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@twind/preset-tailwind - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.1-next-20221220021500 to 1.1.1-next-20221220080151

# @twind/preset-tailwind
## 1.1.1-next-20221220021500
## 1.1.1-next-20221220080151

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ ### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies [[`02ea227a`](, [`6521e678`](, [`c832b338`](]:
- @twind/core@1.1.1-next-20221220021500
- @twind/core@1.1.1-next-20221220080151

@@ -17,0 +17,0 @@ ## 1.1.0

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

export { b as amber, i as blue, f as cyan, e as emerald, k as fuchsia, g as gray, d as green, j as indigo, l as lime, n as neutral, o as orange, m as pink, p as purple, r as red, q as rose, h as sky, s as slate, a as stone, t as teal, v as violet, y as yellow, z as zinc } from './_/colors-e5e84df2.js';
export * from "./colors.worker.js";

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

export { b as amber, i as blue, f as cyan, e as emerald, k as fuchsia, g as gray, d as green, j as indigo, l as lime, n as neutral, o as orange, m as pink, p as purple, r as red, q as rose, h as sky, s as slate, a as stone, t as teal, v as violet, y as yellow, z as zinc } from './_/colors-e5e84df2.js';
export * from "./colors.browser.js";
"name": "@twind/preset-tailwind",
"version": "1.1.1-next-20221220021500",
"version": "1.1.1-next-20221220080151",
"description": "Tailwind CSS preset for twind",

@@ -268,3 +268,3 @@ "type": "module",

"peerDependencies": {
"@twind/core": "1.1.1-next-20221220021500",
"@twind/core": "1.1.1-next-20221220080151",
"typescript": "^4.8.4"

@@ -271,0 +271,0 @@ },

@@ -1,1057 +0,1 @@

var // indirection wrapper to remove autocomplete functions from production bundles
rule, rule1, rule2, rule3, rule4, rule5, rule6, rule7, rule8, rule9, rule10, rule11, rule12, rule13, rule14, rule15, rule16, rule17;
import { match, arbitrary, matchTheme, mql, asArray, matchColor, toColorValue, toCSS, withAutocomplete } from '@twind/core';
let rules = [
/* arbitrary properties: [paint-order:markers] */ match('\\[([-\\w]+):(.+)]', ({ 1: $1 , 2: $2 }, context)=>({
'@layer overrides': {
'&': {
[$1]: arbitrary(`[${$2}]`, '', context)
(rule = /* Styling based on parent and peer state */ match('(group|peer)([~/][^-[]+)?', ({ input }, { h })=>[
c: h(input)
]), withAutocomplete(rule, ()=>[
/* LAYOUT */ matchTheme('aspect-', 'aspectRatio'),
match('container', (_, { theme })=>{
let { screens =theme('screens') , center , padding } = theme('container'), rules = {
width: '100%',
marginRight: center && 'auto',
marginLeft: center && 'auto',
for(let screen in screens){
let value = screens[screen];
'string' == typeof value && (rules[mql(value)] = {
'&': {
maxWidth: value,
return rules;
function paddingFor(screen) {
let value = padding && ('string' == typeof padding ? padding : padding[screen] || padding.DEFAULT);
if (value) return {
paddingRight: value,
paddingLeft: value
// Content
matchTheme('content-', 'content', ({ _ })=>({
'--tw-content': _,
content: 'var(--tw-content)'
// Box Decoration Break
match('(?:box-)?decoration-(slice|clone)', 'boxDecorationBreak'),
// Box Sizing
match('box-(border|content)', 'boxSizing', ({ 1: $1 })=>$1 + '-box'),
// Display
match('hidden', {
display: 'none'
// Table Layout
match('table-(auto|fixed)', 'tableLayout'),
], 'display'),
// Floats
// Clear
// Overflow
// Isolation
// Isolation
match('isolate', 'isolation'),
// Object Fit
match('object-(contain|cover|fill|none|scale-down)', 'objectFit'),
// Object Position
matchTheme('object-', 'objectPosition'),
match('object-(top|bottom|center|(left|right)(-(top|bottom))?)', 'objectPosition', spacify),
// Overscroll Behavior
match('overscroll(-[xy])?-(auto|contain|none)', ({ 1: $1 = '' , 2: $2 })=>({
['overscroll-behavior' + $1]: $2
// Position
match('(static|fixed|absolute|relative|sticky)', 'position'),
// Top / Right / Bottom / Left
matchTheme('-?inset(-[xy])?(?:$|-)', 'inset', ({ 1: $1 , _ })=>({
top: '-x' != $1 && _,
right: '-y' != $1 && _,
bottom: '-x' != $1 && _,
left: '-y' != $1 && _
matchTheme('-?(top|bottom|left|right)(?:$|-)', 'inset'),
// Visibility
match('(visible|collapse)', 'visibility'),
match('invisible', {
visibility: 'hidden'
// Z-Index
matchTheme('-?z-', 'zIndex'),
/* FLEXBOX */ // Flex Direction
match('flex-((row|col)(-reverse)?)', 'flexDirection', columnify),
match('flex-(wrap|wrap-reverse|nowrap)', 'flexWrap'),
/*, 'flex-grow' | flex-shrink */ matchTheme('(flex)-'),
/*, 'flex' */ matchTheme('grow(?:$|-)', 'flexGrow'),
matchTheme('shrink(?:$|-)', 'flexShrink'),
matchTheme('basis-', 'flexBasis'),
withAutocomplete(/*, 'order' */ '-?(order)-(\\d+)', ()=>range({
end: 12
/* GRID */ // Grid Template Columns
matchTheme('grid-cols-', 'gridTemplateColumns'),
(rule1 = match('grid-cols-(\\d+)', 'gridTemplateColumns', gridTemplate), withAutocomplete(rule1, ()=>range({
end: 6
// Grid Column Start / End
matchTheme('col-', 'gridColumn'),
(rule2 = match('col-(span)-(\\d+)', 'gridColumn', span), withAutocomplete(rule2, ()=>range({
end: 12
matchTheme('col-start-', 'gridColumnStart'),
(rule3 = match('col-start-(auto|\\d+)', 'gridColumnStart'), withAutocomplete(rule3, ({ 1: $1 })=>'auto' === $1 ? [
] : range({
end: 13
matchTheme('col-end-', 'gridColumnEnd'),
(rule4 = match('col-end-(auto|\\d+)', 'gridColumnEnd'), withAutocomplete(rule4, ({ 1: $1 })=>'auto' === $1 ? [
] : range({
end: 13
// Grid Template Rows
matchTheme('grid-rows-', 'gridTemplateRows'),
(rule5 = match('grid-rows-(\\d+)', 'gridTemplateRows', gridTemplate), withAutocomplete(rule5, ()=>range({
end: 6
// Grid Row Start / End
matchTheme('row-', 'gridRow'),
(rule6 = match('row-(span)-(\\d+)', 'gridRow', span), withAutocomplete(rule6, ()=>range({
end: 6
matchTheme('row-start-', 'gridRowStart'),
(rule7 = match('row-start-(auto|\\d+)', 'gridRowStart'), withAutocomplete(rule7, ({ 1: $1 })=>'auto' === $1 ? [
] : range({
end: 7
matchTheme('row-end-', 'gridRowEnd'),
(rule8 = match('row-end-(auto|\\d+)', 'gridRowEnd'), withAutocomplete(rule8, ({ 1: $1 })=>'auto' === $1 ? [
] : range({
end: 7
// Grid Auto Flow
match('grid-flow-((row|col)(-dense)?)', 'gridAutoFlow', (match)=>spacify(columnify(match))),
match('grid-flow-(dense)', 'gridAutoFlow'),
// Grid Auto Columns
matchTheme('auto-cols-', 'gridAutoColumns'),
// Grid Auto Rows
matchTheme('auto-rows-', 'gridAutoRows'),
// Gap
matchTheme('gap-x(?:$|-)', 'gap', 'columnGap'),
matchTheme('gap-y(?:$|-)', 'gap', 'rowGap'),
matchTheme('gap(?:$|-)', 'gap'),
withAutocomplete(/* BOX ALIGNMENT */ // Justify Items
// Justify Self
'(justify-(?:items|self))-', ({ 1: $1 })=>$1.endsWith('-items-') ? [
] : /* '-self-' */ [
(rule9 = // Justify Content
match('justify-', 'justifyContent', convertContentValue), withAutocomplete(rule9, ()=>[
(rule10 = // Align Content
// Align Items
// Align Self
match('(content|items|self)-', (match)=>({
['align-' + match[1]]: convertContentValue(match)
})), withAutocomplete(rule10, ({ 1: $1 })=>'content' == $1 ? [
] : 'items' == $1 ? [
] : /* $1 == 'self' */ [
(rule11 = // Place Content
// Place Items
// Place Self
match('(place-(content|items|self))-', ({ 1: $1 , $$ })=>({
[$1]: ('wun'.includes($$[3]) ? 'space-' : '') + $$
})), withAutocomplete(rule11, ({ 2: $2 })=>'content' == $2 ? [
] : 'items' == $2 ? [
] : /* $2 == 'self' */ [
/* SPACING */ // Padding
matchTheme('p([xytrbl])?(?:$|-)', 'padding', edge('padding')),
// Margin
matchTheme('-?m([xytrbl])?(?:$|-)', 'margin', edge('margin')),
// Space Between
matchTheme('-?space-(x|y)(?:$|-)', 'space', ({ 1: $1 , _ })=>({
'&>:not([hidden])~:not([hidden])': {
[`--tw-space-${$1}-reverse`]: '0',
['margin-' + ({
y: 'top',
x: 'left'
})[$1]]: `calc(${_} * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-${$1}-reverse)))`,
['margin-' + ({
y: 'bottom',
x: 'right'
})[$1]]: `calc(${_} * var(--tw-space-${$1}-reverse))`
match('space-(x|y)-reverse', ({ 1: $1 })=>({
'&>:not([hidden])~:not([hidden])': {
[`--tw-space-${$1}-reverse`]: '1'
/* SIZING */ // Width
matchTheme('w-', 'width'),
// Min-Width
matchTheme('min-w-', 'minWidth'),
// Max-Width
matchTheme('max-w-', 'maxWidth'),
// Height
matchTheme('h-', 'height'),
// Min-Height
matchTheme('min-h-', 'minHeight'),
// Max-Height
matchTheme('max-h-', 'maxHeight'),
/* TYPOGRAPHY */ // Font Weight
matchTheme('font-', 'fontWeight'),
// Font Family
matchTheme('font-', 'fontFamily', ({ _ })=>{
return 'string' == typeof (_ = asArray(_))[1] ? {
fontFamily: join(_)
} : {
fontFamily: join(_[0]),
// Font Smoothing
match('antialiased', {
WebkitFontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
MozOsxFontSmoothing: 'grayscale'
match('subpixel-antialiased', {
WebkitFontSmoothing: 'auto',
MozOsxFontSmoothing: 'auto'
// Font Style
match('italic', 'fontStyle'),
match('not-italic', {
fontStyle: 'normal'
// Font Variant Numeric
match('(ordinal|slashed-zero|(normal|lining|oldstyle|proportional|tabular)-nums|(diagonal|stacked)-fractions)', ({ 1: $1 , 2: $2 = '' , 3: $3 })=>// normal-nums
'normal' == $2 ? {
fontVariantNumeric: 'normal'
} : {
['--tw-' + ($3 ? // diagonal-fractions, stacked-fractions
'numeric-fraction' : 'pt'.includes($2[0]) ? // proportional-nums, tabular-nums
'numeric-spacing' : $2 ? // lining-nums, oldstyle-nums
'numeric-figure' : // ordinal, slashed-zero
$1)]: $1,
fontVariantNumeric: 'var(--tw-ordinal) var(--tw-slashed-zero) var(--tw-numeric-figure) var(--tw-numeric-spacing) var(--tw-numeric-fraction)',
'@layer defaults': {
'*,::before,::after,::backdrop': {
'--tw-ordinal': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
'--tw-slashed-zero': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
'--tw-numeric-figure': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
'--tw-numeric-spacing': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
'--tw-numeric-fraction': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)'
// Letter Spacing
matchTheme('tracking-', 'letterSpacing'),
// Line Height
matchTheme('leading-', 'lineHeight'),
// List Style Position
match('list-(inside|outside)', 'listStylePosition'),
// List Style Type
matchTheme('list-', 'listStyleType'),
(rule12 = match('list-', 'listStyleType'), withAutocomplete(rule12, ()=>[
// Placeholder Opacity
matchTheme('placeholder-opacity-', 'placeholderOpacity', ({ _ })=>({
'&::placeholder': {
'--tw-placeholder-opacity': _
// Placeholder Color
matchColor('placeholder-', {
property: 'color',
selector: '&::placeholder'
// Text Alignment
match('text-(left|center|right|justify|start|end)', 'textAlign'),
match('text-(ellipsis|clip)', 'textOverflow'),
// Text Opacity
matchTheme('text-opacity-', 'textOpacity', '--tw-text-opacity'),
// Text Color
matchColor('text-', {
property: 'color'
// Font Size
matchTheme('text-', 'fontSize', ({ _ })=>'string' == typeof _ ? {
fontSize: _
} : {
fontSize: _[0],
...'string' == typeof _[1] ? {
lineHeight: _[1]
} : _[1]
// Text Indent
matchTheme('indent-', 'textIndent'),
// Text Decoration
match('(overline|underline|line-through)', 'textDecorationLine'),
match('no-underline', {
textDecorationLine: 'none'
// Text Underline offset
matchTheme('underline-offset-', 'textUnderlineOffset'),
// Text Decoration Color
matchColor('decoration-', {
section: 'textDecorationColor',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
// Text Decoration Thickness
matchTheme('decoration-', 'textDecorationThickness'),
(rule13 = // Text Decoration Style
match('decoration-', 'textDecorationStyle'), withAutocomplete(rule13, ()=>[
// Text Transform
match('(uppercase|lowercase|capitalize)', 'textTransform'),
match('normal-case', {
textTransform: 'none'
// Text Overflow
match('truncate', {
overflow: 'hidden',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis'
(rule14 = // Vertical Alignment
match('align-', 'verticalAlign'), withAutocomplete(rule14, ()=>[
(rule15 = // Whitespace
match('whitespace-', 'whiteSpace'), withAutocomplete(rule15, ()=>[
// Word Break
match('break-normal', {
wordBreak: 'normal',
overflowWrap: 'normal'
match('break-words', {
overflowWrap: 'break-word'
match('break-all', {
wordBreak: 'break-all'
match('break-keep', {
wordBreak: 'keep-all'
// Caret Color
matchColor('caret-', {
// section: 'caretColor',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
// Accent Color
matchColor('accent-', {
// section: 'accentColor',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
// Gradient Color Stops
match('bg-gradient-to-([trbl]|[tb][rl])', 'backgroundImage', ({ 1: $1 })=>`linear-gradient(to ${position($1, ' ')},var(--tw-gradient-stops))`),
matchColor('from-', {
section: 'gradientColorStops',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
}, ({ _ })=>({
'--tw-gradient-from': _.value,
'--tw-gradient-to': _.color({
opacityValue: '0'
'--tw-gradient-stops': "var(--tw-gradient-from),var(--tw-gradient-to)"
matchColor('via-', {
section: 'gradientColorStops',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
}, ({ _ })=>({
'--tw-gradient-to': _.color({
opacityValue: '0'
'--tw-gradient-stops': `var(--tw-gradient-from),${_.value},var(--tw-gradient-to)`
matchColor('to-', {
section: 'gradientColorStops',
property: '--tw-gradient-to',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
/* BACKGROUNDS */ // Background Attachment
match('bg-(fixed|local|scroll)', 'backgroundAttachment'),
// Background Origin
match('bg-origin-(border|padding|content)', 'backgroundOrigin', ({ 1: $1 })=>$1 + '-box'),
// Background Repeat
], 'backgroundRepeat'),
(rule16 = // Background Blend Mode
match('bg-blend-', 'backgroundBlendMode'), withAutocomplete(rule16, ()=>[
// Background Clip
match('bg-clip-(border|padding|content|text)', 'backgroundClip', ({ 1: $1 })=>$1 + ('text' == $1 ? '' : '-box')),
// Background Opacity
matchTheme('bg-opacity-', 'backgroundOpacity', '--tw-bg-opacity'),
// Background Color
// bg-${backgroundColor}/${backgroundOpacity}
matchColor('bg-', {
section: 'backgroundColor'
// Background Image
// supported arbitrary types are: length, color, angle, list
matchTheme('bg-', 'backgroundImage'),
// Background Position
matchTheme('bg-', 'backgroundPosition'),
match('bg-(top|bottom|center|(left|right)(-(top|bottom))?)', 'backgroundPosition', spacify),
// Background Size
matchTheme('bg-', 'backgroundSize'),
/* BORDERS */ // Border Radius
matchTheme('rounded(?:$|-)', 'borderRadius'),
matchTheme('rounded-([trbl]|[tb][rl])(?:$|-)', 'borderRadius', ({ 1: $1 , _ })=>{
let corners = {
t: [
r: [
b: [
l: [
}[$1] || [
return {
[`border-${position(corners[0])}-radius`]: _,
[`border-${position(corners[1])}-radius`]: _
// Border Collapse
match('border-(collapse|separate)', 'borderCollapse'),
// Border Opacity
matchTheme('border-opacity(?:$|-)', 'borderOpacity', '--tw-border-opacity'),
// Border Style
match('border-(solid|dashed|dotted|double|none)', 'borderStyle'),
// Border Spacing
matchTheme('border-spacing(-[xy])?(?:$|-)', 'borderSpacing', ({ 1: $1 , _ })=>({
'@layer defaults': {
'*,::before,::after,::backdrop': {
'--tw-border-spacing-x': 0,
'--tw-border-spacing-y': 0
['--tw-border-spacing' + ($1 || '-x')]: _,
['--tw-border-spacing' + ($1 || '-y')]: _,
'border-spacing': 'var(--tw-border-spacing-x) var(--tw-border-spacing-y)'
// Border Color
matchColor('border-([xytrbl])-', {
section: 'borderColor'
}, edge('border', 'Color')),
// Border Width
matchTheme('border-([xytrbl])(?:$|-)', 'borderWidth', edge('border', 'Width')),
matchTheme('border(?:$|-)', 'borderWidth'),
// Divide Opacity
matchTheme('divide-opacity(?:$|-)', 'divideOpacity', ({ _ })=>({
'&>:not([hidden])~:not([hidden])': {
'--tw-divide-opacity': _
// Divide Style
match('divide-(solid|dashed|dotted|double|none)', ({ 1: $1 })=>({
'&>:not([hidden])~:not([hidden])': {
borderStyle: $1
// Divide Width
match('divide-([xy]-reverse)', ({ 1: $1 })=>({
'&>:not([hidden])~:not([hidden])': {
['--tw-divide-' + $1]: '1'
matchTheme('divide-([xy])(?:$|-)', 'divideWidth', ({ 1: $1 , _ })=>{
let edges = {
x: 'lr',
y: 'tb'
return {
'&>:not([hidden])~:not([hidden])': {
[`--tw-divide-${$1}-reverse`]: '0',
[`border-${position(edges[0])}Width`]: `calc(${_} * calc(1 - var(--tw-divide-${$1}-reverse)))`,
[`border-${position(edges[1])}Width`]: `calc(${_} * var(--tw-divide-${$1}-reverse))`
// Divide Color
matchColor('divide-', {
// section: $0.replace('-', 'Color') -> 'divideColor'
property: 'borderColor',
// opacityVariable: '--tw-border-opacity',
// opacitySection: section.replace('Color', 'Opacity') -> 'divideOpacity'
selector: '&>:not([hidden])~:not([hidden])'
// Ring Offset Opacity
matchTheme('ring-opacity(?:$|-)', 'ringOpacity', '--tw-ring-opacity'),
// Ring Offset Color
matchColor('ring-offset-', {
// section: 'ringOffsetColor',
property: '--tw-ring-offset-color',
opacityVariable: false
// opacitySection: section.replace('Color', 'Opacity') -> 'ringOffsetOpacity'
// Ring Offset Width
matchTheme('ring-offset(?:$|-)', 'ringOffsetWidth', '--tw-ring-offset-width'),
// Ring Inset
match('ring-inset', {
'--tw-ring-inset': 'inset'
// Ring Color
matchColor('ring-', {
// section: 'ringColor',
property: '--tw-ring-color'
// opacityVariable: '--tw-ring-opacity',
// opacitySection: section.replace('Color', 'Opacity') -> 'ringOpacity'
// Ring Width
matchTheme('ring(?:$|-)', 'ringWidth', ({ _ }, { theme })=>({
'--tw-ring-offset-shadow': "var(--tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 var(--tw-ring-offset-width) var(--tw-ring-offset-color)",
'--tw-ring-shadow': `var(--tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(${_} + var(--tw-ring-offset-width)) var(--tw-ring-color)`,
boxShadow: "var(--tw-ring-offset-shadow),var(--tw-ring-shadow),var(--tw-shadow)",
'@layer defaults': {
'*,::before,::after,::backdrop': {
'--tw-ring-offset-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
'--tw-ring-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
'--tw-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
'--tw-shadow-colored': '0 0 #0000',
// Within own declaration to have the defaults above to be merged with defaults from shadow
'&': {
'--tw-ring-inset': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
'--tw-ring-offset-width': theme('ringOffsetWidth', '', '0px'),
'--tw-ring-offset-color': toColorValue(theme('ringOffsetColor', '', '#fff')),
'--tw-ring-color': toColorValue(theme('ringColor', '', '#93c5fd'), {
opacityVariable: '--tw-ring-opacity'
'--tw-ring-opacity': theme('ringOpacity', '', '0.5')
/* EFFECTS */ // Box Shadow Color
matchColor('shadow-', {
section: 'boxShadowColor',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
}, ({ _ })=>({
'--tw-shadow-color': _.value,
'--tw-shadow': 'var(--tw-shadow-colored)'
// Box Shadow
matchTheme('shadow(?:$|-)', 'boxShadow', ({ _ })=>({
'--tw-shadow': join(_),
// replace all colors with reference to --tw-shadow-colored
// this matches colors after non-comma char (keyword, offset) before comma or the end
'--tw-shadow-colored': join(_).replace(/([^,]\s+)(?:#[a-f\d]+|(?:(?:hsl|rgb)a?|hwb|lab|lch|color|var)\(.+?\)|[a-z]+)(,|$)/g, '$1var(--tw-shadow-color)$2'),
boxShadow: "var(--tw-ring-offset-shadow),var(--tw-ring-shadow),var(--tw-shadow)",
'@layer defaults': {
'*,::before,::after,::backdrop': {
'--tw-ring-offset-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
'--tw-ring-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
'--tw-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
'--tw-shadow-colored': '0 0 #0000'
// Opacity
(rule17 = /*, 'opacity' */ // Mix Blend Mode
match('mix-blend-', 'mixBlendMode'), withAutocomplete(rule17, ()=>[
/* FILTERS */ ...filter(),
/* TRANSITIONS AND ANIMATION */ // Transition Property
matchTheme('transition(?:$|-)', 'transitionProperty', (match, { theme })=>({
transitionProperty: join(match),
transitionTimingFunction: 'none' == match._ ? void 0 : join(theme('transitionTimingFunction', '')),
transitionDuration: 'none' == match._ ? void 0 : join(theme('transitionDuration', ''))
// Transition Duration
matchTheme('duration(?:$|-)', 'transitionDuration', 'transitionDuration', join),
// Transition Timing Function
matchTheme('ease(?:$|-)', 'transitionTimingFunction', 'transitionTimingFunction', join),
// Transition Delay
matchTheme('delay(?:$|-)', 'transitionDelay', 'transitionDelay', join),
matchTheme('animate(?:$|-)', 'animation', (match, { theme , h , e })=>{
let animation = join(match), // Try to auto inject keyframes
parts = animation.split(' '), keyframeValues = theme('keyframes', parts[0]);
return keyframeValues ? {
['@keyframes ' + (parts[0] = e(h(parts[0])))]: keyframeValues,
animation: parts.join(' ')
} : {
/* TRANSFORMS */ // Transform
match('transform', tranformDefaults),
match('transform-(cpu|gpu)', ({ 1: $1 })=>({
'--tw-transform': transformValue('gpu' == $1)
// Scale
matchTheme('scale(-[xy])?-', 'scale', ({ 1: $1 , _ })=>({
['--tw-scale' + ($1 || '-x')]: _,
['--tw-scale' + ($1 || '-y')]: _,
// Rotate
matchTheme('-?(rotate)-', 'rotate', transform),
// Translate
matchTheme('-?(translate-[xy])-', 'translate', transform),
// Skew
matchTheme('-?(skew-[xy])-', 'skew', transform),
// Transform Origin
match('origin-(center|((top|bottom)(-(left|right))?)|left|right)', 'transformOrigin', spacify),
withAutocomplete(/* INTERACTIVITY */ // Appearance
'(appearance)-', ()=>[
// Columns
withAutocomplete(/*, 'columns' */ '(columns)-(\\d+)', ()=>range({
end: 12
withAutocomplete(// Break Before, After and Inside
'(break-(?:before|after|inside))-', ({ 1: $1 })=>$1.endsWith('-inside-') ? [
] : /* before || after */ [
// Cursor
withAutocomplete(/*, 'cursor' */ '(cursor)-', ()=>[
// Scroll Snap Type
match('snap-(none)', 'scroll-snap-type'),
match('snap-(x|y|both)', ({ 1: $1 })=>({
'scroll-snap-type': $1 + ' var(--tw-scroll-snap-strictness)',
'@layer defaults': {
'*,::before,::after,::backdrop': {
'--tw-scroll-snap-strictness': 'proximity'
match('snap-(mandatory|proximity)', '--tw-scroll-snap-strictness'),
// Scroll Snap Align
match('snap-(?:(start|end|center)|align-(none))', 'scroll-snap-align'),
// Scroll Snap Stop
match('snap-(normal|always)', 'scroll-snap-stop'),
match('scroll-(auto|smooth)', 'scroll-behavior'),
// Scroll Margin
// Padding
matchTheme('scroll-p([xytrbl])?(?:$|-)', 'padding', edge('scroll-padding')),
// Margin
matchTheme('-?scroll-m([xytrbl])?(?:$|-)', 'scroll-margin', edge('scroll-margin')),
// Touch Action
match('touch-(auto|none|manipulation)', 'touch-action'),
match('touch-(pinch-zoom|pan-(?:(x|left|right)|(y|up|down)))', ({ 1: $1 , 2: $2 , 3: $3 })=>({
// x, left, right -> pan-x
// y, up, down -> pan-y
// -> pinch-zoom
[`--tw-${$2 ? 'pan-x' : $3 ? 'pan-y' : $1}`]: $1,
'touch-action': 'var(--tw-touch-action)',
'@layer defaults': {
'*,::before,::after,::backdrop': {
'--tw-pan-x': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
'--tw-pan-y': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
'--tw-pinch-zoom': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
'--tw-touch-action': 'var(--tw-pan-x) var(--tw-pan-y) var(--tw-pinch-zoom)'
// Outline Style
match('outline-none', {
outline: '2px solid transparent',
'outline-offset': '2px'
match('outline', {
outlineStyle: 'solid'
match('outline-(dashed|dotted|double)', 'outlineStyle'),
// Outline Offset
/*, 'outlineOffset'*/ // Outline Color
matchColor('outline-', {
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
// Outline Width
matchTheme('outline-', 'outlineWidth'),
withAutocomplete(// Pointer Events
'(pointer-events)-', ()=>[
// Will Change
withAutocomplete(/*, 'willChange' */ '(will-change)-', ()=>[
// Resize
({ 1: $1 })=>({
x: 'horizontal',
y: 'vertical'
})[$1] || $1 || 'both'
// User Select
match('select-(none|text|all|auto)', 'userSelect'),
/* SVG */ // Fill, Stroke
matchColor('fill-', {
section: 'fill',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
matchColor('stroke-', {
section: 'stroke',
opacityVariable: false,
opacitySection: 'opacity'
// Stroke Width
matchTheme('stroke-', 'strokeWidth'),
/* ACCESSIBILITY */ // Screen Readers
match('sr-only', {
position: 'absolute',
width: '1px',
height: '1px',
padding: '0',
margin: '-1px',
overflow: 'hidden',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
clip: 'rect(0,0,0,0)',
borderWidth: '0'
match('not-sr-only', {
position: 'static',
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
padding: '0',
margin: '0',
overflow: 'visible',
whiteSpace: 'normal',
clip: 'auto'
function spacify(value) {
return ('string' == typeof value ? value : value[1]).replace(/-/g, ' ').trim();
function columnify(value) {
return ('string' == typeof value ? value : value[1]).replace('col', 'column');
function position(shorthand, separator = '-') {
let longhand = [];
for (let short of shorthand)longhand.push({
t: 'top',
r: 'right',
b: 'bottom',
l: 'left'
return longhand.join(separator);
function join(value) {
return value && '' + (value._ || value);
function convertContentValue({ $$ }) {
return (({
// /* aut*/ o: '',
/* sta*/ r: /*t*/ 'flex-',
/* end*/ '': 'flex-',
// /* cen*/ t /*er*/: '',
/* bet*/ w: /*een*/ 'space-',
/* aro*/ u: /*nd*/ 'space-',
/* eve*/ n: /*ly*/ 'space-'
})[$$[3] || ''] || '') + $$;
function edge(propertyPrefix, propertySuffix = '') {
return ({ 1: $1 , _ })=>{
let edges = {
x: 'lr',
y: 'tb'
}[$1] || $1 + $1;
return edges ? {
...toCSS(propertyPrefix + '-' + position(edges[0]) + propertySuffix, _),
...toCSS(propertyPrefix + '-' + position(edges[1]) + propertySuffix, _)
} : toCSS(propertyPrefix + propertySuffix, _);
function filter(prefix = '') {
let filters = [
prefix && 'opacity',
!prefix && 'drop-shadow'
].filter(Boolean), defaults = {};
// first create properties defaults
for (let key of filters)defaults[`--tw-${prefix}${key}`] = 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)';
return defaults = {
// add default filter which allows standalone usage
[`${prefix}filter`]:>`var(--tw-${prefix}${key})`).join(' '),
// move defaults
'@layer defaults': {
'*,::before,::after,::backdrop': defaults
}, [
match(`${prefix}filter`, defaults),>matchTheme(// hue-rotate can be negated
`${'h' == key[0] ? '-?' : ''}(${prefix}${key})(?:$|-)`, key, ({ 1: $1 , _ })=>({
[`--tw-${$1}`]: asArray(_).map((value)=>`${key}(${value})`).join(' '),
function transform({ 1: $1 , _ }) {
return {
['--tw-' + $1]: _,
function tranformDefaults() {
return {
transform: 'var(--tw-transform)',
'@layer defaults': {
'*,::before,::after,::backdrop': {
'--tw-translate-x': '0',
'--tw-translate-y': '0',
'--tw-rotate': '0',
'--tw-skew-x': '0',
'--tw-skew-y': '0',
'--tw-scale-x': '1',
'--tw-scale-y': '1',
'--tw-transform': transformValue()
function transformValue(gpu) {
return [
gpu ? // -gpu
'translate3d(var(--tw-translate-x),var(--tw-translate-y),0)' : 'translateX(var(--tw-translate-x)) translateY(var(--tw-translate-y))',
].join(' ');
function span({ 1: $1 , 2: $2 }) {
return `${$1} ${$2} / ${$1} ${$2}`;
function gridTemplate({ 1: $1 }) {
return `repeat(${$1},minmax(0,1fr))`;
function range({ start =1 , end , step =1 }) {
let result = [];
for(let index = start; index <= end; index += step)result.push(`${index}`);
return result;
export { rules as default };
export { default } from "./";

@@ -1,182 +0,1 @@

import { normalize, withAutocomplete, arbitrary } from '@twind/core';
let variants = [
'@supports ((position: -webkit-sticky) or (position:sticky))'
'@media (prefers-reduced-motion:reduce)'
'@media (prefers-reduced-motion:no-preference)'
'@media print'
({ 1: $1 })=>`@media (orientation:${$1})`
({ 1: $1 })=>`@media (prefers-contrast:${$1})`
({ 1: $1 })=>`&::${$1}`
({ 1: $1 })=>`& *::${$1},&::${$1}`
({ 1: $1 })=>`&:${$1}-child`
// All other pseudo classes are already supported by twind
// indirection wrapper to remove autocomplete functions from production bundles
withAutocomplete(({ 1: $1 , /* aria or data */ $$ }, /* everything after the dash */ context)=>$$ && `&[${$1}-${// aria-asc or data-checked -> from theme
context.theme($1, $$) || // aria-[...] or data-[...]
arbitrary($$, '', context) || // default handling
`${$$}="true"`}]`, ({ 1: $1 }, { theme })=>[ Set([
...'aria' == $1 ? [
] : [],
...Object.keys(theme($1) || {})
suffix: key,
label: `&[${$1}-${theme($1, key) || `${key}="true"`}]`,
theme: {
section: $1,
suffix: '[',
label: `&[${$1}-…]`
/* Styling based on parent and peer state */ // Groups classes like: group-focus and group-hover
// these need to add a marker selector with the pseudo class
// => '.group:focus .group-focus:selector'
withAutocomplete(({ 2: type , 3: name = '' , 4: $4 , 5: $5 = '' , 6: label = name }, { e , h , v })=>{
let selector = normalize($5) || ('[' == $4[0] ? $4 : v($4.slice(1)));
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
return `${(selector.includes('&') ? selector : '&' + selector).replace(/&/g, `:merge(.${e(h(type + label))})`)}${'p' == type[0] ? '~' : ' '}&`;
}, (_, { variants })=>Object.entries(variants).filter(([, selector])=>/^&(\[|:[^:])/.test(selector)).flatMap(([variant, selector])=>[
prefix: 'group-',
suffix: variant,
label: `${selector.replace('&', '.group')} &`,
modifiers: []
prefix: 'peer-',
suffix: variant,
label: `${selector.replace('&', '.peer')} &`,
modifiers: []
// direction variants
withAutocomplete(({ 1: $1 })=>`[dir="${$1}"] &`, ({ 1: $1 })=>[
prefix: $1,
suffix: '',
label: `[dir="${$1}"] &`
withAutocomplete(({ $$ }, /* everything after the dash */ context)=>{
$$ &&= context.theme('supports', $$) || arbitrary($$, '', context);
if ($$) return $$.includes(':') || ($$ += ':var(--tw)'), /^\w*\s*\(/.test($$) || ($$ = `(${$$})`), // Chrome has a bug where `(condtion1)or(condition2)` is not valid
// But `(condition1) or (condition2)` is supported.
`@supports ${$$.replace(/\b(and|or|not)\b/g, ' $1 ').trim()}`;
}, (_, { theme })=>Object.keys(theme('supports') || {}).map((key)=>({
suffix: key,
theme: {
section: 'supports',
suffix: '[',
label: `@supports …`
withAutocomplete(({ $$ }, context)=>{
$$ &&= context.theme('screens', $$) || arbitrary($$, '', context);
if ('string' == typeof $$) return `@media not all and (min-width:${$$})`;
}, (_, { theme })=>Object.entries(theme('screens') || {}).filter(([, value])=>'string' == typeof value).map(([key, value])=>({
suffix: key,
label: `@media not all and (min-width:${value})`,
theme: {
section: 'screens',
suffix: '[',
label: `@media not all and (min-width: …)`
withAutocomplete(({ $$ }, context)=>{
return ($$ &&= arbitrary($$, '', context)) && `@media (min-width:${$$})`;
}, ()=>[
suffix: '[',
label: `@media (min-width: …)`
// Arbitrary variants
({ 1: $1 })=>/[&@]/.test($1) && normalize($1).replace(/[}]+$/, '').split('{')
export { variants as default };
export { default } from "./";

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export { default } from "./";
export { default } from "./";
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