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@takuma-ru/vue-swipe-modal - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.0.4 to 5.0.5



@@ -1,82 +0,86 @@

(function(){"use strict";try{if(typeof document<"u"){var e=document.createElement("style");e.appendChild(document.createTextNode('.swipe-modal[data-v-31c69cef]{position:fixed;top:auto;box-sizing:border-box;width:100vw;max-width:100vw;height:100dvh;max-height:100dvh;padding:0;margin:0;overflow:hidden;border:none}.swipe-modal[data-v-31c69cef]::backdrop{background-color:#00000080;-webkit-backdrop-filter:blur(8px);backdrop-filter:blur(8px)}.swipe-modal-content[data-v-31c69cef]{width:100%;height:100%}.swipe-modal-content>.panel[data-v-31c69cef]{max-height:calc(100dvh - 36px);overflow-y:scroll}.modal-style[data-v-31c69cef]{box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;color:#fff;background-color:#1d1b20;border-radius:1rem 1rem 0 0}@media (prefers-color-scheme: light){.modal-style[data-v-31c69cef]{color:#000;background-color:#f7f2fa;box-shadow:0 1px 4px #0000005e}}.swipe-modal-drag-handle-wrapper[data-v-31c69cef]{position:relative;top:0;flex-shrink:0;height:36px;cursor:grab}.swipe-modal-drag-handle-wrapper[data-v-31c69cef]:active{cursor:grabbing}.swipe-modal-drag-handle[data-v-31c69cef]{position:absolute;left:50%;width:32px;height:4px;margin:16px 0;content:"";background-color:#ccc;border-radius:2px;transform:translate(-50%)}')),document.head.appendChild(e)}}catch(o){console.error("vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js",o)}})();
import { getCurrentInstance as F, ref as S, watch as M, nextTick as N, computed as D, defineComponent as I, onMounted as L, onUnmounted as O, openBlock as _, createElementBlock as U, createElementVNode as Y, unref as h, renderSlot as B, createCommentVNode as H, pushScopeId as G, popScopeId as J } from "vue";
(function(){"use strict";try{if(typeof document<"u"){var e=document.createElement("style");e.appendChild(document.createTextNode('.swipe-modal[data-v-8cbd34e1]{position:fixed;top:auto;box-sizing:border-box;width:100vw;max-width:100vw;height:100dvh;max-height:100dvh;padding:0;margin:0;overflow:hidden;border:none}.swipe-modal[data-v-8cbd34e1]::backdrop{background-color:#00000080;-webkit-backdrop-filter:blur(8px);backdrop-filter:blur(8px)}.swipe-modal-content[data-v-8cbd34e1]{width:100%;height:100%}.swipe-modal-content>.panel[data-v-8cbd34e1]{max-height:calc(100dvh - 36px);overflow-y:scroll}.modal-style[data-v-8cbd34e1]{box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;color:#fff;background-color:#1d1b20;border-radius:1rem 1rem 0 0}@media (prefers-color-scheme: light){.modal-style[data-v-8cbd34e1]{color:#000;background-color:#f7f2fa;box-shadow:0 1px 4px #0000005e}}.swipe-modal-drag-handle-wrapper[data-v-8cbd34e1]{position:relative;top:0;flex-shrink:0;height:36px;cursor:grab}.swipe-modal-drag-handle-wrapper[data-v-8cbd34e1]:active{cursor:grabbing}.swipe-modal-drag-handle[data-v-8cbd34e1]{position:absolute;left:50%;width:32px;height:4px;margin:16px 0;content:"";background-color:#ccc;border-radius:2px;transform:translate(-50%)}')),document.head.appendChild(e)}}catch(d){console.error("vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js",d)}})();
import { getCurrentInstance as D, ref as E, watch as Y, nextTick as I, computed as L, defineComponent as O, onMounted as _, onUnmounted as U, openBlock as H, createElementBlock as W, createElementVNode as x, unref as h, renderSlot as F, createCommentVNode as G, pushScopeId as J, popScopeId as z } from "vue";
typeof WorkerGlobalScope < "u" && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;
const W = (t) => typeof t < "u";
function z(t) {
const X = (t) => typeof t < "u";
function j(t) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t));
function X(t, n, o, r = {}) {
var e, a, m;
function q(t, l, s, n = {}) {
var o, u, m;
const {
clone: d = !1,
passive: s = !1,
passive: e = !1,
eventName: P,
deep: f = !1,
defaultValue: y,
shouldEmit: E
} = r, p = F(), V = o || (p == null ? void 0 : p.emit) || ((e = p == null ? void 0 : p.$emit) == null ? void 0 : e.bind(p)) || ((m = (a = p == null ? void 0 : p.proxy) == null ? void 0 : a.$emit) == null ? void 0 : m.bind(p == null ? void 0 : p.proxy));
let v = P;
v = v || `update:${n.toString()}`;
const g = (c) => d ? typeof d == "function" ? d(c) : z(c) : c, b = () => W(t[n]) ? g(t[n]) : y, A = (c) => {
E ? E(c) && V(v, c) : V(v, c);
shouldEmit: M
} = n, p = D(), S = s || (p == null ? void 0 : p.emit) || ((o = p == null ? void 0 : p.$emit) == null ? void 0 : o.bind(p)) || ((m = (u = p == null ? void 0 : p.proxy) == null ? void 0 : u.$emit) == null ? void 0 : m.bind(p == null ? void 0 : p.proxy));
let c = P;
c = c || `update:${l.toString()}`;
const g = (v) => d ? typeof d == "function" ? d(v) : j(v) : v, b = () => X(t[l]) ? g(t[l]) : y, C = (v) => {
M ? M(v) && S(c, v) : S(c, v);
if (s) {
const c = b(), w = S(c);
if (e) {
const v = b(), T = E(v);
let i = !1;
return M(
() => t[n],
(l) => {
i || (i = !0, w.value = g(l), N(() => i = !1));
return Y(
() => t[l],
(a) => {
i || (i = !0, T.value = g(a), I(() => i = !1));
), M(
(l) => {
!i && (l !== t[n] || f) && A(l);
), Y(
(a) => {
!i && (a !== t[l] || f) && C(a);
{ deep: f }
), w;
), T;
} else
return D({
return L({
get() {
return b();
set(c) {
set(v) {
const C = "cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.0, 0, 1.0)", $ = ({ scopeName: t }) => {
const n = (e) => getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(`--${t}-${e}`);
const A = (t, l) => {"will-change", l);
}, V = (t) => {"will-change");
}, w = "cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.0, 0, 1.0)", k = ({ scopeName: t }) => {
const l = (o) => getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(`--${t}-${o}`);
return {
setCssVar: ({ name: e, value: a, fallback: m }) => {`--${t}-${e}`, a), m == null || m(
setCssVar: ({ name: o, value: u, fallback: m }) => {`--${t}-${o}`, u), m == null || m(
getCssVar: n,
removeCssVar: (e) => {`--${t}-${e}`);
getCssVar: l,
removeCssVar: (o) => {`--${t}-${o}`);
}, k = ({
}, N = ({
scopeName: t,
positionStatus: n,
props: o,
positionStatus: l,
props: s,
refs: {
modalRef: r
modalRef: n
}) => {
const {
getCssVar: e,
setCssVar: a
} = $({ scopeName: t });
getCssVar: o,
setCssVar: u
} = k({ scopeName: t });
return {
cancelAnim: () => {
if (!r.value)
if (!n.value)
const P = () => n.value === "snap" ? o.snapPoint ? e("snapPointPosition") : "0%" : n.value === "full" ? "0%" : "-100%";
const P = () => l.value === "snap" ? s.snapPoint ? o("snapPointPosition") : "0%" : l.value === "full" ? "0%" : "-100%";
A(n.value, "bottom"), n.value.animate(
{ bottom: e("bottom") },
{ bottom: o("bottom") },

@@ -88,20 +92,20 @@ bottom: P()

duration: 300,
easing: C
easing: w
).onfinish = () => {
name: "movementAmountY",
value: "0"
}), a({
}), u({
name: "bottom",
value: P()
}), n.value && V(n.value);
moveToSnapPointAnim: () => {
r.value && o.snapPoint && (r.value.animate(
n.value && s.snapPoint && (A(n.value, "bottom"), n.value.animate(
{ bottom: e("bottom") },
{ bottom: o("bottom") },
bottom: e("snapPointPosition")
bottom: o("snapPointPosition")

@@ -111,18 +115,18 @@ ],

duration: 300,
easing: C
easing: w
).onfinish = () => {
name: "movementAmountY",
value: "0"
}), a({
}), u({
name: "bottom",
value: e("snapPointPosition")
}), n.value = "snap";
value: o("snapPointPosition")
}), l.value = "snap", n.value && V(n.value);
moveToFullScreenAnim: () => {
r.value && (r.value.animate(
n.value && (A(n.value, "bottom"), n.value.animate(
{ bottom: e("bottom") },
{ bottom: o("bottom") },

@@ -134,63 +138,63 @@ bottom: "0%"

duration: 300,
easing: C
easing: w
).onfinish = () => {
name: "movementAmountY",
value: "0"
}), a({
}), u({
name: "bottom",
value: "0%"
}), n.value = "full";
}), l.value = "full", n.value && V(n.value);
}, j = ({
}, K = ({
scopeName: t,
positionStatus: n,
props: o,
refs: { modalRef: r },
vModel: e
positionStatus: l,
props: s,
refs: { modalRef: n },
vModel: o
}) => {
const {
getCssVar: a,
getCssVar: u,
setCssVar: m
} = $({ scopeName: t }), {
} = k({ scopeName: t }), {
cancelAnim: d,
moveToSnapPointAnim: s,
moveToSnapPointAnim: e,
moveToFullScreenAnim: P
} = k({
} = N({
scopeName: t,
positionStatus: n,
props: o,
positionStatus: l,
props: s,
refs: {
modalRef: r
modalRef: n
}), f = S(!1), y = S(0);
}), f = E(!1), y = E(0);
return {
isMouseDown: f,
handlePointerDown: ({
mouseEvent: v,
mouseEvent: c,
touchEvent: g,
eventType: b
}) => {
b === "mouse" ? y.value = v.y : y.value = g.touches[0].clientY, f.value = !0;
b === "mouse" ? y.value = c.y : y.value = g.touches[0].clientY, f.value = !0, n.value && A(n.value, "bottom");
handlePointerMove: ({
mouseEvent: v,
mouseEvent: c,
touchEvent: g,
eventType: b
}) => {
var A, c;
var C, v;
if (f.value && (m(b === "mouse" ? {
name: "movementAmountY",
value: (y.value - v.y).toString()
value: (y.value - c.y).toString()
} : {
name: "movementAmountY",
value: (y.value - g.touches[0].clientY).toString()
}), !(Number(a("movementAmountY")) > 0 && n.value === "full" || (((A = r.value) == null ? void 0 : A.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0) < 0) && !(!o.isFullScreen && Number(a("movementAmountY")) > 0))) {
if ((c = r.value) == null ||"user-select", "none"), n.value === "snap") {
}), !(Number(u("movementAmountY")) > 0 && l.value === "full" || (((C = n.value) == null ? void 0 : C.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0) < 0) && !(!s.isFullScreen && Number(u("movementAmountY")) > 0))) {
if ((v = n.value) == null ||"user-select", "none"), l.value === "snap") {
name: "bottom",
value: `calc(${a("snapPointPosition")} + ${a("movementAmountY")}px)`
value: `calc(${u("snapPointPosition")} + ${u("movementAmountY")}px)`

@@ -201,3 +205,3 @@ return;

name: "bottom",
value: `calc(0% + ${a("movementAmountY")}px)`
value: `calc(0% + ${u("movementAmountY")}px)`

@@ -207,16 +211,16 @@ }

handlePointerUp: () => {
var v;
if (f.value = !1, (v = r.value) == null ||"user-select"), Math.abs(Number(a("movementAmountY"))) > 36) {
if (Number(a("movementAmountY")) < 0)
switch (n.value) {
var c;
if (f.value = !1, (c = n.value) == null ||"user-select"), Math.abs(Number(u("movementAmountY"))) > 36) {
if (Number(u("movementAmountY")) < 0)
switch (l.value) {
case "full":
return o.snapPoint ? s() : o.isPersistent ? d() : e.value = !1;
return s.snapPoint ? e() : s.isPersistent ? d() : o.value = !1;
case "snap":
return o.isPersistent ? d() : e.value = !1;
return s.isPersistent ? d() : o.value = !1;
switch (n.value) {
switch (l.value) {
case "snap":
return o.isFullScreen ? P() : d();
return s.isFullScreen ? P() : d();

@@ -229,3 +233,3 @@ return;

}, T = (t) => {
}, $ = (t) => {
if (t === "reset") {

@@ -235,5 +239,5 @@"overflow"),"overscroll-behavior-y");

let n = window, o, r, e;
document.defaultView ? (n = document.defaultView, o = n.scrollX, r = n.scrollY) : (e = document.documentElement, o = e.scrollLeft, r = e.scrollTop), = t, = t === "auto" ? "auto" : "none", n.scrollTo(o, r);
}, q = (t) => (G("data-v-31c69cef"), t = t(), J(), t), K = /* @__PURE__ */ q(() => /* @__PURE__ */ Y("div", { class: "swipe-modal-drag-handle" }, null, -1)), Q = /* @__PURE__ */ I({
let l = window, s, n, o;
document.defaultView ? (l = document.defaultView, s = l.scrollX, n = l.scrollY) : (o = document.documentElement, s = o.scrollLeft, n = o.scrollTop), = t, = t === "auto" ? "auto" : "none", l.scrollTo(s, n);
}, Q = (t) => (J("data-v-8cbd34e1"), t = t(), z(), t), Z = /* @__PURE__ */ Q(() => /* @__PURE__ */ x("div", { class: "swipe-modal-drag-handle" }, null, -1)), R = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "SwipeModal",

@@ -250,45 +254,43 @@ props: {

emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(t, { emit: n }) {
const o = t, r = n, e = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2), {
getCssVar: a,
setup(t, { emit: l }) {
const s = t, n = l, o = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2), {
getCssVar: u,
setCssVar: m,
removeCssVar: d
} = $({
scopeName: e
}), s = S(null), P = S(null), f = X(o, "modelValue", r), y = S("close"), {
cancelAnim: E
} = k({
scopeName: e,
scopeName: o
}), e = E(null), P = E(null), f = q(s, "modelValue", n), y = E("close"), {
cancelAnim: M
} = N({
scopeName: o,
positionStatus: y,
props: o,
props: s,
refs: {
modalRef: s
modalRef: e
}), {
isMouseDown: p,
handlePointerDown: V,
handlePointerMove: v,
handlePointerDown: S,
handlePointerMove: c,
handlePointerUp: g
} = j({
} = K({
vModel: f,
scopeName: e,
scopeName: o,
positionStatus: y,
props: o,
props: s,
refs: {
modalRef: s,
modalRef: e,
panelRef: P
}), b = (i) => {
if (o.isBackdrop && === i.currentTarget) {
if (o.isPersistent)
return E();
if (s.isBackdrop && === i.currentTarget) {
if (s.isPersistent)
return M();
f.value = !1;
}, A = (i) => {
}, C = (i) => {
}, c = () => {
var l;
if (!s.value)
o.isBackdrop ? s.value.showModal() :, (l = s.value) == null ||"visibility", "visible"), navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("firefox") || s.value.animate([
}, v = () => {
var a;
!e.value || (s.isBackdrop ? e.value.showModal() :, (a = e.value) == null ||"visibility", "visible"), navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("firefox") || (A(e.value, "opacity"), e.value.animate([
{ opacity: 0 },

@@ -299,4 +301,6 @@ { opacity: 1 }

pseudoElement: "::backdrop",
easing: C
}), s.value.animate(
easing: w
}).onfinish = () => {
e.value && V(e.value);
}), A(e.value, "bottom"), e.value.animate(

@@ -307,3 +311,3 @@ {

bottom: a("snapPointPosition")
bottom: u("snapPointPosition")

@@ -313,14 +317,15 @@ ],

duration: 300,
easing: C
easing: w
).onfinish = () => {
y.value = o.snapPoint ? "snap" : "full", m({
y.value = s.snapPoint ? "snap" : "full", m({
name: "bottom",
value: a("snapPointPosition")
}), o.isScrollLock && T("hidden");
}, w = () => {
if (!s.value)
value: u("snapPointPosition")
}), s.isScrollLock && $("hidden");
}, !e.value) || V(e.value);
}, T = () => {
if (!e.value)
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("firefox") || s.value.animate([
const i = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("firefox");
A(e.value, "opacity"), i || (e.value.animate([
{ opacity: 1 },

@@ -331,7 +336,9 @@ { opacity: 0 }

pseudoElement: "::backdrop",
easing: C
}), s.value.animate(
easing: w
}).onfinish = () => {
e.value && V(e.value);
}), A(e.value, "bottom"), e.value.animate(
bottom: a("bottom")
bottom: u("bottom")

@@ -344,27 +351,27 @@ {

duration: 300,
easing: C
easing: w
).onfinish = () => {
var l, u, x;
var a, r, B;
name: "bottom",
value: "-100%"
}), y.value = "close", p.value = !1, (l = s.value) == null || l.close(), (u = s.value) == null ||"display", "initial"), (x = s.value) == null ||"visibility", "hidden"), T("reset");
}), y.value = "close", p.value = !1, (a = e.value) == null || a.close(), (r = e.value) == null ||"display", "initial"), (B = e.value) == null ||"visibility", "hidden"), $("reset"), e.value && V(e.value);
return M(
return Y(
() => f.value,
(i) => {
i ? c() : w();
i ? v() : T();
), M(
() => o.isScrollLock,
), Y(
() => s.isScrollLock,
(i) => {
T(i ? "hidden" : "auto");
$(i ? "hidden" : "auto");
), M([() => o.snapPoint, () => P.value], ([i, l]) => {
let u;
i ? i === "auto" ? u = `calc(${(l == null ? void 0 : l.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 0}px + 36px - 100%)` : u = `calc(${i} - 100%)` : u = "0px", m({
), Y([() => s.snapPoint, () => P.value], ([i, a]) => {
let r;
i ? i === "auto" ? r = `calc(${(a == null ? void 0 : a.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 0}px + 36px - 100%)` : r = `calc(${i} - 100%)` : r = "0px", m({
name: "snapPointPosition",
value: u
value: r

@@ -379,48 +386,48 @@ }, {

value: "0"
}), L(() => {
s.value && ("bottom", `var(--${e}-bottom)`), s.value.addEventListener("cancel", () => {
}), _(() => {
e.value && ("bottom", `var(--${o}-bottom)`), e.value.addEventListener("cancel", () => {
f.value = !1;
}), f.value || ("display", "initial"),"visibility", "hidden")));
}), O(() => {
d("bottom"), d("movementAmountY"), d("snapPointPosition"), s.value && s.value.removeEventListener("cancel", () => {
}), f.value || ("display", "initial"),"visibility", "hidden")));
}), U(() => {
d("bottom"), d("movementAmountY"), d("snapPointPosition"), e.value && e.value.removeEventListener("cancel", () => {
}), (i, l) => (_(), U("dialog", {
}), (i, a) => (H(), W("dialog", {
ref_key: "modalRef",
ref: s,
ref: e,
class: "swipe-modal modal-style",
onClick: b
}, [
Y("div", {
x("div", {
tabindex: "-1",
class: "swipe-modal-content",
onClick: A
onClick: C
}, [
Y("div", {
x("div", {
class: "swipe-modal-drag-handle-wrapper",
onMousedown: l[0] || (l[0] = (u) => h(V)({
mouseEvent: u,
onMousedown: a[0] || (a[0] = (r) => h(S)({
mouseEvent: r,
eventType: "mouse"
onMousemove: l[1] || (l[1] = (u) => h(v)({
mouseEvent: u,
onMousemove: a[1] || (a[1] = (r) => h(c)({
mouseEvent: r,
eventType: "mouse"
onMouseup: l[2] || (l[2] = //@ts-ignore
(...u) => h(g) && h(g)(...u)),
onTouchstart: l[3] || (l[3] = (u) => h(V)({
touchEvent: u,
onMouseup: a[2] || (a[2] = //@ts-ignore
(...r) => h(g) && h(g)(...r)),
onTouchstart: a[3] || (a[3] = (r) => h(S)({
touchEvent: r,
eventType: "touch"
onTouchmove: l[4] || (l[4] = (u) => h(v)({
touchEvent: u,
onTouchmove: a[4] || (a[4] = (r) => h(c)({
touchEvent: r,
eventType: "touch"
onTouchend: l[5] || (l[5] = //@ts-ignore
(...u) => h(g) && h(g)(...u))
onTouchend: a[5] || (a[5] = //@ts-ignore
(...r) => h(g) && h(g)(...r))
}, [
i.isDragHandle ? B(i.$slots, "drag-handle", { key: 0 }, () => [
], !0) : H("", !0)
i.isDragHandle ? F(i.$slots, "drag-handle", { key: 0 }, () => [
], !0) : G("", !0)
], 32),
Y("div", {
x("div", {
ref_key: "panelRef",

@@ -430,3 +437,3 @@ ref: P,

}, [
B(i.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
F(i.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 512)

@@ -436,11 +443,11 @@ ])

}), Z = (t, n) => {
const o = t.__vccOpts || t;
for (const [r, e] of n)
o[r] = e;
return o;
}, ee = /* @__PURE__ */ Z(Q, [["__scopeId", "data-v-31c69cef"]]);
}), ee = (t, l) => {
const s = t.__vccOpts || t;
for (const [n, o] of l)
s[n] = o;
return s;
}, ne = /* @__PURE__ */ ee(R, [["__scopeId", "data-v-8cbd34e1"]]);
export {
ee as SwipeModal,
ee as default
ne as SwipeModal,
ne as default
"name": "@takuma-ru/vue-swipe-modal",
"type": "module",
"version": "5.0.4",
"version": "5.0.5",
"private": false,

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "description": "Swipeable Bottom Sheet library for vue2 and vue3",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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