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@types/node - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 20.10.0 to 20.10.3



@@ -1,381 +0,385 @@

// Declare "static" methods in Error
interface ErrorConstructor {
/** Create .stack property on a target object */
captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void;
export {}; // Make this a module
* Optional override for formatting stack traces
* @see
prepareStackTrace?: ((err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any) | undefined;
// #region Fetch and friends
// Conditional type aliases, used at the end of this file.
// Will either be empty if lib-dom is included, or the undici version otherwise.
type _Request = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Request;
type _Response = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Response;
type _FormData = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").FormData;
type _Headers = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Headers;
type _RequestInit = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {}
: import("undici-types").RequestInit;
type _ResponseInit = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {}
: import("undici-types").ResponseInit;
type _File = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("node:buffer").File;
// #endregion Fetch and friends
stackTraceLimit: number;
declare global {
// Declare "static" methods in Error
interface ErrorConstructor {
/** Create .stack property on a target object */
captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void;
* *
* *
* Optional override for formatting stack traces
* @see
prepareStackTrace?: ((err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any) | undefined;
// For backwards compability
interface NodeRequire extends NodeJS.Require {}
interface RequireResolve extends NodeJS.RequireResolve {}
interface NodeModule extends NodeJS.Module {}
stackTraceLimit: number;
declare var process: NodeJS.Process;
declare var console: Console;
* *
* *
declare var __filename: string;
declare var __dirname: string;
// For backwards compability
interface NodeRequire extends NodeJS.Require {}
interface RequireResolve extends NodeJS.RequireResolve {}
interface NodeModule extends NodeJS.Module {}
declare var require: NodeRequire;
declare var module: NodeModule;
var process: NodeJS.Process;
var console: Console;
// Same as module.exports
declare var exports: any;
var __filename: string;
var __dirname: string;
* Only available if `--expose-gc` is passed to the process.
declare var gc: undefined | (() => void);
var require: NodeRequire;
var module: NodeModule;
// #region borrowed
// from until moved to separate lib
/** A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and when desired. */
interface AbortController {
* Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object.
// Same as module.exports
var exports: any;
readonly signal: AbortSignal;
* Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's aborted flag and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted.
* Only available if `--expose-gc` is passed to the process.
abort(reason?: any): void;
var gc: undefined | (() => void);
/** A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object. */
interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
* Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled to abort, and false otherwise.
readonly aborted: boolean;
readonly reason: any;
onabort: null | ((this: AbortSignal, event: Event) => any);
throwIfAborted(): void;
declare var AbortController: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortController: infer T } ? T
: {
prototype: AbortController;
new(): AbortController;
declare var AbortSignal: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortSignal: infer T } ? T
: {
prototype: AbortSignal;
new(): AbortSignal;
abort(reason?: any): AbortSignal;
timeout(milliseconds: number): AbortSignal;
// #endregion borrowed
// #region Disposable
interface SymbolConstructor {
* A method that is used to release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `using` statement.
readonly dispose: unique symbol;
* A method that is used to asynchronously release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `await using` statement.
readonly asyncDispose: unique symbol;
interface Disposable {
[Symbol.dispose](): void;
interface AsyncDisposable {
[Symbol.asyncDispose](): PromiseLike<void>;
// #endregion Disposable
// #region
interface RelativeIndexable<T> {
* Takes an integer value and returns the item at that index,
* allowing for positive and negative integers.
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the array.
at(index: number): T | undefined;
interface String extends RelativeIndexable<string> {}
interface Array<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}
interface ReadonlyArray<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}
interface Int8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint8ClampedArray extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Int16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Int32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Float32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Float64Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface BigInt64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}
interface BigUint64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}
// #endregion end
* @since v17.0.0
* Creates a deep clone of an object.
declare function structuredClone<T>(
value: T,
transfer?: { transfer: ReadonlyArray<import("worker_threads").TransferListItem> },
): T;
* *
* *
declare namespace NodeJS {
interface CallSite {
// #region borrowed
// from until moved to separate lib
/** A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and when desired. */
interface AbortController {
* Value of "this"
* Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object.
getThis(): unknown;
readonly signal: AbortSignal;
* Type of "this" as a string.
* This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of
* "this", if available. Otherwise the object's [[Class]] internal
* property.
* Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's aborted flag and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted.
getTypeName(): string | null;
abort(reason?: any): void;
/** A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object. */
interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
* Current function
* Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled to abort, and false otherwise.
getFunction(): Function | undefined;
readonly aborted: boolean;
readonly reason: any;
onabort: null | ((this: AbortSignal, event: Event) => any);
throwIfAborted(): void;
* Name of the current function, typically its name property.
* If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try
* to infer a name from the function's context.
getFunctionName(): string | null;
var AbortController: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortController: infer T } ? T
: {
prototype: AbortController;
new(): AbortController;
* Name of the property [of "this" or one of its prototypes] that holds
* the current function
getMethodName(): string | null;
var AbortSignal: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortSignal: infer T } ? T
: {
prototype: AbortSignal;
new(): AbortSignal;
abort(reason?: any): AbortSignal;
timeout(milliseconds: number): AbortSignal;
// #endregion borrowed
// #region Disposable
interface SymbolConstructor {
* Name of the script [if this function was defined in a script]
* A method that is used to release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `using` statement.
getFileName(): string | undefined;
readonly dispose: unique symbol;
* Current line number [if this function was defined in a script]
* A method that is used to asynchronously release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `await using` statement.
getLineNumber(): number | null;
readonly asyncDispose: unique symbol;
* Current column number [if this function was defined in a script]
getColumnNumber(): number | null;
interface Disposable {
[Symbol.dispose](): void;
* A call site object representing the location where eval was called
* [if this function was created using a call to eval]
getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined;
interface AsyncDisposable {
[Symbol.asyncDispose](): PromiseLike<void>;
// #endregion Disposable
// #region
interface RelativeIndexable<T> {
* Is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is "this" the global object?
* Takes an integer value and returns the item at that index,
* allowing for positive and negative integers.
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the array.
isToplevel(): boolean;
at(index: number): T | undefined;
interface String extends RelativeIndexable<string> {}
interface Array<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}
interface ReadonlyArray<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}
interface Int8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint8ClampedArray extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Int16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Int32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Float32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Float64Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface BigInt64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}
interface BigUint64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}
// #endregion end
* Does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval?
isEval(): boolean;
* @since v17.0.0
* Creates a deep clone of an object.
function structuredClone<T>(
value: T,
transfer?: { transfer: ReadonlyArray<import("worker_threads").TransferListItem> },
): T;
* Is this call in native V8 code?
isNative(): boolean;
* *
* *
namespace NodeJS {
interface CallSite {
* Value of "this"
getThis(): unknown;
* Is this a constructor call?
isConstructor(): boolean;
* Type of "this" as a string.
* This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of
* "this", if available. Otherwise the object's [[Class]] internal
* property.
getTypeName(): string | null;
interface ErrnoException extends Error {
errno?: number | undefined;
code?: string | undefined;
path?: string | undefined;
syscall?: string | undefined;
* Current function
getFunction(): Function | undefined;
interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter {
readable: boolean;
read(size?: number): string | Buffer;
setEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this;
pause(): this;
resume(): this;
isPaused(): boolean;
pipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean | undefined }): T;
unpipe(destination?: WritableStream): this;
unshift(chunk: string | Uint8Array, encoding?: BufferEncoding): void;
wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): this;
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<string | Buffer>;
* Name of the current function, typically its name property.
* If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try
* to infer a name from the function's context.
getFunctionName(): string | null;
interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter {
writable: boolean;
write(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
end(cb?: () => void): this;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): this;
end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this;
* Name of the property [of "this" or one of its prototypes] that holds
* the current function
getMethodName(): string | null;
interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream {}
* Name of the script [if this function was defined in a script]
getFileName(): string | undefined;
interface RefCounted {
ref(): this;
unref(): this;
* Current line number [if this function was defined in a script]
getLineNumber(): number | null;
type TypedArray =
| Uint8Array
| Uint8ClampedArray
| Uint16Array
| Uint32Array
| Int8Array
| Int16Array
| Int32Array
| BigUint64Array
| BigInt64Array
| Float32Array
| Float64Array;
type ArrayBufferView = TypedArray | DataView;
* Current column number [if this function was defined in a script]
getColumnNumber(): number | null;
interface Require {
(id: string): any;
resolve: RequireResolve;
cache: Dict<NodeModule>;
* @deprecated
extensions: RequireExtensions;
main: Module | undefined;
* A call site object representing the location where eval was called
* [if this function was created using a call to eval]
getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined;
interface RequireResolve {
(id: string, options?: { paths?: string[] | undefined }): string;
paths(request: string): string[] | null;
* Is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is "this" the global object?
isToplevel(): boolean;
interface RequireExtensions extends Dict<(m: Module, filename: string) => any> {
".js": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
".json": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
".node": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
interface Module {
* `true` if the module is running during the Node.js preload
isPreloading: boolean;
exports: any;
require: Require;
id: string;
filename: string;
loaded: boolean;
/** @deprecated since v14.6.0 Please use `require.main` and `module.children` instead. */
parent: Module | null | undefined;
children: Module[];
* @since v11.14.0
* The directory name of the module. This is usually the same as the path.dirname() of the
path: string;
paths: string[];
* Does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval?
isEval(): boolean;
interface Dict<T> {
[key: string]: T | undefined;
* Is this call in native V8 code?
isNative(): boolean;
interface ReadOnlyDict<T> {
readonly [key: string]: T | undefined;
* Is this a constructor call?
isConstructor(): boolean;
namespace fetch {
type _Request = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Request;
type _Response = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Response;
type _FormData = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").FormData;
type _Headers = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Headers;
type _RequestInit = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {}
: import("undici-types").RequestInit;
type Request = globalThis.Request;
type Response = globalThis.Response;
type Headers = globalThis.Headers;
type FormData = globalThis.FormData;
type RequestInit = globalThis.RequestInit;
type RequestInfo = import("undici-types").RequestInfo;
type HeadersInit = import("undici-types").HeadersInit;
type BodyInit = import("undici-types").BodyInit;
type RequestRedirect = import("undici-types").RequestRedirect;
type RequestCredentials = import("undici-types").RequestCredentials;
type RequestMode = import("undici-types").RequestMode;
type ReferrerPolicy = import("undici-types").ReferrerPolicy;
type Dispatcher = import("undici-types").Dispatcher;
type RequestDuplex = import("undici-types").RequestDuplex;
interface ErrnoException extends Error {
errno?: number | undefined;
code?: string | undefined;
path?: string | undefined;
syscall?: string | undefined;
interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter {
readable: boolean;
read(size?: number): string | Buffer;
setEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this;
pause(): this;
resume(): this;
isPaused(): boolean;
pipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean | undefined }): T;
unpipe(destination?: WritableStream): this;
unshift(chunk: string | Uint8Array, encoding?: BufferEncoding): void;
wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): this;
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<string | Buffer>;
interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter {
writable: boolean;
write(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
end(cb?: () => void): this;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): this;
end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this;
interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream {}
interface RefCounted {
ref(): this;
unref(): this;
type TypedArray =
| Uint8Array
| Uint8ClampedArray
| Uint16Array
| Uint32Array
| Int8Array
| Int16Array
| Int32Array
| BigUint64Array
| BigInt64Array
| Float32Array
| Float64Array;
type ArrayBufferView = TypedArray | DataView;
interface Require {
(id: string): any;
resolve: RequireResolve;
cache: Dict<NodeModule>;
* @deprecated
extensions: RequireExtensions;
main: Module | undefined;
interface RequireResolve {
(id: string, options?: { paths?: string[] | undefined }): string;
paths(request: string): string[] | null;
interface RequireExtensions extends Dict<(m: Module, filename: string) => any> {
".js": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
".json": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
".node": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
interface Module {
* `true` if the module is running during the Node.js preload
isPreloading: boolean;
exports: any;
require: Require;
id: string;
filename: string;
loaded: boolean;
/** @deprecated since v14.6.0 Please use `require.main` and `module.children` instead. */
parent: Module | null | undefined;
children: Module[];
* @since v11.14.0
* The directory name of the module. This is usually the same as the path.dirname() of the
path: string;
paths: string[];
interface Dict<T> {
[key: string]: T | undefined;
interface ReadOnlyDict<T> {
readonly [key: string]: T | undefined;
interface RequestInit extends NodeJS.fetch._RequestInit {}
interface RequestInit extends _RequestInit {}
declare function fetch(
input: NodeJS.fetch.RequestInfo,
init?: RequestInit,
): Promise<Response>;
function fetch(
input: string | URL | globalThis.Request,
init?: RequestInit,
): Promise<Response>;
interface Request extends NodeJS.fetch._Request {}
declare var Request: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Request: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Request;
interface Request extends _Request {}
var Request: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Request: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Request;
interface Response extends NodeJS.fetch._Response {}
declare var Response: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Response: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Response;
interface ResponseInit extends _ResponseInit {}
interface FormData extends NodeJS.fetch._FormData {}
declare var FormData: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
FormData: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").FormData;
interface Response extends _Response {}
var Response: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Response: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Response;
interface Headers extends NodeJS.fetch._Headers {}
declare var Headers: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Headers: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Headers;
interface FormData extends _FormData {}
var FormData: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
FormData: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").FormData;
interface Headers extends _Headers {}
var Headers: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Headers: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Headers;
interface File extends _File {}
var File: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
File: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("node:buffer").File;
"name": "@types/node",
"version": "20.10.0",
"version": "20.10.3",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for node",

@@ -227,5 +227,5 @@ "homepage": "",

"typesPublisherContentHash": "113c7907419784bd540719fa975d139f836a902f43f8f562120dc8ec3fa551c2",
"typeScriptVersion": "4.5",
"typesPublisherContentHash": "23bf5e20c3e989ac01a5ead7a9bd16b7752ee61c6293df790619aa6185433385",
"typeScriptVersion": "4.6",
"nonNpm": true

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

### Additional Details
* Last updated: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 09:07:15 GMT
* Last updated: Sun, 03 Dec 2023 18:07:12 GMT
* Dependencies: [undici-types](

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@

@@ -1,381 +0,385 @@

// Declare "static" methods in Error
interface ErrorConstructor {
/** Create .stack property on a target object */
captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void;
export {}; // Make this a module
* Optional override for formatting stack traces
* @see
prepareStackTrace?: ((err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any) | undefined;
// #region Fetch and friends
// Conditional type aliases, used at the end of this file.
// Will either be empty if lib-dom is included, or the undici version otherwise.
type _Request = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Request;
type _Response = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Response;
type _FormData = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").FormData;
type _Headers = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Headers;
type _RequestInit = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {}
: import("undici-types").RequestInit;
type _ResponseInit = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {}
: import("undici-types").ResponseInit;
type _File = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("node:buffer").File;
// #endregion Fetch and friends
stackTraceLimit: number;
declare global {
// Declare "static" methods in Error
interface ErrorConstructor {
/** Create .stack property on a target object */
captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void;
* *
* *
* Optional override for formatting stack traces
* @see
prepareStackTrace?: ((err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any) | undefined;
// For backwards compability
interface NodeRequire extends NodeJS.Require {}
interface RequireResolve extends NodeJS.RequireResolve {}
interface NodeModule extends NodeJS.Module {}
stackTraceLimit: number;
declare var process: NodeJS.Process;
declare var console: Console;
* *
* *
declare var __filename: string;
declare var __dirname: string;
// For backwards compability
interface NodeRequire extends NodeJS.Require {}
interface RequireResolve extends NodeJS.RequireResolve {}
interface NodeModule extends NodeJS.Module {}
declare var require: NodeRequire;
declare var module: NodeModule;
var process: NodeJS.Process;
var console: Console;
// Same as module.exports
declare var exports: any;
var __filename: string;
var __dirname: string;
* Only available if `--expose-gc` is passed to the process.
declare var gc: undefined | (() => void);
var require: NodeRequire;
var module: NodeModule;
// #region borrowed
// from until moved to separate lib
/** A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and when desired. */
interface AbortController {
* Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object.
// Same as module.exports
var exports: any;
readonly signal: AbortSignal;
* Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's aborted flag and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted.
* Only available if `--expose-gc` is passed to the process.
abort(reason?: any): void;
var gc: undefined | (() => void);
/** A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object. */
interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
* Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled to abort, and false otherwise.
readonly aborted: boolean;
readonly reason: any;
onabort: null | ((this: AbortSignal, event: Event) => any);
throwIfAborted(): void;
declare var AbortController: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortController: infer T } ? T
: {
prototype: AbortController;
new(): AbortController;
declare var AbortSignal: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortSignal: infer T } ? T
: {
prototype: AbortSignal;
new(): AbortSignal;
abort(reason?: any): AbortSignal;
timeout(milliseconds: number): AbortSignal;
// #endregion borrowed
// #region Disposable
interface SymbolConstructor {
* A method that is used to release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `using` statement.
readonly dispose: unique symbol;
* A method that is used to asynchronously release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `await using` statement.
readonly asyncDispose: unique symbol;
interface Disposable {
[Symbol.dispose](): void;
interface AsyncDisposable {
[Symbol.asyncDispose](): PromiseLike<void>;
// #endregion Disposable
// #region
interface RelativeIndexable<T> {
* Takes an integer value and returns the item at that index,
* allowing for positive and negative integers.
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the array.
at(index: number): T | undefined;
interface String extends RelativeIndexable<string> {}
interface Array<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}
interface ReadonlyArray<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}
interface Int8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint8ClampedArray extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Int16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Int32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Float32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Float64Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface BigInt64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}
interface BigUint64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}
// #endregion end
* @since v17.0.0
* Creates a deep clone of an object.
declare function structuredClone<T>(
value: T,
transfer?: { transfer: ReadonlyArray<import("worker_threads").TransferListItem> },
): T;
* *
* *
declare namespace NodeJS {
interface CallSite {
// #region borrowed
// from until moved to separate lib
/** A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and when desired. */
interface AbortController {
* Value of "this"
* Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object.
getThis(): unknown;
readonly signal: AbortSignal;
* Type of "this" as a string.
* This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of
* "this", if available. Otherwise the object's [[Class]] internal
* property.
* Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's aborted flag and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted.
getTypeName(): string | null;
abort(reason?: any): void;
/** A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object. */
interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
* Current function
* Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled to abort, and false otherwise.
getFunction(): Function | undefined;
readonly aborted: boolean;
readonly reason: any;
onabort: null | ((this: AbortSignal, event: Event) => any);
throwIfAborted(): void;
* Name of the current function, typically its name property.
* If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try
* to infer a name from the function's context.
getFunctionName(): string | null;
var AbortController: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortController: infer T } ? T
: {
prototype: AbortController;
new(): AbortController;
* Name of the property [of "this" or one of its prototypes] that holds
* the current function
getMethodName(): string | null;
var AbortSignal: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortSignal: infer T } ? T
: {
prototype: AbortSignal;
new(): AbortSignal;
abort(reason?: any): AbortSignal;
timeout(milliseconds: number): AbortSignal;
// #endregion borrowed
// #region Disposable
interface SymbolConstructor {
* Name of the script [if this function was defined in a script]
* A method that is used to release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `using` statement.
getFileName(): string | undefined;
readonly dispose: unique symbol;
* Current line number [if this function was defined in a script]
* A method that is used to asynchronously release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `await using` statement.
getLineNumber(): number | null;
readonly asyncDispose: unique symbol;
* Current column number [if this function was defined in a script]
getColumnNumber(): number | null;
interface Disposable {
[Symbol.dispose](): void;
* A call site object representing the location where eval was called
* [if this function was created using a call to eval]
getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined;
interface AsyncDisposable {
[Symbol.asyncDispose](): PromiseLike<void>;
// #endregion Disposable
// #region
interface RelativeIndexable<T> {
* Is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is "this" the global object?
* Takes an integer value and returns the item at that index,
* allowing for positive and negative integers.
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the array.
isToplevel(): boolean;
at(index: number): T | undefined;
interface String extends RelativeIndexable<string> {}
interface Array<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}
interface ReadonlyArray<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}
interface Int8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint8ClampedArray extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Int16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Int32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Uint32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Float32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface Float64Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}
interface BigInt64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}
interface BigUint64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}
// #endregion end
* Does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval?
isEval(): boolean;
* @since v17.0.0
* Creates a deep clone of an object.
function structuredClone<T>(
value: T,
transfer?: { transfer: ReadonlyArray<import("worker_threads").TransferListItem> },
): T;
* Is this call in native V8 code?
isNative(): boolean;
* *
* *
namespace NodeJS {
interface CallSite {
* Value of "this"
getThis(): unknown;
* Is this a constructor call?
isConstructor(): boolean;
* Type of "this" as a string.
* This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of
* "this", if available. Otherwise the object's [[Class]] internal
* property.
getTypeName(): string | null;
interface ErrnoException extends Error {
errno?: number | undefined;
code?: string | undefined;
path?: string | undefined;
syscall?: string | undefined;
* Current function
getFunction(): Function | undefined;
interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter {
readable: boolean;
read(size?: number): string | Buffer;
setEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this;
pause(): this;
resume(): this;
isPaused(): boolean;
pipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean | undefined }): T;
unpipe(destination?: WritableStream): this;
unshift(chunk: string | Uint8Array, encoding?: BufferEncoding): void;
wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): this;
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<string | Buffer>;
* Name of the current function, typically its name property.
* If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try
* to infer a name from the function's context.
getFunctionName(): string | null;
interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter {
writable: boolean;
write(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
end(cb?: () => void): this;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): this;
end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this;
* Name of the property [of "this" or one of its prototypes] that holds
* the current function
getMethodName(): string | null;
interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream {}
* Name of the script [if this function was defined in a script]
getFileName(): string | undefined;
interface RefCounted {
ref(): this;
unref(): this;
* Current line number [if this function was defined in a script]
getLineNumber(): number | null;
type TypedArray =
| Uint8Array
| Uint8ClampedArray
| Uint16Array
| Uint32Array
| Int8Array
| Int16Array
| Int32Array
| BigUint64Array
| BigInt64Array
| Float32Array
| Float64Array;
type ArrayBufferView = TypedArray | DataView;
* Current column number [if this function was defined in a script]
getColumnNumber(): number | null;
interface Require {
(id: string): any;
resolve: RequireResolve;
cache: Dict<NodeModule>;
* @deprecated
extensions: RequireExtensions;
main: Module | undefined;
* A call site object representing the location where eval was called
* [if this function was created using a call to eval]
getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined;
interface RequireResolve {
(id: string, options?: { paths?: string[] | undefined }): string;
paths(request: string): string[] | null;
* Is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is "this" the global object?
isToplevel(): boolean;
interface RequireExtensions extends Dict<(m: Module, filename: string) => any> {
".js": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
".json": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
".node": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
interface Module {
* `true` if the module is running during the Node.js preload
isPreloading: boolean;
exports: any;
require: Require;
id: string;
filename: string;
loaded: boolean;
/** @deprecated since v14.6.0 Please use `require.main` and `module.children` instead. */
parent: Module | null | undefined;
children: Module[];
* @since v11.14.0
* The directory name of the module. This is usually the same as the path.dirname() of the
path: string;
paths: string[];
* Does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval?
isEval(): boolean;
interface Dict<T> {
[key: string]: T | undefined;
* Is this call in native V8 code?
isNative(): boolean;
interface ReadOnlyDict<T> {
readonly [key: string]: T | undefined;
* Is this a constructor call?
isConstructor(): boolean;
namespace fetch {
type _Request = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Request;
type _Response = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Response;
type _FormData = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").FormData;
type _Headers = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Headers;
type _RequestInit = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {}
: import("undici-types").RequestInit;
type Request = globalThis.Request;
type Response = globalThis.Response;
type Headers = globalThis.Headers;
type FormData = globalThis.FormData;
type RequestInit = globalThis.RequestInit;
type RequestInfo = import("undici-types").RequestInfo;
type HeadersInit = import("undici-types").HeadersInit;
type BodyInit = import("undici-types").BodyInit;
type RequestRedirect = import("undici-types").RequestRedirect;
type RequestCredentials = import("undici-types").RequestCredentials;
type RequestMode = import("undici-types").RequestMode;
type ReferrerPolicy = import("undici-types").ReferrerPolicy;
type Dispatcher = import("undici-types").Dispatcher;
type RequestDuplex = import("undici-types").RequestDuplex;
interface ErrnoException extends Error {
errno?: number | undefined;
code?: string | undefined;
path?: string | undefined;
syscall?: string | undefined;
interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter {
readable: boolean;
read(size?: number): string | Buffer;
setEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this;
pause(): this;
resume(): this;
isPaused(): boolean;
pipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean | undefined }): T;
unpipe(destination?: WritableStream): this;
unshift(chunk: string | Uint8Array, encoding?: BufferEncoding): void;
wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): this;
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<string | Buffer>;
interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter {
writable: boolean;
write(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
end(cb?: () => void): this;
end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): this;
end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this;
interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream {}
interface RefCounted {
ref(): this;
unref(): this;
type TypedArray =
| Uint8Array
| Uint8ClampedArray
| Uint16Array
| Uint32Array
| Int8Array
| Int16Array
| Int32Array
| BigUint64Array
| BigInt64Array
| Float32Array
| Float64Array;
type ArrayBufferView = TypedArray | DataView;
interface Require {
(id: string): any;
resolve: RequireResolve;
cache: Dict<NodeModule>;
* @deprecated
extensions: RequireExtensions;
main: Module | undefined;
interface RequireResolve {
(id: string, options?: { paths?: string[] | undefined }): string;
paths(request: string): string[] | null;
interface RequireExtensions extends Dict<(m: Module, filename: string) => any> {
".js": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
".json": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
".node": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;
interface Module {
* `true` if the module is running during the Node.js preload
isPreloading: boolean;
exports: any;
require: Require;
id: string;
filename: string;
loaded: boolean;
/** @deprecated since v14.6.0 Please use `require.main` and `module.children` instead. */
parent: Module | null | undefined;
children: Module[];
* @since v11.14.0
* The directory name of the module. This is usually the same as the path.dirname() of the
path: string;
paths: string[];
interface Dict<T> {
[key: string]: T | undefined;
interface ReadOnlyDict<T> {
readonly [key: string]: T | undefined;
interface RequestInit extends NodeJS.fetch._RequestInit {}
interface RequestInit extends _RequestInit {}
declare function fetch(
input: NodeJS.fetch.RequestInfo,
init?: RequestInit,
): Promise<Response>;
function fetch(
input: string | URL | globalThis.Request,
init?: RequestInit,
): Promise<Response>;
interface Request extends NodeJS.fetch._Request {}
declare var Request: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Request: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Request;
interface Request extends _Request {}
var Request: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Request: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Request;
interface Response extends NodeJS.fetch._Response {}
declare var Response: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Response: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Response;
interface ResponseInit extends _ResponseInit {}
interface FormData extends NodeJS.fetch._FormData {}
declare var FormData: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
FormData: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").FormData;
interface Response extends _Response {}
var Response: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Response: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Response;
interface Headers extends NodeJS.fetch._Headers {}
declare var Headers: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Headers: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Headers;
interface FormData extends _FormData {}
var FormData: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
FormData: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").FormData;
interface Headers extends _Headers {}
var Headers: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
Headers: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("undici-types").Headers;
interface File extends _File {}
var File: typeof globalThis extends {
onmessage: any;
File: infer T;
} ? T
: typeof import("node:buffer").File;

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