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Version published




This is the first Alpha release of the v8 cycle, which includes a variety of breaking changes.

Read the in-depth migration guide to find out how to address any breaking changes in your code.

Important Changes

- feat(node): Make @sentry/node powered by OpenTelemetry (#10762)

The biggest change is the switch to use OpenTelemetry under the hood in @sentry/node. This brings with it a variety of changes:

  • There is now automated performance instrumentation for Express, Fastify, Nest.js and Koa. You can remove any performance and request isolation code you previously wrote manually for these frameworks.
  • All performance instrumention is enabled by default, and will only take effect if the instrumented package is used. You don't need to use autoDiscoverNodePerformanceMonitoringIntegrations() anymore.
  • You need to ensure to call Sentry.init() before you import any other packages. Otherwise, the packages cannot be instrumented:
const Sentry = require('@sentry/node');
  dsn: '...',
  // ... other config here
// now require other things below this!
const http = require('http');
const express = require('express');
// ....
  • Currently, we only support CJS-based Node application out of the box. There is experimental ESM support, see the instructions.
  • startTransaction and span.startChild() are no longer supported. This is due to the underlying change to OpenTelemetry powered performance instrumentation. See docs on the new performance APIs for details.

Related changes:

  • feat(node-experimental): Add missing re-exports (#10679)
  • feat(node-experimental): Move defaultStackParser & getSentryRelease (#10722)
  • feat(node-experimental): Move errorHandler (#10728)
  • feat(node-experimental): Move cron code over (#10742)
  • feat(node-experimental): Move integrations from node (#10743)
  • feat(node-experimental): Properly set request & session on http requests (#10676)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Support forceTransaction in OTEL (#10807)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Align span options with core span options (#10761)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Do not capture span events as breadcrumbs (#10612)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Ensure DSC & attributes are correctly set (#10806)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Fix & align isolation scope usage in node-experimental (#10570)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Merge node-experimental changes into opentelemetry (#10689)
  • ref(node-experimental): Cleanup re-exports (#10741)
  • ref(node-experimental): Cleanup tracing intergations (#10730)
  • ref(node-experimental): Copy transport & client to node-experimental (#10720)
  • ref(node-experimental): Remove custom isInitialized (#10607)
  • ref(node-experimental): Remove custom hub & scope (#10616)
  • ref(node-experimental): Remove deprecated class integrations (#10675)
  • ref(node-experimental): Rename errorHandler to expressErrorHandler (#10746)
  • ref(node-integration-tests): Migrate to new Http integration (#10765)
  • ref(node): Align semantic attribute handling (#10827)

- feat: Remove @sentry/integrations package (#10799)

This package is no longer published. You can instead import these pluggable integrations directly from your SDK package (e.g. @sentry/browser or @sentry/react).

- feat: Remove @sentry/hub package (#10783)

This package is no longer published. You can instead import directly from your SDK package (e.g. @sentry/react or @sentry/node).

- feat(v8): Remove @sentry/tracing (#10625)

This package is no longer published. You can instead import directly from your SDK package (e.g. @sentry/react or @sentry/node).

- feat: Set required node version to >=14.8.0 for all packages (#10834)

The minimum required node version is now 14.8+. If you need support for older node versions, you can stay on the v7 branch.

- Removed class-based integrations

We have removed most of the deprecated class-based integrations. Instead, you can use the functional styles:

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
// v7
  integrations: [new Sentry.BrowserTracing()],
// v8
  integrations: [new Sentry.browserTracingIntegration()],
  • ref: Remove BrowserTracing (#10653)
  • feat(v8/node): Remove LocalVariables class integration (#10558)
  • feat(v8/react): Delete react router exports (#10532)
  • feat(v8/vue): Remove all deprecated exports from vue (#10533)
  • feat(v8/wasm): Remove deprecated exports (#10552)

- feat(v8/browser): Remove XHR transport (#10703)

We have removed the XHR transport, and are instead using the fetch-based transport now by default. This means that if you are using Sentry in a browser environment without fetch, you'll need to either provide a fetch polyfill, or provide a custom transport to Sentry.

- feat(sveltekit): Update @sentry/vite-plugin to 2.x and adjust options API (#10813)

We have updated @sentry/sveltekit to use the latest version of @sentry/vite-plugin, which lead to changes in configuration options.

Other Changes

  • feat: Ensure withActiveSpan is exported everywhere (#10878)
  • feat: Allow passing null to withActiveSpan (#10717)
  • feat: Implement new Async Context Strategy (#10647)
  • feat: Remove hub from global, & hub utilities (#10718)
  • feat: Update default trace propagation targets logic in the browser (#10621)
  • feat: Ignore ResizeObserver and undefined error (#10845)
  • feat(browser): Export getIsolationScope and getGlobalScope (#10658)
  • feat(browser): Prevent initialization in browser extensions (#10844)
  • feat(core): Add metric summaries to spans (#10554)
  • feat(core): Decouple metrics aggregation from client (#10628)
  • feat(core): Lookup client on current scope, not hub (#10635)
  • feat(core): Make setXXX methods set on isolation scope (#10678)
  • feat(core): Make custom tracing methods return spans & set default op (#10633)
  • feat(core): Make global addBreadcrumb write to the isolation scope instead of current scope (#10586)
  • feat(core): Remove health check transaction filters (#10818)
  • feat(core): Streamline custom hub creation for node-experimental (#10555)
  • feat(core): Update addEventProcessor to add to isolation scope (#10606)
  • feat(core): Update Sentry.addBreadcrumb to skip hub (#10601)
  • feat(core): Use global TextEncoder and TextDecoder (#10701)
  • feat(deps): bump @sentry/cli from 2.26.0 to 2.28.0 (#10496)
  • feat(deps): bump @sentry/cli from 2.28.0 to 2.28.5 (#10620)
  • feat(deps): bump @sentry/cli from 2.28.5 to 2.28.6 (#10727)
  • feat(integrations): Capture error arguments as exception regardless of level in captureConsoleIntegration (#10744)
  • feat(metrics): Remove metrics method from BaseClient (#10789)
  • feat(node): Remove unnecessary URL imports (#10860)
  • feat(react): Drop support for React 15 (#10115)
  • feat(remix): Add Vite dev-mode support to Express instrumentation. (#10784)
  • fix: Export session API (#10711)
  • fix(angular-ivy): Add exports field to package.json (#10569)
  • fix(angular): Ensure navigations always create a transaction (#10646)
  • fix(core): Add lost scope tests & fix update case (#10738)
  • fix(core): Fix scope capturing via captureContext function (#10735)
  • fix(feedback): Replay breadcrumb for feedback events was incorrect (#10536)
  • fix(nextjs): Remove webpack:// prefix more broadly from source map sources field (#10642)
  • fix(node): import worker_threads and fix node v14 types (#10791)
  • fix(node): Record local variables with falsy values, null and undefined (#10821)
  • fix(stacktrace): Always use ? for anonymous function name (#10732)
  • fix(sveltekit): Avoid capturing Http 4xx errors on the client (#10571)
  • fix(sveltekit): Ensure navigations and redirects always create a new transaction (#10656)
  • fix(sveltekit): Properly await sourcemaps flattening (#10602)
  • fix(types): Improve attachment type (#10832)
  • fx(node): Fix anr worker check (#10719)
  • ref: Cleanup browser profiling integration (#10766)
  • ref: Collect child spans references via non-enumerable on Span object (#10715)
  • ref: Make scope setters on hub only write to isolation scope (#10572)
  • ref: Store runtime on isolation scope (#10657)
  • ref(astro): Put request as SDK processing metadata instead of span data (#10840)
  • ref(core): Always use a (default) ACS (#10644)
  • ref(core): Make on and emit required on client (#10603)
  • ref(core): Make remaining client methods required (#10605)
  • ref(core): Rename Span class to SentrySpan (#10687)
  • ref(core): Restructure hub exports (#10639)
  • ref(core): Skip hub in top level captureXXX methods (#10688)
  • ref(core): Allow number as span traceFlag (#10855)
  • ref(core): Remove status field from Span (#10856)
  • ref(remix): Make @remix-run/router a dependency. (#10479)
  • ref(replay): Use beforeAddBreadcrumb hook instead of scope listener (#10600)
  • ref(sveltekit): Hard-pin Vite plugin version (#10843)

Other Deprecation Removals/Changes

We have also removed or updated a variety of deprecated APIs.

  • feat(v8): Remove extractTraceparentData export (#10559)
  • feat(v8): Remove defaultIntegrations deprecated export (#10691)
  • feat(v8): Remove deprecated span.isSuccess method (#10699)
  • feat(v8): Remove deprecated traceHeaders method (#10776)
  • feat(v8): Remove deprecated addInstrumentationHandler (#10693)
  • feat(v8): Remove deprecated configureScope call (#10565)
  • feat(v8): Remove deprecated runWithAsyncContext API (#10780)
  • feat(v8): Remove deprecated spanStatusfromHttpCode export (#10563)
  • feat(v8): Remove deprecated trace and startActiveSpan methods (#10593)
  • feat(v8): Remove requestData deprecations (#10626)
  • feat(v8): Remove Severity enum (#10551)
  • feat(v8): Remove span.origin (#10753)
  • feat(v8): Remove span.toTraceparent method (#10698)
  • feat(v8): Remove usage of span.description and (#10697)
  • feat(v8): Update eventFromUnknownInput to only use client (#10692)
  • feat(v8/astro): Remove deprecated exports from Astro SDK (#10611)
  • feat(v8/browser): Remove _eventFromIncompleteOnError usage (#10553)
  • feat(v8/browser): Remove XHR transport (#10703)
  • feat(v8/browser): Rename TryCatch integration to browserApiErrorsIntegration (#10755)
  • feat(v8/core): Remove deprecated setHttpStatus (#10774)
  • feat(v8/core): Remove deprecated updateWithContext method (#10800)
  • feat(v8/core): Remove getters for span.op (#10767)
  • feat(v8/core): Remove span.finish call (#10773)
  • feat(v8/core): Remove span.instrumenter and instrumenter option (#10769)
  • feat(v8/ember): Remove deprecated exports (#10535)
  • feat(v8/integrations): Remove deprecated exports (#10556)
  • feat(v8/node): Remove deepReadDirSync export (#10564)
  • feat(v8/node): Remove deprecated anr methods (#10562)
  • feat(v8/node): Remove getModuleFromFilename export (#10754)
  • feat(core): Remove deprecated props from Span interface (#10854)
  • fix(v8): Remove deprecated tracing config (#10870)
  • ref: Make setupOnce optional in integrations (#10729)
  • ref: Migrate transaction source from metadata to attributes (#10674)
  • ref: Refactor remaining makeMain usage (#10713)
  • ref(astro): Remove deprecated Replay and BrowserTracing (#10768)
  • feat(core): Remove deprecated scope.applyToEvent() method (#10842)
  • ref(integrations): Remove offline integration (#9456)
  • ref(nextjs): Remove all deprecated API (#10549)
  • ref: Remove lastEventId (#10585)
  • ref: Remove reuseExisting option for ACS (#10645)
  • ref: Remove tracingOrigins options (#10614)
  • ref: Remove deprecated showReportDialog APIs (#10609)
  • ref: Remove usage of span tags (#10808)
  • ref: Remove user segment (#10575)


A full list of changes in the 7.x release of the SDK can be found in the 7.x Changelog.


A full list of changes in the 6.x release of the SDK can be found in the 6.x Changelog.


A full list of changes in the 5.x release of the SDK can be found in the 5.x Changelog.


A full list of changes in the 4.x release of the SDK can be found in the 4.x Changelog.




Sentry Internal Tracing Package - Do not use directly, for internal use only

This is an internal package that is being used to migrate @sentry/tracing code to its respective runtime packages.

For v8, @sentry/tracing will be dropped and the code in this package will be split into @sentry/browser and @sentry/node.


Last updated on 04 Mar 2024

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