What is @unocss/reset?
@unocss/reset is a utility package that provides a set of CSS reset styles. These styles help to ensure consistency across different browsers by resetting or normalizing the default styles applied by browsers. This can be particularly useful when building web applications to ensure a consistent look and feel.
What are @unocss/reset's main functionalities?
CSS Reset
This feature provides a CSS reset based on Tailwind CSS's preflight. It resets the default browser styles to ensure consistency across different browsers.
import '@unocss/reset/tailwind.css';
Normalize CSS
This feature includes Normalize.css, a modern, HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets. It makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards.
import '@unocss/reset/normalize.css';
Antfu Reset
This feature provides a custom reset style by Anthony Fu. It is a minimalistic reset that aims to provide a good starting point for modern web development.
import '@unocss/reset/antfu.css';
Other packages similar to @unocss/reset
Normalize.css is a popular CSS library that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. It is similar to @unocss/reset's normalize.css feature but is a standalone package.
reset-css is a simple CSS reset library that aims to provide a consistent baseline across different browsers. It is similar to the CSS reset feature provided by @unocss/reset.
sanitize.css is a CSS library that provides a set of styles to render elements consistently across browsers. It is similar to Normalize.css but includes additional features like form element normalization.
Collection of standard reset CSS stylesheets.
Please refer to the documentation