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Sentry Node SDK using OpenTelemetry for performance instrumentation

Version published

Package description

What is @sentry/node?

The @sentry/node package is a tool designed for real-time monitoring and fixing crashes in Node.js applications. It provides error tracking and performance monitoring, helping developers to quickly identify, diagnose, and fix problems in their applications. Sentry integrates seamlessly with your existing codebase, offering a range of features to enhance application reliability and user experience.

What are @sentry/node's main functionalities?

Error Tracking

Automatically capture exceptions and errors in your Node.js applications. The code initializes Sentry with your project's DSN and demonstrates how an uncaught exception is automatically reported to Sentry.

const Sentry = require('@sentry/node');
Sentry.init({ dsn: 'YOUR_DSN_HERE' });

app.get('/', function mainHandler(req, res) {
  throw new Error('Broke!');

Performance Monitoring

Track the performance of your application, including request times and slow operations. This code sample starts a transaction, simulates an operation with a timeout, and then finishes the transaction, which is then reported to Sentry for performance analysis.

const Sentry = require('@sentry/node');
const transaction = Sentry.startTransaction({ op: 'test', name: 'My First Test Transaction' });

setTimeout(() => {
}, 99);

Custom Event Capturing

Send custom messages or events to Sentry. This is useful for capturing non-exception events that are significant for your application's health monitoring and diagnostics.

const Sentry = require('@sentry/node');

Sentry.captureMessage('Something went wrong', 'error');

Other packages similar to @sentry/node




Important Changes

  • feat(browser): Update propagationContext on spanEnd to keep trace consistent

To ensure consistency throughout a route's duration, we update the scope's propagation context when the initial page load or navigation span ends. This keeps span-specific attributes like the sampled decision and dynamic sampling context on the scope, even after the transaction has ended.

  • fix(browser): Don't assume window.document is available (#11602)

We won't assume window.dodument is available in the browser SDKs anymore. This should prevent errors in environments where window.document is not available (such as web workers).

Other changes

  • feat(core): Add server.address to browser http.client spans (#11634)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Update OTEL packages & relax some version ranges (#11580)
  • feat(deps): bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-hapi from 0.34.0 to 0.36.0 (#11496)
  • feat(deps): bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-koa from 0.37.0 to 0.39.0 (#11495)
  • feat(deps): bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-pg from 0.38.0 to 0.40.0 (#11494)
  • feat(nextjs): Skip OTEL root spans emitted by Next.js (#11623)
  • feat(node): Collect Local Variables via a worker (#11586)
  • fix(nextjs): Escape Next.js' OpenTelemetry instrumentation (#11625)
  • fix(feedback): Fix timeout on feedback submission (#11619)
  • fix(node): Allow use of NodeClient without calling init (#11585)
  • fix(node): Ensure DSC is correctly set in envelope headers (#11628)




Official Sentry SDK for Node

npm version npm dm npm dt


npm install @sentry/node

# Or yarn
yarn add @sentry/node


// CJS Syntax
const Sentry = require('@sentry/node');
// ESM Syntax
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node';

  dsn: '__DSN__',
  // ...

Note that it is necessary to initialize Sentry before you import any package that may be instrumented by us.

More information on how to set up Sentry for Node in v8.

ESM Support

Due to the way OpenTelemetry handles instrumentation, this only works out of the box for CommonJS (require) applications.

There is experimental support for running OpenTelemetry with ESM ("type": "module"):

node --experimental-loader=@opentelemetry/instrumentation/hook.mjs ./app.js

You'll need to install @opentelemetry/instrumentation in your app to ensure this works.

See OpenTelemetry Instrumentation Docs for details on this - but note that this is a) experimental, and b) does not work with all integrations.


Last updated on 17 Apr 2024

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