot use deleted val. handle = " + e), O[e].value), toHandle: (e) => {
switch (e) {
case void 0:
return 1;
case null:
return 2;
case !0:
return 3;
case !1:
return 4;
default: {
var r = ze.length ? ze.pop() : O.length;
return O[r] = { refcount: 1, value: e }, r;
} };
function Zt(e, r) {
r = S(r), I(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(t) {
var n = Fe.toValue(t);
return Cr(t), n;
}, toWireType: function(t, n) {
return Fe.toHandle(n);
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: oe, destructorFunction: null });
function Xe(e) {
if (e === null)
return "null";
var r = typeof e;
return r === "object" || r === "array" || r === "function" ? e.toString() : "" + e;
function Gt(e, r) {
switch (r) {
case 2:
return function(t) {
return this.fromWireType(rr[t >> 2]);
case 3:
return function(t) {
return this.fromWireType(tr[t >> 3]);
throw new TypeError("Unknown float type: " + e);
function qt(e, r, t) {
var n = xe(t);
r = S(r), I(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(i) {
return i;
}, toWireType: function(i, a) {
return a;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Gt(r, n), destructorFunction: null });
function Jt(e, r, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = Le(r, t);
e = S(e), i = D(n, i), yr(e, function() {
te("Cannot call " + e + " due to unbound types", o);
}, r - 1), M([], o, function(f) {
var c = [f[0], null].concat(f.slice(1));
return mr(e, Ne(e, c, null, i, a, s), r - 1), [];
function Kt(e, r, t) {
switch (r) {
case 0:
return t ? function(i) {
return U[i];
} : function(i) {
return k[i];
case 1:
return t ? function(i) {
return J[i >> 1];
} : function(i) {
return ge[i >> 1];
case 2:
return t ? function(i) {
return T[i >> 2];
} : function(i) {
return F[i >> 2];
throw new TypeError("Unknown integer type: " + e);
function Qt(e, r, t, n, i) {
r = S(r);
var a = xe(t), s = (d) => d;
if (n === 0) {
var o = 32 - 8 * t;
s = (d) => d << o >>> o;
var f = r.includes("unsigned"), c = (d, h) => {
}, v;
f ? v = function(d, h) {
return c(h,, h >>> 0;
} : v = function(d, h) {
return c(h,, h;
}, I(e, { name: r, fromWireType: s, toWireType: v, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Kt(r, a, n !== 0), destructorFunction: null });
function en(e, r, t) {
var n = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array], i = n[r];
function a(s) {
s = s >> 2;
var o = F, f = o[s], c = o[s + 1];
return new i(o.buffer, c, f);
t = S(t), I(e, { name: t, fromWireType: a, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: a }, { ignoreDuplicateRegistrations: !0 });
function rn(e, r) {
r = S(r);
var t = r === "std::string";
I(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(n) {
var i = F[n >> 2], a = n + 4, s;
if (t)
for (var o = a, f = 0; f <= i; ++f) {
var c = a + f;
if (f == i || k[c] == 0) {
var v = c - o, d = Oe(o, v);
s === void 0 ? s = d : (s += String.fromCharCode(0), s += d), o = c + 1;
else {
for (var h = new Array(i), f = 0; f < i; ++f)
h[f] = String.fromCharCode(k[a + f]);
s = h.join("");
return Y(n), s;
}, toWireType: function(n, i) {
i instanceof ArrayBuffer && (i = new Uint8Array(i));
var a, s = typeof i == "string";
s || i instanceof Uint8Array || i instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || i instanceof Int8Array || g("Cannot pass non-string to std::string"), t && s ? a = er(i) : a = i.length;
var o = Ge(4 + a + 1), f = o + 4;
if (F[o >> 2] = a, t && s)
Hr(i, f, a + 1);
else if (s)
for (var c = 0; c < a; ++c) {
var v = i.charCodeAt(c);
v > 255 && (Y(f), g("String has UTF-16 code units that do not fit in 8 bits")), k[f + c] = v;
for (var c = 0; c < a; ++c)
k[f + c] = i[c];
return n !== null && n.push(Y, o), o;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: oe, destructorFunction: function(n) {
} });
var Tr = typeof TextDecoder < "u" ? new TextDecoder("utf-16le") : void 0;
function tn(e, r) {
for (var t = e, n = t >> 1, i = n + r / 2; !(n >= i) && ge[n]; )
if (t = n << 1, t - e > 32 && Tr)
return Tr.decode(k.subarray(e, t));
for (var a = "", s = 0; !(s >= r / 2); ++s) {
var o = J[e + s * 2 >> 1];
if (o == 0)
a += String.fromCharCode(o);
return a;
function nn(e, r, t) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = 2147483647), t < 2)
return 0;
t -= 2;
for (var n = r, i = t < e.length * 2 ? t / 2 : e.length, a = 0; a < i; ++a) {
var s = e.charCodeAt(a);
J[r >> 1] = s, r += 2;
return J[r >> 1] = 0, r - n;
function an(e) {
return e.length * 2;
function on(e, r) {
for (var t = 0, n = ""; !(t >= r / 4); ) {
var i = T[e + t * 4 >> 2];
if (i == 0)
if (++t, i >= 65536) {
var a = i - 65536;
n += String.fromCharCode(55296 | a >> 10, 56320 | a & 1023);
} else
n += String.fromCharCode(i);
return n;
function sn(e, r, t) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = 2147483647), t < 4)
return 0;
for (var n = r, i = n + t - 4, a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) {
var s = e.charCodeAt(a);
if (s >= 55296 && s <= 57343) {
var o = e.charCodeAt(++a);
s = 65536 + ((s & 1023) << 10) | o & 1023;
if (T[r >> 2] = s, r += 4, r + 4 > i)
return T[r >> 2] = 0, r - n;
function un(e) {
for (var r = 0, t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) {
var n = e.charCodeAt(t);
n >= 55296 && n <= 57343 && ++t, r += 4;
return r;
function fn(e, r, t) {
t = S(t);
var n, i, a, s, o;
r === 2 ? (n = tn, i = nn, s = an, a = () => ge, o = 1) : r === 4 && (n = on, i = sn, s = un, a = () => F, o = 2), I(e, { name: t, fromWireType: function(f) {
for (var c = F[f >> 2], v = a(), d, h = f + 4, _ = 0; _ <= c; ++_) {
var P = f + 4 + _ * r;
if (_ == c || v[P >> o] == 0) {
var A = P - h, $ = n(h, A);
d === void 0 ? d = $ : (d += String.fromCharCode(0), d += $), h = P + r;
return Y(f), d;
}, toWireType: function(f, c) {
typeof c != "string" && g("Cannot pass non-string to C++ string type " + t);
var v = s(c), d = Ge(4 + v + r);
return F[d >> 2] = v >> o, i(c, d + 4, v + r), f !== null && f.push(Y, d), d;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: oe, destructorFunction: function(f) {
} });
function cn(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
Pe[e] = { name: S(r), rawConstructor: D(t, n), rawDestructor: D(i, a), fields: [] };
function ln(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c) {
Pe[e].fields.push({ fieldName: S(r), getterReturnType: t, getter: D(n, i), getterContext: a, setterArgumentType: s, setter: D(o, f), setterContext: c });
function vn(e, r) {
r = S(r), I(e, { isVoid: !0, name: r, argPackAdvance: 0, fromWireType: function() {
}, toWireType: function(t, n) {
} });
function dn(e) {
e > 4 && (O[e].refcount += 1);
function pn(e, r) {
var t = X[e];
return t === void 0 && g(r + " has unknown type " + br(e)), t;
function hn(e, r) {
e = pn(e, "_emval_take_value");
var t = e.readValueFromPointer(r);
return Fe.toHandle(t);
function _n() {
function gn(e, r, t) {
k.copyWithin(e, r, r + t);
function yn() {
return 2147483648;
function mn(e) {
var r = _e.buffer;
try {
return _e.grow(e - r.byteLength + 65535 >>> 16), nr(), 1;
} catch {
function wn(e) {
var r = k.length;
e = e >>> 0;
var t = yn();
if (e > t)
return !1;
let n = (f, c) => f + (c - f % c) % c;
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i *= 2) {
var a = r * (1 + 0.2 / i);
a = Math.min(a, e + 100663296);
var s = Math.min(t, n(Math.max(e, a), 65536)), o = mn(s);
if (o)
return !0;
return !1;
var Ze = {};
function bn() {
return pe || "./this.program";
function le() {
if (!le.strings) {
var e = (typeof navigator == "object" && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || "C").replace("-", "_") + ".UTF-8", r = { USER: "web_user", LOGNAME: "web_user", PATH: "/", PWD: "/", HOME: "/home/web_user", LANG: e, _: bn() };
for (var t in Ze)
Ze[t] === void 0 ? delete r[t] : r[t] = Ze[t];
var n = [];
for (var t in r)
n.push(t + "=" + r[t]);
le.strings = n;
return le.strings;
function Pn(e, r, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n)
U[r++ >> 0] = e.charCodeAt(n);
t || (U[r >> 0] = 0);
function Cn(e, r) {
var t = 0;
return le().forEach(function(n, i) {
var a = r + t;
F[e + i * 4 >> 2] = a, Pn(n, a), t += n.length + 1;
}), 0;
function Tn(e, r) {
var t = le();
F[e >> 2] = t.length;
var n = 0;
return t.forEach(function(i) {
n += i.length + 1;
}), F[r >> 2] = n, 0;
function $n(e) {
return e;
function Ee(e) {
return e % 4 === 0 && (e % 100 !== 0 || e % 400 === 0);
function An(e, r) {
for (var t = 0, n = 0; n <= r; t += e[n++])
return t;
var $r = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], Ar = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
function Fn(e, r) {
for (var t = new Date(e.getTime()); r > 0; ) {
var n = Ee(t.getFullYear()), i = t.getMonth(), a = (n ? $r : Ar)[i];
if (r > a - t.getDate())
r -= a - t.getDate() + 1, t.setDate(1), i < 11 ? t.setMonth(i + 1) : (t.setMonth(0), t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear() + 1));
return t.setDate(t.getDate() + r), t;
return t;
function En(e, r, t) {
var n = t > 0 ? t : er(e) + 1, i = new Array(n), a = Qe(e, i, 0, i.length);
return r && (i.length = a), i;
function Sn(e, r) {
U.set(e, r);
function Rn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = T[n + 40 >> 2], a = { tm_sec: T[n >> 2], tm_min: T[n + 4 >> 2], tm_hour: T[n + 8 >> 2], tm_mday: T[n + 12 >> 2], tm_mon: T[n + 16 >> 2], tm_year: T[n + 20 >> 2], tm_wday: T[n + 24 >> 2], tm_yday: T[n + 28 >> 2], tm_isdst: T[n + 32 >> 2], tm_gmtoff: T[n + 36 >> 2], tm_zone: i ? Oe(i) : "" }, s = Oe(t), o = { "%c": "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", "%D": "%m/%d/%y", "%F": "%Y-%m-%d", "%h": "%b", "%r": "%I:%M:%S %p", "%R": "%H:%M", "%T": "%H:%M:%S", "%x": "%m/%d/%y", "%X": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ec": "%c", "%EC": "%C", "%Ex": "%m/%d/%y", "%EX": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ey": "%y", "%EY": "%Y", "%Od": "%d", "%Oe": "%e", "%OH": "%H", "%OI": "%I", "%Om": "%m", "%OM": "%M", "%OS": "%S", "%Ou": "%u", "%OU": "%U", "%OV": "%V", "%Ow": "%w", "%OW": "%W", "%Oy": "%y" };
for (var f in o)
s = s.replace(new RegExp(f, "g"), o[f]);
var c = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], v = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
function d(l, p, R) {
for (var E = typeof l == "number" ? l.toString() : l || ""; E.length < p; )
E = R[0] + E;
return E;
function h(l, p) {
return d(l, p, "0");
function _(l, p) {
function R(Z) {
return Z < 0 ? -1 : Z > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var E;
return (E = R(l.getFullYear() - p.getFullYear())) === 0 && (E = R(l.getMonth() - p.getMonth())) === 0 && (E = R(l.getDate() - p.getDate())), E;
function P(l) {
switch (l.getDay()) {
case 0:
return new Date(l.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 29);
case 1:
return l;
case 2:
return new Date(l.getFullYear(), 0, 3);
case 3:
return new Date(l.getFullYear(), 0, 2);
case 4:
return new Date(l.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
case 5:
return new Date(l.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31);
case 6:
return new Date(l.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 30);
function A(l) {
var p = Fn(new Date(l.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), l.tm_yday), R = new Date(p.getFullYear(), 0, 4), E = new Date(p.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 4), Z = P(R), Re = P(E);
return _(Z, p) <= 0 ? _(Re, p) <= 0 ? p.getFullYear() + 1 : p.getFullYear() : p.getFullYear() - 1;
var $ = { "%a": function(l) {
return c[l.tm_wday].substring(0, 3);
}, "%A": function(l) {
return c[l.tm_wday];
}, "%b": function(l) {
return v[l.tm_mon].substring(0, 3);
}, "%B": function(l) {
return v[l.tm_mon];
}, "%C": function(l) {
var p = l.tm_year + 1900;
return h(p / 100 | 0, 2);
}, "%d": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_mday, 2);
}, "%e": function(l) {
return d(l.tm_mday, 2, " ");
}, "%g": function(l) {
return A(l).toString().substring(2);
}, "%G": function(l) {
return A(l);
}, "%H": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_hour, 2);
}, "%I": function(l) {
var p = l.tm_hour;
return p == 0 ? p = 12 : p > 12 && (p -= 12), h(p, 2);
}, "%j": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_mday + An(Ee(l.tm_year + 1900) ? $r : Ar, l.tm_mon - 1), 3);
}, "%m": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_mon + 1, 2);
}, "%M": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_min, 2);
}, "%n": function() {
return `
}, "%p": function(l) {
return l.tm_hour >= 0 && l.tm_hour < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
}, "%S": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_sec, 2);
}, "%t": function() {
return " ";
}, "%u": function(l) {
return l.tm_wday || 7;
}, "%U": function(l) {
var p = l.tm_yday + 7 - l.tm_wday;
return h(Math.floor(p / 7), 2);
}, "%V": function(l) {
var p = Math.floor((l.tm_yday + 7 - (l.tm_wday + 6) % 7) / 7);
if ((l.tm_wday + 371 - l.tm_yday - 2) % 7 <= 2 && p++, p) {
if (p == 53) {
var E = (l.tm_wday + 371 - l.tm_yday) % 7;
E != 4 && (E != 3 || !Ee(l.tm_year)) && (p = 1);
} else {
p = 52;
var R = (l.tm_wday + 7 - l.tm_yday - 1) % 7;
(R == 4 || R == 5 && Ee(l.tm_year % 400 - 1)) && p++;
return h(p, 2);
}, "%w": function(l) {
return l.tm_wday;
}, "%W": function(l) {
var p = l.tm_yday + 7 - (l.tm_wday + 6) % 7;
return h(Math.floor(p / 7), 2);
}, "%y": function(l) {
return (l.tm_year + 1900).toString().substring(2);
}, "%Y": function(l) {
return l.tm_year + 1900;
}, "%z": function(l) {
var p = l.tm_gmtoff, R = p >= 0;
return p = Math.abs(p) / 60, p = p / 60 * 100 + p % 60, (R ? "+" : "-") + ("0000" + p).slice(-4);
}, "%Z": function(l) {
return l.tm_zone;
}, "%%": function() {
return "%";
} };
s = s.replace(/%%/g, "\0\0");
for (var f in $)
s.includes(f) && (s = s.replace(new RegExp(f, "g"), $[f](a)));
s = s.replace(/\0\0/g, "%");
var C = En(s, !1);
return C.length > r ? 0 : (Sn(C, e), C.length - 1);
function kn(e, r, t, n, i) {
return Rn(e, r, t, n);
lr = u.InternalError = Ie(Error, "InternalError"), vt(), re = u.BindingError = Ie(Error, "BindingError"), Et(), wt(), Ut(), wr = u.UnboundTypeError = Ie(Error, "UnboundTypeError"), Xt();
var Dn = { r: Jr, u: Qr, a: rt, i: tt, n: nt, I: it, U: at, o: ot, ba: st, d: et, ma: ct, Y: lt, fa: dt, W: xt, la: Vt, D: Bt, T: Lt, ea: Zt, R: qt, N: Jt, x: Qt, s: en, Q: rn, K: fn, O: cn, na: ln, ga: vn, ja: Cr, ka: dn, V: hn, J: _n, da: gn, ca: wn, $: Cn, aa: Tn, H: Jn, P: ai, B: Kn, q: Gn, b: On, C: qn, ha: ei, c: Hn, h: Nn, j: Xn, l: zn, w: Zn, G: ti, M: ni, A: Qn, F: oi, Z: ui, X: fi, k: Mn, g: Un, e: jn, f: Wn, L: ii, m: In, p: xn, ia: Vn, t: Bn, S: Ln, z: ri, v: Yn, E: si, y: $n, _: kn };
var Y = u._free = function() {
return (Y = u._free =, arguments);
}, Ge = u._malloc = function() {
return (Ge = u._malloc = u.asm.ra).apply(null, arguments);
}, Fr = function() {
return (Fr =, arguments);
}, Er = u.___getTypeName = function() {
return (Er = u.___getTypeName =, arguments);
u.__embind_initialize_bindings = function() {
return (u.__embind_initialize_bindings =, arguments);
var y = function() {
return (y = u.asm.wa).apply(null, arguments);
}, ve = function() {
return (ve = u.asm.xa).apply(null, arguments);
}, w = function() {
return (w = u.asm.ya).apply(null, arguments);
}, b = function() {
return (b =, arguments);
}, Sr = function() {
return (Sr = u.asm.Aa).apply(null, arguments);
}, Rr = function() {
return (Rr = u.asm.Ba).apply(null, arguments);
u.dynCall_viijii = function() {
return (u.dynCall_viijii = u.asm.Ca).apply(null, arguments);
var kr = u.dynCall_jiii = function() {
return (kr = u.dynCall_jiii = u.asm.Da).apply(null, arguments);
}, Dr = u.dynCall_jiiii = function() {
return (Dr = u.dynCall_jiiii = u.asm.Ea).apply(null, arguments);
u.dynCall_iiiiij = function() {
return (u.dynCall_iiiiij = u.asm.Fa).apply(null, arguments);
}, u.dynCall_iiiiijj = function() {
return (u.dynCall_iiiiijj = u.asm.Ga).apply(null, arguments);
}, u.dynCall_iiiiiijj = function() {
return (u.dynCall_iiiiiijj = u.asm.Ha).apply(null, arguments);
function On(e, r) {
var t = w();
try {
return m(e)(r);
} catch (n) {
if (b(t), n !== n + 0)
throw n;
y(1, 0);
function Wn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
y(1, 0);
function jn(e, r, t) {
var n = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t);
} catch (i) {
if (b(n), i !== i + 0)
throw i;
y(1, 0);
function Un(e, r) {
var t = w();
try {
} catch (n) {
if (b(t), n !== n + 0)
throw n;
y(1, 0);
function Hn(e, r, t) {
var n = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t);
} catch (i) {
if (b(n), i !== i + 0)
throw i;
y(1, 0);
function Mn(e) {
var r = w();
try {
} catch (t) {
if (b(r), t !== t + 0)
throw t;
y(1, 0);
function In(e, r, t, n, i) {
var a = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i);
} catch (s) {
if (b(a), s !== s + 0)
throw s;
y(1, 0);
function xn(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
var s = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i, a);
} catch (o) {
if (b(s), o !== o + 0)
throw o;
y(1, 0);
function Yn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c, v) {
var d = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c, v);
} catch (h) {
if (b(d), h !== h + 0)
throw h;
y(1, 0);
function Vn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s);
} catch (f) {
if (b(o), f !== f + 0)
throw f;
y(1, 0);
function Bn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o) {
var f = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o);
} catch (c) {
if (b(f), c !== c + 0)
throw c;
y(1, 0);
function Ln(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f) {
var c = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f);
} catch (v) {
if (b(c), v !== v + 0)
throw v;
y(1, 0);
function Nn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
y(1, 0);
function zn(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
var s = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n, i, a);
} catch (o) {
if (b(s), o !== o + 0)
throw o;
y(1, 0);
function Xn(e, r, t, n, i) {
var a = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n, i);
} catch (s) {
if (b(a), s !== s + 0)
throw s;
y(1, 0);
function Zn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s);
} catch (f) {
if (b(o), f !== f + 0)
throw f;
y(1, 0);
function Gn(e) {
var r = w();
try {
return m(e)();
} catch (t) {
if (b(r), t !== t + 0)
throw t;
y(1, 0);
function qn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
y(1, 0);
function Jn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
y(1, 0);
function Kn(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
var s = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n, i, a);
} catch (o) {
if (b(s), o !== o + 0)
throw o;
y(1, 0);
function Qn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c) {
var v = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c);
} catch (d) {
if (b(v), d !== d + 0)
throw d;
y(1, 0);
function ei(e, r, t) {
var n = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t);
} catch (i) {
if (b(n), i !== i + 0)
throw i;
y(1, 0);
function ri(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c) {
var v = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c);
} catch (d) {
if (b(v), d !== d + 0)
throw d;
y(1, 0);
function ti(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o) {
var f = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o);
} catch (c) {
if (b(f), c !== c + 0)
throw c;
y(1, 0);
function ni(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f) {
var c = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f);
} catch (v) {
if (b(c), v !== v + 0)
throw v;
y(1, 0);
function ii(e, r, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s);
} catch (f) {
if (b(o), f !== f + 0)
throw f;
y(1, 0);
function ai(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
y(1, 0);
function oi(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c, v, d) {
var h = w();
try {
return m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c, v, d);
} catch (_) {
if (b(h), _ !== _ + 0)
throw _;
y(1, 0);
function si(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c, v, d, h, _, P, A) {
var $ = w();
try {
m(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, f, c, v, d, h, _, P, A);
} catch (C) {
if (b($), C !== C + 0)
throw C;
y(1, 0);
function ui(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return kr(e, r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
y(1, 0);
function fi(e, r, t, n, i) {
var a = w();
try {
return Dr(e, r, t, n, i);
} catch (s) {
if (b(a), s !== s + 0)
throw s;
y(1, 0);
var Se;
ae = function e() {
Se || Or(), Se || (ae = e);
function Or() {
if (N > 0 || (Mr(), N > 0))
function e() {
Se || (Se = !0, u.calledRun = !0, !Je && (Ir(), V(u), u.onRuntimeInitialized && u.onRuntimeInitialized(), xr()));
u.setStatus ? (u.setStatus("Running..."), setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1), e();
}, 1)) : e();
if (u.preInit)
for (typeof u.preInit == "function" && (u.preInit = [u.preInit]); u.preInit.length > 0; )
return Or(), H.ready;
function hi(W) {
return ci(ke, W);
async function _i(W, {
tryHarder: H = L.tryHarder,
formats: u = L.formats,
maxNumberOfSymbols: V = L.maxNumberOfSymbols
} = L) {
return li(
tryHarder: o,
formats: t,
maxNumberOfSymbols: m
tryHarder: H,
formats: u,
maxNumberOfSymbols: V
async function Z(r, {
tryHarder: o = e.tryHarder,
formats: t = e.formats,
maxNumberOfSymbols: m = e.maxNumberOfSymbols
} = e) {
return f(
async function gi(W, {
tryHarder: H = L.tryHarder,
formats: u = L.formats,
maxNumberOfSymbols: V = L.maxNumberOfSymbols
} = L) {
return vi(
tryHarder: o,
formats: t,
maxNumberOfSymbols: m
tryHarder: H,
formats: u,
maxNumberOfSymbols: V
async function X(r, {
format: o = a.format,
charset: t = a.charset,
quietZone: m = a.quietZone,
width: i = a.width,
height: c = a.height,
eccLevel: d = a.eccLevel
} = a) {
return I(
async function yi(W, {
format: H = G.format,
charset: u = G.charset,
quietZone: V = G.quietZone,
width: q = G.width,
height: de = G.height,
eccLevel: pe = G.eccLevel
} = G) {
return di(
format: o,
charset: t,
quietZone: m,
width: i,
height: c,
eccLevel: d
format: H,
charset: u,
quietZone: V,
width: q,
height: de,
eccLevel: pe
export {
e as defaultZXingReadOptions,
a as defaultZXingWriteOptions,
l as getZXingInstance,
Z as readBarcodeFromImageData,
B as readBarcodeFromImageFile,
X as writeBarcodeToImageFile
L as defaultZXingReadOptions,
G as defaultZXingWriteOptions,
hi as getZXingModule,
Ci as purgeZXingModule,
gi as readBarcodeFromImageData,
_i as readBarcodeFromImageFile,
Ti as setZXingModuleOverrides,
yi as writeBarcodeToImageFile

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { ZXingWasm } from "../ZXing.js";
declare var ZXing: ZXingWasm;
import { ZXingModuleFactory } from "../core.js";
declare var ZXing: ZXingModuleFactory<"reader" | "writer">;
export default ZXing;

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { ZXingReadOptions, ZXingReadResult } from "../ZXing.js";
export declare function getZXingInstance(): Promise<import("../ZXing.js").ZXingInstance>;
export declare function readBarcodeFromImageFile(imageFile: Blob | File, { tryHarder, formats, maxNumberOfSymbols, }?: ZXingReadOptions): Promise<ZXingReadResult[]>;
export declare function readBarcodeFromImageData(imageData: ImageData, { tryHarder, formats, maxNumberOfSymbols, }?: ZXingReadOptions): Promise<ZXingReadResult[]>;
import zxingModuleFactory from "./zxing_reader.js";
import { ZXingModuleFactoryTypeExtractor, ZXingModuleOverrides, getZXingModule as _getZXingModule, ZXingReadOptions, ZXingReadOutput } from "../core.js";
export declare function getZXingModule(zxingModuleOverrides?: ZXingModuleOverrides<ZXingModuleFactoryTypeExtractor<typeof zxingModuleFactory>>): ReturnType<typeof _getZXingModule>;
export declare function readBarcodeFromImageFile(imageFile: Blob | File, { tryHarder, formats, maxNumberOfSymbols, }?: ZXingReadOptions): Promise<ZXingReadOutput[]>;
export * from "../exposed.js";

@@ -1,45 +0,1715 @@

import m from "./zxing_reader.js";
import { getZXingInstance as n, readBarcodeFromImageFile as d, defaultZXingReadOptions as r, readBarcodeFromImageData as i } from "../ZXing.js";
import { ZXING_BARCODE_FORMAT_NAMES as X, ZXING_CHARACTOR_SET_NAMES as Z, defaultZXingWriteOptions as l } from "../ZXing.js";
function s() {
return n(m);
import { g as si, r as ui, d as Ae } from "../core-9bc51fdd.js";
import { Z as pi, a as hi, b as _i, p as gi, s as yi } from "../core-9bc51fdd.js";
var kr = (() => {
var L = import.meta.url;
return function(J = {}) {
var u = typeof J < "u" ? J : {}, ue, fe;
u.ready = new Promise(function(e, r) {
ue = e, fe = r;
var Le = Object.assign({}, u), ze = "./this.program", Xe = typeof window == "object", ce = typeof importScripts == "function";
typeof process == "object" && typeof process.versions == "object" && process.versions.node;
var W = "";
function Dr(e) {
return u.locateFile ? u.locateFile(e, W) : W + e;
var Fe;
(Xe || ce) && (ce ? W = self.location.href : typeof document < "u" && document.currentScript && (W = document.currentScript.src), L && (W = L), W.indexOf("blob:") !== 0 ? W = W.substr(0, W.replace(/[?#].*/, "").lastIndexOf("/") + 1) : W = "", ce && (Fe = (e) => {
var r = new XMLHttpRequest();
return"GET", e, !1), r.responseType = "arraybuffer", r.send(null), new Uint8Array(r.response);
})), u.print || console.log.bind(console);
var K = u.printErr || console.warn.bind(console);
Object.assign(u, Le), Le = null, u.arguments && u.arguments, u.thisProgram && (ze = u.thisProgram), u.quit && u.quit;
var Q;
u.wasmBinary && (Q = u.wasmBinary), u.noExitRuntime, typeof WebAssembly != "object" && X("no native wasm support detected");
var le, Ze = !1;
function Or(e, r) {
e || X(r);
var Ge = typeof TextDecoder < "u" ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : void 0;
function Wr(e, r, t) {
for (var n = r + t, i = r; e[i] && !(i >= n); )
if (i - r > 16 && e.buffer && Ge)
return Ge.decode(e.subarray(r, i));
for (var a = ""; r < i; ) {
var s = e[r++];
if (!(s & 128)) {
a += String.fromCharCode(s);
var o = e[r++] & 63;
if ((s & 224) == 192) {
a += String.fromCharCode((s & 31) << 6 | o);
var c = e[r++] & 63;
if ((s & 240) == 224 ? s = (s & 15) << 12 | o << 6 | c : s = (s & 7) << 18 | o << 12 | c << 6 | e[r++] & 63, s < 65536)
a += String.fromCharCode(s);
else {
var f = s - 65536;
a += String.fromCharCode(55296 | f >> 10, 56320 | f & 1023);
return a;
function Ee(e, r) {
return e ? Wr(k, e, r) : "";
function qe(e, r, t, n) {
if (!(n > 0))
return 0;
for (var i = t, a = t + n - 1, s = 0; s < e.length; ++s) {
var o = e.charCodeAt(s);
if (o >= 55296 && o <= 57343) {
var c = e.charCodeAt(++s);
o = 65536 + ((o & 1023) << 10) | c & 1023;
if (o <= 127) {
if (t >= a)
r[t++] = o;
} else if (o <= 2047) {
if (t + 1 >= a)
r[t++] = 192 | o >> 6, r[t++] = 128 | o & 63;
} else if (o <= 65535) {
if (t + 2 >= a)
r[t++] = 224 | o >> 12, r[t++] = 128 | o >> 6 & 63, r[t++] = 128 | o & 63;
} else {
if (t + 3 >= a)
r[t++] = 240 | o >> 18, r[t++] = 128 | o >> 12 & 63, r[t++] = 128 | o >> 6 & 63, r[t++] = 128 | o & 63;
return r[t] = 0, t - i;
function jr(e, r, t) {
return qe(e, k, r, t);
function Je(e) {
for (var r = 0, t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) {
var n = e.charCodeAt(t);
n <= 127 ? r++ : n <= 2047 ? r += 2 : n >= 55296 && n <= 57343 ? (r += 4, ++t) : r += 3;
return r;
var j, k, z, ve, P, A, Ke, Qe;
function er() {
var e = le.buffer;
u.HEAP8 = j = new Int8Array(e), u.HEAP16 = z = new Int16Array(e), u.HEAP32 = P = new Int32Array(e), u.HEAPU8 = k = new Uint8Array(e), u.HEAPU16 = ve = new Uint16Array(e), u.HEAPU32 = A = new Uint32Array(e), u.HEAPF32 = Ke = new Float32Array(e), u.HEAPF64 = Qe = new Float64Array(e);
var rr, tr = [], nr = [], ir = [];
function Ur() {
if (u.preRun)
for (typeof u.preRun == "function" && (u.preRun = [u.preRun]); u.preRun.length; )
function Mr() {
function Hr() {
if (u.postRun)
for (typeof u.postRun == "function" && (u.postRun = [u.postRun]); u.postRun.length; )
function Ir(e) {
function xr(e) {
function Yr(e) {
var x = 0, ee = null;
function Vr(e) {
x++, u.monitorRunDependencies && u.monitorRunDependencies(x);
function Br(e) {
if (x--, u.monitorRunDependencies && u.monitorRunDependencies(x), x == 0 && ee) {
var r = ee;
ee = null, r();
function X(e) {
u.onAbort && u.onAbort(e), e = "Aborted(" + e + ")", K(e), Ze = !0, e += ". Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.";
var r = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(e);
throw fe(r), r;
var Nr = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,";
function ar(e) {
return e.startsWith(Nr);
var Y;
u.locateFile ? (Y = "zxing_reader.wasm", ar(Y) || (Y = Dr(Y))) : Y = new URL("/reader/zxing_reader.wasm", self.location).href;
function or(e) {
try {
if (e == Y && Q)
return new Uint8Array(Q);
if (Fe)
return Fe(e);
throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed";
} catch (r) {
function Lr(e) {
return !Q && (Xe || ce) && typeof fetch == "function" ? fetch(e, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(r) {
if (!r.ok)
throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + e + "'";
return r.arrayBuffer();
}).catch(function() {
return or(e);
}) : Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return or(e);
function sr(e, r, t) {
return Lr(e).then(function(n) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(n, r);
}).then(function(n) {
return n;
}).then(t, function(n) {
K("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: " + n), X(n);
function zr(e, r, t, n) {
return !e && typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming == "function" && !ar(r) && typeof fetch == "function" ? fetch(r, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(i) {
var a = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(i, t);
return a.then(n, function(s) {
return K("wasm streaming compile failed: " + s), K("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation"), sr(r, t, n);
}) : sr(r, t, n);
function Xr() {
var e = { a: Rn };
function r(n, i) {
var a = n.exports;
return u.asm = a, le =, er(), rr =, xr(u.asm.oa), Br(), a;
function t(n) {
if (u.instantiateWasm)
try {
return u.instantiateWasm(e, r);
} catch (n) {
K("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: " + n), fe(n);
return zr(Q, Y, e, t).catch(fe), {};
function Re(e) {
for (; e.length > 0; )
var de = [];
function Zr(e) {
var pe = 0;
function Gr(e) {
var r = new _e(e);
return r.get_caught() || (r.set_caught(!0), pe--), r.set_rethrown(!1), de.push(r), Zr(r), r.get_exception_ptr();
var Z = 0, he = [];
function y(e) {
var r = he[e];
return r || (e >= he.length && (he.length = e + 1), he[e] = r = rr.get(e)), r;
function qr(e) {
if (e.release_ref() && !e.get_rethrown()) {
var r = e.get_destructor();
r && y(r)(e.excPtr), Tr(e.excPtr);
function Jr() {
var e = de.pop();
qr(e), Z = 0;
function _e(e) {
this.excPtr = e, this.ptr = e - 24, this.set_type = function(r) {
A[this.ptr + 4 >> 2] = r;
}, this.get_type = function() {
return A[this.ptr + 4 >> 2];
}, this.set_destructor = function(r) {
A[this.ptr + 8 >> 2] = r;
}, this.get_destructor = function() {
return A[this.ptr + 8 >> 2];
}, this.set_refcount = function(r) {
P[this.ptr >> 2] = r;
}, this.set_caught = function(r) {
r = r ? 1 : 0, j[this.ptr + 12 >> 0] = r;
}, this.get_caught = function() {
return j[this.ptr + 12 >> 0] != 0;
}, this.set_rethrown = function(r) {
r = r ? 1 : 0, j[this.ptr + 13 >> 0] = r;
}, this.get_rethrown = function() {
return j[this.ptr + 13 >> 0] != 0;
}, this.init = function(r, t) {
this.set_adjusted_ptr(0), this.set_type(r), this.set_destructor(t), this.set_refcount(0), this.set_caught(!1), this.set_rethrown(!1);
}, this.add_ref = function() {
var r = P[this.ptr >> 2];
P[this.ptr >> 2] = r + 1;
}, this.release_ref = function() {
var r = P[this.ptr >> 2];
return P[this.ptr >> 2] = r - 1, r === 1;
}, this.set_adjusted_ptr = function(r) {
A[this.ptr + 16 >> 2] = r;
}, this.get_adjusted_ptr = function() {
return A[this.ptr + 16 >> 2];
}, this.get_exception_ptr = function() {
var r = Fr(this.get_type());
if (r)
return A[this.excPtr >> 2];
var t = this.get_adjusted_ptr();
return t !== 0 ? t : this.excPtr;
function Kr(e) {
throw Z || (Z = e), e;
function Se() {
var e = Z;
if (!e)
return se(0), 0;
var r = new _e(e);
var t = r.get_type();
if (!t)
return se(0), e;
for (var n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var i = arguments[n];
if (i === 0 || i === t)
var a = r.ptr + 16;
if (Ar(i, t, a))
return se(i), e;
return se(t), e;
var Qr = Se, et = Se, rt = Se;
function tt(e) {
return new _e(e).get_exception_ptr();
function nt() {
var e = de.pop();
e || X("no exception to throw");
var r = e.excPtr;
throw e.get_rethrown() || (de.push(e), e.set_rethrown(!0), e.set_caught(!1), pe++), Z = r, r;
function it(e, r, t) {
var n = new _e(e);
throw n.init(r, t), Z = e, pe++, e;
function at() {
return pe;
var ge = {};
function ur(e) {
for (; e.length; ) {
var r = e.pop(), t = e.pop();
function re(e) {
return this.fromWireType(P[e >> 2]);
var G = {}, V = {}, ye = {}, ot = 48, st = 57;
function ke(e) {
if (e === void 0)
return "_unknown";
e = e.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "$");
var r = e.charCodeAt(0);
return r >= ot && r <= st ? "_" + e : e;
function De(e, r) {
return e = ke(e), { [e]: function() {
return r.apply(this, arguments);
} }[e];
function Oe(e, r) {
var t = De(r, function(n) { = r, this.message = n;
var i = new Error(n).stack;
i !== void 0 && (this.stack = this.toString() + `
` + i.replace(/^Error(:[^\n]*)?\n/, ""));
return t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), t.prototype.constructor = t, t.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.message === void 0 ? : + ": " + this.message;
}, t;
var fr = void 0;
function me(e) {
throw new fr(e);
function B(e, r, t) {
e.forEach(function(o) {
ye[o] = r;
function n(o) {
var c = t(o);
c.length !== e.length && me("Mismatched type converter count");
for (var f = 0; f < e.length; ++f)
U(e[f], c[f]);
var i = new Array(r.length), a = [], s = 0;
r.forEach((o, c) => {
V.hasOwnProperty(o) ? i[c] = V[o] : (a.push(o), G.hasOwnProperty(o) || (G[o] = []), G[o].push(() => {
i[c] = V[o], ++s, s === a.length && n(i);
}), a.length === 0 && n(i);
function ut(e) {
var r = ge[e];
delete ge[e];
var t = r.rawConstructor, n = r.rawDestructor, i = r.fields, a = => s.getterReturnType).concat( => s.setterArgumentType));
B([e], a, (s) => {
var o = {};
return i.forEach((c, f) => {
var v = c.fieldName, p = s[f], h = c.getter, _ = c.getterContext, C = s[f + i.length], F = c.setter, T = c.setterContext;
o[v] = { read: ($) => p.fromWireType(h(_, $)), write: ($, l) => {
var d = [];
F(T, $, C.toWireType(d, l)), ur(d);
} };
}), [{ name:, fromWireType: function(c) {
var f = {};
for (var v in o)
f[v] = o[v].read(c);
return n(c), f;
}, toWireType: function(c, f) {
for (var v in o)
if (!(v in f))
throw new TypeError('Missing field: "' + v + '"');
var p = t();
for (v in o)
o[v].write(p, f[v]);
return c !== null && c.push(n, p), p;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: re, destructorFunction: n }];
function ft(e, r, t, n, i) {
function We(e) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
return 0;
case 2:
return 1;
case 4:
return 2;
case 8:
return 3;
throw new TypeError("Unknown type size: " + e);
function ct() {
for (var e = new Array(256), r = 0; r < 256; ++r)
e[r] = String.fromCharCode(r);
cr = e;
var cr = void 0;
function R(e) {
for (var r = "", t = e; k[t]; )
r += cr[k[t++]];
return r;
var q = void 0;
function m(e) {
throw new q(e);
function U(e, r, t = {}) {
if (!("argPackAdvance" in r))
throw new TypeError("registerType registeredInstance requires argPackAdvance");
var n =;
if (e || m('type "' + n + '" must have a positive integer typeid pointer'), V.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
if (t.ignoreDuplicateRegistrations)
m("Cannot register type '" + n + "' twice");
if (V[e] = r, delete ye[e], G.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var i = G[e];
delete G[e], i.forEach((a) => a());
function lt(e, r, t, n, i) {
var a = We(t);
r = R(r), U(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(s) {
return !!s;
}, toWireType: function(s, o) {
return o ? n : i;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: function(s) {
var o;
if (t === 1)
o = j;
else if (t === 2)
o = z;
else if (t === 4)
o = P;
throw new TypeError("Unknown boolean type size: " + r);
return this.fromWireType(o[s >> a]);
}, destructorFunction: null });
function vt(e) {
if (!(this instanceof I) || !(e instanceof I))
return !1;
for (var r = this.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, t = this.$$.ptr, n = e.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, i = e.$$.ptr; r.baseClass; )
t = r.upcast(t), r = r.baseClass;
for (; n.baseClass; )
i = n.upcast(i), n = n.baseClass;
return r === n && t === i;
function dt(e) {
return { count: e.count, deleteScheduled: e.deleteScheduled, preservePointerOnDelete: e.preservePointerOnDelete, ptr: e.ptr, ptrType: e.ptrType, smartPtr: e.smartPtr, smartPtrType: e.smartPtrType };
function je(e) {
function r(t) {
return t.$$;
m(r(e) + " instance already deleted");
var Ue = !1;
function lr(e) {
function pt(e) {
e.smartPtr ? e.smartPtrType.rawDestructor(e.smartPtr) : e.ptrType.registeredClass.rawDestructor(e.ptr);
function vr(e) {
e.count.value -= 1;
var r = e.count.value === 0;
r && pt(e);
function dr(e, r, t) {
if (r === t)
return e;
if (t.baseClass === void 0)
return null;
var n = dr(e, r, t.baseClass);
return n === null ? null : t.downcast(n);
var pr = {};
function ht() {
return Object.keys(ie).length;
function _t() {
var e = [];
for (var r in ie)
ie.hasOwnProperty(r) && e.push(ie[r]);
return e;
var te = [];
function Me() {
for (; te.length; ) {
var e = te.pop();
e.$$.deleteScheduled = !1, e.delete();
var ne = void 0;
function gt(e) {
ne = e, te.length && ne && ne(Me);
function yt() {
u.getInheritedInstanceCount = ht, u.getLiveInheritedInstances = _t, u.flushPendingDeletes = Me, u.setDelayFunction = gt;
var ie = {};
function mt(e, r) {
for (r === void 0 && m("ptr should not be undefined"); e.baseClass; )
r = e.upcast(r), e = e.baseClass;
return r;
function wt(e, r) {
return r = mt(e, r), ie[r];
function we(e, r) {
(!r.ptrType || !r.ptr) && me("makeClassHandle requires ptr and ptrType");
var t = !!r.smartPtrType, n = !!r.smartPtr;
return t !== n && me("Both smartPtrType and smartPtr must be specified"), r.count = { value: 1 }, ae(Object.create(e, { $$: { value: r } }));
function bt(e) {
var r = this.getPointee(e);
if (!r)
return this.destructor(e), null;
var t = wt(this.registeredClass, r);
if (t !== void 0) {
if (t.$$.count.value === 0)
return t.$$.ptr = r, t.$$.smartPtr = e, t.clone();
var n = t.clone();
return this.destructor(e), n;
function i() {
return this.isSmartPointer ? we(this.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: this.pointeeType, ptr: r, smartPtrType: this, smartPtr: e }) : we(this.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: this, ptr: e });
var a = this.registeredClass.getActualType(r), s = pr[a];
if (!s)
var o;
this.isConst ? o = s.constPointerType : o = s.pointerType;
var c = dr(r, this.registeredClass, o.registeredClass);
return c === null ? : this.isSmartPointer ? we(o.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: o, ptr: c, smartPtrType: this, smartPtr: e }) : we(o.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: o, ptr: c });
function ae(e) {
return typeof FinalizationRegistry > "u" ? (ae = (r) => r, e) : (Ue = new FinalizationRegistry((r) => {
}), ae = (r) => {
var t = r.$$, n = !!t.smartPtr;
if (n) {
var i = { $$: t };
Ue.register(r, i, r);
return r;
}, lr = (r) => Ue.unregister(r), ae(e));
function Pt() {
if (this.$$.ptr || je(this), this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete)
return this.$$.count.value += 1, this;
var e = ae(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), { $$: { value: dt(this.$$) } }));
return e.$$.count.value += 1, e.$$.deleteScheduled = !1, e;
function Ct() {
this.$$.ptr || je(this), this.$$.deleteScheduled && !this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete && m("Object already scheduled for deletion"), lr(this), vr(this.$$), this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete || (this.$$.smartPtr = void 0, this.$$.ptr = void 0);
function Tt() {
return !this.$$.ptr;
function $t() {
return this.$$.ptr || je(this), this.$$.deleteScheduled && !this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete && m("Object already scheduled for deletion"), te.push(this), te.length === 1 && ne && ne(Me), this.$$.deleteScheduled = !0, this;
function At() {
I.prototype.isAliasOf = vt, I.prototype.clone = Pt, I.prototype.delete = Ct, I.prototype.isDeleted = Tt, I.prototype.deleteLater = $t;
function I() {
function hr(e, r, t) {
if (e[r].overloadTable === void 0) {
var n = e[r];
e[r] = function() {
return e[r].overloadTable.hasOwnProperty(arguments.length) || m("Function '" + t + "' called with an invalid number of arguments (" + arguments.length + ") - expects one of (" + e[r].overloadTable + ")!"), e[r].overloadTable[arguments.length].apply(this, arguments);
}, e[r].overloadTable = [], e[r].overloadTable[n.argCount] = n;
function _r(e, r, t) {
u.hasOwnProperty(e) ? ((t === void 0 || u[e].overloadTable !== void 0 && u[e].overloadTable[t] !== void 0) && m("Cannot register public name '" + e + "' twice"), hr(u, e, e), u.hasOwnProperty(t) && m("Cannot register multiple overloads of a function with the same number of arguments (" + t + ")!"), u[e].overloadTable[t] = r) : (u[e] = r, t !== void 0 && (u[e].numArguments = t));
function Ft(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o) { = e, this.constructor = r, this.instancePrototype = t, this.rawDestructor = n, this.baseClass = i, this.getActualType = a, this.upcast = s, this.downcast = o, this.pureVirtualFunctions = [];
function He(e, r, t) {
for (; r !== t; )
r.upcast || m("Expected null or instance of " + + ", got an instance of " +, e = r.upcast(e), r = r.baseClass;
return e;
function Et(e, r) {
if (r === null)
return this.isReference && m("null is not a valid " +, 0;
r.$$ || m('Cannot pass "' + Ve(r) + '" as a ' +, r.$$.ptr || m("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +;
var t = r.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, n = He(r.$$.ptr, t, this.registeredClass);
return n;
function Rt(e, r) {
var t;
if (r === null)
return this.isReference && m("null is not a valid " +, this.isSmartPointer ? (t = this.rawConstructor(), e !== null && e.push(this.rawDestructor, t), t) : 0;
r.$$ || m('Cannot pass "' + Ve(r) + '" as a ' +, r.$$.ptr || m("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +, !this.isConst && r.$$.ptrType.isConst && m("Cannot convert argument of type " + (r.$$.smartPtrType ? r.$$ : r.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
var n = r.$$.ptrType.registeredClass;
if (t = He(r.$$.ptr, n, this.registeredClass), this.isSmartPointer)
switch (r.$$.smartPtr === void 0 && m("Passing raw pointer to smart pointer is illegal"), this.sharingPolicy) {
case 0:
r.$$.smartPtrType === this ? t = r.$$.smartPtr : m("Cannot convert argument of type " + (r.$$.smartPtrType ? r.$$ : r.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
case 1:
t = r.$$.smartPtr;
case 2:
if (r.$$.smartPtrType === this)
t = r.$$.smartPtr;
else {
var i = r.clone();
t = this.rawShare(t, Pe.toHandle(function() {
})), e !== null && e.push(this.rawDestructor, t);
m("Unsupporting sharing policy");
return t;
function St(e, r) {
if (r === null)
return this.isReference && m("null is not a valid " +, 0;
r.$$ || m('Cannot pass "' + Ve(r) + '" as a ' +, r.$$.ptr || m("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +, r.$$.ptrType.isConst && m("Cannot convert argument of type " + r.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
var t = r.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, n = He(r.$$.ptr, t, this.registeredClass);
return n;
function kt(e) {
return this.rawGetPointee && (e = this.rawGetPointee(e)), e;
function Dt(e) {
this.rawDestructor && this.rawDestructor(e);
function Ot(e) {
e !== null && e.delete();
function Wt() {
M.prototype.getPointee = kt, M.prototype.destructor = Dt, M.prototype.argPackAdvance = 8, M.prototype.readValueFromPointer = re, M.prototype.deleteObject = Ot, M.prototype.fromWireType = bt;
function M(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f, v) { = e, this.registeredClass = r, this.isReference = t, this.isConst = n, this.isSmartPointer = i, this.pointeeType = a, this.sharingPolicy = s, this.rawGetPointee = o, this.rawConstructor = c, this.rawShare = f, this.rawDestructor = v, !i && r.baseClass === void 0 ? n ? (this.toWireType = Et, this.destructorFunction = null) : (this.toWireType = St, this.destructorFunction = null) : this.toWireType = Rt;
function gr(e, r, t) {
u.hasOwnProperty(e) || me("Replacing nonexistant public symbol"), u[e].overloadTable !== void 0 && t !== void 0 ? u[e].overloadTable[t] = r : (u[e] = r, u[e].argCount = t);
function jt(e, r, t) {
var n = u["dynCall_" + e];
return t && t.length ? n.apply(null, [r].concat(t)) :, r);
function Ut(e, r, t) {
if (e.includes("j"))
return jt(e, r, t);
var n = y(r).apply(null, t);
return n;
function Mt(e, r) {
var t = [];
return function() {
return t.length = 0, Object.assign(t, arguments), Ut(e, r, t);
function D(e, r) {
e = R(e);
function t() {
return e.includes("j") ? Mt(e, r) : y(r);
var n = t();
return typeof n != "function" && m("unknown function pointer with signature " + e + ": " + r), n;
var yr = void 0;
function mr(e) {
var r = $r(e), t = R(r);
return H(r), t;
function be(e, r) {
var t = [], n = {};
function i(a) {
if (!n[a] && !V[a]) {
if (ye[a]) {
t.push(a), n[a] = !0;
throw r.forEach(i), new yr(e + ": " +[", "]));
function Ht(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f, v, p, h) {
v = R(v), a = D(i, a), o && (o = D(s, o)), f && (f = D(c, f)), h = D(p, h);
var _ = ke(v);
_r(_, function() {
be("Cannot construct " + v + " due to unbound types", [n]);
}), B([e, r, t], n ? [n] : [], function(C) {
C = C[0];
var F, T;
n ? (F = C.registeredClass, T = F.instancePrototype) : T = I.prototype;
var $ = De(_, function() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== l)
throw new q("Use 'new' to construct " + v);
if (d.constructor_body === void 0)
throw new q(v + " has no accessible constructor");
var $e = d.constructor_body[arguments.length];
if ($e === void 0)
throw new q("Tried to invoke ctor of " + v + " with invalid number of parameters (" + arguments.length + ") - expected (" + Object.keys(d.constructor_body).toString() + ") parameters instead!");
return $e.apply(this, arguments);
}), l = Object.create(T, { constructor: { value: $ } });
$.prototype = l;
var d = new Ft(v, $, l, h, F, a, o, f), S = new M(v, d, !0, !1, !1), E = new M(v + "*", d, !1, !1, !1), N = new M(v + " const*", d, !1, !0, !1);
return pr[e] = { pointerType: E, constPointerType: N }, gr(_, $), [S, E, N];
function Ie(e, r) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e; n++)
t.push(A[r + n * 4 >> 2]);
return t;
function It(e, r) {
if (!(e instanceof Function))
throw new TypeError("new_ called with constructor type " + typeof e + " which is not a function");
var t = De( || "unknownFunctionName", function() {
t.prototype = e.prototype;
var n = new t(), i = e.apply(n, r);
return i instanceof Object ? i : n;
function xe(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
var s = r.length;
s < 2 && m("argTypes array size mismatch! Must at least get return value and 'this' types!");
for (var o = r[1] !== null && t !== null, c = !1, f = 1; f < r.length; ++f)
if (r[f] !== null && r[f].destructorFunction === void 0) {
c = !0;
for (var v = r[0].name !== "void", p = "", h = "", f = 0; f < s - 2; ++f)
p += (f !== 0 ? ", " : "") + "arg" + f, h += (f !== 0 ? ", " : "") + "arg" + f + "Wired";
var _ = "return function " + ke(e) + "(" + p + `) {
if (arguments.length !== ` + (s - 2) + `) {
throwBindingError('function ` + e + " called with ' + arguments.length + ' arguments, expected " + (s - 2) + ` args!');
async function f(a, {
tryHarder: e = r.tryHarder,
formats: o = r.formats,
maxNumberOfSymbols: t = r.maxNumberOfSymbols
} = r) {
return d(
tryHarder: e,
formats: o,
maxNumberOfSymbols: t
c && (_ += `var destructors = [];
var C = c ? "destructors" : "null", F = ["throwBindingError", "invoker", "fn", "runDestructors", "retType", "classParam"], T = [m, n, i, ur, r[0], r[1]];
o && (_ += "var thisWired = classParam.toWireType(" + C + `, this);
for (var f = 0; f < s - 2; ++f)
_ += "var arg" + f + "Wired = argType" + f + ".toWireType(" + C + ", arg" + f + "); // " + r[f + 2].name + `
`, F.push("argType" + f), T.push(r[f + 2]);
if (o && (h = "thisWired" + (h.length > 0 ? ", " : "") + h), _ += (v || a ? "var rv = " : "") + "invoker(fn" + (h.length > 0 ? ", " : "") + h + `);
`, c)
_ += `runDestructors(destructors);
for (var f = o ? 1 : 2; f < r.length; ++f) {
var $ = f === 1 ? "thisWired" : "arg" + (f - 2) + "Wired";
r[f].destructorFunction !== null && (_ += $ + "_dtor(" + $ + "); // " + r[f].name + `
`, F.push($ + "_dtor"), T.push(r[f].destructorFunction));
v && (_ += `var ret = retType.fromWireType(rv);
return ret;
`), _ += `}
`, F.push(_);
var l = It(Function, F).apply(null, T);
return l;
function xt(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
Or(r > 0);
var s = Ie(r, t);
i = D(n, i), B([], [e], function(o) {
o = o[0];
var c = "constructor " +;
if (o.registeredClass.constructor_body === void 0 && (o.registeredClass.constructor_body = []), o.registeredClass.constructor_body[r - 1] !== void 0)
throw new q("Cannot register multiple constructors with identical number of parameters (" + (r - 1) + ") for class '" + + "'! Overload resolution is currently only performed using the parameter count, not actual type info!");
return o.registeredClass.constructor_body[r - 1] = () => {
be("Cannot construct " + + " due to unbound types", s);
}, B([], s, function(f) {
return f.splice(1, 0, null), o.registeredClass.constructor_body[r - 1] = xe(c, f, null, i, a), [];
}), [];
function Yt(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c) {
var f = Ie(t, n);
r = R(r), a = D(i, a), B([], [e], function(v) {
v = v[0];
var p = + "." + r;
r.startsWith("@@") && (r = Symbol[r.substring(2)]), o && v.registeredClass.pureVirtualFunctions.push(r);
function h() {
be("Cannot call " + p + " due to unbound types", f);
var _ = v.registeredClass.instancePrototype, C = _[r];
return C === void 0 || C.overloadTable === void 0 && C.className !== && C.argCount === t - 2 ? (h.argCount = t - 2, h.className =, _[r] = h) : (hr(_, r, p), _[r].overloadTable[t - 2] = h), B([], f, function(F) {
var T = xe(p, F, v, a, s, c);
return _[r].overloadTable === void 0 ? (T.argCount = t - 2, _[r] = T) : _[r].overloadTable[t - 2] = T, [];
}), [];
var Ye = [], O = [{}, { value: void 0 }, { value: null }, { value: !0 }, { value: !1 }];
function wr(e) {
e > 4 && --O[e].refcount === 0 && (O[e] = void 0, Ye.push(e));
function Vt() {
for (var e = 0, r = 5; r < O.length; ++r)
O[r] !== void 0 && ++e;
return e;
function Bt() {
for (var e = 5; e < O.length; ++e)
if (O[e] !== void 0)
return O[e];
return null;
function Nt() {
u.count_emval_handles = Vt, u.get_first_emval = Bt;
var Pe = { toValue: (e) => (e || m("Cannot use deleted val. handle = " + e), O[e].value), toHandle: (e) => {
switch (e) {
case void 0:
return 1;
case null:
return 2;
case !0:
return 3;
case !1:
return 4;
default: {
var r = Ye.length ? Ye.pop() : O.length;
return O[r] = { refcount: 1, value: e }, r;
} };
function Lt(e, r) {
r = R(r), U(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(t) {
var n = Pe.toValue(t);
return wr(t), n;
}, toWireType: function(t, n) {
return Pe.toHandle(n);
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: re, destructorFunction: null });
function Ve(e) {
if (e === null)
return "null";
var r = typeof e;
return r === "object" || r === "array" || r === "function" ? e.toString() : "" + e;
function zt(e, r) {
switch (r) {
case 2:
return function(t) {
return this.fromWireType(Ke[t >> 2]);
case 3:
return function(t) {
return this.fromWireType(Qe[t >> 3]);
throw new TypeError("Unknown float type: " + e);
function Xt(e, r, t) {
var n = We(t);
r = R(r), U(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(i) {
return i;
}, toWireType: function(i, a) {
return a;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: zt(r, n), destructorFunction: null });
function Zt(e, r, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = Ie(r, t);
e = R(e), i = D(n, i), _r(e, function() {
be("Cannot call " + e + " due to unbound types", o);
}, r - 1), B([], o, function(c) {
var f = [c[0], null].concat(c.slice(1));
return gr(e, xe(e, f, null, i, a, s), r - 1), [];
function Gt(e, r, t) {
switch (r) {
case 0:
return t ? function(i) {
return j[i];
} : function(i) {
return k[i];
case 1:
return t ? function(i) {
return z[i >> 1];
} : function(i) {
return ve[i >> 1];
case 2:
return t ? function(i) {
return P[i >> 2];
} : function(i) {
return A[i >> 2];
throw new TypeError("Unknown integer type: " + e);
function qt(e, r, t, n, i) {
r = R(r);
var a = We(t), s = (p) => p;
if (n === 0) {
var o = 32 - 8 * t;
s = (p) => p << o >>> o;
var c = r.includes("unsigned"), f = (p, h) => {
}, v;
c ? v = function(p, h) {
return f(h,, h >>> 0;
} : v = function(p, h) {
return f(h,, h;
}, U(e, { name: r, fromWireType: s, toWireType: v, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Gt(r, a, n !== 0), destructorFunction: null });
function Jt(e, r, t) {
var n = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array], i = n[r];
function a(s) {
s = s >> 2;
var o = A, c = o[s], f = o[s + 1];
return new i(o.buffer, f, c);
t = R(t), U(e, { name: t, fromWireType: a, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: a }, { ignoreDuplicateRegistrations: !0 });
function Kt(e, r) {
r = R(r);
var t = r === "std::string";
U(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(n) {
var i = A[n >> 2], a = n + 4, s;
if (t)
for (var o = a, c = 0; c <= i; ++c) {
var f = a + c;
if (c == i || k[f] == 0) {
var v = f - o, p = Ee(o, v);
s === void 0 ? s = p : (s += String.fromCharCode(0), s += p), o = f + 1;
else {
for (var h = new Array(i), c = 0; c < i; ++c)
h[c] = String.fromCharCode(k[a + c]);
s = h.join("");
return H(n), s;
}, toWireType: function(n, i) {
i instanceof ArrayBuffer && (i = new Uint8Array(i));
var a, s = typeof i == "string";
s || i instanceof Uint8Array || i instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || i instanceof Int8Array || m("Cannot pass non-string to std::string"), t && s ? a = Je(i) : a = i.length;
var o = Ne(4 + a + 1), c = o + 4;
if (A[o >> 2] = a, t && s)
jr(i, c, a + 1);
else if (s)
for (var f = 0; f < a; ++f) {
var v = i.charCodeAt(f);
v > 255 && (H(c), m("String has UTF-16 code units that do not fit in 8 bits")), k[c + f] = v;
for (var f = 0; f < a; ++f)
k[c + f] = i[f];
return n !== null && n.push(H, o), o;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: re, destructorFunction: function(n) {
} });
var br = typeof TextDecoder < "u" ? new TextDecoder("utf-16le") : void 0;
function Qt(e, r) {
for (var t = e, n = t >> 1, i = n + r / 2; !(n >= i) && ve[n]; )
if (t = n << 1, t - e > 32 && br)
return br.decode(k.subarray(e, t));
for (var a = "", s = 0; !(s >= r / 2); ++s) {
var o = z[e + s * 2 >> 1];
if (o == 0)
a += String.fromCharCode(o);
return a;
function en(e, r, t) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = 2147483647), t < 2)
return 0;
t -= 2;
for (var n = r, i = t < e.length * 2 ? t / 2 : e.length, a = 0; a < i; ++a) {
var s = e.charCodeAt(a);
z[r >> 1] = s, r += 2;
return z[r >> 1] = 0, r - n;
function rn(e) {
return e.length * 2;
function tn(e, r) {
for (var t = 0, n = ""; !(t >= r / 4); ) {
var i = P[e + t * 4 >> 2];
if (i == 0)
if (++t, i >= 65536) {
var a = i - 65536;
n += String.fromCharCode(55296 | a >> 10, 56320 | a & 1023);
} else
n += String.fromCharCode(i);
return n;
function nn(e, r, t) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = 2147483647), t < 4)
return 0;
for (var n = r, i = n + t - 4, a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) {
var s = e.charCodeAt(a);
if (s >= 55296 && s <= 57343) {
var o = e.charCodeAt(++a);
s = 65536 + ((s & 1023) << 10) | o & 1023;
if (P[r >> 2] = s, r += 4, r + 4 > i)
return P[r >> 2] = 0, r - n;
function an(e) {
for (var r = 0, t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) {
var n = e.charCodeAt(t);
n >= 55296 && n <= 57343 && ++t, r += 4;
return r;
function on(e, r, t) {
t = R(t);
var n, i, a, s, o;
r === 2 ? (n = Qt, i = en, s = rn, a = () => ve, o = 1) : r === 4 && (n = tn, i = nn, s = an, a = () => A, o = 2), U(e, { name: t, fromWireType: function(c) {
for (var f = A[c >> 2], v = a(), p, h = c + 4, _ = 0; _ <= f; ++_) {
var C = c + 4 + _ * r;
if (_ == f || v[C >> o] == 0) {
var F = C - h, T = n(h, F);
p === void 0 ? p = T : (p += String.fromCharCode(0), p += T), h = C + r;
return H(c), p;
}, toWireType: function(c, f) {
typeof f != "string" && m("Cannot pass non-string to C++ string type " + t);
var v = s(f), p = Ne(4 + v + r);
return A[p >> 2] = v >> o, i(f, p + 4, v + r), c !== null && c.push(H, p), p;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: re, destructorFunction: function(c) {
} });
function sn(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
ge[e] = { name: R(r), rawConstructor: D(t, n), rawDestructor: D(i, a), fields: [] };
function un(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f) {
ge[e].fields.push({ fieldName: R(r), getterReturnType: t, getter: D(n, i), getterContext: a, setterArgumentType: s, setter: D(o, c), setterContext: f });
function fn(e, r) {
r = R(r), U(e, { isVoid: !0, name: r, argPackAdvance: 0, fromWireType: function() {
}, toWireType: function(t, n) {
} });
function cn(e) {
e > 4 && (O[e].refcount += 1);
function ln(e, r) {
var t = V[e];
return t === void 0 && m(r + " has unknown type " + mr(e)), t;
function vn(e, r) {
e = ln(e, "_emval_take_value");
var t = e.readValueFromPointer(r);
return Pe.toHandle(t);
function dn() {
function pn(e, r, t) {
k.copyWithin(e, r, r + t);
function hn() {
return 2147483648;
function _n(e) {
var r = le.buffer;
try {
return le.grow(e - r.byteLength + 65535 >>> 16), er(), 1;
} catch {
function gn(e) {
var r = k.length;
e = e >>> 0;
var t = hn();
if (e > t)
return !1;
let n = (c, f) => c + (f - c % f) % f;
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i *= 2) {
var a = r * (1 + 0.2 / i);
a = Math.min(a, e + 100663296);
var s = Math.min(t, n(Math.max(e, a), 65536)), o = _n(s);
if (o)
return !0;
return !1;
var Be = {};
function yn() {
return ze || "./this.program";
function oe() {
if (!oe.strings) {
var e = (typeof navigator == "object" && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || "C").replace("-", "_") + ".UTF-8", r = { USER: "web_user", LOGNAME: "web_user", PATH: "/", PWD: "/", HOME: "/home/web_user", LANG: e, _: yn() };
for (var t in Be)
Be[t] === void 0 ? delete r[t] : r[t] = Be[t];
var n = [];
for (var t in r)
n.push(t + "=" + r[t]);
oe.strings = n;
return oe.strings;
function mn(e, r, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n)
j[r++ >> 0] = e.charCodeAt(n);
t || (j[r >> 0] = 0);
function wn(e, r) {
var t = 0;
return oe().forEach(function(n, i) {
var a = r + t;
A[e + i * 4 >> 2] = a, mn(n, a), t += n.length + 1;
}), 0;
function bn(e, r) {
var t = oe();
A[e >> 2] = t.length;
var n = 0;
return t.forEach(function(i) {
n += i.length + 1;
}), A[r >> 2] = n, 0;
function Pn(e) {
return e;
function Ce(e) {
return e % 4 === 0 && (e % 100 !== 0 || e % 400 === 0);
function Cn(e, r) {
for (var t = 0, n = 0; n <= r; t += e[n++])
return t;
var Pr = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], Cr = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
function Tn(e, r) {
for (var t = new Date(e.getTime()); r > 0; ) {
var n = Ce(t.getFullYear()), i = t.getMonth(), a = (n ? Pr : Cr)[i];
if (r > a - t.getDate())
r -= a - t.getDate() + 1, t.setDate(1), i < 11 ? t.setMonth(i + 1) : (t.setMonth(0), t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear() + 1));
return t.setDate(t.getDate() + r), t;
return t;
function $n(e, r, t) {
var n = t > 0 ? t : Je(e) + 1, i = new Array(n), a = qe(e, i, 0, i.length);
return r && (i.length = a), i;
function An(e, r) {
j.set(e, r);
function Fn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = P[n + 40 >> 2], a = { tm_sec: P[n >> 2], tm_min: P[n + 4 >> 2], tm_hour: P[n + 8 >> 2], tm_mday: P[n + 12 >> 2], tm_mon: P[n + 16 >> 2], tm_year: P[n + 20 >> 2], tm_wday: P[n + 24 >> 2], tm_yday: P[n + 28 >> 2], tm_isdst: P[n + 32 >> 2], tm_gmtoff: P[n + 36 >> 2], tm_zone: i ? Ee(i) : "" }, s = Ee(t), o = { "%c": "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", "%D": "%m/%d/%y", "%F": "%Y-%m-%d", "%h": "%b", "%r": "%I:%M:%S %p", "%R": "%H:%M", "%T": "%H:%M:%S", "%x": "%m/%d/%y", "%X": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ec": "%c", "%EC": "%C", "%Ex": "%m/%d/%y", "%EX": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ey": "%y", "%EY": "%Y", "%Od": "%d", "%Oe": "%e", "%OH": "%H", "%OI": "%I", "%Om": "%m", "%OM": "%M", "%OS": "%S", "%Ou": "%u", "%OU": "%U", "%OV": "%V", "%Ow": "%w", "%OW": "%W", "%Oy": "%y" };
for (var c in o)
s = s.replace(new RegExp(c, "g"), o[c]);
var f = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], v = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
function p(l, d, S) {
for (var E = typeof l == "number" ? l.toString() : l || ""; E.length < d; )
E = S[0] + E;
return E;
function h(l, d) {
return p(l, d, "0");
function _(l, d) {
function S(N) {
return N < 0 ? -1 : N > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var E;
return (E = S(l.getFullYear() - d.getFullYear())) === 0 && (E = S(l.getMonth() - d.getMonth())) === 0 && (E = S(l.getDate() - d.getDate())), E;
function C(l) {
switch (l.getDay()) {
case 0:
return new Date(l.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 29);
case 1:
return l;
case 2:
return new Date(l.getFullYear(), 0, 3);
case 3:
return new Date(l.getFullYear(), 0, 2);
case 4:
return new Date(l.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
case 5:
return new Date(l.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31);
case 6:
return new Date(l.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 30);
function F(l) {
var d = Tn(new Date(l.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), l.tm_yday), S = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0, 4), E = new Date(d.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 4), N = C(S), $e = C(E);
return _(N, d) <= 0 ? _($e, d) <= 0 ? d.getFullYear() + 1 : d.getFullYear() : d.getFullYear() - 1;
var T = { "%a": function(l) {
return f[l.tm_wday].substring(0, 3);
}, "%A": function(l) {
return f[l.tm_wday];
}, "%b": function(l) {
return v[l.tm_mon].substring(0, 3);
}, "%B": function(l) {
return v[l.tm_mon];
}, "%C": function(l) {
var d = l.tm_year + 1900;
return h(d / 100 | 0, 2);
}, "%d": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_mday, 2);
}, "%e": function(l) {
return p(l.tm_mday, 2, " ");
}, "%g": function(l) {
return F(l).toString().substring(2);
}, "%G": function(l) {
return F(l);
}, "%H": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_hour, 2);
}, "%I": function(l) {
var d = l.tm_hour;
return d == 0 ? d = 12 : d > 12 && (d -= 12), h(d, 2);
}, "%j": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_mday + Cn(Ce(l.tm_year + 1900) ? Pr : Cr, l.tm_mon - 1), 3);
}, "%m": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_mon + 1, 2);
}, "%M": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_min, 2);
}, "%n": function() {
return `
}, "%p": function(l) {
return l.tm_hour >= 0 && l.tm_hour < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
}, "%S": function(l) {
return h(l.tm_sec, 2);
}, "%t": function() {
return " ";
}, "%u": function(l) {
return l.tm_wday || 7;
}, "%U": function(l) {
var d = l.tm_yday + 7 - l.tm_wday;
return h(Math.floor(d / 7), 2);
}, "%V": function(l) {
var d = Math.floor((l.tm_yday + 7 - (l.tm_wday + 6) % 7) / 7);
if ((l.tm_wday + 371 - l.tm_yday - 2) % 7 <= 2 && d++, d) {
if (d == 53) {
var E = (l.tm_wday + 371 - l.tm_yday) % 7;
E != 4 && (E != 3 || !Ce(l.tm_year)) && (d = 1);
} else {
d = 52;
var S = (l.tm_wday + 7 - l.tm_yday - 1) % 7;
(S == 4 || S == 5 && Ce(l.tm_year % 400 - 1)) && d++;
return h(d, 2);
}, "%w": function(l) {
return l.tm_wday;
}, "%W": function(l) {
var d = l.tm_yday + 7 - (l.tm_wday + 6) % 7;
return h(Math.floor(d / 7), 2);
}, "%y": function(l) {
return (l.tm_year + 1900).toString().substring(2);
}, "%Y": function(l) {
return l.tm_year + 1900;
}, "%z": function(l) {
var d = l.tm_gmtoff, S = d >= 0;
return d = Math.abs(d) / 60, d = d / 60 * 100 + d % 60, (S ? "+" : "-") + ("0000" + d).slice(-4);
}, "%Z": function(l) {
return l.tm_zone;
}, "%%": function() {
return "%";
} };
s = s.replace(/%%/g, "\0\0");
for (var c in T)
s.includes(c) && (s = s.replace(new RegExp(c, "g"), T[c](a)));
s = s.replace(/\0\0/g, "%");
var $ = $n(s, !1);
return $.length > r ? 0 : (An($, e), $.length - 1);
function En(e, r, t, n, i) {
return Fn(e, r, t, n);
fr = u.InternalError = Oe(Error, "InternalError"), ct(), q = u.BindingError = Oe(Error, "BindingError"), At(), yt(), Wt(), yr = u.UnboundTypeError = Oe(Error, "UnboundTypeError"), Nt();
var Rn = { q: Gr, v: Jr, a: Qr, h: et, m: rt, I: tt, R: nt, n: it, Z: at, d: Kr, la: ut, U: ft, ba: lt, ka: Ht, ja: xt, D: Yt, aa: Lt, Q: Xt, S: Zt, x: qt, s: Jt, P: Kt, K: on, N: sn, ma: un, ca: fn, ga: wr, ha: cn, ia: vn, J: dn, $: pn, _: gn, X: wn, Y: bn, H: Xn, O: ti, B: Zn, o: Ln, b: Sn, C: zn, ea: qn, c: Wn, i: Yn, j: Bn, r: Vn, w: Nn, G: Kn, M: Qn, A: Gn, F: ni, V: ai, T: oi, k: jn, g: On, e: Dn, f: kn, L: ri, l: Un, p: Mn, fa: In, t: xn, da: ei, z: Jn, u: Hn, E: ii, y: Pn, W: En };
var H = u._free = function() {
return (H = u._free =, arguments);
}, Ne = u._malloc = function() {
return (Ne = u._malloc =, arguments);
}, Tr = function() {
return (Tr = u.asm.ra).apply(null, arguments);
}, $r = u.___getTypeName = function() {
return ($r = u.___getTypeName = u.asm.ta).apply(null, arguments);
u.__embind_initialize_bindings = function() {
return (u.__embind_initialize_bindings =, arguments);
var g = function() {
return (g =, arguments);
}, se = function() {
return (se = u.asm.wa).apply(null, arguments);
}, w = function() {
return (w = u.asm.xa).apply(null, arguments);
}, b = function() {
return (b = u.asm.ya).apply(null, arguments);
}, Ar = function() {
return (Ar =, arguments);
}, Fr = function() {
return (Fr = u.asm.Aa).apply(null, arguments);
u.dynCall_viijii = function() {
return (u.dynCall_viijii = u.asm.Ba).apply(null, arguments);
var Er = u.dynCall_jiii = function() {
return (Er = u.dynCall_jiii = u.asm.Ca).apply(null, arguments);
}, Rr = u.dynCall_jiiii = function() {
return (Rr = u.dynCall_jiiii = u.asm.Da).apply(null, arguments);
u.dynCall_iiiiij = function() {
return (u.dynCall_iiiiij = u.asm.Ea).apply(null, arguments);
}, u.dynCall_iiiiijj = function() {
return (u.dynCall_iiiiijj = u.asm.Fa).apply(null, arguments);
}, u.dynCall_iiiiiijj = function() {
return (u.dynCall_iiiiiijj = u.asm.Ga).apply(null, arguments);
function Sn(e, r) {
var t = w();
try {
return y(e)(r);
} catch (n) {
if (b(t), n !== n + 0)
throw n;
g(1, 0);
function kn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
g(1, 0);
function Dn(e, r, t) {
var n = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t);
} catch (i) {
if (b(n), i !== i + 0)
throw i;
g(1, 0);
function On(e, r) {
var t = w();
try {
} catch (n) {
if (b(t), n !== n + 0)
throw n;
g(1, 0);
function Wn(e, r, t) {
var n = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t);
} catch (i) {
if (b(n), i !== i + 0)
throw i;
g(1, 0);
function jn(e) {
var r = w();
try {
} catch (t) {
if (b(r), t !== t + 0)
throw t;
g(1, 0);
function Un(e, r, t, n, i) {
var a = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i);
} catch (s) {
if (b(a), s !== s + 0)
throw s;
g(1, 0);
function Mn(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
var s = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i, a);
} catch (o) {
if (b(s), o !== o + 0)
throw o;
g(1, 0);
function Hn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f, v) {
var p = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f, v);
} catch (h) {
if (b(p), h !== h + 0)
throw h;
g(1, 0);
function In(e, r, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s);
} catch (c) {
if (b(o), c !== c + 0)
throw c;
g(1, 0);
function xn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o) {
var c = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o);
} catch (f) {
if (b(c), f !== f + 0)
throw f;
g(1, 0);
function Yn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
g(1, 0);
function Vn(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
var s = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n, i, a);
} catch (o) {
if (b(s), o !== o + 0)
throw o;
g(1, 0);
function Bn(e, r, t, n, i) {
var a = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n, i);
} catch (s) {
if (b(a), s !== s + 0)
throw s;
g(1, 0);
function Nn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s);
} catch (c) {
if (b(o), c !== c + 0)
throw c;
g(1, 0);
function Ln(e) {
var r = w();
try {
return y(e)();
} catch (t) {
if (b(r), t !== t + 0)
throw t;
g(1, 0);
function zn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
g(1, 0);
function Xn(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
g(1, 0);
function Zn(e, r, t, n, i, a) {
var s = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n, i, a);
} catch (o) {
if (b(s), o !== o + 0)
throw o;
g(1, 0);
function Gn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f) {
var v = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f);
} catch (p) {
if (b(v), p !== p + 0)
throw p;
g(1, 0);
function qn(e, r, t) {
var n = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t);
} catch (i) {
if (b(n), i !== i + 0)
throw i;
g(1, 0);
function Jn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f) {
var v = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f);
} catch (p) {
if (b(v), p !== p + 0)
throw p;
g(1, 0);
function Kn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o) {
var c = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o);
} catch (f) {
if (b(c), f !== f + 0)
throw f;
g(1, 0);
function Qn(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c) {
var f = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c);
} catch (v) {
if (b(f), v !== v + 0)
throw v;
g(1, 0);
function ei(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c) {
var f = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c);
} catch (v) {
if (b(f), v !== v + 0)
throw v;
g(1, 0);
function ri(e, r, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s);
} catch (c) {
if (b(o), c !== c + 0)
throw c;
g(1, 0);
function ti(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
g(1, 0);
function ni(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f, v, p) {
var h = w();
try {
return y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f, v, p);
} catch (_) {
if (b(h), _ !== _ + 0)
throw _;
g(1, 0);
function ii(e, r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f, v, p, h, _, C, F) {
var T = w();
try {
y(e)(r, t, n, i, a, s, o, c, f, v, p, h, _, C, F);
} catch ($) {
if (b(T), $ !== $ + 0)
throw $;
g(1, 0);
function ai(e, r, t, n) {
var i = w();
try {
return Er(e, r, t, n);
} catch (a) {
if (b(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
g(1, 0);
function oi(e, r, t, n, i) {
var a = w();
try {
return Rr(e, r, t, n, i);
} catch (s) {
if (b(a), s !== s + 0)
throw s;
g(1, 0);
var Te;
ee = function e() {
Te || Sr(), Te || (ee = e);
function Sr() {
if (x > 0 || (Ur(), x > 0))
function e() {
Te || (Te = !0, u.calledRun = !0, !Ze && (Mr(), ue(u), u.onRuntimeInitialized && u.onRuntimeInitialized(), Hr()));
u.setStatus ? (u.setStatus("Running..."), setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1), e();
}, 1)) : e();
if (u.preInit)
for (typeof u.preInit == "function" && (u.preInit = [u.preInit]); u.preInit.length > 0; )
return Sr(), J.ready;
function ci(L) {
return si(kr, L);
async function I(a, {
tryHarder: e = r.tryHarder,
formats: o = r.formats,
maxNumberOfSymbols: t = r.maxNumberOfSymbols
} = r) {
return i(
async function li(L, {
tryHarder: J = Ae.tryHarder,
formats: u = Ae.formats,
maxNumberOfSymbols: ue = Ae.maxNumberOfSymbols
} = Ae) {
return ui(
tryHarder: e,
formats: o,
maxNumberOfSymbols: t
tryHarder: J,
formats: u,
maxNumberOfSymbols: ue
export {
r as defaultZXingReadOptions,
l as defaultZXingWriteOptions,
s as getZXingInstance,
I as readBarcodeFromImageData,
f as readBarcodeFromImageFile
Ae as defaultZXingReadOptions,
_i as defaultZXingWriteOptions,
ci as getZXingModule,
gi as purgeZXingModule,
li as readBarcodeFromImageFile,
yi as setZXingModuleOverrides

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { ZXingWasm } from "../ZXing.js";
declare var ZXing: ZXingWasm;
import { ZXingModuleFactory } from "../core.js";
declare var ZXing: ZXingModuleFactory<"reader">;
export default ZXing;

@@ -1,4 +0,5 @@

import { ZXingWriteOptions, ZXingWriteResult } from "../ZXing.js";
export declare function getZXingInstance(): Promise<import("../ZXing.js").ZXingInstance>;
export declare function writeBarcodeToImageFile(text: string, { format, charset, quietZone, width, height, eccLevel, }?: ZXingWriteOptions): Promise<ZXingWriteResult>;
import zxingModuleFactory from "./zxing_writer.js";
import { ZXingModuleFactoryTypeExtractor, ZXingModuleOverrides, getZXingModule as _getZXingModule, ZXingWriteOptions, ZXingWriteOutput } from "../core.js";
export declare function getZXingModule(zxingModuleOverrides?: ZXingModuleOverrides<ZXingModuleFactoryTypeExtractor<typeof zxingModuleFactory>>): ReturnType<typeof _getZXingModule>;
export declare function writeBarcodeToImageFile(text: string, { format, charset, quietZone, width, height, eccLevel, }?: ZXingWriteOptions): Promise<ZXingWriteOutput>;
export * from "../exposed.js";

@@ -1,35 +0,1301 @@

import t from "./zxing_writer.js";
import { getZXingInstance as m, writeBarcodeToImageFile as s, defaultZXingWriteOptions as e } from "../ZXing.js";
import { ZXING_BARCODE_FORMAT_NAMES as l, ZXING_CHARACTOR_SET_NAMES as p, defaultZXingReadOptions as A } from "../ZXing.js";
function I() {
return m(t);
import { g as yn, w as mn, b as V } from "../core-9bc51fdd.js";
import { Z as $n, a as An, d as Rn, p as Fn, s as En } from "../core-9bc51fdd.js";
var ht = (() => {
var B = import.meta.url;
return function(z = {}) {
var o = typeof z < "u" ? z : {}, ie, L;
o.ready = new Promise(function(e, t) {
ie = e, L = t;
var ae = Object.assign({}, o), oe = typeof window == "object", se = typeof importScripts == "function";
typeof process == "object" && typeof process.versions == "object" && process.versions.node;
var E = "";
function gt(e) {
return o.locateFile ? o.locateFile(e, E) : E + e;
var Pe;
(oe || se) && (se ? E = self.location.href : typeof document < "u" && document.currentScript && (E = document.currentScript.src), B && (E = B), E.indexOf("blob:") !== 0 ? E = E.substr(0, E.replace(/[?#].*/, "").lastIndexOf("/") + 1) : E = "", se && (Pe = (e) => {
var t = new XMLHttpRequest();
return"GET", e, !1), t.responseType = "arraybuffer", t.send(null), new Uint8Array(t.response);
})), o.print || console.log.bind(console);
var q = o.printErr || console.warn.bind(console);
Object.assign(o, ae), ae = null, o.arguments && o.arguments, o.thisProgram && o.thisProgram, o.quit && o.quit;
var G;
o.wasmBinary && (G = o.wasmBinary), o.noExitRuntime, typeof WebAssembly != "object" && Q("no native wasm support detected");
var ue, Ue = !1, Ie = typeof TextDecoder < "u" ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : void 0;
function _t(e, t, r) {
for (var n = t + r, i = t; e[i] && !(i >= n); )
if (i - t > 16 && e.buffer && Ie)
return Ie.decode(e.subarray(t, i));
for (var a = ""; t < i; ) {
var u = e[t++];
if (!(u & 128)) {
a += String.fromCharCode(u);
var s = e[t++] & 63;
if ((u & 224) == 192) {
a += String.fromCharCode((u & 31) << 6 | s);
var c = e[t++] & 63;
if ((u & 240) == 224 ? u = (u & 15) << 12 | s << 6 | c : u = (u & 7) << 18 | s << 12 | c << 6 | e[t++] & 63, u < 65536)
a += String.fromCharCode(u);
else {
var f = u - 65536;
a += String.fromCharCode(55296 | f >> 10, 56320 | f & 1023);
return a;
function yt(e, t) {
return e ? _t(P, e, t) : "";
function mt(e, t, r, n) {
if (!(n > 0))
return 0;
for (var i = r, a = r + n - 1, u = 0; u < e.length; ++u) {
var s = e.charCodeAt(u);
if (s >= 55296 && s <= 57343) {
var c = e.charCodeAt(++u);
s = 65536 + ((s & 1023) << 10) | c & 1023;
if (s <= 127) {
if (r >= a)
t[r++] = s;
} else if (s <= 2047) {
if (r + 1 >= a)
t[r++] = 192 | s >> 6, t[r++] = 128 | s & 63;
} else if (s <= 65535) {
if (r + 2 >= a)
t[r++] = 224 | s >> 12, t[r++] = 128 | s >> 6 & 63, t[r++] = 128 | s & 63;
} else {
if (r + 3 >= a)
t[r++] = 240 | s >> 18, t[r++] = 128 | s >> 12 & 63, t[r++] = 128 | s >> 6 & 63, t[r++] = 128 | s & 63;
return t[r] = 0, r - i;
function wt(e, t, r) {
return mt(e, P, t, r);
function Pt(e) {
for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) {
var n = e.charCodeAt(r);
n <= 127 ? t++ : n <= 2047 ? t += 2 : n >= 55296 && n <= 57343 ? (t += 4, ++r) : t += 3;
return t;
var U, P, N, fe, C, _, je, He;
function Me() {
var e = ue.buffer;
o.HEAP8 = U = new Int8Array(e), o.HEAP16 = N = new Int16Array(e), o.HEAP32 = C = new Int32Array(e), o.HEAPU8 = P = new Uint8Array(e), o.HEAPU16 = fe = new Uint16Array(e), o.HEAPU32 = _ = new Uint32Array(e), o.HEAPF32 = je = new Float32Array(e), o.HEAPF64 = He = new Float64Array(e);
var xe, Ve = [], Be = [], Le = [];
function bt() {
if (o.preRun)
for (typeof o.preRun == "function" && (o.preRun = [o.preRun]); o.preRun.length; )
function Tt() {
function Ct() {
if (o.postRun)
for (typeof o.postRun == "function" && (o.postRun = [o.postRun]); o.postRun.length; )
function $t(e) {
function At(e) {
function Rt(e) {
var I = 0, K = null;
function Ft(e) {
I++, o.monitorRunDependencies && o.monitorRunDependencies(I);
function Et(e) {
if (I--, o.monitorRunDependencies && o.monitorRunDependencies(I), I == 0 && K) {
var t = K;
K = null, t();
function Q(e) {
o.onAbort && o.onAbort(e), e = "Aborted(" + e + ")", q(e), Ue = !0, e += ". Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.";
var t = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(e);
throw L(t), t;
var kt = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,";
function Ne(e) {
return e.startsWith(kt);
var j;
o.locateFile ? (j = "zxing_writer.wasm", Ne(j) || (j = gt(j))) : j = new URL("/writer/zxing_writer.wasm", self.location).href;
function Ze(e) {
try {
if (e == j && G)
return new Uint8Array(G);
if (Pe)
return Pe(e);
throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed";
} catch (t) {
function St(e) {
return !G && (oe || se) && typeof fetch == "function" ? fetch(e, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(t) {
if (!t.ok)
throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + e + "'";
return t.arrayBuffer();
}).catch(function() {
return Ze(e);
}) : Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return Ze(e);
function Xe(e, t, r) {
return St(e).then(function(n) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(n, t);
}).then(function(n) {
return n;
}).then(r, function(n) {
q("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: " + n), Q(n);
function Ot(e, t, r, n) {
return !e && typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming == "function" && !Ne(t) && typeof fetch == "function" ? fetch(t, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(i) {
var a = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(i, r);
return a.then(n, function(u) {
return q("wasm streaming compile failed: " + u), q("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation"), Xe(t, r, n);
}) : Xe(t, r, n);
function Dt() {
var e = { a: tn };
function t(n, i) {
var a = n.exports;
return o.asm = a, ue = o.asm.P, Me(), xe = o.asm.U, At(o.asm.Q), Et(), a;
function r(n) {
if (o.instantiateWasm)
try {
return o.instantiateWasm(e, t);
} catch (n) {
q("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: " + n), L(n);
return Ot(G, j, e, r).catch(L), {};
function be(e) {
for (; e.length > 0; )
var ce = [];
function Wt(e) {
function Ut(e) {
var t = new Te(e);
return t.get_caught() || t.set_caught(!0), t.set_rethrown(!1), ce.push(t), Wt(t), t.get_exception_ptr();
var Z = 0, le = [];
function g(e) {
var t = le[e];
return t || (e >= le.length && (le.length = e + 1), le[e] = t = xe.get(e)), t;
function It(e) {
if (e.release_ref() && !e.get_rethrown()) {
var t = e.get_destructor();
t && g(t)(e.excPtr), st(e.excPtr);
function jt() {
var e = ce.pop();
It(e), Z = 0;
function Te(e) {
this.excPtr = e, this.ptr = e - 24, this.set_type = function(t) {
_[this.ptr + 4 >> 2] = t;
}, this.get_type = function() {
return _[this.ptr + 4 >> 2];
}, this.set_destructor = function(t) {
_[this.ptr + 8 >> 2] = t;
}, this.get_destructor = function() {
return _[this.ptr + 8 >> 2];
}, this.set_refcount = function(t) {
C[this.ptr >> 2] = t;
}, this.set_caught = function(t) {
t = t ? 1 : 0, U[this.ptr + 12 >> 0] = t;
}, this.get_caught = function() {
return U[this.ptr + 12 >> 0] != 0;
}, this.set_rethrown = function(t) {
t = t ? 1 : 0, U[this.ptr + 13 >> 0] = t;
}, this.get_rethrown = function() {
return U[this.ptr + 13 >> 0] != 0;
}, this.init = function(t, r) {
this.set_adjusted_ptr(0), this.set_type(t), this.set_destructor(r), this.set_refcount(0), this.set_caught(!1), this.set_rethrown(!1);
}, this.add_ref = function() {
var t = C[this.ptr >> 2];
C[this.ptr >> 2] = t + 1;
}, this.release_ref = function() {
var t = C[this.ptr >> 2];
return C[this.ptr >> 2] = t - 1, t === 1;
}, this.set_adjusted_ptr = function(t) {
_[this.ptr + 16 >> 2] = t;
}, this.get_adjusted_ptr = function() {
return _[this.ptr + 16 >> 2];
}, this.get_exception_ptr = function() {
var t = ct(this.get_type());
if (t)
return _[this.excPtr >> 2];
var r = this.get_adjusted_ptr();
return r !== 0 ? r : this.excPtr;
function Ht(e) {
throw Z || (Z = e), e;
function Ce() {
var e = Z;
if (!e)
return ne(0), 0;
var t = new Te(e);
var r = t.get_type();
if (!r)
return ne(0), e;
for (var n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var i = arguments[n];
if (i === 0 || i === r)
var a = t.ptr + 16;
if (ft(i, r, a))
return ne(i), e;
return ne(r), e;
var Mt = Ce, xt = Ce, Vt = Ce;
function Bt() {
var e = ce.pop();
e || Q("no exception to throw");
var t = e.excPtr;
throw e.get_rethrown() || (ce.push(e), e.set_rethrown(!0), e.set_caught(!1)), Z = t, t;
function Lt(e, t, r) {
var n = new Te(e);
throw n.init(t, r), Z = e, e;
function Nt(e, t, r, n, i) {
function $e(e) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
return 0;
case 2:
return 1;
case 4:
return 2;
case 8:
return 3;
throw new TypeError("Unknown type size: " + e);
function Zt() {
for (var e = new Array(256), t = 0; t < 256; ++t)
e[t] = String.fromCharCode(t);
ze = e;
var ze = void 0;
function b(e) {
for (var t = "", r = e; P[r]; )
t += ze[P[r++]];
return t;
var X = {}, H = {}, pe = {}, Xt = 48, zt = 57;
function Ae(e) {
if (e === void 0)
return "_unknown";
e = e.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "$");
var t = e.charCodeAt(0);
return t >= Xt && t <= zt ? "_" + e : e;
function Re(e, t) {
return e = Ae(e), { [e]: function() {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
} }[e];
function Fe(e, t) {
var r = Re(t, function(n) { = t, this.message = n;
var i = new Error(n).stack;
i !== void 0 && (this.stack = this.toString() + `
` + i.replace(/^Error(:[^\n]*)?\n/, ""));
return r.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), r.prototype.constructor = r, r.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.message === void 0 ? : + ": " + this.message;
}, r;
var J = void 0;
function p(e) {
throw new J(e);
var qe = void 0;
function de(e) {
throw new qe(e);
function ve(e, t, r) {
e.forEach(function(s) {
pe[s] = t;
function n(s) {
var c = r(s);
c.length !== e.length && de("Mismatched type converter count");
for (var f = 0; f < e.length; ++f)
k(e[f], c[f]);
var i = new Array(t.length), a = [], u = 0;
t.forEach((s, c) => {
H.hasOwnProperty(s) ? i[c] = H[s] : (a.push(s), X.hasOwnProperty(s) || (X[s] = []), X[s].push(() => {
i[c] = H[s], ++u, u === a.length && n(i);
}), a.length === 0 && n(i);
function k(e, t, r = {}) {
if (!("argPackAdvance" in t))
throw new TypeError("registerType registeredInstance requires argPackAdvance");
var n =;
if (e || p('type "' + n + '" must have a positive integer typeid pointer'), H.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
if (r.ignoreDuplicateRegistrations)
p("Cannot register type '" + n + "' twice");
if (H[e] = t, delete pe[e], X.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var i = X[e];
delete X[e], i.forEach((a) => a());
function qt(e, t, r, n, i) {
var a = $e(r);
t = b(t), k(e, { name: t, fromWireType: function(u) {
return !!u;
}, toWireType: function(u, s) {
return s ? n : i;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: function(u) {
var s;
if (r === 1)
s = U;
else if (r === 2)
s = N;
else if (r === 4)
s = C;
throw new TypeError("Unknown boolean type size: " + t);
return this.fromWireType(s[u >> a]);
}, destructorFunction: null });
function Gt(e) {
if (!(this instanceof W) || !(e instanceof W))
return !1;
for (var t = this.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, r = this.$$.ptr, n = e.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, i = e.$$.ptr; t.baseClass; )
r = t.upcast(r), t = t.baseClass;
for (; n.baseClass; )
i = n.upcast(i), n = n.baseClass;
return t === n && r === i;
function Kt(e) {
return { count: e.count, deleteScheduled: e.deleteScheduled, preservePointerOnDelete: e.preservePointerOnDelete, ptr: e.ptr, ptrType: e.ptrType, smartPtr: e.smartPtr, smartPtrType: e.smartPtrType };
function Ee(e) {
function t(r) {
return r.$$;
p(t(e) + " instance already deleted");
var ke = !1;
function Ge(e) {
function Qt(e) {
e.smartPtr ? e.smartPtrType.rawDestructor(e.smartPtr) : e.ptrType.registeredClass.rawDestructor(e.ptr);
function Ke(e) {
e.count.value -= 1;
var t = e.count.value === 0;
t && Qt(e);
function Qe(e, t, r) {
if (t === r)
return e;
if (r.baseClass === void 0)
return null;
var n = Qe(e, t, r.baseClass);
return n === null ? null : r.downcast(n);
var Je = {};
function Jt() {
return Object.keys(te).length;
function Yt() {
var e = [];
for (var t in te)
te.hasOwnProperty(t) && e.push(te[t]);
return e;
var Y = [];
function Se() {
for (; Y.length; ) {
var e = Y.pop();
e.$$.deleteScheduled = !1, e.delete();
var ee = void 0;
function er(e) {
ee = e, Y.length && ee && ee(Se);
function tr() {
o.getInheritedInstanceCount = Jt, o.getLiveInheritedInstances = Yt, o.flushPendingDeletes = Se, o.setDelayFunction = er;
var te = {};
function rr(e, t) {
for (t === void 0 && p("ptr should not be undefined"); e.baseClass; )
t = e.upcast(t), e = e.baseClass;
return t;
function nr(e, t) {
return t = rr(e, t), te[t];
function he(e, t) {
(!t.ptrType || !t.ptr) && de("makeClassHandle requires ptr and ptrType");
var r = !!t.smartPtrType, n = !!t.smartPtr;
return r !== n && de("Both smartPtrType and smartPtr must be specified"), t.count = { value: 1 }, re(Object.create(e, { $$: { value: t } }));
function ir(e) {
var t = this.getPointee(e);
if (!t)
return this.destructor(e), null;
var r = nr(this.registeredClass, t);
if (r !== void 0) {
if (r.$$.count.value === 0)
return r.$$.ptr = t, r.$$.smartPtr = e, r.clone();
var n = r.clone();
return this.destructor(e), n;
function i() {
return this.isSmartPointer ? he(this.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: this.pointeeType, ptr: t, smartPtrType: this, smartPtr: e }) : he(this.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: this, ptr: e });
var a = this.registeredClass.getActualType(t), u = Je[a];
if (!u)
var s;
this.isConst ? s = u.constPointerType : s = u.pointerType;
var c = Qe(t, this.registeredClass, s.registeredClass);
return c === null ? : this.isSmartPointer ? he(s.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: s, ptr: c, smartPtrType: this, smartPtr: e }) : he(s.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: s, ptr: c });
function re(e) {
return typeof FinalizationRegistry > "u" ? (re = (t) => t, e) : (ke = new FinalizationRegistry((t) => {
}), re = (t) => {
var r = t.$$, n = !!r.smartPtr;
if (n) {
var i = { $$: r };
ke.register(t, i, t);
return t;
}, Ge = (t) => ke.unregister(t), re(e));
function ar() {
if (this.$$.ptr || Ee(this), this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete)
return this.$$.count.value += 1, this;
var e = re(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), { $$: { value: Kt(this.$$) } }));
return e.$$.count.value += 1, e.$$.deleteScheduled = !1, e;
function or() {
this.$$.ptr || Ee(this), this.$$.deleteScheduled && !this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete && p("Object already scheduled for deletion"), Ge(this), Ke(this.$$), this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete || (this.$$.smartPtr = void 0, this.$$.ptr = void 0);
function sr() {
return !this.$$.ptr;
function ur() {
return this.$$.ptr || Ee(this), this.$$.deleteScheduled && !this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete && p("Object already scheduled for deletion"), Y.push(this), Y.length === 1 && ee && ee(Se), this.$$.deleteScheduled = !0, this;
function fr() {
W.prototype.isAliasOf = Gt, W.prototype.clone = ar, W.prototype.delete = or, W.prototype.isDeleted = sr, W.prototype.deleteLater = ur;
function W() {
function cr(e, t, r) {
if (e[t].overloadTable === void 0) {
var n = e[t];
e[t] = function() {
return e[t].overloadTable.hasOwnProperty(arguments.length) || p("Function '" + r + "' called with an invalid number of arguments (" + arguments.length + ") - expects one of (" + e[t].overloadTable + ")!"), e[t].overloadTable[arguments.length].apply(this, arguments);
}, e[t].overloadTable = [], e[t].overloadTable[n.argCount] = n;
function Ye(e, t, r) {
o.hasOwnProperty(e) ? ((r === void 0 || o[e].overloadTable !== void 0 && o[e].overloadTable[r] !== void 0) && p("Cannot register public name '" + e + "' twice"), cr(o, e, e), o.hasOwnProperty(r) && p("Cannot register multiple overloads of a function with the same number of arguments (" + r + ")!"), o[e].overloadTable[r] = t) : (o[e] = t, r !== void 0 && (o[e].numArguments = r));
function lr(e, t, r, n, i, a, u, s) { = e, this.constructor = t, this.instancePrototype = r, this.rawDestructor = n, this.baseClass = i, this.getActualType = a, this.upcast = u, this.downcast = s, this.pureVirtualFunctions = [];
function ge(e, t, r) {
for (; t !== r; )
t.upcast || p("Expected null or instance of " + + ", got an instance of " +, e = t.upcast(e), t = t.baseClass;
return e;
function pr(e, t) {
if (t === null)
return this.isReference && p("null is not a valid " +, 0;
t.$$ || p('Cannot pass "' + De(t) + '" as a ' +, t.$$.ptr || p("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +;
var r = t.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, n = ge(t.$$.ptr, r, this.registeredClass);
return n;
function dr(e, t) {
var r;
if (t === null)
return this.isReference && p("null is not a valid " +, this.isSmartPointer ? (r = this.rawConstructor(), e !== null && e.push(this.rawDestructor, r), r) : 0;
t.$$ || p('Cannot pass "' + De(t) + '" as a ' +, t.$$.ptr || p("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +, !this.isConst && t.$$.ptrType.isConst && p("Cannot convert argument of type " + (t.$$.smartPtrType ? t.$$ : t.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
var n = t.$$.ptrType.registeredClass;
if (r = ge(t.$$.ptr, n, this.registeredClass), this.isSmartPointer)
switch (t.$$.smartPtr === void 0 && p("Passing raw pointer to smart pointer is illegal"), this.sharingPolicy) {
case 0:
t.$$.smartPtrType === this ? r = t.$$.smartPtr : p("Cannot convert argument of type " + (t.$$.smartPtrType ? t.$$ : t.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
case 1:
r = t.$$.smartPtr;
case 2:
if (t.$$.smartPtrType === this)
r = t.$$.smartPtr;
else {
var i = t.clone();
r = this.rawShare(r, me.toHandle(function() {
})), e !== null && e.push(this.rawDestructor, r);
p("Unsupporting sharing policy");
return r;
function vr(e, t) {
if (t === null)
return this.isReference && p("null is not a valid " +, 0;
t.$$ || p('Cannot pass "' + De(t) + '" as a ' +, t.$$.ptr || p("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " +, t.$$.ptrType.isConst && p("Cannot convert argument of type " + t.$$ + " to parameter type " +;
var r = t.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, n = ge(t.$$.ptr, r, this.registeredClass);
return n;
function _e(e) {
return this.fromWireType(C[e >> 2]);
function hr(e) {
return this.rawGetPointee && (e = this.rawGetPointee(e)), e;
function gr(e) {
this.rawDestructor && this.rawDestructor(e);
function _r(e) {
e !== null && e.delete();
function yr() {
S.prototype.getPointee = hr, S.prototype.destructor = gr, S.prototype.argPackAdvance = 8, S.prototype.readValueFromPointer = _e, S.prototype.deleteObject = _r, S.prototype.fromWireType = ir;
function S(e, t, r, n, i, a, u, s, c, f, l) { = e, this.registeredClass = t, this.isReference = r, this.isConst = n, this.isSmartPointer = i, this.pointeeType = a, this.sharingPolicy = u, this.rawGetPointee = s, this.rawConstructor = c, this.rawShare = f, this.rawDestructor = l, !i && t.baseClass === void 0 ? n ? (this.toWireType = pr, this.destructorFunction = null) : (this.toWireType = vr, this.destructorFunction = null) : this.toWireType = dr;
function et(e, t, r) {
o.hasOwnProperty(e) || de("Replacing nonexistant public symbol"), o[e].overloadTable !== void 0 && r !== void 0 ? o[e].overloadTable[r] = t : (o[e] = t, o[e].argCount = r);
function mr(e, t, r) {
var n = o["dynCall_" + e];
return r && r.length ? n.apply(null, [t].concat(r)) :, t);
function wr(e, t, r) {
if (e.includes("j"))
return mr(e, t, r);
var n = g(t).apply(null, r);
return n;
function Pr(e, t) {
var r = [];
return function() {
return r.length = 0, Object.assign(r, arguments), wr(e, t, r);
function M(e, t) {
e = b(e);
function r() {
return e.includes("j") ? Pr(e, t) : g(t);
var n = r();
return typeof n != "function" && p("unknown function pointer with signature " + e + ": " + t), n;
var tt = void 0;
function rt(e) {
var t = ut(e), r = b(t);
return O(t), r;
function ye(e, t) {
var r = [], n = {};
function i(a) {
if (!n[a] && !H[a]) {
if (pe[a]) {
r.push(a), n[a] = !0;
throw t.forEach(i), new tt(e + ": " +[", "]));
function br(e, t, r, n, i, a, u, s, c, f, l, d, v) {
l = b(l), a = M(i, a), s && (s = M(u, s)), f && (f = M(c, f)), v = M(d, v);
var h = Ae(l);
Ye(h, function() {
ye("Cannot construct " + l + " due to unbound types", [n]);
}), ve([e, t, r], n ? [n] : [], function($) {
$ = $[0];
var T, A;
n ? (T = $.registeredClass, A = T.instancePrototype) : A = W.prototype;
var R = Re(h, function() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== x)
throw new J("Use 'new' to construct " + l);
if (D.constructor_body === void 0)
throw new J(l + " has no accessible constructor");
var vt = D.constructor_body[arguments.length];
if (vt === void 0)
throw new J("Tried to invoke ctor of " + l + " with invalid number of parameters (" + arguments.length + ") - expected (" + Object.keys(D.constructor_body).toString() + ") parameters instead!");
return vt.apply(this, arguments);
}), x = Object.create(A, { constructor: { value: R } });
R.prototype = x;
var D = new lr(l, R, x, v, T, a, s, f), _n = new S(l, D, !0, !1, !1), pt = new S(l + "*", D, !1, !1, !1), dt = new S(l + " const*", D, !1, !0, !1);
return Je[e] = { pointerType: pt, constPointerType: dt }, et(h, R), [_n, pt, dt];
function nt(e) {
for (; e.length; ) {
var t = e.pop(), r = e.pop();
function it(e, t, r) {
return e instanceof Object || p(r + ' with invalid "this": ' + e), e instanceof t.registeredClass.constructor || p(r + ' incompatible with "this" of type ' +, e.$$.ptr || p("cannot call emscripten binding method " + r + " on deleted object"), ge(e.$$.ptr, e.$$.ptrType.registeredClass, t.registeredClass);
function Tr(e, t, r, n, i, a, u, s, c, f) {
t = b(t), i = M(n, i), ve([], [e], function(l) {
l = l[0];
var d = + "." + t, v = { get: function() {
ye("Cannot access " + d + " due to unbound types", [r, u]);
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 };
return c ? v.set = () => {
ye("Cannot access " + d + " due to unbound types", [r, u]);
} : v.set = (h) => {
p(d + " is a read-only property");
}, Object.defineProperty(l.registeredClass.instancePrototype, t, v), ve([], c ? [r, u] : [r], function(h) {
var $ = h[0], T = { get: function() {
var R = it(this, l, d + " getter");
return $.fromWireType(i(a, R));
}, enumerable: !0 };
if (c) {
c = M(s, c);
var A = h[1];
T.set = function(R) {
var x = it(this, l, d + " setter"), D = [];
c(f, x, A.toWireType(D, R)), nt(D);
return Object.defineProperty(l.registeredClass.instancePrototype, t, T), [];
}), [];
var Oe = [], F = [{}, { value: void 0 }, { value: null }, { value: !0 }, { value: !1 }];
function at(e) {
e > 4 && --F[e].refcount === 0 && (F[e] = void 0, Oe.push(e));
function Cr() {
for (var e = 0, t = 5; t < F.length; ++t)
F[t] !== void 0 && ++e;
return e;
function $r() {
for (var e = 5; e < F.length; ++e)
if (F[e] !== void 0)
return F[e];
return null;
function Ar() {
o.count_emval_handles = Cr, o.get_first_emval = $r;
var me = { toValue: (e) => (e || p("Cannot use deleted val. handle = " + e), F[e].value), toHandle: (e) => {
switch (e) {
case void 0:
return 1;
case null:
return 2;
case !0:
return 3;
case !1:
return 4;
default: {
var t = Oe.length ? Oe.pop() : F.length;
return F[t] = { refcount: 1, value: e }, t;
} };
function Rr(e, t) {
t = b(t), k(e, { name: t, fromWireType: function(r) {
var n = me.toValue(r);
return at(r), n;
}, toWireType: function(r, n) {
return me.toHandle(n);
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: _e, destructorFunction: null });
function De(e) {
if (e === null)
return "null";
var t = typeof e;
return t === "object" || t === "array" || t === "function" ? e.toString() : "" + e;
function Fr(e, t) {
switch (t) {
case 2:
return function(r) {
return this.fromWireType(je[r >> 2]);
case 3:
return function(r) {
return this.fromWireType(He[r >> 3]);
throw new TypeError("Unknown float type: " + e);
function Er(e, t, r) {
var n = $e(r);
t = b(t), k(e, { name: t, fromWireType: function(i) {
return i;
}, toWireType: function(i, a) {
return a;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Fr(t, n), destructorFunction: null });
function kr(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof Function))
throw new TypeError("new_ called with constructor type " + typeof e + " which is not a function");
var r = Re( || "unknownFunctionName", function() {
r.prototype = e.prototype;
var n = new r(), i = e.apply(n, t);
return i instanceof Object ? i : n;
function Sr(e, t, r, n, i, a) {
var u = t.length;
u < 2 && p("argTypes array size mismatch! Must at least get return value and 'this' types!");
for (var s = t[1] !== null && r !== null, c = !1, f = 1; f < t.length; ++f)
if (t[f] !== null && t[f].destructorFunction === void 0) {
c = !0;
for (var l = t[0].name !== "void", d = "", v = "", f = 0; f < u - 2; ++f)
d += (f !== 0 ? ", " : "") + "arg" + f, v += (f !== 0 ? ", " : "") + "arg" + f + "Wired";
var h = "return function " + Ae(e) + "(" + d + `) {
if (arguments.length !== ` + (u - 2) + `) {
throwBindingError('function ` + e + " called with ' + arguments.length + ' arguments, expected " + (u - 2) + ` args!');
async function X(i, {
format: n = e.format,
charset: r = e.charset,
quietZone: o = e.quietZone,
width: a = e.width,
height: g = e.height,
eccLevel: c = e.eccLevel
} = e) {
return s(
c && (h += `var destructors = [];
var $ = c ? "destructors" : "null", T = ["throwBindingError", "invoker", "fn", "runDestructors", "retType", "classParam"], A = [p, n, i, nt, t[0], t[1]];
s && (h += "var thisWired = classParam.toWireType(" + $ + `, this);
for (var f = 0; f < u - 2; ++f)
h += "var arg" + f + "Wired = argType" + f + ".toWireType(" + $ + ", arg" + f + "); // " + t[f + 2].name + `
`, T.push("argType" + f), A.push(t[f + 2]);
if (s && (v = "thisWired" + (v.length > 0 ? ", " : "") + v), h += (l || a ? "var rv = " : "") + "invoker(fn" + (v.length > 0 ? ", " : "") + v + `);
`, c)
h += `runDestructors(destructors);
for (var f = s ? 1 : 2; f < t.length; ++f) {
var R = f === 1 ? "thisWired" : "arg" + (f - 2) + "Wired";
t[f].destructorFunction !== null && (h += R + "_dtor(" + R + "); // " + t[f].name + `
`, T.push(R + "_dtor"), A.push(t[f].destructorFunction));
l && (h += `var ret = retType.fromWireType(rv);
return ret;
`), h += `}
`, T.push(h);
var x = kr(Function, T).apply(null, A);
return x;
function Or(e, t) {
for (var r = [], n = 0; n < e; n++)
r.push(_[t + n * 4 >> 2]);
return r;
function Dr(e, t, r, n, i, a, u) {
var s = Or(t, r);
e = b(e), i = M(n, i), Ye(e, function() {
ye("Cannot call " + e + " due to unbound types", s);
}, t - 1), ve([], s, function(c) {
var f = [c[0], null].concat(c.slice(1));
return et(e, Sr(e, f, null, i, a, u), t - 1), [];
function Wr(e, t, r) {
switch (t) {
case 0:
return r ? function(i) {
return U[i];
} : function(i) {
return P[i];
case 1:
return r ? function(i) {
return N[i >> 1];
} : function(i) {
return fe[i >> 1];
case 2:
return r ? function(i) {
return C[i >> 2];
} : function(i) {
return _[i >> 2];
throw new TypeError("Unknown integer type: " + e);
function Ur(e, t, r, n, i) {
t = b(t);
var a = $e(r), u = (d) => d;
if (n === 0) {
var s = 32 - 8 * r;
u = (d) => d << s >>> s;
var c = t.includes("unsigned"), f = (d, v) => {
}, l;
c ? l = function(d, v) {
return f(v,, v >>> 0;
} : l = function(d, v) {
return f(v,, v;
}, k(e, { name: t, fromWireType: u, toWireType: l, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: Wr(t, a, n !== 0), destructorFunction: null });
function Ir(e, t, r) {
var n = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array], i = n[t];
function a(u) {
u = u >> 2;
var s = _, c = s[u], f = s[u + 1];
return new i(s.buffer, f, c);
r = b(r), k(e, { name: r, fromWireType: a, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: a }, { ignoreDuplicateRegistrations: !0 });
function jr(e, t) {
t = b(t);
var r = t === "std::string";
k(e, { name: t, fromWireType: function(n) {
var i = _[n >> 2], a = n + 4, u;
if (r)
for (var s = a, c = 0; c <= i; ++c) {
var f = a + c;
if (c == i || P[f] == 0) {
var l = f - s, d = yt(s, l);
u === void 0 ? u = d : (u += String.fromCharCode(0), u += d), s = f + 1;
else {
for (var v = new Array(i), c = 0; c < i; ++c)
v[c] = String.fromCharCode(P[a + c]);
u = v.join("");
return O(n), u;
}, toWireType: function(n, i) {
i instanceof ArrayBuffer && (i = new Uint8Array(i));
var a, u = typeof i == "string";
u || i instanceof Uint8Array || i instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || i instanceof Int8Array || p("Cannot pass non-string to std::string"), r && u ? a = Pt(i) : a = i.length;
var s = We(4 + a + 1), c = s + 4;
if (_[s >> 2] = a, r && u)
wt(i, c, a + 1);
else if (u)
for (var f = 0; f < a; ++f) {
var l = i.charCodeAt(f);
l > 255 && (O(c), p("String has UTF-16 code units that do not fit in 8 bits")), P[c + f] = l;
for (var f = 0; f < a; ++f)
P[c + f] = i[f];
return n !== null && n.push(O, s), s;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: _e, destructorFunction: function(n) {
} });
var ot = typeof TextDecoder < "u" ? new TextDecoder("utf-16le") : void 0;
function Hr(e, t) {
for (var r = e, n = r >> 1, i = n + t / 2; !(n >= i) && fe[n]; )
if (r = n << 1, r - e > 32 && ot)
return ot.decode(P.subarray(e, r));
for (var a = "", u = 0; !(u >= t / 2); ++u) {
var s = N[e + u * 2 >> 1];
if (s == 0)
a += String.fromCharCode(s);
return a;
function Mr(e, t, r) {
if (r === void 0 && (r = 2147483647), r < 2)
return 0;
r -= 2;
for (var n = t, i = r < e.length * 2 ? r / 2 : e.length, a = 0; a < i; ++a) {
var u = e.charCodeAt(a);
N[t >> 1] = u, t += 2;
return N[t >> 1] = 0, t - n;
function xr(e) {
return e.length * 2;
function Vr(e, t) {
for (var r = 0, n = ""; !(r >= t / 4); ) {
var i = C[e + r * 4 >> 2];
if (i == 0)
if (++r, i >= 65536) {
var a = i - 65536;
n += String.fromCharCode(55296 | a >> 10, 56320 | a & 1023);
} else
n += String.fromCharCode(i);
return n;
function Br(e, t, r) {
if (r === void 0 && (r = 2147483647), r < 4)
return 0;
for (var n = t, i = n + r - 4, a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) {
var u = e.charCodeAt(a);
if (u >= 55296 && u <= 57343) {
var s = e.charCodeAt(++a);
u = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) | s & 1023;
if (C[t >> 2] = u, t += 4, t + 4 > i)
return C[t >> 2] = 0, t - n;
function Lr(e) {
for (var t = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) {
var n = e.charCodeAt(r);
n >= 55296 && n <= 57343 && ++r, t += 4;
return t;
function Nr(e, t, r) {
r = b(r);
var n, i, a, u, s;
t === 2 ? (n = Hr, i = Mr, u = xr, a = () => fe, s = 1) : t === 4 && (n = Vr, i = Br, u = Lr, a = () => _, s = 2), k(e, { name: r, fromWireType: function(c) {
for (var f = _[c >> 2], l = a(), d, v = c + 4, h = 0; h <= f; ++h) {
var $ = c + 4 + h * t;
if (h == f || l[$ >> s] == 0) {
var T = $ - v, A = n(v, T);
d === void 0 ? d = A : (d += String.fromCharCode(0), d += A), v = $ + t;
return O(c), d;
}, toWireType: function(c, f) {
typeof f != "string" && p("Cannot pass non-string to C++ string type " + r);
var l = u(f), d = We(4 + l + t);
return _[d >> 2] = l >> s, i(f, d + 4, l + t), c !== null && c.push(O, d), d;
}, argPackAdvance: 8, readValueFromPointer: _e, destructorFunction: function(c) {
} });
function Zr(e, t) {
t = b(t), k(e, { isVoid: !0, name: t, argPackAdvance: 0, fromWireType: function() {
}, toWireType: function(r, n) {
} });
function Xr(e) {
e > 4 && (F[e].refcount += 1);
function zr(e, t) {
var r = H[e];
return r === void 0 && p(t + " has unknown type " + rt(e)), r;
function qr(e, t) {
e = zr(e, "_emval_take_value");
var r = e.readValueFromPointer(t);
return me.toHandle(r);
function Gr() {
function Kr(e, t, r) {
P.copyWithin(e, t, t + r);
function Qr() {
return 2147483648;
function Jr(e) {
var t = ue.buffer;
try {
return ue.grow(e - t.byteLength + 65535 >>> 16), Me(), 1;
} catch {
function Yr(e) {
var t = P.length;
e = e >>> 0;
var r = Qr();
if (e > r)
return !1;
let n = (c, f) => c + (f - c % f) % f;
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i *= 2) {
var a = t * (1 + 0.2 / i);
a = Math.min(a, e + 100663296);
var u = Math.min(r, n(Math.max(e, a), 65536)), s = Jr(u);
if (s)
return !0;
return !1;
function en(e) {
return e;
Zt(), J = o.BindingError = Fe(Error, "BindingError"), qe = o.InternalError = Fe(Error, "InternalError"), fr(), tr(), yr(), tt = o.UnboundTypeError = Fe(Error, "UnboundTypeError"), Ar();
var tn = { r: Ut, u: jt, a: Mt, m: xt, t: Vt, I: Bt, l: Lt, f: Ht, B: Nt, F: qt, O: br, z: Tr, E: Rr, y: Er, N: Dr, q: Ur, p: Ir, x: jr, v: Nr, G: Zr, K: at, L: Xr, M: qr, w: Gr, D: Kr, C: Yr, s: hn, b: rn, c: sn, i: pn, j: gn, h: dn, H: vn, k: un, d: fn, g: ln, e: nn, o: on, n: an, J: cn, A: en };
var We = o._malloc = function() {
return (We = o._malloc = o.asm.R).apply(null, arguments);
}, O = o._free = function() {
return (O = o._free = o.asm.S).apply(null, arguments);
}, st = function() {
return (st = o.asm.T).apply(null, arguments);
}, ut = o.___getTypeName = function() {
return (ut = o.___getTypeName = o.asm.V).apply(null, arguments);
o.__embind_initialize_bindings = function() {
return (o.__embind_initialize_bindings = o.asm.W).apply(null, arguments);
var y = function() {
return (y = o.asm.X).apply(null, arguments);
}, ne = function() {
return (ne = o.asm.Y).apply(null, arguments);
}, m = function() {
return (m = o.asm.Z).apply(null, arguments);
}, w = function() {
return (w = o.asm._).apply(null, arguments);
}, ft = function() {
return (ft = o.asm.$).apply(null, arguments);
}, ct = function() {
return (ct = o.asm.aa).apply(null, arguments);
function rn(e, t) {
var r = m();
try {
return g(e)(t);
} catch (n) {
if (w(r), n !== n + 0)
throw n;
y(1, 0);
function nn(e, t, r, n) {
var i = m();
try {
g(e)(t, r, n);
} catch (a) {
if (w(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
y(1, 0);
function an(e, t, r, n, i, a) {
var u = m();
try {
g(e)(t, r, n, i, a);
} catch (s) {
if (w(u), s !== s + 0)
throw s;
y(1, 0);
function on(e, t, r, n, i) {
var a = m();
try {
g(e)(t, r, n, i);
} catch (u) {
if (w(a), u !== u + 0)
throw u;
y(1, 0);
function sn(e, t, r) {
var n = m();
try {
return g(e)(t, r);
} catch (i) {
if (w(n), i !== i + 0)
throw i;
y(1, 0);
function un(e) {
var t = m();
try {
} catch (r) {
if (w(t), r !== r + 0)
throw r;
y(1, 0);
function fn(e, t) {
var r = m();
try {
} catch (n) {
if (w(r), n !== n + 0)
throw n;
y(1, 0);
function cn(e, t, r, n, i, a, u, s, c) {
var f = m();
try {
g(e)(t, r, n, i, a, u, s, c);
} catch (l) {
if (w(f), l !== l + 0)
throw l;
y(1, 0);
function ln(e, t, r) {
var n = m();
try {
g(e)(t, r);
} catch (i) {
if (w(n), i !== i + 0)
throw i;
y(1, 0);
function pn(e, t, r, n) {
var i = m();
try {
return g(e)(t, r, n);
} catch (a) {
if (w(i), a !== a + 0)
throw a;
y(1, 0);
function dn(e, t, r, n, i, a) {
var u = m();
try {
return g(e)(t, r, n, i, a);
} catch (s) {
if (w(u), s !== s + 0)
throw s;
y(1, 0);
function vn(e, t, r, n, i, a, u) {
var s = m();
try {
return g(e)(t, r, n, i, a, u);
} catch (c) {
if (w(s), c !== c + 0)
throw c;
y(1, 0);
function hn(e) {
var t = m();
try {
return g(e)();
} catch (r) {
if (w(t), r !== r + 0)
throw r;
y(1, 0);
function gn(e, t, r, n, i) {
var a = m();
try {
return g(e)(t, r, n, i);
} catch (u) {
if (w(a), u !== u + 0)
throw u;
y(1, 0);
var we;
K = function e() {
we || lt(), we || (K = e);
function lt() {
if (I > 0 || (bt(), I > 0))
function e() {
we || (we = !0, o.calledRun = !0, !Ue && (Tt(), ie(o), o.onRuntimeInitialized && o.onRuntimeInitialized(), Ct()));
o.setStatus ? (o.setStatus("Running..."), setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1), e();
}, 1)) : e();
if (o.preInit)
for (typeof o.preInit == "function" && (o.preInit = [o.preInit]); o.preInit.length > 0; )
return lt(), z.ready;
function Pn(B) {
return yn(ht, B);
async function bn(B, {
format: z = V.format,
charset: o = V.charset,
quietZone: ie = V.quietZone,
width: L = V.width,
height: ae = V.height,
eccLevel: oe = V.eccLevel
} = V) {
return mn(
format: n,
charset: r,
quietZone: o,
width: a,
height: g,
eccLevel: c
format: z,
charset: o,
quietZone: ie,
width: L,
height: ae,
eccLevel: oe
export {
A as defaultZXingReadOptions,
e as defaultZXingWriteOptions,
I as getZXingInstance,
X as writeBarcodeToImageFile
Rn as defaultZXingReadOptions,
V as defaultZXingWriteOptions,
Pn as getZXingModule,
Fn as purgeZXingModule,
En as setZXingModuleOverrides,
bn as writeBarcodeToImageFile

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { ZXingWasm } from "../ZXing.js";
declare var ZXing: ZXingWasm;
import { ZXingModuleFactory } from "../core.js";
declare var ZXing: ZXingModuleFactory<"writer">;
export default ZXing;
"name": "@sec-ant/zxing-wasm",
"private": false,
"version": "0.0.5",
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "module",

@@ -27,3 +27,2 @@ "files": [

"build": "tsc && vite build",
"postbuild": "node replace-output.js",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build",

@@ -58,3 +57,7 @@ "preview": "vite preview"

"vite-plugin-dts": "^2.1.0"
"dependencies": {
"@types/emscripten": "^1.39.6",
"zustand": "^4.3.7"

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ # @sec-ant/zxing-wasm

This package exports 3 subpaths: full, reader and writer. You can choose whichever fits your needs.
This package exports 3 subpaths: full, reader and writer. You can choose whichever fits your needs. However, bear in mind that [subpath imports needs a `moduleResolution` of `node16` or `nodenext` in your `tsconfig.json` file](
### `@sec-ant/zxing-wasm` or `@sec-ant/zxing-wasm/full`
These paths includes functions to both read and write barcodes. The wasm binary size is ~1.25 MB.
These imports includes functions to both read and write barcodes. The wasm binary size is ~1.25 MB.

@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ ```ts

The return result of these 2 functions is a `Promise` of an array of `ZXingReadResult`:
The return result of these 2 functions is a `Promise` of an array of `ZXingReadOutput`:
interface ZXingReadResult {
interface ZXingReadOutput {
/* detected barcode format */
format: ZXingReadResultBarcodeFormat;
format: ZXingReadOutputBarcodeFormat;
/* detected barcode text */

@@ -158,3 +158,3 @@ text: string;

const imageFileReadResult = await readBarcodeFromImageFile(
const imageFileReadOutputs = await readBarcodeFromImageFile(

@@ -164,3 +164,3 @@ zxingReadOptions

console.log(imageFileReadResult[0].text); // Hello world!
console.log(imageFileReadOutputs[0].text); // Hello world!

@@ -179,3 +179,3 @@ /**

const imageDataReadResult = await readBarcodeFromImageData(
const imageDataReadOutputs = await readBarcodeFromImageData(

@@ -185,3 +185,3 @@ zxingReadOptions

console.log(imageDataReadResult[0].text); // Hello world!
console.log(imageDataReadOutputs[0].text); // Hello world!

@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@

/* (E)rror (C)orrection (C)apability level, -1 ~ 8, default = -1 (default) */
eccLevel?: ZXingEccLevel;
eccLevel?: ZXingECCLevel;
The return result of this function is a `Promise` of `ZXingWriteResult`:
The return result of this function is a `Promise` of `ZXingWriteOutput`:
interface ZXingWriteResult {
interface ZXingWriteOutput {
/* a png image blob, or null */

@@ -229,3 +229,3 @@ image: Blob | null;

const writeResult = await writeBarcodeToImageFile("Hello world!", {
const writeOutput = await writeBarcodeToImageFile("Hello world!", {
format: "QRCode",

@@ -239,3 +239,3 @@ charset: "UTF-8",


@@ -245,9 +245,29 @@

When using this package, the wasm binary needs to be served along with the JS glue code. In order to provide a smooth dev experience, the wasm binary serve path is automatically replaced with [jsDelivr CDN]( urls after build. Further customization will be considered to provide a more flexible opt-in option.
When using this package, the wasm binary needs to be served along with the JS glue code. In order to provide a smooth dev experience, the wasm binary serve path is automatically assigned the [jsDelivr CDN]( url upon build.
The wasm binary won't be downloaded and instantiated unless a [read](#readbarcodefromimagefile-and-readbarcodefromimagedata) or [write](#writebarcodetoimagefile) function is firstly called, and will only be instantiated once. So there'll be a cold start in the first function call (or several calls if they appear in a very short period). If you want to manully trigger the download and instantiation of the wasm binary prior to any read or write functions, you can call the exported function `getZXingInstance`, this function will also return a `Promise` that resolves to a `ZXingInstance`, which this wrapper library is built upon.
If you would like to change the serve path (to one of your local network hosts or other CDNs), please use `setZXingModuleOverrides` to override the [`locateFile`]( function in advance. `locateFile` is one of the [Emscripten `Module` attribute hooks]( that can affect the code execution of the `Module` object during its lifecycles.
import { getZXingInstance } from "@sec-ant/zxing-wasm/reader";
import {
} from "@sec-ant/zxing-wasm";
// override the locateFile function
locateFile: (path, prefix) =>
? "" + path
: prefix + path,
// call read or write functions afterwards
const writeOutput = await writeBarcodeToImageFile("Hello world!");
The wasm binary won't be fetched or instantiated unless a [read](#readbarcodefromimagefile-and-readbarcodefromimagedata) or [write](#writebarcodetoimagefile) function is firstly called, and will only be instantiated once given the same module overrides. So there'll be a cold start in the first function call (or several calls if they appear in a very short period). If you want to manully trigger the download and instantiation of the wasm binary prior to any read or write functions, you can use `getZXingModule`. This function will also return a `Promise` that resolves to a `ZXingModule`, the wasm `Module` object this wrapper library is built upon.
import { getZXingModule } from "@sec-ant/zxing-wasm";

@@ -257,7 +277,24 @@ * This function will trigger the download and

zxingModulePromise1 = getZXingModule();
zxingModulePromise2 = getZXingModule();
console.log(zxingModulePromise1 === zxingModulePromise2); // true
`getZXingModule` can also optionally accept a `ZXingModuleOverrides` argument.
import { getZXingModule } from "@sec-ant/zxing-wasm";
locateFile: (path, prefix) =>
? "" + path
: prefix + path,
## License
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