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@@ -1,2 +0,611 @@

"use strict";(()=>{var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,r)=>t(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const r=e.outputLen;if(t.length<r)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${r}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),r=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,n=!1){return n?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>r&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>r&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let r=new Uint32Array(t.length),n=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[r[o],n[o]]=[i,s]}return[r,n]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var n=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r|e>>>32-r),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r|t>>>32-r),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r-32|t>>>64-r),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r-32|e>>>64-r),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class{static{__name(this,"Hash")}clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t();return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,r)=>t(r).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t({});return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[h,f,l]=[[],[],[]],g=BigInt(0),p=BigInt(1),y=BigInt(2),d=BigInt(7),b=BigInt(256),w=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=p,r=1,n=0;t<24;t++){[r,n]=[n,(2*r+3*n)%5],h.push(2*(5*n+r)),f.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=g;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<p^(e>>d)*w)%b,e&y&&(o^=p<<(p<<BigInt(t))-p);l.push(o)}var[B,O]=split(l,!0),k=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?i(t,e,r):n(t,e,r)),"rotlH"),m=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?s(t,e,r):o(t,e,r)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const r=new Uint32Array(10);for(let n=24-e;n<24;n++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)r[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const n=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=r[o],s=r[o+1],a=k(i,s,1)^r[n],u=m(i,s,1)^r[n+1];for(let r=0;r<50;r+=10)t[e+r]^=a,t[e+r+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let r=0;r<24;r++){const n=f[r],i=k(e,o,n),s=m(e,o,n),a=h[r];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let n=0;n<10;n++)r[n]=t[e+n];for(let n=0;n<10;n++)t[e+n]^=~r[(n+2)%10]&r[(n+4)%10]}t[0]^=B[n],t[1]^=O[n]}r.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var I=class _Keccak extends c{static{__name(this,"Keccak")}constructor(t,e,r,n=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=r,this.enableXOF=n,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(r),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:r}=this,n=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<n;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,n-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)r[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:r,blockLen:n}=this;t[r]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&r===n-1&&this.keccak(),t[n-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:r}=this;for(let n=0,o=t.length;n<o;){this.posOut>=r&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(r-this.posOut,o-n);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),n),this.posOut+=i,n+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:r,outputLen:n,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,r,n,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=r,t.outputLen=n,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}},S=__name(((t,e,r)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new I(e,t,r)))),"gen"),j=S(6,72,64),x=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),L=__name((t=>{try{return null===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isNull"),E=__name((t=>{try{return void 0===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isUndefined"),T=__name((t=>{try{return E(t)||L(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isEmpty"),v=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),U=__name((t=>{if(!v(t)||"[object Object]"!=x(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),A=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||U(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),C=("undefined"!=typeof Buffer&&Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer),(t=>{if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;Object.defineProperty(t,"typeDetectGlobalObject",{get(){return this},configurable:!0});const e=typeDetectGlobalObject;delete t.typeDetectGlobalObject})(Object.prototype),Symbol("NestedValue"),__name((t=>{try{return"string"==typeof t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isString")),M=__name((t=>{try{return!T(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isSet"),D=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,r=0n;for(const n of t.values()){r=(r<<e)+BigInt(n)}return r}function hash(t){return C(t)?hashString(t):F(t)}function hashString(t=""){return bufToBigInt(j(t)).toString(D).slice(1)}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt"),__name(hash,"hash"),__name(hashString,"hashString");var N=new WeakMap,P=0,F=__name(((t={})=>{const e=typeof t,r=t&&t.constructor,n=r==Date;let o,i;if(Object(t)!==t||n||r==RegExp)o=n?t.toJSON():"symbol"==e?t.toString():"string"==e?JSON.stringify(t):""+t;else{if(o=N.get(t),o)return o;if(o=++P+"~",N.set(t,o),r==Array){for(o="@",i=0;i<t.length;i++)o+=F(t[i])+",";N.set(t,o)}if(r==Object){o="#";const e=Object.keys(t).sort();for(;!M(i=e.pop());)M(t[i])||(o+=i+":"+F(t[i])+",");N.set(t,o)}}return o}),"hashObject"),X=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),$=__name(((t=Math.random)=>X[Math.floor(t()*X.length)]),"randomLetter"),H=36,W=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let r="";for(;r.length<t;)r+=Math.floor(e()*H).toString(H);return r}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(H,Math.random):createEntropy(H,Math.random)).substring(0,H)}__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name((function cuid(){const,e=W.toString(H),r=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${$()+hash(`${t+r+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}),"cuid");var _=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),G=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,r){return parseInt(r?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+r):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name((function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=_,}={shardId:1,epoch:_,}){r=r instanceof Date?r.valueOf():new Date(r).valueOf();let n=BigInt(r)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return n|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),n|=BigInt(G++%4096),n.toString()}),"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name((function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}),"isValidSnowflake");var K=globalThis.crypto&&A(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;__name((function uuid(){if(!K)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return K.randomUUID()}),"uuid")})();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storm Software
// ⚡ @storm-stack - Unique Identifier
// This code was released as part of the @storm-stack project. @storm-stack
// is maintained by Storm Software under the {Apache License 2.0, and is
// free for commercial and private use. For more information, please visit
// our licensing page.
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// Licensing:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
"use strict";
(() => {
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_assert.js
function number(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n) || n < 0)
throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${n}`);
__name(number, "number");
function bytes(b, ...lengths) {
if (!(b instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");
if (lengths.length > 0 && !lengths.includes(b.length))
throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${lengths}, not of length=${b.length}`);
__name(bytes, "bytes");
function exists(instance, checkFinished = true) {
if (instance.destroyed)
throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");
if (checkFinished && instance.finished)
throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called");
__name(exists, "exists");
function output(out, instance) {
const min = instance.outputLen;
if (out.length < min) {
throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${min}`);
__name(output, "output");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_u64.js
var U32_MASK64 = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(2 ** 32 - 1);
var _32n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(32);
function fromBig(n, le = false) {
if (le)
return {
h: Number(n & U32_MASK64),
l: Number(n >> _32n & U32_MASK64)
return {
h: Number(n >> _32n & U32_MASK64) | 0,
l: Number(n & U32_MASK64) | 0
__name(fromBig, "fromBig");
function split(lst, le = false) {
let Ah = new Uint32Array(lst.length);
let Al = new Uint32Array(lst.length);
for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
const { h, l } = fromBig(lst[i], le);
[Ah[i], Al[i]] = [
return [
__name(split, "split");
var rotlSH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => h << s | l >>> 32 - s, "rotlSH");
var rotlSL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => l << s | h >>> 32 - s, "rotlSL");
var rotlBH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => l << s - 32 | h >>> 64 - s, "rotlBH");
var rotlBL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => h << s - 32 | l >>> 64 - s, "rotlBL");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/utils.js
var u8a = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((a) => a instanceof Uint8Array, "u8a");
var u32 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((arr) => new Uint32Array(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, Math.floor(arr.byteLength / 4)), "u32");
var isLE = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([
]).buffer)[0] === 68;
if (!isLE)
throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");
function utf8ToBytes(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`utf8ToBytes expected string, got ${typeof str}`);
return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
__name(utf8ToBytes, "utf8ToBytes");
function toBytes(data) {
if (typeof data === "string")
data = utf8ToBytes(data);
if (!u8a(data))
throw new Error(`expected Uint8Array, got ${typeof data}`);
return data;
__name(toBytes, "toBytes");
var Hash = class {
static {
__name(this, "Hash");
// Safe version that clones internal state
clone() {
return this._cloneInto();
var toStr = {}.toString;
function wrapConstructor(hashCons) {
const hashC = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg) => hashCons().update(toBytes(msg)).digest(), "hashC");
const tmp = hashCons();
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = () => hashCons();
return hashC;
__name(wrapConstructor, "wrapConstructor");
function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(hashCons) {
const hashC = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg, opts) => hashCons(opts).update(toBytes(msg)).digest(), "hashC");
const tmp = hashCons({});
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = (opts) => hashCons(opts);
return hashC;
__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts, "wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/sha3.js
var [SHA3_PI, SHA3_ROTL, _SHA3_IOTA] = [
var _0n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(0);
var _1n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(1);
var _2n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(2);
var _7n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(7);
var _256n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(256);
var _0x71n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(113);
for (let round = 0, R = _1n, x = 1, y = 0; round < 24; round++) {
[x, y] = [
(2 * x + 3 * y) % 5
SHA3_PI.push(2 * (5 * y + x));
SHA3_ROTL.push((round + 1) * (round + 2) / 2 % 64);
let t = _0n;
for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
R = (R << _1n ^ (R >> _7n) * _0x71n) % _256n;
if (R & _2n)
t ^= _1n << (_1n << /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(j)) - _1n;
var [SHA3_IOTA_H, SHA3_IOTA_L] = /* @__PURE__ */ split(_SHA3_IOTA, true);
var rotlH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => s > 32 ? rotlBH(h, l, s) : rotlSH(h, l, s), "rotlH");
var rotlL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => s > 32 ? rotlBL(h, l, s) : rotlSL(h, l, s), "rotlL");
function keccakP(s, rounds = 24) {
const B = new Uint32Array(5 * 2);
for (let round = 24 - rounds; round < 24; round++) {
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
B[x] = s[x] ^ s[x + 10] ^ s[x + 20] ^ s[x + 30] ^ s[x + 40];
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x += 2) {
const idx1 = (x + 8) % 10;
const idx0 = (x + 2) % 10;
const B0 = B[idx0];
const B1 = B[idx0 + 1];
const Th = rotlH(B0, B1, 1) ^ B[idx1];
const Tl = rotlL(B0, B1, 1) ^ B[idx1 + 1];
for (let y = 0; y < 50; y += 10) {
s[x + y] ^= Th;
s[x + y + 1] ^= Tl;
let curH = s[2];
let curL = s[3];
for (let t = 0; t < 24; t++) {
const shift = SHA3_ROTL[t];
const Th = rotlH(curH, curL, shift);
const Tl = rotlL(curH, curL, shift);
const PI = SHA3_PI[t];
curH = s[PI];
curL = s[PI + 1];
s[PI] = Th;
s[PI + 1] = Tl;
for (let y = 0; y < 50; y += 10) {
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
B[x] = s[y + x];
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
s[y + x] ^= ~B[(x + 2) % 10] & B[(x + 4) % 10];
s[0] ^= SHA3_IOTA_H[round];
s[1] ^= SHA3_IOTA_L[round];
__name(keccakP, "keccakP");
var Keccak = class _Keccak extends Hash {
static {
__name(this, "Keccak");
// NOTE: we accept arguments in bytes instead of bits here.
constructor(blockLen, suffix, outputLen, enableXOF = false, rounds = 24) {
this.blockLen = blockLen;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.outputLen = outputLen;
this.enableXOF = enableXOF;
this.rounds = rounds;
this.pos = 0;
this.posOut = 0;
this.finished = false;
this.destroyed = false;
if (0 >= this.blockLen || this.blockLen >= 200)
throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");
this.state = new Uint8Array(200);
this.state32 = u32(this.state);
keccak() {
keccakP(this.state32, this.rounds);
this.posOut = 0;
this.pos = 0;
update(data) {
const { blockLen, state } = this;
data = toBytes(data);
const len = data.length;
for (let pos = 0; pos < len; ) {
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.pos, len - pos);
for (let i = 0; i < take; i++)
state[this.pos++] ^= data[pos++];
if (this.pos === blockLen)
return this;
finish() {
if (this.finished)
this.finished = true;
const { state, suffix, pos, blockLen } = this;
state[pos] ^= suffix;
if ((suffix & 128) !== 0 && pos === blockLen - 1)
state[blockLen - 1] ^= 128;
writeInto(out) {
exists(this, false);
const bufferOut = this.state;
const { blockLen } = this;
for (let pos = 0, len = out.length; pos < len; ) {
if (this.posOut >= blockLen)
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.posOut, len - pos);
out.set(bufferOut.subarray(this.posOut, this.posOut + take), pos);
this.posOut += take;
pos += take;
return out;
xofInto(out) {
if (!this.enableXOF)
throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");
return this.writeInto(out);
xof(bytes2) {
return this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(bytes2));
digestInto(out) {
output(out, this);
if (this.finished)
throw new Error("digest() was already called");
return out;
digest() {
return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen));
destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
_cloneInto(to) {
const { blockLen, suffix, outputLen, rounds, enableXOF } = this;
to || (to = new _Keccak(blockLen, suffix, outputLen, enableXOF, rounds));
to.pos = this.pos;
to.posOut = this.posOut;
to.finished = this.finished;
to.rounds = rounds;
to.suffix = suffix;
to.outputLen = outputLen;
to.enableXOF = enableXOF;
to.destroyed = this.destroyed;
return to;
var gen = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((suffix, blockLen, outputLen) => wrapConstructor(() => new Keccak(blockLen, suffix, outputLen)), "gen");
var sha3_224 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 144, 224 / 8);
var sha3_256 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 136, 256 / 8);
var sha3_384 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 104, 384 / 8);
var sha3_512 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 72, 512 / 8);
var keccak_224 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 144, 224 / 8);
var keccak_256 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 136, 256 / 8);
var keccak_384 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 104, 384 / 8);
var keccak_512 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 72, 512 / 8);
var genShake = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((suffix, blockLen, outputLen) => wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts((opts = {}) => new Keccak(blockLen, suffix, opts.dkLen === void 0 ? outputLen : opts.dkLen, true)), "genShake");
var shake128 = /* @__PURE__ */ genShake(31, 168, 128 / 8);
var shake256 = /* @__PURE__ */ genShake(31, 136, 256 / 8);
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/get-object-tag.ts
var getObjectTag = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
if (value == null) {
return value === void 0 ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]";
}, "getObjectTag");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-null.ts
var isNull = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return value === null;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isNull");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-undefined.ts
var isUndefined = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return value === void 0;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isUndefined");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-empty.ts
var isEmpty = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return isUndefined(value) || isNull(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isEmpty");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-plain-object.ts
var isObjectLike = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => {
return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null;
}, "isObjectLike");
var isPlainObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => {
if (!isObjectLike(obj) || getObjectTag(obj) != "[object Object]") {
return false;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null) {
return true;
let proto = obj;
while (Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) {
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === proto;
}, "isPlainObject");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-object.ts
var isObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return !!value && value.constructor === Object || isPlainObject(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isObject");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-buffer.ts
var isBufferExists = typeof Buffer !== "undefined";
var isBuffer = isBufferExists ? Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer) : (
* Check if the provided value's type is `Buffer`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Buffer`
/* @__PURE__ */ __name(function isBuffer2(value) {
return false;
}, "isBuffer")
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/type-detect.ts
var globalObject = ((Obj) => {
if (typeof globalThis === "object") {
return globalThis;
Object.defineProperty(Obj, "typeDetectGlobalObject", {
get() {
return this;
configurable: true
const global2 = typeDetectGlobalObject;
delete Obj.typeDetectGlobalObject;
return global2;
// packages/utilities/src/types.ts
var $NestedValue = Symbol("NestedValue");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-string.ts
var isString = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return typeof value === "string";
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isString");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-set.ts
var isSet = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return !isEmpty(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isSet");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/hash.ts
function bufToBigInt(buf) {
let bits = 8n;
let value = 0n;
for (const i of buf.values()) {
const bi = BigInt(i);
value = (value << bits) + bi;
return value;
__name(bufToBigInt, "bufToBigInt");
function hash(input) {
return isString(input) ? hashString(input) : hashObject(input);
__name(hash, "hash");
function hashString(inputStr = "") {
return bufToBigInt(sha3_512(inputStr)).toString(DEFAULT_RADIX).slice(1);
__name(hashString, "hashString");
var HASH_TABLE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var counter = 0;
var hashObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((inputObj = {}) => {
const type = typeof inputObj;
const constructor = inputObj && inputObj.constructor;
const isDate = constructor == Date;
let result;
let index;
if (Object(inputObj) === inputObj && !isDate && constructor != RegExp) {
result = HASH_TABLE.get(inputObj);
if (result) {
return result;
result = ++counter + "~";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
if (constructor == Array) {
result = "@";
for (index = 0; index < inputObj.length; index++) {
result += hashObject(inputObj[index]) + ",";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
if (constructor == Object) {
result = "#";
const keys = Object.keys(inputObj).sort();
while (!isSet(index = keys.pop())) {
if (!isSet(inputObj[index])) {
result += index + ":" + hashObject(inputObj[index]) + ",";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
} else {
result = isDate ? inputObj.toJSON() : type == "symbol" ? inputObj.toString() : type == "string" ? JSON.stringify(inputObj) : "" + inputObj;
return result;
}, "hashObject");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/random.ts
var alphabet = Array.from({
length: 26
}, (x, i) => String.fromCharCode(i + 97));
var randomInteger = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((maximum, minimum = 0) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (maximum - minimum + 1) + minimum), "randomInteger");
var randomLetter = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((random = Math.random) => alphabet[Math.floor(random() * alphabet.length)], "randomLetter");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/cuid.ts
var INITIAL_COUNT_MAX = 476782367;
var sequence = 1;
var counter2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * INITIAL_COUNT_MAX) + sequence;
function createEntropy(length1 = 4, random = Math.random) {
let entropy = "";
while (entropy.length < length1) {
entropy = entropy + Math.floor(random() * CUID_LARGE_LENGTH).toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
return entropy;
__name(createEntropy, "createEntropy");
function fingerprint(options = {
globalObj: typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}
}) {
const globals = Object.keys(options.globalObj).toString();
const sourceString = globals.length ? globals + createEntropy(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH, Math.random) : createEntropy(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH, Math.random);
return hash(sourceString).substring(0, CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
__name(fingerprint, "fingerprint");
function cuid() {
const time =;
const count = counter2.toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
const salt = createEntropy(length, Math.random);
return `${randomLetter() + hash(`${time + salt + count + fingerprint()}`).substring(1, length)}`;
__name(cuid, "cuid");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/snowflake.ts
var DEFAULT_EPOCH = Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1).valueOf();
var sequence2 = 1;
function ToBinaryString(snowflake2) {
const cached64BitZeros = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
const binValue = BigInt(snowflake2).toString(2);
return binValue.length < 64 ? cached64BitZeros.substring(0, 64 - binValue.length) + binValue : binValue;
__name(ToBinaryString, "ToBinaryString");
function extractBits(snowflake2, start, length2) {
return parseInt(length2 ? ToBinaryString(snowflake2).substring(start, start + length2) : ToBinaryString(snowflake2).substring(start), 2);
__name(extractBits, "extractBits");
function snowflake({ shardId = DEFAULT_SHARD_ID, epoch = DEFAULT_EPOCH, timestamp = } = {
}) {
if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
timestamp = timestamp.valueOf();
} else {
timestamp = new Date(timestamp).valueOf();
let result = BigInt(timestamp) - BigInt(epoch) << BigInt(22);
result = result | BigInt(shardId % 1024) << BigInt(12);
result = result | BigInt(sequence2++ % 4096);
return result.toString();
__name(snowflake, "snowflake");
function deconstructSnowflake(snowflake2) {
const binary = ToBinaryString(snowflake2);
return {
snowflake: snowflake2,
timestamp: extractBits(snowflake2, 1, 41),
shard_id: extractBits(snowflake2, 42, 10),
sequence: extractBits(snowflake2, 52),
__name(deconstructSnowflake, "deconstructSnowflake");
function isValidSnowflake(snowflake2) {
if (!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(snowflake2)) {
return false;
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
__name(isValidSnowflake, "isValidSnowflake");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/crypto.ts
var WebCrypto = globalThis.crypto && isObject(typeof globalThis.crypto) ? globalThis.crypto : void 0;
var Crypto = WebCrypto;
// packages/unique-identifier/src/uuid.ts
function uuid() {
if (!Crypto) {
throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");
return Crypto.randomUUID();
__name(uuid, "uuid");
/*! Bundled license information:

@@ -6,2 +615,2 @@

(*! noble-hashes - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( *)

@@ -1,2 +0,618 @@

var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,r)=>t(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const r=e.outputLen;if(t.length<r)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${r}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),r=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,n=!1){return n?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>r&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>r&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let r=new Uint32Array(t.length),n=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[r[o],n[o]]=[i,s]}return[r,n]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var n=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r|e>>>32-r),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r|t>>>32-r),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r-32|t>>>64-r),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r-32|e>>>64-r),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class{static{__name(this,"Hash")}clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t();return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,r)=>t(r).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t({});return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[f,h,l]=[[],[],[]],g=BigInt(0),p=BigInt(1),d=BigInt(2),y=BigInt(7),b=BigInt(256),w=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=p,r=1,n=0;t<24;t++){[r,n]=[n,(2*r+3*n)%5],f.push(2*(5*n+r)),h.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=g;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<p^(e>>y)*w)%b,e&d&&(o^=p<<(p<<BigInt(t))-p);l.push(o)}var[B,O]=split(l,!0),k=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?i(t,e,r):n(t,e,r)),"rotlH"),m=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?s(t,e,r):o(t,e,r)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const r=new Uint32Array(10);for(let n=24-e;n<24;n++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)r[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const n=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=r[o],s=r[o+1],a=k(i,s,1)^r[n],u=m(i,s,1)^r[n+1];for(let r=0;r<50;r+=10)t[e+r]^=a,t[e+r+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let r=0;r<24;r++){const n=h[r],i=k(e,o,n),s=m(e,o,n),a=f[r];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let n=0;n<10;n++)r[n]=t[e+n];for(let n=0;n<10;n++)t[e+n]^=~r[(n+2)%10]&r[(n+4)%10]}t[0]^=B[n],t[1]^=O[n]}r.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var S=class _Keccak extends c{static{__name(this,"Keccak")}constructor(t,e,r,n=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=r,this.enableXOF=n,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(r),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:r}=this,n=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<n;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,n-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)r[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:r,blockLen:n}=this;t[r]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&r===n-1&&this.keccak(),t[n-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:r}=this;for(let n=0,o=t.length;n<o;){this.posOut>=r&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(r-this.posOut,o-n);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),n),this.posOut+=i,n+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:r,outputLen:n,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,r,n,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=r,t.outputLen=n,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}},I=__name(((t,e,r)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new S(e,t,r)))),"gen"),j=I(6,72,64),x=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),L=__name((t=>{try{return null===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isNull"),E=__name((t=>{try{return void 0===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isUndefined"),T=__name((t=>{try{return E(t)||L(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isEmpty"),v=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),U=__name((t=>{if(!v(t)||"[object Object]"!=x(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),A=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||U(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),M=("undefined"!=typeof Buffer&&Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer),(t=>{if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;Object.defineProperty(t,"typeDetectGlobalObject",{get(){return this},configurable:!0});const e=typeDetectGlobalObject;delete t.typeDetectGlobalObject})(Object.prototype),Symbol("NestedValue"),__name((t=>{try{return"string"==typeof t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isString")),C=__name((t=>{try{return!T(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isSet"),D=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,r=0n;for(const n of t.values()){r=(r<<e)+BigInt(n)}return r}function hash(t){return M(t)?hashString(t):F(t)}function hashString(t=""){return bufToBigInt(j(t)).toString(D).slice(1)}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt"),__name(hash,"hash"),__name(hashString,"hashString");var N=new WeakMap,P=0,F=__name(((t={})=>{const e=typeof t,r=t&&t.constructor,n=r==Date;let o,i;if(Object(t)!==t||n||r==RegExp)o=n?t.toJSON():"symbol"==e?t.toString():"string"==e?JSON.stringify(t):""+t;else{if(o=N.get(t),o)return o;if(o=++P+"~",N.set(t,o),r==Array){for(o="@",i=0;i<t.length;i++)o+=F(t[i])+",";N.set(t,o)}if(r==Object){o="#";const e=Object.keys(t).sort();for(;!C(i=e.pop());)C(t[i])||(o+=i+":"+F(t[i])+",");N.set(t,o)}}return o}),"hashObject"),X=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),$=__name(((t,e=0)=>Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1)+e)),"randomInteger"),H=__name(((t=Math.random)=>X[Math.floor(t()*X.length)]),"randomLetter"),V=36,W=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let r="";for(;r.length<t;)r+=Math.floor(e()*V).toString(V);return r}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(V,Math.random):createEntropy(V,Math.random)).substring(0,V)}function cuid(){const,e=W.toString(V),r=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${H()+hash(`${t+r+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name(cuid,"cuid");var _=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),G=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,r){return parseInt(r?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+r):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=_,}={shardId:1,epoch:_,}){r=r instanceof Date?r.valueOf():new Date(r).valueOf();let n=BigInt(r)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return n|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),n|=BigInt(G++%4096),n.toString()}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name(snowflake,"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name(isValidSnowflake,"isValidSnowflake");var K=globalThis.crypto&&A(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;function uuid(){if(!K)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return K.randomUUID()}__name(uuid,"uuid");export{cuid,deconstructSnowflake,hash,isValidSnowflake,$ as randomInteger,H as randomLetter,snowflake,uuid};
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storm Software
// ⚡ @storm-stack - Unique Identifier
// This code was released as part of the @storm-stack project. @storm-stack
// is maintained by Storm Software under the {Apache License 2.0, and is
// free for commercial and private use. For more information, please visit
// our licensing page.
// Website:
// Repository:
// Documentation:
// Contact:
// Licensing:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_assert.js
function number(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n) || n < 0)
throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${n}`);
__name(number, "number");
function bytes(b, ...lengths) {
if (!(b instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");
if (lengths.length > 0 && !lengths.includes(b.length))
throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${lengths}, not of length=${b.length}`);
__name(bytes, "bytes");
function exists(instance, checkFinished = true) {
if (instance.destroyed)
throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");
if (checkFinished && instance.finished)
throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called");
__name(exists, "exists");
function output(out, instance) {
const min = instance.outputLen;
if (out.length < min) {
throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${min}`);
__name(output, "output");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_u64.js
var U32_MASK64 = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(2 ** 32 - 1);
var _32n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(32);
function fromBig(n, le = false) {
if (le)
return {
h: Number(n & U32_MASK64),
l: Number(n >> _32n & U32_MASK64)
return {
h: Number(n >> _32n & U32_MASK64) | 0,
l: Number(n & U32_MASK64) | 0
__name(fromBig, "fromBig");
function split(lst, le = false) {
let Ah = new Uint32Array(lst.length);
let Al = new Uint32Array(lst.length);
for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
const { h, l } = fromBig(lst[i], le);
[Ah[i], Al[i]] = [
return [
__name(split, "split");
var rotlSH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => h << s | l >>> 32 - s, "rotlSH");
var rotlSL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => l << s | h >>> 32 - s, "rotlSL");
var rotlBH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => l << s - 32 | h >>> 64 - s, "rotlBH");
var rotlBL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => h << s - 32 | l >>> 64 - s, "rotlBL");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/utils.js
var u8a = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((a) => a instanceof Uint8Array, "u8a");
var u32 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((arr) => new Uint32Array(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, Math.floor(arr.byteLength / 4)), "u32");
var isLE = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([
]).buffer)[0] === 68;
if (!isLE)
throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");
function utf8ToBytes(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`utf8ToBytes expected string, got ${typeof str}`);
return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
__name(utf8ToBytes, "utf8ToBytes");
function toBytes(data) {
if (typeof data === "string")
data = utf8ToBytes(data);
if (!u8a(data))
throw new Error(`expected Uint8Array, got ${typeof data}`);
return data;
__name(toBytes, "toBytes");
var Hash = class {
static {
__name(this, "Hash");
// Safe version that clones internal state
clone() {
return this._cloneInto();
var toStr = {}.toString;
function wrapConstructor(hashCons) {
const hashC = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg) => hashCons().update(toBytes(msg)).digest(), "hashC");
const tmp = hashCons();
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = () => hashCons();
return hashC;
__name(wrapConstructor, "wrapConstructor");
function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(hashCons) {
const hashC = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg, opts) => hashCons(opts).update(toBytes(msg)).digest(), "hashC");
const tmp = hashCons({});
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = (opts) => hashCons(opts);
return hashC;
__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts, "wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/sha3.js
var [SHA3_PI, SHA3_ROTL, _SHA3_IOTA] = [
var _0n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(0);
var _1n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(1);
var _2n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(2);
var _7n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(7);
var _256n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(256);
var _0x71n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(113);
for (let round = 0, R = _1n, x = 1, y = 0; round < 24; round++) {
[x, y] = [
(2 * x + 3 * y) % 5
SHA3_PI.push(2 * (5 * y + x));
SHA3_ROTL.push((round + 1) * (round + 2) / 2 % 64);
let t = _0n;
for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
R = (R << _1n ^ (R >> _7n) * _0x71n) % _256n;
if (R & _2n)
t ^= _1n << (_1n << /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(j)) - _1n;
var [SHA3_IOTA_H, SHA3_IOTA_L] = /* @__PURE__ */ split(_SHA3_IOTA, true);
var rotlH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => s > 32 ? rotlBH(h, l, s) : rotlSH(h, l, s), "rotlH");
var rotlL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => s > 32 ? rotlBL(h, l, s) : rotlSL(h, l, s), "rotlL");
function keccakP(s, rounds = 24) {
const B = new Uint32Array(5 * 2);
for (let round = 24 - rounds; round < 24; round++) {
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
B[x] = s[x] ^ s[x + 10] ^ s[x + 20] ^ s[x + 30] ^ s[x + 40];
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x += 2) {
const idx1 = (x + 8) % 10;
const idx0 = (x + 2) % 10;
const B0 = B[idx0];
const B1 = B[idx0 + 1];
const Th = rotlH(B0, B1, 1) ^ B[idx1];
const Tl = rotlL(B0, B1, 1) ^ B[idx1 + 1];
for (let y = 0; y < 50; y += 10) {
s[x + y] ^= Th;
s[x + y + 1] ^= Tl;
let curH = s[2];
let curL = s[3];
for (let t = 0; t < 24; t++) {
const shift = SHA3_ROTL[t];
const Th = rotlH(curH, curL, shift);
const Tl = rotlL(curH, curL, shift);
const PI = SHA3_PI[t];
curH = s[PI];
curL = s[PI + 1];
s[PI] = Th;
s[PI + 1] = Tl;
for (let y = 0; y < 50; y += 10) {
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
B[x] = s[y + x];
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
s[y + x] ^= ~B[(x + 2) % 10] & B[(x + 4) % 10];
s[0] ^= SHA3_IOTA_H[round];
s[1] ^= SHA3_IOTA_L[round];
__name(keccakP, "keccakP");
var Keccak = class _Keccak extends Hash {
static {
__name(this, "Keccak");
// NOTE: we accept arguments in bytes instead of bits here.
constructor(blockLen, suffix, outputLen, enableXOF = false, rounds = 24) {
this.blockLen = blockLen;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.outputLen = outputLen;
this.enableXOF = enableXOF;
this.rounds = rounds;
this.pos = 0;
this.posOut = 0;
this.finished = false;
this.destroyed = false;
if (0 >= this.blockLen || this.blockLen >= 200)
throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");
this.state = new Uint8Array(200);
this.state32 = u32(this.state);
keccak() {
keccakP(this.state32, this.rounds);
this.posOut = 0;
this.pos = 0;
update(data) {
const { blockLen, state } = this;
data = toBytes(data);
const len = data.length;
for (let pos = 0; pos < len; ) {
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.pos, len - pos);
for (let i = 0; i < take; i++)
state[this.pos++] ^= data[pos++];
if (this.pos === blockLen)
return this;
finish() {
if (this.finished)
this.finished = true;
const { state, suffix, pos, blockLen } = this;
state[pos] ^= suffix;
if ((suffix & 128) !== 0 && pos === blockLen - 1)
state[blockLen - 1] ^= 128;
writeInto(out) {
exists(this, false);
const bufferOut = this.state;
const { blockLen } = this;
for (let pos = 0, len = out.length; pos < len; ) {
if (this.posOut >= blockLen)
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.posOut, len - pos);
out.set(bufferOut.subarray(this.posOut, this.posOut + take), pos);
this.posOut += take;
pos += take;
return out;
xofInto(out) {
if (!this.enableXOF)
throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");
return this.writeInto(out);
xof(bytes2) {
return this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(bytes2));
digestInto(out) {
output(out, this);
if (this.finished)
throw new Error("digest() was already called");
return out;
digest() {
return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen));
destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
_cloneInto(to) {
const { blockLen, suffix, outputLen, rounds, enableXOF } = this;
to || (to = new _Keccak(blockLen, suffix, outputLen, enableXOF, rounds));
to.pos = this.pos;
to.posOut = this.posOut;
to.finished = this.finished;
to.rounds = rounds;
to.suffix = suffix;
to.outputLen = outputLen;
to.enableXOF = enableXOF;
to.destroyed = this.destroyed;
return to;
var gen = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((suffix, blockLen, outputLen) => wrapConstructor(() => new Keccak(blockLen, suffix, outputLen)), "gen");
var sha3_224 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 144, 224 / 8);
var sha3_256 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 136, 256 / 8);
var sha3_384 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 104, 384 / 8);
var sha3_512 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 72, 512 / 8);
var keccak_224 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 144, 224 / 8);
var keccak_256 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 136, 256 / 8);
var keccak_384 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 104, 384 / 8);
var keccak_512 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 72, 512 / 8);
var genShake = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((suffix, blockLen, outputLen) => wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts((opts = {}) => new Keccak(blockLen, suffix, opts.dkLen === void 0 ? outputLen : opts.dkLen, true)), "genShake");
var shake128 = /* @__PURE__ */ genShake(31, 168, 128 / 8);
var shake256 = /* @__PURE__ */ genShake(31, 136, 256 / 8);
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/get-object-tag.ts
var getObjectTag = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
if (value == null) {
return value === void 0 ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]";
}, "getObjectTag");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-null.ts
var isNull = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return value === null;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isNull");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-undefined.ts
var isUndefined = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return value === void 0;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isUndefined");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-empty.ts
var isEmpty = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return isUndefined(value) || isNull(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isEmpty");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-plain-object.ts
var isObjectLike = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => {
return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null;
}, "isObjectLike");
var isPlainObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => {
if (!isObjectLike(obj) || getObjectTag(obj) != "[object Object]") {
return false;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null) {
return true;
let proto = obj;
while (Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) {
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === proto;
}, "isPlainObject");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-object.ts
var isObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return !!value && value.constructor === Object || isPlainObject(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isObject");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-buffer.ts
var isBufferExists = typeof Buffer !== "undefined";
var isBuffer = isBufferExists ? Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer) : (
* Check if the provided value's type is `Buffer`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Buffer`
/* @__PURE__ */ __name(function isBuffer2(value) {
return false;
}, "isBuffer")
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/type-detect.ts
var globalObject = ((Obj) => {
if (typeof globalThis === "object") {
return globalThis;
Object.defineProperty(Obj, "typeDetectGlobalObject", {
get() {
return this;
configurable: true
const global2 = typeDetectGlobalObject;
delete Obj.typeDetectGlobalObject;
return global2;
// packages/utilities/src/types.ts
var $NestedValue = Symbol("NestedValue");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-string.ts
var isString = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return typeof value === "string";
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isString");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-set.ts
var isSet = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return !isEmpty(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isSet");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/hash.ts
function bufToBigInt(buf) {
let bits = 8n;
let value = 0n;
for (const i of buf.values()) {
const bi = BigInt(i);
value = (value << bits) + bi;
return value;
__name(bufToBigInt, "bufToBigInt");
function hash(input) {
return isString(input) ? hashString(input) : hashObject(input);
__name(hash, "hash");
function hashString(inputStr = "") {
return bufToBigInt(sha3_512(inputStr)).toString(DEFAULT_RADIX).slice(1);
__name(hashString, "hashString");
var HASH_TABLE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var counter = 0;
var hashObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((inputObj = {}) => {
const type = typeof inputObj;
const constructor = inputObj && inputObj.constructor;
const isDate = constructor == Date;
let result;
let index;
if (Object(inputObj) === inputObj && !isDate && constructor != RegExp) {
result = HASH_TABLE.get(inputObj);
if (result) {
return result;
result = ++counter + "~";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
if (constructor == Array) {
result = "@";
for (index = 0; index < inputObj.length; index++) {
result += hashObject(inputObj[index]) + ",";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
if (constructor == Object) {
result = "#";
const keys = Object.keys(inputObj).sort();
while (!isSet(index = keys.pop())) {
if (!isSet(inputObj[index])) {
result += index + ":" + hashObject(inputObj[index]) + ",";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
} else {
result = isDate ? inputObj.toJSON() : type == "symbol" ? inputObj.toString() : type == "string" ? JSON.stringify(inputObj) : "" + inputObj;
return result;
}, "hashObject");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/random.ts
var alphabet = Array.from({
length: 26
}, (x, i) => String.fromCharCode(i + 97));
var randomInteger = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((maximum, minimum = 0) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (maximum - minimum + 1) + minimum), "randomInteger");
var randomLetter = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((random = Math.random) => alphabet[Math.floor(random() * alphabet.length)], "randomLetter");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/cuid.ts
var INITIAL_COUNT_MAX = 476782367;
var sequence = 1;
var counter2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * INITIAL_COUNT_MAX) + sequence;
function createEntropy(length1 = 4, random = Math.random) {
let entropy = "";
while (entropy.length < length1) {
entropy = entropy + Math.floor(random() * CUID_LARGE_LENGTH).toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
return entropy;
__name(createEntropy, "createEntropy");
function fingerprint(options = {
globalObj: typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}
}) {
const globals = Object.keys(options.globalObj).toString();
const sourceString = globals.length ? globals + createEntropy(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH, Math.random) : createEntropy(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH, Math.random);
return hash(sourceString).substring(0, CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
__name(fingerprint, "fingerprint");
function cuid() {
const time =;
const count = counter2.toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
const salt = createEntropy(length, Math.random);
return `${randomLetter() + hash(`${time + salt + count + fingerprint()}`).substring(1, length)}`;
__name(cuid, "cuid");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/snowflake.ts
var DEFAULT_EPOCH = Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1).valueOf();
var sequence2 = 1;
function ToBinaryString(snowflake2) {
const cached64BitZeros = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
const binValue = BigInt(snowflake2).toString(2);
return binValue.length < 64 ? cached64BitZeros.substring(0, 64 - binValue.length) + binValue : binValue;
__name(ToBinaryString, "ToBinaryString");
function extractBits(snowflake2, start, length2) {
return parseInt(length2 ? ToBinaryString(snowflake2).substring(start, start + length2) : ToBinaryString(snowflake2).substring(start), 2);
__name(extractBits, "extractBits");
function snowflake({ shardId = DEFAULT_SHARD_ID, epoch = DEFAULT_EPOCH, timestamp = } = {
}) {
if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
timestamp = timestamp.valueOf();
} else {
timestamp = new Date(timestamp).valueOf();
let result = BigInt(timestamp) - BigInt(epoch) << BigInt(22);
result = result | BigInt(shardId % 1024) << BigInt(12);
result = result | BigInt(sequence2++ % 4096);
return result.toString();
__name(snowflake, "snowflake");
function deconstructSnowflake(snowflake2) {
const binary = ToBinaryString(snowflake2);
return {
snowflake: snowflake2,
timestamp: extractBits(snowflake2, 1, 41),
shard_id: extractBits(snowflake2, 42, 10),
sequence: extractBits(snowflake2, 52),
__name(deconstructSnowflake, "deconstructSnowflake");
function isValidSnowflake(snowflake2) {
if (!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(snowflake2)) {
return false;
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
__name(isValidSnowflake, "isValidSnowflake");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/crypto.ts
var WebCrypto = globalThis.crypto && isObject(typeof globalThis.crypto) ? globalThis.crypto : void 0;
var Crypto = WebCrypto;
// packages/unique-identifier/src/uuid.ts
function uuid() {
if (!Crypto) {
throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");
return Crypto.randomUUID();
__name(uuid, "uuid");
export {
/*! Bundled license information:

@@ -6,2 +622,2 @@

(*! noble-hashes - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( *)



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@


@@ -1,2 +0,609 @@

"use strict";(()=>{var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,r)=>t(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const r=e.outputLen;if(t.length<r)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${r}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),r=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,n=!1){return n?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>r&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>r&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let r=new Uint32Array(t.length),n=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[r[o],n[o]]=[i,s]}return[r,n]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var n=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r|e>>>32-r),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r|t>>>32-r),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r-32|t>>>64-r),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r-32|e>>>64-r),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class _Hash{clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};__name(c,"Hash");var h=c;function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t();return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,r)=>t(r).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t({});return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[f,l,g]=[[],[],[]],p=BigInt(0),y=BigInt(1),d=BigInt(2),b=BigInt(7),w=BigInt(256),B=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=y,r=1,n=0;t<24;t++){[r,n]=[n,(2*r+3*n)%5],f.push(2*(5*n+r)),l.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=p;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<y^(e>>b)*B)%w,e&d&&(o^=y<<(y<<BigInt(t))-y);g.push(o)}var[O,k]=split(g,!0),m=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?i(t,e,r):n(t,e,r)),"rotlH"),I=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?s(t,e,r):o(t,e,r)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const r=new Uint32Array(10);for(let n=24-e;n<24;n++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)r[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const n=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=r[o],s=r[o+1],a=m(i,s,1)^r[n],u=I(i,s,1)^r[n+1];for(let r=0;r<50;r+=10)t[e+r]^=a,t[e+r+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let r=0;r<24;r++){const n=l[r],i=m(e,o,n),s=I(e,o,n),a=f[r];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let n=0;n<10;n++)r[n]=t[e+n];for(let n=0;n<10;n++)t[e+n]^=~r[(n+2)%10]&r[(n+4)%10]}t[0]^=O[n],t[1]^=k[n]}r.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var S=class _Keccak extends h{constructor(t,e,r,n=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=r,this.enableXOF=n,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(r),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:r}=this,n=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<n;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,n-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)r[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:r,blockLen:n}=this;t[r]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&r===n-1&&this.keccak(),t[n-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:r}=this;for(let n=0,o=t.length;n<o;){this.posOut>=r&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(r-this.posOut,o-n);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),n),this.posOut+=i,n+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:r,outputLen:n,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,r,n,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=r,t.outputLen=n,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}};__name(S,"Keccak");var j=S,x=__name(((t,e,r)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new j(e,t,r)))),"gen"),L=x(6,72,64),E=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),T=__name((t=>{try{return null===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isNull"),v=__name((t=>{try{return void 0===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isUndefined"),U=__name((t=>{try{return v(t)||T(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isEmpty"),A=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),C=__name((t=>{if(!A(t)||"[object Object]"!=E(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),M=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||C(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),D=("undefined"!=typeof Buffer&&Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer),(t=>{if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;Object.defineProperty(t,"typeDetectGlobalObject",{get(){return this},configurable:!0});const e=typeDetectGlobalObject;delete t.typeDetectGlobalObject})(Object.prototype),Symbol("NestedValue"),__name((t=>{try{return"string"==typeof t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isString")),N=__name((t=>{try{return!U(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isSet"),P=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,r=0n;for(const n of t.values()){r=(r<<e)+BigInt(n)}return r}function hash(t){return D(t)?hashString(t):H(t)}function hashString(t=""){return bufToBigInt(L(t)).toString(P).slice(1)}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt"),__name(hash,"hash"),__name(hashString,"hashString");var F=new WeakMap,X=0,H=__name(((t={})=>{const e=typeof t,r=t&&t.constructor,n=r==Date;let o,i;if(Object(t)!==t||n||r==RegExp)o=n?t.toJSON():"symbol"==e?t.toString():"string"==e?JSON.stringify(t):""+t;else{if(o=F.get(t),o)return o;if(o=++X+"~",F.set(t,o),r==Array){for(o="@",i=0;i<t.length;i++)o+=H(t[i])+",";F.set(t,o)}if(r==Object){o="#";const e=Object.keys(t).sort();for(;!N(i=e.pop());)N(t[i])||(o+=i+":"+H(t[i])+",");F.set(t,o)}}return o}),"hashObject"),$=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),_=__name(((t=Math.random)=>$[Math.floor(t()*$.length)]),"randomLetter"),W=36,G=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let r="";for(;r.length<t;)r+=Math.floor(e()*W).toString(W);return r}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(W,Math.random):createEntropy(W,Math.random)).substring(0,W)}__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name((function cuid(){const,e=G.toString(W),r=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${_()+hash(`${t+r+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}),"cuid");var K=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),V=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,r){return parseInt(r?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+r):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name((function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=K,}={shardId:1,epoch:K,}){r=r instanceof Date?r.valueOf():new Date(r).valueOf();let n=BigInt(r)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return n|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),n|=BigInt(V++%4096),n.toString()}),"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name((function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}),"isValidSnowflake");var J=globalThis.crypto&&M(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;__name((function uuid(){if(!J)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return J.randomUUID()}),"uuid")})();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storm Software
// ⚡ @storm-stack - Unique Identifier
// This code was released as part of the @storm-stack project. @storm-stack
// is maintained by Storm Software under the {Apache License 2.0, and is
// free for commercial and private use. For more information, please visit
// our licensing page.
// Website:
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// Documentation:
// Contact:
// Licensing:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
"use strict";
(() => {
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_assert.js
function number(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n) || n < 0)
throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${n}`);
__name(number, "number");
function bytes(b, ...lengths) {
if (!(b instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");
if (lengths.length > 0 && !lengths.includes(b.length))
throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${lengths}, not of length=${b.length}`);
__name(bytes, "bytes");
function exists(instance, checkFinished = true) {
if (instance.destroyed)
throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");
if (checkFinished && instance.finished)
throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called");
__name(exists, "exists");
function output(out, instance) {
const min = instance.outputLen;
if (out.length < min) {
throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${min}`);
__name(output, "output");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_u64.js
var U32_MASK64 = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(2 ** 32 - 1);
var _32n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(32);
function fromBig(n, le = false) {
if (le)
return {
h: Number(n & U32_MASK64),
l: Number(n >> _32n & U32_MASK64)
return {
h: Number(n >> _32n & U32_MASK64) | 0,
l: Number(n & U32_MASK64) | 0
__name(fromBig, "fromBig");
function split(lst, le = false) {
let Ah = new Uint32Array(lst.length);
let Al = new Uint32Array(lst.length);
for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
const { h, l } = fromBig(lst[i], le);
[Ah[i], Al[i]] = [
return [
__name(split, "split");
var rotlSH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => h << s | l >>> 32 - s, "rotlSH");
var rotlSL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => l << s | h >>> 32 - s, "rotlSL");
var rotlBH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => l << s - 32 | h >>> 64 - s, "rotlBH");
var rotlBL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => h << s - 32 | l >>> 64 - s, "rotlBL");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/utils.js
var u8a = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((a) => a instanceof Uint8Array, "u8a");
var u32 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((arr) => new Uint32Array(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, Math.floor(arr.byteLength / 4)), "u32");
var isLE = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([
]).buffer)[0] === 68;
if (!isLE)
throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");
function utf8ToBytes(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`utf8ToBytes expected string, got ${typeof str}`);
return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
__name(utf8ToBytes, "utf8ToBytes");
function toBytes(data) {
if (typeof data === "string")
data = utf8ToBytes(data);
if (!u8a(data))
throw new Error(`expected Uint8Array, got ${typeof data}`);
return data;
__name(toBytes, "toBytes");
var _Hash = class _Hash {
// Safe version that clones internal state
clone() {
return this._cloneInto();
__name(_Hash, "Hash");
var Hash = _Hash;
var toStr = {}.toString;
function wrapConstructor(hashCons) {
const hashC = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg) => hashCons().update(toBytes(msg)).digest(), "hashC");
const tmp = hashCons();
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = () => hashCons();
return hashC;
__name(wrapConstructor, "wrapConstructor");
function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(hashCons) {
const hashC = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg, opts) => hashCons(opts).update(toBytes(msg)).digest(), "hashC");
const tmp = hashCons({});
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = (opts) => hashCons(opts);
return hashC;
__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts, "wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/sha3.js
var [SHA3_PI, SHA3_ROTL, _SHA3_IOTA] = [
var _0n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(0);
var _1n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(1);
var _2n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(2);
var _7n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(7);
var _256n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(256);
var _0x71n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(113);
for (let round = 0, R = _1n, x = 1, y = 0; round < 24; round++) {
[x, y] = [
(2 * x + 3 * y) % 5
SHA3_PI.push(2 * (5 * y + x));
SHA3_ROTL.push((round + 1) * (round + 2) / 2 % 64);
let t = _0n;
for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
R = (R << _1n ^ (R >> _7n) * _0x71n) % _256n;
if (R & _2n)
t ^= _1n << (_1n << /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(j)) - _1n;
var [SHA3_IOTA_H, SHA3_IOTA_L] = /* @__PURE__ */ split(_SHA3_IOTA, true);
var rotlH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => s > 32 ? rotlBH(h, l, s) : rotlSH(h, l, s), "rotlH");
var rotlL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => s > 32 ? rotlBL(h, l, s) : rotlSL(h, l, s), "rotlL");
function keccakP(s, rounds = 24) {
const B = new Uint32Array(5 * 2);
for (let round = 24 - rounds; round < 24; round++) {
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
B[x] = s[x] ^ s[x + 10] ^ s[x + 20] ^ s[x + 30] ^ s[x + 40];
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x += 2) {
const idx1 = (x + 8) % 10;
const idx0 = (x + 2) % 10;
const B0 = B[idx0];
const B1 = B[idx0 + 1];
const Th = rotlH(B0, B1, 1) ^ B[idx1];
const Tl = rotlL(B0, B1, 1) ^ B[idx1 + 1];
for (let y = 0; y < 50; y += 10) {
s[x + y] ^= Th;
s[x + y + 1] ^= Tl;
let curH = s[2];
let curL = s[3];
for (let t = 0; t < 24; t++) {
const shift = SHA3_ROTL[t];
const Th = rotlH(curH, curL, shift);
const Tl = rotlL(curH, curL, shift);
const PI = SHA3_PI[t];
curH = s[PI];
curL = s[PI + 1];
s[PI] = Th;
s[PI + 1] = Tl;
for (let y = 0; y < 50; y += 10) {
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
B[x] = s[y + x];
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
s[y + x] ^= ~B[(x + 2) % 10] & B[(x + 4) % 10];
s[0] ^= SHA3_IOTA_H[round];
s[1] ^= SHA3_IOTA_L[round];
__name(keccakP, "keccakP");
var _Keccak = class _Keccak extends Hash {
// NOTE: we accept arguments in bytes instead of bits here.
constructor(blockLen, suffix, outputLen, enableXOF = false, rounds = 24) {
this.blockLen = blockLen;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.outputLen = outputLen;
this.enableXOF = enableXOF;
this.rounds = rounds;
this.pos = 0;
this.posOut = 0;
this.finished = false;
this.destroyed = false;
if (0 >= this.blockLen || this.blockLen >= 200)
throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");
this.state = new Uint8Array(200);
this.state32 = u32(this.state);
keccak() {
keccakP(this.state32, this.rounds);
this.posOut = 0;
this.pos = 0;
update(data) {
const { blockLen, state } = this;
data = toBytes(data);
const len = data.length;
for (let pos = 0; pos < len; ) {
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.pos, len - pos);
for (let i = 0; i < take; i++)
state[this.pos++] ^= data[pos++];
if (this.pos === blockLen)
return this;
finish() {
if (this.finished)
this.finished = true;
const { state, suffix, pos, blockLen } = this;
state[pos] ^= suffix;
if ((suffix & 128) !== 0 && pos === blockLen - 1)
state[blockLen - 1] ^= 128;
writeInto(out) {
exists(this, false);
const bufferOut = this.state;
const { blockLen } = this;
for (let pos = 0, len = out.length; pos < len; ) {
if (this.posOut >= blockLen)
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.posOut, len - pos);
out.set(bufferOut.subarray(this.posOut, this.posOut + take), pos);
this.posOut += take;
pos += take;
return out;
xofInto(out) {
if (!this.enableXOF)
throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");
return this.writeInto(out);
xof(bytes2) {
return this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(bytes2));
digestInto(out) {
output(out, this);
if (this.finished)
throw new Error("digest() was already called");
return out;
digest() {
return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen));
destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
_cloneInto(to) {
const { blockLen, suffix, outputLen, rounds, enableXOF } = this;
to || (to = new _Keccak(blockLen, suffix, outputLen, enableXOF, rounds));
to.pos = this.pos;
to.posOut = this.posOut;
to.finished = this.finished;
to.rounds = rounds;
to.suffix = suffix;
to.outputLen = outputLen;
to.enableXOF = enableXOF;
to.destroyed = this.destroyed;
return to;
__name(_Keccak, "Keccak");
var Keccak = _Keccak;
var gen = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((suffix, blockLen, outputLen) => wrapConstructor(() => new Keccak(blockLen, suffix, outputLen)), "gen");
var sha3_224 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 144, 224 / 8);
var sha3_256 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 136, 256 / 8);
var sha3_384 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 104, 384 / 8);
var sha3_512 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 72, 512 / 8);
var keccak_224 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 144, 224 / 8);
var keccak_256 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 136, 256 / 8);
var keccak_384 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 104, 384 / 8);
var keccak_512 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 72, 512 / 8);
var genShake = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((suffix, blockLen, outputLen) => wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts((opts = {}) => new Keccak(blockLen, suffix, opts.dkLen === void 0 ? outputLen : opts.dkLen, true)), "genShake");
var shake128 = /* @__PURE__ */ genShake(31, 168, 128 / 8);
var shake256 = /* @__PURE__ */ genShake(31, 136, 256 / 8);
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/get-object-tag.ts
var getObjectTag = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
if (value == null) {
return value === void 0 ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]";
}, "getObjectTag");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-null.ts
var isNull = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return value === null;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isNull");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-undefined.ts
var isUndefined = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return value === void 0;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isUndefined");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-empty.ts
var isEmpty = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return isUndefined(value) || isNull(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isEmpty");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-plain-object.ts
var isObjectLike = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => {
return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null;
}, "isObjectLike");
var isPlainObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => {
if (!isObjectLike(obj) || getObjectTag(obj) != "[object Object]") {
return false;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null) {
return true;
let proto = obj;
while (Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) {
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === proto;
}, "isPlainObject");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-object.ts
var isObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return !!value && value.constructor === Object || isPlainObject(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isObject");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-buffer.ts
var isBufferExists = typeof Buffer !== "undefined";
var isBuffer = isBufferExists ? Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer) : (
* Check if the provided value's type is `Buffer`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Buffer`
/* @__PURE__ */ __name(function isBuffer2(value) {
return false;
}, "isBuffer")
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/type-detect.ts
var globalObject = ((Obj) => {
if (typeof globalThis === "object") {
return globalThis;
Object.defineProperty(Obj, "typeDetectGlobalObject", {
get() {
return this;
configurable: true
const global2 = typeDetectGlobalObject;
delete Obj.typeDetectGlobalObject;
return global2;
// packages/utilities/src/types.ts
var $NestedValue = Symbol("NestedValue");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-string.ts
var isString = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return typeof value === "string";
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isString");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-set.ts
var isSet = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return !isEmpty(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isSet");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/hash.ts
function bufToBigInt(buf) {
let bits = 8n;
let value = 0n;
for (const i of buf.values()) {
const bi = BigInt(i);
value = (value << bits) + bi;
return value;
__name(bufToBigInt, "bufToBigInt");
function hash(input) {
return isString(input) ? hashString(input) : hashObject(input);
__name(hash, "hash");
function hashString(inputStr = "") {
return bufToBigInt(sha3_512(inputStr)).toString(DEFAULT_RADIX).slice(1);
__name(hashString, "hashString");
var HASH_TABLE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var counter = 0;
var hashObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((inputObj = {}) => {
const type = typeof inputObj;
const constructor = inputObj && inputObj.constructor;
const isDate = constructor == Date;
let result;
let index;
if (Object(inputObj) === inputObj && !isDate && constructor != RegExp) {
result = HASH_TABLE.get(inputObj);
if (result) {
return result;
result = ++counter + "~";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
if (constructor == Array) {
result = "@";
for (index = 0; index < inputObj.length; index++) {
result += hashObject(inputObj[index]) + ",";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
if (constructor == Object) {
result = "#";
const keys = Object.keys(inputObj).sort();
while (!isSet(index = keys.pop())) {
if (!isSet(inputObj[index])) {
result += index + ":" + hashObject(inputObj[index]) + ",";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
} else {
result = isDate ? inputObj.toJSON() : type == "symbol" ? inputObj.toString() : type == "string" ? JSON.stringify(inputObj) : "" + inputObj;
return result;
}, "hashObject");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/random.ts
var alphabet = Array.from({
length: 26
}, (x, i) => String.fromCharCode(i + 97));
var randomInteger = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((maximum, minimum = 0) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (maximum - minimum + 1) + minimum), "randomInteger");
var randomLetter = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((random = Math.random) => alphabet[Math.floor(random() * alphabet.length)], "randomLetter");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/cuid.ts
var INITIAL_COUNT_MAX = 476782367;
var sequence = 1;
var counter2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * INITIAL_COUNT_MAX) + sequence;
function createEntropy(length1 = 4, random = Math.random) {
let entropy = "";
while (entropy.length < length1) {
entropy = entropy + Math.floor(random() * CUID_LARGE_LENGTH).toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
return entropy;
__name(createEntropy, "createEntropy");
function fingerprint(options = {
globalObj: typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}
}) {
const globals = Object.keys(options.globalObj).toString();
const sourceString = globals.length ? globals + createEntropy(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH, Math.random) : createEntropy(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH, Math.random);
return hash(sourceString).substring(0, CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
__name(fingerprint, "fingerprint");
function cuid() {
const time =;
const count = counter2.toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
const salt = createEntropy(length, Math.random);
return `${randomLetter() + hash(`${time + salt + count + fingerprint()}`).substring(1, length)}`;
__name(cuid, "cuid");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/snowflake.ts
var DEFAULT_EPOCH = Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1).valueOf();
var sequence2 = 1;
function ToBinaryString(snowflake2) {
const cached64BitZeros = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
const binValue = BigInt(snowflake2).toString(2);
return binValue.length < 64 ? cached64BitZeros.substring(0, 64 - binValue.length) + binValue : binValue;
__name(ToBinaryString, "ToBinaryString");
function extractBits(snowflake2, start, length2) {
return parseInt(length2 ? ToBinaryString(snowflake2).substring(start, start + length2) : ToBinaryString(snowflake2).substring(start), 2);
__name(extractBits, "extractBits");
function snowflake({ shardId = DEFAULT_SHARD_ID, epoch = DEFAULT_EPOCH, timestamp = } = {
}) {
if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
timestamp = timestamp.valueOf();
} else {
timestamp = new Date(timestamp).valueOf();
let result = BigInt(timestamp) - BigInt(epoch) << BigInt(22);
result = result | BigInt(shardId % 1024) << BigInt(12);
result = result | BigInt(sequence2++ % 4096);
return result.toString();
__name(snowflake, "snowflake");
function deconstructSnowflake(snowflake2) {
const binary = ToBinaryString(snowflake2);
return {
snowflake: snowflake2,
timestamp: extractBits(snowflake2, 1, 41),
shard_id: extractBits(snowflake2, 42, 10),
sequence: extractBits(snowflake2, 52),
__name(deconstructSnowflake, "deconstructSnowflake");
function isValidSnowflake(snowflake2) {
if (!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(snowflake2)) {
return false;
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
__name(isValidSnowflake, "isValidSnowflake");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/crypto.ts
var WebCrypto = globalThis.crypto && isObject(typeof globalThis.crypto) ? globalThis.crypto : void 0;
var Crypto = WebCrypto;
// packages/unique-identifier/src/uuid.ts
function uuid() {
if (!Crypto) {
throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");
return Crypto.randomUUID();
__name(uuid, "uuid");
/*! Bundled license information:

@@ -6,2 +613,2 @@

(*! noble-hashes - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( *)

@@ -1,2 +0,616 @@

var t=Object.defineProperty,__name=(e,r)=>t(e,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});function number(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}function bytes(t,...e){if(!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");if(e.length>0&&!e.includes(t.length))throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${e}, not of length=${t.length}`)}function exists(t,e=!0){if(t.destroyed)throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");if(e&&t.finished)throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called")}function output(t,e){bytes(t);const r=e.outputLen;if(t.length<r)throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${r}`)}__name(number,"number"),__name(bytes,"bytes"),__name(exists,"exists"),__name(output,"output");var e=BigInt(2**32-1),r=BigInt(32);function fromBig(t,n=!1){return n?{h:Number(t&e),l:Number(t>>r&e)}:{h:0|Number(t>>r&e),l:0|Number(t&e)}}function split(t,e=!1){let r=new Uint32Array(t.length),n=new Uint32Array(t.length);for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const{h:i,l:s}=fromBig(t[o],e);[r[o],n[o]]=[i,s]}return[r,n]}__name(fromBig,"fromBig"),__name(split,"split");var n=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r|e>>>32-r),"rotlSH"),o=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r|t>>>32-r),"rotlSL"),i=__name(((t,e,r)=>e<<r-32|t>>>64-r),"rotlBH"),s=__name(((t,e,r)=>t<<r-32|e>>>64-r),"rotlBL"),a=__name((t=>t instanceof Uint8Array),"u8a"),u=__name((t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4))),"u32");if(!(68===new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]))throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");function utf8ToBytes(t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new Uint8Array((new TextEncoder).encode(t))}function toBytes(t){if("string"==typeof t&&(t=utf8ToBytes(t)),!a(t))throw new Error("expected Uint8Array, got "+typeof t);return t}__name(utf8ToBytes,"utf8ToBytes"),__name(toBytes,"toBytes");var c=class _Hash{clone(){return this._cloneInto()}};__name(c,"Hash");var f=c;function wrapConstructor(t){const e=__name((e=>t().update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t();return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=()=>t(),e}function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(t){const e=__name(((e,r)=>t(r).update(toBytes(e)).digest()),"hashC"),r=t({});return e.outputLen=r.outputLen,e.blockLen=r.blockLen,e.create=e=>t(e),e}__name(wrapConstructor,"wrapConstructor"),__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts,"wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");var[h,l,g]=[[],[],[]],p=BigInt(0),d=BigInt(1),y=BigInt(2),b=BigInt(7),w=BigInt(256),B=BigInt(113);for(let t=0,e=d,r=1,n=0;t<24;t++){[r,n]=[n,(2*r+3*n)%5],h.push(2*(5*n+r)),l.push((t+1)*(t+2)/2%64);let o=p;for(let t=0;t<7;t++)e=(e<<d^(e>>b)*B)%w,e&y&&(o^=d<<(d<<BigInt(t))-d);g.push(o)}var[O,k]=split(g,!0),m=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?i(t,e,r):n(t,e,r)),"rotlH"),S=__name(((t,e,r)=>r>32?s(t,e,r):o(t,e,r)),"rotlL");function keccakP(t,e=24){const r=new Uint32Array(10);for(let n=24-e;n<24;n++){for(let e=0;e<10;e++)r[e]=t[e]^t[e+10]^t[e+20]^t[e+30]^t[e+40];for(let e=0;e<10;e+=2){const n=(e+8)%10,o=(e+2)%10,i=r[o],s=r[o+1],a=m(i,s,1)^r[n],u=S(i,s,1)^r[n+1];for(let r=0;r<50;r+=10)t[e+r]^=a,t[e+r+1]^=u}let e=t[2],o=t[3];for(let r=0;r<24;r++){const n=l[r],i=m(e,o,n),s=S(e,o,n),a=h[r];e=t[a],o=t[a+1],t[a]=i,t[a+1]=s}for(let e=0;e<50;e+=10){for(let n=0;n<10;n++)r[n]=t[e+n];for(let n=0;n<10;n++)t[e+n]^=~r[(n+2)%10]&r[(n+4)%10]}t[0]^=O[n],t[1]^=k[n]}r.fill(0)}__name(keccakP,"keccakP");var I=class _Keccak extends f{constructor(t,e,r,n=!1,o=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=t,this.suffix=e,this.outputLen=r,this.enableXOF=n,this.rounds=o,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,number(r),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=u(this.state)}keccak(){keccakP(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(t){exists(this);const{blockLen:e,state:r}=this,n=(t=toBytes(t)).length;for(let o=0;o<n;){const i=Math.min(e-this.pos,n-o);for(let e=0;e<i;e++)r[this.pos++]^=t[o++];this.pos===e&&this.keccak()}return this}finish(){if(this.finished)return;this.finished=!0;const{state:t,suffix:e,pos:r,blockLen:n}=this;t[r]^=e,0!=(128&e)&&r===n-1&&this.keccak(),t[n-1]^=128,this.keccak()}writeInto(t){exists(this,!1),bytes(t),this.finish();const e=this.state,{blockLen:r}=this;for(let n=0,o=t.length;n<o;){this.posOut>=r&&this.keccak();const i=Math.min(r-this.posOut,o-n);t.set(e.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+i),n),this.posOut+=i,n+=i}return t}xofInto(t){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(t)}xof(t){return number(t),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(t))}digestInto(t){if(output(t,this),this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");return this.writeInto(t),this.destroy(),t}digest(){return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen))}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.state.fill(0)}_cloneInto(t){const{blockLen:e,suffix:r,outputLen:n,rounds:o,enableXOF:i}=this;return t||(t=new _Keccak(e,r,n,i,o)),t.state32.set(this.state32),t.pos=this.pos,t.posOut=this.posOut,t.finished=this.finished,t.rounds=o,t.suffix=r,t.outputLen=n,t.enableXOF=i,t.destroyed=this.destroyed,t}};__name(I,"Keccak");var j=I,x=__name(((t,e,r)=>wrapConstructor((()=>new j(e,t,r)))),"gen"),L=x(6,72,64),E=__name((t=>null==t?void 0===t?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]","getObjectTag"),T=__name((t=>{try{return null===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isNull"),v=__name((t=>{try{return void 0===t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isUndefined"),U=__name((t=>{try{return v(t)||T(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isEmpty"),A=__name((t=>"object"==typeof t&&null!==t),"isObjectLike"),M=__name((t=>{if(!A(t)||"[object Object]"!=E(t))return!1;if(null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return!0;let e=t;for(;null!==Object.getPrototypeOf(e);)e=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===e}),"isPlainObject"),C=__name((t=>{try{return!!t&&t.constructor===Object||M(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isObject"),D=("undefined"!=typeof Buffer&&Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer),(t=>{if("object"==typeof globalThis)return globalThis;Object.defineProperty(t,"typeDetectGlobalObject",{get(){return this},configurable:!0});const e=typeDetectGlobalObject;delete t.typeDetectGlobalObject})(Object.prototype),Symbol("NestedValue"),__name((t=>{try{return"string"==typeof t}catch(t){return!1}}),"isString")),N=__name((t=>{try{return!U(t)}catch(t){return!1}}),"isSet"),P=36;function bufToBigInt(t){let e=8n,r=0n;for(const n of t.values()){r=(r<<e)+BigInt(n)}return r}function hash(t){return D(t)?hashString(t):H(t)}function hashString(t=""){return bufToBigInt(L(t)).toString(P).slice(1)}__name(bufToBigInt,"bufToBigInt"),__name(hash,"hash"),__name(hashString,"hashString");var F=new WeakMap,X=0,H=__name(((t={})=>{const e=typeof t,r=t&&t.constructor,n=r==Date;let o,i;if(Object(t)!==t||n||r==RegExp)o=n?t.toJSON():"symbol"==e?t.toString():"string"==e?JSON.stringify(t):""+t;else{if(o=F.get(t),o)return o;if(o=++X+"~",F.set(t,o),r==Array){for(o="@",i=0;i<t.length;i++)o+=H(t[i])+",";F.set(t,o)}if(r==Object){o="#";const e=Object.keys(t).sort();for(;!N(i=e.pop());)N(t[i])||(o+=i+":"+H(t[i])+",");F.set(t,o)}}return o}),"hashObject"),$=Array.from({length:26},((t,e)=>String.fromCharCode(e+97))),_=__name(((t,e=0)=>Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1)+e)),"randomInteger"),V=__name(((t=Math.random)=>$[Math.floor(t()*$.length)]),"randomLetter"),W=36,G=Math.floor(476782367*Math.random())+1;function createEntropy(t=4,e=Math.random){let r="";for(;r.length<t;)r+=Math.floor(e()*W).toString(W);return r}function fingerprint(t={globalObj:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{}}){const e=Object.keys(t.globalObj).toString();return hash(e.length?e+createEntropy(W,Math.random):createEntropy(W,Math.random)).substring(0,W)}function cuid(){const,e=G.toString(W),r=createEntropy(length,Math.random);return`${V()+hash(`${t+r+e+fingerprint()}`).substring(1,length)}`}__name(createEntropy,"createEntropy"),__name(fingerprint,"fingerprint"),__name(cuid,"cuid");var K=Date.UTC(1970,0,1).valueOf(),J=1;function ToBinaryString(t){const e=BigInt(t).toString(2);return e.length<64?"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".substring(0,64-e.length)+e:e}function extractBits(t,e,r){return parseInt(r?ToBinaryString(t).substring(e,e+r):ToBinaryString(t).substring(e),2)}function snowflake({shardId:t=1,epoch:e=K,}={shardId:1,epoch:K,}){r=r instanceof Date?r.valueOf():new Date(r).valueOf();let n=BigInt(r)-BigInt(e)<<BigInt(22);return n|=BigInt(t%1024)<<BigInt(12),n|=BigInt(J++%4096),n.toString()}function deconstructSnowflake(t){const e=ToBinaryString(t);return{snowflake:t,timestamp:extractBits(t,1,41),shard_id:extractBits(t,42,10),sequence:extractBits(t,52),binary:e}}function isValidSnowflake(t){if(!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(t))return!1;try{return deconstructSnowflake(t),!0}catch(t){return!1}}__name(ToBinaryString,"ToBinaryString"),__name(extractBits,"extractBits"),__name(snowflake,"snowflake"),__name(deconstructSnowflake,"deconstructSnowflake"),__name(isValidSnowflake,"isValidSnowflake");var q=globalThis.crypto&&C(typeof globalThis.crypto)?globalThis.crypto:void 0;function uuid(){if(!q)throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");return q.randomUUID()}__name(uuid,"uuid");export{cuid,deconstructSnowflake,hash,isValidSnowflake,_ as randomInteger,V as randomLetter,snowflake,uuid};
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storm Software
// ⚡ @storm-stack - Unique Identifier
// This code was released as part of the @storm-stack project. @storm-stack
// is maintained by Storm Software under the {Apache License 2.0, and is
// free for commercial and private use. For more information, please visit
// our licensing page.
// Website:
// Repository:
// Documentation:
// Contact:
// Licensing:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_assert.js
function number(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n) || n < 0)
throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${n}`);
__name(number, "number");
function bytes(b, ...lengths) {
if (!(b instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");
if (lengths.length > 0 && !lengths.includes(b.length))
throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${lengths}, not of length=${b.length}`);
__name(bytes, "bytes");
function exists(instance, checkFinished = true) {
if (instance.destroyed)
throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");
if (checkFinished && instance.finished)
throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called");
__name(exists, "exists");
function output(out, instance) {
const min = instance.outputLen;
if (out.length < min) {
throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${min}`);
__name(output, "output");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_u64.js
var U32_MASK64 = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(2 ** 32 - 1);
var _32n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(32);
function fromBig(n, le = false) {
if (le)
return {
h: Number(n & U32_MASK64),
l: Number(n >> _32n & U32_MASK64)
return {
h: Number(n >> _32n & U32_MASK64) | 0,
l: Number(n & U32_MASK64) | 0
__name(fromBig, "fromBig");
function split(lst, le = false) {
let Ah = new Uint32Array(lst.length);
let Al = new Uint32Array(lst.length);
for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
const { h, l } = fromBig(lst[i], le);
[Ah[i], Al[i]] = [
return [
__name(split, "split");
var rotlSH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => h << s | l >>> 32 - s, "rotlSH");
var rotlSL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => l << s | h >>> 32 - s, "rotlSL");
var rotlBH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => l << s - 32 | h >>> 64 - s, "rotlBH");
var rotlBL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => h << s - 32 | l >>> 64 - s, "rotlBL");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/utils.js
var u8a = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((a) => a instanceof Uint8Array, "u8a");
var u32 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((arr) => new Uint32Array(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, Math.floor(arr.byteLength / 4)), "u32");
var isLE = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([
]).buffer)[0] === 68;
if (!isLE)
throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");
function utf8ToBytes(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`utf8ToBytes expected string, got ${typeof str}`);
return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
__name(utf8ToBytes, "utf8ToBytes");
function toBytes(data) {
if (typeof data === "string")
data = utf8ToBytes(data);
if (!u8a(data))
throw new Error(`expected Uint8Array, got ${typeof data}`);
return data;
__name(toBytes, "toBytes");
var _Hash = class _Hash {
// Safe version that clones internal state
clone() {
return this._cloneInto();
__name(_Hash, "Hash");
var Hash = _Hash;
var toStr = {}.toString;
function wrapConstructor(hashCons) {
const hashC = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg) => hashCons().update(toBytes(msg)).digest(), "hashC");
const tmp = hashCons();
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = () => hashCons();
return hashC;
__name(wrapConstructor, "wrapConstructor");
function wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts(hashCons) {
const hashC = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((msg, opts) => hashCons(opts).update(toBytes(msg)).digest(), "hashC");
const tmp = hashCons({});
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = (opts) => hashCons(opts);
return hashC;
__name(wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts, "wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts");
// node_modules/.pnpm/@noble+hashes@1.3.2/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/sha3.js
var [SHA3_PI, SHA3_ROTL, _SHA3_IOTA] = [
var _0n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(0);
var _1n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(1);
var _2n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(2);
var _7n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(7);
var _256n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(256);
var _0x71n = /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(113);
for (let round = 0, R = _1n, x = 1, y = 0; round < 24; round++) {
[x, y] = [
(2 * x + 3 * y) % 5
SHA3_PI.push(2 * (5 * y + x));
SHA3_ROTL.push((round + 1) * (round + 2) / 2 % 64);
let t = _0n;
for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
R = (R << _1n ^ (R >> _7n) * _0x71n) % _256n;
if (R & _2n)
t ^= _1n << (_1n << /* @__PURE__ */ BigInt(j)) - _1n;
var [SHA3_IOTA_H, SHA3_IOTA_L] = /* @__PURE__ */ split(_SHA3_IOTA, true);
var rotlH = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => s > 32 ? rotlBH(h, l, s) : rotlSH(h, l, s), "rotlH");
var rotlL = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, l, s) => s > 32 ? rotlBL(h, l, s) : rotlSL(h, l, s), "rotlL");
function keccakP(s, rounds = 24) {
const B = new Uint32Array(5 * 2);
for (let round = 24 - rounds; round < 24; round++) {
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
B[x] = s[x] ^ s[x + 10] ^ s[x + 20] ^ s[x + 30] ^ s[x + 40];
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x += 2) {
const idx1 = (x + 8) % 10;
const idx0 = (x + 2) % 10;
const B0 = B[idx0];
const B1 = B[idx0 + 1];
const Th = rotlH(B0, B1, 1) ^ B[idx1];
const Tl = rotlL(B0, B1, 1) ^ B[idx1 + 1];
for (let y = 0; y < 50; y += 10) {
s[x + y] ^= Th;
s[x + y + 1] ^= Tl;
let curH = s[2];
let curL = s[3];
for (let t = 0; t < 24; t++) {
const shift = SHA3_ROTL[t];
const Th = rotlH(curH, curL, shift);
const Tl = rotlL(curH, curL, shift);
const PI = SHA3_PI[t];
curH = s[PI];
curL = s[PI + 1];
s[PI] = Th;
s[PI + 1] = Tl;
for (let y = 0; y < 50; y += 10) {
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
B[x] = s[y + x];
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++)
s[y + x] ^= ~B[(x + 2) % 10] & B[(x + 4) % 10];
s[0] ^= SHA3_IOTA_H[round];
s[1] ^= SHA3_IOTA_L[round];
__name(keccakP, "keccakP");
var _Keccak = class _Keccak extends Hash {
// NOTE: we accept arguments in bytes instead of bits here.
constructor(blockLen, suffix, outputLen, enableXOF = false, rounds = 24) {
this.blockLen = blockLen;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.outputLen = outputLen;
this.enableXOF = enableXOF;
this.rounds = rounds;
this.pos = 0;
this.posOut = 0;
this.finished = false;
this.destroyed = false;
if (0 >= this.blockLen || this.blockLen >= 200)
throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");
this.state = new Uint8Array(200);
this.state32 = u32(this.state);
keccak() {
keccakP(this.state32, this.rounds);
this.posOut = 0;
this.pos = 0;
update(data) {
const { blockLen, state } = this;
data = toBytes(data);
const len = data.length;
for (let pos = 0; pos < len; ) {
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.pos, len - pos);
for (let i = 0; i < take; i++)
state[this.pos++] ^= data[pos++];
if (this.pos === blockLen)
return this;
finish() {
if (this.finished)
this.finished = true;
const { state, suffix, pos, blockLen } = this;
state[pos] ^= suffix;
if ((suffix & 128) !== 0 && pos === blockLen - 1)
state[blockLen - 1] ^= 128;
writeInto(out) {
exists(this, false);
const bufferOut = this.state;
const { blockLen } = this;
for (let pos = 0, len = out.length; pos < len; ) {
if (this.posOut >= blockLen)
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.posOut, len - pos);
out.set(bufferOut.subarray(this.posOut, this.posOut + take), pos);
this.posOut += take;
pos += take;
return out;
xofInto(out) {
if (!this.enableXOF)
throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");
return this.writeInto(out);
xof(bytes2) {
return this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(bytes2));
digestInto(out) {
output(out, this);
if (this.finished)
throw new Error("digest() was already called");
return out;
digest() {
return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen));
destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
_cloneInto(to) {
const { blockLen, suffix, outputLen, rounds, enableXOF } = this;
to || (to = new _Keccak(blockLen, suffix, outputLen, enableXOF, rounds));
to.pos = this.pos;
to.posOut = this.posOut;
to.finished = this.finished;
to.rounds = rounds;
to.suffix = suffix;
to.outputLen = outputLen;
to.enableXOF = enableXOF;
to.destroyed = this.destroyed;
return to;
__name(_Keccak, "Keccak");
var Keccak = _Keccak;
var gen = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((suffix, blockLen, outputLen) => wrapConstructor(() => new Keccak(blockLen, suffix, outputLen)), "gen");
var sha3_224 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 144, 224 / 8);
var sha3_256 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 136, 256 / 8);
var sha3_384 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 104, 384 / 8);
var sha3_512 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(6, 72, 512 / 8);
var keccak_224 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 144, 224 / 8);
var keccak_256 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 136, 256 / 8);
var keccak_384 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 104, 384 / 8);
var keccak_512 = /* @__PURE__ */ gen(1, 72, 512 / 8);
var genShake = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((suffix, blockLen, outputLen) => wrapXOFConstructorWithOpts((opts = {}) => new Keccak(blockLen, suffix, opts.dkLen === void 0 ? outputLen : opts.dkLen, true)), "genShake");
var shake128 = /* @__PURE__ */ genShake(31, 168, 128 / 8);
var shake256 = /* @__PURE__ */ genShake(31, 136, 256 / 8);
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/get-object-tag.ts
var getObjectTag = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
if (value == null) {
return value === void 0 ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]";
}, "getObjectTag");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-null.ts
var isNull = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return value === null;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isNull");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-undefined.ts
var isUndefined = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return value === void 0;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isUndefined");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-empty.ts
var isEmpty = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return isUndefined(value) || isNull(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isEmpty");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-plain-object.ts
var isObjectLike = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => {
return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null;
}, "isObjectLike");
var isPlainObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((obj) => {
if (!isObjectLike(obj) || getObjectTag(obj) != "[object Object]") {
return false;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null) {
return true;
let proto = obj;
while (Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) {
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === proto;
}, "isPlainObject");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-object.ts
var isObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return !!value && value.constructor === Object || isPlainObject(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isObject");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-buffer.ts
var isBufferExists = typeof Buffer !== "undefined";
var isBuffer = isBufferExists ? Buffer.isBuffer.bind(Buffer) : (
* Check if the provided value's type is `Buffer`
* @param value - The value to type check
* @returns An indicator specifying if the value provided is of type `Buffer`
/* @__PURE__ */ __name(function isBuffer2(value) {
return false;
}, "isBuffer")
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/type-detect.ts
var globalObject = ((Obj) => {
if (typeof globalThis === "object") {
return globalThis;
Object.defineProperty(Obj, "typeDetectGlobalObject", {
get() {
return this;
configurable: true
const global2 = typeDetectGlobalObject;
delete Obj.typeDetectGlobalObject;
return global2;
// packages/utilities/src/types.ts
var $NestedValue = Symbol("NestedValue");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-string.ts
var isString = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return typeof value === "string";
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isString");
// packages/utilities/src/type-checks/is-set.ts
var isSet = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {
try {
return !isEmpty(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, "isSet");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/hash.ts
function bufToBigInt(buf) {
let bits = 8n;
let value = 0n;
for (const i of buf.values()) {
const bi = BigInt(i);
value = (value << bits) + bi;
return value;
__name(bufToBigInt, "bufToBigInt");
function hash(input) {
return isString(input) ? hashString(input) : hashObject(input);
__name(hash, "hash");
function hashString(inputStr = "") {
return bufToBigInt(sha3_512(inputStr)).toString(DEFAULT_RADIX).slice(1);
__name(hashString, "hashString");
var HASH_TABLE = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var counter = 0;
var hashObject = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((inputObj = {}) => {
const type = typeof inputObj;
const constructor = inputObj && inputObj.constructor;
const isDate = constructor == Date;
let result;
let index;
if (Object(inputObj) === inputObj && !isDate && constructor != RegExp) {
result = HASH_TABLE.get(inputObj);
if (result) {
return result;
result = ++counter + "~";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
if (constructor == Array) {
result = "@";
for (index = 0; index < inputObj.length; index++) {
result += hashObject(inputObj[index]) + ",";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
if (constructor == Object) {
result = "#";
const keys = Object.keys(inputObj).sort();
while (!isSet(index = keys.pop())) {
if (!isSet(inputObj[index])) {
result += index + ":" + hashObject(inputObj[index]) + ",";
HASH_TABLE.set(inputObj, result);
} else {
result = isDate ? inputObj.toJSON() : type == "symbol" ? inputObj.toString() : type == "string" ? JSON.stringify(inputObj) : "" + inputObj;
return result;
}, "hashObject");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/random.ts
var alphabet = Array.from({
length: 26
}, (x, i) => String.fromCharCode(i + 97));
var randomInteger = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((maximum, minimum = 0) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (maximum - minimum + 1) + minimum), "randomInteger");
var randomLetter = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((random = Math.random) => alphabet[Math.floor(random() * alphabet.length)], "randomLetter");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/cuid.ts
var INITIAL_COUNT_MAX = 476782367;
var sequence = 1;
var counter2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * INITIAL_COUNT_MAX) + sequence;
function createEntropy(length1 = 4, random = Math.random) {
let entropy = "";
while (entropy.length < length1) {
entropy = entropy + Math.floor(random() * CUID_LARGE_LENGTH).toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
return entropy;
__name(createEntropy, "createEntropy");
function fingerprint(options = {
globalObj: typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}
}) {
const globals = Object.keys(options.globalObj).toString();
const sourceString = globals.length ? globals + createEntropy(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH, Math.random) : createEntropy(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH, Math.random);
return hash(sourceString).substring(0, CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
__name(fingerprint, "fingerprint");
function cuid() {
const time =;
const count = counter2.toString(CUID_LARGE_LENGTH);
const salt = createEntropy(length, Math.random);
return `${randomLetter() + hash(`${time + salt + count + fingerprint()}`).substring(1, length)}`;
__name(cuid, "cuid");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/snowflake.ts
var DEFAULT_EPOCH = Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1).valueOf();
var sequence2 = 1;
function ToBinaryString(snowflake2) {
const cached64BitZeros = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
const binValue = BigInt(snowflake2).toString(2);
return binValue.length < 64 ? cached64BitZeros.substring(0, 64 - binValue.length) + binValue : binValue;
__name(ToBinaryString, "ToBinaryString");
function extractBits(snowflake2, start, length2) {
return parseInt(length2 ? ToBinaryString(snowflake2).substring(start, start + length2) : ToBinaryString(snowflake2).substring(start), 2);
__name(extractBits, "extractBits");
function snowflake({ shardId = DEFAULT_SHARD_ID, epoch = DEFAULT_EPOCH, timestamp = } = {
}) {
if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
timestamp = timestamp.valueOf();
} else {
timestamp = new Date(timestamp).valueOf();
let result = BigInt(timestamp) - BigInt(epoch) << BigInt(22);
result = result | BigInt(shardId % 1024) << BigInt(12);
result = result | BigInt(sequence2++ % 4096);
return result.toString();
__name(snowflake, "snowflake");
function deconstructSnowflake(snowflake2) {
const binary = ToBinaryString(snowflake2);
return {
snowflake: snowflake2,
timestamp: extractBits(snowflake2, 1, 41),
shard_id: extractBits(snowflake2, 42, 10),
sequence: extractBits(snowflake2, 52),
__name(deconstructSnowflake, "deconstructSnowflake");
function isValidSnowflake(snowflake2) {
if (!/^[\d]{19}$/.test(snowflake2)) {
return false;
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
__name(isValidSnowflake, "isValidSnowflake");
// packages/unique-identifier/src/crypto.ts
var WebCrypto = globalThis.crypto && isObject(typeof globalThis.crypto) ? globalThis.crypto : void 0;
var Crypto = WebCrypto;
// packages/unique-identifier/src/uuid.ts
function uuid() {
if (!Crypto) {
throw new Error("Crypto is not available to generate uuid");
return Crypto.randomUUID();
__name(uuid, "uuid");
export {
/*! Bundled license information:

@@ -6,2 +620,2 @@

(*! noble-hashes - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( *)

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"name": "@storm-stack/unique-identifier",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.2.1",
"private": false,

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "description": "This package provides a simple way to generate various types of unique identifiers.",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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