This is a simple Validator, to check Strings for valid Characters. Also you can check an Email and an IBAN.
How to
Install the Package with
npm i @teleturbis/js-validator
Then import the needed Functions into your File, for example:
import { iban } from '@teleturbis/js-validator'
Currently we support IBAN-Validation only for DE, CH, ES, NL and AT.
To check an IBAN you have to import the iban-function like that:
import { isValidIban } from '@teleturbis/js-validator'
Now you can check the IBAN:
This Function returns an Object. If the IBAN is Valid, the Object will look something like that:
isValid | BOOLEAN | true | false |
message | STRING | Iban validated | 'Iban format invalid' or 'Iban length invalid for [COUNTRY]' or 'BLZ invalid for [COUNTRY]' |
bankInformation | Object | Bankinformation depending on Country | undefined |
All IBANs will be checked for valid length & valid check digit. You can read about that here.
As addition IBANs for DE & AT will also be checked for valid bank code numbers. There are possibilities for deleted bank code numbers, but those will also be checked.
Currently we support Bankinformations only for DE and AT.
** Bankinformation for DE - Example **
Bankleitzahl: '67450048',
Merkmal: 1,
Bezeichnung: 'Sparkasse Neckartal-Odenwald',
PLZ: '74819',
Ort: 'Mosbach',
Kurzbezeichnung: 'Spk Neckartal-Odenwald',
PAN: '56716',
'Prüfziffer-berechnungs-methode': '00',
'Datensatz-nummer': '000820',
'Änderungs-kennzeichen': 'U',
'Bankleitzahl-löschung': 0,
'Nachfolge-Bankleitzahl': '00000000'
** Bankinformation for AT - Example **
Kennzeichen: 'Hauptanstalt',
Identnummer: 7780729,
Bankleitzahl: 20111,
Institutsart: 'KI',
Sektor: 'Sparkassen',
Firmenbuchnummer: '286283f',
Bankenname: 'Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG',
'Straße': 'Am Belvedere 1',
PLZ: 1100,
Ort: 'Wien',
Bundesland: 'Wien',
Telefon: '050100/10100',
Fax: '050100/910100',
'E-Mail': 'service@s-servicecenter.at',
Homepage: 'www.erstebank.at',
'Gründungsdatum': '11/08/2006',
In future, there will come more Countries.
To check an Email you have to import the isValidMail-function like that:
import { isValidMail} from '@teleturbis/js-validator'
Now you can check the IBAN:
This Function returns an Object:
isValid | BOOLEAN | true | false |
message | STRING | 'Email is valid!' | 'Email is invalid!' |
Each of the following Functions can take an Object as second Argument. This will then look like that: isNumeric('123 456', { space: true })
If space is true, spaces inside the String are Valid (e.g. "123 456" & "123456" are valid), else spaces are forbidden (e.g. "123 456" will return false while "123456" will be true).
isNumeric | isNumeric('12.3') | { space: BOOLEAN } | BOOLEAN | 0-9 |
isAlphabet | isAlphabet("Anton") | { space: BOOLEAN } | BOOLEAN | A-Z & a-z |
isAlphaNumeric | isAlphaNumeric("Anton12.3") | { space: BOOLEAN } | BOOLEAN | A-Z & a-z & 0-9 |
isAlphaPunctuation | isAlphaNumeric("Anton&Michael") | { space: BOOLEAN } | BOOLEAN | A-Z & a-z & .,;:&%$§"!?()'`´- |
isAlphaNumericPunctuation | isAlphaNumeric("Anton&Michael12.3") | { space: BOOLEAN } | BOOLEAN | A-Z & a-z & 0-9 & .,;:&%$§"!?()'`´- |