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@@ -64,3 +64,3 @@ declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;

declare function hash(input?: string): string;
declare function hash(input?: string | object): string;
export { hash }

@@ -67,0 +67,0 @@ export { hash as hash_alias_1 }

@@ -64,3 +64,3 @@ declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;

declare function hash(input?: string): string;
declare function hash(input?: string | object): string;
export { hash }

@@ -67,0 +67,0 @@ export { hash as hash_alias_1 }

@@ -64,3 +64,3 @@ declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;

declare function hash(input?: string): string;
declare function hash(input?: string | object): string;
export { hash }

@@ -67,0 +67,0 @@ export { hash as hash_alias_1 }

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

"use strict";(()=>{var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,n)=>t(e,"name",{value:n,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const n=e.outputLen;if(t.length<n)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${n}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),n=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,r=!1){return r?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>n&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>n&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let n=new Uint32Array(t.length),r=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[n[o],r[o]]=[i,s]}return[n,r]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var r=__name(((t,e,n)=>t<<n|e>>>32-n),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,n)=>e<<n|t>>>32-n),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,n)=>e<<n-32|t>>>64-n),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,n)=>t<<n-32|e>>>64-n),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class{static{__name(this,"Hash")}clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),n=t();return e.outputLen=n.outputLen,e.blockLen=n.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,n)=>t(n).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),n=t({});return e.outputLen=n.outputLen,e.blockLen=n.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[h,f,l]=[[],[],[]],g=BigInt(0),p=BigInt(1),d=BigInt(2),y=BigInt(7),b=BigInt(256),w=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=p,n=1,r=0;t<24;t++){[n,r]=[r,(2*n+3*r)%5],h.push(2*(5*r+n)),f.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=g;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<p^(e>>y)*w)%b,e&d&&(o^=p<<(p<<BigInt(t))-p);l.push(o)}var[B,k]=split(l,!0),O=__name(((t,e,n)=>n>32?i(t,e,n):r(t,e,n)),"rotlH"),I=__name(((t,e,n)=>n>32?s(t,e,n):o(t,e,n)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const n=new Uint32Array(10);for(let r=24-e;r<24;r++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)n[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const r=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=n[o],s=n[o+1],a=O(i,s,1)^n[r],u=I(i,s,1)^n[r+1];for(let n=0;n<50;n+=10)t[e+n]^=a,t[e+n+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let n=0;n<24;n++){const r=f[n],i=O(e,o,r),s=I(e,o,r),a=h[n];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let r=0;r<10;r++)n[r]=t[e+r];for(let r=0;r<10;r++)t[e+r]^=~n[(r+2)%10]&n[(r+4)%10]}t[0]^=B[r],t[1]^=k[r]}n.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var m=class _Keccak extends c{static{__name(this,"Keccak")}constructor(t,e,n,r=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=n,this.enableXOF=r,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(n),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:n}=this,r=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<r;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,r-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)n[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:n,blockLen:r}=this;t[n]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&n===r-1&&this.keccak(),t[r-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:n}=this;for(let r=0,o=t.length;r<o;){this.posOut>=n&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(n-this.posOut,o-r);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),r),this.posOut+=i,r+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:n,outputLen:r,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,n,r,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=n,t.outputLen=r,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}},L=__name(((t,e,n)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new m(e,t,n)))),"gen"),x=L(6,72,64),S=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),E=__name(((t=Math.random)=>S[Math.floor(t()*S.length)]),"randomLetter"),T=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,n=0n;for(const r of t.values()){n=(n<<e)+BigInt(r)}return n}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt");var j=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function hash(t=""){return bufToBigInt(x(t)).toString(T).slice(1)}function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let n="";for(;n.length<t;)n+=Math.floor(e()*T).toString(T);return n}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(T,Math.random):createEntropy(T,Math.random)).substring(0,T)}__name(hash,"hash"),__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name((function cuid(){const,e=j.toString(T),n=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${E()+hash(`${t+n+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}),"cuid");var v=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),U=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,n){return parseInt(n?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+n):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name((function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=v,}={shardId:1,epoch:v,}){n=n instanceof Date?n.valueOf():new Date(n).valueOf();let r=BigInt(n)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return r|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),r|=BigInt(U++%4096),r.toString()}),"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name((function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}),"isValidSnowflake");var A=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),C=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),M=__name((t=>{if(!C(t)||"[object Object]"!=A(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),P=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||M(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),F=globalThis.crypto&&P(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;__name((function uuid(){if(!F)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return F.randomUUID()}),"uuid")})();
"use strict";(()=>{var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,r)=>t(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const r=e.outputLen;if(t.length<r)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${r}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),r=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,n=!1){return n?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>r&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>r&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let r=new Uint32Array(t.length),n=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[r[o],n[o]]=[i,s]}return[r,n]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var n=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r|e>>>32-r),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r|t>>>32-r),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r-32|t>>>64-r),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r-32|e>>>64-r),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class{static{__name(this,"Hash")}clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t();return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,r)=>t(r).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t({});return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[h,f,l]=[[],[],[]],g=BigInt(0),p=BigInt(1),y=BigInt(2),d=BigInt(7),b=BigInt(256),w=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=p,r=1,n=0;t<24;t++){[r,n]=[n,(2*r+3*n)%5],h.push(2*(5*n+r)),f.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=g;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<p^(e>>d)*w)%b,e&y&&(o^=p<<(p<<BigInt(t))-p);l.push(o)}var[B,O]=split(l,!0),k=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?i(t,e,r):n(t,e,r)),"rotlH"),m=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?s(t,e,r):o(t,e,r)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const r=new Uint32Array(10);for(let n=24-e;n<24;n++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)r[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const n=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=r[o],s=r[o+1],a=k(i,s,1)^r[n],u=m(i,s,1)^r[n+1];for(let r=0;r<50;r+=10)t[e+r]^=a,t[e+r+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let r=0;r<24;r++){const n=f[r],i=k(e,o,n),s=m(e,o,n),a=h[r];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let n=0;n<10;n++)r[n]=t[e+n];for(let n=0;n<10;n++)t[e+n]^=~r[(n+2)%10]&r[(n+4)%10]}t[0]^=B[n],t[1]^=O[n]}r.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var I=class _Keccak extends c{static{__name(this,"Keccak")}constructor(t,e,r,n=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=r,this.enableXOF=n,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(r),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:r}=this,n=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<n;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,n-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)r[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:r,blockLen:n}=this;t[r]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&r===n-1&&this.keccak(),t[n-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:r}=this;for(let n=0,o=t.length;n<o;){this.posOut>=r&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(r-this.posOut,o-n);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),n),this.posOut+=i,n+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:r,outputLen:n,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,r,n,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=r,t.outputLen=n,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}},S=__name(((t,e,r)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new I(e,t,r)))),"gen"),j=S(6,72,64),x=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),L=__name((t=>{try{return null===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isNull"),E=__name((t=>{try{return void 0===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isUndefined"),T=__name((t=>{try{return E(t)||L(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isEmpty"),v=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),U=__name((t=>{if(!v(t)||"[object Object]"!=x(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),A=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||U(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),C=("undefined"!=typeof Buffer&&Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer),(t=>{if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;Object.defineProperty(t,"typeDetectGlobalObject",{get(){return this},configurable:!0});const e=typeDetectGlobalObject;delete t.typeDetectGlobalObject})(Object.prototype),Symbol("NestedValue"),__name((t=>{try{return"string"==typeof t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isString")),M=__name((t=>{try{return!T(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isSet"),D=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,r=0n;for(const n of t.values()){r=(r<<e)+BigInt(n)}return r}function hash(t=""){return C(t)?hashString(t):F(t)}function hashString(t=""){return bufToBigInt(j(t)).toString(D).slice(1)}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt"),__name(hash,"hash"),__name(hashString,"hashString");var N=new WeakMap,P=0,F=__name(((t={})=>{const e=typeof t,r=t&&t.constructor,n=r==Date;let o,i;if(Object(t)!==t||n||r==RegExp)o=n?t.toJSON():"symbol"==e?t.toString():"string"==e?JSON.stringify(t):""+t;else{if(o=N.get(t),o)return o;if(o=++P+"~",N.set(t,o),r==Array){for(o="@",i=0;i<t.length;i++)o+=F(t[i])+",";N.set(t,o)}if(r==Object){o="#";const e=Object.keys(t).sort();for(;!M(i=e.pop());)M(t[i])||(o+=i+":"+F(t[i])+",");N.set(t,o)}}return o}),"hashObject"),X=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),$=__name(((t=Math.random)=>X[Math.floor(t()*X.length)]),"randomLetter"),H=36,W=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let r="";for(;r.length<t;)r+=Math.floor(e()*H).toString(H);return r}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(H,Math.random):createEntropy(H,Math.random)).substring(0,H)}__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name((function cuid(){const,e=W.toString(H),r=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${$()+hash(`${t+r+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}),"cuid");var _=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),G=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,r){return parseInt(r?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+r):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name((function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=_,}={shardId:1,epoch:_,}){r=r instanceof Date?r.valueOf():new Date(r).valueOf();let n=BigInt(r)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return n|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),n|=BigInt(G++%4096),n.toString()}),"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name((function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}),"isValidSnowflake");var K=globalThis.crypto&&A(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;__name((function uuid(){if(!K)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return K.randomUUID()}),"uuid")})();
/*! Bundled license information:

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,n)=>t(e,"name",{value:n,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const n=e.outputLen;if(t.length<n)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${n}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),n=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,r=!1){return r?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>n&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>n&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let n=new Uint32Array(t.length),r=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[n[o],r[o]]=[i,s]}return[n,r]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var r=__name(((t,e,n)=>t<<n|e>>>32-n),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,n)=>e<<n|t>>>32-n),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,n)=>e<<n-32|t>>>64-n),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,n)=>t<<n-32|e>>>64-n),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class{static{__name(this,"Hash")}clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),n=t();return e.outputLen=n.outputLen,e.blockLen=n.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,n)=>t(n).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),n=t({});return e.outputLen=n.outputLen,e.blockLen=n.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[h,f,l]=[[],[],[]],g=BigInt(0),p=BigInt(1),d=BigInt(2),y=BigInt(7),b=BigInt(256),w=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=p,n=1,r=0;t<24;t++){[n,r]=[r,(2*n+3*r)%5],h.push(2*(5*r+n)),f.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=g;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<p^(e>>y)*w)%b,e&d&&(o^=p<<(p<<BigInt(t))-p);l.push(o)}var[k,B]=split(l,!0),O=__name(((t,e,n)=>n>32?i(t,e,n):r(t,e,n)),"rotlH"),I=__name(((t,e,n)=>n>32?s(t,e,n):o(t,e,n)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const n=new Uint32Array(10);for(let r=24-e;r<24;r++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)n[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const r=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=n[o],s=n[o+1],a=O(i,s,1)^n[r],u=I(i,s,1)^n[r+1];for(let n=0;n<50;n+=10)t[e+n]^=a,t[e+n+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let n=0;n<24;n++){const r=f[n],i=O(e,o,r),s=I(e,o,r),a=h[n];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let r=0;r<10;r++)n[r]=t[e+r];for(let r=0;r<10;r++)t[e+r]^=~n[(r+2)%10]&n[(r+4)%10]}t[0]^=k[r],t[1]^=B[r]}n.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var m=class _Keccak extends c{static{__name(this,"Keccak")}constructor(t,e,n,r=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=n,this.enableXOF=r,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(n),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:n}=this,r=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<r;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,r-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)n[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:n,blockLen:r}=this;t[n]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&n===r-1&&this.keccak(),t[r-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:n}=this;for(let r=0,o=t.length;r<o;){this.posOut>=n&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(n-this.posOut,o-r);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),r),this.posOut+=i,r+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:n,outputLen:r,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,n,r,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=n,t.outputLen=r,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}},S=__name(((t,e,n)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new m(e,t,n)))),"gen"),x=S(6,72,64),L=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),E=__name(((t,e=0)=>Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1)+e)),"randomInteger"),T=__name(((t=Math.random)=>L[Math.floor(t()*L.length)]),"randomLetter"),j=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,n=0n;for(const r of t.values()){n=(n<<e)+BigInt(r)}return n}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt");var v=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function hash(t=""){return bufToBigInt(x(t)).toString(j).slice(1)}function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let n="";for(;n.length<t;)n+=Math.floor(e()*j).toString(j);return n}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(j,Math.random):createEntropy(j,Math.random)).substring(0,j)}function cuid(){const,e=v.toString(j),n=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${T()+hash(`${t+n+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}__name(hash,"hash"),__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name(cuid,"cuid");var U=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),A=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,n){return parseInt(n?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+n):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=U,}={shardId:1,epoch:U,}){n=n instanceof Date?n.valueOf():new Date(n).valueOf();let r=BigInt(n)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return r|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),r|=BigInt(A++%4096),r.toString()}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name(snowflake,"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name(isValidSnowflake,"isValidSnowflake");var M=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),C=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),P=__name((t=>{if(!C(t)||"[object Object]"!=M(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),F=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||P(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),X=globalThis.crypto&&F(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;function uuid(){if(!X)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return X.randomUUID()}__name(uuid,"uuid");export{cuid,deconstructSnowflake,hash,isValidSnowflake,E as randomInteger,T as randomLetter,snowflake,uuid};
var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,r)=>t(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const r=e.outputLen;if(t.length<r)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${r}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),r=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,n=!1){return n?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>r&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>r&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let r=new Uint32Array(t.length),n=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[r[o],n[o]]=[i,s]}return[r,n]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var n=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r|e>>>32-r),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r|t>>>32-r),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r-32|t>>>64-r),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r-32|e>>>64-r),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class{static{__name(this,"Hash")}clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t();return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,r)=>t(r).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t({});return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[f,h,l]=[[],[],[]],g=BigInt(0),p=BigInt(1),d=BigInt(2),y=BigInt(7),b=BigInt(256),w=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=p,r=1,n=0;t<24;t++){[r,n]=[n,(2*r+3*n)%5],f.push(2*(5*n+r)),h.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=g;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<p^(e>>y)*w)%b,e&d&&(o^=p<<(p<<BigInt(t))-p);l.push(o)}var[B,O]=split(l,!0),k=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?i(t,e,r):n(t,e,r)),"rotlH"),m=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?s(t,e,r):o(t,e,r)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const r=new Uint32Array(10);for(let n=24-e;n<24;n++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)r[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const n=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=r[o],s=r[o+1],a=k(i,s,1)^r[n],u=m(i,s,1)^r[n+1];for(let r=0;r<50;r+=10)t[e+r]^=a,t[e+r+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let r=0;r<24;r++){const n=h[r],i=k(e,o,n),s=m(e,o,n),a=f[r];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let n=0;n<10;n++)r[n]=t[e+n];for(let n=0;n<10;n++)t[e+n]^=~r[(n+2)%10]&r[(n+4)%10]}t[0]^=B[n],t[1]^=O[n]}r.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var S=class _Keccak extends c{static{__name(this,"Keccak")}constructor(t,e,r,n=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=r,this.enableXOF=n,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(r),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:r}=this,n=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<n;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,n-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)r[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:r,blockLen:n}=this;t[r]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&r===n-1&&this.keccak(),t[n-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:r}=this;for(let n=0,o=t.length;n<o;){this.posOut>=r&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(r-this.posOut,o-n);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),n),this.posOut+=i,n+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:r,outputLen:n,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,r,n,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=r,t.outputLen=n,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}},I=__name(((t,e,r)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new S(e,t,r)))),"gen"),j=I(6,72,64),x=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),L=__name((t=>{try{return null===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isNull"),E=__name((t=>{try{return void 0===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isUndefined"),T=__name((t=>{try{return E(t)||L(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isEmpty"),v=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),U=__name((t=>{if(!v(t)||"[object Object]"!=x(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),A=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||U(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),M=("undefined"!=typeof Buffer&&Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer),(t=>{if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;Object.defineProperty(t,"typeDetectGlobalObject",{get(){return this},configurable:!0});const e=typeDetectGlobalObject;delete t.typeDetectGlobalObject})(Object.prototype),Symbol("NestedValue"),__name((t=>{try{return"string"==typeof t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isString")),C=__name((t=>{try{return!T(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isSet"),D=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,r=0n;for(const n of t.values()){r=(r<<e)+BigInt(n)}return r}function hash(t=""){return M(t)?hashString(t):F(t)}function hashString(t=""){return bufToBigInt(j(t)).toString(D).slice(1)}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt"),__name(hash,"hash"),__name(hashString,"hashString");var N=new WeakMap,P=0,F=__name(((t={})=>{const e=typeof t,r=t&&t.constructor,n=r==Date;let o,i;if(Object(t)!==t||n||r==RegExp)o=n?t.toJSON():"symbol"==e?t.toString():"string"==e?JSON.stringify(t):""+t;else{if(o=N.get(t),o)return o;if(o=++P+"~",N.set(t,o),r==Array){for(o="@",i=0;i<t.length;i++)o+=F(t[i])+",";N.set(t,o)}if(r==Object){o="#";const e=Object.keys(t).sort();for(;!C(i=e.pop());)C(t[i])||(o+=i+":"+F(t[i])+",");N.set(t,o)}}return o}),"hashObject"),X=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),$=__name(((t,e=0)=>Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1)+e)),"randomInteger"),H=__name(((t=Math.random)=>X[Math.floor(t()*X.length)]),"randomLetter"),V=36,W=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let r="";for(;r.length<t;)r+=Math.floor(e()*V).toString(V);return r}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(V,Math.random):createEntropy(V,Math.random)).substring(0,V)}function cuid(){const,e=W.toString(V),r=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${H()+hash(`${t+r+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name(cuid,"cuid");var _=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),G=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,r){return parseInt(r?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+r):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=_,}={shardId:1,epoch:_,}){r=r instanceof Date?r.valueOf():new Date(r).valueOf();let n=BigInt(r)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return n|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),n|=BigInt(G++%4096),n.toString()}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name(snowflake,"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name(isValidSnowflake,"isValidSnowflake");var K=globalThis.crypto&&A(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;function uuid(){if(!K)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return K.randomUUID()}__name(uuid,"uuid");export{cuid,deconstructSnowflake,hash,isValidSnowflake,$ as randomInteger,H as randomLetter,snowflake,uuid};
/*! Bundled license information:

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@


@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@


@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@


@@ -1,775 +0,187 @@

import { Temporal } from '@js-temporal/polyfill';
declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto }
declare type DateTimeErrorCode = ErrorCode | "datetime_create_failure" | "ms_format" | "formatting_failure";
declare const DateTimeErrorCode: {
datetime_create_failure: DateTimeErrorCode;
ms_format: DateTimeErrorCode;
formatting_failure: DateTimeErrorCode;
success: ErrorCode;
missing_issue_code: ErrorCode;
invalid_config: ErrorCode;
failed_to_load_file: ErrorCode;
missing_context: ErrorCode;
record_not_found: ErrorCode;
required_field_missing: ErrorCode;
database_query_error: ErrorCode;
model_validation_error: ErrorCode;
field_validation_error: ErrorCode;
invalid_parameter: ErrorCode;
invalid_request: ErrorCode;
type_error: ErrorCode;
processing_error: ErrorCode;
internal_server_error: ErrorCode;
user_not_logged_in: ErrorCode;
unknown_cause: ErrorCode;
export { DateTimeErrorCode }
export { DateTimeErrorCode as DateTimeErrorCode_alias_1 }
* The input types that can be used to create a DateTime object
* Generate a random CUID
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Generate a random CUID
* const id = cuid();
* ```
* @returns A random CUID string
declare type DateTimeInput = StormDateTime | Temporal.Instant | Date | string | number | bigint | null | undefined;
export { DateTimeInput }
export { DateTimeInput as DateTimeInput_alias_1 }
declare function cuid(): string;
export { cuid }
export { cuid as cuid_alias_1 }
* The options to use when creating a new DateTime object
* A deconstructed snowflake and the details around it's creation.
declare interface DateTimeOptions {
declare interface DeconstructedSnowflake {
* The time zone to use. If not specified, the default time zone for the runtime is used.
* Snowflake deconstructed from
timeZone?: Temporal.TimeZoneLike;
snowflake: SnowflakeResolvable;
* The calendar to use. If not specified, the default calendar for the runtime is used.
* The timestamp the snowflake was generated
calendar?: Temporal.CalendarLike;
timestamp: number;
* If false, the current date and time is defaulted when undefined or null is passed. If true, the current date and time is not defaulted.
* @default false
* The shard_id used when generating
skipDefaulting?: boolean;
shard_id: number;
* The increment of this snowflake
sequence: number;
* The 64Bit snowflake binary string
binary: string;
export { DateTimeOptions }
export { DateTimeOptions as DateTimeOptions_alias_1 }
export { DeconstructedSnowflake }
export { DeconstructedSnowflake as DeconstructedSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormDate
* Deconstruct a snowflake to its values using the `epoch`.
* @param utcString - The date to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized date
* @param snowflake - Snowflake to deconstruct
* @returns Either the DeconstructedSnowflake object
declare function deserializeStormDate(utcString: JsonValue): StormDate;
export { deserializeStormDate }
export { deserializeStormDate as deserializeStormDate_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormDate as deserializeStormDate_alias_2 }
declare function deconstructSnowflake(snowflake: SnowflakeResolvable): DeconstructedSnowflake;
export { deconstructSnowflake }
export { deconstructSnowflake as deconstructSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormDateTime
* Create a hash from a string.
* @param utcString - The dateTime to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized dateTime
* @param input - String to hash
* @returns The hashed string
declare function deserializeStormDateTime(utcString: JsonValue): StormDateTime;
export { deserializeStormDateTime }
export { deserializeStormDateTime as deserializeStormDateTime_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormDateTime as deserializeStormDateTime_alias_2 }
declare function hash(input?: string | object): string;
export { hash }
export { hash as hash_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormTime
* @param utcString - The time to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized time
* Options passed to the `generate` function to create a snowflake identifier.
declare function deserializeStormTime(utcString: JsonValue): StormTime;
export { deserializeStormTime }
export { deserializeStormTime as deserializeStormTime_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormTime as deserializeStormTime_alias_2 }
declare interface ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions {
* The id of the shard running this generator.
* @default 1
shardId: number;
* The epoch to use for the snowflake.
* @remarks
* This is the time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
* @default 1420070400000 (Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1).valueOf())
epoch: number;
* The current timestamp to use for the snowflake.
* @default
timestamp: number | Date;
export { ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions }
export { ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions as ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions_alias_1 }
declare type ErrorCode =
| "success"
| "missing_issue_code"
| "invalid_config"
| "failed_to_load_file"
| "missing_context"
| "record_not_found"
| "required_field_missing"
| "database_query_error"
| "model_validation_error"
| "field_validation_error"
| "invalid_parameter"
| "invalid_request"
| "type_error"
| "processing_error"
| "internal_server_error"
| "user_not_logged_in"
| "unknown_cause";
declare const ErrorCode = {
success: "success" as ErrorCode,
missing_issue_code: "missing_issue_code" as ErrorCode,
invalid_config: "invalid_config" as ErrorCode,
failed_to_load_file: "failed_to_load_file" as ErrorCode,
missing_context: "missing_context" as ErrorCode,
record_not_found: "record_not_found" as ErrorCode,
required_field_missing: "required_field_missing" as ErrorCode,
database_query_error: "database_query_error" as ErrorCode,
model_validation_error: "model_validation_error" as ErrorCode,
field_validation_error: "field_validation_error" as ErrorCode,
invalid_parameter: "invalid_parameter" as ErrorCode,
invalid_request: "invalid_request" as ErrorCode,
type_error: "type_error" as ErrorCode,
processing_error: "processing_error" as ErrorCode,
internal_server_error: "internal_server_error" as ErrorCode,
user_not_logged_in: "user_not_logged_in" as ErrorCode,
unknown_cause: "unknown_cause" as ErrorCode
* Format a date field
* Check if a snowflake string Id is valid.
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @returns The formatted date
* @param snowflake - Snowflake to check
* @returns Whether the snowflake is valid
declare const formatDate: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDate }
export { formatDate as formatDate_alias_1 }
export { formatDate as formatDate_alias_2 }
declare function isValidSnowflake(snowflake: string): boolean;
export { isValidSnowflake }
export { isValidSnowflake as isValidSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Format a date time field
* Generate a random integer
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted date time
* @param maximum The maximum value (inclusive)
* @param minimum The minimum value (inclusive)
* @returns A random integer
declare const formatDateTime: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDateTime }
export { formatDateTime as formatDateTime_alias_1 }
export { formatDateTime as formatDateTime_alias_2 }
declare const randomInteger: (maximum: number, minimum?: number) => number;
export { randomInteger }
export { randomInteger as randomInteger_alias_1 }
* Format a date time field into ISO format
* Generate a random letter
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted date time
* @param random The random number generator
* @returns A random letter
declare const formatDateTimeISO: (dateTime?: StormDateTime | null, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDateTimeISO }
export { formatDateTimeISO as formatDateTimeISO_alias_1 }
export { formatDateTimeISO as formatDateTimeISO_alias_2 }
declare const randomLetter: (random?: () => number) => string | undefined;
export { randomLetter }
export { randomLetter as randomLetter_alias_1 }
* Formats a duration or a date-time since another date-time.
* Generate a snowflake identifier.
* @remarks
* An example output when the options.verbose is true:
* 4 days 3 hours 2 minutes 1 second 0 milliseconds
* Snowflakes are 64-bit unsigned integers that are roughly time-ordered.
* An example output when the options.verbose is false:
* 4d 3h 2m 1s 0ms
* @example
* ```typescript
* @param dateTimeOrDuration - The date-time or duration to format
* @param dateTimeTo - The date-time to format since
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted time since
declare const formatSince: (dateTimeOrDuration: StormDateTime | Temporal.Duration, dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime, options?: FormatSinceOptions) => string;
export { formatSince }
export { formatSince as formatSince_alias_1 }
export { formatSince as formatSince_alias_2 }
* Options for the `formatSince` method
declare type FormatSinceOptions = {
* Whether to use colon notation
colonNotation?: boolean;
* Whether to use compact notation
compact?: boolean;
* Whether to format sub-milliseconds
formatSubMilliseconds?: boolean;
* Whether to keep decimals on whole seconds
keepDecimalsOnWholeSeconds?: boolean;
* The number of decimal digits to use for milliseconds
millisecondsDecimalDigits?: number;
* The number of decimal digits to use for seconds
secondsDecimalDigits?: number;
* Whether to separate milliseconds
separateMilliseconds?: boolean;
* The number of units to include
unitCount?: number;
* Whether to use verbose notation
verbose?: boolean;
export { FormatSinceOptions }
export { FormatSinceOptions as FormatSinceOptions_alias_1 }
export { FormatSinceOptions as FormatSinceOptions_alias_2 }
* Format a time field
* // Generate a snowflake with the default options
* const id1 = snowflake();
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @returns The formatted time string
declare const formatTime: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatTime }
export { formatTime as formatTime_alias_1 }
export { formatTime as formatTime_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `obj` is a `DateTime` object
* // Generate a snowflake with a custom shard id
* const id2 = snowflake({ shardId: 2 });
* `isDateTime` returns true if the object passed to it has a `_symbol` property that is equal to
* // Generate a snowflake with a custom shard id and timestamp
* const id3 = snowflake({ shardId: 3, timestamp: new Date("2021-01-01") });
* @param obj - the object to check
* @returns The function isDateTime is returning a boolean value.
declare function isDateTime(obj: unknown): obj is StormDateTime;
export { isDateTime }
export { isDateTime as isDateTime_alias_1 }
export { isDateTime as isDateTime_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `value` is a `Temporal.Instant` object
* ```
* @param value - The value to check
* @returns The function isInstant is returning a boolean value.
* @param timestamp - The timestamp to use
* @param shardId - The shard id to use
* @returns A snowflake
declare function isInstant(value: unknown): value is Temporal.Instant;
export { isInstant }
export { isInstant as isInstant_alias_1 }
export { isInstant as isInstant_alias_2 }
declare function snowflake({ shardId, epoch, timestamp }?: ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions): string;
export { snowflake }
export { snowflake as snowflake_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {}
declare interface JsonObject {
[key: string]: JsonValue;
declare type JsonValue = PrimitiveJsonValue | JsonArray | JsonObject;
declare type PrimitiveJsonValue = string | number | boolean | undefined | null;
declare const RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX as RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX_alias_1 }
declare const RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX as RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX_alias_1 }
declare const RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX as RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX_alias_1 }
* Serializes a StormDate into a string
* Resolvable value types for a valid Snowflake:
* * string
* * number
* * bigint
* @param date - The date to serialize
* @returns The serialized date
* @type {SnowflakeResolvable}
declare function serializeStormDate(date: StormDate): string;
export { serializeStormDate }
export { serializeStormDate as serializeStormDate_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormDate as serializeStormDate_alias_2 }
declare type SnowflakeResolvable = string;
export { SnowflakeResolvable }
export { SnowflakeResolvable as SnowflakeResolvable_alias_1 }
* Serializes a StormDateTime into a string
* Generate a random UUID
* @param dateTime - The dateTime to serialize
* @returns The serialized dateTime
declare function serializeStormDateTime(dateTime: StormDateTime): string;
export { serializeStormDateTime }
export { serializeStormDateTime as serializeStormDateTime_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormDateTime as serializeStormDateTime_alias_2 }
* Serializes a StormTime into a string
* @remarks
* This helper function is a wrapper around the `crypto.randomUUID` function. You can find more information about this type of identifier in this {@link article}
* @param date - The time to serialize
* @returns The serialized time
declare function serializeStormTime(date: StormTime): string;
export { serializeStormTime }
export { serializeStormTime as serializeStormTime_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormTime as serializeStormTime_alias_2 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* @example
* ```typescript
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
declare class StormDate extends StormDateTime {
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormDate;
* Creates a new StormDate object with the given date and time
* @param date - The date to use
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the given date and time.
static create: (date?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormDate;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* Validate the input date value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Gets the hours in a date, using local time.
getHours(): number;
* Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCHours(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time.
getMinutes(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMinutes(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time.
getSeconds(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCSeconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time.
getMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getTimezoneOffset(): number;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormDate }
export { StormDate as StormDate_alias_1 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* // Generate a random UUID
* const id = uuid();
* ```
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
* @returns A random UUID string
declare class StormDateTime extends Date {
* The current function returns a new StormDateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new StormDateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormDateTime;
* Creates a new instance of StormDateTime from a string with a specified format.
* @param dateTime - The input value used to determine the current date and time
* @param options - The options to use when creating the StormDateTime object
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static create: (dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormDateTime;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* An accessor that returns the epoch milliseconds of the DateTime object
get epochMilliseconds(): number;
* An accessor that returns the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
get instant(): Temporal.Instant;
* An accessor that sets the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
protected set instant(_instant: Temporal.Instant);
* An accessor that returns the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
get zonedDateTime(): Temporal.ZonedDateTime;
* An accessor that sets the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
protected set zonedDateTime(_zonedDateTime: Temporal.ZonedDateTime);
* An accessor that returns the `calendarId` string of the DateTime object
get calendarId(): string;
* An accessor that returns the `timeZoneId` string of the DateTime object
get timeZoneId(): string;
* An accessor that returns the `isValid` boolean of the DateTime object
get isValid(): boolean;
* Returns the input value used to create the DateTime object
get input(): DateTimeInput;
* Returns the options used to create the DateTime object
get options(): DateTimeOptions;
* Validate the input date value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Returns the stored time value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getTime(): number;
* Gets the year, using local time.
getFullYear(): number;
* Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCFullYear(): number;
* Gets the month, using local time.
getMonth(): number;
* Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMonth(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time.
getDate(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDate(): number;
* Gets the day of the week, using local time.
getDay(): number;
* Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDay(): number;
* Gets the hours in a date, using local time.
getHours(): number;
* Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCHours(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time.
getMinutes(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMinutes(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time.
getSeconds(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCSeconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time.
getMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getTimezoneOffset(): number;
* Sets the date and time value in the Date object.
* @param time - A numeric value representing the number of elapsed milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT.
setTime(time: number): number;
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
setMilliseconds(millisecond: number): number;
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
setUTCMilliseconds(millisecond: number): number;
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setSeconds(second: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCSeconds(second: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setMinutes(minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCMinutes(minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time.
* @param hour - A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setHours(hour: number, minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param hour - A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCHours(hour: number, minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the numeric day-of-the-month value of the Date object using local time.
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setDate(day: number): number;
* Sets the numeric day of the month in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setUTCDate(day: number): number;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using local time.
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param day - A numeric value representing the day of the month. If this value is not supplied, the value from a call to the getDate method is used.
setMonth(month: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param day - A numeric value representing the day of the month. If it is not supplied, the value from a call to the getUTCDate method is used.
setUTCMonth(month: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the year of the Date object using local time.
* @param year - A numeric value for the year.
* @param month - A zero-based numeric value for the month (0 for January, 11 for December). Must be specified if numDate is specified.
* @param day - A numeric value equal for the day of the month.
setFullYear(year: number, month?: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param year - A numeric value equal to the year.
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively. Must be supplied if numDate is supplied.
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setUTCFullYear(year: number, month?: number, day?: number): number;
* It returns a plain date object from a DateTime object
* @returns A PlainDate object.
getPlainDate(): StormDateTime;
* `getPlainTime` returns a `PlainTime` object from a `DateTime` object
* @returns A PlainTime object.
getPlainTime(): StormDateTime;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
since(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
* It returns the duration between two date times.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormDateTime }
export { StormDateTime as StormDateTime_alias_1 }
declare function uuid(): string;
export { uuid }
export { uuid as uuid_alias_1 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
declare class StormTime extends StormDateTime {
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormTime;
* Creates a new instance of DateTime from a string with a specified format.
* @param time - The input value used to determine the current time
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A new instance of StormTime with the time provided in the time parameter.
static create: (time?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormTime;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* Validate the input time value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Gets the year, using local time.
getFullYear(): number;
* Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCFullYear(): number;
* Gets the month, using local time.
getMonth(): number;
* Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMonth(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time.
getDate(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDate(): number;
* Gets the day of the week, using local time.
getDay(): number;
* Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDay(): number;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormTime }
export { StormTime as StormTime_alias_1 }
declare function validateDate(value: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateDate }
export { validateDate as validateDate_alias_1 }
export { validateDate as validateDate_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `value` is a valid *date-time*
* @param value - The value to check
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
declare function validateDateTime(value: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateDateTime }
export { validateDateTime as validateDateTime_alias_1 }
export { validateDateTime as validateDateTime_alias_2 }
declare function validateTime(value?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateTime }
export { validateTime as validateTime_alias_1 }
export { validateTime as validateTime_alias_2 }
export { }

@@ -1,775 +0,187 @@

import { Temporal } from '@js-temporal/polyfill';
declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto }
declare type DateTimeErrorCode = ErrorCode | "datetime_create_failure" | "ms_format" | "formatting_failure";
declare const DateTimeErrorCode: {
datetime_create_failure: DateTimeErrorCode;
ms_format: DateTimeErrorCode;
formatting_failure: DateTimeErrorCode;
success: ErrorCode;
missing_issue_code: ErrorCode;
invalid_config: ErrorCode;
failed_to_load_file: ErrorCode;
missing_context: ErrorCode;
record_not_found: ErrorCode;
required_field_missing: ErrorCode;
database_query_error: ErrorCode;
model_validation_error: ErrorCode;
field_validation_error: ErrorCode;
invalid_parameter: ErrorCode;
invalid_request: ErrorCode;
type_error: ErrorCode;
processing_error: ErrorCode;
internal_server_error: ErrorCode;
user_not_logged_in: ErrorCode;
unknown_cause: ErrorCode;
export { DateTimeErrorCode }
export { DateTimeErrorCode as DateTimeErrorCode_alias_1 }
* The input types that can be used to create a DateTime object
* Generate a random CUID
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Generate a random CUID
* const id = cuid();
* ```
* @returns A random CUID string
declare type DateTimeInput = StormDateTime | Temporal.Instant | Date | string | number | bigint | null | undefined;
export { DateTimeInput }
export { DateTimeInput as DateTimeInput_alias_1 }
declare function cuid(): string;
export { cuid }
export { cuid as cuid_alias_1 }
* The options to use when creating a new DateTime object
* A deconstructed snowflake and the details around it's creation.
declare interface DateTimeOptions {
declare interface DeconstructedSnowflake {
* The time zone to use. If not specified, the default time zone for the runtime is used.
* Snowflake deconstructed from
timeZone?: Temporal.TimeZoneLike;
snowflake: SnowflakeResolvable;
* The calendar to use. If not specified, the default calendar for the runtime is used.
* The timestamp the snowflake was generated
calendar?: Temporal.CalendarLike;
timestamp: number;
* If false, the current date and time is defaulted when undefined or null is passed. If true, the current date and time is not defaulted.
* @default false
* The shard_id used when generating
skipDefaulting?: boolean;
shard_id: number;
* The increment of this snowflake
sequence: number;
* The 64Bit snowflake binary string
binary: string;
export { DateTimeOptions }
export { DateTimeOptions as DateTimeOptions_alias_1 }
export { DeconstructedSnowflake }
export { DeconstructedSnowflake as DeconstructedSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormDate
* Deconstruct a snowflake to its values using the `epoch`.
* @param utcString - The date to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized date
* @param snowflake - Snowflake to deconstruct
* @returns Either the DeconstructedSnowflake object
declare function deserializeStormDate(utcString: JsonValue): StormDate;
export { deserializeStormDate }
export { deserializeStormDate as deserializeStormDate_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormDate as deserializeStormDate_alias_2 }
declare function deconstructSnowflake(snowflake: SnowflakeResolvable): DeconstructedSnowflake;
export { deconstructSnowflake }
export { deconstructSnowflake as deconstructSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormDateTime
* Create a hash from a string.
* @param utcString - The dateTime to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized dateTime
* @param input - String to hash
* @returns The hashed string
declare function deserializeStormDateTime(utcString: JsonValue): StormDateTime;
export { deserializeStormDateTime }
export { deserializeStormDateTime as deserializeStormDateTime_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormDateTime as deserializeStormDateTime_alias_2 }
declare function hash(input?: string | object): string;
export { hash }
export { hash as hash_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormTime
* @param utcString - The time to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized time
* Options passed to the `generate` function to create a snowflake identifier.
declare function deserializeStormTime(utcString: JsonValue): StormTime;
export { deserializeStormTime }
export { deserializeStormTime as deserializeStormTime_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormTime as deserializeStormTime_alias_2 }
declare interface ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions {
* The id of the shard running this generator.
* @default 1
shardId: number;
* The epoch to use for the snowflake.
* @remarks
* This is the time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
* @default 1420070400000 (Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1).valueOf())
epoch: number;
* The current timestamp to use for the snowflake.
* @default
timestamp: number | Date;
export { ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions }
export { ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions as ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions_alias_1 }
declare type ErrorCode =
| "success"
| "missing_issue_code"
| "invalid_config"
| "failed_to_load_file"
| "missing_context"
| "record_not_found"
| "required_field_missing"
| "database_query_error"
| "model_validation_error"
| "field_validation_error"
| "invalid_parameter"
| "invalid_request"
| "type_error"
| "processing_error"
| "internal_server_error"
| "user_not_logged_in"
| "unknown_cause";
declare const ErrorCode = {
success: "success" as ErrorCode,
missing_issue_code: "missing_issue_code" as ErrorCode,
invalid_config: "invalid_config" as ErrorCode,
failed_to_load_file: "failed_to_load_file" as ErrorCode,
missing_context: "missing_context" as ErrorCode,
record_not_found: "record_not_found" as ErrorCode,
required_field_missing: "required_field_missing" as ErrorCode,
database_query_error: "database_query_error" as ErrorCode,
model_validation_error: "model_validation_error" as ErrorCode,
field_validation_error: "field_validation_error" as ErrorCode,
invalid_parameter: "invalid_parameter" as ErrorCode,
invalid_request: "invalid_request" as ErrorCode,
type_error: "type_error" as ErrorCode,
processing_error: "processing_error" as ErrorCode,
internal_server_error: "internal_server_error" as ErrorCode,
user_not_logged_in: "user_not_logged_in" as ErrorCode,
unknown_cause: "unknown_cause" as ErrorCode
* Format a date field
* Check if a snowflake string Id is valid.
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @returns The formatted date
* @param snowflake - Snowflake to check
* @returns Whether the snowflake is valid
declare const formatDate: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDate }
export { formatDate as formatDate_alias_1 }
export { formatDate as formatDate_alias_2 }
declare function isValidSnowflake(snowflake: string): boolean;
export { isValidSnowflake }
export { isValidSnowflake as isValidSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Format a date time field
* Generate a random integer
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted date time
* @param maximum The maximum value (inclusive)
* @param minimum The minimum value (inclusive)
* @returns A random integer
declare const formatDateTime: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDateTime }
export { formatDateTime as formatDateTime_alias_1 }
export { formatDateTime as formatDateTime_alias_2 }
declare const randomInteger: (maximum: number, minimum?: number) => number;
export { randomInteger }
export { randomInteger as randomInteger_alias_1 }
* Format a date time field into ISO format
* Generate a random letter
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted date time
* @param random The random number generator
* @returns A random letter
declare const formatDateTimeISO: (dateTime?: StormDateTime | null, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDateTimeISO }
export { formatDateTimeISO as formatDateTimeISO_alias_1 }
export { formatDateTimeISO as formatDateTimeISO_alias_2 }
declare const randomLetter: (random?: () => number) => string | undefined;
export { randomLetter }
export { randomLetter as randomLetter_alias_1 }
* Formats a duration or a date-time since another date-time.
* Generate a snowflake identifier.
* @remarks
* An example output when the options.verbose is true:
* 4 days 3 hours 2 minutes 1 second 0 milliseconds
* Snowflakes are 64-bit unsigned integers that are roughly time-ordered.
* An example output when the options.verbose is false:
* 4d 3h 2m 1s 0ms
* @example
* ```typescript
* @param dateTimeOrDuration - The date-time or duration to format
* @param dateTimeTo - The date-time to format since
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted time since
declare const formatSince: (dateTimeOrDuration: StormDateTime | Temporal.Duration, dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime, options?: FormatSinceOptions) => string;
export { formatSince }
export { formatSince as formatSince_alias_1 }
export { formatSince as formatSince_alias_2 }
* Options for the `formatSince` method
declare type FormatSinceOptions = {
* Whether to use colon notation
colonNotation?: boolean;
* Whether to use compact notation
compact?: boolean;
* Whether to format sub-milliseconds
formatSubMilliseconds?: boolean;
* Whether to keep decimals on whole seconds
keepDecimalsOnWholeSeconds?: boolean;
* The number of decimal digits to use for milliseconds
millisecondsDecimalDigits?: number;
* The number of decimal digits to use for seconds
secondsDecimalDigits?: number;
* Whether to separate milliseconds
separateMilliseconds?: boolean;
* The number of units to include
unitCount?: number;
* Whether to use verbose notation
verbose?: boolean;
export { FormatSinceOptions }
export { FormatSinceOptions as FormatSinceOptions_alias_1 }
export { FormatSinceOptions as FormatSinceOptions_alias_2 }
* Format a time field
* // Generate a snowflake with the default options
* const id1 = snowflake();
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @returns The formatted time string
declare const formatTime: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatTime }
export { formatTime as formatTime_alias_1 }
export { formatTime as formatTime_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `obj` is a `DateTime` object
* // Generate a snowflake with a custom shard id
* const id2 = snowflake({ shardId: 2 });
* `isDateTime` returns true if the object passed to it has a `_symbol` property that is equal to
* // Generate a snowflake with a custom shard id and timestamp
* const id3 = snowflake({ shardId: 3, timestamp: new Date("2021-01-01") });
* @param obj - the object to check
* @returns The function isDateTime is returning a boolean value.
declare function isDateTime(obj: unknown): obj is StormDateTime;
export { isDateTime }
export { isDateTime as isDateTime_alias_1 }
export { isDateTime as isDateTime_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `value` is a `Temporal.Instant` object
* ```
* @param value - The value to check
* @returns The function isInstant is returning a boolean value.
* @param timestamp - The timestamp to use
* @param shardId - The shard id to use
* @returns A snowflake
declare function isInstant(value: unknown): value is Temporal.Instant;
export { isInstant }
export { isInstant as isInstant_alias_1 }
export { isInstant as isInstant_alias_2 }
declare function snowflake({ shardId, epoch, timestamp }?: ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions): string;
export { snowflake }
export { snowflake as snowflake_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {}
declare interface JsonObject {
[key: string]: JsonValue;
declare type JsonValue = PrimitiveJsonValue | JsonArray | JsonObject;
declare type PrimitiveJsonValue = string | number | boolean | undefined | null;
declare const RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX as RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX_alias_1 }
declare const RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX as RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX_alias_1 }
declare const RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX as RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX_alias_1 }
* Serializes a StormDate into a string
* Resolvable value types for a valid Snowflake:
* * string
* * number
* * bigint
* @param date - The date to serialize
* @returns The serialized date
* @type {SnowflakeResolvable}
declare function serializeStormDate(date: StormDate): string;
export { serializeStormDate }
export { serializeStormDate as serializeStormDate_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormDate as serializeStormDate_alias_2 }
declare type SnowflakeResolvable = string;
export { SnowflakeResolvable }
export { SnowflakeResolvable as SnowflakeResolvable_alias_1 }
* Serializes a StormDateTime into a string
* Generate a random UUID
* @param dateTime - The dateTime to serialize
* @returns The serialized dateTime
declare function serializeStormDateTime(dateTime: StormDateTime): string;
export { serializeStormDateTime }
export { serializeStormDateTime as serializeStormDateTime_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormDateTime as serializeStormDateTime_alias_2 }
* Serializes a StormTime into a string
* @remarks
* This helper function is a wrapper around the `crypto.randomUUID` function. You can find more information about this type of identifier in this {@link article}
* @param date - The time to serialize
* @returns The serialized time
declare function serializeStormTime(date: StormTime): string;
export { serializeStormTime }
export { serializeStormTime as serializeStormTime_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormTime as serializeStormTime_alias_2 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* @example
* ```typescript
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
declare class StormDate extends StormDateTime {
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormDate;
* Creates a new StormDate object with the given date and time
* @param date - The date to use
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the given date and time.
static create: (date?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormDate;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* Validate the input date value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Gets the hours in a date, using local time.
getHours(): number;
* Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCHours(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time.
getMinutes(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMinutes(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time.
getSeconds(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCSeconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time.
getMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getTimezoneOffset(): number;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormDate }
export { StormDate as StormDate_alias_1 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* // Generate a random UUID
* const id = uuid();
* ```
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
* @returns A random UUID string
declare class StormDateTime extends Date {
* The current function returns a new StormDateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new StormDateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormDateTime;
* Creates a new instance of StormDateTime from a string with a specified format.
* @param dateTime - The input value used to determine the current date and time
* @param options - The options to use when creating the StormDateTime object
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static create: (dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormDateTime;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* An accessor that returns the epoch milliseconds of the DateTime object
get epochMilliseconds(): number;
* An accessor that returns the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
get instant(): Temporal.Instant;
* An accessor that sets the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
protected set instant(_instant: Temporal.Instant);
* An accessor that returns the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
get zonedDateTime(): Temporal.ZonedDateTime;
* An accessor that sets the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
protected set zonedDateTime(_zonedDateTime: Temporal.ZonedDateTime);
* An accessor that returns the `calendarId` string of the DateTime object
get calendarId(): string;
* An accessor that returns the `timeZoneId` string of the DateTime object
get timeZoneId(): string;
* An accessor that returns the `isValid` boolean of the DateTime object
get isValid(): boolean;
* Returns the input value used to create the DateTime object
get input(): DateTimeInput;
* Returns the options used to create the DateTime object
get options(): DateTimeOptions;
* Validate the input date value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Returns the stored time value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getTime(): number;
* Gets the year, using local time.
getFullYear(): number;
* Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCFullYear(): number;
* Gets the month, using local time.
getMonth(): number;
* Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMonth(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time.
getDate(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDate(): number;
* Gets the day of the week, using local time.
getDay(): number;
* Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDay(): number;
* Gets the hours in a date, using local time.
getHours(): number;
* Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCHours(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time.
getMinutes(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMinutes(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time.
getSeconds(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCSeconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time.
getMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getTimezoneOffset(): number;
* Sets the date and time value in the Date object.
* @param time - A numeric value representing the number of elapsed milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT.
setTime(time: number): number;
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
setMilliseconds(millisecond: number): number;
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
setUTCMilliseconds(millisecond: number): number;
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setSeconds(second: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCSeconds(second: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setMinutes(minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCMinutes(minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time.
* @param hour - A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setHours(hour: number, minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param hour - A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCHours(hour: number, minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the numeric day-of-the-month value of the Date object using local time.
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setDate(day: number): number;
* Sets the numeric day of the month in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setUTCDate(day: number): number;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using local time.
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param day - A numeric value representing the day of the month. If this value is not supplied, the value from a call to the getDate method is used.
setMonth(month: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param day - A numeric value representing the day of the month. If it is not supplied, the value from a call to the getUTCDate method is used.
setUTCMonth(month: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the year of the Date object using local time.
* @param year - A numeric value for the year.
* @param month - A zero-based numeric value for the month (0 for January, 11 for December). Must be specified if numDate is specified.
* @param day - A numeric value equal for the day of the month.
setFullYear(year: number, month?: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param year - A numeric value equal to the year.
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively. Must be supplied if numDate is supplied.
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setUTCFullYear(year: number, month?: number, day?: number): number;
* It returns a plain date object from a DateTime object
* @returns A PlainDate object.
getPlainDate(): StormDateTime;
* `getPlainTime` returns a `PlainTime` object from a `DateTime` object
* @returns A PlainTime object.
getPlainTime(): StormDateTime;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
since(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
* It returns the duration between two date times.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormDateTime }
export { StormDateTime as StormDateTime_alias_1 }
declare function uuid(): string;
export { uuid }
export { uuid as uuid_alias_1 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
declare class StormTime extends StormDateTime {
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormTime;
* Creates a new instance of DateTime from a string with a specified format.
* @param time - The input value used to determine the current time
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A new instance of StormTime with the time provided in the time parameter.
static create: (time?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormTime;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* Validate the input time value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Gets the year, using local time.
getFullYear(): number;
* Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCFullYear(): number;
* Gets the month, using local time.
getMonth(): number;
* Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMonth(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time.
getDate(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDate(): number;
* Gets the day of the week, using local time.
getDay(): number;
* Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDay(): number;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormTime }
export { StormTime as StormTime_alias_1 }
declare function validateDate(value: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateDate }
export { validateDate as validateDate_alias_1 }
export { validateDate as validateDate_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `value` is a valid *date-time*
* @param value - The value to check
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
declare function validateDateTime(value: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateDateTime }
export { validateDateTime as validateDateTime_alias_1 }
export { validateDateTime as validateDateTime_alias_2 }
declare function validateTime(value?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateTime }
export { validateTime as validateTime_alias_1 }
export { validateTime as validateTime_alias_2 }
export { }

@@ -1,775 +0,187 @@

import { Temporal } from '@js-temporal/polyfill';
declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto }
declare type DateTimeErrorCode = ErrorCode | "datetime_create_failure" | "ms_format" | "formatting_failure";
declare const DateTimeErrorCode: {
datetime_create_failure: DateTimeErrorCode;
ms_format: DateTimeErrorCode;
formatting_failure: DateTimeErrorCode;
success: ErrorCode;
missing_issue_code: ErrorCode;
invalid_config: ErrorCode;
failed_to_load_file: ErrorCode;
missing_context: ErrorCode;
record_not_found: ErrorCode;
required_field_missing: ErrorCode;
database_query_error: ErrorCode;
model_validation_error: ErrorCode;
field_validation_error: ErrorCode;
invalid_parameter: ErrorCode;
invalid_request: ErrorCode;
type_error: ErrorCode;
processing_error: ErrorCode;
internal_server_error: ErrorCode;
user_not_logged_in: ErrorCode;
unknown_cause: ErrorCode;
export { DateTimeErrorCode }
export { DateTimeErrorCode as DateTimeErrorCode_alias_1 }
* The input types that can be used to create a DateTime object
* Generate a random CUID
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Generate a random CUID
* const id = cuid();
* ```
* @returns A random CUID string
declare type DateTimeInput = StormDateTime | Temporal.Instant | Date | string | number | bigint | null | undefined;
export { DateTimeInput }
export { DateTimeInput as DateTimeInput_alias_1 }
declare function cuid(): string;
export { cuid }
export { cuid as cuid_alias_1 }
* The options to use when creating a new DateTime object
* A deconstructed snowflake and the details around it's creation.
declare interface DateTimeOptions {
declare interface DeconstructedSnowflake {
* The time zone to use. If not specified, the default time zone for the runtime is used.
* Snowflake deconstructed from
timeZone?: Temporal.TimeZoneLike;
snowflake: SnowflakeResolvable;
* The calendar to use. If not specified, the default calendar for the runtime is used.
* The timestamp the snowflake was generated
calendar?: Temporal.CalendarLike;
timestamp: number;
* If false, the current date and time is defaulted when undefined or null is passed. If true, the current date and time is not defaulted.
* @default false
* The shard_id used when generating
skipDefaulting?: boolean;
shard_id: number;
* The increment of this snowflake
sequence: number;
* The 64Bit snowflake binary string
binary: string;
export { DateTimeOptions }
export { DateTimeOptions as DateTimeOptions_alias_1 }
export { DeconstructedSnowflake }
export { DeconstructedSnowflake as DeconstructedSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormDate
* Deconstruct a snowflake to its values using the `epoch`.
* @param utcString - The date to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized date
* @param snowflake - Snowflake to deconstruct
* @returns Either the DeconstructedSnowflake object
declare function deserializeStormDate(utcString: JsonValue): StormDate;
export { deserializeStormDate }
export { deserializeStormDate as deserializeStormDate_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormDate as deserializeStormDate_alias_2 }
declare function deconstructSnowflake(snowflake: SnowflakeResolvable): DeconstructedSnowflake;
export { deconstructSnowflake }
export { deconstructSnowflake as deconstructSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormDateTime
* Create a hash from a string.
* @param utcString - The dateTime to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized dateTime
* @param input - String to hash
* @returns The hashed string
declare function deserializeStormDateTime(utcString: JsonValue): StormDateTime;
export { deserializeStormDateTime }
export { deserializeStormDateTime as deserializeStormDateTime_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormDateTime as deserializeStormDateTime_alias_2 }
declare function hash(input?: string | object): string;
export { hash }
export { hash as hash_alias_1 }
* Deserializes a string into a StormTime
* @param utcString - The time to deserialize
* @returns The deserialized time
* Options passed to the `generate` function to create a snowflake identifier.
declare function deserializeStormTime(utcString: JsonValue): StormTime;
export { deserializeStormTime }
export { deserializeStormTime as deserializeStormTime_alias_1 }
export { deserializeStormTime as deserializeStormTime_alias_2 }
declare interface ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions {
* The id of the shard running this generator.
* @default 1
shardId: number;
* The epoch to use for the snowflake.
* @remarks
* This is the time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
* @default 1420070400000 (Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1).valueOf())
epoch: number;
* The current timestamp to use for the snowflake.
* @default
timestamp: number | Date;
export { ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions }
export { ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions as ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions_alias_1 }
declare type ErrorCode =
| "success"
| "missing_issue_code"
| "invalid_config"
| "failed_to_load_file"
| "missing_context"
| "record_not_found"
| "required_field_missing"
| "database_query_error"
| "model_validation_error"
| "field_validation_error"
| "invalid_parameter"
| "invalid_request"
| "type_error"
| "processing_error"
| "internal_server_error"
| "user_not_logged_in"
| "unknown_cause";
declare const ErrorCode = {
success: "success" as ErrorCode,
missing_issue_code: "missing_issue_code" as ErrorCode,
invalid_config: "invalid_config" as ErrorCode,
failed_to_load_file: "failed_to_load_file" as ErrorCode,
missing_context: "missing_context" as ErrorCode,
record_not_found: "record_not_found" as ErrorCode,
required_field_missing: "required_field_missing" as ErrorCode,
database_query_error: "database_query_error" as ErrorCode,
model_validation_error: "model_validation_error" as ErrorCode,
field_validation_error: "field_validation_error" as ErrorCode,
invalid_parameter: "invalid_parameter" as ErrorCode,
invalid_request: "invalid_request" as ErrorCode,
type_error: "type_error" as ErrorCode,
processing_error: "processing_error" as ErrorCode,
internal_server_error: "internal_server_error" as ErrorCode,
user_not_logged_in: "user_not_logged_in" as ErrorCode,
unknown_cause: "unknown_cause" as ErrorCode
* Format a date field
* Check if a snowflake string Id is valid.
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @returns The formatted date
* @param snowflake - Snowflake to check
* @returns Whether the snowflake is valid
declare const formatDate: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDate }
export { formatDate as formatDate_alias_1 }
export { formatDate as formatDate_alias_2 }
declare function isValidSnowflake(snowflake: string): boolean;
export { isValidSnowflake }
export { isValidSnowflake as isValidSnowflake_alias_1 }
* Format a date time field
* Generate a random integer
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted date time
* @param maximum The maximum value (inclusive)
* @param minimum The minimum value (inclusive)
* @returns A random integer
declare const formatDateTime: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDateTime }
export { formatDateTime as formatDateTime_alias_1 }
export { formatDateTime as formatDateTime_alias_2 }
declare const randomInteger: (maximum: number, minimum?: number) => number;
export { randomInteger }
export { randomInteger as randomInteger_alias_1 }
* Format a date time field into ISO format
* Generate a random letter
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted date time
* @param random The random number generator
* @returns A random letter
declare const formatDateTimeISO: (dateTime?: StormDateTime | null, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatDateTimeISO }
export { formatDateTimeISO as formatDateTimeISO_alias_1 }
export { formatDateTimeISO as formatDateTimeISO_alias_2 }
declare const randomLetter: (random?: () => number) => string | undefined;
export { randomLetter }
export { randomLetter as randomLetter_alias_1 }
* Formats a duration or a date-time since another date-time.
* Generate a snowflake identifier.
* @remarks
* An example output when the options.verbose is true:
* 4 days 3 hours 2 minutes 1 second 0 milliseconds
* Snowflakes are 64-bit unsigned integers that are roughly time-ordered.
* An example output when the options.verbose is false:
* 4d 3h 2m 1s 0ms
* @example
* ```typescript
* @param dateTimeOrDuration - The date-time or duration to format
* @param dateTimeTo - The date-time to format since
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns The formatted time since
declare const formatSince: (dateTimeOrDuration: StormDateTime | Temporal.Duration, dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime, options?: FormatSinceOptions) => string;
export { formatSince }
export { formatSince as formatSince_alias_1 }
export { formatSince as formatSince_alias_2 }
* Options for the `formatSince` method
declare type FormatSinceOptions = {
* Whether to use colon notation
colonNotation?: boolean;
* Whether to use compact notation
compact?: boolean;
* Whether to format sub-milliseconds
formatSubMilliseconds?: boolean;
* Whether to keep decimals on whole seconds
keepDecimalsOnWholeSeconds?: boolean;
* The number of decimal digits to use for milliseconds
millisecondsDecimalDigits?: number;
* The number of decimal digits to use for seconds
secondsDecimalDigits?: number;
* Whether to separate milliseconds
separateMilliseconds?: boolean;
* The number of units to include
unitCount?: number;
* Whether to use verbose notation
verbose?: boolean;
export { FormatSinceOptions }
export { FormatSinceOptions as FormatSinceOptions_alias_1 }
export { FormatSinceOptions as FormatSinceOptions_alias_2 }
* Format a time field
* // Generate a snowflake with the default options
* const id1 = snowflake();
* @param dateTime - The date time to format
* @returns The formatted time string
declare const formatTime: (dateTime?: StormDateTime, options?: Partial<Temporal.ToStringPrecisionOptions & Temporal.ShowCalendarOption>) => string;
export { formatTime }
export { formatTime as formatTime_alias_1 }
export { formatTime as formatTime_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `obj` is a `DateTime` object
* // Generate a snowflake with a custom shard id
* const id2 = snowflake({ shardId: 2 });
* `isDateTime` returns true if the object passed to it has a `_symbol` property that is equal to
* // Generate a snowflake with a custom shard id and timestamp
* const id3 = snowflake({ shardId: 3, timestamp: new Date("2021-01-01") });
* @param obj - the object to check
* @returns The function isDateTime is returning a boolean value.
declare function isDateTime(obj: unknown): obj is StormDateTime;
export { isDateTime }
export { isDateTime as isDateTime_alias_1 }
export { isDateTime as isDateTime_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `value` is a `Temporal.Instant` object
* ```
* @param value - The value to check
* @returns The function isInstant is returning a boolean value.
* @param timestamp - The timestamp to use
* @param shardId - The shard id to use
* @returns A snowflake
declare function isInstant(value: unknown): value is Temporal.Instant;
export { isInstant }
export { isInstant as isInstant_alias_1 }
export { isInstant as isInstant_alias_2 }
declare function snowflake({ shardId, epoch, timestamp }?: ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions): string;
export { snowflake }
export { snowflake as snowflake_alias_1 }
declare interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {}
declare interface JsonObject {
[key: string]: JsonValue;
declare type JsonValue = PrimitiveJsonValue | JsonArray | JsonObject;
declare type PrimitiveJsonValue = string | number | boolean | undefined | null;
declare const RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX as RFC_3339_DATE_REGEX_alias_1 }
declare const RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX as RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX_alias_1 }
declare const RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX: RegExp;
export { RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX }
export { RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX as RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX_alias_1 }
* Serializes a StormDate into a string
* Resolvable value types for a valid Snowflake:
* * string
* * number
* * bigint
* @param date - The date to serialize
* @returns The serialized date
* @type {SnowflakeResolvable}
declare function serializeStormDate(date: StormDate): string;
export { serializeStormDate }
export { serializeStormDate as serializeStormDate_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormDate as serializeStormDate_alias_2 }
declare type SnowflakeResolvable = string;
export { SnowflakeResolvable }
export { SnowflakeResolvable as SnowflakeResolvable_alias_1 }
* Serializes a StormDateTime into a string
* Generate a random UUID
* @param dateTime - The dateTime to serialize
* @returns The serialized dateTime
declare function serializeStormDateTime(dateTime: StormDateTime): string;
export { serializeStormDateTime }
export { serializeStormDateTime as serializeStormDateTime_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormDateTime as serializeStormDateTime_alias_2 }
* Serializes a StormTime into a string
* @remarks
* This helper function is a wrapper around the `crypto.randomUUID` function. You can find more information about this type of identifier in this {@link article}
* @param date - The time to serialize
* @returns The serialized time
declare function serializeStormTime(date: StormTime): string;
export { serializeStormTime }
export { serializeStormTime as serializeStormTime_alias_1 }
export { serializeStormTime as serializeStormTime_alias_2 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* @example
* ```typescript
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
declare class StormDate extends StormDateTime {
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormDate;
* Creates a new StormDate object with the given date and time
* @param date - The date to use
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the given date and time.
static create: (date?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormDate;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* Validate the input date value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Gets the hours in a date, using local time.
getHours(): number;
* Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCHours(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time.
getMinutes(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMinutes(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time.
getSeconds(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCSeconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time.
getMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getTimezoneOffset(): number;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormDate }
export { StormDate as StormDate_alias_1 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* // Generate a random UUID
* const id = uuid();
* ```
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
* @returns A random UUID string
declare class StormDateTime extends Date {
* The current function returns a new StormDateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new StormDateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormDateTime;
* Creates a new instance of StormDateTime from a string with a specified format.
* @param dateTime - The input value used to determine the current date and time
* @param options - The options to use when creating the StormDateTime object
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
static create: (dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormDateTime;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* An accessor that returns the epoch milliseconds of the DateTime object
get epochMilliseconds(): number;
* An accessor that returns the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
get instant(): Temporal.Instant;
* An accessor that sets the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
protected set instant(_instant: Temporal.Instant);
* An accessor that returns the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
get zonedDateTime(): Temporal.ZonedDateTime;
* An accessor that sets the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
protected set zonedDateTime(_zonedDateTime: Temporal.ZonedDateTime);
* An accessor that returns the `calendarId` string of the DateTime object
get calendarId(): string;
* An accessor that returns the `timeZoneId` string of the DateTime object
get timeZoneId(): string;
* An accessor that returns the `isValid` boolean of the DateTime object
get isValid(): boolean;
* Returns the input value used to create the DateTime object
get input(): DateTimeInput;
* Returns the options used to create the DateTime object
get options(): DateTimeOptions;
* Validate the input date value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Returns the stored time value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getTime(): number;
* Gets the year, using local time.
getFullYear(): number;
* Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCFullYear(): number;
* Gets the month, using local time.
getMonth(): number;
* Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMonth(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time.
getDate(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDate(): number;
* Gets the day of the week, using local time.
getDay(): number;
* Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDay(): number;
* Gets the hours in a date, using local time.
getHours(): number;
* Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCHours(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time.
getMinutes(): number;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMinutes(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time.
getSeconds(): number;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCSeconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time.
getMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
* Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getTimezoneOffset(): number;
* Sets the date and time value in the Date object.
* @param time - A numeric value representing the number of elapsed milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT.
setTime(time: number): number;
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
setMilliseconds(millisecond: number): number;
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
setUTCMilliseconds(millisecond: number): number;
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setSeconds(second: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCSeconds(second: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setMinutes(minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCMinutes(minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time.
* @param hour - A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setHours(hour: number, minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param hour - A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCHours(hour: number, minute: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number): number;
* Sets the numeric day-of-the-month value of the Date object using local time.
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setDate(day: number): number;
* Sets the numeric day of the month in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setUTCDate(day: number): number;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using local time.
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param day - A numeric value representing the day of the month. If this value is not supplied, the value from a call to the getDate method is used.
setMonth(month: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param day - A numeric value representing the day of the month. If it is not supplied, the value from a call to the getUTCDate method is used.
setUTCMonth(month: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the year of the Date object using local time.
* @param year - A numeric value for the year.
* @param month - A zero-based numeric value for the month (0 for January, 11 for December). Must be specified if numDate is specified.
* @param day - A numeric value equal for the day of the month.
setFullYear(year: number, month?: number, day?: number): number;
* Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param year - A numeric value equal to the year.
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively. Must be supplied if numDate is supplied.
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setUTCFullYear(year: number, month?: number, day?: number): number;
* It returns a plain date object from a DateTime object
* @returns A PlainDate object.
getPlainDate(): StormDateTime;
* `getPlainTime` returns a `PlainTime` object from a `DateTime` object
* @returns A PlainTime object.
getPlainTime(): StormDateTime;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
since(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
* It returns the duration between two date times.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormDateTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormDateTime }
export { StormDateTime as StormDateTime_alias_1 }
declare function uuid(): string;
export { uuid }
export { uuid as uuid_alias_1 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
declare class StormTime extends StormDateTime {
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static now(): number;
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
static current(): StormTime;
* Creates a new instance of DateTime from a string with a specified format.
* @param time - The input value used to determine the current time
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A new instance of StormTime with the time provided in the time parameter.
static create: (time?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) => StormTime;
constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions);
* Validate the input time value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
* Gets the year, using local time.
getFullYear(): number;
* Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCFullYear(): number;
* Gets the month, using local time.
getMonth(): number;
* Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCMonth(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time.
getDate(): number;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDate(): number;
* Gets the day of the week, using local time.
getDay(): number;
* Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
getUTCDay(): number;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
getDuration(dateTimeTo?: StormTime): Temporal.Duration;
export { StormTime }
export { StormTime as StormTime_alias_1 }
declare function validateDate(value: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateDate }
export { validateDate as validateDate_alias_1 }
export { validateDate as validateDate_alias_2 }
* Type-check to determine if `value` is a valid *date-time*
* @param value - The value to check
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
declare function validateDateTime(value: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateDateTime }
export { validateDateTime as validateDateTime_alias_1 }
export { validateDateTime as validateDateTime_alias_2 }
declare function validateTime(value?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions): boolean;
export { validateTime }
export { validateTime as validateTime_alias_1 }
export { validateTime as validateTime_alias_2 }
export { }

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

"use strict";(()=>{var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,n)=>t(e,"name",{value:n,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const n=e.outputLen;if(t.length<n)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${n}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),n=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,r=!1){return r?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>n&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>n&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let n=new Uint32Array(t.length),r=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[n[o],r[o]]=[i,s]}return[n,r]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var r=__name(((t,e,n)=>t<<n|e>>>32-n),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,n)=>e<<n|t>>>32-n),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,n)=>e<<n-32|t>>>64-n),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,n)=>t<<n-32|e>>>64-n),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class _Hash{clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};__name(c,"Hash");var h=c;function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),n=t();return e.outputLen=n.outputLen,e.blockLen=n.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,n)=>t(n).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),n=t({});return e.outputLen=n.outputLen,e.blockLen=n.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[f,l,g]=[[],[],[]],p=BigInt(0),d=BigInt(1),y=BigInt(2),b=BigInt(7),w=BigInt(256),B=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=d,n=1,r=0;t<24;t++){[n,r]=[r,(2*n+3*r)%5],f.push(2*(5*r+n)),l.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=p;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<d^(e>>b)*B)%w,e&y&&(o^=d<<(d<<BigInt(t))-d);g.push(o)}var[k,O]=split(g,!0),I=__name(((t,e,n)=>n>32?i(t,e,n):r(t,e,n)),"rotlH"),m=__name(((t,e,n)=>n>32?s(t,e,n):o(t,e,n)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const n=new Uint32Array(10);for(let r=24-e;r<24;r++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)n[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const r=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=n[o],s=n[o+1],a=I(i,s,1)^n[r],u=m(i,s,1)^n[r+1];for(let n=0;n<50;n+=10)t[e+n]^=a,t[e+n+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let n=0;n<24;n++){const r=l[n],i=I(e,o,r),s=m(e,o,r),a=f[n];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let r=0;r<10;r++)n[r]=t[e+r];for(let r=0;r<10;r++)t[e+r]^=~n[(r+2)%10]&n[(r+4)%10]}t[0]^=k[r],t[1]^=O[r]}n.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var L=class _Keccak extends h{constructor(t,e,n,r=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=n,this.enableXOF=r,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(n),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:n}=this,r=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<r;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,r-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)n[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:n,blockLen:r}=this;t[n]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&n===r-1&&this.keccak(),t[r-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:n}=this;for(let r=0,o=t.length;r<o;){this.posOut>=n&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(n-this.posOut,o-r);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),r),this.posOut+=i,r+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:n,outputLen:r,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,n,r,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=n,t.outputLen=r,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}};__name(L,"Keccak");var x=L,S=__name(((t,e,n)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new x(e,t,n)))),"gen"),E=S(6,72,64),v=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),T=__name(((t=Math.random)=>v[Math.floor(t()*v.length)]),"randomLetter"),j=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,n=0n;for(const r of t.values()){n=(n<<e)+BigInt(r)}return n}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt");var U=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function hash(t=""){return bufToBigInt(E(t)).toString(j).slice(1)}function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let n="";for(;n.length<t;)n+=Math.floor(e()*j).toString(j);return n}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(j,Math.random):createEntropy(j,Math.random)).substring(0,j)}__name(hash,"hash"),__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name((function cuid(){const,e=U.toString(j),n=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${T()+hash(`${t+n+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}),"cuid");var A=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),C=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,n){return parseInt(n?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+n):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name((function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=A,}={shardId:1,epoch:A,}){n=n instanceof Date?n.valueOf():new Date(n).valueOf();let r=BigInt(n)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return r|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),r|=BigInt(C++%4096),r.toString()}),"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name((function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}),"isValidSnowflake");var M=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),P=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),F=__name((t=>{if(!P(t)||"[object Object]"!=M(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),X=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||F(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),D=globalThis.crypto&&X(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;__name((function uuid(){if(!D)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return D.randomUUID()}),"uuid")})();
"use strict";(()=>{var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,r)=>t(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const r=e.outputLen;if(t.length<r)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${r}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),r=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,n=!1){return n?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>r&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>r&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let r=new Uint32Array(t.length),n=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[r[o],n[o]]=[i,s]}return[r,n]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var n=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r|e>>>32-r),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r|t>>>32-r),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r-32|t>>>64-r),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r-32|e>>>64-r),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class _Hash{clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};__name(c,"Hash");var h=c;function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t();return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,r)=>t(r).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t({});return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[f,l,g]=[[],[],[]],p=BigInt(0),y=BigInt(1),d=BigInt(2),b=BigInt(7),w=BigInt(256),B=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=y,r=1,n=0;t<24;t++){[r,n]=[n,(2*r+3*n)%5],f.push(2*(5*n+r)),l.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=p;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<y^(e>>b)*B)%w,e&d&&(o^=y<<(y<<BigInt(t))-y);g.push(o)}var[O,k]=split(g,!0),m=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?i(t,e,r):n(t,e,r)),"rotlH"),I=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?s(t,e,r):o(t,e,r)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const r=new Uint32Array(10);for(let n=24-e;n<24;n++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)r[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const n=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=r[o],s=r[o+1],a=m(i,s,1)^r[n],u=I(i,s,1)^r[n+1];for(let r=0;r<50;r+=10)t[e+r]^=a,t[e+r+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let r=0;r<24;r++){const n=l[r],i=m(e,o,n),s=I(e,o,n),a=f[r];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let n=0;n<10;n++)r[n]=t[e+n];for(let n=0;n<10;n++)t[e+n]^=~r[(n+2)%10]&r[(n+4)%10]}t[0]^=O[n],t[1]^=k[n]}r.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var S=class _Keccak extends h{constructor(t,e,r,n=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=r,this.enableXOF=n,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(r),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:r}=this,n=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<n;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,n-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)r[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:r,blockLen:n}=this;t[r]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&r===n-1&&this.keccak(),t[n-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:r}=this;for(let n=0,o=t.length;n<o;){this.posOut>=r&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(r-this.posOut,o-n);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),n),this.posOut+=i,n+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:r,outputLen:n,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,r,n,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=r,t.outputLen=n,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}};__name(S,"Keccak");var j=S,x=__name(((t,e,r)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new j(e,t,r)))),"gen"),L=x(6,72,64),E=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),T=__name((t=>{try{return null===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isNull"),v=__name((t=>{try{return void 0===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isUndefined"),U=__name((t=>{try{return v(t)||T(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isEmpty"),A=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),C=__name((t=>{if(!A(t)||"[object Object]"!=E(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),M=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||C(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),D=("undefined"!=typeof Buffer&&Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer),(t=>{if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;Object.defineProperty(t,"typeDetectGlobalObject",{get(){return this},configurable:!0});const e=typeDetectGlobalObject;delete t.typeDetectGlobalObject})(Object.prototype),Symbol("NestedValue"),__name((t=>{try{return"string"==typeof t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isString")),N=__name((t=>{try{return!U(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isSet"),P=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,r=0n;for(const n of t.values()){r=(r<<e)+BigInt(n)}return r}function hash(t=""){return D(t)?hashString(t):H(t)}function hashString(t=""){return bufToBigInt(L(t)).toString(P).slice(1)}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt"),__name(hash,"hash"),__name(hashString,"hashString");var F=new WeakMap,X=0,H=__name(((t={})=>{const e=typeof t,r=t&&t.constructor,n=r==Date;let o,i;if(Object(t)!==t||n||r==RegExp)o=n?t.toJSON():"symbol"==e?t.toString():"string"==e?JSON.stringify(t):""+t;else{if(o=F.get(t),o)return o;if(o=++X+"~",F.set(t,o),r==Array){for(o="@",i=0;i<t.length;i++)o+=H(t[i])+",";F.set(t,o)}if(r==Object){o="#";const e=Object.keys(t).sort();for(;!N(i=e.pop());)N(t[i])||(o+=i+":"+H(t[i])+",");F.set(t,o)}}return o}),"hashObject"),$=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),_=__name(((t=Math.random)=>$[Math.floor(t()*$.length)]),"randomLetter"),W=36,G=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let r="";for(;r.length<t;)r+=Math.floor(e()*W).toString(W);return r}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(W,Math.random):createEntropy(W,Math.random)).substring(0,W)}__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name((function cuid(){const,e=G.toString(W),r=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${_()+hash(`${t+r+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}),"cuid");var K=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),V=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,r){return parseInt(r?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+r):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name((function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=K,}={shardId:1,epoch:K,}){r=r instanceof Date?r.valueOf():new Date(r).valueOf();let n=BigInt(r)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return n|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),n|=BigInt(V++%4096),n.toString()}),"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name((function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}),"isValidSnowflake");var J=globalThis.crypto&&M(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;__name((function uuid(){if(!J)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return J.randomUUID()}),"uuid")})();
/*! Bundled license information:

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,n)=>t(e,"name",{value:n,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const n=e.outputLen;if(t.length<n)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${n}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),n=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,r=!1){return r?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>n&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>n&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let n=new Uint32Array(t.length),r=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[n[o],r[o]]=[i,s]}return[n,r]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var r=__name(((t,e,n)=>t<<n|e>>>32-n),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,n)=>e<<n|t>>>32-n),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,n)=>e<<n-32|t>>>64-n),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,n)=>t<<n-32|e>>>64-n),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class _Hash{clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};__name(c,"Hash");var h=c;function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),n=t();return e.outputLen=n.outputLen,e.blockLen=n.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,n)=>t(n).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),n=t({});return e.outputLen=n.outputLen,e.blockLen=n.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[f,l,g]=[[],[],[]],p=BigInt(0),d=BigInt(1),y=BigInt(2),b=BigInt(7),w=BigInt(256),k=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=d,n=1,r=0;t<24;t++){[n,r]=[r,(2*n+3*r)%5],f.push(2*(5*r+n)),l.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=p;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<d^(e>>b)*k)%w,e&y&&(o^=d<<(d<<BigInt(t))-d);g.push(o)}var[B,O]=split(g,!0),I=__name(((t,e,n)=>n>32?i(t,e,n):r(t,e,n)),"rotlH"),m=__name(((t,e,n)=>n>32?s(t,e,n):o(t,e,n)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const n=new Uint32Array(10);for(let r=24-e;r<24;r++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)n[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const r=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=n[o],s=n[o+1],a=I(i,s,1)^n[r],u=m(i,s,1)^n[r+1];for(let n=0;n<50;n+=10)t[e+n]^=a,t[e+n+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let n=0;n<24;n++){const r=l[n],i=I(e,o,r),s=m(e,o,r),a=f[n];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let r=0;r<10;r++)n[r]=t[e+r];for(let r=0;r<10;r++)t[e+r]^=~n[(r+2)%10]&n[(r+4)%10]}t[0]^=B[r],t[1]^=O[r]}n.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var S=class _Keccak extends h{constructor(t,e,n,r=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=n,this.enableXOF=r,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(n),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:n}=this,r=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<r;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,r-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)n[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:n,blockLen:r}=this;t[n]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&n===r-1&&this.keccak(),t[r-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:n}=this;for(let r=0,o=t.length;r<o;){this.posOut>=n&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(n-this.posOut,o-r);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),r),this.posOut+=i,r+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:n,outputLen:r,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,n,r,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=n,t.outputLen=r,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}};__name(S,"Keccak");var x=S,L=__name(((t,e,n)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new x(e,t,n)))),"gen"),E=L(6,72,64),v=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),T=__name(((t,e=0)=>Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1)+e)),"randomInteger"),j=__name(((t=Math.random)=>v[Math.floor(t()*v.length)]),"randomLetter"),U=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,n=0n;for(const r of t.values()){n=(n<<e)+BigInt(r)}return n}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt");var A=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function hash(t=""){return bufToBigInt(E(t)).toString(U).slice(1)}function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let n="";for(;n.length<t;)n+=Math.floor(e()*U).toString(U);return n}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(U,Math.random):createEntropy(U,Math.random)).substring(0,U)}function cuid(){const,e=A.toString(U),n=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${j()+hash(`${t+n+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}__name(hash,"hash"),__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name(cuid,"cuid");var M=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),C=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,n){return parseInt(n?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+n):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=M,}={shardId:1,epoch:M,}){n=n instanceof Date?n.valueOf():new Date(n).valueOf();let r=BigInt(n)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return r|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),r|=BigInt(C++%4096),r.toString()}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name(snowflake,"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name(isValidSnowflake,"isValidSnowflake");var P=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),F=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),X=__name((t=>{if(!F(t)||"[object Object]"!=P(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),D=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||X(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),H=globalThis.crypto&&D(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;function uuid(){if(!H)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return H.randomUUID()}__name(uuid,"uuid");export{cuid,deconstructSnowflake,hash,isValidSnowflake,T as randomInteger,j as randomLetter,snowflake,uuid};
var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,r)=>t(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const r=e.outputLen;if(t.length<r)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${r}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),r=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,n=!1){return n?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>r&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>r&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let r=new Uint32Array(t.length),n=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[r[o],n[o]]=[i,s]}return[r,n]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var n=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r|e>>>32-r),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r|t>>>32-r),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r-32|t>>>64-r),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r-32|e>>>64-r),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class _Hash{clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};__name(c,"Hash");var f=c;function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t();return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,r)=>t(r).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t({});return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[h,l,g]=[[],[],[]],p=BigInt(0),d=BigInt(1),y=BigInt(2),b=BigInt(7),w=BigInt(256),B=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=d,r=1,n=0;t<24;t++){[r,n]=[n,(2*r+3*n)%5],h.push(2*(5*n+r)),l.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=p;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<d^(e>>b)*B)%w,e&y&&(o^=d<<(d<<BigInt(t))-d);g.push(o)}var[O,k]=split(g,!0),m=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?i(t,e,r):n(t,e,r)),"rotlH"),S=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?s(t,e,r):o(t,e,r)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const r=new Uint32Array(10);for(let n=24-e;n<24;n++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)r[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const n=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=r[o],s=r[o+1],a=m(i,s,1)^r[n],u=S(i,s,1)^r[n+1];for(let r=0;r<50;r+=10)t[e+r]^=a,t[e+r+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let r=0;r<24;r++){const n=l[r],i=m(e,o,n),s=S(e,o,n),a=h[r];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let n=0;n<10;n++)r[n]=t[e+n];for(let n=0;n<10;n++)t[e+n]^=~r[(n+2)%10]&r[(n+4)%10]}t[0]^=O[n],t[1]^=k[n]}r.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var I=class _Keccak extends f{constructor(t,e,r,n=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=r,this.enableXOF=n,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(r),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:r}=this,n=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<n;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,n-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)r[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:r,blockLen:n}=this;t[r]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&r===n-1&&this.keccak(),t[n-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:r}=this;for(let n=0,o=t.length;n<o;){this.posOut>=r&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(r-this.posOut,o-n);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),n),this.posOut+=i,n+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:r,outputLen:n,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,r,n,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=r,t.outputLen=n,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}};__name(I,"Keccak");var j=I,x=__name(((t,e,r)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new j(e,t,r)))),"gen"),L=x(6,72,64),E=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),T=__name((t=>{try{return null===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isNull"),v=__name((t=>{try{return void 0===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isUndefined"),U=__name((t=>{try{return v(t)||T(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isEmpty"),A=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),M=__name((t=>{if(!A(t)||"[object Object]"!=E(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),C=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||M(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),D=("undefined"!=typeof Buffer&&Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer),(t=>{if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;Object.defineProperty(t,"typeDetectGlobalObject",{get(){return this},configurable:!0});const e=typeDetectGlobalObject;delete t.typeDetectGlobalObject})(Object.prototype),Symbol("NestedValue"),__name((t=>{try{return"string"==typeof t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isString")),N=__name((t=>{try{return!U(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isSet"),P=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,r=0n;for(const n of t.values()){r=(r<<e)+BigInt(n)}return r}function hash(t=""){return D(t)?hashString(t):H(t)}function hashString(t=""){return bufToBigInt(L(t)).toString(P).slice(1)}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt"),__name(hash,"hash"),__name(hashString,"hashString");var F=new WeakMap,X=0,H=__name(((t={})=>{const e=typeof t,r=t&&t.constructor,n=r==Date;let o,i;if(Object(t)!==t||n||r==RegExp)o=n?t.toJSON():"symbol"==e?t.toString():"string"==e?JSON.stringify(t):""+t;else{if(o=F.get(t),o)return o;if(o=++X+"~",F.set(t,o),r==Array){for(o="@",i=0;i<t.length;i++)o+=H(t[i])+",";F.set(t,o)}if(r==Object){o="#";const e=Object.keys(t).sort();for(;!N(i=e.pop());)N(t[i])||(o+=i+":"+H(t[i])+",");F.set(t,o)}}return o}),"hashObject"),$=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),_=__name(((t,e=0)=>Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1)+e)),"randomInteger"),V=__name(((t=Math.random)=>$[Math.floor(t()*$.length)]),"randomLetter"),W=36,G=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let r="";for(;r.length<t;)r+=Math.floor(e()*W).toString(W);return r}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(W,Math.random):createEntropy(W,Math.random)).substring(0,W)}function cuid(){const,e=G.toString(W),r=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${V()+hash(`${t+r+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name(cuid,"cuid");var K=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),J=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,r){return parseInt(r?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+r):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=K,}={shardId:1,epoch:K,}){r=r instanceof Date?r.valueOf():new Date(r).valueOf();let n=BigInt(r)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return n|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),n|=BigInt(J++%4096),n.toString()}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name(snowflake,"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name(isValidSnowflake,"isValidSnowflake");var q=globalThis.crypto&&C(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;function uuid(){if(!q)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return q.randomUUID()}__name(uuid,"uuid");export{cuid,deconstructSnowflake,hash,isValidSnowflake,_ as randomInteger,V as randomLetter,snowflake,uuid};
/*! Bundled license information:

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@


@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@


@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"name": "@storm-stack/unique-identifier",
"version": "1.0.1",
"version": "1.1.0",
"private": false,

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "description": "This package provides a simple way to generate various types of unique identifiers.",

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ <!-- START header -->

[![Nx](](;[![NextJs](](;[![Commitizen friendly](](;![Semantic-Release](;[![documented with docusaurus](](;![GitHub Workflow Status (with event)](

@@ -22,0 +22,0 @@

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ //

import { sha3_512 } from "@noble/hashes/sha3";
import { hash } from "./hash";
import { randomLetter } from "./random";

@@ -39,24 +39,2 @@

* Transform a Uint8Array into a BigInt.
* @remarks
* Adapted from
* MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Juan Hernández Serrano
* @param buf - Buffer to transform
* @returns A BigInt value
function bufToBigInt(buf: Uint8Array): BigInt {
let bits = 8n;
let value = 0n;
for (const i of buf.values()) {
const bi = BigInt(i);
value = (value << bits) + bi;
return value;
* The sequence of the current running generator.

@@ -74,14 +52,2 @@ *

* Create a hash from a string.
* @param input - String to hash
* @returns The hashed string
export function hash(input = ""): string {
// Drop the first character because it will bias the histogram
// to the left.
return bufToBigInt(sha3_512(input)).toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH).slice(1);
* Generate a random letter

@@ -88,0 +54,0 @@ *

@@ -25,4 +25,5 @@ //

export * from "./cuid";
export * from "./hash";
export * from "./random";
export * from "./snowflake";
export * from "./uuid";

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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