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@toeverything/theme - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.7.18 to 0.7.19




@@ -0,1 +1,3 @@

import { grabbingCursor,grabCursor } from "./cursors";
export const camelToKebab = (s: string) => {

@@ -12,2 +14,6 @@ if (typeof s !== 'string') return '';

const toCSSCursor = (cursor: string, fallbacks: string[]) => {
return `url(${cursor}), ${fallbacks.join(', ')}`;
type Kebab<

@@ -220,2 +226,6 @@ T extends string,

textHighlightGrey: 'rgba(236, 241, 251, 1)',
// cursors
grabbingCursor: toCSSCursor(grabbingCursor, ['grabbing']),
grabCursor: toCSSCursor(grabCursor, ['grab'])

@@ -222,0 +232,0 @@



@@ -178,2 +178,4 @@ export declare const camelToKebab: (s: string) => string;

textHighlightGrey: string;
grabbingCursor: string;
grabCursor: string;
fontFamily: string;

@@ -180,0 +182,0 @@ fontSerifFamily: string;



@@ -1,9 +0,51 @@

const g = (r) => typeof r != "string" ? "" : r.replace(/-/g, "_").replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/([A-Z])([A-Z])(?=[a-z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase().replace(/(\D+)(\d+)$/g, "$1-$2").replace(/\s|_/g, "-"), a = "apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,'Helvetica Neue', Tahoma, 'PingFang SC', 'Microsoft Yahei', Arial,'Hiragino Sans GB', sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji'", b = {
function b(r) {
const a = r.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/[\s]{2,}/g, " ");
return `data:image/svg+xml,${encodeURIComponent(a)}`;
const p = b(`
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M10.6944 8.33487C10.9653 7.67285 11.6283 7.21423 12.3869 7.21423C13.1346 7.21423 13.7895 7.65975 14.0675 8.30642C14.3487 8.13443 14.6802 8.03569 15.0322 8.03569C16.0254 8.03569 16.8548 8.82187 16.8548 9.8214V9.90652C17.103 9.78332 17.383 9.71426 17.6774 9.71426C18.6706 9.71426 19.5 10.5004 19.5 11.5V14.5714C19.5 18.4111 16.3018 21.5 12.3869 21.5C11.4279 21.5 10.5029 21.3687 9.61008 20.9533C8.71611 20.5373 7.89034 19.8532 7.10147 18.8019L5.08581 16.1683C4.51001 15.4567 4.57347 14.4352 5.23 13.797C5.93899 13.1078 7.08249 13.1078 7.79148 13.797L7.79968 13.805C7.84226 13.8483 7.88165 13.889 7.91846 13.9273C7.92006 13.726 7.91977 13.4872 7.91942 13.2045C7.91926 13.0733 7.91909 12.9325 7.91909 12.7817V9.85709C7.91909 8.85756 8.74847 8.07138 9.7417 8.07138C10.0887 8.07138 10.4158 8.16735 10.6944 8.33487ZM10.5643 9.85712C10.5643 9.43634 10.2095 9.07138 9.7417 9.07138C9.27389 9.07138 8.91909 9.43633 8.91909 9.85709V12.7817C8.91909 12.9257 8.91926 13.0621 8.91943 13.1909C8.92002 13.6625 8.92049 14.0329 8.91187 14.307C8.9064 14.481 8.89684 14.6361 8.87748 14.7637C8.8624 14.863 8.82868 15.055 8.70064 15.2061C8.62011 15.3012 8.49922 15.3839 8.34225 15.4068C8.19872 15.4279 8.07952 15.3907 8.00536 15.3581C7.87099 15.299 7.7587 15.1973 7.68787 15.1301C7.60764 15.0539 7.49797 14.9378 7.37723 14.8099C7.28546 14.7128 7.18728 14.6088 7.09077 14.5105C6.76957 14.2021 6.24669 14.2033 5.92703 14.514C5.63861 14.7944 5.614 15.2343 5.86566 15.5423L5.87549 15.5548L7.90002 18.2C8.61071 19.1475 9.31465 19.7129 10.032 20.0466C10.751 20.3812 11.5195 20.5 12.3869 20.5C15.7764 20.5 18.5 17.8323 18.5 14.5714V11.5C18.5 11.0792 18.1452 10.7143 17.6774 10.7143C17.2096 10.7143 16.8548 11.0792 16.8548 11.5V12C16.8548 12.2761 16.6309 12.5 16.3548 12.5C16.0786 12.5 15.8548 12.2761 15.8548 12V9.8214C15.8548 9.40064 15.5 9.03569 15.0322 9.03569C14.5643 9.03569 14.2095 9.40064 14.2095 9.8214V11.1428C14.2095 11.419 13.9857 11.6428 13.7095 11.6428C13.4334 11.6428 13.2095 11.419 13.2095 11.1428V8.99995C13.2095 8.57919 12.8547 8.21423 12.3869 8.21423C11.9191 8.21423 11.5643 8.57919 11.5643 8.99995V11.1428C11.5643 11.419 11.3405 11.6428 11.0643 11.6428C10.7882 11.6428 10.5643 11.419 10.5643 11.1428V9.85712Z"
d="M9.7417 9.07138C10.2095 9.07138 10.5643 9.43634 10.5643 9.85712V11.1428C10.5643 11.419 10.7882 11.6428 11.0643 11.6428C11.3405 11.6428 11.5643 11.419 11.5643 11.1428V8.99995C11.5643 8.57919 11.9191 8.21423 12.3869 8.21423C12.8547 8.21423 13.2095 8.57919 13.2095 8.99995V11.1428C13.2095 11.419 13.4334 11.6428 13.7095 11.6428C13.9857 11.6428 14.2095 11.419 14.2095 11.1428V9.8214C14.2095 9.40064 14.5643 9.03569 15.0322 9.03569C15.5 9.03569 15.8548 9.40064 15.8548 9.8214V12C15.8548 12.2761 16.0786 12.5 16.3548 12.5C16.6309 12.5 16.8548 12.2761 16.8548 12V11.5C16.8548 11.0792 17.2096 10.7143 17.6774 10.7143C18.1452 10.7143 18.5 11.0792 18.5 11.5V14.5714C18.5 17.8323 15.7764 20.5 12.3869 20.5C11.5195 20.5 10.751 20.3812 10.032 20.0466C9.31465 19.7129 8.61071 19.1475 7.90002 18.2L5.87549 15.5548L5.86566 15.5423C5.614 15.2343 5.63861 14.7944 5.92703 14.514C6.24669 14.2033 6.76957 14.2021 7.09077 14.5105C7.18728 14.6088 7.28546 14.7128 7.37723 14.8099C7.49797 14.9378 7.60764 15.0539 7.68787 15.1301C7.7587 15.1973 7.87099 15.299 8.00536 15.3581C8.07952 15.3907 8.19872 15.4279 8.34225 15.4068C8.49922 15.3839 8.62011 15.3012 8.70064 15.2061C8.82868 15.055 8.8624 14.863 8.87748 14.7637C8.89684 14.6361 8.9064 14.481 8.91187 14.307C8.92049 14.0329 8.92002 13.6625 8.91943 13.1909C8.91926 13.0621 8.91909 12.9257 8.91909 12.7817V9.85709C8.91909 9.43633 9.27389 9.07138 9.7417 9.07138Z"
`), C = b(`
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M10.6944 3.62063C10.9653 2.95862 11.6283 2.5 12.3869 2.5C13.3802 2.5 14.2096 3.28619 14.2096 4.28571V4.40655C14.4578 4.28334 14.7378 4.21429 15.0322 4.21429C16.0254 4.21429 16.8548 5.00047 16.8548 6V6.97798C17.103 6.85477 17.383 6.78571 17.6774 6.78571C18.6706 6.78571 19.5 7.5719 19.5 8.57143V14.5714C19.5 18.4111 16.3018 21.5 12.3869 21.5C11.4279 21.5 10.5029 21.3687 9.61009 20.9533C8.71742 20.538 7.89275 19.8553 7.10492 18.8065L3.89715 14.8057C3.31723 14.0938 3.37951 13.0692 4.03749 12.4296C4.74649 11.7404 5.88998 11.7404 6.59897 12.4296C6.60945 12.4398 6.61948 12.4504 6.62902 12.4615L7.19243 13.1145C7.49969 13.4896 7.73216 13.7452 7.90552 13.9094C7.90575 13.9058 7.90599 13.9021 7.90621 13.8984C7.92066 13.6641 7.92009 13.374 7.91941 13.0239C7.91926 12.9461 7.9191 12.8654 7.9191 12.7817V5.14286C7.9191 4.14333 8.74848 3.35714 9.74172 3.35714C10.0887 3.35714 10.4158 3.45312 10.6944 3.62063ZM11.5643 11.1429C11.5643 11.419 11.3405 11.6429 11.0643 11.6429C10.7882 11.6429 10.5643 11.419 10.5643 11.1429V5.14286C10.5643 4.7221 10.2095 4.35714 9.74172 4.35714C9.2739 4.35714 8.9191 4.7221 8.9191 5.14286V12.7817C8.9191 12.858 8.91927 12.9337 8.91943 13.0085C8.92019 13.3597 8.92092 13.6907 8.90432 13.9599C8.89417 14.1245 8.87652 14.2886 8.84181 14.4348C8.80979 14.5696 8.74873 14.7552 8.60644 14.9018C8.43071 15.0827 8.19413 15.142 7.96546 15.0976C7.77497 15.0607 7.60654 14.9565 7.46937 14.8519C7.18917 14.6383 6.84626 14.2699 6.4228 13.7533L5.88792 13.1333C5.56593 12.8348 5.05078 12.8392 4.73453 13.1467C4.44611 13.427 4.4215 13.8669 4.67315 14.175L4.67604 14.1785L7.89011 18.1872L7.90002 18.2C8.6107 19.1476 9.31466 19.7129 10.032 20.0467C10.751 20.3813 11.5195 20.5 12.3869 20.5C15.7764 20.5 18.5 17.8323 18.5 14.5714V8.57143C18.5 8.15067 18.1452 7.78571 17.6774 7.78571C17.2096 7.78571 16.8548 8.15067 16.8548 8.57143V12C16.8548 12.2761 16.6309 12.5 16.3548 12.5C16.0786 12.5 15.8548 12.2761 15.8548 12V6C15.8548 5.57924 15.5 5.21429 15.0322 5.21429C14.5644 5.21429 14.2096 5.57924 14.2096 6V11.1429C14.2096 11.419 13.9857 11.6429 13.7096 11.6429C13.4334 11.6429 13.2096 11.419 13.2096 11.1429V4.28571C13.2096 3.86496 12.8548 3.5 12.3869 3.5C11.9191 3.5 11.5643 3.86496 11.5643 4.28571V11.1429Z"
d="M11.0643 11.6429C11.3405 11.6429 11.5643 11.419 11.5643 11.1429V4.28571C11.5643 3.86496 11.9191 3.5 12.3869 3.5C12.8548 3.5 13.2096 3.86496 13.2096 4.28571V11.1429C13.2096 11.419 13.4334 11.6429 13.7096 11.6429C13.9857 11.6429 14.2096 11.419 14.2096 11.1429V6C14.2096 5.57924 14.5644 5.21429 15.0322 5.21429C15.5 5.21429 15.8548 5.57924 15.8548 6V12C15.8548 12.2761 16.0786 12.5 16.3548 12.5C16.6309 12.5 16.8548 12.2761 16.8548 12V8.57143C16.8548 8.15067 17.2096 7.78571 17.6774 7.78571C18.1452 7.78571 18.5 8.15067 18.5 8.57143V14.5714C18.5 17.8323 15.7764 20.5 12.3869 20.5C11.5195 20.5 10.751 20.3813 10.032 20.0467C9.31466 19.7129 8.6107 19.1476 7.90002 18.2L7.89011 18.1872L4.67604 14.1785L4.67315 14.175C4.4215 13.8669 4.44611 13.427 4.73453 13.1467C5.05078 12.8392 5.56593 12.8348 5.88792 13.1333L6.4228 13.7533C6.84626 14.2699 7.18917 14.6383 7.46937 14.8519C7.60654 14.9565 7.77497 15.0607 7.96546 15.0976C8.19413 15.142 8.43071 15.0827 8.60644 14.9018C8.74873 14.7552 8.80979 14.5696 8.84181 14.4348C8.87652 14.2886 8.89417 14.1245 8.90432 13.9599C8.92092 13.6907 8.92019 13.3597 8.91943 13.0085C8.91927 12.9337 8.9191 12.858 8.9191 12.7817V5.14286C8.9191 4.7221 9.2739 4.35714 9.74172 4.35714C10.2095 4.35714 10.5643 4.7221 10.5643 5.14286V11.1429C10.5643 11.419 10.7882 11.6429 11.0643 11.6429Z"
`), t = (r) => typeof r != "string" ? "" : r.replace(/-/g, "_").replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/([A-Z])([A-Z])(?=[a-z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase().replace(/(\D+)(\d+)$/g, "$1-$2").replace(/\s|_/g, "-"), g = (r, a) => `url(${r}), ${a.join(", ")}`, e = "apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,'Helvetica Neue', Tahoma, 'PingFang SC', 'Microsoft Yahei', Arial,'Hiragino Sans GB', sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji'", l = {
// font
fontFamily: `'Inter', 'Source Sans 3', Poppins, ${a}`,
fontSerifFamily: `'Source Serif 4', 'Noto Serif' , serif, 'Cambria', ${a}`,
fontMonoFamily: `'Source Code Pro', 'IBM Plex Mono', 'Roboto Mono','Noto Sans Mono', 'Noto Sans CJK', ${a}`,
fontSansFamily: `'Inter', 'Source Sans 3', Poppins, ${a}`,
fontNumberFamily: `'Roboto Mono', 'Noto Sans Mono', ${a}`,
fontCodeFamily: `'Space Mono', Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, Courier, monospace, ${a}`,
fontFamily: `'Inter', 'Source Sans 3', Poppins, ${e}`,
fontSerifFamily: `'Source Serif 4', 'Noto Serif' , serif, 'Cambria', ${e}`,
fontMonoFamily: `'Source Code Pro', 'IBM Plex Mono', 'Roboto Mono','Noto Sans Mono', 'Noto Sans CJK', ${e}`,
fontSansFamily: `'Inter', 'Source Sans 3', Poppins, ${e}`,
fontNumberFamily: `'Roboto Mono', 'Noto Sans Mono', ${e}`,
fontCodeFamily: `'Space Mono', Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, Courier, monospace, ${e}`,
fontTitle: "36px",

@@ -73,4 +115,4 @@ fontH1: "28px",

multiPlayersShadow: "0px 1px 6px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)"
}, t = {
}, n = {
themeMode: "light",

@@ -171,5 +213,8 @@ brandColor: "#1E96EB",

textHighlightPurple: "rgba(227, 222, 255, 1)",
textHighlightGrey: "rgba(236, 241, 251, 1)"
}, l = {
textHighlightGrey: "rgba(236, 241, 251, 1)",
// cursors
grabbingCursor: g(p, ["grabbing"]),
grabCursor: g(C, ["grab"])
}, i = {
themeMode: "dark",

@@ -271,17 +316,17 @@ brandColor: "#1E96EB",

textHighlightGrey: "rgba(111, 112, 117, 1)"
}, p = Object.entries(t).reduce(
(r, [e, o]) => (r[`--affine-${g(e)}`] = o, r),
}, x = Object.entries(n).reduce(
(r, [a, o]) => (r[`--affine-${t(a)}`] = o, r),
), n = Object.entries(l).reduce(
(r, [e, o]) => (r[`--affine-${g(e)}`] = o, r),
), d = Object.entries(i).reduce(
(r, [a, o]) => (r[`--affine-${t(a)}`] = o, r),
export {
b as baseTheme,
g as camelToKebab,
n as darkCssVariables,
l as darkTheme,
p as lightCssVariables,
t as lightTheme
l as baseTheme,
t as camelToKebab,
d as darkCssVariables,
i as darkTheme,
x as lightCssVariables,
n as lightTheme
"name": "@toeverything/theme",
"version": "0.7.18",
"version": "0.7.19",
"type": "module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": "toeverything/design",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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