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@upstash/redis - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.8 to 0.1.9



@@ -12,2 +12,5 @@ export declare type ClientObjectProps = {

export declare type Part = string | boolean | number;
export declare type Bit = 0 | 1;
export declare type Infinities = '+inf' | '-inf';
export declare type ZSetNumber = Infinities | number | string;
declare type Auth1 = (options?: ClientObjectProps) => void;

@@ -18,114 +21,143 @@ declare type Auth2 = (url?: string, token?: string) => void;

auth: Auth1 & Auth2 & Auth3;
append: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
decr: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
decrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
get: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incr: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incrbyfloat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
mget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
mset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
msetnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
psetex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
set: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
strlen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitpos: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getbit: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setbit: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
echo: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ping: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hdel: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hexists: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hgetall: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hincrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hincrbyfloat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hkeys: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hlen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hmget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hmset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hscan: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hsetnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hvals: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
del: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
exists: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
expire: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
expireat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
keys: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
persist: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pexpire: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pexpireat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pttl: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
randomkey: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rename: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
renamenx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
scan: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
touch: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ttl: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
type: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
unlink: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lindex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
linsert: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
llen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpushx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lrem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ltrim: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpoplpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpushx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
dbsize: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
flushall: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
flushdb: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
info: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
time: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sadd: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
scard: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sdiff: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sdiffstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sinter: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sinterstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sismember: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
smembers: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
smove: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
spop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
srandmember: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
srem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sunion: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sunionstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zadd: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zcard: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zincrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zinterstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zlexcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zpopmax: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zpopmin: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zunionstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
append: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
decr: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
decrby: (key: string, decrement: number) => MethodReturn;
get: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
getrange: (key: string, start: number, end: number) => MethodReturn;
getset: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
incr: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
incrby: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
incrbyfloat: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
mget: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
mset: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
msetnx: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
psetex: (key: string, miliseconds: number, value: string | number) => MethodReturn;
set: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
setex: (key: string, seconds: number, value: string | number) => MethodReturn;
setnx: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
setrange: (key: string, offset: number | string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
strlen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
bitcount: (key: string, start?: number, end?: number) => MethodReturn;
bitop: (operation: 'AND' | 'OR' | 'XOR' | 'NOT', destinationKey: string, sourceKeys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
bitpos: (key: string, bit: Bit, start?: number, end?: number) => MethodReturn;
getbit: (key: string, offset: number) => MethodReturn;
setbit: (key: string, offset: number, value: Bit) => MethodReturn;
echo: (value: string) => MethodReturn;
ping: (value?: string) => MethodReturn;
hdel: (key: string, fields: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hexists: (key: string, field: string) => MethodReturn;
hget: (key: string, field: string) => MethodReturn;
hgetall: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hincrby: (key: string, field: string, increment: number | string) => MethodReturn;
hincrbyfloat: (key: string, field: string, increment: number | string) => MethodReturn;
hkeys: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hlen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hmget: (key: string, fields: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hmset: (key: string, values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hscan: (key: string, cursor: number, options?: {
match?: number | string;
count?: number | string;
}) => MethodReturn;
hset: (key: string, values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hsetnx: (key: string, field: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
hvals: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
del: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
exists: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
expire: (key: string, seconds: number) => MethodReturn;
expireat: (key: string, timestamp: number | string) => MethodReturn;
keys: (pattern: string) => MethodReturn;
persist: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
pexpire: (key: string, miliseconds: number) => MethodReturn;
pexpireat: (key: string, miliseconds: number) => MethodReturn;
pttl: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
randomkey: () => MethodReturn;
rename: (key: string, newKey: string) => MethodReturn;
renamenx: (key: string, newKey: string) => MethodReturn;
scan: (cursor: number, opitons?: {
match?: number | string;
count?: number | string;
}) => MethodReturn;
touch: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
ttl: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
type: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
unlink: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lindex: (key: string, index: number) => MethodReturn;
linsert: (key: string, option: 'BEFORE' | 'AFTER', pivot: string, element: string) => MethodReturn;
llen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
lpop: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
lpush: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lpushx: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lrange: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
lrem: (key: string, count: number, element: string) => MethodReturn;
lset: (key: string, index: number, element: string) => MethodReturn;
ltrim: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
rpop: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
rpoplpush: (source: string, destination: string) => MethodReturn;
rpush: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
rpushx: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
dbsize: () => MethodReturn;
flushall: (mode?: 'ASYNC') => MethodReturn;
flushdb: (mode?: 'ASYNC') => MethodReturn;
info: () => MethodReturn;
time: () => MethodReturn;
sadd: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
scard: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
sdiff: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sdiffstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sinter: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sinterstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sismember: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
smembers: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
smove: (source: string, destination: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
spop: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
srandmember: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
srem: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sunion: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sunionstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
zadd: (key: string, values: ZSetNumber[], options?: ({
xx?: boolean;
} | {
nx?: boolean;
}) & {
ch?: boolean;
incr: boolean;
}) => MethodReturn;
zcard: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
zcount: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zincrby: (key: string, increment: number | string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zinterstore: (destination: string, keys: string[], options?: {
weights?: number[];
aggregate?: 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM';
}) => MethodReturn;
zlexcount: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zpopmax: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zpopmin: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zrange: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber, options?: {
withScores: boolean;
}) => MethodReturn;
zrangebylex: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber, offset?: number, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zrangebyscore: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber, options?: {
withScores?: boolean;
limit?: {
offset: number;
count: number;
}) => MethodReturn;
zrank: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zrem: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebylex: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyrank: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyscore: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zrevrange: (key: string, start: number, stop: number, options?: {
withScores: boolean;
}) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebylex: (key: string, max: ZSetNumber, min: ZSetNumber, offset?: number, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebyscore: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zrevrank: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zscore: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zunionstore: (destination: string, keys: string[], options?: {
weights?: number[];
aggregate?: 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM';
}) => MethodReturn;
export {};
import upstash from './client';
export default upstash;
export declare const auth: ((options?: import("./types").ClientObjectProps | undefined) => void) & ((url?: string | undefined, token?: string | undefined) => void) & ((url?: string | import("./types").ClientObjectProps | undefined, token?: string | undefined) => void), append: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, decr: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, decrby: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, get: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, getrange: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, getset: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, incr: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, incrby: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, incrbyfloat: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, mget: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, mset: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, msetnx: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, psetex: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, set: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, setex: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, setnx: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, setrange: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, strlen: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, bitcount: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, bitop: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, bitpos: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, getbit: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, setbit: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, echo: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, ping: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hdel: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hexists: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hget: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hgetall: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hincrby: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hincrbyfloat: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hkeys: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hlen: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hmget: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hmset: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hscan: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hset: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hsetnx: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hvals: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, del: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, exists: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, expire: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, expireat: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, keys: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, persist: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, pexpire: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, pexpireat: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, pttl: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, randomkey: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rename: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, renamenx: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, scan: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, touch: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, ttl: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, type: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, unlink: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lindex: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, linsert: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, llen: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lpop: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lpush: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lpushx: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lrange: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lrem: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lset: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, ltrim: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rpop: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rpoplpush: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rpush: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rpushx: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, dbsize: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, flushall: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, flushdb: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, info: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, time: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sadd: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, scard: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sdiff: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sdiffstore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sinter: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sinterstore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sismember: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, smembers: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, smove: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, spop: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, srandmember: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, srem: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sunion: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sunionstore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zadd: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zcard: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zcount: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zincrby: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zinterstore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zlexcount: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zpopmax: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zpopmin: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrange: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrangebylex: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrangebyscore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrank: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrem: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zremrangebylex: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zremrangebyrank: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zremrangebyscore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrevrange: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrevrangebylex: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrevrangebyscore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrevrank: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zscore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zunionstore: (...args: any) => import("./types").MethodReturn;
export declare const auth: ((options?: import("./types").ClientObjectProps | undefined) => void) & ((url?: string | undefined, token?: string | undefined) => void) & ((url?: string | import("./types").ClientObjectProps | undefined, token?: string | undefined) => void), append: (key: string, value: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, decr: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, decrby: (key: string, decrement: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, get: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, getrange: (key: string, start: number, end: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, getset: (key: string, value: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, incr: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, incrby: (key: string, value: string | number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, incrbyfloat: (key: string, value: string | number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, mget: (values: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, mset: (values: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, msetnx: (values: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, psetex: (key: string, miliseconds: number, value: string | number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, set: (key: string, value: string | number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, setex: (key: string, seconds: number, value: string | number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, setnx: (key: string, value: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, setrange: (key: string, offset: string | number, value: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, strlen: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, bitcount: (key: string, start?: number | undefined, end?: number | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, bitop: (operation: "AND" | "OR" | "XOR" | "NOT", destinationKey: string, sourceKeys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, bitpos: (key: string, bit: import("./types").Bit, start?: number | undefined, end?: number | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, getbit: (key: string, offset: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, setbit: (key: string, offset: number, value: import("./types").Bit) => import("./types").MethodReturn, echo: (value: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, ping: (value?: string | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hdel: (key: string, fields: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hexists: (key: string, field: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hget: (key: string, field: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hgetall: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hincrby: (key: string, field: string, increment: string | number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hincrbyfloat: (key: string, field: string, increment: string | number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hkeys: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hlen: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hmget: (key: string, fields: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hmset: (key: string, values: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hscan: (key: string, cursor: number, options?: {
match?: string | number | undefined;
count?: string | number | undefined;
} | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hset: (key: string, values: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hsetnx: (key: string, field: string, value: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, hvals: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, del: (keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, exists: (keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, expire: (key: string, seconds: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, expireat: (key: string, timestamp: string | number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, keys: (pattern: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, persist: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, pexpire: (key: string, miliseconds: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, pexpireat: (key: string, miliseconds: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, pttl: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, randomkey: () => import("./types").MethodReturn, rename: (key: string, newKey: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, renamenx: (key: string, newKey: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, scan: (cursor: number, opitons?: {
match?: string | number | undefined;
count?: string | number | undefined;
} | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, touch: (keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, ttl: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, type: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, unlink: (keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lindex: (key: string, index: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, linsert: (key: string, option: "BEFORE" | "AFTER", pivot: string, element: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, llen: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lpop: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lpush: (key: string, elements: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lpushx: (key: string, elements: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lrange: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lrem: (key: string, count: number, element: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, lset: (key: string, index: number, element: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, ltrim: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rpop: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rpoplpush: (source: string, destination: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rpush: (key: string, elements: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, rpushx: (key: string, elements: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, dbsize: () => import("./types").MethodReturn, flushall: (mode?: "ASYNC" | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, flushdb: (mode?: "ASYNC" | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, info: () => import("./types").MethodReturn, time: () => import("./types").MethodReturn, sadd: (key: string, members: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, scard: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sdiff: (keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sdiffstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sinter: (keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sinterstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sismember: (key: string, member: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, smembers: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, smove: (source: string, destination: string, member: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, spop: (key: string, count?: number | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, srandmember: (key: string, count?: number | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, srem: (key: string, members: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sunion: (keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, sunionstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zadd: (key: string, values: import("./types").ZSetNumber[], options?: (({
xx?: boolean | undefined;
} | {
nx?: boolean | undefined;
}) & {
ch?: boolean | undefined;
incr: boolean;
}) | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zcard: (key: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zcount: (key: string, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zincrby: (key: string, increment: string | number, member: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zinterstore: (destination: string, keys: string[], options?: {
weights?: number[] | undefined;
aggregate?: "MIN" | "MAX" | "SUM" | undefined;
} | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zlexcount: (key: string, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zpopmax: (key: string, count?: number | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zpopmin: (key: string, count?: number | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrange: (key: string, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber, options?: {
withScores: boolean;
} | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrangebylex: (key: string, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber, offset?: number | undefined, count?: number | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrangebyscore: (key: string, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber, options?: {
withScores?: boolean | undefined;
limit?: {
offset: number;
count: number;
} | undefined;
} | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrank: (key: string, member: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrem: (key: string, members: string[]) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zremrangebylex: (key: string, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zremrangebyrank: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zremrangebyscore: (key: string, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrevrange: (key: string, start: number, stop: number, options?: {
withScores: boolean;
} | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrevrangebylex: (key: string, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, offset?: number | undefined, count?: number | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrevrangebyscore: (key: string, min: import("./types").ZSetNumber, max: import("./types").ZSetNumber) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zrevrank: (key: string, member: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zscore: (key: string, member: string) => import("./types").MethodReturn, zunionstore: (destination: string, keys: string[], options?: {
weights?: number[] | undefined;
aggregate?: "MIN" | "MAX" | "SUM" | undefined;
} | undefined) => import("./types").MethodReturn;

@@ -12,2 +12,5 @@ export declare type ClientObjectProps = {

export declare type Part = string | boolean | number;
export declare type Bit = 0 | 1;
export declare type Infinities = '+inf' | '-inf';
export declare type ZSetNumber = Infinities | number | string;
declare type Auth1 = (options?: ClientObjectProps) => void;

@@ -18,114 +21,143 @@ declare type Auth2 = (url?: string, token?: string) => void;

auth: Auth1 & Auth2 & Auth3;
append: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
decr: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
decrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
get: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incr: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incrbyfloat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
mget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
mset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
msetnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
psetex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
set: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
strlen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitpos: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getbit: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setbit: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
echo: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ping: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hdel: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hexists: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hgetall: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hincrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hincrbyfloat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hkeys: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hlen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hmget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hmset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hscan: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hsetnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hvals: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
del: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
exists: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
expire: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
expireat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
keys: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
persist: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pexpire: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pexpireat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pttl: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
randomkey: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rename: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
renamenx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
scan: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
touch: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ttl: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
type: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
unlink: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lindex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
linsert: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
llen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpushx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lrem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ltrim: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpoplpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpushx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
dbsize: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
flushall: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
flushdb: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
info: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
time: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sadd: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
scard: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sdiff: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sdiffstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sinter: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sinterstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sismember: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
smembers: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
smove: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
spop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
srandmember: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
srem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sunion: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sunionstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zadd: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zcard: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zincrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zinterstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zlexcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zpopmax: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zpopmin: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zunionstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
append: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
decr: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
decrby: (key: string, decrement: number) => MethodReturn;
get: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
getrange: (key: string, start: number, end: number) => MethodReturn;
getset: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
incr: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
incrby: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
incrbyfloat: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
mget: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
mset: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
msetnx: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
psetex: (key: string, miliseconds: number, value: string | number) => MethodReturn;
set: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
setex: (key: string, seconds: number, value: string | number) => MethodReturn;
setnx: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
setrange: (key: string, offset: number | string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
strlen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
bitcount: (key: string, start?: number, end?: number) => MethodReturn;
bitop: (operation: 'AND' | 'OR' | 'XOR' | 'NOT', destinationKey: string, sourceKeys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
bitpos: (key: string, bit: Bit, start?: number, end?: number) => MethodReturn;
getbit: (key: string, offset: number) => MethodReturn;
setbit: (key: string, offset: number, value: Bit) => MethodReturn;
echo: (value: string) => MethodReturn;
ping: (value?: string) => MethodReturn;
hdel: (key: string, fields: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hexists: (key: string, field: string) => MethodReturn;
hget: (key: string, field: string) => MethodReturn;
hgetall: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hincrby: (key: string, field: string, increment: number | string) => MethodReturn;
hincrbyfloat: (key: string, field: string, increment: number | string) => MethodReturn;
hkeys: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hlen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hmget: (key: string, fields: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hmset: (key: string, values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hscan: (key: string, cursor: number, options?: {
match?: number | string;
count?: number | string;
}) => MethodReturn;
hset: (key: string, values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hsetnx: (key: string, field: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
hvals: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
del: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
exists: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
expire: (key: string, seconds: number) => MethodReturn;
expireat: (key: string, timestamp: number | string) => MethodReturn;
keys: (pattern: string) => MethodReturn;
persist: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
pexpire: (key: string, miliseconds: number) => MethodReturn;
pexpireat: (key: string, miliseconds: number) => MethodReturn;
pttl: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
randomkey: () => MethodReturn;
rename: (key: string, newKey: string) => MethodReturn;
renamenx: (key: string, newKey: string) => MethodReturn;
scan: (cursor: number, opitons?: {
match?: number | string;
count?: number | string;
}) => MethodReturn;
touch: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
ttl: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
type: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
unlink: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lindex: (key: string, index: number) => MethodReturn;
linsert: (key: string, option: 'BEFORE' | 'AFTER', pivot: string, element: string) => MethodReturn;
llen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
lpop: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
lpush: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lpushx: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lrange: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
lrem: (key: string, count: number, element: string) => MethodReturn;
lset: (key: string, index: number, element: string) => MethodReturn;
ltrim: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
rpop: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
rpoplpush: (source: string, destination: string) => MethodReturn;
rpush: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
rpushx: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
dbsize: () => MethodReturn;
flushall: (mode?: 'ASYNC') => MethodReturn;
flushdb: (mode?: 'ASYNC') => MethodReturn;
info: () => MethodReturn;
time: () => MethodReturn;
sadd: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
scard: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
sdiff: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sdiffstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sinter: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sinterstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sismember: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
smembers: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
smove: (source: string, destination: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
spop: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
srandmember: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
srem: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sunion: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sunionstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
zadd: (key: string, values: ZSetNumber[], options?: ({
xx?: boolean;
} | {
nx?: boolean;
}) & {
ch?: boolean;
incr: boolean;
}) => MethodReturn;
zcard: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
zcount: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zincrby: (key: string, increment: number | string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zinterstore: (destination: string, keys: string[], options?: {
weights?: number[];
aggregate?: 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM';
}) => MethodReturn;
zlexcount: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zpopmax: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zpopmin: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zrange: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber, options?: {
withScores: boolean;
}) => MethodReturn;
zrangebylex: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber, offset?: number, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zrangebyscore: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber, options?: {
withScores?: boolean;
limit?: {
offset: number;
count: number;
}) => MethodReturn;
zrank: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zrem: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebylex: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyrank: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyscore: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zrevrange: (key: string, start: number, stop: number, options?: {
withScores: boolean;
}) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebylex: (key: string, max: ZSetNumber, min: ZSetNumber, offset?: number, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebyscore: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zrevrank: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zscore: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zunionstore: (destination: string, keys: string[], options?: {
weights?: number[];
aggregate?: 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM';
}) => MethodReturn;
export {};
"name": "@upstash/redis",
"version": "0.1.8",
"version": "0.1.9",
"description": "An HTTP/REST based Redis client built on top of Upstash REST API.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "Adem ilter <>",

@@ -16,2 +16,8 @@ export type ClientObjectProps = {

export type Bit = 0 | 1;
export type Infinities = '+inf' | '-inf';
export type ZSetNumber = Infinities | number | string;
type Auth1 = (options?: ClientObjectProps) => void;

@@ -24,121 +30,214 @@ type Auth2 = (url?: string, token?: string) => void;

append: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
decr: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
decrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
get: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incr: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
incrbyfloat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
mget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
mset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
msetnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
psetex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
set: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
strlen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
append: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
decr: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
decrby: (key: string, decrement: number) => MethodReturn;
get: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
getrange: (key: string, start: number, end: number) => MethodReturn;
getset: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
incr: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
incrby: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
incrbyfloat: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
mget: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
mset: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
msetnx: (values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
psetex: (
key: string,
miliseconds: number,
value: string | number
) => MethodReturn;
set: (key: string, value: number | string) => MethodReturn;
setex: (key: string, seconds: number, value: string | number) => MethodReturn;
setnx: (key: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
setrange: (
key: string,
offset: number | string,
value: string
) => MethodReturn;
strlen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
bitcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitpos: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
getbit: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
setbit: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
bitcount: (key: string, start?: number, end?: number) => MethodReturn;
bitop: (
operation: 'AND' | 'OR' | 'XOR' | 'NOT',
destinationKey: string,
sourceKeys: string[]
) => MethodReturn;
bitpos: (key: string, bit: Bit, start?: number, end?: number) => MethodReturn;
getbit: (key: string, offset: number) => MethodReturn;
setbit: (key: string, offset: number, value: Bit) => MethodReturn;
echo: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ping: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
echo: (value: string) => MethodReturn;
ping: (value?: string) => MethodReturn;
hdel: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hexists: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hgetall: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hincrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hincrbyfloat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hkeys: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hlen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hmget: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hmset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hscan: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hsetnx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hvals: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
hdel: (key: string, fields: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hexists: (key: string, field: string) => MethodReturn;
hget: (key: string, field: string) => MethodReturn;
hgetall: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hincrby: (
key: string,
field: string,
increment: number | string
) => MethodReturn;
hincrbyfloat: (
key: string,
field: string,
increment: number | string
) => MethodReturn;
hkeys: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hlen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
hmget: (key: string, fields: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hmset: (key: string, values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hscan: (
key: string,
cursor: number,
options?: { match?: number | string; count?: number | string }
) => MethodReturn;
hset: (key: string, values: string[]) => MethodReturn;
hsetnx: (key: string, field: string, value: string) => MethodReturn;
hvals: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
del: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
exists: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
expire: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
expireat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
keys: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
persist: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pexpire: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pexpireat: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
pttl: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
randomkey: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rename: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
renamenx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
scan: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
touch: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ttl: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
type: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
unlink: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
del: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
exists: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
expire: (key: string, seconds: number) => MethodReturn;
expireat: (key: string, timestamp: number | string) => MethodReturn;
keys: (pattern: string) => MethodReturn;
persist: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
pexpire: (key: string, miliseconds: number) => MethodReturn;
pexpireat: (key: string, miliseconds: number) => MethodReturn;
pttl: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
randomkey: () => MethodReturn;
rename: (key: string, newKey: string) => MethodReturn;
renamenx: (key: string, newKey: string) => MethodReturn;
scan: (
cursor: number,
opitons?: { match?: number | string; count?: number | string }
) => MethodReturn;
touch: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
ttl: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
type: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
unlink: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lindex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
linsert: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
llen: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lpushx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lrem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lset: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
ltrim: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpoplpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpush: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
rpushx: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
lindex: (key: string, index: number) => MethodReturn;
linsert: (
key: string,
option: 'BEFORE' | 'AFTER',
pivot: string,
element: string
) => MethodReturn;
llen: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
lpop: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
lpush: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lpushx: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
lrange: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
lrem: (key: string, count: number, element: string) => MethodReturn;
lset: (key: string, index: number, element: string) => MethodReturn;
ltrim: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
rpop: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
rpoplpush: (source: string, destination: string) => MethodReturn;
rpush: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
rpushx: (key: string, elements: string[]) => MethodReturn;
dbsize: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
flushall: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
flushdb: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
info: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
time: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
dbsize: () => MethodReturn;
flushall: (mode?: 'ASYNC') => MethodReturn;
flushdb: (mode?: 'ASYNC') => MethodReturn;
info: () => MethodReturn;
time: () => MethodReturn;
sadd: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
scard: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sdiff: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sdiffstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sinter: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sinterstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sismember: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
smembers: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
smove: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
spop: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
srandmember: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
srem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sunion: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sunionstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
sadd: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
scard: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
sdiff: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sdiffstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sinter: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sinterstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sismember: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
smembers: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
smove: (source: string, destination: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
spop: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
srandmember: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
srem: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sunion: (keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
sunionstore: (destination: string, keys: string[]) => MethodReturn;
zadd: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zcard: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zincrby: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zinterstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zlexcount: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zpopmax: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zpopmin: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrem: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrange: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebylex: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebyscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zrevrank: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zscore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zunionstore: (...args: any) => MethodReturn;
zadd: (
key: string,
values: ZSetNumber[],
options?: ({ xx?: boolean } | { nx?: boolean }) & {
ch?: boolean;
incr: boolean;
) => MethodReturn;
zcard: (key: string) => MethodReturn;
zcount: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zincrby: (
key: string,
increment: number | string,
member: string
) => MethodReturn;
zinterstore: (
destination: string,
keys: string[],
options?: { weights?: number[]; aggregate?: 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM' }
) => MethodReturn;
zlexcount: (key: string, min: ZSetNumber, max: ZSetNumber) => MethodReturn;
zpopmax: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zpopmin: (key: string, count?: number) => MethodReturn;
zrange: (
key: string,
min: ZSetNumber,
max: ZSetNumber,
options?: { withScores: boolean }
) => MethodReturn;
zrangebylex: (
key: string,
min: ZSetNumber,
max: ZSetNumber,
offset?: number,
count?: number
) => MethodReturn;
zrangebyscore: (
key: string,
min: ZSetNumber,
max: ZSetNumber,
options?: {
withScores?: boolean;
limit?: { offset: number; count: number };
) => MethodReturn;
zrank: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zrem: (key: string, members: string[]) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebylex: (
key: string,
min: ZSetNumber,
max: ZSetNumber
) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyrank: (key: string, start: number, stop: number) => MethodReturn;
zremrangebyscore: (
key: string,
min: ZSetNumber,
max: ZSetNumber
) => MethodReturn;
zrevrange: (
key: string,
start: number,
stop: number,
options?: { withScores: boolean }
) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebylex: (
key: string,
max: ZSetNumber,
min: ZSetNumber,
offset?: number,
count?: number
) => MethodReturn;
zrevrangebyscore: (
key: string,
min: ZSetNumber,
max: ZSetNumber
) => MethodReturn;
zrevrank: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zscore: (key: string, member: string) => MethodReturn;
zunionstore: (
destination: string,
keys: string[],
options?: { weights?: number[]; aggregate?: 'MIN' | 'MAX' | 'SUM' }
) => MethodReturn;
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