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@semantic-release/github - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.0 to 2.2.0




@@ -1,8 +0,11 @@

const {basename} = require('path');
const {basename, extname} = require('path');
const {parse} = require('url');
const {stat} = require('fs-extra');
const {stat, readFile} = require('fs-extra');
const {isPlainObject} = require('lodash');
const parseGithubUrl = require('parse-github-url');
const GitHubApi = require('github');
const pEachSeries = require('p-each-series');
const debug = require('debug')('semantic-release:publish-github');
const pReduce = require('p-reduce');
const mime = require('mime');
const debug = require('debug')('semantic-release:github');
const globAssets = require('./glob-assets.js');
const resolveConfig = require('./resolve-config');

@@ -29,2 +32,3 @@

await github.gitdata.getReference({owner, repo, ref: `tags/${gitTag}`});
debug('The git tag %o already exists', gitTag);
} catch (err) {

@@ -35,14 +39,17 @@ // If the error is 404, the tag doesn't exist, otherwise it's an error

debug('Create git tag %o with commit %o', ref, gitHead);
debug('Create git tag %o with commit %o', gitTag, gitHead);
await github.gitdata.createReference({owner, repo, ref, sha: gitHead});
const {data: {id, html_url}} = await github.repos.createRelease(release); // eslint-disable-line camelcase
logger.log('Published Github release: %s', html_url);
const {data: {html_url: htmlUrl, upload_url: uploadUrl}} = await github.repos.createRelease(release);
logger.log('Published Github release: %s', htmlUrl);
if (assets && assets.length > 0) {
const globbedAssets = await globAssets(assets);
debug('globed assets: %o', globbedAssets);
// Make requests serially to avoid hitting the rate limit (
await pEachSeries(assets, async asset => {
const filePath = typeof asset === 'object' ? asset.path : asset;
await pReduce(globbedAssets, async (_, asset) => {
const filePath = isPlainObject(asset) ? asset.path : asset;
let file;
try {

@@ -58,14 +65,25 @@ file = await stat(filePath);

const fileName = || basename(filePath);
const upload = {owner, repo, id, filePath, name: fileName};
const upload = {
url: uploadUrl,
file: await readFile(filePath),
contentType: mime.getType(extname(fileName)) || 'text/plain',
contentLength: file.size,
name: fileName,
debug('file path: %o', filePath);
debug('file name: %o', fileName);
if (asset.label) {
if (isPlainObject(asset) && asset.label) {
upload.label = asset.label;
const {data: {browser_download_url}} = await github.repos.uploadAsset(upload); // eslint-disable-line camelcase
logger.log('Published file %s', browser_download_url);
const {data: {browser_download_url: downloadUrl}} = await github.repos.uploadAsset(upload);
logger.log('Published file %s', downloadUrl);

@@ -0,1 +1,3 @@

const {castArray} = require('lodash');
module.exports = ({githubToken, githubUrl, githubApiPathPrefix, assets}) => ({

@@ -5,3 +7,3 @@ githubToken: githubToken || process.env.GH_TOKEN || process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,

githubApiPathPrefix: githubApiPathPrefix || process.env.GH_PREFIX || process.env.GITHUB_PREFIX,
assets: assets ? (Array.isArray(assets) ? assets : [assets]) : assets,
assets: assets ? castArray(assets) : assets,
const {parse} = require('url');
const {isString, isPlainObject, isUndefined, isArray} = require('lodash');
const parseGithubUrl = require('parse-github-url');

@@ -14,10 +15,14 @@ const GitHubApi = require('github');

if (assets && assets.length > 0) {
// Verify that every asset is either a string or an object with path attribute defined
if (!assets.every(asset => typeof asset === 'string' || (typeof asset === 'object' && Boolean(asset.path)))) {
throw new SemanticReleaseError(
'The "assets" options must be an Array of strings or objects with a path property.',
if (
!isUndefined(assets) &&
assets !== false &&
isArray(assets) &&
assets.every(asset => isStringOrStringArray(asset) || (isPlainObject(asset) && isStringOrStringArray(asset.path)))
) {
throw new SemanticReleaseError(
'The "assets" options must be an Array of Strings or Objects with a path property.',

@@ -57,1 +62,5 @@

function isStringOrStringArray(value) {
return isString(value) || (isArray(value) && value.every(isString));

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

{"name":"@semantic-release/github","description":"Set of semantic-release plugins for publishing a Github release","version":"2.1.0","author":"Pierre Vanduynslager (","bugs":{"url":""},"config":{"commitizen":{"path":"cz-conventional-changelog"}},"contributors":["Stephan Bönnemann <> (","Gregor Martynus ("],"dependencies":{"@semantic-release/error":"^2.1.0","debug":"^3.1.0","fs-extra":"^4.0.2","github":"^12.0.5","p-each-series":"^1.0.0","parse-github-url":"^1.0.1"},"devDependencies":{"ava":"^0.24.0","clear-module":"^2.1.0","codecov":"^3.0.0","commitizen":"^2.9.6","cz-conventional-changelog":"^2.0.0","eslint-config-prettier":"^2.8.0","eslint-plugin-prettier":"^2.3.0","nock":"^9.1.0","nyc":"^11.2.1","prettier":"~1.8.2","semantic-release":"^10.0.0","sinon":"^4.0.0","xo":"^0.18.2"},"engines":{"node":">=4"},"files":["lib","index.js"],"homepage":"","keywords":["git","github","publish","release","semantic-release","version"],"license":"MIT","main":"index.js","nyc":{"include":["lib/**/*.js","index.js"],"reporter":["json","text","html"],"all":true},"prettier":{"printWidth":120,"singleQuote":true,"bracketSpacing":false,"trailingComma":"es5"},"publishConfig":{"access":"public"},"repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"scripts":{"cm":"git-cz","codecov":"codecov -f coverage/coverage-final.json","lint":"xo","pretest":"npm run lint","semantic-release":"semantic-release","test":"nyc ava -v"},"xo":{"extends":["prettier"],"plugins":["prettier"],"rules":{"prettier/prettier":2}}}
{"name":"@semantic-release/github","description":"Set of semantic-release plugins for publishing a Github release","version":"2.2.0","author":"Pierre Vanduynslager (","bugs":{"url":""},"config":{"commitizen":{"path":"cz-conventional-changelog"}},"contributors":["Stephan Bönnemann <> (","Gregor Martynus ("],"dependencies":{"@semantic-release/error":"^2.1.0","debug":"^3.1.0","fs-extra":"^4.0.2","github":"^13.0.0","globby":"^7.1.1","lodash":"^4.17.4","mime":"^2.0.3","p-reduce":"^1.0.0","parse-github-url":"^1.0.1"},"devDependencies":{"ava":"^0.24.0","clear-module":"^2.1.0","codecov":"^3.0.0","commitizen":"^2.9.6","cz-conventional-changelog":"^2.0.0","eslint-config-prettier":"^2.8.0","eslint-plugin-prettier":"^2.3.0","nock":"^9.1.0","nyc":"^11.2.1","prettier":"~1.8.2","semantic-release":"^10.0.0","sinon":"^4.0.0","xo":"^0.18.2"},"engines":{"node":">=4"},"files":["lib","index.js"],"homepage":"","keywords":["git","github","publish","release","semantic-release","version"],"license":"MIT","main":"index.js","nyc":{"include":["lib/**/*.js","index.js"],"reporter":["json","text","html"],"all":true},"prettier":{"printWidth":120,"singleQuote":true,"bracketSpacing":false,"trailingComma":"es5"},"publishConfig":{"access":"public"},"repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"scripts":{"cm":"git-cz","codecov":"codecov -f coverage/coverage-final.json","lint":"xo","pretest":"npm run lint","semantic-release":"semantic-release","test":"nyc ava -v"},"xo":{"extends":["prettier"],"plugins":["prettier"],"rules":{"prettier/prettier":2}}}

@@ -11,55 +11,71 @@ # @semantic-release/github

Verify the presence and the validity of the `githubToken` (set via option or environment variable).
Verify the presence and the validity of the `githubToken` (set via option or environment variable) and the `assets` option configuration.
### Options
## publish
| Option | Description | Default |
| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `githubToken` | **Required.** The token used to authenticate with GitHub. | `process.env.GH_TOKEN` or `process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN` |
| `githubUrl` | The GitHub Enterprise endpoint. | `process.env.GH_URL` or `process.env.GITHUB_URL` |
| `githubApiPathPrefix` | The GitHub Enterprise API prefix. | `process.env.GH_PREFIX` or `process.env.GITHUB_PREFIX` |
Publish a [Github release](, optionnaly uploading files.
## publish
## Configuration
Publish a [Github release](
### Github Repository authentication
The `Github` authentication configuration is **required** and can be set via [environment variables](#environment-variables).
Only the [personal token]( authentication is supported.
### Environment variables
| Variable | Description |
| ------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------|
| `GH_TOKEN` or `GITHUB_TOKEN` | **Required.** The token used to authenticate with GitHub. |
| `GH_URL` or `GITHUB_URL` | The GitHub Enterprise endpoint. |
| `GH_PREFIX` or `GITHUB_PREFIX` | The GitHub Enterprise API prefix. |
### Options
| Option | Description | Default |
| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `githubToken` | **Required.** The token used to authenticate with GitHub. | `process.env.GH_TOKEN` or `process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN` |
| `githubUrl` | The GitHub Enterprise endpoint. | `process.env.GH_URL` or `process.env.GITHUB_URL` |
| `githubApiPathPrefix` | The GitHub Enterprise API prefix. | `process.env.GH_PREFIX` or `process.env.GITHUB_PREFIX` |
| `assets` | An array of files to upload to the release. | -
| Option | Description | Default |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| `githubToken` | **Required.** The token used to authenticate with GitHub. | `GH_TOKEN` or `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable. |
| `githubUrl` | The GitHub Enterprise endpoint. | `GH_URL` or `GITHUB_URL` environment variable. |
| `githubApiPathPrefix` | The GitHub Enterprise API prefix. | `GH_PREFIX` or `GITHUB_PREFIX` environment variable. |
| `assets` | An array of files to upload to the release. See [assets](#assets). | - |
#### assets option
#### `assets`
Each element of the array can be a path to the file or an `object` with the properties:
Can be a [glob]( or and `Array` of [globs]( and `Object`s with the following properties
| Property | Description | Default |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
| `path` | **Required.** The file path to upload relative to the project directory. | - |
| `name` | The name of the downloadable file on the Github release. | File name extracted from the `path`. |
| `label` | Short description of the file displayed on the Github release. | - |
| Property | Description | Default |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `path` | **Required.** A [glob]( to identify the files to upload. | - |
| `name` | The name of the downloadable file on the Github release. | File name extracted from the `path`. |
| `label` | Short description of the file displayed on the Github release. | - |
## Configuration
Each entry in the `assets` `Array` is globbed individually. A [glob]( can be a `String` (`"dist/**/*.js"` or `"dist/mylib.js"`) or an `Array` of `String`s that will be globbed together (`["dist/**", "!**/*.css"]`).
If a directory is configured, all the files under this directory and its children will be included.
Files can be included enven if they have a match in `.gitignore`.
##### `assets` examples
`'dist/*.js'`: include all the `js` files in the `dist` directory, but not in its sub-directories.
`[['dist', '!**/*.css']]`: include all the files in the `dist` directory and its sub-directories excluding the `css` files.
`[{path: 'dist/MyLibrary.js', label: 'MyLibrary JS distribution'}, {path: 'dist/MyLibrary.css', label: 'MyLibrary CSS distribution'}]`: include the `dist/MyLibrary.js` and `dist/MyLibrary.css` files, and label them `MyLibrary JS distribution` and `MyLibrary CSS distribution` in the Github release.
`[['dist/**/*.{js,css}', '!**/*.min.*'], {path: 'build/', label: 'MyLibrary'}]`: include all the `js` and `css` files in the `dist` directory and its sub-directories excluding the minified version, plus the `build/` file and label it `MyLibrary` in the Github release.
### Usage
The plugins are used by default by [semantic-release]( so no specific configuration is requiered if `githubToken`, `githubUrl` and `githubApiPathPrefix` are set via environment variable.
Each individual plugin can be disabled, replaced or used with other plugins in the `package.json`:
"release": {
"verifyConditions": ["@semantic-release/github", "verify-other-condition"],
"getLastRelease": "custom-get-last-release",
"publish": [
"path": "@semantic-release/github",
"assets": [
{"path": "dist/asset.min.css", "label": "CSS distribution"},
{"path": "dist/asset.min.js", "label": "JS distribution"}
"verifyConditions": ["@semantic-release/github", "@semantic-release/npm", "verify-other-condition"],
"getLastRelease": "@semantic-release/npm",
"publish": ["@semantic-release/npm", "@semantic-release/github", "other-publish"]

@@ -69,3 +85,4 @@ }

The same configuration for Github Enterprise:
Options can be set within the plugin definition in the `semantic-release` configuration file:

@@ -75,2 +92,3 @@ {

"verifyConditions": [

@@ -83,5 +101,4 @@ "path": "@semantic-release/github",

"getLastRelease": "custom-get-last-release",
"publish": [

@@ -88,0 +105,0 @@ "path": "@semantic-release/github",

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