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@shapediver/sdk.sdtf-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.4.0 to 1.4.1


import { ISdtfWriteableComponentFactory } from "../writer/ISdtfWriteableComponentFactory";
import { ISdtfTypeReader } from "./ISdtfTypeReader";
import { ISdtfTypeWriter } from "./ISdtfTypeWriter";
/** The integration binds reading, writing and validation logic to the supported type hints of the integration. */
export interface ISdtfIntegration {
/** Returns `true` when the given type hint is supported by this integration; otherwise `false`. */
isTypeHintSupported(typeHintName: string): boolean;
/** This function is called when the sdTF SDK is instantiated. */
init(): Promise<void>;
/** Returns a reader instance for parsing and mapping data content. */
getReader(): ISdtfTypeReader;
/** Returns a writer instance for mapping data content. */
getWriter(factory: ISdtfWriteableComponentFactory): ISdtfTypeWriter;
import { ISdtfReadableContentComponent } from "../reader/ISdtfReadableContentComponent";
* The reader is the central component for parsing and mapping content data of your custom integration-type.
* Content data is hold by {@link ISdtfReadableDataItem} and {@link ISdtfReadableAttribute} components and stored
* either directly in the _sdTF JSON content_ (`value` property), or in a _sdTF binary buffer_ (`accessor` property).
* By itself, the SDK does not know about any data type hints.
* It simply returns the data as is (when the data is stored in the binary buffer, it is wrapped by
* {@link ISdtfBufferValue}).
* However, in some cases it is necessary to process the stored data before returning it to the user.
* For instance:
* Some data values are stored as a JSON object in the sdTF file.
* The reader parses the JSON object and uses this data to instantiate a new JavaScript object that is returned to
* the user instead.
* This way, users can interact directly with a concrete class instance instead of creating one themselves.
export interface ISdtfTypeReader {
* Parses and maps the content of the given component and returns the data that should be forwarded to the user.
* This function is called by the SDK whenever the user requests the content of a sdTF item or attribute component
* by calling {@link ISdtfReadableDataItem.getContent()} or {@link ISdtfReadableAttribute.getContent()}.
* @throws {@link SdtfError} when the component is invalid or something goes wrong.
readComponent(component: ISdtfReadableContentComponent): Promise<unknown>;
import { ISdtfWriteableAttribute } from "../writer/components/ISdtfWriteableAttributes";
import { ISdtfWriteableDataItem } from "../writer/components/ISdtfWriteableDataItem";
* The writer is the central component for modifying and mapping content data of your custom integration-type, whenever
* a new sdTF file is created.
* Content data is hold by {@link ISdtfWriteableDataItem} and {@link ISdtfWriteableAttribute} components and stored
* either directly in the _sdTF JSON content_ (`value` property), or in a _sdTF binary buffer_ (`accessor` property).
* However, in some cases it is necessary to modify the content set by the user before writing it into the sdTF file.
* For instance:
* The user instantiates some object and sets it in the `value` property.
* If we kept it as is, the representation of the JavaScript object would be written into the _sdTF JSON content_.
* We do not want this.
* Therefore, we replace the user object by a plane JSON object that holds all important data values.
* This way, the JSON object is written instead.
* By implementing the process in reverse order (creating a new object from the JSON object) in the reader of this
* integration, the user would receive an object instance again.
export interface ISdtfTypeWriter {

@@ -21,0 +4,0 @@ writeComponent(component: ISdtfWriteableAttribute | ISdtfWriteableDataItem): void;


import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Wrapper around interface extension of a readable sdTF base component. */
export type SdtfReadableBase<T extends ISdtfBaseComponent> = Omit<T, "toJson">;
/** Base for readable data object */
export interface ISdtfBaseReadableComponent {
/** Unique id of the component instance. */
readonly componentId: string;
/** Returns the JSON representation of the component. */
toDataObject(): Record<string, unknown>;

@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ import { ISdtfAccessor } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfAccessor";

import { ISdtfReadableBufferView } from "./ISdtfReadableBufferView";
/** Representation of a readable [sdTF accessor]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableAccessor extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, Omit<SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfAccessor>, "bufferView"> {
/** The referenced buffer view. */
bufferView: ISdtfReadableBufferView;
/** Returns the content. */
getContent(): Promise<ISdtfBufferValue>;

@@ -12,23 +12,13 @@ import { ISdtfAsset } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfAsset";

import { ISdtfReadableTypeHint } from "./ISdtfReadableTypeHint";
/** Represents a readable [sdTf]( (Standard Data Transfer Format). */
export interface ISdtfReadableAsset extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, Omit<SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfAsset>, "fileInfo"> {
/** Iterator for all accessors referenced by data items. */
accessors: ISdtfReadableAccessor[];
/** Iterator for all attributes referenced by chunks, nodes or data items. */
attributes: ISdtfReadableAttributes[];
/** Iterator for all buffers referenced by buffer views. */
buffers: ISdtfReadableBuffer[];
/** Iterator for all buffer views referenced by accessors. */
bufferViews: ISdtfReadableBufferView[];
/** Chunks are the entry points into the hierarchy of a sdTF. */
chunks: ISdtfReadableChunk[];
/** Iterator for all data items referenced by nodes. */
items: ISdtfReadableDataItem[];
/** Iterator for all nodes part of the hierarchy. */
nodes: ISdtfReadableNode[];
/** Iterator for all type hints referenced by chunks, nodes, or data items. */
typeHints: ISdtfReadableTypeHint[];
/** Meta information about this asset. */
fileInfo: ISdtfReadableFileInfo;
import { ISdtfAttribute, ISdtfAttributes } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfAttributes";
import { ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, SdtfReadableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseReadableComponent";
import { ISdtfReadableTypeHint } from "./ISdtfReadableTypeHint";
/** Representation of a [sdTF attributes]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableAttributes extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, Omit<SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfAttributes>, "entries"> {
/** Attributes are stored as dictionaries, mapping an arbitrary number of attribute names to their values. */
entries: Record<string, ISdtfReadableAttribute>;
/** The value of a single attributes dictionary key */
export interface ISdtfReadableAttribute extends Omit<ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, "componentId">, Omit<ISdtfAttribute, "toJson" | "accessor" | "typeHint" | "value"> {
/** The type hint of the referenced accessor or value. */
typeHint?: ISdtfReadableTypeHint;
* Returns the data content.
* When the data is embedded via {@link value}, the value is returned directly.
* However, when the data is linked via {@link accessor}, the respective buffer is loaded into memory and the
* corresponding value is extracted and returned.
* When both, {@link value} and {@link accessor}, are defined than {@link value} precedes.
getContent(): Promise<unknown>;
import { ISdtfBuffer } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfBuffer";
import { ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, SdtfReadableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseReadableComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF buffer]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableBuffer extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfBuffer> {
* Returns the specified part of the buffer.
* @param offset - Zero-based byte index at which to begin (inclusive).
* @param length - Length of the buffer.
* @throws {@link SdtfError} when the requested part is out of bounds.
getContent(offset: number, length: number): Promise<DataView>;
import { ISdtfBufferView } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfBufferView";
import { ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, SdtfReadableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseReadableComponent";
import { ISdtfReadableBuffer } from "./ISdtfReadableBuffer";
/** Representation of a [sdTF buffer view]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableBufferView extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, Omit<SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfBufferView>, "buffer"> {
/** The referenced buffer. */
buffer: ISdtfReadableBuffer;
/** Returns the buffer content. */
getContent(): Promise<DataView>;
import { ISdtfReadableNode } from "./ISdtfReadableNode";
/** Representation of a [sdTF chunk]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableChunk extends ISdtfReadableNode {

@@ -5,19 +5,7 @@ import { ISdtfDataItem } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfDataItem";

import { ISdtfReadableTypeHint } from "./ISdtfReadableTypeHint";
/** Representation of a [sdTF data item]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableDataItem extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, Omit<SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfDataItem>, "accessor" | "attributes" | "typeHint" | "value"> {
/** Referenced attributes of this data item. */
attributes?: ISdtfReadableAttributes;
/** The type hint of the referenced accessor or value. */
typeHint?: ISdtfReadableTypeHint;
* Returns the data content.
* When the data is embedded via {@link value}, the value is returned directly.
* However, when the data is linked via {@link accessor}, the respective buffer is loaded into memory and the
* corresponding value is extracted and returned.
* When both, {@link value} and {@link accessor}, are defined than {@link value} precedes.
getContent(): Promise<unknown>;
import { ISdtfFileInfo } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfFileInfo";
import { ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, SdtfReadableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseReadableComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF file info]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableFileInfo extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfFileInfo> {

@@ -6,17 +6,8 @@ import { ISdtfNode } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfNode";

import { ISdtfReadableTypeHint } from "./ISdtfReadableTypeHint";
/** Representation of a [sdTF node]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableNode extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, Omit<SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfNode>, "attributes" | "items" | "nodes" | "typeHint"> {
/** Attributes of the node. */
attributes?: ISdtfReadableAttributes;
/** Data items of this node, may be empty. */
items: ISdtfReadableDataItem[];
/** Children of this node, may be empty. */
nodes: ISdtfReadableNode[];
* The type hint of the referenced accessor or value.
* __Should__ be specified in case the type hint for all child nodes and items is the same.
* __Must__ not be specified otherwise.
typeHint?: ISdtfReadableTypeHint;
import { ISdtfTypeHint } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfTypeHint";
import { SdtfTypeHintName } from "../../structure/SdtfShapeDiverTypeHints";
import { ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, SdtfReadableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseReadableComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF type hint]( */
export interface ISdtfReadableTypeHint extends ISdtfBaseReadableComponent, SdtfReadableBase<ISdtfTypeHint> {
/** Name of the type hint. */
name: SdtfTypeHintName | string;

@@ -1,16 +0,5 @@

* Wrapper around a buffer value.
* @example
* {
* id: "a64761bb-8c4e-4a4e-a0be-724925fa10cb",
* date: DataView { ... }
* }
export interface ISdtfBufferValue {
/** Optional id that was specified in the accessor */
id?: string;
/** Holds the referenced buffer data */
data: DataView;
import { ISdtfReadableAsset } from "./components/ISdtfReadableAsset";
/** Parser for sdTF assets. */
export interface ISdtfParser {
* Parses the sdTF-file with the given path.
* __WARNING:__ This function is only supported in Node.js!
* @param path - Absolute or relative path of the sdTF file.
* @throws {@link SdtfError} when the sdTF-file could not be parsed.
readFromFile(path: string): Promise<ISdtfReadableAsset>;
* Fetches the sdTF-file from the given link and returns the parsing results.
* @param url - Location of the sdTF-file.
* @throws {@link SdtfError} when the sdTF-file could not be parsed.
readFromUrl(url: string): Promise<ISdtfReadableAsset>;
* Parses the sdTF-file with the given data.
* @throws {@link SdtfError} when the sdTF-file could not be parsed.
readFromBuffer(sdtf: ArrayBuffer): ISdtfReadableAsset;
import { ISdtfReadableAccessor } from "./components/ISdtfReadableAccessor";
import { ISdtfReadableTypeHint } from "./components/ISdtfReadableTypeHint";
export interface ISdtfReadableContentComponent {
/** Referenced accessor to binary data. */
accessor?: ISdtfReadableAccessor;
/** The type hint of the referenced accessor or value. */
typeHint?: ISdtfReadableTypeHint;
/** Embedded representation of the data item. */
value?: unknown;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF accessor]( */
export interface ISdtfAccessor extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced buffer view object in the sdTF asset structure. */
bufferView: number;
* ID of the referenced object inside the buffer view.
* The meaning of this id is specific to the content type of the buffer view (the file type).
* May be omitted in case the complete buffer view shall be referenced, e.g. in case of image files.
* We use this in case of an object in a Rhino 3dm file or another structured file format.
id?: string;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Represents a [sdTf]( (Standard Data Transfer Format). */
export interface ISdtfAsset extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced file info object in the sdTF asset structure. */
fileInfo: number;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF attributes]( */
export interface ISdtfAttributes extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
entries: Record<string, ISdtfAttribute>;
/** The value of a single attributes dictionary key */
export interface ISdtfAttribute {
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced accessor object in the sdTF asset structure. */
accessor?: number;
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced type hint object in the sdTF asset structure. */
typeHint?: number;
/** Embedded representation of the data item, used for primitive values. */
value?: unknown;
/** Returns the JSON representation of the component. */
toJson(): Record<string, unknown>;

@@ -1,8 +0,5 @@

/** Base for plain data object */
export interface ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** Unique id of the component instance. */
readonly componentId: string;
/** Returns the JSON representation of the component. */
toJson(): Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF buffer]( */
export interface ISdtfBuffer extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** The length of the buffer in bytes. */
byteLength: number;
* The URI of the buffer.
* Relative paths are relative to the `.Sdtf`-file.
* Instead of referencing an external file, the URI can also be a data-uri.
* Not set in case of the directly attached buffer used for _binary sdTF_.
uri?: string;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF buffer view]( */
export interface ISdtfBufferView extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced buffer object in the sdTF asset structure. */
buffer: number;
/** The length of the buffer view in bytes. */
byteLength: number;
/** The offset into the buffer in bytes. */
byteOffset: number;
* Content-Encoding which was used to compress the data referenced by the buffer view.
* See [MDN Docs](
contentEncoding?: string;
* MIME type of data referenced by the buffer view.
* See [IANA](
* and [RFC 6838](
contentType: string;
* Optional name of the buffer view.
* May be used to store a filename including file ending, which can help to disambiguate {@link contentType}.
name?: string;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfNode } from "./ISdtfNode";
/** Representation of a [sdTF chunk]( */
export interface ISdtfChunk extends ISdtfNode {
/** Name of the chunk. */
name: string;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF data item]( */
export interface ISdtfDataItem extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced accessor object in the sdTF asset structure. */
accessor?: number;
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced attributes object in the sdTF asset structure. */
attributes?: number;
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced type hint object in the sdTF asset structure. */
typeHint?: number;
/** Embedded representation of the data item, used for primitive values. */
value?: unknown;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF file info]( */
export interface ISdtfFileInfo extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** Holder of Copyright of the file. */
copyright?: string;
/** Hint to software package that generated the sdTF asset. */
generator?: string;
/** The version of this sdTF asset. */
version: string;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF node]( */
export interface ISdtfNode extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced attributes object in the sdTF asset structure. */
attributes?: number;
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced data item objects in the sdTF asset structure. */
items: number[];
* Optional name of the node.
* A name __must__ be set for top level nodes ({@link ISdtfChunk}).
* Nodes on the second level __may__ have a name, which typically corresponds to a string representation of the path
* of a branch of a Grasshopper tree.
name?: string;
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced node objects in the sdTF asset structure. */
nodes: number[];
/** Holds the positional index of the referenced type hint object in the sdTF asset structure. */
typeHint?: number;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "./ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF type hint]( */
export interface ISdtfTypeHint extends ISdtfBaseComponent {
/** Name of the type hint. */
name: string;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;

@@ -72,3 +72,2 @@ export declare enum SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName {

/** Holds all supported type hints. */
export declare const SdtfTypeHintName: {

@@ -75,0 +74,0 @@ RHINO_ARC_CURVE: SdtfRhinoTypeHintName.RHINO_ARC_CURVE;



@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ "use strict";

SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName["UINT64"] = "uint64";
})(SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName = exports.SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName || (exports.SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName = {}));
})(SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName || (exports.SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName = SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName = {}));
var SdtfGeometryTypeHintName;

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ (function (SdtfGeometryTypeHintName) {

SdtfGeometryTypeHintName["GEOMETRY_VECTOR4D"] = "geometry.vector4d";
})(SdtfGeometryTypeHintName = exports.SdtfGeometryTypeHintName || (exports.SdtfGeometryTypeHintName = {}));
})(SdtfGeometryTypeHintName || (exports.SdtfGeometryTypeHintName = SdtfGeometryTypeHintName = {}));
var SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName;
(function (SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName) {
SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName["GRASSHOPPER_PATH"] = "grasshopper.path";
})(SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName = exports.SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName || (exports.SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName = {}));
})(SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName || (exports.SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName = SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName = {}));
var SdtfRhinoTypeHintName;

@@ -80,5 +80,4 @@ (function (SdtfRhinoTypeHintName) {

SdtfRhinoTypeHintName["RHINO_SURFACE"] = "rhino.surface";
})(SdtfRhinoTypeHintName = exports.SdtfRhinoTypeHintName || (exports.SdtfRhinoTypeHintName = {}));
/** Holds all supported type hints. */
})(SdtfRhinoTypeHintName || (exports.SdtfRhinoTypeHintName = SdtfRhinoTypeHintName = {}));
exports.SdtfTypeHintName = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, SdtfPrimitiveTypeHintName), SdtfGeometryTypeHintName), SdtfGrasshopperTypeHintName), SdtfRhinoTypeHintName);

@@ -1,22 +0,12 @@

/** Checks whether the given argument is a finite number or string number. */
export declare function isNumeric(arg: unknown): arg is number | string;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a finite number. */
export declare function isNumber(arg: unknown): arg is number;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a finite signed integer. */
export declare function isInt(arg: unknown): arg is number;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a finite unsigned integer. */
export declare function isUint(arg: unknown): arg is number;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a string of length larger than 0. */
export declare function isNonEmptyString(arg: unknown): arg is string;
/** Checks whether the given argument is an array of numbers. */
export declare function isNumberArray(arg: unknown): arg is number[];
/** Checks whether the given argument is an array of signed integers. */
export declare function isIntArray(arg: unknown): arg is (number | string)[];
/** Checks whether the given argument is an array of unsigned integers. */
export declare function isUintArray(arg: unknown): arg is (number | string)[];
/** Checks whether the given argument is an object - excluding `null` and `array`. */
export declare function isDataObject(arg: unknown): arg is Record<string, unknown>;
export declare function isBinaryData(arg: unknown): arg is unknown;
/** Checks whether the given argument is `null` or `undefined`. */
export declare function isNil(arg: any): arg is null | undefined;
"use strict";
//<editor-fold desc="Primitives">
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isNil = exports.isBinaryData = exports.isDataObject = exports.isUintArray = exports.isIntArray = exports.isNumberArray = exports.isNonEmptyString = exports.isUint = exports.isInt = exports.isNumber = exports.isNumeric = void 0;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a finite number or string number. */
function isNumeric(arg) {

@@ -16,3 +14,2 @@ if (typeof arg === "number") {

exports.isNumeric = isNumeric;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a finite number. */
function isNumber(arg) {

@@ -22,3 +19,2 @@ return isNumeric(arg) && typeof arg === "number";

exports.isNumber = isNumber;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a finite signed integer. */
function isInt(arg) {

@@ -28,3 +24,2 @@ return isNumber(arg) && Number.isInteger(Number(arg));

exports.isInt = isInt;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a finite unsigned integer. */
function isUint(arg) {

@@ -34,3 +29,2 @@ return isInt(arg) && Number(arg) >= 0;

exports.isUint = isUint;
/** Checks whether the given argument is a string of length larger than 0. */
function isNonEmptyString(arg) {

@@ -40,5 +34,2 @@ return typeof arg === "string" && arg !== "";

exports.isNonEmptyString = isNonEmptyString;
//<editor-fold desc="Arrays">
/** Checks whether the given argument is an array of numbers. */
function isNumberArray(arg) {

@@ -48,3 +39,2 @@ return Array.isArray(arg) && arg.every(a => isNumber(a));

exports.isNumberArray = isNumberArray;
/** Checks whether the given argument is an array of signed integers. */
function isIntArray(arg) {

@@ -54,3 +44,2 @@ return Array.isArray(arg) && arg.every(a => isInt(a));

exports.isIntArray = isIntArray;
/** Checks whether the given argument is an array of unsigned integers. */
function isUintArray(arg) {

@@ -60,5 +49,2 @@ return Array.isArray(arg) && arg.every(a => isUint(a));

exports.isUintArray = isUintArray;
//<editor-fold desc="Objects">
/** Checks whether the given argument is an object - excluding `null` and `array`. */
function isDataObject(arg) {

@@ -72,9 +58,6 @@ return typeof arg === "object" &&

function isBinaryData(arg) {
return arg instanceof ArrayBuffer || // Catches `ArrayBuffer`
ArrayBuffer.isView(arg); // Catches `DataView`, `Uint8Array`, etc.
return arg instanceof ArrayBuffer ||
exports.isBinaryData = isBinaryData;
//<editor-fold desc="Misc">
/** Checks whether the given argument is `null` or `undefined`. */
function isNil(arg) {

@@ -84,3 +67,2 @@ return arg === undefined || arg === null;

exports.isNil = isNil;
import { SdtfError } from "../SdtfError";
/** Type guard for all error types of the sdTF package. */
export declare function isSdtfError(e: any): e is SdtfError;
* Function to indicate unreachable paths to the TypeScript compiler.
* @throws {@link SdtfError}
export declare function sdAssertUnreachable(_: never): never;
/** Creates a new type for a string enum that enables to iterate through its keys */
export declare function enumKeys<O extends object, K extends keyof O = keyof O>(o: O): K[];
/** Returns all values of the given enum */
export declare function enumValues(o: object): (string | number)[];
* Tries to deep copy the given value.
* Returns the original value if the used Node.js or Browser version does not support `structuredClone`.
export declare function tryDeepCopy<T>(original: T): T;

@@ -5,3 +5,2 @@ "use strict";

const SdtfError_1 = require("../SdtfError");
/** Type guard for all error types of the sdTF package. */
function isSdtfError(e) {

@@ -13,6 +12,2 @@ return e instanceof Error &&

exports.isSdtfError = isSdtfError;
* Function to indicate unreachable paths to the TypeScript compiler.
* @throws {@link SdtfError}
function sdAssertUnreachable(_) {

@@ -22,3 +17,2 @@ throw new SdtfError_1.SdtfError("Reached unreachable block.");

exports.sdAssertUnreachable = sdAssertUnreachable;
/** Creates a new type for a string enum that enables to iterate through its keys */
function enumKeys(o) {

@@ -30,3 +24,2 @@ return Object

exports.enumKeys = enumKeys;
/** Returns all values of the given enum */
function enumValues(o) {

@@ -36,6 +29,2 @@ return enumKeys(o).map(k => o[k]);

exports.enumValues = enumValues;
* Tries to deep copy the given value.
* Returns the original value if the used Node.js or Browser version does not support `structuredClone`.
function tryDeepCopy(original) {

@@ -42,0 +31,0 @@ try {

import { ISdtfBaseComponent } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfBaseComponent";
/** Wrapper around interface extension of a writable sdTF base component. */
export type SdtfWriteableBase<T extends ISdtfBaseComponent> = Partial<Omit<T, "toJson">> & {
readonly componentId: string;
/** Base for writeable data object */
export interface ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent {
/** Unique id of the component instance. */
readonly componentId: string;
/** Returns the JSON representation of the component. */
toDataObject(): Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfAccessor } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfAccessor";
import { ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, SdtfWriteableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent";
import { ISdtfWriteableBufferView } from "./ISdtfWriteableBufferView";
/** Representation of a [sdTF accessor]( */
export interface ISdtfWriteableAccessor extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, Omit<SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfAccessor>, "bufferView"> {
/** The referenced buffer view. */
bufferView?: ISdtfWriteableBufferView;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;

@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ import { ISdtfAsset } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfAsset";

import { ISdtfWriteableFileInfo } from "./ISdtfWriteableFileInfo";
/** Represents a writeable [sdTf]( (Standard Data Transfer Format). */
export interface ISdtfWriteableAsset extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, Omit<SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfAsset>, "fileInfo"> {
/** Chunks are the entry points into the hierarchy of a sdTF. */
chunks: ISdtfWriteableChunk[];
/** Meta information about this asset. */
readonly fileInfo: ISdtfWriteableFileInfo;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;

@@ -5,13 +5,9 @@ import { ISdtfAttribute, ISdtfAttributes } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfAttributes";

import { ISdtfWriteableTypeHint } from "./ISdtfWriteableTypeHint";
/** Representation of a [sdTF attributes]( */
export interface ISdtfWriteableAttributes extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, Omit<SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfAttributes>, "entries"> {
entries: Record<string, ISdtfWriteableAttribute>;
/** The value of a single attributes dictionary key */
export interface ISdtfWriteableAttribute extends Omit<ISdtfAttribute, "toJson" | "accessor" | "typeHint"> {
/** Referenced accessor to binary data. */
accessor?: ISdtfWriteableAccessor;
/** The type hint of the referenced accessor or value. */
typeHint?: ISdtfWriteableTypeHint;
import { ISdtfBuffer } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfBuffer";
import { ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, SdtfWriteableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF buffer]( */
export interface ISdtfWriteableBuffer extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfBuffer> {
* The data hold by this buffer.
* Buffers will be merged and optimizes before they are written to an sdTF file.
data?: ArrayBuffer;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfBufferView } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfBufferView";
import { ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, SdtfWriteableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent";
import { ISdtfWriteableBuffer } from "./ISdtfWriteableBuffer";
/** Representation of a [sdTF buffer view]( */
export interface ISdtfWriteableBufferView extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, Omit<SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfBufferView>, "buffer"> {
/** The referenced buffer. */
buffer?: ISdtfWriteableBuffer;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfWriteableNode } from "./ISdtfWriteableNode";
/** Representation of a [sdTF chunk]( */
export interface ISdtfWriteableChunk extends ISdtfWriteableNode {

@@ -6,13 +6,8 @@ import { ISdtfDataItem } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfDataItem";

import { ISdtfWriteableTypeHint } from "./ISdtfWriteableTypeHint";
/** Representation of a [sdTF data item]( */
export interface ISdtfWriteableDataItem extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, Omit<SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfDataItem>, "accessor" | "attributes" | "typeHint"> {
/** Referenced accessor to binary data. */
accessor?: ISdtfWriteableAccessor;
/** Referenced attributes of this data item. */
attributes?: ISdtfWriteableAttributes;
/** The type hint of the referenced accessor or value. */
typeHint?: ISdtfWriteableTypeHint;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfFileInfo } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfFileInfo";
import { ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, SdtfWriteableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent";
/** Representation of a [sdTF file info]( */
export interface ISdtfWriteableFileInfo extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfFileInfo> {
/** The version of this sdTF asset. */
readonly version: string;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;

@@ -6,19 +6,9 @@ import { ISdtfNode } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfNode";

import { ISdtfWriteableTypeHint } from "./ISdtfWriteableTypeHint";
/** Representation of a [sdTF node]( */
export interface ISdtfWriteableNode extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, Omit<SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfNode>, "attributes" | "items" | "nodes" | "typeHint"> {
/** Attributes of the node. */
attributes?: ISdtfWriteableAttributes;
/** Data items of this node, may be empty. */
items: ISdtfWriteableDataItem[];
/** Children of this node, may be empty. */
nodes: ISdtfWriteableNode[];
* The type hint of the referenced accessor or value.
* __Should__ be specified in case the type hint for all child nodes and items is the same.
* __Must__ not be specified otherwise.
typeHint?: ISdtfWriteableTypeHint;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;
import { ISdtfTypeHint } from "../../structure/components/ISdtfTypeHint";
import { SdtfTypeHintName } from "../../structure/SdtfShapeDiverTypeHints";
import { ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, SdtfWriteableBase } from "./ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent";
/** Type hints are used to add information about the type of data items found below a specific node in the tree. */
export interface ISdtfWriteableTypeHint extends ISdtfBaseWriteableComponent, Omit<SdtfWriteableBase<ISdtfTypeHint>, "name"> {
/** Name of the type hint. */
name?: SdtfTypeHintName | string;
/** Additional custom properties are allowed. */
additionalProperties: Record<string, unknown>;

@@ -11,9 +11,3 @@ import { SdtfTypeHintName } from "../structure/SdtfShapeDiverTypeHints";

import { ISdtfWriteableTypeHint } from "./components/ISdtfWriteableTypeHint";
/** Creates instances of individual writeable components. */
export interface ISdtfWriteableComponentFactory {
* Instantiates a new writeable accessor object.
* When {@link content} is given, new {@link ISdtfWriteableBufferView} and {@link ISdtfWriteableBuffer} are created
* and linked as well.
createAccessor(content?: {

@@ -23,8 +17,3 @@ data: ArrayBuffer;

}): ISdtfWriteableAccessor;
/** Instantiates a new writeable asset object and sets sdTF file information. */
createAsset(): ISdtfWriteableAsset;
* Instantiates a new writeable attributes object.
* @hen
createAttribute<T>(content?: Exclude<T, ArrayBuffer> | {

@@ -34,7 +23,2 @@ data: ArrayBuffer;

}, typeHint?: string): ISdtfWriteableAttribute;
* Instantiates a new writeable attributes object.
* @param content - Dictionary of attribute's where `key` represents an attribute name and `value` contains the
* attribute's `value` and `type hint`.
createAttributes<T>(content?: Record<string, [value: Exclude<T, ArrayBuffer> | {

@@ -44,8 +28,3 @@ data: ArrayBuffer;

}, typeHint?: string]>): ISdtfWriteableAttributes;
/** Instantiates a new writeable buffer object. */
createBuffer(data?: ArrayBuffer): ISdtfWriteableBuffer;
* Instantiates a new writeable buffer view object.
* When {@link content} is given, a new {@link ISdtfWriteableBuffer} is created and linked as well.
createBufferView(content?: {

@@ -55,5 +34,3 @@ data: ArrayBuffer;

}): ISdtfWriteableBufferView;
/** Instantiates a new writeable chunk object. */
createChunk(name?: string): ISdtfWriteableChunk;
/** Instantiates a new writeable data item object. */
createDataItem<T>(content?: Exclude<T, ArrayBuffer> | {

@@ -63,7 +40,5 @@ data: ArrayBuffer;

}, typeHint?: string): ISdtfWriteableDataItem;
/** Instantiates a new writeable node object. */
createNode(): ISdtfWriteableNode;
/** Instantiates a new writeable type hint object. */
createTypeHint(name?: SdtfTypeHintName | string): ISdtfWriteableTypeHint;
"name": "@shapediver/sdk.sdtf-core",
"version": "1.4.0",
"version": "1.4.1",
"description": "Base implementation for all sdTF TypeScript SDKs",

@@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"jest": "~29.5.0",
"lerna": "~6.6.2",
"typescript": "~4.9.5"
"jest": "~29.7.0",
"lerna": "~7.4.2",
"typescript": "~5.3.3"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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