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@udecode/plate-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 36.0.6 to 36.2.1



import * as React from 'react';
import React__default from 'react';
import { P as PlateChangeKey, a as PlateId, U as UsePlateEditorStoreOptions, b as PlateEditor, W as WithPlatePlugin, T as TEditableProps, R as RenderElementFn, c as PlateProps, d as PlatePlugin, N as NoInfer, O as OverrideByKey, C as CreatePlateEditorOptions, e as RenderElement, f as RenderLeaf } from './createPlateEditor-6aPd0TgN.js';
export { bT as ApplyDeepToNodesOptions, a0 as BLUR_EDITOR_EVENT, aa as CARRIAGE_RETURN, bd as CollapseWhiteSpaceState, bt as DOMHandler, bs as DOMHandlerReturnType, bu as DOMHandlers, bp as DOM_HANDLERS, bw as Decorate, bv as DecorateEntry, D as DefaultLeaf, bx as DeserializeHtml, ai as DeserializeHtmlChildren, aj as DeserializeHtmlNodeReturnType, E as ELEMENT_DEFAULT, bn as EXPOSED_STORE_KEYS, a3 as EventEditorState, $ as FOCUS_EDITOR_EVENT, G as GLOBAL_PLATE_SCOPE, cp as GetInjectPropsOptions, cq as GetInjectPropsReturnType, bq as HandlerReturnType, by as HotkeyPlugin, bB as InjectComponent, bz as InjectComponentProps, bA as InjectComponentReturnType, bD as InjectProps, bY as InjectedPlugin, K as KEY_DESERIALIZE_AST, ag as KEY_DESERIALIZE_HTML, t as KEY_EDITOR_PROTOCOL, a1 as KEY_EVENT_EDITOR, y as KEY_HISTORY, B as KEY_INLINE_VOID, J as KEY_INSERT_DATA, Q as KEY_LENGTH, X as KEY_NODE_FACTORY, Z as KEY_PREV_SELECTION, br as KeyboardEventHandler, bE as KeyboardHandler, bF as KeyboardHandlerReturnType, ab as LINE_FEED, M as LengthPlugin, ac as NO_BREAK_SPACE, bo as Nullable, bG as OnChange, i as PLATE_SCOPE, g as Plate, bi as PlateEditorMethods, bI as PlatePluginComponent, bK as PlatePluginInsertData, bJ as PlatePluginInsertDataOptions, bM as PlatePluginKey, bN as PlatePluginProps, bj as PlateRenderElementProps, bk as PlateRenderLeafProps, bl as PlateRenderNodeProps, k as PlateStoreProvider, bm as PlateStoreState, bL as PluginKey, bH as PluginOptions, bO as RenderAfterEditable, ad as SPACE, bP as SerializeHtml, ae as TAB, bS as TRenderElementProps, bQ as ToggleMarkPlugin, bg as ToggleNodeTypeOptions, bC as TransformOptions, bc as TrimEndRule, bb as TrimStartRule, ba as WhiteSpaceRule, bR as WithOverride, h as WithPlateOptions, af as ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE, bU as applyDeepToNodes, ak as cleanHtmlBrElements, al as cleanHtmlCrLf, am as cleanHtmlEmptyElements, an as cleanHtmlFontElements, ao as cleanHtmlLinkElements, ap as cleanHtmlTextNodes, b0 as collapseString, b1 as collapseWhiteSpace, b2 as collapseWhiteSpaceChildren, b3 as collapseWhiteSpaceElement, b4 as collapseWhiteSpaceNode, b5 as collapseWhiteSpaceText, cg as convertDomEventToSyntheticEvent, aq as copyBlockMarksToSpanChild, s as createDeserializeAstPlugin, ah as createDeserializeHtmlPlugin, x as createEditorProtocolPlugin, a2 as createEventEditorPlugin, A as createHistoryPlugin, ct as createHotkey, H as createInlineVoidPlugin, L as createInsertDataPlugin, V as createLengthPlugin, Y as createNodeFactoryPlugin, r as createPlateEditor, j as createPlateStore, bV as createPluginFactory, bW as createPlugins, _ as createPrevSelectionPlugin, ar as deserializeHtml, as as deserializeHtmlElement, at as deserializeHtmlNode, au as deserializeHtmlNodeChildren, b9 as endInlineFormattingContext, a5 as eventEditorActions, a6 as eventEditorSelectors, a4 as eventEditorStore, av as findHtmlElement, bX as flattenDeepPlugins, a8 as getEventPlateId, ax as getHtmlComments, bZ as getInjectedPlugins, b_ as getKeyByType, b$ as getKeysByTypes, c0 as getPlugin, c1 as getPluginInjectProps, c2 as getPluginOptions, c3 as getPluginType, c4 as getPluginTypes, c5 as getPlugins, c6 as getPluginsByKey, c7 as getRenderNodeProps, cw as getSlateClass, ay as htmlBodyToFragment, az as htmlBrToNewLine, aA as htmlElementToElement, aB as htmlElementToLeaf, aC as htmlStringToDOMNode, aD as htmlTextNodeToString, b6 as inferWhiteSpaceRule, aE as inlineTagNames, ch as isEventHandled, aF as isHtmlBlockElement, aG as isHtmlComment, aH as isHtmlElement, aI as isHtmlFragmentHref, aJ as isHtmlInlineElement, aK as isHtmlTable, aL as isHtmlText, b7 as isLastNonEmptyTextOfInlineFormattingContext, aM as isOlSymbol, c8 as mapInjectPropsToPlugin, c9 as mergeDeepPlugins, ca as mergeDeepToNodes, cb as mockPlugin, cc as normalizeDescendantsToDocumentFragment, cd as normalizeInitialValue, ce as overridePluginsByKey, aN as parseHtmlDocument, aO as parseHtmlElement, cf as pipeDecorate, aP as pipeDeserializeHtmlElement, aQ as pipeDeserializeHtmlLeaf, ci as pipeHandler, cj as pipeInjectProps, ck as pipeInsertDataQuery, cl as pipeInsertFragment, cm as pipeOnChange, cn as pipeTransformData, co as pipeTransformFragment, p as plateStore, aR as pluginDeserializeHtml, cr as pluginInjectProps, aS as postCleanHtml, aT as preCleanHtml, aU as removeHtmlNodesBetweenComments, aV as removeHtmlSurroundings, aW as replaceTagName, be as resetEditor, bf as resetEditorChildren, cs as setDefaultPlugin, cu as sharedHotkeys, aw as someHtmlElement, bh as toggleNodeType, aX as traverseHtmlComments, aY as traverseHtmlElements, aZ as traverseHtmlNode, a_ as traverseHtmlTexts, a$ as unwrapHtmlElement, b8 as upsertInlineFormattingContext, a7 as useEventEditorSelectors, a9 as useFocusEditorEvents, n as usePlateActions, l as usePlateEditorStore, q as usePlateId, m as usePlateSelectors, o as usePlateStates, u as usePlateStore, v as withEditorProtocol, cv as withHOC, F as withInlineVoid, I as withInsertData, S as withLength, w as withPlate, z as withTHistory } from './createPlateEditor-6aPd0TgN.js';
import { P as PlateChangeKey, a as PlateId, U as UsePlateEditorStoreOptions, b as PlateEditor, W as WithPlatePlugin, T as TEditableProps, R as RenderElementFn, c as PlateProps, d as PlatePlugin, N as NoInfer, O as OverrideByKey, C as CreatePlateEditorOptions, e as RenderElement, f as RenderLeaf } from './createPlateEditor-DwSgi92n.js';
export { bS as ApplyDeepToNodesOptions, a0 as BLUR_EDITOR_EVENT, a9 as CARRIAGE_RETURN, bc as CollapseWhiteSpaceState, bs as DOMHandler, br as DOMHandlerReturnType, bt as DOMHandlers, bo as DOM_HANDLERS, bv as Decorate, bu as DecorateEntry, D as DefaultLeaf, bw as DeserializeHtml, ah as DeserializeHtmlChildren, ai as DeserializeHtmlNodeReturnType, E as ELEMENT_DEFAULT, bm as EXPOSED_STORE_KEYS, a3 as EventEditorState, $ as FOCUS_EDITOR_EVENT, G as GLOBAL_PLATE_SCOPE, co as GetInjectPropsOptions, cp as GetInjectPropsReturnType, bp as HandlerReturnType, bx as HotkeyPlugin, bA as InjectComponent, by as InjectComponentProps, bz as InjectComponentReturnType, bC as InjectProps, bX as InjectedPlugin, K as KEY_DESERIALIZE_AST, af as KEY_DESERIALIZE_HTML, t as KEY_EDITOR_PROTOCOL, a1 as KEY_EVENT_EDITOR, y as KEY_HISTORY, B as KEY_INLINE_VOID, J as KEY_INSERT_DATA, Q as KEY_LENGTH, X as KEY_NODE_FACTORY, Z as KEY_PREV_SELECTION, bq as KeyboardEventHandler, bD as KeyboardHandler, bE as KeyboardHandlerReturnType, aa as LINE_FEED, M as LengthPlugin, ab as NO_BREAK_SPACE, bn as Nullable, bF as OnChange, i as PLATE_SCOPE, g as Plate, bh as PlateEditorMethods, bH as PlatePluginComponent, bJ as PlatePluginInsertData, bI as PlatePluginInsertDataOptions, bL as PlatePluginKey, bM as PlatePluginProps, bi as PlateRenderElementProps, bj as PlateRenderLeafProps, bk as PlateRenderNodeProps, k as PlateStoreProvider, bl as PlateStoreState, bK as PluginKey, bG as PluginOptions, bN as RenderAfterEditable, ac as SPACE, bO as SerializeHtml, ad as TAB, bR as TRenderElementProps, bP as ToggleMarkPlugin, bf as ToggleNodeTypeOptions, bB as TransformOptions, bb as TrimEndRule, ba as TrimStartRule, b9 as WhiteSpaceRule, bQ as WithOverride, h as WithPlateOptions, ae as ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE, bT as applyDeepToNodes, aj as cleanHtmlBrElements, ak as cleanHtmlCrLf, al as cleanHtmlEmptyElements, am as cleanHtmlFontElements, an as cleanHtmlLinkElements, ao as cleanHtmlTextNodes, a$ as collapseString, b0 as collapseWhiteSpace, b1 as collapseWhiteSpaceChildren, b2 as collapseWhiteSpaceElement, b3 as collapseWhiteSpaceNode, b4 as collapseWhiteSpaceText, cf as convertDomEventToSyntheticEvent, ap as copyBlockMarksToSpanChild, s as createDeserializeAstPlugin, ag as createDeserializeHtmlPlugin, x as createEditorProtocolPlugin, a2 as createEventEditorPlugin, A as createHistoryPlugin, cs as createHotkey, H as createInlineVoidPlugin, L as createInsertDataPlugin, V as createLengthPlugin, Y as createNodeFactoryPlugin, r as createPlateEditor, j as createPlateStore, bU as createPluginFactory, bV as createPlugins, _ as createPrevSelectionPlugin, aq as deserializeHtml, ar as deserializeHtmlElement, as as deserializeHtmlNode, at as deserializeHtmlNodeChildren, b8 as endInlineFormattingContext, a5 as eventEditorActions, a6 as eventEditorSelectors, a4 as eventEditorStore, au as findHtmlElement, bW as flattenDeepPlugins, a8 as getEventPlateId, aw as getHtmlComments, bY as getInjectedPlugins, bZ as getKeyByType, b_ as getKeysByTypes, b$ as getPlugin, c0 as getPluginInjectProps, c1 as getPluginOptions, c2 as getPluginType, c3 as getPluginTypes, c4 as getPlugins, c5 as getPluginsByKey, c6 as getRenderNodeProps, cv as getSlateClass, ax as htmlBodyToFragment, ay as htmlBrToNewLine, az as htmlElementToElement, aA as htmlElementToLeaf, aB as htmlStringToDOMNode, aC as htmlTextNodeToString, b5 as inferWhiteSpaceRule, aD as inlineTagNames, cg as isEventHandled, aE as isHtmlBlockElement, aF as isHtmlComment, aG as isHtmlElement, aH as isHtmlFragmentHref, aI as isHtmlInlineElement, aJ as isHtmlTable, aK as isHtmlText, b6 as isLastNonEmptyTextOfInlineFormattingContext, aL as isOlSymbol, c7 as mapInjectPropsToPlugin, c8 as mergeDeepPlugins, c9 as mergeDeepToNodes, ca as mockPlugin, cb as normalizeDescendantsToDocumentFragment, cc as normalizeInitialValue, cd as overridePluginsByKey, aM as parseHtmlDocument, aN as parseHtmlElement, ce as pipeDecorate, aO as pipeDeserializeHtmlElement, aP as pipeDeserializeHtmlLeaf, ch as pipeHandler, ci as pipeInjectProps, cj as pipeInsertDataQuery, ck as pipeInsertFragment, cl as pipeOnChange, cm as pipeTransformData, cn as pipeTransformFragment, p as plateStore, aQ as pluginDeserializeHtml, cq as pluginInjectProps, aR as postCleanHtml, aS as preCleanHtml, aT as removeHtmlNodesBetweenComments, aU as removeHtmlSurroundings, aV as replaceTagName, bd as resetEditor, be as resetEditorChildren, cr as setDefaultPlugin, ct as sharedHotkeys, av as someHtmlElement, bg as toggleNodeType, aW as traverseHtmlComments, aX as traverseHtmlElements, aY as traverseHtmlNode, aZ as traverseHtmlTexts, a_ as unwrapHtmlElement, b7 as upsertInlineFormattingContext, a7 as useEventEditorSelectors, n as usePlateActions, l as usePlateEditorStore, q as usePlateId, m as usePlateSelectors, o as usePlateStates, u as usePlateStore, v as withEditorProtocol, cu as withHOC, F as withInlineVoid, I as withInsertData, S as withLength, w as withPlate, z as withTHistory } from './createPlateEditor-DwSgi92n.js';
import * as slate_react_dist_components_editable from 'slate-react/dist/components/editable';

@@ -214,2 +214,8 @@ import * as _udecode_slate_react from '@udecode/slate-react';

declare const useFocusEditorEvents: ({ editorRef, onEditorBlur, onEditorFocus, }: {
editorRef: PlateEditor<Value> | null;
onEditorBlur?: (() => void) | undefined;
onEditorFocus?: (() => void) | undefined;
}) => void;
declare const KEY_REACT = "react";

@@ -280,2 +286,2 @@ /** @see {@link withReact} */

export { CreatePlateEditorOptions, EditorMethodsEffect, EditorRefEffect, EditorRefPluginEffect, EditorStateEffect, ElementProvider, type ElementStoreState, Hotkeys, KEY_REACT, NoInfer, OverrideByKey, PlateChangeKey, PlateContent, type PlateContentProps, PlateController, PlateControllerEffect, type PlateControllerEffectProps, PlateEditor, PlateEffects, type PlateEffectsProps, PlateId, PlatePlugin, PlateProps, PlateSlate, PlateTest, RenderElement, RenderElementFn, RenderLeaf, SCOPE_ELEMENT, TEditableProps, type UseEditorSelectorOptions, UsePlateEditorStoreOptions, type UsePlateEffectsProps, WithPlatePlugin, createPlateFallbackEditor, createReactPlugin, pipeRenderElement, pipeRenderLeaf, plateControllerStore, pluginRenderElement, pluginRenderLeaf, setPlatePlugins, useEditableProps, useEditorMounted, useEditorReadOnly, useEditorRef, useEditorSelection, useEditorSelector, useEditorState, useEditorVersion, useElement, useElementStore, useEventPlateId, useIncrementVersion, usePlateControllerActions, usePlateControllerEditorStore, usePlateControllerExists, usePlateControllerSelectors, usePlateControllerStates, usePlateControllerStore, usePlateEffects, useRedecorate, useReplaceEditor, useSelectionVersion, useSlateProps, withTReact };
export { CreatePlateEditorOptions, EditorMethodsEffect, EditorRefEffect, EditorRefPluginEffect, EditorStateEffect, ElementProvider, type ElementStoreState, Hotkeys, KEY_REACT, NoInfer, OverrideByKey, PlateChangeKey, PlateContent, type PlateContentProps, PlateController, PlateControllerEffect, type PlateControllerEffectProps, PlateEditor, PlateEffects, type PlateEffectsProps, PlateId, PlatePlugin, PlateProps, PlateSlate, PlateTest, RenderElement, RenderElementFn, RenderLeaf, SCOPE_ELEMENT, TEditableProps, type UseEditorSelectorOptions, UsePlateEditorStoreOptions, type UsePlateEffectsProps, WithPlatePlugin, createPlateFallbackEditor, createReactPlugin, pipeRenderElement, pipeRenderLeaf, plateControllerStore, pluginRenderElement, pluginRenderLeaf, setPlatePlugins, useEditableProps, useEditorMounted, useEditorReadOnly, useEditorRef, useEditorSelection, useEditorSelector, useEditorState, useEditorVersion, useElement, useElementStore, useEventPlateId, useFocusEditorEvents, useIncrementVersion, usePlateControllerActions, usePlateControllerEditorStore, usePlateControllerExists, usePlateControllerSelectors, usePlateControllerStates, usePlateControllerStore, usePlateEffects, useRedecorate, useReplaceEditor, useSelectionVersion, useSlateProps, withTReact };
import { Value, TEditor } from '@udecode/slate';
import { C as CreatePlateEditorOptions, b as PlateEditor, d as PlatePlugin, N as NoInfer, O as OverrideByKey, c as PlateProps, h as WithPlateOptions } from './createPlateEditor-6aPd0TgN.js';
export { bT as ApplyDeepToNodesOptions, a0 as BLUR_EDITOR_EVENT, aa as CARRIAGE_RETURN, bd as CollapseWhiteSpaceState, bt as DOMHandler, bs as DOMHandlerReturnType, bu as DOMHandlers, bp as DOM_HANDLERS, bw as Decorate, bv as DecorateEntry, D as DefaultLeaf, bx as DeserializeHtml, ai as DeserializeHtmlChildren, aj as DeserializeHtmlNodeReturnType, E as ELEMENT_DEFAULT, bn as EXPOSED_STORE_KEYS, a3 as EventEditorState, $ as FOCUS_EDITOR_EVENT, cp as GetInjectPropsOptions, cq as GetInjectPropsReturnType, bq as HandlerReturnType, by as HotkeyPlugin, cu as Hotkeys, bB as InjectComponent, bz as InjectComponentProps, bA as InjectComponentReturnType, bD as InjectProps, bY as InjectedPlugin, K as KEY_DESERIALIZE_AST, ag as KEY_DESERIALIZE_HTML, t as KEY_EDITOR_PROTOCOL, a1 as KEY_EVENT_EDITOR, y as KEY_HISTORY, B as KEY_INLINE_VOID, J as KEY_INSERT_DATA, Q as KEY_LENGTH, X as KEY_NODE_FACTORY, Z as KEY_PREV_SELECTION, br as KeyboardEventHandler, bE as KeyboardHandler, bF as KeyboardHandlerReturnType, ab as LINE_FEED, M as LengthPlugin, ac as NO_BREAK_SPACE, bo as Nullable, bG as OnChange, P as PlateChangeKey, bi as PlateEditorMethods, bI as PlatePluginComponent, bK as PlatePluginInsertData, bJ as PlatePluginInsertDataOptions, bM as PlatePluginKey, bN as PlatePluginProps, bj as PlateRenderElementProps, bk as PlateRenderLeafProps, bl as PlateRenderNodeProps, bm as PlateStoreState, bL as PluginKey, bH as PluginOptions, bO as RenderAfterEditable, e as RenderElement, R as RenderElementFn, f as RenderLeaf, ad as SPACE, bP as SerializeHtml, ae as TAB, T as TEditableProps, bS as TRenderElementProps, bQ as ToggleMarkPlugin, bg as ToggleNodeTypeOptions, bC as TransformOptions, bc as TrimEndRule, bb as TrimStartRule, ba as WhiteSpaceRule, bR as WithOverride, W as WithPlatePlugin, af as ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE, bU as applyDeepToNodes, ak as cleanHtmlBrElements, al as cleanHtmlCrLf, am as cleanHtmlEmptyElements, an as cleanHtmlFontElements, ao as cleanHtmlLinkElements, ap as cleanHtmlTextNodes, b0 as collapseString, b1 as collapseWhiteSpace, b2 as collapseWhiteSpaceChildren, b3 as collapseWhiteSpaceElement, b4 as collapseWhiteSpaceNode, b5 as collapseWhiteSpaceText, cg as convertDomEventToSyntheticEvent, aq as copyBlockMarksToSpanChild, s as createDeserializeAstPlugin, ah as createDeserializeHtmlPlugin, x as createEditorProtocolPlugin, a2 as createEventEditorPlugin, A as createHistoryPlugin, ct as createHotkey, H as createInlineVoidPlugin, L as createInsertDataPlugin, V as createLengthPlugin, Y as createNodeFactoryPlugin, bV as createPluginFactory, bW as createPlugins, _ as createPrevSelectionPlugin, ar as deserializeHtml, as as deserializeHtmlElement, at as deserializeHtmlNode, au as deserializeHtmlNodeChildren, b9 as endInlineFormattingContext, a5 as eventEditorActions, a6 as eventEditorSelectors, a4 as eventEditorStore, av as findHtmlElement, bX as flattenDeepPlugins, a8 as getEventPlateId, ax as getHtmlComments, bZ as getInjectedPlugins, b_ as getKeyByType, b$ as getKeysByTypes, c0 as getPlugin, c1 as getPluginInjectProps, c2 as getPluginOptions, c3 as getPluginType, c4 as getPluginTypes, c5 as getPlugins, c6 as getPluginsByKey, c7 as getRenderNodeProps, cw as getSlateClass, ay as htmlBodyToFragment, az as htmlBrToNewLine, aA as htmlElementToElement, aB as htmlElementToLeaf, aC as htmlStringToDOMNode, aD as htmlTextNodeToString, b6 as inferWhiteSpaceRule, aE as inlineTagNames, ch as isEventHandled, aF as isHtmlBlockElement, aG as isHtmlComment, aH as isHtmlElement, aI as isHtmlFragmentHref, aJ as isHtmlInlineElement, aK as isHtmlTable, aL as isHtmlText, b7 as isLastNonEmptyTextOfInlineFormattingContext, aM as isOlSymbol, c8 as mapInjectPropsToPlugin, c9 as mergeDeepPlugins, ca as mergeDeepToNodes, cb as mockPlugin, cc as normalizeDescendantsToDocumentFragment, cd as normalizeInitialValue, ce as overridePluginsByKey, aN as parseHtmlDocument, aO as parseHtmlElement, cf as pipeDecorate, aP as pipeDeserializeHtmlElement, aQ as pipeDeserializeHtmlLeaf, ci as pipeHandler, cj as pipeInjectProps, ck as pipeInsertDataQuery, cl as pipeInsertFragment, cm as pipeOnChange, cn as pipeTransformData, co as pipeTransformFragment, aR as pluginDeserializeHtml, cr as pluginInjectProps, aS as postCleanHtml, aT as preCleanHtml, aU as removeHtmlNodesBetweenComments, aV as removeHtmlSurroundings, aW as replaceTagName, be as resetEditor, bf as resetEditorChildren, cs as setDefaultPlugin, cu as sharedHotkeys, aw as someHtmlElement, bh as toggleNodeType, aX as traverseHtmlComments, aY as traverseHtmlElements, aZ as traverseHtmlNode, a_ as traverseHtmlTexts, a$ as unwrapHtmlElement, b8 as upsertInlineFormattingContext, a7 as useEventEditorSelectors, a9 as useFocusEditorEvents, v as withEditorProtocol, cv as withHOC, F as withInlineVoid, I as withInsertData, S as withLength, z as withTHistory } from './createPlateEditor-6aPd0TgN.js';
import { C as CreatePlateEditorOptions, b as PlateEditor, d as PlatePlugin, N as NoInfer, O as OverrideByKey, c as PlateProps, h as WithPlateOptions } from './createPlateEditor-DwSgi92n.js';
export { bS as ApplyDeepToNodesOptions, a0 as BLUR_EDITOR_EVENT, a9 as CARRIAGE_RETURN, bc as CollapseWhiteSpaceState, bs as DOMHandler, br as DOMHandlerReturnType, bt as DOMHandlers, bo as DOM_HANDLERS, bv as Decorate, bu as DecorateEntry, D as DefaultLeaf, bw as DeserializeHtml, ah as DeserializeHtmlChildren, ai as DeserializeHtmlNodeReturnType, E as ELEMENT_DEFAULT, bm as EXPOSED_STORE_KEYS, a3 as EventEditorState, $ as FOCUS_EDITOR_EVENT, co as GetInjectPropsOptions, cp as GetInjectPropsReturnType, bp as HandlerReturnType, bx as HotkeyPlugin, ct as Hotkeys, bA as InjectComponent, by as InjectComponentProps, bz as InjectComponentReturnType, bC as InjectProps, bX as InjectedPlugin, K as KEY_DESERIALIZE_AST, af as KEY_DESERIALIZE_HTML, t as KEY_EDITOR_PROTOCOL, a1 as KEY_EVENT_EDITOR, y as KEY_HISTORY, B as KEY_INLINE_VOID, J as KEY_INSERT_DATA, Q as KEY_LENGTH, X as KEY_NODE_FACTORY, Z as KEY_PREV_SELECTION, bq as KeyboardEventHandler, bD as KeyboardHandler, bE as KeyboardHandlerReturnType, aa as LINE_FEED, M as LengthPlugin, ab as NO_BREAK_SPACE, bn as Nullable, bF as OnChange, P as PlateChangeKey, bh as PlateEditorMethods, bH as PlatePluginComponent, bJ as PlatePluginInsertData, bI as PlatePluginInsertDataOptions, bL as PlatePluginKey, bM as PlatePluginProps, bi as PlateRenderElementProps, bj as PlateRenderLeafProps, bk as PlateRenderNodeProps, bl as PlateStoreState, bK as PluginKey, bG as PluginOptions, bN as RenderAfterEditable, e as RenderElement, R as RenderElementFn, f as RenderLeaf, ac as SPACE, bO as SerializeHtml, ad as TAB, T as TEditableProps, bR as TRenderElementProps, bP as ToggleMarkPlugin, bf as ToggleNodeTypeOptions, bB as TransformOptions, bb as TrimEndRule, ba as TrimStartRule, b9 as WhiteSpaceRule, bQ as WithOverride, W as WithPlatePlugin, ae as ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE, bT as applyDeepToNodes, aj as cleanHtmlBrElements, ak as cleanHtmlCrLf, al as cleanHtmlEmptyElements, am as cleanHtmlFontElements, an as cleanHtmlLinkElements, ao as cleanHtmlTextNodes, a$ as collapseString, b0 as collapseWhiteSpace, b1 as collapseWhiteSpaceChildren, b2 as collapseWhiteSpaceElement, b3 as collapseWhiteSpaceNode, b4 as collapseWhiteSpaceText, cf as convertDomEventToSyntheticEvent, ap as copyBlockMarksToSpanChild, s as createDeserializeAstPlugin, ag as createDeserializeHtmlPlugin, x as createEditorProtocolPlugin, a2 as createEventEditorPlugin, A as createHistoryPlugin, cs as createHotkey, H as createInlineVoidPlugin, L as createInsertDataPlugin, V as createLengthPlugin, Y as createNodeFactoryPlugin, bU as createPluginFactory, bV as createPlugins, _ as createPrevSelectionPlugin, aq as deserializeHtml, ar as deserializeHtmlElement, as as deserializeHtmlNode, at as deserializeHtmlNodeChildren, b8 as endInlineFormattingContext, a5 as eventEditorActions, a6 as eventEditorSelectors, a4 as eventEditorStore, au as findHtmlElement, bW as flattenDeepPlugins, a8 as getEventPlateId, aw as getHtmlComments, bY as getInjectedPlugins, bZ as getKeyByType, b_ as getKeysByTypes, b$ as getPlugin, c0 as getPluginInjectProps, c1 as getPluginOptions, c2 as getPluginType, c3 as getPluginTypes, c4 as getPlugins, c5 as getPluginsByKey, c6 as getRenderNodeProps, cv as getSlateClass, ax as htmlBodyToFragment, ay as htmlBrToNewLine, az as htmlElementToElement, aA as htmlElementToLeaf, aB as htmlStringToDOMNode, aC as htmlTextNodeToString, b5 as inferWhiteSpaceRule, aD as inlineTagNames, cg as isEventHandled, aE as isHtmlBlockElement, aF as isHtmlComment, aG as isHtmlElement, aH as isHtmlFragmentHref, aI as isHtmlInlineElement, aJ as isHtmlTable, aK as isHtmlText, b6 as isLastNonEmptyTextOfInlineFormattingContext, aL as isOlSymbol, c7 as mapInjectPropsToPlugin, c8 as mergeDeepPlugins, c9 as mergeDeepToNodes, ca as mockPlugin, cb as normalizeDescendantsToDocumentFragment, cc as normalizeInitialValue, cd as overridePluginsByKey, aM as parseHtmlDocument, aN as parseHtmlElement, ce as pipeDecorate, aO as pipeDeserializeHtmlElement, aP as pipeDeserializeHtmlLeaf, ch as pipeHandler, ci as pipeInjectProps, cj as pipeInsertDataQuery, ck as pipeInsertFragment, cl as pipeOnChange, cm as pipeTransformData, cn as pipeTransformFragment, aQ as pluginDeserializeHtml, cq as pluginInjectProps, aR as postCleanHtml, aS as preCleanHtml, aT as removeHtmlNodesBetweenComments, aU as removeHtmlSurroundings, aV as replaceTagName, bd as resetEditor, be as resetEditorChildren, cr as setDefaultPlugin, ct as sharedHotkeys, av as someHtmlElement, bg as toggleNodeType, aW as traverseHtmlComments, aX as traverseHtmlElements, aY as traverseHtmlNode, aZ as traverseHtmlTexts, a_ as unwrapHtmlElement, b7 as upsertInlineFormattingContext, a7 as useEventEditorSelectors, v as withEditorProtocol, cu as withHOC, F as withInlineVoid, I as withInsertData, S as withLength, z as withTHistory } from './createPlateEditor-DwSgi92n.js';
import * as _udecode_utils from '@udecode/utils';

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ export { nanoid } from 'nanoid';

"name": "@udecode/plate-core",
"version": "36.0.6",
"version": "36.2.1",
"description": "The core architecture of Plate – a plugin system for slate",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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