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@@ -1,187 +0,1430 @@

declare const Crypto_2: Crypto | undefined;
export { Crypto_2 as Crypto }
import { ExecaReturnValue } from 'execa';
import { Temporal } from '@js-temporal/polyfill';
* Generate a random CUID
* Create a resolver factory
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Generate a random CUID
* const id = cuid();
* ```
* @returns A random CUID string
* @param tsconfig - The path to the tsconfig file
* @returns The resolver factory
declare function cuid(): string;
export { cuid }
export { cuid as cuid_alias_1 }
declare const createResolver: (rootPath?: string, tsconfig?: string, autoInstall?: boolean) => (request: string) => Promise<string>;
export { createResolver }
export { createResolver as createResolver_alias_1 }
export { createResolver as createResolver_alias_2 }
* A deconstructed snowflake and the details around it's creation.
* The input types that can be used to create a DateTime object
declare interface DeconstructedSnowflake {
declare type DateTimeInput =
| StormDateTime
| Temporal.Instant
| Date
| string
| number
| bigint
| null
| undefined;
* The options to use when creating a new DateTime object
declare interface DateTimeOptions {
* Snowflake deconstructed from
* The time zone to use. If not specified, the default time zone for the runtime is used.
snowflake: SnowflakeResolvable;
timeZone?: Temporal.TimeZoneLike;
* The timestamp the snowflake was generated
* The calendar to use. If not specified, the default calendar for the runtime is used.
timestamp: number;
calendar?: Temporal.CalendarLike;
* The shard_id used when generating
* If false, the current date and time is defaulted when undefined or null is passed. If true, the current date and time is not defaulted.
* @default false
shard_id: number;
* The increment of this snowflake
sequence: number;
* The 64Bit snowflake binary string
binary: string;
skipDefaulting?: boolean;
export { DeconstructedSnowflake }
export { DeconstructedSnowflake as DeconstructedSnowflake_alias_1 }
declare type ErrorCode =
| "success"
| "missing_issue_code"
| "invalid_config"
| "failed_to_load_file"
| "missing_context"
| "record_not_found"
| "required_field_missing"
| "database_query_error"
| "model_validation_error"
| "field_validation_error"
| "invalid_parameter"
| "invalid_request"
| "type_error"
| "processing_error"
| "internal_server_error"
| "user_not_logged_in"
| "unknown_cause";
declare const ErrorCode = {
success: "success" as ErrorCode,
missing_issue_code: "missing_issue_code" as ErrorCode,
invalid_config: "invalid_config" as ErrorCode,
failed_to_load_file: "failed_to_load_file" as ErrorCode,
missing_context: "missing_context" as ErrorCode,
record_not_found: "record_not_found" as ErrorCode,
required_field_missing: "required_field_missing" as ErrorCode,
database_query_error: "database_query_error" as ErrorCode,
model_validation_error: "model_validation_error" as ErrorCode,
field_validation_error: "field_validation_error" as ErrorCode,
invalid_parameter: "invalid_parameter" as ErrorCode,
invalid_request: "invalid_request" as ErrorCode,
type_error: "type_error" as ErrorCode,
processing_error: "processing_error" as ErrorCode,
internal_server_error: "internal_server_error" as ErrorCode,
user_not_logged_in: "user_not_logged_in" as ErrorCode,
unknown_cause: "unknown_cause" as ErrorCode
export declare const execute: (command: string, rootPath: string) => Promise<ExecaReturnValue<string>>;
export declare const install: (name: string, rootPath: string) => Promise<void>;
* Deconstruct a snowflake to its values using the `epoch`.
* @param snowflake - Snowflake to deconstruct
* @returns Either the DeconstructedSnowflake object
* A plugin loader that can be used to load a plugin module.
declare function deconstructSnowflake(snowflake: SnowflakeResolvable): DeconstructedSnowflake;
export { deconstructSnowflake }
export { deconstructSnowflake as deconstructSnowflake_alias_1 }
declare interface IPluginLoader<TContext = any, TPluginModule extends IPluginModule<TContext> = IPluginModule<TContext>> {
load: (definition: PluginDefinition, options: Record<string, any>) => Promise<PluginInstance<TContext, TPluginModule>>;
isValid: (module: TPluginModule) => boolean;
process: (context: TContext, instance: PluginInstance, options: Record<string, any>) => Promise<void>;
export { IPluginLoader }
export { IPluginLoader as IPluginLoader_alias_1 }
* Create a hash from a string.
* @param input - String to hash
* @returns The hashed string
* A plugin manager that can be used to manage plugins.
declare function hash(input: string | object): string;
export { hash }
export { hash as hash_alias_1 }
declare interface IPluginManager {
* Finds all the plugins based on the configuration options.
* @returns The list of definitions for the plugins in the system.
discover(): Promise<Set<PluginDefinition>>;
* Finds the plugin and does a dynamic require to whatever the plugin exports.
* @param provider - The identifier of the plugin
* @param options - Run-time options to configure your exports.
* @returns An object containing the exported functionality.
instantiate(provider: string, options?: Record<string, any>): Promise<PluginInstance>;
* Registers a plugin definition in the manager.
* This method is used to manually register a plugin at run-time. Uses for
* this are dynamic plugins.
* @param provider - The plugin provider path/package name that provides this plugin.
* @returns `true` if the definition was registered. `false` if there was an error.
register(provider: string): boolean;
export { IPluginManager }
export { IPluginManager as IPluginManager_alias_1 }
* Options passed to the `generate` function to create a snowflake identifier.
* A plugin module that can be loaded by the plugin system.
declare interface ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions {
declare interface IPluginModule<TContext = any> {
hooks?: Record<string, PluginHookFn<TContext>>;
export { IPluginModule }
export { IPluginModule as IPluginModule_alias_1 }
declare interface IStormLog {
* The id of the shard running this generator.
* Write a success message to the logs.
* @default 1
* @param message - The message to print.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
shardId: number;
success: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* The epoch to use for the snowflake.
* Write a fatal message to the logs.
* @remarks
* This is the time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
* @param message - The fatal message to be displayed.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
fatal: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Write an error message to the logs.
* @default 1420070400000 (Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1).valueOf())
* @param message - The message to be displayed.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
epoch: number;
error: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* The current timestamp to use for the snowflake.
* Write an exception message to the logs.
* @default
* @param message - The message to be displayed.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
timestamp: number | Date;
exception: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Write a warning message to the logs.
* @param message - The message to be printed.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
warn: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Write an informational message to the logs.
* @param message - The message to be printed.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
info: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Write a debug message to the logs.
* @param message - The message to be printed.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
debug: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Write a trace message to the logs.
* @param message - The message to be printed.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
trace: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Write an informational message to the logs.
* @param message - The message to be printed.
* @returns Either a promise that resolves to void or void.
log: (...message: any[]) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Start a process
* @param name - The name of the process
start: (name: string) => MaybePromise<void>;
* Write an message to the logs specifying how long it took to complete a process
* @param name - The name of the process
* @param startTime - The start time of the process
stopwatch: (name?: string, startTime?: StormTime) => MaybePromise<void>;
export { ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions }
export { ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions as ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions_alias_1 }
declare type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
* Check if a snowflake string Id is valid.
* @param snowflake - Snowflake to check
* @returns Whether the snowflake is valid
* The definition of a plugin.
declare function isValidSnowflake(snowflake: string): boolean;
export { isValidSnowflake }
export { isValidSnowflake as isValidSnowflake_alias_1 }
declare interface PluginDefinition {
* The id of the plugin.
id: string;
* The plugin provider path/package name that provides this plugin.
provider: string;
* The name of the plugin.
name: string;
* The version of the plugin.
version: string;
* A description of the plugin.
description?: string;
* The plugin's base path/path to the package.json file
packagePath: string;
* The path to the plugin's configuration file.
configPath?: string;
* An optional path to an image to use as the icon for the plugin.
imagePath?: string;
* A list of plugin providers that this plugin depends on.
dependencies: string[];
* A set of optional tags that describe the plugin.
tags: string[];
* The options to pass to the plugin module when instantiating
options: any;
* The path to the plugin's module loader.
loader: string;
export { PluginDefinition }
export { PluginDefinition as PluginDefinition_alias_1 }
declare type PluginDiscoveryMode = "auto" | "fallback" | "none";
declare const PluginDiscoveryMode: {
AUTO: PluginDiscoveryMode;
FALLBACK: PluginDiscoveryMode;
NONE: PluginDiscoveryMode;
export { PluginDiscoveryMode }
export { PluginDiscoveryMode as PluginDiscoveryMode_alias_1 }
* Generate a random integer
* @param maximum The maximum value (inclusive)
* @param minimum The minimum value (inclusive)
* @returns A random integer
* A function that can be used to hook into the plugin system.
declare const randomInteger: (maximum: number, minimum?: number) => number;
export { randomInteger }
export { randomInteger as randomInteger_alias_1 }
declare type PluginHookFn<TContext = any> = (params: TContext) => MaybePromise<TContext | ((params: TContext) => MaybePromise<TContext>)>;
export { PluginHookFn }
export { PluginHookFn as PluginHookFn_alias_1 }
* Generate a random letter
* @param random The random number generator
* @returns A random letter
* An instance of a plugin that has been loaded by the plugin system.
declare const randomLetter: (random?: () => number) => string | undefined;
export { randomLetter }
export { randomLetter as randomLetter_alias_1 }
declare interface PluginInstance<TContext = any, TPluginModule extends IPluginModule<TContext> = any> {
loader: IPluginLoader<TContext, TPluginModule>;
definition: PluginDefinition;
module: TPluginModule;
options: any;
resolvedPath: string;
executionDateTime: StormDateTime;
export { PluginInstance }
export { PluginInstance as PluginInstance_alias_1 }
* Generate a snowflake identifier.
* @remarks
* Snowflakes are 64-bit unsigned integers that are roughly time-ordered.
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Generate a snowflake with the default options
* const id1 = snowflake();
* // Generate a snowflake with a custom shard id
* const id2 = snowflake({ shardId: 2 });
* // Generate a snowflake with a custom shard id and timestamp
* const id3 = snowflake({ shardId: 3, timestamp: new Date("2021-01-01") });
* ```
* @param timestamp - The timestamp to use
* @param shardId - The shard id to use
* @returns A snowflake
* A base class to detect properly loaded plugins.
declare function snowflake({ shardId, epoch, timestamp }?: ISnowflakeGeneratorOptions): string;
export { snowflake }
export { snowflake as snowflake_alias_1 }
declare abstract class PluginLoader<TContext = any, TPluginModule extends IPluginModule<TContext> = IPluginModule<TContext>> implements IPluginLoader<TContext, TPluginModule> {
readonly rootPath?: string | undefined;
readonly tsconfig?: string | undefined;
readonly autoInstall?: boolean | undefined;
protected resolver: (request: string) => Promise<string>;
constructor(rootPath?: string | undefined, tsconfig?: string | undefined, autoInstall?: boolean | undefined);
abstract process: (context: TContext, instance: PluginInstance<TContext, TPluginModule>, options: Record<string, any>) => Promise<void>;
load: (definition: PluginDefinition, options?: Record<string, any>) => Promise<PluginInstance<TContext, TPluginModule>>;
isValid: (module: TPluginModule) => boolean;
protected instantiate: (definition: PluginDefinition, module: TPluginModule, resolvedPath: string, options?: Record<string, any>) => PluginInstance<TContext, TPluginModule>;
protected resolve: (definition: PluginDefinition, _?: Record<string, any>) => Promise<any>;
export { PluginLoader }
export { PluginLoader as PluginLoader_alias_1 }
export { PluginLoader as PluginLoader_alias_2 }
* Resolvable value types for a valid Snowflake:
* * string
* * number
* * bigint
* Discovers and instantiates plugins.
declare class PluginManager<TContext = any, TPluginModule extends IPluginModule = any> {
private _options;
private _hasDiscovered;
private _registry;
private _store;
private _hooks;
private _logger;
private _loaders;
private _loaderResolver;
static create: <TContext_1 = any, TPluginModule_1 extends IPluginModule<TContext_1> = any>(logger: IStormLog, options: Omit<Partial<PluginManagerOptions>, "defaultLoader"> & Pick<PluginManagerOptions, "defaultLoader">) => Promise<PluginManager<TContext_1, TPluginModule_1>>;
* Creates a new plugin manager object.
* @param config - The base storm workspace configuration.
* @param options - The plugin configuration options.
private constructor();
discover: () => Promise<Map<string, PluginDefinition>>;
getInstance: (provider: string, options?: Record<string, any>) => PluginInstance<TContext, TPluginModule> | undefined;
instantiate: (provider: string, options?: Record<string, any>) => Promise<PluginInstance<TContext, TPluginModule>>;
execute: (provider: string, context: TContext, options?: Record<string, any>, executionDateTime?: StormDateTime) => Promise<Record<string, Error | null>>;
invokeHook: (name: string, context: TContext, handler?: ((context: TContext) => Promise<TContext> | TContext) | undefined) => Promise<TContext>;
register: (provider: string) => Promise<PluginDefinition>;
getRegistry(): Map<string, PluginDefinition>;
getLoaders(): Map<string, IPluginLoader<TContext, TPluginModule>>;
getStore(): Map<string, PluginInstance<TContext, TPluginModule>>;
* Generates a cache ID for the plugin and the config.
* @param provider - The plugin provider.
* @param options - The options for the plugin.
* @returns The cache ID.
private _getCacheId;
* Builds the globbing expression based on the configuration options.
* @returns The globbing expression.
private _globExpression;
* Gets the loader module.
* @param loader - The loader module to retrieve.
* @returns The loader module.
private _getLoader;
* Gets the plugin definition from the plugin configuration file.
* @param _configPath - The path to the plugin configuration file.
* @returns The plugin definition.
private _getDefinition;
export { PluginManager }
export { PluginManager as PluginManager_alias_1 }
export { PluginManager as PluginManager_alias_2 }
* The options to configure the plugin manager.
declare interface PluginManagerOptions {
* The path to the root of the application.
* @default process.env.STORM_WORKSPACE_ROOT
rootPath: string;
* The path to the root of the application.
* @default process.env.STORM_WORKSPACE_ROOT + "/tsconfig.json"
tsconfig?: string;
* Should node_modules be used to discover plugins?
* @default true
useNodeModules: boolean;
* Should auto-install be used to discover plugins?
* @default true
autoInstall: boolean;
* A mode specifying how plugins should be discovered from the local filesystem.
* @remarks
* `auto` - Automatically discover all plugins in the rootPath
* `fallback` - Discover plugins in the rootPath if a registered plugin provider is not found
* `none` - Do not discover plugins in the rootPath, regardless of whether a registered plugin provider is found or not
* @default "fallback"
discoveryMode: PluginDiscoveryMode;
* The path to the plugin's module loader or an object containing the provider string and loader instance.
defaultLoader: string | {
provider: string;
loader: new (_rootPath?: string, _tsconfig?: string, _autoInstall?: boolean) => IPluginLoader<any, any>;
export { PluginManagerOptions }
export { PluginManagerOptions as PluginManagerOptions_alias_1 }
declare type PluginSystemErrorCode = ErrorCode | "module_not_found" | "plugin_not_found" | "plugin_loading_failure";
declare const PluginSystemErrorCode: {
module_not_found: PluginSystemErrorCode;
plugin_not_found: PluginSystemErrorCode;
plugin_loading_failure: PluginSystemErrorCode;
success: ErrorCode;
missing_issue_code: ErrorCode;
invalid_config: ErrorCode;
failed_to_load_file: ErrorCode;
missing_context: ErrorCode;
record_not_found: ErrorCode;
required_field_missing: ErrorCode;
database_query_error: ErrorCode;
model_validation_error: ErrorCode;
field_validation_error: ErrorCode;
invalid_parameter: ErrorCode;
invalid_request: ErrorCode;
type_error: ErrorCode;
processing_error: ErrorCode;
internal_server_error: ErrorCode;
user_not_logged_in: ErrorCode;
unknown_cause: ErrorCode;
export { PluginSystemErrorCode }
export { PluginSystemErrorCode as PluginSystemErrorCode_alias_1 }
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* @type {SnowflakeResolvable}
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
declare type SnowflakeResolvable = string;
export { SnowflakeResolvable }
export { SnowflakeResolvable as SnowflakeResolvable_alias_1 }
declare @Serializable()
class StormDateTime extends Date {
* Type-check to determine if `obj` is a `DateTime` object
* `isDateTime` returns true if the object passed to it has a `_symbol` property that is equal to
* @param obj - the object to check
* @returns The function isDateTime is returning a boolean value.
public static isDateTime(obj: unknown): obj is StormDateTime {
return (
isDate(obj) &&
isSet((obj as unknown as StormDateTime)?.instant) &&
isSet((obj as unknown as StormDateTime)?.zonedDateTime) &&
isSetString((obj as unknown as StormDateTime)?.timeZoneId)
* The current function returns a new StormDateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
public static override now(): number {
return StormDateTime.current().epochMilliseconds;
* The current function returns a new StormDateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
public static current(): StormDateTime {
return StormDateTime.create(Temporal.Now.instant());
* The maximum function returns a new StormDateTime object with the maximum date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the maximum date and time.
public static minimum(): StormDateTime {
return StormDateTime.create(new Date(-8640000000000000));
* The maximum function returns a new StormDateTime object with the maximum date and time
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the maximum date and time.
public static maximum(): StormDateTime {
return StormDateTime.create(new Date(8640000000000000));
* Creates a new instance of StormDateTime from a string with a specified format.
* @param dateTime - The input value used to determine the current date and time
* @param options - The options to use when creating the StormDateTime object
* @returns A new instance of StormDateTime with the current date and time.
public static create = (
dateTime?: DateTimeInput,
options?: DateTimeOptions
) =>
new StormDateTime(dateTime, {
? dateTime.timeZoneId
: options?.timeZone) ??
process.env.STORM_TIMEZONE ??
calendar: StormDateTime.isDateTime(dateTime)
? dateTime.calendarId
: options?.calendar ??
new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().calendar
* A private accessor that stores the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
private _instant: Temporal.Instant = Temporal.Now.instant();
* A private accessor that stores the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
private _zonedDateTime: Temporal.ZonedDateTime = Temporal.Now.zonedDateTime(
new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().calendar,
process.env.STORM_TIMEZONE ?? Temporal.Now.timeZoneId()
* A private accessor that stores the input value used to create the DateTime object
private _input: DateTimeInput;
* A private accessor that stores the options used to create the DateTime object
private _options: DateTimeOptions;
public constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) {
const input = dateTime;
if (!dateTime && !options?.skipDefaulting) {
dateTime = Temporal.Now.instant();
const instant = !dateTime
? undefined
: StormDateTime.isDateTime(dateTime)
? dateTime.instant
: Temporal.Instant.from(
? dateTime.toJSON()
: isObject(dateTime) && "epochMilliseconds" in dateTime
? new Date(Number(dateTime.epochMilliseconds)).toISOString()
: isNumber(dateTime) || isBigInt(dateTime)
? new Date(Number(dateTime)).toISOString()
: dateTime
super(instant ? Number(instant.epochMilliseconds) : "MISSING_DATE");
if (instant && this.validate(dateTime, options)) {
this._instant = instant;
const timeZone = options?.timeZone
? options?.timeZone
: process.env.TZ
? process.env.TZ
: Temporal.Now.timeZoneId();
this._zonedDateTime = options?.calendar
? this._instant.toZonedDateTime({
calendar: options.calendar
: this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO(timeZone);
this._input = input;
this._options = options ?? {};
* An accessor that returns the epoch milliseconds of the DateTime object
public get epochMilliseconds(): number {
return this.instant.epochMilliseconds;
* An accessor that returns the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
public get instant(): Temporal.Instant {
return this._instant;
* An accessor that sets the `Temporal.Instant` object of the DateTime object
protected set instant(_instant: Temporal.Instant) {
this._instant = _instant;
* An accessor that returns the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
public get zonedDateTime(): Temporal.ZonedDateTime {
return this._zonedDateTime;
* An accessor that sets the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object of the DateTime object
protected set zonedDateTime(_zonedDateTime: Temporal.ZonedDateTime) {
this._zonedDateTime = _zonedDateTime;
* An accessor that returns the `calendarId` string of the DateTime object
public get calendarId(): string {
return this._zonedDateTime.calendarId;
* An accessor that returns the `timeZoneId` string of the DateTime object
public get timeZoneId(): string {
return this._zonedDateTime.timeZoneId;
* An accessor that returns the `isValid` boolean of the DateTime object
public get isValid(): boolean {
return this.validate(this._zonedDateTime.epochMilliseconds, this._options);
* Returns the input value used to create the DateTime object
public get input(): DateTimeInput {
return this._input;
* Returns the options used to create the DateTime object
public get options(): DateTimeOptions {
return this._options;
* Validate the input date value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected validate(
value?: DateTimeInput,
options?: DateTimeOptions
): boolean {
if (StormDateTime.isDateTime(value)) {
return value.isValid;
if (isInstant(value)) {
return !!value.epochMilliseconds;
let datetime: string | undefined;
if (isDate(value) || isNumber(value) || isBigInt(value)) {
let date!: Date;
if (isNumber(value) || isBigInt(value)) {
date = new Date(Number(value));
} else {
date = value;
if (isNaN(date.getTime())) {
return false;
datetime = date.toUTCString();
} else {
datetime =
value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.toUpperCase();
if (!datetime) {
return false;
// Validate the structure of the date-string
if (!RFC_3339_DATETIME_REGEX.test(datetime)) {
return false;
// Check if it is a correct date using the javascript Date parse() method.
if (!Date.parse(datetime)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns the stored time value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
public override getTime(): number {
return this.epochMilliseconds;
* Gets the year, using local time.
public override getFullYear(): number {
return this._zonedDateTime.year;
* Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCFullYear(): number {
return this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").year;
* Gets the month, using local time.
public override getMonth(): number {
return this._zonedDateTime.month;
* Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCMonth(): number {
return this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").month;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time.
public override getDate(): number {
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCDate(): number {
return this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").day;
* Gets the day of the week, using local time.
public override getDay(): number {
return this._zonedDateTime.dayOfWeek;
* Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCDay(): number {
return this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").dayOfWeek;
* Gets the hours in a date, using local time.
public override getHours(): number {
return this._zonedDateTime.hour;
* Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCHours(): number {
return this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").hour;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time.
public override getMinutes(): number {
return this._zonedDateTime.minute;
* Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCMinutes(): number {
return this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").minute;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time.
public override getSeconds(): number {
return this._zonedDateTime.second;
* Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCSeconds(): number {
return this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").second;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time.
public override getMilliseconds(): number {
return this._zonedDateTime.millisecond;
* Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCMilliseconds(): number {
return this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").millisecond;
* Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getTimezoneOffset(): number {
return this._zonedDateTime.offsetNanoseconds / 1000000;
* Sets the date and time value in the Date object.
* @param time - A numeric value representing the number of elapsed milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT.
public override setTime(time: number): number {
this._zonedDateTime = this._zonedDateTime.add({
milliseconds: time - this.epochMilliseconds
this._instant = this._zonedDateTime.toInstant();
return super.setTime(this._instant.epochMilliseconds);
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
public override setMilliseconds(millisecond: number): number {
this._zonedDateTime = this._zonedDateTime.with({ millisecond });
this._instant = this._zonedDateTime.toInstant();
return super.setMilliseconds(
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
public override setUTCMilliseconds(millisecond: number): number {
this._instant = this._instant
.with({ millisecond })
this._zonedDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTime({
timeZone: this.timeZoneId,
calendar: this.calendarId
return super.setUTCMilliseconds(
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
public override setSeconds(second: number, millisecond?: number): number {
this._zonedDateTime = this._zonedDateTime.with({ second, millisecond });
this._instant = this._zonedDateTime.toInstant();
return super.setSeconds(
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
public override setUTCSeconds(second: number, millisecond?: number): number {
this._instant = this._instant
.with({ second, millisecond })
this._zonedDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTime({
timeZone: this.timeZoneId,
calendar: this.calendarId
const utcDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC");
return super.setUTCSeconds(utcDateTime.second, utcDateTime.millisecond);
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
public override setMinutes(
minute: number,
second?: number,
millisecond?: number
): number {
this._zonedDateTime = this._zonedDateTime.with({
this._instant = this._zonedDateTime.toInstant();
return super.setMinutes(
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
public override setUTCMinutes(
minute: number,
second?: number,
millisecond?: number
): number {
this._instant = this._instant
.with({ minute, second, millisecond })
this._zonedDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTime({
timeZone: this.timeZoneId,
calendar: this.calendarId
const utcDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC");
return super.setUTCMinutes(
* Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time.
* @param hour - A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
public override setHours(
hour: number,
minute: number,
second?: number,
millisecond?: number
): number {
this._zonedDateTime = this._zonedDateTime.with({
this._instant = this._zonedDateTime.toInstant();
return super.setHours(
* Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param hour - A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param minute - A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param second - A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param millisecond - A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
public override setUTCHours(
hour: number,
minute: number,
second?: number,
millisecond?: number
): number {
this._instant = this._instant
.with({ hour, minute, second, millisecond })
this._zonedDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTime({
timeZone: this.timeZoneId,
calendar: this.calendarId
const utcDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC");
return super.setUTCHours(
* Sets the numeric day-of-the-month value of the Date object using local time.
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
public override setDate(day: number): number {
this._zonedDateTime = this._zonedDateTime.with({
this._instant = this._zonedDateTime.toInstant();
return super.setDate(;
* Sets the numeric day of the month in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
public override setUTCDate(day: number): number {
this._instant = this._instant
.with({ day })
this._zonedDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTime({
timeZone: this.timeZoneId,
calendar: this.calendarId
return super.setUTCDate(this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC").day);
* Sets the month value in the Date object using local time.
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param day - A numeric value representing the day of the month. If this value is not supplied, the value from a call to the getDate method is used.
public override setMonth(month: number, day?: number): number {
this._zonedDateTime = this._zonedDateTime.with({ month, day });
this._instant = this._zonedDateTime.toInstant();
return super.setMonth(this._zonedDateTime.month,;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param day - A numeric value representing the day of the month. If it is not supplied, the value from a call to the getUTCDate method is used.
public override setUTCMonth(month: number, day?: number): number {
this._instant = this._instant
.with({ month, day })
this._zonedDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTime({
timeZone: this.timeZoneId,
calendar: this.calendarId
const utcDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC");
return super.setUTCMonth(utcDateTime.month,;
* Sets the year of the Date object using local time.
* @param year - A numeric value for the year.
* @param month - A zero-based numeric value for the month (0 for January, 11 for December). Must be specified if numDate is specified.
* @param day - A numeric value equal for the day of the month.
public override setFullYear(
year: number,
month?: number,
day?: number
): number {
this._zonedDateTime = this._zonedDateTime.with({ year, month, day });
this._instant = this._zonedDateTime.toInstant();
return super.setFullYear(
* Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param year - A numeric value equal to the year.
* @param month - A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively. Must be supplied if numDate is supplied.
* @param day - A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
public override setUTCFullYear(
year: number,
month?: number,
day?: number
): number {
this._instant = this._instant
.with({ year, month, day })
this._zonedDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTime({
timeZone: this.timeZoneId,
calendar: this.calendarId
const utcDateTime = this._instant.toZonedDateTimeISO("UTC");
return super.setUTCFullYear(
* It returns a plain date object from a DateTime object
* @returns A PlainDate object.
public getPlainDate(): StormDateTime {
return StormDateTime.create(
timeZone: Temporal.Now.timeZoneId(),
plainTime: undefined
timeZone: this._zonedDateTime.timeZoneId,
calendar: this._zonedDateTime.calendarId
* `getPlainTime` returns a `PlainTime` object from a `DateTime` object
* @returns A PlainTime object.
public getPlainTime(): StormDateTime {
return StormDateTime.create(
timeZone: Temporal.Now.timeZoneId(),
plainDate: Temporal.PlainDate.from({
year: 1970,
month: 0,
day: 1
timeZone: this._zonedDateTime.timeZoneId,
calendar: this._zonedDateTime.calendarId
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
public since(
dateTimeTo: StormDateTime = StormDateTime.current()
): Temporal.Duration {
return this._instant.since(dateTimeTo.instant);
* It returns the duration between two date times.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
public getDuration(
dateTimeTo: StormDateTime = StormDateTime.current()
): Temporal.Duration {
return this.instant.since(dateTimeTo.instant);
* Generate a random UUID
* A wrapper of the and Date class used by Storm Software to provide Date-Time values
* @remarks
* This helper function is a wrapper around the `crypto.randomUUID` function. You can find more information about this type of identifier in this {@link article}
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Generate a random UUID
* const id = uuid();
* ```
* @returns A random UUID string
* @decorator `@Serializable()`
declare function uuid(): string;
export { uuid }
export { uuid as uuid_alias_1 }
declare @Serializable()
class StormTime extends StormDateTime {
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
public static override now(): number {
return StormTime.current().epochMilliseconds;
* The current function returns a new DateTime object with the current date and time
* @returns A new instance of DateTime with the current date and time.
public static override current(): StormTime {
return StormTime.create(Temporal.Now.instant());
* Creates a new instance of DateTime from a string with a specified format.
* @param time - The input value used to determine the current time
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A new instance of StormTime with the time provided in the time parameter.
public static override create = (
time?: DateTimeInput,
options?: DateTimeOptions
) =>
new StormTime(time, {
? time.timeZoneId
: options?.timeZone) ?? Temporal.Now.timeZoneId(),
calendar: StormDateTime.isDateTime(time)
? time.calendarId
: options?.calendar
public constructor(dateTime?: DateTimeInput, options?: DateTimeOptions) {
super(dateTime, options);
const stormDateTime = StormDateTime.create(dateTime, options);
this.instant = stormDateTime.instant
year: 1970,
month: 1,
day: 1
this.zonedDateTime = stormDateTime.zonedDateTime.with({
year: 1970,
month: 1,
day: 1
* Validate the input time value
* @param dateTime - The date value to validate
* @param options - The options to use
* @returns A boolean representing whether the value is a valid *date-time*
protected override validate(
value?: DateTimeInput,
options?: DateTimeOptions
): boolean {
if (StormDateTime.isDateTime(value)) {
return value.isValid;
if (isInstant(value)) {
return !!value.epochMilliseconds;
let datetime: string | undefined;
if (isDate(value) || isNumber(value) || isBigInt(value)) {
let date!: Date;
if (isNumber(value) || isBigInt(value)) {
date = new Date(Number(value));
} else {
date = value;
if (isNaN(date.getTime())) {
return false;
datetime = date.toUTCString();
} else {
datetime =
value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.toUpperCase();
if (!datetime) {
return false;
return RFC_3339_TIME_REGEX.test(datetime);
* Gets the year, using local time.
public override getFullYear(): number {
return 1970;
* Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCFullYear(): number {
return 1970;
* Gets the month, using local time.
public override getMonth(): number {
return 1;
* Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCMonth(): number {
return 1;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time.
public override getDate(): number {
return 1;
* Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCDate(): number {
return 1;
* Gets the day of the week, using local time.
public override getDay(): number {
return 1;
* Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
public override getUTCDay(): number {
return 1;
* It returns the duration between two dates.
* @param dateTimeTo - DateTime = DateTime.current
* @returns A duration object.
public override getDuration(
dateTimeTo: StormTime = StormTime.current()
): Temporal.Duration {
return this.instant.since(dateTimeTo.instant);
export { }


"name": "@storm-stack/unique-identifier",
"version": "1.13.7",
"version": "1.13.8",
"private": false,

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "description": "This package provides a simple way to generate various types of unique identifiers.",

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