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@upstash/redis - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-ci.36b99fe61e20938c8fd7b7f2656098fa97889a9d-20240710063149 to 0.0.0-ci.3776e8876cc55f21211d13e2cc35ac8b1011f1d4-20240917195005




@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { R as RedisOptions, a as RequesterConfig, b as Redis$1 } from './zmscore-09122379.js';
export { A as AppendCommand, B as BitCountCommand, f as BitOpCommand, g as BitPosCommand, C as CopyCommand, D as DBSizeCommand, i as DecrByCommand, h as DecrCommand, j as DelCommand, E as EchoCommand, k as EvalCommand, l as EvalshaCommand, m as ExistsCommand, o as ExpireAtCommand, n as ExpireCommand, F as FlushAllCommand, p as FlushDBCommand, G as GeoAddCommand, q as GeoAddCommandOptions, s as GeoDistCommand, t as GeoHashCommand, r as GeoMember, u as GeoPosCommand, v as GeoSearchCommand, w as GeoSearchStoreCommand, y as GetBitCommand, x as GetCommand, z as GetDelCommand, H as GetRangeCommand, I as GetSetCommand, J as HDelCommand, K as HExistsCommand, M as HGetAllCommand, L as HGetCommand, N as HIncrByCommand, O as HIncrByFloatCommand, Q as HKeysCommand, S as HLenCommand, T as HMGetCommand, V as HMSetCommand, W as HRandFieldCommand, X as HScanCommand, Y as HSetCommand, Z as HSetNXCommand, _ as HStrLenCommand, $ as HValsCommand, a1 as IncrByCommand, a2 as IncrByFloatCommand, a0 as IncrCommand, a3 as JsonArrAppendCommand, a4 as JsonArrIndexCommand, a5 as JsonArrInsertCommand, a6 as JsonArrLenCommand, a7 as JsonArrPopCommand, a8 as JsonArrTrimCommand, a9 as JsonClearCommand, aa as JsonDelCommand, ab as JsonForgetCommand, ac as JsonGetCommand, ad as JsonMGetCommand, ae as JsonNumIncrByCommand, af as JsonNumMultByCommand, ag as JsonObjKeysCommand, ah as JsonObjLenCommand, ai as JsonRespCommand, aj as JsonSetCommand, ak as JsonStrAppendCommand, al as JsonStrLenCommand, am as JsonToggleCommand, an as JsonTypeCommand, ao as KeysCommand, ap as LIndexCommand, aq as LInsertCommand, ar as LLenCommand, as as LMoveCommand, at as LPopCommand, au as LPushCommand, av as LPushXCommand, aw as LRangeCommand, ax as LRemCommand, ay as LSetCommand, az as LTrimCommand, aA as MGetCommand, aB as MSetCommand, aC as MSetNXCommand, aF as PExpireAtCommand, aE as PExpireCommand, aH as PSetEXCommand, aI as PTtlCommand, aD as PersistCommand, aG as PingCommand, P as Pipeline, aJ as PublishCommand, aN as RPopCommand, aO as RPushCommand, aP as RPushXCommand, aK as RandomKeyCommand, aL as RenameCommand, aM as RenameNXCommand, c as Requester, aQ as SAddCommand, aT as SCardCommand, aX as SDiffCommand, aY as SDiffStoreCommand, b3 as SInterCommand, b4 as SInterStoreCommand, b5 as SIsMemberCommand, b7 as SMIsMemberCommand, b6 as SMembersCommand, b8 as SMoveCommand, b9 as SPopCommand, ba as SRandMemberCommand, bb as SRemCommand, bc as SScanCommand, be as SUnionCommand, bf as SUnionStoreCommand, aR as ScanCommand, aS as ScanCommandOptions, bo as ScoreMember, aU as ScriptExistsCommand, aV as ScriptFlushCommand, aW as ScriptLoadCommand, a$ as SetBitCommand, aZ as SetCommand, a_ as SetCommandOptions, b0 as SetExCommand, b1 as SetNxCommand, b2 as SetRangeCommand, bd as StrLenCommand, bg as TimeCommand, bh as TouchCommand, bi as TtlCommand, bj as Type, bk as TypeCommand, bl as UnlinkCommand, U as UpstashRequest, d as UpstashResponse, bm as XAddCommand, bn as XRangeCommand, bq as ZAddCommand, bp as ZAddCommandOptions, br as ZCardCommand, bs as ZCountCommand, bt as ZDiffStoreCommand, bu as ZIncrByCommand, bv as ZInterStoreCommand, bw as ZInterStoreCommandOptions, bx as ZLexCountCommand, by as ZMScoreCommand, bz as ZPopMaxCommand, bA as ZPopMinCommand, bB as ZRangeCommand, bC as ZRangeCommandOptions, bD as ZRankCommand, bE as ZRemCommand, bF as ZRemRangeByLexCommand, bG as ZRemRangeByRankCommand, bH as ZRemRangeByScoreCommand, bI as ZRevRankCommand, bJ as ZScanCommand, bK as ZScoreCommand, bL as ZUnionCommand, bM as ZUnionCommandOptions, bN as ZUnionStoreCommand, bO as ZUnionStoreCommandOptions, e as errors } from './zmscore-09122379.js';
import { R as RedisOptions, a as RequesterConfig, b as Redis$1 } from './zmscore-BhX8yEQc.js';
export { A as AppendCommand, B as BitCountCommand, f as BitOpCommand, g as BitPosCommand, C as CopyCommand, D as DBSizeCommand, i as DecrByCommand, h as DecrCommand, j as DelCommand, E as EchoCommand, k as EvalCommand, l as EvalshaCommand, m as ExistsCommand, o as ExpireAtCommand, n as ExpireCommand, F as FlushAllCommand, p as FlushDBCommand, G as GeoAddCommand, q as GeoAddCommandOptions, s as GeoDistCommand, t as GeoHashCommand, r as GeoMember, u as GeoPosCommand, v as GeoSearchCommand, w as GeoSearchStoreCommand, y as GetBitCommand, x as GetCommand, z as GetDelCommand, H as GetRangeCommand, I as GetSetCommand, J as HDelCommand, K as HExistsCommand, M as HGetAllCommand, L as HGetCommand, N as HIncrByCommand, O as HIncrByFloatCommand, Q as HKeysCommand, S as HLenCommand, T as HMGetCommand, V as HMSetCommand, W as HRandFieldCommand, X as HScanCommand, Y as HSetCommand, Z as HSetNXCommand, _ as HStrLenCommand, $ as HValsCommand, a1 as IncrByCommand, a2 as IncrByFloatCommand, a0 as IncrCommand, a3 as JsonArrAppendCommand, a4 as JsonArrIndexCommand, a5 as JsonArrInsertCommand, a6 as JsonArrLenCommand, a7 as JsonArrPopCommand, a8 as JsonArrTrimCommand, a9 as JsonClearCommand, aa as JsonDelCommand, ab as JsonForgetCommand, ac as JsonGetCommand, ad as JsonMGetCommand, ae as JsonNumIncrByCommand, af as JsonNumMultByCommand, ag as JsonObjKeysCommand, ah as JsonObjLenCommand, ai as JsonRespCommand, aj as JsonSetCommand, ak as JsonStrAppendCommand, al as JsonStrLenCommand, am as JsonToggleCommand, an as JsonTypeCommand, ao as KeysCommand, ap as LIndexCommand, aq as LInsertCommand, ar as LLenCommand, as as LMoveCommand, at as LPopCommand, au as LPushCommand, av as LPushXCommand, aw as LRangeCommand, ax as LRemCommand, ay as LSetCommand, az as LTrimCommand, aA as MGetCommand, aB as MSetCommand, aC as MSetNXCommand, aF as PExpireAtCommand, aE as PExpireCommand, aH as PSetEXCommand, aI as PTtlCommand, aD as PersistCommand, aG as PingCommand, P as Pipeline, aJ as PublishCommand, aN as RPopCommand, aO as RPushCommand, aP as RPushXCommand, aK as RandomKeyCommand, aL as RenameCommand, aM as RenameNXCommand, d as Requester, aQ as SAddCommand, aT as SCardCommand, aX as SDiffCommand, aY as SDiffStoreCommand, b3 as SInterCommand, b4 as SInterStoreCommand, b5 as SIsMemberCommand, b7 as SMIsMemberCommand, b6 as SMembersCommand, b8 as SMoveCommand, b9 as SPopCommand, ba as SRandMemberCommand, bb as SRemCommand, bc as SScanCommand, be as SUnionCommand, bf as SUnionStoreCommand, aR as ScanCommand, aS as ScanCommandOptions, bo as ScoreMember, aU as ScriptExistsCommand, aV as ScriptFlushCommand, aW as ScriptLoadCommand, a$ as SetBitCommand, aZ as SetCommand, a_ as SetCommandOptions, b0 as SetExCommand, b1 as SetNxCommand, b2 as SetRangeCommand, bd as StrLenCommand, bg as TimeCommand, bh as TouchCommand, bi as TtlCommand, bj as Type, bk as TypeCommand, bl as UnlinkCommand, U as UpstashRequest, c as UpstashResponse, bm as XAddCommand, bn as XRangeCommand, bq as ZAddCommand, bp as ZAddCommandOptions, br as ZCardCommand, bs as ZCountCommand, bt as ZDiffStoreCommand, bu as ZIncrByCommand, bv as ZInterStoreCommand, bw as ZInterStoreCommandOptions, bx as ZLexCountCommand, by as ZMScoreCommand, bz as ZPopMaxCommand, bA as ZPopMinCommand, bB as ZRangeCommand, bC as ZRangeCommandOptions, bD as ZRankCommand, bE as ZRemCommand, bF as ZRemRangeByLexCommand, bG as ZRemRangeByRankCommand, bH as ZRemRangeByScoreCommand, bI as ZRevRankCommand, bJ as ZScanCommand, bK as ZScoreCommand, bL as ZUnionCommand, bM as ZUnionCommandOptions, bN as ZUnionStoreCommand, bO as ZUnionStoreCommandOptions, e as errors } from './zmscore-BhX8yEQc.js';

@@ -27,2 +27,6 @@ type Env = {

keepAlive?: boolean;
* When this flag is enabled, any subsequent commands issued by this client are guaranteed to observe the effects of all earlier writes submitted by the same client.
readYourWrites?: boolean;
} & RedisOptions & RequesterConfig & Env;

@@ -52,2 +56,2 @@ /**

export { Redis, RedisConfigCloudflare };
export { Redis, type RedisConfigCloudflare };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true}); function _nullishCoalesce(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } } function _optionalChain(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) =>, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }var _chunkPXDAFHKPjs = require('./chunk-PXDAFHKP.js');var a=class l extends _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.c{constructor(e,t){if(!e.url)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'url' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");if(!e.token)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'token' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");(e.url.startsWith(" ")||e.url.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.url))&&console.warn("The redis url contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!"),(e.token.startsWith(" ")||e.token.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.token))&&console.warn("The redis token contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!");let r=new (0, _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.b)({retry:e.retry,baseUrl:e.url,headers:{authorization:`Bearer ${e.token}`},responseEncoding:e.responseEncoding,signal:e.signal,keepAlive:e.keepAlive});if(super(r,{enableTelemetry:!_optionalChain([t, 'optionalAccess', _ => _.UPSTASH_DISABLE_TELEMETRY]),automaticDeserialization:e.automaticDeserialization,latencyLogging:e.latencyLogging,enableAutoPipelining:e.enableAutoPipelining}),this.addTelemetry({platform:"cloudflare",sdk:`@upstash/redis@${_chunkPXDAFHKPjs.d}`}),this.enableAutoPipelining)return this.autoPipeline()}static fromEnv(e,t){let r=_nullishCoalesce(_optionalChain([e, 'optionalAccess', _2 => _2.UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL]), () => (UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL)),n=_nullishCoalesce(_optionalChain([e, 'optionalAccess', _3 => _3.UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN]), () => (UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN));if(!r)throw new Error("Unable to find environment variable: `UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL`. Please add it via `wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL`");if(!n)throw new Error("Unable to find environment variable: `UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN`. Please add it via `wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN`");return new l({...t,url:r,token:n},e)}};exports.Redis = a; exports.errors = _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.a;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true}); function _nullishCoalesce(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } } function _optionalChain(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) =>, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }var _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs = require('./chunk-Q6EDGL5W.js');var a=class l extends _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.c{constructor(e,t){if(!e.url)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'url' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");if(!e.token)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'token' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");(e.url.startsWith(" ")||e.url.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.url))&&console.warn("The redis url contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!"),(e.token.startsWith(" ")||e.token.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.token))&&console.warn("The redis token contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!");let r=new (0, _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.b)({retry:e.retry,baseUrl:e.url,headers:{authorization:`Bearer ${e.token}`},responseEncoding:e.responseEncoding,signal:e.signal,keepAlive:e.keepAlive,readYourWrites:e.readYourWrites});if(super(r,{enableTelemetry:!_optionalChain([t, 'optionalAccess', _ => _.UPSTASH_DISABLE_TELEMETRY]),automaticDeserialization:e.automaticDeserialization,latencyLogging:e.latencyLogging,enableAutoPipelining:e.enableAutoPipelining}),this.addTelemetry({platform:"cloudflare",sdk:`@upstash/redis@${_chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.d}`}),this.enableAutoPipelining)return this.autoPipeline()}static fromEnv(e,t){let r=_nullishCoalesce(_optionalChain([e, 'optionalAccess', _2 => _2.UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL]), () => (UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL)),n=_nullishCoalesce(_optionalChain([e, 'optionalAccess', _3 => _3.UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN]), () => (UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN));if(!r)throw new Error("Unable to find environment variable: `UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL`. Please add it via `wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL`");if(!n)throw new Error("Unable to find environment variable: `UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN`. Please add it via `wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN`");return new l({...t,url:r,token:n},e)}};exports.Redis = a; exports.errors = _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.a;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { R as RedisOptions, a as RequesterConfig, b as Redis$1 } from './zmscore-09122379.js';
export { A as AppendCommand, B as BitCountCommand, f as BitOpCommand, g as BitPosCommand, C as CopyCommand, D as DBSizeCommand, i as DecrByCommand, h as DecrCommand, j as DelCommand, E as EchoCommand, k as EvalCommand, l as EvalshaCommand, m as ExistsCommand, o as ExpireAtCommand, n as ExpireCommand, F as FlushAllCommand, p as FlushDBCommand, G as GeoAddCommand, q as GeoAddCommandOptions, s as GeoDistCommand, t as GeoHashCommand, r as GeoMember, u as GeoPosCommand, v as GeoSearchCommand, w as GeoSearchStoreCommand, y as GetBitCommand, x as GetCommand, z as GetDelCommand, H as GetRangeCommand, I as GetSetCommand, J as HDelCommand, K as HExistsCommand, M as HGetAllCommand, L as HGetCommand, N as HIncrByCommand, O as HIncrByFloatCommand, Q as HKeysCommand, S as HLenCommand, T as HMGetCommand, V as HMSetCommand, W as HRandFieldCommand, X as HScanCommand, Y as HSetCommand, Z as HSetNXCommand, _ as HStrLenCommand, $ as HValsCommand, a1 as IncrByCommand, a2 as IncrByFloatCommand, a0 as IncrCommand, a3 as JsonArrAppendCommand, a4 as JsonArrIndexCommand, a5 as JsonArrInsertCommand, a6 as JsonArrLenCommand, a7 as JsonArrPopCommand, a8 as JsonArrTrimCommand, a9 as JsonClearCommand, aa as JsonDelCommand, ab as JsonForgetCommand, ac as JsonGetCommand, ad as JsonMGetCommand, ae as JsonNumIncrByCommand, af as JsonNumMultByCommand, ag as JsonObjKeysCommand, ah as JsonObjLenCommand, ai as JsonRespCommand, aj as JsonSetCommand, ak as JsonStrAppendCommand, al as JsonStrLenCommand, am as JsonToggleCommand, an as JsonTypeCommand, ao as KeysCommand, ap as LIndexCommand, aq as LInsertCommand, ar as LLenCommand, as as LMoveCommand, at as LPopCommand, au as LPushCommand, av as LPushXCommand, aw as LRangeCommand, ax as LRemCommand, ay as LSetCommand, az as LTrimCommand, aA as MGetCommand, aB as MSetCommand, aC as MSetNXCommand, aF as PExpireAtCommand, aE as PExpireCommand, aH as PSetEXCommand, aI as PTtlCommand, aD as PersistCommand, aG as PingCommand, P as Pipeline, aJ as PublishCommand, aN as RPopCommand, aO as RPushCommand, aP as RPushXCommand, aK as RandomKeyCommand, aL as RenameCommand, aM as RenameNXCommand, c as Requester, aQ as SAddCommand, aT as SCardCommand, aX as SDiffCommand, aY as SDiffStoreCommand, b3 as SInterCommand, b4 as SInterStoreCommand, b5 as SIsMemberCommand, b7 as SMIsMemberCommand, b6 as SMembersCommand, b8 as SMoveCommand, b9 as SPopCommand, ba as SRandMemberCommand, bb as SRemCommand, bc as SScanCommand, be as SUnionCommand, bf as SUnionStoreCommand, aR as ScanCommand, aS as ScanCommandOptions, bo as ScoreMember, aU as ScriptExistsCommand, aV as ScriptFlushCommand, aW as ScriptLoadCommand, a$ as SetBitCommand, aZ as SetCommand, a_ as SetCommandOptions, b0 as SetExCommand, b1 as SetNxCommand, b2 as SetRangeCommand, bd as StrLenCommand, bg as TimeCommand, bh as TouchCommand, bi as TtlCommand, bj as Type, bk as TypeCommand, bl as UnlinkCommand, U as UpstashRequest, d as UpstashResponse, bm as XAddCommand, bn as XRangeCommand, bq as ZAddCommand, bp as ZAddCommandOptions, br as ZCardCommand, bs as ZCountCommand, bt as ZDiffStoreCommand, bu as ZIncrByCommand, bv as ZInterStoreCommand, bw as ZInterStoreCommandOptions, bx as ZLexCountCommand, by as ZMScoreCommand, bz as ZPopMaxCommand, bA as ZPopMinCommand, bB as ZRangeCommand, bC as ZRangeCommandOptions, bD as ZRankCommand, bE as ZRemCommand, bF as ZRemRangeByLexCommand, bG as ZRemRangeByRankCommand, bH as ZRemRangeByScoreCommand, bI as ZRevRankCommand, bJ as ZScanCommand, bK as ZScoreCommand, bL as ZUnionCommand, bM as ZUnionCommandOptions, bN as ZUnionStoreCommand, bO as ZUnionStoreCommandOptions, e as errors } from './zmscore-09122379.js';
import { R as RedisOptions, a as RequesterConfig, b as Redis$1 } from './zmscore-BhX8yEQc.js';
export { A as AppendCommand, B as BitCountCommand, f as BitOpCommand, g as BitPosCommand, C as CopyCommand, D as DBSizeCommand, i as DecrByCommand, h as DecrCommand, j as DelCommand, E as EchoCommand, k as EvalCommand, l as EvalshaCommand, m as ExistsCommand, o as ExpireAtCommand, n as ExpireCommand, F as FlushAllCommand, p as FlushDBCommand, G as GeoAddCommand, q as GeoAddCommandOptions, s as GeoDistCommand, t as GeoHashCommand, r as GeoMember, u as GeoPosCommand, v as GeoSearchCommand, w as GeoSearchStoreCommand, y as GetBitCommand, x as GetCommand, z as GetDelCommand, H as GetRangeCommand, I as GetSetCommand, J as HDelCommand, K as HExistsCommand, M as HGetAllCommand, L as HGetCommand, N as HIncrByCommand, O as HIncrByFloatCommand, Q as HKeysCommand, S as HLenCommand, T as HMGetCommand, V as HMSetCommand, W as HRandFieldCommand, X as HScanCommand, Y as HSetCommand, Z as HSetNXCommand, _ as HStrLenCommand, $ as HValsCommand, a1 as IncrByCommand, a2 as IncrByFloatCommand, a0 as IncrCommand, a3 as JsonArrAppendCommand, a4 as JsonArrIndexCommand, a5 as JsonArrInsertCommand, a6 as JsonArrLenCommand, a7 as JsonArrPopCommand, a8 as JsonArrTrimCommand, a9 as JsonClearCommand, aa as JsonDelCommand, ab as JsonForgetCommand, ac as JsonGetCommand, ad as JsonMGetCommand, ae as JsonNumIncrByCommand, af as JsonNumMultByCommand, ag as JsonObjKeysCommand, ah as JsonObjLenCommand, ai as JsonRespCommand, aj as JsonSetCommand, ak as JsonStrAppendCommand, al as JsonStrLenCommand, am as JsonToggleCommand, an as JsonTypeCommand, ao as KeysCommand, ap as LIndexCommand, aq as LInsertCommand, ar as LLenCommand, as as LMoveCommand, at as LPopCommand, au as LPushCommand, av as LPushXCommand, aw as LRangeCommand, ax as LRemCommand, ay as LSetCommand, az as LTrimCommand, aA as MGetCommand, aB as MSetCommand, aC as MSetNXCommand, aF as PExpireAtCommand, aE as PExpireCommand, aH as PSetEXCommand, aI as PTtlCommand, aD as PersistCommand, aG as PingCommand, P as Pipeline, aJ as PublishCommand, aN as RPopCommand, aO as RPushCommand, aP as RPushXCommand, aK as RandomKeyCommand, aL as RenameCommand, aM as RenameNXCommand, d as Requester, aQ as SAddCommand, aT as SCardCommand, aX as SDiffCommand, aY as SDiffStoreCommand, b3 as SInterCommand, b4 as SInterStoreCommand, b5 as SIsMemberCommand, b7 as SMIsMemberCommand, b6 as SMembersCommand, b8 as SMoveCommand, b9 as SPopCommand, ba as SRandMemberCommand, bb as SRemCommand, bc as SScanCommand, be as SUnionCommand, bf as SUnionStoreCommand, aR as ScanCommand, aS as ScanCommandOptions, bo as ScoreMember, aU as ScriptExistsCommand, aV as ScriptFlushCommand, aW as ScriptLoadCommand, a$ as SetBitCommand, aZ as SetCommand, a_ as SetCommandOptions, b0 as SetExCommand, b1 as SetNxCommand, b2 as SetRangeCommand, bd as StrLenCommand, bg as TimeCommand, bh as TouchCommand, bi as TtlCommand, bj as Type, bk as TypeCommand, bl as UnlinkCommand, U as UpstashRequest, c as UpstashResponse, bm as XAddCommand, bn as XRangeCommand, bq as ZAddCommand, bp as ZAddCommandOptions, br as ZCardCommand, bs as ZCountCommand, bt as ZDiffStoreCommand, bu as ZIncrByCommand, bv as ZInterStoreCommand, bw as ZInterStoreCommandOptions, bx as ZLexCountCommand, by as ZMScoreCommand, bz as ZPopMaxCommand, bA as ZPopMinCommand, bB as ZRangeCommand, bC as ZRangeCommandOptions, bD as ZRankCommand, bE as ZRemCommand, bF as ZRemRangeByLexCommand, bG as ZRemRangeByRankCommand, bH as ZRemRangeByScoreCommand, bI as ZRevRankCommand, bJ as ZScanCommand, bK as ZScoreCommand, bL as ZUnionCommand, bM as ZUnionCommandOptions, bN as ZUnionStoreCommand, bO as ZUnionStoreCommandOptions, e as errors } from './zmscore-BhX8yEQc.js';

@@ -24,2 +24,6 @@ /**

keepAlive?: boolean;
* When this flag is enabled, any subsequent commands issued by this client are guaranteed to observe the effects of all earlier writes submitted by the same client.
readYourWrites?: boolean;
} & RedisOptions & RequesterConfig;

@@ -45,2 +49,2 @@ /**

export { Redis, RedisConfigFastly };
export { Redis, type RedisConfigFastly };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true});var _chunkPXDAFHKPjs = require('./chunk-PXDAFHKP.js');var i=class extends _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.c{constructor(e){if(!e.url)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'url' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");if(!e.token)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'token' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");(e.url.startsWith(" ")||e.url.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.url))&&console.warn("The redis url contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!"),(e.token.startsWith(" ")||e.token.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.token))&&console.warn("The redis token contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!");let n=new (0, _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.b)({baseUrl:e.url,retry:e.retry,headers:{authorization:`Bearer ${e.token}`},options:{backend:e.backend},responseEncoding:e.responseEncoding,keepAlive:e.keepAlive});if(super(n,{automaticDeserialization:e.automaticDeserialization,enableAutoPipelining:e.enableAutoPipelining}),this.addTelemetry({sdk:`@upstash/redis@${_chunkPXDAFHKPjs.d}`,platform:"fastly"}),this.enableAutoPipelining)return this.autoPipeline()}};exports.Redis = i; exports.errors = _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.a;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true});var _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs = require('./chunk-Q6EDGL5W.js');var i=class extends _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.c{constructor(e){if(!e.url)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'url' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");if(!e.token)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'token' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");(e.url.startsWith(" ")||e.url.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.url))&&console.warn("The redis url contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!"),(e.token.startsWith(" ")||e.token.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.token))&&console.warn("The redis token contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!");let o=new (0, _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.b)({baseUrl:e.url,retry:e.retry,headers:{authorization:`Bearer ${e.token}`},options:{backend:e.backend},responseEncoding:e.responseEncoding,keepAlive:e.keepAlive,readYourWrites:e.readYourWrites});if(super(o,{automaticDeserialization:e.automaticDeserialization,enableAutoPipelining:e.enableAutoPipelining}),this.addTelemetry({sdk:`@upstash/redis@${_chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.d}`,platform:"fastly"}),this.enableAutoPipelining)return this.autoPipeline()}};exports.Redis = i; exports.errors = _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.a;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { R as RedisOptions, a as RequesterConfig, b as Redis$1, c as Requester } from './zmscore-09122379.js';
export { A as AppendCommand, B as BitCountCommand, f as BitOpCommand, g as BitPosCommand, C as CopyCommand, D as DBSizeCommand, i as DecrByCommand, h as DecrCommand, j as DelCommand, E as EchoCommand, k as EvalCommand, l as EvalshaCommand, m as ExistsCommand, o as ExpireAtCommand, n as ExpireCommand, F as FlushAllCommand, p as FlushDBCommand, G as GeoAddCommand, q as GeoAddCommandOptions, s as GeoDistCommand, t as GeoHashCommand, r as GeoMember, u as GeoPosCommand, v as GeoSearchCommand, w as GeoSearchStoreCommand, y as GetBitCommand, x as GetCommand, z as GetDelCommand, H as GetRangeCommand, I as GetSetCommand, J as HDelCommand, K as HExistsCommand, M as HGetAllCommand, L as HGetCommand, N as HIncrByCommand, O as HIncrByFloatCommand, Q as HKeysCommand, S as HLenCommand, T as HMGetCommand, V as HMSetCommand, W as HRandFieldCommand, X as HScanCommand, Y as HSetCommand, Z as HSetNXCommand, _ as HStrLenCommand, $ as HValsCommand, a1 as IncrByCommand, a2 as IncrByFloatCommand, a0 as IncrCommand, a3 as JsonArrAppendCommand, a4 as JsonArrIndexCommand, a5 as JsonArrInsertCommand, a6 as JsonArrLenCommand, a7 as JsonArrPopCommand, a8 as JsonArrTrimCommand, a9 as JsonClearCommand, aa as JsonDelCommand, ab as JsonForgetCommand, ac as JsonGetCommand, ad as JsonMGetCommand, ae as JsonNumIncrByCommand, af as JsonNumMultByCommand, ag as JsonObjKeysCommand, ah as JsonObjLenCommand, ai as JsonRespCommand, aj as JsonSetCommand, ak as JsonStrAppendCommand, al as JsonStrLenCommand, am as JsonToggleCommand, an as JsonTypeCommand, ao as KeysCommand, ap as LIndexCommand, aq as LInsertCommand, ar as LLenCommand, as as LMoveCommand, at as LPopCommand, au as LPushCommand, av as LPushXCommand, aw as LRangeCommand, ax as LRemCommand, ay as LSetCommand, az as LTrimCommand, aA as MGetCommand, aB as MSetCommand, aC as MSetNXCommand, aF as PExpireAtCommand, aE as PExpireCommand, aH as PSetEXCommand, aI as PTtlCommand, aD as PersistCommand, aG as PingCommand, P as Pipeline, aJ as PublishCommand, aN as RPopCommand, aO as RPushCommand, aP as RPushXCommand, aK as RandomKeyCommand, aL as RenameCommand, aM as RenameNXCommand, aQ as SAddCommand, aT as SCardCommand, aX as SDiffCommand, aY as SDiffStoreCommand, b3 as SInterCommand, b4 as SInterStoreCommand, b5 as SIsMemberCommand, b7 as SMIsMemberCommand, b6 as SMembersCommand, b8 as SMoveCommand, b9 as SPopCommand, ba as SRandMemberCommand, bb as SRemCommand, bc as SScanCommand, be as SUnionCommand, bf as SUnionStoreCommand, aR as ScanCommand, aS as ScanCommandOptions, bo as ScoreMember, aU as ScriptExistsCommand, aV as ScriptFlushCommand, aW as ScriptLoadCommand, a$ as SetBitCommand, aZ as SetCommand, a_ as SetCommandOptions, b0 as SetExCommand, b1 as SetNxCommand, b2 as SetRangeCommand, bd as StrLenCommand, bg as TimeCommand, bh as TouchCommand, bi as TtlCommand, bj as Type, bk as TypeCommand, bl as UnlinkCommand, U as UpstashRequest, d as UpstashResponse, bm as XAddCommand, bn as XRangeCommand, bq as ZAddCommand, bp as ZAddCommandOptions, br as ZCardCommand, bs as ZCountCommand, bt as ZDiffStoreCommand, bu as ZIncrByCommand, bv as ZInterStoreCommand, bw as ZInterStoreCommandOptions, bx as ZLexCountCommand, by as ZMScoreCommand, bz as ZPopMaxCommand, bA as ZPopMinCommand, bB as ZRangeCommand, bC as ZRangeCommandOptions, bD as ZRankCommand, bE as ZRemCommand, bF as ZRemRangeByLexCommand, bG as ZRemRangeByRankCommand, bH as ZRemRangeByScoreCommand, bI as ZRevRankCommand, bJ as ZScanCommand, bK as ZScoreCommand, bL as ZUnionCommand, bM as ZUnionCommandOptions, bN as ZUnionStoreCommand, bO as ZUnionStoreCommandOptions, e as errors } from './zmscore-09122379.js';
import { R as RedisOptions, a as RequesterConfig, b as Redis$1 } from './zmscore-BhX8yEQc.js';
export { A as AppendCommand, B as BitCountCommand, f as BitOpCommand, g as BitPosCommand, C as CopyCommand, D as DBSizeCommand, i as DecrByCommand, h as DecrCommand, j as DelCommand, E as EchoCommand, k as EvalCommand, l as EvalshaCommand, m as ExistsCommand, o as ExpireAtCommand, n as ExpireCommand, F as FlushAllCommand, p as FlushDBCommand, G as GeoAddCommand, q as GeoAddCommandOptions, s as GeoDistCommand, t as GeoHashCommand, r as GeoMember, u as GeoPosCommand, v as GeoSearchCommand, w as GeoSearchStoreCommand, y as GetBitCommand, x as GetCommand, z as GetDelCommand, H as GetRangeCommand, I as GetSetCommand, J as HDelCommand, K as HExistsCommand, M as HGetAllCommand, L as HGetCommand, N as HIncrByCommand, O as HIncrByFloatCommand, Q as HKeysCommand, S as HLenCommand, T as HMGetCommand, V as HMSetCommand, W as HRandFieldCommand, X as HScanCommand, Y as HSetCommand, Z as HSetNXCommand, _ as HStrLenCommand, $ as HValsCommand, a1 as IncrByCommand, a2 as IncrByFloatCommand, a0 as IncrCommand, a3 as JsonArrAppendCommand, a4 as JsonArrIndexCommand, a5 as JsonArrInsertCommand, a6 as JsonArrLenCommand, a7 as JsonArrPopCommand, a8 as JsonArrTrimCommand, a9 as JsonClearCommand, aa as JsonDelCommand, ab as JsonForgetCommand, ac as JsonGetCommand, ad as JsonMGetCommand, ae as JsonNumIncrByCommand, af as JsonNumMultByCommand, ag as JsonObjKeysCommand, ah as JsonObjLenCommand, ai as JsonRespCommand, aj as JsonSetCommand, ak as JsonStrAppendCommand, al as JsonStrLenCommand, am as JsonToggleCommand, an as JsonTypeCommand, ao as KeysCommand, ap as LIndexCommand, aq as LInsertCommand, ar as LLenCommand, as as LMoveCommand, at as LPopCommand, au as LPushCommand, av as LPushXCommand, aw as LRangeCommand, ax as LRemCommand, ay as LSetCommand, az as LTrimCommand, aA as MGetCommand, aB as MSetCommand, aC as MSetNXCommand, aF as PExpireAtCommand, aE as PExpireCommand, aH as PSetEXCommand, aI as PTtlCommand, aD as PersistCommand, aG as PingCommand, P as Pipeline, aJ as PublishCommand, aN as RPopCommand, aO as RPushCommand, aP as RPushXCommand, aK as RandomKeyCommand, aL as RenameCommand, aM as RenameNXCommand, d as Requester, aQ as SAddCommand, aT as SCardCommand, aX as SDiffCommand, aY as SDiffStoreCommand, b3 as SInterCommand, b4 as SInterStoreCommand, b5 as SIsMemberCommand, b7 as SMIsMemberCommand, b6 as SMembersCommand, b8 as SMoveCommand, b9 as SPopCommand, ba as SRandMemberCommand, bb as SRemCommand, bc as SScanCommand, be as SUnionCommand, bf as SUnionStoreCommand, aR as ScanCommand, aS as ScanCommandOptions, bo as ScoreMember, aU as ScriptExistsCommand, aV as ScriptFlushCommand, aW as ScriptLoadCommand, a$ as SetBitCommand, aZ as SetCommand, a_ as SetCommandOptions, b0 as SetExCommand, b1 as SetNxCommand, b2 as SetRangeCommand, bd as StrLenCommand, bg as TimeCommand, bh as TouchCommand, bi as TtlCommand, bj as Type, bk as TypeCommand, bl as UnlinkCommand, U as UpstashRequest, c as UpstashResponse, bm as XAddCommand, bn as XRangeCommand, bq as ZAddCommand, bp as ZAddCommandOptions, br as ZCardCommand, bs as ZCountCommand, bt as ZDiffStoreCommand, bu as ZIncrByCommand, bv as ZInterStoreCommand, bw as ZInterStoreCommandOptions, bx as ZLexCountCommand, by as ZMScoreCommand, bz as ZPopMaxCommand, bA as ZPopMinCommand, bB as ZRangeCommand, bC as ZRangeCommandOptions, bD as ZRankCommand, bE as ZRemCommand, bF as ZRemRangeByLexCommand, bG as ZRemRangeByRankCommand, bH as ZRemRangeByScoreCommand, bI as ZRevRankCommand, bJ as ZScanCommand, bK as ZScoreCommand, bL as ZUnionCommand, bM as ZUnionCommandOptions, bN as ZUnionStoreCommand, bO as ZUnionStoreCommandOptions, e as errors } from './zmscore-BhX8yEQc.js';

@@ -38,4 +38,8 @@ /**

latencyLogging?: boolean;
agent?: any;
agent?: unknown;
keepAlive?: boolean;
* When this flag is enabled, any subsequent commands issued by this client are guaranteed to observe the effects of all earlier writes submitted by the same client.
readYourWrites?: boolean;
} & RedisOptions & RequesterConfig;

@@ -59,20 +63,2 @@ /**

* Create a new redis client by providing a custom `Requester` implementation
* @example
* ```ts
* import { UpstashRequest, Requester, UpstashResponse, Redis } from "@upstash/redis"
* const requester: Requester = {
* request: <TResult>(req: UpstashRequest): Promise<UpstashResponse<TResult>> => {
* // ...
* }
* }
* const redis = new Redis(requester)
* ```
constructor(requesters: Requester);
* Create a new Upstash Redis instance from environment variables.

@@ -89,2 +75,2 @@ *

export { Redis, RedisConfigNodejs, Requester };
export { Redis, type RedisConfigNodejs };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true}); function _optionalChain(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) =>, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }var _chunkPXDAFHKPjs = require('./chunk-PXDAFHKP.js');typeof atob>"u"&&(global.atob=o=>Buffer.from(o,"base64").toString("utf-8"));var a=class o extends _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.c{constructor(e){if("request"in e){super(e);return}if(!e.url)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'url' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");if(!e.token)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'token' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");(e.url.startsWith(" ")||e.url.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.url))&&console.warn("The redis url contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!"),(e.token.startsWith(" ")||e.token.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.token))&&console.warn("The redis token contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!");let n=new (0, _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.b)({baseUrl:e.url,retry:e.retry,headers:{authorization:`Bearer ${e.token}`},agent:e.agent,responseEncoding:e.responseEncoding,cache:e.cache||"no-store",signal:e.signal,keepAlive:e.keepAlive});if(super(n,{automaticDeserialization:e.automaticDeserialization,enableTelemetry:!process.env.UPSTASH_DISABLE_TELEMETRY,latencyLogging:e.latencyLogging,enableAutoPipelining:e.enableAutoPipelining}),this.addTelemetry({runtime:typeof EdgeRuntime=="string"?"edge-light":`node@${process.version}`,platform:process.env.VERCEL?"vercel":process.env.AWS_REGION?"aws":"unknown",sdk:`@upstash/redis@${_chunkPXDAFHKPjs.d}`}),this.enableAutoPipelining)return this.autoPipeline()}static fromEnv(e){if(typeof _optionalChain([process, 'optionalAccess', _ => _.env])>"u")throw new Error('Unable to get environment variables, `process.env` is undefined. If you are deploying to cloudflare, please import from "@upstash/redis/cloudflare" instead');let n=_optionalChain([process, 'optionalAccess', _2 => _2.env, 'access', _3 => _3.UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL]);if(!n)throw new Error("Unable to find environment variable: `UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL`");let t=_optionalChain([process, 'optionalAccess', _4 => _4.env, 'access', _5 => _5.UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN]);if(!t)throw new Error("Unable to find environment variable: `UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN`");return new o({...e,url:n,token:t})}};exports.Redis = a; exports.errors = _chunkPXDAFHKPjs.a;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true}); function _nullishCoalesce(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } }var _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs = require('./chunk-Q6EDGL5W.js');typeof atob>"u"&&(global.atob=o=>Buffer.from(o,"base64").toString("utf8"));var a=class o extends _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.c{constructor(e){if("request"in e){super(e);return}if(!e.url)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'url' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");if(!e.token)throw new Error("[Upstash Redis] The 'token' property is missing or undefined in your Redis config.");(e.url.startsWith(" ")||e.url.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.url))&&console.warn("The redis url contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!"),(e.token.startsWith(" ")||e.token.endsWith(" ")||/\r|\n/.test(e.token))&&console.warn("The redis token contains whitespace or newline, which can cause errors!");let n=new (0, _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.b)({baseUrl:e.url,retry:e.retry,headers:{authorization:`Bearer ${e.token}`},agent:e.agent,responseEncoding:e.responseEncoding,cache:_nullishCoalesce(e.cache, () => ("no-store")),signal:e.signal,keepAlive:e.keepAlive,readYourWrites:e.readYourWrites});if(super(n,{automaticDeserialization:e.automaticDeserialization,enableTelemetry:!process.env.UPSTASH_DISABLE_TELEMETRY,latencyLogging:e.latencyLogging,enableAutoPipelining:e.enableAutoPipelining}),this.addTelemetry({runtime:typeof EdgeRuntime=="string"?"edge-light":`node@${process.version}`,platform:process.env.VERCEL?"vercel":process.env.AWS_REGION?"aws":"unknown",sdk:`@upstash/redis@${_chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.d}`}),this.enableAutoPipelining)return this.autoPipeline()}static fromEnv(e){if(process.env===void 0)throw new TypeError('Unable to get environment variables, `process.env` is undefined. If you are deploying to cloudflare, please import from "@upstash/redis/cloudflare" instead');let n=process.env.UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL;if(!n)throw new Error("Unable to find environment variable: `UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL`");let t=process.env.UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN;if(!t)throw new Error("Unable to find environment variable: `UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN`");return new o({...e,url:n,token:t})}};exports.Redis = a; exports.errors = _chunkQ6EDGL5Wjs.a;

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

{"name":"@upstash/redis","version":"v0.0.0-ci.36b99fe61e20938c8fd7b7f2656098fa97889a9d-20240710063149","main":"./nodejs.js","module":"./nodejs.mjs","exports":{".":{"import":"./nodejs.mjs","require":"./nodejs.js"},"./node":{"import":"./nodejs.mjs","require":"./nodejs.js"},"./node.js":"./node.js","./node.mjs":"./node.mjs","./cloudflare":{"import":"./cloudflare.mjs","require":"./cloudflare.js"},"./cloudflare.js":"./cloudflare.js","./cloudflare.mjs":"./cloudflare.mjs","./fastly":{"import":"./fastly.mjs","require":"./fastly.js"},"./fastly.js":"./fastly.js","./fastly.mjs":"./fastly.mjs"},"types":"./nodejs.d.ts","description":"An HTTP/REST based Redis client built on top of Upstash REST API.","repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+"},"keywords":["redis","database","serverless","edge","upstash"],"files":["./**"],"scripts":{"build":"tsup && cp ./dist/ && cp package.json ./dist/ && cp LICENSE ./dist/","test":"bun test pkg --coverage --timeout 20000","fmt":"bunx @biomejs/biome check --apply ./pkg"},"author":"Andreas Thomas <>","license":"MIT","bugs":{"url":""},"homepage":"","typesVersions":{"*":{"nodejs":["./nodejs.d.ts"],"cloudflare":["./cloudflare.d.ts"],"fastly":["./fastly.d.ts"]}},"devDependencies":{"@biomejs/biome":"latest","@types/crypto-js":"^4.1.3","bun-types":"1.0.33","husky":"^8.0.3","tsup":"^7.2.0","typescript":"latest"},"dependencies":{"crypto-js":"^4.2.0"}}
{"name":"@upstash/redis","version":"v0.0.0-ci.3776e8876cc55f21211d13e2cc35ac8b1011f1d4-20240917195005","main":"./nodejs.js","module":"./nodejs.mjs","exports":{".":{"import":"./nodejs.mjs","require":"./nodejs.js"},"./node":{"import":"./nodejs.mjs","require":"./nodejs.js"},"./node.js":"./node.js","./node.mjs":"./node.mjs","./cloudflare":{"import":"./cloudflare.mjs","require":"./cloudflare.js"},"./cloudflare.js":"./cloudflare.js","./cloudflare.mjs":"./cloudflare.mjs","./fastly":{"import":"./fastly.mjs","require":"./fastly.js"},"./fastly.js":"./fastly.js","./fastly.mjs":"./fastly.mjs"},"types":"./nodejs.d.ts","description":"An HTTP/REST based Redis client built on top of Upstash REST API.","repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+"},"keywords":["redis","database","serverless","edge","upstash"],"files":["./**"],"scripts":{"build":"tsup && cp ./dist/ && cp package.json ./dist/ && cp LICENSE ./dist/","test":"bun test pkg","fmt":"prettier --write \"**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,json,md}\"","lint":"eslint \"**/*.{js,ts,tsx}\" --quiet --fix","format":"prettier --write \"**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,json,md}\"","format:check":"prettier --check \"**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,json,md}\"","lint:fix":"eslint . -c .ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx --fix","commit":"cz","lint:format":"bun run lint:fix && bun run format"},"author":"Andreas Thomas <>","license":"MIT","bugs":{"url":""},"homepage":"","typesVersions":{"*":{"nodejs":["./nodejs.d.ts"],"cloudflare":["./cloudflare.d.ts"],"fastly":["./fastly.d.ts"]}},"devDependencies":{"@biomejs/biome":"latest","@commitlint/cli":"^19.3.0","@commitlint/config-conventional":"^19.2.2","@types/crypto-js":"^4.1.3","@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin":"8.4.0","@typescript-eslint/parser":"8.4.0","bun-types":"1.0.33","eslint":"9.10.0","eslint-plugin-unicorn":"55.0.0","husky":"^9.1.1","prettier":"^3.3.3","tsup":"^8.2.3","typescript":"latest"},"dependencies":{"crypto-js":"^4.2.0"}}

@@ -98,3 +98,3 @@ # Upstash Redis

See [the documentation]( for
See [the documentation]( for

@@ -123,3 +123,2 @@

### Telemetry

@@ -126,0 +125,0 @@

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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