What is @types/cucumber?
@types/cucumber provides TypeScript definitions for the Cucumber testing framework, allowing developers to write Cucumber tests in TypeScript with type safety and autocompletion.
What are @types/cucumber's main functionalities?
Define Step Definitions
This feature allows you to define step definitions in TypeScript using Cucumber's Given, When, Then syntax. It provides type safety and autocompletion for writing step definitions.
import { Given, When, Then } from 'cucumber';
Given('a precondition', function () {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
When('an action is performed', function () {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Then('expect a result', function () {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Define Hooks
Hooks are functions that run at specific points in the Cucumber execution cycle. This feature allows you to define hooks in TypeScript, providing a way to set up and tear down test environments with type safety.
import { Before, After } from 'cucumber';
Before(function () {
// This hook will be executed before each scenario
After(function () {
// This hook will be executed after each scenario
Data Tables
Data tables allow you to pass structured data to your step definitions. This feature provides type definitions for working with data tables in TypeScript, ensuring type safety and better code readability.
import { Given } from 'cucumber';
Given('a table of data', function (dataTable) {
const data = dataTable.raw();
// Use the data table in your step definition
Other packages similar to @types/cucumber
jest-cucumber is a package that allows you to use Cucumber-style Gherkin syntax with Jest. It provides a similar BDD approach but is integrated with the Jest testing framework, which is popular for its speed and ease of use compared to Cucumber.
cypress-cucumber-preprocessor enables the use of Cucumber Gherkin syntax with Cypress, a popular end-to-end testing framework. It combines the power of Cucumber's BDD approach with Cypress's fast and reliable testing capabilities, offering an alternative to using Cucumber directly.
CodeceptJS is an end-to-end testing framework that supports BDD-style testing with Gherkin syntax. It provides a similar feature set to Cucumber but is designed to work with multiple backends like WebDriver, Puppeteer, and TestCafe, offering more flexibility in testing environments.
npm install --save @types/cucumber
This package contains type definitions for cucumber-js (https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js).
Files were exported from https://www.github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/cucumber/v1
Additional Details
- Last updated: Wed, 02 Aug 2017 13:47:41 GMT
- Dependencies: none
- Global values: none
These definitions were written by Abraão Alves https://github.com/abraaoalves, Jan Molak https://github.com/jan-molak, Isaiah Soung https://github.com/isoung, BendingBender https://github.com/BendingBender.