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@tinacms/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.6.0 to 0.6.1-alpha.0



@@ -18,10 +18,103 @@ /**

import { PluginManager } from './plugins';
* This package contains the [[CMS]] class which is the core
* piece of any content management system.
* @packageDocumentation
import { PluginTypeManager } from './plugins';
* A [[CMS]] is the core object of any content management system.
* The responsibility of the [[CMS]] keeps track of two broad types of objects:
* - [[Plugin|Plugins]] which extend or change the behaviour of the content management system..
* - [[api|APIs]] which allow the CMS to integrate with third party services.
* The name [[CMS]] is a bit misleading. This object knows nothing of the user
* interface or the data storage layer. The purpose of a [[CMS]] instance is to
* provide a common connection point for the various aspects of a content
* management system. The [[CMS]] object effectively a vehicle for dependency injection.
* #### Creating a CMS
* ```ts
* import { CMS } from "@tinacms/core"
* const cms = new CMS()
* ```
* #### Extending the CMS
* The [[CMS]] class provides low-level interfaces for interacting with APIs and Plugins.
* Creating a subclass is great way to facilitate these interactions:
* ```ts
* import { CMS } from "@tinacms/core"
* class MyCMS extends CMS {
* get colors() {
* return this.plugins.findOrCreateMap("color")
* }
* }
* const cms = new MyCMS()
* cms.colors.all()
* ```
export declare class CMS {
plugins: PluginManager;
* An object for managing CMSs plugins.
* [[Plugin|Plugins]] are used to extend or modify the CMSs feature set.
plugins: PluginTypeManager;
* The set of APIs registered with the CMS.
* API objects are the preferred way to interact with external APIs over a network.
* The preferred way to register new APIs is through the [[registerApi]] method.
* #### Example: Fetching Data Through an API
* ```ts
* import { CMS } from "@tinacms/core"
* import { CoolApi } from "cool-api"
* const cms = new CMS()
* cms.registerApi("coolApi", new CoolApi())
* cms.api.coolApi.fetchCoolThings().then(coolThings => {
* console.log(coolThings)
* })
* ```
api: {
[key: string]: any;
* @hidden
* Registers a new external API with the CMS.
* #### Example
* ```ts
* import { CoolApi } from "cool-api"
* cms.registerApi("coolApi", new CoolApi())
* ```
* @param name The name used to lookup the external API.
* @param api An object for interacting with an external API.
registerApi(name: string, api: any): void;



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],e):e((t=t||self)["@tinacms/core"]={})}(this,function(t){"use strict";var i=function(t,e){return(i=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var i in e)e.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(t[i]=e[i])})(t,e)};var e=(n.prototype.subscribe=function(t){var e=this;return this.__subscribers.push(t),function(){return e.unsubscribe(t)}},n.prototype.unsubscribe=function(t){var e=this.__subscribers.indexOf(t);this.__subscribers.splice(e,1)},n.prototype.notifiySubscribers=function(){this.__subscribers.forEach(function(t){return t()})},n);function n(){this.__subscribers=[]}var r=(o.prototype.findOrCreateMap=function(t){return this.plugins[t]=this.plugins[t]||new c(t)},o.prototype.add=function(t){this.findOrCreateMap(t.__type).add(t)},o.prototype.remove=function(t){this.findOrCreateMap(t.__type).remove(t)},o.prototype.all=function(t){return this.findOrCreateMap(t).all()},o);function o(){this.plugins={}}var s,u,p,c=(i(s=_,u=p=e),void(s.prototype=null===u?Object.create(u):(f.prototype=u.prototype,new f)),_.prototype.add=function(t){var e=t;e.__type||(e.__type=this.__type),this.__plugins[]=e,this.notifiySubscribers()},_.prototype.all=function(){var e=this;return Object.keys(this.__plugins).map(function(t){return e.__plugins[t]})},_.prototype.find=function(t){return this.__plugins[t]},_.prototype.remove=function(t){var e="string"==typeof t?,i=this.__plugins[e];return delete this.__plugins[e],this.notifiySubscribers(),i},_);function f(){this.constructor=s}function _(t){var||this;return e.__type=t,e.__plugins={},e}var a=(y.prototype.registerApi=function(t,e){this.api[t]=e},y);function y(){this.api={},this.plugins=new r}t.CMS=a,t.PluginManager=r,t.PluginType=c,t.Subscribable=e,Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],e):e((t=t||self)["@tinacms/core"]={})}(this,function(t){"use strict";var n=function(t,e){return(n=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t[n]=e[n])})(t,e)};var e=(i.prototype.subscribe=function(t){var e=this;return this.__subscribers.push(t),function(){return e.unsubscribe(t)}},i.prototype.unsubscribe=function(t){var e=this.__subscribers.indexOf(t);this.__subscribers.splice(e,1)},i.prototype.notifiySubscribers=function(){this.__subscribers.forEach(function(t){return t()})},i);function i(){this.__subscribers=[]}var r=(o.prototype.getType=function(t){return this.plugins[t]=this.plugins[t]||new c(t)},o.prototype.findOrCreateMap=function(t){return this.getType(t)},o.prototype.add=function(t){this.findOrCreateMap(t.__type).add(t)},o.prototype.remove=function(t){this.findOrCreateMap(t.__type).remove(t)},o.prototype.all=function(t){return this.findOrCreateMap(t).all()},o);function o(){this.plugins={}}var s,p,u,c=(n(s=_,p=u=e),void(s.prototype=null===p?Object.create(p):(f.prototype=p.prototype,new f)),_.prototype.add=function(t){var e=t;e.__type||(e.__type=this.__type),this.__plugins[]=e,this.notifiySubscribers()},_.prototype.all=function(){var e=this;return Object.keys(this.__plugins).map(function(t){return e.__plugins[t]})},_.prototype.find=function(t){return this.__plugins[t]},_.prototype.remove=function(t){var e="string"==typeof t?,n=this.__plugins[e];return delete this.__plugins[e],this.notifiySubscribers(),n},_);function f(){this.constructor=s}function _(t){var||this;return e.__type=t,e.__plugins={},e}var a=(y.prototype.registerApi=function(t,e){this.api[t]=e},y);function y(){this.api={},this.plugins=new r}t.CMS=a,t.PluginType=c,t.PluginTypeManager=r,t.Subscribable=e,Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})});

@@ -18,28 +18,246 @@ /**

* This package defines the plugin system of TinaCMS.
* The management of plugins is a core part of a content
* management system. The API for managing plugins in TinaCMS is quite
* powerful, although the implementation is a bit awkward.
* [[Plugin|Plugins]] are objects used to extend and modify the
* behaviour of the CMS. Each plugin has a `__type` field that is used
* to group plugins by their purpose.
* The [[PluginType]] class is responsible for managing a collection of
* plugins with the same `__type` value. Plugins can be added and removed from
* the `PluginType` over the life of the application.
* A new [[CMS]] is not initialized with any `PluginTypes`.
* Instead it has a single [[PluginTypeManager]] which is responsible for
* creating and managing different `PluginType` instances.
* Although somewhat confusing from the maintainers perspective, this
* structure results in a pretty easy to use interface for the clients.
* The concept of `PluginType` and `PluginTypeManager` are not really
* meant to be exposed to developers using TinaCMS in their projects.
* @packageDocumentation
import { Subscribable } from './subscribable';
* An object used to extend or modify the behaviour of the content management system.
export interface Plugin {
* Used to organize plugins with a common purpose.
__type: string;
* A unique identifier for the plugin.
* @todo Rename to `id`.
name: string;
* A string referencing an icon.
* This shouldn't be here. Please assume it isn't.
icon?: string;
export declare class PluginManager {
* Manages all of the [[PluginType|PluginTypes]] on a [[CMS]].
export declare class PluginTypeManager {
* @ignore
private plugins;
findOrCreateMap<T extends Plugin = Plugin>(type: T['__type']): PluginType<T>;
add(view: Plugin): void;
remove(view: Plugin): void;
all<T extends Plugin = Plugin>(type: string): T[];
* Gets the [[PluginType|collection of plugins]] for the given type.
* #### Example: Basic Usage
* ```ts
* const colorPlugins = cms.plugins.get("color")
* ```
* #### Example: Advanced Types
* A type param can be added to specify the kind of Plugin
* that is being listed.
* ```ts
* const colorPlugins = cms.plugins.get<ColorPlugin>("color")
* ```
* @param type The type of plugins to be retrieved
* @typeparam P A subclass of Plugin. Optional.
getType<P extends Plugin = Plugin>(type: P['__type']): PluginType<P>;
* An alias to [[get]]
* This name is unnecessarily verbose and weird.
findOrCreateMap<P extends Plugin = Plugin>(type: P['__type']): PluginType<P>;
* Adds a Plugin to the CMS.
* #### Example: Basic Usage
* ```js
* cms.plugins.add({ __type: "color", name: "red" })
* ```
* #### Example: Advanced Types
* ```ts
* interface ColorPlugin extends Plugin {
* __type: "color"
* hex: string
* rgb: string
* }
* cms.plugins.add<ColorPlugin>({
* __type: "color",
* name: "red",
* hex: "#FF0000",
* rgb: "RGBA(255, 0, 0, 1)"
* })
* ```
* @typeparam P A subclass of Plugin. Optional.
* @param plugin
* @todo Consider returning the plugin which was just added.
add<P extends Plugin = Plugin>(plugin: P): void;
* Removes the given plugin from the CMS.
* #### Example
* In this example a plugin is added to the CMS and removed
* 5 seconds later.
* ```ts
* const redPlugin = {
* __type: "color",
* name: "red",
* hex: "#FF0000",
* rgb: "RGBA(255, 0, 0, 1)"
* }
* cms.plugins.add(redPlugin)
* setTimeout(() => {
* cms.plugins.remove(redPlugin)
* }, 5000)
* ```
* @typeparam P A subclass of Plugin. Optional.
* @param plugin The plugin to be removed from the CMS.
remove<P extends Plugin = Plugin>(plugin: P): void;
* Returns a list of all the plugins of the given type.
* #### Example: Basic Usage
* ```ts
* cms.plugins.all("color").forEach(color => {
* console.log(
* })
* ```
* #### Example: Advanced Types
* A generic can be added to specify the type of plugins
* that are being retrieved.
* ```ts
* cms.plugins.all<ColorPlugin>("color").forEach(color => {
* console.log(, color.hex)
* })
* ```
* @typeparam P A subclass of Plugin. Optional.
* @param type The name of the plugin
* @returns An array of all plugins of the given type.
all<P extends Plugin = Plugin>(type: string): P[];
* @ignore
interface Map<T> {
[key: string]: T;
* @ignore
declare type PluginMap<T extends Plugin = Plugin> = Map<T>;
* A collection of plugins with the same `__type` value.
export declare class PluginType<T extends Plugin = Plugin> extends Subscribable {
private __type;
* @ignore
__plugins: PluginMap<T>;
* @param __type The `__type` of plugin being managed.
constructor(__type: string);
* Adds a new plugin to the collection.
* ### Example
* ```ts
* interface ColorPlugin extends Plugin {
* hex: string
* }
* const colorPlugins = new PluginType<ColorPlugin>("color")
* colorPlugins.add({ name: "red", hex: "#f00" })
* ```
* @param plugin A new plugin. The `__type` is optional and will be added if it's missing.
add(plugin: T | Omit<T, '__type'>): void;
all(): T[];
* Looks up a plugin by it's `name`.
* ### Example
* ```ts
* const colorPlugins = new PluginType<ColorPlugin>("color")
* colorPlugins.add({ name: "red", hex: "#f00" })
* colorPlugins.find("red") // { __type: "color", name: "red", hex: "#f00" }
* colorPlugin.find("large") // undefined
* ```
* @param name The `name` of the plugin to be retrieved.
find(name: string): T | undefined;
* Pass this function a plugin or the `name` of a plugin to have
* it be removed from the CMS.
* @param pluginOrName The `name` of a plugin, or the plugin itself.
* @returns The plugin that was removed, or `undefined` if it was not found.
remove(pluginOrName: string | T): T | undefined;
export {};

@@ -18,8 +18,73 @@ /**

* This package provides an abstract class for making objects Subscribable.
* @packageDocumentation
* @ignore
export declare type Unsubscribe = () => void;
* A basic class that can be subscribed to.
export declare class Subscribable {
* @ignore
protected __subscribers: Function[];
* Adds a listener to the Subscribable object.
* ### Example
* ```ts
* const unsubscribe = someSubscribable.add(() => {
* console.log("Update Received")
* })
* setTimeout(unsubscribe, 5000)
* ```
* @param listener A function to be called when the `Subscribable` is updated.
* @returns A function that will unsubscribe the listener.
subscribe(listener: Function): Unsubscribe;
* Removes the given listener from the `Subscribable` object.
* @param listener The functioni to be removed.
unsubscribe(listener: Function): void;
* Notifies subscribers that the `Subscribable` has changed.
* ### Example
* ```ts
* class Cup extends Subscribable {
* isFull: boolean = false
* fill() {
* this.isFull = true
* this.notifySubscribers()
* }
* empty() {
* this.isFull = false
* this.notifySubscribers()
* }
* }
* const cup = new Cup()
* cup.subscribe(() => console.log(cup.isFull))
* cup.fill() // Logs: true
* cup.empty() // Logs: false
* ```
protected notifiySubscribers(): void;

@@ -6,2 +6,10 @@ # Change Log

## [0.6.1-alpha.0]( (2020-01-16)
**Note:** Version bump only for package @tinacms/core
# [0.6.0]( (2020-01-13)

@@ -8,0 +16,0 @@

"name": "@tinacms/core",
"version": "0.6.0",
"version": "0.6.1-alpha.0",
"main": "build/index.js",

@@ -26,2 +26,3 @@ "types": "build/index.d.ts",

"dev": "tinacms-scripts dev",
"docs": "npx typedoc",
"build": "tinacms-scripts build"

@@ -36,3 +37,3 @@ },

"gitHead": "d5a2dc3e216a101ec0efdb8178bc82ab38a81370"
"gitHead": "710e6175b9ce80d34966053b85f56d275bf090c3"

@@ -25,2 +25,3 @@ # @tinacms/core

If you have any other questions, go to the [TinaCMS Community]( page to join our Slack or open an issue on Github!
Every question you ask helps us make working with TinaCMS even better :)

@@ -34,4 +35,2 @@ ### What does the CMS do?

Every question you ask helps us make working with TinaCMS even better :)
### What? That doesn't seem like a CMS

@@ -38,0 +37,0 @@

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