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Storybook framework-agnostic API

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Package description

What is @storybook/core-webpack?

The @storybook/core-webpack package is a part of the Storybook ecosystem, specifically designed to customize and extend Storybook's Webpack configurations. It allows developers to modify the default Webpack configuration used by Storybook to better suit their project's needs, including adding loaders, plugins, and modifying existing configurations. This package is essential for projects that require a high degree of customization for their Storybook setup, enabling seamless integration with a wide range of web development tools and workflows.

What are @storybook/core-webpack's main functionalities?

Customizing Webpack Config

This feature allows developers to customize the Webpack configuration used by Storybook. The code sample demonstrates how to merge a custom Webpack configuration with Storybook's default configuration, specifically adding support for SCSS files.

const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
module.exports = ({ config }) => {
  return merge(config, {
    // Custom Webpack configuration
    module: {
      rules: [{ test: /\.scss$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader'] }]

Adding Webpack Plugins

Developers can extend Storybook's Webpack configuration by adding additional Webpack plugins. The code sample shows how to add a custom plugin to the configuration.

const SomeWebpackPlugin = require('some-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = ({ config }) => {
  config.plugins.push(new SomeWebpackPlugin());
  return config;

Modifying Existing Loaders

This functionality allows for the modification of existing loaders in the Webpack configuration. The code sample illustrates how to find and modify a specific loader to add an additional 'some-loader' for handling files.

module.exports = ({ config }) => {
  const rules = config.module.rules;
  const someRuleIndex = rules.findIndex(rule => rule.test.toString() === '/\.somefile$/');
  if (someRuleIndex !== -1) {
  return config;

Other packages similar to @storybook/core-webpack



7.0.0-alpha.48 (November 7, 2022)

Breaking Changes
  • Preact: Make preact use inline stories (without iframe) by default in docs #19741
  • Angular: Undo template gen removal during deprecation property removal #19614
  • CSF-tools: Support main.js default exports #19738
  • Addon-docs: Disable play functions in docs mode unless you set #19659
  • Addon-docs: Add docsPage automatic to create docs entries for all components #19713
  • CLI: Add docsPage to all Button/Header story templates #19715
Bug Fixes
  • Svelte: Fix docs rendering #19705
  • React: Expose ReactFramework type #19704
  • Core: Update index generation to use tags to detect MDX stories #19712
  • CI: Fix cross OS github actions #19754
  • Blocks: Redo stories for controls #19744
  • Blocks: Setup and create example story for blocks with context #19740
  • Client-api: Fix export from store #19720
  • Pull renderer+builder from framework's package.json + a known list #19717
  • CLI: Add automigration to set docsPage = 'automatic' for existing Storybooks #19716
  • Builder-webpack5: Use import.meta.webpackHot instead of for check #19686
  • Fix: Point to correct .d.ts files from export maps #19724
  • CLI: Remove deprecated -s flag on sb init #19585
  • Build: Fix eslint formatting in scripts #19765
  • Sandboxes: Fix up stories entry to allow HMR #19750
  • Fix prepare script on Windows machines #19762
  • CI: Fix fix handle-release-branches workflow #19756
  • Build: Cancel workflow in CI on steps failure #19748
  • CI: Schedule a daily job that runs all sandboxes #19699
  • Build: Delete node_modules in repro generation #19734
  • Fix: dts facade generator did not support deep links #19723
  • Build: Re-enable test-runner for vue-cli #19706
Dependency Upgrades
  • Upgrade mdx2-csf to fix mdxSource generation #19766
  • Dependencies: Bump prettier dependency, cleanup config #19672
  • Vue: Add babel loader 9.0.0 to vue-webpack5 peer dependencies #19697



Storybook Core-Common

Common utilities used across @storybook/core-server (manager UI configuration) and @storybook/builder-webpack{4,5} (preview configuration).

This is a lot of code extracted for convenience, not because it made sense.

Supporting multiple version of webpack and this duplicating a large portion of code that was never meant to be generic caused this.

At some point we'll refactor this, it's likely a lot of this code is dead or barely used.



Last updated on 07 Nov 2022

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