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import { Comparator, IDeref, Predicate } from "";
export declare type Transducer<A, B> = (rfn: Reducer<any, B>) => Reducer<any, A>;
export interface Reducer<A, B> extends Array<any> {
[0]: () => A;
[1]: (acc: A) => A;
[2]: (acc: A, x: B) => A | Reduced<A>;
export declare class Reduced<T> implements IDeref<T> {
protected value: T;
constructor(val: T);
deref(): T;
export declare function reduced(x: any): any;
export declare function isReduced(x: any): boolean;
export declare function ensureReduced(x: any): Reduced<any>;
export declare function unreduced(x: any): any;
export declare function comp<A, B>(a: Transducer<A, B>): Transducer<A, B>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>): Transducer<A, C>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>): Transducer<A, D>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D, E>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>, d: Transducer<D, E>): Transducer<A, E>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D, E, F>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>, d: Transducer<D, E>, e: Transducer<E, F>): Transducer<A, F>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>, d: Transducer<D, E>, e: Transducer<E, F>, f: Transducer<F, G>): Transducer<A, G>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>, d: Transducer<D, E>, e: Transducer<E, F>, f: Transducer<F, G>, g: Transducer<G, H>): Transducer<A, H>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>, d: Transducer<D, E>, e: Transducer<E, F>, f: Transducer<F, G>, g: Transducer<G, H>, h: Transducer<H, I>): Transducer<A, I>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>, d: Transducer<D, E>, e: Transducer<E, F>, f: Transducer<F, G>, g: Transducer<G, H>, h: Transducer<H, I>, i: Transducer<I, J>): Transducer<A, J>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>, d: Transducer<D, E>, e: Transducer<E, F>, f: Transducer<F, G>, g: Transducer<G, H>, h: Transducer<H, I>, i: Transducer<I, J>, j: Transducer<J, K>): Transducer<A, K>;
export declare function comp<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K>(a: Transducer<A, B>, b: Transducer<B, C>, c: Transducer<C, D>, d: Transducer<D, E>, e: Transducer<E, F>, f: Transducer<F, G>, g: Transducer<G, H>, h: Transducer<H, I>, i: Transducer<I, J>, j: Transducer<J, K>, ...fns: Transducer<any, any>[]): Transducer<A, any>;
export declare function compR(rfn: Reducer<any, any>, fn: (acc, x) => any): Reducer<any, any>;
export declare function identity<T>(x: T): T;
export declare function step<A, B>(tx: Transducer<A, B>): (x: A) => B;
export declare function reduce<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, xs: Iterable<B>): A;
export declare function reduce<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, acc: A, xs: Iterable<B>): A;
export declare function transduce<A, B, C>(tx: Transducer<A, B>, rfn: Reducer<C, B>, xs: Iterable<A>): C;
export declare function transduce<A, B, C>(tx: Transducer<A, B>, rfn: Reducer<C, B>, acc: C, xs: Iterable<A>): C;
export declare function iterator<A, B>(tx: Transducer<A, B>, xs: Iterable<A>): IterableIterator<B>;
export declare function map<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>;
export declare function pluck(key: PropertyKey): Transducer<any, any>;
export declare function selectKeys(keys: PropertyKey[]): Transducer<any, any>;
export declare function mapIndexed<A, B>(fn: (i: number, x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>;
export declare function mapcat<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => Iterable<B>): Transducer<A, B>;
export declare function cat<T>(): Transducer<T[], T>;
export declare function flatten<T>(): Transducer<T | Iterable<T>, T>;
export declare function flattenOnly<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T | Iterable<T>, T>;
export declare function scan<A, B>(inner: Reducer<B, A>, acc?: B): Transducer<A, B>;
export declare function filter<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function keep<T>(f?: ((x: T) => any)): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function throttle<T>(delay: number): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function delayed<T>(t: number): Transducer<T, Promise<T>>;
export declare function bench(): Transducer<any, number>;
export declare function sideEffect<T>(fn: (x: T) => void): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function inspect<T>(prefix?: string): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function distinct<T>(mapfn?: ((x: T) => any)): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function dedupe<T>(equiv?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function interpose<A, B>(sep: B | (() => B)): Transducer<A, A | B>;
export declare function interleave<A, B>(sep: B | (() => B)): Transducer<A, A | B>;
export declare function take<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function takeWhile<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function takeNth<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function drop<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function dropWhile<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function dropNth<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function repeat<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function sample<T>(prob: number): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function partition<T>(size: number): Transducer<T, T[]>;
export declare function partition<T>(size: number, all: boolean): Transducer<T, T[]>;
export declare function partition<T>(size: number, step: number): Transducer<T, T[]>;
export declare function partition<T>(size: number, step: number, all: boolean): Transducer<T, T[]>;
export declare function partitionBy<T>(fn: (x: T) => any): Transducer<T, T[]>;
export declare function chunkSort<T>(n: number, key?: ((x: T) => any), cmp?: Comparator<any>): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function streamSort<T>(n: number, key?: ((x: T) => any), cmp?: Comparator<any>): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare function streamShuffle<T>(n: number, maxSwaps?: number): Transducer<T, T>;
export declare const push: Reducer<any[], any>;
export declare const pushCopy: Reducer<any[], any>;
export declare const conj: Reducer<Set<any>, any>;
export declare const assocObj: Reducer<any, [PropertyKey, any]>;
export declare const assocMap: Reducer<Map<any, any>, [any, any]>;
export declare const add: Reducer<number, number>;
export declare const count: Reducer<number, number>;
export declare const mul: Reducer<number, number>;
export declare function mean(): Reducer<number, number>;
export declare const min: Reducer<number, number>;
export declare const max: Reducer<number, number>;
export declare function minCompare<T>(ident: () => T, cmp?: Comparator<T>): Reducer<T, T>;
export declare function maxCompare<T>(ident: () => T, cmp?: Comparator<T>): Reducer<T, T>;
export declare const frequencies: Reducer<Map<any, number>, any>;
export declare const last: Reducer<any, any>;
export * from "./api";
export * from "./comp";
export * from "./iterator";
export * from "./reduce";
export * from "./reduced";
export * from "./transduce";
export * from "./rfn/add";
export * from "./rfn/assoc-map";
export * from "./rfn/assoc-obj";
export * from "./rfn/conj";
export * from "./rfn/count";
export * from "./rfn/frequencies";
export * from "./rfn/last";
export * from "./rfn/max-compare";
export * from "./rfn/max";
export * from "./rfn/mean";
export * from "./rfn/min-compare";
export * from "./rfn/min";
export * from "./rfn/mul";
export * from "./rfn/push-copy";
export * from "./rfn/push";
export * from "./xform/benchmark";
export * from "./xform/cat";
export * from "./xform/chunk-sort";
export * from "./xform/dedupe";
export * from "./xform/delayed";
export * from "./xform/distinct";
export * from "./xform/drop-nth";
export * from "./xform/drop-while";
export * from "./xform/drop";
export * from "./xform/filter";
export * from "./xform/flatten-with";
export * from "./xform/flatten";
export * from "./xform/inspect";
export * from "./xform/interleave";
export * from "./xform/interpose";
export * from "./xform/keep";
export * from "./xform/map-indexed";
export * from "./xform/map";
export * from "./xform/mapcat";
export * from "./xform/moving-average";
export * from "./xform/partition-by";
export * from "./xform/partition";
export * from "./xform/pluck";
export * from "./xform/rename";
export * from "./xform/repeat";
export * from "./xform/sample";
export * from "./xform/scan";
export * from "./xform/select-keys";
export * from "./xform/side-effect";
export * from "./xform/stream-shuffle";
export * from "./xform/stream-sort";
export * from "./xform/take-nth";
export * from "./xform/take-while";
export * from "./xform/take";
export * from "./xform/throttle";
"use strict";
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const compare_1 = require("");
class Reduced {
constructor(val) {
this.value = val;
deref() {
return this.value;
exports.Reduced = Reduced;
function reduced(x) {
return new Reduced(x);
exports.reduced = reduced;
function isReduced(x) {
return x instanceof Reduced;
exports.isReduced = isReduced;
function ensureReduced(x) {
return x instanceof Reduced ? x : new Reduced(x);
exports.ensureReduced = ensureReduced;
function unreduced(x) {
return x instanceof Reduced ? x.deref() : x;
exports.unreduced = unreduced;
function comp(...fns) {
let [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j] = fns;
switch (fns.length) {
case 1:
return a;
case 2:
return (x) => a(b(x));
case 3:
return (x) => a(b(c(x)));
case 4:
return (x) => a(b(c(d(x))));
case 5:
return (x) => a(b(c(d(e(x)))));
case 6:
return (x) => a(b(c(d(e(f(x))))));
case 7:
return (x) => a(b(c(d(e(f(g(x)))))));
case 8:
return (x) => a(b(c(d(e(f(g(h(x))))))));
case 9:
return (x) => a(b(c(d(e(f(g(h(i(x)))))))));
case 10:
return (x) => a(b(c(d(e(f(g(h(i(j(x))))))))));
return (x) => {
for (let i = fns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
x = fns[i](x);
return x;
exports.comp = comp;
function compR(rfn, fn) {
return [
() => rfn[0](),
(acc) => rfn[1](acc),
exports.compR = compR;
function identity(x) {
return x;
exports.identity = identity;
function step(tx) {
const rfn = tx(exports.last)[2];
return (x) => rfn(undefined, x);
exports.step = step;
function reduce(...args) {
let acc, xs;
switch (args.length) {
case 3:
xs = args[2];
acc = args[1];
case 2:
xs = args[1];
throw new Error(`illegal arity ${args.length}`);
const [i, c, r] = args[0];
acc = acc == null ? i() : acc;
for (let x of xs) {
acc = r(acc, x);
if (isReduced(acc)) {
acc = acc.deref();
return unreduced(c(acc));
exports.reduce = reduce;
function transduce(...args) {
let acc, xs;
switch (args.length) {
case 4:
xs = args[3];
acc = args[2];
case 3:
xs = args[2];
throw new Error(`illegal arity ${args.length}`);
const _rfn = args[0](args[1]);
return reduce(_rfn, acc, xs);
exports.transduce = transduce;
function* iterator(tx, xs) {
const [_, c, r] = tx(exports.push);
for (let x of xs) {
const y = r([], x);
if (isReduced(y)) {
yield* unreduced(c(y.deref()));
if (y.length) {
yield* y;
yield* unreduced(c([]));
exports.iterator = iterator;
function map(fn) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => r(acc, fn(x)));
} = map;
function pluck(key) {
return map((x) => x[key]);
exports.pluck = pluck;
function selectKeys(keys) {
const [a, b, c] = keys;
switch (keys.length) {
case 0:
throw new Error("no keys given");
case 1:
return map((x) => x.hasOwnProperty(a) ? { [a]: x[a] } : {});
case 2:
return map((x) => {
const res = {};
x.hasOwnProperty(a) && (res[a] = x[a]);
x.hasOwnProperty(b) && (res[b] = x[b]);
return res;
case 3:
return map((x) => {
const res = {};
x.hasOwnProperty(a) && (res[a] = x[a]);
x.hasOwnProperty(b) && (res[b] = x[b]);
x.hasOwnProperty(c) && (res[c] = x[c]);
return res;
return map((x) => {
const res = {};
for (let i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const k = keys[i];
x.hasOwnProperty(k) && (res[k] = x[k]);
return res;
exports.selectKeys = selectKeys;
function mapIndexed(fn) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let i = 0;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => r(acc, fn(i++, x)));
exports.mapIndexed = mapIndexed;
function mapcat(fn) {
return comp(map(fn), cat());
exports.mapcat = mapcat;
function cat() {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => {
if (x) {
for (let y of x) {
acc = r(acc, y);
if (isReduced(acc)) {
return acc;
} = cat;
function flatten() {
return flattenOnly((x) => x != null && x[Symbol.iterator] && typeof x !== "string");
exports.flatten = flatten;
function flattenOnly(pred) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2], fn = (acc, x) => {
if (pred(x)) {
for (let y of x) {
acc = fn(acc, y);
if (isReduced(acc)) {
return acc;
return r(acc, x);
return compR(rfn, fn);
exports.flattenOnly = flattenOnly;
function scan(inner, acc) {
return (outer) => {
acc = acc || inner[0]();
const ri = inner[2], ro = outer[2];
return compR(outer, (_acc, x) => {
acc = ri(acc, x);
if (isReduced(acc)) {
return ensureReduced(ro(_acc, acc.deref()));
return ro(_acc, acc);
exports.scan = scan;
function filter(pred) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => pred(x) ? r(acc, x) : acc);
exports.filter = filter;
function keep(f = identity) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => f(x) != null ? r(acc, x) : acc);
exports.keep = keep;
function throttle(delay) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let last = 0;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => {
const t =;
if (t - last >= delay) {
last = t;
acc = r(acc, x);
return acc;
exports.throttle = throttle;
function delayed(t) {
return map((x) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(x), t)));
exports.delayed = delayed;
function bench() {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let prev;
return compR(rfn, (acc, _) => {
let t =, x = prev ? t - prev : 0;
prev = t;
return r(acc, x);
exports.bench = bench;
function sideEffect(fn) {
return map((x) => (fn(x), x));
exports.sideEffect = sideEffect;
function inspect(prefix = "") {
return sideEffect((x) => console.log(prefix, x));
exports.inspect = inspect;
function distinct(mapfn = identity) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
const seen = new Set();
return compR(rfn, mapfn ?
(acc, x) => {
const k = mapfn(x);
return !seen.has(k) ? (seen.add(k), r(acc, x)) : acc;
} :
(acc, x) => !seen.has(x) ? (seen.add(x), r(acc, x)) : acc);
exports.distinct = distinct;
const SEMAPHORE = Symbol("SEMAPHORE");
function dedupe(equiv) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let prev = SEMAPHORE;
return compR(rfn, equiv ?
(acc, x) => {
acc = equiv(prev, x) ? acc : r(acc, x);
prev = x;
return acc;
} :
(acc, x) => {
acc = prev === x ? acc : r(acc, x);
prev = x;
return acc;
exports.dedupe = dedupe;
function interpose(sep) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
const _sep = typeof sep === "function" ? sep : () => sep;
let first = true;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => {
if (first) {
first = false;
return r(acc, x);
acc = r(acc, _sep());
return isReduced(acc) ? acc : r(acc, x);
exports.interpose = interpose;
function interleave(sep) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
const _sep = typeof sep === "function" ? sep : () => sep;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => {
acc = r(acc, _sep());
return isReduced(acc) ? acc : r(acc, x);
exports.interleave = interleave;
function take(n) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let m = n;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => --m > 0 ? r(acc, x) :
m === 0 ? ensureReduced(r(acc, x)) :
exports.take = take;
function takeWhile(pred) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let ok = true;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => (ok = ok && pred(x)) ? r(acc, x) : reduced(acc));
exports.takeWhile = takeWhile;
function takeNth(n) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let skip = 0;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => {
if (skip === 0) {
skip = n;
return r(acc, x);
return acc;
exports.takeNth = takeNth;
function drop(n) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let m = n;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => m > 0 ? (m--, acc) : r(acc, x));
exports.drop = drop;
function dropWhile(pred) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let ok = true;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => (ok = ok && pred(x)) ? acc : r(acc, x));
exports.dropWhile = dropWhile;
function dropNth(n) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let skip = n;
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => {
if (skip-- > 0) {
return r(acc, x);
skip = n;
return acc;
exports.dropNth = dropNth;
function repeat(n) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => {
for (let i = n; i > 0 && !isReduced(acc); i--) {
acc = r(acc, x);
return acc;
exports.repeat = repeat;
function sample(prob) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
return compR(rfn, (acc, x) => Math.random() < prob ? r(acc, x) : acc);
exports.sample = sample;
function partition(...args) {
let size = args[0], all, step;
if (typeof args[1] == "number") {
step = args[1];
all = args[2];
else {
step = size;
all = args[1];
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let buf = [], skip = 0;
return [
() => rfn[0](),
(acc) => {
if (buf.length && (all || buf.length === size)) {
acc = r(acc, buf);
buf = [];
return rfn[1](acc);
(acc, x) => {
if (skip <= 0) {
if (buf.length < size) {
if (buf.length === size) {
acc = r(acc, buf);
buf = step < size ? buf.slice(step) : [];
skip = step - size;
else {
return acc;
exports.partition = partition;
function partitionBy(fn) {
return (rfn) => {
const r = rfn[2];
let prev = {}, chunk;
return [
() => rfn[0](),
(acc) => {
if (chunk && chunk.length) {
acc = r(acc, chunk);
chunk = null;
return rfn[1](acc);
(acc, x) => {
const curr = fn(x);
if (curr === prev) {
else {
chunk && (acc = r(acc, chunk));
chunk = isReduced(acc) ? null : [x];
prev = curr;
return acc;
exports.partitionBy = partitionBy;
function chunkSort(n, key = identity, cmp = {
return comp(partition(n, n, true), mapcat((chunk) => chunk.sort((a, b) => cmp(key(a), key(b)))));
exports.chunkSort = chunkSort;
function binarySearch(arr, key, cmp, x) {
const kx = key(x);
let low = 0, high = arr.length - 1;
while (low <= high) {
const mid = (low + high) >>> 1, c = cmp(key(arr[mid]), kx);
if (c < 0) {
low = mid + 1;
else if (c > 0) {
high = mid - 1;
else {
return mid;
return low;
function streamSort(n, key = identity, cmp = {
return ([i, c, r]) => {
const buf = [];
return [
() => i(),
(acc) => {
while (buf.length && !isReduced(acc)) {
acc = r(acc, buf.shift());
acc = c(acc);
return acc;
(acc, x) => {
buf.splice(binarySearch(buf, key, cmp, x), 0, x);
if (buf.length === n) {
acc = r(acc, buf.shift());
return acc;
exports.streamSort = streamSort;
function shuffle(buf, n) {
const l = buf.length;
n = n < l ? n : l;
while (--n >= 0) {
const a = (Math.random() * l) | 0, b = (Math.random() * l) | 0, t = buf[a];
buf[a] = buf[b];
buf[b] = t;
function streamShuffle(n, maxSwaps = n) {
return ([i, c, r]) => {
const buf = [];
return [
() => i(),
(acc) => {
while (buf.length && !isReduced(acc)) {
shuffle(buf, maxSwaps);
acc = r(acc, buf.shift());
acc = c(acc);
return acc;
(acc, x) => {
shuffle(buf, maxSwaps);
if (buf.length === n) {
acc = r(acc, buf.shift());
return acc;
exports.streamShuffle = streamShuffle;
exports.push = [
() => [],
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => (acc.push(x), acc),
exports.pushCopy = [
() => [],
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => ((acc = acc.slice()).push(x), acc)
exports.conj = [
() => new Set(),
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => acc.add(x),
exports.assocObj = [
() => new Object(),
(acc) => acc,
(acc, [k, v]) => (acc[k] = v, acc),
exports.assocMap = [
() => new Map(),
(acc) => acc,
(acc, [k, v]) => acc.set(k, v),
exports.add = [
() => 0,
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => acc + x,
exports.count = [
() => 0,
(acc) => acc,
(acc, _) => acc + 1,
exports.mul = [
() => 1,
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => acc * x,
function mean() {
let n = 0;
return [
() => 0,
(acc) => acc / n,
(acc, x) => (n++, acc + x),
exports.mean = mean;
exports.min = [
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => Math.min(acc, x),
exports.max = [
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => Math.max(acc, x),
function minCompare(ident, cmp = {
return [
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => cmp(acc, x) <= 0 ? acc : x
exports.minCompare = minCompare;
function maxCompare(ident, cmp = {
return [
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => cmp(acc, x) >= 0 ? acc : x
exports.maxCompare = maxCompare;
exports.frequencies = [
() => new Map(),
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => acc.set(x, acc.has(x) ? acc.get(x) + 1 : 1)
exports.last = [
() => undefined,
(acc) => acc,
(_, x) => x,
"name": "",
"version": "0.5.3",
"version": "0.6.0",
"description": "Lightweight transducer implementations for ES6 / TypeScript",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ #

The library provides 33 transducers and 15 reducers for composing data
The library provides 35 transducers and 15 reducers for composing data
transformation pipelines (more to come).

@@ -21,7 +21,15 @@

## Usage
## Usage examples
// full import
import * as tx from "";
// selective
import { transduce } from "";
import { push } from "";
import { map } from "";
xform = tx.comp(

@@ -34,7 +42,7 @@ tx.filter(x => (x & 1) > 0), // odd numbers only

// collect as array (tx.push)
tx.transduce(xform, tx.push, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
tx.transduce(xform, tx.push(), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
// [ 3, 9, 15 ]
// re-use xform, but collect as set (tx.conj)
tx.transduce(xform, tx.conj, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
tx.transduce(xform, tx.conj(), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
// Set { 3, 9, 15 }

@@ -52,2 +60,4 @@

// use nested reduce to compute window averages
// this combined transducer is also directly
// available as: `tx.movingAverage(n)`

@@ -58,3 +68,3 @@ tx.comp(

[1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10]

@@ -73,3 +83,3 @@ );

[1, 2, 3, 4]

@@ -88,9 +98,30 @@ );

tx.transduce( => x.toUpperCase()), tx.frequencies, "hello world")
// histogram generation
tx.transduce( => x.toUpperCase()), tx.frequencies(), "hello world")
// Map { 'H' => 1, 'E' => 1, 'L' => 3, 'O' => 2, ' ' => 1, 'W' => 1, 'R' => 1, 'D' => 1 }
// reduction only (no transform)
tx.reduce(tx.frequencies, "hello world")
// Map { 'h' => 1, 'e' => 1, 'l' => 3, 'o' => 2, ' ' => 1, 'w' => 1, 'r' => 1, 'd' => 1 }
tx.reduce(tx.frequencies(), [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4])
// Map { 1 => 3, 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 2 }
// CSV parsing
// split into rows
tx.mapcat(x => x.split("\n")),
// split each row => x.split(",")),
// convert each row into object, rename array indices
tx.rename({ id: 0, name: 1, alias: 2, num: "length" })
// [ { num: 2, name: 'typescript', id: '100' },
// { num: 3, alias: 'clj', name: 'clojure', id: '101' },
// { num: 3, alias: 'rs', name: 'rust', id: '110' } ]
// early termination:

@@ -100,3 +131,3 @@ // result is realized after max. 7 values, irrespective of nesting

tx.comp(tx.flatten(), tx.take(7)),
[1, [2, [3, 4, [5, 6, [7, 8], 9, [10]]]]]

@@ -106,2 +137,3 @@ )

// this transducer uses 2 scans (a scan = inner reducer per item)

@@ -120,3 +152,3 @@ // 1) counts incoming values

tx.transduce(xform, tx.push, [1, 1, 1, 1]);
tx.transduce(xform, tx.push(), [1, 1, 1, 1]);
// [ [ [ 1 ] ],

@@ -128,5 +160,6 @@ // [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 2 ] ],

// more simple & similar to previous, but without the 2nd xform step
tx.transduce(tx.comp(tx.scan(tx.count), tx.scan(tx.pushCopy)), tx.push, [1,1,1,1])
tx.transduce(tx.comp(tx.scan(tx.count), tx.scan(tx.pushCopy)), tx.push(), [1,1,1,1])
// [ [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ]
// single step execution (doesn't work w/ mapcat() or repeat())
f = tx.step(tx.dedupe());

@@ -153,2 +186,6 @@ f(1); // 1

Since v0.6.0 the bundled reducers are all wrapped in functions to provide a
uniform API (and some of them can be preconfigured). However, it's fine to
define stateless reducers as constant arrays.

@@ -184,4 +221,4 @@ interface Reducer<A, B> extends Array<any> {

Currently only `partition`, `partitionBy`, `streamSort`, `streamShuffle` make
use of the 1-arity completing function.
Currently `partition`, `partitionBy`, `streamSort`, `streamShuffle` are the only operators making
use of the 1-arity completing function of their reducer.

@@ -255,65 +292,59 @@ #### Reduced

#### `reduce<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, acc: A, xs: Iterable<B>): A`
#### `comp(f1, f2, ...)`
#### `transduce<A, B, C>(tx: Transducer<A, B>, rfn: Reducer<C, B>, acc: C, xs: Iterable<A>): C`
#### `compR(rfn: Reducer<any, any>, fn: (acc, x) => any): Reducer<any, any>`
#### `iterator<A, B>(tx: Transducer<A, B>, xs: Iterable<A>): IterableIterator<B>`
#### `comp(f1, f2, ...)`
#### `juxt(f1, f2, ...)`
#### `compR(rfn: Reducer<any, any>, fn: (acc, x) => any): Reducer<any, any>`
#### `reduce<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, acc: A, xs: Iterable<B>): A`
#### `transduce<A, B, C>(tx: Transducer<A, B>, rfn: Reducer<C, B>, acc: C, xs: Iterable<A>): C`
### Transducers
#### `map<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>`
#### `benchmark(): Transducer<any, number>`
#### `mapIndexed<A, B>(fn: (i: number, x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>`
#### `cat<A>(): Transducer<A[], A>`
#### `mapcat<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => Iterable<B>): Transducer<A, B>`
#### `chunkSort<T>(n: number, key?: ((x: T) => any), cmp?: Comparator<any>): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `cat<A>(): Transducer<A[], A>`
#### `dedupe<T>(equiv?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `flatten<T>(): Transducer<T | Iterable<T>, T>`
#### `delayed<T>(t: number): Transducer<T, Promise<T>>`
#### `flattenOnly<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T | Iterable<T>, T>`
#### `distinct<T>(mapfn?: (x: T) => any): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `selectKeys(...keys: PropertyKey[]): Transducer<any, any>`
#### `drop<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `pluck(key: PropertyKey): Transducer<any, any>`
#### `dropNth<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `scan<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<B, A>, acc?: B): Transducer<A, B>`
#### `dropWhile<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `filter<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `keep<T>(f?: ((x: T) => any)): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `flatten<T>(): Transducer<T | Iterable<T>, T>`
#### `throttle<T>(delay: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `flattenOnly<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T | Iterable<T>, T>`
#### `delayed<T>(t: number): Transducer<T, Promise<T>>`
#### `bench(): Transducer<any, number>`
#### `sideEffect<T>(fn: (x: T) => void): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `inspect<T>(prefix?: string): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `distinct<T>(mapfn?: (x: T) => any): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `interleave<A, B>(sep: B | (() => B)): Transducer<A, A | B>`
#### `dedupe<T>(equiv?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `interpose<A, B>(sep: B | (() => B)): Transducer<A, A | B>`
#### `interleave<A, B>(sep: B | (() => B)): Transducer<A, A | B>`
#### `keep<T>(f?: ((x: T) => any)): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `take<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `map<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>`
#### `takeWhile<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `mapcat<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => Iterable<B>): Transducer<A, B>`
#### `takeNth<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `mapIndexed<A, B>(fn: (i: number, x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>`
#### `drop<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `partition<T>(size: number, step?: number, all?: boolean): Transducer<T, T[]>`
#### `dropWhile<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `partitionBy<T>(fn: (x: T) => any): Transducer<T, T[]>`
#### `dropNth<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `pluck(key: PropertyKey): Transducer<any, any>`

@@ -324,38 +355,48 @@ #### `repeat<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`

#### `partition<T>(size: number, step?: number, all?: boolean): Transducer<T, T[]>`
#### `scan<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<B, A>, acc?: B): Transducer<A, B>`
#### `partitionBy<T>(fn: (x: T) => any): Transducer<T, T[]>`
#### `selectKeys(...keys: PropertyKey[]): Transducer<any, any>`
#### `chunkSort<T>(n: number, key?: ((x: T) => any), cmp?: Comparator<any>): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `sideEffect<T>(fn: (x: T) => void): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `streamShuffle<T>(n: number, maxSwaps?: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `streamSort<T>(n: number, key?: ((x: T) => any), cmp?: Comparator<any>): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `streamShuffle<T>(n: number, maxSwaps?: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `take<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`
### Reducers
#### `takeNth<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `push: Reducer<any[], any>`
#### `takeWhile<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `pushCopy: Reducer<any[], any>`
#### `throttle<T>(delay: number): Transducer<T, T>`
#### `conj: Reducer<Set<any>, any>`
### Reducers
#### `assocObj: Reducer<any, [PropertyKey, any]>`
#### `add(): Reducer<number, number>`
#### `assocMap: Reducer<Map<any, any>, [any, any]>`
#### `assocMap<A, B>(): Reducer<Map<A, B>, [A, B]>`
#### `add: Reducer<number, number>`
#### `assocObj<T>(): Reducer<IObjectOf<T>, [PropertyKey, T]>`
#### `count: Reducer<number, number>`
#### `conj<T>(): Reducer<Set<T>, T>`
#### `mul: Reducer<number, number>`
#### `count(): Reducer<number, number>`
#### `min: Reducer<number, number>`
#### `frequencies<T>(): Reducer<Map<T, number>, T>`
#### `max: Reducer<number, number>`
#### `last(): last<T>(): Reducer<T, T>`
#### `max(): Reducer<number, number>`
#### `mean(): Reducer<number, number>`
#### `frequencies: Reducer<Map<any, number>, any`
#### `min(): Reducer<number, number>`
#### `mul(): Reducer<number, number>`
#### `push<T>(): Reducer<T[], T>`
#### `pushCopy<T>(): Reducer<T[], T>`
## Authors

@@ -362,0 +403,0 @@ - Karsten Schmidt

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