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Responsive forgot password and reset components for React with custom fields.

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Forgot Password

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Customizable set of React forgot password components that validate against a default or custom Zod schema. Accepts custom fields and includes reset request, token submission and confirmation views as needed.

forgot password component


  • Displays and handles client and serverside errors
  • Custom fields and schema
  • Show success components and/or provide onSuccess functions to redirect, set state, etc.
  • Custom header/footer
  • Loader (default or custom)
  • Show a link to login instead
  • Client router support for links
  • Toast support


npm install @unleashit/forgot-password

Required peer dependencies: react, react-hook-form and zod.

Password Reset Request Example

import ForgotPassword, {
} from '@unleashit/forgot-password';

function ForgotPasswordDemo() {
  const forgotPasswordHandler = async (
    values: FormValues,
  ): Promise<ServerResponse> => {
    // server should return a ServerResponse
    // success property of true indicates all validations pass
    // errors named after field names will display with fields
    // error with property of "root" will display at the top or sent to toast
    return await fetch('', {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify(values),
    }).then((resp) => resp.json());

  const onSuccess = (resp: ServerResponse) => {
    // Redirect or set state, etc.
    // resp has full server response from forgotPasswordHandler()

  return (
    <ForgotPassword handler={forgotPasswordHandler} onSuccess={onSuccess} />

Note that onSuccess is optional. By default, the user will be shown a generic success message as long as the server returns a success boolean. If you provide an successMessage prop, you can override it or set false to turn off.

Password Reset Example

import ForgotPasswordReset, {
} from '@unleashit/forgot-password';

function ForgotPasswordResetDemo() {
  const forgotPasswordResetHandler = async (
    values: FormValues,
  ): Promise<ServerResponse> => {
    // userID and token are extracted from url
    const [token, userid] = new URL(window.location.href).pathname

    return await fetch(
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        body: JSON.stringify(values),
    ).then((resp) => resp.json());

  const onSuccess = (resp: ServerResponse) => {

  return (

In this example, the userId and authorization token are taken from the url under the assumption the user arrived from a link sent via email or SMS. By default (can be customized or turned off with a successMessage prop), a success message will be shown to the user if the server returns a positive response with no errors.

Custom Fields

It's possible to replace the default fields with custom fields by adding customFields and customSchema props. On submission and after passing validation, the handler will be called with the field values.

customFields is an array of field objects where element is the type of field. Currently input, select, checkbox and textarea fields are supported.

interface CustomField {
  element: 'input' | 'select' | 'textarea';
  type: string; // html `type` attribute
  name: string; // html `name` attribute
  label?: string; // label to display in an html <label>
  focus?: boolean; // sets the focus to this element (only the first is used)
  options?: Array<[string, string, OptionHTMLAttributes<any>?]>; // select options: [title, value, {attribute: value}]
  attrs?: InputHTMLAttributes<any> & SelectHTMLAttributes<any>;

Note that supplying a customFields object completely replaces the defaults, so don't forget to add all needed fields. customSchema should be a Zod schema with matching name attributes.

      element: 'input',
      type: 'text',
      name: 'email',
      label: 'Email',
      focus: true,
      element: 'input',
      type: 'text',
      name: 'secretQuestion1',
      label: "What is your mother's maiden name?",
      element: 'input',
      type: 'text',
      name: 'secretQuestion2',
      label: 'What was the name of your first pet?',
  customSchema={customSchema} // zod schema to match


Basic namespaced (BEM) css can be imported: import '@unleashit/forgot-password/dist/forgot-password.css'. Alternatively, if you use CSS Modules you can import css from '@unleashit/forgot-password/dist/forgot-password.module.css' and provide to the cssModule prop and/or use your own custom module targeting the internal class names. Please see CSS in the main readme of the repo for more info.



type BaseFormProps = {
  handler: <T extends ZodTypeAny>(
    values: FormValues<T>,
  ) => Promise<ServerResponse<FormValues<T>>>;
  onSuccess?: <T extends ZodTypeAny, Meta extends Record<string, any>>(
    resp: ServerResponse<FormValues<T>, Meta>,
  ) => void;
  title?: string;
  header?: React.FC<DefaultHeaderProps> | false | null;
  footer?: React.FC<any>;
  loader?: React.FC<DefaultLoaderProps>;
  customFields?: CustomField[];
  customSchema?: z.AnyZodObject | z.ZodEffects<any>;
  // optionally send root server error message and/or
  // handler exceptions to toast
  toast?: (msg: string) => void;
  // override default failure message to show user
  failMsg?: string;
  // Show a success component or message
  successMessage?: React.FC<any> | string | false | null;
  linkComponent?: React.ComponentType<any>;
  linkComponentHrefAttr?: string;
  cssModule?: Record<string, string>;

type ForgotPasswordProps = Omit<BaseFormProps, 'header'> & {
  header?: React.FC<DefaultForgotPasswordHeaderProps> | false | null;
  signupUrl?: string;
  childrenPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom';
  loginLink?: string | false | null;
  loginLinkText?: string;
  children?: React.ReactNode;


ForgetPasswordReset is being refactored and has been temporarily unpublished.



Last updated on 10 Jan 2024

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