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@storm-stack/serialization - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.2 to 1.2.0



@@ -1,35 +0,37 @@

declare type Class = {
new (...args: any[]): any;
export { Class }
export { Class as Class_alias_1 }
declare const $NestedValue: unique symbol;
export { $NestedValue }
export { $NestedValue as $NestedValue_alias_1 }
declare type ClassInstance = any;
export { ClassInstance }
export { ClassInstance as ClassInstance_alias_1 }
declare interface Abstract<T> {
prototype: T;
export { Abstract }
export { Abstract as Abstract_alias_1 }
declare type AnyCase<T extends IndexType> = string extends T ? string : T extends `${infer F1}${infer F2}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F1> | Lowercase<F1>}${Uppercase<F2> | Lowercase<F2>}${AnyCase<R>}` : T extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F> | Lowercase<F>}${AnyCase<R>}` : typeof EMPTY_STRING;
export { AnyCase }
export { AnyCase as AnyCase_alias_1 }
declare type ArrayElement<ArrayType extends readonly unknown[]> = ArrayType extends readonly (infer ElementType)[] ? ElementType : never;
export { ArrayElement }
export { ArrayElement as ArrayElement_alias_1 }
declare type BrowserNativeObject = Date | FileList | File;
export { BrowserNativeObject }
export { BrowserNativeObject as BrowserNativeObject_alias_1 }
* A class that can be serialized and deserialized
* Convert the input string to camel case.
* @remarks
* "thisIsAnExample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The camel-cased string.
declare interface ClassSerializable<TData, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> {
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @returns The data object to serialize
serialize: () => TJsonValue;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
deserialize: (json: TJsonValue) => void;
export { ClassSerializable }
export { ClassSerializable as ClassSerializable_alias_1 }
declare const camelCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { camelCase }
export { camelCase as camelCase_alias_1 }
export { camelCase as camelCase_alias_2 }
declare type ClassTypeAnnotation = ["class", string];
export { ClassTypeAnnotation }
export { ClassTypeAnnotation as ClassTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare interface ClassTypeCheckable<T> extends ITyped {

@@ -43,64 +45,675 @@ /**

export { ClassTypeCheckable }
export { ClassTypeCheckable as ClassTypeCheckable_alias_1 }
declare type CompositeTypeAnnotation = TypedArrayAnnotation | ClassTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | CustomTypeAnnotation;
export { CompositeTypeAnnotation }
export { CompositeTypeAnnotation as CompositeTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare interface Clonable<T> {
clone(): T;
export { Clonable }
export { Clonable as Clonable_alias_1 }
declare type CustomTypeAnnotation = ["custom", string];
export { CustomTypeAnnotation }
export { CustomTypeAnnotation as CustomTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare type Collection = IArguments | Array<unknown> | Map<unknown, unknown> | Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> | Set<unknown>;
export { Collection }
export { Collection as Collection_alias_1 }
* A class that can be serialized and deserialized
* Convert the input string to constant case.
* @remarks
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The constant-cased string.
declare interface DataTransformer<TData, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> {
declare const constantCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { constantCase }
export { constantCase as constantCase_alias_1 }
export { constantCase as constantCase_alias_2 }
* copy value with customizer function
* @private
* @param value
* @param type
declare function copy(value: unknown, valueType: string, customizer?: ((value: unknown, type: string) => unknown) | null): unknown;
export { copy }
export { copy as copy_alias_1 }
export { copy as copy_alias_2 }
declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto }
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto_alias_1 }
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto_alias_2 }
* Deep copy an object/array/value
* @param value - The value to copy
* @param options - The options
declare function deepCopy<T>(value: T, options?: {
customizer?: (value: unknown, type: string) => unknown;
}): T;
export { deepCopy }
export { deepCopy as deepCopy_alias_1 }
export { deepCopy as deepCopy_alias_2 }
* Deep merge two objects
* @param target - The target object
* @param source - The source object
* @param options - The options object
* @returns The merged object
declare const deepMerge: {
<X = any, Y = any, Z = X & Y>(target: X, source: Y, options?: any): Z;
all(array: Array<any>, options?: any): any;
export { deepMerge }
export { deepMerge as deepMerge_alias_1 }
export { deepMerge as deepMerge_alias_2 }
declare type DeepPartial<T> = T extends BrowserNativeObject | NestedValue ? T : {
[K in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[K]>;
export { DeepPartial }
export { DeepPartial as DeepPartial_alias_1 }
declare const EMPTY_OBJECT: {};
export { EMPTY_OBJECT }
export { EMPTY_OBJECT as EMPTY_OBJECT_alias_1 }
declare const EMPTY_STRING: "";
export { EMPTY_STRING }
export { EMPTY_STRING as EMPTY_STRING_alias_1 }
declare type EmptyObject = {
[K in string | number]: never;
export { EmptyObject }
export { EmptyObject as EmptyObject_alias_1 }
* Create a type from an object type without certain keys.
* @remarks We recommend setting the `requireExactProps` option to `true`.
* @remarks This type is a stricter version of [`Omit`]( The `Omit` type does not restrict the omitted keys to be keys present on the given type, while `Except` does. The benefits of a stricter type are avoiding typos and allowing the compiler to pick up on rename refactors automatically.
* @remarks This type was proposed to the TypeScript team, which declined it, saying they prefer that libraries implement stricter versions of the built-in types ([microsoft/TypeScript#30825](
* @category Object
declare type Except<ObjectType, KeysType extends keyof ObjectType, Options extends ExceptOptions = {
requireExactProps: false;
}> = {
[KeyType in keyof ObjectType as Filter<KeyType, KeysType>]: ObjectType[KeyType];
} & (Options["requireExactProps"] extends true ? Partial<Record<KeysType, never>> : {});
export { Except }
export { Except as Except_alias_1 }
declare type ExceptOptions = {
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
Disallow assigning non-specified properties.
Note that any omitted properties in the resulting type will be present in autocomplete as `undefined`.
@default false
serialize: SerializationFunct<TData, TJsonValue>;
requireExactProps?: boolean;
declare type Filter<KeyType, ExcludeType> = IsEqual<KeyType, ExcludeType> extends true ? never : KeyType extends ExcludeType ? never : KeyType;
export { Filter }
export { Filter as Filter_alias_1 }
* Flatten an object.
* @param obj - The object to flatten.
* @param prefix - The prefix to use.
* @param keyStringFn - The function to use to convert the key to a string.
* @returns The flattened object.
declare const flattenObject: (obj: any, prefix?: string, keyStringFn?: (input?: string) => string | undefined) => any;
export { flattenObject }
export { flattenObject as flattenObject_alias_1 }
export { flattenObject as flattenObject_alias_2 }
* Gets the `toStringTag` of `obj`.
* @param value The obj to query.
* @returns Returns the `toStringTag`.
declare const getObjectTag: (value: unknown) => string;
export { getObjectTag }
export { getObjectTag as getObjectTag_alias_1 }
export { getObjectTag as getObjectTag_alias_2 }
* Get the WebCrypto object
* @remarks
* This helper function is used to get the WebCrypto object. If the object is not available, an error will be thrown.
* @returns The WebCrypto object
declare const getWebCrypto: () => Crypto;
export { getWebCrypto }
export { getWebCrypto as getWebCrypto_alias_1 }
export { getWebCrypto as getWebCrypto_alias_2 }
declare interface IIdentity<T = string> {
id: T;
export { IIdentity }
export { IIdentity as IIdentity_alias_1 }
* The declaration of a ***dictionary-type*** object
declare type Indexable = {
[index: IndexType]: any;
export { Indexable }
export { Indexable as Indexable_alias_1 }
* The valid types of the index for an `Indexable` type object
declare type IndexType = string | number | symbol;
export { IndexType }
export { IndexType as IndexType_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is "array-like"
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is "array-like"
declare const isArrayLike: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isArrayLike }
export { isArrayLike as isArrayLike_alias_1 }
export { isArrayLike as isArrayLike_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `AsyncIterable`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is `AsyncIterable`
declare const isAsyncIterable: (value: unknown) => value is AsyncIterable<unknown>;
export { isAsyncIterable }
export { isAsyncIterable as isAsyncIterable_alias_1 }
export { isAsyncIterable as isAsyncIterable_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is classified as a `bigint` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isDate(37n)
* // => true
* isBigInt(37)
* // => false
* ```
* @param value The obj to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `value` is a bigint object, else `false`.
declare const isBigInt: (value: unknown) => value is bigint;
export { isBigInt }
export { isBigInt as isBigInt_alias_1 }
export { isBigInt as isBigInt_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `boolean`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `boolean`
declare const isBoolean: (value: unknown) => value is boolean;
export { isBoolean }
export { isBoolean as isBoolean_alias_1 }
export { isBoolean as isBoolean_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Buffer`
declare const isBuffer: typeof Buffer.isBuffer;
export { isBuffer }
export { isBuffer as isBuffer_alias_1 }
export { isBuffer as isBuffer_alias_2 }
declare const isBufferExists: boolean;
export { isBufferExists }
export { isBufferExists as isBufferExists_alias_1 }
export { isBufferExists as isBufferExists_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Collection`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Collection`
declare function isCollection(value: any): value is Collection;
export { isCollection }
export { isCollection as isCollection_alias_1 }
export { isCollection as isCollection_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is classified as a `Date` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isDate(new Date)
* // => true
* isDate('Mon April 23 2012')
* // => false
* ```
* @param value - The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is a date object, else `false`.
declare const isDate: (value: unknown) => value is Date;
export { isDate }
export { isDate as isDate_alias_1 }
export { isDate as isDate_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null` or `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null` or `undefined`
declare const isEmpty: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isEmpty }
export { isEmpty as isEmpty_alias_1 }
export { isEmpty as isEmpty_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `{}`
declare const isEmptyObject: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isEmptyObject }
export { isEmptyObject as isEmptyObject_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyObject as isEmptyObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
declare const isEmptyOrEmptyObject: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject }
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject as isEmptyOrEmptyObject_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject as isEmptyOrEmptyObject_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string and is empty
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `""`
declare const isEmptyString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isEmptyString }
export { isEmptyString as isEmptyString_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyString as isEmptyString_alias_2 }
* Returns a boolean for whether the two given types are equal.
* @remarks Use-cases: If you want to make a conditional branch based on the result of a comparison of two types.
* @link
* @link
* @category Type Guard
* @category Utilities
declare type IsEqual<A, B> = (<G>() => G extends A ? 1 : 2) extends <G>() => G extends B ? 1 : 2 ? true : false;
export { IsEqual }
export { IsEqual as IsEqual_alias_1 }
declare interface ISequenced {
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* The sequence number (version, or event counter, etc.) of the record
deserialize: DeserializeFunct<TData, TJsonValue>;
sequence: number;
export { DataTransformer }
export { DataTransformer as DataTransformer_alias_1 }
export { ISequenced }
export { ISequenced as ISequenced_alias_1 }
* Deserialize the given value with superjson using the given metadata
* Checks if `obj` is an `Error`, `EvalError`, `RangeError`, `ReferenceError`,
* `SyntaxError`, `TypeError`, or `URIError` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isError(new Error)
* // => true
* isError(Error)
* // => false
* ```
* @param obj - The obj to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is an error object, else `false`.
declare function deserialize<TData = unknown>(payload: JsonParserResult): TData;
export { deserialize }
export { deserialize as deserialize_alias_1 }
declare const isError: (obj: unknown) => obj is Error;
export { isError }
export { isError as isError_alias_1 }
export { isError as isError_alias_2 }
* A function that can deserialize a certain type of data
* Check if the provided value's type is a float
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number` and is a float
declare type DeserializeFunct<TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> = (json: TJsonValue) => TData;
export { DeserializeFunct }
export { DeserializeFunct as DeserializeFunct_alias_1 }
declare const isFloat: (value: any) => value is number;
export { isFloat }
export { isFloat as isFloat_alias_1 }
export { isFloat as isFloat_alias_2 }
declare interface IJsonParser {
parse: <TData = any>(strData: string) => TData;
stringify: <TData = any>(data: TData) => string;
serialize: (object: JsonValue) => JsonParserResult;
deserialize: <TData = any>(payload: JsonParserResult) => TData;
register: <TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue>(name: string, serialize: (object: JsonValue) => TJsonValue, deserialize: (payload: TJsonValue) => TData, isApplicable: (data: any) => data is TData) => void;
export { IJsonParser }
export { IJsonParser as IJsonParser_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Function`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Function`
declare const isFunction: (value: unknown) => value is ((params?: unknown) => unknown) & Function;
export { isFunction }
export { isFunction as isFunction_alias_1 }
export { isFunction as isFunction_alias_2 }
declare type InnerNode<T> = [T, Record<string, Tree<T>>];
export { InnerNode }
export { InnerNode as InnerNode_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is an integer
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number` and is an integer
declare const isInt: (value: any) => value is number;
export { isInt }
export { isInt as isInt_alias_1 }
export { isInt as isInt_alias_2 }
declare const isMergeableObject: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isMergeableObject }
export { isMergeableObject as isMergeableObject_alias_1 }
export { isMergeableObject as isMergeableObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Object` and is not `null` or `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Object` and is not `null` or `undefined`
export declare const isNonNullObject: (value: any) => value is object;
* The inverse of the `isEmptyObject` function
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is **NOT** of type `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
declare const isNotEmpty: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isNotEmpty }
export { isNotEmpty as isNotEmpty_alias_1 }
export { isNotEmpty as isNotEmpty_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null`
declare const isNull: (value: unknown) => value is null;
export { isNull }
export { isNull as isNull_alias_1 }
export { isNull as isNull_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `number`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number`
declare const isNumber: (value: unknown) => value is number;
export { isNumber }
export { isNumber as isNumber_alias_1 }
export { isNumber as isNumber_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Object`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Object`
declare const isObject: (value: unknown) => value is object;
export { isObject }
export { isObject as isObject_alias_1 }
export { isObject as isObject_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`
* and has a `typeof` result of "object".
* @example
* ```typescript
* isObjectLike({})
* // => true
* isObjectLike([1, 2, 3])
* // => true
* isObjectLike(Function)
* // => false
* isObjectLike(null)
* // => false
* ```
* @param value - The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.
declare const isObjectLike: (obj: unknown) => boolean;
export { isObjectLike }
export { isObjectLike as isObjectLike_alias_1 }
export { isObjectLike as isObjectLike_alias_2 }
* Checks if `obj` is a plain object, that is, an object created by the `Object` constructor or one with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`.
* @example
* ```typescript
* function Foo() {
* this.a = 1
* }
* isPlainObject(new Foo)
* // => false
* isPlainObject([1, 2, 3])
* // => false
* isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 })
* // => true
* isPlainObject(Object.create(null))
* // => true
* ```
* @param obj The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is a plain object, else `false`.
declare const isPlainObject: (obj: unknown) => boolean;
export { isPlainObject }
export { isPlainObject as isPlainObject_alias_1 }
export { isPlainObject as isPlainObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a built-in primitive
* @remarks
* The full list of primitive types includes:
* * `number`
* * `string`
* * `boolean`
* * `symbol`
* * `bigint`
* * `undefined`
* * `null`
* @param obj - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is a built-in primitive
declare const isPrimitive: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isPrimitive }
export { isPrimitive as isPrimitive_alias_1 }
export { isPrimitive as isPrimitive_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a promise
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type a promise
declare const isPromise: (value: unknown) => value is Promise<unknown>;
export { isPromise }
export { isPromise as isPromise_alias_1 }
export { isPromise as isPromise_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value is a {@link React Element}.
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type {@link React Element}
declare const isReactElement: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isReactElement }
export { isReactElement as isReactElement_alias_1 }
export { isReactElement as isReactElement_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a ref
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type ref
declare const isRef: <TRef = unknown>(value: unknown) => value is RefObject<TRef>;
export { isRef }
export { isRef as isRef_alias_1 }
export { isRef as isRef_alias_2 }
* The function checks if the code is running in
* the browser (and not on the server).
declare const isRuntimeClient: () => boolean;
export { isRuntimeClient }
export { isRuntimeClient as isRuntimeClient_alias_1 }
export { isRuntimeClient as isRuntimeClient_alias_2 }
* The function checks if the code is running on
* the server (and not in the browser).
declare const isRuntimeServer: () => boolean;
export { isRuntimeServer }
export { isRuntimeServer as isRuntimeServer_alias_1 }
export { isRuntimeServer as isRuntimeServer_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is SelectOption
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type SelectOption
declare const isSelectOption: (value: unknown) => value is SelectOption;
export { isSelectOption }
export { isSelectOption as isSelectOption_alias_1 }
export { isSelectOption as isSelectOption_alias_2 }
* The inverse of the `isEmpty` function
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is **NOT** of type `null` or `undefined`
declare const isSet: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isSet }
export { isSet as isSet_alias_1 }
export { isSet as isSet_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is NOT `null` nor `undefined` nor `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is NOT `null` nor `undefined` nor `{}`
declare const isSetObject: (value: unknown) => value is object;
export { isSetObject }
export { isSetObject as isSetObject_alias_1 }
export { isSetObject as isSetObject_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string and is not empty (length greater than zero)
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `string` and length greater than zero
declare const isSetString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isSetString }
export { isSetString as isSetString_alias_1 }
export { isSetString as isSetString_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `string`
declare const isString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isString }
export { isString as isString_alias_1 }
export { isString as isString_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Symbol`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Symbol`
declare const isSymbol: (value: unknown) => value is symbol;
export { isSymbol }
export { isSymbol as isSymbol_alias_1 }
export { isSymbol as isSymbol_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value has a `__typename` property
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided has a `__typename` property
declare const isTyped: (value: unknown) => value is ITyped;
export { isTyped }
export { isTyped as isTyped_alias_1 }
export { isTyped as isTyped_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `undefined`
declare const isUndefined: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isUndefined }
export { isUndefined as isUndefined_alias_1 }
export { isUndefined as isUndefined_alias_2 }
declare interface ITyped {

@@ -112,205 +725,286 @@ /**

export { ITyped }
export { ITyped as ITyped_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {
declare interface IVersioned {
version: number;
export { JsonArray }
export { JsonArray as JsonArray_alias_1 }
export { IVersioned }
export { IVersioned as IVersioned_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonObject {
[key: string]: JsonValue;
export { JsonObject }
export { JsonObject as JsonObject_alias_1 }
* Convert the input string to kebab case.
* @remarks
* "this-is-an-example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The kebab-cased string.
declare const kebabCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { kebabCase }
export { kebabCase as kebabCase_alias_1 }
export { kebabCase as kebabCase_alias_2 }
declare interface JsonParserResult {
json: JsonValue;
meta?: {
values?: Tree<TypeAnnotation> | Record<string, Tree<TypeAnnotation>> | undefined;
referentialEqualities?: Record<string, string[]> | [string[]] | [string[], Record<string, string[]>];
export { JsonParserResult }
export { JsonParserResult as JsonParserResult_alias_1 }
declare type LiteralUnion<T extends U, U extends Primitive> = T | (U & {
_?: never;
export { LiteralUnion }
export { LiteralUnion as LiteralUnion_alias_1 }
declare type JsonValue = PrimitiveJsonValue | JsonArray | JsonObject;
export { JsonValue }
export { JsonValue as JsonValue_alias_1 }
* Lower case the first character of an input string.
* @remarks
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The lower-cased string.
declare const lowerCaseFirst: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { lowerCaseFirst }
export { lowerCaseFirst as lowerCaseFirst_alias_1 }
export { lowerCaseFirst as lowerCaseFirst_alias_2 }
declare type Leaf<T> = [T];
export { Leaf }
export { Leaf as Leaf_alias_1 }
declare type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
export { MaybePromise }
export { MaybePromise as MaybePromise_alias_1 }
declare type LeafTypeAnnotation = PrimitiveTypeAnnotation | "regexp" | "Date" | "Error" | "URL";
export { LeafTypeAnnotation }
export { LeafTypeAnnotation as LeafTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare type NestedValue<TValue extends object = object> = {
[$NestedValue]: never;
} & TValue;
export { NestedValue }
export { NestedValue as NestedValue_alias_1 }
declare type Newable<T> = new (...args: never[]) => T;
export { Newable }
export { Newable as Newable_alias_1 }
declare const NEWLINE_STRING: "\r\n";
declare type NonUndefined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T;
export { NonUndefined }
export { NonUndefined as NonUndefined_alias_1 }
* Parse the given value with superjson using the given metadata
* A no op, or no-op, function for no operation
* @remarks Please see {@link this article} for more information.
* @param params - An optional parameter passed to the function. It can be anything (but is not used in any way)
declare function parse<TData = unknown>(strData: string): TData;
export { parse }
export { parse as parse_alias_1 }
declare const noop: (params?: unknown) => void;
export { noop }
export { noop as noop_alias_1 }
export { noop as noop_alias_2 }
* Parse the given value with qs using the given metadata
* Convert the input string to pascal case.
* @remarks
* "ThisIsAnExample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The pascal-cased string.
declare function parseQueryParam<TData = unknown>(strData: string, options?: {
comma?: boolean | undefined;
delimiter?: string | RegExp | undefined;
depth?: number | false | undefined;
arrayLimit?: number | undefined;
parseArrays?: boolean | undefined;
allowDots?: boolean | undefined;
plainObjects?: boolean | undefined;
allowPrototypes?: boolean | undefined;
parameterLimit?: number | undefined;
strictNullHandling?: boolean | undefined;
ignoreQueryPrefix?: boolean | undefined;
charset?: "utf-8" | "iso-8859-1" | undefined;
charsetSentinel?: boolean | undefined;
interpretNumericEntities?: boolean | undefined;
}): TData;
export { parseQueryParam }
export { parseQueryParam as parseQueryParam_alias_1 }
declare const pascalCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { pascalCase }
export { pascalCase as pascalCase_alias_1 }
export { pascalCase as pascalCase_alias_2 }
declare type PrimitiveJsonValue = string | number | boolean | undefined | null;
export { PrimitiveJsonValue }
export { PrimitiveJsonValue as PrimitiveJsonValue_alias_1 }
* Make all characters lowercase and add a period in between each word
* @remarks
* ""
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The period-split string.
declare const periodSplit: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { periodSplit }
export { periodSplit as periodSplit_alias_1 }
export { periodSplit as periodSplit_alias_2 }
declare type PrimitiveTypeAnnotation = "number" | "undefined" | "bigint";
export { PrimitiveTypeAnnotation }
export { PrimitiveTypeAnnotation as PrimitiveTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
* Matches any [primitive value](
* @category Type
declare type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint;
export { Primitive }
export { Primitive as Primitive_alias_1 }
declare function register<TData = any, TJsonObject extends JsonValue = JsonValue>(name: string, serialize: (data: TData) => TJsonObject, deserialize: (json: TJsonObject) => TData, isApplicable: (data: any) => data is TData): void;
export { register }
export { register as register_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided object has the provided property
* @param object - The object to check
* @param propertyKey - The property to check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object has the provided property
declare const propertyExists: (object: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey) => boolean;
export { propertyExists }
export { propertyExists as propertyExists_alias_1 }
export { propertyExists as propertyExists_alias_2 }
declare const Serializable: <TData = any>(options: {
* Check if the provided object has the provided property and if it's safe to merge
* @param object - The object to check
* @param propertyKey - The property to check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object has the provided property and if it's safe to merge
declare const propertyUnsafe: (object: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey) => boolean;
export { propertyUnsafe }
export { propertyUnsafe as propertyUnsafe_alias_1 }
export { propertyUnsafe as propertyUnsafe_alias_2 }
declare type ReducerFunction<TState, TAction> = (state: TState, action: TAction) => TState;
export { ReducerFunction }
export { ReducerFunction as ReducerFunction_alias_1 }
declare interface RefObject<T> {
current: T;
export { RefObject }
export { RefObject as RefObject_alias_1 }
* Extract all required keys from the given type.
* @remarks This is useful when you want to create a new type that contains different type values for the required keys only or use the list of keys for validation purposes, etc...
* @category Utilities
declare type RequiredKeysOf<BaseType extends object> = Exclude<{
[Key in keyof BaseType]: BaseType extends Record<Key, BaseType[Key]> ? Key : never;
}[keyof BaseType], undefined>;
export { RequiredKeysOf }
export { RequiredKeysOf as RequiredKeysOf_alias_1 }
declare type Rollback = Record<string, (initialValue: any, currentValue: any) => any>;
export { Rollback }
export { Rollback as Rollback_alias_1 }
declare interface SelectOption {
* The type and/or name of the record
* The string value to display in the field
name?: string | undefined;
name: string;
* Serialize the class to a JSON object or string
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
* The value stored behind the scenes when selected
serialize: SerializationFunct<TData>;
value: string;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object or string
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* Is the option value valid for selection in the dropdown
deserialize: DeserializeFunct<TData>;
}) => <TClass extends new (...args: any) => any = new (...args: any) => TData>(target: TClass) => {
new (...args: any): {
[x: string]: any;
* The name of the class's type
__typename: string;
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @returns The data object to serialize
serialize: () => JsonValue;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
deserialize: (json: JsonValue) => void;
* Run type check on the given value
* @param value - The value to check
* @returns True if the value is of the type of the class
isTypeOf(value: any): value is TData;
} & TClass;
export { Serializable }
export { Serializable as Serializable_alias_1 }
disabled: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves whether the option in the list box is the default item.
selected: boolean;
export { SelectOption }
export { SelectOption as SelectOption_alias_1 }
declare type SerializableJsonValue = Symbol | Set<JsonValue> | Map<JsonValue, JsonValue> | undefined | bigint | Date | ClassInstance | RegExp;
export { SerializableJsonValue }
export { SerializableJsonValue as SerializableJsonValue_alias_1 }
declare type SerializableType<T> = ClassSerializable<T> & ClassTypeCheckable<T> & ITyped & T;
export { SerializableType }
export { SerializableType as SerializableType_alias_1 }
* A function that can serialize a certain type of data
* Create a type that makes the given keys required. The remaining keys are kept as is. The sister of the `SetOptional` type.
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
* @remarks Use-case: You want to define a single model where the only thing that changes is whether or not some of the keys are required.
* @category Object
declare type SerializationFunct<TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> = (data: TData) => TJsonValue;
export { SerializationFunct }
export { SerializationFunct as SerializationFunct_alias_1 }
declare type SetRequired<BaseType, Keys extends keyof BaseType> = BaseType extends unknown ? Simplify<Except<BaseType, Keys> & Required<Pick<BaseType, Keys>>> : never;
export { SetRequired }
export { SetRequired as SetRequired_alias_1 }
declare type SerializationMetadata<T> = DataTransformer<T> & ClassTypeCheckable<T>;
export { SerializationMetadata }
export { SerializationMetadata as SerializationMetadata_alias_1 }
declare const sha256: (value: string) => Promise<string>;
export { sha256 }
export { sha256 as sha256_alias_1 }
export { sha256 as sha256_alias_2 }
* Serialize the given value with superjson
* Useful to flatten the type output to improve type hints shown in editors. And also to transform an interface into a type to aide with assignability.
* @remarks Sometimes it is desired to pass a value as a function argument that has a different type. At first inspection it may seem assignable, and then you discover it is not because the `value`'s type definition was defined as an interface. In the following example, `fn` requires an argument of type `Record<string, unknown>`. If the value is defined as a literal, then it is assignable. And if the `value` is defined as type using the `Simplify` utility the value is assignable. But if the `value` is defined as an interface, it is not assignable because the interface is not sealed and elsewhere a non-string property could be added to the interface.
* @remarks If the type definition must be an interface (perhaps it was defined in a third-party npm package), then the `value` can be defined as `const value: Simplify<SomeInterface> = ...`. Then `value` will be assignable to the `fn` argument. Or the `value` can be cast as `Simplify<SomeInterface>` if you can't re-declare the `value`.
* @link
* @category Object
declare function serialize(object: JsonValue): JsonParserResult;
export { serialize }
export { serialize as serialize_alias_1 }
declare type Simplify<T> = {
[KeyType in keyof T]: T[KeyType];
} & {};
export { Simplify }
export { Simplify as Simplify_alias_1 }
declare type SimpleTypeAnnotation = LeafTypeAnnotation | "map" | "set";
export { SimpleTypeAnnotation }
export { SimpleTypeAnnotation as SimpleTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
* Stringify the given value with superjson
* Convert the input string to snake case.
* @remarks
* "this_is_an_example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @param options - Options to control the behavior of the function.
* @returns The snake-cased string.
declare function stringify(json: any): string;
export { stringify }
export { stringify as stringify_alias_1 }
declare const snakeCase: (input?: string, options?: {
splitOnNumber: boolean;
}) => string | undefined;
export { snakeCase }
export { snakeCase as snakeCase_alias_1 }
export { snakeCase as snakeCase_alias_2 }
* Stringify the given value with qs
* Convert the input string to title case.
* @remarks
* "This Is An Example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The title cased string.
declare function stringifyQueryParam(json: JsonValue, options?: {
delimiter?: string | undefined;
strictNullHandling?: boolean | undefined;
skipNulls?: boolean | undefined;
encode?: boolean | undefined;
filter?: Array<string | number> | ((prefix: string, value: any) => any) | undefined;
arrayFormat?: "indices" | "brackets" | "repeat" | "comma" | undefined;
indices?: boolean | undefined;
sort?: ((a: any, b: any) => number) | undefined;
serializeDate?: ((d: Date) => string) | undefined;
format?: "RFC1738" | "RFC3986" | undefined;
encodeValuesOnly?: boolean | undefined;
addQueryPrefix?: boolean | undefined;
charset?: "utf-8" | "iso-8859-1" | undefined;
allowDots?: boolean | undefined;
charsetSentinel?: boolean | undefined;
}): string;
export { stringifyQueryParam }
export { stringifyQueryParam as stringifyQueryParam_alias_1 }
declare const titleCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { titleCase }
export { titleCase as titleCase_alias_1 }
export { titleCase as titleCase_alias_2 }
declare type SymbolTypeAnnotation = ["symbol", string];
export { SymbolTypeAnnotation }
export { SymbolTypeAnnotation as SymbolTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_ARGUMENTS = "Arguments";
declare type Tree<T> = InnerNode<T> | Leaf<T>;
export { Tree }
export { Tree as Tree_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_ARRAY = "Array";
export { TYPE_ARRAY }
export { TYPE_ARRAY as TYPE_ARRAY_alias_1 }
declare type TypeAnnotation = SimpleTypeAnnotation | CompositeTypeAnnotation;
export { TypeAnnotation }
export { TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_MAP = "Map";
export { TYPE_MAP }
export { TYPE_MAP as TYPE_MAP_alias_1 }
declare type TypedArrayAnnotation = ["typed-array", string];
export { TypedArrayAnnotation }
export { TypedArrayAnnotation as TypedArrayAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_OBJECT = "Object";
export { TYPE_OBJECT }
export { TYPE_OBJECT as TYPE_OBJECT_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_SET = "Set";
export { TYPE_SET }
export { TYPE_SET as TYPE_SET_alias_1 }
declare function typeDetect(obj: unknown): string;
export { typeDetect }
export { typeDetect as typeDetect_alias_1 }
export { typeDetect as typeDetect_alias_2 }
* Upper case the first character of an input string.
* @remarks
* "Thisisanexample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The capitalized string.
declare const upperCaseFirst: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { upperCaseFirst }
export { upperCaseFirst as upperCaseFirst_alias_1 }
export { upperCaseFirst as upperCaseFirst_alias_2 }
export { }

@@ -1,35 +0,37 @@

declare type Class = {
new (...args: any[]): any;
export { Class }
export { Class as Class_alias_1 }
declare const $NestedValue: unique symbol;
export { $NestedValue }
export { $NestedValue as $NestedValue_alias_1 }
declare type ClassInstance = any;
export { ClassInstance }
export { ClassInstance as ClassInstance_alias_1 }
declare interface Abstract<T> {
prototype: T;
export { Abstract }
export { Abstract as Abstract_alias_1 }
declare type AnyCase<T extends IndexType> = string extends T ? string : T extends `${infer F1}${infer F2}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F1> | Lowercase<F1>}${Uppercase<F2> | Lowercase<F2>}${AnyCase<R>}` : T extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F> | Lowercase<F>}${AnyCase<R>}` : typeof EMPTY_STRING;
export { AnyCase }
export { AnyCase as AnyCase_alias_1 }
declare type ArrayElement<ArrayType extends readonly unknown[]> = ArrayType extends readonly (infer ElementType)[] ? ElementType : never;
export { ArrayElement }
export { ArrayElement as ArrayElement_alias_1 }
declare type BrowserNativeObject = Date | FileList | File;
export { BrowserNativeObject }
export { BrowserNativeObject as BrowserNativeObject_alias_1 }
* A class that can be serialized and deserialized
* Convert the input string to camel case.
* @remarks
* "thisIsAnExample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The camel-cased string.
declare interface ClassSerializable<TData, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> {
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @returns The data object to serialize
serialize: () => TJsonValue;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
deserialize: (json: TJsonValue) => void;
export { ClassSerializable }
export { ClassSerializable as ClassSerializable_alias_1 }
declare const camelCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { camelCase }
export { camelCase as camelCase_alias_1 }
export { camelCase as camelCase_alias_2 }
declare type ClassTypeAnnotation = ["class", string];
export { ClassTypeAnnotation }
export { ClassTypeAnnotation as ClassTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare interface ClassTypeCheckable<T> extends ITyped {

@@ -43,64 +45,675 @@ /**

export { ClassTypeCheckable }
export { ClassTypeCheckable as ClassTypeCheckable_alias_1 }
declare type CompositeTypeAnnotation = TypedArrayAnnotation | ClassTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | CustomTypeAnnotation;
export { CompositeTypeAnnotation }
export { CompositeTypeAnnotation as CompositeTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare interface Clonable<T> {
clone(): T;
export { Clonable }
export { Clonable as Clonable_alias_1 }
declare type CustomTypeAnnotation = ["custom", string];
export { CustomTypeAnnotation }
export { CustomTypeAnnotation as CustomTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare type Collection = IArguments | Array<unknown> | Map<unknown, unknown> | Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> | Set<unknown>;
export { Collection }
export { Collection as Collection_alias_1 }
* A class that can be serialized and deserialized
* Convert the input string to constant case.
* @remarks
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The constant-cased string.
declare interface DataTransformer<TData, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> {
declare const constantCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { constantCase }
export { constantCase as constantCase_alias_1 }
export { constantCase as constantCase_alias_2 }
* copy value with customizer function
* @private
* @param value
* @param type
declare function copy(value: unknown, valueType: string, customizer?: ((value: unknown, type: string) => unknown) | null): unknown;
export { copy }
export { copy as copy_alias_1 }
export { copy as copy_alias_2 }
declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto }
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto_alias_1 }
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto_alias_2 }
* Deep copy an object/array/value
* @param value - The value to copy
* @param options - The options
declare function deepCopy<T>(value: T, options?: {
customizer?: (value: unknown, type: string) => unknown;
}): T;
export { deepCopy }
export { deepCopy as deepCopy_alias_1 }
export { deepCopy as deepCopy_alias_2 }
* Deep merge two objects
* @param target - The target object
* @param source - The source object
* @param options - The options object
* @returns The merged object
declare const deepMerge: {
<X = any, Y = any, Z = X & Y>(target: X, source: Y, options?: any): Z;
all(array: Array<any>, options?: any): any;
export { deepMerge }
export { deepMerge as deepMerge_alias_1 }
export { deepMerge as deepMerge_alias_2 }
declare type DeepPartial<T> = T extends BrowserNativeObject | NestedValue ? T : {
[K in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[K]>;
export { DeepPartial }
export { DeepPartial as DeepPartial_alias_1 }
declare const EMPTY_OBJECT: {};
export { EMPTY_OBJECT }
export { EMPTY_OBJECT as EMPTY_OBJECT_alias_1 }
declare const EMPTY_STRING: "";
export { EMPTY_STRING }
export { EMPTY_STRING as EMPTY_STRING_alias_1 }
declare type EmptyObject = {
[K in string | number]: never;
export { EmptyObject }
export { EmptyObject as EmptyObject_alias_1 }
* Create a type from an object type without certain keys.
* @remarks We recommend setting the `requireExactProps` option to `true`.
* @remarks This type is a stricter version of [`Omit`]( The `Omit` type does not restrict the omitted keys to be keys present on the given type, while `Except` does. The benefits of a stricter type are avoiding typos and allowing the compiler to pick up on rename refactors automatically.
* @remarks This type was proposed to the TypeScript team, which declined it, saying they prefer that libraries implement stricter versions of the built-in types ([microsoft/TypeScript#30825](
* @category Object
declare type Except<ObjectType, KeysType extends keyof ObjectType, Options extends ExceptOptions = {
requireExactProps: false;
}> = {
[KeyType in keyof ObjectType as Filter<KeyType, KeysType>]: ObjectType[KeyType];
} & (Options["requireExactProps"] extends true ? Partial<Record<KeysType, never>> : {});
export { Except }
export { Except as Except_alias_1 }
declare type ExceptOptions = {
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
Disallow assigning non-specified properties.
Note that any omitted properties in the resulting type will be present in autocomplete as `undefined`.
@default false
serialize: SerializationFunct<TData, TJsonValue>;
requireExactProps?: boolean;
declare type Filter<KeyType, ExcludeType> = IsEqual<KeyType, ExcludeType> extends true ? never : KeyType extends ExcludeType ? never : KeyType;
export { Filter }
export { Filter as Filter_alias_1 }
* Flatten an object.
* @param obj - The object to flatten.
* @param prefix - The prefix to use.
* @param keyStringFn - The function to use to convert the key to a string.
* @returns The flattened object.
declare const flattenObject: (obj: any, prefix?: string, keyStringFn?: (input?: string) => string | undefined) => any;
export { flattenObject }
export { flattenObject as flattenObject_alias_1 }
export { flattenObject as flattenObject_alias_2 }
* Gets the `toStringTag` of `obj`.
* @param value The obj to query.
* @returns Returns the `toStringTag`.
declare const getObjectTag: (value: unknown) => string;
export { getObjectTag }
export { getObjectTag as getObjectTag_alias_1 }
export { getObjectTag as getObjectTag_alias_2 }
* Get the WebCrypto object
* @remarks
* This helper function is used to get the WebCrypto object. If the object is not available, an error will be thrown.
* @returns The WebCrypto object
declare const getWebCrypto: () => Crypto;
export { getWebCrypto }
export { getWebCrypto as getWebCrypto_alias_1 }
export { getWebCrypto as getWebCrypto_alias_2 }
declare interface IIdentity<T = string> {
id: T;
export { IIdentity }
export { IIdentity as IIdentity_alias_1 }
* The declaration of a ***dictionary-type*** object
declare type Indexable = {
[index: IndexType]: any;
export { Indexable }
export { Indexable as Indexable_alias_1 }
* The valid types of the index for an `Indexable` type object
declare type IndexType = string | number | symbol;
export { IndexType }
export { IndexType as IndexType_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is "array-like"
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is "array-like"
declare const isArrayLike: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isArrayLike }
export { isArrayLike as isArrayLike_alias_1 }
export { isArrayLike as isArrayLike_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `AsyncIterable`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is `AsyncIterable`
declare const isAsyncIterable: (value: unknown) => value is AsyncIterable<unknown>;
export { isAsyncIterable }
export { isAsyncIterable as isAsyncIterable_alias_1 }
export { isAsyncIterable as isAsyncIterable_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is classified as a `bigint` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isDate(37n)
* // => true
* isBigInt(37)
* // => false
* ```
* @param value The obj to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `value` is a bigint object, else `false`.
declare const isBigInt: (value: unknown) => value is bigint;
export { isBigInt }
export { isBigInt as isBigInt_alias_1 }
export { isBigInt as isBigInt_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `boolean`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `boolean`
declare const isBoolean: (value: unknown) => value is boolean;
export { isBoolean }
export { isBoolean as isBoolean_alias_1 }
export { isBoolean as isBoolean_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Buffer`
declare const isBuffer: typeof Buffer.isBuffer;
export { isBuffer }
export { isBuffer as isBuffer_alias_1 }
export { isBuffer as isBuffer_alias_2 }
declare const isBufferExists: boolean;
export { isBufferExists }
export { isBufferExists as isBufferExists_alias_1 }
export { isBufferExists as isBufferExists_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Collection`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Collection`
declare function isCollection(value: any): value is Collection;
export { isCollection }
export { isCollection as isCollection_alias_1 }
export { isCollection as isCollection_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is classified as a `Date` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isDate(new Date)
* // => true
* isDate('Mon April 23 2012')
* // => false
* ```
* @param value - The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is a date object, else `false`.
declare const isDate: (value: unknown) => value is Date;
export { isDate }
export { isDate as isDate_alias_1 }
export { isDate as isDate_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null` or `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null` or `undefined`
declare const isEmpty: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isEmpty }
export { isEmpty as isEmpty_alias_1 }
export { isEmpty as isEmpty_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `{}`
declare const isEmptyObject: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isEmptyObject }
export { isEmptyObject as isEmptyObject_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyObject as isEmptyObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
declare const isEmptyOrEmptyObject: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject }
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject as isEmptyOrEmptyObject_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject as isEmptyOrEmptyObject_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string and is empty
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `""`
declare const isEmptyString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isEmptyString }
export { isEmptyString as isEmptyString_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyString as isEmptyString_alias_2 }
* Returns a boolean for whether the two given types are equal.
* @remarks Use-cases: If you want to make a conditional branch based on the result of a comparison of two types.
* @link
* @link
* @category Type Guard
* @category Utilities
declare type IsEqual<A, B> = (<G>() => G extends A ? 1 : 2) extends <G>() => G extends B ? 1 : 2 ? true : false;
export { IsEqual }
export { IsEqual as IsEqual_alias_1 }
declare interface ISequenced {
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* The sequence number (version, or event counter, etc.) of the record
deserialize: DeserializeFunct<TData, TJsonValue>;
sequence: number;
export { DataTransformer }
export { DataTransformer as DataTransformer_alias_1 }
export { ISequenced }
export { ISequenced as ISequenced_alias_1 }
* Deserialize the given value with superjson using the given metadata
* Checks if `obj` is an `Error`, `EvalError`, `RangeError`, `ReferenceError`,
* `SyntaxError`, `TypeError`, or `URIError` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isError(new Error)
* // => true
* isError(Error)
* // => false
* ```
* @param obj - The obj to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is an error object, else `false`.
declare function deserialize<TData = unknown>(payload: JsonParserResult): TData;
export { deserialize }
export { deserialize as deserialize_alias_1 }
declare const isError: (obj: unknown) => obj is Error;
export { isError }
export { isError as isError_alias_1 }
export { isError as isError_alias_2 }
* A function that can deserialize a certain type of data
* Check if the provided value's type is a float
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number` and is a float
declare type DeserializeFunct<TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> = (json: TJsonValue) => TData;
export { DeserializeFunct }
export { DeserializeFunct as DeserializeFunct_alias_1 }
declare const isFloat: (value: any) => value is number;
export { isFloat }
export { isFloat as isFloat_alias_1 }
export { isFloat as isFloat_alias_2 }
declare interface IJsonParser {
parse: <TData = any>(strData: string) => TData;
stringify: <TData = any>(data: TData) => string;
serialize: (object: JsonValue) => JsonParserResult;
deserialize: <TData = any>(payload: JsonParserResult) => TData;
register: <TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue>(name: string, serialize: (object: JsonValue) => TJsonValue, deserialize: (payload: TJsonValue) => TData, isApplicable: (data: any) => data is TData) => void;
export { IJsonParser }
export { IJsonParser as IJsonParser_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Function`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Function`
declare const isFunction: (value: unknown) => value is ((params?: unknown) => unknown) & Function;
export { isFunction }
export { isFunction as isFunction_alias_1 }
export { isFunction as isFunction_alias_2 }
declare type InnerNode<T> = [T, Record<string, Tree<T>>];
export { InnerNode }
export { InnerNode as InnerNode_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is an integer
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number` and is an integer
declare const isInt: (value: any) => value is number;
export { isInt }
export { isInt as isInt_alias_1 }
export { isInt as isInt_alias_2 }
declare const isMergeableObject: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isMergeableObject }
export { isMergeableObject as isMergeableObject_alias_1 }
export { isMergeableObject as isMergeableObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Object` and is not `null` or `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Object` and is not `null` or `undefined`
export declare const isNonNullObject: (value: any) => value is object;
* The inverse of the `isEmptyObject` function
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is **NOT** of type `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
declare const isNotEmpty: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isNotEmpty }
export { isNotEmpty as isNotEmpty_alias_1 }
export { isNotEmpty as isNotEmpty_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null`
declare const isNull: (value: unknown) => value is null;
export { isNull }
export { isNull as isNull_alias_1 }
export { isNull as isNull_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `number`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number`
declare const isNumber: (value: unknown) => value is number;
export { isNumber }
export { isNumber as isNumber_alias_1 }
export { isNumber as isNumber_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Object`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Object`
declare const isObject: (value: unknown) => value is object;
export { isObject }
export { isObject as isObject_alias_1 }
export { isObject as isObject_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`
* and has a `typeof` result of "object".
* @example
* ```typescript
* isObjectLike({})
* // => true
* isObjectLike([1, 2, 3])
* // => true
* isObjectLike(Function)
* // => false
* isObjectLike(null)
* // => false
* ```
* @param value - The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.
declare const isObjectLike: (obj: unknown) => boolean;
export { isObjectLike }
export { isObjectLike as isObjectLike_alias_1 }
export { isObjectLike as isObjectLike_alias_2 }
* Checks if `obj` is a plain object, that is, an object created by the `Object` constructor or one with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`.
* @example
* ```typescript
* function Foo() {
* this.a = 1
* }
* isPlainObject(new Foo)
* // => false
* isPlainObject([1, 2, 3])
* // => false
* isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 })
* // => true
* isPlainObject(Object.create(null))
* // => true
* ```
* @param obj The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is a plain object, else `false`.
declare const isPlainObject: (obj: unknown) => boolean;
export { isPlainObject }
export { isPlainObject as isPlainObject_alias_1 }
export { isPlainObject as isPlainObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a built-in primitive
* @remarks
* The full list of primitive types includes:
* * `number`
* * `string`
* * `boolean`
* * `symbol`
* * `bigint`
* * `undefined`
* * `null`
* @param obj - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is a built-in primitive
declare const isPrimitive: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isPrimitive }
export { isPrimitive as isPrimitive_alias_1 }
export { isPrimitive as isPrimitive_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a promise
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type a promise
declare const isPromise: (value: unknown) => value is Promise<unknown>;
export { isPromise }
export { isPromise as isPromise_alias_1 }
export { isPromise as isPromise_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value is a {@link React Element}.
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type {@link React Element}
declare const isReactElement: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isReactElement }
export { isReactElement as isReactElement_alias_1 }
export { isReactElement as isReactElement_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a ref
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type ref
declare const isRef: <TRef = unknown>(value: unknown) => value is RefObject<TRef>;
export { isRef }
export { isRef as isRef_alias_1 }
export { isRef as isRef_alias_2 }
* The function checks if the code is running in
* the browser (and not on the server).
declare const isRuntimeClient: () => boolean;
export { isRuntimeClient }
export { isRuntimeClient as isRuntimeClient_alias_1 }
export { isRuntimeClient as isRuntimeClient_alias_2 }
* The function checks if the code is running on
* the server (and not in the browser).
declare const isRuntimeServer: () => boolean;
export { isRuntimeServer }
export { isRuntimeServer as isRuntimeServer_alias_1 }
export { isRuntimeServer as isRuntimeServer_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is SelectOption
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type SelectOption
declare const isSelectOption: (value: unknown) => value is SelectOption;
export { isSelectOption }
export { isSelectOption as isSelectOption_alias_1 }
export { isSelectOption as isSelectOption_alias_2 }
* The inverse of the `isEmpty` function
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is **NOT** of type `null` or `undefined`
declare const isSet: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isSet }
export { isSet as isSet_alias_1 }
export { isSet as isSet_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is NOT `null` nor `undefined` nor `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is NOT `null` nor `undefined` nor `{}`
declare const isSetObject: (value: unknown) => value is object;
export { isSetObject }
export { isSetObject as isSetObject_alias_1 }
export { isSetObject as isSetObject_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string and is not empty (length greater than zero)
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `string` and length greater than zero
declare const isSetString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isSetString }
export { isSetString as isSetString_alias_1 }
export { isSetString as isSetString_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `string`
declare const isString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isString }
export { isString as isString_alias_1 }
export { isString as isString_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Symbol`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Symbol`
declare const isSymbol: (value: unknown) => value is symbol;
export { isSymbol }
export { isSymbol as isSymbol_alias_1 }
export { isSymbol as isSymbol_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value has a `__typename` property
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided has a `__typename` property
declare const isTyped: (value: unknown) => value is ITyped;
export { isTyped }
export { isTyped as isTyped_alias_1 }
export { isTyped as isTyped_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `undefined`
declare const isUndefined: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isUndefined }
export { isUndefined as isUndefined_alias_1 }
export { isUndefined as isUndefined_alias_2 }
declare interface ITyped {

@@ -112,205 +725,286 @@ /**

export { ITyped }
export { ITyped as ITyped_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {
declare interface IVersioned {
version: number;
export { JsonArray }
export { JsonArray as JsonArray_alias_1 }
export { IVersioned }
export { IVersioned as IVersioned_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonObject {
[key: string]: JsonValue;
export { JsonObject }
export { JsonObject as JsonObject_alias_1 }
* Convert the input string to kebab case.
* @remarks
* "this-is-an-example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The kebab-cased string.
declare const kebabCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { kebabCase }
export { kebabCase as kebabCase_alias_1 }
export { kebabCase as kebabCase_alias_2 }
declare interface JsonParserResult {
json: JsonValue;
meta?: {
values?: Tree<TypeAnnotation> | Record<string, Tree<TypeAnnotation>> | undefined;
referentialEqualities?: Record<string, string[]> | [string[]] | [string[], Record<string, string[]>];
export { JsonParserResult }
export { JsonParserResult as JsonParserResult_alias_1 }
declare type LiteralUnion<T extends U, U extends Primitive> = T | (U & {
_?: never;
export { LiteralUnion }
export { LiteralUnion as LiteralUnion_alias_1 }
declare type JsonValue = PrimitiveJsonValue | JsonArray | JsonObject;
export { JsonValue }
export { JsonValue as JsonValue_alias_1 }
* Lower case the first character of an input string.
* @remarks
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The lower-cased string.
declare const lowerCaseFirst: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { lowerCaseFirst }
export { lowerCaseFirst as lowerCaseFirst_alias_1 }
export { lowerCaseFirst as lowerCaseFirst_alias_2 }
declare type Leaf<T> = [T];
export { Leaf }
export { Leaf as Leaf_alias_1 }
declare type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
export { MaybePromise }
export { MaybePromise as MaybePromise_alias_1 }
declare type LeafTypeAnnotation = PrimitiveTypeAnnotation | "regexp" | "Date" | "Error" | "URL";
export { LeafTypeAnnotation }
export { LeafTypeAnnotation as LeafTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare type NestedValue<TValue extends object = object> = {
[$NestedValue]: never;
} & TValue;
export { NestedValue }
export { NestedValue as NestedValue_alias_1 }
declare type Newable<T> = new (...args: never[]) => T;
export { Newable }
export { Newable as Newable_alias_1 }
declare const NEWLINE_STRING: "\r\n";
declare type NonUndefined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T;
export { NonUndefined }
export { NonUndefined as NonUndefined_alias_1 }
* Parse the given value with superjson using the given metadata
* A no op, or no-op, function for no operation
* @remarks Please see {@link this article} for more information.
* @param params - An optional parameter passed to the function. It can be anything (but is not used in any way)
declare function parse<TData = unknown>(strData: string): TData;
export { parse }
export { parse as parse_alias_1 }
declare const noop: (params?: unknown) => void;
export { noop }
export { noop as noop_alias_1 }
export { noop as noop_alias_2 }
* Parse the given value with qs using the given metadata
* Convert the input string to pascal case.
* @remarks
* "ThisIsAnExample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The pascal-cased string.
declare function parseQueryParam<TData = unknown>(strData: string, options?: {
comma?: boolean | undefined;
delimiter?: string | RegExp | undefined;
depth?: number | false | undefined;
arrayLimit?: number | undefined;
parseArrays?: boolean | undefined;
allowDots?: boolean | undefined;
plainObjects?: boolean | undefined;
allowPrototypes?: boolean | undefined;
parameterLimit?: number | undefined;
strictNullHandling?: boolean | undefined;
ignoreQueryPrefix?: boolean | undefined;
charset?: "utf-8" | "iso-8859-1" | undefined;
charsetSentinel?: boolean | undefined;
interpretNumericEntities?: boolean | undefined;
}): TData;
export { parseQueryParam }
export { parseQueryParam as parseQueryParam_alias_1 }
declare const pascalCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { pascalCase }
export { pascalCase as pascalCase_alias_1 }
export { pascalCase as pascalCase_alias_2 }
declare type PrimitiveJsonValue = string | number | boolean | undefined | null;
export { PrimitiveJsonValue }
export { PrimitiveJsonValue as PrimitiveJsonValue_alias_1 }
* Make all characters lowercase and add a period in between each word
* @remarks
* ""
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The period-split string.
declare const periodSplit: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { periodSplit }
export { periodSplit as periodSplit_alias_1 }
export { periodSplit as periodSplit_alias_2 }
declare type PrimitiveTypeAnnotation = "number" | "undefined" | "bigint";
export { PrimitiveTypeAnnotation }
export { PrimitiveTypeAnnotation as PrimitiveTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
* Matches any [primitive value](
* @category Type
declare type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint;
export { Primitive }
export { Primitive as Primitive_alias_1 }
declare function register<TData = any, TJsonObject extends JsonValue = JsonValue>(name: string, serialize: (data: TData) => TJsonObject, deserialize: (json: TJsonObject) => TData, isApplicable: (data: any) => data is TData): void;
export { register }
export { register as register_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided object has the provided property
* @param object - The object to check
* @param propertyKey - The property to check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object has the provided property
declare const propertyExists: (object: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey) => boolean;
export { propertyExists }
export { propertyExists as propertyExists_alias_1 }
export { propertyExists as propertyExists_alias_2 }
declare const Serializable: <TData = any>(options: {
* Check if the provided object has the provided property and if it's safe to merge
* @param object - The object to check
* @param propertyKey - The property to check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object has the provided property and if it's safe to merge
declare const propertyUnsafe: (object: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey) => boolean;
export { propertyUnsafe }
export { propertyUnsafe as propertyUnsafe_alias_1 }
export { propertyUnsafe as propertyUnsafe_alias_2 }
declare type ReducerFunction<TState, TAction> = (state: TState, action: TAction) => TState;
export { ReducerFunction }
export { ReducerFunction as ReducerFunction_alias_1 }
declare interface RefObject<T> {
current: T;
export { RefObject }
export { RefObject as RefObject_alias_1 }
* Extract all required keys from the given type.
* @remarks This is useful when you want to create a new type that contains different type values for the required keys only or use the list of keys for validation purposes, etc...
* @category Utilities
declare type RequiredKeysOf<BaseType extends object> = Exclude<{
[Key in keyof BaseType]: BaseType extends Record<Key, BaseType[Key]> ? Key : never;
}[keyof BaseType], undefined>;
export { RequiredKeysOf }
export { RequiredKeysOf as RequiredKeysOf_alias_1 }
declare type Rollback = Record<string, (initialValue: any, currentValue: any) => any>;
export { Rollback }
export { Rollback as Rollback_alias_1 }
declare interface SelectOption {
* The type and/or name of the record
* The string value to display in the field
name?: string | undefined;
name: string;
* Serialize the class to a JSON object or string
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
* The value stored behind the scenes when selected
serialize: SerializationFunct<TData>;
value: string;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object or string
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* Is the option value valid for selection in the dropdown
deserialize: DeserializeFunct<TData>;
}) => <TClass extends new (...args: any) => any = new (...args: any) => TData>(target: TClass) => {
new (...args: any): {
[x: string]: any;
* The name of the class's type
__typename: string;
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @returns The data object to serialize
serialize: () => JsonValue;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
deserialize: (json: JsonValue) => void;
* Run type check on the given value
* @param value - The value to check
* @returns True if the value is of the type of the class
isTypeOf(value: any): value is TData;
} & TClass;
export { Serializable }
export { Serializable as Serializable_alias_1 }
disabled: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves whether the option in the list box is the default item.
selected: boolean;
export { SelectOption }
export { SelectOption as SelectOption_alias_1 }
declare type SerializableJsonValue = Symbol | Set<JsonValue> | Map<JsonValue, JsonValue> | undefined | bigint | Date | ClassInstance | RegExp;
export { SerializableJsonValue }
export { SerializableJsonValue as SerializableJsonValue_alias_1 }
declare type SerializableType<T> = ClassSerializable<T> & ClassTypeCheckable<T> & ITyped & T;
export { SerializableType }
export { SerializableType as SerializableType_alias_1 }
* A function that can serialize a certain type of data
* Create a type that makes the given keys required. The remaining keys are kept as is. The sister of the `SetOptional` type.
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
* @remarks Use-case: You want to define a single model where the only thing that changes is whether or not some of the keys are required.
* @category Object
declare type SerializationFunct<TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> = (data: TData) => TJsonValue;
export { SerializationFunct }
export { SerializationFunct as SerializationFunct_alias_1 }
declare type SetRequired<BaseType, Keys extends keyof BaseType> = BaseType extends unknown ? Simplify<Except<BaseType, Keys> & Required<Pick<BaseType, Keys>>> : never;
export { SetRequired }
export { SetRequired as SetRequired_alias_1 }
declare type SerializationMetadata<T> = DataTransformer<T> & ClassTypeCheckable<T>;
export { SerializationMetadata }
export { SerializationMetadata as SerializationMetadata_alias_1 }
declare const sha256: (value: string) => Promise<string>;
export { sha256 }
export { sha256 as sha256_alias_1 }
export { sha256 as sha256_alias_2 }
* Serialize the given value with superjson
* Useful to flatten the type output to improve type hints shown in editors. And also to transform an interface into a type to aide with assignability.
* @remarks Sometimes it is desired to pass a value as a function argument that has a different type. At first inspection it may seem assignable, and then you discover it is not because the `value`'s type definition was defined as an interface. In the following example, `fn` requires an argument of type `Record<string, unknown>`. If the value is defined as a literal, then it is assignable. And if the `value` is defined as type using the `Simplify` utility the value is assignable. But if the `value` is defined as an interface, it is not assignable because the interface is not sealed and elsewhere a non-string property could be added to the interface.
* @remarks If the type definition must be an interface (perhaps it was defined in a third-party npm package), then the `value` can be defined as `const value: Simplify<SomeInterface> = ...`. Then `value` will be assignable to the `fn` argument. Or the `value` can be cast as `Simplify<SomeInterface>` if you can't re-declare the `value`.
* @link
* @category Object
declare function serialize(object: JsonValue): JsonParserResult;
export { serialize }
export { serialize as serialize_alias_1 }
declare type Simplify<T> = {
[KeyType in keyof T]: T[KeyType];
} & {};
export { Simplify }
export { Simplify as Simplify_alias_1 }
declare type SimpleTypeAnnotation = LeafTypeAnnotation | "map" | "set";
export { SimpleTypeAnnotation }
export { SimpleTypeAnnotation as SimpleTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
* Stringify the given value with superjson
* Convert the input string to snake case.
* @remarks
* "this_is_an_example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @param options - Options to control the behavior of the function.
* @returns The snake-cased string.
declare function stringify(json: any): string;
export { stringify }
export { stringify as stringify_alias_1 }
declare const snakeCase: (input?: string, options?: {
splitOnNumber: boolean;
}) => string | undefined;
export { snakeCase }
export { snakeCase as snakeCase_alias_1 }
export { snakeCase as snakeCase_alias_2 }
* Stringify the given value with qs
* Convert the input string to title case.
* @remarks
* "This Is An Example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The title cased string.
declare function stringifyQueryParam(json: JsonValue, options?: {
delimiter?: string | undefined;
strictNullHandling?: boolean | undefined;
skipNulls?: boolean | undefined;
encode?: boolean | undefined;
filter?: Array<string | number> | ((prefix: string, value: any) => any) | undefined;
arrayFormat?: "indices" | "brackets" | "repeat" | "comma" | undefined;
indices?: boolean | undefined;
sort?: ((a: any, b: any) => number) | undefined;
serializeDate?: ((d: Date) => string) | undefined;
format?: "RFC1738" | "RFC3986" | undefined;
encodeValuesOnly?: boolean | undefined;
addQueryPrefix?: boolean | undefined;
charset?: "utf-8" | "iso-8859-1" | undefined;
allowDots?: boolean | undefined;
charsetSentinel?: boolean | undefined;
}): string;
export { stringifyQueryParam }
export { stringifyQueryParam as stringifyQueryParam_alias_1 }
declare const titleCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { titleCase }
export { titleCase as titleCase_alias_1 }
export { titleCase as titleCase_alias_2 }
declare type SymbolTypeAnnotation = ["symbol", string];
export { SymbolTypeAnnotation }
export { SymbolTypeAnnotation as SymbolTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_ARGUMENTS = "Arguments";
declare type Tree<T> = InnerNode<T> | Leaf<T>;
export { Tree }
export { Tree as Tree_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_ARRAY = "Array";
export { TYPE_ARRAY }
export { TYPE_ARRAY as TYPE_ARRAY_alias_1 }
declare type TypeAnnotation = SimpleTypeAnnotation | CompositeTypeAnnotation;
export { TypeAnnotation }
export { TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_MAP = "Map";
export { TYPE_MAP }
export { TYPE_MAP as TYPE_MAP_alias_1 }
declare type TypedArrayAnnotation = ["typed-array", string];
export { TypedArrayAnnotation }
export { TypedArrayAnnotation as TypedArrayAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_OBJECT = "Object";
export { TYPE_OBJECT }
export { TYPE_OBJECT as TYPE_OBJECT_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_SET = "Set";
export { TYPE_SET }
export { TYPE_SET as TYPE_SET_alias_1 }
declare function typeDetect(obj: unknown): string;
export { typeDetect }
export { typeDetect as typeDetect_alias_1 }
export { typeDetect as typeDetect_alias_2 }
* Upper case the first character of an input string.
* @remarks
* "Thisisanexample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The capitalized string.
declare const upperCaseFirst: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { upperCaseFirst }
export { upperCaseFirst as upperCaseFirst_alias_1 }
export { upperCaseFirst as upperCaseFirst_alias_2 }
export { }

@@ -1,35 +0,37 @@

declare type Class = {
new (...args: any[]): any;
export { Class }
export { Class as Class_alias_1 }
declare const $NestedValue: unique symbol;
export { $NestedValue }
export { $NestedValue as $NestedValue_alias_1 }
declare type ClassInstance = any;
export { ClassInstance }
export { ClassInstance as ClassInstance_alias_1 }
declare interface Abstract<T> {
prototype: T;
export { Abstract }
export { Abstract as Abstract_alias_1 }
declare type AnyCase<T extends IndexType> = string extends T ? string : T extends `${infer F1}${infer F2}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F1> | Lowercase<F1>}${Uppercase<F2> | Lowercase<F2>}${AnyCase<R>}` : T extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F> | Lowercase<F>}${AnyCase<R>}` : typeof EMPTY_STRING;
export { AnyCase }
export { AnyCase as AnyCase_alias_1 }
declare type ArrayElement<ArrayType extends readonly unknown[]> = ArrayType extends readonly (infer ElementType)[] ? ElementType : never;
export { ArrayElement }
export { ArrayElement as ArrayElement_alias_1 }
declare type BrowserNativeObject = Date | FileList | File;
export { BrowserNativeObject }
export { BrowserNativeObject as BrowserNativeObject_alias_1 }
* A class that can be serialized and deserialized
* Convert the input string to camel case.
* @remarks
* "thisIsAnExample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The camel-cased string.
declare interface ClassSerializable<TData, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> {
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @returns The data object to serialize
serialize: () => TJsonValue;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
deserialize: (json: TJsonValue) => void;
export { ClassSerializable }
export { ClassSerializable as ClassSerializable_alias_1 }
declare const camelCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { camelCase }
export { camelCase as camelCase_alias_1 }
export { camelCase as camelCase_alias_2 }
declare type ClassTypeAnnotation = ["class", string];
export { ClassTypeAnnotation }
export { ClassTypeAnnotation as ClassTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare interface ClassTypeCheckable<T> extends ITyped {

@@ -43,64 +45,675 @@ /**

export { ClassTypeCheckable }
export { ClassTypeCheckable as ClassTypeCheckable_alias_1 }
declare type CompositeTypeAnnotation = TypedArrayAnnotation | ClassTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | CustomTypeAnnotation;
export { CompositeTypeAnnotation }
export { CompositeTypeAnnotation as CompositeTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare interface Clonable<T> {
clone(): T;
export { Clonable }
export { Clonable as Clonable_alias_1 }
declare type CustomTypeAnnotation = ["custom", string];
export { CustomTypeAnnotation }
export { CustomTypeAnnotation as CustomTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare type Collection = IArguments | Array<unknown> | Map<unknown, unknown> | Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> | Set<unknown>;
export { Collection }
export { Collection as Collection_alias_1 }
* A class that can be serialized and deserialized
* Convert the input string to constant case.
* @remarks
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The constant-cased string.
declare interface DataTransformer<TData, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> {
declare const constantCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { constantCase }
export { constantCase as constantCase_alias_1 }
export { constantCase as constantCase_alias_2 }
* copy value with customizer function
* @private
* @param value
* @param type
declare function copy(value: unknown, valueType: string, customizer?: ((value: unknown, type: string) => unknown) | null): unknown;
export { copy }
export { copy as copy_alias_1 }
export { copy as copy_alias_2 }
declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto }
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto_alias_1 }
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto_alias_2 }
* Deep copy an object/array/value
* @param value - The value to copy
* @param options - The options
declare function deepCopy<T>(value: T, options?: {
customizer?: (value: unknown, type: string) => unknown;
}): T;
export { deepCopy }
export { deepCopy as deepCopy_alias_1 }
export { deepCopy as deepCopy_alias_2 }
* Deep merge two objects
* @param target - The target object
* @param source - The source object
* @param options - The options object
* @returns The merged object
declare const deepMerge: {
<X = any, Y = any, Z = X & Y>(target: X, source: Y, options?: any): Z;
all(array: Array<any>, options?: any): any;
export { deepMerge }
export { deepMerge as deepMerge_alias_1 }
export { deepMerge as deepMerge_alias_2 }
declare type DeepPartial<T> = T extends BrowserNativeObject | NestedValue ? T : {
[K in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[K]>;
export { DeepPartial }
export { DeepPartial as DeepPartial_alias_1 }
declare const EMPTY_OBJECT: {};
export { EMPTY_OBJECT }
export { EMPTY_OBJECT as EMPTY_OBJECT_alias_1 }
declare const EMPTY_STRING: "";
export { EMPTY_STRING }
export { EMPTY_STRING as EMPTY_STRING_alias_1 }
declare type EmptyObject = {
[K in string | number]: never;
export { EmptyObject }
export { EmptyObject as EmptyObject_alias_1 }
* Create a type from an object type without certain keys.
* @remarks We recommend setting the `requireExactProps` option to `true`.
* @remarks This type is a stricter version of [`Omit`]( The `Omit` type does not restrict the omitted keys to be keys present on the given type, while `Except` does. The benefits of a stricter type are avoiding typos and allowing the compiler to pick up on rename refactors automatically.
* @remarks This type was proposed to the TypeScript team, which declined it, saying they prefer that libraries implement stricter versions of the built-in types ([microsoft/TypeScript#30825](
* @category Object
declare type Except<ObjectType, KeysType extends keyof ObjectType, Options extends ExceptOptions = {
requireExactProps: false;
}> = {
[KeyType in keyof ObjectType as Filter<KeyType, KeysType>]: ObjectType[KeyType];
} & (Options["requireExactProps"] extends true ? Partial<Record<KeysType, never>> : {});
export { Except }
export { Except as Except_alias_1 }
declare type ExceptOptions = {
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
Disallow assigning non-specified properties.
Note that any omitted properties in the resulting type will be present in autocomplete as `undefined`.
@default false
serialize: SerializationFunct<TData, TJsonValue>;
requireExactProps?: boolean;
declare type Filter<KeyType, ExcludeType> = IsEqual<KeyType, ExcludeType> extends true ? never : KeyType extends ExcludeType ? never : KeyType;
export { Filter }
export { Filter as Filter_alias_1 }
* Flatten an object.
* @param obj - The object to flatten.
* @param prefix - The prefix to use.
* @param keyStringFn - The function to use to convert the key to a string.
* @returns The flattened object.
declare const flattenObject: (obj: any, prefix?: string, keyStringFn?: (input?: string) => string | undefined) => any;
export { flattenObject }
export { flattenObject as flattenObject_alias_1 }
export { flattenObject as flattenObject_alias_2 }
* Gets the `toStringTag` of `obj`.
* @param value The obj to query.
* @returns Returns the `toStringTag`.
declare const getObjectTag: (value: unknown) => string;
export { getObjectTag }
export { getObjectTag as getObjectTag_alias_1 }
export { getObjectTag as getObjectTag_alias_2 }
* Get the WebCrypto object
* @remarks
* This helper function is used to get the WebCrypto object. If the object is not available, an error will be thrown.
* @returns The WebCrypto object
declare const getWebCrypto: () => Crypto;
export { getWebCrypto }
export { getWebCrypto as getWebCrypto_alias_1 }
export { getWebCrypto as getWebCrypto_alias_2 }
declare interface IIdentity<T = string> {
id: T;
export { IIdentity }
export { IIdentity as IIdentity_alias_1 }
* The declaration of a ***dictionary-type*** object
declare type Indexable = {
[index: IndexType]: any;
export { Indexable }
export { Indexable as Indexable_alias_1 }
* The valid types of the index for an `Indexable` type object
declare type IndexType = string | number | symbol;
export { IndexType }
export { IndexType as IndexType_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is "array-like"
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is "array-like"
declare const isArrayLike: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isArrayLike }
export { isArrayLike as isArrayLike_alias_1 }
export { isArrayLike as isArrayLike_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `AsyncIterable`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is `AsyncIterable`
declare const isAsyncIterable: (value: unknown) => value is AsyncIterable<unknown>;
export { isAsyncIterable }
export { isAsyncIterable as isAsyncIterable_alias_1 }
export { isAsyncIterable as isAsyncIterable_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is classified as a `bigint` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isDate(37n)
* // => true
* isBigInt(37)
* // => false
* ```
* @param value The obj to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `value` is a bigint object, else `false`.
declare const isBigInt: (value: unknown) => value is bigint;
export { isBigInt }
export { isBigInt as isBigInt_alias_1 }
export { isBigInt as isBigInt_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `boolean`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `boolean`
declare const isBoolean: (value: unknown) => value is boolean;
export { isBoolean }
export { isBoolean as isBoolean_alias_1 }
export { isBoolean as isBoolean_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Buffer`
declare const isBuffer: typeof Buffer.isBuffer;
export { isBuffer }
export { isBuffer as isBuffer_alias_1 }
export { isBuffer as isBuffer_alias_2 }
declare const isBufferExists: boolean;
export { isBufferExists }
export { isBufferExists as isBufferExists_alias_1 }
export { isBufferExists as isBufferExists_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Collection`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Collection`
declare function isCollection(value: any): value is Collection;
export { isCollection }
export { isCollection as isCollection_alias_1 }
export { isCollection as isCollection_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is classified as a `Date` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isDate(new Date)
* // => true
* isDate('Mon April 23 2012')
* // => false
* ```
* @param value - The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is a date object, else `false`.
declare const isDate: (value: unknown) => value is Date;
export { isDate }
export { isDate as isDate_alias_1 }
export { isDate as isDate_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null` or `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null` or `undefined`
declare const isEmpty: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isEmpty }
export { isEmpty as isEmpty_alias_1 }
export { isEmpty as isEmpty_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `{}`
declare const isEmptyObject: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isEmptyObject }
export { isEmptyObject as isEmptyObject_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyObject as isEmptyObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
declare const isEmptyOrEmptyObject: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject }
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject as isEmptyOrEmptyObject_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyOrEmptyObject as isEmptyOrEmptyObject_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string and is empty
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `""`
declare const isEmptyString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isEmptyString }
export { isEmptyString as isEmptyString_alias_1 }
export { isEmptyString as isEmptyString_alias_2 }
* Returns a boolean for whether the two given types are equal.
* @remarks Use-cases: If you want to make a conditional branch based on the result of a comparison of two types.
* @link
* @link
* @category Type Guard
* @category Utilities
declare type IsEqual<A, B> = (<G>() => G extends A ? 1 : 2) extends <G>() => G extends B ? 1 : 2 ? true : false;
export { IsEqual }
export { IsEqual as IsEqual_alias_1 }
declare interface ISequenced {
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* The sequence number (version, or event counter, etc.) of the record
deserialize: DeserializeFunct<TData, TJsonValue>;
sequence: number;
export { DataTransformer }
export { DataTransformer as DataTransformer_alias_1 }
export { ISequenced }
export { ISequenced as ISequenced_alias_1 }
* Deserialize the given value with superjson using the given metadata
* Checks if `obj` is an `Error`, `EvalError`, `RangeError`, `ReferenceError`,
* `SyntaxError`, `TypeError`, or `URIError` object.
* @example
* ```typescript
* isError(new Error)
* // => true
* isError(Error)
* // => false
* ```
* @param obj - The obj to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is an error object, else `false`.
declare function deserialize<TData = unknown>(payload: JsonParserResult): TData;
export { deserialize }
export { deserialize as deserialize_alias_1 }
declare const isError: (obj: unknown) => obj is Error;
export { isError }
export { isError as isError_alias_1 }
export { isError as isError_alias_2 }
* A function that can deserialize a certain type of data
* Check if the provided value's type is a float
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number` and is a float
declare type DeserializeFunct<TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> = (json: TJsonValue) => TData;
export { DeserializeFunct }
export { DeserializeFunct as DeserializeFunct_alias_1 }
declare const isFloat: (value: any) => value is number;
export { isFloat }
export { isFloat as isFloat_alias_1 }
export { isFloat as isFloat_alias_2 }
declare interface IJsonParser {
parse: <TData = any>(strData: string) => TData;
stringify: <TData = any>(data: TData) => string;
serialize: (object: JsonValue) => JsonParserResult;
deserialize: <TData = any>(payload: JsonParserResult) => TData;
register: <TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue>(name: string, serialize: (object: JsonValue) => TJsonValue, deserialize: (payload: TJsonValue) => TData, isApplicable: (data: any) => data is TData) => void;
export { IJsonParser }
export { IJsonParser as IJsonParser_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Function`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Function`
declare const isFunction: (value: unknown) => value is ((params?: unknown) => unknown) & Function;
export { isFunction }
export { isFunction as isFunction_alias_1 }
export { isFunction as isFunction_alias_2 }
declare type InnerNode<T> = [T, Record<string, Tree<T>>];
export { InnerNode }
export { InnerNode as InnerNode_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided value's type is an integer
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number` and is an integer
declare const isInt: (value: any) => value is number;
export { isInt }
export { isInt as isInt_alias_1 }
export { isInt as isInt_alias_2 }
declare const isMergeableObject: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isMergeableObject }
export { isMergeableObject as isMergeableObject_alias_1 }
export { isMergeableObject as isMergeableObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Object` and is not `null` or `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Object` and is not `null` or `undefined`
export declare const isNonNullObject: (value: any) => value is object;
* The inverse of the `isEmptyObject` function
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is **NOT** of type `null` or `undefined` or `{}`
declare const isNotEmpty: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isNotEmpty }
export { isNotEmpty as isNotEmpty_alias_1 }
export { isNotEmpty as isNotEmpty_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `null`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `null`
declare const isNull: (value: unknown) => value is null;
export { isNull }
export { isNull as isNull_alias_1 }
export { isNull as isNull_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `number`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `number`
declare const isNumber: (value: unknown) => value is number;
export { isNumber }
export { isNumber as isNumber_alias_1 }
export { isNumber as isNumber_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Object`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Object`
declare const isObject: (value: unknown) => value is object;
export { isObject }
export { isObject as isObject_alias_1 }
export { isObject as isObject_alias_2 }
* Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`
* and has a `typeof` result of "object".
* @example
* ```typescript
* isObjectLike({})
* // => true
* isObjectLike([1, 2, 3])
* // => true
* isObjectLike(Function)
* // => false
* isObjectLike(null)
* // => false
* ```
* @param value - The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.
declare const isObjectLike: (obj: unknown) => boolean;
export { isObjectLike }
export { isObjectLike as isObjectLike_alias_1 }
export { isObjectLike as isObjectLike_alias_2 }
* Checks if `obj` is a plain object, that is, an object created by the `Object` constructor or one with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`.
* @example
* ```typescript
* function Foo() {
* this.a = 1
* }
* isPlainObject(new Foo)
* // => false
* isPlainObject([1, 2, 3])
* // => false
* isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 })
* // => true
* isPlainObject(Object.create(null))
* // => true
* ```
* @param obj The value to check.
* @returns Returns `true` if `obj` is a plain object, else `false`.
declare const isPlainObject: (obj: unknown) => boolean;
export { isPlainObject }
export { isPlainObject as isPlainObject_alias_1 }
export { isPlainObject as isPlainObject_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a built-in primitive
* @remarks
* The full list of primitive types includes:
* * `number`
* * `string`
* * `boolean`
* * `symbol`
* * `bigint`
* * `undefined`
* * `null`
* @param obj - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is a built-in primitive
declare const isPrimitive: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isPrimitive }
export { isPrimitive as isPrimitive_alias_1 }
export { isPrimitive as isPrimitive_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a promise
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type a promise
declare const isPromise: (value: unknown) => value is Promise<unknown>;
export { isPromise }
export { isPromise as isPromise_alias_1 }
export { isPromise as isPromise_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value is a {@link React Element}.
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type {@link React Element}
declare const isReactElement: (value: any) => boolean;
export { isReactElement }
export { isReactElement as isReactElement_alias_1 }
export { isReactElement as isReactElement_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is a ref
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type ref
declare const isRef: <TRef = unknown>(value: unknown) => value is RefObject<TRef>;
export { isRef }
export { isRef as isRef_alias_1 }
export { isRef as isRef_alias_2 }
* The function checks if the code is running in
* the browser (and not on the server).
declare const isRuntimeClient: () => boolean;
export { isRuntimeClient }
export { isRuntimeClient as isRuntimeClient_alias_1 }
export { isRuntimeClient as isRuntimeClient_alias_2 }
* The function checks if the code is running on
* the server (and not in the browser).
declare const isRuntimeServer: () => boolean;
export { isRuntimeServer }
export { isRuntimeServer as isRuntimeServer_alias_1 }
export { isRuntimeServer as isRuntimeServer_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is SelectOption
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object provided is of type SelectOption
declare const isSelectOption: (value: unknown) => value is SelectOption;
export { isSelectOption }
export { isSelectOption as isSelectOption_alias_1 }
export { isSelectOption as isSelectOption_alias_2 }
* The inverse of the `isEmpty` function
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is **NOT** of type `null` or `undefined`
declare const isSet: (value: unknown) => value is {};
export { isSet }
export { isSet as isSet_alias_1 }
export { isSet as isSet_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is NOT `null` nor `undefined` nor `{}`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is NOT `null` nor `undefined` nor `{}`
declare const isSetObject: (value: unknown) => value is object;
export { isSetObject }
export { isSetObject as isSetObject_alias_1 }
export { isSetObject as isSetObject_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string and is not empty (length greater than zero)
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `string` and length greater than zero
declare const isSetString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isSetString }
export { isSetString as isSetString_alias_1 }
export { isSetString as isSetString_alias_2 }
* Determine if the type is string
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `string`
declare const isString: (value: unknown) => value is string;
export { isString }
export { isString as isString_alias_1 }
export { isString as isString_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `Symbol`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Symbol`
declare const isSymbol: (value: unknown) => value is symbol;
export { isSymbol }
export { isSymbol as isSymbol_alias_1 }
export { isSymbol as isSymbol_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value has a `__typename` property
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided has a `__typename` property
declare const isTyped: (value: unknown) => value is ITyped;
export { isTyped }
export { isTyped as isTyped_alias_1 }
export { isTyped as isTyped_alias_2 }
* Check if the provided value's type is `undefined`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `undefined`
declare const isUndefined: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export { isUndefined }
export { isUndefined as isUndefined_alias_1 }
export { isUndefined as isUndefined_alias_2 }
declare interface ITyped {

@@ -112,205 +725,286 @@ /**

export { ITyped }
export { ITyped as ITyped_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {
declare interface IVersioned {
version: number;
export { JsonArray }
export { JsonArray as JsonArray_alias_1 }
export { IVersioned }
export { IVersioned as IVersioned_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonObject {
[key: string]: JsonValue;
export { JsonObject }
export { JsonObject as JsonObject_alias_1 }
* Convert the input string to kebab case.
* @remarks
* "this-is-an-example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The kebab-cased string.
declare const kebabCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { kebabCase }
export { kebabCase as kebabCase_alias_1 }
export { kebabCase as kebabCase_alias_2 }
declare interface JsonParserResult {
json: JsonValue;
meta?: {
values?: Tree<TypeAnnotation> | Record<string, Tree<TypeAnnotation>> | undefined;
referentialEqualities?: Record<string, string[]> | [string[]] | [string[], Record<string, string[]>];
export { JsonParserResult }
export { JsonParserResult as JsonParserResult_alias_1 }
declare type LiteralUnion<T extends U, U extends Primitive> = T | (U & {
_?: never;
export { LiteralUnion }
export { LiteralUnion as LiteralUnion_alias_1 }
declare type JsonValue = PrimitiveJsonValue | JsonArray | JsonObject;
export { JsonValue }
export { JsonValue as JsonValue_alias_1 }
* Lower case the first character of an input string.
* @remarks
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The lower-cased string.
declare const lowerCaseFirst: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { lowerCaseFirst }
export { lowerCaseFirst as lowerCaseFirst_alias_1 }
export { lowerCaseFirst as lowerCaseFirst_alias_2 }
declare type Leaf<T> = [T];
export { Leaf }
export { Leaf as Leaf_alias_1 }
declare type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
export { MaybePromise }
export { MaybePromise as MaybePromise_alias_1 }
declare type LeafTypeAnnotation = PrimitiveTypeAnnotation | "regexp" | "Date" | "Error" | "URL";
export { LeafTypeAnnotation }
export { LeafTypeAnnotation as LeafTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare type NestedValue<TValue extends object = object> = {
[$NestedValue]: never;
} & TValue;
export { NestedValue }
export { NestedValue as NestedValue_alias_1 }
declare type Newable<T> = new (...args: never[]) => T;
export { Newable }
export { Newable as Newable_alias_1 }
declare const NEWLINE_STRING: "\r\n";
declare type NonUndefined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T;
export { NonUndefined }
export { NonUndefined as NonUndefined_alias_1 }
* Parse the given value with superjson using the given metadata
* A no op, or no-op, function for no operation
* @remarks Please see {@link this article} for more information.
* @param params - An optional parameter passed to the function. It can be anything (but is not used in any way)
declare function parse<TData = unknown>(strData: string): TData;
export { parse }
export { parse as parse_alias_1 }
declare const noop: (params?: unknown) => void;
export { noop }
export { noop as noop_alias_1 }
export { noop as noop_alias_2 }
* Parse the given value with qs using the given metadata
* Convert the input string to pascal case.
* @remarks
* "ThisIsAnExample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The pascal-cased string.
declare function parseQueryParam<TData = unknown>(strData: string, options?: {
comma?: boolean | undefined;
delimiter?: string | RegExp | undefined;
depth?: number | false | undefined;
arrayLimit?: number | undefined;
parseArrays?: boolean | undefined;
allowDots?: boolean | undefined;
plainObjects?: boolean | undefined;
allowPrototypes?: boolean | undefined;
parameterLimit?: number | undefined;
strictNullHandling?: boolean | undefined;
ignoreQueryPrefix?: boolean | undefined;
charset?: "utf-8" | "iso-8859-1" | undefined;
charsetSentinel?: boolean | undefined;
interpretNumericEntities?: boolean | undefined;
}): TData;
export { parseQueryParam }
export { parseQueryParam as parseQueryParam_alias_1 }
declare const pascalCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { pascalCase }
export { pascalCase as pascalCase_alias_1 }
export { pascalCase as pascalCase_alias_2 }
declare type PrimitiveJsonValue = string | number | boolean | undefined | null;
export { PrimitiveJsonValue }
export { PrimitiveJsonValue as PrimitiveJsonValue_alias_1 }
* Make all characters lowercase and add a period in between each word
* @remarks
* ""
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The period-split string.
declare const periodSplit: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { periodSplit }
export { periodSplit as periodSplit_alias_1 }
export { periodSplit as periodSplit_alias_2 }
declare type PrimitiveTypeAnnotation = "number" | "undefined" | "bigint";
export { PrimitiveTypeAnnotation }
export { PrimitiveTypeAnnotation as PrimitiveTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
* Matches any [primitive value](
* @category Type
declare type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint;
export { Primitive }
export { Primitive as Primitive_alias_1 }
declare function register<TData = any, TJsonObject extends JsonValue = JsonValue>(name: string, serialize: (data: TData) => TJsonObject, deserialize: (json: TJsonObject) => TData, isApplicable: (data: any) => data is TData): void;
export { register }
export { register as register_alias_1 }
* Check if the provided object has the provided property
* @param object - The object to check
* @param propertyKey - The property to check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object has the provided property
declare const propertyExists: (object: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey) => boolean;
export { propertyExists }
export { propertyExists as propertyExists_alias_1 }
export { propertyExists as propertyExists_alias_2 }
declare const Serializable: <TData = any>(options: {
* Check if the provided object has the provided property and if it's safe to merge
* @param object - The object to check
* @param propertyKey - The property to check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the object has the provided property and if it's safe to merge
declare const propertyUnsafe: (object: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey) => boolean;
export { propertyUnsafe }
export { propertyUnsafe as propertyUnsafe_alias_1 }
export { propertyUnsafe as propertyUnsafe_alias_2 }
declare type ReducerFunction<TState, TAction> = (state: TState, action: TAction) => TState;
export { ReducerFunction }
export { ReducerFunction as ReducerFunction_alias_1 }
declare interface RefObject<T> {
current: T;
export { RefObject }
export { RefObject as RefObject_alias_1 }
* Extract all required keys from the given type.
* @remarks This is useful when you want to create a new type that contains different type values for the required keys only or use the list of keys for validation purposes, etc...
* @category Utilities
declare type RequiredKeysOf<BaseType extends object> = Exclude<{
[Key in keyof BaseType]: BaseType extends Record<Key, BaseType[Key]> ? Key : never;
}[keyof BaseType], undefined>;
export { RequiredKeysOf }
export { RequiredKeysOf as RequiredKeysOf_alias_1 }
declare type Rollback = Record<string, (initialValue: any, currentValue: any) => any>;
export { Rollback }
export { Rollback as Rollback_alias_1 }
declare interface SelectOption {
* The type and/or name of the record
* The string value to display in the field
name?: string | undefined;
name: string;
* Serialize the class to a JSON object or string
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
* The value stored behind the scenes when selected
serialize: SerializationFunct<TData>;
value: string;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object or string
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
* @returns The deserialized data
* Is the option value valid for selection in the dropdown
deserialize: DeserializeFunct<TData>;
}) => <TClass extends new (...args: any) => any = new (...args: any) => TData>(target: TClass) => {
new (...args: any): {
[x: string]: any;
* The name of the class's type
__typename: string;
* Serialize the class to a JSON object
* @returns The data object to serialize
serialize: () => JsonValue;
* Deserialize the class from a JSON object
* @param json - The JSON object to deserialize from
deserialize: (json: JsonValue) => void;
* Run type check on the given value
* @param value - The value to check
* @returns True if the value is of the type of the class
isTypeOf(value: any): value is TData;
} & TClass;
export { Serializable }
export { Serializable as Serializable_alias_1 }
disabled: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves whether the option in the list box is the default item.
selected: boolean;
export { SelectOption }
export { SelectOption as SelectOption_alias_1 }
declare type SerializableJsonValue = Symbol | Set<JsonValue> | Map<JsonValue, JsonValue> | undefined | bigint | Date | ClassInstance | RegExp;
export { SerializableJsonValue }
export { SerializableJsonValue as SerializableJsonValue_alias_1 }
declare type SerializableType<T> = ClassSerializable<T> & ClassTypeCheckable<T> & ITyped & T;
export { SerializableType }
export { SerializableType as SerializableType_alias_1 }
* A function that can serialize a certain type of data
* Create a type that makes the given keys required. The remaining keys are kept as is. The sister of the `SetOptional` type.
* @param data - The data object to serialize
* @returns The serialized JSON object
* @remarks Use-case: You want to define a single model where the only thing that changes is whether or not some of the keys are required.
* @category Object
declare type SerializationFunct<TData = any, TJsonValue extends JsonValue = JsonValue> = (data: TData) => TJsonValue;
export { SerializationFunct }
export { SerializationFunct as SerializationFunct_alias_1 }
declare type SetRequired<BaseType, Keys extends keyof BaseType> = BaseType extends unknown ? Simplify<Except<BaseType, Keys> & Required<Pick<BaseType, Keys>>> : never;
export { SetRequired }
export { SetRequired as SetRequired_alias_1 }
declare type SerializationMetadata<T> = DataTransformer<T> & ClassTypeCheckable<T>;
export { SerializationMetadata }
export { SerializationMetadata as SerializationMetadata_alias_1 }
declare const sha256: (value: string) => Promise<string>;
export { sha256 }
export { sha256 as sha256_alias_1 }
export { sha256 as sha256_alias_2 }
* Serialize the given value with superjson
* Useful to flatten the type output to improve type hints shown in editors. And also to transform an interface into a type to aide with assignability.
* @remarks Sometimes it is desired to pass a value as a function argument that has a different type. At first inspection it may seem assignable, and then you discover it is not because the `value`'s type definition was defined as an interface. In the following example, `fn` requires an argument of type `Record<string, unknown>`. If the value is defined as a literal, then it is assignable. And if the `value` is defined as type using the `Simplify` utility the value is assignable. But if the `value` is defined as an interface, it is not assignable because the interface is not sealed and elsewhere a non-string property could be added to the interface.
* @remarks If the type definition must be an interface (perhaps it was defined in a third-party npm package), then the `value` can be defined as `const value: Simplify<SomeInterface> = ...`. Then `value` will be assignable to the `fn` argument. Or the `value` can be cast as `Simplify<SomeInterface>` if you can't re-declare the `value`.
* @link
* @category Object
declare function serialize(object: JsonValue): JsonParserResult;
export { serialize }
export { serialize as serialize_alias_1 }
declare type Simplify<T> = {
[KeyType in keyof T]: T[KeyType];
} & {};
export { Simplify }
export { Simplify as Simplify_alias_1 }
declare type SimpleTypeAnnotation = LeafTypeAnnotation | "map" | "set";
export { SimpleTypeAnnotation }
export { SimpleTypeAnnotation as SimpleTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
* Stringify the given value with superjson
* Convert the input string to snake case.
* @remarks
* "this_is_an_example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @param options - Options to control the behavior of the function.
* @returns The snake-cased string.
declare function stringify(json: any): string;
export { stringify }
export { stringify as stringify_alias_1 }
declare const snakeCase: (input?: string, options?: {
splitOnNumber: boolean;
}) => string | undefined;
export { snakeCase }
export { snakeCase as snakeCase_alias_1 }
export { snakeCase as snakeCase_alias_2 }
* Stringify the given value with qs
* Convert the input string to title case.
* @remarks
* "This Is An Example"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The title cased string.
declare function stringifyQueryParam(json: JsonValue, options?: {
delimiter?: string | undefined;
strictNullHandling?: boolean | undefined;
skipNulls?: boolean | undefined;
encode?: boolean | undefined;
filter?: Array<string | number> | ((prefix: string, value: any) => any) | undefined;
arrayFormat?: "indices" | "brackets" | "repeat" | "comma" | undefined;
indices?: boolean | undefined;
sort?: ((a: any, b: any) => number) | undefined;
serializeDate?: ((d: Date) => string) | undefined;
format?: "RFC1738" | "RFC3986" | undefined;
encodeValuesOnly?: boolean | undefined;
addQueryPrefix?: boolean | undefined;
charset?: "utf-8" | "iso-8859-1" | undefined;
allowDots?: boolean | undefined;
charsetSentinel?: boolean | undefined;
}): string;
export { stringifyQueryParam }
export { stringifyQueryParam as stringifyQueryParam_alias_1 }
declare const titleCase: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { titleCase }
export { titleCase as titleCase_alias_1 }
export { titleCase as titleCase_alias_2 }
declare type SymbolTypeAnnotation = ["symbol", string];
export { SymbolTypeAnnotation }
export { SymbolTypeAnnotation as SymbolTypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_ARGUMENTS = "Arguments";
declare type Tree<T> = InnerNode<T> | Leaf<T>;
export { Tree }
export { Tree as Tree_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_ARRAY = "Array";
export { TYPE_ARRAY }
export { TYPE_ARRAY as TYPE_ARRAY_alias_1 }
declare type TypeAnnotation = SimpleTypeAnnotation | CompositeTypeAnnotation;
export { TypeAnnotation }
export { TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_MAP = "Map";
export { TYPE_MAP }
export { TYPE_MAP as TYPE_MAP_alias_1 }
declare type TypedArrayAnnotation = ["typed-array", string];
export { TypedArrayAnnotation }
export { TypedArrayAnnotation as TypedArrayAnnotation_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_OBJECT = "Object";
export { TYPE_OBJECT }
export { TYPE_OBJECT as TYPE_OBJECT_alias_1 }
declare const TYPE_SET = "Set";
export { TYPE_SET }
export { TYPE_SET as TYPE_SET_alias_1 }
declare function typeDetect(obj: unknown): string;
export { typeDetect }
export { typeDetect as typeDetect_alias_1 }
export { typeDetect as typeDetect_alias_2 }
* Upper case the first character of an input string.
* @remarks
* "Thisisanexample"
* @param input - The input string.
* @returns The capitalized string.
declare const upperCaseFirst: (input?: string) => string | undefined;
export { upperCaseFirst }
export { upperCaseFirst as upperCaseFirst_alias_1 }
export { upperCaseFirst as upperCaseFirst_alias_2 }
export { }
"name": "@storm-stack/serialization",
"version": "1.1.2",
"version": "1.2.0",
"private": false,

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "description": "A package used to support serializing and deserializing data sent between the client and the server.",

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ <!-- START header -->

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@@ -22,0 +22,0 @@

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