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@sentry/react - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.17.0 to 5.18.0



export * from '@sentry/browser';
export { Profiler, withProfiler } from './profiler';
export { Profiler, withProfiler, useProfiler } from './profiler';
export { ErrorBoundary, withErrorBoundary } from './errorboundary';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
var browser_1 = require("@sentry/browser");
function createReactEventProcessor() {
if (browser_1.addGlobalEventProcessor) {
browser_1.addGlobalEventProcessor(function (event) {
event.sdk = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, event.sdk), { name: 'sentry.javascript.react', packages: tslib_1.__spread(((event.sdk && event.sdk.packages) || []), [
name: 'npm:@sentry/react',
version: browser_1.SDK_VERSION,
]), version: browser_1.SDK_VERSION });
return event;
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("@sentry/browser"), exports);

@@ -7,2 +21,7 @@ var profiler_1 = require("./profiler");

Object.defineProperty(exports, "withProfiler", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return profiler_1.withProfiler; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "useProfiler", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return profiler_1.useProfiler; } });
var errorboundary_1 = require("./errorboundary");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "ErrorBoundary", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return errorboundary_1.ErrorBoundary; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "withErrorBoundary", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return errorboundary_1.withErrorBoundary; } });

@@ -0,16 +1,49 @@

import { Span } from '@sentry/types';
import * as React from 'react';
export declare const UNKNOWN_COMPONENT = "unknown";
interface ProfilerProps {
componentDisplayName?: string;
export declare type ProfilerProps = {
name: string;
disabled?: boolean;
hasRenderSpan?: boolean;
hasUpdateSpan?: boolean;
updateProps: {
[key: string]: any;
* The Profiler component leverages Sentry's Tracing integration to generate
* spans based on component lifecycles.
declare class Profiler extends React.Component<ProfilerProps> {
activity: number | null;
mountActivity: number | null;
mountSpan: Span | undefined;
renderSpan: Span | undefined;
static defaultProps: Partial<ProfilerProps>;
constructor(props: ProfilerProps);
componentDidMount(): void;
componentDidUpdate({ updateProps, hasUpdateSpan }: ProfilerProps): void;
componentWillUnmount(): void;
finishProfile: () => void;
render(): React.ReactNode;
declare function withProfiler<P extends object>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>): React.FC<P>;
export { withProfiler, Profiler };
* withProfiler is a higher order component that wraps a
* component in a {@link Profiler} component. It is recommended that
* the higher order component be used over the regular {@link Profiler} component.
* @param WrappedComponent component that is wrapped by Profiler
* @param options the {@link ProfilerProps} you can pass into the Profiler
declare function withProfiler<P extends object>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>, options?: Pick<Partial<ProfilerProps>, Exclude<keyof ProfilerProps, 'updateProps'>>): React.FC<P>;
* `useProfiler` is a React hook that profiles a React component.
* Requires React 16.8 or above.
* @param name displayName of component being profiled
declare function useProfiler(name: string, options?: {
disabled?: boolean;
hasRenderSpan?: boolean;
}): void;
export { withProfiler, Profiler, useProfiler };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Profiler = exports.withProfiler = exports.UNKNOWN_COMPONENT = void 0;
exports.useProfiler = exports.Profiler = exports.withProfiler = exports.UNKNOWN_COMPONENT = void 0;
var tslib_1 = require("tslib");

@@ -12,42 +12,61 @@ var browser_1 = require("@sentry/browser");

var globalTracingIntegration = null;
var getTracingIntegration = function () {
if (globalTracingIntegration) {
return globalTracingIntegration;
globalTracingIntegration = browser_1.getCurrentHub().getIntegration(TRACING_GETTER);
return globalTracingIntegration;
* Based on implementation from Preact:
* Schedule a callback to be invoked after the browser has a chance to paint a new frame.
* Do this by combining requestAnimationFrame (rAF) + setTimeout to invoke a callback after
* the next browser frame.
* Also, schedule a timeout in parallel to the the rAF to ensure the callback is invoked
* even if RAF doesn't fire (for example if the browser tab is not visible)
* This is what we use to tell if a component activity has finished
* Warn if tracing integration not configured. Will only warn once.
function afterNextFrame(callback) {
var timeout;
var raf;
var done = function () {
raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(done);
timeout = window.setTimeout(done, 100);
function warnAboutTracing(name) {
if (globalTracingIntegration === null) {
utils_1.logger.warn("Unable to profile component " + name + " due to invalid Tracing Integration. Please make sure the Tracing integration is setup properly.");
var getInitActivity = function (componentDisplayName) {
var tracingIntegration = browser_1.getCurrentHub().getIntegration(TRACING_GETTER);
if (tracingIntegration !== null) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
var activity = tracingIntegration.constructor.pushActivity(componentDisplayName, {
description: "<" + componentDisplayName + ">",
op: 'react',
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-unsafe-any
return activity;
* pushActivity creates an new react activity.
* Is a no-op if Tracing integration is not valid
* @param name displayName of component that started activity
function pushActivity(name, op) {
if (globalTracingIntegration === null) {
return null;
utils_1.logger.warn("Unable to profile component " + componentDisplayName + " due to invalid Tracing Integration. Please make sure to setup the Tracing integration.");
return null;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
return globalTracingIntegration.constructor.pushActivity(name, {
description: "<" + name + ">",
op: "react." + op,
* popActivity removes a React activity.
* Is a no-op if Tracing integration is not valid.
* @param activity id of activity that is being popped
function popActivity(activity) {
if (activity === null || globalTracingIntegration === null) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
* Obtain a span given an activity id.
* Is a no-op if Tracing integration is not valid.
* @param activity activity id associated with obtained span
function getActivitySpan(activity) {
if (activity === null || globalTracingIntegration === null) {
return undefined;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
return globalTracingIntegration.constructor.getActivitySpan(activity);
* The Profiler component leverages Sentry's Tracing integration to generate
* spans based on component lifecycles.
var Profiler = /** @class */ (function (_super) {

@@ -57,22 +76,66 @@ tslib_1.__extends(Profiler, _super);

var _this =, props) || this;
_this.finishProfile = function () {
if (!_this.activity) {
var tracingIntegration = browser_1.getCurrentHub().getIntegration(TRACING_GETTER);
if (tracingIntegration !== null) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
_this.activity = null;
var _a = _this.props.componentDisplayName, componentDisplayName = _a === void 0 ? exports.UNKNOWN_COMPONENT : _a;
_this.activity = getInitActivity(componentDisplayName);
// The activity representing how long it takes to mount a component.
_this.mountActivity = null;
// The span of the mount activity
_this.mountSpan = undefined;
// The span of the render
_this.renderSpan = undefined;
var _a = _this.props, name =, _b = _a.disabled, disabled = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;
if (disabled) {
return _this;
if (getTracingIntegration()) {
_this.mountActivity = pushActivity(name, 'mount');
else {
return _this;
// If a component mounted, we can finish the mount activity.
Profiler.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
this.mountSpan = getActivitySpan(this.mountActivity);
this.mountActivity = null;
Profiler.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (_a) {
var _this = this;
var updateProps = _a.updateProps, _b = _a.hasUpdateSpan, hasUpdateSpan = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;
// Only generate an update span if hasUpdateSpan is true, if there is a valid mountSpan,
// and if the updateProps have changed. It is ok to not do a deep equality check here as it is expensive.
// We are just trying to give baseline clues for further investigation.
if (hasUpdateSpan && this.mountSpan && updateProps !== this.props.updateProps) {
// See what props haved changed between the previous props, and the current props. This is
// set as data on the span. We just store the prop keys as the values could be potenially very large.
var changedProps = Object.keys(updateProps).filter(function (k) { return updateProps[k] !== _this.props.updateProps[k]; });
if (changedProps.length > 0) {
// The update span is a point in time span with 0 duration, just signifying that the component
// has been updated.
var now = utils_1.timestampWithMs();
data: {
changedProps: changedProps,
description: "<" + + ">",
endTimestamp: now,
op: "react.update",
startTimestamp: now,
// If a component is unmounted, we can say it is no longer on the screen.
// This means we can finish the span representing the component render.
Profiler.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
var _a = this.props, name =, _b = _a.hasRenderSpan, hasRenderSpan = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;
if (this.mountSpan && hasRenderSpan) {
// If we were able to obtain the spanId of the mount activity, we should set the
// next activity as a child to the component mount activity.
description: "<" + name + ">",
endTimestamp: utils_1.timestampWithMs(),
op: "react.render",
startTimestamp: this.mountSpan.endTimestamp,

@@ -82,8 +145,23 @@ Profiler.prototype.render = function () {

Profiler.defaultProps = {
disabled: false,
hasRenderSpan: true,
hasUpdateSpan: true,
return Profiler;
exports.Profiler = Profiler;
function withProfiler(WrappedComponent) {
var componentDisplayName = WrappedComponent.displayName || || exports.UNKNOWN_COMPONENT;
var Wrapped = function (props) { return (React.createElement(Profiler, { componentDisplayName: componentDisplayName },
* withProfiler is a higher order component that wraps a
* component in a {@link Profiler} component. It is recommended that
* the higher order component be used over the regular {@link Profiler} component.
* @param WrappedComponent component that is wrapped by Profiler
* @param options the {@link ProfilerProps} you can pass into the Profiler
function withProfiler(WrappedComponent,
// We do not want to have `updateProps` given in options, it is instead filled through the HOC.
options) {
var componentDisplayName = (options && || WrappedComponent.displayName || || exports.UNKNOWN_COMPONENT;
var Wrapped = function (props) { return (React.createElement(Profiler, tslib_1.__assign({}, options, { name: componentDisplayName, updateProps: props }),
React.createElement(WrappedComponent, tslib_1.__assign({}, props)))); };

@@ -97,2 +175,40 @@ Wrapped.displayName = "profiler(" + componentDisplayName + ")";

exports.withProfiler = withProfiler;
* `useProfiler` is a React hook that profiles a React component.
* Requires React 16.8 or above.
* @param name displayName of component being profiled
function useProfiler(name, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {
disabled: false,
hasRenderSpan: true,
}; }
var _a = tslib_1.__read(React.useState(function () {
if (options && options.disabled) {
return null;
if (getTracingIntegration()) {
return pushActivity(name, 'mount');
return null;
}), 1), mountActivity = _a[0];
React.useEffect(function () {
var mountSpan = getActivitySpan(mountActivity);
return function () {
if (mountSpan && options.hasRenderSpan) {
description: "<" + name + ">",
endTimestamp: utils_1.timestampWithMs(),
op: "react.render",
startTimestamp: mountSpan.endTimestamp,
}, []);
exports.useProfiler = useProfiler;
export * from '@sentry/browser';
export { Profiler, withProfiler } from './profiler';
export { Profiler, withProfiler, useProfiler } from './profiler';
export { ErrorBoundary, withErrorBoundary } from './errorboundary';

@@ -0,3 +1,20 @@

import { __assign, __read, __spread } from "tslib";
import { addGlobalEventProcessor, SDK_VERSION } from '@sentry/browser';
function createReactEventProcessor() {
if (addGlobalEventProcessor) {
addGlobalEventProcessor(function (event) {
event.sdk = __assign(__assign({}, event.sdk), { name: 'sentry.javascript.react', packages: __spread(((event.sdk && event.sdk.packages) || []), [
name: 'npm:@sentry/react',
version: SDK_VERSION,
]), version: SDK_VERSION });
return event;
export * from '@sentry/browser';
export { Profiler, withProfiler } from './profiler';
export { Profiler, withProfiler, useProfiler } from './profiler';
export { ErrorBoundary, withErrorBoundary } from './errorboundary';

@@ -0,16 +1,49 @@

import { Span } from '@sentry/types';
import * as React from 'react';
export declare const UNKNOWN_COMPONENT = "unknown";
interface ProfilerProps {
componentDisplayName?: string;
export declare type ProfilerProps = {
name: string;
disabled?: boolean;
hasRenderSpan?: boolean;
hasUpdateSpan?: boolean;
updateProps: {
[key: string]: any;
* The Profiler component leverages Sentry's Tracing integration to generate
* spans based on component lifecycles.
declare class Profiler extends React.Component<ProfilerProps> {
activity: number | null;
mountActivity: number | null;
mountSpan: Span | undefined;
renderSpan: Span | undefined;
static defaultProps: Partial<ProfilerProps>;
constructor(props: ProfilerProps);
componentDidMount(): void;
componentDidUpdate({ updateProps, hasUpdateSpan }: ProfilerProps): void;
componentWillUnmount(): void;
finishProfile: () => void;
render(): React.ReactNode;
declare function withProfiler<P extends object>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>): React.FC<P>;
export { withProfiler, Profiler };
* withProfiler is a higher order component that wraps a
* component in a {@link Profiler} component. It is recommended that
* the higher order component be used over the regular {@link Profiler} component.
* @param WrappedComponent component that is wrapped by Profiler
* @param options the {@link ProfilerProps} you can pass into the Profiler
declare function withProfiler<P extends object>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>, options?: Pick<Partial<ProfilerProps>, Exclude<keyof ProfilerProps, 'updateProps'>>): React.FC<P>;
* `useProfiler` is a React hook that profiles a React component.
* Requires React 16.8 or above.
* @param name displayName of component being profiled
declare function useProfiler(name: string, options?: {
disabled?: boolean;
hasRenderSpan?: boolean;
}): void;
export { withProfiler, Profiler, useProfiler };

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { __assign, __extends } from "tslib";
import { __assign, __extends, __read } from "tslib";
import { getCurrentHub } from '@sentry/browser';
import { logger } from '@sentry/utils';
import { logger, timestampWithMs } from '@sentry/utils';
import * as hoistNonReactStatic from 'hoist-non-react-statics';

@@ -10,42 +10,61 @@ import * as React from 'react';

var globalTracingIntegration = null;
var getTracingIntegration = function () {
if (globalTracingIntegration) {
return globalTracingIntegration;
globalTracingIntegration = getCurrentHub().getIntegration(TRACING_GETTER);
return globalTracingIntegration;
* Based on implementation from Preact:
* Schedule a callback to be invoked after the browser has a chance to paint a new frame.
* Do this by combining requestAnimationFrame (rAF) + setTimeout to invoke a callback after
* the next browser frame.
* Also, schedule a timeout in parallel to the the rAF to ensure the callback is invoked
* even if RAF doesn't fire (for example if the browser tab is not visible)
* This is what we use to tell if a component activity has finished
* Warn if tracing integration not configured. Will only warn once.
function afterNextFrame(callback) {
var timeout;
var raf;
var done = function () {
raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(done);
timeout = window.setTimeout(done, 100);
function warnAboutTracing(name) {
if (globalTracingIntegration === null) {
logger.warn("Unable to profile component " + name + " due to invalid Tracing Integration. Please make sure the Tracing integration is setup properly.");
var getInitActivity = function (componentDisplayName) {
var tracingIntegration = getCurrentHub().getIntegration(TRACING_GETTER);
if (tracingIntegration !== null) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
var activity = tracingIntegration.constructor.pushActivity(componentDisplayName, {
description: "<" + componentDisplayName + ">",
op: 'react',
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-unsafe-any
return activity;
* pushActivity creates an new react activity.
* Is a no-op if Tracing integration is not valid
* @param name displayName of component that started activity
function pushActivity(name, op) {
if (globalTracingIntegration === null) {
return null;
logger.warn("Unable to profile component " + componentDisplayName + " due to invalid Tracing Integration. Please make sure to setup the Tracing integration.");
return null;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
return globalTracingIntegration.constructor.pushActivity(name, {
description: "<" + name + ">",
op: "react." + op,
* popActivity removes a React activity.
* Is a no-op if Tracing integration is not valid.
* @param activity id of activity that is being popped
function popActivity(activity) {
if (activity === null || globalTracingIntegration === null) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
* Obtain a span given an activity id.
* Is a no-op if Tracing integration is not valid.
* @param activity activity id associated with obtained span
function getActivitySpan(activity) {
if (activity === null || globalTracingIntegration === null) {
return undefined;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
return globalTracingIntegration.constructor.getActivitySpan(activity);
* The Profiler component leverages Sentry's Tracing integration to generate
* spans based on component lifecycles.
var Profiler = /** @class */ (function (_super) {

@@ -55,22 +74,66 @@ __extends(Profiler, _super);

var _this =, props) || this;
_this.finishProfile = function () {
if (!_this.activity) {
var tracingIntegration = getCurrentHub().getIntegration(TRACING_GETTER);
if (tracingIntegration !== null) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
_this.activity = null;
var _a = _this.props.componentDisplayName, componentDisplayName = _a === void 0 ? UNKNOWN_COMPONENT : _a;
_this.activity = getInitActivity(componentDisplayName);
// The activity representing how long it takes to mount a component.
_this.mountActivity = null;
// The span of the mount activity
_this.mountSpan = undefined;
// The span of the render
_this.renderSpan = undefined;
var _a = _this.props, name =, _b = _a.disabled, disabled = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;
if (disabled) {
return _this;
if (getTracingIntegration()) {
_this.mountActivity = pushActivity(name, 'mount');
else {
return _this;
// If a component mounted, we can finish the mount activity.
Profiler.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
this.mountSpan = getActivitySpan(this.mountActivity);
this.mountActivity = null;
Profiler.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (_a) {
var _this = this;
var updateProps = _a.updateProps, _b = _a.hasUpdateSpan, hasUpdateSpan = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;
// Only generate an update span if hasUpdateSpan is true, if there is a valid mountSpan,
// and if the updateProps have changed. It is ok to not do a deep equality check here as it is expensive.
// We are just trying to give baseline clues for further investigation.
if (hasUpdateSpan && this.mountSpan && updateProps !== this.props.updateProps) {
// See what props haved changed between the previous props, and the current props. This is
// set as data on the span. We just store the prop keys as the values could be potenially very large.
var changedProps = Object.keys(updateProps).filter(function (k) { return updateProps[k] !== _this.props.updateProps[k]; });
if (changedProps.length > 0) {
// The update span is a point in time span with 0 duration, just signifying that the component
// has been updated.
var now = timestampWithMs();
data: {
changedProps: changedProps,
description: "<" + + ">",
endTimestamp: now,
op: "react.update",
startTimestamp: now,
// If a component is unmounted, we can say it is no longer on the screen.
// This means we can finish the span representing the component render.
Profiler.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
var _a = this.props, name =, _b = _a.hasRenderSpan, hasRenderSpan = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;
if (this.mountSpan && hasRenderSpan) {
// If we were able to obtain the spanId of the mount activity, we should set the
// next activity as a child to the component mount activity.
description: "<" + name + ">",
endTimestamp: timestampWithMs(),
op: "react.render",
startTimestamp: this.mountSpan.endTimestamp,

@@ -80,7 +143,22 @@ Profiler.prototype.render = function () {

Profiler.defaultProps = {
disabled: false,
hasRenderSpan: true,
hasUpdateSpan: true,
return Profiler;
function withProfiler(WrappedComponent) {
var componentDisplayName = WrappedComponent.displayName || || UNKNOWN_COMPONENT;
var Wrapped = function (props) { return (React.createElement(Profiler, { componentDisplayName: componentDisplayName },
* withProfiler is a higher order component that wraps a
* component in a {@link Profiler} component. It is recommended that
* the higher order component be used over the regular {@link Profiler} component.
* @param WrappedComponent component that is wrapped by Profiler
* @param options the {@link ProfilerProps} you can pass into the Profiler
function withProfiler(WrappedComponent,
// We do not want to have `updateProps` given in options, it is instead filled through the HOC.
options) {
var componentDisplayName = (options && || WrappedComponent.displayName || || UNKNOWN_COMPONENT;
var Wrapped = function (props) { return (React.createElement(Profiler, __assign({}, options, { name: componentDisplayName, updateProps: props }),
React.createElement(WrappedComponent, __assign({}, props)))); };

@@ -93,3 +171,40 @@ Wrapped.displayName = "profiler(" + componentDisplayName + ")";

export { withProfiler, Profiler };
* `useProfiler` is a React hook that profiles a React component.
* Requires React 16.8 or above.
* @param name displayName of component being profiled
function useProfiler(name, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {
disabled: false,
hasRenderSpan: true,
}; }
var _a = __read(React.useState(function () {
if (options && options.disabled) {
return null;
if (getTracingIntegration()) {
return pushActivity(name, 'mount');
return null;
}), 1), mountActivity = _a[0];
React.useEffect(function () {
var mountSpan = getActivitySpan(mountActivity);
return function () {
if (mountSpan && options.hasRenderSpan) {
description: "<" + name + ">",
endTimestamp: timestampWithMs(),
op: "react.render",
startTimestamp: mountSpan.endTimestamp,
}, []);
export { withProfiler, Profiler, useProfiler };
"name": "@sentry/react",
"version": "5.17.0",
"version": "5.18.0",
"description": "Offical Sentry SDK for React.js",

@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ "repository": "git://",

"dependencies": {
"@sentry/browser": "5.17.0",
"@sentry/types": "5.17.0",
"@sentry/utils": "5.17.0",
"@sentry/browser": "5.18.0",
"@sentry/types": "5.18.0",
"@sentry/utils": "5.18.0",
"hoist-non-react-statics": "^3.3.2",

@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ "tslib": "^1.9.3"

"devDependencies": {
"@testing-library/react": "^10.0.6",
"@testing-library/react-hooks": "^3.3.0",
"@types/hoist-non-react-statics": "^3.3.1",
"@types/react": "^16.9.35",
"@types/react-test-renderer": "^16.9.2",
"jest": "^24.7.1",
"jsdom": "^16.2.2",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.2",

@@ -45,2 +47,3 @@ "prettier": "^1.17.0",

"tslint-react": "^5.0.0",
"tslint-react-hooks": "^2.2.2",
"typescript": "^3.5.1"

@@ -47,0 +50,0 @@ },

@@ -14,1 +14,80 @@ <p align="center">

- [TypeDoc](
## General
This package is a wrapper around `@sentry/browser`, with added functionality related to React. All methods available in
`@sentry/browser` can be imported from `@sentry/react`.
To use this SDK, call `Sentry.init(options)` before you mount your React component.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
dsn: '__DSN__',
// ...
// ...
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootNode);
// Can also use with React Concurrent Mode
// ReactDOM.createRoot(rootNode).render(<App />);
### ErrorBoundary
`@sentry/react` exports an ErrorBoundary component that will automatically send Javascript errors from inside a
component tree to Sentry, and set a fallback UI. Requires React version >= 16.
> app.js
import React from 'react';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
function FallbackComponent() {
return (
<div>An error has occured</div>
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Sentry.ErrorBoundary fallback={FallbackComponent} showDialog>
<OtherComponents />
export default App;
### Profiler
`@sentry/react` exports a Profiler component that leverages the `@sentry/apm` Tracing integration to add React related
spans to transactions. If the Tracing integration is not enabled, the Profiler component will not work. The Profiler
tracks component mount, render duration and updates. Requires React version >= 15.
> app.js
import React from 'react';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<InsideComponent someProp={2} />
<AnotherComponent />
export default Sentry.withProfiler(App);

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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