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@types/graphlib - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.2 to 2.1.3


// Type definitions for graphlib 2.1.1
// Project:
// Definitions by: Dan Vanderkam <>
// Definitions by: Dan Vanderkam <>, Dan Mironenko <>
// Definitions:

@@ -8,285 +8,595 @@

declare module "graphlib" {
export interface GraphOptions {
directed?: boolean; // default: true.
multigraph?: boolean; // default: false.
compound?: boolean; // default: false.
export interface GraphOptions {
directed?: boolean; // default: true.
multigraph?: boolean; // default: false.
compound?: boolean; // default: false.
export interface Edge {
v: string;
w: string;
/** The name that uniquely identifies a multi-edge. */
name?: string;
export interface Edge {
v: string;
w: string;
/** The name that uniquely identifies a multi-edge. */
name?: string;
// TODO: add template parameters for edge and vertex labels?
export class Graph {
constructor(options?: GraphOptions);
export class Graph {
constructor(options?: GraphOptions);
* Creates or updates the value for the node v in the graph. If label is supplied
* it is set as the value for the node. If label is not supplied and the node was
* created by this call then the default node label will be assigned. Returns the
* graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions. Takes O(1) time.
setNode(name: string, label?: any): Graph;
* Sets the default node label. This label will be assigned as default label
* in case if no label was specified while setting a node.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument label - default node label.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setDefaultNodeLabel(label: any): Graph;
hasNode(name: string): boolean;
* Sets the default node label factory function. This function will be invoked
* each time when setting a node with no label specified and returned value
* will be used as a label for node.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument labelFn - default node label factory function.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setDefaultNodeLabel(labelFn: (v: string) => any): Graph;
* Remove the node with the id v in the graph or do nothing if the node is not in
* the graph. If the node was removed this function also removes any incident
* edges. Returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
* Takes O(|E|) time. */
removeNode(name: string): Graph;
* Creates or updates the value for the node v in the graph. If label is supplied
* it is set as the value for the node. If label is not supplied and the node was
* created by this call then the default node label will be assigned.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument name - node name.
* @argument label - value to set for node.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setNode(name: string, label?: any): Graph;
nodes(): string[];
* Invokes setNode method for each node in names list.
* Complexity: O(|names|).
* @argument names - list of nodes names to be set.
* @argument label - value to set for each node in list.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setNodes(names: string[], label?: any): Graph;
/** Returns the label for this node. */
node(name: string): any;
* Sets node p as a parent for node v. Method throws an exception in case of
* invoking it in context of noncompound graph.
* Average-case complexity: O(1).
* @argument v - node to be child for p.
* @argument p - node to be parent for v.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setParent(v: string, p: string): Graph;
* Creates or updates the label for the edge (v, w) with the optionally supplied
* name. If label is supplied it is set as the value for the edge. If label is not
* supplied and the edge was created by this call then the default edge label will
* be assigned. The name parameter is only useful with multigraphs. Returns the
* graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions. Takes O(1) time.
setEdge(v: string, w: string, label?: any): Graph;
* Gets parent node for node v.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument v - node to get parent of.
* @returns parent node name or void if v has no parent.
parent(v: string): string | void;
edges(): Edge[];
* Gets list of direct children of node v.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument v - node to get children of.
* @returns children nodes names list.
children(v: string): string[];
/** Returns the label for this edge. */
edge(v: string, w: string): any;
edge(e: Edge): any;
* Creates new graph with nodes filtered via filter. Edges incident to rejected node
* are also removed. In case of compound graph, if parent is rejected by filter,
* than all its children are rejected too.
* Average-case complexity: O(|E|+|V|).
* @argument filter - filtration function detecting whether the node should stay or not.
* @returns new graph made from current and nodes filtered.
filterNodes(filter: (v: string) => boolean): Graph;
* Return all edges that point to the node v. Optionally filters those edges down to just those
* coming from node u. Behavior is undefined for undirected graphs - use nodeEdges instead.
* Returns undefined if node v is not in the graph. Takes O(|E|) time.
inEdges(v: string, u?: string): Edge[];
* Sets the default edge label. This label will be assigned as default label
* in case if no label was specified while setting an edge.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument label - default edge label.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setDefaultEdgeLabel(label: any): Graph;
* Return all edges that are pointed at by node v. Optionally filters those edges down to just
* those point to w. Behavior is undefined for undirected graphs - use nodeEdges instead.
* Returns undefined if node v is not in the graph. Takes O(|E|) time.
outEdges(v: string, w?: string): Edge[];
* Sets the default edge label factory function. This function will be invoked
* each time when setting an edge with no label specified and returned value
* will be used as a label for edge.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument labelFn - default edge label factory function.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setDefaultEdgeLabel(labelFn: (v: string) => any): Graph;
* Returns all edges to or from node v regardless of direction. Optionally filters those edges
* down to just those between nodes v and w regardless of direction. Returns undefined if node v
* is not in the graph. Takes O(|E|) time.
nodeEdges(v: string, w?: string): Edge[];
* Establish an edges path over the nodes in nodes list. If some edge is already
* exists, it will update its label, otherwise it will create an edge between pair
* of nodes with label provided or default label if no label provided.
* Complexity: O(|nodes|).
* @argument nodes - list of nodes to be connected in series.
* @argument label - value to set for each edge between pairs of nodes.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setPath(nodes: string[], label?: any): Graph;
* Return all nodes that are predecessors of the specified node or undefined if node v is not in
* the graph. Behavior is undefined for undirected graphs - use neighbors instead. Takes O(|V|)
* time.
predecessors(node: string): string[];
* Detects whether graph has a node with specified name or not.
* @argument name - name of the node.
* @returns true if graph has node with specified name, false - otherwise.
hasNode(name: string): boolean;
* Return all nodes that are successors of the specified node or undefined if node v is not in
* the graph. Behavior is undefined for undirected graphs - use neighbors instead. Takes O(|V|)
* time.
successors(node: string): string[];
* Remove the node with the name from the graph or do nothing if the node is not in
* the graph. If the node was removed this function also removes any incident
* edges.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument name - name of the node.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
removeNode(name: string): Graph;
* Return all nodes that are predecessors or successors of the specified node or undefined if
* node v is not in the graph. Takes O(|V|) time.
neighbors(node: string): string[];
* Gets all nodes of the graph. Note, the in case of compound graph subnodes are
* not included in list.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @returns list of graph nodes.
nodes(): string[];
isDirected(): boolean;
isMultigraph(): boolean;
isCompound(): boolean;
* Gets the label of node with specified name.
* Complexity: O(|V|).
* @returns label value of the node.
node(name: string): any;
/** Sets the label for the graph to label. */
setGraph(label: string): void;
* Creates or updates the label for the edge (v, w) with the optionally supplied
* name. If label is supplied it is set as the value for the edge. If label is not
* supplied and the edge was created by this call then the default edge label will
* be assigned. The name parameter is only useful with multigraphs.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument v - edge source node.
* @argument w - edge sink node.
* @argument label - value to associate with the edge.
* @argument name - unique name of the edge in order to identify it in multigraph.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setEdge(v: string, w: string, label?: any, name?: string): Graph;
* Returns the currently assigned label for the graph. If no label has been assigned,
* returns undefined.
graph(): string;
* Creates or updates the label for the specified edge. If label is supplied it is
* set as the value for the edge. If label is not supplied and the edge was created
* by this call then the default edge label will be assigned. The name parameter is
* only useful with multigraphs.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument edge - edge descriptor.
* @argument label - value to associate with the edge.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setEdge(edge: Edge, label?: any): Graph;
* Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
nodeCount(): number;
* Gets edges of the graph. In case of compound graph subgraphs are not considered.
* Complexity: O(|E|).
* @return graph edges list.
edges(): Edge[];
* Returns the number of edges in the graph.
edgeCount(): number;
* Gets the label for the specified edge.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument v - edge source node.
* @argument w - edge sink node.
* @argument name - name of the edge (actual for multigraph).
* @returns value associated with specified edge.
edge(v: string, w: string, name?: string): any;
/** Returns those nodes in the graph that have no in-edges. Takes O(|V|) time. */
sources(): string[];
* Gets the label for the specified edge.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument edge - edge descriptor.
* @returns value associated with specified edge.
edge(e: Edge): any;
/** Returns those nodes in the graph that have no out-edges. Takes O(|V|) time. */
sinks(): string[];
* Detects whether the graph contains specified edge or not. No subgraphs are considered.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument v - edge source node.
* @argument w - edge sink node.
* @argument name - name of the edge (actual for multigraph).
* @returns whether the graph contains the specified edge or not.
hasEdge(v: string, w: string, name?: string): boolean;
export namespace json {
* Creates a JSONrepresentation of the graph that can be serialized to a string with
* JSON.stringify. The graph can later be restored using
function write(g: Graph): Object;
* Detects whether the graph contains specified edge or not. No subgraphs are considered.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument edge - edge descriptor.
* @returns whether the graph contains the specified edge or not.
hasEdge(edge: Edge): boolean;
* Takes JSON as input and returns the graph representation. For example, if we have
* serialized the graph in json-write to a string named str, we can restore it to a
* graph as follows:
* var g2 =;
* g2.nodes();
* // ['a', 'b']
* g2.edges()
* // [ { v: 'a', w: 'b' } ]
function read(json: Object): Graph;
* Removes the specified edge from the graph. No subgraphs are considered.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument edge - edge descriptor.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
removeEdge(edge: Edge): Graph;
export interface Path {
distance: number;
predecessor: string;
* Removes the specified edge from the graph. No subgraphs are considered.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @argument v - edge source node.
* @argument w - edge sink node.
* @argument name - name of the edge (actual for multigraph).
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
removeEdge(v: string, w: string, name?: string): Graph;
export namespace alg {
* Finds all connected components in a graph and returns an array of these components.
* Each component is itself an array that contains the ids of nodes in the component.
* This function takes O(|V|) time.
function components(g: Graph): string[][];
* Return all edges that point to the node v. Optionally filters those edges down to just those
* coming from node u. Behavior is undefined for undirected graphs - use nodeEdges instead.
* Complexity: O(|E|).
* @argument v - edge sink node.
* @argument w - edge source node.
* @returns edges descriptors list if v is in the graph, or undefined otherwise.
inEdges(v: string, w?: string): void | Edge[];
* This function is an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm which finds the shortest
* path from source to all other nodes in g. This function returns a map of
* v -> { distance, predecessor }. The distance property holds the sum of the weights
* from source to v along the shortest path or Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY if there is no path
* from source. The predecessor property can be used to walk the individual elements of the
* path from source to v in reverse order.
* It takes an optional weightFn(e) which returns the weight of the edge e. If no weightFn
* is supplied then each edge is assumed to have a weight of 1. This function throws an
* Error if any of the traversed edges have a negative edge weight.
* It takes an optional edgeFn(v) which returns the ids of all edges incident to the node v
* for the purposes of shortest path traversal. By default this function uses the g.outEdges.
* It takes O((|E| + |V|) * log |V|) time.
function dijkstra(
graph: Graph,
source: string,
weightFn?: (e: Edge) => number,
edgeFn?: (v: string) => Edge[]
): {[node: string]: Path};
* Return all edges that are pointed at by node v. Optionally filters those edges down to just
* those point to w. Behavior is undefined for undirected graphs - use nodeEdges instead.
* Complexity: O(|E|).
* @argument v - edge source node.
* @argument w - edge sink node.
* @returns edges descriptors list if v is in the graph, or undefined otherwise.
outEdges(v: string, w?: string): void | Edge[];
* This function finds the shortest path from each node to every other reachable node in
* the graph. It is similar to alg.dijkstra, but instead of returning a single-source
* array, it returns a mapping of of source -> alg.dijksta(g, source, weightFn, edgeFn).
* This function takes an optional weightFn(e) which returns the weight of the edge e.
* If no weightFn is supplied then each edge is assumed to have a weight of 1. This
* function throws an Error if any of the traversed edges have a negative edge weight.
* This function takes an optional edgeFn(u) which returns the ids of all edges incident
* to the node u for the purposes of shortest path traversal. By default this function
* uses g.outEdges.
* This function takes O(|V| * (|E| + |V|) * log |V|) time.
function dijkstraAll(
graph: Graph,
weightFn?: (e: Edge) => number,
edgeFn?: (v: string) => Edge[]
): {[source: string]: {[node: string]: Path}};
* Returns all edges to or from node v regardless of direction. Optionally filters those edges
* down to just those between nodes v and w regardless of direction.
* Complexity: O(|E|).
* @argument v - edge adjacent node.
* @argument w - edge adjacent node.
* @returns edges descriptors list if v is in the graph, or undefined otherwise.
nodeEdges(v: string, w?: string): void | Edge[];
* Given a Graph, g, this function returns all nodes that are part of a cycle. As there
* may be more than one cycle in a graph this function return an array of these cycles,
* where each cycle is itself represented by an array of ids for each node involved in
* that cycle.
* alg.isAcyclic is more efficient if you only need to determine whether a graph has a
* cycle or not.
function findCycles(graph: Graph): string[][];
* Return all nodes that are predecessors of the specified node or undefined if node v is not in
* the graph. Behavior is undefined for undirected graphs - use neighbors instead.
* Complexity: O(|V|).
* @argument v - node identifier.
* @returns node identifiers list or undefined if v is not in the graph.
predecessors(v: string): void | string[];
* This function is an implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which finds the
* shortest path from each node to every other reachable node in the graph. It is similar
* to alg.dijkstraAll, but it handles negative edge weights and is more efficient for some types
* of graphs. This function returns a map of source -> { target -> { distance, predecessor }.
* The distance property holds the sum of the weights from source to target along the shortest
* path of Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY if there is no path from source. The predecessor property
* can be used to walk the individual elements of the path from source to target in reverse
* order.
* This function takes an optional weightFn(e) which returns the weight of the edge e. If no
* weightFunc is supplied then each edge is assumed to have a weight of 1.
* This function takes an optional edgeFn(v) which returns the ids of all edges incident to the
* node v for the purposes of shortest path traversal. By default this function uses the
* outEdges function on the supplied graph.
* This algorithm takes O(|V|^3) time.
function floydWarshall(
graph: Graph,
weightFn?: (e: Edge) => number,
edgeFn?: (v: string) => Edge[]
): {[source: string]: {[node: string]: Path}};
* Return all nodes that are successors of the specified node or undefined if node v is not in
* the graph. Behavior is undefined for undirected graphs - use neighbors instead.
* Complexity: O(|V|).
* @argument v - node identifier.
* @returns node identifiers list or undefined if v is not in the graph.
successors(v: string): void | string[];
* Given a Graph, g, this function returns true if the graph has no cycles and returns false if it
* does. This algorithm returns as soon as it detects the first cycle. You can use alg.findCycles
* to get the actual list of cycles in the graph.
function isAcyclic(graph: Graph): boolean;
* Return all nodes that are predecessors or successors of the specified node or undefined if
* node v is not in the graph.
* Complexity: O(|V|).
* @argument v - node identifier.
* @returns node identifiers list or undefined if v is not in the graph.
* Prim's algorithm takes a connected undirected graph and generates a minimum spanning tree. This
* function returns the minimum spanning tree as an undirected graph. This algorithm is derived
* from the description in "Introduction to Algorithms", Third Edition, Cormen, et al., Pg 634.
* This function takes a weightFn(e) which returns the weight of the edge e. It throws an Error if
* the graph is not connected.
* This function takes O(|E| log |V|) time.
function prim(graph: Graph, weightFn: (e: Edge) => number): Graph;
neighbors(v: string): void | string[];
* This function is an implementation of Tarjan's algorithm which finds all strongly connected
* components in the directed graph g. Each strongly connected component is composed of nodes that
* can reach all other nodes in the component via directed edges. A strongly connected component
* can consist of a single node if that node cannot both reach and be reached by any other
* specific node in the graph. Components of more than one node are guaranteed to have at least
* one cycle.
* This function returns an array of components. Each component is itself an array that contains
* the ids of all nodes in the component.
function tarjan(graph: Graph): string[][];
* Whether graph was created with 'directed' flag set to true or not.
* @returns whether the graph edges have an orientation.
isDirected(): boolean;
* An implementation of topological sorting.
* Given a Graph g this function returns an array of nodes such that for each edge u -> v, u
* appears before v in the array. If the graph has a cycle it is impossible to generate such a
* list and CycleException is thrown.
* Takes O(|V| + |E|) time.
function topsort(graph: Graph): string[];
* Whether graph was created with 'multigraph' flag set to true or not.
* @returns whether the pair of nodes of the graph can have multiple edges.
isMultigraph(): boolean;
* Whether graph was created with 'compound' flag set to true or not.
* @returns whether a node of the graph can have subnodes.
isCompound(): boolean;
* Sets the label of the graph.
* @argument label - label value.
* @returns the graph, allowing this to be chained with other functions.
setGraph(label: string): Graph;
* Gets the graph label.
* @returns currently assigned label for the graph or undefined if no label assigned.
graph(): void | string;
* Gets the number of nodes in the graph.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @returns nodes count.
nodeCount(): number;
* Gets the number of edges in the graph.
* Complexity: O(1).
* @returns edges count.
edgeCount(): number;
* Gets list of nodes without in-edges.
* Complexity: O(|V|).
* @returns the graph source nodes.
sources(): string[];
* Gets list of nodes without out-edges.
* Complexity: O(|V|).
* @returns the graph source nodes.
sinks(): string[];
export namespace json {
* Creates a JSON representation of the graph that can be serialized to a string with
* JSON.stringify. The graph can later be restored using
* @argument graph - target to create JSON representation of.
* @returns JSON serializable graph representation
function write(graph: Graph): Object;
* Takes JSON as input and returns the graph representation.
* @example
* var g2 =;
* g2.nodes();
* // ['a', 'b']
* g2.edges()
* // [ { v: 'a', w: 'b' } ]
* @argument json - JSON serializable graph representation
* @returns graph constructed acccording to specified representation
function read(json: Object): Graph;
export interface Path {
distance: number;
predecessor: string;
export namespace alg {
* Finds all connected components in a graph and returns an array of these components.
* Each component is itself an array that contains the ids of nodes in the component.
* Complexity: O(|V|).
* @argument graph - graph to find components in.
* @returns array of nodes list representing components
function components(graph: Graph): string[][];
* This function is an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm which finds the shortest
* path from source to all other nodes in graph. This function returns a map of
* v -> { distance, predecessor }. The distance property holds the sum of the weights
* from source to v along the shortest path or Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY if there is no path
* from source. The predecessor property can be used to walk the individual elements of the
* path from source to v in reverse order.
* Complexity: O((|E| + |V|) * log |V|).
* @argument graph - graph where to search pathes.
* @argument source - node to start pathes from.
* @argument weightFn - function which takes edge e and returns the weight of it. If no weightFn
* is supplied then each edge is assumed to have a weight of 1. This function throws an
* Error if any of the traversed edges have a negative edge weight.
* @argument edgeFn - function which takes a node v and returns the ids of all edges incident to it
* for the purposes of shortest path traversal. By default this function uses the graph.outEdges.
* @returns shortest pathes map that starts from node source
function dijkstra(
graph: Graph,
source: string,
weightFn?: (e: Edge) => number,
edgeFn?: (v: string) => Edge[]
): { [node: string]: Path };
* This function finds the shortest path from each node to every other reachable node in
* the graph. It is similar to alg.dijkstra, but instead of returning a single-source
* array, it returns a mapping of source -> alg.dijksta(g, source, weightFn, edgeFn).
* Complexity: O(|V| * (|E| + |V|) * log |V|).
* @argument graph - graph where to search pathes.
* @argument weightFn - function which takes edge e and returns the weight of it. If no weightFn
* is supplied then each edge is assumed to have a weight of 1. This function throws an
* Error if any of the traversed edges have a negative edge weight.
* @argument edgeFn - function which takes a node v and returns the ids of all edges incident to it
* for the purposes of shortest path traversal. By default this function uses the graph.outEdges.
* @returns shortest pathes map.
function dijkstraAll(
graph: Graph,
weightFn?: (e: Edge) => number,
edgeFn?: (v: string) => Edge[]
): { [source: string]: { [node: string]: Path } };
* Given a Graph, graph, this function returns all nodes that are part of a cycle. As there
* may be more than one cycle in a graph this function return an array of these cycles,
* where each cycle is itself represented by an array of ids for each node involved in
* that cycle. Method alg.isAcyclic is more efficient if you only need to determine whether a graph has a
* cycle or not.
* Complexity: O(|V| + |E|).
* @argument graph - graph where to search cycles.
* @returns cycles list.
function findCycles(graph: Graph): string[][];
* Given a Graph, graph, this function returns true if the graph has no cycles and returns false if it
* does. This algorithm returns as soon as it detects the first cycle. You can use alg.findCycles
* to get the actual list of cycles in the graph.
* @argument graph - graph to detect whether it acyclic ot not.
* @returns whether graph contain cycles or not.
function isAcyclic(graph: Graph): boolean;
* This function is an implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which finds the
* shortest path from each node to every other reachable node in the graph. It is similar
* to alg.dijkstraAll, but it handles negative edge weights and is more efficient for some types
* of graphs. This function returns a map of source -> { target -> { distance, predecessor }.
* The distance property holds the sum of the weights from source to target along the shortest
* path of Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY if there is no path from source. The predecessor property
* can be used to walk the individual elements of the path from source to target in reverse
* order.
* Complexity: O(|V|^3).
* @argument graph - graph where to search pathes.
* @argument weightFn - function which takes edge e and returns the weight of it. If no weightFn
* is supplied then each edge is assumed to have a weight of 1. This function throws an
* Error if any of the traversed edges have a negative edge weight.
* @argument edgeFn - function which takes a node v and returns the ids of all edges incident to it
* for the purposes of shortest path traversal. By default this function uses the graph.outEdges.
* @returns shortest pathes map.
function floydWarshall(
graph: Graph,
weightFn?: (e: Edge) => number,
edgeFn?: (v: string) => Edge[]
): { [source: string]: { [node: string]: Path } };
* Prim's algorithm takes a connected undirected graph and generates a minimum spanning tree. This
* function returns the minimum spanning tree as an undirected graph. This algorithm is derived
* from the description in "Introduction to Algorithms", Third Edition, Cormen, et al., Pg 634.
* Complexity: O(|E| * log |V|);
* @argument graph - graph to generate a minimum spanning tree of.
* @argument weightFn - function which takes edge e and returns the weight of it. It throws an Error if
* the graph is not connected.
* @returns minimum spanning tree of graph.
function prim(graph: Graph, weightFn: (e: Edge) => number): Graph;
* This function is an implementation of Tarjan's algorithm which finds all strongly connected
* components in the directed graph g. Each strongly connected component is composed of nodes that
* can reach all other nodes in the component via directed edges. A strongly connected component
* can consist of a single node if that node cannot both reach and be reached by any other
* specific node in the graph. Components of more than one node are guaranteed to have at least
* one cycle.
* Complexity: O(|V| + |E|).
* @argument graph - graph to find all strongly connected components of.
* @return an array of components. Each component is itself an array that contains
* the ids of all nodes in the component.
function tarjan(graph: Graph): string[][];
* Given a Graph graph this function applies topological sorting to it.
* If the graph has a cycle it is impossible to generate such a list and CycleException is thrown.
* Complexity: O(|V| + |E|).
* @argument graph - graph to apply topological sorting to.
* @returns an array of nodes such that for each edge u -> v, u appears before v in the array.
function topsort(graph: Graph): string[];
* Performs pre-order depth first traversal on the input graph. If the graph is
* undirected then this algorithm will navigate using neighbors. If the graph
* is directed then this algorithm will navigate using successors.
* @argument graph - depth first traversal target.
* @argument vs - nodes list to traverse.
* @returns the nodes in the order they were visited as a list of their names.
function preorder(graph: Graph, vs: string[]): string[]
* Performs post-order depth first traversal on the input graph. If the graph is
* undirected then this algorithm will navigate using neighbors. If the graph
* is directed then this algorithm will navigate using successors.
* @argument graph - depth first traversal target.
* @argument vs - nodes list to traverse.
* @returns the nodes in the order they were visited as a list of their names.
function postorder(graph: Graph, vs: string[]): string[]
"name": "@types/graphlib",
"version": "2.1.2",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for graphlib 2.1.1",
"version": "2.1.3",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for graphlib",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Dan Vanderkam <>",
"author": "Dan Vanderkam <>, Dan Mironenko <>",
"main": "",

@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ "repository": {

"peerDependencies": {},
"typings": "index.d.ts",
"typesPublisherContentHash": "fa4a837818223eccb57a90843a6f37d81a0baf8fb9e42d5724802eb81a76433a"
"typesPublisherContentHash": "e6de71059beeb001b8e88e6ca460a386b445159645d52151ae3640cf86907d41",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.0"

@@ -5,15 +5,13 @@ # Installation

# Summary
This package contains type definitions for graphlib 2.1.1 (
This package contains type definitions for graphlib (
# Details
Files were exported from
Files were exported from
Additional Details
* Last updated: Wed, 05 Oct 2016 20:53:32 GMT
* File structure: DeclareModule
* Library Dependencies: none
* Module Dependencies: none
* Last updated: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 21:17:59 GMT
* Dependencies: none
* Global values: none
# Credits
These definitions were written by Dan Vanderkam <>.
These definitions were written by Dan Vanderkam <>, Dan Mironenko <>.
"authors": "Dan Vanderkam <>",
"definitionFilename": "index.d.ts",
"libraryDependencies": [],
"moduleDependencies": [],
"libraryMajorVersion": "2",
"libraryMinorVersion": "1",
"libraryName": "graphlib 2.1.1",
"typingsPackageName": "graphlib",
"projectName": "",
"name": "graphlib",
"libraryName": "graphlib",
"sourceRepoURL": "",
"sourceBranch": "types-2.0",
"kind": "DeclareModule",
"globals": [],
"declaredModules": [
"files": [
"hasPackageJson": false,
"contentHash": "fa4a837818223eccb57a90843a6f37d81a0baf8fb9e42d5724802eb81a76433a"
"data": {
"authors": "Dan Vanderkam <>, Dan Mironenko <>",
"dependencies": {},
"pathMappings": {},
"libraryMajorVersion": 2,
"libraryMinorVersion": 1,
"typeScriptVersion": "2.0",
"libraryName": "graphlib",
"typingsPackageName": "graphlib",
"projectName": "",
"sourceRepoURL": "",
"globals": [],
"declaredModules": [
"files": [
"hasPackageJson": false,
"contentHash": "e6de71059beeb001b8e88e6ca460a386b445159645d52151ae3640cf86907d41"
"isLatest": true
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