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@udecode/slate-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 24.2.0 to 24.3.0




@@ -0,7 +1,373 @@

import * as _udecode_slate from '@udecode/slate';
import { EDescendant, Value, TEditor, FindNodeOptions, TNodeEntry, EAncestor, GetAboveNodeOptions, ChildOf, TNode, EElementOrText, EAncestorEntry, TOperation, EElement, QueryNodeOptions, TAncestor, QueryEditorOptions, TElement, InsertNodesOptions, ENodeEntry, SetNodesOptions, RemoveNodesOptions, EMarks, WrapNodesOptions, TDescendant } from '@udecode/slate';
import * as slate from 'slate';
import { Path, Point, Location, Range } from 'slate';
import { Modify } from '@udecode/utils';
* @file Automatically generated by barrelsby.
* Iterate through all of the nodes in the editor and return the first match. If
* no match is found, return undefined.
export * from './queries/index';
export * from './transforms/index';
export * from './utils/index';
* Get the first descendant node matching the condition.
declare const findDescendant: <N extends EDescendant<V>, V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, options: FindNodeOptions<V>) => TNodeEntry<N> | undefined;
* Get the block above a location (default: selection).
declare const getBlockAbove: <N extends EAncestor<V>, V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, options?: GetAboveNodeOptions<V>) => _udecode_slate.TNodeEntry<N> | undefined;
* Get children node entries of a node entry.
* TODO: try Node.children
declare const getChildren: <N extends ChildOf<R>, R extends TNode = TNode>(nodeEntry: TNodeEntry<R>) => TNodeEntry<N>[];
* Get the edge blocks above a location (default: selection).
declare const getEdgeBlocksAbove: <N1 extends EAncestor<V>, N2 extends EAncestor<V> = N1, V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at: _at, ...options }?: GetAboveNodeOptions<V>) => [TNodeEntry<N1>, TNodeEntry<N2>] | null;
* Get the last child of a node or null if no children.
declare const getLastChild: <N extends ChildOf<R>, R extends TNode>(nodeEntry: TNodeEntry<R>) => TNodeEntry<N> | null;
* Get last child path. If there is no child, last index is 0.
declare const getLastChildPath: <N extends TNode>(nodeEntry: TNodeEntry<N>) => Path;
* Is the child path the last one of the parent.
declare const isLastChild: <N extends TNode>(parentEntry: TNodeEntry<N>, childPath: Path) => boolean;
* Get the last node at a given level.
declare const getLastNodeByLevel: <N extends EElementOrText<V>, V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, level: number) => TNodeEntry<N> | undefined;
* Get selection mark value by key.
declare const getMark: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, key: string) => unknown;
* Get the start point of the next node.
declare const getNextNodeStartPoint: <V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, at: Path) => slate.BasePoint | undefined;
* Get the next sibling nodes after a path.
* @param ancestorEntry Ancestor of the sibling nodes
* @param path Path of the reference node
declare const getNextSiblingNodes: <V extends Value>(ancestorEntry: EAncestorEntry<V>, path: Path) => EElementOrText<V>[];
* Get typed editor operations.
declare const getOperations: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => TOperation<EDescendant<V>>[];
interface BeforeOptions {
distance?: number | undefined;
unit?: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block' | 'offset' | undefined;
interface PointBeforeOptions extends BeforeOptions {
* Lookup before the location for `matchString`.
matchString?: string | string[];
* Lookup before the location until this predicate is true
match?: (value: {
beforeString: string;
beforePoint: Point;
at: Location;
}) => boolean;
* If true, get the point after the matching point.
* If false, get the matching point.
afterMatch?: boolean;
* If true, lookup until the start of the editor value.
* If false, lookup until the first invalid character.
skipInvalid?: boolean;
* {@link getPointBefore} with additional options.
* TODO: support for sequence of any characters.
declare const getPointBeforeLocation: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, at: Location, options?: PointBeforeOptions) => any;
* Get the point from a location (default: selection).
* If the location is a range, get the anchor point.
* If the location is a path, get the point at this path with offset 0.
* If `focus` is true, get the focus point.
declare const getPointFromLocation: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at, focus, }?: {
at?: Location | null | undefined;
focus?: boolean | undefined;
}) => slate.BasePoint | undefined;
* If the start point is inside an inline void, get the point before or after it.
declare const getPointNextToVoid: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at, after, }: {
at: Point;
* Get the point after (instead of before) the void node.
after?: boolean | undefined;
}) => slate.BasePoint;
* Find the block before a block by id.
* If not found, find the first block by id and return [null, its previous path]
declare const getPreviousBlockById: <N extends EElement<V>, V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, id: string, query?: QueryNodeOptions) => TNodeEntry<N> | undefined;
* Get the end point of the previous node.
declare const getPreviousNodeEndPoint: <V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, at: Path) => slate.BasePoint | undefined;
declare const getPreviousPath: (path: Path) => Path | undefined;
declare const getPreviousSiblingNode: <V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, path: Path) => (number[] | _udecode_slate.NodeOf<TEditor<V>>)[] | undefined;
interface RangeBeforeOptions extends PointBeforeOptions {
* Get range from {@link getPointBeforeLocation} to the end point of `at`.
declare const getRangeBefore: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, at: Location, options?: RangeBeforeOptions) => Range | undefined;
* Get the range from the start of the block above a location (default: selection) to the location.
declare const getRangeFromBlockStart: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, options?: Omit<GetAboveNodeOptions<V>, "match">) => {
anchor: slate.BasePoint;
focus: slate.BasePoint;
} | undefined;
* Get the selected text.
* Return empty string if no selection.
declare const getSelectionText: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => string;
* Is an ancestor empty (empty text and no inline children).
declare const isAncestorEmpty: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, node: TAncestor) => boolean;
* Is the block above the selection empty.
declare const isBlockAboveEmpty: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => boolean;
* Is there empty text after the selection.
* If there is no leaf after the selected leaf, return {@link isEndPoint}.
* Else, check if the next leaves are empty.
declare const isBlockTextEmptyAfterSelection: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => boolean;
declare const isDocumentEnd: <V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => boolean;
* Whether the editor is empty. An editor is empty if it has only one empty element.
declare const isEditorEmpty: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => boolean;
* Is it the first child of the parent
declare const isFirstChild: (path: Path) => boolean;
* Is the mark defined in the selection.
declare const isMarkActive: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, type: string) => boolean;
* Is a point at the end of a word
declare const isPointAtWordEnd: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at }: {
at: Point;
}) => boolean;
* Is the range (default: selection) across blocks.
* - return undefined if block not found
* - return boolean whether one of the block is not found, but the other is found
* - return boolean whether block paths are unequal
declare const isRangeAcrossBlocks: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at, ...options }?: Omit<GetAboveNodeOptions<V>, "at"> & {
at?: slate.BaseRange | null | undefined;
}) => boolean | undefined;
* Whether the range is in the same block.
declare const isRangeInSameBlock: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at, ...options }?: Omit<GetAboveNodeOptions<V>, "at"> & {
at?: slate.BaseRange | null | undefined;
}) => boolean | undefined;
* Is the range in the same single text path.
declare const isRangeInSingleText: (at: Range) => boolean;
* Is the selection focus at the end of its parent block.
declare const isSelectionAtBlockEnd: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, options?: GetAboveNodeOptions<V> | undefined) => boolean;
* Is the selection anchor or focus at the start of its parent block.
* Supports the same options provided by {@link getBlockAbove}.
declare const isSelectionAtBlockStart: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, options?: GetAboveNodeOptions<V> | undefined) => boolean;
* Is the selection expanded.
declare const isSelectionExpanded: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => boolean;
declare const isTextByPath: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, path: Path) => boolean;
* Is the word at the point after a trigger (punctuation character)
declare const isWordAfterTrigger: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at, trigger }: {
at: Point;
trigger: string;
}) => {
range: slate.BaseRange | undefined;
match: RegExpMatchArray | null;
* Query the editor state.
declare const queryEditor: <V extends Value = Value, E extends TEditor<V> = TEditor<V>>(editor: E, { filter, selectionAtBlockStart, selectionAtBlockEnd, allow, exclude, at, }?: QueryEditorOptions<V, E>) => boolean;
declare const insertElements: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, nodes: TElement | TElement[], options?: InsertNodesOptions<V> | undefined) => void;
declare const insertEmptyElement: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, type: string, options?: InsertNodesOptions<V> | undefined) => void;
interface MoveChildrenOptions<V extends Value = Value> {
* Parent node of the children to move.
at: ENodeEntry<V> | Path;
* Path where to move the children.
to: Path;
* Start index of the children to move.
* Example: 1 means children[0] will not be moved.
fromStartIndex?: number;
* Condition for the child to be moved
match?(entry: ENodeEntry<V>): boolean;
* Move the children of a node to a path.
* Returns the number of children moved.
declare const moveChildren: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at, to, match, fromStartIndex }: MoveChildrenOptions<V>) => number;
interface RemoveMarkOptions<V extends Value = Value> extends Omit<SetNodesOptions<V>, 'match' | 'split'> {
* Mark or the array of marks that will be removed
key: string | string[];
* When location is not a Range,
* setting this to false can prevent the onChange event of the editor to fire
* @default true
shouldChange?: boolean;
* Range where the mark(s) will be removed
at?: Range;
* Remove mark and trigger `onChange` if collapsed selection.
declare const removeMark: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { key, at, shouldChange, }: RemoveMarkOptions<V>) => void;
* Remove selection marks.
declare const removeSelectionMark: <V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => void;
interface ReplaceNodeChildrenOptions<N extends EElementOrText<V>, V extends Value = Value> {
at: Path;
nodes: N | N[];
removeOptions?: Omit<RemoveNodesOptions<V>, 'at'>;
insertOptions?: Omit<InsertNodesOptions<V>, 'at'>;
* Replace node children: remove then insert.
declare const replaceNodeChildren: <N extends EElementOrText<V>, V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at, nodes, insertOptions, removeOptions }: ReplaceNodeChildrenOptions<N, V>) => void;
declare const replaceNode: <N extends EElementOrText<V>, V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { at, nodes, insertOptions, removeOptions }: ReplaceNodeChildrenOptions<N, V>) => void;
* Select the end point of the block above the selection.
declare const selectEndOfBlockAboveSelection: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>) => void;
* Set marks to selected text.
declare const setMarks: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, marks: EMarks<V>, clear?: string | string[]) => void;
interface ToggleMarkOptions {
clear?: string | string[];
key: string;
* Add/remove marks in the selection.
* @param editor
* @param key mark to toggle
* @param clear marks to clear when adding mark
declare const toggleMark: <V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { key, clear }: ToggleMarkOptions) => void;
* Unwrap if the node type is in selection.
* Wrap otherwise.
declare const toggleWrapNodes: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, type: string) => void;
* Wrap node children into a single element:
* - wraps the first child node into the element
* - move the other child nodes next to the element children.
declare const wrapNodeChildren: <N extends EElement<V>, V extends Value = Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, element: N, options: Modify<WrapNodesOptions<V>, {
at: Path;
}>) => void;
declare const createDocumentNode: (type?: string, text?: string, remaining?: TDescendant[]) => TDescendant[];
declare const createNode: (type?: string, text?: string) => TElement;
export { BeforeOptions, MoveChildrenOptions, PointBeforeOptions, RangeBeforeOptions, RemoveMarkOptions, ReplaceNodeChildrenOptions, ToggleMarkOptions, createDocumentNode, createNode, findDescendant, getBlockAbove, getChildren, getEdgeBlocksAbove, getLastChild, getLastChildPath, getLastNodeByLevel, getMark, getNextNodeStartPoint, getNextSiblingNodes, getOperations, getPointBeforeLocation, getPointFromLocation, getPointNextToVoid, getPreviousBlockById, getPreviousNodeEndPoint, getPreviousPath, getPreviousSiblingNode, getRangeBefore, getRangeFromBlockStart, getSelectionText, insertElements, insertEmptyElement, isAncestorEmpty, isBlockAboveEmpty, isBlockTextEmptyAfterSelection, isDocumentEnd, isEditorEmpty, isFirstChild, isLastChild, isMarkActive, isPointAtWordEnd, isRangeAcrossBlocks, isRangeInSameBlock, isRangeInSingleText, isSelectionAtBlockEnd, isSelectionAtBlockStart, isSelectionExpanded, isTextByPath, isWordAfterTrigger, moveChildren, queryEditor, removeMark, removeSelectionMark, replaceNode, replaceNodeChildren, selectEndOfBlockAboveSelection, setMarks, toggleMark, toggleWrapNodes, wrapNodeChildren };


"name": "@udecode/slate-utils",
"version": "24.2.0",
"version": "24.3.0",
"description": "Slate utils",

@@ -15,8 +15,17 @@ "license": "MIT",

"sideEffects": false,
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/index.mjs",
"module": "./dist/index.mjs",
"require": "./dist/index.js"
"scripts": {

@@ -34,4 +43,4 @@ "build": "yarn p:build",

"dependencies": {
"@udecode/slate": "23.7.4",
"@udecode/utils": "19.7.1",
"@udecode/slate": "24.3.0",
"@udecode/utils": "24.3.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.21"

@@ -38,0 +47,0 @@ },

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