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@vanilla-extract/css - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-transform-perf-2022820614 to 0.0.0-vite-plugin-new-20231228080614




@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var mockAdapter = {
const mockAdapter = {
appendCss: () => {},

@@ -14,14 +14,11 @@ registerClassName: () => {},

var adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
var currentAdapter = () => {
const adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
const currentAdapter = () => {
if (adapterStack.length < 1) {
throw new Error('No adapter configured');
return adapterStack[adapterStack.length - 1];
var hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
var setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
let hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
const setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
if (!hasConfiguredAdapter) {

@@ -31,32 +28,38 @@ setAdapter(newAdapter);

var setAdapter = newAdapter => {
const setAdapter = newAdapter => {
if (!newAdapter) {
throw new Error('No adapter provided when calling "setAdapter"');
hasConfiguredAdapter = true;
var removeAdapter = () => {
const removeAdapter = () => {
var appendCss = function appendCss() {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...arguments);
const appendCss = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...props);
var registerClassName = function registerClassName() {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...arguments);
const registerClassName = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...props);
var registerComposition = function registerComposition() {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...arguments);
const registerComposition = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...props);
var markCompositionUsed = function markCompositionUsed() {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...arguments);
const markCompositionUsed = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...props);
var onEndFileScope = function onEndFileScope() {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...arguments);
const onBeginFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onBeginFileScope?.(...props);
var getIdentOption = function getIdentOption() {
var adapter = currentAdapter(); // Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
const onEndFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...props);
const getIdentOption = (...props) => {
const adapter = currentAdapter();
// Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
if (!('getIdentOption' in adapter)) {
return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'short' : 'debug';
return adapter.getIdentOption(...arguments);
return adapter.getIdentOption(...props);

@@ -68,2 +71,3 @@

exports.mockAdapter = mockAdapter;
exports.onBeginFileScope = onBeginFileScope;
exports.onEndFileScope = onEndFileScope;

@@ -70,0 +74,0 @@ exports.registerClassName = registerClassName;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

var mockAdapter = {
const mockAdapter = {
appendCss: () => {},

@@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ registerClassName: () => {},

var adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
var currentAdapter = () => {
const adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
const currentAdapter = () => {
if (adapterStack.length < 1) {
throw new Error('No adapter configured');
return adapterStack[adapterStack.length - 1];
var hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
var setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
let hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
const setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
if (!hasConfiguredAdapter) {

@@ -26,34 +23,40 @@ setAdapter(newAdapter);

var setAdapter = newAdapter => {
const setAdapter = newAdapter => {
if (!newAdapter) {
throw new Error('No adapter provided when calling "setAdapter"');
hasConfiguredAdapter = true;
var removeAdapter = () => {
const removeAdapter = () => {
var appendCss = function appendCss() {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...arguments);
const appendCss = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...props);
var registerClassName = function registerClassName() {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...arguments);
const registerClassName = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...props);
var registerComposition = function registerComposition() {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...arguments);
const registerComposition = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...props);
var markCompositionUsed = function markCompositionUsed() {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...arguments);
const markCompositionUsed = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...props);
var onEndFileScope = function onEndFileScope() {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...arguments);
const onBeginFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onBeginFileScope?.(...props);
var getIdentOption = function getIdentOption() {
var adapter = currentAdapter(); // Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
const onEndFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...props);
const getIdentOption = (...props) => {
const adapter = currentAdapter();
// Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
if (!('getIdentOption' in adapter)) {
return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'short' : 'debug';
return adapter.getIdentOption(...arguments);
return adapter.getIdentOption(...props);
export { appendCss, getIdentOption, markCompositionUsed, mockAdapter, onEndFileScope, registerClassName, registerComposition, removeAdapter, setAdapter, setAdapterIfNotSet };
export { appendCss, getIdentOption, markCompositionUsed, mockAdapter, onBeginFileScope, onEndFileScope, registerClassName, registerComposition, removeAdapter, setAdapter, setAdapterIfNotSet };

@@ -1,1 +0,231 @@

export * from "../../dist/declarations/src/adapter";
import { AtRule, Properties } from 'csstype';
type CSSVarFunction = `var(--${string})` | `var(--${string}, ${string | number})`;
declare const simplePseudoMap: {
readonly ':-moz-any-link': true;
readonly ':-moz-full-screen': true;
readonly ':-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-only': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-write': true;
readonly ':-ms-fullscreen': true;
readonly ':-ms-input-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-webkit-any-link': true;
readonly ':-webkit-full-screen': true;
readonly '::-moz-color-swatch': true;
readonly '::-moz-list-bullet': true;
readonly '::-moz-list-number': true;
readonly '::-moz-page-sequence': true;
readonly '::-moz-page': true;
readonly '::-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-moz-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-progress': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-thumb': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-track': true;
readonly '::-moz-scrolled-page-sequence': true;
readonly '::-moz-selection': true;
readonly '::-ms-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-ms-browse': true;
readonly '::-ms-check': true;
readonly '::-ms-clear': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-lower': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-upper': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill': true;
readonly '::-ms-reveal': true;
readonly '::-ms-thumb': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-after': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-before': true;
readonly '::-ms-tooltip': true;
readonly '::-ms-track': true;
readonly '::-ms-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-webkit-inner-spin-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-input-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-inner-element': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-optimum-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-outer-spin-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-element': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-resizer': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-corner': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-search-cancel-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-search-results-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-runnable-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-thumb': true;
readonly '::after': true;
readonly '::backdrop': true;
readonly '::before': true;
readonly '::cue': true;
readonly '::file-selector-button': true;
readonly '::first-letter': true;
readonly '::first-line': true;
readonly '::grammar-error': true;
readonly '::marker': true;
readonly '::placeholder': true;
readonly '::selection': true;
readonly '::spelling-error': true;
readonly '::target-text': true;
readonly '::view-transition-group': true;
readonly '::view-transition-image-pair': true;
readonly '::view-transition-new': true;
readonly '::view-transition-old': true;
readonly '::view-transition': true;
readonly ':active': true;
readonly ':after': true;
readonly ':any-link': true;
readonly ':before': true;
readonly ':blank': true;
readonly ':checked': true;
readonly ':default': true;
readonly ':defined': true;
readonly ':disabled': true;
readonly ':empty': true;
readonly ':enabled': true;
readonly ':first-child': true;
readonly ':first-letter': true;
readonly ':first-line': true;
readonly ':first-of-type': true;
readonly ':first': true;
readonly ':focus-visible': true;
readonly ':focus-within': true;
readonly ':focus': true;
readonly ':fullscreen': true;
readonly ':hover': true;
readonly ':in-range': true;
readonly ':indeterminate': true;
readonly ':invalid': true;
readonly ':last-child': true;
readonly ':last-of-type': true;
readonly ':left': true;
readonly ':link': true;
readonly ':only-child': true;
readonly ':only-of-type': true;
readonly ':optional': true;
readonly ':out-of-range': true;
readonly ':placeholder-shown': true;
readonly ':read-only': true;
readonly ':read-write': true;
readonly ':required': true;
readonly ':right': true;
readonly ':root': true;
readonly ':scope': true;
readonly ':target': true;
readonly ':valid': true;
readonly ':visited': true;
type SimplePseudos = keyof typeof simplePseudoMap;
interface ContainerProperties {
container?: string;
containerType?: 'size' | 'inline-size' | (string & {});
containerName?: string;
type CSSTypeProperties = Properties<number | (string & {})> & ContainerProperties;
type CSSProperties = {
[Property in keyof CSSTypeProperties]: CSSTypeProperties[Property] | CSSVarFunction | Array<CSSVarFunction | CSSTypeProperties[Property]>;
interface CSSKeyframes {
[time: string]: CSSProperties;
type CSSPropertiesWithVars = CSSProperties & {
vars?: {
[key: string]: string;
type PseudoProperties = {
[key in SimplePseudos]?: CSSPropertiesWithVars;
type CSSPropertiesAndPseudos = CSSPropertiesWithVars & PseudoProperties;
type Query<Key extends string, StyleType> = {
[key in Key]?: {
[query: string]: Omit<StyleType, Key>;
type MediaQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@media', StyleType>;
type FeatureQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@supports', StyleType>;
type ContainerQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@container', StyleType>;
type Layers<StyleType> = Query<'@layer', StyleType>;
interface AllQueries<StyleType> extends MediaQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, FeatureQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, ContainerQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, Layers<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>> {
type WithQueries<StyleType> = StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>;
interface SelectorMap {
[selector: string]: CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
interface StyleWithSelectors extends CSSPropertiesAndPseudos {
selectors?: SelectorMap;
type StyleRule = StyleWithSelectors & WithQueries<StyleWithSelectors>;
type GlobalStyleRule = CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
type GlobalFontFaceRule = Omit<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'> & Required<Pick<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'>>;
type CSSStyleBlock = {
type: 'local';
selector: string;
rule: StyleRule;
type CSSFontFaceBlock = {
type: 'fontFace';
rule: GlobalFontFaceRule;
type CSSKeyframesBlock = {
type: 'keyframes';
name: string;
rule: CSSKeyframes;
type CSSSelectorBlock = {
type: 'selector' | 'global';
selector: string;
rule: GlobalStyleRule;
type CSSLayerDeclaration = {
type: 'layer';
name: string;
type CSS = CSSStyleBlock | CSSFontFaceBlock | CSSKeyframesBlock | CSSSelectorBlock | CSSLayerDeclaration;
type FileScope = {
packageName?: string;
filePath: string;
interface Composition {
identifier: string;
classList: string;
type CustomIdentFunction = (params: {
hash: string;
filePath: string;
debugId?: string;
packageName?: string;
}) => string;
type IdentOption = 'short' | 'debug' | CustomIdentFunction;
interface Adapter {
appendCss: (css: CSS, fileScope: FileScope) => void;
registerClassName: (className: string, fileScope: FileScope) => void;
registerComposition: (composition: Composition, fileScope: FileScope) => void;
markCompositionUsed: (identifier: string) => void;
onBeginFileScope?: (fileScope: FileScope) => void;
onEndFileScope: (fileScope: FileScope) => void;
getIdentOption: () => IdentOption;
declare const mockAdapter: Adapter;
declare const setAdapterIfNotSet: (newAdapter: Adapter) => void;
declare const setAdapter: (newAdapter: Adapter) => void;
declare const removeAdapter: () => void;
declare const appendCss: Adapter['appendCss'];
declare const registerClassName: Adapter['registerClassName'];
declare const registerComposition: Adapter['registerComposition'];
declare const markCompositionUsed: Adapter['markCompositionUsed'];
declare const onBeginFileScope: NonNullable<Adapter['onBeginFileScope']>;
declare const onEndFileScope: Adapter['onEndFileScope'];
declare const getIdentOption: Adapter['getIdentOption'];
export { appendCss, getIdentOption, markCompositionUsed, mockAdapter, onBeginFileScope, onEndFileScope, registerClassName, registerComposition, removeAdapter, setAdapter, setAdapterIfNotSet };

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var mockAdapter = {
const mockAdapter = {
appendCss: () => {},

@@ -14,14 +14,11 @@ registerClassName: () => {},

var adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
var currentAdapter = () => {
const adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
const currentAdapter = () => {
if (adapterStack.length < 1) {
throw new Error('No adapter configured');
return adapterStack[adapterStack.length - 1];
var hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
var setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
let hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
const setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
if (!hasConfiguredAdapter) {

@@ -31,32 +28,38 @@ setAdapter(newAdapter);

var setAdapter = newAdapter => {
const setAdapter = newAdapter => {
if (!newAdapter) {
throw new Error('No adapter provided when calling "setAdapter"');
hasConfiguredAdapter = true;
var removeAdapter = () => {
const removeAdapter = () => {
var appendCss = function appendCss() {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...arguments);
const appendCss = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...props);
var registerClassName = function registerClassName() {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...arguments);
const registerClassName = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...props);
var registerComposition = function registerComposition() {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...arguments);
const registerComposition = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...props);
var markCompositionUsed = function markCompositionUsed() {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...arguments);
const markCompositionUsed = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...props);
var onEndFileScope = function onEndFileScope() {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...arguments);
const onBeginFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onBeginFileScope?.(...props);
var getIdentOption = function getIdentOption() {
var adapter = currentAdapter(); // Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
const onEndFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...props);
const getIdentOption = (...props) => {
const adapter = currentAdapter();
// Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
if (!('getIdentOption' in adapter)) {
return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'short' : 'debug';
return adapter.getIdentOption(...arguments);
return adapter.getIdentOption(...props);

@@ -68,2 +71,3 @@

exports.mockAdapter = mockAdapter;
exports.onBeginFileScope = onBeginFileScope;
exports.onEndFileScope = onEndFileScope;

@@ -70,0 +74,0 @@ exports.registerClassName = registerClassName;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var mockAdapter = {
const mockAdapter = {
appendCss: () => {},

@@ -14,14 +14,11 @@ registerClassName: () => {},

var adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
var currentAdapter = () => {
const adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
const currentAdapter = () => {
if (adapterStack.length < 1) {
throw new Error('No adapter configured');
return adapterStack[adapterStack.length - 1];
var hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
var setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
let hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
const setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
if (!hasConfiguredAdapter) {

@@ -31,32 +28,38 @@ setAdapter(newAdapter);

var setAdapter = newAdapter => {
const setAdapter = newAdapter => {
if (!newAdapter) {
throw new Error('No adapter provided when calling "setAdapter"');
hasConfiguredAdapter = true;
var removeAdapter = () => {
const removeAdapter = () => {
var appendCss = function appendCss() {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...arguments);
const appendCss = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...props);
var registerClassName = function registerClassName() {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...arguments);
const registerClassName = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...props);
var registerComposition = function registerComposition() {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...arguments);
const registerComposition = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...props);
var markCompositionUsed = function markCompositionUsed() {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...arguments);
const markCompositionUsed = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...props);
var onEndFileScope = function onEndFileScope() {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...arguments);
const onBeginFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onBeginFileScope?.(...props);
var getIdentOption = function getIdentOption() {
var adapter = currentAdapter(); // Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
const onEndFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...props);
const getIdentOption = (...props) => {
const adapter = currentAdapter();
// Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
if (!('getIdentOption' in adapter)) {
return 'short' ;
return adapter.getIdentOption(...arguments);
return adapter.getIdentOption(...props);

@@ -68,2 +71,3 @@

exports.mockAdapter = mockAdapter;
exports.onBeginFileScope = onBeginFileScope;
exports.onEndFileScope = onEndFileScope;

@@ -70,0 +74,0 @@ exports.registerClassName = registerClassName;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

var mockAdapter = {
const mockAdapter = {
appendCss: () => {},

@@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ registerClassName: () => {},

var adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
var currentAdapter = () => {
const adapterStack = [mockAdapter];
const currentAdapter = () => {
if (adapterStack.length < 1) {
throw new Error('No adapter configured');
return adapterStack[adapterStack.length - 1];
var hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
var setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
let hasConfiguredAdapter = false;
const setAdapterIfNotSet = newAdapter => {
if (!hasConfiguredAdapter) {

@@ -26,34 +23,40 @@ setAdapter(newAdapter);

var setAdapter = newAdapter => {
const setAdapter = newAdapter => {
if (!newAdapter) {
throw new Error('No adapter provided when calling "setAdapter"');
hasConfiguredAdapter = true;
var removeAdapter = () => {
const removeAdapter = () => {
var appendCss = function appendCss() {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...arguments);
const appendCss = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().appendCss(...props);
var registerClassName = function registerClassName() {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...arguments);
const registerClassName = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerClassName(...props);
var registerComposition = function registerComposition() {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...arguments);
const registerComposition = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().registerComposition(...props);
var markCompositionUsed = function markCompositionUsed() {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...arguments);
const markCompositionUsed = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().markCompositionUsed(...props);
var onEndFileScope = function onEndFileScope() {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...arguments);
const onBeginFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onBeginFileScope?.(...props);
var getIdentOption = function getIdentOption() {
var adapter = currentAdapter(); // Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
const onEndFileScope = (...props) => {
return currentAdapter().onEndFileScope(...props);
const getIdentOption = (...props) => {
const adapter = currentAdapter();
// Backwards compatibility with old versions of the integration package
if (!('getIdentOption' in adapter)) {
return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'short' : 'debug';
return adapter.getIdentOption(...arguments);
return adapter.getIdentOption(...props);
export { appendCss, getIdentOption, markCompositionUsed, mockAdapter, onEndFileScope, registerClassName, registerComposition, removeAdapter, setAdapter, setAdapterIfNotSet };
export { appendCss, getIdentOption, markCompositionUsed, mockAdapter, onBeginFileScope, onEndFileScope, registerClassName, registerComposition, removeAdapter, setAdapter, setAdapterIfNotSet };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export * from "../../dist/declarations/src/disableRuntimeStyles";

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

var injectStyles_dist_vanillaExtractCssInjectStyles = require('../injectStyles/dist/vanilla-extract-css-injectStyles.browser.cjs.js');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('./transformCss-f44ba6d2.browser.cjs.js');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('./transformCss-97c9e882.browser.cjs.js');
var adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter = require('../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.browser.cjs.js');

@@ -15,6 +15,5 @@ var hash = require('@emotion/hash');

var chalk = require('chalk');
var taggedTemplateLiteral = require('./taggedTemplateLiteral-c635af00.browser.cjs.js');
var outdent = require('outdent');
var deepmerge = require('deepmerge');

@@ -31,6 +30,6 @@ require('media-query-parser');

var localClassNames = new Set();
var composedClassLists = [];
var bufferedCSSObjs = [];
var browserRuntimeAdapter = {
const localClassNames = new Set();
const composedClassLists = [];
let bufferedCSSObjs = [];
const browserRuntimeAdapter = {
appendCss: cssObj => {

@@ -47,3 +46,3 @@ bufferedCSSObjs.push(cssObj);

onEndFileScope: fileScope => {
var css = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.transformCss({
const css = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.transformCss({
localClassNames: Array.from(localClassNames),

@@ -61,3 +60,2 @@ composedClassLists,


@@ -67,107 +65,14 @@ adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.setAdapterIfNotSet(browserRuntimeAdapter);

function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
o.__proto__ = p;
return o;
return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
function _wrapRegExp() {
_wrapRegExp = function (re, groups) {
return new BabelRegExp(re, undefined, groups);
var _super = RegExp.prototype;
var _groups = new WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(re, flags, groups) {
var _this = new RegExp(re, flags);
_groups.set(_this, groups || _groups.get(re));
return _setPrototypeOf(_this, BabelRegExp.prototype);
_inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp);
BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
var result =, str);
if (result) result.groups = buildGroups(result, this);
return result;
BabelRegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] = function (str, substitution) {
if (typeof substitution === "string") {
var groups = _groups.get(this);
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (_, name) {
return "$" + groups[name];
} else if (typeof substitution === "function") {
var _this = this;
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, function () {
var args = arguments;
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] !== "object") {
args = [];
args.push(buildGroups(args, _this));
return substitution.apply(this, args);
} else {
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution);
function buildGroups(result, re) {
var g = _groups.get(re);
return Object.keys(g).reduce(function (groups, name) {
groups[name] = result[g[name]];
return groups;
}, Object.create(null));
return _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments);
function getDevPrefix(_ref) {
var {
} = _ref;
var parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
function getDevPrefix({
}) {
const parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
if (debugFileName) {
var {
const {
} = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope();
var matches = filePath.match( /*#__PURE__*/_wrapRegExp(/((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)?[\/\\]?((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/, {
dir: 1,
file: 2
const matches = filePath.match(/(?<dir>[^\/\\]*)?[\/\\]?(?<file>[^\/\\]*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/);
if (matches && matches.groups) {
var {
const {

@@ -179,42 +84,56 @@ file

return parts.join('_');
function normalizeIdentifier(identifier) {
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? `_${identifier}` : identifier;
function generateIdentifier(arg) {
var {
const identOption = adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.getIdentOption();
const {
debugFileName = true
} = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null), typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null); // Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
} = {
...(typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null),
...(typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null)
var refCount = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
var {
// Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
const refCount = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
const {
} = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope();
var fileScopeHash = hash__default["default"](packageName ? "".concat(packageName).concat(filePath) : filePath);
var identifier = "".concat(fileScopeHash).concat(refCount);
if (adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.getIdentOption() === 'debug') {
var devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
const fileScopeHash = hash__default["default"](packageName ? `${packageName}${filePath}` : filePath);
let identifier = `${fileScopeHash}${refCount}`;
if (identOption === 'debug') {
const devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
if (devPrefix) {
identifier = "".concat(devPrefix, "__").concat(identifier);
identifier = `${devPrefix}__${identifier}`;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? "_".concat(identifier) : identifier;
if (typeof identOption === 'function') {
identifier = identOption({
hash: identifier,
if (!identifier.match(/^[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+$/i)) {
throw new Error(`Identifier function returned invalid indentifier: "${identifier}"`);
return identifier;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
var normaliseObject = obj => _private.walkObject(obj, () => '');
const normaliseObject = obj => _private.walkObject(obj, () => '');
function validateContract(contract, tokens) {
var theDiff = deepObjectDiff.diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
var valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
const theDiff = deepObjectDiff.diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
const valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
return {

@@ -225,7 +144,5 @@ valid,

function diffLine(value, nesting, type) {
var whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
var line = "".concat(type ? type : ' ').concat(whitespace).concat(value);
const whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
const line = `${type ? type : ' '}${whitespace}${value}`;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {

@@ -235,3 +152,2 @@ if (type === '-') {

if (type === '+') {

@@ -241,35 +157,26 @@ return chalk__default["default"].green(line);

return line;
function renderDiff(orig, diff) {
var nesting = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
var lines = [];
function renderDiff(orig, diff, nesting = 0) {
const lines = [];
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('{', 0));
var innerNesting = nesting + 1;
var keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (var key of keys) {
var value = diff[key];
const innerNesting = nesting + 1;
const keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (const key of keys) {
const value = diff[key];
if (!(key in orig)) {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '+'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '+'));
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": {"), innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: {`, innerNesting));
lines.push(renderDiff(orig[key], diff[key], innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine('}', innerNesting));
} else {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '-'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '-'));
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('}', 0));
return lines.join('\n');

@@ -279,3 +186,3 @@ }

function createVar(debugId) {
var cssVarName = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier({
const cssVarName = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier({

@@ -286,11 +193,6 @@ debugFileName: false

return "var(--".concat(cssVarName, ")");
return `var(--${cssVarName})`;
function fallbackVar() {
var finalValue = '';
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key] = arguments[_key];
function fallbackVar(...values) {
let finalValue = '';
values.reverse().forEach(value => {

@@ -301,6 +203,5 @@ if (finalValue === '') {

if (typeof value !== 'string' || !/^var\(--.*\)$/.test(value)) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name: ".concat(value));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name: ${value}`);
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, ", ".concat(finalValue, ")"));
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, `, ${finalValue})`);

@@ -311,12 +212,10 @@ });

function assignVars(varContract, tokens) {
var varSetters = {};
var {
const varSetters = {};
const {
} = validateContract(varContract, tokens);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error("Tokens don't match contract.\n".concat(diffString));
throw new Error(`Tokens don't match contract.\n${diffString}`);
_private.walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {

@@ -328,4 +227,2 @@ varSetters[_private.get(varContract, path)] = String(value);

function createThemeContract(tokens) {
// TS is giving type impossibly deep error here. Ignoring for now as this shouldn't affect consumers.
// @ts-expect-error
return _private.walkObject(tokens, (_value, path) => {

@@ -337,12 +234,10 @@ return createVar(path.join('-'));

return _private.walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {
var rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
var varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
const rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
const varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
if (typeof varName !== 'string' || varName !== cssesc__default["default"](varName, {
isIdentifier: true
})) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name for \"".concat(path.join('.'), "\": ").concat(varName));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name for "${path.join('.')}": ${varName}`);
return "var(--".concat(varName, ")");
return `var(--${varName})`;

@@ -352,5 +247,5 @@ }

function createGlobalTheme(selector, arg2, arg3) {
var shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
var themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
var tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;
const shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
const themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
const tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;

@@ -363,3 +258,2 @@ type: 'global',

}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
if (shouldCreateVars) {

@@ -370,17 +264,14 @@ return themeVars;

function createTheme(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
var vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
const themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(themeClassName, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
const vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
return vars ? [themeClassName, vars] : themeClassName;
var _templateObject;
function composedStyle(rules, debugId) {
var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
var classList = [];
var styleRules = [];
for (var rule of rules) {
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(className, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
const classList = [];
const styleRules = [];
for (const rule of rules) {
if (typeof rule === 'string') {

@@ -392,12 +283,9 @@ classList.push(rule);

var result = className;
let result = className;
if (classList.length > 0) {
result = "".concat(className, " ").concat(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList));
result = `${className} ${transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList)}`;
identifier: className,
classList: result
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
if (styleRules.length > 0) {

@@ -409,19 +297,15 @@ // If there are styles attached to this composition then it is

if (styleRules.length > 0) {
var _rule = deepmerge__default["default"].all(styleRules, {
const rule = deepmerge__default["default"].all(styleRules, {
// Replace arrays rather than merging
arrayMerge: (_, sourceArray) => sourceArray
type: 'local',
selector: className,
rule: _rule
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return result;
function style(rule, debugId) {

@@ -431,5 +315,4 @@ if (Array.isArray(rule)) {

var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(className, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());

@@ -442,13 +325,8 @@ type: 'local',

* @deprecated The same functionality is now provided by the 'style' function when you pass it an array
function composeStyles() {
var compose = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList;
for (var _len = arguments.length, classNames = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
classNames[_key] = arguments[_key];
function composeStyles(...classNames) {
const compose = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList;
return compose(classNames);

@@ -464,16 +342,22 @@ }

function fontFace(rule, debugId) {
var fontFamily = "\"".concat(cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const fontFamily = `"${cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
quotes: 'double'
}), "\"");
if ('fontFamily' in rule) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"](_templateObject || (_templateObject = taggedTemplateLiteral._taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the \"fontFamily\" property should not be provided.\n \n If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the \"globalFontFace\" function instead.\n "]))));
const rules = Array.isArray(rule) ? rule : [rule];
for (const singleRule of rules) {
if ('fontFamily' in singleRule) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"]`
This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the "fontFamily" property should not be provided.
If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the "globalFontFace" function instead.
type: 'fontFace',
rule: {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
type: 'fontFace',
rule: transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return fontFamily;

@@ -484,9 +368,10 @@ }

type: 'fontFace',
rule: transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
rule: {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
function keyframes(rule, debugId) {
var name = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const name = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
isIdentifier: true

@@ -508,33 +393,63 @@ });

function styleVariants() {
if (typeof (arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1]) === 'function') {
var _data = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var _mapData = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var _debugId = arguments.length <= 2 ? undefined : arguments[2];
var _classMap = {};
for (var _key2 in _data) {
_classMap[_key2] = style(_mapData(_data[_key2], _key2), _debugId ? "".concat(_debugId, "_").concat(_key2) : _key2);
function styleVariants(...args) {
if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
const data = args[0];
const mapData = args[1];
const debugId = args[2];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in data) {
classMap[key] = style(mapData(data[key], key), debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return _classMap;
return classMap;
var styleMap = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var debugId = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var classMap = {};
for (var _key3 in styleMap) {
classMap[_key3] = style(styleMap[_key3], debugId ? "".concat(debugId, "_").concat(_key3) : _key3);
const styleMap = args[0];
const debugId = args[1];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in styleMap) {
classMap[key] = style(styleMap[key], debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return classMap;
// createContainer is used for local scoping of CSS containers
// For now it is mostly just an alias of generateIdentifier
const createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
var createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
const defaultLayerOptions = {};
const merge = (obj1, obj2) => ({
const getLayerArgs = (...args) => {
let options = defaultLayerOptions;
let debugId = args[0];
if (typeof args[0] === 'object') {
options = merge(defaultLayerOptions, args[0]);
debugId = args[1];
return [options, debugId];
function layer(...args) {
const [options, debugId] = getLayerArgs(...args);
let name = generateIdentifier(debugId);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return name;
function globalLayer(...args) {
let [options, name] = getLayerArgs(...args);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return name;

@@ -554,5 +469,7 @@ exports.assignVars = assignVars;

exports.globalKeyframes = globalKeyframes;
exports.globalLayer = globalLayer;
exports.globalStyle = globalStyle;
exports.keyframes = keyframes;
exports.layer = layer; = style;
exports.styleVariants = styleVariants;
import { injectStyles } from '../injectStyles/dist/vanilla-extract-css-injectStyles.browser.esm.js';
import { t as transformCss, _ as _objectSpread2, d as dudupeAndJoinClassList } from './transformCss-32ca94d8.browser.esm.js';
import { t as transformCss, d as dudupeAndJoinClassList } from './transformCss-35fbcc6e.browser.esm.js';
import { setAdapterIfNotSet, getIdentOption, appendCss, registerClassName, registerComposition, markCompositionUsed } from '../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.browser.esm.js';

@@ -10,13 +10,12 @@ import hash from '@emotion/hash';

import chalk from 'chalk';
import { _ as _taggedTemplateLiteral } from './taggedTemplateLiteral-2d2668f5.browser.esm.js';
import outdent from 'outdent';
import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import 'ahocorasick';
import 'modern-ahocorasick';
import 'css-what';
import 'media-query-parser';
var localClassNames = new Set();
var composedClassLists = [];
var bufferedCSSObjs = [];
var browserRuntimeAdapter = {
const localClassNames = new Set();
const composedClassLists = [];
let bufferedCSSObjs = [];
const browserRuntimeAdapter = {
appendCss: cssObj => {

@@ -33,3 +32,3 @@ bufferedCSSObjs.push(cssObj);

onEndFileScope: fileScope => {
var css = transformCss({
const css = transformCss({
localClassNames: Array.from(localClassNames),

@@ -47,3 +46,2 @@ composedClassLists,


@@ -53,107 +51,14 @@ setAdapterIfNotSet(browserRuntimeAdapter);

function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
o.__proto__ = p;
return o;
return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
function _wrapRegExp() {
_wrapRegExp = function (re, groups) {
return new BabelRegExp(re, undefined, groups);
var _super = RegExp.prototype;
var _groups = new WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(re, flags, groups) {
var _this = new RegExp(re, flags);
_groups.set(_this, groups || _groups.get(re));
return _setPrototypeOf(_this, BabelRegExp.prototype);
_inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp);
BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
var result =, str);
if (result) result.groups = buildGroups(result, this);
return result;
BabelRegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] = function (str, substitution) {
if (typeof substitution === "string") {
var groups = _groups.get(this);
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (_, name) {
return "$" + groups[name];
} else if (typeof substitution === "function") {
var _this = this;
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, function () {
var args = arguments;
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] !== "object") {
args = [];
args.push(buildGroups(args, _this));
return substitution.apply(this, args);
} else {
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution);
function buildGroups(result, re) {
var g = _groups.get(re);
return Object.keys(g).reduce(function (groups, name) {
groups[name] = result[g[name]];
return groups;
}, Object.create(null));
return _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments);
function getDevPrefix(_ref) {
var {
} = _ref;
var parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
function getDevPrefix({
}) {
const parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
if (debugFileName) {
var {
const {
} = getFileScope();
var matches = filePath.match( /*#__PURE__*/_wrapRegExp(/((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)?[\/\\]?((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/, {
dir: 1,
file: 2
const matches = filePath.match(/(?<dir>[^\/\\]*)?[\/\\]?(?<file>[^\/\\]*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/);
if (matches && matches.groups) {
var {
const {

@@ -165,42 +70,56 @@ file

return parts.join('_');
function normalizeIdentifier(identifier) {
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? `_${identifier}` : identifier;
function generateIdentifier(arg) {
var {
const identOption = getIdentOption();
const {
debugFileName = true
} = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null), typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null); // Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
} = {
...(typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null),
...(typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null)
var refCount = getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
var {
// Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
const refCount = getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
const {
} = getFileScope();
var fileScopeHash = hash(packageName ? "".concat(packageName).concat(filePath) : filePath);
var identifier = "".concat(fileScopeHash).concat(refCount);
if (getIdentOption() === 'debug') {
var devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
const fileScopeHash = hash(packageName ? `${packageName}${filePath}` : filePath);
let identifier = `${fileScopeHash}${refCount}`;
if (identOption === 'debug') {
const devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
if (devPrefix) {
identifier = "".concat(devPrefix, "__").concat(identifier);
identifier = `${devPrefix}__${identifier}`;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? "_".concat(identifier) : identifier;
if (typeof identOption === 'function') {
identifier = identOption({
hash: identifier,
if (!identifier.match(/^[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+$/i)) {
throw new Error(`Identifier function returned invalid indentifier: "${identifier}"`);
return identifier;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
var normaliseObject = obj => walkObject(obj, () => '');
const normaliseObject = obj => walkObject(obj, () => '');
function validateContract(contract, tokens) {
var theDiff = diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
var valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
const theDiff = diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
const valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
return {

@@ -211,7 +130,5 @@ valid,

function diffLine(value, nesting, type) {
var whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
var line = "".concat(type ? type : ' ').concat(whitespace).concat(value);
const whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
const line = `${type ? type : ' '}${whitespace}${value}`;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {

@@ -221,3 +138,2 @@ if (type === '-') {

if (type === '+') {

@@ -227,35 +143,26 @@ return;

return line;
function renderDiff(orig, diff) {
var nesting = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
var lines = [];
function renderDiff(orig, diff, nesting = 0) {
const lines = [];
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('{', 0));
var innerNesting = nesting + 1;
var keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (var key of keys) {
var value = diff[key];
const innerNesting = nesting + 1;
const keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (const key of keys) {
const value = diff[key];
if (!(key in orig)) {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '+'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '+'));
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": {"), innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: {`, innerNesting));
lines.push(renderDiff(orig[key], diff[key], innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine('}', innerNesting));
} else {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '-'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '-'));
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('}', 0));
return lines.join('\n');

@@ -265,3 +172,3 @@ }

function createVar(debugId) {
var cssVarName = cssesc(generateIdentifier({
const cssVarName = cssesc(generateIdentifier({

@@ -272,11 +179,6 @@ debugFileName: false

return "var(--".concat(cssVarName, ")");
return `var(--${cssVarName})`;
function fallbackVar() {
var finalValue = '';
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key] = arguments[_key];
function fallbackVar(...values) {
let finalValue = '';
values.reverse().forEach(value => {

@@ -287,6 +189,5 @@ if (finalValue === '') {

if (typeof value !== 'string' || !/^var\(--.*\)$/.test(value)) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name: ".concat(value));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name: ${value}`);
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, ", ".concat(finalValue, ")"));
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, `, ${finalValue})`);

@@ -297,12 +198,10 @@ });

function assignVars(varContract, tokens) {
var varSetters = {};
var {
const varSetters = {};
const {
} = validateContract(varContract, tokens);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error("Tokens don't match contract.\n".concat(diffString));
throw new Error(`Tokens don't match contract.\n${diffString}`);
walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {

@@ -314,4 +213,2 @@ varSetters[get(varContract, path)] = String(value);

function createThemeContract(tokens) {
// TS is giving type impossibly deep error here. Ignoring for now as this shouldn't affect consumers.
// @ts-expect-error
return walkObject(tokens, (_value, path) => {

@@ -323,12 +220,10 @@ return createVar(path.join('-'));

return walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {
var rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
var varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
const rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
const varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
if (typeof varName !== 'string' || varName !== cssesc(varName, {
isIdentifier: true
})) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name for \"".concat(path.join('.'), "\": ").concat(varName));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name for "${path.join('.')}": ${varName}`);
return "var(--".concat(varName, ")");
return `var(--${varName})`;

@@ -338,5 +233,5 @@ }

function createGlobalTheme(selector, arg2, arg3) {
var shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
var themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
var tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;
const shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
const themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
const tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;

@@ -349,3 +244,2 @@ type: 'global',

}, getFileScope());
if (shouldCreateVars) {

@@ -356,17 +250,14 @@ return themeVars;

function createTheme(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
var vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
const themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
registerClassName(themeClassName, getFileScope());
const vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
return vars ? [themeClassName, vars] : themeClassName;
var _templateObject;
function composedStyle(rules, debugId) {
var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
var classList = [];
var styleRules = [];
for (var rule of rules) {
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
registerClassName(className, getFileScope());
const classList = [];
const styleRules = [];
for (const rule of rules) {
if (typeof rule === 'string') {

@@ -378,12 +269,9 @@ classList.push(rule);

var result = className;
let result = className;
if (classList.length > 0) {
result = "".concat(className, " ").concat(dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList));
result = `${className} ${dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList)}`;
identifier: className,
classList: result
}, getFileScope());
if (styleRules.length > 0) {

@@ -395,19 +283,15 @@ // If there are styles attached to this composition then it is

if (styleRules.length > 0) {
var _rule = deepmerge.all(styleRules, {
const rule = deepmerge.all(styleRules, {
// Replace arrays rather than merging
arrayMerge: (_, sourceArray) => sourceArray
type: 'local',
selector: className,
rule: _rule
}, getFileScope());
return result;
function style(rule, debugId) {

@@ -417,5 +301,4 @@ if (Array.isArray(rule)) {

var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
registerClassName(className, getFileScope());

@@ -428,13 +311,8 @@ type: 'local',

* @deprecated The same functionality is now provided by the 'style' function when you pass it an array
function composeStyles() {
var compose = hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : dudupeAndJoinClassList;
for (var _len = arguments.length, classNames = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
classNames[_key] = arguments[_key];
function composeStyles(...classNames) {
const compose = hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : dudupeAndJoinClassList;
return compose(classNames);

@@ -450,16 +328,22 @@ }

function fontFace(rule, debugId) {
var fontFamily = "\"".concat(cssesc(generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const fontFamily = `"${cssesc(generateIdentifier(debugId), {
quotes: 'double'
}), "\"");
if ('fontFamily' in rule) {
throw new Error(outdent(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the \"fontFamily\" property should not be provided.\n \n If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the \"globalFontFace\" function instead.\n "]))));
const rules = Array.isArray(rule) ? rule : [rule];
for (const singleRule of rules) {
if ('fontFamily' in singleRule) {
throw new Error(outdent`
This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the "fontFamily" property should not be provided.
If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the "globalFontFace" function instead.
type: 'fontFace',
rule: {
}, getFileScope());
type: 'fontFace',
rule: _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
}, getFileScope());
return fontFamily;

@@ -470,9 +354,10 @@ }

type: 'fontFace',
rule: _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
rule: {
}, getFileScope());
function keyframes(rule, debugId) {
var name = cssesc(generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const name = cssesc(generateIdentifier(debugId), {
isIdentifier: true

@@ -494,34 +379,64 @@ });

function styleVariants() {
if (typeof (arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1]) === 'function') {
var _data = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var _mapData = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var _debugId = arguments.length <= 2 ? undefined : arguments[2];
var _classMap = {};
for (var _key2 in _data) {
_classMap[_key2] = style(_mapData(_data[_key2], _key2), _debugId ? "".concat(_debugId, "_").concat(_key2) : _key2);
function styleVariants(...args) {
if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
const data = args[0];
const mapData = args[1];
const debugId = args[2];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in data) {
classMap[key] = style(mapData(data[key], key), debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return _classMap;
return classMap;
var styleMap = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var debugId = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var classMap = {};
for (var _key3 in styleMap) {
classMap[_key3] = style(styleMap[_key3], debugId ? "".concat(debugId, "_").concat(_key3) : _key3);
const styleMap = args[0];
const debugId = args[1];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in styleMap) {
classMap[key] = style(styleMap[key], debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return classMap;
// createContainer is used for local scoping of CSS containers
// For now it is mostly just an alias of generateIdentifier
const createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
var createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
const defaultLayerOptions = {};
const merge = (obj1, obj2) => ({
const getLayerArgs = (...args) => {
let options = defaultLayerOptions;
let debugId = args[0];
if (typeof args[0] === 'object') {
options = merge(defaultLayerOptions, args[0]);
debugId = args[1];
return [options, debugId];
function layer(...args) {
const [options, debugId] = getLayerArgs(...args);
let name = generateIdentifier(debugId);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, getFileScope());
return name;
function globalLayer(...args) {
let [options, name] = getLayerArgs(...args);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, getFileScope());
return name;
export { assignVars, composeStyles, createContainer, createGlobalTheme, createGlobalThemeContract, createTheme, createThemeContract, createVar, fallbackVar, fontFace, generateIdentifier, globalFontFace, globalKeyframes, globalStyle, keyframes, style, styleVariants };
export { assignVars, composeStyles, createContainer, createGlobalTheme, createGlobalThemeContract, createTheme, createThemeContract, createVar, fallbackVar, fontFace, generateIdentifier, globalFontFace, globalKeyframes, globalLayer, globalStyle, keyframes, layer, style, styleVariants };

@@ -1,1 +0,278 @@

export * from "./declarations/src/index";
import { Properties, AtRule } from 'csstype';
type CSSVarFunction = `var(--${string})` | `var(--${string}, ${string | number})`;
type Contract = {
[key: string]: CSSVarFunction | null | Contract;
type Primitive = string | boolean | number | null | undefined;
type MapLeafNodes<Obj, LeafType> = {
[Prop in keyof Obj]: Obj[Prop] extends Primitive ? LeafType : Obj[Prop] extends Record<string | number, any> ? MapLeafNodes<Obj[Prop], LeafType> : never;
declare const simplePseudoMap: {
readonly ':-moz-any-link': true;
readonly ':-moz-full-screen': true;
readonly ':-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-only': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-write': true;
readonly ':-ms-fullscreen': true;
readonly ':-ms-input-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-webkit-any-link': true;
readonly ':-webkit-full-screen': true;
readonly '::-moz-color-swatch': true;
readonly '::-moz-list-bullet': true;
readonly '::-moz-list-number': true;
readonly '::-moz-page-sequence': true;
readonly '::-moz-page': true;
readonly '::-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-moz-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-progress': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-thumb': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-track': true;
readonly '::-moz-scrolled-page-sequence': true;
readonly '::-moz-selection': true;
readonly '::-ms-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-ms-browse': true;
readonly '::-ms-check': true;
readonly '::-ms-clear': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-lower': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-upper': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill': true;
readonly '::-ms-reveal': true;
readonly '::-ms-thumb': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-after': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-before': true;
readonly '::-ms-tooltip': true;
readonly '::-ms-track': true;
readonly '::-ms-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-webkit-inner-spin-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-input-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-inner-element': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-optimum-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-outer-spin-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-element': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-resizer': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-corner': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-search-cancel-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-search-results-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-runnable-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-thumb': true;
readonly '::after': true;
readonly '::backdrop': true;
readonly '::before': true;
readonly '::cue': true;
readonly '::file-selector-button': true;
readonly '::first-letter': true;
readonly '::first-line': true;
readonly '::grammar-error': true;
readonly '::marker': true;
readonly '::placeholder': true;
readonly '::selection': true;
readonly '::spelling-error': true;
readonly '::target-text': true;
readonly '::view-transition-group': true;
readonly '::view-transition-image-pair': true;
readonly '::view-transition-new': true;
readonly '::view-transition-old': true;
readonly '::view-transition': true;
readonly ':active': true;
readonly ':after': true;
readonly ':any-link': true;
readonly ':before': true;
readonly ':blank': true;
readonly ':checked': true;
readonly ':default': true;
readonly ':defined': true;
readonly ':disabled': true;
readonly ':empty': true;
readonly ':enabled': true;
readonly ':first-child': true;
readonly ':first-letter': true;
readonly ':first-line': true;
readonly ':first-of-type': true;
readonly ':first': true;
readonly ':focus-visible': true;
readonly ':focus-within': true;
readonly ':focus': true;
readonly ':fullscreen': true;
readonly ':hover': true;
readonly ':in-range': true;
readonly ':indeterminate': true;
readonly ':invalid': true;
readonly ':last-child': true;
readonly ':last-of-type': true;
readonly ':left': true;
readonly ':link': true;
readonly ':only-child': true;
readonly ':only-of-type': true;
readonly ':optional': true;
readonly ':out-of-range': true;
readonly ':placeholder-shown': true;
readonly ':read-only': true;
readonly ':read-write': true;
readonly ':required': true;
readonly ':right': true;
readonly ':root': true;
readonly ':scope': true;
readonly ':target': true;
readonly ':valid': true;
readonly ':visited': true;
type SimplePseudos = keyof typeof simplePseudoMap;
interface ContainerProperties {
container?: string;
containerType?: 'size' | 'inline-size' | (string & {});
containerName?: string;
type CSSTypeProperties = Properties<number | (string & {})> & ContainerProperties;
type CSSProperties = {
[Property in keyof CSSTypeProperties]: CSSTypeProperties[Property] | CSSVarFunction | Array<CSSVarFunction | CSSTypeProperties[Property]>;
interface CSSKeyframes {
[time: string]: CSSProperties;
type CSSPropertiesWithVars = CSSProperties & {
vars?: {
[key: string]: string;
type PseudoProperties = {
[key in SimplePseudos]?: CSSPropertiesWithVars;
type CSSPropertiesAndPseudos = CSSPropertiesWithVars & PseudoProperties;
type Query<Key extends string, StyleType> = {
[key in Key]?: {
[query: string]: Omit<StyleType, Key>;
type MediaQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@media', StyleType>;
type FeatureQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@supports', StyleType>;
type ContainerQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@container', StyleType>;
type Layers<StyleType> = Query<'@layer', StyleType>;
interface AllQueries<StyleType> extends MediaQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, FeatureQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, ContainerQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, Layers<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>> {
type WithQueries<StyleType> = StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>;
interface SelectorMap {
[selector: string]: CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
interface StyleWithSelectors extends CSSPropertiesAndPseudos {
selectors?: SelectorMap;
type StyleRule = StyleWithSelectors & WithQueries<StyleWithSelectors>;
type GlobalStyleRule = CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
type GlobalFontFaceRule = Omit<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'> & Required<Pick<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'>>;
type FontFaceRule = Omit<GlobalFontFaceRule, 'fontFamily'>;
type CSSStyleBlock = {
type: 'local';
selector: string;
rule: StyleRule;
type CSSFontFaceBlock = {
type: 'fontFace';
rule: GlobalFontFaceRule;
type CSSKeyframesBlock = {
type: 'keyframes';
name: string;
rule: CSSKeyframes;
type CSSSelectorBlock = {
type: 'selector' | 'global';
selector: string;
rule: GlobalStyleRule;
type CSSLayerDeclaration = {
type: 'layer';
name: string;
type CSS = CSSStyleBlock | CSSFontFaceBlock | CSSKeyframesBlock | CSSSelectorBlock | CSSLayerDeclaration;
type FileScope = {
packageName?: string;
filePath: string;
interface Composition {
identifier: string;
classList: string;
type CustomIdentFunction = (params: {
hash: string;
filePath: string;
debugId?: string;
packageName?: string;
}) => string;
type IdentOption = 'short' | 'debug' | CustomIdentFunction;
interface Adapter {
appendCss: (css: CSS, fileScope: FileScope) => void;
registerClassName: (className: string, fileScope: FileScope) => void;
registerComposition: (composition: Composition, fileScope: FileScope) => void;
markCompositionUsed: (identifier: string) => void;
onBeginFileScope?: (fileScope: FileScope) => void;
onEndFileScope: (fileScope: FileScope) => void;
getIdentOption: () => IdentOption;
type NullableTokens = {
[key: string]: string | NullableTokens | null;
type Tokens = {
[key: string]: string | Tokens;
type ThemeVars<ThemeContract extends NullableTokens> = MapLeafNodes<ThemeContract, CSSVarFunction>;
type ClassNames = string | Array<ClassNames>;
type ComplexStyleRule = StyleRule | Array<StyleRule | ClassNames>;
interface GenerateIdentifierOptions {
debugId?: string;
debugFileName?: boolean;
declare function generateIdentifier(debugId?: string): string;
declare function generateIdentifier(options?: GenerateIdentifierOptions): string;
declare function createGlobalTheme<ThemeTokens extends Tokens>(selector: string, tokens: ThemeTokens): ThemeVars<ThemeTokens>;
declare function createGlobalTheme<ThemeContract extends Contract>(selector: string, themeContract: ThemeContract, tokens: MapLeafNodes<ThemeContract, string>): void;
declare function createTheme<ThemeTokens extends Tokens>(tokens: ThemeTokens, debugId?: string): [className: string, vars: ThemeVars<ThemeTokens>];
declare function createTheme<ThemeContract extends Contract>(themeContract: ThemeContract, tokens: MapLeafNodes<ThemeContract, string>, debugId?: string): string;
declare function style(rule: ComplexStyleRule, debugId?: string): string;
* @deprecated The same functionality is now provided by the 'style' function when you pass it an array
declare function composeStyles(...classNames: Array<ClassNames>): string;
declare function globalStyle(selector: string, rule: GlobalStyleRule): void;
declare function fontFace(rule: FontFaceRule | FontFaceRule[], debugId?: string): string;
declare function globalFontFace(fontFamily: string, rule: FontFaceRule): void;
declare function keyframes(rule: CSSKeyframes, debugId?: string): string;
declare function globalKeyframes(name: string, rule: CSSKeyframes): void;
declare function styleVariants<StyleMap extends Record<string | number, ComplexStyleRule>>(styleMap: StyleMap, debugId?: string): Record<keyof StyleMap, string>;
declare function styleVariants<Data extends Record<string | number, unknown>, Key extends keyof Data>(data: Data, mapData: (value: Data[Key], key: Key) => ComplexStyleRule, debugId?: string): Record<keyof Data, string>;
declare function createVar(debugId?: string): CSSVarFunction;
declare function fallbackVar(...values: [string, ...Array<string>]): CSSVarFunction;
declare function assignVars<VarContract extends Contract>(varContract: VarContract, tokens: MapLeafNodes<VarContract, string>): Record<CSSVarFunction, string>;
declare function createThemeContract<ThemeTokens extends NullableTokens>(tokens: ThemeTokens): ThemeVars<ThemeTokens>;
declare function createGlobalThemeContract<ThemeTokens extends Tokens>(tokens: ThemeTokens): ThemeVars<ThemeTokens>;
declare function createGlobalThemeContract<ThemeTokens extends NullableTokens>(tokens: ThemeTokens, mapFn: (value: string | null, path: Array<string>) => string): ThemeVars<ThemeTokens>;
declare const createContainer: (debugId?: string) => string;
type LayerOptions = {
parent?: string;
declare function layer(options: LayerOptions, debugId?: string): string;
declare function layer(debugId?: string): string;
declare function globalLayer(options: LayerOptions, name: string): string;
declare function globalLayer(name: string): string;
export { Adapter, CSSProperties, ComplexStyleRule, FileScope, GlobalStyleRule, StyleRule, assignVars, composeStyles, createContainer, createGlobalTheme, createGlobalThemeContract, createTheme, createThemeContract, createVar, fallbackVar, fontFace, generateIdentifier, globalFontFace, globalKeyframes, globalLayer, globalStyle, keyframes, layer, style, styleVariants };

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

var injectStyles_dist_vanillaExtractCssInjectStyles = require('../injectStyles/dist/');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('./');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('./');
var adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter = require('../adapter/dist/');

@@ -15,6 +15,5 @@ var hash = require('@emotion/hash');

var chalk = require('chalk');
var taggedTemplateLiteral = require('./');
var outdent = require('outdent');
var deepmerge = require('deepmerge');

@@ -31,6 +30,6 @@ require('media-query-parser');

var localClassNames = new Set();
var composedClassLists = [];
var bufferedCSSObjs = [];
var browserRuntimeAdapter = {
const localClassNames = new Set();
const composedClassLists = [];
let bufferedCSSObjs = [];
const browserRuntimeAdapter = {
appendCss: cssObj => {

@@ -47,3 +46,3 @@ bufferedCSSObjs.push(cssObj);

onEndFileScope: fileScope => {
var css = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.transformCss({
const css = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.transformCss({
localClassNames: Array.from(localClassNames),

@@ -61,3 +60,2 @@ composedClassLists,

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {

@@ -67,107 +65,14 @@ adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.setAdapterIfNotSet(browserRuntimeAdapter);

function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
o.__proto__ = p;
return o;
return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
function _wrapRegExp() {
_wrapRegExp = function (re, groups) {
return new BabelRegExp(re, undefined, groups);
var _super = RegExp.prototype;
var _groups = new WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(re, flags, groups) {
var _this = new RegExp(re, flags);
_groups.set(_this, groups || _groups.get(re));
return _setPrototypeOf(_this, BabelRegExp.prototype);
_inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp);
BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
var result =, str);
if (result) result.groups = buildGroups(result, this);
return result;
BabelRegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] = function (str, substitution) {
if (typeof substitution === "string") {
var groups = _groups.get(this);
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (_, name) {
return "$" + groups[name];
} else if (typeof substitution === "function") {
var _this = this;
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, function () {
var args = arguments;
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] !== "object") {
args = [];
args.push(buildGroups(args, _this));
return substitution.apply(this, args);
} else {
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution);
function buildGroups(result, re) {
var g = _groups.get(re);
return Object.keys(g).reduce(function (groups, name) {
groups[name] = result[g[name]];
return groups;
}, Object.create(null));
return _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments);
function getDevPrefix(_ref) {
var {
} = _ref;
var parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
function getDevPrefix({
}) {
const parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
if (debugFileName) {
var {
const {
} = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope();
var matches = filePath.match( /*#__PURE__*/_wrapRegExp(/((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)?[\/\\]?((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/, {
dir: 1,
file: 2
const matches = filePath.match(/(?<dir>[^\/\\]*)?[\/\\]?(?<file>[^\/\\]*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/);
if (matches && matches.groups) {
var {
const {

@@ -179,42 +84,56 @@ file

return parts.join('_');
function normalizeIdentifier(identifier) {
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? `_${identifier}` : identifier;
function generateIdentifier(arg) {
var {
const identOption = adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.getIdentOption();
const {
debugFileName = true
} = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null), typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null); // Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
} = {
...(typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null),
...(typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null)
var refCount = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
var {
// Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
const refCount = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
const {
} = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope();
var fileScopeHash = hash__default["default"](packageName ? "".concat(packageName).concat(filePath) : filePath);
var identifier = "".concat(fileScopeHash).concat(refCount);
if (adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.getIdentOption() === 'debug') {
var devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
const fileScopeHash = hash__default["default"](packageName ? `${packageName}${filePath}` : filePath);
let identifier = `${fileScopeHash}${refCount}`;
if (identOption === 'debug') {
const devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
if (devPrefix) {
identifier = "".concat(devPrefix, "__").concat(identifier);
identifier = `${devPrefix}__${identifier}`;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? "_".concat(identifier) : identifier;
if (typeof identOption === 'function') {
identifier = identOption({
hash: identifier,
if (!identifier.match(/^[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+$/i)) {
throw new Error(`Identifier function returned invalid indentifier: "${identifier}"`);
return identifier;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
var normaliseObject = obj => _private.walkObject(obj, () => '');
const normaliseObject = obj => _private.walkObject(obj, () => '');
function validateContract(contract, tokens) {
var theDiff = deepObjectDiff.diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
var valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
const theDiff = deepObjectDiff.diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
const valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
return {

@@ -225,7 +144,5 @@ valid,

function diffLine(value, nesting, type) {
var whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
var line = "".concat(type ? type : ' ').concat(whitespace).concat(value);
const whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
const line = `${type ? type : ' '}${whitespace}${value}`;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {

@@ -235,3 +152,2 @@ if (type === '-') {

if (type === '+') {

@@ -241,35 +157,26 @@ return chalk__default["default"].green(line);

return line;
function renderDiff(orig, diff) {
var nesting = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
var lines = [];
function renderDiff(orig, diff, nesting = 0) {
const lines = [];
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('{', 0));
var innerNesting = nesting + 1;
var keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (var key of keys) {
var value = diff[key];
const innerNesting = nesting + 1;
const keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (const key of keys) {
const value = diff[key];
if (!(key in orig)) {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '+'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '+'));
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": {"), innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: {`, innerNesting));
lines.push(renderDiff(orig[key], diff[key], innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine('}', innerNesting));
} else {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '-'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '-'));
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('}', 0));
return lines.join('\n');

@@ -279,3 +186,3 @@ }

function createVar(debugId) {
var cssVarName = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier({
const cssVarName = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier({

@@ -286,11 +193,6 @@ debugFileName: false

return "var(--".concat(cssVarName, ")");
return `var(--${cssVarName})`;
function fallbackVar() {
var finalValue = '';
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key] = arguments[_key];
function fallbackVar(...values) {
let finalValue = '';
values.reverse().forEach(value => {

@@ -301,6 +203,5 @@ if (finalValue === '') {

if (typeof value !== 'string' || !/^var\(--.*\)$/.test(value)) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name: ".concat(value));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name: ${value}`);
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, ", ".concat(finalValue, ")"));
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, `, ${finalValue})`);

@@ -311,12 +212,10 @@ });

function assignVars(varContract, tokens) {
var varSetters = {};
var {
const varSetters = {};
const {
} = validateContract(varContract, tokens);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error("Tokens don't match contract.\n".concat(diffString));
throw new Error(`Tokens don't match contract.\n${diffString}`);
_private.walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {

@@ -328,4 +227,2 @@ varSetters[_private.get(varContract, path)] = String(value);

function createThemeContract(tokens) {
// TS is giving type impossibly deep error here. Ignoring for now as this shouldn't affect consumers.
// @ts-expect-error
return _private.walkObject(tokens, (_value, path) => {

@@ -337,12 +234,10 @@ return createVar(path.join('-'));

return _private.walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {
var rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
var varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
const rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
const varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
if (typeof varName !== 'string' || varName !== cssesc__default["default"](varName, {
isIdentifier: true
})) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name for \"".concat(path.join('.'), "\": ").concat(varName));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name for "${path.join('.')}": ${varName}`);
return "var(--".concat(varName, ")");
return `var(--${varName})`;

@@ -352,5 +247,5 @@ }

function createGlobalTheme(selector, arg2, arg3) {
var shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
var themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
var tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;
const shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
const themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
const tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;

@@ -363,3 +258,2 @@ type: 'global',

}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
if (shouldCreateVars) {

@@ -370,17 +264,14 @@ return themeVars;

function createTheme(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
var vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
const themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(themeClassName, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
const vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
return vars ? [themeClassName, vars] : themeClassName;
var _templateObject;
function composedStyle(rules, debugId) {
var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
var classList = [];
var styleRules = [];
for (var rule of rules) {
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(className, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
const classList = [];
const styleRules = [];
for (const rule of rules) {
if (typeof rule === 'string') {

@@ -392,12 +283,9 @@ classList.push(rule);

var result = className;
let result = className;
if (classList.length > 0) {
result = "".concat(className, " ").concat(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList));
result = `${className} ${transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList)}`;
identifier: className,
classList: result
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
if (styleRules.length > 0) {

@@ -409,19 +297,15 @@ // If there are styles attached to this composition then it is

if (styleRules.length > 0) {
var _rule = deepmerge__default["default"].all(styleRules, {
const rule = deepmerge__default["default"].all(styleRules, {
// Replace arrays rather than merging
arrayMerge: (_, sourceArray) => sourceArray
type: 'local',
selector: className,
rule: _rule
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return result;
function style(rule, debugId) {

@@ -431,5 +315,4 @@ if (Array.isArray(rule)) {

var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(className, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());

@@ -442,13 +325,8 @@ type: 'local',

* @deprecated The same functionality is now provided by the 'style' function when you pass it an array
function composeStyles() {
var compose = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList;
for (var _len = arguments.length, classNames = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
classNames[_key] = arguments[_key];
function composeStyles(...classNames) {
const compose = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList;
return compose(classNames);

@@ -464,16 +342,22 @@ }

function fontFace(rule, debugId) {
var fontFamily = "\"".concat(cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const fontFamily = `"${cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
quotes: 'double'
}), "\"");
if ('fontFamily' in rule) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"](_templateObject || (_templateObject = taggedTemplateLiteral._taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the \"fontFamily\" property should not be provided.\n \n If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the \"globalFontFace\" function instead.\n "]))));
const rules = Array.isArray(rule) ? rule : [rule];
for (const singleRule of rules) {
if ('fontFamily' in singleRule) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"]`
This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the "fontFamily" property should not be provided.
If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the "globalFontFace" function instead.
type: 'fontFace',
rule: {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
type: 'fontFace',
rule: transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return fontFamily;

@@ -484,9 +368,10 @@ }

type: 'fontFace',
rule: transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
rule: {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
function keyframes(rule, debugId) {
var name = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const name = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
isIdentifier: true

@@ -508,33 +393,63 @@ });

function styleVariants() {
if (typeof (arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1]) === 'function') {
var _data = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var _mapData = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var _debugId = arguments.length <= 2 ? undefined : arguments[2];
var _classMap = {};
for (var _key2 in _data) {
_classMap[_key2] = style(_mapData(_data[_key2], _key2), _debugId ? "".concat(_debugId, "_").concat(_key2) : _key2);
function styleVariants(...args) {
if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
const data = args[0];
const mapData = args[1];
const debugId = args[2];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in data) {
classMap[key] = style(mapData(data[key], key), debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return _classMap;
return classMap;
var styleMap = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var debugId = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var classMap = {};
for (var _key3 in styleMap) {
classMap[_key3] = style(styleMap[_key3], debugId ? "".concat(debugId, "_").concat(_key3) : _key3);
const styleMap = args[0];
const debugId = args[1];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in styleMap) {
classMap[key] = style(styleMap[key], debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return classMap;
// createContainer is used for local scoping of CSS containers
// For now it is mostly just an alias of generateIdentifier
const createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
var createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
const defaultLayerOptions = {};
const merge = (obj1, obj2) => ({
const getLayerArgs = (...args) => {
let options = defaultLayerOptions;
let debugId = args[0];
if (typeof args[0] === 'object') {
options = merge(defaultLayerOptions, args[0]);
debugId = args[1];
return [options, debugId];
function layer(...args) {
const [options, debugId] = getLayerArgs(...args);
let name = generateIdentifier(debugId);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return name;
function globalLayer(...args) {
let [options, name] = getLayerArgs(...args);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return name;

@@ -554,5 +469,7 @@ exports.assignVars = assignVars;

exports.globalKeyframes = globalKeyframes;
exports.globalLayer = globalLayer;
exports.globalStyle = globalStyle;
exports.keyframes = keyframes;
exports.layer = layer; = style;
exports.styleVariants = styleVariants;

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

var injectStyles_dist_vanillaExtractCssInjectStyles = require('../injectStyles/dist/');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('./');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('./');
var adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter = require('../adapter/dist/');

@@ -15,6 +15,5 @@ var hash = require('@emotion/hash');

var chalk = require('chalk');
var taggedTemplateLiteral = require('./');
var outdent = require('outdent');
var deepmerge = require('deepmerge');

@@ -31,6 +30,6 @@ require('media-query-parser');

var localClassNames = new Set();
var composedClassLists = [];
var bufferedCSSObjs = [];
var browserRuntimeAdapter = {
const localClassNames = new Set();
const composedClassLists = [];
let bufferedCSSObjs = [];
const browserRuntimeAdapter = {
appendCss: cssObj => {

@@ -47,3 +46,3 @@ bufferedCSSObjs.push(cssObj);

onEndFileScope: fileScope => {
var css = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.transformCss({
const css = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.transformCss({
localClassNames: Array.from(localClassNames),

@@ -61,3 +60,2 @@ composedClassLists,

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {

@@ -67,107 +65,14 @@ adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.setAdapterIfNotSet(browserRuntimeAdapter);

function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
o.__proto__ = p;
return o;
return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
function _wrapRegExp() {
_wrapRegExp = function (re, groups) {
return new BabelRegExp(re, undefined, groups);
var _super = RegExp.prototype;
var _groups = new WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(re, flags, groups) {
var _this = new RegExp(re, flags);
_groups.set(_this, groups || _groups.get(re));
return _setPrototypeOf(_this, BabelRegExp.prototype);
_inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp);
BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
var result =, str);
if (result) result.groups = buildGroups(result, this);
return result;
BabelRegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] = function (str, substitution) {
if (typeof substitution === "string") {
var groups = _groups.get(this);
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (_, name) {
return "$" + groups[name];
} else if (typeof substitution === "function") {
var _this = this;
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, function () {
var args = arguments;
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] !== "object") {
args = [];
args.push(buildGroups(args, _this));
return substitution.apply(this, args);
} else {
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution);
function buildGroups(result, re) {
var g = _groups.get(re);
return Object.keys(g).reduce(function (groups, name) {
groups[name] = result[g[name]];
return groups;
}, Object.create(null));
return _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments);
function getDevPrefix(_ref) {
var {
} = _ref;
var parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
function getDevPrefix({
}) {
const parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
if (debugFileName) {
var {
const {
} = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope();
var matches = filePath.match( /*#__PURE__*/_wrapRegExp(/((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)?[\/\\]?((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/, {
dir: 1,
file: 2
const matches = filePath.match(/(?<dir>[^\/\\]*)?[\/\\]?(?<file>[^\/\\]*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/);
if (matches && matches.groups) {
var {
const {

@@ -179,42 +84,56 @@ file

return parts.join('_');
function normalizeIdentifier(identifier) {
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? `_${identifier}` : identifier;
function generateIdentifier(arg) {
var {
const identOption = adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.getIdentOption();
const {
debugFileName = true
} = transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null), typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null); // Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
} = {
...(typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null),
...(typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null)
var refCount = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
var {
// Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
const refCount = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
const {
} = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope();
var fileScopeHash = hash__default["default"](packageName ? "".concat(packageName).concat(filePath) : filePath);
var identifier = "".concat(fileScopeHash).concat(refCount);
if (adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.getIdentOption() === 'debug') {
var devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
const fileScopeHash = hash__default["default"](packageName ? `${packageName}${filePath}` : filePath);
let identifier = `${fileScopeHash}${refCount}`;
if (identOption === 'debug') {
const devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
if (devPrefix) {
identifier = "".concat(devPrefix, "__").concat(identifier);
identifier = `${devPrefix}__${identifier}`;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? "_".concat(identifier) : identifier;
if (typeof identOption === 'function') {
identifier = identOption({
hash: identifier,
if (!identifier.match(/^[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+$/i)) {
throw new Error(`Identifier function returned invalid indentifier: "${identifier}"`);
return identifier;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
var normaliseObject = obj => _private.walkObject(obj, () => '');
const normaliseObject = obj => _private.walkObject(obj, () => '');
function validateContract(contract, tokens) {
var theDiff = deepObjectDiff.diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
var valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
const theDiff = deepObjectDiff.diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
const valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
return {

@@ -225,7 +144,5 @@ valid,

function diffLine(value, nesting, type) {
var whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
var line = "".concat(type ? type : ' ').concat(whitespace).concat(value);
const whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
const line = `${type ? type : ' '}${whitespace}${value}`;

@@ -235,3 +152,2 @@ if (type === '-') {

if (type === '+') {

@@ -241,35 +157,26 @@ return chalk__default["default"].green(line);

return line;
function renderDiff(orig, diff) {
var nesting = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
var lines = [];
function renderDiff(orig, diff, nesting = 0) {
const lines = [];
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('{', 0));
var innerNesting = nesting + 1;
var keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (var key of keys) {
var value = diff[key];
const innerNesting = nesting + 1;
const keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (const key of keys) {
const value = diff[key];
if (!(key in orig)) {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '+'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '+'));
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": {"), innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: {`, innerNesting));
lines.push(renderDiff(orig[key], diff[key], innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine('}', innerNesting));
} else {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '-'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '-'));
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('}', 0));
return lines.join('\n');

@@ -279,3 +186,3 @@ }

function createVar(debugId) {
var cssVarName = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier({
const cssVarName = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier({

@@ -286,11 +193,6 @@ debugFileName: false

return "var(--".concat(cssVarName, ")");
return `var(--${cssVarName})`;
function fallbackVar() {
var finalValue = '';
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key] = arguments[_key];
function fallbackVar(...values) {
let finalValue = '';
values.reverse().forEach(value => {

@@ -301,6 +203,5 @@ if (finalValue === '') {

if (typeof value !== 'string' || !/^var\(--.*\)$/.test(value)) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name: ".concat(value));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name: ${value}`);
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, ", ".concat(finalValue, ")"));
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, `, ${finalValue})`);

@@ -311,12 +212,10 @@ });

function assignVars(varContract, tokens) {
var varSetters = {};
var {
const varSetters = {};
const {
} = validateContract(varContract, tokens);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error("Tokens don't match contract.\n".concat(diffString));
throw new Error(`Tokens don't match contract.\n${diffString}`);
_private.walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {

@@ -328,4 +227,2 @@ varSetters[_private.get(varContract, path)] = String(value);

function createThemeContract(tokens) {
// TS is giving type impossibly deep error here. Ignoring for now as this shouldn't affect consumers.
// @ts-expect-error
return _private.walkObject(tokens, (_value, path) => {

@@ -337,12 +234,10 @@ return createVar(path.join('-'));

return _private.walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {
var rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
var varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
const rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
const varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
if (typeof varName !== 'string' || varName !== cssesc__default["default"](varName, {
isIdentifier: true
})) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name for \"".concat(path.join('.'), "\": ").concat(varName));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name for "${path.join('.')}": ${varName}`);
return "var(--".concat(varName, ")");
return `var(--${varName})`;

@@ -352,5 +247,5 @@ }

function createGlobalTheme(selector, arg2, arg3) {
var shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
var themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
var tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;
const shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
const themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
const tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;

@@ -363,3 +258,2 @@ type: 'global',

}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
if (shouldCreateVars) {

@@ -370,17 +264,14 @@ return themeVars;

function createTheme(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
var vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
const themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(themeClassName, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
const vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
return vars ? [themeClassName, vars] : themeClassName;
var _templateObject;
function composedStyle(rules, debugId) {
var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
var classList = [];
var styleRules = [];
for (var rule of rules) {
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(className, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
const classList = [];
const styleRules = [];
for (const rule of rules) {
if (typeof rule === 'string') {

@@ -392,12 +283,9 @@ classList.push(rule);

var result = className;
let result = className;
if (classList.length > 0) {
result = "".concat(className, " ").concat(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList));
result = `${className} ${transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList)}`;
identifier: className,
classList: result
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
if (styleRules.length > 0) {

@@ -409,19 +297,15 @@ // If there are styles attached to this composition then it is

if (styleRules.length > 0) {
var _rule = deepmerge__default["default"].all(styleRules, {
const rule = deepmerge__default["default"].all(styleRules, {
// Replace arrays rather than merging
arrayMerge: (_, sourceArray) => sourceArray
type: 'local',
selector: className,
rule: _rule
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return result;
function style(rule, debugId) {

@@ -431,5 +315,4 @@ if (Array.isArray(rule)) {

var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter.registerClassName(className, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());

@@ -442,13 +325,8 @@ type: 'local',

* @deprecated The same functionality is now provided by the 'style' function when you pass it an array
function composeStyles() {
var compose = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList;
for (var _len = arguments.length, classNames = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
classNames[_key] = arguments[_key];
function composeStyles(...classNames) {
const compose = fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss.dudupeAndJoinClassList;
return compose(classNames);

@@ -464,16 +342,22 @@ }

function fontFace(rule, debugId) {
var fontFamily = "\"".concat(cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const fontFamily = `"${cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
quotes: 'double'
}), "\"");
if ('fontFamily' in rule) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"](_templateObject || (_templateObject = taggedTemplateLiteral._taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the \"fontFamily\" property should not be provided.\n \n If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the \"globalFontFace\" function instead.\n "]))));
const rules = Array.isArray(rule) ? rule : [rule];
for (const singleRule of rules) {
if ('fontFamily' in singleRule) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"]`
This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the "fontFamily" property should not be provided.
If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the "globalFontFace" function instead.
type: 'fontFace',
rule: {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
type: 'fontFace',
rule: transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return fontFamily;

@@ -484,9 +368,10 @@ }

type: 'fontFace',
rule: transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2(transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss._objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
rule: {
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
function keyframes(rule, debugId) {
var name = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const name = cssesc__default["default"](generateIdentifier(debugId), {
isIdentifier: true

@@ -508,33 +393,63 @@ });

function styleVariants() {
if (typeof (arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1]) === 'function') {
var _data = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var _mapData = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var _debugId = arguments.length <= 2 ? undefined : arguments[2];
var _classMap = {};
for (var _key2 in _data) {
_classMap[_key2] = style(_mapData(_data[_key2], _key2), _debugId ? "".concat(_debugId, "_").concat(_key2) : _key2);
function styleVariants(...args) {
if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
const data = args[0];
const mapData = args[1];
const debugId = args[2];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in data) {
classMap[key] = style(mapData(data[key], key), debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return _classMap;
return classMap;
var styleMap = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var debugId = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var classMap = {};
for (var _key3 in styleMap) {
classMap[_key3] = style(styleMap[_key3], debugId ? "".concat(debugId, "_").concat(_key3) : _key3);
const styleMap = args[0];
const debugId = args[1];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in styleMap) {
classMap[key] = style(styleMap[key], debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return classMap;
// createContainer is used for local scoping of CSS containers
// For now it is mostly just an alias of generateIdentifier
const createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
var createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
const defaultLayerOptions = {};
const merge = (obj1, obj2) => ({
const getLayerArgs = (...args) => {
let options = defaultLayerOptions;
let debugId = args[0];
if (typeof args[0] === 'object') {
options = merge(defaultLayerOptions, args[0]);
debugId = args[1];
return [options, debugId];
function layer(...args) {
const [options, debugId] = getLayerArgs(...args);
let name = generateIdentifier(debugId);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return name;
function globalLayer(...args) {
let [options, name] = getLayerArgs(...args);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, fileScope_dist_vanillaExtractCssFileScope.getFileScope());
return name;

@@ -554,5 +469,7 @@ exports.assignVars = assignVars;

exports.globalKeyframes = globalKeyframes;
exports.globalLayer = globalLayer;
exports.globalStyle = globalStyle;
exports.keyframes = keyframes;
exports.layer = layer; = style;
exports.styleVariants = styleVariants;
import { injectStyles } from '../injectStyles/dist/vanilla-extract-css-injectStyles.esm.js';
import { t as transformCss, _ as _objectSpread2, d as dudupeAndJoinClassList } from './transformCss-f0783497.esm.js';
import { t as transformCss, d as dudupeAndJoinClassList } from './transformCss-4ff5fbc3.esm.js';
import { setAdapterIfNotSet, getIdentOption, appendCss, registerClassName, registerComposition, markCompositionUsed } from '../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.esm.js';

@@ -10,13 +10,12 @@ import hash from '@emotion/hash';

import chalk from 'chalk';
import { _ as _taggedTemplateLiteral } from './taggedTemplateLiteral-b4c22b04.esm.js';
import outdent from 'outdent';
import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import 'ahocorasick';
import 'modern-ahocorasick';
import 'css-what';
import 'media-query-parser';
var localClassNames = new Set();
var composedClassLists = [];
var bufferedCSSObjs = [];
var browserRuntimeAdapter = {
const localClassNames = new Set();
const composedClassLists = [];
let bufferedCSSObjs = [];
const browserRuntimeAdapter = {
appendCss: cssObj => {

@@ -33,3 +32,3 @@ bufferedCSSObjs.push(cssObj);

onEndFileScope: fileScope => {
var css = transformCss({
const css = transformCss({
localClassNames: Array.from(localClassNames),

@@ -47,3 +46,2 @@ composedClassLists,

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {

@@ -53,107 +51,14 @@ setAdapterIfNotSet(browserRuntimeAdapter);

function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
o.__proto__ = p;
return o;
return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
function _wrapRegExp() {
_wrapRegExp = function (re, groups) {
return new BabelRegExp(re, undefined, groups);
var _super = RegExp.prototype;
var _groups = new WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(re, flags, groups) {
var _this = new RegExp(re, flags);
_groups.set(_this, groups || _groups.get(re));
return _setPrototypeOf(_this, BabelRegExp.prototype);
_inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp);
BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
var result =, str);
if (result) result.groups = buildGroups(result, this);
return result;
BabelRegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] = function (str, substitution) {
if (typeof substitution === "string") {
var groups = _groups.get(this);
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (_, name) {
return "$" + groups[name];
} else if (typeof substitution === "function") {
var _this = this;
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, function () {
var args = arguments;
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] !== "object") {
args = [];
args.push(buildGroups(args, _this));
return substitution.apply(this, args);
} else {
return _super[Symbol.replace].call(this, str, substitution);
function buildGroups(result, re) {
var g = _groups.get(re);
return Object.keys(g).reduce(function (groups, name) {
groups[name] = result[g[name]];
return groups;
}, Object.create(null));
return _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments);
function getDevPrefix(_ref) {
var {
} = _ref;
var parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
function getDevPrefix({
}) {
const parts = debugId ? [debugId.replace(/\s/g, '_')] : [];
if (debugFileName) {
var {
const {
} = getFileScope();
var matches = filePath.match( /*#__PURE__*/_wrapRegExp(/((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)?[\/\\]?((?:(?![\/\\])[\s\S])*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/, {
dir: 1,
file: 2
const matches = filePath.match(/(?<dir>[^\/\\]*)?[\/\\]?(?<file>[^\/\\]*)\.css\.(ts|js|tsx|jsx|cjs|mjs)$/);
if (matches && matches.groups) {
var {
const {

@@ -165,42 +70,56 @@ file

return parts.join('_');
function normalizeIdentifier(identifier) {
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? `_${identifier}` : identifier;
function generateIdentifier(arg) {
var {
const identOption = getIdentOption();
const {
debugFileName = true
} = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null), typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null); // Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
} = {
...(typeof arg === 'string' ? {
debugId: arg
} : null),
...(typeof arg === 'object' ? arg : null)
var refCount = getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
var {
// Convert ref count to base 36 for optimal hash lengths
const refCount = getAndIncrementRefCounter().toString(36);
const {
} = getFileScope();
var fileScopeHash = hash(packageName ? "".concat(packageName).concat(filePath) : filePath);
var identifier = "".concat(fileScopeHash).concat(refCount);
if (getIdentOption() === 'debug') {
var devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
const fileScopeHash = hash(packageName ? `${packageName}${filePath}` : filePath);
let identifier = `${fileScopeHash}${refCount}`;
if (identOption === 'debug') {
const devPrefix = getDevPrefix({
if (devPrefix) {
identifier = "".concat(devPrefix, "__").concat(identifier);
identifier = `${devPrefix}__${identifier}`;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
return identifier.match(/^[0-9]/) ? "_".concat(identifier) : identifier;
if (typeof identOption === 'function') {
identifier = identOption({
hash: identifier,
if (!identifier.match(/^[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+$/i)) {
throw new Error(`Identifier function returned invalid indentifier: "${identifier}"`);
return identifier;
return normalizeIdentifier(identifier);
var normaliseObject = obj => walkObject(obj, () => '');
const normaliseObject = obj => walkObject(obj, () => '');
function validateContract(contract, tokens) {
var theDiff = diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
var valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
const theDiff = diff(normaliseObject(contract), normaliseObject(tokens));
const valid = Object.keys(theDiff).length === 0;
return {

@@ -211,7 +130,5 @@ valid,

function diffLine(value, nesting, type) {
var whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
var line = "".concat(type ? type : ' ').concat(whitespace).concat(value);
const whitespace = [...Array(nesting).keys()].map(() => ' ').join('');
const line = `${type ? type : ' '}${whitespace}${value}`;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {

@@ -221,3 +138,2 @@ if (type === '-') {

if (type === '+') {

@@ -227,35 +143,26 @@ return;

return line;
function renderDiff(orig, diff) {
var nesting = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
var lines = [];
function renderDiff(orig, diff, nesting = 0) {
const lines = [];
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('{', 0));
var innerNesting = nesting + 1;
var keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (var key of keys) {
var value = diff[key];
const innerNesting = nesting + 1;
const keys = Object.keys(diff).sort();
for (const key of keys) {
const value = diff[key];
if (!(key in orig)) {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '+'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '+'));
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": {"), innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: {`, innerNesting));
lines.push(renderDiff(orig[key], diff[key], innerNesting));
lines.push(diffLine('}', innerNesting));
} else {
lines.push(diffLine("".concat(key, ": ...,"), innerNesting, '-'));
lines.push(diffLine(`${key}: ...,`, innerNesting, '-'));
if (nesting === 0) {
lines.push(diffLine('}', 0));
return lines.join('\n');

@@ -265,3 +172,3 @@ }

function createVar(debugId) {
var cssVarName = cssesc(generateIdentifier({
const cssVarName = cssesc(generateIdentifier({

@@ -272,11 +179,6 @@ debugFileName: false

return "var(--".concat(cssVarName, ")");
return `var(--${cssVarName})`;
function fallbackVar() {
var finalValue = '';
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key] = arguments[_key];
function fallbackVar(...values) {
let finalValue = '';
values.reverse().forEach(value => {

@@ -287,6 +189,5 @@ if (finalValue === '') {

if (typeof value !== 'string' || !/^var\(--.*\)$/.test(value)) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name: ".concat(value));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name: ${value}`);
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, ", ".concat(finalValue, ")"));
finalValue = value.replace(/\)$/, `, ${finalValue})`);

@@ -297,12 +198,10 @@ });

function assignVars(varContract, tokens) {
var varSetters = {};
var {
const varSetters = {};
const {
} = validateContract(varContract, tokens);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error("Tokens don't match contract.\n".concat(diffString));
throw new Error(`Tokens don't match contract.\n${diffString}`);
walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {

@@ -314,4 +213,2 @@ varSetters[get(varContract, path)] = String(value);

function createThemeContract(tokens) {
// TS is giving type impossibly deep error here. Ignoring for now as this shouldn't affect consumers.
// @ts-expect-error
return walkObject(tokens, (_value, path) => {

@@ -323,12 +220,10 @@ return createVar(path.join('-'));

return walkObject(tokens, (value, path) => {
var rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
var varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
const rawVarName = typeof mapFn === 'function' ? mapFn(value, path) : value;
const varName = typeof rawVarName === 'string' ? rawVarName.replace(/^\-\-/, '') : null;
if (typeof varName !== 'string' || varName !== cssesc(varName, {
isIdentifier: true
})) {
throw new Error("Invalid variable name for \"".concat(path.join('.'), "\": ").concat(varName));
throw new Error(`Invalid variable name for "${path.join('.')}": ${varName}`);
return "var(--".concat(varName, ")");
return `var(--${varName})`;

@@ -338,5 +233,5 @@ }

function createGlobalTheme(selector, arg2, arg3) {
var shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
var themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
var tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;
const shouldCreateVars = Boolean(!arg3);
const themeVars = shouldCreateVars ? createThemeContract(arg2) : arg2;
const tokens = shouldCreateVars ? arg2 : arg3;

@@ -349,3 +244,2 @@ type: 'global',

}, getFileScope());
if (shouldCreateVars) {

@@ -356,17 +250,14 @@ return themeVars;

function createTheme(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
var vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
const themeClassName = generateIdentifier(typeof arg2 === 'object' ? arg3 : arg2);
registerClassName(themeClassName, getFileScope());
const vars = typeof arg2 === 'object' ? createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1, arg2) : createGlobalTheme(themeClassName, arg1);
return vars ? [themeClassName, vars] : themeClassName;
var _templateObject;
function composedStyle(rules, debugId) {
var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
var classList = [];
var styleRules = [];
for (var rule of rules) {
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
registerClassName(className, getFileScope());
const classList = [];
const styleRules = [];
for (const rule of rules) {
if (typeof rule === 'string') {

@@ -378,12 +269,9 @@ classList.push(rule);

var result = className;
let result = className;
if (classList.length > 0) {
result = "".concat(className, " ").concat(dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList));
result = `${className} ${dudupeAndJoinClassList(classList)}`;
identifier: className,
classList: result
}, getFileScope());
if (styleRules.length > 0) {

@@ -395,19 +283,15 @@ // If there are styles attached to this composition then it is

if (styleRules.length > 0) {
var _rule = deepmerge.all(styleRules, {
const rule = deepmerge.all(styleRules, {
// Replace arrays rather than merging
arrayMerge: (_, sourceArray) => sourceArray
type: 'local',
selector: className,
rule: _rule
}, getFileScope());
return result;
function style(rule, debugId) {

@@ -417,5 +301,4 @@ if (Array.isArray(rule)) {

var className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
const className = generateIdentifier(debugId);
registerClassName(className, getFileScope());

@@ -428,13 +311,8 @@ type: 'local',

* @deprecated The same functionality is now provided by the 'style' function when you pass it an array
function composeStyles() {
var compose = hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : dudupeAndJoinClassList;
for (var _len = arguments.length, classNames = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
classNames[_key] = arguments[_key];
function composeStyles(...classNames) {
const compose = hasFileScope() ? composedStyle : dudupeAndJoinClassList;
return compose(classNames);

@@ -450,16 +328,22 @@ }

function fontFace(rule, debugId) {
var fontFamily = "\"".concat(cssesc(generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const fontFamily = `"${cssesc(generateIdentifier(debugId), {
quotes: 'double'
}), "\"");
if ('fontFamily' in rule) {
throw new Error(outdent(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the \"fontFamily\" property should not be provided.\n \n If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the \"globalFontFace\" function instead.\n "]))));
const rules = Array.isArray(rule) ? rule : [rule];
for (const singleRule of rules) {
if ('fontFamily' in singleRule) {
throw new Error(outdent`
This function creates and returns a hashed font-family name, so the "fontFamily" property should not be provided.
If you'd like to define a globally scoped custom font, you can use the "globalFontFace" function instead.
type: 'fontFace',
rule: {
}, getFileScope());
type: 'fontFace',
rule: _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
}, getFileScope());
return fontFamily;

@@ -470,9 +354,10 @@ }

type: 'fontFace',
rule: _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, rule), {}, {
rule: {
}, getFileScope());
function keyframes(rule, debugId) {
var name = cssesc(generateIdentifier(debugId), {
const name = cssesc(generateIdentifier(debugId), {
isIdentifier: true

@@ -494,34 +379,64 @@ });

function styleVariants() {
if (typeof (arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1]) === 'function') {
var _data = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var _mapData = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var _debugId = arguments.length <= 2 ? undefined : arguments[2];
var _classMap = {};
for (var _key2 in _data) {
_classMap[_key2] = style(_mapData(_data[_key2], _key2), _debugId ? "".concat(_debugId, "_").concat(_key2) : _key2);
function styleVariants(...args) {
if (typeof args[1] === 'function') {
const data = args[0];
const mapData = args[1];
const debugId = args[2];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in data) {
classMap[key] = style(mapData(data[key], key), debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return _classMap;
return classMap;
var styleMap = arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0];
var debugId = arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1];
var classMap = {};
for (var _key3 in styleMap) {
classMap[_key3] = style(styleMap[_key3], debugId ? "".concat(debugId, "_").concat(_key3) : _key3);
const styleMap = args[0];
const debugId = args[1];
const classMap = {};
for (const key in styleMap) {
classMap[key] = style(styleMap[key], debugId ? `${debugId}_${key}` : key);
return classMap;
// createContainer is used for local scoping of CSS containers
// For now it is mostly just an alias of generateIdentifier
const createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
var createContainer = debugId => generateIdentifier(debugId);
const defaultLayerOptions = {};
const merge = (obj1, obj2) => ({
const getLayerArgs = (...args) => {
let options = defaultLayerOptions;
let debugId = args[0];
if (typeof args[0] === 'object') {
options = merge(defaultLayerOptions, args[0]);
debugId = args[1];
return [options, debugId];
function layer(...args) {
const [options, debugId] = getLayerArgs(...args);
let name = generateIdentifier(debugId);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, getFileScope());
return name;
function globalLayer(...args) {
let [options, name] = getLayerArgs(...args);
if (options.parent) {
name = `${options.parent}.${name}`;
type: 'layer',
}, getFileScope());
return name;
export { assignVars, composeStyles, createContainer, createGlobalTheme, createGlobalThemeContract, createTheme, createThemeContract, createVar, fallbackVar, fontFace, generateIdentifier, globalFontFace, globalKeyframes, globalStyle, keyframes, style, styleVariants };
export { assignVars, composeStyles, createContainer, createGlobalTheme, createGlobalThemeContract, createTheme, createThemeContract, createVar, fallbackVar, fontFace, generateIdentifier, globalFontFace, globalKeyframes, globalLayer, globalStyle, keyframes, layer, style, styleVariants };

@@ -5,3 +5,2 @@ 'use strict';

var taggedTemplateLiteral = require('../../dist/taggedTemplateLiteral-c635af00.browser.cjs.js');
var outdent = require('outdent');

@@ -14,11 +13,12 @@ var adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter = require('../../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.browser.cjs.js');

var _templateObject;
var refCounter = 0;
var fileScopes = [];
let refCounter = 0;
const fileScopes = [];
function setFileScope(filePath, packageName) {
refCounter = 0;
const fileScope = {

@@ -35,5 +35,9 @@ function endFileScope() {

if (fileScopes.length === 0) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"](_templateObject || (_templateObject = taggedTemplateLiteral._taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:\n\n - You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context\n - You may have incorrect configuration. See\n "]))));
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"]`
Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:
- You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context
- You may have incorrect configuration. See
return fileScopes[0];

@@ -40,0 +44,0 @@ }

@@ -1,14 +0,14 @@

import { _ as _taggedTemplateLiteral } from '../../dist/taggedTemplateLiteral-2d2668f5.browser.esm.js';
import outdent from 'outdent';
import { onEndFileScope } from '../../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.browser.esm.js';
import { onBeginFileScope, onEndFileScope } from '../../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.browser.esm.js';
var _templateObject;
var refCounter = 0;
var fileScopes = [];
let refCounter = 0;
const fileScopes = [];
function setFileScope(filePath, packageName) {
refCounter = 0;
const fileScope = {

@@ -25,5 +25,9 @@ function endFileScope() {

if (fileScopes.length === 0) {
throw new Error(outdent(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:\n\n - You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context\n - You may have incorrect configuration. See\n "]))));
throw new Error(outdent`
Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:
- You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context
- You may have incorrect configuration. See
return fileScopes[0];

@@ -30,0 +34,0 @@ }

@@ -1,1 +0,12 @@

export * from "../../dist/declarations/src/fileScope";
type FileScope = {
packageName?: string;
filePath: string;
declare function setFileScope(filePath: string, packageName?: string): void;
declare function endFileScope(): void;
declare function hasFileScope(): boolean;
declare function getFileScope(): FileScope;
declare function getAndIncrementRefCounter(): number;
export { endFileScope, getAndIncrementRefCounter, getFileScope, hasFileScope, setFileScope };

@@ -5,3 +5,2 @@ 'use strict';

var taggedTemplateLiteral = require('../../dist/');
var outdent = require('outdent');

@@ -14,11 +13,12 @@ var adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter = require('../../adapter/dist/');

var _templateObject;
var refCounter = 0;
var fileScopes = [];
let refCounter = 0;
const fileScopes = [];
function setFileScope(filePath, packageName) {
refCounter = 0;
const fileScope = {

@@ -35,5 +35,9 @@ function endFileScope() {

if (fileScopes.length === 0) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"](_templateObject || (_templateObject = taggedTemplateLiteral._taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:\n\n - You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context\n - You may have incorrect configuration. See\n "]))));
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"]`
Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:
- You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context
- You may have incorrect configuration. See
return fileScopes[0];

@@ -40,0 +44,0 @@ }

@@ -5,3 +5,2 @@ 'use strict';

var taggedTemplateLiteral = require('../../dist/');
var outdent = require('outdent');

@@ -14,11 +13,12 @@ var adapter_dist_vanillaExtractCssAdapter = require('../../adapter/dist/');

var _templateObject;
var refCounter = 0;
var fileScopes = [];
let refCounter = 0;
const fileScopes = [];
function setFileScope(filePath, packageName) {
refCounter = 0;
const fileScope = {

@@ -35,5 +35,9 @@ function endFileScope() {

if (fileScopes.length === 0) {
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"](_templateObject || (_templateObject = taggedTemplateLiteral._taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:\n\n - You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context\n - You may have incorrect configuration. See\n "]))));
throw new Error(outdent__default["default"]`
Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:
- You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context
- You may have incorrect configuration. See
return fileScopes[0];

@@ -40,0 +44,0 @@ }

@@ -1,14 +0,14 @@

import { _ as _taggedTemplateLiteral } from '../../dist/taggedTemplateLiteral-b4c22b04.esm.js';
import outdent from 'outdent';
import { onEndFileScope } from '../../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.esm.js';
import { onBeginFileScope, onEndFileScope } from '../../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.esm.js';
var _templateObject;
var refCounter = 0;
var fileScopes = [];
let refCounter = 0;
const fileScopes = [];
function setFileScope(filePath, packageName) {
refCounter = 0;
const fileScope = {

@@ -25,5 +25,9 @@ function endFileScope() {

if (fileScopes.length === 0) {
throw new Error(outdent(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:\n\n - You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context\n - You may have incorrect configuration. See\n "]))));
throw new Error(outdent`
Styles were unable to be assigned to a file. This is generally caused by one of the following:
- You may have created styles outside of a '.css.ts' context
- You may have incorrect configuration. See
return fileScopes[0];

@@ -30,0 +34,0 @@ }

@@ -1,1 +0,12 @@

export * from "../../dist/declarations/src/functionSerializer";
type Primitive = string | number | boolean | null | undefined;
type Serializable = {
[Key in string | number]: Primitive | Serializable;
} | ReadonlyArray<Primitive | Serializable>;
interface SerializerConfig {
importPath: string;
importName: string;
args: ReadonlyArray<Serializable>;
declare function addFunctionSerializer<Target extends object>(target: Target, recipe: SerializerConfig): Target;
export { addFunctionSerializer };

@@ -5,18 +5,14 @@ 'use strict';

var stylesheets = {};
var injectStyles = _ref => {
var {
} = _ref;
var fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
var stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
const stylesheets = {};
const injectStyles = ({
}) => {
const fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
let stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
if (!stylesheet) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
const styleEl = document.createElement('style');
if (fileScope.packageName) {
styleEl.setAttribute('data-package', fileScope.packageName);
styleEl.setAttribute('data-file', fileScope.filePath);

@@ -27,3 +23,2 @@ styleEl.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');

stylesheet.innerHTML = css;

@@ -30,0 +25,0 @@ };

@@ -1,17 +0,13 @@

var stylesheets = {};
var injectStyles = _ref => {
var {
} = _ref;
var fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
var stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
const stylesheets = {};
const injectStyles = ({
}) => {
const fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
let stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
if (!stylesheet) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
const styleEl = document.createElement('style');
if (fileScope.packageName) {
styleEl.setAttribute('data-package', fileScope.packageName);
styleEl.setAttribute('data-file', fileScope.filePath);

@@ -22,3 +18,2 @@ styleEl.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');

stylesheet.innerHTML = css;

@@ -25,0 +20,0 @@ };

@@ -1,1 +0,12 @@

export * from "../../dist/declarations/src/injectStyles";
type FileScope = {
packageName?: string;
filePath: string;
interface InjectStylesOptions {
fileScope: FileScope;
css: string;
declare const injectStyles: ({ fileScope, css }: InjectStylesOptions) => void;
export { injectStyles };

@@ -5,18 +5,14 @@ 'use strict';

var stylesheets = {};
var injectStyles = _ref => {
var {
} = _ref;
var fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
var stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
const stylesheets = {};
const injectStyles = ({
}) => {
const fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
let stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
if (!stylesheet) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
const styleEl = document.createElement('style');
if (fileScope.packageName) {
styleEl.setAttribute('data-package', fileScope.packageName);
styleEl.setAttribute('data-file', fileScope.filePath);

@@ -27,3 +23,2 @@ styleEl.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');

stylesheet.innerHTML = css;

@@ -30,0 +25,0 @@ };

@@ -5,18 +5,14 @@ 'use strict';

var stylesheets = {};
var injectStyles = _ref => {
var {
} = _ref;
var fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
var stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
const stylesheets = {};
const injectStyles = ({
}) => {
const fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
let stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
if (!stylesheet) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
const styleEl = document.createElement('style');
if (fileScope.packageName) {
styleEl.setAttribute('data-package', fileScope.packageName);
styleEl.setAttribute('data-file', fileScope.filePath);

@@ -27,3 +23,2 @@ styleEl.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');

stylesheet.innerHTML = css;

@@ -30,0 +25,0 @@ };

@@ -1,17 +0,13 @@

var stylesheets = {};
var injectStyles = _ref => {
var {
} = _ref;
var fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
var stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
const stylesheets = {};
const injectStyles = ({
}) => {
const fileScopeId = fileScope.packageName ? [fileScope.packageName, fileScope.filePath].join('/') : fileScope.filePath;
let stylesheet = stylesheets[fileScopeId];
if (!stylesheet) {
var styleEl = document.createElement('style');
const styleEl = document.createElement('style');
if (fileScope.packageName) {
styleEl.setAttribute('data-package', fileScope.packageName);
styleEl.setAttribute('data-file', fileScope.filePath);

@@ -22,3 +18,2 @@ styleEl.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');

stylesheet.innerHTML = css;

@@ -25,0 +20,0 @@ };

"name": "@vanilla-extract/css",
"version": "0.0.0-transform-perf-2022820614",
"version": "0.0.0-vite-plugin-new-20231228080614",
"description": "Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript",

@@ -104,3 +104,3 @@ "sideEffects": true,

"type": "git",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"directory": "packages/css"

@@ -111,13 +111,12 @@ },

"dependencies": {
"@emotion/hash": "^0.8.0",
"@vanilla-extract/private": "^1.0.3",
"ahocorasick": "^1.0.2",
"@emotion/hash": "^0.9.0",
"@vanilla-extract/private": "0.0.0-vite-plugin-new-20231228080614",
"chalk": "^4.1.1",
"css-what": "^5.0.1",
"css-what": "^6.1.0",
"cssesc": "^3.0.0",
"csstype": "^3.0.7",
"deep-object-diff": "^1.1.0",
"deep-object-diff": "^1.1.9",
"deepmerge": "^4.2.2",
"escape-string-regexp": "^4.0.0",
"media-query-parser": "^2.0.2",
"modern-ahocorasick": "^1.0.0",
"outdent": "^0.8.0"

@@ -124,0 +123,0 @@ },

@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ # 🧁 vanilla-extract

🖥 &nbsp; [Try it out for yourself in CodeSandbox.](
🌐 [Check out the documentation site for setup guides, examples and API docs.](
🖥 &nbsp; [Try it out for yourself in CodeSandbox.](
**Write your styles in `.css.ts` files.**

@@ -60,3 +66,3 @@

> 💡 Once you've [configured your build tooling,](#setup) these `.css.ts` files will be evaluated at build time. None of the code in these files will be included in your final bundle. Think of it as using TypeScript as your preprocessor instead of Sass, Less, etc.
> 💡 Once you've [configured your build tooling,]( these `.css.ts` files will be evaluated at build time. None of the code in these files will be included in your final bundle. Think of it as using TypeScript as your preprocessor instead of Sass, Less, etc.

@@ -83,1145 +89,2 @@ **Then consume them in your markup.**

- [Setup](#setup)
- [webpack](#webpack)
- [esbuild](#esbuild)
- [Vite](#vite)
- [Next.js](#nextjs)
- [Gatsby](#gatsby)
- [Rollup](#rollup)
- [Test environments](#test-environments)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [identifiers](#identifiers)
- [esbuildOptions](#esbuildoptions)
- [Styling API](#styling-api)
- [style](#style)
- [styleVariants](#stylevariants)
- [globalStyle](#globalstyle)
- [createTheme](#createtheme)
- [createGlobalTheme](#createglobaltheme)
- [createThemeContract](#createthemecontract)
- [createGlobalThemeContract](#createglobalthemecontract)
- [assignVars](#assignvars)
- [createVar](#createvar)
- [fallbackVar](#fallbackvar)
- [fontFace](#fontface)
- [globalFontFace](#globalfontface)
- [keyframes](#keyframes)
- [globalKeyframes](#globalkeyframes)
- [Recipes API](#recipes-api)
- [recipe](#recipe)
- [Dynamic API](#dynamic-api)
- [assignInlineVars](#assigninlinevars)
- [setElementVars](#setelementvars)
- [Utility functions](#utility-functions)
- [calc](#calc)
- [Thanks](#thanks)
- [License](#license)
## Setup
There are currently a few integrations to choose from.
### webpack
1. Install the dependencies.
npm install @vanilla-extract/css @vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin
2. Add the [webpack]( plugin.
> 💡 This plugin accepts an optional [configuration object](#configuration).
const { VanillaExtractPlugin } = require('@vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
plugins: [new VanillaExtractPlugin()],
<summary>You'll need to ensure you're handling CSS files in your webpack config.</summary>
For example:
const { VanillaExtractPlugin } = require('@vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new VanillaExtractPlugin(),
new MiniCssExtractPlugin()
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.vanilla\.css$/i, // Targets only CSS files generated by vanilla-extract
use: [
loader: require.resolve('css-loader'),
options: {
url: false // Required as image imports should be handled via JS/TS import statements
3. If you'd like automatic debuggable identifiers, you can add the [Babel]( plugin.
$ npm install @vanilla-extract/babel-plugin
"plugins": ["@vanilla-extract/babel-plugin"]
### esbuild
1. Install the dependencies.
npm install @vanilla-extract/css @vanilla-extract/esbuild-plugin
2. Add the [esbuild]( plugin to your build script.
> 💡 This plugin accepts an optional [configuration object](#configuration).
const { vanillaExtractPlugin } = require('@vanilla-extract/esbuild-plugin');
entryPoints: ['app.ts'],
bundle: true,
plugins: [vanillaExtractPlugin()],
outfile: 'out.js',
}).catch(() => process.exit(1))
> Please note: There are currently no automatic readable class names during development. However, you can still manually provide a debug ID as the last argument to functions that generate scoped styles, e.g. `export const className = style({ ... }, 'className');`
3. Process CSS
As [esbuild]( currently doesn't have a way to process the CSS generated by vanilla-extract, you can optionally use the `processCss` option.
For example, to run autoprefixer over the generated CSS.
const {
} = require('@vanilla-extract/esbuild-plugin');
const postcss = require('postcss');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
async function processCss(css) {
const result = await postcss([autoprefixer]).process(
from: undefined /* suppress source map warning */
return result.css;
entryPoints: ['app.ts'],
bundle: true,
plugins: [
outfile: 'out.js'
.catch(() => process.exit(1));
### Vite
1. Install the dependencies.
npm install @vanilla-extract/css @vanilla-extract/vite-plugin
2. Add the [Vite]( plugin to your Vite config.
> 💡 This plugin accepts an optional [configuration object](#configuration).
import { vanillaExtractPlugin } from '@vanilla-extract/vite-plugin';
// vite.config.js
export default {
plugins: [vanillaExtractPlugin()]
> Please note: There are currently no automatic readable class names during development. However, you can still manually provide a debug ID as the last argument to functions that generate scoped styles, e.g. `export const className = style({ ... }, 'className');`
### Next.js
1. Install the dependencies.
npm install @vanilla-extract/css @vanilla-extract/babel-plugin @vanilla-extract/next-plugin
2. If you don't have a `next.config.js` file in the root of your project, create one. Add the [Next.js]( plugin to your `next.config.js` file.
> 💡 This plugin accepts an optional [configuration object](#configuration).
const {
} = require('@vanilla-extract/next-plugin');
const withVanillaExtract = createVanillaExtractPlugin();
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {};
module.exports = withVanillaExtract(nextConfig);
If required, this plugin can be composed with other plugins.
const {
} = require('@vanilla-extract/next-plugin');
const withVanillaExtract = createVanillaExtractPlugin();
const withMDX = require('@next/mdx')({
extension: /\.mdx$/
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {};
module.exports = withVanillaExtract(withMDX(nextConfig));
3. (Optional) If you want to automatically generate debug IDs during development, you can add the [Babel]( plugin. Note that this step will cause Next.js to switch from [SWC]( to Babel, increasing build times. This may or may not be an issue depending on the size of your project.
> Note: While optional for Next.js, the Babel plugin is still required when trying to run `.css.ts` files in Node for unit testing since the files are no longer being processed by a bundler.
If you don't have a `.babelrc` file in the root of your project, create one. Add the Babel plugin to your `.babelrc` file, ensuring that you're also including `"next/babel"` in your `presets` array.
"presets": ["next/babel"],
"plugins": ["@vanilla-extract/babel-plugin"]
### Gatsby
To add to your [Gatsby]( site, use the [gatsby-plugin-vanilla-extract]( plugin.
### Rollup
> Note: This option is useful for library development but not suitable for application bundles.
> Rollup has no built-in CSS bundling, so this plugin just outputs styles as individual CSS assets.
> For applications we instead recommend to use Vite
> (which itself uses Rollup under the hood but comes with its own CSS bundling).
1. Install the dependencies.
npm install @vanilla-extract/css @vanilla-extract/rollup-plugin
2. Add the [Rollup]( plugin to your Rollup config.
> 💡 This plugin accepts an optional [configuration object](#configuration).
import { vanillaExtractPlugin } from '@vanilla-extract/rollup-plugin';
// rollup.config.js
export default {
plugins: [vanillaExtractPlugin()]
### Test environments
1. Install the dependencies.
$ npm install @vanilla-extract/babel-plugin
2. Add the [Babel]( plugin.
"plugins": ["@vanilla-extract/babel-plugin"]
3. Disable runtime styles (Optional)
In testing environments (like `jsdom`) vanilla-extract will create and insert styles. While this is often desirable, it can be a major slowdown in your tests. If your tests don’t require styles to be available, the `disableRuntimeStyles` import will disable all style creation.
// setupTests.ts
import '@vanilla-extract/css/disableRuntimeStyles';
### Configuration
#### identifiers
Different formatting of identifiers (e.g. class names, keyframes, CSS Vars, etc) can be configured by selecting from the following options:
- `short` identifiers are a 7+ character hash. e.g. `hnw5tz3`
- `debug` identifiers contain human readable prefixes representing the owning filename and a potential rule level debug name. e.g. `myfile_mystyle_hnw5tz3`
Each integration will set a default value based on the configuration options passed to the bundler.
### esbuildOptions
> Only for `esbuild`, `vite` and `rollup` plugins
esbuild is used internally to compile `.css.ts` files before evaluating them to extract styles. You can pass additional options here to customize that process.
Accepts a subset of esbuild build options (`plugins`, `external`, `define` and `loader`), see
## Styling API
> 🍬 If you're a [treat]( user, check out our [migration guide.](./docs/
### style
Creates styles attached to a locally scoped class name.
import { style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const className = style({
display: 'flex'
CSS Variables, simple pseudos, selectors and media/feature queries are all supported.
import { style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { vars } from './vars.css.ts';
export const className = style({
display: 'flex',
vars: {
[vars.localVar]: 'green',
'--global-variable': 'purple'
':hover': {
color: 'red'
selectors: {
'&:nth-child(2n)': {
background: '#fafafa'
'@media': {
'screen and (min-width: 768px)': {
padding: 10
'@supports': {
'(display: grid)': {
display: 'grid'
Selectors can also contain references to other scoped class names.
import { style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const parentClass = style({});
export const childClass = style({
selectors: {
[`${parentClass}:focus &`]: {
background: '#fafafa'
> 💡 To improve maintainability, each style block can only target a single element. To enforce this, all selectors must target the “&” character which is a reference to the current element.
> For example, `'&:hover:not(:active)'` and `` [`${parentClass} &`] `` are considered valid, while `'& a[href]'` and `` [`& ${childClass}`] `` are not.
> If you want to target another scoped class then it should be defined within the style block of that class instead.
> For example, `` [`& ${childClass}`] `` is invalid since it doesn’t target “&”, so it should instead be defined in the style block for `childClass`.
> If you want to globally target child nodes within the current element (e.g. `'& a[href]'`), you should use [`globalStyle`](#globalstyle) instead.
For fallback styles you may simply pass an array of properties instead of a single prop.
export const exampleStyle = style({
// in Firefox and IE the "overflow: overlay" will be ignored and the "overflow: auto" will be applied
overflow: ['auto', 'overlay'],
Multiple styles can be composed into a single rule by providing an array of styles.
import { style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
const base = style({ padding: 12 });
export const primary = style([
{ background: 'blue' }
export const secondary = style([
{ background: 'aqua' }
When composed styles are used in selectors, they are assigned an additional class if required so they can be uniquely identified. When selectors are processed internally, the composed classes are removed, only leaving behind the unique identifier classes. This allows you to treat them as if they were a single class within vanilla-extract selectors.
import {
} from '@vanilla-extract/css';
const background = style({ background: 'mintcream' });
const padding = style({ padding: 12 });
export const container = style([background, padding]);
globalStyle(`${container} *`, {
boxSizing: 'border-box'
### styleVariants
Creates a collection of named style variants.
import { styleVariants } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const variant = styleVariants({
primary: { background: 'blue' },
secondary: { background: 'aqua' },
> 💡 This is useful for mapping component props to styles, e.g. `<button className={styles.variant[props.variant]}>`
Multiple styles can be composed into a single rule by providing an array of styles.
import { styleVariants } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
const base = style({ padding: 12 });
export const variant = styleVariants({
primary: [base, { background: 'blue' }],
secondary: [base, { background: 'aqua' }],
You can also transform the values by providing a map function as the second argument.
import { styleVariants } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
const base = style({ padding: 12 });
const backgrounds = {
primary: 'blue',
secondary: 'aqua'
} as const;
export const variant = styleVariants(
(background) => [base, { background }]
### globalStyle
Creates styles attached to a global selector.
import { globalStyle } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
globalStyle('html, body', {
margin: 0
Global selectors can also contain references to other scoped class names.
import { style, globalStyle } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const parentClass = style({});
globalStyle(`${parentClass} > a`, {
color: 'pink'
### createTheme
Creates a locally scoped theme class and a theme contract which can be consumed within your styles.
**Ensure this function is called within a `.css.ts` context, otherwise variable names will be mismatched between files.**
// theme.css.ts
import { createTheme } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const [themeClass, vars] = createTheme({
color: {
brand: 'blue'
font: {
body: 'arial'
You can create theme variants by passing a theme contract as the first argument to `createTheme`.
// themes.css.ts
import { createTheme } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const [themeA, vars] = createTheme({
color: {
brand: 'blue'
font: {
body: 'arial'
export const themeB = createTheme(vars, {
color: {
brand: 'pink'
font: {
body: 'comic sans ms'
> 💡 All theme values must be provided or it’s a type error.
### createGlobalTheme
Creates a theme attached to a global selector, but with locally scoped variable names.
**Ensure this function is called within a `.css.ts` context, otherwise variable names will be mismatched between files.**
// theme.css.ts
import { createGlobalTheme } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const vars = createGlobalTheme(':root', {
color: {
brand: 'blue'
font: {
body: 'arial'
> 💡 All theme values must be provided or it’s a type error.
If you want to implement an existing theme contract, you can pass it as the second argument.
// theme.css.ts
import {
} from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const vars = createThemeContract({
color: {
brand: null
font: {
body: null
createGlobalTheme(':root', vars, {
color: {
brand: 'blue'
font: {
body: 'arial'
### createThemeContract
Creates a contract of locally scoped variable names for themes to implement.
**Ensure this function is called within a `.css.ts` context, otherwise variable names will be mismatched between files.**
> 💡 This is useful if you want to split your themes into different bundles. In this case, your themes would be defined in separate files, but we'll keep this example simple.
// themes.css.ts
import {
} from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const vars = createThemeContract({
color: {
brand: null
font: {
body: null
export const themeA = createTheme(vars, {
color: {
brand: 'blue'
font: {
body: 'arial'
export const themeB = createTheme(vars, {
color: {
brand: 'pink'
font: {
body: 'comic sans ms'
### createGlobalThemeContract
Creates a contract of globally scoped variable names for themes to implement.
> 💡 This is useful if you want to make your theme contract available to non-JavaScript environments.
// themes.css.ts
import {
} from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const vars = createGlobalThemeContract({
color: {
brand: 'color-brand'
font: {
body: 'font-body'
createGlobalTheme(':root', vars, {
color: {
brand: 'blue'
font: {
body: 'arial'
You can also provide a map function as the second argument which has access to the value and the object path.
For example, you can automatically prefix all variable names.
// themes.css.ts
import { createGlobalThemeContract } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const vars = createGlobalThemeContract({
color: {
brand: 'color-brand'
font: {
body: 'font-body'
}, (value) => `prefix-${value}`);
You can also use the map function to automatically generate names from the object path, joining keys with a hyphen.
// themes.css.ts
import { createGlobalThemeContract } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const vars = createGlobalThemeContract({
color: {
brand: null
font: {
body: null
}, (_value, path) => `prefix-${path.join('-')}`);
### assignVars
Assigns a collection of CSS Variables anywhere within a style block.
> 💡 This is useful for creating responsive themes since it can be used within `@media` blocks.
import { createThemeContract, style, assignVars } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const vars = createThemeContract({
space: {
small: null,
medium: null,
large: null
export const responsiveSpaceTheme = style({
vars: assignVars(, {
small: '4px',
medium: '8px',
large: '16px'
'@media': {
'screen and (min-width: 1024px)': {
vars: assignVars(, {
small: '8px',
medium: '16px',
large: '32px'
> 💡 All variables passed into this function must be assigned or it’s a type error.
### createVar
Creates a single CSS Variable.
import { createVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const colorVar = createVar();
export const exampleStyle = style({
color: colorVar
Scoped variables can be set using the `vars` key.
import { createVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { colorVar } from './vars.css.ts';
export const parentStyle = style({
vars: {
[colorVar]: 'blue'
### fallbackVar
Provides fallback values when consuming variables.
import { createVar, fallbackVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const colorVar = createVar();
export const exampleStyle = style({
color: fallbackVar(colorVar, 'blue'),
Multiple fallbacks are also supported.
import { createVar, fallbackVar, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const primaryColorVar = createVar();
export const secondaryColorVar = createVar();
export const exampleStyle = style({
color: fallbackVar(primaryColorVar, secondaryColorVar, 'blue'),
### fontFace
Creates a custom font attached to a locally scoped font name.
import { fontFace, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
const myFont = fontFace({
src: 'local("Comic Sans MS")'
export const text = style({
fontFamily: myFont
### globalFontFace
Creates a globally scoped custom font.
import {
} from '@vanilla-extract/css';
globalFontFace('MyGlobalFont', {
src: 'local("Comic Sans MS")'
export const text = style({
fontFamily: 'MyGlobalFont'
### keyframes
Creates a locally scoped set of keyframes.
import { keyframes, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
const rotate = keyframes({
'0%': { transform: 'rotate(0deg)' },
'100%': { transform: 'rotate(360deg)' }
export const animated = style({
animation: `3s infinite ${rotate}`,
### globalKeyframes
Creates a globally scoped set of keyframes.
import { globalKeyframes, style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
globalKeyframes('rotate', {
'0%': { transform: 'rotate(0deg)' },
'100%': { transform: 'rotate(360deg)' }
export const animated = style({
animation: `3s infinite rotate`,
## Recipes API
Create multi-variant styles with a type-safe runtime API, heavily inspired by [Stitches.](
As with the rest of vanilla-extract, all styles are generated at build time.
$ npm install @vanilla-extract/recipes
### recipe
Creates a multi-variant style function that can be used at runtime or statically in `.css.ts` files.
Accepts an optional set of `base` styles, `variants`, `compoundVariants` and `defaultVariants`.
import { recipe } from '@vanilla-extract/recipes';
export const button = recipe({
base: {
borderRadius: 6
variants: {
color: {
neutral: { background: 'whitesmoke' },
brand: { background: 'blueviolet' },
accent: { background: 'slateblue' }
size: {
small: { padding: 12 },
medium: { padding: 16 },
large: { padding: 24 }
rounded: {
true: { borderRadius: 999 }
// Applied when multiple variants are set at once
compoundVariants: [
variants: {
color: 'neutral',
size: 'large'
style: {
background: 'ghostwhite'
defaultVariants: {
color: 'accent',
size: 'medium'
With this recipe configured, you can now use it in your templates.
import { button } from './button.css.ts';
<button class="${button({
color: 'accent',
size: 'large',
rounded: true
Hello world
Your recipe configuration can also make use of existing variables, classes and styles.
For example, you can pass in the result of your [`sprinkles`]( function directly.
import { recipe } from '@vanilla-extract/recipes';
import { reset } from './reset.css.ts';
import { sprinkles } from './sprinkles.css.ts';
export const button = recipe({
base: [reset, sprinkles({ borderRadius: 'round' })],
variants: {
color: {
neutral: sprinkles({ background: 'neutral' }),
brand: sprinkles({ background: 'brand' }),
accent: sprinkles({ background: 'accent' })
size: {
small: sprinkles({ padding: 'small' }),
medium: sprinkles({ padding: 'medium' }),
large: sprinkles({ padding: 'large' })
defaultVariants: {
color: 'accent',
size: 'medium'
## Dynamic API
Dynamically update theme variables at runtime.
npm install @vanilla-extract/dynamic
### assignInlineVars
Assigns CSS Variables as inline styles.
// app.tsx
import { assignInlineVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
import { vars } from './vars.css.ts';
const MyComponent = () => (
[vars.colors.brand]: 'pink',
[vars.colors.accent]: 'green'
You can also assign collections of variables by passing a theme contract as the first argument. All variables must be assigned or it’s a type error.
// app.tsx
import { assignInlineVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
import { vars } from './vars.css.ts';
const MyComponent = () => (
style={assignInlineVars(vars.colors, {
brand: 'pink',
accent: 'green'
Even though this function returns an object of inline styles, its `toString` method returns a valid `style` attribute value so that it can be used in string templates.
// app.ts
import { assignInlineVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
import { vars } from './vars.css.ts';
<section style="${assignInlineVars({
[vars.colors.brand]: 'pink',
[vars.colors.accent]: 'green'
### setElementVars
Sets CSS Variables on a DOM element.
// app.ts
import { setElementVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
import { vars } from './styles.css.ts';
const el = document.getElementById('myElement');
setElementVars(el, {
[vars.colors.brand]: 'pink',
[vars.colors.accent]: 'green'
You can also set collections of variables by passing a theme contract as the second argument. All variables must be set or it’s a type error.
// app.ts
import { setElementVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
import { vars } from './styles.css.ts';
const el = document.getElementById('myElement');
setElementVars(el, vars.colors, {
brand: 'pink',
accent: 'green'
## Utility functions
We also provide a standalone package of optional utility functions to make it easier to work with CSS in TypeScript.
> 💡 This package can be used with any CSS-in-JS library.
npm install @vanilla-extract/css-utils
### calc
Streamlines the creation of CSS calc expressions.
import { calc } from '@vanilla-extract/css-utils';
const styles = {
height: calc.multiply('var(--grid-unit)', 2)
The following functions are available.
- `calc.add`
- `calc.subtract`
- `calc.multiply`
- `calc.divide`
- `calc.negate`
The `calc` export is also a function, providing a chainable API for complex calc expressions.
import { calc } from '@vanilla-extract/css-utils';
const styles = {
marginTop: calc('var(--space-large)')
## Thanks

@@ -1228,0 +91,0 @@

@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@ 'use strict';

const addRecipe = functionSerializer_dist_vanillaExtractCssFunctionSerializer.addFunctionSerializer;
var addRecipe = functionSerializer_dist_vanillaExtractCssFunctionSerializer.addFunctionSerializer;
exports.addRecipe = addRecipe;

@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ import { addFunctionSerializer } from '../../functionSerializer/dist/vanilla-extract-css-functionSerializer.browser.esm.js';

const addRecipe = addFunctionSerializer;
var addRecipe = addFunctionSerializer;
export { addRecipe };

@@ -1,1 +0,17 @@

export * from "../../dist/declarations/src/recipe";
type Primitive = string | number | boolean | null | undefined;
type Serializable = {
[Key in string | number]: Primitive | Serializable;
} | ReadonlyArray<Primitive | Serializable>;
interface SerializerConfig {
importPath: string;
importName: string;
args: ReadonlyArray<Serializable>;
declare function addFunctionSerializer<Target extends object>(target: Target, recipe: SerializerConfig): Target;
* @deprecated Use 'addFunctionSerializer' from '@vanilla-extract/css/functionSerializer'
declare const addRecipe: typeof addFunctionSerializer;
export { addRecipe };

@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@ 'use strict';

const addRecipe = functionSerializer_dist_vanillaExtractCssFunctionSerializer.addFunctionSerializer;
var addRecipe = functionSerializer_dist_vanillaExtractCssFunctionSerializer.addFunctionSerializer;
exports.addRecipe = addRecipe;

@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@ 'use strict';

const addRecipe = functionSerializer_dist_vanillaExtractCssFunctionSerializer.addFunctionSerializer;
var addRecipe = functionSerializer_dist_vanillaExtractCssFunctionSerializer.addFunctionSerializer;
exports.addRecipe = addRecipe;

@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ import { addFunctionSerializer } from '../../functionSerializer/dist/vanilla-extract-css-functionSerializer.esm.js';

const addRecipe = addFunctionSerializer;
var addRecipe = addFunctionSerializer;
export { addRecipe };

@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ 'use strict';

var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('../../dist/transformCss-f44ba6d2.browser.cjs.js');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('../../dist/transformCss-97c9e882.browser.cjs.js');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ require('outdent');

@@ -1,9 +0,8 @@

export { t as transformCss } from '../../dist/transformCss-32ca94d8.browser.esm.js';
import '@vanilla-extract/private';
import 'cssesc';
import 'ahocorasick';
import 'modern-ahocorasick';
import '../../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.browser.esm.js';
import '../../dist/taggedTemplateLiteral-2d2668f5.browser.esm.js';
export { t as transformCss } from '../../dist/transformCss-35fbcc6e.browser.esm.js';
import 'css-what';
import 'outdent';
import 'media-query-parser';

@@ -1,1 +0,206 @@

export * from "../../dist/declarations/src/transformCss";
import { AtRule, Properties } from 'csstype';
type CSSVarFunction = `var(--${string})` | `var(--${string}, ${string | number})`;
declare const simplePseudoMap: {
readonly ':-moz-any-link': true;
readonly ':-moz-full-screen': true;
readonly ':-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-only': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-write': true;
readonly ':-ms-fullscreen': true;
readonly ':-ms-input-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-webkit-any-link': true;
readonly ':-webkit-full-screen': true;
readonly '::-moz-color-swatch': true;
readonly '::-moz-list-bullet': true;
readonly '::-moz-list-number': true;
readonly '::-moz-page-sequence': true;
readonly '::-moz-page': true;
readonly '::-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-moz-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-progress': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-thumb': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-track': true;
readonly '::-moz-scrolled-page-sequence': true;
readonly '::-moz-selection': true;
readonly '::-ms-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-ms-browse': true;
readonly '::-ms-check': true;
readonly '::-ms-clear': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-lower': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-upper': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill': true;
readonly '::-ms-reveal': true;
readonly '::-ms-thumb': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-after': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-before': true;
readonly '::-ms-tooltip': true;
readonly '::-ms-track': true;
readonly '::-ms-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-webkit-inner-spin-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-input-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-inner-element': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-optimum-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-outer-spin-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-element': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-resizer': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-corner': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-search-cancel-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-search-results-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-runnable-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-thumb': true;
readonly '::after': true;
readonly '::backdrop': true;
readonly '::before': true;
readonly '::cue': true;
readonly '::file-selector-button': true;
readonly '::first-letter': true;
readonly '::first-line': true;
readonly '::grammar-error': true;
readonly '::marker': true;
readonly '::placeholder': true;
readonly '::selection': true;
readonly '::spelling-error': true;
readonly '::target-text': true;
readonly '::view-transition-group': true;
readonly '::view-transition-image-pair': true;
readonly '::view-transition-new': true;
readonly '::view-transition-old': true;
readonly '::view-transition': true;
readonly ':active': true;
readonly ':after': true;
readonly ':any-link': true;
readonly ':before': true;
readonly ':blank': true;
readonly ':checked': true;
readonly ':default': true;
readonly ':defined': true;
readonly ':disabled': true;
readonly ':empty': true;
readonly ':enabled': true;
readonly ':first-child': true;
readonly ':first-letter': true;
readonly ':first-line': true;
readonly ':first-of-type': true;
readonly ':first': true;
readonly ':focus-visible': true;
readonly ':focus-within': true;
readonly ':focus': true;
readonly ':fullscreen': true;
readonly ':hover': true;
readonly ':in-range': true;
readonly ':indeterminate': true;
readonly ':invalid': true;
readonly ':last-child': true;
readonly ':last-of-type': true;
readonly ':left': true;
readonly ':link': true;
readonly ':only-child': true;
readonly ':only-of-type': true;
readonly ':optional': true;
readonly ':out-of-range': true;
readonly ':placeholder-shown': true;
readonly ':read-only': true;
readonly ':read-write': true;
readonly ':required': true;
readonly ':right': true;
readonly ':root': true;
readonly ':scope': true;
readonly ':target': true;
readonly ':valid': true;
readonly ':visited': true;
type SimplePseudos = keyof typeof simplePseudoMap;
interface ContainerProperties {
container?: string;
containerType?: 'size' | 'inline-size' | (string & {});
containerName?: string;
type CSSTypeProperties = Properties<number | (string & {})> & ContainerProperties;
type CSSProperties = {
[Property in keyof CSSTypeProperties]: CSSTypeProperties[Property] | CSSVarFunction | Array<CSSVarFunction | CSSTypeProperties[Property]>;
interface CSSKeyframes {
[time: string]: CSSProperties;
type CSSPropertiesWithVars = CSSProperties & {
vars?: {
[key: string]: string;
type PseudoProperties = {
[key in SimplePseudos]?: CSSPropertiesWithVars;
type CSSPropertiesAndPseudos = CSSPropertiesWithVars & PseudoProperties;
type Query<Key extends string, StyleType> = {
[key in Key]?: {
[query: string]: Omit<StyleType, Key>;
type MediaQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@media', StyleType>;
type FeatureQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@supports', StyleType>;
type ContainerQueries<StyleType> = Query<'@container', StyleType>;
type Layers<StyleType> = Query<'@layer', StyleType>;
interface AllQueries<StyleType> extends MediaQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, FeatureQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, ContainerQueries<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>>, Layers<StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>> {
type WithQueries<StyleType> = StyleType & AllQueries<StyleType>;
interface SelectorMap {
[selector: string]: CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
interface StyleWithSelectors extends CSSPropertiesAndPseudos {
selectors?: SelectorMap;
type StyleRule = StyleWithSelectors & WithQueries<StyleWithSelectors>;
type GlobalStyleRule = CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
type GlobalFontFaceRule = Omit<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'> & Required<Pick<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'>>;
type CSSStyleBlock = {
type: 'local';
selector: string;
rule: StyleRule;
type CSSFontFaceBlock = {
type: 'fontFace';
rule: GlobalFontFaceRule;
type CSSKeyframesBlock = {
type: 'keyframes';
name: string;
rule: CSSKeyframes;
type CSSSelectorBlock = {
type: 'selector' | 'global';
selector: string;
rule: GlobalStyleRule;
type CSSLayerDeclaration = {
type: 'layer';
name: string;
type CSS = CSSStyleBlock | CSSFontFaceBlock | CSSKeyframesBlock | CSSSelectorBlock | CSSLayerDeclaration;
interface Composition {
identifier: string;
classList: string;
interface TransformCSSParams {
localClassNames: Array<string>;
composedClassLists: Array<Composition>;
cssObjs: Array<CSS>;
declare function transformCss({ localClassNames, cssObjs, composedClassLists, }: TransformCSSParams): string[];
export { transformCss };

@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ 'use strict';

var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('../../dist/');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('../../dist/');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ require('outdent');

@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ 'use strict';

var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('../../dist/');
var transformCss_dist_vanillaExtractCssTransformCss = require('../../dist/');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ require('outdent');

@@ -1,9 +0,8 @@

export { t as transformCss } from '../../dist/transformCss-f0783497.esm.js';
import '@vanilla-extract/private';
import 'cssesc';
import 'ahocorasick';
import 'modern-ahocorasick';
import '../../adapter/dist/vanilla-extract-css-adapter.esm.js';
import '../../dist/taggedTemplateLiteral-b4c22b04.esm.js';
export { t as transformCss } from '../../dist/transformCss-4ff5fbc3.esm.js';
import 'css-what';
import 'outdent';
import 'media-query-parser';
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