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@syncfusion/ej2-svg-base - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 16.2.45 to 16.2.46




@@ -1,2 +0,11 @@

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* filename: ej2-svg-base.umd.min.js
* version : 16.2.46
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e.Animation({}).animate(t,{duration:300,progress:function(e){o=e.timeStamp/e.duration,,*(i.x-n)+"px",*(i.y-a)+"px"},end:function(e){r.updateDiv(t,i.x,i.y),r.trigger("animationComplete",{tooltip:r})}})},s.prototype.updateDiv=function(t,e,i){"px","px"},s.prototype.updateTemplateFn=function(){if(this.template)try{document.querySelectorAll(this.template).length&&(this.templateFn=e.compile(document.querySelector(this.template).innerHTML.trim()))}catch(t){this.templateFn=e.compile(this.template)}},s.prototype.fadeOut=function(){var t=this,i=r(;if(i){var o=i.firstChild,n=parseFloat(o.getAttribute("opacity"))||1;new e.Animation({}).animate(o,{duration:200,progress:function(e){t.progressAnimation(o,n,e.timeStamp/e.duration)},end:function(e){t.fadeOuted=!0,t.endAnimation(o)}})}},s.prototype.progressAnimation=function(t,e,i){"",t.setAttribute("opacity",(e-i).toString())},s.prototype.endAnimation=function(t){t.setAttribute("opacity","0"),this.template&&!this.shared&&("none"),this.trigger("animationComplete",{tooltip:this})},s.prototype.getPersistData=function(){return this.addOnPersist([])},s.prototype.getModuleName=function(){return"tooltip"},s.prototype.destroy=function(){,this.element.classList.remove("e-tooltip")},s.prototype.onPropertyChanged=function(t,e){this.isFirst=!1,this.render()},m([e.Property(!1)],s.prototype,"enable",void 0),m([e.Property(!1)],s.prototype,"shared",void 0),m([e.Property(!0)],s.prototype,"enableShadow",void 0),m([e.Property(null)],s.prototype,"fill",void 0),m([e.Property("")],s.prototype,"header",void 0),m([e.Property(.75)],s.prototype,"opacity",void 0),m([e.Complex({size:"13px",fontWeight:"Normal",color:null,fontStyle:"Normal",fontFamily:"Segoe UI"},g)],s.prototype,"textStyle",void 0),m([e.Property(null)],s.prototype,"template",void 0),m([e.Property(!0)],s.prototype,"enableAnimation",void 0),m([e.Property(!1)],s.prototype,"inverted",void 0),m([e.Property(!1)],s.prototype,"isNegative",void 0),m([e.Complex({color:"#cccccc",width:.5},v)],s.prototype,"border",void 0),m([e.Property([])],s.prototype,"content",void 0),m([e.Property(10)],s.prototype,"markerSize",void 0),m([e.Complex({x:0,y:0},w)],s.prototype,"clipBounds",void 0),m([e.Property([])],s.prototype,"palette",void 0),m([e.Property([])],s.prototype,"shapes",void 0),m([e.Complex({x:0,y:0},w)],s.prototype,"location",void 0),m([e.Property(0)],s.prototype,"offset",void 0),m([e.Property(2)],s.prototype,"rx",void 0),m([e.Property(2)],s.prototype,"ry",void 0),m([e.Property(5)],s.prototype,"marginX",void 0),m([e.Property(5)],s.prototype,"marginY",void 0),m([e.Property(12)],s.prototype,"arrowPadding",void 0),m([e.Property(null)],s.prototype,"data",void 0),m([e.Property("Material")],s.prototype,"theme",void 0),m([e.Complex({x:0,y:0,width:0,height:0},x)],s.prototype,"areaBounds",void 0),m([e.Event()],s.prototype,"tooltipRender",void 0),m([e.Event()],s.prototype,"loaded",void 0),m([e.Event()],s.prototype,"animationComplete",void 0),s=m([e.NotifyPropertyChanges],s)}(e.Component);t.TextStyle=g,t.TooltipBorder=v,t.AreaBounds=x,t.ToolLocation=w,t.Tooltip=b,t.getTooltipThemeColor=i,Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})});



@@ -417,3 +417,3 @@ import { Animation, Browser, ChildProperty, Complex, Component, Event, NotifyPropertyChanges, Property, SvgRenderer, compile, createElement, extend, merge, remove } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';


@@ -458,3 +458,3 @@ initPrivateVariable() {

createElement() {
createTooltipElement() {
this.textElements = [];

@@ -688,3 +688,3 @@ if (!this.template || this.shared) {

let templateElement = this.templateFn(;
let elem = createElement('div', { id: + 'parent_template' });
let elem = this.createElement('div', { id: + 'parent_template' });
while (templateElement && templateElement.length > 0) {

@@ -691,0 +691,0 @@ elem.appendChild(templateElement[0]);

@@ -470,3 +470,3 @@ import { Animation, Browser, ChildProperty, Complex, Component, Event, NotifyPropertyChanges, Property, SvgRenderer, compile, createElement, extend, merge, remove } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';


@@ -511,3 +511,3 @@ Tooltip.prototype.initPrivateVariable = function () {

Tooltip.prototype.createElement = function () {
Tooltip.prototype.createTooltipElement = function () {
this.textElements = [];

@@ -742,3 +742,3 @@ if (!this.template || this.shared) {

var templateElement = this.templateFn(;
var elem = createElement('div', { id: + 'parent_template' });
var elem = this.createElement('div', { id: + 'parent_template' });
while (templateElement && templateElement.length > 0) {

@@ -745,0 +745,0 @@ elem.appendChild(templateElement[0]);

@@ -0,1 +1,10 @@

* filename: index.d.ts
* version : 16.2.46
* Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001 - 2018. All rights reserved.
* Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
* A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
* Any infringement will be prosecuted under
* applicable laws.
import * as _svgbase from '@syncfusion/ej2-svg-base';

@@ -2,0 +11,0 @@ import * as _base from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

@@ -1,8 +0,4 @@

define(["require", "exports", "./src/index"], function (require, exports, index_1) {
"use strict";
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* index
export * from './src/index';
"name": "@syncfusion/ej2-svg-base",
"version": "16.2.45",
"version": "16.2.46",
"description": "Essential JS 2 SVG Base Components",

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "author": "Syncfusion Inc.",

"dependencies": {
"@syncfusion/ej2-base": "~16.2.45"
"@syncfusion/ej2-base": "~16.2.46"

@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ "devDependencies": {

"main": "./dist/ej2-svg-base.umd.min.js",
"module": "./dist/es6/ej2-svg-base.es5.js",
"module": "./index.js",
"es2015": "./dist/es6/ej2-svg-base.es2015.js"

@@ -1,8 +0,4 @@

define(["require", "exports", "./tooltip/index"], function (require, exports, index_1) {
"use strict";
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* Chart components exported.
export * from './tooltip/index';

@@ -1,4 +0,1 @@

define(["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -11,305 +11,315 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {

define(["require", "exports", "@syncfusion/ej2-base"], function (require, exports, ej2_base_1) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function measureText(text, font) {
var htmlObject = document.getElementById('chartmeasuretext');
if (htmlObject === null) {
htmlObject = ej2_base_1.createElement('text', { id: 'chartmeasuretext' });
import { createElement, remove, SvgRenderer, merge } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
* Function to measure the height and width of the text.
* @param {string} text
* @param {FontModel} font
* @param {string} id
* @returns no
* @private
export function measureText(text, font) {
var htmlObject = document.getElementById('chartmeasuretext');
if (htmlObject === null) {
htmlObject = createElement('text', { id: 'chartmeasuretext' });
htmlObject.innerHTML = text; = 'absolute'; = font.size; = font.fontWeight; = font.fontStyle; = font.fontFamily; = 'hidden'; = '-100'; = '0'; = 'nowrap';
// For bootstrap line height issue = 'normal';
return new Size(htmlObject.clientWidth, htmlObject.clientHeight);
/** @private */
export function findDirection(rX, rY, rect, arrowLocation, arrowPadding, top, bottom, left, tipX, tipY, tipRadius) {
var direction = '';
var startX = rect.x;
var startY = rect.y;
var width = rect.x + rect.width;
var height = rect.y + rect.height;
tipRadius = tipRadius ? tipRadius : 0;
if (top) {
direction = direction.concat('M' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ startY + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + startY + ' ' +
' L' + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' Q ' + width + ' '
+ startY + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY + rY));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' Q ' + width + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (height));
if (arrowPadding !== 0) {
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (arrowLocation.x + arrowPadding / 2) + ' ' + (height));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (tipX + tipRadius) + ' ' + (height + arrowPadding - tipRadius));
direction += ' Q' + ' ' + (tipX) + ' ' + (height + arrowPadding) + ' ' + (tipX - tipRadius) +
' ' + (height + arrowPadding - tipRadius);
htmlObject.innerHTML = text; = 'absolute'; = font.size; = font.fontWeight; = font.fontStyle; = font.fontFamily; = 'hidden'; = '-100'; = '0'; = 'nowrap'; = 'normal';
return new Size(htmlObject.clientWidth, htmlObject.clientHeight);
exports.measureText = measureText;
function findDirection(rX, rY, rect, arrowLocation, arrowPadding, top, bottom, left, tipX, tipY, tipRadius) {
var direction = '';
var startX = rect.x;
var startY = rect.y;
var width = rect.x + rect.width;
var height = rect.y + rect.height;
tipRadius = tipRadius ? tipRadius : 0;
if (top) {
direction = direction.concat('M' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ startY + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + startY + ' ' +
' L' + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' Q ' + width + ' '
+ startY + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY + rY));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' Q ' + width + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (height));
if (arrowPadding !== 0) {
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (arrowLocation.x + arrowPadding / 2) + ' ' + (height));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (tipX + tipRadius) + ' ' + (height + arrowPadding - tipRadius));
direction += ' Q' + ' ' + (tipX) + ' ' + (height + arrowPadding) + ' ' + (tipX - tipRadius) +
' ' + (height + arrowPadding - tipRadius);
if ((arrowLocation.x - arrowPadding / 2) > startX) {
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (arrowLocation.x - arrowPadding / 2) + ' ' + height +
' L' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + height + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
if ((arrowLocation.x - arrowPadding / 2) > startX) {
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (arrowLocation.x - arrowPadding / 2) + ' ' + height +
' L' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + height + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ height + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' z');
else {
if (arrowPadding === 0) {
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + height + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ height + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' z');
else {
if (arrowPadding === 0) {
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + height + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ height + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' z');
else {
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height + rY) + ' z');
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height + rY) + ' z');
else if (bottom) {
direction = direction.concat('M' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' L' + ' ' + (arrowLocation.x - arrowPadding / 2) + ' ' + (startY));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (tipX - tipRadius) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y + tipRadius));
direction += ' Q' + ' ' + (tipX) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y) + ' ' + (tipX + tipRadius) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y + tipRadius);
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (arrowLocation.x + arrowPadding / 2) + ' ' + (startY) + ' L' + ' '
+ (width - rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' Q ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY) + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY + rY));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' Q ' + (width) + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (height) +
' L' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (height) + ' Q ' + (startX) + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' z');
else if (left) {
direction = direction.concat('M' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (startY));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' Q ' + (width) + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y - arrowPadding / 2));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width + arrowPadding - tipRadius) + ' ' + (tipY - tipRadius));
direction += ' Q ' + (width + arrowPadding) + ' ' + (tipY) + ' ' + (width + arrowPadding - tipRadius) + ' ' + (tipY + tipRadius);
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y + arrowPadding / 2) +
' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' Q ' + width + ' ' + (height) + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (height));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (height) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' z');
else {
direction = direction.concat('M' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' Q ' + (startX) + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' L' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y - arrowPadding / 2));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX - arrowPadding + tipRadius) + ' ' + (tipY - tipRadius));
direction += ' Q ' + (startX - arrowPadding) + ' ' + (tipY) + ' ' + (startX - arrowPadding + tipRadius) + ' ' + (tipY + tipRadius);
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y + arrowPadding / 2) +
' L' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (height));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (height) + ' Q ' + width + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (height - rY) +
' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' Q ' + width + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' z');
return direction;
exports.findDirection = findDirection;
var Size = (function () {
function Size(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
return Size;
exports.Size = Size;
var Rect = (function () {
function Rect(x, y, width, height) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
return Rect;
exports.Rect = Rect;
var Side = (function () {
function Side(bottom, right) {
this.isRight = right;
this.isBottom = bottom;
return Side;
exports.Side = Side;
var CustomizeOption = (function () {
function CustomizeOption(id) { = id;
return CustomizeOption;
exports.CustomizeOption = CustomizeOption;
var TextOption = (function (_super) {
__extends(TextOption, _super);
function TextOption(id, x, y, anchor, text, transform, baseLine) {
if (transform === void 0) { transform = ''; }
var _this =, id) || this;
_this.transform = '';
_this.baseLine = 'auto';
_this.x = x;
_this.y = y;
_this.anchor = anchor;
_this.text = text;
_this.transform = transform;
_this.baseLine = baseLine;
return _this;
return TextOption;
exports.TextOption = TextOption;
function getElement(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
else if (bottom) {
direction = direction.concat('M' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' L' + ' ' + (arrowLocation.x - arrowPadding / 2) + ' ' + (startY));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (tipX - tipRadius) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y + tipRadius));
direction += ' Q' + ' ' + (tipX) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y) + ' ' + (tipX + tipRadius) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y + tipRadius);
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (arrowLocation.x + arrowPadding / 2) + ' ' + (startY) + ' L' + ' '
+ (width - rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' Q ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY) + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY + rY));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' Q ' + (width) + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (height) +
' L' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (height) + ' Q ' + (startX) + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' z');
exports.getElement = getElement;
function removeElement(id) {
var element = getElement(id);
if (element) {
else if (left) {
direction = direction.concat('M' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (startY));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' Q ' + (width) + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y - arrowPadding / 2));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width + arrowPadding - tipRadius) + ' ' + (tipY - tipRadius));
direction += ' Q ' + (width + arrowPadding) + ' ' + (tipY) + ' ' + (width + arrowPadding - tipRadius) + ' ' + (tipY + tipRadius);
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y + arrowPadding / 2) +
' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' Q ' + width + ' ' + (height) + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (height));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (height) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' z');
exports.removeElement = removeElement;
function drawSymbol(location, shape, size, url, options, label) {
var functionName = 'Path';
var renderer = new ej2_base_1.SvgRenderer('');
var temp = calculateShapes(location, size, shape, options, url);
var htmlObject = renderer['draw' + temp.functionName](temp.renderOption);
htmlObject.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
return htmlObject;
else {
direction = direction.concat('M' + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' Q ' + (startX) + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' L' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y - arrowPadding / 2));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX - arrowPadding + tipRadius) + ' ' + (tipY - tipRadius));
direction += ' Q ' + (startX - arrowPadding) + ' ' + (tipY) + ' ' + (startX - arrowPadding + tipRadius) + ' ' + (tipY + tipRadius);
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (arrowLocation.y + arrowPadding / 2) +
' L' + ' ' + (startX) + ' ' + (height - rY) + ' Q ' + startX + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (startX + rX) + ' ' + (height));
direction = direction.concat(' L' + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (height) + ' Q ' + width + ' '
+ (height) + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (height - rY) +
' L' + ' ' + (width) + ' ' + (startY + rY) + ' Q ' + width + ' '
+ (startY) + ' ' + (width - rX) + ' ' + (startY) + ' z');
exports.drawSymbol = drawSymbol;
function calculateShapes(location, size, shape, options, url) {
var path;
var functionName = 'Path';
var width = size.width;
var height = size.height;
var locX = location.x;
var locY = location.y;
var x = location.x + (-width / 2);
var y = location.y + (-height / 2);
switch (shape) {
case 'Circle':
case 'Bubble':
functionName = 'Ellipse';
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'rx': width / 2, 'ry': height / 2, 'cx': locX, 'cy': locY });
case 'Cross':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + locY + ' ' + 'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + locY + ' ' +
'M' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' + 'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' +
(locY + (-height / 2));
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'HorizontalLine':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + locY + ' ' + 'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + locY;
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'VerticalLine':
path = 'M' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' + 'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2));
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Diamond':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + locY + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + locY + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + x + ' ' + locY + ' z';
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Rectangle':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' z';
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Triangle':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' z';
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'InvertedTriangle':
path = 'M' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY - (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX - (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY - (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY - (height / 2)) + ' z';
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Pentagon':
var eq = 72;
var xValue = void 0;
var yValue = void 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
xValue = (width / 2) * Math.cos((Math.PI / 180) * (i * eq));
yValue = (height / 2) * Math.sin((Math.PI / 180) * (i * eq));
if (i === 0) {
path = 'M' + ' ' + (locX + xValue) + ' ' + (locY + yValue) + ' ';
else {
path = path.concat('L' + ' ' + (locX + xValue) + ' ' + (locY + yValue) + ' ');
return direction;
/** @private */
var Size = /** @class */ (function () {
function Size(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
return Size;
export { Size };
/** @private */
var Rect = /** @class */ (function () {
function Rect(x, y, width, height) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
return Rect;
export { Rect };
var Side = /** @class */ (function () {
function Side(bottom, right) {
this.isRight = right;
this.isBottom = bottom;
return Side;
export { Side };
/** @private */
var CustomizeOption = /** @class */ (function () {
function CustomizeOption(id) { = id;
return CustomizeOption;
export { CustomizeOption };
/** @private */
var TextOption = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(TextOption, _super);
function TextOption(id, x, y, anchor, text, transform, baseLine) {
if (transform === void 0) { transform = ''; }
var _this =, id) || this;
_this.transform = '';
_this.baseLine = 'auto';
_this.x = x;
_this.y = y;
_this.anchor = anchor;
_this.text = text;
_this.transform = transform;
_this.baseLine = baseLine;
return _this;
return TextOption;
export { TextOption };
/** @private */
export function getElement(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
/** @private */
export function removeElement(id) {
var element = getElement(id);
if (element) {
/** @private */
export function drawSymbol(location, shape, size, url, options, label) {
var functionName = 'Path';
var renderer = new SvgRenderer('');
var temp = calculateShapes(location, size, shape, options, url);
var htmlObject = renderer['draw' + temp.functionName](temp.renderOption);
htmlObject.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
return htmlObject;
/** @private */
export function calculateShapes(location, size, shape, options, url) {
var path;
var functionName = 'Path';
var width = size.width;
var height = size.height;
var locX = location.x;
var locY = location.y;
var x = location.x + (-width / 2);
var y = location.y + (-height / 2);
switch (shape) {
case 'Circle':
case 'Bubble':
functionName = 'Ellipse';
merge(options, { 'rx': width / 2, 'ry': height / 2, 'cx': locX, 'cy': locY });
case 'Cross':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + locY + ' ' + 'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + locY + ' ' +
'M' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' + 'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' +
(locY + (-height / 2));
merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'HorizontalLine':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + locY + ' ' + 'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + locY;
merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'VerticalLine':
path = 'M' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' + 'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2));
merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Diamond':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + locY + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + locY + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + x + ' ' + locY + ' z';
merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Rectangle':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' z';
merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Triangle':
path = 'M' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (-height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + x + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' z';
merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'InvertedTriangle':
path = 'M' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY - (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + locX + ' ' + (locY + (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX - (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY - (height / 2)) + ' ' +
'L' + ' ' + (locX + (width / 2)) + ' ' + (locY - (height / 2)) + ' z';
merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Pentagon':
var eq = 72;
var xValue = void 0;
var yValue = void 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
xValue = (width / 2) * Math.cos((Math.PI / 180) * (i * eq));
yValue = (height / 2) * Math.sin((Math.PI / 180) * (i * eq));
if (i === 0) {
path = 'M' + ' ' + (locX + xValue) + ' ' + (locY + yValue) + ' ';
path = path.concat('Z');
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Image':
functionName = 'Image';
ej2_base_1.merge(options, { 'href': url, 'height': height, 'width': width, x: x, y: y });
return { renderOption: options, functionName: functionName };
else {
path = path.concat('L' + ' ' + (locX + xValue) + ' ' + (locY + yValue) + ' ');
path = path.concat('Z');
merge(options, { 'd': path });
case 'Image':
functionName = 'Image';
merge(options, { 'href': url, 'height': height, 'width': width, x: x, y: y });
exports.calculateShapes = calculateShapes;
var PathOption = (function (_super) {
__extends(PathOption, _super);
function PathOption(id, fill, width, color, opacity, dashArray, d) {
var _this =, id) || this;
_this.opacity = opacity;
_this.fill = fill;
_this.stroke = color;
_this['stroke-width'] = width;
_this['stroke-dasharray'] = dashArray;
_this.d = d;
return _this;
return PathOption;
exports.PathOption = PathOption;
function textElement(options, font, color, parent) {
var renderOptions = {};
var htmlObject;
var tspanElement;
var renderer = new ej2_base_1.SvgRenderer('');
var text;
var height;
renderOptions = {
'x': options.x,
'y': options.y,
'fill': color,
'font-size': font.size,
'font-style': font.fontStyle,
'font-family': font.fontFamily,
'font-weight': font.fontWeight,
'text-anchor': options.anchor,
'transform': options.transform,
'opacity': font.opacity,
'dominant-baseline': options.baseLine
text = typeof options.text === 'string' ? options.text : options.text[0];
htmlObject = renderer.createText(renderOptions, text);
return htmlObject;
return { renderOption: options, functionName: functionName };
/** @private */
var PathOption = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(PathOption, _super);
function PathOption(id, fill, width, color, opacity, dashArray, d) {
var _this =, id) || this;
_this.opacity = opacity;
_this.fill = fill;
_this.stroke = color;
_this['stroke-width'] = width;
_this['stroke-dasharray'] = dashArray;
_this.d = d;
return _this;
exports.textElement = textElement;
var TooltipLocation = (function () {
function TooltipLocation(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return TooltipLocation;
exports.TooltipLocation = TooltipLocation;
return PathOption;
export { PathOption };
/** @private */
export function textElement(options, font, color, parent) {
var renderOptions = {};
var htmlObject;
var tspanElement;
var renderer = new SvgRenderer('');
var text;
var height;
renderOptions = {
'x': options.x,
'y': options.y,
'fill': color,
'font-size': font.size,
'font-style': font.fontStyle,
'font-family': font.fontFamily,
'font-weight': font.fontWeight,
'text-anchor': options.anchor,
'transform': options.transform,
'opacity': font.opacity,
'dominant-baseline': options.baseLine
text = typeof options.text === 'string' ? options.text : options.text[0];
htmlObject = renderer.createText(renderOptions, text);
return htmlObject;
var TooltipLocation = /** @class */ (function () {
function TooltipLocation(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return TooltipLocation;
export { TooltipLocation };

@@ -1,9 +0,5 @@

define(["require", "exports", "./tooltip", "./interface"], function (require, exports, tooltip_1, interface_1) {
"use strict";
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* Chart component exported items
export * from './tooltip';
export * from './interface';

@@ -1,27 +0,23 @@

define(["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function getTooltipThemeColor(theme) {
var style;
switch (theme) {
case 'Highcontrast':
style = {
tooltipFill: '#ffffff',
tooltipBoldLabel: '#000000',
tooltipLightLabel: '#000000',
tooltipHeaderLine: '#969696'
style = {
tooltipFill: 'rgba(0, 8, 22, 0.75)',
tooltipBoldLabel: '#ffffff',
tooltipLightLabel: '#dbdbdb',
tooltipHeaderLine: '#ffffff'
return style;
/** @private */
export function getTooltipThemeColor(theme) {
var style;
switch (theme) {
case 'Highcontrast':
style = {
tooltipFill: '#ffffff',
tooltipBoldLabel: '#000000',
tooltipLightLabel: '#000000',
tooltipHeaderLine: '#969696'
style = {
tooltipFill: 'rgba(0, 8, 22, 0.75)',
tooltipBoldLabel: '#ffffff',
tooltipLightLabel: '#dbdbdb',
tooltipHeaderLine: '#ffffff'
exports.getTooltipThemeColor = getTooltipThemeColor;
return style;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { NotifyPropertyChanges, Property, Event, Complex, INotifyPropertyChanged} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { SvgRenderer, extend, compile as templateComplier, Component} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { ChildProperty, createElement, EmitType, remove, Browser, AnimationOptions, Animation} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { ITooltipThemeStyle, ITooltipRenderingEventArgs, ITooltipAnimationCompleteArgs} from './interface';import { ITooltipLoadedEventArgs, getTooltipThemeColor } from './interface';import { Size, Rect, Side, measureText, getElement, findDirection, drawSymbol, textElement } from './helper';import { removeElement, TextOption, TooltipLocation, PathOption } from './helper';import { TooltipShape, TooltipTheme } from './enum';
import { NotifyPropertyChanges, Property, Event, Complex, INotifyPropertyChanged} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { SvgRenderer, extend, compile as templateComplier, Component} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { ChildProperty, EmitType, remove, Browser, AnimationOptions, Animation} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';import { ITooltipThemeStyle, ITooltipRenderingEventArgs, ITooltipAnimationCompleteArgs} from './interface';import { ITooltipLoadedEventArgs, getTooltipThemeColor } from './interface';import { Size, Rect, Side, measureText, getElement, findDirection, drawSymbol, textElement } from './helper';import { removeElement, TextOption, TooltipLocation, PathOption } from './helper';import { TooltipShape, TooltipTheme } from './enum';
import {ComponentModel} from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

@@ -148,3 +148,3 @@

* The fill color of the tooltip that accepts value in hex and rgba as a valid CSS color string.
* The fill color of the tooltip that accepts value in hex and rgba as a valid CSS color string.
* @private.

@@ -156,3 +156,3 @@ */

* Header for tooltip.
* Header for tooltip.
* @private.

@@ -164,3 +164,3 @@ */

* The fill color of the tooltip that accepts value in hex and rgba as a valid CSS color string.
* The fill color of the tooltip that accepts value in hex and rgba as a valid CSS color string.
* @private.

@@ -167,0 +167,0 @@ */

@@ -308,3 +308,3 @@ import { INotifyPropertyChanged } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

protected render(): void;
private createElement();
private createTooltipElement();
private drawMarker(isBottom, isRight, size);

@@ -311,0 +311,0 @@ private renderTooltipElement(areaBounds, location);

@@ -17,635 +17,699 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {

define(["require", "exports", "@syncfusion/ej2-base", "@syncfusion/ej2-base", "@syncfusion/ej2-base", "./interface", "./helper", "./helper"], function (require, exports, ej2_base_1, ej2_base_2, ej2_base_3, interface_1, helper_1, helper_2) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var TextStyle = (function (_super) {
__extends(TextStyle, _super);
function TextStyle() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
import { NotifyPropertyChanges, Property, Event, Complex } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { SvgRenderer, extend, compile as templateComplier, Component } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { ChildProperty, remove, Browser, Animation } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { getTooltipThemeColor } from './interface';
import { Size, Rect, Side, measureText, getElement, findDirection, drawSymbol, textElement } from './helper';
import { removeElement, TextOption, TooltipLocation, PathOption } from './helper';
* Configures the fonts in charts.
* @private
var TextStyle = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(TextStyle, _super);
function TextStyle() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
], TextStyle.prototype, "size", void 0);
], TextStyle.prototype, "color", void 0);
Property('Segoe UI')
], TextStyle.prototype, "fontFamily", void 0);
], TextStyle.prototype, "fontWeight", void 0);
], TextStyle.prototype, "fontStyle", void 0);
], TextStyle.prototype, "opacity", void 0);
return TextStyle;
export { TextStyle };
* Configures the borders in the chart.
* @private
var TooltipBorder = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(TooltipBorder, _super);
function TooltipBorder() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
], TooltipBorder.prototype, "color", void 0);
], TooltipBorder.prototype, "width", void 0);
return TooltipBorder;
export { TooltipBorder };
* Configures the borders in the chart.
* @private
var AreaBounds = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(AreaBounds, _super);
function AreaBounds() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
], AreaBounds.prototype, "x", void 0);
], AreaBounds.prototype, "y", void 0);
], AreaBounds.prototype, "width", void 0);
], AreaBounds.prototype, "height", void 0);
return AreaBounds;
export { AreaBounds };
* Configures the borders in the chart.
* @private
var ToolLocation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ToolLocation, _super);
function ToolLocation() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
], ToolLocation.prototype, "x", void 0);
], ToolLocation.prototype, "y", void 0);
return ToolLocation;
export { ToolLocation };
* Represents the Tooltip control.
* ```html
* <div id="tooltip"/>
* <script>
* var tooltipObj = new Tooltip({ isResponsive : true });
* tooltipObj.appendTo("#tooltip");
* </script>
* ```
* @private
var Tooltip = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(Tooltip, _super);
* Constructor for creating the widget
* @hidden
function Tooltip(options, element) {
return, options, element) || this;
* Initialize the event handler.
* @private.
Tooltip.prototype.preRender = function () {
Tooltip.prototype.initPrivateVariable = function () {
this.renderer = new SvgRenderer(;
this.themeStyle = getTooltipThemeColor(this.theme);
this.formattedText = [];
this.padding = 5;
this.isFirst = true;
this.markerPoint = [];
Tooltip.prototype.removeSVG = function () {
var svgObject = document.getElementById( + '_svg');
var templateObject = document.getElementById( + 'parent_template');
if (svgObject && svgObject.parentNode) {
], TextStyle.prototype, "size", void 0);
], TextStyle.prototype, "color", void 0);
ej2_base_1.Property('Segoe UI')
], TextStyle.prototype, "fontFamily", void 0);
], TextStyle.prototype, "fontWeight", void 0);
], TextStyle.prototype, "fontStyle", void 0);
], TextStyle.prototype, "opacity", void 0);
return TextStyle;
exports.TextStyle = TextStyle;
var TooltipBorder = (function (_super) {
__extends(TooltipBorder, _super);
function TooltipBorder() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
if (templateObject && templateObject.parentNode) {
], TooltipBorder.prototype, "color", void 0);
], TooltipBorder.prototype, "width", void 0);
return TooltipBorder;
exports.TooltipBorder = TooltipBorder;
var AreaBounds = (function (_super) {
__extends(AreaBounds, _super);
function AreaBounds() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
* To Initialize the control rendering.
Tooltip.prototype.render = function () {
this.fadeOuted = false;
if (!this.template) {
var argsData = {
cancel: false, name: 'tooltipRender', tooltip: this
this.trigger('tooltipRender', argsData);
var markerSide = this.renderTooltipElement(this.areaBounds, this.location);
this.drawMarker(markerSide.isBottom, markerSide.isRight, this.markerSize);
], AreaBounds.prototype, "x", void 0);
], AreaBounds.prototype, "y", void 0);
], AreaBounds.prototype, "width", void 0);
], AreaBounds.prototype, "height", void 0);
return AreaBounds;
exports.AreaBounds = AreaBounds;
var ToolLocation = (function (_super) {
__extends(ToolLocation, _super);
function ToolLocation() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
else {
this.createTemplate(this.areaBounds, this.location);
], ToolLocation.prototype, "x", void 0);
], ToolLocation.prototype, "y", void 0);
return ToolLocation;
exports.ToolLocation = ToolLocation;
var Tooltip = (function (_super) {
__extends(Tooltip, _super);
function Tooltip(options, element) {
return, options, element) || this;
this.trigger('loaded', { tooltip: this });
Tooltip.prototype.createTooltipElement = function () {
this.textElements = [];
if (!this.template || this.shared) {
// SVG element for tooltip
var svgObject = this.renderer.createSvg({ id: + '_svg' });
// Group to hold text and path.
var groupElement = this.renderer.createGroup({ id: + '_group' });
var pathElement = this.renderer.drawPath({
'id': + '_path', 'stroke-width': this.border.width,
'fill': this.fill || this.themeStyle.tooltipFill, 'opacity': this.opacity,
'stroke': this.border.color
Tooltip.prototype.preRender = function () {
Tooltip.prototype.initPrivateVariable = function () {
this.renderer = new ej2_base_2.SvgRenderer(;
this.themeStyle = interface_1.getTooltipThemeColor(this.theme);
this.formattedText = [];
this.padding = 5;
this.isFirst = true;
this.markerPoint = [];
Tooltip.prototype.removeSVG = function () {
var svgObject = document.getElementById( + '_svg');
var templateObject = document.getElementById( + 'parent_template');
if (svgObject && svgObject.parentNode) {
Tooltip.prototype.drawMarker = function (isBottom, isRight, size) {
if (this.shapes.length <= 0) {
return null;
var shapeOption;
var count = 0;
var markerGroup = this.renderer.createGroup({ id: + '_trackball_group' });
var groupElement = getElement( + '_group');
var x = (this.marginX * 2) + (size / 2) + (isRight ? this.arrowPadding : 0);
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.shapes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var shape = _a[_i];
shapeOption = new PathOption( + '_Trackball_' + count, this.palette[count], 1, '#cccccc', 1, null);
markerGroup.appendChild(drawSymbol(new TooltipLocation(x, this.markerPoint[count] - this.padding + (isBottom ? this.arrowPadding : 0)), shape, new Size(size, size), '', shapeOption, null));
Tooltip.prototype.renderTooltipElement = function (areaBounds, location) {
var tooltipDiv = getElement(;
var arrowLocation = new TooltipLocation(0, 0);
var tipLocation = new TooltipLocation(0, 0);
var textHeights;
var svgObject = getElement( + '_svg');
var groupElement = getElement( + '_group');
var pathElement = getElement( + '_path');
var rect;
var isTop = false;
var isLeft = false;
var isBottom = false;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
this.tipRadius = 1;
if (this.header !== '') {
this.elementSize.height += this.marginY;
if (this.content.length > 1) {
rect = this.sharedTooltipLocation(areaBounds, this.location.x, this.location.y);
isTop = true;
else {
rect = this.tooltipLocation(areaBounds, location, arrowLocation, tipLocation);
if (!this.inverted) {
isTop = (rect.y < (location.y + this.clipBounds.y));
isBottom = !isTop;
y = (isTop ? 0 : this.arrowPadding);
if (templateObject && templateObject.parentNode) {
Tooltip.prototype.render = function () {
this.fadeOuted = false;
if (!this.template) {
var argsData = {
cancel: false, name: 'tooltipRender', tooltip: this
this.trigger('tooltipRender', argsData);
var markerSide = this.renderTooltipElement(this.areaBounds, this.location);
this.drawMarker(markerSide.isBottom, markerSide.isRight, this.markerSize);
else {
this.createTemplate(this.areaBounds, this.location);
isLeft = (rect.x < (location.x + this.clipBounds.x));
x = (isLeft ? 0 : this.arrowPadding);
this.trigger('loaded', { tooltip: this });
Tooltip.prototype.createElement = function () {
this.textElements = [];
if (!this.template || this.shared) {
var svgObject = this.renderer.createSvg({ id: + '_svg' });
var groupElement = this.renderer.createGroup({ id: + '_group' });
var pathElement = this.renderer.drawPath({
'id': + '_path', 'stroke-width': this.border.width,
'fill': this.fill || this.themeStyle.tooltipFill, 'opacity': this.opacity,
'stroke': this.border.color
if (this.header !== '') {
var headerSize = measureText(this.header, this.textStyle).height + (this.marginY * 2) +
(isBottom ? this.arrowPadding : 0); //header padding;
var xLength = (this.marginX * 3) + (!isLeft && !isTop && !isBottom ? this.arrowPadding : 0);
var direction = 'M ' + xLength + ' ' + headerSize +
'L ' + (rect.width + (!isLeft && !isTop && !isBottom ? this.arrowPadding : 0) - (this.marginX * 2)) +
' ' + headerSize;
var pathElement_1 = this.renderer.drawPath({
'id': + '_header_path', 'stroke-width': 1,
'fill': null, 'opacity': 0.8, 'stroke': this.themeStyle.tooltipHeaderLine, 'd': direction
var start = this.border.width / 2;
var pointRect = new Rect(start + x, start + y, rect.width - start, rect.height - start);
groupElement.setAttribute('opacity', '1');
if (this.enableAnimation && !this.shared && !this.isFirst) {
this.animateTooltipDiv(tooltipDiv, rect);
else {
this.updateDiv(tooltipDiv, rect.x, rect.y);
svgObject.setAttribute('height', (rect.height + this.border.width + (!((!this.inverted)) ? 0 : this.arrowPadding)).toString());
svgObject.setAttribute('width', (rect.width + this.border.width + (((!this.inverted)) ? 0 : this.arrowPadding)).toString());
svgObject.setAttribute('opacity', '1');
pathElement.setAttribute('d', findDirection(this.rx, this.ry, pointRect, arrowLocation, this.arrowPadding, isTop, isBottom, isLeft, tipLocation.x, tipLocation.y, this.tipRadius));
if (this.enableShadow) {
pathElement.setAttribute('filter', Browser.isIE ? '' : 'url(#chart_shadow_tooltip)');
var shadow = '<filter id="chart_shadow_tooltip" height="130%"><feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="3"/>';
shadow += '<feOffset dx="3" dy="3" result="offsetblur"/><feComponentTransfer><feFuncA type="linear" slope="0.5"/>';
shadow += '</feComponentTransfer><feMerge><feMergeNode/><feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/></feMerge></filter>';
var defElement = this.renderer.createDefs();
defElement.setAttribute('id', 'SVG_tooltip_definition');
defElement.innerHTML = shadow;
pathElement.setAttribute('stroke', this.border.color);
this.changeText(new TooltipLocation(x, y), isBottom, !isLeft && !isTop && !isBottom, rect);
return new Side(isBottom, !isLeft && !isTop && !isBottom);
Tooltip.prototype.changeText = function (point, isBottom, isRight, rect) {
var element = document.getElementById( + '_text');
if (isBottom) {
element.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0,' + this.arrowPadding + ')');
if (isRight) {
element.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + this.arrowPadding + ' 0)');
Tooltip.prototype.findFormattedText = function () {
this.formattedText = [];
if (this.header.replace(/<b>/g, '').replace(/<\/b>/g, '').trim() !== '') {
this.formattedText = this.formattedText.concat(this.header);
this.formattedText = this.formattedText.concat(this.content);
Tooltip.prototype.renderText = function (isRender) {
var height = 0;
var width = 0; // Padding for text;
var subWidth = 0;
var size;
var lines;
var key = 'properties';
var font = extend({}, this.textStyle, null, true)[key];
var groupElement = getElement( + '_group');
var tspanElement;
var tspanStyle = '';
var line;
var tspanOption;
var headerContent = this.header.replace(/<b>/g, '').replace(/<\/b>/g, '').trim();
var headerSpace = (headerContent !== '') ? this.marginY : 0;
var isRow = true;
var isColumn = true;
this.markerPoint = [];
var markerSize = (this.shapes.length > 0) ? 10 : 0;
var markerPadding = (this.shapes.length > 0) ? 5 : 0;
var spaceWidth = 4;
var fontSize = '13px';
var dy = (22 / parseFloat(fontSize)) * (parseFloat(font.size));
if (!isRender) {
removeElement( + '_text');
removeElement( + '_header_path');
removeElement( + '_trackball_group');
var options = new TextOption( + '_text', this.marginX * 2, (this.marginY * 2 + this.padding * 2 + (this.marginY === 2 ? 3 : 0)), 'start', '');
var parentElement = textElement(options, font, null, groupElement);
for (var k = 0, pointsLength = this.formattedText.length; k < pointsLength; k++) {
var textCollection = this.formattedText[k].replace(/<(b|strong)>/g, '<b>')
.replace(/<\/(b|strong)>/g, '</b>')
size = measureText(this.formattedText[k], font);
if ((k !== 0) || (headerContent === '')) {
this.markerPoint.push((headerContent !== '' ? (this.marginY) : 0) + options.y + height);
Tooltip.prototype.drawMarker = function (isBottom, isRight, size) {
if (this.shapes.length <= 0) {
return null;
var shapeOption;
var count = 0;
var markerGroup = this.renderer.createGroup({ id: + '_trackball_group' });
var groupElement = helper_1.getElement( + '_group');
var x = (this.marginX * 2) + (size / 2) + (isRight ? this.arrowPadding : 0);
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.shapes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var shape = _a[_i];
shapeOption = new helper_2.PathOption( + '_Trackball_' + count, this.palette[count], 1, '#cccccc', 1, null);
markerGroup.appendChild(helper_1.drawSymbol(new helper_2.TooltipLocation(x, this.markerPoint[count] - this.padding + (isBottom ? this.arrowPadding : 0)), shape, new helper_1.Size(size, size), '', shapeOption, null));
Tooltip.prototype.renderTooltipElement = function (areaBounds, location) {
var tooltipDiv = helper_1.getElement(;
var arrowLocation = new helper_2.TooltipLocation(0, 0);
var tipLocation = new helper_2.TooltipLocation(0, 0);
var textHeights;
var svgObject = helper_1.getElement( + '_svg');
var groupElement = helper_1.getElement( + '_group');
var pathElement = helper_1.getElement( + '_path');
var rect;
var isTop = false;
var isLeft = false;
var isBottom = false;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
this.tipRadius = 1;
if (this.header !== '') {
this.elementSize.height += this.marginY;
if (this.content.length > 1) {
rect = this.sharedTooltipLocation(areaBounds, this.location.x, this.location.y);
isTop = true;
else {
rect = this.tooltipLocation(areaBounds, location, arrowLocation, tipLocation);
if (!this.inverted) {
isTop = (rect.y < (location.y + this.clipBounds.y));
isBottom = !isTop;
y = (isTop ? 0 : this.arrowPadding);
for (var i = 0, len = textCollection.length; i < len; i++) {
lines = textCollection[i].replace(/<b>/g, '<br><b>').replace(/<\/b>/g, '</b><br>').split('<br>');
subWidth = 0;
isColumn = true;
height += dy;
for (var k_1 = 0, len_1 = lines.length; k_1 < len_1; k_1++) {
line = lines[k_1];
if (line.replace(/<b>/g, '').replace(/<\/b>/g, '').trim() !== '') {
subWidth += spaceWidth;
if (isColumn && !isRow) {
tspanOption = { x: (this.marginX * 2) + (markerSize + markerPadding),
dy: dy + ((isColumn) ? headerSpace : 0), fill: '' };
headerSpace = null;
else {
if (isRow && isColumn) {
tspanOption = { x: (headerContent === '') ? ((this.marginX * 2) + (markerSize + markerPadding))
: (this.marginX * 2) };
else {
tspanOption = {};
isColumn = false;
tspanElement = this.renderer.createTSpan(tspanOption, '');
if (line.indexOf('<b>') > -1) {
tspanStyle = 'font-weight:bold';
font.fontWeight = 'bold';
(tspanElement).setAttribute('fill', this.textStyle.color || this.themeStyle.tooltipBoldLabel);
else {
tspanStyle = '';
font.fontWeight = 'Normal';
(tspanElement).setAttribute('fill', this.textStyle.color || this.themeStyle.tooltipLightLabel);
(tspanElement).textContent = line = line.replace(/<[a-zA-Z\/](.|\n)*?>/g, '');
subWidth += measureText(line, font).width;
if (tspanStyle !== '') {
tspanElement.setAttribute('style', tspanStyle);
isRow = false;
else {
isLeft = (rect.x < (location.x + this.clipBounds.x));
x = (isLeft ? 0 : this.arrowPadding);
subWidth -= spaceWidth;
width = Math.max(width, subWidth);
if (this.header !== '') {
var headerSize = helper_1.measureText(this.header, this.textStyle).height + (this.marginY * 2) +
(isBottom ? this.arrowPadding : 0);
var xLength = (this.marginX * 3) + (!isLeft && !isTop && !isBottom ? this.arrowPadding : 0);
var direction = 'M ' + xLength + ' ' + headerSize +
'L ' + (rect.width + (!isLeft && !isTop && !isBottom ? this.arrowPadding : 0) - (this.marginX * 2)) +
' ' + headerSize;
var pathElement_1 = this.renderer.drawPath({
'id': + '_header_path', 'stroke-width': 1,
'fill': null, 'opacity': 0.8, 'stroke': this.themeStyle.tooltipHeaderLine, 'd': direction
this.elementSize = new Size(width + (width > 0 ? (2 * this.marginX) : 0), height);
this.elementSize.width += (markerSize + markerPadding); // marker size + marker Spacing
var element = (parentElement.childNodes[0]);
if (headerContent !== '' && element) {
font.fontWeight = 'bold';
var width_1 = (this.elementSize.width + (2 * this.padding)) / 2 - measureText(headerContent, font).width / 2;
element.setAttribute('x', width_1.toString());
Tooltip.prototype.createTemplate = function (areaBounds, location) {
var argsData = { cancel: false, name: 'tooltipRender', tooltip: this };
this.trigger('tooltipRender', argsData);
var parent = document.getElementById(;
var firstElement = parent.firstElementChild;
if (firstElement) {
if (!argsData.cancel) {
var templateElement = this.templateFn(;
var elem = this.createElement('div', { id: + 'parent_template' });
while (templateElement && templateElement.length > 0) {
var start = this.border.width / 2;
var pointRect = new helper_1.Rect(start + x, start + y, rect.width - start, rect.height - start);
groupElement.setAttribute('opacity', '1');
var rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
this.padding = 0;
this.elementSize = new Size(rect.width, rect.height);
var tooltipRect = this.tooltipLocation(areaBounds, location, new TooltipLocation(0, 0), new TooltipLocation(0, 0));
if (this.enableAnimation && !this.shared && !this.isFirst) {
this.animateTooltipDiv(tooltipDiv, rect);
this.animateTooltipDiv(this.element, tooltipRect);
else {
this.updateDiv(tooltipDiv, rect.x, rect.y);
this.updateDiv(this.element, tooltipRect.x, tooltipRect.y);
svgObject.setAttribute('height', (rect.height + this.border.width + (!((!this.inverted)) ? 0 : this.arrowPadding)).toString());
svgObject.setAttribute('width', (rect.width + this.border.width + (((!this.inverted)) ? 0 : this.arrowPadding)).toString());
svgObject.setAttribute('opacity', '1');
pathElement.setAttribute('d', helper_1.findDirection(this.rx, this.ry, pointRect, arrowLocation, this.arrowPadding, isTop, isBottom, isLeft, tipLocation.x, tipLocation.y, this.tipRadius));
if (this.enableShadow) {
pathElement.setAttribute('filter', ej2_base_3.Browser.isIE ? '' : 'url(#chart_shadow_tooltip)');
var shadow = '<filter id="chart_shadow_tooltip" height="130%"><feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="3"/>';
shadow += '<feOffset dx="3" dy="3" result="offsetblur"/><feComponentTransfer><feFuncA type="linear" slope="0.5"/>';
shadow += '</feComponentTransfer><feMerge><feMergeNode/><feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/></feMerge></filter>';
var defElement = this.renderer.createDefs();
defElement.setAttribute('id', 'SVG_tooltip_definition');
defElement.innerHTML = shadow;
else {
getElement( + '_tooltip').remove();
Tooltip.prototype.sharedTooltipLocation = function (bounds, x, y) {
var width = this.elementSize.width + (2 * this.marginX);
var height = this.elementSize.height + (2 * this.marginY);
var tooltipRect = new Rect(x + 2 * this.padding, y - height - this.padding, width, height);
if (tooltipRect.y < bounds.y) {
tooltipRect.y += (tooltipRect.height + 2 * this.padding);
if (tooltipRect.x + tooltipRect.width > bounds.x + bounds.width) {
tooltipRect.x -= (tooltipRect.width + 4 * this.padding);
return tooltipRect;
Tooltip.prototype.tooltipLocation = function (bounds, symbolLocation, arrowLocation, tipLocation) {
var location = new TooltipLocation(symbolLocation.x, symbolLocation.y);
var width = this.elementSize.width + (2 * this.marginX);
var height = this.elementSize.height + (2 * this.marginY);
var markerHeight = this.offset;
var clipX = this.clipBounds.x;
var clipY = this.clipBounds.y;
var boundsX = bounds.x;
var boundsY = bounds.y;
if (!this.inverted) {
location = new TooltipLocation(location.x + clipX - this.elementSize.width / 2 - this.padding, location.y + clipY - this.elementSize.height - (2 * this.padding) - this.arrowPadding - markerHeight);
arrowLocation.x = tipLocation.x = width / 2;
if (location.y < boundsY || (this.isNegative)) {
location.y = (symbolLocation.y < 0 ? 0 : symbolLocation.y) + clipY + markerHeight;
pathElement.setAttribute('stroke', this.border.color);
this.changeText(new helper_2.TooltipLocation(x, y), isBottom, !isLeft && !isTop && !isBottom, rect);
return new helper_1.Side(isBottom, !isLeft && !isTop && !isBottom);
Tooltip.prototype.changeText = function (point, isBottom, isRight, rect) {
var element = document.getElementById( + '_text');
if (isBottom) {
element.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0,' + this.arrowPadding + ')');
if (location.y + height + this.arrowPadding > boundsY + bounds.height) {
location.y = (symbolLocation.y > bounds.height ? bounds.height : symbolLocation.y)
+ clipY - this.elementSize.height - (2 * this.padding) - this.arrowPadding - markerHeight;
if (isRight) {
element.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + this.arrowPadding + ' 0)');
tipLocation.x = width / 2;
if (location.x < boundsX) {
arrowLocation.x -= (boundsX - location.x);
tipLocation.x -= (boundsX - location.x);
location.x = boundsX;
Tooltip.prototype.findFormattedText = function () {
this.formattedText = [];
if (this.header.replace(/<b>/g, '').replace(/<\/b>/g, '').trim() !== '') {
this.formattedText = this.formattedText.concat(this.header);
if (location.x + width > boundsX + bounds.width) {
arrowLocation.x += ((location.x + width) - (boundsX + bounds.width));
tipLocation.x += ((location.x + width) - (boundsX + bounds.width));
location.x -= ((location.x + width) - (boundsX + bounds.width));
this.formattedText = this.formattedText.concat(this.content);
Tooltip.prototype.renderText = function (isRender) {
var height = 0;
var width = 0;
var subWidth = 0;
var size;
var lines;
var key = 'properties';
var font = ej2_base_2.extend({}, this.textStyle, null, true)[key];
var groupElement = helper_1.getElement( + '_group');
var tspanElement;
var tspanStyle = '';
var line;
var tspanOption;
var headerContent = this.header.replace(/<b>/g, '').replace(/<\/b>/g, '').trim();
var headerSpace = (headerContent !== '') ? this.marginY : 0;
var isRow = true;
var isColumn = true;
this.markerPoint = [];
var markerSize = (this.shapes.length > 0) ? 10 : 0;
var markerPadding = (this.shapes.length > 0) ? 5 : 0;
var spaceWidth = 4;
var fontSize = '13px';
var dy = (22 / parseFloat(fontSize)) * (parseFloat(font.size));
if (!isRender) {
helper_2.removeElement( + '_text');
helper_2.removeElement( + '_header_path');
helper_2.removeElement( + '_trackball_group');
if (arrowLocation.x + this.arrowPadding / 2 > width - this.rx) {
arrowLocation.x = width - this.rx - this.arrowPadding / 2;
tipLocation.x = width;
this.tipRadius = 0;
var options = new helper_2.TextOption( + '_text', this.marginX * 2, (this.marginY * 2 + this.padding * 2 + (this.marginY === 2 ? 3 : 0)), 'start', '');
var parentElement = helper_1.textElement(options, font, null, groupElement);
for (var k = 0, pointsLength = this.formattedText.length; k < pointsLength; k++) {
var textCollection = this.formattedText[k].replace(/<(b|strong)>/g, '<b>')
.replace(/<\/(b|strong)>/g, '</b>')
size = helper_1.measureText(this.formattedText[k], font);
if ((k !== 0) || (headerContent === '')) {
this.markerPoint.push((headerContent !== '' ? (this.marginY) : 0) + options.y + height);
for (var i = 0, len = textCollection.length; i < len; i++) {
lines = textCollection[i].replace(/<b>/g, '<br><b>').replace(/<\/b>/g, '</b><br>').split('<br>');
subWidth = 0;
isColumn = true;
height += dy;
for (var k_1 = 0, len_1 = lines.length; k_1 < len_1; k_1++) {
line = lines[k_1];
if (line.replace(/<b>/g, '').replace(/<\/b>/g, '').trim() !== '') {
subWidth += spaceWidth;
if (isColumn && !isRow) {
tspanOption = { x: (this.marginX * 2) + (markerSize + markerPadding),
dy: dy + ((isColumn) ? headerSpace : 0), fill: '' };
headerSpace = null;
else {
if (isRow && isColumn) {
tspanOption = { x: (headerContent === '') ? ((this.marginX * 2) + (markerSize + markerPadding))
: (this.marginX * 2) };
else {
tspanOption = {};
isColumn = false;
tspanElement = this.renderer.createTSpan(tspanOption, '');
if (line.indexOf('<b>') > -1) {
tspanStyle = 'font-weight:bold';
font.fontWeight = 'bold';
(tspanElement).setAttribute('fill', this.textStyle.color || this.themeStyle.tooltipBoldLabel);
else {
tspanStyle = '';
font.fontWeight = 'Normal';
(tspanElement).setAttribute('fill', this.textStyle.color || this.themeStyle.tooltipLightLabel);
(tspanElement).textContent = line = line.replace(/<[a-zA-Z\/](.|\n)*?>/g, '');
subWidth += helper_1.measureText(line, font).width;
if (tspanStyle !== '') {
tspanElement.setAttribute('style', tspanStyle);
isRow = false;
subWidth -= spaceWidth;
width = Math.max(width, subWidth);
if (arrowLocation.x - this.arrowPadding / 2 < this.rx) {
arrowLocation.x = this.rx + this.arrowPadding / 2;
tipLocation.x = 0;
this.tipRadius = 0;
this.elementSize = new helper_1.Size(width + (width > 0 ? (2 * this.marginX) : 0), height);
this.elementSize.width += (markerSize + markerPadding);
var element = (parentElement.childNodes[0]);
if (headerContent !== '' && element) {
font.fontWeight = 'bold';
var width_1 = (this.elementSize.width + (2 * this.padding)) / 2 - helper_1.measureText(headerContent, font).width / 2;
element.setAttribute('x', width_1.toString());
else {
location = new TooltipLocation(location.x + clipX + markerHeight, location.y + clipY - this.elementSize.height / 2 - (this.padding));
arrowLocation.y = tipLocation.y = height / 2;
if ((location.x + width + this.arrowPadding > boundsX + bounds.width) || (this.isNegative)) {
location.x = (symbolLocation.x > bounds.width ? bounds.width : symbolLocation.x)
+ clipX - markerHeight - (width + this.arrowPadding);
Tooltip.prototype.createTemplate = function (areaBounds, location) {
var argsData = { cancel: false, name: 'tooltipRender', tooltip: this };
this.trigger('tooltipRender', argsData);
var parent = document.getElementById(;
var firstElement = parent.firstElementChild;
if (firstElement) {
if (location.x < boundsX) {
location.x = (symbolLocation.x < 0 ? 0 : symbolLocation.x) + clipX + markerHeight;
if (!argsData.cancel) {
var templateElement = this.templateFn(;
var elem = ej2_base_3.createElement('div', { id: + 'parent_template' });
while (templateElement && templateElement.length > 0) {
var rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
this.padding = 0;
this.elementSize = new helper_1.Size(rect.width, rect.height);
var tooltipRect = this.tooltipLocation(areaBounds, location, new helper_2.TooltipLocation(0, 0), new helper_2.TooltipLocation(0, 0));
if (this.enableAnimation && !this.shared && !this.isFirst) {
this.animateTooltipDiv(this.element, tooltipRect);
else {
this.updateDiv(this.element, tooltipRect.x, tooltipRect.y);
if (location.y <= boundsY) {
arrowLocation.y -= (boundsY - location.y);
tipLocation.y -= (boundsY - location.y);
location.y = boundsY;
else {
helper_1.getElement( + '_tooltip').remove();
if (location.y + height >= boundsY + bounds.height) {
arrowLocation.y += ((location.y + height) - (boundsY + bounds.height));
tipLocation.y += ((location.y + height) - (boundsY + bounds.height));
location.y -= ((location.y + height) - (boundsY + bounds.height));
Tooltip.prototype.sharedTooltipLocation = function (bounds, x, y) {
var width = this.elementSize.width + (2 * this.marginX);
var height = this.elementSize.height + (2 * this.marginY);
var tooltipRect = new helper_1.Rect(x + 2 * this.padding, y - height - this.padding, width, height);
if (tooltipRect.y < bounds.y) {
tooltipRect.y += (tooltipRect.height + 2 * this.padding);
if (arrowLocation.y + this.arrowPadding / 2 > height - this.ry) {
arrowLocation.y = height - this.ry - this.arrowPadding / 2;
tipLocation.y = height;
this.tipRadius = 0;
if (tooltipRect.x + tooltipRect.width > bounds.x + bounds.width) {
tooltipRect.x -= (tooltipRect.width + 4 * this.padding);
if (arrowLocation.y - this.arrowPadding / 2 < this.ry) {
arrowLocation.y = this.ry + this.arrowPadding / 2;
tipLocation.y = 0;
this.tipRadius = 0;
return tooltipRect;
Tooltip.prototype.tooltipLocation = function (bounds, symbolLocation, arrowLocation, tipLocation) {
var location = new helper_2.TooltipLocation(symbolLocation.x, symbolLocation.y);
var width = this.elementSize.width + (2 * this.marginX);
var height = this.elementSize.height + (2 * this.marginY);
var markerHeight = this.offset;
var clipX = this.clipBounds.x;
var clipY = this.clipBounds.y;
var boundsX = bounds.x;
var boundsY = bounds.y;
if (!this.inverted) {
location = new helper_2.TooltipLocation(location.x + clipX - this.elementSize.width / 2 - this.padding, location.y + clipY - this.elementSize.height - (2 * this.padding) - this.arrowPadding - markerHeight);
arrowLocation.x = tipLocation.x = width / 2;
if (location.y < boundsY || (this.isNegative)) {
location.y = (symbolLocation.y < 0 ? 0 : symbolLocation.y) + clipY + markerHeight;
if (location.y + height + this.arrowPadding > boundsY + bounds.height) {
location.y = (symbolLocation.y > bounds.height ? bounds.height : symbolLocation.y)
+ clipY - this.elementSize.height - (2 * this.padding) - this.arrowPadding - markerHeight;
tipLocation.x = width / 2;
if (location.x < boundsX) {
arrowLocation.x -= (boundsX - location.x);
tipLocation.x -= (boundsX - location.x);
location.x = boundsX;
if (location.x + width > boundsX + bounds.width) {
arrowLocation.x += ((location.x + width) - (boundsX + bounds.width));
tipLocation.x += ((location.x + width) - (boundsX + bounds.width));
location.x -= ((location.x + width) - (boundsX + bounds.width));
if (arrowLocation.x + this.arrowPadding / 2 > width - this.rx) {
arrowLocation.x = width - this.rx - this.arrowPadding / 2;
tipLocation.x = width;
this.tipRadius = 0;
if (arrowLocation.x - this.arrowPadding / 2 < this.rx) {
arrowLocation.x = this.rx + this.arrowPadding / 2;
tipLocation.x = 0;
this.tipRadius = 0;
return new Rect(location.x, location.y, width, height);
Tooltip.prototype.animateTooltipDiv = function (tooltipDiv, rect) {
var _this = this;
var x = parseFloat(;
var y = parseFloat(;
var currenDiff;
new Animation({}).animate(tooltipDiv, {
duration: 300,
progress: function (args) {
currenDiff = (args.timeStamp / args.duration); = null; = (x + currenDiff * (rect.x - x)) + 'px'; = (y + currenDiff * (rect.y - y)) + 'px';
end: function (model) {
_this.updateDiv(tooltipDiv, rect.x, rect.y);
_this.trigger('animationComplete', { tooltip: _this });
else {
location = new helper_2.TooltipLocation(location.x + clipX + markerHeight, location.y + clipY - this.elementSize.height / 2 - (this.padding));
arrowLocation.y = tipLocation.y = height / 2;
if ((location.x + width + this.arrowPadding > boundsX + bounds.width) || (this.isNegative)) {
location.x = (symbolLocation.x > bounds.width ? bounds.width : symbolLocation.x)
+ clipX - markerHeight - (width + this.arrowPadding);
Tooltip.prototype.updateDiv = function (tooltipDiv, x, y) { = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
Tooltip.prototype.updateTemplateFn = function () {
if (this.template) {
var e = void 0;
try {
if (document.querySelectorAll(this.template).length) {
this.templateFn = templateComplier(document.querySelector(this.template).innerHTML.trim());
if (location.x < boundsX) {
location.x = (symbolLocation.x < 0 ? 0 : symbolLocation.x) + clipX + markerHeight;
if (location.y <= boundsY) {
arrowLocation.y -= (boundsY - location.y);
tipLocation.y -= (boundsY - location.y);
location.y = boundsY;
if (location.y + height >= boundsY + bounds.height) {
arrowLocation.y += ((location.y + height) - (boundsY + bounds.height));
tipLocation.y += ((location.y + height) - (boundsY + bounds.height));
location.y -= ((location.y + height) - (boundsY + bounds.height));
if (arrowLocation.y + this.arrowPadding / 2 > height - this.ry) {
arrowLocation.y = height - this.ry - this.arrowPadding / 2;
tipLocation.y = height;
this.tipRadius = 0;
if (arrowLocation.y - this.arrowPadding / 2 < this.ry) {
arrowLocation.y = this.ry + this.arrowPadding / 2;
tipLocation.y = 0;
this.tipRadius = 0;
return new helper_1.Rect(location.x, location.y, width, height);
Tooltip.prototype.animateTooltipDiv = function (tooltipDiv, rect) {
var _this = this;
var x = parseFloat(;
var y = parseFloat(;
var currenDiff;
new ej2_base_3.Animation({}).animate(tooltipDiv, {
duration: 300,
catch (e) {
this.templateFn = templateComplier(this.template);
/** @private */
Tooltip.prototype.fadeOut = function () {
var _this = this;
var tooltipElement = getElement(;
if (tooltipElement) {
var tooltipGroup_1 = tooltipElement.firstChild;
var opacity_1 = parseFloat(tooltipGroup_1.getAttribute('opacity')) || 1;
new Animation({}).animate(tooltipGroup_1, {
duration: 200,
progress: function (args) {
currenDiff = (args.timeStamp / args.duration); = null; = (x + currenDiff * (rect.x - x)) + 'px'; = (y + currenDiff * (rect.y - y)) + 'px';
// tooltipGroup.removeAttribute('e-animate');
_this.progressAnimation(tooltipGroup_1, opacity_1, (args.timeStamp / args.duration));
end: function (model) {
_this.updateDiv(tooltipDiv, rect.x, rect.y);
_this.trigger('animationComplete', { tooltip: _this });
_this.fadeOuted = true;
Tooltip.prototype.updateDiv = function (tooltipDiv, x, y) { = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
Tooltip.prototype.updateTemplateFn = function () {
if (this.template) {
var e = void 0;
try {
if (document.querySelectorAll(this.template).length) {
this.templateFn = ej2_base_2.compile(document.querySelector(this.template).innerHTML.trim());
catch (e) {
this.templateFn = ej2_base_2.compile(this.template);
Tooltip.prototype.fadeOut = function () {
var _this = this;
var tooltipElement = helper_1.getElement(;
if (tooltipElement) {
var tooltipGroup_1 = tooltipElement.firstChild;
var opacity_1 = parseFloat(tooltipGroup_1.getAttribute('opacity')) || 1;
new ej2_base_3.Animation({}).animate(tooltipGroup_1, {
duration: 200,
progress: function (args) {
_this.progressAnimation(tooltipGroup_1, opacity_1, (args.timeStamp / args.duration));
end: function (model) {
_this.fadeOuted = true;
Tooltip.prototype.progressAnimation = function (tooltipGroup, opacity, timeStamp) { = '';
tooltipGroup.setAttribute('opacity', (opacity - timeStamp).toString());
Tooltip.prototype.endAnimation = function (tooltipGroup) {
tooltipGroup.setAttribute('opacity', '0');
if (this.template && !this.shared) { = 'none';
this.trigger('animationComplete', { tooltip: this });
Tooltip.prototype.getPersistData = function () {
var keyEntity = [];
return this.addOnPersist(keyEntity);
Tooltip.prototype.getModuleName = function () {
return 'tooltip';
Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function () {;
Tooltip.prototype.onPropertyChanged = function (newProp, oldProp) {
this.isFirst = false;
], Tooltip.prototype, "enable", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "shared", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "enableShadow", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "fill", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "header", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "opacity", void 0);
ej2_base_1.Complex({ size: '13px', fontWeight: 'Normal', color: null, fontStyle: 'Normal', fontFamily: 'Segoe UI' }, TextStyle)
], Tooltip.prototype, "textStyle", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "template", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "enableAnimation", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "inverted", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "isNegative", void 0);
ej2_base_1.Complex({ color: '#cccccc', width: 0.5 }, TooltipBorder)
], Tooltip.prototype, "border", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "content", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "markerSize", void 0);
ej2_base_1.Complex({ x: 0, y: 0 }, ToolLocation)
], Tooltip.prototype, "clipBounds", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "palette", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "shapes", void 0);
ej2_base_1.Complex({ x: 0, y: 0 }, ToolLocation)
], Tooltip.prototype, "location", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "offset", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "rx", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "ry", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "marginX", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "marginY", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "arrowPadding", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "data", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "theme", void 0);
ej2_base_1.Complex({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, AreaBounds)
], Tooltip.prototype, "areaBounds", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "tooltipRender", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "loaded", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "animationComplete", void 0);
Tooltip = __decorate([
], Tooltip);
return Tooltip;
exports.Tooltip = Tooltip;
Tooltip.prototype.progressAnimation = function (tooltipGroup, opacity, timeStamp) { = '';
tooltipGroup.setAttribute('opacity', (opacity - timeStamp).toString());
* @hidden
Tooltip.prototype.endAnimation = function (tooltipGroup) {
tooltipGroup.setAttribute('opacity', '0');
if (this.template && !this.shared) { = 'none';
this.trigger('animationComplete', { tooltip: this });
* Get the properties to be maintained in the persisted state.
* @private
Tooltip.prototype.getPersistData = function () {
var keyEntity = [];
return this.addOnPersist(keyEntity);
* Get component name
* @private
Tooltip.prototype.getModuleName = function () {
return 'tooltip';
* To destroy the accumulationcharts
* @private
Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function () {;
* Called internally if any of the property value changed.
* @return {void}
* @private
Tooltip.prototype.onPropertyChanged = function (newProp, oldProp) {
this.isFirst = false;
], Tooltip.prototype, "enable", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "shared", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "enableShadow", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "fill", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "header", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "opacity", void 0);
Complex({ size: '13px', fontWeight: 'Normal', color: null, fontStyle: 'Normal', fontFamily: 'Segoe UI' }, TextStyle)
], Tooltip.prototype, "textStyle", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "template", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "enableAnimation", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "inverted", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "isNegative", void 0);
Complex({ color: '#cccccc', width: 0.5 }, TooltipBorder)
], Tooltip.prototype, "border", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "content", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "markerSize", void 0);
Complex({ x: 0, y: 0 }, ToolLocation)
], Tooltip.prototype, "clipBounds", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "palette", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "shapes", void 0);
Complex({ x: 0, y: 0 }, ToolLocation)
], Tooltip.prototype, "location", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "offset", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "rx", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "ry", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "marginX", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "marginY", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "arrowPadding", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "data", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "theme", void 0);
Complex({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, AreaBounds)
], Tooltip.prototype, "areaBounds", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "tooltipRender", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "loaded", void 0);
], Tooltip.prototype, "animationComplete", void 0);
Tooltip = __decorate([
], Tooltip);
return Tooltip;
export { Tooltip };

@@ -1,8 +0,4 @@

define(["require", "exports", "./src/tooltip/index"], function (require, exports, index_1) {
"use strict";
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* tooltip
export * from './src/tooltip/index';

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